Adverb worksheets

How do I teach grammar to my 11 year old kid?

2024.06.08 17:58 nightmareFluffy How do I teach grammar to my 11 year old kid?

I'm currently having my 11 year old son go through language arts books, and giving him worksheets when he doesn't understand something. I'm just wondering if I'm wasting his time on this. Is there a better way?
I never went through these kinds of books and exercises as a kid. The books go through things like predicates and action/linking verbs. I don't know what those are, yet my grammar is still acceptable. I can't even identify the adverbs in this paragraph I'm writing. I don't think humans learn grammar the way it's taught in these books.
Some things in the books are useful, like capitalization, punctuation, theithey're, and commas. I just don't see the point of teaching my kid how to identify the predicate of a sentence. To be clear, I'm not complaining. I'm trying to see if there's a better way, and I'm happy to be told I'm wrong as well. I'm not at the point where I ask him to skip parts of the books that don't seem useful, but I'm close to it.
TL;DR: Is there a better way to teach my kid grammar than a grammar book?
submitted by nightmareFluffy to grammar [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:31 approachenglish English Grammar Class 6 Topics Syllabus CBSE ICSE (2025)

English Grammar Class 6 Topics Syllabus CBSE ICSE (2025)
English Grammar Class 6 Topics Syllabus CBSE ICSE (2025)
In the academic year 2025, Class 6 students across various educational boards will delve into the intricacies of English Grammar. Understanding the syllabus is crucial for students to excel in language proficiency and academic performance.

Importance of Understanding English Grammar at an Early Age

Grasping English Grammar concepts at a young age lays a strong foundation for effective communication and academic success. Early exposure to grammar aids students in writing coherent essays, improving comprehension skills, and achieving higher grades in exams.

Topics Covered in Class 6 English Grammar CBSE, ICSE, Other State Boards (2025)

In Class 6 English Grammar syllabi for 2025, CBSE, ICSE, and other State Boards cover the following grammar topics:
1: The Sentences
2: Subject and Predicate
3: Nouns
4: Singular Plural Nouns
5: Gender
6: Nominative Accusative Possessive Case
7: Pronouns
8: Verbs
9: Modal Auxiliaries
10: Adjectives
11: Degrees of Comparison
12: Adverbs
13: The Simple Tense
14: The Continuous Tense
15: The Perfect Tense
16: Phrases and Clauses
17: Prepositions
18: Conjunctions
19: Articles
20: Subject Verb Agreement
21: Active and Passive Voice
22: Direct and Indirect Speech
23: Punctuation Marks and Capital Letters

Overview of CBSE and ICSE Syllabus for Class 6 English Grammar

Comparing the syllabi provided by CBSE and ICSE reveals similarities and differences in the focus and structure of English Grammar education. While both boards emphasize language skills development, CBSE tends to have a broader approach, covering reading, writing, and grammar, whereas ICSE places more emphasis on language proficiency and composition.

Detailed Breakdown of CBSE Syllabus

CBSE's syllabus for Class 6 English Grammar includes comprehensive coverage of reading skills, writing skills, and grammar concepts. Students engage in activities such as comprehension passages, essay writing, and grammar exercises to enhance their language proficiency.

Detailed Breakdown of ICSE Syllabus

In contrast, ICSE's syllabus focuses on language proficiency and composition, with an emphasis on literary analysis and creative writing. Students explore various literary genres, practice writing different types of compositions, and delve into advanced grammar concepts.

Key Topics Covered in Class 6 English Grammar

Key topics covered in Class 6 English Grammar include parts of speech, sentence structure, tenses, punctuation, and comprehension skills. Mastering these topics is essential for effective communication and academic success.

Tips for Effective Learning of English Grammar

Students can enhance their grammar skills through regular practice, active reading, writing exercises, and seeking feedback from teachers or peers. Utilizing online resources, grammar apps, and participating in grammar games can also facilitate learning.

Resources for Further Practice

Additional resources such as websites like, grammar books like "Wren & Martin," and online platforms like Grammarly provide students with opportunities for further practice and consolidation of English Grammar skills.


In conclusion, understanding the English Grammar Class 6 Topics Syllabus CBSE ICSE (2025) is paramount for students' language development and academic success. By mastering grammar concepts, students can communicate effectively, excel in exams, and prepare for future opportunities.

Get the Class 6 English Grammar Book

submitted by approachenglish to u/approachenglish [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 19:11 Commercial-Recipe-90 كتاب موجز لقواعد اللغة الإنجليزية من الألف إلى الياء

كتاب موجز لقواعد اللغة الإنجليزية من الألف إلى الياء
A Brief Book Of English Grammar From A To Z Pdf


تعرف قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية بأنها مجموعة من التراكيب اللغوية التي تحدد التعبيرات المختلفة في اللغة الإنجليزية مثل تكوين الكلمات والعبارات ، عليه الآن ، ومن المعروف أن عدد الحروف في الأبجدية الإنجليزية هو 26 حرفا ، والتي تنقسم إلى أحرف ساكنة وحروف متحركة ، تتكون الجملة في اللغة الإنجليزية من عدة مكونات رئيسية ، وهي الفاعل والفعل والموضوع والمكمل والظرف ، وأهم الأزمنة فيها هي الحاضر والماضي, بينما يحتاج زمن المستقبل إلى فعل مساعد لتشكيله ، تنقسم الكلمة إلى فعل ، واسم ، وصفة ، وظرف ، وحرف جر ، وضميره


1-أدوات التعريف والتنكير

أولا) أداة التعريف (ال) التي تستخدم لتعريف الشيء المشار إليه.

2. مكونات الجملة الرئيسية

الجملة في اللغة الإنجليزية تتكون من الموضوع والفعل كحد أدنى لبناء الجملة الأساسية في اللغة والموضوع في اللغة الإنجليزية يأتي أولا في الجملة ، تليها الفعل الثاني ، ثم المفعول به.

3. أقسام الكلمة الرئيسية

1. الاسم: وهو مقسم إلى ثلاثة أقسام:

أولا) الاسم المعدود / هو الاسم الذي يمكن التعبير عن كميته برقم ، وعادة ما يكون الجمع في اللغة الإنجليزية بإضافة الحرف س في نهاية الكلمة ، باستثناء الحالات الشاذة الأساسية. ثانيا) الاسم غير القابل للعد / هو الكمية التي لا يمكن التعبير عنها برقم ، حيث لا يتم إضافتها إلى الحرف س ، وكذلك لا يتم إضافة منكر (واحد أ) إليه.

4. ضمائر مختلفة ، سواء كانت موضوعا أو كائنا أو علامة أو ضمائر ملكية ، وغيرها

5-الأفعال المقسمة حسب وقت انعطافها أو من حيث الحتمية والتعدي

6. السمات والظروف

7. قواعد الازمنة

8. اسلوب الشرط الاستفهام بالإنجليزي

للتحميل افتح الرابط
submitted by Commercial-Recipe-90 to learnenglishsudlectur [link] [comments]

2024.01.02 14:25 Nearly_adulting Are these really adverbs of place?

Hi all,
I'm currently organising lessons going over grammar terms and I found this worksheet online.
It claims that the two bold words are adverbs of place.
Going anywhere was a challenge because I was out of breath.
Now I'm at the gym, I love being there.
Is that right? I thought 'anywhere' would be an indefinite pronoun because it replaces a noun (in this case, an indefinite one) whereas 'there' is a demonstrative pronoun because it replaces the noun 'gym'. Help!

submitted by Nearly_adulting to grammar [link] [comments]

2023.08.27 02:06 kazkh I’ve been teaching my 6 year old grammar for several months and he loves it. What should I focus on?

Each day I give him pages where he circles the correct words. Each page has a different topic. The topics he has learnt so far are:
Main verbs, adverbs, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, possessive pronouns, possessive determiners, past vs present, contractions (making them and extending them), correcting punctuation, collective nouns (eg. Linking “an army of” to the correct word, ie. ‘ants’), and linking synonyms and antonyms.
When he masters a word class and says items to easy, eg. nouns, I make it harder and after that I introduce a new topic.
I’m working my way through an Oxford grammar for primary school book. It’s been smooth sailing so far (he’s six but can identify word classes better than his nine year old sibling who only knows what school has taught him, which is virtually nothing. His school focuses only on knowing how to read and spell).
Just wondering if you have any pointers or suggestions in case there’s anything I should focus on or look out for. His school won’t teach anything about grammar so I suspect hems going to forget a lot if I stop the daily worksheets (eg. spotting the difference between possessive determiners and possessive pronouns. His school curriculum won’t even teach what pronouns or determiners even are).
submitted by kazkh to grammar [link] [comments]

2023.08.18 19:59 One-Ad2423 New Worksheets

New worksheets every day: #homeschooling #homeschoolers #homeschool #freeprintables #worksheets
submitted by One-Ad2423 to u/One-Ad2423 [link] [comments]

2023.07.06 23:27 nanigashinanashi Streak 58: Syntax

I sometime get confused with word order in English, so I decided to read an article about syntax to improve my understanding. However, without any specific problematic sentence, it was challenging to gain new insight from the article. I vaguely recall having difficulty using words like "here" and "morning" in a sentence. I wasn't sure which one should come first, "here" or "morning." In the end, I might have omitted either one of them or separetad them into two independent clauses. To further practice, I came across syntax quizzez and worksheets online. I plan to do that in my spare time later.
submitted by nanigashinanashi to WriteStreakEN [link] [comments]

2023.06.10 02:59 OnePowerHour 100% RW Guide (Universally Loved and others)

A few people (two) asked for help with the Universally Loved achievement, and I thought I'd just make a post here for everyone to access. There's probably already other guides, but I'll just drop mines here in case it's more useful to others.
Keep in mind it's organized chronologically, so don't move on from morning to afternoon without completing EVERYTHING necessary (minus the optional stuff if you don't want to do it).
And obviously, spoilers for the entire REAL WORLD section.
PROLOGUE (after 1st STAB)




submitted by OnePowerHour to OMORI [link] [comments]

2023.04.26 08:09 shokatjaved 1000 Free English Worksheets

1000 Free English Worksheets
English is the most widely spoken language in the world, with over 1.5 billion people using it either as their primary language or as a second language.
It is used in almost every aspect of our daily lives, from work and school to socializing and entertainment. Therefore, it is essential to have a good command of the English language to succeed in these areas.
One of the best ways to improve your English skills is through practice. And what better way to practice than with free English worksheets?
In this blog post, we will explore 1000 free English worksheets that can help you improve your grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills.

Download 1000 Free English Worksheets

Alphabet Identification Worksheets (34p) Alphabet Trace and Write Worksheets (26p) Alphabet Worksheets (26p) Alphabet Activities Worksheets (42p) Alphabet Flashcards Worksheets (24p) Alphabet Minibook Worksheets (26p) Alphabet Practice Worksheets (10p) Alphabet Coloring Worksheets (27p) Cursive Alphabet Trace (27p) Match Letters (36p) Sight Words (22p) Word Search (26p) Nursery Rhymes (23p) CVC Words (33p) Word Recognition (31p) Rhyming Words (31p) Word Families (23p) Missing Letter (21p) Opposites (26p) Beginning Blends (32p) Vowels (25p) Unscramble (26p) Beginning Sounds (25p) Learn to Write (33p)
Source: FREE English Worksheets
But before we dive into the worksheets, let’s first take a look at the benefits of using English worksheets to improve your language skills.
Benefits of Using English Worksheets
  1. Practice Makes Perfect: Worksheets provide ample opportunities to practice English grammar and vocabulary, which is crucial to building language proficiency.
  2. Targeted Learning: With worksheets, you can focus on specific areas of English that you need to work on, such as verb tenses, sentence structure, or vocabulary building.
  3. Interactive Learning: Many worksheets are designed to be interactive, allowing you to learn through a variety of exercises, games, and activities.
  4. Self-Paced Learning: You can work through the worksheets at your own pace, allowing you to focus on areas where you need more practice.
  5. Immediate Feedback: Worksheets often provide immediate feedback, allowing you to see your mistakes and correct them as you go.
Now that we’ve established the benefits of using English worksheets, let’s take a look at 1000 free worksheets that you can use to improve your English skills.

Grammar Worksheets

  1. Grammar Bytes: Grammar Bytes offers a wide variety of free grammar worksheets, quizzes, and interactive exercises that cover topics such as sentence structure, parts of speech, verb tenses, and punctuation.
  2. English Grammar Online: English Grammar Online offers a collection of free grammar worksheets and exercises that cover all aspects of English grammar, including articles, adjectives, adverbs, and more.
  3. ESL Galaxy: ESL Galaxy offers a large collection of free printable grammar worksheets and activities for students of all levels.
  4. English Page: English Page provides free grammar worksheets and quizzes that cover a wide range of grammar topics, from verb tenses to conditional sentences.
  5. Busy Teacher: Busy Teacher offers a variety of free grammar worksheets and activities that are suitable for learners of all ages and levels.

Vocabulary Worksheets

  1. offers free vocabulary worksheets and activities that help learners build their vocabulary skills through engaging exercises and games.
  2. English Vocabulary Exercises: English Vocabulary Exercises offers a range of free worksheets and activities that focus on building vocabulary skills, from basic words to more advanced phrases and idioms.
  3. ESL Worksheets: ESL Worksheets offers a variety of free vocabulary worksheets and activities that cover topics such as synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.
  4. K5 Learning: K5 Learning offers free vocabulary worksheets that are suitable for learners of all ages and levels, covering topics such as prefixes, suffixes, and root words.
  5. offers free vocabulary worksheets and activities that cover a wide range of topics, from basic words to advanced vocabulary building.

Reading Comprehension Worksheets

  1. Read Theory: Read Theory offers a large collection of free reading comprehension worksheets and exercises that are suitable for learners of all ages and levels.
  2. ESL Reading Worksheets: ESL Reading Worksheets offers a variety of free reading comprehension worksheets and activities that focus on building reading skills, from basic comprehension to more advanced analysis.
  3. Super Teacher Worksheets: Super Teacher Worksheets provides free reading comprehension worksheets and activities that cover a wide range of topics, including nonfiction, fiction, and poetry.
  4. Reading Vine: Reading Vine offers a large selection of free reading comprehension worksheets and passages that are suitable for learners of all ages and levels, covering a wide range of topics.
  5. offers free reading comprehension worksheets and passages that focus on a range of topics, including science, history, and literature.

Writing Worksheets

  1. English Worksheets Land: English Worksheets Land offers free writing worksheets and activities that cover a wide range of writing skills, from sentence structure to paragraph writing.
  2. Teachnology: Teachnology offers free writing worksheets and activities that focus on building writing skills, including persuasive writing, creative writing, and essay writing.
  3. Writing Wizard: Writing Wizard offers free printable writing worksheets and activities that focus on improving writing skills, including sentence writing, letter writing, and more.
  4. Time4Writing: Time4Writing offers free writing worksheets and activities that are suitable for learners of all ages and levels, covering a wide range of writing skills, from grammar and punctuation to essay writing.
  5. Scholastic: Scholastic offers free writing worksheets and activities that cover a wide range of writing skills, including grammar, punctuation, and writing prompts.
In conclusion, practicing English skills with the help of free worksheets is a great way to improve your proficiency in the language.
The above list of 1000 free English worksheets and resources will give you access to a range of exercises, games, and activities that will help you develop your grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills.
Remember, practice makes perfect, so make the most of these resources and start practicing today!

Read More Articles

submitted by shokatjaved to ESLBlock [link] [comments]

2023.02.24 19:17 SanniSan tastes extremely good or well?

Hello, today I read a sentence on an adjective/adverb worksheet along the lines of "Dogs can't taste ___________ (extreme, good) since dog food smells ________ (terrible)." (can't remember exactly..)
Now usually when using an adverb with a sense you don't modify the adjective, but the solution said it should say "extremely well" in the first spot. Why would that be? The second one is obviously "terrible". I am not a native English speaker, but somehow "extremely good" also doesn't sound right by using my "language sense" (I hope you get what I mean. )
Thanks in advance!
submitted by SanniSan to grammar [link] [comments]

2023.02.21 18:39 overthoughtagain Question about Common Core Standards!

I developed a lesson plan for a class im taking and the lesson revolves around identifying parts of speech. I have a worksheet made up to identify simple and proper nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and interjections and then a dice block with one side dedicated to each part of speech. I developed this whole activity and am only just now realizing that I can’t find an ELA indicatostandard relevant to the activity. Can anyone guide me in the right direction? I spoke to a coworker who said her second grade daughter does worksheets on parts of speech often so i don’t think there’s an issue with developmental appropriateness. Maybe im not reading the indicators the proper way? Im mostly familiar with early childhood indicators, im new to elementary education. thank you!!
submitted by overthoughtagain to ElementaryTeachers [link] [comments]

2023.02.07 04:14 theuncagedscholar Helping Verbs vs. Adverbs

Hi! One of my 6th-grade students asked me to explain the difference between "helping" verbs (as named on our worksheet) and adverbs. I can totally see their confusion: aren't they both "helping" verbs? I sent them the link below, but I was wondering if anyone has a more concise way of explaining the difference.
submitted by theuncagedscholar to grammar [link] [comments]

2022.12.11 02:03 puppyfitz chinese grammar workbook for beginners?

i am just starting out learning chinese (i know about 200 characters), and i'm looking for resources like grammar workbooks. a lot of the materials i'm using seem to teach "intuitive grammar" through example sentences, and i have a hard time learning this way 😅
when i was studying english in school, we had worksheets with parts of speech, identifying them in sentences and such. they usually start off very basic, ("i see spot") then progress to different tenses, adverbs, word modifiers etc. there was practice with writing sentences as well, and a way to check your work. i'm looking for something similar in chinese. not just a grammar textbook, but grammar exercises so i can help get a grip on the language better. i was going to purchase the allset wiki grammar book, but i don't know if it's just a textbook or it includes exercises as well.
does anyone have recommendations? 谢谢
submitted by puppyfitz to ChineseLanguage [link] [comments]

2022.11.03 09:42 Low_Leather3513 Help me settle an argument with my English teacher

He gave me a worksheet to practice adverbs and one of the sentences was “The teacher disappeared from the classroom” and I had to fit the word quickly into the sentence. I insist that the quickly should go before disappeared but he says it should go after classroom. Which one of us is correct?
submitted by Low_Leather3513 to EnglishLearning [link] [comments]

2022.09.12 00:23 StifledSounds Seeking reassurance as I go into my certificate program.

Hi all. I am about to start my CertTESOL with Trinity College, and I'm feeling trepidatious, panicked, and down right now.
My program sent a welcome packet this past Monday with an ebook on teaching practices (which is really cool!!) and an ebook on grammar attached. There was a pre-worksheet I needed to complete before the program start, which I have finished. (It doesn't count towards our grade and is meant to give us something to look back on once we complete the program). It listed sentences that were incorrect and asked: why they were incorrect, the tenses, etc. used in the incorrect version, the correct version of the sentences, and the reason for why the new version was correct.
I was already aware that the grammar was going to be difficult but as I completed the worksheet I realized that I have absolutely no understanding of it anymore. The ebook went over the different tenses and their applications with examples, etc. It seems that all of it, however, was built on the assumption that I understand the functions of pronouns, adverbs, etc. Which I don't. I have absolutely no idea how to explain the function of anything, and that was painfully apparent in the pre-work. I don't even know how to explain why you change the letter "k" to "d" for "make->made" other than saying that's how you put things in the past tense, and there are so many other silly words in the English language that are like that too. I have since ordered a grammar book to study on my own, but I am feeling pretty stupid and hopeless about the entire thing. The program hasn't even started. The program made no mention of it, but maybe there was an unspoken expectation that I should have already been studying grammar?
Did anyone else here have so many issues with grammar going into their program? Did you find that you were able to succeed and learn as long as you made sure to put the effort and time in? Is what I'm feeling and experiencing normal?
submitted by StifledSounds to TESOL [link] [comments]

2022.07.12 13:17 aadiadityablog How to use degrees of comparison worksheets?

Degrees of comparison worksheets are a great way to help students learn about adjectives and adverbs. These worksheets can be used to teach students how to use adjectives and adverbs in a sentence, as well as how to create comparisons using these words.
There are a few different ways that degrees of comparison worksheets can be used. Here are a few ideas:
submitted by aadiadityablog to u/aadiadityablog [link] [comments]

2021.07.21 16:54 bekinddammit Class 3 Study Guides and Questions (NCERT)

Class 3 / Quiz
Class 3 English Sample Question Paper
Class 3 Maths Sample Question Paper 1
Class 3 Maths - Sample Question Paper 2
Class 3 Maths Worksheet
Class 3 EVS - Sample Question Paper
Class III Social Science Talent Test (224 Item/s)
Class III Mathematics Talent Test (190 Item/s)
Class III English & G.K Talent Test (190 Item/s)
Class 3 Science: The Human Body (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Science: Sun as a Natural Resource (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Science: Some Properties of Water (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Science: Living and Non Living (23 Item/s)
Class 3 Science: Cleanliness Health and Hygiene (20 Item/s)
Class 3 Science: Birds (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Social Science: Our Environment (20 Item/s)
Class 3 Social Science: Great National Leaders (20 Item/s)
Class 3 Social Science: Early and Modern Means of Transport (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Social Science: Changes In Our Surroundings (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Social Science: Celebration Time (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Social Science: Safety Rules At Home School On The Road (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Mathematics: Division (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Mathematics: Addition (27 Item/s)
Class 3 Computer Studies: Word Processor - An Introduction (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Computer Studies: The Internet - An Introduction (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Computer Studies: GUI Operating System - An Introduction (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Computer Studies: Fun with Paint (22 Item/s)
Class 3 Computer Studies: File Management Organization of Folders (24 Item/s)
Class 3 Computer Studies: A Computer System (24 Item/s)
Class 3 English: Conjunctions (23 Item/s)
Class 3 English: Comparison of Adjectives (22 Item/s)
Class 3 English: Apostrophes (24 Item/s)
Class 3 English: Adverbs (24 Item/s)
Class 3 English: Adjectives (24 Item/s)
Class 3 English: A An The (16 Item/s)
submitted by bekinddammit to Fatskills [link] [comments]

2021.05.10 08:49 TessdeWeerd Adjectives and Adverbs worksheets

Adjectives and Adverbs worksheets submitted by TessdeWeerd to LessonSOS [link] [comments]

2021.05.06 10:28 Swiflearn1 Class 4 English Grammar

Class 4 English Grammar

Class 4 English Grammar

If you face challenges using the right tense while framing a sentence or cannot differentiate between adjectives, articles, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, conjunctions, determiners and other parts of speech Take a moment and thank the gods of the Internet as they have conspired to make you land on this page. You can clear all your doubts about placing a noun or how to place adverbs in a sentence or how colon is different from semicolon? Each Grammatical Rule is explained in basic English with multiple examples.
English Grammar isn’t that difficult and the resources over here will help you improve your confidence while speaking or writing.
Subject experts at Swiflearn have created extensive study material for NCERT English grammar. You can find NCERT English grammar for Class 4 to 10. Swiflearn also provides study material to improve reading comprehension and writing skills.
Here you will find Class 4 English Grammar, writing and reading worksheets and exercises designed for students of class 4. Parents and teachers can use our worksheets in class or at home. Short and Simple explanations given will make it easy for you to remember. Clear explanations and examples given here will help you understand how the language is used.
submitted by Swiflearn1 to u/Swiflearn1 [link] [comments]

2021.02.24 23:38 SubliminalFish WAW for when one speaks in a sarcastic tone? [adverb]

Obviously it’s not “sarcastic”, but in high school, there was an excellent adverb on a worksheet I did regarding modifying adjectives, and there was one that meant “sarcastic” or something of that sort.
I thought and swore up and down that the word was “egregiously”, but after an internet search, yeah it definitely is not egregiously.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
submitted by SubliminalFish to whatstheword [link] [comments]

2021.01.08 09:40 GrammarKnowledge As soon As and No sooner Worksheet With Answers As soon As and No sooner Exercise

As soon As and No sooner Exercise

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered As soon As and No sooner Worksheet With Answers, After practicing As soon As and No sooner Exercise , Please do share it with your friends.

As soon As and No sooner Worksheet With Answers

1) As soon as he saw the police, the thief ran away.
2) As soon as l turned, a snake landed on my shoulder.
3) As soon as she met her father, she started crying.
4) As soon as he received the call, he left for his home.
5) As soon as the bell was given, the students went into their classrooms.
6) As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, the students stood up in respect.
7) As soon as they started, they met with an accident.
8) As soon as the relief team arrived there, their joy knew no bounds.
9) As soon as they arrived at their destinations, the rain poured down.
l0) I put the phone down. It rang again.
11) I arrived at the station. Then the bus came in.
12) I closed the door. Somebody knocked again.
13) She finished the meal, She started feeling hungry again.
14) Madhavi opened the door. The dog entered the room.
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As soon As and No sooner Worksheet Answers

1.No sooner had the thief seen the police than he ran away.
2.No sooner had I turned than a snake landed on my shoulder.
3.No sooner had she met her father than the started crying.
4.No sooner had he received the call than he left for his home.
5.No sooner had the bell been given than the students went into their classrooms.
6.No sooner had the teacher entered the classroom than the students stood up in respect.
7.No sooner had they started than they met with an accident.
8.No sooner had the relief team arrived there than their joy knew no bounds.
9.No sooner had they arrived at their destinations than the rain poured down.
10.No sooner had I put the phone down than it rang again.
11.No sooner had I arrived at the station than the bus came in.
12.No sooner had I closed the door than somebody knocked again.
13.No sooner had she finished the meal than she started feeling hungry again.
14.No sooner had Madhavi opened the door than the dog entered the room.
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Fill in the Blanks With Suitable Prepositions With (in, on, at)
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2021.01.08 09:40 GrammarKnowledge As soon As and No sooner Worksheet With Answers As soon As and No sooner Exercise

As soon As and No sooner Exercise

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered As soon As and No sooner Worksheet With Answers, After practicing As soon As and No sooner Exercise , Please do share it with your friends.

As soon As and No sooner Worksheet With Answers

1) As soon as he saw the police, the thief ran away.
2) As soon as l turned, a snake landed on my shoulder.
3) As soon as she met her father, she started crying.
4) As soon as he received the call, he left for his home.
5) As soon as the bell was given, the students went into their classrooms.
6) As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, the students stood up in respect.
7) As soon as they started, they met with an accident.
8) As soon as the relief team arrived there, their joy knew no bounds.
9) As soon as they arrived at their destinations, the rain poured down.
l0) I put the phone down. It rang again.
11) I arrived at the station. Then the bus came in.
12) I closed the door. Somebody knocked again.
13) She finished the meal, She started feeling hungry again.
14) Madhavi opened the door. The dog entered the room.
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As soon As and No sooner Worksheet Answers

1.No sooner had the thief seen the police than he ran away.
2.No sooner had I turned than a snake landed on my shoulder.
3.No sooner had she met her father than the started crying.
4.No sooner had he received the call than he left for his home.
5.No sooner had the bell been given than the students went into their classrooms.
6.No sooner had the teacher entered the classroom than the students stood up in respect.
7.No sooner had they started than they met with an accident.
8.No sooner had the relief team arrived there than their joy knew no bounds.
9.No sooner had they arrived at their destinations than the rain poured down.
10.No sooner had I put the phone down than it rang again.
11.No sooner had I arrived at the station than the bus came in.
12.No sooner had I closed the door than somebody knocked again.
13.No sooner had she finished the meal than she started feeling hungry again.
14.No sooner had Madhavi opened the door than the dog entered the room.
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