Crush stories

For all your teenage and adult crush story needs!

2014.08.23 14:25 MacOSThroe For all your teenage and adult crush story needs!

Share your experiences and share your stories! How did you know she/he was the one? How could you tell? Are there still things you miss about hehim?

2020.02.02 21:50 TeenagersCrushStories

So you don’t have to use teenagers to talk about your crush

2012.09.12 20:44 Homo Riot

This place is not for crying and political homo shit, this is like cheers but with more cussing, fuck yeah. We are your boys (or girls, all good) and we're like the frontpage of reddit but faggot.

2024.05.15 19:43 Equation56 The Very Suspicious Death of Noah Presgrove (Comanche, Oklahoma)

Hi Everyone!
This is my first write-up of any kind of unresolved mystery, on any platform, so I apologize for any formatting errors and my storytelling ability. Today I would like to hear your thoughts on the very mysterious death of Noah Presgrove, a 19 year old from Comanche Oklahoma. I have tried to be as thorough as possible with the details, but there is a great deal of conflicting information in the news reports, so I primarily used facts stated by Noah's family in interviews. With that said, let's begin...
Noah Presgrove was a handsome, athletic 19 year old from Comanche Oklahoma, which is located just south of Oklahoma City in the middle of the state. Noah had recently graduated high school in the spring of 2023 and was waiting for his cousin to do the same the following year so they both could enlist in the Marine Corp together and serve our country. By all accounts Noah was a ladies man, standing at 6'2" with an athletic build, in high school he was a 4-sport athlete with American Football and Wrestling among them. His family also says he was adventurous, kind and very much a jokester who would happily play pranks on his family. Last Labor Day weekend, the first weekend of September 2023, Noah was deciding between attending Rocklahoma, an annual 3-day hard rock and metal festival held in Pryor, Oklahoma, with family members or attending a 4-day Labor Day weekend bash/22nd birthday party of a friend. Noah considered going to Rocklahoma, but changed his mind when the family members he'd be attending with said they didn't think it was a good idea for Noah's 16 year old friend to join them there, since they didn't know this friend's family and Rocklahoma is big for consuming alcohol. With that, everyone went their own way to celebrate the holiday weekend.
The Labor Day/Birthday party was for a female friend of Noah's who was turning 22. It had been advertised on Snapchat, even containing the address, so quite a few people were expected to attend. Noah drove himself to the party on Saturday and by all accounts enjoyed himself. He did text his family member who was at Rocklahoma and express regret at not going with them, but it doesn't appear that this put too much of a damper on his attitude at the house party. After spending Saturday at the birthday girl's house, Noah returned home Sunday, probably to freshen up and take care of any outstanding errands or just check in with his grandmother, with whom he lived. Also, Noah's car was leaking from the oil pan, so it sounds like part of the reason to return home was to leave it there so he wouldn't have to worry about it. There are two stories about what happened next: The first is that one of Noah's friends picked him up from his house on Sunday, but took him to a truck stop so he could grab some food from the Sonic there. Oddly, the friend who took him there says he left him there and Noah was then given a ride to the party by the birthday girl, who had to come pick him up. The other story is that his best friend picked him up from his house and took him directly to the party, leaving him in the driveway. Either way, Noah was back at the party on Sunday and according to those present, was very much enjoying himself. There were videos from the party showing Noah and his friends doing "guy things" like the Slap Game, where two people try to slap each other across the face as hard as they can. Just "macho" drunken teenage guy things. There was also video from the party of the guests playing "classic" party games such as beer pong.
With all the drinking going on, some issues were bound to arise. A confrontation happened between Noah and his best friend. Noah had been in a corner with his best friend's girlfriend and apparently they had their backs to everyone else while talking. The best friend took exception to this and an argument ensued. Luckily, it did not become physical and they made up shortly after, but this event with the best friend and his girlfriend is important for later. A second confrontation occurred between Noah and a 16 year old guest that did become physical. The 16 year old accused Noah of hiding his phone, although the reasons why he thought Noah did it have not been stated. During the argument the kid "fishhooked" Noah and Noah returned the favor by biting his finger. It seems like the other people there were able to diffuse the situation and the kid's phone was found underneath another guest who was sleeping on a couch. As the day went on, things continued to become crazier as the people at the party drank more and more. At one point girls at the party started signing their names on Noah's torso and buttocks, writing things such as "Noah's hot!" and drawing a cartoon penis on his rear-end. Noah and the best friend he had the argument with even drove a John Deere "Gator" UTV "Side by Side" around the property, but stopped when Noah scrapped his hand almost flipping it over. Some people even say that Noah was tossed from the UTV, but he was checked out by a nurse at the party and she said he had nothing to worry about. Another event worth mentioning is that the birthday girl seemed to have a crush on Noah. Noah realized this, or was told this, and while talking to her about it called her a "fat, nasty b*tch". I assume that they were close friends and this is just a drunken teen being a drunken teen. An odd thing to mention is that this girl's mother, who also lives in the home, had told Noah's family that she believed Noah wanted her sexually. Whether this is true or not, I have no clue, but it seems a very weird thing to say to the family of a 19 year old your daughter is friends with.
So here's where the mystery comes in. Early Monday morning (September 4th, 2023), after 2:00am, the guests say that Noah was upset about something and that it might have had to do with sleeping in either the birthday girl's or her mother's bed. One of them either heard, or saw, Noah attempting to sleep in their bed and demanded that he go on the floor. This apparently upset Noah so much that he said he needed to go out for a walk, completely drunk, very early in the morning. The guests say Noah was wearing his best friend's shorts (we'll get to his clothes later) and could only find one of his shoes, so he grabbed another shoe lying around the house and took off out the front door. The house had a 1/2 mile long driveway that then went out to US-81, a major North-South highway that runs for 1,200+ miles through the central US. At 3:41am, a friend of Noah's posted a weird Snapchat: a photo of a girl at the party smiling, with the caption "well, Noah's missing". This was the last Snapchat posted by any of the partygoers after days of constant videos and pics. Around 5:00am, a semi-truck driving along US-81 saw something he believed to be a body lying on the shoulder of the road. After driving past, he became concerned and turned around to confirm what he saw. By the time he got back, two other vehicles had stopped in front of the lifeless body of Noah on the shoulder. He was completely naked wearing only 2 mismatched shoes and curled up in a fetal position. He appeared to have blunt force trauma to the back of his head. He had small scrapes on his left shoulder and left hip and his fingertips on both hands were reported as being "shredded", down to the bone. Noah's front top and bottom teeth had also been knocked out and they were found scattered at the scene. There was no blood found at the scene, other than a small amount around Noah's injuries. Very concerning was the fact that there was no writing on his body anywhere. Not on his torso and not on his buttocks. The shorts Noah was wearing were found folded up next him. The people at the party said "They must've been knocked off when he was hit.", which obviously does not make sense.
Around 6:00am, with the police already notified by the people who found Noah, all Snapchat's/social media from people at the party was deleted. His friends and acquaintances at the party say they have no idea what led up to his death and they were unaware of it. The police did not search the house because they said: "Noah wasn't found there.". They did eventually conduct a "mass" interview with all the partygoers. During this interview, Noah's best friend's girlfriend, the one that led to his first confrontation, told police she had never met Noah. She had wiped her phone so completely that even her boyfriend's number had been deleted. When the guests were asked about Noah being naked, the girls said they gave Noah a "shower", but Noah's mental state at the time, whether mildly drunk or completely inebriated, has been an area of dispute among the guests. Some say he was joking around and being himself while being showered, other accounts state that he was barely conscious. Noah's clothing he wore to the party that night has never been located. Police were told that after Noah showered his clothes were dirty, so he wore his friend's shorts. There is a rumor that his best friend's father found Noah's shirt from the party, which was then cut-up and distributed to the party attendees as a "memento". In addition to this event with his shirt, there is also information that his best friend's father had some of Noah's teeth in his pocket. He stated he "accidentally" picked them up from the crime scene. It's worth stating that this particular individual has been on Noah's family's Facebook memorial page for months, arguing with others on there. Just very odd behavior from an adult father who's son's best friend died mysteriously. But, on this same topic, NONE of the partygoers or their families have ever visited Noah's family to express their condolences. Never once.
Since Noah's friends and others at the party said they didn't know what happened, the police had their work cut out for them. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol obtained a "geofence" warrant covering a 1-1/2 mile radius around the party house. What they found was a bit disturbing. Around the time it is believed Noah died, 2 phones were traced as having left the house, heading to the location of his body. After briefly staying there, the two phones returned to the house. People at the party told a private investigator hired by Noah's family that they went out looking for Noah in the UTV/Gator that Noah and his friend had been on earlier. If they had really done this, they would have found him since the phones were at the spot Noah was found. It has not been released who exactly this was. Also revealed when police searched phones was a video of the birthday girl and her sister on their front porch, screaming at each other about Noah leaving the party. It is believed that this could be relevant. The Texas Rangers also became involved, due to the fact that two men at the party were from Texas. It is not known if these men are persons of interest. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol also quietly issued a warrant for a "black pick-up truck" believed to have been used to dump his body, but it is unknown why they are looking for this particular vehicle. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol has unequivocally stated that this was 100% NOT a hit-and-run. They have now also said that this is NOT a murder investigation. The Medical Examiner's report released on Monday, May 13th 2024 stated that Noah died from "Multiple Blunt Force injuries", but list the manner in which this happened as "unknown". His report also detailed extensive injuries to the teen's upper body, including 10 broken ribs, serious skull, neck, and spine fractures, internal bleeding, brain and organ damage, and cuts and grazes all over his body. The autopsy also revealed air in both his cranial cavity and spinal cord, extremely rare conditions only caused by massive head trauma. The family has heard rumors that a golf club from the set in his best friend's truck may have been involved, but nothing else has come of this.
The family has engaged with a private investigator, who did uncover previously unknown information, and gave that to the police. They have also said that there is much more which has not been publicly released and that the search of the phones did uncover good information. Also according to the family, some evidence has been covered-up or lost and that the day after the party, the birthday girl's house and property reeked of bleach. Despite this, his family says good things are going on behind the scenes.
So, with all of the above information, it doesn't seem to be a stretch to say that someone from the party knows something. It is my personal belief that this case will be resolved, but I think three things will have to happen: Time, Pressure and Guilt. At some point in the future, someone from the party will feel guilty, or media pressure will get to them and they will talk. Unfortunately, it may take some time unless the police uncover new evidence sooner. Thank you very much for reading this, but please let me know your thoughts on this case and feel free to ask questions.
Podcast (Interview w/ Noah's family):
submitted by Equation56 to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:20 Aginagala WWF In Your House - Revenge of the Taker 1997 Review

Welcome back to my running series of WWF PPV Reviews from a ‘blind’ perspective (I have no idea what’s going to happen; the results, the feuds or how good any of the matches will be). I have always heard stories of the attitude era and golden age but never watched it myself so I set myself to watching every single PPV event chronologically. I am also watching Wrestling Bios ‘reliving the war’ series to keep me updated inbetween the events with the feuds, and to get excited about upcoming matches.
Before I review the matches, based on the past few episodes of raw and last PPVs I’ll let you know, going into the event, which match I’m most excited for and which feud I’m most excited to see.
Another stone cold vs Bret hart match has to steal my match im most excited for this time round.
And feud wise once again it’s Bret hart vs Austin you just simply have nothing close to this feud in the WWF right now.
WWF In Your House - Revenge of the Taker 1997 Match Ratings
LOD vs Bulldog & Owen Hart 2.75/5
Savio Vega vs Rocky Maivia 1.25/5
Jesse James vs Rockabilly 0.5/5
Mankind vs Undertaker 4.25/5
Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin 4.25/5
Tag team action in the wwf is majorly improving now; there’s a few teams I look forward to seeing, and the two teams in the opening match are both in this category.
I actually thought in terms of an opener this was a really well booked match. It had some unique drama; some very good moves by LOD and the new Hart Foundation and a good finish to continue the feud. Bulldog ends up getting pinned but as the illegal man so the match continues which I was very happy with as I was enjoying the match and the crowd was too! It usually takes a while for the crowd to get going but they were instantly into this bout and you can’t blame them. I really hope we get more of this duo of teams because they have some great entertaining chemistry. Bret hart ends up coming to the ring when LOD looks like they’re gunna win and the champions retain as a result of a DQ, I wouldn’t have minded a title change but it was a good heel finish. One of the better openers for the events I’ve seen so far. FINALLY making tag teams worth watching. Owen hart is playing the cowardly heel extremely well and it’s very easy to route for LOD as baby faces, just a great opener to the event.
Now I may have my bias but I’m really enjoying seeing Rocky’s intercontinental title reign, although the crowd aren’t really into his character he’s still an above average wrestler and still entertaining in my opinion, he’s still having some decent matches (maybe not this one) and I look forward to seeing him wrestle.
With all that being said, I don’t think this was a great match on either part. The crowd was quiet as either competitor never really seemed to get going or have any great chemistry in the squared circle. Usually I can find some enjoyment out of a Rocky match, and seeing the rock bottom for the first time was a pretty hype moment for me. The match had a really boring finish though, with Rocky being sent to the outside, hitting crush and being counted out, retaining the title. Really not much to say here, but to be fair to Rocky he didn’t really have much to work with the booking of this match. At this point the crowd didn’t care either way.
Man… the next match though oh boy I think the less said about this the better. This… is the pay off after months of the honky tonk man looking for his new prodigy, and how to kill a crowd 101 takes place right here. The gimmick of rockabilly just did not work at all for me and it was quite simply sh*t. I preferred him as a heel even if it wasn’t great it was better than… whatever this was. The actual wrestling was below average, and rockabilly should stick to tag team wrestling he just can’t do singles matches. I thought Jesse James was okay but if you listen to the crowd during this match it was silent, and that’s completely how I feel. Just avoid this one like the plague.
Mankind and the Undertaker are up next and we haven’t seen these two share a ring together in a while so I’m very excited to see what they can pull off. And with this promo video before the match that genuinely would’ve probably given me nightmares as a kid, HOPEFULLY this can reignite this event.
And it makes me so happy to see a great undertaker match, I really enjoyed this one and it had some brutal moments. Notably mankind going literally headfirst through a table which was a fu**ing mental bump to do. I have no idea why the ref didn’t stop the match when mankind smashed a glass cylinder on undertaker and blatantly headshot undertaker with a steel chair right in front of him, was it a no DQ match or not I don’t understand that. But it was genuinely entertaining. I loved this match it was a typically well paced match by undertaker, who’s able to slow it down whilst still keeping it entertaining which is something almost no one else can do (ESPECIALLY NOT SID). Mankind is just a lunatic with the bumps he sets himself up to take, he’s always been a very anticipated wrestler to watch simply because of how mad he is. Undertaker really showcased how good he is in this match and I’m really looking forward to this title reign, I hope it lasts a while because when he has the right opponent he can pull of some absolute bangers. This match didn’t overstay its welcome either at a nice 17 minutes it was just right. Also I want to note mankind hit two really good looking piledrivers in a row and being able to do that with someone as massive as undertaker is seriously impressive. It wasn’t a wrestling masterclass, it wasn’t pretty but it sure was entertaining and the crowd absolutely loved it. If you’re an undertaker fan and enjoyed the mankind feud it’s definitely worth a watch.
After the match undertaker FINALLY gets revenge on Paul bearer for all his bullst he’s been pulling by literally burning him with a f*ing fireball, the same thing that mankind did a couple of weeks prior. There was this weird segment after the match before this burn where undertaker was circling the ring and it looked like mankind was trying to put something on his finger I’m not sure what happened here, but as usual such a good feud. Great match great promo awesome feud.
Now we get the main event and what needs to be said, it’s Austin vs hart you’re gunna be excited especially after wrestlemania 13. I think the hart foundation is pulling off its heel angle really well and it brings a little more to an already fantastic feud. Let’s see what they’ve got for us this time.
First off I wanna say no one exchanges punches like stone cold and Bret hart, the way they do it just something about it is so f***ing awesome, the selling the characters the way the feet are positioned I have no idea but I LOVE IT! What I didn’t enjoy as much this time around was the complete focus of Bret hart on Austin’s knee. Let me elaborate, although it made sense with him as a technical and intelligent wrestler, and made even more sense for him as a heel it really slowed the match down for a while and there was a long section where it wasn’t really all too interesting, just Bret pulling the same moves to the knee over and over, but that’s just me personally. I know how good of a wrestler he was and I was more interested to see that classic style wrestling he’s so well known for, that’s all I’m saying.
The comebacks by Austin were such hype moments though, he’s just such a perfect character for the WWF and you can see why he became such a megastar. Austin really sold this match well though he never once forgot about the knee injury and pressure Bret had put on him, purposefully botching moves to show his knee giving out was super believable, I actually thought at points he would have to stop because his knee was really that injured.
The DQ finish was a little iffy for me because yet again we’re yet to see one of these legends truly lose, but if it means we get more of them then I’m all for it. After the match it looks like Austin is gunna get assaulted even more from the save from bulldog but Austin counters, smashing the chair into Bret, the crowd is going bonkers! Then Austin hits another shooting star press and the crowd is going even more nuts!! He’s getting some revenge for the last match at wrestlemania. It takes five refs to manage to pull Austin off and god this is such a great moment. I cannot get enough of these two in the ring their chemistry is just electric; a perfect rivalry. It ends with more iconic shots of Austin celebrating in the ring and he’s gone baby face at this point and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!! What a blessed time to be a wrestling fan this was. While this wasn’t on the level of their classic survivor series and wrestlemania matches it was still a class act and well worth watching. Can these two miss??
Also as a side note what are the refs doing unless I’m missing something; multiple chair shots in what I thought were normal matches (DQs from chair shots) happened in more than one match. I’m assuming they’re just letting this stuff unfold because people popped for it? Either way it’s extremely entertaining just a little confusing.
Overall the event had a good opener, a really bad mid card, but finished very strong with two great main events. It’s nice to see tag team action getting some love and becoming interesting to watch. And undertaker really improving his in ring ability after he was able to gain a bit more freedom following the buried alive match, this makes him an attraction on his own already. Austin and hart continue to deliver in the main event scene (I’m calling their WM13 the main event) and I’m pretty sure at this point you can consider Austin as a superstar in the WWF. It’s been fantastic also seeing this rivalry and Bret hart wrestle as I’d never seen any of it before so it feels like a proper treat watching all this unfold.
Overall rating 3.5/5
submitted by Aginagala to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:18 imryanallen Ryan - 29 yo athletic M Long Covid story

Whats up guys,
My name's Ryan. I've been an athlete my whole life and hardly ever have even gotten a cold or the flu. I eat super clean, hydrate adequately, sleep 7-8 hours a night, dont smoke or drink, etc.
I'm by no means a conspiracy theorist or an anti-vaxxer. I just want to share my experience with getting the vaccine and then being subsequently infected with the covid virus and the life altering impacts of it. Take what you want from it.
It was right after my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine that my whole life flipped upside down. The symptoms were almost sudden, I was weak, tired, my feet turned hot and red, my head was pounding 24/7, my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest and it was like I suddenly contracted social anxiety. Noises all seemed amplified 10x and I just wasn't feeling normal anymore. I ended up having to quit my job because I couldn't be on my feet for long periods of time anymore.
For context, I have always been a social butterfly. I get energy from organizing community and making new friends. I'm the first person to welcome a new person into a group or walk into a crowded room and befriend everyone. I was in college in south florida at the time and it was like my whole life flatlined and there were no resources to support me understand what was happening to my body. I ended up quitting my job, I dropped out of school and all the stress made my girlfriend and I break up.
I didn't know what to do anymore and was just ready to do anything to feel better again. I thought that perhaps getting out in nature for a while and into a cooler climate could help my symptoms. So I took a random job out west as an adventure coordinator but first I stopped in Breckenridge CO where I helped my buddy work on his new boutique hotel in exchange for a place to stay.
It was amazing how being in the high elevation and the cold weather alleviated my symptoms. I was finally able to work again. After being there for two months, I transitioned to a new job in SF where I was hoping to raise some money to purchase the company that way I could hire a manager to do a lot of the work and I could focus on organizing.
A month into working there after leading programs back to back, I noticed my symptoms came back with a vengance. Anytime I pushed my body and mind hard, these symptoms pushed back harder. I was also getting back in shape at the time because I was feeling good again and like i said guys, Ive always been an athlete, so when I get in the gym, I put in the work. Its so damn frustrating to not be able to move the way I know I can without the most insane post exertional fatigue.
The SF business deal fell through for various reasons and I was starting to struggle again with these unexplainable symptoms. I planned on returning to the east coast to regroup but was invited to LA to attend an Oscars party for Angel Bassett. I get there, have the time of my life and I catch Covid for the first time (that im aware of) and it just crushes me.
The acute illness was rough but it was the immediate after effects that were just baffling. My vision was becoming quite blurry and I couldnt stand up for longer than a minute without getting an insane head rush and my heart beating out my chest. I thought that maybe I was developing POTs. Shortly after I tested negative for Covid I was at a cafe working and I suddenly almost past out. I went to an urgent care and they put me on a steroid and gave me beta blockers (I didnt take them).
A few days into the steroid course and I felt like myself again but right as soon as I got off of them, I tanked. I could hardly walk anymore without feeling like I was going to lose consciousness. I had to catch a flight directly to Atlanta to be taken care of by my aunt whose a nurse.
One year later and here I am sitting in a cafe still struggling to get my life back. I writing to you all because I am tired of feeling like I'm screaming underwater. I'm 29, highly intelligent, highly skilled, have an amazing network, I love working, I love life and at this point I'm just feeling like a failure to launch. I was independent since 16 and have shamefully become financially dependent on my family again. I work for my money but I'm constantly reminded of how I am not living up to my full potential. The cognitive disonance is just destroying my mental health. I am dreaming of ripping up my birth certificate, my social security card and going to die alone in the remote wilderness and leave the world with a philosophical dissertation on how the modern world is failing its young people.
I desperately want to be reliably high functioning again and what I've always done to improve that is exercise but now that feels like a double edged sword these days. I have periods of amazing productivity followed by sudden crashes and the most insane symptoms which just make no sense to me. I need coffee just to get going but at the same time, I feel like it's overstimulating my nervous system.
I'm getting ready to do a cross country road trip from Atlanta to Banff and after I am considering trying to find some sort of peaceful job out in nature for the next year. I was recently offered 30% in my families real estate investing company and my body just cant handle anything high stress right now.
I've gotten my full blood panel done end of last year and I feel like I should go back and get new labs. Everything came back normal but my cholesterol was THROUGH the roof.
Total 292 HDL 50.1 LDL 230 Triglyceride 59.2
I had my heart monitored with a Zio patch and the cardiologist says my hearts normal - even though I've regularly experience heart palpitations/chest pain though not as frequently anymore.
One important fact I didnt mention is that I got Dengue fever in January 2020. I wonder if that has played a role in how my body reacted to covid and the vaccine?
What's your story? What have you done to make a comeback?
Thanks for reading!
submitted by imryanallen to LongCovid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:14 ssjforever170 Girl left boy and regreted it

Hello guys this not not my story but story of my biological big brother in my house we both were average student with extremely good parents me and my bro are best buds I remember a time when I was having a party with my friend after giving 12th boards exam we get bill we didn't see how much we were eating and bill was of 5100 it was very expensive restaurant we were 5peaple each bring 500hundred it was a shok for mee then when told my brother he instantly give me 6000 in my paytm we were saved by him so now you can understand how loving brother he was now let's come story my had a crush when he in college He confessed his love he than go out with her After he graduate btech ge got job of 45 to 50k which was good since he goes to a normal government college he wants to contribute father in our expensive he refuse since he was working with a good job my father is deputy general manger at one of india top 5 civil company he earn a good income so our parents told him to save his money for his good they bought a 1bhk flat for my big bro then he started living there his monthly expensive was 25k every month he save 10k every morning and spend 10k on his gf but she was a gold digger she wants my brother to buy a big car like thar Or live in a big flat or take her to luxury restaurant even though my brother earn good income have a stable life never forget to spend this much money her take care of her he was perfect one my bro found that she never reply later when he ask she told she was sleeping at friend home she live at my brother home because of her personalty she doesn't have much friend all friend of her are also my brother friend too so he didn't take seriously but it happen frequently so one day my brother save her message of seed her naked photos to another then he found out he asked her who he was how long she was cheating she just ignore go to the bathroom after 20min a man came at my brother house and my brother gf ger her a hug said she can't be with him she wants a break out my bro saying he can't provide her jewelry or expensive purse clothes my bro was at shock he didn't knew that when left her home what after that after one week my brother got fired from job whem me and my parents go and meet and what happened then he told us that he got fired because he did a mistake in words my parents decided to cheer him up my mom decided to eat chicken because it was his favorite my mom got on preparation of it my father go to buy raw chicken told me to cheer him up I after every one was doing work I just silently lock room door without my mom noticeing it and just said him what's the truth then he grabbed me and started crying it almost 9-10 years I haven't seen him crying he was 25 years old and told every thing I just cheer up to move on after fews days he started searching job then found a job in Canada as a assistant manager of 180k $ it was very happy for us but also sad because we won't be able to meet my brother often after he left he meet an half Americn and half indian girl over their he fell in love she was working in same company they started dating then my brother found what's was love my brother told me how happy he was right now and i was also happy to hear that he told me how his ex only spend money just talk things which was of her intrest his current gf name sonia Was very kind hearted always help people donate a huge amount every year respect my brother give him surprise gift or party when they started living together she contribute in expense help in every thing always help him in difficult time after 4 years he propose her for marriage and was coming to meet our parents since I knew every thing he told me to tell my parents about my brother new finance that how good and kind hearted she is when they meet her it was looking live me and my brother was children of another parents and she was their daughter they accepted her and we were happy my family decided to have a dinner at restaurant tonight we saw a bunch of brother friend or ex friend since they broke their friendship because ex lied about my brother said some fake thing so some of then left him they were just consoling her look like her rich bf left her my brother was very good at work and he became a general manager with 600k$ salary yearly he style change bit much but when we saw her my brother ignore her I have seen her photo so I also ignore her but ex saw my brother ex somehow found about my brother work and his achievement my brother goes to see washroom and was coming back ex just stop him said how are and what ever and then she said she miss him still love and that liying bullshit crap them my brother fiance came just said is she his friends my brother introduced his fiance and left her on the way she never contact or approach my brother since ex saw his fiance because she is very stunning lady and this is how story ends
submitted by ssjforever170 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:09 sambrooks11 crazy family problems (brother i posted this on 2 other vent things but it said i dont meet the requirements like wtf does that mean im js tryna vent bro)

basicly my mom died when i was 7. my dad married this woman, lets call her rachel. they got married when i was around 9ish and had two children who are my half siblings and i have one full sibling. but theyre in the process of a divorce rn. now lets say i live in america however im originaly from another country (lets say morroco). my aunt, from my dads side, (lets call her grace) moved in with us right before corona, she came to 'america' from 'moroco' to find a better job. corona hit and we've been stuck being roomates for 5 years at this point, im 16 rn and shes 32.
i would always spend months saving up money to buy myself nice things, like perfumes, makeup, clothes, stuff for my hair, etc. every single time i would buy something my aunt, grace would automaticly take it and claim ownership. she would put it in her car and refuse to give it back to me. she would always say that 'it was too hot outside' to go to the car, or sometimes even take it to her office and she would never give it back. just last week i got a really expensive perfume from my other aunt who comes from my moms side. ive been wanting this perfume for a year. the moment i got home from getting the perfume grace takes the perfume from me and starts smelling it. she says it smells really nice and gives it back to me. i put it in one of my bags and go to sleep. the next day i wake up and get ready for school and i cant find the perfume anywhere but she said she hasnt taken it, shes lying i can litteraly smell it on her. another thing is that she always smokes cigarets. i had bronchitis and she didnt want to stop smoking around me! which caused my bronchitis to get worse and the doctor recomended that i stay away from her because of how bad it got.
now my full sibling, lets call him alex, is 13 has a lot of problems. not like autism or anything but hes crazy. whenever we would get cakes or anything for birthdays he would eat the cake in ONE DAY A WHOLE A*S CAKE THAT WEIGHS 1KG IN ONE DAY. whenever we get any type of food he finish it all in once sitting. he always eats the really spicy instant noodles in secret which causes him to get very bad stomach problems. he has stolen over $5000 from me. my rooms lock and doorhandle broke a few years ago so i cant even close my door and my dad doesnt want to fix it. i always hide my money or try to keep it on me at all times however he always finds a way to find it. last time i litteraly cut one of my bras open and put the money in the padding and sewed it back up and he still managed to take the money. now ur prolly wondering how do i know for sure hes the one that takes the money. my aunt wont take money from me, only objects, my dad just wouldnt and the only person left in the house is alex. now unless you think my cat is stealing the money then it has to be him. i told my dad about this a billion times and he just keeps telling me "it wasnt alex no way". alex has gotten suspended 4 times since he started highschool (he started litteray 1 year ago). he's gotten into fights at least twice a month. he steals from the whole family not just me. hes stolen so much money from my dad and aunt asweel. he grafitied our neighboors house. whenever he gets something new like a gift like shoes or a game or something, he breaks it in one day. my dad is always making excuses for him and will not punish him for anything he does. my brother always hits me on my vagina and my boobs with belts and slippers and wooden spoons even when im on my period and my dad doesnt do anything about it.
so basicly now about this rachel woman. shes fucking psycotic. when they got married at the beggining she would always fight with me, i would get some crayons or markers to colour and draw with and she would take them from me saying that she wanted to draw. basicly she would act like a kid. a few months before corona she gave birth to my half sister, lets call her mia. she would PURPOSLY STARVE MIA BECAUSE SHE WANTED HER TO HAVE A SKINNY BODY. SHE WOULD STARVE A NEWBORN BRO. she would always put mia to sleep in the middle of the bed right next to my dad and my dad would only get less than an hour of sleep each night for at least two months scared that he was going to crush mia. and he tried to move mia back to her crib but she was already sleeping and if he moved her she would start crying and wouldnt go back to sleep. it got to the point where my dad WHO OWNS THE HOUSE AND EVERYTHING IN IT started sleeping on a carpet on the floor because he was so scared to hurt mia. during corona in 'america' we werent allowed to leave the house at all. we had to file an aplication every week to go grocery shopping and only one person from the whole household could leave the house. since my dad was the one earning the money he went grocery shopping. this one time rachel told my dad she wanted to leave the house so my dad told her next week he would file the aplication saying she leave the house instead. the next day rachel CALLS THE POLICE AND TELLS THEM THAT MY DAD IS HOLDING HER AND MIA HOSTAGE AND THAT HE KIDNAPPED THEM, keep in mind that shes a 32 year old woman. the police obviously come and check things out, my dad told him the story, our maid vouched for him and the security cameras were checked and then the police cleared my dad. a few days after that rachel decided she wants to go back to 'Morocco' because she missed her mom. (her mom is the one encoureging the behavior and encouriging starving mia). rachel said she would report my dad to the police for rape if he didnt let her go so he bought her a ticket and they went. a few days after that we found out that she was pregnant again. but by now corona was really bad and no one could travel.
basicly im not gonna write everything that happened in between then and now but basicly she demaded so many things from my dad around $10,000 monthly for child costs (she doesnt work, never has, even till now) (this is like 2022 by now) my dad does not have that type of money as he already sends them a lot of money and the costs of living in 'america' are a lot and he also has to take care of his parents because hes the oldest so he pays their bills and everything. he filled for divorce because she kept getting crazier, she would threaten to hurt the kids. he tried to get custody of the kids as it was hard because the law in 'moroco' sides with the woman most of the time. she keeps asking for more and more money and my dad went to court and the court set a certain amount. last summer when we went back to 'moroco' rachel and my dad agreed that my dad would take the kids for a full day. the kids were okay with it and had no problems. 2 hours after my dad took his kids from her she comes marching up to my grandparents house, my dads parents, and starts trying to do black magic and demanding that he give her the children back. a few months after that she asked my dad for more money for child care because both of them are starting school now so he sent a bit extra. she used this money to hire a lawyer in 'america' to investigate my dad so she can demand more money from him. today he got a call from one of her lawyers saying that she demands $30,000. since the law in both 'moroco and america' work very fast my dad needs to get a certain paper before firday (its wednsday 9pm at this moment) and if he doesnt then she can take the money from him or something like that im not sure.
i dont know what to do anymore im scared that we're gonna go bankrupt. my dad is paying for expenses for 4 people here in 'america', me him alex and my aunt grace because shes a free loader and is living here for free and refuses to get a job. he's paying for her living and my two half siblings,. the house that my dad aunt brother and me and living in today is under my dads name but alex and i own a bit of it because my dad bought it with my mom before she died and when she died it was split into 3 to me, my dad and my brother, part of it was also given to my grandfather from my moms side lets call him charles and charles demanded that we sell the house imediatly because he didnt want us living there anymore and there was nowhere we could go. my dad had to pay a lot of money to get us to keep the house. rachel wants half of everything my dad owns. that means half of the house, half of his salery half of everything. shes asking for $30,000 and my dad doesnt even make that much in two months.
anyway thats my vent hope u enjoyed. if you read till here congrats thank you! have a good day and a good life! :)
submitted by sambrooks11 to TeenVent [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:58 HeadOfSpectre There's An Abyss Even Deeper Than The Mariana Trench

“Ready to make history, baby?”
I looked over toward Sheila as she stood on the gangplank leading up to The Burger. I still couldn’t believe she named our research ship ‘The Burger’... emotional relevance be damned.
“It's not exactly history,” I corrected.
“Oh come on! If your survey is right, this trench might run even deeper than the Challenger Deep, and you’re gonna be the first person to explore it! How is that not exciting?”
“Might be deeper, we only have a limited amount of topological data. And even if it is deeper, we’re talking only a few hundred feet at most, it’s really not that im-”
Sheila silenced me with a kiss.
“Nerd.” She teased, and I found myself too flustered to reply. After five years of marriage, she still could leave me speechless with just a kiss. God… how did someone like me end up with a woman like that?
Then again, how did someone like me end up where I was in general? It was honestly a little overwhelming. Standing on the dock, getting ready to board that ship and join the ranks of Jacques Piccard and James Cameron (yes, that James Cameron) as one of the few people to take a manned submersible down to the deepest parts of the ocean. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little scared too. Diving down that deep could easily be a one way trip if even the slightest thing went wrong. My submarine would be experiencing between 600 to 1100 atmospheres of pressure and while we’d tested it over and over again to make sure it would actually be up for the challenge, there was still a lingering iota of doubt in the back of my mind. All that needed to go wrong was one little thing, and that would be it for me.
The scariest part is that I probably wouldn’t even know what had happened… I’d simply be gone… and Sheila would be alone. The thought of that caused a momentary spike of panic in my chest that almost made me want to call this whole thing off.
But, then I felt her hand close around mine. I looked up into her bright blue eyes, and saw her gentle smile.
“You’re gonna be okay, hun,” She promised. “You and your team have been running the numbers, right? It’s gonna go just fine!”
I nodded slowly.
“It’s gonna go fine…” I repeated, before she leaned in to kiss me, and gently pulled me by the wrist up onto the deck of the Burger.
She was probably right.
It probably would be fine.
The trench I’d be exploring was a fairly recent discovery, located south of Greenland, in a vast stretch of water situated directly between Newfoundland and Iceland. It’d been uncovered during a topological survey in the area, and my team had taken an interest in investigating it further. At minimum, it was believed to descend to about 35,000 feet deep (over 10,000 meters), although the current theory was that it might have run even deeper. Determining the exact depth of the yet unnamed chasm was just one of the intents of our dive. The rest was studying the organisms that might be found down there, and how they might have differed from the ones found in other deep ocean trenches (some variation being expected given the isolated environment they were developing in.)
I had to admit, it would be exciting to see what new life might have developed in a place such as this, especially if it ran even deeper than our predictions… and that excitement was enough to make me chase the fear of the risks out of my mind, even if it was only briefly. While Sheila went to make sure we were ready to embark, I caught myself wandering out toward the rear of the ship where my submarine, The Tempura, waited for me. Did this submarine deserve a better name than The Tempura? Probably. But, this was my project, so I got to name it and since Burger was already taken, Tempura was the next best name I had. I liked to think that the subs namesake might approve… if she hadn’t died fifteen years ago. Shrimp don’t live very long.
As the ship began to depart, I caught myself reminiscing on how I’d ended up here… it really was all because of those damn shrimp, wasn’t it? Well… maybe not all because of the shrimp. But they were certainly part of it. Back when I was a lot younger, I never really gave much of a shit about anything at all. I guess I did have a thing for the ocean… the great, romantic vastness of it. The sense of adventure that it beckoned with. The endless mysteries that lay within its dark depths. I used to read about it all the time when I was a kid and I especially loved the classic adventures: Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, and Melville’s Moby Dick… but that love was just confined to my books. I didn’t really have any interest in actually going out and seeing the ocean. Hell, the idea of going to a beach and standing in the sun with my toes in the sand seemed miserable to me. I was happier (although calling myself happy might’ve been a little disingenuous) alone in my room, enjoying the company of books as opposed to people.
Then came the shrimp.
One of my online friends kept them as a hobby. He used to post pictures of his tanks all the time, and I always thought they looked kinda cool. He said that if I was interested in them, I should try keeping some for myself, and during a particularly bad bout of depression, I figured that maybe it might be worth a shot. So, I bought a cheap tank and some cheap decorations, bought myself some shrimp… and promptly watched them die over the next few weeks. That… that bothered me. I don’t know why but… it really bothered me. I’m still not entirely sure how to describe what it was that I was feeling. Guilt? Defeat? Shame? Here I was, trying to set up a habitat for these creatures just to have something to do to keep the suicidal ideation at bay, and I’d failed almost right out of the gate.
Was I just that bad? Was I just that much of a failure? Was this just going to go to shit just like everything else in my life did, because I was just such an abysmal piece of shit who barely deserved the life she had? Had I just not tried hard enough? Was I too apathetic? What had happened? What went wrong?
It bothered me.
It bothered me enough that I made up my mind to just dump the remaining shrimp down the toilet and toss everything. Forget about it. Move on. End of story. But… that wasn’t fair, was it? The shrimp didn’t all deserve to die just because I couldn’t be bothered, did they? Sure, they were just shrimp, but they were alive too, just like me. They deserved to be alive.
I owed it to them to try and keep them alive, didn’t I?
So… I didn’t dump the shrimp.
Instead, I started doing some reading. Started looking into what I was doing wrong and how to do it all better. I actually got really into it and a few months later, I had a nice planted tank. Looking back, it was amateur shit… but it made me happy. I’d even picked out names for my two favorite shrimp. Burger and Tempura. They’d been the last survivors of my original batch, and they were the ones I ended up caring about the most. Caring for Burger and Tempura gave me a purpose. It became an obsession… and that little obsession drove me to finally start turning my life around.
Like I said, shrimp don’t live for very long. Burger and Tempura were long dead by the time I graduated with a degree in Marine Biology. But they were the ones who inspired me to finally get my life in order. Hell, the shrimp were half the reason that I met Sheila. She was something of an aquarium fanatic too… we’d met on a forum, and gotten to talking. I found out that she just so happened to be studying Marine Biology at another school, and we bonded pretty quickly after that. After graduation, I moved to California to be with her and after that, the rest is history. She was my rock. She was the one who always pushed me to be the best possible version of myself… and I loved her more than I ever knew I could love someone.
A glance back at the shore, fading into the distance tore me out of my reminiscing, and I shifted my focus to the present, going over The Tempura to perform some quick checks. My colleagues and I would be checking and rechecking the submarine over the next two days as we made our way toward the dive spot. Considering the danger that descending that deep posed, I didn’t want to take a single unnecessary risk.
I had too much to live for, after all.
The day of the dive, I couldn’t notice how excited the rest of the crew seemed… well… Sheila’s usual crew seemed excited. I guess to them, this was just another research expedition, no different than the ones Sheila usually took this ship out on. Lately her research had been focused on the analysis and study of whale calls. Her recent voyages had involved following their pods, recording their calls and playing them back to see how the whales reacted. It was fascinating stuff, but my research was admittedly a lot different than that.
My obsession had drawn me to the denizens of the deep sea. I’d used The Burger for expeditions before, although none of them had been on quite the same scale as this one. Up until today, the most ambitious thing I’d done was send down unmanned submersibles with cameras. Those submersibles had typically returned. We had lost a few early on due to technical glitches, but the past few years had been blissfully uneventful. Logically, this dive would probably be uneventful as well. But it was still hard to get the jitters out of my head.
My team and I did the final checks necessary to make sure that The Tempura was good to go, before setting up the crane to begin lifting it up. In less than an hour, I’d be inside of that thing, descending to the darkest depths of the ocean.
It didn’t feel real.
I felt Sheila’s hand on my shoulder, and looked over at her.
“Moment of truth, huh?” She asked. She probably meant it to sound encouraging, but it just sounded ominous.
“Moment of truth…” I replied.
“You’re gonna be okay, honey. I know you will.”
She reached out to gently squeeze my hand and gave me a reassuring smile that I meekly returned.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be okay,” I agreed, although there was an element of a lie in it. Statistically, yes. It probably WOULD be okay. But there was that lingering anxiety in the back of my mind that just wouldn’t go away. I looked quietly out at the submarine before me and couldn’t shake the thought that it sort of looked like a giant coffin. Unconsciously, I found myself squeezing Sheila’s hand tighter than normal. She just held me close and pressed a kiss to the top of my head, before gently rubbing my back.
“You’ll be okay,” She promised.
“Dr. Jenner, we’re ready for you.” I heard one of my colleagues say.
Moment of truth.
I took one last look at Sheila, and gave her a quick kiss on the lips for luck. She smiled at me, and I smiled back anxiously at her before heading over toward the submarine.
The crew helped me enter the cockpit and get myself situated inside. The cockpit of the Tempura was fairly cramped and not particularly comfortable. Space and comfort aren’t really luxuries you can afford in a submarine like this. The instruments I needed took up a lot of space, leaving little room for me in there… and I am not a very big person.
Once I was inside, they sealed the hatch. Then the diagnostics checks began.
“Grayson, can you hear us in there?” I heard Sheila say through the radio.
“Loud and clear,” I replied.
“Great. We’ll keep in constant radio contact, just to monitor the signal. In the meanwhile, how’s everything looking in there?”
“Green across the board so far,” I said, although I hadn’t finished running all my final checks yet. Ultimately, nothing was out of place.
This submarine was as good to go as it was going to get.
“I’m all good in here,” I said once I was done. “You can drop me when you’re ready.”
“You got it, honey. Let’s get you in the water, run one final round of tests and start lowering you down.”
A short while later, I felt the submarine begin to move as the crane lifted it off the deck and lowered it into the water. The Tempura honestly resembled its namesake in a way, being long and cigar shaped, only vertically oriented instead of horizontally oriented. We’d admittedly taken more than a few design cues from James Cameron’s Deepsea Challenger. Why fix what isn’t broken, after all?
Once I was in the water, a 1000 pound releasable ballast weight would cause the submarine to sink. Releasing that weight was also my ticket back to the surface, and I could either trigger it from inside the cockpit, or, in the event that the release failed for any reason, it would trigger automatically after roughly 12 hours of exposure to salt water.
Ideally, this would be the first of a number of dives I’d be undertaking… and if all went according to plan, the Tempura could be the first of many similar submarines that would allow other researchers to safely and effectively descend to extreme depths. If all went well, this could be a massive leap forward for researchers like me, allowing us to better explore the deepest depths of the Hadal Zone and learn all we could about the ecosystems down there via direct observation.
If all went well.
Through the viewport, I watched as I was lowered into the ocean. A few of the other crew members had donned diving gear to escort me down, and after they did their final checks and I did mine, we were fully ready to go.
“All’s green across the board,” I said into the radio. “You can start my descent.”
“I hear you, honey,” Sheila replied. “We’re letting you go. Have fun down there.”
“Yeah, I’ll try…” I said quietly as finally, my submarine began its descent.
I took a deep breath, and told myself again that everything would go fine. We had checked everything on this submarine. We’d tested it rigorously. I wouldn’t have allowed myself to set foot inside of it if I hadn’t personally assured that it was safe. But anxiety never really goes away, does it? The crew couldn’t accompany me far. After only a few meters, they fell behind me as I sank deeper and deeper into the infinite, empty blue of the ocean. Soon after, the tether was released.
I was officially on my own.
“60 feet,” I heard Sheila say over the radio. “How are you doing in there?”
“Good,” I replied. “Doing… doing good.”
The submarine continued to descend. Through the viewport, I could see a few stray fish, but nothing particularly eye catching. I almost felt alone down there… almost…
“120 feet…” Sheila said.
“Still doing good,” I replied.
The descent continued, as the waters slowly grew darker and darker.
“400 feet…”
Everything around me just kept getting darker and darker. Only a fraction of the light from the sun ever reached these depths… and I’d be lying if I said that darkness didn’t feel a little… oppressive.
“800 feet… still feeling good?”
“Yeah, still feeling good…” I said, although it was a bit of a lie. If anything, I was second guessing all of this, but I wasn’t about to say that out loud.
“1000 feet… still good?”
“Still good…” I murmured. “I hear you loud and clear.”
Deeper… deeper… deeper.
“1500 feet…”
Three miles. I was three miles away from home. Three miles away from Sheila.
“2000 feet…”
Still a ways to go.
“3000 feet…”
By this point, it was fully dark outside of my cockpit. Outside, all I could see was inky darkness. Even the submarine’s lights didn’t really cut through it. And the kicker? Relatively speaking, I wasn’t that deep. Fishing trawlers reached deeper than this. Better to conserve power until I was at the bottom. My descent continued.
“6000 feet… still good?”
“Still good…”
The check ins were becoming less frequent. My descent still continued… deeper… deeper… deeper. By now, I’d entered the Hadal Zone. But there was still so much deeper o go.
“8000 feet…”
This was past the depths that most whales would dive to… and I still had a ways to go.
“10,000 feet.”
This was close to where the ocean floor usually bottomed out… and yet there was still so much further to go. No. I was really only a third of the way there. How long had it been?Not much had happened beyond my descent and a few sightings out of my viewport, but time had been passing. A glance at my watch confirmed it’d been almost an hour since I’d started to sink… and I knew I wasn’t even close to the bottom yet. The submarine continued to descend, sinking ever deeper as I dropped into an infinite darkness that few had ever dared to witness.
“15,000 feet.”
This check in came later than the others. At this point, Sheila and the crew must have figured that no news was good news, and they were right. I just continued to sink peacefully, down into the crushing depths of the ocean.
These were the depths that one might normally find deep sea fish… and yet I was going somewhere even deeper than that.
“20,000 feet…”
So close…
I continued to sink.
“25,000 feet.”
Soon… and finally…
“30,000 feet. You still doing alright, honey?”
“Yeah… yeah, I’m doing good,” I assured her. I was so close…
By this point, my real work had begun. I’d engaged the lights and begun documenting what little I could see using the on board cameras. Granted, there wasn’t much life at these depths and what little there was, was scarcely documented. Most of what was down here consisted of invertebrates and microscopic life that seemed to float past my viewport.
The light seemed to draw a few creatures in search of food. Small, hardy things that resembled shrimp.
“How’s it looking, Grayson?”
“Dark,” I said, half joking. “We’ve got some life… shrimp. They’re translucent. Can’t get a great look at them… but we’ll see what the cameras pick up.”
“They’ve recognized you as a friend,” Sheila said. I could almost see the smile on her lips as she said it.
“Yeah…” I replied, “Tempura sent them a message, told them I’d be down. How am I looking on depth?”
“35,000 feet… you seeing a bottom yet?”
“No… not that I would until I was there.”
“Damn… how deep does this go?”
“It can’t go that deep…” I murmured, although I really wasn’t so sure about that.
The submarine continued to sink…
36,000 feet…
37,000 feet…
38,000 feet… and then finally, just past the 39,000 foot mark, I finally saw solid ground below me.
Looking through my viewport, I could see a familiar dark brown diatomaceous sludge, covering the seafloor. Microscopic life, likely similar to what had been observed in other deep sea trenches, such as the Challenger Deep.
I needed to gather a sample.
As my submarine reached the bottom, I extended the mechanical arms, pressed flat against the surface of the Tempura, and opened the collection port near the bottom of the ship. Slowly, I sifted some of the sludge into the port. My disturbance of the seafloor kicked up a cloud of the microbial colony, and I could’ve sworn I saw something wiggling through the debris. A pale, white thing, perhaps some sort of sea cucumber? I hastily angled my submarines camera to try and catch a glimpse of it, before returning to my collection. Even in this forlorn place, there was still so much to see! And here I was… completely forgetting my fear as the excitement took hold of me! Few people had ever been down to these unfathomable depths… and yet here I was.
It didn’t feel real but it was! I had reached the deepest part of the ocean!
“How’s it going down there?” I heard Sheila ask. Her voice was a little garbled. The connection down here was faltering.
“It’s beautiful…” I said. “I can’t wait for you to see it!”
“I’ll bet…”
“I’m going to do a sweep of the area, see what samples I can gather,” I said. “What’s my time right now?”
“Three hours. You’ve got nine before your connection to the weight deteriorates and you start to ascend.”
“I’ll make the most of it,” I said. The plan was only to stay down there for six hours, and I didn’t want to push that limit. Life support would only last me for so long, and one little error was all it would take for the ungodly pressure down here to crush me.
I began to move the submarine. Mobility was limited. This thing wasn’t built to travel far. But I still had some limited movement. I recorded all that I could, filming the shrimp that investigated my light, and the things that slithered and crawled through the muck, likely feeding on the carpet of single celled organisms that populated these depths.
The first two hours were… well… I hesitate to call them uneventful, they were actually very fascinating, but little of note happened beyond my recording of a few specimens.
Midway through the third hour though, as I was reaching one of the rock walls of the abyss, I noticed something just above the edge of my viewport swimming away from the light. I could’ve sworn I saw slender, pale tentacles of some sort. Was that a squid? Were there squid down this deep? I wasn’t aware of any species of known squid who could reach these depths… but in this unknown place, what use was the known?
I moved my light and my camera to try and catch another glimpse of it, but whatever it was, it seemed to be gone. Maybe I’d see another one. I still had plenty of time.
“You made a noise. What’d you see?” Sheila asked.
“Something big… I think,” I said.
“Down there? Like a fish?”
“Squid. You wouldn’t find any vertebrates down this deep… the pressure would crush their bones.”
I didn’t reply to that, still searching for the thing I’d seen. I shone my light up along the walls of the chasm and angled my camera up as far as it would go. I could see a few volcanic vents, spewing dark clouds into the darkness, and more diatoms. But not much else. Strange invertebrates crawled along the walls. Small creatures, no bigger than an inch long. Related to isopods, perhaps? If I could collect one as a sample, I would have… although taking any of those back to the surface would surely kill them. They were built to live under the impossible pressure of these depths. Taking them to the surface would rip them apart.
I went back to my research, and it wasn’t long until I saw something in the darkness, just on the edge of where my flashlight reached. Trailing white tendrils, snaking their way through the darkness. My eyes narrowed as I moved the submarine forward, trying to catch whatever it was in the light. I saw the shape move, its body turning… I saw its tendrils unfurling. Whatever this was, it was big. It was almost as big as The Tempura… although it was also slender. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought I was looking at some sort of floating debris, but this far down? No. And debris wouldn’t move like that.
This had to be a deepsea squid… or perhaps some other type of cephalopod? Something that preyed upon the various invertebrates down here, perhaps? It seemed to float, just out of sight for a bit, as I tried to get closer. I angled up my light to get a better look at it. The light seemed to shine through it, like some sort of ghost… but I did manage to get a look at it.
Although that look…
That single look made me freeze up.
This things slender tendrils certainly resembled a cephalopod of some sort, but the rest of it… the rest of it looked like something else entirely. Its body was thin, emaciated and translucent, yet despite that it still had characteristics that almost seemed… human. It wasn’t human! Not by any stretch of imagination, but the resemblance was there. It almost reminded me of an exhibit I’d seen in a museum once, depicting a preserved, fully removed human nervous system. I could see a similar shape in its translucent body. Its head seemed almost human as well… albeit with no eyes, and a lamprey like mouth I could only describe as fleshy yet crablike.
Still, despite having no eyes I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was looking at me. And that was when I felt something hit the submarine.
I felt a sudden jolt of panic in my chest. For a moment, I thought that the pressure had started to crush me, but no… no, everything was still fine. Something had just hit me. But what? It didn’t take long before I got my answer.
Another pale creature floated past my viewport, swirling gracefully in the cold dark waters. I watched it for a moment with wide eyes, before noticing its ‘head’ turning slightly toward me. Then, almost instantly, it launched itself at the submarine, darting toward me with blinding speed.
I heard a distinct THUD as its body collided with me, and I could see its pale tendrils pressing against the viewport, twisting and writhing violently. It was trying to attack me. The first creature that I’d seen lunged as well, pounding on my submarine with another THUD. And moments later, I could hear more impacts against the hull. There were more of them… and they did not like having me down there.
“What’s going on?” Sheila asked.
“Somebody doesn’t like me…” I said. “One of the animals down here… some kind of squid, it’s just started attacking the hull.”
“How bad is the damage?”
“Not sure… could be nothing, could be-”
I felt the submarine shake as I tried to move it. The thrusters that pushed me forward weren't responding. Had something gotten caught in it? One of the creatures perhaps?
“Grayson?!” Sheila asked.
“Lost propulsion…” I said. “Fuck… I can’t move.”
“Then drop the weight and come up!”
“No, it’s fine, there’s no other damage, I can still use the port and starboard thrusters to-”
I paused. There was genuine panic in her voice… enough to make me realize that even if these things stood little chance of actually breaching the hull, taking the risk would be a fatal mistake.
“I’m on my way up…” I finally said, before reaching out to disengage the ballast weights.
Immediately, I felt myself beginning to rise, although the tentacles clinging to my viewport didn’t disappear.
“We’ve got you…” Sheila said. “Rising up to 38,000 feet.”
The submarine continued to rise, but the creatures clinging to me went nowhere. In fact… I was sure I could see more of them. More pale shapes coming up through the darkness, and these ones filled me with dread. I thought I had been looking at some sort of eerie undiscovered life. But seeing what was coming up toward me now… I knew that I was looking at so much more. The creatures swimming up toward me through the darkness carried weapons… makeshift stone spears and daggers. Primitive tools… but tools all the same.
Signs that these were more than just undiscovered animals.
Much. Much more.
The word: ‘Mermaids’ crossed through my mind, but these were something far different than the ones I’d heard of in folklore. These looked like they’d swam out of the depths of hell itself. Boneless pale tendrils reached for me… and they were getting closer. The pale shapes reached my submarine as I rose higher. I kept praying to whatever God may be listening that the dropping pressure would force them off. The air in a submarine is pressurized, so during normal operation, there should have been no danger of decompression sickness for me.
For them… well… normally I’d feel a little guilty about subjecting an undiscovered species of deep sea mermaids to the horrors of the Bends. But given my circumstances, I didn’t have a lot of other options.
They didn’t let go, though.
They should have. But they didn’t.
What were these things?
I saw a splayed hand press against my viewport. Or… it somewhat resembled a hand. It had suckers on it, like a tentacle and the ‘fingers’ curled open like tentacles. The creature crawled over my viewport, clinging to The Tempura as it rose, and I could see the folds of its crablike mouth opening and pressing against the glass. I could see some sort of bile rising up through its translucent throat, before it secreted it all over my viewport. Was it trying to digest me? Was that how these things fed? How strong were its stomach acids? Were they strong enough to-
The window cracked.
My heart skipped a beat.
“No… no, no no…”
“Grayson, what’s wrong?!”
“They cracked the window… S-Sheila they… oh God… oh fuck, they just…”
“It’s secreting some sort of enzyme… it’s on the window, it’s… FUCK… I’m gonna die… I’m gonna die… I’m gonna die…”
“You’re not gonna die, baby! Just… just keep ascending, okay? You’re at 30,000 feet… just keep going…”
I nodded, and kept on rising, although the question of whether or not the rest of the creatures were trying to digest the other parts of my submarine floated through my mind. How much damage could The Tempura take before it imploded? How much longer did I have? The submarine still continued to rise… 25,000 feet… almost halfway home… almost… almost.
The creature outside of my viewport slithered along the glass, searching for a better area to try and digest. Past him, I noticed a few of his companions dropping off. Maybe the change in pressure finally was getting to them?
From the corner of my eye, I suddenly noticed a flashing light. A warning. The hydraulics on one of the Tempura’s arms were shot… what else was damaged?
I checked my oxygen levels. 32%.
I should’ve had at least 14 hours of air. I’d only been down there for about 6 hours… I shouldn’t have been this low.
No… no, no, no, no… they’d damaged the air tanks!
“20,000 feet!” Sheila said. “You still with me, baby?”
“Y-yeah…” I said. I didn’t mention my air situation. I didn’t need to worry her further.
The submarine continued its ascent.
15,000 feet.
24%. I was running out of time.
The creatures still clung to the Tempura. How had the pressure change not killed them yet? My oxygen was dropping faster than before. I was hemorrhaging air. Another crack formed across my viewport. I let out a little, involuntary gasp before trying to force myself to stop hyperventilating.
“Grayson, what was that?”
“I-it’s fine…” I stammered, “It’s fine!”
“Grayson what the hell is going on down there?!”
“They’re still on the submarine… they’re still…” I paused, looking at my oxygen levels. “19%...”
“19% of what? Grayson what’s going on!”
I paused.
“Air… I’m… I’m losing air…”
“That’s fine, you’re going to make it!” She said, although I heard her voice cracking a little. “You’re gonna make it!”
I didn’t answer.
12,000 feet.
11,000 feet…
My oxygen level continued to drop.
9,000 feet.
The creatures still clung to me, as the submarine continued to rise. The one on my viewport was still there, slowly crawling along the glass again. I stared into its eyeless face and swore I was looking at the face of my killer.
7,000 feet…
Oxygen had dropped to 9%. It dropped to 8% before I even got to 6,000 feet. I was going to die here…
The viewport cracked again and I squeezed my eyes shut. The submarine rocked. I was sure one of the thrusters had been damaged. My ascent slowed.
“Grayson, what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry Sheila…”
Another crack spread across my viewport.
“I’m… I’m not making it back up…”
“I’m sorry…” The tears started to come as the reality of my death became clearer and clearer… this was it.
“I love you…”
That creatures face pressed against the glass. It vomited more of its stomach acid onto the cracked glass, and I wondered if this might finally be what broke it. Part of me hoped it would be… the one good thing about dying this deep was that at least I’d die quickly. My suffering would be over. Then, the creature suddenly pulled back, twisting and writhing violently. I saw other shapes moving past it in the water, other ‘mermaids’ that had been clinging to the submarine.
Something was agitating them.
Something was scaring them off.
Then I heard it, over the radio… whale songs.
“What the hell…?”
“Grayson, are you still there?!”
“I… they’re finally breaking off. Sheila, what did you do?”
“I’m broadcasting some of the orca recordings we’ve been using. Are they still clinging to you?”
“No! They’re backing off! I… whatever you’re doing, keep doing it!”
The submarine kept rising.
5,000 feet.
4,000 feet.
4% oxygen.
I could still do this, right?
The submarine continued to rise.
3,000 feet.
2,000 feet.
1,000 feet… so close… I was so close…
I could almost see the surface through my viewport, rushing up toward me. I tried not to breathe. Tried not to move. All I did was hope.
500 feet.
I closed my eyes.
“Grayson we have your signal, we’re coming to pick you up!”
Sheila’s voice sounded so far away as my submarine finally breached the surface of the water… and with the last of my strength, I pulled the emergency release on the hatch, and threw it open, taking in lungful after lungful of fresh salty air.
I didn’t dare so much as touch the water beneath me… but I was topside again, and in the distance, I could see The Burger!
“We see you!” Sheila said, “We’ve got you baby… we’ve got you…”
“I see you too…” I said through the tears. “Thank you… thank you…” I didn’t have any words left in me after that.
As soon as I was back on the ship, I collapsed into Sheila’s arms, breaking down into tears as I clung to her, terrified that at any moment, some sort of unspoken other shoe would drop and I’d lose her all over again.
“Shh… it’s alright baby… I’ve got you… you’re safe… you’re safe…” I felt her fingers running through my air and I knew that what she said was true.
I was home.
I was safe.
I left my colleagues to review the data that the Tempura gathered during its short expedition. As far as I know, they haven’t published anything. I have a few ideas as to why, but I’ll keep those to myself. Let’s just say that some people would rather this information not become public.
I have a feeling that the Tempura may not be diving again for some time, if ever. I will confess that I do consider that a bit of a shame. Despite everything… I would consider it a success. It endured far more stressful conditions than I had expected, and from what I heard, required fewer repairs than I’d thought it would. But, even if it was approved for another dive, it wouldn’t be me piloting it. No. I will never be setting foot inside of that machine again, nor will I ever be returning to what my colleagues have been quietly referring to as ‘The Jenner Trench’.
I can’t.
Every night, I wake up crying after dreaming of pale shapes outside of my cracked viewport, clinging to Sheila and sobbing. I can’t put myself in that situation again.
I can’t.
Instead, I think I’m going to spend the next few years on solid ground. There’s a teaching position available at a local university. I think that might be the best place for me right now. Who knows, maybe I can help some other deadbeat discover a passion for marine biology.
After everything, my love for the sea remains unchanged… I’m just a little more wary of it, these days.
submitted by HeadOfSpectre to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:54 MantisMantra 4-aco-dmt pills? This this a thing? Help a brother out

Hello strangers!
To cut a long story short, I found a good, reputable plug that sells all sorts of things from shrooms, to hash to ket bla bla bla.
But on his telegram his menu says that he sells 4-ACO-DMT but they are in pill-form (Mario mushroom pills to be specific)
They are allegedly 20mg and £10 each.
I’ve done a bit of looking but can’t see anything about DMT coming in pills. Is this true? Can DMT be consumed in pill-form and if so, how does it differ from vaporised or Cart dmt? Do I need to crush it? Snort it?
(Sorry I can’t provide a photo but the telegram doesn’t allow screen shots)
submitted by MantisMantra to 4acodmt [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:44 AdTrick7283 The story of my 1st crush.

Disclaimer:This was made in the span of 3 days. I would have posted here daily if I had remembered that this subReddit exists.
Part 1(Monday):
I met my crush when I was in high-school. I was 13 and she was 14. When I set eyes on her, I knew that she was the one for me. Her reflective skin was like gold waiting to be rubbed and loved. Her luminous eyes were like marbles designed for gazers. Her hair was like a sari, but as soft as silk, waiting to infatuate onlookers who fall in its honey-sweet trap. An example of the above is me.
2 years later, this infatuation still encrusted me. I was in Class XI, and we were studying to obtain Indian Secondary Certificate. Although it is exacting on us, we still have the time to appreciate our boons. I did so via writing a love letter, and presenting it to her. Today, I found out that I had left it at home, despite fatiguing on it. I was devastated. However, I replicated it while pooping on the toilet at the double.
I gave it to my crush, and then, due to being overwrought, ran away from her, hyperventilating, laughing, and crying at the same time. Unfortunately, she just said thanks to me at reccess. I was devastated. However, when I went home, I was taken out of the frying pan into the fire. My mother had discovered the original love letter.
She told me that she found it in my bag, and that we were going to read it together. I was in the most calamitous set of circumstances I had been in my entire life. Fortunately, her phone started ringing in the adjacent room, leading her to retrieve it and communicate to the other person. I darted towards the paper and vehemently did the needful. However, I froze in trepidation when I heard the voice of my crush's father's at the other end of the landline. However, since he works in a scam-centre, he just wanted to scam my mother.
When she finished rebuking him, she came back to the drawing room, where she had reserved my love letter. When pursuing it and interrogating me about its whereabouts, she was replied to via bewildered faces and expressions with a lack of fear. However, she grew tired of pursuing its whereabouts, and therefore, left the room. However, I believe that she has seen it, as they uncrumpled it and left it neatly folded on our bookshelf, which fills me with terror.
Part 2(Tuesday):
I met my crush when I was in high-school. I was 13 and she was 14. When I set eyes on her, I knew that she was the one for me. Her reflective skin was like gold waiting to be rubbed and loved. Her luminous eyes were like marbles designed for gazers. Her hair was like a sari, but as soft as silk, waiting to infatuate onlookers who fall in its honey-sweet trap. An example of the above is me.
I decided to test my valour via generating and sending a love letter to her. Unfortunately, at the time, she just said 'Thanks', which had left me devastated. Moreso, I had to duplicate my letter while pooping out biryani I ate on Sunday, in the highschool toilet, since my mother had stolen my original letter. I thought I did the needful to destroy it. Unfortunately, it was all in vain, which caused my letter to be found by my father.
My father was about to beat me with his belt, which was the worst thing that could happen to a 16 year old Indian teenager. However, fortunately, somebody in uaeteenagers gave me advice, which I used. I dissembled my stories and weaved a lie that states that my friend dared me to give my crush a love letter, and that I was not in love with her, which persuaded my father that I was not in need of a thrasing.
I was relieved, and to make my amygdala, my insula, my insular cortex, and my periaqueductal gray even more elated, she had put a love letter in my bag that apologised for her lacklustre response towards me. She has requested a date that will be taking place tomorrow, and since my parents will be out, of the house, I saw eye to eye with her metaphorically, to ensure that we could literally see eye to eye with each other tomorrow.
I am currently, very elated by this, and am thrilled by a new experience that I will be experiencing. Until now, the only acquaintance with dates I had seen so far were in Hollywood pictures, which cater to a western audience, and therefore, until now, have led me to believe that us Indians cannot get dates due to our conservative nature. However, I was proven wrong, and will extract the moral of the impossible being possible from this memorable episode.
Part 3(Wednesday):
I met my crush when I was in high-school. I was 13 and she was 14. When I set eyes on her, I knew that she was the one for me. Therefore, I valiantly and strenuously, produced a love letter and delivered it to my crush. She was elated by this, and made me elated as well, via inviting me on a date with her. I contentedly to do so, not knowing the consequences of the tragic decision I made.
Today, at 18:00, which is half an hour after I reach my house, I get prepared to go on the date and dazzle her, leaving my house abandoned. To my ginormous shock, she had apparently booked a taxi for me. I live in Dubai. My house was in Al Furjan, while our date was in Motor City, which resulted in a mere half-an-hour journey As I diffidently walked up to the restaurant, I was greeted with a ghastly sight.
She had arrived, but not alone. Her entire family was with her, from her parents, to her elder brother, to her extended family, including her grandparents, uncles, and aunties. They began bombarding me with questions such as my grades in different subjects. However, I had a notable concern:As with most Indian parents, her parents were averse to love, and believed in arranged marriages, similar to mine. There was only one way out, and it was of an execrable nature.
With a heavy heart, I began to rip the most stentorian, malodorous and most fervent fart I had released in my entire life. It had now reverberated towards the now tumultuous room. Amidst all the pandemonium, I escaped from there, and with the permission of a stranger, took another taxi back to my house in Al Furjan, where I would be unscarred from the danger of both my parents' potential revelation, and the disapprobation of the family of my crush.
I am now typing this amidst a stream of tears and a heavy heart. However, I have now learnt sacrifice, and that bitter truth that life would be blemished in one way or another, for example, in this case, either via the revelation of my parents, the disapprobation of the family of my crush, and sacrificing my potential wife. However, this is something that can neither be concealed in y hippocampus, nor my amygdala, which results in me sharing this.
(Please speak in English. I don't know Hindi.)
submitted by AdTrick7283 to onexindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:42 cm_punkaniser A good friend became my worst roommate

AITA for kicking our my former friend and roommate.
About two years ago, I rented my first apartment with help from my grandmother. I live in a major city, and I was 21 at the time, so yeah you could imagine the living conditions where out of Good times. I asked a high school friend of mine if he wanted to be my roommate and get out of his mom's house, which he agreed. We never really hung out a lot in hs, but had known each other since middle school. I thought it was a perfect match. Now, keep in mind HE DID NOT SIGN ON THE LEASE. I had asked him numerous times before to come down with me to sign, but he would always go ghost or respond late. So, I was solely on the lease.
Now, I made the very rookie mistake of having a split 600/400 for a 935 rent payment, I didn't include utilities because I was very naive. So after a first accidental missed payments and a day in the dark, I had asked if he would mind renegotiating since it was taking to much from my pockets to keep the lights, gas, and internet on (These are important things for him to play my pS4 while I'm at work.) Now, a couple months into living together, an old friend of his had come to the state from Ohio. He had always had a crush on her that I wasn't privy too, from what she said, but that was a long time ago. I come home from work one day, irrated that he didn't clean the bathroom before bringing company over to stay. So while I was cleaning the bathroom and he was at work she comes in and we get to talking, and ironically she finds the fact that I'm cleaning attractive from the vibes she gave off. Your mom wasn't lying.
So eventually, we spend a few nights together during her stay. We're playing 2k together, driving around smoking, and just vibing hard. We connected, but it wouldn't work cause she had to go to Florida and I wasn't really ready to date someone with kids. After she left, my friend became pretty distant, and that's when he became my roommate I guess. I supposed he thought that they were going to get that time to spend together, which to be fair, she spent time with bro too. I was under the impression that they were long friends, I didn't know bro was in the friendliness with this girl since they were kids, he never expressed that. More over, it wasn't like I had put on the isley brothers and busted out my red velvets as soon as I saw her. She came onto me and I received nuff said.
After this is when he got into a relationship of his own, he would bring her over every night, to the point to where she had half assed moved in. I wouldn't really care too much if wasn't pretty much keeping the lights on by myself at this point. Yeah he'd pay his rent which barely put a dent in anything. I was always the one broke, working two jobs, with no car just to have this space. For him to just so blatantly move someone in as if he ran the show, I just laughed. I felt like the clown though.
To make that situation worse, we knew her from hs too. Back then I did not like her very much and made that very known to my friend group who all drooled over her. However, I'm not going to judge you for high school when we're in our early twenties and you're dating my friend, but this would always come up again and again. Like I was a shifty CW show or something.
Anyway, long story short, I had asked mans to move out after she became pregnant. This is because people had the nerve to act as if I was scamming them or whatever they thought, literally how if the rent you share barely covers anything. At this point, I had my much better job that I'm still working. So I told him straight up one day, but then he had the nerve to ask to see a copy of MY LEASE. I chuckled loud enough for his girl to heat me and reminded him that he hadn't signed anything, probing his memory. Dude went back to suburbs to live with his or her family and I moved back in with my grandma, so back to the drawing board for now.
I really want to emphasize that I'm no aint and if you want more details for an opinion, I could update this. I've really just had to get this one off my chest and seek a different opinion, cause of course I could just be an asshole.
submitted by cm_punkaniser to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:40 Scared_Solid7239 Type ko sya pero

I promised myself na acads na muna priority ko since my past talking stages did not work out. Either iba kami ng goals sa buhay or may gusto na silang iba.
I suddenly saw this guy sa campus and after more than a year of having no interests sa guys and landian, I finally felt kilig. I knew from then na crush ko talaga sya. Lagi ko lang sya nakikita sa hallway hanggang sa lagi na kami nagkakatinginan. Until one day nag approach sya sakin and he introduced himself. Long story short we talked for weeks and agreed to take it slow and enjoy the time na kilalanin namin ang isa’t isa. We were fine and feeling ko dream guy ko sya. Tapos biglang hindi nagparamdam so I messaged him and asked if there is something wrong. He told me na kung itutuloy namin gugulo lang daw. He likes his independent life and di daw sya ready for a serious relationship.
I was hurt pero hinayaan ko lang sya kasi talking stage lang naman kami kaya wala akong karapatan. Then I found out na may vices sya like vape and carts na ayoko sana sa isang guy. My friends told me na tigilan ko na pagkagusto ko sakanya pero nahihirapan ako gawin yon kasi despite sa mga nalaman ko sakanya hindi naman kasi ganong aura or vibes yung nakita ko nung kausap ko sya he looks like he is a decent guy. He even gave me handmade flowers na super special sakin kasi first time ko makatanggap ng flowers. Until now mutuals pa din kami sa isang socmed. I am torn between cutting our connection na or hayaan ko sarili ko na magkagusto sakanya.
Alam kong ang babaw lang nito pero it’s been months pero I can’t get over him kahit madami na ko nalaman sakanya na turn off para sa akin.
submitted by Scared_Solid7239 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:38 AdTrick7283 The story of my 1st crush.

Disclaimer:This was made in the span of 3 days. I would have posted here daily of it weren't for the restriction of relationship posts to be only on Wednesday.
Part 1(Monday):
I met my crush when I was in high-school. I was 13 and she was 14. When I set eyes on her, I knew that she was the one for me. Her reflective skin was like gold waiting to be rubbed and loved. Her luminous eyes were like marbles designed for gazers. Her hair was like a sari, but as soft as silk, waiting to infatuate onlookers who fall in its honey-sweet trap. An example of the above is me.
2 years later, this infatuation still encrusted me. I was in Class XI, and we were studying to obtain Indian Secondary Certificate. Although it is exacting on us, we still have the time to appreciate our boons. I did so via writing a love letter, and presenting it to her. Today, I found out that I had left it at home, despite fatiguing on it. I was devastated. However, I replicated it while pooping on the toilet at the double.
I gave it to my crush, and then, due to being overwrought, ran away from her, hyperventilating, laughing, and crying at the same time. Unfortunately, she just said thanks to me at reccess. I was devastated. However, when I went home, I was taken out of the frying pan into the fire. My mother had discovered the original love letter.
She told me that she found it in my bag, and that we were going to read it together. I was in the most calamitous set of circumstances I had been in my entire life. Fortunately, her phone started ringing in the adjacent room, leading her to retrieve it and communicate to the other person. I darted towards the paper and vehemently did the needful. However, I froze in trepidation when I heard the voice of my crush's father's at the other end of the landline. However, since he works in a scam-centre, he just wanted to scam my mother.
When she finished rebuking him, she came back to the drawing room, where she had reserved my love letter. When pursuing it and interrogating me about its whereabouts, she was replied to via bewildered faces and expressions with a lack of fear. However, she grew tired of pursuing its whereabouts, and therefore, left the room. However, I believe that she has seen it, as they uncrumpled it and left it neatly folded on our bookshelf, which fills me with terror.
Part 2(Tuesday):
I met my crush when I was in high-school. I was 13 and she was 14. When I set eyes on her, I knew that she was the one for me. Her reflective skin was like gold waiting to be rubbed and loved. Her luminous eyes were like marbles designed for gazers. Her hair was like a sari, but as soft as silk, waiting to infatuate onlookers who fall in its honey-sweet trap. An example of the above is me.
I decided to test my valour via generating and sending a love letter to her. Unfortunately, at the time, she just said 'Thanks', which had left me devastated. Moreso, I had to duplicate my letter while pooping out biryani I ate on Sunday, in the highschool toilet, since my mother had stolen my original letter. I thought I did the needful to destroy it. Unfortunately, it was all in vain, which caused my letter to be found by my father.
My father was about to beat me with his belt, which was the worst thing that could happen to a 16 year old Indian teenager. However, fortunately, somebody in uaeteenagers gave me advice, which I used. I dissembled my stories and weaved a lie that states that my friend dared me to give my crush a love letter, and that I was not in love with her, which persuaded my father that I was not in need of a thrasing.
I was relieved, and to make my amygdala, my insula, my insular cortex, and my periaqueductal gray even more elated, she had put a love letter in my bag that apologised for her lacklustre response towards me. She has requested a date that will be taking place tomorrow, and since my parents will be out, of the house, I saw eye to eye with her metaphorically, to ensure that we could literally see eye to eye with each other tomorrow.
I am currently, very elated by this, and am thrilled by a new experience that I will be experiencing. Until now, the only acquaintance with dates I had seen so far were in Hollywood pictures, which cater to a western audience, and therefore, until now, have led me to believe that us Indians cannot get dates due to our conservative nature. However, I was proven wrong, and will extract the moral of the impossible being possible from this memorable episode.
Part 3(Wednesday):
I met my crush when I was in high-school. I was 13 and she was 14. When I set eyes on her, I knew that she was the one for me. Therefore, I valiantly and strenuously, produced a love letter and delivered it to my crush. She was elated by this, and made me elated as well, via inviting me on a date with her. I contentedly to do so, not knowing the consequences of the tragic decision I made.
Today, at 18:00, which is half an hour after I reach my house, I get prepared to go on the date and dazzle her, leaving my house abandoned. To my ginormous shock, she had apparently booked a taxi for me. I live in Dubai. My house was in Al Furjan, while our date was in Motor City, which resulted in a mere half-an-hour journey As I diffidently walked up to the restaurant, I was greeted with a ghastly sight.
She had arrived, but not alone. Her entire family was with her, from her parents, to her elder brother, to her extended family, including her grandparents, uncles, and aunties. They began bombarding me with questions such as my grades in different subjects. However, I had a notable concern:As with most Indian parents, her parents were averse to love, and believed in arranged marriages, similar to mine. There was only one way out, and it was of an execrable nature.
With a heavy heart, I began to rip the most stentorian, malodorous and most fervent fart I had released in my entire life. It had now reverberated towards the now tumultuous room. Amidst all the pandemonium, I escaped from there, and with the permission of a stranger, took another taxi back to my house in Al Furjan, where I would be unscarred from the danger of both my parents' potential revelation, and the disapprobation of the family of my crush.
I am now typing this amidst a stream of tears and a heavy heart. However, I have now learnt sacrifice, and that bitter truth that life would be blemished in one way or another, for example, in this case, either via the revelation of my parents, the disapprobation of the family of my crush, and sacrificing my potential wife. However, this is something that can neither be concealed in y hippocampus, nor my amygdala, which results in me sharing this.
(Please speak in English. I don't know Hindi.)
submitted by AdTrick7283 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:37 ovoxogkmc Adriana’s Gasosa

This story is based on ALLEGEDLY true events. It is inspired by a line in G-Eazy’s “Maximum”, where he claims her heard supermodel Adriana Lima fart and it was apparently so stinky he had to cover his nose and walk away. The events I describe in the story will be my own interpretation of what could’ve happened during this strange encounter between two celebs
It had been a long recording night in the studio for award winning rapper G-Eazy. The “You Don’t Own Me” musician spent much of his day working on the follow up album to his debut release which catapulted him to stardom. After sleeping overnight at Westlake Recording Studios in WeHo, G-Eazy gets a call from his agent to remind him that he’s scheduled to make a talk show appearance for NBC’s pop culture news staple “Extra”. Totally forgetting about this engagement, a restless G-Eazy pulls himself up from the couch and stumbles out the door as he heads out to the black Escalade awaiting to take him home. Once G-Eazy arrives back to his Los Angeles residence, he showers, changes clothes and takes a few calls from his team so they can go over what will be talked about during his Extra Interview
Later, G-Eazy hops back in the black Escalade which takes him to NBC studios where Extra is currently taping its latest episode. G-Eazy is met at the studio by his agent along with the rest of his team. They are all greeted by the show’s producer who takes them to the main dressing room. It is there where G-Eazy receives his hair and makeup and also gets to watch his crush Adriana Lima sit down with Extra for her own exclusive interview. G-Eazy has always been fond of the Brazilian supermodel and had no idea she was going to be a guest on the show. Not only does G-Eazy find Adriana incredibly attractive, he is aware that she is knewly single thus he immediately comes up with a plan to “shoot his shot”. The greaser-looking rapper figured rather than wait until call time to go out on set and perhaps run into Adriana after his interview, it was perhaps a better idea to leave his dressing room ahead of time and try to catch the Victoria Secret beauty on her way out. For the time being, he sat in his chair, studying Adriana’s body language, keeping his eyes glued to the movement of her mouth as she uttered soft spoken words under her thick, gorgeous accent. He stared her up and down and up and down, analyzing her every move, taking in her presence through the screen. The longer he watched, the more apparent it became, he HAD to have this woman
As the day longs, G-Eazy becomes a bit unsure of his master plan. Hair and makeup has been taking much longer than he had anticipated and Adriana’s interview was beginning to wrap up. He begins eyeing around the room, attempting to come up with a quick getaway as he fidgets in his seat. Finally, the words spill out and he tells the styling people that he has to go to the bathroom. Without even waiting for a response, G-Eazy jumps out of his chair and fast walks out of the door. Completely unsure of where Adriana would even be coming from once her interview had concluded, he runs around the lot in hopes of running into a 5’11, brown skinned model in long, white silk dress good enough to be worn at an overseas film festival. After aimlessly wandering around the lot, G-Eazy finds himself approaching the entrance to the soundstage where the interviews are conducted. He spots two of the hosts sitting as they get their makeup retouched. He then looks to his left…and there she is. Adriana is standing with a few other important looking folks, smiling and giggling in what seems to be a conversation being had between everyone. G-Eazy walks back toward the hall, only to stop halfway, he decides to stay there and “look busy” as he waits for Adriana to approach the walkway.
Sure enough, the Brazilian stunner begins making her way toward the entrance and she starts walking up the hall. She is joined by two other people, perhaps her agent and assistant. G-East looks up from his phone and commences his long awaited plan. He walks up and blocks Adriana from brushing past him. It’s then that he politely asks for a pic with the model and he is genuinely surprised when she recognizes the “No Limit” rapper and tells him how big of a fan she is. The pair go off to the side and take a few pics. Now for the good part. G-Eazy turns on the and sends a few flirtatious comments Adriana’s way to which she is obviously flattered and even blushes quite noticeably. As G-Eazy begins to put another move on the supermodel, he hears an odd sound. FFFFFRRRRR He initially suspects he just received a text as he whips out his phone yet there’s no new notifications that pop up on his screen. He looks around as he continues talking but his sentence is cut off when he gets a whiff of the foulest odor. G-Easy stops and looks up at Adriana who’s standing a mere two-three feet away from him. She looks off to the side as she plays with her hair. She says something but between her accent and the nasty stench floating in the air, G-Eazy has no comprehension of what she even uttered. The space between the two stars grows pungent, it’s as if a giant piece of dog turd fell from the sky and landed right between their feet. At that moment, all G-Eazy can say is that it was nice meeting the stunning Amazon and he awkwardly walks away, hearing Adriana’s faint “it was nice to meet you as well” only as he turns his back and covers his nose with his shirt. Somehow the stench is potent enough to start following him so he begins speed walking back to his dressing room
submitted by ovoxogkmc to celebfartfantasies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:56 Yingieyengsheng AITA for ghosting my friend group

Now around 2022-2023 I was in 11th grade. I was a transfer student during pandemic so there were no face to face classes so you could tell I knew no one. And I have social anxiety I could not make the first move. I'll get straight to the story
So I got to know this friend group, (I couldn't speak their dialect at the time) I often feel left out because they always stick together. Even when we ate at the same table. It feels like I was invisible. They would reminisce memories that only they could relate. I would try to join in but In the end I couldn't understand anything.
They would share answers with one another during tests and leave me out and then when they see I knew the answers they would ask me for it...yeah I gave them answers but when I would ask it was always "Wait" "Hold on" and they would give it to me when the teacher is already collecting the paper. Or they wouldn't give me answers at all. But when they ask yeah I would give it to them.
Another thing I didn't like was one of them liked to make me a laughing stock. I couldn't speak or pronounce words properly in their language ñ but I wanted to learn, I wanted to try. But she kept making fun of me (it would've been fine if it was just the two of us but she kept sharing it to other people I don't know or am not close with and felt embarrassed) I eventually stopped trying to learn because I was scared of being made fun of again
Another one was when we played Truth or dare, during the game it was agreed what truths came out stays within us. They asked who my crush was so I said it. Little did I know it was spread to the whole classroom. (THANK GHOD MY CRUSH WAS IN A DIFFERENT YEAR LEVEL)
Around that time I started getting close with my members in RCY (Red Cross Youth) Organization in my school. They made me feel different? In a good way. I felt belonged they would ask me things they would teach me without making fun of me. You could say I felt comfortable, that was also where I met my crush. I was closest to him than the rest.
So every lunch, instead of eating with them (first friend group) I started eating with my second group more and more often. I never felt more happy in my life. I even ended up just chatting with my crush on my phone 24/7. Even when my first friend group tries talking to me, I would reply but most of the time I didn't bother paying attention since they never bothered to include me well.
And then after the spring break things got worse that got my mental health in decline. The whole first friend group didn't want to talk to me at all, they ignored me completely and I knew they had a GC without me. They didn't want to sit with me, talk to me, or even look at me. I tried and tried to chat or even talk to them.
I cried and ranted it towards my crush and he told me I didn't do anything wrong. But I felt like I did something wrong.
I chatted a mutual friend about it and she told me I was ignoring them and wasn't paying attention to them and should apologize.
I was baffled.
I was sobbing because they did that to me first??? They made fun of me, made me feel left out and they were annoyed when my voice gets too loud (I have impaired hearing sometimes I don't even know how loud my voice is) they just irritatley tell me to be quiet. (My other friend group would just softly remind me that my voice was getting loud and ask me to adjust it which is the approach I like)
And the worst thing is it's 5 vs 1, I felt completely alone and I didn't do anything. Even when I got close with my second friend group I would still talk and reply to them just not as much. But they just decided to ignore me and they look at me as if they want to burn me.
In the end I was the one who apologized
Did things get better? No history just repeated itself
One day I could not breathe at all during practice, it was obvious and I was blacking out, NONE of them helped me or called for help at all. And I ranted about it in a post and one of them posted as well saying "Why does it seem like it's our fault"
I honestly helped them a lot ESPECIALLY the person who posted it as she always had migraines, she didn't even need to say anything and I'd give her what he needed.
And the mutual friend said that it was me who was in the wrong because I didn't say anything. Girl what do you expect me to do my vision was blurry as heck and my lungs are tightening up I couldn't breathe at all and you saying I should've talked to them in that situation where anyone with eyes could see that person can't breathe. And also it happened unexpectedly and immediately.
And then I was always the one left alone, with no one wanted to seat beside me as they want to seat with someone else and I would always be left alone. and when we pick who we want as group mates they would secure themselves then pick others they like and when I ask to join it's "oh sorry we're full" even if they needed one more member left they'd tell me they were complete.
I slowly distanced myself from them and cut off communication
This year I was no longer classmates with them and was very free. I didn't have friends in my classroom but it was fine I didn't have to feel left out and unimportant from the ex friend group. I cut all communication.
It was fine, being lonely is better than feeling left out in a group. It was tolerable since me and my crush would talk every day even through chat.
submitted by Yingieyengsheng to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]


Here's a story incorporating the emotions and ideas conveyed by the emojis:
Once upon a time, I was feeling surprised and disgusted (😳💩) by a sudden turn of events. I was crying and feeling nauseated (😿🤢) thinking about it. But then, I decided to take matters into my own hands and punched the air (👊) in determination. I was ready to face whatever came next, even if it felt like a skull-crushing challenge (💀).
As I embarked on this new journey, I felt a surge of excitement and energy (🤩⚡️). It was like playing a thrilling video game (🎮) where I had to navigate through obstacles and reach new levels. I was fueled by a sense of adventure and a desire to explore new horizons (🚀).
Along the way, I encountered some fun and quirky moments, like meeting a friendly frog (🐸) who offered me a refreshing ice cream treat (🍦). I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear (🤣) and feel grateful for the little joys in life.
As I continued on my path, I encountered some intense and explosive moments (💥) that tested my courage and resilience. But I persevered, fueled by a sense of determination and a desire to reach my goals (🍏).
Finally, after many trials and tribulations, I reached a place of peace and tranquility (👌). I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride, knowing that I had overcome so much to get here. I celebrated with a cold beer (🍻) and a sense of contentment, feeling like I was exactly where I was meant to be.
And that's the story of how I transformed from a place of negativity and uncertainty to one of triumph and joy! 🎉
submitted by Skip0131 to roaringkitty [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:52 No_Writer9249 Am I toxic for loving my friend's crush?

May kaibigan ako na nagka-crush sa isang guy na classmate namin. Marami siyang crushes so I thought she just admire him for being handsome. After a month, nalaman ko na may crush yung guy na yun sa akin first day of school palang. Nung una wala naman akong pakialam kasi hindi ko naman siya kilala. Not until maging kagrupo namin siya sa isang project.
For the whole semester, sila yung madalas naming nakakasama. Okay naman, hindi naman ako madalas makipag-interact sa guy na yun since hindi rin naman kami close. Ang hindi ko alam, lumalalim na pala yung pagkagusto ng guy na yun sa akin. Hindi ko alam na may ganun na palang nangyayari kasi hindi ako masyadong nag-oobserve ng mga taong hindi ko ka-close.
It was the month of June nung nag-start na magparamdam yung guy na yun sa notes. At first, hindi ko alam na para sa akin pala yun. Pero nung sinabi nung friend ko (na may crush sa kaniya) na parang para sa akin yun, nagkakutob na rin ako. Dun ako nag-start na mag-observe sa mga kinikilos ni guy. Hanggang sa di ko namamalayan, nagkakagusto na rin ako sa kaniya. He's very thoughtful and caring. Nung walang nakapansin sa akin na nahihirapan akong huminga because everyone's busy taking a picture, siya yung unang tumulong at nag-asikaso sa akin. Nung nalaman niyang wala akong tulog and muntik na akong mahimatay nung mga panahong gahol na kami sa oras, kinausap niya yung nagl-lead sa amin na kapatid niya na pauwiin na ako para magpahinga. That was also the time na minessage niya ako para kumustahin, telling me na magpahinga ako at magpagaling.
Hindi ganun ka-consistent yung usap namin that time dahil nga masama yung pakiramdam ko. Pero a few days after ng pangyayaring yun, nag-chat na siya sa akin. Casual na usap lang naman yung ginagawa namin. It was like he instantly became my friend kasi he knew how to make a topic para hindi matapos yung pag-uusap namin. Diyan ko na naramdamang may gusto nga talaga siya sa akin.
A few days after, bigla namang naging off yung way ng pag-act ng kaibigan ko. Na parang may mali na hindi ko mawari. Kahit kapag gumagawa kami ng project namin, masyado siyang naging distant sa amin. Kinonfront ko siya after naming gumawa and sinabi niya na alam ko namang may gusto siya ro'n pero nagawa ko pang magkagusto. And I thought, is it bad ba to like someone nang hindi mo naman inaasahan? Napipigilan ba ang nararamdaman ng puso?
We talked and talked and I felt like I was being pressured to choose between them. First time nangyari sa akin yung ganung sitwasyon and I don't know what to do. Do I really have to choose between them? Bakit hindi ko nalang sila pwedeng ipa-stay sa buhay ko?
Ilang araw akong walang kibo. Hindi ko sila kinausap dalawa because gusto kong maayos muna yung isip ko. Nung nagawa ko na, I tried talking to my friend and sabi niya, gawin ko raw yung bagay na ikasasaya ko. Because of what she said, I thought okay na sa kaniya. Kinausap ko yung guy. Sinabi ko na something's going on with me and my friend. Nakatunog naman agad siya and asked me if dahil ba sa kaniya. I said yes. Sabi niya, ako naman daw yung gusto niya and hindi yung friend ko so kahit na anong desisyon ko, masasaktan at masasaktan pa rin yung friend ko. Pero it depends on me whether I will choose to keep on talking to him and give him a chance or not.
Binigyan ko siya ng chance. We're on our 9th month together. Kaso nung nag-post ako ng story of us having a date, parang dun nag-start na mas magbago ang lahat sa kaibigan ko. Nagpaparinig siya on twitter saying "uto uto ka naman" and such. I know it may not be for me but for who then? Wala akong kilalang pwede niyang pagparinggan niyan because ako yung una niyang pagsasabihan kung about kanino yun. We were fine after ng pangyayaring yun tapos biglang may ganun. Kahit yung iba niyang friends nag-start na magparinig sa notes and twitter, kesyo hindi raw ako bagay sa program ko, na ang toxic ko, and traumatizing ako. It was indirect but I couldn't help but think na para sa akin yun. I just confirmed na about sa akin nga after nila akong ipag-unfriend and unfollow. Sabay-sabay silang lahat, even yung friend ko.
Hindi ko alam kung mali ba yung mga nagawa ko o naging desisyon ko para humantong sa ganito? Bakit kailangang umabot sa iba niyang kaibigan yung problemang dapat sa aming dalawa lang? Why do people judge as if alam na alam nila yung buong pagkatao mo? Hanggang ngayon hindi ko pa rin maintindihan...
submitted by No_Writer9249 to PhilippinesCasual [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:52 No_Writer9249 Am I toxic for loving my friend's crush?

May kaibigan ako na nagka-crush sa isang guy na classmate namin. Marami siyang crushes so I thought she just admire him for being handsome. After a month, nalaman ko na may crush yung guy na yun sa akin first day of school palang. Nung una wala naman akong pakialam kasi hindi ko naman siya kilala. Not until maging kagrupo namin siya sa isang project.
For the whole semester, sila yung madalas naming nakakasama. Okay naman, hindi naman ako madalas makipag-interact sa guy na yun since hindi rin naman kami close. Ang hindi ko alam, lumalalim na pala yung pagkagusto ng guy na yun sa akin. Hindi ko alam na may ganun na palang nangyayari kasi hindi ako masyadong nag-oobserve ng mga taong hindi ko ka-close.
It was the month of June nung nag-start na magparamdam yung guy na yun sa notes. At first, hindi ko alam na para sa akin pala yun. Pero nung sinabi nung friend ko (na may crush sa kaniya) na parang para sa akin yun, nagkakutob na rin ako. Dun ako nag-start na mag-observe sa mga kinikilos ni guy. Hanggang sa di ko namamalayan, nagkakagusto na rin ako sa kaniya. He's very thoughtful and caring. Nung walang nakapansin sa akin na nahihirapan akong huminga because everyone's busy taking a picture, siya yung unang tumulong at nag-asikaso sa akin. Nung nalaman niyang wala akong tulog and muntik na akong mahimatay nung mga panahong gahol na kami sa oras, kinausap niya yung nagl-lead sa amin na kapatid niya na pauwiin na ako para magpahinga. That was also the time na minessage niya ako para kumustahin, telling me na magpahinga ako at magpagaling.
Hindi ganun ka-consistent yung usap namin that time dahil nga masama yung pakiramdam ko. Pero a few days after ng pangyayaring yun, nag-chat na siya sa akin. Casual na usap lang naman yung ginagawa namin. It was like he instantly became my friend kasi he knew how to make a topic para hindi matapos yung pag-uusap namin. Diyan ko na naramdamang may gusto nga talaga siya sa akin.
A few days after, bigla namang naging off yung way ng pag-act ng kaibigan ko. Na parang may mali na hindi ko mawari. Kahit kapag gumagawa kami ng project namin, masyado siyang naging distant sa amin. Kinonfront ko siya after naming gumawa and sinabi niya na alam ko namang may gusto siya ro'n pero nagawa ko pang magkagusto. And I thought, is it bad ba to like someone nang hindi mo naman inaasahan? Napipigilan ba ang nararamdaman ng puso?
We talked and talked and I felt like I was being pressured to choose between them. First time nangyari sa akin yung ganung sitwasyon and I don't know what to do. Do I really have to choose between them? Bakit hindi ko nalang sila pwedeng ipa-stay sa buhay ko?
Ilang araw akong walang kibo. Hindi ko sila kinausap dalawa because gusto kong maayos muna yung isip ko. Nung nagawa ko na, I tried talking to my friend and sabi niya, gawin ko raw yung bagay na ikasasaya ko. Because of what she said, I thought okay na sa kaniya. Kinausap ko yung guy. Sinabi ko na something's going on with me and my friend. Nakatunog naman agad siya and asked me if dahil ba sa kaniya. I said yes. Sabi niya, ako naman daw yung gusto niya and hindi yung friend ko so kahit na anong desisyon ko, masasaktan at masasaktan pa rin yung friend ko. Pero it depends on me whether I will choose to keep on talking to him and give him a chance or not.
Binigyan ko siya ng chance. We're on our 9th month together. Kaso nung nag-post ako ng story of us having a date, parang dun nag-start na mas magbago ang lahat sa kaibigan ko. Nagpaparinig siya on twitter saying "uto uto ka naman" and such. I know it may not be for me but for who then? Wala akong kilalang pwede niyang pagparinggan niyan because ako yung una niyang pagsasabihan kung about kanino yun. We were fine after ng pangyayaring yun tapos biglang may ganun. Kahit yung iba niyang friends nag-start na magparinig sa notes and twitter, kesyo hindi raw ako bagay sa program ko, na ang toxic ko, and traumatizing ako. It was indirect but I couldn't help but think na para sa akin yun. I just confirmed na about sa akin nga after nila akong ipag-unfriend and unfollow. Sabay-sabay silang lahat, even yung friend ko.
Hindi ko alam kung mali ba yung mga nagawa ko o naging desisyon ko para humantong sa ganito? Bakit kailangang umabot sa iba niyang kaibigan yung problemang dapat sa aming dalawa lang? Why do people judge as if alam na alam nila yung buong pagkatao mo? Hanggang ngayon hindi ko pa rin maintindihan...
submitted by No_Writer9249 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:37 Puzzled-Avocado2128 What should I do ?

I’m a 15 nearly 16 y/o girl and I have a crush on a senior boy at my school, we’ve literally never had a conversation, I’ve followed him on insta, he accepted me but no follow back. We don’t know each-other but I see him around nearly everyday, we’re in the same room for like an hour every week, that’s pretty much all. I’ve dmed him but he hasn’t opened it, but he viewed my story like 4-5 times before that . We also make eye contact a few times a week so yeah. I know he doesn’t have a girlfriend and he’s not an asshole so I think he genuinely didn’t see the Dm. He leaves in a month but he’s exactly my type and I don’t know what to do ? Should I leave it or go talk to him ?
submitted by Puzzled-Avocado2128 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:27 SouthOrder3569 33rd Rathian "Seekers", Traitors of Rath

(Warning, because I haven't posted in a bit and am not sure how this would fall for some folks, but this one is a bit "Horror Movie" inspired, and a bit gory/violent)
Traitors of Rath
Post Lord Daug's Disappearance
Lord Daug had vanished, reports indicating he may have been lost in battle with enemy forces that he had been hunting through the wilds. Jeremy snorted at that, served the fat bastard right, the rathians may hold the noble in high regard, probably brainwashed by something in the water on that damned planet they loved so much, but Jeremy wasn't from Rath and by the emperors sitting ass he knew better than to trust in a noble. Which had made what he and the guys were planning a lot easier to stomach.
He nodded at Nel as the man spooned him some gruel into his bowl, a mix of ration packs and of some kinda local plant the rats had said was good to eat. That was another thing! What kind of self-respecting man trusted those THINGS? Every single rath born trooper treated them like they were little mini officers, it was DISGUSTING. There was no way the stories about the nobles asses butler were even halfway true, just stories to keep the men in line. Like they would be scared of a rat.
Jeremy resisted the urge to spit and signed at Nel, making sure the seargent couldn't see the signs. Nel signed back, and Jeremy smiled, their plan was ago, after tonight they would slip off and signal to the xenos that they wanted to surrender. Of course, the seargent, the only brainwashed bastard of Rath in their whole squad would protest, but they had a way to fix that, emperor issued too. Sure, the xenos were barely better than animals, but they at least had food, and weren't a thrice blighted noble or officer telling him what to do.
Jeremy took a spoonful of the rather decent gruel and hummed to himself as he ate. He would be first watch, and then when time came for shift change the seargent was supposed to relieve him. Then they'd be ready to have a talk with the seargent all seven of their remaining men.
Jeremy stirred slowly, since they weren't gonna be part of the guard after tonight who gave an imperial damnation if he slept on duty. But something was wrong, he couldn't figure out what the bad feeling was, but he struggled his way out of the blankets he had tucked around himself vaguely panicked. He hadn't been with the reigment long, but he had been a scout long enough to know this silence...was bad.
Carefully he moved back towards the little outpost they had occupied, some kinda poured stone stuff, like he knew what that shit was, with a heavy metal door. Whatever was coming, it would be safer with a few more lasguns around him. Having reached the edge of the clearing around the outposts entrance he looked around carefully and seeing no sign of danger dashed for cover in the doorway, the inset door offered plenty of cover for him to take while he knocked the passcode.
Or would have, had the door not been ajar...and the scent of blood wafted from within. Jeremy froze. That was a bad sign...a very bad sign. That was a LOT of blood he was smelling...but if someone had attacked, why hadn't he heard it? Slowly carefully, he pushed the door open further with the barrel of his lasgun. Even if he would have preferred to retreat, doing so alone was probably certain death, especially considering all his kit was inside.
The door swung open stiffly, as if stuck on something...and then something fell from the top of it into Jeremy's arms, he fumbled for a second, catching it between his hand and lasgun. Then he screamed and chucked away Nel's head, his lasgun was back up and at the ready aiming at the door. While he panted in fear. Then he heard something crunch the snow behind him, he spun around and opened fire blindly into the small stand of trees that surrounded this outpost.
His shots blew chunks from the trees and caused steam to rise from new craters in the snow, but no figure emerged from the moonlit shadows to face him. And that only made the terror worse. Jeremy spun and body slammed the door, forcing it forward and entering the outpost. Quickly he spun and slammed the door back shut again...only to find his hands in a massive smear of blood. Trembling he looked down and saw Nel's body below, the object that had blocked the door. Slowly his eyes went upwards to the top of the door, staring at the gore.
Trembling he threw his entire body weight against the door as he felt something slam into it with incredible force, only him holding it and Nel's body being in the way kept the door shut, and he fumbled with the latch. It was a secure door, once he locked it, the door would hold, it HAD to hold! Jeremy struggled, every slam against the door forcing him to throw himself back against it, cursing desperately as it failed to lock again and again. Finally, with a heavy clank, the door closed, and its lock fell into place.
Jeremy exhausted, slide downwards in the pool of blood at the door, happy that the 33rds footwear had not slipped in the mess. Jeremy cursed to himself again and stood up trembling as the banging on the door seemed to end. Whatever was on the other side...he didn't see it, but it was no man. No human was that strong, no human could...use the top of a door as a upside down guilotine. With a shudder Jeremy turned from the door and surveyed the room, grimacing as he caught sight of... Jenny, he thinks that who it was, their head apparently inside the now upended stew pot, still.
On the left, Ramsos and Hinkle were both dead, crushed against a wall by the table they'd been seated at, Ramsos slumped forward, Hinkle pinned to the wall by one of the standard issue sporks through his throat. On the right, it looked like Vanessa had been torn limb from limb by something. Massive tears across her body and limbs missing. Looking around Jeremy realized there were two people missing, Lowozky and Seargent Tion. Hope erupted in his chest, maybe they survived? The seargent may be able to deal with whatever was attacking them, he was a veteran he had to know some way to stay alive!
Jeremy looked around frantically trying to think of where they could have gone. "Lowozky! Seargent!?" he called out and then his eyes fell on the only door deeper into the place, he rushed over to it, and pulled it open. Maybe Lowozky had hid in the latrine?
He had.
But he had not survived.
Jeremy wretched at the stench and stepped back. Lowozky had voided himself in death, unfortunately he had been shoved head and shoulders first down the latrine and not the other way around.
The banging at the door resumed, this time harder.
And then Jeremy heard the roar of a chain sword revving.
Seargent Tion strode through the snow, covered in blood, he would have changed, but this had been his last decent uniform. He carried his kit on his back, chainsword holstered at his side. His las pistol had been lost in battle days ago alongside his combat knife.
It had made the night more unpleasant than he would have hoped. Then again, it would have been unpleasant either way. Tion shook his head and lamented the loss of seven soldiers of the imperium. It was unfortunate but he could not hold this post on his own, and due to his failure seven men were lost. If the Lord was here he would report to command immediately it was...
He would have to find other imperial forces to report his deriliction of duty, losing seven men to poor morale when they were in his care was a serious failure. Though the Rathian did have to wonder.
How in the world did Jeremy sleep through the racket? Tion shook his head at the mans poor discipline, yet another failing of Tion's, he didn't instill a proper attitude and it showed.
submitted by SouthOrder3569 to war_for_Gryllus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:26 ondobi98 I (29M) have feelings for a coworker (32M), and don't know if they feeling is mutual

Before I start, this story is long, and I'll repeat myself a lot; my first goal is to get what's inside me out and vent, so please be patient and if you respond be respectful, please.
I (29M) came out of the closet about two years ago, but living in the environment I live in, I couldn't be as open as I would have liked until recently. During that time, I lost a lot of weight and gained confidence in myself, which made it easier for me to open up to the world that interested me. I'm not someone with much experience when it comes to sex, but I've had my adventures, mostly with women, but once I accepted who I am, my experiences shifted towards men. In recent years, I've had fleeting relationships and two relationships that lasted more than four months, but in recent months, I've been puzzled by a situation I've had to live through, and that's why I'm writing this here, to see if the perspective of strangers helps me clarify my thoughts a bit.
I don't consider myself ugly; I can even be attractive, both physically and in personality, but insecurities have affected me since I was very young. This story begins in September of last year when I started working at a new company. The workgroup consists of about 30 colleagues, some of whom I knew from before. But the story focuses on a guy (32M), let's call him Stephen. I must mention that he didn't attract me at first; he's not my physical type. But around November, as I got to know him, I was attracted to his personality, which surprised me because I'm usually a very superficial person (I know I need to work on that), and it's not very common for me to be attracted to someone because of their personality.
Over time, I formed a very close group of friends, who told each other everything that happened in our daily lives, so it was only a matter of time before I mentioned to them that I was attracted to Stephen. The three colleagues, Anna (37F), Violet (36F), and Lily (20F), were happy for me and told me that the interest seemed mutual because they thought the guy was getting very close to me. I liked that because I had already noticed that the jokes or comments I made to him received the same response, or at least he played along.
We reached December, we organized a dinner with some colleagues, and both he and I attended. By then, my colleagues had been pressuring me a lot to tell him something, but since we only had a relationship at work, I didn't dare to take the step; it didn't seem right to me. I also mentioned my situation to my friends, who could give me another point of view, but they all told me that not seeing the relationship we had made it difficult for them to evaluate it. I must mention that all this was happening while I was seeing another guy, John (27M), in a stable relationship for 6 months.
At the dinner and at the after-party, Stephen didn't leave my side. If I went out to smoke, he came out with me even though he doesn't smoke; if I had a drink, he accompanied me to the bar. My colleagues were ecstatic because they saw that this was the night something was going to happen. Well, it didn't. Between my relationship with John and the nerves of the moment, I didn't dare to do anything. But I already saw clearly that with those ideas in my head, the relationship with John was unfeasible; he was no longer my priority. We broke up during the following week.
I was already going all out for Stephen; I was attracted to his personality, to what he could offer me in a relationship. The week before Christmas arrived. We had a one-week break from work, and I didn't want to leave with doubts on vacation. On Tuesday of that week, I went to talk to him about the subject, determined, but when I started talking, I saw that we weren't alone, and I didn't dare to continue. I didn't dare again until Friday; he insisted that I finish saying what I had to tell him, which excited me even more because in my head, what I wanted to tell him seemed obvious.
Friday came, the last day for me to tell him something. When there was an hour left to finish the workday, I saw that we were alone, and I approached him. I was very nervous, I even stuttered, but I practically told him that I found him a very interesting guy and that I would like to get to know him outside of work, to which he responded that he was flattered but that he was not homosexual. It crushed me. I tried to disguise it by saying that he had become a very important support at work and that I wouldn't want this to ruin that relationship; he accepted it.
I left there as quickly as possible, holding back tears as best I could (yes, very teenage everything). I met up with my colleagues and told them what had happened. They supported me, but they kept saying that they didn't believe Stephen, that the relationship we had wasn't just friendship. I didn't give importance to that; at that moment I just wanted to forget what had happened. It was one of the toughest Christmases I've ever had. My family didn't know anything, my friends outside of work didn't understand it, and my work colleagues kept insisting that I needed to clarify things even more with him. My head was spinning.
I decided that I was going to fulfill what I said to Stephen, that the work relationship would continue as it had until that moment. The first week was weird and tough, I won't deny it, but I handled it quite well. I insisted that my colleagues avoid the subject, but it was impossible not to see the looks every time Stephen and I talked. Over time, we've returned to jokes, and although there's attraction on my part, I've come to understand that nothing will ever happen between us. Or so I thought. The last month I've had abrupt changes in my life. My grandmother died, I started dating Parker (33M), I got promoted at work, and I moved out on my own. It's important to mention, I think, that Stephen was my superior, and now, with the promotion, he's my immediate superior, I have to answer to him. So we spend much more time together, and we've come to know each other more intimately. I know about his problems with family, his friends, his plans for the weekend... But he never talks to me about relationships. We have a colleague who lives in the same city as Stephen, who has known him for years, and my colleagues, being the gossips they are, interrogated her about Stephen, and she managed to find out that he has never had a known relationship, nor has he had relationships with anyone, which surprised us all because, even though he's not my type, he's an athletic and quite attractive man.
Meanwhile, physical contact has emerged; he touches my shoulder when speaking, he hugs me when greeting me in the mornings... That was what I was missing. Just when I was rebuilding my life after the Christmas fiasco, to doubt again because of physical contact, once more when I was in a relationship that seemed perfect on the surface. More doubts on the subject. I had been with Parker for three months; I met him at a party with friends, in early February, falling back into the same old mistakes, focusing on the physical and then on the personality, luckily we were compatible, until feelings for Stephen surfaced again. The relationship faded, literally, no sex, no affection, no compatibility. My work colleagues didn't accept Parker, they were still insisting on Stephen. We come to yesterday, I broke up with Parker last week, and I really felt bad because it seemed to me that I was making the same mistakes as with John, obsessing over a relationship that didn't exist, that I had already received rejection for. But I moved to my new house, perfect for me, and liked by everyone, even Stephen. Today I received the comment that led me to speak here. I have organized a dinner next weekend at my house, Stephen is coming, he has asked to stay the night, I only have one bed, he has said we will share with a wink. I got excited, but I don't want to. I couldn't bear another fiasco. My work colleagues are already on cloud nine.
So I ask, do I have reasons to be excited?
submitted by ondobi98 to AskGaybrosOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:23 roothesaiyan Willoughbys Camera Emporium Nightmare

Don't EVER shop here. I KNEW the deal was too good to be true when I saw the R6 Mark II for 200 less there than it was everywhere else. I don't know WHAT I was thinking. I guess I was just so excited that I was going to be able to get my first full frame camera.
Here's what happened : I have been shooting R7 for a long time now, mainly wildlife. I am also an Astrophotographer and have 2 rigs for that, and 2 cooled astro cameras. I have ALWAYS wanted a Full Frame camera though, and next month (3 weeks actually) I am going on a Dark sky trip (its an annual trip me and a buddy do) so when I saw the R6 mark 2 for 1799 I was like "okay, that's a REALLY good deal"...I went on the site and saw that Synchrony was offering 12 months same as cash financing. So basically, for 130/month for 12 months this amazing camera could be mine!! I went ahead and applied for the credit after confirming that the camera was "IN STOCK AND READY TO SHIP!" and the deal only had "1 hour and 23 minutes" left, I should have NEVER done that.
I asked for 2000 credit limit in case of taxes. I was approved. This also REALLY sucks because I've been working so hard to get my credit up over the last few years, so getting approved for a store card is kind of a big deal for me. Anyway....
I went ahead and added it to my card, I used my new Synchrony card, checked out, free shipping, NO TAXES! (awesome!) and went to bed with a giant smile on my face, after watching 3 more reviews of the R6 and convincing myself that I had made a GREAT move and I was FINALLY going to be moving up to Full Frame.
Fast forward to the next morning around 10 am. This is the email I get from Willoughby's:
Thank you for your recent purchase with Willoughbys
We are aware that you have a choice when making a purchase from a vendor and we would like to thank you for placing your order with Willoughbys, your order #******\*. We regret to inform you that the item you have recently ordered from us has been oversold.
We would also like you to know that we are in the process of purchasing more of this item from our vendors however this may take up to 4-6 weeks or longer to be fulfilled as many of our vendors are awaiting this product to come into their fulfillment centers.
At this time we can offer you the following options to choose from:
Option 1: Hold the order with us and await for it to be fulfilled from our vendors.
Option 2: You may have the order cancelled.
Please note, If you decide to wait for it to be fulfilled we will contact you before it ships. Please reply to this email within the next 24-48 hours so we can properly handle your order moving forward.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. It's a pleasure to serve you and hope you visit us again soon.
Sincerely, Willoughbys Fulfillment Team
Needless to say, I was CRUSHED. I went back on their site, and low and behold, a NEW TIMER had started, saying there was "ONLY 12 HOURS AND 21 MINUTES" remaining on "THIS DEAL" and that the camera was "IN STOCK AND READY TO SHIP!!!". What an absolute load of crap!! So I emailed them back asking why on earth they would be advertising it as in stock and ready to ship if that isn't the case? And furthermore why would they STILL have it showing as in stock and ready to ship if they KNOW they have no stock??? I didn't get ANY answer. Had I known this was such an awful company, I would have gone to B and H photo (oh how I Love B an H) and spent the extra 200 to get it from a great company. Now I have a 2k store card for a store I'll NEVER shop at. I got dinged on my credit for a hard inquiry. I can't open another line of credit so soon because I don't want to damage my credit. So just no camera at all now basically. After emailing them 5 more times to cancel my order they FINALLY cancelled it. I'm going to wait until I get the Synchrony card in the mail in 7-10 days to see if I can use it at other places that accept synchrony as the lady on phone from Synchrony said that you can...but the email seemed to indicate it was for willoughbys ONLY.
Moral of the story? NEVER shop at this place. EVER. Buy your Camera Gear from B and H, or any of the other great camera shops out there. I'm old enough and I know better...but the allure of saving 200 on a camera I've wanted for so long was just too tempting. Of COURSE I got screwed.
Better luck next time -
submitted by roothesaiyan to Cameras [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:17 Mediocre-Person-07 Study Site Crush

I am scared to be incredibly specific about my story because he might see this but I don’t usually have crushes and I believe a study site is just for studying; moreover, it is heavily frowned upon to consider it as a platform to flirt with someone and make it like a dating site, please. A study site helped me focus on my studying as it gives peer pressure and motivation but I am having a crush on this guy and I know we barely know each other and never talked but I am attracted to him and started looking forward to study sessions with him and others. Sadly, I am aware he does not feel the same way as his screen is full of beautiful girls who are interacting and talking in his posts and captions. I don’t want to have these kinds of feelings as I feel like I am disrespecting the purpose of the site and gives me a tinge of sadness. To be fair, he became my inspiration every time I am studying. Did you guys have the same experience?
submitted by Mediocre-Person-07 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:38 Imagen-Breaker GT9 Rewrite Part 14.4 - Older Scenes

Part 14.3

Heracles VS Lernaean Hydra

Author Note: I was thinking about it and I really wish that GT9 used more draconic symbolism throughout the story when (or if) I revisit Team Crowley VS Rosencreutz I'll have symbolism of Aleister (TheBeast666), Aiwass (Codename: DRAGON) and Coronzon (The Dragon of the Abyss) all have symbology of them being Dragons preying on a God/Hero like CRC and the reversed conflict of Chaos VS Order you see in mythology, I also wanted to achieve something similar with Kakine Teitoku as he can represent the Fallen Angel and the Seraphim but for now I'll try adding draconian symbolism into Gunha VS CRC.
True Expert Christian Rosencreutz, with his golden rosy cross sword, clashed relentlessly against the indomitable force of the Strongest Gemstone, Sogiita Gunha. With each clash of their powers, the air crackled and compressed, and the pavement trembled beneath.
CRC, observed Sogiita with a mixture of intrigue and disdain. "You fight like the legendary Heracles," he remarked, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "But know this, I am the Lernaean Hydra, and no matter how many heads you sever, I shall always rise again!" Rosencreutz roared to slice the #7’s midsection.
Sogiita, his entire body wreathed in unknowable energy, met CRC's blade unyielding. "Bring it on, old man!" he retorted, his voice brimming with confidence. "I'll knock you down as many times as it takes! I won't stop till you come to your senses and remember your roots, like the roses you love so much, Rosencreutz!!"
Their clash intensified, that old man’s higher dimensional sword colliding with the raw power of that boy’s fists and kicks as they pushed each other to their limits with each sword swing, punch, kick and flash.
Sogiita unleashed a barrage of punches, each strike carrying the force of a meteor, while that silver young man countered: he wielded his sword in his right hand and released impacts followed by white light that was enough to previously take down all of The Bridge Builders Cabal.
As the battle raged on, the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and shift around them, bearing witness to the titanic struggle between two unparalleled forces.
The founder of Rosicrucianism who intimidated reality itself to obey his will and that Gemstone with an unstable personal reality that could change on a whim.
The atmosphere crackled with electrifying distortion.
Sogiita's fists tore through the air with the ferocity of meteors, their velocity enhanced by his ability to adapt and accelerate, surpassing even CRC's speed. As each blow was released, the friction with the surrounding air molecules ignited a scorching heat, intensifying the impact.
The rapid movement of molecules generated an escalating thermal energy, causing the air to seethe with increasing temperature. It was akin to a tempest of incandescent projectiles hurtling towards CRC, their speed surpassing the limits of human perception.
It was like a storm of brilliant fiery arrows was fired at Rosencreutz.
These blazing arrows of force were reminiscent of the elusive strikes employed by the Rose & Cross Leader, ignoring distance with deceptive agility.
With each thunderous punch, that bandana boy sought to overpower his adversary through sheer kinetic force, his unwavering resolve palpable in every motion.
But that wasn't enough for this superhuman.
CRC, wielding his cross sword with precision and skill, deflected each and every one Sogiita's flaming arrows with calculated strikes of his own. Each impact unleashed a burst of blinding white light, sending shockwaves rippling through the chaotic city.
"You think brute strength alone will defeat me?" the silver man taunted, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle. "You may be strong, but strength without strategy is nothing but raw power wasted."
Sogiita grinned, his confidence unshaken. "Strategies for cowards who can't handle a real fight," he retorted, his voice ringing with defiance. "I'll K.O. you with my fists and guts alone!!!!"
Rosencreutz's eyes narrowed as he parried another of Sogiita's punches. "Your arrogance will be your downfall," he warned, his tone tinged with certainty. "I may not match your overall speed, but I have something you lack: intellect and precision.”
Christian Rosencreutz then plunged his cross sword into the ground.
"This is what harmed Kamijou Touma," he declared, grinning and unleashing a torrent of lethal invisible attacks from his outstretched palms.
However, the #7 countered with a relentless barrage of flaming arrows from the thermal aftershock of his punches.
Each strike akin to a particle accelerator in its intensity and speed. That Gemstone was the particles being fired on the right and that True Expert was the particles fired on the left.
As the attacks clashed, the battlefield became a spectacle of raw power and precision.
“Roar!” CRC held his open palm to his mouth and blew gently on the tip of the middle finger.
That was all it took for a blaze easily outdoing a flamethrower to rush out. And this was not just any fire. It fed on the power of a ley line and stole vitality from space itself. This overwhelming mass of light and heat was wielded for no other purpose than to take lives. Anyone who tried to survive it using simple composite armor or special fibers would dry up and burn away in less than a second.
But that wouldn't kill another superhuman would it?
Of course not.
“Aaaaarghhhh!!!!” screamed the #7.
Some assaults bypassed the fray entirely, slipping through the chaos like elusive particles in a collider.
A smokescreen.
Those brilliant fireworks from hell weren't meant to take Sogiita’s life. They were meant to disrupt the Gemstone's senses and sight so he couldn't counter all of that old man’s deadly attacks.
Invisible strikes found their mark on that Gemstone, and the searing arrows of the arrows scorched Rosencreutz.
CRC was wounded but he rejected to make any whimpers. Instead with a sudden burst of velocity, the young silver man picked up his cross sword from the ground and launched a flurry of strikes, cutting at the #7’s body with pinpoint accuracy.
His arms, his head, his face, his stomach, his legs, his midsection, his back.
Each blow landed with devastating force, causing Sogiita to stagger back under the onslaught.
If that bandana boy hadn't had his defenses and general stats raised by the #5 he’d be cut to pieces.
The #7 fell on his back.
"There's a fire," Sogiita declared, his voice ringing out amidst the chaos of battle.
With each attempt to break his spirit, Sogiita's resolve only grew stronger, fueling the flames of his determination. "Every time someone tries to make me give up, it's like wind feeding my flames, making them burn even brighter just like my punches," he explained, his words carrying the weight of his unwavering determination.
He refused to stay down.
With a roar of defiance, Sogiita surged forward once more, his movements blurring with speed as he disappeared from view. In the blink of an eye, he reappeared behind Christian Rosencreutz, catching the magician off guard.
"Hey, old man," Sogiita taunted, his voice filled with confidence as he seized Rosencreutz from behind.
Christian Rosencreutz's eyes widened in surprise as he realized he had been outmaneuvered.
As Sogiita Gunha faced off against Christian Rosencreutz in their airborne duel, he felt the flames of determination burning within him, driving him forward with unstoppable force.
Before he could react, the boy lifted him effortlessly and slammed him onto the pavement below with a resounding thud.
"I'm not just a kick-boxer!!" Sogiita sang.
As the impact reverberated through the air, the young silver man let out a pained cry. The force of the collision compressed the surrounding air, heating it up until it crackled with energy. Christian Rosencreutz's head struck the ground with a velocity equivalent to mach 20, igniting his body in flames upon impact.
This move is called a suplex.
Struggling to regain his bearings, Rosencreutz muttered in a daze, "The House of the Holy Spirit...the seven walls..."
"You said it yourself, didn't you?" the gutsy boy retorted, cocky. "My power and my guts can break through your impenetrable walls. And I can spread those same guts to the world around me."
With a grimace, Christian Rosencreutz acknowledged the truth of the boy's words. "Your uncontrolled AIM field grants you the ability to imbue non-organic objects with the properties of your virus," he observed, his voice tinged with begrudging admiration. "Allowing them to bypass even the defenses of the seven-walled tomb.”
"A virus? Don't be so gutless, CRC," the #7 retorted, his voice filled with defiance. "This battleground ruled by wills is a two-way road between you and me."
Christian Rosencreutz raised an eyebrow at the boy's words. "Hey Gemstone, you could've killed me if I weren't a superhuman with an idealized body that accomplished The Great Work and crossed the Ungrund, what then short-stack?" he questioned while fitting an insult against his height.
Even without the seven-walled tomb or sheets of diamonds Rosencreutz was cartoonishly durable.
"Sorry, old man," Sogiita retorted, a hint of irritation lacing his words at the jab about his height. "I may have let my enthusiasm get the better of me, but rest assured, I understand the magnitude of this battle. Just like the Hydra, no matter how many heads you regrow, I'll persevere until I've completed my labors.”
"Mhm, so you do know your mythology," CRC remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "The Lernaean Hydra, or simply Hydra, is a serpentine lake monster in Greek and Roman mythology. Its lair was the lake of Lerna in the Argolid, known as an entrance to the Underworld. In the canonical myth, the monster is slain by Heracles as part of his Twelve Labors."
"Yeah, I know," Sogiita replied confidently. "I studied the tales of great gutsy heroes in school.”
"So, short-stack," Christian Rosencreutz began, his voice carrying a hint of scholarly interest. “Have you ever considered the parallels between our battle and ancient Near Eastern religions?”
Sogiita listened intently. "Are you saying you see yourself as a god of war or a hunter?" he inquired.
CRC chuckled softly. "In a sense, indeed. We are both assuming roles in this grand theater, are we not? I, the Hydra, and you, Heracles."
He continued, "Consider the Second Labor of Heracles. Eurystheus, the king of Tiryns, sent Heracles to slay the Hydra, which Hera had raised specifically to defeat him. Heracles approached the swamp near Lake Lerna, where the Hydra dwelled. To protect himself from the poisonous fumes, he covered his mouth and nose with a cloth and shot flaming arrows into the Hydra's lair, causing it to emerge and terrorize the surrounding villages."
CRC paused, drawing a comparison. “In our own clash, the flaming arrows that Heracles hurled at the Hydra find their echo in your lightning-fast fists, generating shockwaves that ignite the air with their speed and force. It's as though each strike of yours is akin to shooting a flaming arrow, much like Heracles did.”
“Huh? Are you suggesting we're caught in a time loop? That some enigmatic group, like the Bridge Builders Cabal, manipulated events to resurrect you, pitting us against each other in a timeless struggle? I've never met them, and I'm certainly no child of Zeus. Are you implying that our battle will be distorted into a Greek legend by a meddling time traveler?!” frantically asked the boy.
“No, no, you simpleton. This world contains synchronicities. In Sumerian, Babylonian, and Assyrian mythology, the war and hunting god Ninurta was celebrated for his deeds. The Angim credited him with slaying eleven monsters during an expedition to the mountains, including a seven-headed serpent, possibly identical to the Mushmahhu, and Bashmu, whose constellation was later associated with the Hydra by the Greeks. In Babylonian contexts, the Hydra's constellation is also linked to Marduk's dragon, the Mushhushshu.”
“Uhhh….” That shounen boy was dumbfounded.
"Hhm, I suppose calling it a time loop isn't technically wrong," Christian Rosencreutz began, his tone measured. "I'll break it down from history class and reconstruct it through the lens of the occult. Historic recurrence, young Gemstone, is the phenomenon of events echoing throughout time. Whether it's the rise and fall of empires or the repetitive cycles within a single society, it's all part of this grand plan that was decided when Adam ate the forbidden fruit."
The #7 with his guard up but curious listened: "So, history just keeps repeating itself? Just a series of coincidences?"
Christian Rosencreutz shook his head sagely. "There is no such thing as coincidences. Take, for instance, the Doctrine of Eternal Recurrence, pondered upon by thinkers like Heinrich Heine and Friedrich Nietzsche. While it's said that 'history repeats itself,' it's not quite that simple. Rather, these recurrences stem from identifiable circumstances and chains of causality."
He continued, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of philosophical debate. "Consider the phenomenon of multiple independent discoveries in science or the reproducible findings in natural and social sciences. These recurrences, whether in the form of rigorous experimentation or comparative research, are vital to our understanding of the world."
Christian Rosencreutz paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "G.W. Trompf, in his seminal work, The Idea of Historical Recurrence in Western Thought, illustrates the recurring patterns of political thought and behavior since ancient times. Through these patterns, history offers us invaluable lessons, often leading to a sense of resonance or déjà vu."
Their words reverberated like a challenge to destiny itself, a testament to their unyielding determination in the face of adversity.
That Gemstone didn't surrender his characteristic fervor. "History echoing through time, huh? It's like the universe itself is stuck on repeat, and we're just caught in the cycle. But you know what? If history's gonna keep looping, then let's break the pattern! Let's smash through those chains of causality and forge our own path. Who cares about déjà vu? We'll create something entirely new, something that'll shake the very foundations of this world and we’ll do it with guts!!!" He defied that silver monster.
But Rosencreutz wasn't finished. He pulled out his Crystal World Map.
The supposedly old man listened intently to that boy's impassioned response, his expression inscrutable behind his clairvoyant card. After a moment of contemplation, he spoke.
“Gemstone, you speak of breaking free from the chains of repetition, of forging a new destiny against the backdrop of eternal return. It is a noble aspiration, indeed. However, consider this: eternal return is not merely a philosophical concept or a whimsical notion of fate. It is the very fabric of existence, woven into the nature of time itself.” He pressed his finger on the Miniature Garden and a 3D holographic projection flew out—
“In ancient times, the Stoics grappled with the idea, seeing in it both a sense of cosmic order and a challenge to individual agency. Augustine and others recoiled from its implications, fearing it as a negation of free will and salvation. And yet, Nietzsche, in his brilliance, dared to confront the concept anew, exploring its depths in the crucible of human consciousness.”
Didn't Aleister Crowley say that he had to shatter every single phase in order to eliminate the concept of fate?
“I will shatter every last phase and put an end to all mysticism. It can be helped and we need not restrain our tears and bite our lip when faced with tragedy. I will bring back the pure world in which everyone can feel anger like normal and question it all like normal!!”
And didn't Coronzon appear to break down all the phases including the Pure World?
Partial destruction would be meaningless. If anything remains and an eternal distortion is born from that, then it will all happen again. I will eliminate the ten spheres, the twenty-two pathways, and the hidden eleventh symbol. Collisions between phases? Sparks and spray? You cannot save anyone if you only treat those symptoms. All of the fundamental clogs must be removed. All so we can pass the baton to whoever comes next.”
“Sparks and Sprays…” Rosencreutz muttered.
“Eh?” The #7 didn't quite hear him.
"Beside time stands fate, cruelty's steadfast herald. In the silent chambers of the soul, whispers the most profound wisdom. Humanity, in its folly, neglected to exalt life's splendor, its radiance, its grandeur. Truly, it is a rare gift to comprehend the forces that shape our existence.” That magician spoke in despair.
“From the moment man ate the fruit of knowledge, he guaranteed your species’ failure... Entrusting his future to the whims of fate, man clutches to a flickering hope. Yet, within the Miniature Garden lies the key to all revelation. Beyond the well-trodden path lies the ultimate terminus. It matters not who you are; Death is the sole certainty awaiting all.” he finished with scorn.
Shokuhou Misaki was currently linked to Sogiita Gunha so she was overhearing the entire conversation.
“Are you okay, Leader?” asked Kamijou back at the hospital.
“Yeah…” she responded.
*“Really?” Mikoto breathed a white sigh. “It wasn’t the shock of seeing their school destroyed. Nor was it the fear of having those rioters attack. …They’re afraid of their own power. And after learning how exactly to use that power to survive, they’re not sure they can just switch it off and return to their normal lives. So their gears have ground to a halt.”
Tokiwadai Middle School was a prestigious esper development school.*
The young ladies registered there were Level 3 at the lowest and Level 5 at the highest.
Almost all of the students had a power that surpassed that of a blade or handgun if used properly, but something had become twisted.
“A lot of them weren’t really sure why they were training their powers.”
Shokuhou breathed a white breath, wrapped her own arms around herself, and rubbed her thighs together.
Why are you studying?
How many people could give a proper answer to that question? Because my parents told me to, because my teachers taught me to, because that’s how the world works. Those would be most people’s answers. Even the students with a clear vision of their future would only have something vague like “for the entrance exams” or “for my future”.
Only a small handful would have specific puzzle pieces in mind, such as “I need to learn how to use this equation so I can build a rocket”.
The young ladies of Tokiwadai Middle School were the same.
What if the very gears that humans have…their actions, reactions, inactions were all the result of some transcendental entity hovering above.
Like God or The Devil watching over humanity’s reality sphere and ordering around his system like everyone was a pre-programmed NPC that had specific events occur to them to get them to develop in the way that they did and determined their genetic bloodline that composed their psyche?
Is there truly a free will?
It was said that in order for you to break out of the system of society that the working class was stuck in you had to climb to the top where the corrupt elites resided.
Imagine Breaker negated sparks, Aleister Crowley could see through the veil thanks to Holy Guardian Angel Aiwass, Great Demon Coronzon could always see the cogs.
Christian Rosencreutz could view the entire world through his Miniature Garden.
The rest of humanity was at the mercy of their own destinies.
A Guardian Angel wouldn't arrive to save a parent’s child from fate every single time.
"Okay, nice poetry, can we get back to fighting already?" asked the #7 impatiently.
"Seems I got carried away," the old man conceded with a nod. "The synchronicities of this world, akin to the astral configurations in astrology, serve as an example of synchronicity, according to Jung. It describes circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal connection, much like the parallel relationship between celestial and terrestrial phenomena. Synchronicity experiences entail subjective encounters where coincidences between events in one's mind and the external world may lack a clear causal link but still harbor an unknown connection.”
"Ah," Sogiita chimed in, recalling his philosophy class discussions. "We talked about synchronicity back then. Jung thought it was a good thing for the mind, but said it could get dicey in psychosis. He cooked up this theory as a kind of mental link between those meaningful coincidences, calling it a noncausal principle. This term came about in the late 1920s, and then he teamed up with physicist Wolfgang Pauli to dive deeper. Their work, The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, dropped in 1952. They were big on this idea that these connections, even the ones that don't seem to have a cause, could still teach us a lot about how our minds and the world work."
“Mhm, you know more than you lead on, Gemstone.” pondered CRC.
“Oh this? My teachers say I'm not good at remembering speeches hahaha…” The #7 looked slightly nervous. “You know, analytical psychologists really push for folks to get what these experiences mean to boost their awareness instead of just feeding into superstitions. But funny thing is, when clients spill about their synchronicity experiences, they often feel like no one's really hearing them out, or getting where they're coming from. And hey, having a bunch of these meaningful coincidences flying around can sometimes ring the schizo bell. Delusions aren't healthy.”
Where was this conversation going?
"Delusion! Hah! That's a good one coming from you," CRC fired back.
"The real delusion is thinking humanity isn't worth a darn," Sogiita shot back, pulling out some info from Johansen and Osman. "Some scientists think coincidences are just random flukes, but counselors and psychoanalysts reckon there's more to it, like some deep-down stuff needing to come out. Unconscious material to be expressed."
Rosencreutz interjected, his expression reflecting a mix of confusion and concern. "Aleister Crowley's actions have left a lasting scar on this world and this city," he began, his voice weighted with solemnity. “The vacuum-like dichotomy between magic and science created by the use of that colossal psychotronic weapon, has damaged this world's memory almost irreparably.”
Psychotronic weapon?
The Archetype Controller?
He paused, his gaze piercing as he continued, "Jung's exploration of synchronicity as evidence of the paranormal paved the way for further inquiry, notably by Koestler and the subsequent embrace of these ideas by the New Age movement.”
Sogiita shrugged, "Some folks say synchronicity is impossible to test or prove, so it gets labeled as pseudoscience. Jung even acknowledged that these synchronicity events are basically just coincidences, statistically speaking. But hey, who's to say what's really going on without some solid scientific studies, right?"
"Dubious as his experiments may have been," CRC interrupted, "Jung believed in a connection between synchronicity and the paranormal, drawing parallels to the uncertainty principle and works by parapsychologist Joseph B. Rhine.” CRC posed a thought-provoking question, "How are we to recognize acausal combinations of events, since it is obviously impossible to examine all chance happenings for their causality? The answer lies in the fact that acausal events are most readily expected where a causal connection appears inconceivable upon closer reflection. It's impossible, with our current resources, to explain ESP or meaningful coincidences as mere phenomena of energy. This challenges the very notion of cause and effect, as these events occur simultaneously rather than in a linear cause-and-effect manner. Hence, I have coined the term 'synchronicity' to describe this phenomenon, placing it on equal footing with causality as a principle of explanation."
Getting closer to that Gemstone, CRC emphasized, "Esper abilities cannot be fully understood with science alone. They defy traditional cause-and-effect explanations, instead representing a convergence of factors that create a quantum phenomenon affecting both the micro and macro. Why were there the naturally gifted and the naturally ungifted?”
Why did some students get praised for their abilities while others needed to work harder?
Others among them would have worked every hour of their free time and not progressed anywhere in this city’s leveling curriculum.
Why did this city present such an unfair and unpredictable status quo of potential?
Why did hard work barely matter in a city of empirical evidence to record any possible progress?
Sogiita Gunha wasn't a normal Level 5 but he wasn't always this powerful. He went through the curriculum same as everyone but if the outside conditions for his Gemstone ability to manifest didn't form in the exact way that it did, in such an acausal form then would he even be here to challenge Christian Rosencreutz right now?
Everything just happened to fall right into place.
All those puzzle pieces that would lead to this moment here and now.
Was it all just talent? God picking a fool as his champion?
The #7 leaned back, absorbing CRC's words with a thoughtful expression. "So, what you're saying is, there's this whole other layer to reality that we can't quite wrap our heads around," he summarized, nodding slowly. "I mean, it's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands—slippery and elusive."
He chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "Historic recurrence, synchronicities, all these things—they're like pieces of a puzzle scattered across this substantial reality. And sometimes, they just... click into place, right? It's like the universe has its own plan, and we're just along for the ride."
That bandana wearing boy's gaze drifted, lost in thought. "You know, CRC, it's funny," he remarked, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Here we are, with all our powers and potential, but at the end of the day, we're still grappling with the same questions as everyone else. Talent, destiny, divine intervention—maybe they're all just different sides of the same coin."
He shrugged, the weight of the philosophical musings settling over the broken city. "Who knows? Maybe God does have a sense of humor, after all.” that boy chuckled.
There was a deep silence between them.
Rosencreutz’ response was swift and resolute, his tone filled with certainty. "All this ‘universe has a plan’ banter is just a distraction from the inevitable," he declared, his eyes narrowing. "We can debate the nature of us being all-powerful yet struggling with mortal issues until the sun burns out, but it won't change the fact that our fate was sealed upon the knowledge Adam learned."
“To think so many trivialities have developed while this old man wasn’t watching. Heh heh. Then I should assume the thread of fate has again begun to weave its strange connections between myself and some unknown human.”
He rose forward, his movements purposeful. "It's time to put an end to this dance of platitudes," CRC continued, his voice cold and unwavering. "We'll settle this the only way that somewhat matters—through objective action in this grand play."
“Silence, preserved doll. Illusionists are meant to remain silent. That is all we magicians are: wielders of substanceless illusions. Opening your mouth serves only to break the illusion.”
With a flicker of resolve in his eyes, he locked gazes with the #7. "I am Hydra, Gemstone," he said, his voice carrying a hint of challenge. "Our battle ends now.” CRC opened both his palms and began shooting at their surroundings, the buildings, the pavement, the apartments, the rubble.
It probably wasn't random as it seemed to create a pattern.
“Huh are you getting senile old man?” asked the young Gemstone.
“What fun. I never imagined someone would bother diligently polishing their skills this far while knowing it is all essentially an illusion. Didn’t you ever feel silly going to the effort?”
Rosencreutz dropped to all fours, his rosy cross sword gripped tightly in his right hand.
He moved—
“Arrgh!” Sogiita yelled amidst the relentless and precise and precise strikes from that golden cross. “Old man?” he asked.
That magician didn't say anything.
That silver man’s movements became more beastly.
Something new was beginning to manifest.
With each strike of his higher dimensional blade that old man’s blows seemed infused with an otherworldly energy.
The wounds inflicted by his weapon burned with a venomous intensity, sending searing pain coursing through Sogiita's body.
That boy grimaced as the poison from that silver man’s strikes surged through his being, each wound feeling like it was ablaze with venomous fire.
"Damn... That burns…like a killer hornet’s sting," he muttered through clenched teeth, his voice strained with effort. Gritting, he fought to maintain his focus, despite the agony threatening to overwhelm him.
Was this another application of The Four Stages? Citrinitas? No, there was nothing yellow here, it was more like a dirty purple.
But it wasn't just the physical damage that posed a threat.
As the Rosy Cross leader leaped on all fours his movements took on an almost erratic quality, he was bouncing from one building to another with an animalistic agility.
With each jump, a shockwave rippled through the air, carrying with it a palpable sense of dread.
Something was spreading.
The air around them seemed to thicken with a toxic miasma. The #7 struggled to breathe, the noxious fumes clouding his senses.
Like a chaotic monster’s venomous poison breath.
The once-clear air now felt thick and suffocating.
Gasping for breath, the bandana boy struggled to maintain his focus amidst the swirling chaos.
His vision blurred, his movements sluggish as he fought against the oppressive atmosphere.
Blinded that heroic boy could only fire a flame arrow without his sight.
His fists striking out with all the strength he could muster. Igniting in that poisonous compressed air.
It seemed to be flammable like a dragon’s breath.
At the hospital, Shokuhou's voice carried a mix of surprise and relief. “He caused real damage.” she exclaimed.
Kamijou turned his attention to her, intrigued. “What happened?”
“It's hard to see clearly, but it looks like the #7 managed to blast off CRC's left arm,” she explained. “Though, I'd say it was more of a lucky shot. I can read he acted on pure instinct.”
Kamijou nodded, a hint of melancholy in his tone. “Yeah... the psychic link and all.”
Had the #7 Level 5 given up on the old man?
Back on the battlefield, Sogiita cursed under his breath. “Dammit... Sorry, old man,” he muttered. “I was aiming to hit your whole body to maximize the surface area, maybe break a few bones as a casualty. We can probably get your arm reattached at the hospital. Heaven Canceller has enough guts to even fix me.”
It was clear—he hadn't given up.
It was an accidental strike of his arm.
“As each ghastly head was severed from its serpentine form, dreadfully, two more writhed forth from the abyss.” a cryptic voice amidst the chaos spoke.
Wasn't it said that the Hydra’s lair was the lake of Lerna in the Argolid.
Lerna was reputed to be an entrance to the Underworld.
The abyss.
The Ungrund.
There is no limit to the depth of the Alcyonian Lake, and I know of nobody who by any contrivance has been able to reach the bottom of it since not even Nero, who had ropes made several stades long and fastened them together, tying lead to them, and omitting nothing that might help his experiment, was able to discover any limit to its depth. This, too, I heard. The water of the lake is, to all appearance, calm and quiet but, although it is such to look at, every swimmer who ventures to cross it is dragged down, sucked into the depths, and swept away.
The keeper of the gate to the Underworld that lay in the waters of Lerna was the Hydra.
The serpentine Lake Monster.
“Rosencreutz……?” The #7 muttered.
That magician chuckled ominously. "No, young Heracles, Hydra." he intoned, his voice echoing with a bizarre resonance. “The Lernaean Hydra's curse is upon you now.” as he said that he cut off a bit of his arm that was cuterarised with his golden blade and it began bleeding.
Anna Sprengel’s blood was said to create unknown miracles when spilled.
Christian Rosencreutz’ blood was so virulent that even its scent was deadly.
As Sogiita Gunha glanced at his severed arm lying on the ground, a creeping sense of horror enveloped him. "All of fate is a curse and that curse," he murmured, his words barely audible over the din of battle, "extends even to my severed limb.”
Christian Rosencreutz’ left arm grew back.
Two new arms grew in its place.
The fate of chaoskampf? The hero battling the dragon?
The arm was fully functioning with no defects.
Although one of the arms appeared somewhat scaly and lanky like a serpent.
It had human anatomy but something was abnormal here.
He almost looked like a spider as he emerged from the poisonous fog as he remained on all fours.
“So short-stack. Are you ready to complete your final labor: Crossing the abyss!!!” He challenged that boy with his cross sword facing him.
"Boss, what's up? You look kinda stuck," Kamijou asked, his tone concerned.
Two students were sitting together in the waiting room at a hospital.
"—abyss, Hydra, curse, synchronicities, Historic recurrence." she replied, her words carrying a weight of unease.
"Huh? What? Can you give me the lowdown?" Kamijou prodded, his urgency evident.
"Can't quite wrap my head around it. But what I can tell you is that after CRC started talking about these esoteric concepts, he leveled up his power ability, managed to seriously hurt the #7 despite me cranking up all his stats for the win condition," the honey-blonde girl explained, frustration creeping into her voice.
"Can you beam all that stuff into my head, like a memory download? You're a psychological esper, right? My right hand won't mess with it, and we've done the telepathy thing before," Kamijou suggested.
"Memory download's not quite it, but I can send you a recording," she clarified.
"Got it," Kamijou muttered as he absorbed the info.
"You got any ideas to help the #7’s situation ability, Kamijou-san? We're kinda desperate here," she asked.
"I wish Index was still here, dammit.” he lamented, “But you know about magic, right?" he queried.
"Yeah, people converting their delusions into reality right?," she admitted.
"Well, magic's not just about delusions; it can be tied up to the whole world. Not sure if it's relevant, but based on Idol Theory, Rosencreutz might be pulling in 'energy’ from the Greek 'phase’ of Heracles for an edge," Kamijou theorized.
"Like a chessboard flip?" Shokuhou Misaki inquired, her brow furrowed with concern.
"No, more like... imagine you're playing checkers with a buddy, and you're totally crushing it because you're a checkers pro. Then suddenly, your buddy switches it up and challenges you to an arm wrestling match, and you lose because, well, arm wrestling isn't your forte," Kamijou Touma explained, trying to paint a vivid picture.
"So, by taking on the role of the Hydra from Greek myth, he's essentially forcing the #7 into the role of Heracles? But didn't Heracles defeat the Hydra?" Shokuhou sought clarification.
"Yeah, but..." Kamijou recalled the tale from the movies he'd seen. "Lichas gave Heracles a shirt soaked in the Hydra's poisonous blood from his arrows, which ends up killing him by tearing his flesh down to the bone," he elaborated.
"It was actually Nessus seeking vengeance and tricking Deianira into giving it to Heracles as a gift, delivered by Lichas without disclosing the tunic's lethal bloodstained secret from the Lernaean Hydra, but you're right," Shokuhou corrected gently. "So, Rosencreutz is harnessing the power of that legend to slowly poison the #7?"
"Not literal. I mean the poison is real but his slashes do significant harm now so it's more like shifting the paradigm in his favor…shifting his position.” The spiky-haired boy wasn't in the mood to explain Phases, “Earlier, he mentioned Sogiita spreading his 'virus' throughout the world. A virus isn't a poison in the traditional sense, but the Rosicrucians originally sought to create a universal cure for all illnesses. Now, CRC is spreading a literal poison, positioning himself as the ultimate predator and his opponents as prey rather than his savior role, the paradigm has been shifted." Kamijou concluded, his voice tinged with gravity.
“So he’s changed the environment to get the win condition? The #7’s durability doesn't matter in the face of the world being forced to go about a certain way because of Rosencreutz stage play?” The girl asked.
“Yeah…if things keep going this way…Sogiita will….goddamnit….” The spiky haired boy swore. “I can't let someone else die after all that's happened but I feel like if I go out there I really will kill him…” he muttered that last bit while clenching his right fist that began shaking uncontrollably.
The girl’s eyes seemed confused.
“What did you say?” The honey blonde middle schooler asked.
“Nothing, just mumbling to myself.” he spat out.
That boy and girl could never come to the right conclusion on their own without the aid of former Magic God Othinus by their side.
“Did you think I had challenged you with no hope of succeeding, you cesspool? The magic born on earth is bound by the directions based on the earth’s magnetic field and by the density and composition of the air which is determined by air pressure which is in turn influenced by gravity. That is inevitable when you are focused on the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west or on the basic elements of fire, water, wind, and earth. But what you will find upon leaving the atmosphere is an unknown. Coronzon, are you sure there will be no malfunction in the magic giving you control of Avatar Lola? And before, my power was bound by the puny speck named earth which failed to become a black hole or even a sun, but once we enter outer space, just how far do you think that power will be released? I do not mind at all that I will lose the support of Academy City.”
Well the boy was half right.
“Let us test it out, you cuspidor. On one side, we have you using the planet and bound to an avatar. On the other, we have me exposed and freed from the planet. Now, who will be the star of this show?”
Christian Rosencreutz did not shoot at his surroundings for no reason.
The battlefield transformed into Rosencreutz's canvas, resembling the legendary battleground of Lerna where Heracles once clashed with the Hydra.
He didn't unleash his powers randomly; every action was deliberate.
In the magical side of Idol Theory, mimicking an object, event, or person allowed one to tap into a fraction of its power.
And that even applied to locations that essentially worked as stage plays.
Idol Theory was so absolute that even the basic cross held a portion of the son of God’s power.
As Above, So Below.
As Below, So Above.
Macro to micro.
Micro to macro.
And the macrocosm and the microcosm are always linked.
submitted by Imagen-Breaker to Toaru [link] [comments]