Pooping gallery

AITA for allowing my dogs to be in my front yard?

2024.04.22 23:18 informalpotatoes129 AITA for allowing my dogs to be in my front yard?

I have 2 dogs, and we live across from an elementary school. My front yard face the side of the school, so those inside can see my yard through the window.
Our home has 2 yards, a back yard and a front yard. The dogs are not allowed to do their "business" in the front yard. We let them go out in the back yard after each meal, so aside from the occasional times where they didnt go when we let them in the back yard, they almost never poop in the front yard. We trained them like this so they can freely play and do they enrichment activities in the front yard without accidentally stepping in their own poop when they play in the front yard. My dogs love to wrestle and often ends up rolling around on the ground, so this has worked out well, to the point where if they are being let out in the front yard, they would know to start zooming and rolling.
I work from home, so i would often take breaks during the day to let them outside to play, especially when its nice out. I also sit with them outside and watch them, incase someone walks by, etc, since my dogs are big and they could scare you by barking, and i take them in when they starts to go too crazy.
Today, when we were in the front yard, a neighbor a few doors down were outside gardening, after a while, we start to go back inside, and the neighbor yelled over to get my attention. He (60-70 ish) said "You need to keep your dogs inside during school hours, my grandkids go to that school and they get distracted when your dogs are outside", he said it in kind of a rude way, like when your parents tell (not ask) you to put your toys away. Idk, it was just kinna condescending. I said "okay, my dogs like the front yard, so i can take it back to once or twice per day" and he said it doesn't matter, because everytime my dogs are outside, the kids are distracted, so he would like my dogs to not be in the front yard atball during school hours. I'm sorry, but no? Its my house, my dogs live here too. So i just said sorry, that's the best i can do, they like it out here. He just called me entitled, irresponsible, and i don't have a kid so i don't get it, etc.
Listeners, i am NOT a nice person, so i just said "i care more about my dogs, i dont give a f* about your kids, put them on adhd meds if their focusing is that bad, but don't make it my problem" and went inside. That was that.
I thought i was justified, but when i spoke to my mom, she said i shouldn't talk to elders like that, and that he was just concerned for his grand kids, and maybe I should keep them inside or have them go to the backyard during school hours.
Edit: here are the wrestling match in question, you can kinna see the school windows in the background: https://imgur.com/gallery/chmb4xl
The dogs are trained to do an alarm bark when some is/walks in fron of our house, so for example they wouldn't bark if someone is standing in the neighbors driveway.
I am 26F
Edit 2: this post is not about your opinions on the breed i like to keep, if you hate pits, you could go fuck yourself with a cheese grater, like i said, not a nice person. Maybe i should keep my dogs inside all the time, because according to those in my DMs, my pit loves to eat babies. They're right, she loves them, she eats so many babies, she set the record for eating so many babies actually, 10 babies a day isnt enough to satisfy her hunger for children souls. Whatever
Additional tax: https://imgur.com/gallery/rMGAMyl
Update: Partner and I went over during lunch today to hopefully extend the olive branch to the guy's family. His wife opened the door, and I was greeted with Trump flags and Confederate flags (we live in the upper northwest) all over the inside of their house. I said hi, he yelled out and asked who it was, the wife said it's our neighbor, he said "the ch!ink or someone else" and laughed. Partner and I exchanged a look and noped the fuck out of there. The whole lasted less than a minute.
In conclusion, neighbor is racist, i will be letting my dogs out the same amount of not more, keeping an eye on them everytime doubling on home security. No olive branch offered, in fact, it's the opposite, it's fucking on sight from now on.
submitted by informalpotatoes129 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

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2024.04.20 23:15 ExcitementUpper2655 Should I give an anonymous hint to CPS because the house is unhygienic?

Throwaway acc bc some family members use reddit.
At first it may seem a bit harmless but at this point it is absolutely crazy.
I moved out of my moms house abt 1 1/2 years ago and wanted to cut contact with her but my dad forced me to go there last christmas. Thats when I was appalled at what I saw. Now it was already bad when I lived there but that was even worse. I might include the pics in a later edit if I manage.
My stepsister still lives there tho, shes about 13 or 14.
As soon as you enter the house it smells like cat poop. They have 7 cats. Their toilets are cleaned like.. never? Maybe when guests come over. These toilets are literally overflowing with shit. So the cats poop everywhere else in the house. My mom and stepdads room are full of cat poop, piss and/or vomit. It is overflowing with clothes, they are hoarders.
Now to the basement/ garage. Thats where the cats eat. It is disgusting to say the least, and the stench is unbearable to the point where I would hold my breath going downstairs and only breathe again once I got out of there. Dried, old catfood all over the floor. Garage is full of stuff, cuz hoarders. They dont throw away the bags that the catfood came in, theres a huge pile of it. The old, used cat foodbowls? Stacked on top of each other with dried catfood. Even more disgusting when you think about the fact that all clothes are being washed down there too. I wouldn't be surprised if it was unhealthy/ toxic to breathe that air in.
Recently my other brother moved out too but they threw him out, reasons unknown to me. He told me my parents have become alcoholics too, drinking practically every day. I don't know the extent of these claims or how they act while drunk. Also when we 3 siblings were younger still neither of em would respect our wishes of not smoking when we were in a car with them because "the smoke goes out the window"
That was the most important part, read the rest if you feel like it.
When I still lived there, there were 2 dogs. One was a shar pei (bully breed). They didnt train that dog one bit, and with time I couldnt even enter the kitchen without being barked at and the dog snapping at me or pinching me. They however did not see a problem with is as it never hurt them. The dog was poisoned by neighbors who were sick of her barking.
The other dog is fine mostly but extremely food driven. Stepfather kicks the dog when it doesnt do what he wants. Also, the dog gained a whopping 10kg of weight over 1 year, the dog looks round. Poor thing..
Well, what do you think? Is that enough reason to report them to CPS (Country in EU if that matters)?
Edit: Pictures Ive taken sadly I only took these 4, I wish I had taken more.
submitted by ExcitementUpper2655 to CPS [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 15:55 rabbitscape Please read, please help, I don’t know what decision to make for my poor baby

My first rabbit Penguin, the love of my life, is 8 years old (pics at bottom link). A little over two weeks ago, he was the happiest rabbit! Then he suddenly developed weakness and partial paralysis in his hind legs. We rushed him to the emergency vet where they had an exotic pet specialist, and she did an exam, x-rays, ultrasounds, and found an abdominal tumour that was pressing on his spine.
He was booked for an urgent exploratory surgery to see if they could remove it. The mass was quite large and embedded in his digestive system (specifically the cecum). She said his chances of surviving if she tried to cut some of it out (she’d never be able to get it all) were not good, that there was a big risk of sepsis, internal bleeding, organ damage, and the tumour would likely grow back anyway. She suggested it was maybe better to send him home on metacam and gabapentin and treat him as a palliative case for as long as his quality of life was not too bad.
We were devastated that he couldn’t be cured, and didn’t want to risk him dying on the table, so we made the decision to take him home. In retrospect, maybe we should have asked her to try to cut out as much as possible? It could have given him more time, but it could also have killed him quickly. It was an impossible decision.
His tummy has healed nicely from the surgery. At first he was still able to weakly hop. Then he could ‘walk’ by pushing his feet against the ground. Then he could crawl. And now he can barely drag his back end with lots of effort. He can still drag himself to the litter box and still insists on peeing there. He can drag and spin himself to access hay and water. Everything is very close and within reach.
He is still excited about his veggies and treats and hay, and will move towards them as best as he can. But he now spends all his time in his one favourite corner, not really able to move except for the occasional difficult drag to the litter box. I do put him in different places for enrichment but he’ll usually drag himself back to his corner. But he does occasionally try to explore his accessible pen, very slowly, and nap in a new spot. He still enjoys petting from me and will purr, and enjoys mutual grooming with his bonded mate.
But his spirit has dimmed. He is frustrated and depressed at his lack of mobility. He was such a fast, active, athletic bunny who could binky 3 feet in the air and zoom around like crazy! And now he’s very disabled. I need to keep his butt and legs clean. But he’s eating and pooping and enjoying treats and cuddles. Unfortunately it looks like the tumour is growing fast and his mobility is worsening. I don’t know if his other functions will eventually be compromised as well. I don’t know if a wheelchair would be helpful or stressful, especially if he has limited time.
Do I continue to medicate him and let him eat his favourite treats and cuddle with his mate for as long as he’s able to? Or do I make the impossible decision to end his decline before he lies down one day and just can’t get up anymore? I’ve even thought of getting a second opinion to see if another vet can remove the tumour, but can I really put the poor guy through surgery again?
Please, what would you do if he was the love of your life and you just couldn’t bear to lose him, but you also didn’t want him to suffer? He doesn’t seem to be in pain because he has a great appetite and is well-medicated. But he can barely move and it’s not going to get better. What would you do??
Pics of Penguin and his mate Piggy:
submitted by rabbitscape to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 10:17 BrainstormBot ⟳ 3 apps added, 57 updated at f-droid.org

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2024.04.05 01:22 bananasplatano Enlarged Mammaries after Spay

Hey all, I just spayed my cat a few hours ago at a Humane Vet. I may be overthinking but is this swelling normal? I only have my cousin's cat to compare it to and her surgical area was flat.
Why are her mammaries so enlarged? Or is this how it always look like under the fur? Is this the primordial pouch? Is my cat just chonky? This is my first cat so I just want to make sure everything is ok.She doesn't seem to be in pain and incision looks clean. They (her boobies) are soft not hard.
Unfortunately the Humane Vet is super hard to reach due to the sheer volume of pets they treat. I won't hear back from them at least until tomorrow or more. She iss behaving normally (weirdly energetic for day 1) and she has peed and pooped and has an appetite.
Species: Cat
Age: 10 months
Sex/Neuter status: Female
Breed: domestic short hair
Body weight: 10.6 lbs
History: normal
Clinical signs: enlarged Mammaries after spay surgery
Duration: ~5 of hours of this post
Your general location: NYC
Edit she was also in heat a few days before surgery
Here is kitty:
submitted by bananasplatano to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 14:07 BrainstormBot ⟳ 2 apps added, 37 updated at f-droid.org

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2024.04.01 03:04 Ill_Construction4147 Traps/Speed boost bugged in UEFN/Creative 2.0

Traps/Speed boost bugged in UEFN/Creative 2.0
If I try to add a speed boost it will glitch out like in the picture shown. I won't be able to move it. If I place in creative 2.0 whenever I push changes in UEFN it will revert back to how its show in the picture as well. Am I missing anything here?

submitted by Ill_Construction4147 to FortniteCreative [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 04:48 Halal_Tabouli Positive post on a lovely day.

Today is the Monday of Week 4, Sem 1 and I am really enjoying the vibes rn. The clouds are looking really aesthetic, plants are sprouting new growth and I went to the fancy, quad gallery bathrooms to take a peaceful poop earlier. What more could you ask for?
Wanted to share and spread some good vibes. Thanks!
submitted by Halal_Tabouli to unimelb [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 05:52 chordeliaa What distinguishes an intestinal blockage from a bacterial infection symptom-wise?

Long post, TL;DR at the bottom.
About two weeks ago, I rescued a stray cat (I'm in the U.S.). We're not sure yet if we're keeping him, so we're fostering. He's an unneutered male domestic shorthair and about 2-3 years old (pic). He didn't appear to have anything, but he got treated for fleas and ticks, dewormed, vaccinated, tested (for feline leukemia, heartworm, FIV), and checked for a microchip. At this point, he was about 7 pounds. He was not energetic, but otherwise seemed fine. After a day, he started to poop more frequently, but it was still solid.
The next day, he had diarrhea. There wasn't any blood in his actual stool, but I had to wipe some off of his bum afterwards. I panicked and contacted my vet for advice. They said to bring him in the next day.
He was about 8 pounds now, had a slight fever, but tested negative for parasites. He was first given 4mL of Albon while there, and then we got 2mL to give him daily, along with a probiotic. They said that it was hopefully a bacterial infection in his gut biome from a sudden change in diet. They didn't want to do too many extra tests after weighing my mom's concern about the cost with the severity of his symptoms.
He started playing more and on the 4th day had solid poop again! But on the 5th and final day of his med, he went back to yellowish diarrhea, and then I discovered he had puked up what seemed to be blood (pic). He was tired and eating and drinking less. I scheduled an appointment for the next morning. My mom later called to get the details and pricing of any potential tests.
At the start, his fever was still there but lower than before. They first tested his blood. While waiting for the results, the vet told me that worst-case, he might need to go into surgery immediately or be held over the weekend and given IV fluids. The results came back and his blood work looked healthy besides being slightly anemic.
He also got an X-ray done. Afterwards, they asked if he had eaten before the appointment. He had likely eaten a few hours before (he had a small amount of food in his bowl when I went to sleep and it was gone by morning). I feel stupid, but I was not aware that he should fast. They said that although his x-ray appeared to be clear, there was no way to know for sure since he ate beforehand. By the end of the appointment, his fever was two degrees higher.
Since they didn't have answers, they treated his symptoms. They said the med he was given before, Albon, is a dewormer; however, we were told by the vet from the last appointment that it's an antibiotic. He got a shot for nausea and every day since he has been taking ¼ tablet of Cerenia, 1mL of amoxicillin twice, and his probiotic. The total cost was a little over $500. That was on Friday morning (2 days ago). They said to update them Monday (tomorrow). If he hasn't improved, he needs to be brought in for another X-ray and given IV fluids, which would amount to about another $500, not including any surgery. The appointments after the first one are complementary and the second X-ray would be discounted but not free.
He hasn't puked since and his stool has changed. More brown than yellow now and less explosive. It's still liquidy, though less, and he still strains while he poops. Yesterday (Saturday), he started to play and has been eating and drinking water frequently again.
I would like to hear others’ thoughts before I call the vet tomorrow. I’m glad he is clearly doing better, but I don't know if it's enough and worry about him suddenly regressing again. I'm not sure if my parents are willing to do another X-ray and the IV fluids due to the additional cost, and then if he ends up needing surgery on top of everything… :/ I have offered to pay though, so hopefully that helps somewhat (though I don't have a steady income).
Currently fostering a stray cat who started having yellowish diarrhea. Took him to the vet. No parasites but had a fever, so was prescribed Albon. He slowly improved and gained energy, but on the final day of his med, started to have diarrhea again. He also vomited once (dried blood I think). Went to vet again, fever got worse, blood work was clear besides anemia, but x-ray was inconclusive due to not fasting beforehand. He's now on amoxicillin and cerenia and slowly improving. The second vet said that the first vet prescribed a dewormer, but we were told Albon is an antibiotic. I have to update the vet tomorrow, but I don't know what I need to be looking out for symptom-wise to help the vet figure out the specific issue.
What symptoms should I look for regarding a blockage (requiring an X-ray) vs. an infection vs. something else (ex: sensitive stomach)? I want to help the vet with my observations as much as I can. Is Albon a dewormer or an antibiotic, and could that miscommunication hinder the effectiveness of his treatment? I am confused on why he suddenly declined after gradually improving, and I don't want that to repeat. Any ideas for how to deal with the cost would also be appreciated.
submitted by chordeliaa to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 07:29 babystarlette I do not like most idols’ eyebrows

Ever since I’ve been into kpop, I just cannot get behind the eyebrow trend they have been doing especially to female idols. Typically the shape of the eyebrow is fine, it is just the color they use for either the eyebrow pencil or pomade, it’s always that orangey warm toned color which does not fit the complexion of most idols. It makes them washed out and genuinely sometimes the color reminds of me of poop. For whatever reason, this color will be used even if the idol has the black jet hair. And for me, it just looks completely unnatural and the color is the only giveaway. It could be because I am American and we do brows differently here, but I usually can get behind any Korean makeup trend, just not the brows since it can throw off an idol’s face in my opinion. A prime example of this eyebrow trend would be Tzuyu, Yuna, or Jihyo.
I believe my opinion is unpopular as when it comes to Korean makeup, the only opinions I see are due to lack of shade range or the aego-sal that idols try to enhance. Typically Korean makeup is seen favorably for looking so put together, minimal, and natural but eyebrows are a big part of whether or not makeup can pass off as natural. Having the bleached not even toned eyebrows means that the warm toned eyebrows is clashing with the cool toned hair of an idol. And I think it is a fair critique of makeup application since understanding undertones of a person or makeup product you are applying is needed to actually be good at makeup or else something will always look off. Now are the eyebrows terrible and make me want to pull my eyes out, no! But I know the makeup artists can do better and need to actually work with an idol’s complexion or hair color. I have attached these photos so yall can see what I’m talking about. I’ll post more if I can.
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submitted by babystarlette to unpopularkpopopinions [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 11:06 lyfshyn Do I Smell Or Something?

Boisteous, spoiled bunnies...are there any tricks to keep them happy? I've bought fancy climbing frames and treat trays, she has endless amounts of hay, fresh produce (she's my diet inspo tbh), kibble. She has the run of the apartment bar bedrooms, she's happy enough, full.of binkies and is smart as a puppy, knows her name (Mopsy) and cuddles all day long until I have to cage her so she gets some rest in the dimmer light.
The hutch could go for $3500 per month in New York, four foot by five, room service, four chambers for various bun bun lifestyle needs, removable litter tray, sawdust poop tray separated, fresh hay and water every day, light and dark sectioning, four separate unlocking compartments.
But she's getting mad aggro with my soft furnishings. Specifically my sofa. And me. I didn't mind gnawing the crappy old 4x4 table legs, she can work away on her lil 7mo teeth on the cardboard boxes, but she's gouging my couch covers like her evil daddy's stuck under the seats, nipping me like I'm the one hiding himh. And it's specifically where I sit. Should I take it personal? Shower more? Create an assault course to occupy her equal to the Crystal Maze? What do indoor rabbit enthusiasts do for comfy, burrowy adventure vibes?
She knows the scoldy voice 'no' for naughty and stops before she's straight back at it in 30 seconds. Sometimes 5 seconds like a hellish gorgeous maniac. And she's taken to nipping me and scrabbling with her JCB mitts.
I want to get her a guinea pig friend or something? But I worry she'd attack? Do I need to get her spayed? And the only rescues are for cats and dogs. Where do I find a guinea pig assertive enough to not allow her bully them? I presume another bunny is a recipe for disaster.
Better toys? Line her sleeping hutch with the blanket she chews most?
Advice appreciated, fellow bun-enjoyers!
Bunny tax: https://imgur.com/gallery/KtR7o6G
submitted by lyfshyn to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 03:57 WPCstudent19 Suicidal

I don't know..i don't know what to do,i feel like I'm being medically neglected and..I've been going through so much health problems.Missed periods,pins and needles ,chronic nasal drip I've had since I was 13-14. this metallic taste in my mouth that won't go away for some reason. IBS (Irritible bowel syndrome) basically means I've been chronically constipated I can't poop well I always feel tired I get pins and needles.I have tried certain medications and remedies but I only get a temporary fix nothing seems to be working .My mom tells me to stress less and eat more fiber and I have I have tried EVERYTHING I can.But nothing works!!.I recently had a doctors appointment about this and the doctor prescribed medication for me to take for a couple weeks and I did but it still didn't help with the IBS.i was supposed to have a follow up appointment that my doctor had planned for me but my mom canceled it because she came home late for work one week and right off the bat she decided I don't need to see a doctor at all.And says it will go away and that "I'll be fine" and that it's nothing seriouse.But she doesn't know how much pain I'm in she always does this she either canceled my doctor's appointments or decides not to set up an appointment at all when I need it and it takes ALOT of persistence to beg her to take me to the doctors.Idk why she makes it so hard for me and why she neglects my medical needs like this.And just had set up a dentist appointment for tomorrow at first she seemed fine with it bit now she doesn't want to take me to the dentist anymore because we recently got into a stupid and petry argument .She wanted me to scan a pile of papers for her with my phone and when she was swiping through my galleries I said "don't go through my photos".Than she got upset and told me to leave and that she won't take me to the dentist anymore over something so dumb.I just can't with her nonsense she is always like this. She medically Neglects my needs for her pettiness and her mood swings.She's childish. This is seriouse my dentist appointment was to check for any dental infections in my teeth because like I said I've had a metallic taste in my mouth for a while and I can't figure out why.Along with other health problems and I have been trying to sort them out one at a time but I cant seem to because of my mother's negligence.All of this just aggravates the amount of stress I'm facing right now and it's not helping.my health seems to be getting worst.My but feels awful right now because of my IBS I've been feeling like I need to poop but only gas comes out.I feel like my health will never get any better and that my mom will only care once I end up in the ER.All of this makes me want to give up on life and kill myself.Im sick of suffering like this and pretending like I'm OK but I'm really not.I just want to feel normal again,get my period back,get rid of the constipatipn from the IBS and feel healthy again.But thad too much to ask and I'm hopeless.And please don't suggest child protective services because I don't want to be taken away from my mom but she is being neglectful and I don't know how else to get her to prioritize my medical needs like she is supposed to.
submitted by WPCstudent19 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 05:17 mommadizzy Forgot my birthday, the fact I'm getting married, and treats me like shit the whole pregnancy.

I don't want this posted anywhere else and honestly might delete it because I feel like it's a bit specific.
TW for mentions of physical abuse (non-descriptive), and emotional/verbal abuse (is that even avoidable here?). Mentions of eating disorders (including weight/height during recovery and pregnancy, not lowest weight) as well as body/weight shaming.
I'm 19F as of this month, and 9 months pregnant. When I was 12, I moved in with my grandmother who only really cared about winning the custody battle and the savior complex it gave her. She's done a lot of just awful things over the years, and I don't really wanna get into it all. When I turned 18, my boyfriend moved in and we started renting one of the two houses on the property together- notably the one me and her and lived in until then, and she moved into the other. After she invited my mother's husband and son over to move furniture, and they were awful to me as always and I kicked them out of the house, she stopped trying to get the rest of her belongings out of the house. The closet in our bedroom is still full of her clothes a year later, there is an entire bedroom that is full of random DVDs, clothes, knickknacks, trash, wine bottles, etc. The laundry room and bathroom were full of her dirty clothes, hallways and spare closets, her trash, her dog's poop [she never takes him outside], etc. I will admit I had entirely too many cats for me to handle (6-10, it fluctuated. I now have 2), but the mess left by her made it extremely difficult to keep my cats from using the restroom on the trash and clothes that were left all over the floor. Especially in the next part I'm going to describe, where they were left here essentially 6 weeks alone due to her negligence as a landlord. We got pregnant in June, and during the wait between the act and the test a storm came through, it left us without power for 6 weeks in 90-100F degree heat. With the morning sickness, the HVAC that had fallen through [so that we were left with vents that went straight down to the mud under the house, outside] and let roaches and rodents in, and her large piles of hoarding as well as my cats who didn't care about her hoarding mess other than as a restroom, I wasn't able to stay here and went to my dads. My boyfriend rotated between here and my dad's as we had cats and it was closer to work. I found out I was pregnant when I attempted to come home and was sick as a dog in the heat and smell; the inside of the house is much hotter as it's a mobile home- so it was 100-120F. This same storm also surged my PC and the refrigerator, and due to the roaches and insects, we also decided it would be best to avoid using the microwave. Someone pulled the fridge into the middle of the kitchen, no one will admit to who, while we were gone at my dad's to look at it, and it has been blocking the oven/stove since. Essentially the entire kitchen is out of order. Me and my father spent about 500 dollars on bug bombing and such to get rid of the roaches but it failed and neither of us had money to keep sinking into it, my grandmother insisted that it wasn't her problem and offered to let us use her kitchen to prepare food- however my boyfriend was dealing with family emergencies and had to leave state during my second trimester for essentially it's entirety, so I was the only one using her kitchen and was keeping it as minimal as possible. I could spend 200 dollars a month on microwave dinners and such so that I would only have to be over there about 5-15 minutes at a time, 3-4 times a day. When my boyfriend came back, however, we were not able to afford 2 people's worth of TV dinners and other quick meals while still meeting the nutritional goals I had set for myself during the pregnancy so we made a meal plan and were cooking. This is where it went wrong. It went from occasional passive-aggression with me, to constant passive-aggression with the both of us. Getting upset at us for not doing the dishes, cleaning the counters, cleaning the microwave, etc when we were. Blaming us for her leaving food out, for her not doing the dishes properly with her broken dishwasher and them molding- for anything and everything she could. My boyfriend had never dealt with anyone like this before and tried the logical approach of explaining he did do whatever it is she said he didn't, he didn't do whatever it was she said he did, and that he needs clearer communication about any expectations we aren't meeting. This set her off, she started yelling about how he was arrogant and selfish, she brought me into her bedroom to talk to her and stood between me and the door while she got in my face trying to get me to get physical with her (that pointing they do about an inch from your face while yelling, so they can say you hit them first if you do try to physically defend yourself?). He waited outside the door about 3 feet, and when she finally realized she wasn't getting a reaction out of me and stormed out, she yelled at him and said "what do you think I'm gonna do, choke her?" which is, in fact, something she had done in the past. She began going on about how my boyfriend has no rights and needs to leave, however as our landlord this house is where our designated kitchen is because of her continued negligence to bring our house to a livable standard. She started yelling at my boyfriend about how he's arrogant (again) and treats people like they're stupid (he treats people like he assumes they know what he's talking about, rather than a toddler who needs everything step-by-step explained to them like I have to with her). She also said "I always bite my tongue about it, but everytime you come back from your father's you treat me so hatefully." I think it's amusing because even my boyfriend, who had only been around her for about 8-9 months at the point of this interaction, had heard her say the exact sentence about 5 times. I don't think that's "biting your tongue" about it. I would also like to casually mention that almost every meal we made (at least 75%), we either made enough for her as well ,or offered to.
She told us she was selling the house in July, about 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant, and so we made plans that we were either going to have an apartment by February or move in with my father and his mother. Since my boyfriend had the aforementioned family emergencies, he switched jobs a bit and we're going to be staying with my father. This had been talked about with my father and his mother since August, and we made it clear it would most likely be staying with them vs an apartment in November. In December my grandmother found out she would have to have a minor repeat surgery in January, and so she has delayed selling the house. She is now extremely upset that I am "keeping the baby from [her] and [my mother]", as if that's the only reason I'm moving out. She's gone as far as to offer to hire someone to help us clean the house she is renting to us and asking us to stay. I believe her original plan, when my boyfriend left, was to make me and the baby move in with her in a camper; she didn't believe my boyfriend was coming back. When he came back, like I said, and things progressed, like I said they would, she was terrified I would be out of her grips. Now to go onto a bit more about the pregnancy and her ways of interacting with me about it, as well as some context for her situation. She was 17 when she had my mother. When my test came back positive, my boyfriend was at work and I can't drive (disability + dropped out and didn't have the grades to get a license under 18. Will get one after baby's born, the pregnancy has made my vision terrible), plus I forgot how she was and thought she would support me. I went over to her house, and my little sister who was visiting informed me she was outside talking to someone. I went outside, pulled her aside, and showed her the test. She told me she "couldn't deal with that right now" and to "go inside". Apparently it's because the insurance adjuster was on his way [it was our neighbors she was talking to], however he didn't show up for another 45 minutes. When she did finally talk to me about it (I had called my father at this point and he was on the way to get me, and then pick my bf up when he got off work) she was urging me to get an abortion; I'm pro-choice but I have expressed to her in the past that I don't think I would ever be comfortable doing that- and on top of that it's illegal in my state. She didn't stop urging me to get an abortion until after I started receiving prenatal care over a month and a half later (found out before week 4 of the pregnancy, and first appointment was around week 10). I also don't have a great relationship with my mother, and she essentially made me tell her. She keeps insisting I will want her in the delivery room with me, that I'll understand why she was the way she was to me, etc. I truthfully would have rather never told her as she has just used it as a tool to try and worm her way into my life again, and now my grandmother goes to her and complains about everything I do- to which I receive pissed off texts/calls from my mother telling me how disrespectful I am, how it's my job to manage my grandmother's emotional inability, how it's my job to juggle both her and my grandmother's feelings over my own, how it's my job to repair the relationship with both of them whether or not they put in effort, etc. The only reason she isn't blocked yet is because I don't want the drama immediately before or after having the baby. She hasn't been my mother since I was 8 years old, and those were her words (even before then) not mine, I don't want her to try and start now, especially not like this. I did make a genuine attempt to reconcile but she very quickly proved to me once again that she isn't trying. About 6 months prior to conception, I'd started attempting to recover from my restrictive eating disorder, and around 3 month prior I had really started taking it seriously. I was at 120lbs at 5'6 when I got pregnant, which was about as high as my disordered brain was comfortable with- just barely out of the "underweight" BMI [BMI is complete and utter bullshit by the way, mental illness is just irrational]. Since getting pregnant, now being about 2-4 weeks til delivery, I have gained over 60lbs. My body prior to relapsing while eating regularly naturally sits around 135-140lbs, meaning that while 120 was technically a healthy weight it isn't really my body's 'intuitive baseline' or however you'd like to phrase it, and more than that, my doctor brought up concern about me not gaining weight as much this past month. Anyways, 2 days before my birthday she had made me food, it was one of the 2 or 3 meals she makes that I will eat [she only started cooking when she got custody of me and ignores basic food safety- and also doesn't season anything. she overcooks basically any meat out of fear but will also defrost and refreeze raw chicken 2 or 3 times]. I had woken up at about 3pm, and gone over to get some of this food she had made me. We were then going to go out and see a movie, and I was trying to 'convince' my boyfriend to get me taco bell and cookies I had been craving after the movie. I'd made a normal sized portion of the food she had made, and she made a comment that I misinterpreted. I thought she was saying I wasn't getting enough, so I made a joke about how I was trying to leave room for taco bell after the movie. She was being sarcastic, and saying I had too big of a portion. She then went on to make some comment about me not fitting in a doorway or something, I don't remember the exact words because I still hadn't realized she was being sarcastic and was completely confused. She then continued to make comments for about 3 days, despite me nicely asking her and bluntly telling her to stop, to which she of course responded with pouting and acting like I told her not to breathe anymore- like I was trying to take away a fundamental right of hers. A bit later, she handed me her phone to send some pictures from her gallery to her email, and she handed it to me with texts open to my mother. They were from that night of my mother mentioning some shirts for my birthday came in, and my grandmothers response was something along the lines of 'at this rate she's going to need tents with how much she's eating' and then detailing what I ate. I want to clarify once more that it was a normal portion, and then taco bell and 3 cookies. That was everything I ate that day, that was all I was planning to eat that day regardless of the interaction. I had 2 items and a drink from taco bell. She drinks over 1000 calories in soda and alcohol a day. I cannot comprehend the disconnect where you tell a pregnant woman she's eating too much for 2 meals and a snack, when you are drinking half of her caloric intake and then eating more than her, and are 3 inches shorter. It wasn't her first time talking about how much I'm eating either. She also knows about the ED, as a side note. The day she had asked me to email the images to her was the next day, and she had also asked me to cut her hair; however she asked if I could do it "tomorrow". As in, on my birthday. I had told her multiple times that week that I wasn't doing anything on my birthday [not only as a birthday thing but also because I was surrendering my cats the next day and was truly heartbroken over it. It was one of the hardest things I've done, and I wanted to spend time with them beforehand]. I said no, but I can do it right now- she acted offended I wouldn't do it at a more convenient time for her, until I reminded her it was my birthday. This sticks out so much to me because about 2.5 years ago now, she and my uncle got into an altercation and the cops had been called. While the cops were taking information they had asked me her birthday, which I have always remembered. It's 10 days before my father's, and a few days before a major holiday. However, I have dyscalculia, was having a panic attack [that I was suppressing], and have terrible recall memory. I gave a date 2 days before. She threw a huge fit about it, and was making a point to the cops about how much I and everyone else hated her. It also wasn't for months meanwhile when she forgot mine it was 3 hours before midnight the day before. I told her I didn't want to go to my mother's or have any kind of 'party' for the first time in my life that night, it pushed me pretty far honestly- between the text, and forgetting. Now to the fun parts! When we had the altercation a few weeks ago where she got between me and the door and was insisting my boyfriend had no rights to me, me and my boyfriend had a talk. We had been considering marriage for the past few months but didn't have anything to push us over the edge- specifically in regards to protections for him, he was worried it was too heavily weighted in my favor, and we were worried about insurance and such as well. When this altercation happened, the next day we had some discussions about my health and risk during delivery (high risk, likelihood of going/being unconscious during delivery), his right to me and the baby and such in an accident of some sort, establishing him as my non-child next of kin, and a handful of other things that we hadn't thought about in regards to marriage and my family. We went over our pre-established pros and cons and decided that this was enough to push on over the line and go ahead and get married. I told my grandma after she had gotten over the passive aggression phase and into the love bombing phase, to which she lectured me about how I would lose my insurance if I do it. I told her I don't think we'd make enough, at least not until he's settled far enough into his new job that we can just get insurance through it. That was the entire conversation. Then, a few days later, when the copy of my birth certificate came in I realized I already had it (I didn't realize the "long" birth certificate was the "Certificate of Live Birth"- just weird wording on websites). I made a comment to her about how I already had it, she asked why I even needed it, and I said it's because I'm getting married. She said "oh" like it had slipped her mind, but not fully forgotten. (Turns out I didn't need it anyways despite what the website said. Call your county clerk if you're under 21 and it says you need more than just a photo ID because it might be lying.) Finally, last night I called to ask if something came in the mail- in a handful of US states you can take premarital courses to get a discount on your marriage license, and we did that. She collects our mail and I was at my dad's so I couldn't check, and we went to get our license today and needed it. She said "yeah you have something from insert butchered name of online premarital course company" and I joked "that's the difference between a $40 marriage license and a $100 one!" She sounded devastated, and said "you're marrying him?" in the most pitiful voice I have ever heard come out of her mouth. She then insisted for the rest of the call that I had not told her, and if I had she must have been tired. As if that is a reason to forget?
She still consistently asks my due date, as if she hasn't been told 100 times. I don't think she remembers the name we picked for baby despite the first name being picked since week 6 and us knowing the sex/confirming the name at week 15/16 (3 months in, 6 months ago).
I want to just say on top of all of this, we are going to my dads and it is clean there, there isn't hostility, all of baby's furniture and clothes and everything is already there (and most of it has never even been in this house- if it was it was less than a week and in a tied off plastic bag) we're just waiting to finish packing here (end of the week), and we're going to be moving in. Me, my soon-to-be husband (tomorrow!), and little one will be safe and in a much more constructive environment and she will be on a heavy information diet. I don't want advice on going no-contact or anything, but if you want to talk about your experience with it or something feel free. I just know my situation and know that it has to be a slow process if I do go no contact, it can just be an up and block out of the blue. Well, it could. However she'd raise hell and we'd have everyone from the Jehovah's Witnesses to CPS to the cops to animal control showing up at our door everytime a pen drops or just smells her own shit.
submitted by mommadizzy to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.02.11 19:26 BrainstormBot ⟳ 7 apps added, 106 updated at f-droid.org

⟳ f-droid.org from Wed, 07 Feb 2024 08:51:09 GMT updated on Sun, 11 Feb 2024 17:52:27 GMT contains 4316 apps.
Added (7)
Updated (106)
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2024.02.09 03:04 magdit Printer Poop isn’t clumping

See picture. The main problem is that the unclamped strands are interfering with the prints, and even causing failures directly. I just lost a 6 hour print at 80%, because the filament didn’t clump up enough, and pulled onto the print bed, knocking over the purge toilet and everything else.
I actually did maintenance the other day to try to resolve this. I cleaned up everything following the maintenance guide, short of replacing the nozzle. I did replace the filament wuper and cutter at the same time. Still doesn’t help.
I only do PETG and PLA so the Hardened nozzle on the X1C should have a long life.
The poop should normally be a nice, hard clump… But lately it’s turned into long unclumped filament.
Any idea why my printer seems to have diarrhhrea?🤣
P.S. to be clear, my issue isn't clumped filament messing up a print, its the fact that the filament isn't clumping in the first place
submitted by magdit to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 23:05 Affectionate_Sun_342 Help! - new betta fish owner

Hello everyone!
submitted by Affectionate_Sun_342 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 12:39 Slight-Wall-44 Bunny stopped eating her greens

Hello once again reddit, My female(5y) not spayed rabbit has recently stopped eating her greens for about 1 and a half weeks.
I usually give her arugula and lambs lettuce ,which both she has stopped eating. She will still eat hay pellets,which I give her a lot less than a hand full (so maybe like 8) and in hopes she will start eating her greens I have also stopped giving her treats. From what I notice she also doesn't eat that much hay, but she never really did.
The only thing I changed closely to when she stopped eating her greens, is that I got her a new toilet and got those pellet things to absorb her pee. I don't know how that would make her dislike her greens though.
She otherwise has also been acting normal mostly. She just had diarrhea one day because of a treat ,but that's fine again and has been disliking more to be picked up lately. She also does get startled a bit easier lately.
Update :
My mom wanted that we try some other greens First and it was a success! I also realised that i have been giving her different hay pellets than usual, which probably caused her pain and poop similar to diarrhea(which she had again today). I think and hope that she just didnt enjoy her usual greens atm and that the pellets cause the problems. I know will ofc still keep an eye on her for now.
Will also add a picture of her being silly today and getting stuck behind her door.
submitted by Slight-Wall-44 to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 11:54 Afzelia Cloth diapering in Europe

Hi everyone!
I wanted to add a little about our cloth diapering journey in Europe and maybe point out some differences I'm seeing on what is recommended and what has worked for us. (We're 14 months in).
First off, I feel like the overwhelming majority of users here opt for pocket diapers and I see some posts of users who do some combination of flats and covers or fitteds and covers, however I've seen very little about All-in-three diapers, and I'd like to spread the love a little.
These diapers consist of three parts which are all separately washable, which greatly improves drying time when you hang-dry your laundry (which is much more common in Europe than in the states). The layers consist of an insert (pretty much anything can be used, such as flats, prefolds, bamboo/cotton/poly inserts, hand towls etc.), a waterproof liner which holds the insert in place and snaps into the cover, and a cover that holds everything together and goes on baby.
We've been really happy with this system so far because it greatly reduces the amount of laundry that needs to be done. For example, when there's only some pee in the diaper, only the insert needs to go in the wash. When there's poop but no blow-out, then only the insert and liner go in the wash but the cover is fine to use again. We get away with about 7 covers, 12 waterproof liners and then just have a good stash of inserts/prefolds and we do laundry about every 3 days.
The three separate layers also mean everything dries pretty fast on the drying rack even in winter.
I also want to add that many European front load washers do not require you to run two cycles for diaper laundry. I'm aware this is the recommendation in the states, but I can assure you that it is not necessary with many European washing machines. Many washers will have a setting that includes a prewash, then a hot main wash (60-90 degrees Celsius) and a second rinse. We've washed inserts on this setting with regular laundry detergent for 14 months and they have come out clean every single time. Given, since baby started on solids, we always rinse off the poopy diapers with a bidet hose in the toilet before washing.
The laundry setting on our washer is called "remove pet hair", but other washers will have similar settings called "baby hygiene" etc.
I've only added bleach to the wash routine one time after we had spent some time abroad using washing machines we weren't familiar with. It was 1 quarter cup bleach added to the washer along with detergent and our regular settings.
I hope this helps anyone who is considering cloth diapering with no dryer or maybe has not found the system that they prefer yet.
I'd love to hear if anyone else uses All-in-threes or has heard of them!
Edit: Here's some pictures of the three-in-one diapers
submitted by Afzelia to clothdiaps [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 02:15 Secret-Mountain-9987 P0011-p0021 05 vq35de 350z

P0011-p0021 05 vq35de 350z
So I bought a 350 Z for $800 so that’s already a red flag. It had these two p0011-p0021 but with ehh engine and had a good transmission. It has an automatic with 132,000 miles. iTs beat up, but I’m willing to make it a project car So buying it I knew it had a lot of problems So first, I change the solenoids, VVT solenoids to be exact. Nothing changed still ran like poop then I cleaned the cam sensors still ran like poop so I undid the timing cover and looked at the cam for the intake and it was damaged along with the sprocket so I replace those put the timing cover back on after replacing the timing making sure the marks lined up and making sure It was in top dead center it still ran like poop
I also changed the gallery gaskets and still the same results I did multiple relearns still the same results What is confusing is that when it’s a cold start? It works fine. Perfect but when it’s operating temperatures or when it starts warming up, that’s when the hesitant acceleration and hesitant performance starts acting up.
I will post a video below of how it’s running and how it sounds but the symptoms include cold start sounds good but when is that operating temperatures it sucks ,it flops and does not rev up at all . Stuck between 1200 rpm And also has a hesitant acceleration. There’s not that much covering this, but anything will help.
submitted by Secret-Mountain-9987 to 350z [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 18:06 ColonelRMustang Cats have constant diarrhea

2 cats Assumed about a 1 year old Both female, unknown if fixed
Both where left behind in an apartment after an eviction, were alone for about a full day that I am aware of with food I didn't see any water out.
I have had them for about 4 days at this point both seem healthy and energetic, except for multiple poops a day. Diarrhea 9 times out of 10, looks like a pile of melted peanut butter (sorry for that description), no apparent worms in feces. Both seem to do it, both seem to be urinating normally.
I don't know if they had a feeding schedule or free fed but I suspect a schedule as the seem to eat a lot. The food is a generic 9 lives dry kibble form dollar general. It is what was in the apartment so I have kept it for the moment.
Located in Northern California US.
I'm poor lol so I am trying to avoid vet visit if possible. I plan to foster until someone can take them as I don't have the room and have cats of my own already. the twins
submitted by ColonelRMustang to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 07:00 BevoBot [1/20/2024] Saturday's Free Talk Thread

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Here's a look at upcoming Longhorn Sporting Event(s):

  1. 1/20 University of Texas Track & Field / Cross Country at Dr. MLK Jr. Invitational
  2. 1/20 11:00 AM University of Texas Men's Basketball vs Baylor - Presented by Realtor.com Rentals
  3. 1/20 2:00 PM University of Texas Women's Basketball at Oklahoma State
  4. 1/21 1:00 PM University of Texas Women's Tennis at USC
  5. 1/23 6:00 PM University of Texas Men's Basketball at Oklahoma
  6. 1/24 6:00 PM University of Texas Women's Basketball vs Oklahoma - Greek Night
  7. 1/26 University of Texas Women's Swimming and Diving at NC State

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