Electron hallmark card have a nice day


2021.03.13 13:01 sopadebombillas Have_a_nice_day_bro

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2021.02.13 10:32 AfiqMustafayev have_a_nice_day_bot

official community u/have_a_nice_day_bot

2019.03.23 18:55 soadsob 15minutefood

A sub for sharing food that can be made in around 15 minutes or less! Share recipes, links and experiences. Be nice to each other and have a good day!

2024.05.15 08:11 Pristine-Matter9368 I can't find a doctor (medi-cal: anthem Blue cross)

Hello guys. Please help me. I had a couple questions.
I just missed the income cut off and no longer have my silver 94 PPO. I had this for many years.
Initially they switched me to straight Medi-Cal. My primary care doctor accepted this. I was happy with this as a lot of doctors take this. I talked to the county worker and he said I can keep straight medi-cal.
One day I got a letter in the mail saying I have been switched to anthem Blue Cross And they sent me a card. I called the county And they said that I could not keep straight medi-cal and I had to choose a plan and by default this is where they put me.
My problem:
I cannot find a primary care doctor. I called the Anthem to ask for a list of primary care doctors in my area. When I looked the doctor up either they are no longer practicing in the area... Or when I call them they say they don't take Medi-Cal/anthem.

1 how do I find a doctor?

I read online and here on Reddit that the different Medi-Cal plans are essentially the same. Is this true?

2 Should I switch my plan? What should I switch it to?

I want a primary care doctor but I don't know what to do.
Please help me. Thank you.
submitted by Pristine-Matter9368 to Sacramento [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:10 Ghost00074 [36m] What’s up? I am here looking for friends, also eventually my bestie!

Hey, my name is Ralph. I am 36, and I live in Florida. I travel for work though so I am all over the place and I travel full time. So that means I am not on any specific time zone, I sleep when I’m tired. As flight crew my work schedule can be 7 days a week, 365 days a year and holidays. I prefer it that way vs a traditional 9-5 Monday to Friday type job, no thanks. As flight crew I get to see the world and get paid for it. I truly love my job and what I do. I also get to live in Florida but still see all 4 seasons! I have been to 19 countries and growing!
I am a nerd. I love gaming. I have a PS5, gaming desktop, gaming laptop, switch OLED, etc. I am also an electronic music producer. I produce house, tech house, trance, techno, drum and bass, etc! It is just for fun!
I am looking for friends. I am VERY picky with who I respond to and make friends with. I am also looking for my best friend but that takes time and it just has to happen. I just need to click with someone. Someone who immediately gets my high level of sarcasm, etc.
I am looking for real life friends not just online! Message me! :)
submitted by Ghost00074 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:10 Ghost00074 [36m] What’s up? I am here looking for friends, also eventually my bestie!

Hey, my name is Ralph. I am 36, and I live in Florida. I travel for work though so I am all over the place and I travel full time. So that means I am not on any specific time zone, I sleep when I’m tired. As flight crew my work schedule can be 7 days a week, 365 days a year and holidays. I prefer it that way vs a traditional 9-5 Monday to Friday type job, no thanks. As flight crew I get to see the world and get paid for it. I truly love my job and what I do. I also get to live in Florida but still see all 4 seasons! I have been to 19 countries and growing!
I am a nerd. I love gaming. I have a PS5, gaming desktop, gaming laptop, switch OLED, etc. I am also an electronic music producer. I produce house, tech house, trance, techno, drum and bass, etc! It is just for fun!
I am looking for friends. I am VERY picky with who I respond to and make friends with. I am also looking for my best friend but that takes time and it just has to happen. I just need to click with someone. Someone who immediately gets my high level of sarcasm, etc.
I am looking for real life friends not just online! Message me! :)
submitted by Ghost00074 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:09 AffectionateJello383 Found out my mom is cheating on my dad again (sorry for it being to long😭)

This is the second time i found my out the my mom is cheating again. The first time was when i was in 8th grade. I remember that the exact moment i found out, i was outside with her and we were grilling the food and a text message popped up and i read it and immediately went to my room and started to cry but i never told her and hid it deep down for years and joked about it. The second time happened exactly the same way but in a car. I wanted to play music and i saw some text messages and realized that she was cheating again.
The first time was okay because i couldn’t process my mind around it but this time it hurt me and i felt like she betrayed me. I want to tell but i don’t know when and how. I want to tell her how hurt i am and how tired i am. Something i could not get past was that she was texting like she was in love and has never acted that way with my dad. I felt betrayed for him since she is always undermining him. I admit that he is not the best husband but he tries to be one and always does what she wants.
Btw there was one point where she did leave (not divorced just lived with her sister) and she told me that she wanted to stay for me but i told her that she should live her own life and I’m not stopping her because at this point I was ready for them to live apart because they would always argue anyways. But she didn’t and stayed. So, This would been fine if they weren’t married but they are so i don’t understand why she stayed if she was going to cheat and lie about it.
These past few days, my mental health is getting worse. I feel stressed and have anxiety because whenever my mom leaves the house i think that she is going to call him or go to his house. And whenever she comes back home, i question her and try to avoid her because i feel uncomfortable. I have been getting irritated whenever she tries to talk to me which makes me avoid her more. I don’t like she acts when i know she is cheating (I’m basically not trusting her anymore which is sad since she is my mom).
The worst part is that she is mean and talkes about my body and how i need to lose weight so i already have been distant with her. She talk like i need to follower her every bidding because its her house. And im scared to tell her and her not caring if i know or not and dismissing my feelings (this would not be the first time). I am also about to graduate high school(literally tomorrow) so i will be spending more alone time her. Which makes more hesitant to tell her. But My mom isn’t dumb and i think she knows that i know. (i dont want yall to think im selfish, i just want her to be honest and happy but her cheating is hurting everyone) i wish the best for her since she has the right to live her own life and i understand why she may have cheated but i don’t agree with her actions at all.
I dont know if i want to tell my dad about it but i want to talk to my mom about it first. Do you think i should talk to her or should i not say anything since it is not my problem or business? If i should talk to her What should i say to her? I need some advice so i can live my own life and not be distracted by someone else’s.
This felt nice to say and to tell someone so Thank you for reading it all!!😊😊 (It is long af😅)
submitted by AffectionateJello383 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:09 lost-instinct Pocket Carry Recommendations

Hey, guys just looking for pocket carry options. I turn 21 in less then a month, and am looking for my first ccw. Not new to guns, but between working in a hospital and being a student I can't carry half the time; so I'm looking for somthing I can easily slip in a pocket (with a holster of course). I'd prefer to stay 9mm, not a huge fan of 380. Recently held a springfield 911, and felt nice with a pinky extension. Unfortunately that has been discontinued, but seems pretty similar to the sig P938. Feel free to drop any suggestions in the comments. Have a good day, guys.
submitted by lost-instinct to CCW [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:05 Sixteenlittlepigs Ran into my Ex at my work coffee shop

Ran into my ex at my work coffee shop. It's been atleast 4 and a half years since I had last seen them and honestly the quick little catch up chat we had between grabbing our coffees was nice. Fast forward to today where I get a message saying "I'm at the coffee shop would you like one?". Instant panic. I politely say no and go on with my day. That's when I start getting more messages. At this point I'm sending short replies that don't have any way to new conversations. Big mistake. Now they start to message me, obviously very angry, saying that they cares about me and I shouldn't treat them like they are nothing because we spent a fair amount of time together. I just tell them I'm very busy and it's hard to reply (which is very true) and go on about my day. The thing is I'm terrified to go to my coffee shop now. There isn't any other close by and my little morning ritual is something I highly cherish. I'm afraid of them not because they would ever harm me but because I know they love to make a massive scene. They love a verbal fight and I don't want that to happen. Anyways rant over but what would you guys even do in this situation.
submitted by Sixteenlittlepigs to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:03 hinasilica Are my expectations too high or is this an issue?

Hey everyone! So I have always lived in high rise buildings with fantastic management, amenities, and maintenance. But I had a baby last year and decided it was time to move to a quieter and safer location. The apartment itself is very nice and has everything we need as a family, but it keeps having somewhat minor issues. I’m genuinely not sure if these issues are to be expected and I’m just spoiled, or are these real problems I need to address?
I’m not sure if this matters, but this is a middle class, mildly upscale, complex with about 1500 townhouses and apartments split in smaller buildings, all gated and homey feeling. I will just go ahead and list the issues I’ve had since May 1st.
  1. Power went out for about 20 mins. I called emergency maintenance and left a voicemail per my welcome packet instructions, no response or follow up on their end but power did come back on.
  2. May 4th I submitted a maintenance request because the dryer isn’t working, they came a day later and determined the knob was broken. They ordered parts, haven’t heard from them since. I have been using a power drill to turn the knob and use my dryer as that’s the only way.
  3. The gas fireplace smokes and sets off the smoke alarms. They checked it out and used a C02 detector and said it’s not leaking. When I asked why it smokes and sets off alarms the maintenance man didn’t have an answer or offer to look at it more.
  4. The hot water is “private”(?), as in the tank is in my unit and only for my use idk I’m not well versed in that stuff, but it can’t even fill a bath tub with hot water after no hot water being used for hours. This home has two extra large bathtubs and I have a baby so this one does really matter to me. I’ve been going olden days with pots of boiling water to heat it up for my son.
  5. Breakers short out almost everyday. Not a huge inconvenience but it can be frustrating when I have the oven going and I don’t even realize the kitchen just turned off.
  6. Phone service in my home is unreasonably bad, but perfectly fine anywhere else in the community. I can’t have phone calls or use data at all in my home.
  7. Secondary bathtub (my bathtub since the master bath is in the room my son sleeps in) always spews out dark black specks when I initially run it. After it drains the remaining specks leave black smears on the tub, they come off with magic eraser.
Am I overreacting and this is all just part of living in more of a townhouse situation? Is this complete bs and I should make a big deal out of it?
submitted by hinasilica to renting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:01 Apprehensive-Cat-149 Being a twink and attention from guys

Just wanted to get some clarification from other people (especially those who fall into the „twink“ category) about what is happening to me.
So I myself am gay and I often get labeled as a cute twink and also identify myself as one (skinny, young, blue eyes/blond hair). For quite a long period of my life I was completely insecure about my physical appearance - as I always thought that I have to be masculine, have a beard, muscles etc.
Considering the gender norms I’d also personally say that I have a large number of qualities that are associated with femininity. I am kind, modest, affectionate and try my best to look „pretty“ as such.
Now I think I got over the fact that I’ll probably never be the macho, hypermasculine guy and I am embracing the fact that I am a twink that might appear effeminate to some people. Nevertheless deep down I am quite insecure and shy although I am not always projecting it to the outside world as I try to appear quite confident and self conscious to others.
Now after growing up a bit more, getting more experiences as well as trying to look even more cute/boyish and I notice the vast amount of attention that I get from (especially) males. I recently started working in a large restaurant that serves a few hundred guest each day and I literally feel like a zoo animal as I get constantly stared at as soon as I appear in their view. Sometimes when I’m busy doing something and look suddenly up I just notice that I am being watched and how guys are trying to quickly try to look away but are sometimes just not fast enough for me not noticing it. When I walk somewhere there would be always, more often, guys that try to make eye contact or sometimes I’d also notice that someone is trying hard almost forcing not to look at me. Now the problem no.1 is that I feel a bit overwhelmed and I don’t know how the behave anymore as I feel like I am being constantly watched and as a result I am a bit to self-aware of myself, thinking how I should walk and keep a neutral face and try to not act weird in any way. The second thing is that for a long time I was a bit scared of straight guys. I always thought that straight men would judge me for being physically and emotionally more effeminate and react quite bad or even with aggression towards me.
However after having contact with so many customers each day I started to see that most guys are trying to be quite nice to me and most shockingly there would be guys who would become extremely nervous during interactions (hands super shacking) beyond the point that I have to look away sometimes so they can pay with their credit card. On the other hand women can be quite shitty to me and very unfriendly or dry although I am generally trying to be more gentle and kinder to them as I feel more comfortable presenting myself as more feminine or gay to women. I also sometimes feel that some might be jealous especially if there are with their partners and the guy is paying a lot of attention to me. Not sure if that feeling is valid.
So after realising all this I started to understand that I might attract a lot of males, which straight up confuses me. Considering that only 10% of people consider themselves lgbt I can’t understand why I get all these reactions considering that most people still know that I am a guy. Knowing that, I myself, try not to maintain the eye contact with guys but rather try to look down to avoid the response to their gaze. Sometimes I am quite curious where it would lead to with some of them if I would actively engage with them for a longer time where I clearly make it visible to them that I find them appealing.
I just want to say that I feel quite embarrassed writing all this as I feel that I might come of as arrogant, but it’s just something I noticed for a while now and I can’t cope with it. It’s actually negatively impacting me to the extent that I hate going out to public places and after each shift I’m yet again confused about all the male attention.
So maybe someone has some explanation on what is happening here so that it no longer confuses me. Maybe there are people that would describe themselves being similar to me and experience a similar phenomena. Or maybe I’m just starting to become insane (idk).
submitted by Apprehensive-Cat-149 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:00 carcassandra Karen tried to save his view and stop my childhood home from being built by abusing his position.

This story takes place in early 2000s. My dad is a plumber with his own small company; they signed to do plumbing to a new construction of 3 townhouses built by his mates (let's call him "Bob") company.
These houses were built on slope of a hill. From the beginning, one of the neighbors directly above the site was vehemently against these houses since they would affect his view. He went full Karen "protecting" his precious view of ...a street. Not waterfront, fields or forest. A regular, suburban street. The Karen was an engineer and worked in city district planning, meaning that while he had no legal basis for his complaints, he was very efficient at generating complaints, delays and pushing for additional review. To put it plainly, guy was an absolute pain in the butt. For a giant construction conglomerate that might have not been a problem, but a bunch of local small businesses, the delays were almost catastrophic.
One of Mr Karen's demands was that the slope of the roof should be flattened, lowering the buildings by around 4 feet. It doesn't sound so unreasonable, until you take in to account this was up north and there was heavy snow every winter. No or insufficient slope would mean the snow would build up, causing heavy extra burden on the roof and requiring manual removal. Karen suggested they build some sort of weird pump system to remove snow; this would greatly increase costs, and was weird and unnecessary of you just built a roof suitable to local climate. And this guy was an engineer who really should know better.
But here's where Mr Karen fucked up. He sent that demand from work, using the official city letterhead and his full name and title. One day, my father's friend Bob (the builder), was at a builders convention. And who does he see at a booth if not Mr Karen's boss? He whips out this letter and walks up to Mr. Boss and asks him, if this really is the city's official take on their project. Mr Boss was very interested to see this letter and had a nice little chat with Bob.
Soon after, the complains stopped. There were no delays and construction got moving. Turns out, Mr Karen had way overstepped; he lost his high-paying job at the city and ended up moving away soon after the houses were finished. My dad ended up liking the place so much he moved his family there, and we lived there happily for next 17 years, having great views of the house that Mr Karen didn't live in anymore.
submitted by carcassandra to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:00 maudiestirling AITA for wanting a full refund on a carbon laser bundle I’ve redeemed?

AITA for wanting a full refund on a carbon laser bundle I’ve redeemed?
Please see the text messages where I outlined my concerns with the home-based aesthetician. In summary, I booked 3x carbon laser facials at a home-based clinic from Groupon. I had booked this facial following a stressful few days expecting a time to be able to close my eyes and relax, but as soon as I laid down, the woman forced her phone in my face to promote her other services for acne, and insisted on making me watch her instagram videos and blasting them next to my ear. I told her nicely several times that I was only interested in receiving the treatment I paid for, but she didn’t get the hint. Then without warning she dotted the liquid carbon on my face without having removed my makeup or washed my face. I was shocked and asked her if it was okay that she didn’t wash my face. She said yes, that she’d wash it later. But I thought it was expected for all facial treatments to begin with clean skin for hygiene purposes, and I kept asking if she was sure, and she kept dismissing my concerns. Before she began the laser she put two cotton pads over my eyes, and that was all the “eye protection” I was given. When the laser was used near my eyes it was blinding even to my closed eyes, and when I told her she just said it wasn’t a problem and held her hand over my eyes as she proceeded. She then told me her LED mask wasn’t working so she was going to upgrade me to a more intense light therapy treatment ? but gave no further explanation, and beyond applying a gelatin-like mask over my entire face including my eyes, I also had no eye protection. When the light shield turned on, it was intensely bright and startling even through closed eyes, and I reflexively had to squint really hard. I then had to spend the entire time trying to relax my face muscles because of how hard I was squinting. At no point did she explain to me what she was putting on my face. By the end of the session I was more stressed than I had been when I entered. That was yesterday, and upon processing it today, I realised I did not feel comfortable returning for the remainder of my 2 sessions. I reached out to Groupon explaining the situation to them and asked if I could obtain a refund for the remaining 2 sessions, but they said as my voucher had been redeemed, they could not. I then reached out to the woman as per the attached screenshots. I was not seeking a full refund to begin with as I know she did spend products and time on me, but as our communication progressed I became increasingly concerned about her qualifications and legitimacy. I did then ask for a full refund for the 3 sessions given 1) her inability to provide a laser safety certificate, meaning she was not qualified to give me the treatment, 2) the terrible, uncomfortable, stress inducing experience I had.
She has now turned hostile because I pressed her further about her unsafe practices and accused me of trying to scam her. I’m just wondering if I did overstep to ask for a refund for the treatment she did provide me? Thanks for reading, any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by maudiestirling to AusSkincare [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:00 CaTTerpillar__ SLANDERED AS A SEX OFFENDER (LIBEL)

My name was slandered SO badly by the quinte.ca news that it is literally criminal and VERY VERY messed up.
According to this article I am a Sex Predator and was trying to lure a 13 year old for sex using the internet.(!!!!!)
This is a long story so I’m going to do my best at condensing it so people actually read it.
This is what happened: With a fair amount of spare time on my hands I decided to do something that would create a positive, long lasting impact. I knew there had to be some real sex predators in a city this size so I decided to see if any ADULTS online were interested and fully follow through with preying on a minor. Less than a few minutes after creating a profile I was contacted by a Belleville Resident who indicated DIRECTLY to me that he was “ok” with the decoys age.
I told him my age was TWELVE. 
Within the first 5 minutes of the conversation. So for the next five days he was essentially grooming who he believed was 12 year old and attempting to meet him that upcoming weekend. At no time did I initiate or direct the conversation to move in the dirty direction. I wanted to not only provide as much solid evidence as possible for the police, but I was thinking forward to do the same for the future prosecution when this case ultimately reached the Court….( at least In my mind, this is what I was doing it for! )
Speaking to him about 45 minutes each day I was shocked at how this was actually happening. Shocked at how quickly, unaffected and confident he was to be luring a 12 year old to his apartment.
Most disturbing was the bits of information that was confessed to me. How he “had to be really careful” because he is already a registered sex offender due to being caught with another minor years ago, and how he “had multiple other people your age” in the past which he had never been caught for.
So obviously by the time I was aware of that I was Deadset at not only catching and exposing this creep but see to it that he gets his rightful spot back in a prison cell.
Make no mistake I took screenshots of EVERY message/text/conversations/photos. 
( I had taken photos of myself and used an age altering app which was procured freely from Apple. ) Upon his request I sent multiple Altered selfies over those five days in the various poses he was asking for. Obviously this was done to prove that the decoy was in fact “real”. Bam. That’s it. It was Friday and this registered sex offender “PDF File” was in FULL BELIEF and confident that a Minor was on the way to his apartment to “teach him” how to have sex.
I went just outside the meeting area a bit early and sat down with my Sony 500 video camera around my neck and was prepared to begin the video, capturing him as he went directly to the prearranged location. He was going with the quickness and attempting to hold back the huge shit eating grin on his face. Disgusting. Vile. True evil.
So I walked up to him while recording and made a call from my cellphone to his which I used to instantly tell him off the bat: “YOU’RE FKD!” Also by doing this at that moment I was putting him in a position (ON CAMERA mind you) which he had zero opportunity to deny anything.
Over the next 20-30 minutes He confessed to everything that was said during the conversations. Instead of me questioning him, initially I had told him to tell me exactly why he was there, and for him to tell me (the camera) everything that was in those terrible and unbelievable messages. 
I grilled him like a ribeye.
After having gathered what I believed to be enough evidence and having him vocally express ( One more and last time) directly to the camera why he was there at that precise moment and what it was he had expected to go down that day in his apartment, I decided to end recording, and leave.
With my adrenaline pumping, I left. Forgetting to do what could’ve been the most important thing, not for exposing him or the Court, but for ME. . . Call the cops. I called them about 10 minutes into the walk back to my home. I told the Officer everything that had just happened. Including the prior five days leading up to this event. I was praised for doing what I had done by this Officer but was informed that the “Detective” responsible for this “crime category” was already off duty and wouldn’t be returning until Monday.
On Monday I received a phone call from that Officer and TRIED to explain everything. It was like I was speaking another language to him. He REPEATEDLY tried to change what I was telling him. For example; I explained how I was the decoy and that there did NOT EXIST AN ACTUAL MINOR involved here, and then he would say: “so you and this sex offender ‘hooked up’ and tried to get a ‘13’ year old over to HIS house” !!!!! It was if he was Trolling. He simply could not, or did not WANT TO understand what happened. “It’s like a STING OPERATION” I finally said to him. I told him this guys name and where he lived. I even knew his birthdate from the convos with the Decoy. So this “detective” in charge of investigating a very serious category of crime in this city KNEW that this predator is a Registered Sex Offender. He KNEW that I was in possession of a litany of irrefutable evidence. Yet was totally incompetent and put me down as Suspect #1 from the start. For not a single reason. He denied my requests to come down and SHOW HIM THE FRICKIN’ EVIDENCE. He did not even want to see the video confession!!! Nothing happened. He said it was now an “open case” and I had a case number. Deflated. Flabbergasted. I was [again] in shock. After weeks of waiting, I ended up putting the entire video of sicko confessing and me grilling him on YouTube. My genuine motive from the start was to make a positive impact on the community. To potentially stop a child from being victimized by a predator. I felt let down the police response. Little did I know what was to come SIX months later. The cops raided the house I was living in.
I was immediately handcuffed and told that I was arrested for “LURING A MINOR” !!!! I was literally paralyzed. With at LEAST HALF A DOZEN POLICE OFFICERS AND AN EQUALLY UNNECESSARILY LARGE AMOUNT OF SUVS PARKED ON THE DRIVEWAY, LAWN, AND ONE OF THE BUSIEST ROADS IN THE CITY. RED AND BLUES FLASHING ON ALL OF THEM. W h a t . T h e . F o c k ! ? ! They went up to my neatly organized room and searched it over discovering of course nothing but my phone. Snatching it with a joy like they had just successfully done something significant. I had 5-7 cops surrounding me in a semi circle after arriving at the Jail as I prepared to go inside a cell. They even shackled my feet. I know from watching cops and the like on YouTube to always exercise the right to remain silent. There was nothing I could do or say at that point which would help and I definitely didn’t resist the arrest so it really must’ve been a slow day. Eh guys? That and/or the overly incompetent rookie had relayed to his colleagues and obviously his Superiors to get the raid and arrest warrant his own personal story that he had recreated. Unfriggenbelieveable! It’s SO ABSURD THERE IS NO PROPER WORDS TO EXPRESS HOW IT FEELS TO GO THROUGH THIS! Doing something I considered not just “Right”, but Honourable, Justified, and definitely NOT illegal! How the hell did a JUDGE sign an arrest AND RAID Warrant on me with ZERO evidence, physical, concrete, or even circumstantial?? Not a single reason lawfully or otherwise for them to raid, arrest, shackle my feet and throw me in a jail cell for hours, and then criminally charge me with “Luring of a Minor”. Evidently, according to this news article the police had conducted a Six Month Investigation. Huh? Of What?! On Who?!
Now, Finally, The News Article: The information printed in any news article requires a source, so all of this information had to have only been provided by the police department. This article was printed at 9 in the morning the very next day of the arrest and raid. So of course this was all information provided from police.
This is what the dumbass, rookie, ignorant cop fabricated for no actual real reason: 
“Two men were arrested yesterday after a Six Month long Investigation revealed that the men had ‘BOTH’ believed that they were speaking with a ‘13’ year old boy online. Registered sex offender (the real predators name) and another known sex offender ( my name) are each charged with Luring of a Minor. (Real predators name again) is also charged with using an electronic device to lure a Minor, and breach of probation.”
My LandLord happened to be home at the time of the Raid, and he had also (I guess being suspicious after the raid,) read the article online which is quoted directly above. 
Which meant that he would be evicting me from the property, and I can’t blame him. With that article being read by my roommates and hisself I can’t really blame him for that either.
The charges against myself were eventually dropped, of course. About 18 months later! My phone being confiscated in the raid in order to access everything on there was also given back to me. They played immature and unprofessional games with that as well; returning my property. Such as : come in this day, your phone is ready to be released now. Show up. “Oh so and so thought it was ready but we don’t have it yet.” Weeks later. Get another call saying it is in fact ready now. Show up. “There is no one working in the evidence locker today, there will be in two days.” Screw them! I show up ten days late and what do you know? My property is actually there for me, and I finally get it back. Of course having had to purchase new phone in the meantime. Worse yet, I can’t recall the password and it was before facial recognition (not like that would matter) and after the fingerprint touch button. So it’s just a brick now.
That’s the least of my concern, as that bullshit article remains up, and the YouTube video had been taken down for some privacy violation nonsense.
After paying the criminal defence attorneys’ invoice(s), I couldn’t afford the 6K being asked by EVERY attorney I had reached out to.
So there, that’s one of many of my Unbelievably Insane Life’s stories. I suppose I didn’t provide the short version. Even though I have sincerely tried to keep it all to a minimum by leaving out plenty of details and significant events, this ended up being the Mid Length version.
submitted by CaTTerpillar__ to BellevilleOntario [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:59 professorwormb0g Unpopular Switch opinions that you hold?

Here are two of mine:
  1. I think the tagging "label" system they currently have for organizing games is way better than folders used in 3DS and Wii U. For the same reason Google went with the label system in Gmail when they developed it (and it was considered very innovative at the time). Games can be tagged multiple times or not at all, but with folders they can only be grouped once. It also lets you sort them other ways (ABC, playtime, last played, etc.) while not having any weird UI confusion. I still find sorting and viewing my whole collection useful, such as when I have a guest over and want them to pick a game out of my entire library or just to show them what games I have. I only wish you could jump to your tags right from the main menu, but I think they did this to prevent you from skipping over and forgetting about games you've not tagged. Although they could have had a link to "all software" or "untagged titles" in the label menu too. But right now it's still pretty easy to get to with just three inputs. It IS a bit awkward having to press left to get to all software I will admit. That could have had a simple button shortcut too. I was actually always struggling with my large collection of 3DS games because I would forget what folder I put a title in, accidentally moved it in the wrong folder, and hated that you couldn't sort your games within or outside of the folders. It was completely a manual process no matter which way you went about it, just like if you had a shelf of physical titles. No way to view your library in ABC order, etc. and no library search function either. Something which I think the Switch should have too by the way. Overall, with my frustrations with the completely manual 3DS organization system, I was happy with how they went about it on Switch but still see other people criticize it all of the time. So I think my opinion isn't popular.
  2. I like having the old games on the streaming service and even think there's benefits to gamers from them releasing them piecemeal. I'd probably never pay for a lot of these games again because it's so easy to emulate on many different platforms (phone, pc, modded consoles), but IT IS nice to have a library of old games available on the switch, and costs me 8 dollars a year with family plan (the full expansion price is too much and I'd never pay it). It even has led me to discovering "new to me" games I would have never played or bought from Nintendo's past. I think releasing them in chunks can be a fun community thing too because after they dump a batch on us, I notice lots of people online and in my personal life are playing them again as Nintendo has shone the spotlight on them, so to speak, which makes them the center of discussions; and I love classic game discussions! It was a good way to build hype and awareness for the Metroid franchise when they released the GBA titles on Switch and were pushing the new Dread and Prime Remastered games around the sams time, bringing more awareness of these games so that when Prime 4 gets here people will be very familiar with a series that isn't as popular as Mario or Zelda. It's nice having a big library of old games ready to go when you want to switch it up and play something different but don't want to drop more money and download a new game you don't know if you'll like or not. The streaming makes it low stakes. The only thing that makes the NSO classic games service fall short for me is that we won't see a lot of great games on there due to IP publishing reasons, so lots of classic games strongly tied with old systems' identities are going to be left out as their IP owner chooses to keep them off the service and opt for a eshop release or remake instead.
One thing I also particularly enjoy on NSO is the multiplayer option to play single player games with a group of friends online and virtually passing the controller between players. It's almost as good as being in the same room like when we were kids. My old friend and I nearly beat Mario 64 together online while we were talking on the phoned living on different coasts, and then decided to play some mario tennis 64; for which we have a rivalry. He was feeling very lonely because his wife had died recently and the online multiplayer feature really brightened up both of our days that afternoon as we (sometimes struggling to!) remembered how to get 120 stars.
What are some opinions you hold about the Switch that are unpopular? Anything at all! Mine were good things most people criticize, but maybe you have a criticism of something everybody else praises about the console. Let's hear it! I thought this could breed some fun discussions.
submitted by professorwormb0g to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:59 _Void682 [Offer] $20 from Monzo plus $5 from me (US only)

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submitted by _Void682 to signupsforpay [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:58 No_Rutabaga5980 25 and no guy has ever liked me back

I don’t know what the purpose of this post is, I guess it’s just to vent a little but hear me out: I’m a 25 year old woman, average looking and with a job that involves meeting a lot of people every day (I work at a bar).
In the past few years I’ve gotten quite a few compliments about my looks but it was always from middle aged women and it was always about me being “pretty” (never beautiful or anything more than that).
I’ve had quite a few crushes growing up,none of them were reciprocated tho and it’s really making me depressed to the point where I think “am I really so unlovable?” Every time I think someone might actually like me back or just have a crush on me I learn about a fact that makes me know they actually don’t and in some cases their friends even make fun of them because of my crush (apparently being happy when they enter a room is a giveaway although I thought it was just me being nice).
I came to the point of liking every single guy that I have a feeling might be interested and yet NONE of them are.
The last one was today at work: I went looking for one of my female colleagues and she was jokingly saying she went on a motorcycle ride with my crush when another male colleague asked him “why don’t you take her (me) on a ride” and he literally said “no,no”. I turned around to go back to where I was supposed to be but I kept my head turned to the right because I was talking to my f colleague and wanted to look at her when I saw him behind me waving “no” angrily at the guy that made the joke.
I just feel so worthless,why does it always have to be a joke? Why do I never get anyone to like me? I keep clean,wear makeup everyday,get haircuts frequently so my hair looks good,do skincare and try to be polite. I’m not beautiful and I know that but god why did this have to be me ? Why is it considered funny to be liked by me?
I chose this job also because I thought that maybe I would meet more guys and at least ONE would ask me out but no Not a client and not a colleague
submitted by No_Rutabaga5980 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:54 I_Dont_Do_It First credit card, first real job, 21M

Looked a bit at this sub but honestly I still am not sure what to do.
Current Cards: N/A.
FICO Score: 660 (I think. I did an Equifax review and it said 660, but literally the only thing I have is my student loans).
Oldest account age: 3 years. (Chase student account)
5/24 Status: 0/24
Income: $70,000
Monthly Spend:
Dining: $300
Groceries: $500
Rent: $1800 w/ utilities (can be paid with CC)
401k: $300 a month
Student Loans: $500 a month
I just keep the rest as cash on hand, trying to build up 1 years salary in cash as a nest egg. I should probably put this in a high yield savings account.
Open to business cards: should I be? I don’t have a business.
Purpose of next card: Building credit. I’m not sure what the best rewards type would be. I’m thinking a card I can get good points or cash back on groceries, dining, that sort of thing, and a general 1% cash back or 1 point per dollar i guess? would be cool.
Any cards I’ve been looking at:
AMEX Blue Cash Everyday
Chase Freedom Unlimited
I would prefer a general spending card so that in the future I can still use this one for my day to day. Opening a ton of credit cards isn’t really what I want to do.
submitted by I_Dont_Do_It to CreditCards [link] [comments]



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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:50 Odd-Kaleidoscope5081 GK vs Sole Proprietorship - private loans and moving assets from sole proprietorship

I have a couple of questions. I am a sole proprietor for a while now and I am slowly thinking of moving my business to GK. My questions are following:
  1. Would having a GK increase my credibility for private loans, especially given by banks? I am planning to get a larger loan in a future, but from what I've seen - sole proprietors are either not accepted or are treated as very risky clients, even if they have long business history. I don't have issues with stuff like Flat35, credit cards or "Jaccs". Just, from my understanding, banks rarely want to work with sole proprietors.
    1. If I was a director of GK, would that change anything?
    2. I also assume that the "work history" would be considered from the day I am hired by the GK and the years of being a sole proprietor would not be counted in, from banks perspective. Is that correct assumption?
  2. Let's say I, as a sole proprietor, create an Online Service that starts earning money.
    1. How does the Online Service "transfer" works when I open a GK?
    2. Am I taxed as Sole Proprietor for the income generated by the Online Service up until the day I opened GK, and once the Online Service belongs to GK, the taxation moves there?
    3. Are there any negatives of starting the Online Service as a sole proprietor and move to GK once the service becomes profitable?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Fixed formatting
submitted by Odd-Kaleidoscope5081 to JapanFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:49 Other-Independence28 Swedish Customs, Courtesies and Etiquette for an expats moving there?

  1. What's the typical work day/week like in Stockholm? MON-FRI, 0900-1700 with a lunch break around 1200?
  2. Assuming vehicle traffic frequency is dependent on the answer to my 1st question?
  3. What's the local beeliquor the natives typically drink in Stockholm?
  4. What's the national drink in Sweden?
  5. What's the most popular sport in Sweden and who do swedes typically hail for?
  6. What are the top cell phone carriers in Stockholm and the surrounding areas? Which cell carriers have the best, most consistent, reliable coverage?
  7. Is tipping after a beer or meal normal at bars/restaurants?
  8. Do most people carry cash on them or rely on credit cards for everyday purchases?
  9. How late do bars, clubs and restaurants typically stay open in Stockholm?
  10. Does UbeLyft exist in Stockholm or are Taxi's the primary car service?
  11. Are tattoos generally accepted out in public or are they taboo and frowned upon?
  12. Is it normal to smile and say hello to people you don't know in passing when walking around the city as a sign of kindness?
  13. What's the general safety/security like within Stockholm? Is there much crime, especiallyat night? If there is crime, what type of crime is most common? Are gangs a reality within Stockholm?
  14. Is the tap water from the faucet safe to drink?
  15. Is there any advantage to taking the train or bus over an Uber?
  16. What are some common food etiquette practices that are customary in Sweden? Is there a certain way to order food in Stockholm?
  17. Are ATM machines abundant in Stockholm - easy to access money?
  18. Does paypal work in Sweden?
  19. What money transfer apps are most commonly used in Sweden?
  20. Is religion a big thing I Sweden?
  21. Are most businesses shut down during holidays?
  22. What's the typical day-to-day clothing style in Stockholm? Typical colorways of clothing (bright, dark, inbetween?)
What are some general customs, courtesies and etiquette to ease an expats transition into Stockholm? What are THE DOs/DONTs for every day life as a Swede?
Please feel free to add/comment anything you think I should know as a new person moving to Sweden from the west.
Thank you.
submitted by Other-Independence28 to TillSverige [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:49 Disastrous_Two2432 Paying Security Bank CC via VYBE

This is my first time having a credit card from Security Bank. I would just like to ask how many days before my payment get reflected to the bank app? I paid through the VYBE app and it said payment will be reflected real time, yet, payment still not reflecting on the app.
submitted by Disastrous_Two2432 to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:47 happytortellini Should I change job

Mid 20s. Working at current company for close to 2 years. Pay has increased from 3200 > 3500 > 4100 in this company. Job is so chill that in an entire month there’s only a few busy days. Boss is nice but there’s no WFH so everyone just end up sitting at their desks playing mobile games or scrolling through social media until we can go home. Travelling to office takes around an hour for me so having to travel all the way to office knowing there is nothing to do really dreads me. I think the increment is not bad but I feel like I’m rotting here. Should I change job?
submitted by happytortellini to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:46 Batwingssss Does he like me?

Me and my friend went to a jazz club a few days ago to watch a live event, where we met up for the first time. During that time he said he likes how I dress and we conversed for a while. But then he said that he thinks I am special, saying that there’s not many people like me. That is the biggest compliment to me coming from him. I can’t believe he said that. We started talking about our past relationship(s) and our dating life and I said I have no luck in it haha. Then he said “I am surprised you have no luck.” I asked him why and he just went “because you’re nice.” In a shy type of way. Me and him are very shy people as well. Whenever I looked at him he smiled.
Now we’ve planned to go to a record store on Friday. He said he’s excited and when he said that he said he is sorry if he sounds forward. He also said that I reminded him of a specific actress and I said I wanted to watch some of her movies. He suggested we could watch them together sometime.
I don’t know if he likes me, he may just be friendly. He said he “really likes talking to me” and he understands my quietness. He is genuinely the most kind and understanding person I’ve met.
submitted by Batwingssss to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:46 SHASKAN_ FortiGate VM01 Azure

Hello all,
I have few servers (something like 3 or 4) servers to protect on azure and I would like to put a VM01 in my Azure VNET to protect them.
The problem is I don’t find any specs about the performances of VM01 on Azure.
Is someone already use it and what is the expected performances ?
Thanks all and have a nice day!
submitted by SHASKAN_ to fortinet [link] [comments]
