How to get codeine refill

How To Get There (Philippines)

2018.04.11 17:14 epikotaku How To Get There (Philippines)

Ask the community and get the right directions wherever you like to go: Jeepneys, buses, tricycles, trains, UVs, and more!

2019.12.19 18:13 Liapp_07 HowToGetAGirlfriend

I started this sub randomly whilst learning reddit an this sub gave me conformation; reddit is full of loosers.

2015.01.24 20:36 Noxides How to get rich


2024.05.15 08:49 casefilesofVJ The Love Tunnel

Every kid growing up in Gympie in the early 90- 2000s knew about the Love Tunnel.
The love tunnel was located over the hill from the skatepark on the Riverbank. It was a massive storm water drain filled with spray paint and lore unbound throughout the generations; the glowing dick, whose name is the furthest in, the people who live inside, the bull shark that lived under the bridge just outside, all that fun stuff.
It collapsed in the late 2000’s in a flood and was eventually rebuilt, but it was all fancy, modern, safe and not the same. Back in the day it had decades of graffiti, crumbling cement, jagged metal pole framing bent and jutting out from the sides. You know, real character.
I remember when I was just a kid at the skatepark and I spotted a bunch of other kids at the metal grating of a drain. I joined them and gazed down a few metres to some older teenagers, they had trekked through this “love tunnel” under the massive hill all this way. Badass I thought. LEGENDARY.
I talked about it at school, about this mysterious “love tunnel”. It was in view from the road when I crossed the bridge everyday on my daily commutes from the backseat of mums car.
I would gaze down at the weir and see the top of the love tunnel, sliightly hidden from view by a hill. It fascinated me.
I learned all these mysterious tales; this person slept with this person there, someone took a dump at the entrance and some other girl stood in it and now she had a nickname, someone found needles, another found a homeless woman and she screamed at them. I was pumped for the next weekend. I was going to go see it for myself.
I saw too much.
Early Saturday morning I was riding my push bike through town and toward destination adventure! I started out at the skatepark, met up with a few of the regulars, a mix of 5-19y/o everyone on the half pipes and ramps had a code of comrady that I've never found in a public place anywhere else and you always had someone to hang with.
My usual crew slowly arrived through the morning, a bunch of other 10/11 year old misfits like myself and we headed on our first place on our journey, Hungry Jacks. Now we never technically stole, we found a loophole…
One or two would order a stunner meal, then we'd take privilege of the free refills and fill up the empty plastic 4L juice jugs that we all had prepped in our backpacks. Coke and red Fanta for days.
So we got our supplies and headed behind HJ, past the volleyball courts and headed down a bush track down to the river.
We walked along the banks to loop back down to where the bridge was, we passed a few teenagers fishing and a couple other groups of kids swinging from rope swings into the water or huddled in groups smoking things they shouldn't.
We eventually arrived at the weir and the stormwater drain that I had been so intrigued by. The Love Tunnel.
Climbing up the hill and seeing it up close when you were just a tiny human. It was like staring into the dark abyss of hell.
There was a small stream of water flowing out of the big grey cylinder and it was covered in multicolored quotes and crude pictures that was very eye opening at the time.
Our voices echoed as one by one we climbed up the grassy, eroding clay edging that was the makeshift path into the mouth that probably changed each time it rained. Each of us had pulled out clumps of grass that we thought were handholds. If you fell, you fell down an embankment of slippery jagged rocks poking out from the fast flowing river.
So were inside and began to walk a couple of metres in then around us the light abruptly disappeared into complete darkness. And I remember the way the sounds traveled you could feel it through your chest it was mesmerizing.
I remember bravely stepping into the darkness and taking five or six steps in. That thick darkness was something else, I ran myself back to that entrance and light, heart pounding from the adrenaline.
This turned into a game of who could go in the furthest. This stopped when one of the boys screamed out from the darkness in pain.
He was back in the light teary eyed a few moments later wet on one side and feigning a laugh. He'd slipped down and cut open his knee, it was hilarious. We teased him saying he was going to get gangrene and leprosy and a myriad of other ailments we had no idea actually was.
We decided to bail, we forgot torches, we didn't plan that part out too well, and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon being little menaces.
We met the next day with a game plan, we had an array of various sized torches, from small ones that didn't do anything, one of those giant rectangle ones that was our main light source, a couple of handheld ones, one which flickered and the other stopped working before we even got into the tunnel.
We got in safely and tested out our torches and began walking into the unknown. It was pretty much the same as before, but there were strange things, old makeshift bongs, shopping bags, random shoes, a shopping trolley, a mattress that was all moldy and rotted. I still to this day do not understand how people managed to get that shit in there.
We passed a section where someone had thrown a can of red paint all over the walls, the amount of those ‘S’ symbols was more terrifying.
We saw light up ahead, we were passing our first grate. It was kind of daunting looking up towards it. Even getting on each other's shoulders we couldn't reach. There was an array of broken beer bottles and glass was everywhere, under the grate was a dead snake amongst some debris.
We had a debate whether to go further, we ended up going on at least until the next grate, we came to a fork, one seemed like a smaller offshoot so we stuck to the bigger side.
There were more offshoots and we came to a part where the big pipes split off into three under another grate. We gazed up hoping to get an identifier of our location, but all we could see was blue. We called out to see if we could get anyone's attention.
“Cooooweeee” we shouted in unison, the sound echoing in all directions.
We were laughing and having a grand time until something shouted back, something that still shakes me to my core to this day.
Some yobbo crackhead chick in her fifties with this ratty pink tank top that was all stretched half showing her saggy titties. “What the fuck you think you little cunts doing down here.” This chick screeched at us through her few teeth or something along the lines of that. She just exploded at us with a barrage of threats.
We were shocked silenced moving together to make one mass.
One of the boys screamed when a skinny guy emerged from the darkness. He was covered in tattoos with scraggly hair and a beard, he was all crazy eyed and pantless.
Someone yelled out to run and it was all the motivation we needed.
We could hear them screaming and the guy ran after us, we heard glass shattering behind us, they must have thrown a bottle. We were legging it.
We got split up in our running, I fell down, tripping over some rubbish, one mate stayed back to help me, this left us without a torch. We came across the same kid who slipped over yesterday, he had slipped down again cutting open his other knee. He wore those with badges of honor at school, but he was blubbering like a baby at this point.
He had the flickering torch and it disoriented us more than helped, as it turned on and off every time he took a step. I thought we were lost but we found the other grate, then eventually the entrance.
The others were already climbed down, we were soon by their side panting in the grass and wiping away our tears so the others couldn't see.
We ran back over to the skatepark and immediately told every kid we saw.
That was the wildest shit we had ever experienced. Sure we’d seen crazy up on the street but to have it jump out at you from the shadows in a storm water drain was next level.
By that night one of the other boys had spilled to his parents about our escapades and a couple of other mums got phone calls, three got in trouble, two of us didn't, including me.
I never stepped foot back in that tunnel, I swam at the weir more times than I could count afterwards though and never encountered anyone else too sketchy.
I think only a year or two later I saw on the news people dying in storm water drains somewhere else in Aus, we never realized how dangerous they could be back then. Lol.
Every party or get together afterwards it was a crowd favorite to bring up. It was a good conversation starter and joined the tales amongst my friends of the weird shit that happens in ‘Helltown’.
Growing up and looking back they were probably just homeless drug addicts freaked out from a bunch of children's voices yelling out coooweee from the underground where they thought they were alone. That would have scared the shit outta me if I was them.
Good times.
Tl:Dr kids go into storm water drain and find creepy couple who scream at them.
submitted by casefilesofVJ to creepyencounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:32 ExtremeBackground118 18f had hereditary cluster headaches since 10 years old

18f had hereditary cluster headaches since 10 years old
I was briefly prescribed imitrex at 13 but pediatrician would not refill it, he felt uncomfortable with how often i needed to take it as headaches are multiple tines a day sometimes. I have never seen a neurologist and i do not have insurance right now… Would the ER be able to give me a prescription for any kind of medication ? (I can get refills via urgent care) My headaches go away within 20 minutes so pills are not an option for me.
or any tips or advice you have I would appreciate it. I have just been managing but would like to figure this out. I do not want to take medication for the rest of my life if i don’t have to though. just wondering if there is anything preventative
Dad and grandma both have cluster headaches so i know it is genetic
submitted by ExtremeBackground118 to ClusterHeadaches [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:29 ExtremeBackground118 18f had hereditary cluster headaches since 10 years old

I was briefly prescribed imitrex at 13 but pediatrician would not refill it, he felt uncomfortable with how often i needed to take it as headaches are multiple tines a day sometimes. I have never seen a neurologist and i do not have insurance right now… Would the ER be able to give me a prescription for any kind of medication ? (I can get refills via urgent care) My headaches go away within 20 minutes so pills are not an option for me.
or any tips or advice you have I would appreciate it. I have just been managing but would like to figure this out. I do not want to take medication for the rest of my life if i don’t have to though. just wondering if there is anything preventative
Dad and grandma both have cluster headaches so i know it is genetic
submitted by ExtremeBackground118 to clusterheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:09 Fit-Chard-9272 Day 6

Hey y’all! Sorry to bother on here but I’m kind of going through it right now. I’m currently on day 6 (I’m writing this at 2 am because I can’t sleep because of pain/anxiety). I have to know. Does it get better? It feels like it’s getting worse. Day 4 wasn’t bad but now I have a massive earache, and my throat is killing me. There’s sharp pain in my eathroat every time I swallow. It doesn’t help that I’m a little anxious right now and my brain is refusing to turn off. (I’m convinced this pain is due to an infection or something crazy, even though absolutely nothing inside my throat has changed and there’s no blood.) Can anyone enlighten me to how these next four days are going to go? Is the pain going to get worse for a bit? I have absolutely no pain meds left and I’m afraid to get a refill. Please help me 🫠
submitted by Fit-Chard-9272 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:56 NoTop1121 I can’t do this anymore

Ipledge just locked me out of my account because my pharmacy didn’t refill my dose in time so now I have to wait over a month to get my fucking prescription and my skin just got clear. It’s gonna go straight back to how awful it was before. I can’t keep living like this, fuck ipledge and fuck this drug for what it’s doing to my mental health. Is they’re any way I can get back in?
submitted by NoTop1121 to Accutane [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:49 IENJOYCINEMA Wrongfully removed from Regal

Took the kids and there friends out on Saturday for a boys night with the dads to go see new Planet of the Kingdom Apes and we were all having a blast until some employee decided to ruin it for every single one of us and ruin some young kids 5th grade pre graduation party. We had 11 of us and had the best seats middle row and we were having a blast during the movie while enjoying sodas and popcorn and buncha crunch. We got 8 large popcorns which clearly wasn’t enough for a whole movie so I went back for a refill with one of the dads and then gladly did it, and then we had to go back again. They refused to refill the our popcorns the 2nd time and we were a bit confused but I keep my cool and say on how about a top off on our soda instead and Rick agrees with me so we hand him our sodas. Guy says he can’t do that. Jokingly I say how about some free nuncha crunch for the trouble and we can call it even and the guy got all snippy with us and said we need to go back to our movie and stop asking for free requests at the concessions.. after we paid for 8 popcorns and multiple large sodas and just wanted another refill and more sodas. And the candy thing was a joke but his attitude was ridiculous to how you speak to someone in the community who’s with there family and friends for a fun time and celebration. Told the guy to never tell me what to do again and he can buzz off next time. Asked how I can get the popcorn and he said he’s going to get a manager, and then some kid with a headset comes by getting all snippy with us saying me and Rick gotta leave right now. I let them know our kids are in the theater and I’ll be getting my son. They let us walk to the theater and we grab our kids while they’re having a blast and we all have to leave the theater. Great 5th grade graduation celebration ruined and thanks for ruining a great evening because you werrr mad some people wanted decent service like the old days.
Edit: legal representative has reached out and I have avenues to pursue here. BBB will be notified during business hours tomorrow. And maybe remember we’re a community.
submitted by IENJOYCINEMA to Bozeman [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:50 Gamergirl_master Rant

So today I had a woman let’s name her Jane come to pick up her child’s medication. And I told her kindly at the time that it was going to be about 45 minutes since we were short staffed. The woman replies “ugh see this is why I hate this pharmacy. I requested the refill at 11:30 today why isn’t it ready?!” Which I kindly say, “maam I apologize but we are extremely short staffed and we are doing everything we can to help get everyone their meds. I’ll see you in 45 minutes.” To which this evil cake face responses “no I’ll see you in 30 minutes and it better be ready.” And she proceeds to gas it out of drive through. (We have two full time and two part time people there at the time and truck plus 4 shots waiting and my pharmacist was in an interview for another part timer) one of the full times started profusely vomiting so she leaves (side note the full time that left has called out of work every single week at least two days so she not expected back). So now there are three techs in the pharmacy two on customer service and one girl counting. Time passes and I think oh that woman isn’t back yet maybe she’s just gonna wait for the text. It had been like 20 minutes and she’s a known problem. Truly she thinks we only have her family’s prescriptions to fill. She then rolls of to drive through at maybe 30 minutes since the last time I’ve seen her and I tell her, “hey Mrs Jane I apologize but blah blah isn’t filled yet could you either come wait inside that way I can just check you out the moment it’s done or you can make a loop and hop back in line and I’ll have it ready and waiting when you get back.” She proceeds to shoot laser beams out her eyes at me and yell, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN I TOLD YOU ID BE BACK IN 20 MINUTES WHY THE ____ IS BLAH BLAH’S MEDICINE READY. GET IT READY RIGHT NOW!” “Maam, I understand it’s frustrating but you will not yell at me. If you will kindly come inside-“ “NO YOU WILL FILL THOSE PRESCRIPTIONS RIGHT THIS SECOND AND GIVE THEM TO ME. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SLAP A LABEL ON THEM” “Maam, I’m sorry but that’s not how this works. I have to print the label pull the drugs verify the drug is the correct dose and ndc then count it out then it’s got to have a photo for proof of the quantity I counted then it gets its vial. Then I scan everything then it gets a label slapped on it then it gets bagged. Then I hand it off to the pharmacist to make sure I am giving the correct drug,quantity to blah blah. So no I do not slap labels on anything. Now you can either move out of my drive through and come inside or you can make a loop.” At this point I’m shaking bc that’s how I get pissed one of my part time coworkers asks to take over and I told her no because the front pick up also has a line. “ what are you gonna do move my car. Fill my scripts for blah blah now. I hate this pharmacy yall are so lazy. Every time I’m here it’s always so busy and yall are so hateful to me and my family.” “Maam would you prefer I transfer you else where bc there are people behind you who need their drugs to and you sitting here prevents me from helping them or you. So you have your options. Or I’m going to get the pharmacist involved.” Didn’t even have to bc one of my beautiful regulars happened to be inside and called my pharmacist and told her that I needed help My pharmacist proceeded to come up with her 5’2 self and tell her if she doesn’t move in the next ten seconds she’s calling the dr and telling them we will not longer be filling for them and they will have to go else where. The woman left and sent her husband who apologized but I’m transferring them out tomorrow. Happy Tuesday! Thanks for reading
submitted by Gamergirl_master to PharmacyTechnician [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:39 Affectionate_Map6775 Should I sell my 2007 Altima because it overheated.

I was driving and noticed my car was starting to break down, unsure why I continued to my destination for a short while and then pulled over and shut the car off. As I was driving it would not accelerate anymore and the engine sounded terrible. I didn't know what the issue was so I turned the engine back on and noticed the temp gauge was all the way at H. I turned it off again and find there is coolant everywhere under my car. I look inside the coolant reservoir and see there is zero coolant. I fill the coolant with water and try to turn it on again but the engine fails to start. After waiting 15 minutes I tried it again and it started but it rapidly leaks. Managed to get it home using a full container of coolant refilling it when it started to get hot again. How likely is it that my car is damaged internally, and is it rational to get rid of it. It has 120k miles. It has a good paintjob and rare trim. I think I can get good money for it. What do I do?
submitted by Affectionate_Map6775 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:49 mittyguts Was suddenly cut off cold-turkey.. going through it

Usually I take Wellbutrin and Lexapro. My Lexapro ran out and my Wellbutrin is also dwindling..
Ugh.. I hate the hard truth that I’m probably going to have to experiment with more meds if I want to be my best self. I’m proactively working in therapy and practicing mindfulness, but sometimes I just feel senselessly BAD. Like, ‘mentally ill’, for lack of a better term. Getting worked up and having unhealthy thoughts over tiny things.. sometimes I just feel despondent for long periods for no reason at all. But I couldn’t tell if this was ‘peak performance’ for me, or if the Lexapro wasn’t working anymore?
I wondered about that less as of one week ago! My psychiatrist didn’t warn me at all before cutting off my refills and telling me to schedule a follow-up appointment (I had to contact him for this info.. he was so insanely difficult to reach). I feel absolutely insane right now. Like, my entire body “hurts” mentally. The mental hurt is everywhere. I’m in hysterics over things like my computer not working or not being able to have a baby.. I started crying because I felt bad for a breed of apple?? I hate it so much. Sooo much. I don’t know.. I’m talking to my psych on Thursday but it feels so far away..
Just sort of blabbering on because I feel terrible and I struggle a lot with identifying my own feelings or how I’m ‘doing’ on certain dosages. I need to start journaling, but I don’t remember to until I’m feeling super strong emotions.. kind words and advice very appreciated. I’m trying to be super strong.
submitted by mittyguts to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:43 ZebraTricky Maybe a bit too overpowered

I haven't really looked at any jumps and thought "My gods that is really overpowered."
Then I followed a link to The Record of a Fallen Vampire and wow, some of these perks and items are just stupidly overpowered.
The moment you start talking about moving at "significant relativistic speeds" you really need to stop and think about things, and that is one of the Human Perks.
Conquered The Sun (200) - Just as the feared vampire king centuries ago discovered his immunity you too have conquered the sun. Any sort of vampiric weakness from now and in the future such as sunlight, needing to drink blood, or anything else will never bother you as you’re immune to these weaknesses. This conquering effect extends to other species that you’re a part of as well. You'll be immune to any innate, racial, and biological weaknesses all the while remaining with the benefits and strengths that come with that race.
Any racial weakness gone.
Hybrid (200) - If fiction has taught you anything it’s that being born from two different races tends to make one very powerful. It's why no matter how diluted or minuscule the amount of DNA is within you, so long as you have something, you’ll get all the special perks of that race and then some. A long lost descendant, drank another race’s blood, did genetic editing, or something else, so long as you have a gene within you it’s all the same. Any abilities, benefits, transformations, etc that are exclusive to any race you are a part of will be yours.
Immediate assimilation of any race that you can get DNA from. Dragon, Devil, Angel, Kryptonian, Viltrumite anything you can get DNA from.
The Bite (600) - Originally the beings that created the vampires and dhampires used their fangs as a method of collecting blood and DNA from other organisms. Although the races still have the remnant attachments of their ancestors, they never require blood, so the fangs are mainly decoration. While dhampires don’t have their ancestor’s ability to absorb DNA you’ve managed to not only retain the power but have turned it into something very fearsome. By drinking the blood of another being you will inherit and absorb the DNA of that race effectively becoming a part of it forever. This collection process is so efficient that even having the most minute amount of blood from a creature will have you adapting and taking on any beneficial traits it had while streamlining it for your body and discarding any inherent weaknesses.
If you were to drink from a being that had biological abilities, magic, spiritual/innate energies, or something else you would gain a weakened version of their power. While you could train these skills to equal the power the original holder had it's far easier to just drink more of the blood from the being in question. By drinking enough blood from the aforementioned being you’ll be their complete equal and can easily surpass them. Although blood is the easiest thing to get it is possible to drink from other fluids or anything that contains DNA to get the same benefit such as spit, sweat, and the one fluid you are all thinking about you perverts.
Any racial powers that aren't physical are now yours to access, drink for a Jedi, now you're Force Sensitive drink from enough your Palpatine or Vitate.
Blood Bags (400) - While these blood bags wouldn’t look out of place in a blood donation establishment they are far more useful than being blood holders. You have an endless supply of special blood bags that constantly refill with whatever blood is held within them. The bags you currently have are filled with various blood and DNA samples from all the major entities of the world. This includes humans, both alive and deceased, several current dhampires, some vampire strains, and even blood of the Vampire King and Queen.
When one wishes to fill another bag with blood you only have to touch a bag with the person in question or put something into the bag that contains a person’s DNA. Either way you’ll be get an endless amount of blood. Additionally, in future jumps, you’ll always receive bags that are filled with the blood of main characters, villains, notable side characters, and anyone else of major importance from that setting which can mean anything from their vast influence to enormous power. Whether you drink the blood, use it for experimentation, or something else is up to you.
Just to make you that little bit more overpowered with this item you get access to what is generally the most interesting/powerful bloods in every new jump.
Like I said, maybe just a little overpowered.
submitted by ZebraTricky to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:08 programming_potter medfinder came through

Since I've been complaining about Medfinder I thought I should say that they did find 5 for me about 30 miles away. The problem is that I got 2.5 filled today and it turns out that my insurance has a limit for how many refills you can get in a month. So I guess I lost $50 (to medfinders) and the chance to titrate up. It's OK because the 2.5 is still effective but bummer anyway. I hope 5 becomes more available next month.
submitted by programming_potter to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:04 AwareFeed Opinions on Lct drum for my cyma rpk?

Opinions on Lct drum for my cyma rpk?
I already have an angel custom drum, but it only holds 1500 and is slower to refill. If i put a bullgear insert into the lct, i get 5000 rounds, which is amazing, but my question is how is stock performance?
submitted by AwareFeed to airsoft [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:50 randobread Late 20s boyfriend refuses to critically think. Resources please.

ADHD is not an excuse. I (27f) have very severe ADHD and I know that he(27m) has ADHD as well, but the problem is that my boyfriend is too lazy to critically think or reflect on anything. I know this topic is full of similar posts about a loving, attentive, well-meaning boyfriend who just seems to lack common sense and critical thinking skills, but the conclusion of those posts tends to universally be “he has ADHD and medication”. I’m a clinical psychologist. Again, I have adhd as well and while I understand we all have different levels of executive function and varying abilities to complete tasks, my boyfriend has expressly made laziness part of his identity. Any time I ask him to do any task (big, small, 1-step, 4-steps, immediately, tomorrow, anything) he says “that’s too much work”. And it’s not about me because that’s his reaction to anyone. If he’s playing a game with his friends and they suggest he grab an extra weapon he will definitely need, he says “eh, that’s work”, and will literally die in the game rather than do those extra steps. So when it comes down to behaving like a complete idiot when put in the position to critically think or reflect on information, he will just not. He was raised by an idiot misogynistic unmotivated father and his mother who is a hard workeseems to think for them both and I think i might have to break up with him before i end up living a similar life. And it’s extremely difficult because even as a grown man he worships his father and blames his mother for their recent divorce because “why couldnt she just be happy instead of constantly trying to push his father to do more and more”. He doesnt see that his father is an idiot nor that his mother should have left him longggg ago. So as a result he lives life with no critical thought like his father and (as another redditor so well put it) just does things based on what he feels would be a good choice instead of taking 10 seconds to think about what to do. His father has convinced this grown man that “as long as you tried, you did it. It doesnt matter if there were directions or a specific intended goal, just trying anything at all is more than enough effort for him”. And that is incorrect 100% of the time.
For example: I visit his house and have to clean the shower before i get in because its typically dirty. One time i was unable to finish the cleaning, only able to sprinkle the comet around. I asked him to finish cleaning it for me and he just rinsed all the cleaner off. Didnt think to use the scrubber or any other sort of cleaning tool, just rinsed it all off. Was there a single reflective thought about the resulting appearance of the shower? No. Because he did what i asked at all so he must have done it correctly- I’m just being picky.
We’ve had many conversations about this. He’s cried because it seems like “no matter what he does he cant do anything right” and while i would never want him to feel like an objective failure, I WISH I COULD DISAGREE AND HIGHLIGHT THINGS THAT HE DOES IN FACT DO CORRECTLY. He takes any criticism as a personal attack, which deeply emotionally hurts hum. On top of that, he always dismisses me and my concerns as being picky which hurts MY feelings because what the fuck makes you just know that everything on earth just has no correct way to do it or intended outcome? If I tell you to feed the dogs, why not change their water too? Yes there is still technically water in their bowl from 24 hours ago, but its less than a half inch deep and WHO DOESNT NEED FRESH WATER ON A DAILY BASIS? What one organism? Please tell me because the way i have had this specific conversation with him so many times and he still refuses to change their water ultimately makes me feel like im crazy. The time it takes to refill water (not even with the bare minimum expectation of washing out the used bowl which would of course be too much) is about 20 seconds more than just feeding them. And this doesnt stop with household tasks, those just come to mind easily but the overall issue is a refusal to participate in critical thinking. If I want him to complete a task completely, i need to give him specific directions, usually in writing, as well as a verbal reminder again immediately before he does it or else he will completely forget any directions and just do whatever tf he feels like doing which usually messes up some plan. Like the others, I love him and he is a very loving person and partner, but I wanted to know if there were any sort of courses or apps to look to for basic critical thinking development. The process of using multiple sources of information to solve problems, thinking about the best option of the ones you have, and how to plan anything at all are skills that I remember learning and practicing in elementary school. So I’m hoping there are any resources not focused on phonetic reading or something that I could direct him to/work on with him. As a literal clinical psychologist the ADHD is only prt of the problem but the lifelong atrophy of problem-solving skills is not something medication will address. Individual counseling can help with the self esteem which certainly plays a part, but learning how to put a square peg in a square hole instead of slamming it into every hole there is until it works is something he (and a lot of these other men trained to be thoughtless meat bags) needs more than anything. Sorry I’m SO angry about a specific conflict earlier this afternoon so I know my tone is reflecting that but JFC i need help and yall are the last resource I have confidence in.
We’ve discussed weaponized incompetence, he clearly makes more effort on the specific tasks i highlight to him, but not enough progress globally.
TL;DR: Man refuses to think because his dad told him that’s dumb and extra work. Resources used to teach critical thinking skills to children please. I dont want to leave him but might need to if nothing helps.
submitted by randobread to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:22 Revolutionary_Fig403 Need help

Ok so, theres this old boy name oreo at my bf’s house. I’ve noticed that he’s pretty neglected, bf even said so. They’re looking for new owners who could give him a lovely home, Washington, seattle, i’m from canada and i’d really love to take him but i’ve already got 2 young chinchillas of my own. For now though, i’d like to take care of him. How and where do i start with taking care of him? I’ve also been told that he’s very aggressive,never been let out, scared of humans and bites really hard. My bf and his family has been bitten by him when approached or pet. I’ve been the one refilling his hay and water because sometimes he’s been forgotten for refills. I’ve pet his head and he seems to mot flinch when i approach him. I cried last night thinking about this little sweetheart. Please let me know whag i can do to provide a more healthy lifestyle for this baby. Im thinking of putting him in chinchillas cage once we get our chinchillas upgraded cage. Need advice.
submitted by Revolutionary_Fig403 to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:47 Competitive_Pen7192 AITAH For thinking my wife is domestically useless?

Firstly I'm happily married and certainly won't be going anywhere in the foreseeable future, plus I've made my peace on the matter but it'll be interesting to see what is said.
In short my wife is domestically useless. She's intelligent and educated but is so bad domestically that it's like having a 3rd child with our two real ones.
Almost anything domestic chore related she either can't do, won't do or does so badly I need to do again anyway. And this was a thing way before we had children. I'll give a short list of them:
She can't pair socks, or do the laundry. As in she loses her own socks then has the cheek to use then lose mine. She can't pair them when they leave the washing machine either. Oh and she won't turn clothes the right way again after they've dried before putting them away.
She can't wash up dishes, to the point where she leaves big grease stains on plates or just leaves pans without attempting to scrub. So I need to step in anyway even if she claims to have done the washing up.
She cannot manage supplies of anything. Toilet roll, she'll use the last one and not replace it, any consumable she'll use up and not say anything about it. As a result I do the shopping all myself and even have to double check her list against our inventory incase I over buy or she misses something.
More often than not food that's saved in the fridge might as well be scraped into the bin immediately because she just forgets about it. I've thrown out some insanely mouldy things over the years. It's always me that has to re-organise the fridge, she haphazardly stacks stuff around to the extent where she forgets she has stuff inside and what was new fresh food goes past it's sell by date. To crown the food section off, she loves opening new packets of perishables without checking whether a previous one is open already. Actually no, to crown this bit off she always leaves bread crums from toast in the butter as she misjudges the amount so has to put it back into the tub.
Her cooking consumes a huge amount of utensils, you can tell when she's cooked as you wash up about a dozen spoons and forks despite only needing to feed 4. Don't even get me started on how she stabs food on our nice pans with metal forks and knives thus chipping them. Sink is full of left over scraps? You'vr guessed it, she won't ever empty it out and let it accumulate.
When she seals bags of food with a clip she'll leave a gap somewhere so air still gets in. She understands science and how things go stale so this staggers me. Furthermore if I open a packet of say kitchen wipes, she'll somehow manage to rip the packet open despite me priming it so the pack dries out quickly. Oh and often things I've sealed with a clip she'll just throw back into the cupboard without the clip, thus leaving it open to the elements.
She will leave the lids off jars of food, leave things that need to go in the fridge out for hours or the worse, leave lids to things like ketchup unclicked so they are open so sauce ends up spilling out.
She doesn't use the vacuum cleaner much at all and she almost never mops the floor. Oh and if she uses the vaccuum she won't empty it out after use.
Likewise she does not take out the rubbish, she doesn't take the big wheelie bins out OR back in after they're collected despite her leaving and re-entering the house multiple times before I return home from work.
There's likely more than this but you get the picture. If I had to sum it up, it's like the opposite to someone doing little romantic things to make your life easier. It's like someone going out of their way to f**k up your life in little ways. Like if the water filter jug is out of water, she isn't going refill it after having the last glass of water. Or after she's had a cup of tea or other drink, the cup gets left there and I need to patrol the house looking for missing cups.
My wife isn't from a rich background and she's a kind loving person but her lack of any domestication blows my mind.
I've tried telling her countless times, but she always has an excuse or reason why she can't do something so I've given up to keep the peace.
I know it's the 21st century and men should pull their weight around the house. I know we have children and she's an excellent Mother to them, the very best. But it seems like there's a price to be paid and being a Domestic Moron seems to be it. Oh and I work full time, she's off looking after our young. But yet I still do the bulk of the housework, sometimes I get in from work at midnight and I'm up for an hour with chores before I can relax. Guess it's marriage, as she would be utterly screwed with someone who was just as badly organised...
submitted by Competitive_Pen7192 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:35 Any-Ad3171 interpersonal communication is dead.

why is it that every time you call a doctor, vet, pharmacy, or insurance place, they always have the automated robot voice that talks soooo slow tell you all about their new office hours, phone procedures, and how the menu options have changed before you even hear the menu options? holy shit. i hate calling my pharmacy when i have to for certain meds, i always get the cvs ai that REALLY wants me to tell it in a few words what i need. if i dont say things like, “refill a prescription,” “order status” or “talk to the pharmacist” then we start the whole process all over again. need to call insurance? good luck. more automated voices! this time you have to tell the robot what your problem is in as few words as possible, clear enunciation, no background noise, and as simple as you can get it while also being as descriptive as possible. when you finally get on the phone with a real human person, finish what you called thirty minutes ago for, they hit you with Miss Automaton again, asking you to fill out a survey to rate how the employee did. and yes, in case you were wondering, the survey questions are spoken as slowly as possible, with the scoring criteria explained as thoroughly as possible after each question. its just irritating how difficult it can be to schedule an appointment, or change the time of one, or even call your insurance company to get the five lovely numbers needed for the pharmacy that they never put on the card. i practically have to plan my week around all the calls i have to make nowadays, or maybe im just going insane. regardless, i dont make enough money to be worrying about that. yippee!
submitted by Any-Ad3171 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:28 GPTGamingNews The Ultimate Halo Infinite: Campaign Review

The Ultimate Halo Infinite: Campaign Review

Game Information

  • Game Name: Halo Infinite
  • Release Date: December 8, 2021
  • Story Length: 9 Hours
  • Completionist Length: 25 Hours
  • Setting/World-Type: Sci-Fi Open World
  • Genre/Sub-Genre: First-person shooter
  • Perspective: First-person
  • Development Engine: Slipspace Engine

Game Publisher and Developer Information

  • Developer: 343 Industries
  • Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
  • Headquarters Location: Redmond, Washington, United States
  • Director: Pierre Hintze
  • Lead Producers: Chris Hager, Brian Lemon, and Casey Marissa Wu
  • Writers: Dan Chosich, Paul Crocker, Jeff Easterling, Aaron Linde
  • Technical Director: David Berger
  • Design Director: Max Szlagor


During the boarding of the UNSC Infinity supercarrier, Master Chief is thrown into space by Atriox, leader of the Banished. The Banished are a mercenary group that was previously part of the Covenant but broke away due to disagreements with the Covenant leadership. You’re eventually rescued by the Pilot, a survivor of the attack, who reluctantly assists the Master Chief in his mission to take down Atriox and the Banished. After destroying the warship, Chief is picked up by the Pilot, and they head down to Zeta Halo to search for a “weapon” in the mysteriously damaged portion of the ring. With these two introductory missions out of the way, you’re introduced to Halo Infinite’s vibrant yet dangerous open world. Across the 16-story missions, you will find yourself going across Zeta Halo and into the depths of the Forerunner installation.
The campaign features wide and sprawling open fields, claustrophobic underground facilities, and everything in between. The pacing of missions in Infinite is well done and isn’t too fast or slow. Missions are not too long, and you can expect to spend about 11 and a half hours on Zeta Halo when focusing on the main objectives, making it the longest campaign to date, according to HowLongToBeat. When looking to see everything the game has to offer, it’s estimated to take around 27 and a half hours to finish.
Knowing the lore behind the factions only adds to how enjoyable it is to fight against each enemy. For example, Brutes are always looking to fight opponents of noteworthy strength, so they approach battles with the Master Chief with bravado and are often happy to battle with the Spartans. Jackals, on the other hand, are typically pirates and mercenaries and will remark about claiming the bounty on Master Chief during combat. They go as far as commenting on canon events during combat, which is a first for the series. For example, Grunts will sometimes taunt you with a remark about the events of Halo: Reach by saying, “Hey Spartan, Reach called! Just kidding - ha!” Sometimes, Grunts dab after killing you, making them even more hilarious to fight. The colorful personalities that make up the Banished mercenaries make them feel more alive and like real characters you’re battling against. Previous Halo games had less personality-oriented enemies whose combat chatter became repetitive and didn’t make for a marginally more interesting battle.

GAMEPLAY - 95/100


Since Halo: Combat Evolved, a damage system consisting of Kinetic and Plasma has been in place. Hardlight didn’t make a place for itself until Halo 4 and Shock Damage had its inception in Halo Infinite. Most human-made weapons deal Kinetic damage, which is effective at taking down unshielded enemies like Grunts, while Plasma works best against shields. Hardlight is good against any enemy regardless of their shield status, but the weapons and ammo are few and far between. Shock damage arcs between targets and is great for groups of Banished and their vehicles. As the newest addition to the weapon ecosystem, it makes a powerful statement when used in the midst of battle. Much like previous Halo installments, having only two weapon slots forces you into giving encounters some forethought since you’ll want to be properly prepared for the skirmish. It also makes you have to sacrifice certain weapons and pick up others to gain the upper hand in a fight, especially when facing a boss. Ammo resupplies aren’t new to Halo, but the ability to refill certain ammo like rockets without picking up a duplicate of the weapon is new to the series.
As a first for the series, the open-world design makes the open-battlefield style fights from previous games even more exciting by allowing different approaches to fights to be more viable. Previous installments of the series pitted Master Chief against enemies in arena-style fights, which had a repeating cycle of short battles and then exposition. Infinite has a different sense of balance between combat and exposition. One minute, you’re riding along through the ring, and suddenly you stumble upon a battle between Banished forces and surviving Marines. All hell breaks loose. In prior installments, you knew when combat would start due to the layout of an area, but in Halo Infinite, it’s less predictable but in the best way possible. It brings the ringworld to life and has a sense of curiosity as to what you’ll find yourself in next, similar to random encounters in other RPGs.


In a first for the series, boss fights also make an appearance in the campaign. The boss fights in the story force you to take the damage system seriously because, without them, you’re bound to have a hard time. The bosses come with their own special fighting style. For example, the Spartan Killers, Hyperius and Tovarus, are both battled at the same time in the mission ‘Pelican Down.’ Hyperius wields a unique Ravager, S7 sniper, and rides a Chopper, while his brother Tovarus has a Scrap Cannon and spike grenades. Fighting both at the same time proves to be a mighty challenge since you’re in an open area with limited weaponry. Each boss has an arena that puts you at a disadvantage, like when you fight the invisible, energy sword-wielding Elite, Chak ’Lok, in a small room full of smoke. Another example would be fighting against the lightning-fast Harbinger in the final mission, along with her incredibly difficult waves of enemies. The bosses come in all forms of Banished and remain a constant threat in both main missions and side objectives.
Although the bosses are difficult, Halo Infinite’s standard enemies pose their own threats and must be handled differently. For example, Jackals have to be dealt with quickly since they often show up with marksman rifles that deal heavy damage. Elites are easily recognized by their tall stature and signature mandibles. They’re honor-bound Captains of the Banished whose inspiring presence makes their soldiers more emboldened and less fearful. Taking them out makes the rest of the battle much more manageable. Grunts are the small and frightened cannon fodder of the Banished who often run in fear when their higher-ups are defeated.


One of the other new additions to the campaign is an upgrade system. Master Chief can now upgrade parts of his kit to make his gadgets much more powerful by finding and acquiring Spartan Cores. Become a walking tank by upgrading your shield to absorb more damage before breaking or greatly improve the agility of Chief by reducing the cooldown between uses of the Grappleshot. Reduced cooldown is an absolute must if you plan on playing around with the grappling hook during combat since waiting for it to recharge can mean life or death. All of the upgrades play their parts and can be integral to having a battle go your way. The Threat sensor can be upgraded to have a permanent mark on the enemy along with a visible health bar. The Drop Wall can have its strength increased and add shock damage to projectiles you fire through it. Finally, the thruster can increase its dodge distance and give you a cloak effect after use. Each ability upgrade plays into how well you’ll perform during a fight since not using them can cause you to take a lot more damage.


Those aren’t the only new changes Infinite brings to the table. Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) are another new addition to the map. They appear as outposts you can claim during your fight against the Banished and serve as fast travel points. Alongside these FOBs comes a currency known as Valor. Valor is earned through completing the various side missions available across Zeta Halo. The currency allows you to unlock supplies and weapons to aid you in dominating the Banished and the battlefield. Your hard-earned Valor needs only to be spent once for unlimited access to the requisitions. From the simple yet reliable Sidekick sidearm all the way to the big bad behemoth of ground warfare, the Scorpion, Valor enables you to bring out any sort of weapon or vehicle for any scenario.


The open world of Zeta Halo also has many side missions available, such as hunting down high-value targets (HVTs), rescuing UNSC Marines, and capturing abandoned outposts. These missions can be a great break from the story or provide much-needed Valor to help during the story. Undertaking a High-Value Target mission is as simple as going to the marked location and killing the target. The bosses appear as various types of Banished, and each has its own dossier with backstory and potentially useful information, such as strengths, weaknesses, and potential combat strategies. The HVTs also carry a unique weapon that drops when their wielder is defeated and can be purchased with valor for use during missions. When you’re not taking Banished lives, you can instead save those of the survivors of the UNSC Infinity’s crash. The Marine survivors will usually be engaging Banished troops, and it’s your job to make sure they survive. Upon saving the Marines, you’ll be rewarded with Valor as well as some new comrades who are willing to ride in vehicles and fight with you. Aside from the HVT hunting and marine distress signals, outposts are also available. Each Outpost offers several different objectives that need to be completed in order to shut down the facility. The objectives vary depending on the function of the Outpost, and completing a task can cause enemy reinforcement. Similarly to FOBs, the Outposts act as fast travel points after they’re finished and can be used to call in supplies unlocked through Valor.


As a first-person shooter, Halo Infinite’s campaign excels at the traditional formula while adding new gameplay elements like boss fights. In these additions, Infinite delivers a fun and memorable combination of well-paced storytelling and solid gameplay. The RPG elements, like armor upgrades, make for a more engaging experience by giving an enticing reason to explore the levels and open world of Zeta Halo. All of these elements come together and deliver an amazing FPS game that doesn’t disappoint.


Halo Infinite is the most graphically advanced Halo to date thanks to the new Slipspace engine, which allows it to outshine the previous installments by providing new and updated visuals. The engine enables excellent use of volumetric lighting, giving the interiors beautiful rays of light that shine through cracks and around objects. Each of these components lends itself to the world of Zeta Halo and makes it a true marvel to look at. Indoor sections feel realistic through their use of volumetric lighting and high-resolution textures. These elements make the walk through Forerunner facilities feel strange and alien as the lights twist and turn while you maneuver through the halls. Master Chief's damaged armor looks amazing in the cutscenes, where it looks battered and beat from the various battles the suit has seen. Compared to Halo 5, it’s far more appealing in the lighting and detail while remaining much more realistic with its high-resolution textures. It’s small things like this that make all the difference in how you perceive the game and the time put into it.
The art design of the levels works great in conjunction with the Forerunner plot elements introduced in Halo 4 as the beginning of the Reclaimer Saga. We see a lot of the Forerunner technology at work through things like bridges appearing as you approach and the Forerunner Sentinels flying overhead and working on repairs within facilities. These seemingly small details play a big role in making the factions more believable while also allowing the world to feel unique. While some levels in other Halo games felt a little too similar to one another in some cases, each level in Infinite feels completely different while retaining the identity of Halo Infinite. Compared to the first mission, where the halls of the Banished ship are claustrophobic and limit movement while eliciting the feeling of having a daunting task ahead, ‘Silent Auditorium’ brings you within a massive Forerunner facility that feels larger than life and has a feeling of finality to it.
The larger-than-life buildings of the Forerunners combined with the shiny silver exterior that makes up their facilities make for very regal settings. When paired with the grand and open interiors, the areas provide a majestic feeling and truly make the sci-fi notion come to life. The Banished forces come with their own unique looks as well, with their scarlet armor providing a contrast to the environment that allows for them to be easily distinguished from the background. The scarlet of their armor compliments their ferocity in battle since the Banished aren’t ones to run away from conflict, even with Master Chief.


One of the best parts of Halo campaigns is how replayable they are. Whether you’re playing alone or with a friend at your side, the story of Halo Infinite is captivating and gripping enough to make it worth a few extra playthroughs. The side missions and the optional bosses are plentiful enough that you may not be able to complete the extra objectives in a single run. Aside from a completionist run, you can also try your hand at the infamous LASO challenge. LASO, standing for Legendary All Skulls On, is the ultimate test of your Halo skills and can be as infuriating as it is gratifying once you make it through a section. LASO is just one of many challenging ways the community has made Halo replayable and always a fresh experience. Master Chief’s journey on Zeta Halo is easy to jump back into even after beating it and is great if you’re looking to experience a quality storyline in a fan-favorite universe.

FUN FACTOR - 95/100

The Halo Infinite campaign is incredibly fun and makes for a memorable experience with all of its new additions. Between the classic and new formula for Halo, it finds itself in the middle, where new gameplay elements mesh together with the traditional style seamlessly. The game succeeds at giving you fun new things to play around with while remaining true to the original Halo style. You’ll find the most fun moments when the gameplay finally ‘clicks’ and you manage to pull off that awesome sniper shot or kill that boss that’s been giving you trouble. It’s such a satisfying feeling when you manage to latch onto a Brute chopper with the Grappleshot and yank the Banished out of their vehicles. It feels straight out of a movie and makes you truly immerse yourself in the incredible feats Master Chief is known to pull off. These moments of triumph are what add up to making the campaign so fun and can keep you coming back for more.


Through the time played on both Xbox One and Xbox Series X, the game was incredibly well optimized. The graphics were noticeably different between the two generations, but it’s to be expected with the hardware differences. The game ran as smoothly as ever from the beginning to the end of the campaign. The Xbox One had some intermittent lag and stutter, but it wasn’t enough to impact gameplay significantly. The game ran very consistently throughout the campaign experience and made for a very enjoyable experience since it suffered no crashes.


Halo Infinite, released on December 8, 2021, is an ambitious follow-up to 2015’s Halo 5: Guardians. The game began development by 343 Industries just three years later. This sci-fi first-person shooter is the third installment in the Reclaimer Saga that began with Halo 4 and was published by Xbox Game Studios. Infinite was intended to be a launch release for the Xbox Series XS but was delayed due to internal conflict on development decisions. This installment utilizes the new Slipspace engine in conjunction with Faber, a set of developer tools with some of its components dating back to the early 2000s. Since its release, the campaign has been the subject of critical acclaim, with many praising the innovations the new story brought with it. An open world, new armor abilities, and a new faction all come with the installment’s 28-hour story mode. On the other hand, the free-to-play multiplayer was heavily criticized for its lack of content at launch. Since then, Infinite’s multiplayer has gone through several seasons, each of them introducing new content and different cosmetics to obtain through battle pass progression.
When I booted up the campaign for the first time, I couldn’t help but reminisce on all the good times I had both solo and with friends in previous installments. Memories like Grifball on Halo: Reach, dying four thousand times to Jackal Snipers on Halo 2, and Arbiter saving Chief with a flamethrower in Halo 3. I went in expecting something at least a little better than the catastrophe of Halo 5, but instead, I was met with something very different and unique for the series. Let’s start from the beginning: the opening cutscene and mission one. While Chief is known to be one of gaming’s coolest characters, he got humbled extremely quickly. The scene opens with pure chaos ensuing. There’s fire, plasma, and bullets flying everywhere, and Chief is at the center of it all. I felt like a kid in a candy shop, watching him skillfully maneuver and take down several opponents. That is until the big baddie of the Banished came along. The following encounter between Atriox and Master Chief was absolute humiliation for the mean green killing machine. Atriox grabs him, beats him with his admittedly cool hammer, drags Master Chief through the hangar, and then throws him into space. I was in pure shock as to how Chief just got beaten like nothing. Isn’t he a ‘hyper-lethal’ class Spartan? Maybe it was because he got caught off guard. Regardless, I just watched my childhood get thrown to his presumable death, and I wanted revenge.
Mission one sees us go in a Banished Warship to free the Pelican that Echo-216 saved us with from certain doom. It was straightforward, and I got a good glimpse of that classic Halo gameplay loop so many of us loved: Exploration, combat, and then some exposition. It’s a simple yet effective formula that kept me engaged the whole game. In this opening mission, we get introduced to the newest piece of equipment: the Grappleshot. While simple, it plays a huge role in every aspect of this game. As I got the hang of using it, I found that I could use it for more effective maneuverability in combat, something I did the entire game, which saved me many times. I got to the control room and promptly blew the ship to Smithereens, which left me feeling a lot of satisfaction as I mentally recovered from seeing Chief beaten up by Atriox. After the Banished Warship and one other mission, we get to explore the open world of Zeta Halo.
The world is exciting and fun to explore while supporting characters and cutscenes only add to the already gripping story. I quickly fell in love with the campaign and its characters in a way I hadn’t felt since Halo 4. When I wasn’t doing one of the story missions, I was out, causing a ruckus with the side missions. The High-Value Target missions were personal favorites that you’ll love if you’re a fan of boss fights, something Infinite doesn’t shy away from and has plenty of. Each fight feels like a real challenge since they all put you at a distinct disadvantage, like the Pelican Down mission, where you fight Hyperius and Tovarus at the same time with limited space and weaponry. This challenge translated well into a stark contrast between regular enemies and bosses. It made the bosses really feel threatening, a feeling I felt most games lacked since the fight with General Raam way back in the first Gears of War. There were countless battles, a lot of dying, and tons of fun to be had.
By the time I reached the Silent Auditorium, I had amassed an arsenal of weapons that I thought would make it a piece of cake. Spoiler alert: it was far from easy. I struggled on this mission quite a bit and had to take a break and tackle it again the next day. There were tons of enemies of varying calibers and carrying a lot of guns, but that was nothing new for a final Halo mission. It feels like enemy AI was much better this time around due to technological improvements and level designs largely being in favor of the Banished. The Silent Auditorium is a beautiful but deadly level that kept me on my toes and gave me a real sense of finality and importance as I made my way through the Banished army, protecting the final boss. It really makes you utilize every bit of tech and upgrade you’ve gotten up to this point. I had to throw down many Drop Walls, use a lot of Grappleshots to run away and heal, and use more Threat Sensors than I could count. Eventually, I got to the final boss with little ammo and very small amounts of optimism about the upcoming fight. The reasoning is spoiler-heavy, so I won’t say much, but when you get ready for this mission, come prepared to die a lot.
Halo Infinite had a rocky beginning but has a bright future ahead of it so long as 343 Industries keeps up the amazing work they’ve been doing during the past and current seasons. The campaign is on par with the original trilogy, which many consider to be the pinnacle of the series. It manages to define itself as a fantastic third entry to the Reclaimer Saga that had a rough start with the release of Halo 4 and the negatively received Halo 5: Guardians. While the campaign introduces some things that may initially turn away long-time fans, the gameplay and new additions make the story able to be experienced in a new and unique way. This is only furthered by a fantastic upgrade system that keeps you in the fight against an enemy that hits hard and can take a punch. The level design choices utilize the new gameplay additions like the Grappling Hook to their full extent and encourage you to play around with your new toys, see what strikes your fancy, and master their uses. Likewise, the multiplayer has a lot of charm. The addition of new weapons, new maps, and new modes add up and make for an awesome bout of fun with friends or even by yourself. The seasonal releases and cosmetics for the multiplayer only add to the fun with what many consider to be the best customization received since Halo: Reach. It may have been roughly criticized in the beginning, but it’s clear that 343 Industries took the criticism and set out to give Infinite the makeover of a lifetime. Halo Infinite surpasses expectations while remaining humble in its delivery of an unforgettable campaign and an equally addicting multiplayer that keeps many of us coming back for more. It’s amazing to see how far the game has come since its beta, and it’s hard to contain the excitement that comes with pondering what comes next.


Halo Infinite is a fantastic entry into one of the most well-known gaming series, and it delivers on nearly every front in its campaign. The cutscenes are beautiful, the RPG elements are prevalent but not overpowering, and the core gameplay is reminiscent of classic Halo. The campaign is easily one of the best entries in the series and delivers a stellar game in all aspects.
Roland Martinez
Favorite Game: Gears of War
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2024.05.15 00:54 burnside117 I forgot to get my prescription refilled before traveling now I’m surprised how LOUD my brain is. But I’m also noticing that I’m much less irritable with my family than I was on meds. Is that just the tradeoff for being able to focus? Is it worth it?

I have been on meds for about 2 months and was noticing myself getting used to them so the difference wasn’t so stark when they’d kick in.
Then I forgot to call my doctor for a refill before traveling for a week on business.
It’s so hard not to notice how LOUD my head is and how much harder it is for me to do anything. It feels like my brain is someone trying to sprint on a sandy beach. Lot of effort low outcome.
But I’m also way less grumpy than I’ve been for the previous two months. I have way more patience for my wife and son. I don’t think it got too bad when I was on the meds but there is a noticeable difference.
Does this happen to you and do you think the meds are still worth it?
submitted by burnside117 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:47 Flaky-Breakfast4693 So many questions no advise from doctors….

Hi, first of all sorry for the long post. I guess I’m just trying to see if anyone has had a similar experience/ask a few questions. I’m a little over 3 months postpartum and never had any issues before giving birth, around 2 weeks postpartum I had what I now know to be an attack which at the time I thought was a heart attack.
After several attacks, being ‘diagnosed’ with acid reflux and several hospital trips (the last one after being in agony for 5 days) they did an ultrasound and blood test and I have lots of stones throughout my gallbladder and had abnormally high liver function due to an infection in my liver and inflamed gallbladder. I had antibiotics and was sent on my way. Then had to go back for a follow up blood test 2 weeks later and my liver markers were still abnormally high so the doctor said I ‘technically’ have liver disease due to my gallbladder.
I am waiting to see a surgeon to talk about my surgery and actually get on the waiting list. That was about 5 weeks ago, I’ve heard nothing since from the doctors and I’m wondering if I should keep pestering them for more blood tests to check my liver function as i know it can damage my live give me an infection every time i have a bad attack, do I actually have liver disease and should they be doing something for it I.e. medications?
All they’ve given me is buscopan and codeine for the pain when I do have an attack. I just want to have it taken out as soon as possible, I’m in the U.K. and the waiting list is 6 months to a year and when I do have an attack the pain is unbearable and the doctors have just told me to be on a low fat diet but have said nothing about what I can eat so I’ve been living of chicken,veg and a few other ‘safe’ foods, so does anyone have any recommendations for safe foods and how much fat, saturates etc is ok I’ve heard it should be 3G or less per 100g. Thankyou!
submitted by Flaky-Breakfast4693 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:26 Wrong-Extreme-9237 Costco formula unsealed & open

I was getting ready to refill our Baby Brezza with the Enfamil formula bought from Costco. Externally, the packaging looked fine and everything was contained. The seal on the reusable container was not broken. However, once I broke the seal and opened the container, the pouch inside was unsealed and open. and formula seemed to spill within the container (see picture). Obviously, my anxiety did not let me refill the Baby Brezza. I’m know sure if it’s safe to do so and how long the formula was exposed (or if it’s considered unsafe at all if the packaging externally seemed secure). Has anyone experienced this and know if Costco will exchange it? Or know if the formula is even okay to use? I’d prefer to get an exchange at Costco but I wanted to see what others thought.
submitted by Wrong-Extreme-9237 to FormulaFeeders [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:26 throwaway1792947474 Take your meds

I have been on medications for Depression, (which has been recently re-diagnosed as Major Depression,) ADHD, Anxiet and Panic Disorders since I was a kid. Some of my diagnoses came at later years in my life, like depression and the panic disorders. Either way, the point of my post is to remind everyone to try their best to take their meds and keep up with them. I've been taking auvelity for a few months now and it has genuinely helped me a lot. (I've seen a lot of posts about side effects and things of that nature, and my biggest piece of advice is please talk to your doctor about genesight testing! It really helped me find a medication that works well for me!) But all that aside, it has helped treat my depression and has helped me achieve a more clear state of mind and cut back on a lot of my intrusive thoughts of harming myself.
But, I couldn't afford to get my meds refilled recently along with my other bills, and the 4 days I didn't have auvelity, I sunk back into how I felt before I started it. Not taking care of myself, not eating, not having energy, sleeping all the time, depressive thoughts constantly, and an overwhelming feeling of dread. It was a shocking feeling to go from my newfound feeling of quiet-er brain to loud and overwhelming brain with no spoons again.
This isn't a miracle drug, obviously. I don't believe that is the case for any drug. But I do believe it is one of the better options out there, especially for me! I've been on medications from A to Z and have had little to no luck with any of them with treating my depression for YEARS.
Anyway, long post and I apologize for that. I just wanted to remind everyone to take their meds. Whether it's auvelity, or another med that you need to take. It's okay to need medications.
Have a great day:)
submitted by throwaway1792947474 to AuvelityMed [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:15 HesCoined “hahaha. 😝 Thats not my job, thats YOUR job! haha 👹”

middle aged woman calls us this morning requesting a refill on Gabapentin (you already know where this is going) “OK!” , I reassure her that it will be taken care of.
“what is the prescribers NUMBER you have FOR MY PRESCRIPTION?” she cries out.
“XXX-XXX-XXXX is the number we have on file for your prescriber.”
“ NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! “ she actively screams into the phone. “You have to use XXX-XXX-XXXX as the updated phone number. You know, im really getting tired of this pharmacy & im scared you guys are gonna mess something up! This is the second time ive called! Whats going on?”
(the doctors phone number we had on file was associated with a previous practice that was located on the other side of town, where said prescriber would send RXs from just 3 weeks ago……)
at this point im over it & dont feel like going tit for tat so I tell her : “OK well contact your doctor, is that all?”
(🙄🙄🙄!!!) Her: “But how will I know when its ready?”
Me: you should receive a text message when your doctor sends over your RX but theres nothing we can do about it at this moment. You can try calling him to expedite the process since we have 60+ refill calls to work on, but thats all I can tell you right now.
maniacally The middle ager!!! : “HAHAHA 😝 thats not my job. HAHAHAHAHA, thats YOUR job! 😝👹”
hahaha you silly, silly, silly, SILLY lady! the jokes actually on you because I get to go home after this & relax. Im not the one who needs the Gabapentin- my nerves are fine. Youre the one who’s gonna have to go without (since youre so above advocating for yourself)
Whats wrong with these people? NO! unless youre actively on fire or dying, im not gonna stop what im doing for another patient because you “NEED” to be prioritized.
Take you and your gabapentin somewhere else. we dont wanna deal with you & your shitty ass prescriber.
Needless to say, I didnt get around to calling her doctor because there was so much to do. Despite prematurely warning her to contact MDs office & make them aware she was OUT of her gabapentin, since we were backed up, she refused….. Now when she has anxiety or pain tonight & tomorrow- guess whos fault shes gonna make it? 😍 🎉 mine!!!!! slay!!!!!
submitted by HesCoined to PharmacyTechnician [link] [comments]