Fatigue and cough

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

2009.08.11 14:07 dkesh Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

For research, treatments, and personal stories regarding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). ME/CFS is a multi-systemic neurological disease, distinct from chronic fatigue as a symptom. For more information, please see our FAQ.

2020.03.14 01:56 the1andonlyjoja /r/COVID-19Positive

A safe space for people who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Share your stories, experiences, answer questions and vent!

2013.01.29 18:11 XRetro ME/CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also called: CFS, myalgic encephalomyelitis. Characterized by profound fatigue, sleep abnormalities, pain and other symptoms that are made worse by exertion. Its cause is unknown, but may triggered by an infection and include environmental or genetic factors. The hallmark symptom is PEM(post exertional malaise). The fatigue often worsens with activity, but doesn't improve with rest. Some symptoms can be treated or managed to provide relief.

2024.06.09 21:41 redsummersoul Remediating my flat after severe allergy, day one - my experience

Hi everyone,
I've posted here before about suddenly developing a severe cat allergy after adopting 2 cats despite previously owning cats for almost 20 years (severe in presentation despite only being moderate on paper).
Well, we officially rehomed our babies yesterday. They were taken in by a lovely young couple (the old woman I mentioned in a previous post wasn't able to take them after all). We spent the better part of today deep cleaning our flat. I thought it might be a good idea to give you all periodic updates - in case anyone is in a similar situation. This is the first of those.
What we did today:
I think what I definitely underestimated is the amount of allergens the cleaning itself released. I did wear a mask but eventually took it off. This triggered an intense allergy headache and a lot of sneezing but I'm hoping the HEPA filter and opening the windows a bunch will help over time. That being said, it currently feels like some of my other symptoms like the tongue and skin burning as well as the feeling of suffocation have already eased up a bit. So I'm very interested in seeing how this further develops.
If anyone's interested in this as well - these are the allergy meds I'm currently taking. Will update these as well if things improve:
These have been my symptoms up until now - they change a bit every day:
If you have any questions, let me know!
submitted by redsummersoul to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:08 Throwaway_AskDoc2782 I (32M) am concerned about my dad (60M)

I don’t know if I’m overreacting, or maybe he’s under reacting so an outside perspective would be helpful. The short version is as follows:
I might be missing something, but that’s the gist of it. He doesn’t think nicotine could be the issue of anything, so we’re not able to discuss it, but I think that it’s possible the long term nicotine usage has impacted his cardiovascular system (esp because of the cold hands/feet) and also most likely is the root cause of the esophagus issues/GERD.
submitted by Throwaway_AskDoc2782 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:20 hilltwhite Seeking help/support

I’ve been suffering from chronic fatigue for 2 years or so in that time it seems to ebb and flow or perhaps my body just adjusts and that feeling has become my new normal. In the past month it’s become so bad I can seem to focus and all I want to do is sleep. On bad days I wake up with a minor cough and headache sometimes even fullness of the ears and dizziness which some of this seem to fit into the realm of side effects of OSA. I finally decided to take a sleep study when I did it showed I have mild OSA. Ironically the night I took the test I slept better than I had in months so I’m not sure how that affects my score. My results were 5.3 AHI which is on the very low end of the spectrum. I started using a cpap machine a week ago. After the first night I felt like a millions bucks and a new sense of relief came over me thinking I had finally found the culprit to feeling this way all the time but after that first night I started feeling worse. Now I’m a week in and haven’t noticed any significant improvement. I know this is normal and many do not see results for weeks or sometimes months.
My biggest question is Is it even possible for someone with such mild OSA to feel this bad all the time ?
Thank you for your time
submitted by hilltwhite to SleepApnea [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:58 KatieLaw16 39M, Large Left-Sided Diaphragmatic Hernia, to be treated in 8 weeks? Pic in comments.

How Emergent is a Diaphragmatic Hernia?
I am posting for a friend so I don't know a lot of his specific health information, medications, but I do know he's generally healthy aside from a diagnosis of neurofibromatosis. He doesn't smoke, only socially drinks.
For the past couple months he's been dealing with back pain as well as a non-productive cough, wheezing, and feeling like he can't take a good breath in. He and his wife were afraid that he was developing an internal tumor t his NF. They were trying to get his PCP to help investigate this but referrals were very hard to get and slow to get processed.
Ultimately, on June 4th, they went to the ER. His wheezing and shortness of breath was worsening so they decided this might be the quickest way to answers. I believe labs looked WNL and vitals were WNL, including his O2 saturation.
Eventually they did a CT Scan and he was diagnosed with a left-sided Diaphragmatic hernia. I will post screenshots of the report in the comments.
Ultimately they told him he would not be able to have this fixed in our area due to the complexity and rarity of this. On June 7th, they spoke with an academic center 2 hours away and they have a consult on June 19th and were told the surgery would likely be 4-6 weeks after that, IF the surgeon wants to do it.
My friend is so disheartened by this timeline, and is scared. Over the past couple days, he's continued to feel worse. His "voice is noticably raspier within the last 4 days, can't talk on the phone because no one can hear me. Can't walk and talk at the same time without being extremely winded and/or dizzy, super fatigued, intermittent pains in abdomen. More and more nauseous."
Does this timeline seem reasonable?
If it doesn't seem reasonable, what can we say or do to expedite things?
submitted by KatieLaw16 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:38 plasticNoses Worried about secondary drowning hoping it’s not a big deal

my 2.9 year old son absolutely loves water. However he’s still learning to keep his mouth closed so that water doesn’t get in. When he’s splashing some water gets in his mouth and he starts coughing a lot. He’s supervised 100% of the time and I always make sure I’m in arms distance. He doesn’t go underwater for more than 3 seconds at a time. When he coughs it’s because his mouth was open and he was excitedly splashing, sometimes he coughs after being underwater 2 seconds this happens over and over, like 20 times in a pool day. It’s very concerning that some of that water could get in his lungs
Even after several cues to keep his mouth closed he opens it when he gets excited and water gets in again
How likely is secondary growing to happen from this?
There’s so much misleading information in the news and I didn’t get any good information from websites either. They said to look out for coughing but didn’t say coughing during water time vs coughing after it’s done
He hasn’t been coughing but he’s been exhausted. I think it’s just normal exhaustion from going to the water park, but then they posted it as a symptom of secondary drowning “excessive fatigue”
I’m at a loss.
Help me compassionately.
submitted by plasticNoses to AttachmentParenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:59 ghostpotentially Is it too late to test?

On May 24th, I was with my sister and she began showing symptoms (coughing, sounded very congested). By the night of May 30th, I noticed I was feeling body aches and a slight sore throat. I took many rapid tests which all turned out negative, but I still definitely felt off. Brain fog and fatigue continued after June 1st.
I went to Walgreens for a PCR on May 31st and waited 5 whole days for my results. Turns out they had messed up my test, not labelled it, and so the lab had not even run the test. I took one more RAT on June 5th which was negative. I'm almost at 10 days since the day I noticed I was feeling symptomatic, but I'm still feeling like I may have some brain fog or lasting fatigue going on. I've had COVID (confirmed) twice before and both times left me feeling foggy and fatigued, and I had been dealing with some other symptoms I suspected were Long COVID related throughout 2023/early 2024.
I will note I have OCD and health anxiety issues. I have been trying to treat this as though it were COVID despite no confirmed positives. However, the uncertainty is killing me. I am considering using the money that was refunded to me from Walgreens for the failed PCR and buying some Metrix tests, but that would take another 2 - 3 days to even get here. Would it be too late then to tell if this illness from the past two weeks was COVID?
P.S. my sister said she tested negative but she only took one RAT. Her symptoms definitely seemed more "severe" than mine but that's subjective so idk.
submitted by ghostpotentially to ZeroCovidCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:56 Vivid_Jelly1864 Could all of these just be anxiety?

19M here, ever since a bad ER visit about 3 months ago in where I mistook a panic attack for a heart problem thanks to a medicine I don’t take anymore after the incident (Prednisone), I’ve been terribly anxious about every little thing now being an underlying health condition, and I’m scared. I don’t trust Google enough to give me a straight answer without saying I’m dying, so I figure I’ll come here.
I’ve been feeling really light-headed and dizzy, get random sharp pains in my head, I’ve lost my appetite for the most part, I’m getting random chest pains and abdominal pain, and it’s really hard to focus my vision on stuff. I’ve also gained some random bumps on my cheeks, like acne I guess? Fatigue has also been a bad issue, as well as shortness of breath or feeling like I’m not getting enough air in my body.
There’s also been a bad pressure behind my eyes and in-between my nose, which I don’t know if it’s just something sinus-wise or also just anxiety. I’ve also gained a minor cough, but that might just be because I was sick at some point, but that was like 2 weeks ago, but I’ve still been coughing ever since.
I’ve been taking Hydroxyzine for this, but I’ve cut back a bit on it ever since I read about bad side effects I probably don’t have to worry about. I was also prescribed Xanax stupidly enough, I only use those when it’s a BAD panic attack. I’m not even sure the Hydroxyzine is working anymore, I’m telling myself it is but it kind of doesn’t feel like it. I’m worried I’m like, psychologically addicted and want more? I don’t know if those things can make me gain a dependency or addiction like Xanax does.
Again, genuinely don’t trust Google to tell me anything without it telling me I’m dying, so like, anyone out there know if all this is in my head or should I be concerned? What do I do? Please, anyone.
submitted by Vivid_Jelly1864 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:25 PostOfficeBuddy Bear Barb + Spore Druid: cuz spores are cool and I could really stretch out that THP - good idea or no?

Hey all, I'm sliding into another campaign and we're L6 atm.
My idea was a kind of feral barbarian (daring I know) but using the Fighting Initiate feat to pick up the unarmed fighting style (1d8 unarmed strikes), going with the Bear Totem and taking barb to 5 for extra attack, but also fitting 1 level of monk in there since we're level 6.
Since monk lets you use DEX for unarmed strikes, can I use DEX for the fighting style unarmed strikes? Also Monk for the bonus action attack and adding WIS to AC because after level 6 I'll go Spore Druid the rest of the way so I wanna try and just be DEX/WIS primarily.
Mechanically my plan is just to use the Bear rage to effectively double the THP you get from activating the spores, giving me a lot of HP on the frontlines.
The DM said they just level to 6, so flavor-wise I wanna RP having some kind of illness for a bit (coughing, strange marks, fatigue) and then it goes into full swing next level when I start taking Spore Druid levels and the... whatever I wanna flavor the spores to (maybe elden ring rot lol), starts manifesting.
Is Bear Barb + Spore Druid a good combo? I know I can't cast spells while raging but resistance to all damage really seems like a great way to extend the THP and be a beefy frontliner, plus I really love the theme of the Spore Druid.
And is the Monk dip worth it? The bonus action unarmed attack and WIS to AC seem so, since my WIS will likely outpace my CON.
Start as Barb for the 1st level for CON save proficiency, then monk 1, then 4 more barb to 5 since I'm starting at level 6.
Rolls (before race) are 11, 15, 11, 16, 6, 16 so probably: STR-11 DEX-16 CON-15 INT-6 WIS-16 CHA-11
Could swap DEX and CON and WIS around depending on racial bonuses; get one of the 16s to an 18 and get the 15 to another 16.
What's a good idea for race? Vuman for a feat is always great - I need to take the Fighting Initiate feat for 1d8 unarmed strikes anyways - but what other races could be cool?
submitted by PostOfficeBuddy to 3d6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:38 KungRita Higher CRP due to endo?

Last week I was picked up by an ambulance because of chest pain (thankfully they at least take that seriously) and brought to the ER. I had a stabbing pain in my shoulders and they did a bunch of tests which all came back “clean” - and I say “clean” because my CPR was 189, a CPR is supposed to be under 5! But the doctor explained the crp was probably “a bit elevated due to me having endo and menstruation at the moment”
Does this seem at all plausible?
On Monday I spiked a fever and got more fatigued, almost dizzy, my body was aching. On Tuesday my fever was still there, I started coughing I couldn’t really stand up for too long without fainting. Wednesday I woke up all clammy, fainted the second I got out of bed, my head and my hair was throbbing and im coughing like my life depends on it Thursday I actually felt okay in the morning I thought so I went to get the mail, fainted on the way there and was found by a neighbor who was very kind to walk me back home. And most of Friday was spent in bed watching SVU reruns while coughing up my lungs. Oh. And my fever is back.
submitted by KungRita to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:44 ThinResist572 Help with interpretation of test results and advice, experience, treatment ect from others would be amazing 🙏 details below …

Help with interpretation of test results and advice, experience, treatment ect from others would be amazing 🙏 details below …
After a year of chronic illness (symptoms below), after suspected issues with mould in a property I lived in I finally have some test results. If anyone can offer any direction, experience or advice it would be greatly appreciated. I am on a long waiting list to see my practitioner.
It has been a lot persistent battle to get here and get someone to listen to me. I was initially signed off by the doctor with mental health issues.
Current medications which have offered some relief: Ketotifen, LDN, probiotics, antihistamines, natural antihistamines (eg oregano oil) low histamine diet.
My symptoms have included
• ⁠unexplained weight gain • ⁠infections • ⁠stopped periods • ⁠extreme chronic fatigue and muscle weakness • ⁠headaches • ⁠brain fog, confusion and poor memory • ⁠increased anxiety and depression • ⁠increased appetite and extreme hunger, need for way more calories • ⁠irritability • ⁠swelling mainly in my legs, most of my clothes no longer fit despite being active and eating healthy • ⁠loss of balance • ⁠irritated/throbbing eyes particularly after eating certain foods • ⁠food intolerance’s • ⁠light headed/dizziness • ⁠post nasal drip • ⁠constant mucus, coughing or having to blowing my nose
With regards to SIBO… does anyone think this is an issue I have and something I need to treat?
Many thanks
submitted by ThinResist572 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:21 KatieLaw16 How Emergent is a Diaphragmatic Hernia?

I am posting for a friend so I don't know a lot of his specific health information, medications, but I do know he's generally healthy aside from a diagnosis of neurofibromatosis. He doesn't smoke, only socially drinks.
For the past couple months he's been dealing with back pain as well as a non-productive cough, wheezing, and feeling like he can't take a good breath in. He and his wife were afraid that he was developing an internal tumor t his NF. They were trying to get his PCP to help investigate this but referrals were very hard to get and slow to get processed.
Ultimately, on June 4th, they went to the ER. His wheezing and shortness of breath was worsening so they decided this might be the quickest way to answers. I believe labs looked WNL and vitals were WNL, including his O2 saturation.
Eventually they did a Cat Scan and he was diagnosed with a left-sided Diaphragmatic hernia. I will post screenshots of the report in the comments.
Ultimately they told him he would not be able to have this fixed in our area due to the complexity and rarity of this. Today, they spoke with an academic center 2 hours away and they have a consult on June 19th and were told the surgery would likely be 4-6 weeks after that.
My friend is so disheartened by this timeline, and is scared. Over the past couple days, he's continued to feel worse. His "voice is noticably raspier within the last 4 days, can't talk on the phone because no one can hear me. Can't walk and talk at the same time without being extremely winded and/or dizzy, super fatigued, intermittent pains in abdomen. More and more nauseous."
Does this timeline seem reasonable? If it doesn't seem reasonable, what can we say or do to expedite things?
submitted by KatieLaw16 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:28 nc1996md 27M - What do I have?? Tested negative for a few things. Do your best to diagnose me.

Yes I am in a worried state… be kind, I need some sort of relatability, I’m human. So I’ve been sick for 2 weeks with these symptoms from a crazy night I regret. I ended up having unp sex with a F as a M, I drank a lot, smoked a cigeratte. Waiting for std result. Can it be anything else? So far I have had:
-Sore throat (first day of sickness this was insanely painful and felt weird)
-My heart on the second day was in insane pain for the 3 days
-Swollen lymph nodes
-Fatigue comes and goes, it feels like I don’t even have muscles and my skin on stomach feels jelly (I am athletic and fit)
-Serious brain fog, cognitive issues. This one scares me a bit. It’s been a total 360
-Sinus pressure
-Eyesight sometimes is sensitive in general
-Stool has been soft not loose
-When I run, workout, etc, it’s like I am tired but I don’t even feel anything in my body if that makes sense
This whole time as well, one thing that I notice is off. Usually when I’m genuinely sick or with the flu before, I just feel like shit. But this time it’s like I know I am sick but feel normal, at the same time I can feel my blood running through my whole body… has anyone ever had the same thing I had? I pray for my life it’s not +. Thank you all for your help and mercy.
*Negative for Mono, Covid, and Strep
submitted by nc1996md to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:26 nc1996md Been sick for 2 weeks. Not sure what I have… also might be an STD. Check my symptoms

Yes I am in a worried state… be kind, I need some sort of relatability, I’m human. So I’ve been sick for 2 weeks with these symptoms from a crazy night I regret. I ended up having unp sex with a F as a M, I drank a lot, smoked a cigeratte. Waiting for std result. Can it be anything else? So far I have had:
-Sore throat (first day of sickness this was insanely painful and felt weird)
-My heart on the second day was in insane pain for the 3 days
-Swollen lymph nodes
-Fatigue comes and goes, it feels like I don’t even have muscles and my skin on stomach feels jelly (I am athletic and fit)
-Serious brain fog, cognitive issues. This one scares me a bit. It’s been a total 360
-Sinus pressure
-Eyesight sometimes is sensitive in general
-Stool has been soft not loose
-When I run, workout, etc, it’s like I am tired but I don’t even feel anything in my body if that makes sense
This whole time as well, one thing that I notice is off. Usually when I’m genuinely sick or with the flu before, I just feel like shit. But this time it’s like I know I am sick but feel normal, at the same time I can feel my blood running through my whole body… has anyone ever had the same thing I had? I pray for my life it’s not +. Thank you all for your help and mercy.
*Negative for Mono, Covid, and Strep
submitted by nc1996md to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:39 jalenhurtspenis Can a change in manufacturer cause gastrointestinal issues?

Hey there! I recently changed from 50mg of Aurobindo zoloft to Lupin Zoloft and have been having intense stomach and chest pains. Additionally I had something of an anxiety attack the other day which triggered it all. I’m wondering if this has anything to do with my symptoms?
It started when I almost missed a flight and sprinted to my gate, after I got there I had an couldn’t catch my breath and started coughing followed by cold sweat. Since then my chest and stomach has hurt a lot and I’ve been fairly fatigued/felt sick.
Not sure what it is but it isn’t fun. Otherwise I’m very healthy, exercise a lot and eat healthy. I’m 28M.
submitted by jalenhurtspenis to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:20 avocadodeath Worst first week ever.

I took my very first shot Sunday night, in my thigh. Felt okay, had a nice shower, slept well, nervous but excited.
Monday, I feel like shit. "I'm ready to go to the ER" levels of shit. The Wegovy is killing me, I'm sure of it, and I'm going to need stomach pumping and dialysis to get it out of my system because I'm obviously dying.
But my symptoms kept getting weirder; nausea (expected), headache (not expected but normal for Wegovy), fatigue (expected but not to this degree), sore throat (huh, weird) cough (possible I guess), runny nose, stuffy noise, stuffed up sinuses, muscle aches, acheing skin, light sensitivity that's painful like migraines... (not so expected).
Then it hit me. My dad had a nasty cold/flu/possibly even Covid last week.
Oh no. I. Am. Sick. Af. I'm def in the middle of at least the worlds worst cold if not a gnarly Covid strain or killer flu. And if that wasn't a pickle and a half, my AC is broken... in the middle of a heat wave! I'm going to be cooked like a Christmas roast before I've even had a chance to lose weight. At this point I can't tell where Wegovy side effects end and being sick and broiling in my bed begins. It's been five days and I still kind of want to die a little.
Anyone else dealt with being sick on Wegovy? Any suggestions? Maybe send some good vibes?
It's been a rotten first week, but we can only go up from here right? (Right?? 🥺)
submitted by avocadodeath to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:44 oppai Diagnosed with asthma at 37, mold exposure to blame?

Here's my story. A couple years ago, the neighbors above me left their water on and mildly flooded my bathroom, and then the paint started to chip in some spots on the ceiling. Around the same time, I began taking very long showers with no ventilation almost daily. My exhaust fan has been broken for 10 years and they don't care enough to fix it. The paint chipping got worse and worse, likely from my showers.
Last year around May, I started having shortness of breathe for the first time in my life. Doctor said it was seasonal allergies. Seemed to make sense, as I was fine a few months later. May comes around this year, and I get shortness of breath again, but much worse. Also, trouble sleeping to the point that I'm going to take a sleep apnea test soon. And headaches almost every day, along with severely increased anxiety and depression, and pretty bad daytime fatigue. The symptoms are worse in the mornings, especially after showering. No coughing, wheezing, or nasal issues.
Yesterday, doctor said I probably have seasonal asthma and gave me an inhaler, prednisone, and Singulair. The inhaler seems to work, but I don't know if it's placebo or not just yet. Today I still felt really bad after the shower, even with inhaler use. I finally called the landlord and come out and check for mold in the walls above the bathroom. They're coming on Monday. I'm deep cleaning the bathroom right now and have the door closed. There is no mold smell, although my sense of smell is really bad, and there is no mold visible. There's some mildew spots on the ceiling though.
I find myself constantly wanting to go for a walk and get fresh air, which usually helps with all symptoms. I'm more short of breath at home usually than being outside on days with supposed high allergens.
Anyone with a similar story? What do you think?
submitted by oppai to ToxicMoldExposure [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:42 Key-Competition-7489 (Record of Ragnarok RS) Chapter 24: Burning Bright

(Record of Ragnarok RS) Chapter 24: Burning Bright
As Arthur concluded his speech, there was a silence across the battlefield. As Nezha blinked a few times whilst properly processing the king's words, slowly he lifted his spear closer to his face. The constant clashes between him and Arthur had gradually chipped away at certain spots of the top most layer of metal, revealing all the spear's original colorations that were hidden away.
Under the newer golden layer, lay the silver and aqua blue metal that the spear still had, the red dye that was painted over the spear's handle has also gradually chipped off, revealing parts of its original oak color underneath. All of them, reminders of his past friendship with Ao Bing, and all had been hidden away and covered up. To ensure that he would not be reminded of the good times they once shared, and could go back to cursing the Dragon Prince's memory undisturbed.
For a moment, Nezha felt a wave of nostalgia, and even a small twinge of sadness as he continued to gaze at the spear in his hand, all those old memories he shared with Ao Bing slowly flooding back into his mind. But shaking his head, he ignored those thoughts once again as he got back into a fighting stance. He currently had a fight to win right now, there would be time for reflection and regret after he was victorious.
Taking the Qiankun Ring that hung from his side, Nezha willed it to shrink in size and diameter as he lifted it over the stump that used to be his left arm, allowing the ring to shrink till it fit snugly around it before letting go.
"Odd, what is Nezha doing?" Heimdall questioned as the rest of the audience murmured in agreement, sharing his curiosity.
In the sea of confusion, only Nezha's family, the Jade Emperor and Erlang Shen knew what was happening.
" OH HO!" Erlang said with a grin, "Could it be? Nezha's really gonna use THAT here and now?"
"H-huh?" Jinzha exclaimed by his side, "You aren't referring to what I THINK you are referring to are you? To attempt that with the damage he sustained… That would be suicide on Nezha's part!"
The Jade Emperor's eyebrows knitted in concern as well, "Quite correct Jinzha, With the amount of blood he had lost and his severed limb? Doing such a risky move would be MOST unwise… But if there is anyone with the sheer will and determination to pull it off… It is without a doubt your brother, the Third Lotus Prince!"
While the rest of the godly audience yelled their support for Nezha, it was still Li Jing whose eyes shone with worry and uncertainty for his son. Noticing this, Lady Yi gently squeezed her husband's arm, trying to help soothe his nerves.
"Do not fret my love," She said, "Our son will make it out of this and return to us, he always has. No matter how strong or dangerous his foe is, he will always find a way to come out on top."
Li Jing nodded, seemingly calmed by his wife's words as his face morphed back to a stern expression, "Y-yes, quite correct my love, forgive me for dampening the mood. Nezha will show that human the true extent of his strength!"
With that, the two joined the rest of their friends and family to show their support for Nezha. But even though he seemed to have calmed his nerves, on the inside of his mind, the Pagoda-Bearing King's mind was still plagued with uneasiness and shame.
"I am so sorry, my son," Li Jing silently thought to himself, "I never imagined that my actions would have impacted you so negatively. I beg, in the name of all of Heaven itself, that you emerge victorious so that I may have a chance to right my wrongs."
"Haven't done this in a while," Nezha grunted in the battlefield below, as he felt a small twinge in his arm due to the pressure being applied on his wound from the ring , "And there's the fact I don't have my left arm anymore, but let's see if I still got it in me."
Re-adjusting his spear to proper positioning, Nezha gazed back at Arthur with a confident grin, his eyes glowing with an eerie red light, "That's the second big heroic speech you gave during our battle, do you take classes for them or something? Don't worry though, I'll give your words some more thought once I WIN THIS FIGHT!"
Finishing his sentence, the Fire and Wind wheels roared to life as Nezha ignited the tip of his spear and charged, preparing for another assault upon the King of camelot.
Arthur merely smirked in response, despite Nezha's facade of indifference and cockiness, the momentary pause from before was all the king needed to know that his words had their intended effect on the Third Lotus Prince.
"Never doubted you for a minute, Third Lotus Prince!" He roared, as he swung his sword to meet his foe, "Now don't you dare disappoint! WALLS OF CAMELOT, ACTIVATE!"
As he said this, the embossed design on the Shield of Avalon glowed with bright blue light, and once again, two tall and wide forcefields of the same color materialized, stretching across the length of the battlefield.
"And we are back to the cagefighting!" Heimdall yelled, "Arthur has activated the forcefield capabilities of his shield, quite the smart play if you ask me! Right now, with the loss of his left arm, Nezha is at a HUGE disadvantage, as it means that he can no longer use his Qiankun Ring to its fullest potential! Pair with the fact that Arthur STILL has one last healing charge remaining in Excalibur's scabbard, the outcome of this match doesn't seem favorable for the Third Lotus Prince!"
Inside the forcefield created by the Shield of Avalon, the two fighter's traded blow for blow as they constantly tried to outdo their opponent. Arthur had chosen to re-use the same strategy as he had done before whilst using the Shield's ability, the King of Camelot placed himself behind his shield whilst jabbing blow after blow towards Nezha with Excalibur, trying to force his foe back against the walls where he could deliver the decisive blow.
This still proved to be a challenge, as with the loss of his left arm, Nezha had completely abandoned any of his previous fancy spins, instead beginning to focus on delivering quick consecutive jabs at Arthur. Nezha also started employing the use of large arching sweeps with his spear to help generate more power for his attacks, helping to make up for the amount he'd lost due to his severed arm. And with the speartip still ablaze, Arthur found himself having to lean back or shield his face everytime Nezha made these swipes to prevent himself from getting burnt.
The King of Camelot gritted his teeth as he felt himself get pushed backwards by Nezha's constant strikes, while the loss of his arm had hindered the Third Lotus Prince's fighting style to a some degree, it most certainly had not dampened his battle spirit or drive in the slightest… Yet in spite of all of this, Arthur could not help but smile, for this was exactly how he liked it!
"Urgh… That human really did a number on Nezha!" A few of the young gods in the audience that had previously been at the Lotus Prince's party groaned as they watched the fight continue, "He looks so unsightly now that he's missing an arm! And his technique is all sloppy and uncivilized now without those cool spins and turns!"
The Jade Emperor snorted loudly as he heard this, turning to face the young gods with a disapproving look, "It seems you youngsters have no clue about even the simplest things these days, I see. The art of combat isn't just about fancy moves and pretty kicks, it also requires careful thought and strategising. With the loss of his left arm, Nezha's center of balance had been altered dramatically, so if he were to continue with his previous attacking style. The Third Lotus Prince would most likely find himself toppling to the ground due to his left side being lighter than his right. "
All of the younger gods blushed in embarrassment whilst silently nodding their heads, after all being lectured by the Chief God of the Chinese Pantheon himself would be a very humiliating ordeal for most people. The Jade Emperor meanwhile, merely shook his head as he turned back to watch the battle,
"Do not think the fight already over young ones, the Third Lotus Prince still has one final trick up his sleeves, or should I say sleeve."
As he said this, out of the corner of his eyes, a small flicker of flames seemed to briefly flash around the Qiankun Ring that was fitted around Nezha's left shoulder, before just as quickly disappearing from view. Seeing this caused the Jade Emperor to give a light smirk.
"Quite the impressive man and fighter you are, King of Camelot," The Jade Emperor said to himself, "But let's see how all your resolve fares against the fires that burnt even the Great Sage Equal to Heaven!"
As Nezha lifted his spear overhead to deliver a heavy downward swing, Arthur flung his right hand, along with the Shield of Avalon which he still held within that hand, to meet that swing.
As Nezha's spear clashed with Arthur's shield, the King of Camelot felt his teeth chatter from the recoil experienced from the blow, and it took all his willpower and strength to stand his ground. Even though the sheer force Nezha was applying on the Shield of Avalon with his spear made retreating seem like a much more favorable option, Arthur grunted with effort as he persevered and held his own against the weight of the attack.
Arthur's choice to tank Nezha's attack was not without reason, as with them locked in a standstill, and the loss of the Third Lotus Prince's left arm. Nezha virtually had nothing to protect his unguarded left from Excalibur's mighty blade, which the king gripped tightly in his own left hand, waiting for this exact moment.
With a triumphant roar, Arthur swung Excalibur forward, hoping to cut straight through Nezha's midriff with a single strike and end the fight right then and now. But as he did, with his blade drawing closer to Nezha's flesh. Time seemed to go into slow-motion, and just barely out of his line of vision, did Arthur, like the Jade Emperor before him, also glimpse a small flicker of flames gathering around the Qiankun Ring that looped around the stump that used to be Nezha's left arm.
But as he continued watching it, to Arthur's amazement and horror, the entire Qiankun Ring around Nezha's shoulder suddenly burst into flames, engulfing the entirety of it before spreading down the length of his arm, if he still had one of course. And these flames were not the same regular orange ones that blazed around the Fire-tip Spear's head from before, rather these flames were a vibrant light blue, with a slightly orange tip around the ends that burnt bright and strong.
In a blink of an eye, the strange blue fire had grown and shifted into a fully functioning and capable prosthetic arm, one made of fire and flames, constantly flickering and crackling as it radiated pure power and divine energy. It was from this that Arthur knew just from seeing it, that this strange new power Nezha had unleashed was incredibly dangerous.
Right as Excalibur was about to make contact with its target, Nezha's new flaming left hand shot forth, skillfully catching hold of Arthur's blade right within his fiery grasp and holding it fast. Instantly a loud sizzling noise was heard, as the sheer hot temperature from Nezha's arm had placed the divine metal of Excalibur under immense pressure.
Arthur's eyes could only widened in shock as Nezha, hand still firmly holding onto Excalibur, forcibly pushed his sword out of the way, and with his right arm still locked in it's prior position, under heavy strain holding the Shield of Avalon against Nezha's Fire-tip Spear. The King of Camelot realized with a start, that his own strategy had been turned against him!
Out of nowhere and as quick as a bullet, Nezha's knee flew straight into Arthur's gut from below, causing the king's face to grimace in pain as the blow connected and sent him stumbling backwards and doubling over as a result of the low blow.
However, the Third Lotus Prince would not give Arthur the luxury of recovering again, immediately following up from the previous move, Nezha rushed forward with how new left arm reared back. The disorientated Arthur barely had time to look up before he realized that a flaming blue fist was speeding straight towards his face, it was only thanks to his instinct and quick reaction time was he able to lift the Shield of Avalon in an attempt to block the attack.
A heavy metallic sound exploded across the arena, as the entire arena could only watch in shock as Nezha's fiery first tore straight through the Divine Weapon as though it were paper. As luck would have it though, the shield still had managed to do its job of protecting Arthur from the main brunt of the attack. However, the King of Camelot was still sent flying further backwards,crashing heavily into the arena wall, much to the distress of the human audience members, and especially his Knight of the Round Table.
"No, no, no!" Galahad groaned loudly, while simultaneously cowering at the sight of Nezha's new arm, "what the hell was that! How the hell did that god manage to tear through a Divine Weapon with just fire alone while his spear and rings failed to do the same?"
"No… That fire… E-even with all my years mastering the art of sorcery and magic, I have never seen anything like it before.."
Those words had come from Merlin, whose face had become just as pale as it was when he and Arthur realized that the Scabbard of Excalibur had gone missing all those years ago,
"S-such regal and divine power… Yet… I can't help but feel… INTIMIDATED by the obvious danger it exudes!"
The Knights of the Round Table all shuddered at Merlin's words, all except for Lancelot, who was focused solely on his friend, slumped slightly against the wall he had been roughly thrown against, with eyes full of concern and faith.
"Come on, Arthur, you can't give up now… Get up… GET UP!"
"W-WHAT?" Pandora exclaimed in shock from their balcony, "SINCE WHEN COULD NEZHA DO THAT?"
The girl turned towards her companions who looked equally worried,
"A substitute hand made out from the fires of his own Qiankun Ring?" Göll said as she nervously chewed her thumb, "The Third Lotus Prince is even more resourceful than we thought!"
"No….." Prometheus replied through gritted teeth, "It's even worse than that, if I'm not mistaken, those flames that Nezha has right now in place of his arm aren't just ANY regular fire… Rather, they are ones of incredible power! "THE TRUE FLAMES OF SAMADHI!"
"T-true flames of Samadhi?" The two girls said simultaneously, "W-what's that?"
"Only the most powerful form of fire-magic that a select few can master," Prometheus answered gravelly, "The Samadhi flames spread at an incredible speed , capable of burning down nearly anything unfortunate enough to stand in its way! But unlike normal flames, it cannot be so simply extinguished by water , in fact its flames are only intensified when exposed to rain! One would need an entire ocean's worth of water to even hope to dampen its strength!"
Göll and Pandora paled at the Titan's words as they looked back down at the arena, the both of them having only one thought running through both of their minds as they continued to watch the fight.
"This is BAD!"
"This round just keeps getting better and BETTER folks!" Heimdall yelled as the God's audience cheered seeing their fighter's comeback, "Nezha has pulled out his ultimate trump card in the form of the Samadhi Flames! And it's done some SERIOUS damage to Arthur's shield! Also for anyone who doesn't know what the Samadhu Flame is, think fire! But HOT, HOT, HOTTER!"
Whilst Heimdall was busy commentating, Nezha who stood in the middle of the arena, rotated his left shoulder, slowly willing the fires on his left arm to die down just a little bit at the moment.
Most of the time when he did make use of the awesome power of the Samadhi Flames, it would usually be on one of his many weapons to help boost its prowess in battle. But never before had he tried to use it directly on himself, much less as a substitute for a severed limb. Regardless, he still seemed able to keep the power of the flames under control, preventing it from spreading across the entire arena uncontrollably. Though, it definitely would be in his best interest not to use it more than he had to.
Suddenly, coughing from the arena walls made everyone's head turn to the other side of the arena, just as Arthur stumbled away from the mess of cobwebs that were the cracks on the arena wall, resulting from his heavy impact against them.
"Heh, heh…" Foolish of me to assume that you would be any weaker after my previous stunt, Third Lotus Prince." Arthur complimented as he staggered back upright on his two feet.
"Who'd you think you're fighting, King of Camelot? Some rank amateur god?" Nezha responded with a grin, "Even if you cut off both my arms, you better BELIEVE that I'm still gonna give you the fight of your life!"
"Oh definitely," Arthur chuckled, holding up the Shield of Avalon to reveal the sizeable hole that was punched straight through the metal, around it were blackened char marks that still had smoke sizzling and burning off it, "That is some serious firepower you have there, pun not intended."
"Yep, definitely was a risk putting myself out there once again after you severed my left arm," Nezha replied, "But I needed the fuel for the fire that was my fighting spirit to be able to use the Samadhi Flame, fuel provided from a epic battle against a foe such as yourself, King of Camelot."
"Your words flatter me, Third Lotus Prince," Arthur said, as he raised Excalibur in a light taunt, "Now, won't you be a gentleman and so kindly show me more of what this Samadhi Flame of yours has in store?"
Nezha's smirk widened, "You asked for it.."
In a blink of the eye, Nezha was suddenly in front of Arthur, his flaming fist flung far behind his head as he prepared to unleash a devastating strike straight towards the king's face. Arthur just barely managed to move out of harm's way once again, by quickly rolling across the arena floor. And as he Lifted his head, he was just in time to see the Lotus Prince's fist slam straight through the solid marble and concrete that made up the arena's walls, the sheer force caused the entire section of the arena to quiver slightly, which in turn caused various audience members seated there to scream in fear, as the subsequent crater that was left behind from the impact was a mess of cracks and burnt rubble, blackened with soot.
"H-hey be careful with that fist of yours, Prince Nezha!" Heimdall called out nervously, "We don't want to end up hurting the audience members now, do we?"
"Sorry Heimdall!" Nezha replied as he proceeded to use his left arm as a shield to block a counterattack from Arthur, as soon as Excalibur's blade came into contact with the Samadhi Flames, loud sizzling noises could be heard once again, as the sheer heat from the fire began turning the divine metal used to craft the king's sword red-hot. Prompting Arthur to quickly disengage from their clash, as well as quickly lifting his shield to block a follow up attack from Nezha's spear.
Realizing that a close quarter fight against Nezha now, would be extremely disadvantageous for himself. Arthur frantically began racking his brains to come up with a suitable plan to counter this new threat, as he continuously dodged and ducked incoming blows from the Third Lotus Prince, but all of them just didn't seem to cut it!
Direct combat against the Third Lotus Prince was an obvious no go, although Excalibur had served him well through many a battle, constant contact with the Samadhi Flames might end badly for his faithful sword if he continued on. As for his other Divine Weapon, the Shield of Avalon may be damaged, but it would still fare well against Nezha's spear. However, one more punch from his left hand, and that could be all it takes for his shield to shatter into pieces.
Speaking of the Shield of Avalon, perhaps the Walls of Camelot might have some use? But if his intention was to avoid fighting face to face, then using the shield's ability would defeat the entire purpose! If only he could find a way to have the Walls of Camelot separate him and his opponent, rather than trapping them both in an enclosed area… Hmm… Wait a minute…
Suddenly, inspiration struck Arthur, quick as a wink he raised Excalibur, managing to directly parry another blow from Nezha's fist, a heavy, "BOOM!" reverberated across the arena, as the heavy recoil that ensued sent both fighters flying apart from one another, with Nezha landing on the right side, whilst Arthur landed on the left.
As he did, Arthur quickly got to his feet, but strangely instead of positioning himself with his shield and sword facing towards his opponent, the King of Camelot had instead chosen to go with perhaps the strangest possible option he could by having his side facing Nezha, whilst the front of his body stood facing the arena walls, much to the confusion of everyone in the audience.
"Fufu, Looks like the heatwaves from the Third Lotus Prince's fire has finally driven that foolish human mad, or perhaps he has just realized that victory is impossible," Amaterasu snickered as she and the other two Sun Gods observed the match.
"No… I don't think so, Amy," Huitzilopochtli replied as he began chewing the food in his mouth faster in anticipation, as Nezha began moving forward, once again towards Arthur, "I think that guy still has some kind of trick in store for Nezha."
As the Aztec Chief God said this, the Shield of Avalon glowed bright blue once again, as Arthur activated the Walls of Camelot, materializing the two force fields back into the arena. Except that this time, due to the direction Arthur now stood in, instead of the forcefields keeping the two fighters trapped in a small lane, they now stood perpendicular to the Third Lotus Prince. With Arthur safely behind them for the time being, while his opponent was kept out!
Nezha skidded to a halt as he saw this, his eyebrows cocked in surprise at what the king had done. Meanwhile, Arthur turned his head to face his opponent as he raised Excalibur with his left arm. With the sword not being made of flesh nor bones, it could still pass through the forcefield to strike Nezha, while the Third Lotus Prince could not!
Seeing this, Nezha could help but smirk at Arthur's quick thinking and ability to adapt, "What's the matter, King Arthur?" He said with a light taunt, "You aren't flaking out on me now, are you?"
Arthur responded with a smirk of his own through heavy pants, "Well… i'll admit this is rather underhanded, but it was the best thing I could think of to assist me now after seeing just how dangerous that Samadhi Flame of yours is!"
Nezha chuckled as he flexed his left arm, "Ah, true I guess, this stuff is pretty dangerous…" As he said this, he casually tossed his spear from his right hand to his left, "So I totally get why even a brave warrior like yourself would cower at the sight of it…But that shield isn't gonna be able to protect you for much longer."
As he said this, Nezha left hand tilted the Fire-tip spear at an extreme level, with the handle being almost perpendicular to the ground below as it rested on the back of his arm. RIght after this, The fires that made up Nezha's left hand slowly began to morph, the fingers fusing together to form a singular tip, much like a snake's tail. The positioning of his new hand also began to change, with his grip slowly moving downwards till it curled around the base of the spearhead, as his fiery hand began to grow in length till it was nearly the same as the length of his spear.
Once this was done, Nezha's entire left arm slowly began to curl around and around the handle of his spear like a snake, slowly covering the entire polearm in blue fire, till it seemed that the Fire-Tip spear itself had fused together with Nezha's arm and become one with the Third Lotus Prince.
As Arthur and the audience members watched in disbelief, Nezha slowly raised his new and improved left arm, elbow bent, and level with the ground. Slowly the flames that covered his spear began to spin and spin, getting faster and faster with each second, till the Lotus Prince's arm now resembled a flaming vortex with a sharp speartip at the center. Nezha's eyes glowed with an even more intense red, as the ground beneath his legs began to crumble whilst he crouched.
Without warning, a sonic explosion boomed across the arena, as Nezha flew forward from whence he stood. Left arm now outstretched, flames spinning faster than ever before, and with them the sharp point of the Fire-tip Spear as well, whirling around and around like a spinning drill head. Later on when interviewed, spectators of the round even swore up and down that as Nezha rushed towards the forcefield, they could perfectly visualize in front of them the gaping maw of nine roaring dragons. All made purely from the blue fires of the Samadhi flame that too formed Nezha's left arm, charging straight towards Arthur and his forcefield, jaws opened wide, whilst following the Lotus Prince's lead.
Regardless of what they saw, that moment would soon go down in the books as the day Heaven first bore witness to Nezha's ultimate technique, originally born from the childhood memories shared between the son of a military general and the heir to the Dragon King. It had now become a incredible force of pure firepower that was to be reckoned with, it was called:
Arthur's eyes widened in horror as he flung his arms upwards, crossing his shield and sword in front of his body to shield himself from the impending attack, but it was useless. The moment the tip of the spear touched the forcefield, a cobweb of cracks splintered across the entire structure, expanding faster than the eye could see before with a resounding, "CRACK!" the entire structure shattered into pieces, dissolving into nothingness as Nezha shot forth aiming directly for the King of Camelot himself.
Humanity could only scream in horror, as they watched their fighter getting engulfed entirely in the fires of the Samadhi Flame. Before seeing through the flickering flames, the outline of Nezha's spear pierced straight through Arthur's chest, as the Lotus Prince blew straight past the King of Camelot, and landed heavily on the ground behind him.
As the flames finally settled, mankind was horrified to see what remained of their fighter, standing in the middle of the battlefield, was a blackened and charred figure riddled with third degree burns, that used to be King Arthur Pendragon, with a large hole in the middle of it's chest as it stood upright. In it's hands was the hilt of the sword that used to be Excalibur, it's crystal blue blade almost completely shattered from the grievous blow, with a short jagged length still remaining. On the ground in front of the figure, was pieces of the round disc that was the Shield of Avalon, already damaged from Nezha's previous attack, and now reduced to bits and pieces on the floor.
Silence in the arena, besides the crackling of flames spread across the battlefield that had resulted from Nezha's attack. As everyone stared open-mouthed at what had become of Arthur, some of the Knights of the Round Table even began breaking down into tears, believing it to be the end of their king.
"A-arthur…M-my boy…" Merlin whimpered sorrowfully as he slumped in his chair.
"No… It's not over yet, it CAN'T BE!" Lancelot yelled hysterically as he got up from his seat and rushed over to the edge of the stand, cupping his hands around his mouth as he yelled out to the statue that was his friend, "ARTHUUUUR! DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ALL OF US NOW! WAKE UP! WAKE UPPPPPP!"
"I-is it over?" Heimdall whimpered after a moment or two, "Did Nezha finally clinch the third victory in the row for the gods with his incredible firepower?"
"No…" Nezha breathed heavily to himself, "Not just yet…"
Right on que, answering both the desperate pleas of Lancelot, and the confidence Nezha had in his foe. Two slits on the figure's grievously burnt face suddenly burst open, revealing Arthur's eyes as his scorched d lips split apart, allowing him to let out a strangled gasp as he fell to his knees. Slowly, in a rather morbid display that made quite a few spectators pale, the King of Camelot's burnt skin began flaking off his body as new flesh, tissue and skin began to replace his old ones. From his face, a brown stubble began to sprout from his scalp, beard and upper lip as new hair follicles grew in to substitute the ones that were singed off.
In a matter of minutes, the Scabbard of Excalibur's final healing charge of the day proved once again the incredible miracles it could perform, as what was once an unrecognizable and scorched statue, now stood Arthur Pendragon as he once was, slightly dazed and disorganized. But nevertheless, in near perfect condition as before, though his clothing was all but burnt away, save for his trousers, which gave the King of Camelot some dignity.
"Y-you…You…You ABSOLUTE DICKHEAD!" Arthur burst out laughing as he finally managed to catch his breath, shocking the audience once more, "You KNEW my scabbard still had one last charge left! Why the bloody hell would you go and waste your ultimate technique on that then? That really HURT you know!"
Nezha grinned, his face riddled with fatigue from pulling off such a powerful move, "I'm gonna be 100% honest with you right now… I kinda got way too caught up in the heat of the moment, and it just completely slipped my mind…"
Arthur guffawed at the Third Lotus Prince's response, "Never change, Prince Nezha, never change… Well, what are you waiting for? Come and end the fight right now, I'm unarmed and undefended, and more importantly, I've no more tricks to play."
Nezha shook his head, as a fiery glare appeared on his face, "Nah… There's no honor in striking down a fallen foe… If I am to be truly victorious, I want it to be with the both of us standing tall and proud, after having given it our all! SO COME ONE, KING OF CAMELOT! You haven't been one to give up when our match first began! SO WHY THE HELL START NOW? I know you've still got SO MUCH MORE to give!"
Arthur smiled as he slowly got up to his feet, turning to face his opponent with a look of respect, "Then I thank you, Third Lotus Prince, Nezha. For giving me this chance to redeem myself, in a final clash against you for the sake of my people."
"T-this is SUCH AN AMAZING SCENE!" Heimdall yelled with tears in his eyes, "The miraculous power of the Scabbard of Excalibur has once again saved King Arthur from certain doom! And the incredible display of sportsmanship and respect from the Third Lotus Prince, Nezha is truly heartwarming! But one cannot deny the truth, with no more healing charges from his scabbard, and his two Divine Weapons shattered. How in all of HEAVEN can Arthur possibly make a comeback from this and achieve victory for mankind?"
The Watchman of the Apocalypse soon got his answer, as Arthur removed the Scabbard of Excalibur on the right side of his belt, and gently sheathed and covered the broken blade of his faithful sword. Before standing in his fighting stance, readying himself for battle.
"Well then Third Lotus Prince," The king said as he now held up his makeshift blade with both hands, "If this truly be the finale of our battle, then let us both make sure that we end it with everything we got, and our hearts burning strong! So READY WHEN YOU ARE! LET'S FINISH THIS!"
Nezha wore a smile of pure delight, as he leveled his flaming spear and prepared to charge, "LIKEWISE! My only regret is not meeting a worthy foe like you sooner!"
With a loud battlecry, both fights rushed towards each other with their weapons drawn, as some spectators leaned forwards in anticipation to witness what many assumed to be their final clash. Meanwhile others, mostly humans, covered their eyes, unable to bear to watch their fighter get annihilated for real this time.
As the two weapon's met, a brilliant surge of bright blue light exploded from within the Scabbard of Excalibur, engulfing the entirety of the arena and forcing everyone to shut their eyes from the sheer intensity of the light. But as the audience opened their eyes, to see what now lay in front of them, they were left speechless…
submitted by Key-Competition-7489 to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:08 ThinResist572 Help with interpreting organic acid and mycotoxin test results … thank you 🙏

Help with interpreting organic acid and mycotoxin test results … thank you 🙏
After a year of chronic illness (symptoms below), after suspected issues with mould in a property I lived in I finally have some test results. If anyone can offer any direction, experience or advice it would be greatly appreciated. I am on a long waiting list to see my practitioner.
It has been a lot persistent battle to get here and get someone to listen to me. I was initially signed off by the doctor with mental health issues.
Current medications which have offered some relief: Ketotifen, LDN, probiotics, antihistamines, natural antihistamines (eg oregano oil) low histamine diet.
My symptoms have included
• ⁠unexplained weight gain • ⁠infections • ⁠stopped periods • ⁠extreme chronic fatigue and muscle weakness • ⁠headaches • ⁠brain fog, confusion and poor memory • ⁠increased anxiety and depression • ⁠increased appetite and extreme hunger, need for way more calories • ⁠irritability • ⁠swelling mainly in my legs, most of my clothes no longer fit despite being active and eating healthy • ⁠loss of balance • ⁠irritated/throbbing eyes particularly after eating certain foods • ⁠food intolerance’s • ⁠light headed/dizziness • ⁠post nasal drip • ⁠constant mucus, coughing or having to blowing my nose
submitted by ThinResist572 to ToxicMoldExposure [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:40 NebGonagal Developing Side Effects From Increased Entyvio Dosage, or Just Bad Luck?

Dr is moving me from an 8 week Entyvio schedule to a 4 week schedule. Reasoning is that the drug seems to be working but my body processes it faster so very little of the drug is in my system at 8 weeks. First dosage (so 8 weeks form previous dosage) I got Norovirus, and it manifested as flare symptoms. Then 4 weeks later (my first 4 week dosage) my heart rate was higher than normal on infusion day which was weird but I felt normal. Then I got an upper respiratory infection the next day and ended up in the ER with pneumonia 4 days later. Just had my next 4 week infusion and I'm still recovering from pneumonia (I'm healed, no more infection, but the lingering fatigue and cough can last a while). So I'm trying to track symptoms from an increased schedule and it's hard to know what might be from Entyvio and what might be from being sick. I had a coughing fit last night, which I haven't had for almost a week. I also felt a little nausea after the infusion, but I also almost fainted from the blood draw for labs (should've eaten beforehand). I've kept my Dr in the loop on my infections and he doesn't seem too concerned about it, but wants to keep an eye on it.
Have any of you guys developed side effects from an increased dosage when you didn't have any before? I've been on Entyvio 8 week dosage for over a year and never had any side effects, so I'm thinking it's just bad luck. Although, I'm sure the infections were more likely to happen because of the drugs.
submitted by NebGonagal to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 09:33 Aastha_2404 12 year old with DPLD-ILD. Why is my PFT so bad?

12 year old with DPLD-ILD. Why is my PFT so bad?
This will be a long post so please bear with me.
I am a 24 year old female, diagnosed with DPLD-ILD back in 2012. I was a 12 year old back then. Had symptoms of extreme breathlessness, persistent dry cough, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, nail clubbing, had my RA factor positive among the few things that I remember at the top of my head. My symptoms were consistent with ILD. To confirm which exactly, they did a bronchoscopy for me. However the tissue was too small to test which is why the exact disease could not be confirmed. The course of treatment was same which is why they did not redo the biopsy and put me on corticosteroids. I was 5 feet tall and weighed 35kgs back then, was put on 24mg prednisone. My mom dad tell me the med showed results in a day itself and I started to breath normal, the cough disappeared, I started eating fine too, seemed like a new life altogether. My dose was slowly tapered down, took me a year to come down to 4 mg. I remember I could laugh, like really laugh out loud hearing the sound of my happy lungs without any cough during those days when my dose of steroids was high but that eventually went away when my dose was reduced. My scans show my condition stable but I cannot do any tasks like climbing stairs without taking time to catch my breath again or laughing without coughing or running without coughing, all still feels like a dream.
Fast forward 2024, I am currently taking 4 mg alternate days (have been taking steroids for the past 12 yrs) and have been now put on 15mg MTX once a week by my doctor 4 weeks back as a steroid sparing agent. The doctor tells me my that my scan show my condition is stable, however some of the symptoms still persist for me for eg, my resting breathing rate is around 20 breaths a minute, I still have the dry cough that sometimes turns into a cough fit which can be very draining for my body, the cough and breathlessness worsen when I have anxiety. My doctor feels my symptoms are more consistent with Sarcoidosis which is why he introduced the MTX too.
For anybody who has been through a similar condition or has some experience in the field, I have a few questions to ask:
  1. The first time I went to the doctor with the initial symptoms, my PFT showed FVC and FEV1 around 28%, that too was after so many trials and a lot of efforts. After the initial 24 mg dosage, the best it increased to was 38% and 41% after one month. Since then it has more less been around the same figures. Why is my PFT so bad? Is it possible for it to get better if I start doing some physical workout or breathing exercise? All these past 12 yrs I have been mostly involved spending time on the academic front and never really got time to consistently dedicate to exercising. If I start now, can it get better? And how much better?
  2. For anyone who knows how to read x-rays, how bad is it for me? I know parts of my lungs are scarred, what % of it is scarred though and what % of it is healthy and is it good enough for a normal life?
  3. Anyone who has had a similar experience with ILD during childhood, how has life been like? I have never really needed hospitalization or required oxygen therapy but I have a whole life ahead of me. As far as I have the memory of it, I have always lived like this with short breaths and dry coughs. Any chances this might get better with the MTX or I need to accept to live with it?
Anyone who has had any similar experience or knows anyone who has had similar experiences or is a pulmonologist treating patients with similar conditions is welcome to answer.
submitted by Aastha_2404 to Pulmonology [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 06:02 Noghbuddy Distress

The klaxon sputtering out roused Alex to consciousness. The cold metal under his face and rumble of the deck drove away any hope of this being a dream. A long unending nightmare. It couldn’t be real. It just couldn’t. But he couldn’t wake up. He didn’t know how long ago it was. One day he was camping out in Zion, now… Everything got fuzzy.
Stolen away by monsters in the night, beaten and locked away. He couldn’t even understand the hisses and barks of his tormentors. He screwed his eyes shut praying for this to be some demented psychotic break. Then he felt the slashes of claws and cold steel of his cell.
Right about the time he was prepared to admit he’d simply gone crazy beyond his perception of marked time, the world lurched. He was no stranger to earthquakes, but his whole world tossed and shook as the lights and alien consoles sparked and popped. He heard alarms and shouting. His cell popped open. Filled with adrenaline and desperation he shambled and stumbled into the metal hallway.
He didn’t know where he was going. All he knew was he needed to avoid anyone and everyone. Limping down the halls he took different twists and turns, just letting his instincts guide him. As one set of doors hissed open, he found a large hall filled with tables. On the far end he saw movement, got scared, and retreated the way he came.
The shudders and bucks of the deck became stronger. It was hard to keep his feet. Soon enough, he entered a crossroads. A simple split, either left or right, with a console in the middle. Before he could decide on a path, a bright light stung and seared his vision, knocking him to the floor. Just before his head struck the metal, he heard a violent whoosh of air, and his world vanished.
As the klaxon died, he tried to open his eyes. They were stuck shut, sealed over with something and burning. He tried to rub them open, but the searing pain drove his hands away. As the panic began to build in his chest, he tried to crawl forward, find his footing, but he was stuck.
Panic filled him. Clawing like an animal he tried to crawl away, but his foot wouldn’t respond. It was stuck, and he couldn’t feel why. It was numb. He didn’t know how long he’d been panicking for, grunting and moaning in pain and fear. Before long he grew tired and simply sobbed. Trapped and alone. With a shuddering breath, he wept, and time drifted on.
Embracing the cold floor, Alex waited for death. Prayed for its quick arrival as he disassociated from the passing of time. As he felt the harsh pang of hunger and the draining numbness of dehydration, he heard a hollow gong.
It must have been his mind fading, but soon he heard it again. Was this vessel simply drifting along the river Styx? Would he find himself at the mercy of an impartial god? Soon enough he’d see the light and enter the world beyond, ready to face his judgement. A clanging could be heard withing the bowels of the ship. With a wheezed and heaving breath, his lungs filled. The clanging drew closer. He could almost hear voices, warped and warbled.
Somewhere behind the steel holding his foot in place he heard chattering. With a cough and a heave, he hauled himself onto his hands and elbows with his foot still pinned. With a violent clang and rattle, the door slid open freeing his trapped limb, and with it an explosion of pain. He couldn’t help but cry out. A stunned silence responded, followed by chattering howls and mewls. He felt hands grasp his sides, but he flailed with renewed vigor. The demons wouldn’t take him again.
His fighting drove off the grasps, not so much due to his strength, but shock. Urgent if gentle growls and mewls commanded him, but he dragged himself away. The pain was excruciating. His whimpers turned to shouts as he clawed to get away. Any weight he put on his right foot turned to lightning. He could feel the shock in his skull behind his eyes. The foreign vocals grew sterner, harsher, and tinged with worry. He didn’t care. He had to get away. He wouldn’t go back into the cage. His body failed him, however. Soon the pain became too much, and through gritted teeth his body gave out. Senselessness overtook him.
A chemical cocktail played across his mind. Flashes of lights, colors and feelings slithered under his skull across his brain. He saw visions and felt sensations he couldn’t explain through the feverish dreams. In a brief flash of lucidity, he dreamt of the night sky. The calm march of the stars and the ethereal painting of the Milky Way gave him some sense of peace as the dreamed campfire gutted out, smoke drifting in the breeze. Before long he awoke.
It was hard to tell that he was awake. His only clue was the dull ache in his muscles and the sharp pain in his foot. Something covered his eyes, drawn tight like a blindfold wrapped around his head. It took a minute to seize command of his limbs. First, he drew his right leg up toward his chest to feel his foot, when… It wasn’t there. It must simply be numb, but he could feel with his hand…
Panic filled his chest. He could hear quickening synthetic noises matching his heart, but he struggled to maneuver his hand down to his foot. But it wasn’t there. He gripped and clawed, but his right foot was gone. Just a stump covered in gauze. He began to hyperventilate. This couldn’t be happening. It simply wasn’t real. How could this happen? He was a good person, damn it! This wasn’t fair! It couldn’t be real! Why him?!
A warning chirp sounded. Someone or something approached gently “mrowing”. Panic flooded his perception. Where was his foot? Where was he? What were they going to do with him? How could this have happened? His heart drummed harshly in his ears as the foreign voice tried to pierce his adrenaline. He couldn’t breathe as his chest seized. Hands grasped his side as he fought. Then something brushed his neck and hissed.
He couldn’t move his limbs. His breath slowed. The panic remained but grew quiet leaving only his slowing heartbeat drumming in his ears. Shouting through the muffled, padded haze in his mind. Soon, he faded back into unconsciousness.
The kaleidoscope dreams returned. Flashes of feeling and color played across his mind. Zion, the steel cage, somewhere soft. Panic and fatigue. He clutched at the sense of relief, of peace. The dull pain threatened to explode in his mind once more, seize his heart and lungs, but something calmed the rising tide. A soft warmth embraced him. He clutched at it like a drowning man, determined to stay afloat. The strong solid presence became an island in the chaos.
Flickering sensation played behind his eyes, but he was still blind. His eyes sealed shut by some unknown substance, wrapped in cloth. He didn’t know when he came to consciousness. All he knew was something large was holding him gently in a velvety soft embrace. A strong piercing rumble kept him at ease. Flexing his fingers and shifting his weight, the presence responded in kind. It drew him close and buried him in soft velvet. Something else behind him drew closer, encompassing him in total gentle warmth that rumbled pleasantly.
He couldn’t tell what was happening, but he clutched at the pleasant feeling, desperate not to let it go. The presences embraced in kind. A hand stroked at the back of his head while another gently massaged at his chest. Sleep seized him, for once restful and pleasant since his abduction.
The cotton in his head slowly subsided. He gained the feeling in his limbs, including the phantom one in his right foot. The aches and pains slowly returned as his mind pounded in his skull. He desperately yearned for the soft peace once more. As if in response to his silent cry, the two presences clutched at either side of him. He hoped to simply fade into peace once more, but some other voice spoke to him.
He couldn’t understand it. It chattered and yowled at him with connecting rumbles, but he had no idea what it meant. All he could tell was it was asking questions. He had no answers. He clutched at the strong presence laying beside him. Something about it gave him a measure of strength. Another question was asked, this time accompanied by a strange digital sound. A yapping bark mixed with grunts. He recognized neither.
As the questions went on, so did the odd digital sounds. Hisses, growls, chirps, and clicks. None he recognized. The person beside him held him as he rested his head against them. The soft yielding fur and flesh under his head contrasted with the firm surety of the limbs embracing his sides. The voice before him yowled impatiently with the gentle chatter of the voice embracing him responding.
He was left this way for a while. The two beside him rumbling pleasantly. Fading in and out of sleep could only mask his pain for so long. He could feel his right foot. He knew it was gone, the ache unbearable, but it made its presence known cruelly. He could feel his phantom toes curling, curling, gripping beyond physical ability in an agonizing cramp running up his leg. It was as if his foot was trying to curl up on itself, but it simply wasn’t there. He had no way to stop it. He clutched at whatever he could grab to endure the pain.
The presence before him tensed, before gently stroking his head. Soft rumbles and voices responded. The odd irritating feeling pierced his fog, and he tried to remove it, but strong hands seized his, stopping him. Warning growls, not unkind, gave warning. He relented.
Time passed in flashes and moments. One moment he was being sat up as his blindfold was removed. He still couldn’t open his eyes as something was being rubbed on them gently. He tried to move away unconsciously but was held firm in place. Soon enough the bandages were replaced, and he was laid down between the warm bodies once more.
Another time he came to from unconscious sobbing. He grasped at the iron taught limbs to draw himself up. After a moment of adjusting, the person before him slowly gripped him tight and ran the side of their face beside his own. The soft fur and stiff whiskers put him at ease along with the magical rumbling in their chest. He couldn’t help but drive his face closer to the welcoming soft embrace and rumble of his host.
Time was immeasurable. He simply existed moment to moment, bandage change to bandage change. They’d try to speak to him, but he simply couldn’t understand. The gauntlet of alien sounds and words coming from the harsh digital speaker drove him further and further into the arms of those beside him.
Something changed. He wasn’t sure what, but soon he was being spoken to far more often. One day, when they changed his bandages, as he was lying down once more, they seized the side of his head. He tried to resist, but soon he felt something drop into his ear and his world changed.
“Easy, easy! Relax! Relax.” He did so. The voice reverberated with English and a strange mewling. “There you go. Can you understand me?”
He twisted his head to the speaker. “Y-yeah. How…?”
“There we go. Turn your head, please.” He complied and felt something drop into his other ear. The mewling ceased. “How is that? You seem calmer.”
“Wha-How? I-I…” he shuddered.
“Shhh…” soothed the voice behind him, “Take it slow… How do you feel? Anything hurt?”
Alex took a shuddering breath. “Um… My f-foot…”
An understanding grunt was his reply. “I’m sorry… We couldn’t save it.” In apology, the person behind him gripped him tight around the chest and held him close.
“We can numb the pain, but you’ll need a [static] to deal with the long-term pain.” The voice standing away from him explained.
“I need a-a what?”
“I don’t… what?”
The voice considered for a moment. “You need a… fake foot?”
The person beside him stroked his hair. “You mean a prosthetic?” A soft chime echoed in his ears.
“Yes, a prosthetic. Your mind is looking for a limb that’s not there. You need to show it one.”
“But” he tried to claw at the gauze around his eyes but was stopped by two large hands. “I can’t see. Am I blind? What happened?” He was on the verge of hyperventilating again.
“Calm yourself.” Hands stroked at his head and sides once more. “We just arrived at [static] station. The doctors here are specialists. I think we can save at least one of your eyes. The doctors here might be able to save both. I’m just a ship doc, not a specialist.” Another hand quickly ran its way through his hair. “We’re taking care of you the best we can. I promise. Now get some rest. Tes and Hersha have been taking care of you for a while now. Seems you’ve taken a liking to the large ladies…”
The doctor strolled away, leaving him between his bed mates.
“It’s nice to finally talk to you.” Commented the body behind him.
“We learned a lot without words, though.” Responded the voice before him.
“True. But we need to know…”
“What’s your name?”
His head still spun as he felt the drugs pad his mind. “Uh… Alex. My name is Alex.”
“Alex.” Attempted the voice pulling him forward. “I wonder what it means.”
“It means what he wants it to mean.” Retorted the rear voice, clutching him back, holding him in blissful softness.
“I’m Tes.”
He tried to shift and adjust, but between his aching muscles, the painkiller cocktail, and the steel-like grip of the other two, he barely moved.
“Easy, easy. The doc is right. You need rest.”
Hersha ran her face against his head as she held him tight. “Relax. You’re safe. Soon, Doctor Falstin will see you and help you. He specializes in eyes. You might come out with better eyes than you ever had.”
“Go to sleep.”
“We have you. You’ll never be alone.”
As the blissful darkness slowly pulled at his mind, content and comforted, he heard, “I can’t wait to learn more about ‘humans’. You’re so warm and soft.”
He had questions. So many questions, but they melted before his addled mind. Now wasn’t the time for answers. Now was the time for peace and healing. Cradled in blissful warmth and velvet, he slept once more.
submitted by Noghbuddy to WolvensStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 02:35 Atoraxic Lost Science” by Gerry Vassilatos 1999

"We are called, summoned to appear before two pathways. On the one, we hear Messaien and the musical messages of peace. On the other, Gavreau and the musical messages of war. And again we choose. And again we must choose. Whose music will it be?"
full text >>> http://www.zemos98.org/controlsonoro/2008/03/09/the-sonic-weapon-of-vladimir-gavreau/
Lost Science” by Gerry Vassilatos Limited permission granted to use this material in other presentations. ISBN 0-932813-75-5 © 1999
He listened and closed his eyes as the rolling waves of sound poured over and through his being. Thrilling, intoxicating, the hysteria of heaven, the enthralled and frightening flight of angels. Electrifying. Messaien’s organ music signaled messages of meaning, titanic foghorns ululating among dimly perceived near-worlds. Olivier Messaien, master composer of musical expressionism, used the ground thrumming tones of great Parisian cathedral organs to evoke sensations, which may only be called otherworldly. Masterfully macabre. Black foundations, blue pillars, and rainbow ceilings.
Sound, rhythm, and space. Ultra-chromatic chord frames, rising like rock walls from the black depths. And immense stellar crystallizations, radiating tonal perfumes through deep and black radiant space. Lovely and lyrically swooping melodies, the flight of birds through delicate limbs. And melodic lines, reaching up toward unknown depths of space, each had their foundation in ultra bass tones of rooted depth. The basso profunda of Messaien are the critical foundations, the strong vertical pillars of an immense architecture, which extends beyond performance walls. He scoured the deep and unreachable roots of worlds to hold his musical cathedrals together. Such majesty and grandeur of sound! Rich in the intelligence, which flooded and made the world, the musical currents and the atmosphere of tones. Fluidic music and meaning.
The most fundamental signals, which permeate this world, are inaudible. They not only surpass our hearing, but they undergird our being. Natural infrasounds rumble through experience daily. There manifestations are fortunately infrequent and incoherent. Infrasound is inaudible to human hearing, being of pitch below 15 cycles per second. The bottom human limit. The plynth. The foundation. Infrasound is not heard, it is felt. Infrasound holds a terrible secret in its silent roar.
Infrasound produces varied physiological sensations, which begin as vague “irritations”. At certain pitch, infrasound produces physical pressure. At specific low intensity, fear and disorientation. Nazi propaganda engineers methodically used infrasound to stir up the hostilities of crowds who were gathered to hear their madman. The results are historical nightmares.
At a very specific pitch, infrasound explodes matter. At others, infrasound incapacitates and kills. Organisms rupture in its blast. Sea creatures use this power to stun and kill prey.
The swelling bass tones of the cathedral seem as though they can burst the very pillars, which uphold the ancient vaults. Stained glass windows have been known to erupt in a shower of colored fragments from the organ’s basso profunda. Impulsed ultrabass tones … thunder. Somewhere in the almost inaudible roll of these basement sounds there was a devastating and fearful power.
As thunderous tones deepen, their power seemingly intensifies over frail barriers such as glass windows. Certain abrupt thunder peals often shatter windows into tiny fragments. In the apparent absence of thunderous tones we may observe the strong and continuous vibration of glass windowpanes during storms. A sudden eerie silence, and the window is shattered before our eyes. Natural phenomena are prodigious generators of infrasound. The potent distal effects produced when natural explosions occur produce legendary effects. When Krakatoa exploded, windows were shattered hundreds of miles away by the infrasonic wave. Wind was not the causative agent of these occurrences, as no wind was felt or detected. Seismographic stations registered the blast, and barometers measured the shockwaves. The “ringing” of both earth and atmosphere continued for hours. It is believed that infrasound actually formed the upper pitch of this natural volcanic explosion, tones unmeasurably deep forming the actual “central harmonic” of the event. The island of Krakatoa was literally lifted into orbit in the fatal blast. Brilliant sunsets followed for many years thereafter, the sad memorial of all the souls who perished.
The power of explosives, in shattering and devastating property, lies in two zones. The first zone is that with which we are principally familiar; the actual blast site, where chemically released gases and metal fragments push back everything in their perimeter. The second less familiar zone extends very much further from the blast site than can be imagined. It is in the powerful sonic wave, which expands outward that an equally destructive danger lies. Thick pressure walls of incredible momentum, inters paced with equally thick walls of reduced air pressure, travel far away from the blast site. The blast site is the small destructive zone by comparison. Few objects can survive this destructive tide.
Analysts contend that infrasound is composed of a very broad band of pitches. These tones of immense pressure and duration “accommodate” themselves when encountering resonant cavities. All such resonant cavities are “found and destroyed” when the proper pressure waves flow into their resonances. Rooms, halls, alleys, spaces among buildings, courtyard areas, cellars, subways, sewer chambers; all these burst open into flying fragments when infrasonic waves flood them. Infrasound is the cruel tonal giant, tearing open whatever it finds in its path.
Study reveals that the sudden shock wave of an explosion propels a complex infrasonic signal far beyond the shattered perimeter. Incoherent though such shockwaves may be, their destructive influence dissolves distant walls and windows seconds after the shrapnel has done its deadly work. Objects of all shapes, sizes, and compositions explode when the infrasonic impulse passes through their space. No shield can block infrasound. Physicists have studied the refuse, which remains after an explosive charge has been detonated. Few materials can maintain their integrity. Those objects, which manage to survive explosions, are noteworthy as infrasonic “resistors”. Screen reinforced concrete does not easily succumb to the infrasonic blasts of explosive charges.
The sound of Krakatoa exploding up into space, a vertical excess of one hundred miles, succeeded in blasting out windows at a thousand mile radius from the epicenter. Certain earthquake activities produce large and virtually insensate vertical displacements of the ground surface, in extreme instances amounting to a few feet per pulse. In this case, the ground becomes the surface of a drum, ringing out its deadly cadence at infrasonic pitch hours before the event. The ground undulates with infrasonic tones, an elasticity that eventually cracks under the heaving stress.
Ultra low pitch earthquake sounds are keenly felt by animals and sensitive humans. Quakes occur in distinct stages. Long before the final breaking release of built up earth tensions, there are numerous and succinct precursory shocks. Deep shocks produce strong infrasonic impulses up to the surface, the result of massive heaving ground strata. Certain animals (fish) actually can hear infrasonic precursors. Precursory shocks are silent, being inaudible in humans. Animals, however, react strongly to the sudden surface assault of infrasonic shocks by attempting escape from the area. Animals cannot locate the source and center of these infrasonic impulses, behaving in a pitiful display of circular frenzies. The careening motion of wild horses and other domestic animals indicates their fear and anxiety. Poor creatures, neither they nor we can escape the infrasonic source. Encounters with natural infrasound reveal their vast extent, covering hundreds of square miles of surface area.
Certain animals employ infrasound as weaponry. It has been known that certain whales are able to stun their prey with powerful blasts of inaudible sounds. Called “gunshots”, whales focus these powerful blasts at large squid and other fish to paralyze and catch them. In some instances, they have been known to burst their prey apart by tonal projection alone. Human experience with these inaudible blasts have been reported. The distress calls emitted by little beached whales was sufficient to push a veterinarian back several feet in the water. Others have experienced these pressure waves, reporting that their hands could not be brought close to the sinal area of small whales because of their inaudible acoustic projections.
Infrasonic shocks produce characteristic pressure effects on structures and organisms alike. The sensation flattens the body. It is as if one were struck with a solid invisible wall from which there is no escape. There are physiological effects as well. Anxiety, fear, extreme emotional distress, and mental incapacitation are all part of the unpleasant phenomenon. Notable among human exposures to quake-correlated infrasound is the precursory nausea, which many report. This strong sensation leaves its more sensitive victims helpless. Feeling the momentary deep motion of the ground strata beneath them, numerous individuals have been used to report these sensations in a bizarre earthquake “alarm system”. Unfortunately, physiological reaction to infrasound remains continuous, long after their irritating presence has ceased. The harmfully stimulating influence of infrasound renders physiology permeable and ultrasensitive to every available environmental sensation. The extreme irritability of infrasound victims has been noted.
Earthquake infrasound manifests only at intermittent intervals, producing drastic and sustained negative modifications of consciousness. The human organism continues to reel under intermittent infrasonic assault for numerous reasons. After less than a five-minute exposure to low intensity infrasound of 10 cycles per second, dizziness will last for hours. Infrasound of 12 cycles per second produces severe and long lasting nausea after a brief low intensity exposure.
The Cold War was on. The United States alone held the dread secret. The most terrible weapon yet developed was the private property of one government. The mere existence of the atomic bomb was threat to nations whose motives were not entirely altruistic. Motivated, aggressive, and imperialistic, obtaining atomic bomb data was a priority for several nations. The only manner in which some nations obtained the secret was by stealing it. When Stalin’s science officers finally developed an atomic duplicate of the American bomb, pressure suddenly was placed upon every other European nation to achieve an equivalent or better device.
When one seeks to defend one’s borders, the consequences of releasing weapons of devastation to the world do not seem important. Weaponry is death-oriented by nature. But there are moral differences between weapons of defense and weapons of offense. Previous to this atomic proliferation, competing nations concentrated their weapons research on truly bizarre and equally deadly means for defending their national boundaries. A great variety of such deadly weapons were perfected in rapid succession. This included deadly variations and combinations of gas weaponry, pathogenic agents, and radiant weaponry. Stalin’s research teams investigated psychic powers as a possible means for destroying an enemy. Psychotronic warfare was devel­oped among numerous groups, both private and national, with measurable success. Information on some simpler psychotronic weapons has recently been obtained through an increasing process of Soviet disclosure.
In truth, the larger the weaponry the less safe the national boundaries truly were. While the superpowers concentrated their weapons development programs on mass-destructive nuclear weaponry, others focused on more practical conventions. The limited tactical warfare of small battlefields seemed a more immediate need. While developing their own atomic device, France sought defensive tactical weaponry on every possible technological front. Short-range weapons would best defend against a conventional national assault. But other systems were also sought; systems which, though non-nuclear, were equally invincible. As the great Frankish Knight, Charles “the Ham­mer” Martel repelled ruthless invaders from the medieval east, so a new ham­mer would be sought to defend France against possible new enemies from the east. Even as Charles Martel arose from obscurity, so this strange new “hammer” would arise in equal obscurity.
The central research theme of Dr. Vladimir Gavreau was the development of remote controlled automatons and robotic devices. To this end he assembled a group of scientists in 1957. The group, including Marcel Miane, Henri Saul, and Raymond Comdat, successfully developed a great variety of ro­botic devices for industrial and military purposes. In the course of develop­ing mobile robots for use in battlefields and industrial fields, Dr. Gavreau and his staff made a strange and astounding observation, which, not only interrupted their work, but became their major research theme.
Housed in a large concrete building, the entire group periodically experienced a disconcerting nausea, which flooded the research facility. Day after day, for weeks at a time, the symptoms plagued the researchers. Called to inspect the situation, industrial examiners also fell victim to the malady. It was thought that the condition was caused by pathogens, a “building sick­ness”. No such agencies were ever biologically detected. Yet the condition prevailed. Research schedules now seriously interrupted, a complete exami­nation of the building was called.
The researchers noticed that the mysterious nauseations ceased when cer­tain laboratory windows were blocked. It was then assumed that “chemical gas emissions” of some kind were responsible for the malady, and so a thor­ough search of the building was undertaken. While no noxious fumes could be detected by any technical means, the source was finally traced by building engineers to an improperly installed motor-driven ventilator. The engineers at first thought that this motor might be emitting noxious fumes, possibly evaporated oils and lubricants. But no evaporated products were ever detected. It was found that the loosely poised low speed motor, poised in its cavernous duct of several stories, was developing “nauseating vibrations”.
The mystery magnified for Dr. Gavreau and his team, when they tried to measure the sound intensity and pitch. Failing to register any acoustic readings at all, the team doubted the assessment of the building engineers. Never­theless, closing the windows blocked the sense of nausea. In a step of bril­liant scientific reasoning, Gavreau and his colleagues realized that the sound with which they were dealing was so low in pitch that it could not register on any available microphonic detector. The data was costly to the crew.
They could not pursue the “search” for long time periods. During the very course of tracking the sound down, an accidental direct exposure rendered them all extremely ill for hours. When finally measured, it was found that a low intensity pitch of a fundamental 7 cycles per second was being produced. Furthermore, this infrasonic pitch was not one of great intensity ei­ther. It became obvious that the slow vibrating motor was activating an infra­sonic resonant mode in the large concrete duct. Operating as the vibrating “tongue” of an immense “organ pipe”, the rattling motor produced nauseat­ing infrasound. Coupled with the rest of the concrete building, a cavernous industrial enclosure, the vibrating air column formed a bizarre infrasonic “amplifier”.
Knowledge of this infrasonic configuration also explained why shutting the windows was mildly effective in “blocking the malady”. The windows altered the total resonant profile of the building, shifting the infrasonic pitch and intensity. Since this time, others have noted the personally damaging effects of such infrasonic generation in office buildings and industrial facili­ties. The nauseating effects of exposure to a low intensity natural or manmade infrasonic source is now well appreciated.
It has become a routine architectural procedure to seek out and alter any possible such resonant cavities. The sources often appear in older buildings, the result of construction rendered faulty by previous lack of this knowledge. All such “improper” architectural formats are modified by the additions of sound-blocking materials.
Dr. Gavreau and his research team now carefully investigated the effects of their “infrasonic organ” at various intensity levels and pitch. Changing the spring tension on shock mounts, which held the fan motor, it was possible to change the pitch. Various infrasonic resonances were established throughout the large research building. Shutting the windows blocked most of the symptoms. When the window was again opened, however weak as the source was made, the team felt the nauseating effects once again. In the business of mili­tary research, Dr. Gavreau believed he had discovered a new and previously “unknown weapon” in these infrasounds. Aware of the natural explosives by which infrasonics are generated, Dr. Gavreau began to speculate on the ap­plication of infrasonics as a defense initiative. The haphazard explosive ef­fects of natural infrasound in thunderclaps were quite effective in demon­strating what an artificial “thunder-maker” could do. But, how could a thun­derclap be artificially generated in a compact system? These thoughts stimu­lated theoretical discussions on the possibility of producing coherent infrasound: an infrasonic “laser”.
The first devices Dr. Gavreau implemented were designed to imitate the “accident” which first made his research group aware of infrasonics. They designed real organ pipes of exceedingly great width and length. The first of these was six feet in diameter and seventy-five feet long. These designs were tested outdoors, securely propped against protective sound-absorbent walls. The investigators stood at a great distance. Two forms of these infrasonic organ pipes were built. The first utilized a drive piston, which pulsed the pipe output. The second utilized compressed air in a more conventional manner.
The main resonant frequency of these pipes occurred in the “range of death”, found to lie between three and seven cycles per second. These sounds could not be humanly heard, a distinct advantage for a defense system. The effects were felt however. The symptoms come on rapidly and unexpectedly, though the pipes were operating for a few seconds. Their pressure waves impacted against the entire body in a terrible and inescapable grip. The grip was a pressure which came in on one from all sides simultaneously, an enve­lope of death.
Next came the pain, dull infrasonic pressure against the eyes and ears. Then came a frightening manifestation on the material supports of the device itself. With sustained operation of the pipe, a sudden rumble rocked the area, nearly destroying the test building. Every pillar and joint of the massive struc­ture bolted and moved. One of the technicians managed to ignore the pain enough to shut down the power supply.
These experiments with infrasonics were as dangerous as those early investigations of nuclear energy. Dr. Gavreau and his associates were dangerously ill for nearly a day after these preliminary tests. These maladies were sustained for hours after the device was turned off. Infrasonic assaults on the body are the more lethal because they come with dreadful silence. The eye­sight of Dr. Gavreau and his fellow workers were affected for days. More dangerously were their internal organs affected: the heart, lungs, stomach, intestinal cavity were filled with continual painful spasms for an equal time period.
Musculature convulses, torques, and tears were the symptoms of infra­sonic exposure. All the resonant body cavities absorbed the self-destructive acoustic energy, and would have been torn apart had the power not been extinguished at that precise moment. The effectiveness of infrasound as a defense weapon of frightening power having been demonstrated “to satisfaction”, more questions were asked. After this dreadful accident, approaching the equipment once again was almost a fearful exercise. How powerful could the output of an infrasonic device be raised before even the operating engi­neers were affected?
With greatest caution and respect for the power with which they worked, Dr. Gavreau began recalculating all of his design parameters. He had grossly misjudged the power released by the pipes. He had, in fact, greatly lowered those calculated outputs for diagnostic purposes. Never had he imagined that these figures were actually far too great in the world of infrasound!
Empirical data being the only way to determine how infrasonic energy correlated with both biological and material effect, the tests were again attempted with a miniature power supply. First, the dimensions of these devices had to be greatly reduced. Their extreme length was objectionable. In order to provide absolutely safe control of the deadly blasts, several emergency cutoff switches were provided. These responded to the radiated infrasonic pressure wave. The intensity could be absolutely limited by use of automated barometric switches.
In an attempt to achieve more compact and controllable infrasound generators, Dr. Gavreau designed and tested special horns and “whistles” of vari­ous volumes. These were each remarkably simple flat circular resonant cavi­ties, having a side output duct. They were simply the large analogues of fog­horns and police whistles. These flat forms were volumetrically reduced in successive design stages because it was found that their output was far too great. The infrasonic foghorns could produce a frightening two kilowatts of infrasonic energy, at a pitch of one hundred fifty cycles per second.
The flat “police whistles” were more easily designed to required specifications. Their overall characteristics were quite simple to determine, a math­ematical formula being devised for the purpose. The whistle’s resonant pitch was found by dividing its diameter into a numerical constant of 51. Increas­ing the depth of the whistle effectively increased its amplitude. A whistle 1.3 meters in diameter produced an infrasonic pitch of 37 cycles per second. This form violently shook the walls of the entire laboratory complex, though its intensity was less than 2 watts infrasonic power.
Not much amplitude is required for infrasound to produce physiological malady. Several researchers accidentally did themselves great harm when, by deliberate intent or accident, they succeeded in generating infrasonic vibrations. Tesla used vibrating platforms as an aid to vitality. He delighted in “toning the body” with vibrational platforms of his own design. Mounted on heavy rubber pads, these platforms were vibrated by simple motorized “eccentric” wheels.
Their mild use, for a minute, could be pleasantly stimulating. The effects invigorating the whole body for hours thereafter. Excessive use would produce grave illness however, excessive aggravations of the heart being the most dangerous aspect of the stimulation. The entire body “rang” for hours with an elevated heart rate and greatly stimulated blood pressure. The effects could be deadly.
In one historic instance, Samuel Clemens, Tesla’s close friend, refused to descend from the vibrating platform. Tesla was sorry he had allowed him to mount it. After repeated warnings, Tesla’s concern was drowned out by both the vibrating machine and Clemens’ jubilant exaltations and praises. Several more seconds and Clemens nearly soiled his white suit, the effects of infrasound being “duly recorded”.
Tesla often went to great lengths in describing the effects of infrasounds to newspaper reporters who, behind his back, scoffed at the notion that a “little sound” could effect such devastations. Yet, it was precisely with such a “little sound” that Tesla nearly brought down his laboratory on Houston Street. His compact infrasonic impulsers were terribly efficient. Tesla later designed and tested infrasonic impulse weapons capable of wrecking buildings and whole cities on command.
Walt Disney and his artists were once made seriously ill when a sound effect, intended for a short cartoon scene, was slowed down several times on a tape machine and amplified through a theater sound system. The original sound source was a soldering iron, whose buzzing 60-cycle tone was lowered five times to 12 cycles. This tone produced a lingering nausea in the crew, which lasted for days.
Physiology seems to remain paralyzed by infrasound. Infrasound stimu­lates middle ear disruptions, ruining organismic equilibrium. The effect is like severe and prolonged seasickness. Infrasound immobilizes its victims. Restoration to normal vitality requires several hours, or even days. Exposure to mild infrasound intensities produces illness, but increased intensities re­sult in death. Alarming responses to infrasound have been accurately recorded by military medical experts. Tolerances from 40 to 100 cycles per second have been recorded by military examiners. The results are sobering ones. As infrasonic pitches decrease, the deadly symptoms increase. Altered cardiac rhythms, with pulse rates rising to 40 percent of their rest values, are the precursors to other pre-lethal states. Mild nausea, giddiness, skin flushing, and body tingling occur at 100 cycles per second. Vertigo, anxiety, extreme fatigue, throat pressure, and respiratory dysfunction follow. Coughing, se­vere sternal pressure, choking, excessive salivation, extreme swallowing pains, inability to breathe, headache, and abdominal pain occur between 60 and 73 cycles per second. Post exposure fatigue is marked. Certain subjects contin­ued to cough for half an hour, while many continued the skin-flush manifes­tation for up to four hours.
Significant visual acuity decrements are noted when humans are exposed to infrasounds between 43 and 73 cycles per second. Intelligibility scores for persons exposed, fall to a low of 77 percent their normal scores. Spatial orientation becomes completely distorted. Muscular coordination and equilibrium falter considerably. Depressed manual dexterity and slurred speech have been noted before individuals blackout. Just before this point, a significant loss in intelligibility is noted.
The findings of Dr. Gavreau in the infrasonic range between 1 and 10 cycles per second are truly shocking. Lethal infrasonic pitch lies in the 7-cycle range. Small amplitude increases affect human behavior in this pitch range. Intellectual activity is first inhibited, blocked, and then destroyed. As the amplitude is increased, several disconcerting responses had been noted. These responses begin as complete neurological interference. The action of the medulla is physiologically blocked, its autonomic functions cease.
Infrasound clings to the ground, a phenomenon well known in the animal world. Female vocalizations and those of their young, take their traceable routes through the air. High-pitched sounds are aerial in nature. This makes females and young natural targets for predators. Low-pitched tones cling to the ground, being “guided” along the soil layers. Male vocalizations cannot be localized by predators. Male sounds “hug the ground”, diffusing out from their source. Some males rumble the ground with voice and hooves. These are communications signals, which they alone comprehend. .....
.....Such a war engine would be impossible to locate. None who saw its size would believe it to contain such a lethal power. Most would overlook the device completely. A flood of such devices, each emanating a peculiar highly modulated blend of infrasound, would be an unstoppable wall. Robotic tanks equipped with infrasonic generators could sweep an area with deadly infrasound, destroying all opponents to within a five mile radius. These ter­rible infrasonic weapons could easily be secured in drone jets, where aerial assaults could quickly and methodically waste any offensive approaching army.
Deterring would-be aerial attackers could be equally devastating for the offenders. Infrasonic beacons could sweep and scan the skies with a deadly accuracy. Infrasound passes through all matter with equal effectiveness, seek­ing out offenders with deadly consequence. The intensities which the Gavreau devices effectively broadcast into the environment are frightening. In these devices we see the perfection of phenomena, which never naturally occur in such dangerous intensities. This is why these weapons must be deployed by remote control, operating as automatons at great distances from their operators.
Weapons are made to defend, not to offend. In Gavreau’s own words: “There does not exist complete protection against infrasound. It is not ab­sorbed by ordinary matter, walls and chambers do not suffice to arrest it”. And so, once again, we stand at the crossroads. We are called, summoned to appear before two pathways. On the one, we hear Messaien and the musical messages of peace. On the other, Gavreau and the musical messages of war. And again we choose. And again we must choose. Whose music will it be?
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