Guy friend poems


2010.02.27 05:23 Meades_Loves_Memes r/teenagers

teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. We do not have any age-restriction in place but do keep in mind this is targeted for users between the ages of 13 to 19. Parents, teachers, and the like are welcomed to participate and ask any questions!

2010.06.30 20:03 cryptogirl Mostly cringe-y images of Nice Guys™

Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. This is a lighthearted subreddit for funny, cringey images, NOT a subreddit for showcasing general acts of misogyny or for debating gender roles. Please be sure to understand the concept of Virtue Claim as explained in the rules as it is a core requirement of posts in the sub.

2019.11.05 16:45 Pyrollamasteak Saphhic poetry

Saphhic poetry For gay poetry about love, lust, crushes, heartbreak, revolution, and etc.

2024.05.15 05:17 NoName20210514 How do you guys make new friends if you don’t use dating apps? I mea, I’m not looking for some “friends”, just want to meet new friends to hand out or biking… I’m 28 btw, so hard to meet and make new friends now…

So who wants to go biking with me 😅
submitted by NoName20210514 to montreal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:17 Ordinary-Author971 Am I being Insecure or Paranoid

Hi all. I’m on my burner account because my wife has a friend who looked through my main account and it started a firestorm because I was asking advice here, so I stopped but now I’m back.
My (41/m) wife (37/f) has been talking on the phone to a mutual guy friend of ours at like 12,1,2,3AM and she’s never mentioned it and she’s been secretive about her Snapchat lately and I think it’s because they probably send messages back and forth there without them being tracked, which I have no proof of…
Admittedly I found out because I thought it was odd she’s being staying up so late and when I asked her why, she just said she hasn’t been tired recently and felt like staying up and watching tv. I now know this to be a lie.
I want to confront her about it, but I don’t if I’m being insecure and paranoid. Any thoughts either way? Thanks in advance.
TL/DR: wife has been having late night/early morning phone calls with mutual guy friend, but has not mentioned it to me.
submitted by Ordinary-Author971 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:16 MR-Shopping Unrealistic Expectations for High Levels

Unrealistic Expectations for High Levels
So I did a few dives with a friend I'd met in the game – we've probably done 10 missions together in total. Let's call him G3. He's level 34 and I'm 100. Skills matter to me much more than levels and I've always regarded G3 as pretty good at the game. We've done 8-9s together. I always liked him because he's fun and chatty and doesn't take things too seriously
In this particular session, we were doing a Helldive against Bots, the Geo Survey. My man really cares about samples and so goes off in search of them at every opportunity, leaving me and the others to do the lion's share of the work. It's a bad mission, with lots of Gunship Fabricators, large spawns, patrols, you name it. I'm in the thick of it, and despite a valiant effort, I die a few times all in a short period.
Each time I die, G3's got a snarky-ass comment, like "Heeeey, you're dying a lot for a level 100". "You sure you're level 100?" "Oooooh, died again?" While he's on the other side of the map, alone, picking up Common samples like they were daisies.
I wasn't too happy but I wanted to keep it civil. G3 kept talking smack while I became ultra-focused on the mission, especially the last objective, which is always a clusterf***. Looking back on it, he was kind of manic in his comments and enthusiasm, tone-deaf in how it might make others feel.
Yes, I'm at a much higher level than he is (he expressed disbelief at how quickly I leveled when we linked up again after a stretch a week back), but levels don't make anyone any better or any worse. They're not a measure of skill, just a measure of time spent on missions that give xp. At best, a high level should mean a player knows what they're doing, not that they're a legendary chad at the game – it puts unnecessary pressure on what should be an otherwise friendly match that's stressful enough at Difficulty 9.
I've found things can get weird when there's that much of a level difference in a lobby. You're held to a way higher standard and performance is much more closely watched.
...When maybe that guy was focused on taking objectives and fabricators quickly and moving on while you were engaging all the patrols and drops on the map.
I played with a level 22 the other day on Helldive with my regular crew. As host, I never even thought about kicking him. He more than proved himself, and we were all impressed. I think his name was Littleguy or something, which made it all the more hilarious that he performed like a legend.
I'm not sure if G3 felt insecure at my level or what. I'm always encouraging and positive. If someone dies, I don't rub it in. "No worries!" is one of my favorite replies to when things go south. Encouragement gets missions done better than bullying.
After we were back alone on the ship, I let G3 know in a direct but non-confrontational way that I didn't appreciate his teasing comments about me dying. It sounded like he was horrified and apologized profusely for it before jumping ship in what I assume is embarrassment. Didn't even have time for my offered hug of forgiveness.
I'm not sure if I want to play with G3 again. Shortly after, one of my core squadmates showed up and we had a friendly, supportive blast for democracy.
TL;DR: Levels don't mean much – how you treat others does.
submitted by MR-Shopping to LowSodiumHellDivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:16 treasurestreasure Is my family verbally abusing me?

I'm a 20 year old and I live with my mother. My parents are divorced and I know nothing about my father's side of family as I was very young when it happened. My father is from a "low caste" (as they call it) and my family had not approved the marriage but my mom still got married and lived separately for sometime. My father was abusive towards my mother and was a drunkard. He had a wife about whom he had not told my mother. My mother stayed there for a while and then eventually decided to leave. My mother's family gave their reaction.. they said things like, "we told her and she didn't listen. She deserves that." My mother took me and we lived in a rented place for years. It was just me and her. There was no one to take care of me while she was in office and so she would leave me at my friend's place. I would stay there as soon as I got back from school or when I had holidays. Finally years later, when I was 7 or 8, my mother took me to see her family. I remember the look in their eyes. They didn't even bother if I was there (they = my mother's 1st younger sister. She had 3 sisters). I could not understand what they were talking about so I don't remember. I was very naughty and stubborn back then. I was a revolting kind of kid and I did receive some lessons from my mother to make things straight. But as time went by, I went to visit the grandparents and my uncles. They were nice. I had one more aunt (my mother's youngest sister) who lived abroad, I met her as well. Now idk why but whenever I made a mistake or something they would indirect bring up my father. They would say things like "you are his daughter afterall." Even if I had just made a small mistake. At first I didn't feel anything but looking at my other cousin brother, they didn't say anything to him even if he made a mistake. I used to envy him and kind of felt left out. I used to go to a boarding school and so I only came back home for my vacation. There were no phones allowed there so when I got home, I would listen to music, dance, watch movies and videos. My family members would give me a "you are too much. What is she even doing her" kind of look to me every single time. I would visit my grandparents place and I would always feel left out. Maybe I was just expecting too much from them. Now I was a teenager when things got worse. I had an argument with my mother once and my first aunt (let's call her aunt A) Aunt A called my other aunt (the abroad one.. let's call her aunt B) aunt B and told her all nonsense. You know when you tend to make things bigger, you mix up all kinds of spices and what not just to make that a big issue.. that is what my aunt did. Aunt B called me and scolded me for no reason because of all the other additional things Aunt A had told her. This happened a couple of times. My mother got sick and had to go to Delhi for treatment and Aunt A went with her. The other family members took me in that time and would help me get to my hostel, bring me home for holidays and took care of me. My cousin brother's mother was also sick a few months earlier but she had returned home. One morning I told my grandmother that I wanted to talk to my mother but she refused so I took the phone secretly and called my mom. She said she had reached and told me not to worry. But when my other family members found out that I had called my mom, they all started scolding me. "Your cousin brother is a god-like kid. He never called or asked for his mother. While you, you have the behaviour of your father. You will eat your mother alive someday." I was 9 or 10 years old then.
I got into high school and the same thing happened. I would have a little argument, Aunt A would eavesdrop our conversation and add things up and say it to Aunt B. Aunt B would come home for festivals and would scold the hell out of me. She would compare me with all the other kids in the area and especially my cousin brother. One time I had opened a Facebook account and they found out. They literally stalked me account and called my mother and told her that I had only men in my friend list. She said, "Your daughter does not have a pure blood. She is her father's daughter afterall. She is impure and I know she is up yo something bad." (Basically she tried to tell my mom that I would hook up with boys just like my father had married his wives). Time went on and they said what not. "We are your family only till your mother is alive. After that you go do whatever you want." "If you do this, if you do that, remember we are not your family. Don't call us that time." If they heard me sharing my problems with my mother, they would say "You are going to kill your mother. She is sick because of you." One time I was separating my old and new clothes and my mother was also there sitting in the sofa near me. I was tossing of my old clothes near the door so that it would be easier but then the next day after my classes I got a call from Aunt B. She told me that I had done the most terrible thing ever. Someone told her that I threw my clothes at my mother's face. She said "I love my sister (my mom) but seems like you will never love her." I was so done. She also blamed me for talking bad about my other cousins when I hadn't even done that. I used to joke with my mom saying that she cares for my younger cousins way more when I am away in hostel. But that thing took a turn. Still they tell me a lot of things. "You are showing your father's behaviour" this one is the most common one. I am a short-tempered, stubborn kid and I accept it. I could be at fault, too (and I do apologise for that). They call me "Kami", this might be a very communal thing to bring out, but yeah, it's basically what you call a SC if you are in a Nepali community. They sometimes use it to mock people as well. My family does that. I don't want to feel like way and try to be as optimistic as possible, but it is like that because for the same mistakes that are made by my other cousins, they never said anything. Every mistake, every situation, every argument, I am the bad guy. Why? Because my father who left years ago, when I couldn't even remember his face, was a drunkard, cheated on my mom and hated my mom's family because they did not like him and I am his daughter. The only person with a different title/surname in the family. What should I believe? Is it verbal abuse? Or? Please, someone tell me.
submitted by treasurestreasure to FamilyProblems [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:15 treasurestreasure Is my family verbally abusing me?

I'm a 20 year old and I live with my mother. My parents are divorced and I know nothing about my father's side of family as I was very young when it happened. My father is from a "low caste" (as they call it) and my family had not approved the marriage but my mom still got married and lived separately for sometime. My father was abusive towards my mother and was a drunkard. He had a wife about whom he had not told my mother. My mother stayed there for a while and then eventually decided to leave. My mother's family gave their reaction.. they said things like, "we told her and she didn't listen. She deserves that." My mother took me and we lived in a rented place for years. It was just me and her. There was no one to take care of me while she was in office and so she would leave me at my friend's place. I would stay there as soon as I got back from school or when I had holidays. Finally years later, when I was 7 or 8, my mother took me to see her family. I remember the look in their eyes. They didn't even bother if I was there (they = my mother's 1st younger sister. She had 3 sisters). I could not understand what they were talking about so I don't remember. I was very naughty and stubborn back then. I was a revolting kind of kid and I did receive some lessons from my mother to make things straight. But as time went by, I went to visit the grandparents and my uncles. They were nice. I had one more aunt (my mother's youngest sister) who lived abroad, I met her as well. Now idk why but whenever I made a mistake or something they would indirect bring up my father. They would say things like "you are his daughter afterall." Even if I had just made a small mistake. At first I didn't feel anything but looking at my other cousin brother, they didn't say anything to him even if he made a mistake. I used to envy him and kind of felt left out. I used to go to a boarding school and so I only came back home for my vacation. There were no phones allowed there so when I got home, I would listen to music, dance, watch movies and videos. My family members would give me a "you are too much. What is she even doing her" kind of look to me every single time. I would visit my grandparents place and I would always feel left out. Maybe I was just expecting too much from them. Now I was a teenager when things got worse. I had an argument with my mother once and my first aunt (let's call her aunt A) Aunt A called my other aunt (the abroad one.. let's call her aunt B) aunt B and told her all nonsense. You know when you tend to make things bigger, you mix up all kinds of spices and what not just to make that a big issue.. that is what my aunt did. Aunt B called me and scolded me for no reason because of all the other additional things Aunt A had told her. This happened a couple of times. My mother got sick and had to go to Delhi for treatment and Aunt A went with her. The other family members took me in that time and would help me get to my hostel, bring me home for holidays and took care of me. My cousin brother's mother was also sick a few months earlier but she had returned home. One morning I told my grandmother that I wanted to talk to my mother but she refused so I took the phone secretly and called my mom. She said she had reached and told me not to worry. But when my other family members found out that I had called my mom, they all started scolding me. "Your cousin brother is a god-like kid. He never called or asked for his mother. While you, you have the behaviour of your father. You will eat your mother alive someday." I was 9 or 10 years old then.
I got into high school and the same thing happened. I would have a little argument, Aunt A would eavesdrop our conversation and add things up and say it to Aunt B. Aunt B would come home for festivals and would scold the hell out of me. She would compare me with all the other kids in the area and especially my cousin brother. One time I had opened a Facebook account and they found out. They literally stalked me account and called my mother and told her that I had only men in my friend list. She said, "Your daughter does not have a pure blood. She is her father's daughter afterall. She is impure and I know she is up yo something bad." (Basically she tried to tell my mom that I would hook up with boys just like my father had married his wives). Time went on and they said what not. "We are your family only till your mother is alive. After that you go do whatever you want." "If you do this, if you do that, remember we are not your family. Don't call us that time." If they heard me sharing my problems with my mother, they would say "You are going to kill your mother. She is sick because of you." One time I was separating my old and new clothes and my mother was also there sitting in the sofa near me. I was tossing of my old clothes near the door so that it would be easier but then the next day after my classes I got a call from Aunt B. She told me that I had done the most terrible thing ever. Someone told her that I threw my clothes at my mother's face. She said "I love my sister (my mom) but seems like you will never love her." I was so done. She also blamed me for talking bad about my other cousins when I hadn't even done that. I used to joke with my mom saying that she cares for my younger cousins way more when I am away in hostel. But that thing took a turn. Still they tell me a lot of things. "You are showing your father's behaviour" this one is the most common one. I am a short-tempered, stubborn kid and I accept it. I could be at fault, too (and I do apologise for that). They call me "Kami", this might be a very communal thing to bring out, but yeah, it's basically what you call a SC if you are in a Nepali community. They sometimes use it to mock people as well. My family does that. I don't want to feel like way and try to be as optimistic as possible, but it is like that because for the same mistakes that are made by my other cousins, they never said anything. Every mistake, every situation, every argument, I am the bad guy. Why? Because my father who left years ago, when I couldn't even remember his face, was a drunkard, cheated on my mom and hated my mom's family because they did not like him and I am his daughter. The only person with a different title/surname in the family. What should I believe? Is it verbal abuse? Or? Please, someone tell me.
submitted by treasurestreasure to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:15 Affectionate-Fan2805 Friend Pass

I bought Devil in Me and it comes with a friend pass to play it with a friend, my friend uses Geforce now but there's only the main game on the GFN and I don't know if the friend's pass will work there So do any of you guys know if it works or not ? Cause if it doesn't work I'll refund the game
submitted by Affectionate-Fan2805 to GeForceNOW [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:15 floppybread2006 Needs advice

So my boyfriend has other girls on his phone even though I have asked him multiple times to get them off of his phone because it makes me insecure. It makes me embarrassed that he still talks to other women when we are going to move in together soon. It stresses me out and I am wondering if I should confront him again about it. He had told me that he would not delete his friends of a few years and while I sort of understand it still makes me uncomfortable and insecure. He tells me I can look through his phone but I don't want to have to do that. I want to be able to trust him enough. It's just that I have been cheated on multiple times and I don't want it to happen again. I feel like since I have deleted the men from my phone that he should delete the women. I do not trust other women and I find it unnecessary since we are moving in together. Do you guys think I should bring it up again or just leave it alone?
submitted by floppybread2006 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:15 Top-Eye377 for anyone struggling with mental heath pt.3 finale

Final Part
that night I prayed deeply and put all of my trust into God and rededicated myself and gave all my problems to him. and the next day my anxiety was magically gone like that I’ll never forget waking up it was like magic a literal miracle. I also had sk many friends there too that also were in the word and God I believe brought us together through it all and we all hot through it together and grew no matter what. some of us atheist too not just christians but we were all going through it and getting better together. and eventually I got to go home.
But even today I’ll miss a lot of those guys, Im still in contact with a few but still missing many but am thankful God gave me all this. I still fall outa his wors now its been 5 months since I left and I’m single again and desperate and hurting more rhan I have since I got back. but after writing this IK and remember that If i trust in God ill be ok. itll be so so so hard but I promise if u choose to believe in him and I mean TRULY BELIEVE and give ur life to him it will save ur life.
Now I don’t mean to preach or convert anyone don’t see my intentions wrong but it wasn’t God alone. Even if you dont believe you can find someone to talk to a counselor a therapist friends family anyone heck If anyone needs to talk to someone but doesnt have anyone feel free to dm me I’m here for all ya’ll no matter who u are or what u believe bc what I learned is to just believe that everything will be ok, and to jot let urself be alone through it all.
And I promise the road will be tough, youll want to give up I still rn feel very like giving up but ik i cant bc people love me even though i dont always feel it. But we are all strong and can get through it all.
and my life sucks rn Truth is i dont have a happy ending or a great story but Its bot a sad ending either unless u let this be the ending but it doesnt have to be we have tl keep pushing through no matter what bc we are all in this together
It’s just like one of my favorite musical lines:
Even when the dark comes crashing through when u need a friend to help carry you when youve fallen on the ground YOU WILL BE FOUND -dear evan hansen
ok sorry for the long long long comment and story but it just hit me and I felt like sharing my story with anxiety here but didnt expect all that.
submitted by Top-Eye377 to motivation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:15 Yourlocalqueer42 Reporting Shitty Classmate to Principal (I need advice)

Me and my friends are planning on reporting this guy to the principal tomorrow during lunch. He's basically just about every phobic you can imagine, but he's also "Gay"?? Don't think he is because he has touched some girls tit a couple weeks ago.
He has called my friend a slut and a whore numerous times before (also said that he hopes somebody impregnates her), told me to stfu countless times when I've called him out for his shit, and nobody even likes him anymore because he smells like shit, treats everyone like they're nothing, and always talks shit about my friend group.
Not to mention that he's also made fun of my one friend for being SPED (she's dyslexic and autistic) when he's literally autistic too and got out of his SPED class when the second semester started. Then he proceeded to act like he was never in those classes. Like dude, I know you're lying to me???
He also made fun of me for switching schools, asking why I switched if I wasn't bullied like he is. (I was heavily bullied but trying to put that behind me bcuz it's none of his business.) I told him that it's because my parents built a new house nearby (it's the truth) and his response was simply " oh."
He knows that he's in trouble because we have told him that, and are going to tell the principal during lunch tomorrow. He left the group chat we had on Snapchat where we told him about everything and called him out, making all of his messages disapear.
How do I get the principal to believe me and my friends? We have some screenshots and various text messages he sent my one friend (the one he called a slut). Nobody in the school even likes him anymore, not even his "friends" which literally all up and dumped him today.
submitted by Yourlocalqueer42 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:15 memoryCardLover What are signs that your (guy) friend is interested in you?

Hi! this is a little embarassing to post here, but i need some input from others.
I (21F) have a crush on my best friend (21M). We've known each other for a year now and have become very close with one another. We hang out pretty much everyday at uni, as well as call/text, send each other tiktoks, and facetime a lot.
I like him, but its hard for me to gauge if he's into me too. It's hard to tell what's a sign (romantic/flirty), or what's just normal things between close friends. If it helps, neither of us have been in relationships (or kissed anyone, or any of that stuff) before. We're both on the same page in terms of those things, haha.
I feel like some of the things we do are not normal 'guy-girl' friendship things; these seem to go beyond that. I've been interpreting these things as more "romantic" than what normal friends do. Can you guys help me figure out what seems like a sign, and what doesn't?
  • He calls me pretty, constantly. Many times, he has told me that I'm a "pretty girl" and that I can get away with a lot of things. Him calling me pretty has come up more times than I can count.
  • We facetime for hours, even late into the night (until 3-4 am). Not playing games together, just talking about things.
  • He has introduced me to his close friends (even outside of school). One weekend, he invited me to come with him to 3 parties in a row (same weekend)
  • Everyone assumes we are dating (family, mutual friends, professors all assume it.)
  • I don't ask for relationship advice, he will just start telling me it sometimes.
    • says stuff like "if you want to get a guy to like you, do ____. That's worked on me."
    • once i broke a bet i made with him, and he kept going on about how you can't lie to your partner in a relationship. I told him he's not my partner, but he still kept talking about it.
  • Once (on another late night facetime call) he asked about my relationship status, and if I've had my first kiss yet.
  • Worries about my health, A LOT.
    • a few months ago, i was dealing with some eye problems, when i complained to him about it, he went on searching online for symptoms and fixes. every time i saw him, he would ask how my eyes are doing, and point out other things he searched up that it could be. Months later, eyes are fixed now, yet he still asks: "how are your eyes? do they still hurt?"
    • I used to drink too much coffee, and everyday he would always nag at me to stop. He'd tell me it was bad for my overall health, anxiety, etc. Eventually he made up a bet to get me to drink less caffiene.
  • This one makes me think a lot: he worried about my courseload/extracurriculars at school, and how much I can handle. He then made a list of classes I could do instead to help make things easier for me.
    • He got worried for me, asking if I really could manage all of that at once. He then went through our college's list of minors and courses and tried to find something easier for me to do so that I wouldn't be overwhelmed.
    • He even told me on a facetime call about it: "One day you're going to have a nice boyfriend, and you won't have any time for him if you get involved in all of those things around school."
    • (I understand that it is good to have a friend look out for you. but some of this seems above and beyond what even I would do for a close friend.)
Sorry for the long post! I'm happy to have a supportive friend. But some of the things that we do don't feel like normal 'girl-guy' friendship things.
What do you guys think? Are these signs?
submitted by memoryCardLover to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:15 Epic-Kitti I need to get this out.

I'm a 27 yr old, who feels kinda lost. Granted I have my 2 kids, a stable job, a wonderful boyfriend, and a supportive group of wonderful people in my life. I just found out that I'm pregnant and the family is excited. However I'm currently taking my abuser to court and it's been getting stalled. Multiple times. What I mean by stalled is that they keep pushing it off for one reason or another. I wanna give you guys some background before I ask my questions.
When I was 11 my biological father signed his rights away, gave me to my biological mother and (at that time) my stepdad, and left my life. I remember, on my birthday, the school threw a wonderful party for me. Then my dad picked me up from school early and we drove to a gas station miles away and I saw my biological mother for the first time since I was 8. My stepdad gave me gifts and I saw my dad signing something on the back of his car and handing it to my biological mother. We eventually got back to my bio mom's house (after a tire flying off the car and spending a night in a hotel room) and got settled. We lived in an old house and they converted the dinning room into a bedroom for me. So in order to get into the kitchen from the front room, they had to come through my room. Every night my stepdad would come by and run my head. Tracing over my hair from the front of my head to the end of my pixie cut hair. At that time I thought that this is what a dad who loves their kid does because my bio dad wasn't that affectionate. 6 months after we got home from the gas station, my stepdad adopted me. Since he was 14 years younger than my mom and only 10 years older than me, it was easy to get along with him. I saw him more as a friend than a father and my bio mom was distant so he'd be the one interacting with me. When I was 12 my bio mom and adoptive father used to check if I brushed my teeth by smelling my breath. My bio mom stopped doing it and asked my adoptive father to do it, so he was the main one that checked my breath. Once he joked about if I were to do it again that he'd kiss me. I told my adoptive father that I wasn't scared of him and he kissed me. The adult activities followed a few days after that. When I was 13, I had a boyfriend who I told that my adoptive father and I did adult things, because I wanted him to know that I knew about that world. My bf (at that time), let's call him Tod, informed me that my aunt needed to hear my stories. So I told her. I remember her face going pale for a moment and then she was back to her normal self. Since I was only at my aunt's house because me and Tod were picking out me a homecoming dress, we got in the car shortly after I told my aunt. She drove us (me and Tod) home and there was a white car there. I got taken into foster care until I was 14 (only spending the beginning of 8th grade in care). I felt so bad for talking about what happened between me and my adoptive father that I recanted what I had said and ended up being placed back in the house with my bio mother and adoptive father. The adult activities continued just a couple weeks after I got home. When I was 16, I ran away with a new bf. That bf got scary aggressive so I messaged my bio mom and told her I needed to come home. She told me she wasn't going to be there if I came back. I didn't believe her because she's lied to me multiple times before. I broke up with him. My adoptive father came to get me and got me back to the house. My bio mom ended up not being there. So for the next couple years, I still went to school, adult activities still continued, alcohol and drugs were introduced, physical violence started, more abusive language came out, and all of that my adoptive father made sure of. I found out I was 3 months pregnant when I was 18. I got kicked out. Keep in mind it was only me and my adoptive father in the house. I ended up getting myself an apartment and was able to make a little money by selling jewelry and crafts I made. All that time, I didn't understand that what he did to me was wrong. So when he showed up to my apartment with flowers and a card for mother's day(even though the baby wasn't born yet), I let him inside. My adoptive father apologized. The cycle started all over again except for the drugs and alcohol because of the baby. I gave birth and couldn't breastfeed so he started smoking green with me. My adoptive father caused a huge fight that cost me my apartment so I moved towns away into a friend's house. We will call her Bee. Bee had dated and had a kid with my brother and we were really close. I knew Bee since early highschool and she knew a lot of what I went through. I made friends there and Bee had my kicked out of their house so me and my first born moved into another friends house. I got beat there so I call my uncle to help me find a place. Unfortunately my uncle didn't know what my adoptive father had done so they showed up to pick me up together. We (me, son, and adoptive father) moved into adoptive grandma's house. The cycle started again. This time he was the only one who was allowed to drink and it was behind doors because Grandma was against it. I didn't even know until after. It was in that house, he disclosed to me that he used to peek through the slats of the wall of the bathroom while I showered when I was 11, and that he was the one to leave the vibrator on the counter for me to find. Adoptive grandma bought me and my adoptive father a house that needed some work on. Adoptive father attacked adoptive grandma so we got evicted and moved into that house alone. The house didn't have electricity or running water, but we were able to stay clean and comfortable because we knew how to survive in that environment, but even I can admit that's no way to live. Drugs and alcohol were common. Adoptive father also gave me(I don't think I have to say in what way) to several of his friends. One night, a friend of Bee's came over and hung out with us after my son fell asleep. The friend had brought alcohol over and we all had a few drinks. Adoptive father because angered and the friend left. My son woke up because of the yelling so I picked him up to comfort him. I should have left him there because what happened next I still hold a lot of hate towards myself for even though my son is perfectly fine now. Adoptive father became more and more upset by the minute so I moved so it'd put space between us. I moved to where there was a table between me and adoptive father. I'm still holding my son at that time. Adoptive father comes rushing towards the table and throws it out of the way. He swung at me and I turned my body thinking that I had to block the blow for hitting my son. I didn't turn quick enough and my son (only 1yrs old) had a red mark on his chest. Adoptive father paused for a moment in shock that he hit the baby and gave me enough time to put the baby down and grab my phone. I started to call my closest friend at that time (who was aware of my life story and was on call whenever I needed a safe place) but adoptive father grabbed my phone, hung up, and held me down until I told him I wouldn't leave the house. I waited until he was asleep and call my friend again. Minutes later me and my baby were in a car heading to safety. The last time I spoke directly to my adoptive father was when I was 21, and that was because he called me and asked if I pressed charges against him for hitting the baby. I told him, no I didn't but his bio dad (who he hated) was the one to talk to the cops and gave them pictures of my bruises. He spent 2 years in prison for assault and that was his third strike at that time. The states attorney found out that I had a child with my adoptive father and called me on the number I gave the cops. 4 years ago they opened a case of incest against him and have filed charges. The trials and sentencing dates have been postponed multiple times and the next courtdate is in July of this year. The last one was supposed to be in April, however the defense attorney was sick. 2 years ago, while I was in a lot of counseling appointments, I finally understood what grooming was and that my childhood and teenage years weren't supposed to happen. At least in a good family, the situations I was put in wouldn't have happened. I found out that my adoptive father married Bee (the friend who had a kid with my brother) and that they had 3 kids together. My brother found out that that couple had beaten my niece and now has full custody of my niece.
I currently live in a home with my kids and bf. I have a job. I have kept up with every court date. I have shown up for every courtdate. Even driving hours to and from the court house because I lived 2 years in a different state. I have done everything in my power to make sure my kids are safe and away from the situation. However I feel like my oldest will need to know who his bio father is eventually. He's only 8yrs old rn. He does resemble his bio father in some ways that are only shown when he's mad or trying to hide something and it scares me every time. I love my kid and I feel horrible everytime my mind sees my adoptive father in my son. My son knows that his biological father is responsible for a scar across his middle finger because his bio father turned on a industrial fan while my son's hand was on it, but that's all he knows about his biological father. How do I go about helping him not turn into the type of person his biological father is? How would I address it later when he has more questions?
submitted by Epic-Kitti to abusesurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:15 Mean-Alternative-849 I’m 17, and was sucker punched with my hands in my pocket

So I am going 17 years old and I was heading back from getting some clothes at the mall, I was turning out and he was behind me and he floored it and cut in front of me, I had a megaphone on me so I decided to insult him with it, he then got very mad and followed me to the bank I was going too, he pulled in behind me and got out of the car cussing so I did the same we came up in each others faces and cussed eachother out for a couple minutes then I walked over and leaned on my car while it continued, he walked back and got in my face again telling me to square up I shouldn’t have but I kept saying okay but kept my hands in my pocket and when I turned around he sucker punched me right in the mouth and then put me in a head lock he then said he wasn’t gonna let go unless I wasn’t gonna start hitting back so the friend I was with grabbed me and the guy ran off and drove away, am I in the wrong or can I press charges?
submitted by Mean-Alternative-849 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:14 Unlikely4ever My mother is a cheating wife

My mom has been a consistent cheater to my father, even nung bata pa ko, I always see him with another guy. He even physically abused me (sakal lang natatandaan ko - dalawang beses na sakal) when I was 4 yrs old when she found out na I told our neighbors na the guy slept at our home. Pinagtanggol lang ako ng yaya ko kaya di niya ko napuruhan, pero si Yaya nasapak nya sa tummy and muntik pang malaglag sa hagdan to protect me from her.
Fast forward to my college years 2015, she decided to reconnect w an old guy friend from college, and the connection didn't stop. They were seeing each other consistently. Even caught the msgs from the guy on my mom's messenger "I will win you back, I will always win you back" wtf. Hanggang ngayon, they've been seeing each other. Caught her na sinusundo/hinahatid ni guy sa bahay every weekend because she stays w him every weekend and holiday pero ang palabas nya is "may work sya". San ka nakakita ng work na weekend and holidays lang meron? May dala pa syang maliit na dog w her - regalo ata nung guy.
Tapos now, 2024, I have my own place na. Bumukod na ko kay Mama because hindi ko na kaya. She blocked me on all messaging apps. And yung fb nya is puro "galangin mo ang magulang mo" posts. Also, I'm afraid of failing because she always use the "tignan natin saan marating mo" card back then because pinagtanggol ko Dad ko from her cheating and I no longer tolerate it.
Now, naguguluhan ako kung ako ba talaga mali. Na mamalasin ba talaga ko sa buhay because I no longer respect her, that's why I avoided her too. Naaawa lang din ako sa Dad ko, he's been working hard abroad just to be cheated numerous times by my jobless mom.
May cancer now yung Lola ko (Mom ni Mama), and my Dad shoulders most of the expenses kasi ayaw mag ambag ng mga kapatid nya masyado. Naiinis ako, what did my dad do to deserve this? Ako din, what did I do to deserve a mom like her. 3 lang kami sa fam, pero we will never be complete anymore.
Last weekend nung Mother's Day, we did not greet each other at all.
Mamalasin ba ko sa buhay for not tolerating her cheating and abuse?
submitted by Unlikely4ever to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:14 5us5y_baka Since my best friend started liking and dating this guy, I think I'm tweaking

For context - we’re all 18, graduated last year and They’ve been dating for two months but they’ve known each other for a year. I also have a boyfriend and I have a great support network of friends (two in particular have been helpful), family and I just started going to therapy. We’ve been friends for 15 years and we’re basically family. Most importantly, I have a boyfriend of one year who has been my rock throughout this and without him I think I’d go insane. (Just in case anyone thinks im jealous of the relationship itself) But she is very comfortable with him and has called him one of her top five friends and it’s amazing seeing them get along. When they first met she thought he was a wanker, and he is and she still does think that (yeah I don’t get it either) but she went to his formal in November and they started becoming good friends and the more they saw each other, the more the tension grew. They hooked up in February and started dating in March. Here’s the thing - I don’t like him, I think I may hate him but for my sanity I won’t admit that. As a matter of fact, she has no idea I don’t like him, I know that with these problems he has, she needs to be the one to realise that, and if I put myself between them she’d choose me but I will never do that to her. The other thing is, I know she needs this experience, I should not and will not be the person to point out his flaws. If she cannot realise that on her own… well I don’t know. But I know she is aware of these, but they haven’t hindered her passion and care for him. He has made comments to my family, he said to me my brother will get ‘clipped’ because of his name, which is awful, and my little brother, along with my siblings are so dear to me they are like my family. It’s also important to note that I am very friendly to this guy and we get along fine, he just always says something a little fucked but I keep that to myself and repeat it to my boyfriend and sometimes my best friend - I don’t give my input I just am like ‘he said this… im surprised you were accepting of that’ and she usually (genuinely) agrees ‘it’s fucked’ and brings it up w him, he apologises and then she’s fine w it (not sure but I can only assume because she rlly likes this guy, and it’s only grown, so clearly nothing has changed). I have a few concerns about this whole situation 1. How the hell can she forgive this guy who has made derogatory remarks about my family more than once and just being generally hateful to the people around him and then still look at him with this love (which by the way, they haven’t said I love you yet but she hangs out with him every two nights - including mothers day AND the night before mothers day so she ?… you gotta really love someone to put them in front of your mum) 2. She keeps telling me don’t worry it’s not like I’m going to marry him but DUDE you told me never in a million years would you date him! And the thing is… She didn’t think so, but I knew, once they started getting closer it became apparent it to me that it was only a matter of time… She’s never had a good understanding of her own feelings, so I can’t blame her, but it is so frustrating that it seems like I know her better than she knows herself - which she’s told me over and over again. 3. This is the worst part… I feel like I think less of her because of whose she’s dating. This man is arrogant, rude, fake and disrespectful. He’s good to her and they have a great time together. But if he’s rude, how can she allow that. I’d be ok with that if she was like nah I don’t like him too much we just have fun. But she likes him! She truly does. And I can’t help but hate that... How do I stop thinking less of her? It’s not really her fault but I can’t help it! I feel so immature and selfish and she deserves so much better than the way I’m feeling And I know she loves me so so much, and I promise if I had a doubt I’d say that here. But for some reason I get so stressed by this and I don’t fully understand why and how to help myself. And if I can’t help myself, how can I help her? But then there’s the concern that these concerns are illegitimate. I’m also worried that this is all in my head… I know why I care, it’s because I love her more than life itself and I want her to have everything she deserves, but I’m starting to worry I care TOO much. Every time we go out I talk about why I’m worried —> she understands (and agrees?) —> I feel better for two or three days —> I stress out —> I talk to her and the cycle continues. It’s draining! The thing between them has been going on for three months (dating for two) and it’s been almost the worst three months of my life. I am constantly met with confusion, grief, anger and overall despair. I know this is coming across as ’typical teenage drama’ and I’m sure it probably is that, and I know in five years I will be adjusted to this and he’ll be long gone. But this is so hard! I cannot find peace! Someone please help me figure out a way to accustom to these feelings and how much I need to change or talk
submitted by 5us5y_baka to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:14 fletchvl_ is it bad that im 5'5 (M)

im either really close to or already done growing and im 5'5 and im honestly kinda scared because I see women go "my man must be 6'0 tall 😠" or like when one of my friends laughed at a couple because the guy was shorter than the girl and ive seen guys get laughed at for being short. would you bully me/not date me cause im short 🥺🥺🥺 is this a problem you guys
submitted by fletchvl_ to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:14 Top-Eye377 for anyone struggling with mental health pt.2

I thought It’d be fine but I kept procrastinating and it always built up and built up and built up and I didnt do it and that was the last straw when I started getting minor panic attacks. At first it wasnt bad and this was near the beginning of trhe year but next year it got BAD.
I had panic attacks just getting in the car to go to school. I was just lonely stressed depressed and felt trapped and it felt terrifying.
eventually our school counselor and my regular counselor helped find a place called a PHP program. only problem with that program is that it felt very awkward to me.
You see, not to get political or anything but I was raised conservative and thats how I believe I dont hold anything against liberal or woke people all our opinions are just the same but the way they handled stuff and I was raised was too much. Instead of me being able to worry about handling my anxiety I had to worry about being politically correct and pronouns all the time and if I messed up or anything I was a bad person. And I also have a relatively dark sense of humor which is very common for kids and people with trauma and stuff its just relatable and stuff and I make jokes around my friends abt ravism and stuff and sensitive topics bc its funny to us. We take all those things seriously in a serious context like if I heard a guy harrassing a kid bc of his race im givin him a piece of my mind (I like to speak instead of fight J often have a lot to say and love my voice being heard but yall have prolly figured that out by now lol) but anyways something as dumb as that got me to speak up and ask if it makes me a bad person and a woman literally said “If you make racist jokes doesn’t that make you racist?” which rlly got to me bc im not racist I just didnt realize that my dark humor abt stuff not just that but thats the prime example for this story but instead of getting over my anxiety I felt I always had to be hyper aware of everything I say and if I make one wrong move I’m some evil horrible human being. and I still feel like that now but not bc of that bc i learned that they just didnt get me and theres a time and place for that stuff. But in THERAPY which is supposed to be all abt talking abt ur problems and getting advice and venting I “overshared” even tho it was brutal it had to do with the convo and was something important to how i felt abt it. but away from school my anxiety subsided until I went back it flared up like hellfire. eventually I just failed all my classes, didnt work, dropped out of a play that I was more excited for than anything bc I was too anxious and all I got was pop some pills and youll be ok but eventually they realized “crud this cant keep happening” so they sent me off to a residential facility. basically its an in between of a psych ward and baccaraction but at first I HATED IT
  1. It aas scary I’d never been away from home so long especially with complete strangers and there were a lot of scary things too. 2. I finally got a gf two days earlier which gave me purpose but still hurt to have anxiety. 3. I cried at least twice, It was an amazing experience but at first b4 u realize when people go a bit wild they seem to be lunatics when ltr u realize they just cant handle their pain like u it just gets more violent for them. but I met a lotta great people but one in particular, we’ll call him tony. He was a staff member an old guy but in pretty decent shape. Super wise and nice but also real and had issues like everyone. He had a tattoo of the star of david I will never forget he said he had it bc the book of david changed his life. I started back into the bible more, reading a lotta proverbs, started following Jesus and try tk be a better person and follow hos will although I made a million mistakes but one time I got a horrible attack and I finally realized what was missing what wasnt working.
submitted by Top-Eye377 to motivation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:13 Latter_Device_7373 abyg at nasaktan ako sa request ng girlfriend ko

Kanina lang 'to nangyari. As in 11:03am. context: I have a girlfriend of almost 9 months na. Within those 9 months marami kaming nakasalubong triny kami landiin pero both of us wen through those ng walang conflicts na malaki. Sa classroom nya, may dalawang lalaki dun na malandi sakanya. Tawagin natin silang Tom and Jerry. Inaattempt hawakan face nya or saying things that are inappropriate. Kanina, inask ako ng girlfriend ko "Okay lang ba sayo if maging friends ko sila Tom and Jerry?" at that point, bumaba lahat saakin. Energy and such. Inask ko "bakit?" ang sagot nya "wala lang, para may magago lang sa room at ma pagkopyahan". Nasaktan ako sobra kasi ayun nga, malandi yung dalawang guy and walang sense of respect sa relationship ng iba. specifically, relationship namin. To the point na nag tatanong na sila about things that are supposed to be just for me and my girlfriend. Nasaktan ako kasi kakaibiganin pa talaga yung pinag seselosan ko. tska why ngayon pa na ending na ang school year? hays. I slightly lost some respect sakanya kasi alam nya na yung pwede nila gawin at mga nagawa nila at mga naging effect nila sa relationship namin, want nya parin kaibiganin.
submitted by Latter_Device_7373 to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:13 The66Ripper ADAM A7 Frankenstein Center Build?

Hello all!
Today is an unfortunate day on my end - my daily driver studio monitors of nearly 20 years, the ADAM A7s have gone kaput. I’m honestly devastated.
Today I booted them up and to my dismay when I loaded up the commercial I was doing some music editing for, the image was leaning aggressively right. I solo’d out each side and there’s certainly something wrong with the range below 100hz and the crossover range around 2k so I can’t use them in their current condition. My assumption is there’s a failing/leaking electrolytic cap like what this guy found a few years ago:
Thankfully for now I have a set of B&O BeoVox 5700s I just finished restoring and recapping with polycaps and new resistors, and they sound excellent, so they’re a workable substitute for now (arguably better sounding than the A7s minus a bit of top end detail from the ribbon tweeters) but they’re 50 years old and there’s still some wonk to a few of the drivers so I don’t trust them completely.
On the horizon are a set of HiVi 3.1s that I’ll be building with the Sehlin Option #5 perfectionist crossover. With the AMT/ribbon tweeter and 6.5” woofer I’d imagine the HiVi 3.1s would pair super well with the remaining A7 components for a center speaker. I’d love to fix the ADAMs, but I’ve been looking at upgrading monitors for a while (always intending to keep the ADAMs as an alt set 😪) and really enjoy the midrange detail the 3-way B&O speakers provide. The B&Os have also gotten me really into crossover design and DIY stuff in general, so I figure building a super accurate 3-way like the HiVi 3.1s with the crossover mod would be a fun upgrade over trying to fix a 20 year old monitor with failing components or dropping $1.5-2k on a new set of ADAMs.
That got me thinking and the plan in question is to repurpose the right ADAM A7 as a center channel as it’s still fully operational. Since just the woofer amp has failed on the left speaker and there’s no damage to the drivers but I’m sure they’re still in good shape. That said, I’m also assuming the right amp is just behind the left and could go any day now, especially as some of the earlier symptoms of failure have been starting to happen on the right side.
Could I, in theory, build an MTM/MTTM style enclosure for the Right ADAM’s components and place either or both of the drivers from the left speaker in this new enclosure and build a frankenstein center channel a la the A77X, either in line with the A77X’s single tweeter or possibly with two tweeters? For said speaker, I see two real options - either building an MTM/MTTM 2.5 way speaker with the existing (failing) amps OR I build a passive 3-way crossover and make an A77X clone (plus an extra tweeter) that is a proper 3 way.
I’m imagining three ways of doing this that go up in complexity:
  1. Put in only 3 drivers (MTM 2.5 Way) and use the working amps from the right speaker only to drive all 3 drivers by powering both woofers from the same amp. I’d imagine I could I’d just splice and solder two ends to each cable.
    • I’d assume here the woofers would receive less power, and that would either be extremely problematic and they won’t move properly, or they would miraculously combine together to add up to the equivalent power of one woofer powered by one amp, but as I write that it feels like a pipe dream.
  2. Put in all 4 drivers (MTTM 2.5 Way with the tweeters vertically aligned) and use the amps from the right speaker and run a second set of wires to both the second woofer and second tweeter from their corresponding amp - again by splicing.
    • I’d assume this would give me half the power to both drivers, which could be problematic. If again somehow it’s not problematic, I’m sure I could compensate with level calibration as I’ve got a pretty flexible routing & output system in my home Atmos room and I’ve got 6db of headroom on the input gain dial.
  3. Put in all 4 drivers (MTTM 3-Way) and build a new passive crossover around the driver specs. In a cabinet of that size I could either single or bi-amp with an internally mounted amp like a Fosi Audio V3.
    • I like this idea more than doing nothing and using the remaining A7 as a center as I’d have all new components in the crossover and another failing amp wouldn’t leave me without a center channel. Also don’t like the idea of an asymmetrical center and it would have to lay horizontally underneath my monitor.
Any thoughts on this idea? Did I drink too much coffee today and now I’m just tweaking or is this a potential project?
Sidenote: I’m not particularly worried about the enclosure, a woodworker friend of mine is collaborating with me to build some speakers for her house and she has unlimited access to a woodshop with free wood as a part of a fellowship she’s been accepted into.
submitted by The66Ripper to diyaudio [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:13 Dead_arie Advice for second time bird owner

Advice for second time bird owner
I would really appreciate some advice. I’m a second time bird owner. My first one (who you can see in the last pic) was given to me after a family member passed away and I had him for 4 years, he wasn’t very friendly so i didn’t interact with him besides the few times he would let me scratch his head, he passed away last month and my boyfriend surprised me with this little guy maybe an hour ago, he said he was 8 months old. If anyone had any advice or recommendations for food and other things that would be amazing. I will be using the smaller of the two cages for now until I have the space to put the bigger one back up
submitted by Dead_arie to Conures [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:13 Tell_me_when_ (M19) Did getting complemented on having a big dick rewire anyone else’s views on showing off?

A few years back when I was in school, I was unusually self conscious about people seeing my dick through my pants. I kinda knew I had a hog on me, but that didn’t make me want anyone else to know. I was actually extremely anxious about anyone finding out for some reason, just felt like it would be embarrassing. I have a big softie so I used to go to school wearing loose clothes or hoodies that covered everything to avoid anyone ever seeing my bulge. But one day I was in class wearing the classic gray sweatpants (foreshadowing) and everything changed. The classroom was kinda weird and had stools instead of chairs. Halfway through learning about Shakespeare or something, one of my classmates (a girl I kinda liked) was sitting a few desks over and kept smirking at me and making little subtle gestures at me. Me, being dumb as a pile of rocks, thought she wanted a pencil or something so I kept trying to pass down pens and paper and shit while she kept sending it all back. After the class ended I found her in the hallway and asked what she needed. She just kinda stared at me for a minute then pulled me aside. She whispered in my ear and told me that she could see my bulge the entire class from the way I was sitting. I froze cuz this was like my biggest fear, but then she seductively told me it turned her on the whole class and she couldn’t stop thinking about how unbelievably big it looked. This made me feel very very strange in a way I hadn’t felt before, like realizing that there was a whole language I could understand but had never noticed. I just mumbled something probably incoherent and she headed to her next class, but not before telling me she hoped I would wear sweatpants to school more often. As she left she teasingly told me loudly across the hall full of students that she couldn’t wait to see my “enormous pet anaconda” in person one day. I stood in the hall slack jawed for a while trying to process what just happened and why I felt so unusual. I always felt like if a girl noticed my bulge, they would be disgusted or mad, but I had somehow never thought of the possibility that girls might actually have sexual thoughts of there own. Needless to say, for an immature horny kid who also happened to be packing a piece, this changed everything. All the years of being terrified someone might see my package instantly disappeared and I decided that if I had something special then I shouldn’t be self conscious about it. I stopped wearing baggy oversized clothes and started wearing well fitting skinny jeans, tight shorts, and of course, lots of gray sweatpants that showed off my dickprint. Over the next year, girls suddenly seemed very interested in me and I found myself having much more self esteem. I feel like this even bled into other areas of my life, though it might be subjective, but I made more friends, I felt more comfortable about how I looked, going swimming with friends, using urinals next to guys, hitting on girls, being sexual, and just talking positively about myself. Ever since then, all my friends know that I’m a bit of an exhibitionist who’s not afraid to be large and in charge. In the end though, I’ll never forget about the girl who started it all by letting me know that my big cock was something I should be happy showing off… and I certainly showed it off to her at her place that next week.
submitted by Tell_me_when_ to penissize [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:12 lexrex007 Schlatt isn't an alcoholic

Guys I'm really worried about Schalt, I thought he was an alcoholic and that's obviously a really good thing, but now I'm finding out he's not? Idk I'm just worried for him but also kind of disappointed, I really look up to him as we're close personal friends (even if he doesn't know it!) and we love each other. Can we set him back on the right path together guys? Spread the word!
submitted by lexrex007 to ChuckleSandwich [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:12 GuineaBetta I (20F) am studying abroad for 5 weeks, how can I make it easier for my boyfriend (21M)?

In about a week, I’ll be leaving the US to study abroad in Europe for 5 weeks, which will mean a 7 hour time difference. My boyfriend and I are in college, have been dating for two years, and recently moved in together a few months ago. Things are great between us, but I’m worried about him when I go abroad. He doesn’t really have any friends, mostly just me and his parents who live 2 hours away. He will visit them on the weekends and he working full time during the week, so he will be somewhat busy. We also have a cat that will keep him company a bit.
My worry is that he is going to get really depressed and lonely. I know with the time difference and his work/my classes we won’t be able to talk a ton. He says that he’s going to be fine, but I know he’s just saying that because he doesn’t want me to worry. Do you guys have any suggestions for things that I could do/say to make this transition easier for him? As of now, I got him a jar of notes for all 34 days I’ll be gone, but I’m trying to think of some other ideas.
Do you guys have any suggestions of gifts or maybe some apps that could help us stay in contact more? I’m just very worried about him.
submitted by GuineaBetta to relationship_advice [link] [comments]