Mexico donkey shows

Videos or Pics of Wrestling Events By Fans

2021.06.14 10:12 Videos or Pics of Wrestling Events By Fans

A Subreddit of fan cams from wrestling events. Images or videos are welcome. House shows, PPVs, TV Tapings, WWE, AEW, WCW, Indies, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, wherever, whatever!

2009.12.14 22:28 Herodotus22 All Things Festivals

All things festivals!

2015.06.08 04:29 invictus1 Queen of the South

This subreddit is for anything related to the new USA Network television series *Queen of the South*. When her drug-dealing boyfriend is unexpectedly murdered in Mexico, Teresa is forced to go on the run and seek refuge in America, where she teams with an unlikely figure from her past to bring down the leader of the very drug trafficking ring that has her on the run. In the process, she learns the tools of the trade and strategically positions herself to become the leader of the Cartel.

2024.05.29 05:28 strengthanddefiance Would appreciate some insight on alcohol and an upcoming vacation

Hey y'all, long time lurker, first time poster. I'm currently 3 weeks into a planned 3 month no alcohol period prior to my 35th. I did Dry January earlier (as I do annually) and posted in a different sub of how much better I felt at the end of the month and how little I missed alcohol this time around.
Unfortunately, some old bad habits reared their head in the following months and I've had too many days in a row of drinking up to 3/4 of a liter of tequila alone a day than I'd care to admit. A few friends commented on me showing up to events a bit buzzed. I was (and continue to be) stretched at work.
Yearning for a change, and hangover free weekends, I made an intention (promise?) of no alcohol for three months in the lead up to my birthday. 3 weeks in, I feel great! Sincerely no desire to drink alcohol and disappoint myself. Loving the better sleep, savings, and full recollection of conversations and evenings.
So all this said, I'm going to an all inclusive resort in Mexico with a few friends for a week of diving. That's the main purpose of the trip -- lots and lots of diving. I'll be 2/3 through my original 3 month goal.
My question is: how would some of y'all handle this situation? I'll see how I'm feeling in the lead up to the trip and when I'm there, but I'm currently open to setting a firm rule towards drinking that I discuss with my friends beforehand to help keep me accountable. Perhaps something like up to two drinks after one dive that week with my friends.
Not sure. I'm feeling really good about my sober journey so far, and currently feel very motivated to finish it out, but I also want to be realistic that I'll probably be the most tempted than I'll ever at the beach for a week with open bars everywhere. I don't want to set myself up for disappointment / backtrack too much on progress.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts! Appreciate y'all!
submitted by strengthanddefiance to dryalcoholics [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:10 pincherosa I think a family friend might have been kidnapped. What do I do?

My mom got an extremely abnormal text message from a close family friend (I’ll call her Jennifer) at 5AM saying she was leaving to Mexico to see her father and asking her to watch 2 of her 3 children at her home overnight/indefinitely. What’s weird is that:
I’ve been digging as much as I could and this is what I’ve found from messages to my mom and social media without tipping off her kids that we’re concerned.
This is the big one for me that I need someone to either confirm my line of thinking on or tell me I’m being dumb…
There’s more but basically everything about this occurrence is abnormal. Nothing is typical of her.
If there’s any chance this is real, what do we do??? I fully intend to call the cops if substantial confirmatory contact isn’t made in the next day or two, but I don’t know how to handle interactions with her children or further text messages that are still being sporadically responded to.
Any and all advice is extremely appreciated. I’m hoping so bad that this isn’t what it feels like but I don’t want to make a wrong move if there’s any chance something bad is happening.
submitted by pincherosa to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:07 RubyDoesStuff0000 The Lie is a Cake

Day 1 A news report breaks in [REDACTED] New York about a man waking up the previous morning, and attempting to turn on his TV to watch the latest episode of his favourite show, only for his remote to crumble in his hand. Confused as to what was going on, the man would attempt to manually turn on his TV, only to accidentally pull a chunk of it off. It was at this moment, that the man would discover that his TV had been replaced with a hyper-realistic cake. The man would question his wife about where the TV went, and why there was a hyper-realistic cake in its place. However, his wife was just as confused as he was about the entire situation at hand. The man would attempt to report this to his local authorities, claiming his TV had been stolen and replaced with a hyper-realistic cake. Only to be laughed off as a prankster due to his ridiculous claim. Angry at this, he would take his story to the local news station hoping for justice to be served to whoever stole his TV. Once again, his claims were laughed off and published as a mere joke. The man would claim that there would be more cases of people’s items being replaced with hyper-realistic cakes going forward and that they would all regret ignoring his case.
Day 29 Police reports coming from all over [REDACTED] New York would reveal the man’s words to be correct. Starting after a young woman would attempt to open her purse, only for the zip to completely come off upon being pulled and quickly break apart, taking some of the modelling chocolate with it. Soon people would begin reporting all over the area that their items had been completely replaced with cake. Phones, laptops, bags, earrings, necklaces, rings and even stacks of cash were discovered to have been replaced with hyper-realistic cakes. Local authorities, having now clearly learned that this was no prank, are looking into the cases to try and track down these valuable items. However, one thing these cases all have in common (aside from the cakes being delicious) is the complete lack of evidence pointing to any suspects. No DNA evidence, no signs of forced entry, and no people in the area at the time. Nobody is even sure when these items were replaced with cakes. They all say they could've sworn they were real a second ago, only to suddenly be cake. Almost as if there was no thief and they had just suddenly turned into cake. Authorities are still on the hunt for a possible suspect in this case, even though the wider New York authorities laugh at them for humouring these absurd claims.
Day 47 The situation has escalated much further than anyone could've possibly anticipated. Now the reports of items being replaced with hyper-realistic cake have rapidly expanded to the rest of New York. Hundreds of people are reporting that their valuable items are being discovered to be hyper-realistic cakes. A man would take his phone out of his pocket to check if he'd received any important emails, only for his phone to crumble into pieces of cake in his hand. A woman would attempt to cash in a check of $100,000 to a bank, only for the modelling chocolate on the check to smash into several pieces when placed down on the counter. A couple would attempt to hurry their kids into the car, worrying they may be late for school. Only for the car to fall apart right in front of them, as the door is pulled off and falls to the ground. People are getting scared, they're worrying that at any moment, any of their prized possessions could end up being a hyper-realistic cake. Nobody is sure what is real and what is cake anymore, so they've taken to trying to cut anything they own, hoping to weed out the cake from the non-cake. Many have ended up accidentally destroying many of the things they own in the process of doing this. But those who still have their stuff have taken to putting stickers on them to ensure they know they're real. That was until an edible sticker was found to be on the back of a hyper-realistic cake emulating a mobile phone. Now, people’s only option is to place all their valued possessions into safes, covered in locks with an 87-number code that not even they know. The governor of New York has commented on the situation claiming that he's doing all he can to try and solve the hyper-realistic cake mystery, but he can only do so much to calm the fear and paranoia that has overcome New York.
Day 93 The situation has dramatically escalated even further somehow, as the hyper-realistic cake plague has now begun heavily affecting the nearby states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and even some parts of Canada. Reports are coming in from all over the USA and even some of Mexico and South America of people’s items suddenly being replaced with ominous (albeit, tasty) hyper-realistic cakes. The president is doing nothing to quell the fear of US citizens, claiming the whole situation is ridiculous and that everyone is a fool for buying into it. People are starting to riot in the streets believing the president is not doing enough to try and prevent the appearance of hyper-realistic cakes. Many other countries are beginning to consider closing off all travel to the USA out of fear, and some like Germany even going through with it. The safes people were using to hold their valuable items are no longer safe. Many have been discovered to have been replaced with hyper-realistic cakes, leading to even greater fear and paranoia among citizens. And the worst thing of all. The police officer who was in charge of the case in [REDACTED] New York was discovered by his wife the previous night to have been replaced with an identical hyperrealistic cake. There is no evidence of where he may have gone, and there is no evidence pointing to who might've taken him. He has seemingly disappeared without a trace.
Day 149 As fear was reaching its limits, a spark of hope managed to emerge. Tension has been rising as countries all over the world have been receiving reports of people disappearing, and being replaced with hyper-realistic cakes. Even including those that shut off travel to the USA. The president has continued to display pure apathy to the situation, claiming the whole thing to be a farce, until he discovered one morning his wife had been turned into a hyper-realistic cake. Outraged at this, he demanded the perpetrator be immediately found and caught. He banned the selling of any ingredients that could be used to make a hyper-realistic cake, including flour, sugar, eggs, butter, baking powder, chocolate, honey, macaroni and cheese (he does not know how to make a cake, and decided it was better safe than sorry). But even then, hyper-realistic cakes continued to appear. Now even houses and everything in them were getting replaced with giant hyper-realistic cakes, twice the size of an average human being. The president was getting desperate now and was willing to do anything to catch the man responsible for this. So he had cameras set up on every street in every city in every state across the entire USA. And he had every cop working 24/7 on the sight of each camera making sure nothing was replaced with a hyper-realistic cake, and if they were to see hyper-realistic cake-related activities, they were to press a button, sounding the alarm. Yesterday, after weeks and weeks of nothing. An extremely tired officer managed to catch a woman attempting to replace a baby with a hyper-realistic cake. The woman, upon being caught, would quickly admit she was behind the hyper-realistic cake shenanigans. She was immediately brought to Washington DC where the president would proceed to scream and cry at her for hours before demanding she be placed in a holding cell so she could be questioned the following day. This was quickly announced by White House officials and the world began celebrating, praising the president as a hero who was able to end the hyper-realistic cake plague. The joyful people of the world are currently awaiting a word from the US president on who this mysterious woman is, what her motives are and where she’s keeping all these missing people.
Day 180 To the horror of everyone around the globe, the following morning, all hope was lost and all dreams were dashed. The woman taken captive last night was found to have been replaced with a hyper-realistic cake, just as everyone was. The president demanded a search for any evidence indicating how she could've escaped, but they were unable to find anything. Even the cameras meant to keep track of the woman had mysteriously failed to capture anything the previous night. This was the breaking point for the president, and as a result of this, he'd soon become wrapped up in an extremely insane conspiracy. He'd soon begin to believe the cake was a being that was more powerful than any of them, and that it needed to be eradicated at all costs. The presidents would proceed to declare Marshall law and cut off all transport to other countries. People, seeing exactly what was going to happen, attempted to escape the country by piloting the planes and boats themselves. Only to discover the planes and boats were all hyper-realistic cakes, that were unable to fly and would easily sink in water. The president would also declare that all cake is to be thoroughly burned, and anyone believed to be a cake is to be executed on sight, preferably by being cut with a blade. The president would have all secret service agents executed, claiming that they were conspiring with the cake and aided the woman in escaping custody. But even if this wasn't enough for the president, soon he’d begin believing that other countries were made of cake too and declared that any countries believed to be “cake countries” would be bombed off the map. Starting with Mexico, he sent wave after wave of bombs to the country until he was sure anyone inside was dead. He'd soon turn his attention to Germany, believing that it was also a “cake country” due to them previously closing off transportation from the USA there. Soon, Germany was no more, and the president would celebrate that he had destroyed another “cake country”. It seemed like to the president, that every country except the USA was a cake country, and no amount of bombing he did would change that. Everyone knew the sheer amount of bombs he was using was going to destroy the planet, but he didn't care. But just as quickly as this began, it ended. Yesterday, a large angry mob stormed the White House. The president would attempt to bomb the mob, only to discover the bomb launchpad had been replaced with cake. The mob quickly overpowered anyone left supporting the president with sheer numbers, and they swiftly beat the president to death in a manner too disturbing to even attempt to describe. Blood was everywhere, but they didn't care anymore, the dictator was dead.
Day 294 Shortly after the president's death, the USA descended into chaos. People were still being replaced with cake, and nobody had any way to contact people outside the USA, as every single phone was seemingly now a hyper-realistic cake. Many don't even believe there's anyone left out there, and that they were all killed by the president. People quickly began to believe the president was right, and that all the other countries were now just cake. But they took it one step further, they now began to ponder if the entire globe itself was just one giant cake. People began getting so scared of others being cake, that they would attempt to cut anyone they meet just to see if they were cake. There is no food left now besides hyper-realistic cakes, and many are so scared of them that they refuse to even go near them, let alone attempt to eat them. Many are dying from starvation, and those willing to eat the cakes are usually branded as “cake people” and killed on sight. There's still no sign of the people who went missing and were replaced with hyper-realistic cakes. Many believe they just vanished from reality itself or that they were taken by the cake. Some people have begun to worship the cake as a god and make sacrifices to it believing it'll bring their loved ones back. Reality is crumbling, society has fallen apart and it won’t be long until humanity is gone.
Day 334 Not even a year following the first-ever incident, the last human being on earth has died today. Alone, cold and afraid. There is nothing left. No trees, no grass, no water, no animals, no humans, nothing. The only thing that remains now is the hyper-realistic cakes. And that, is the story, of how I destroyed humanity with FUCKING CAKES! I guess in the end you could say… it was real.
submitted by RubyDoesStuff0000 to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:38 No_Literature_9785 I need some advice.. 28M and 27F. She had. secret lover behind my back. Is there anyway to fix the relationship ?

Im 28 M and she is 27F. We started dating in early 2017. I was a single dad when she met me and we clicked right away. Unfortunately I didn’t have proper boundaries set with my babymomma which caused my relationship with my new gf to become difficult and stressful. I did set boundaries and I was showing her that I was focused on her and my kid and no one else. We were good for a while. About two years went by and at this point we are together like she is my girl my rock my partner. Unfortunately her and I did have problems. We would argue over simple stuff and we both had some anger issues we were working on. At the end of 2019 she chose to take a break and left me but not really left me. Her and I would still go and spend everyday together after she made her choice to take a break. So that kinda messed with my head and in my heart I knew I wanted to be with her so I did whatever I could to be with her. She felt the same way but she put restrictions on me. I wouldn’t be able to hug her or hold her hand. She would tell me we aren’t together remember that. Even on new years we spent it together I went for a new years kiss like how we did the year before but she refused. It was my first time dealing with something like this. So I chose to just keep it going hopefully one day her and I get back together. She’ll see that I’m working on myself ti be the very best version of me for her. Fast forward to march of 2020. She is having me drop her off earlier and earlier at her house. Then one day I went on. Her instagram. I trusted her so I wouldn’t check her stuff. But this time I did I checked her tagged photos and right there was a picture of her with some guy hugging and kissing. Caption read” Loml❤️” I lost it. I called her she didn’t answer I told her I knew what was up and that she had a new bf. I told her thanks for lying and making me think I’m the problem. Her response was “I’m not doing this right now. I’m going ti block you”. She called me the next day asking if we could talk. Of course I went and talked to her. Before I knew it. Her and I were hanging out like normal again. Except this time I would drop her off early and we were back to having sex. She would still go and be with the other guy at night but during the day she was with me. That lasted till may when her guy found out that she was still hooking up with me and spending all this time with me. They broke up and her and I got back together. Crazy so far right.? It gets crazier. Fast forward a year later to my 26 birthday , we are still together. We live in our house we have two cats and very stable financially we had just came back from our first vacation. Things were great except for that day we celebrated my birthday and I was working the night shift so I took her to her moms house for her to visit and I would pick her up after. She gets out the car and leaves her phone. I notice right away but she’s already inside. Her phone receives a notification. It’s a Snapchat , I thought it’s her best friend then I look it closely and see it’s just a face emoji. I immediately open it and it was a guy she had been talking ti behind my back. And not only was she talking to him but they were having full on sex talks and nudes where sent and saved. I saw it all. She was calling him names like babe or daddy or papi. I scrolled all the way as much as I could. It stretched all the way back to 2017. Then I realized this kid was the one that she would tell me she was talking to but as friend and nothing more. She told me this 2018. I was naive and trusted her. She came in the car for her phone but instead I showed her what I found out. She said it was all fake and none of that meant anything to her. Clearly at this point I know she’s lying even more but I still chose to work things out. We did work things out and remained together. But now I have trust issues that I’m working past. Fast forward to 2023 October to be exact. We broke up because we were having financial issues and our anger was getting a bit out of hand. But we still saw each other every single day after that. About a month in she began to act differently. She would not let me touch her iPad while to switch to new shows to watch or to scroll on YouTube for us to watch anew video or whatever we wanted to watch. I would call her out on her behavior and tell her she is acting sneaky. She denied and denied said I was tripping. Okay so at this point I know something is up. That’s when she gave me the phone I had bought her back after she got herself her own phone. I get the phone and decided to download Snapchat and instagram. And before I could even blink I see that the phone saved her login info. I had two choices look through her stuff or erase it not invade her privacy. I chose to look through her snap first and right away I see 5 different guys Snapchating with her. At the very top was the guy she had been talking to since 2017 the same guy I caught her up on my birthday. She was planning a vacation to go see him. The guy is stationed in Tokyo he’s a marine. She was telling me she was going to Mexico. But in reality she was leaving to Tokyo and I just had to be ok with it. She gave me a blowjob literally the day I confronted her about it. She was leaving to spend valentines week with him. And she did leave. When she came back she tried to talk to me but I was in shambles. My heart was broken. eventually I gave in and said yeah let’s hangout. Before I knew it we were spending everyday together again and we were behaving like a couple again. But then came reality hitting me hard. I was using her iPad earlier this month and I went on her calendar to figure out a date for us to go on a trip. When I opens the app I saw may 31st listed as Tokyo trip. She was leaving once again at the end of the month and wouldn’t be back till June 7th. My world once again came crashing down. She said sorry but was still going and she tried to say she is doing it because she wanted to travel. It’s all bs on my mind because her and I could’ve traveled anywhere we wanted to. Now it’s the week of her leaving and she tells me that when she comes back we’ll work on being together again. I know it sounds like I’m an idiot and rightfully so. My actions of taking her back over and over have made it be ok for her to do this. I’m confused and pretty messed up in the head that I don’t know what to do or how to handle any of this anymore. Is it better to just leave and work on myself without her anymore or stay and wait for her ?
submitted by No_Literature_9785 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:29 Krixwell Homebrew Outsider: Mannequin

"I want to pick *points* this player and *points* that pl— oh wait, that's just a mannequin in similar clothes."
Mannequin (Outsider): Once per night, when a player chooses a player, they might register as choosing you instead, if legal. You then learn the real chosen player.
The Mannequin quietly takes the place of one player in up to one choice each night.


I don't know why you'd do this as an ST, but the Butler ability doesn't work unless the Butler knows who they're choosing and why, so it needs a jinx.


The Monk chooses to protect the Fortune Teller. The Mannequin is protected instead, and learns the Fortune Teller's name.
The Fortune Teller chooses the Imp and the Soldier. The Fortune Teller receives a no. The Mannequin wakes to learn the Imp's name.
If the picker chooses multiple players, the Mannequin only replaces one of them, and only learn the one they replaced.
The Vigormortis chooses to kill the Sage. The Mannequin dies instead, and does not learn the Sage's name.
The second part of the ability never resolves because the Mannequin lost the ability partway through.
The Alchemist Poisoner chooses to poison the No Dashii. The Mannequin is poisoned instead, and may or may not learn a player's name.
This poison does not undo the "choice" of the Mannequin instead of the No Dashii. The poison does however come into effect before the Mannequin would be told who was really picked, so they may learn the wrong player or nothing at all.
The Alchemist Devil's Advocate chooses the Poppy Grower. The Mannequin is protected from execution. The next night, the Alchemist Devil's Advocate chooses themself. The Mannequin cannot replace this, because the ADA would have chosen them two nights in a row. (The ADA could also legally have chosen the Poppy Grower.)
"if legal" prevents the Mannequin from being "chosen" by a character that shouldn't be able to choose them tonight.
The Lunatic chooses to "attack" the Ravenkeeper. The Mannequin learns the Ravenkeeper's name. The Lleech learns that the Lunatic chose the Mannequin. The Lleech follows suit and kills the Mannequin.

Why does it learn?

Even working only once per night, this seems like it would be a rather destructive form of misregistry, likely enough that most players with this ability would self-nominate day 1.
But I also want getting rid of the Mannequin to be a valid option for the good team, for the same reason. Thus, no "even if dead".
So how do we keep it from being unfun to stay alive longer than necessary?
The information part of the ability is a carrot for the Mannequin. If the Mannequin can work out who was affected, it can be used to reverse engineer how and why the ability was used, and facilitate some amount of confirmation between the Mannequin and players whose abilities were redirected.
It also acts as a balancing measure against STs using the ability in certain overly punishing ways.
For example, imagine you're the Mannequin in the Fortune Teller example above, and you manage to connect with the Fortune Teller. Hmmm, kind of interesting that the Storyteller used the ability to redirect an FT's pick away from the Imp player, isn't it? That's arguably more suspicious than an FT yes on its own, considering the existence of the red herring mechanic and the ambiguity of which of the two players is giving off the yes. But only if the FT and the Mannequin are able to trust each other.
This also makes it potentially useful for ST's to occasionally use the Mannequin ability even when it wouldn't actually change the result, for evil players to bluff having picked the player the Mannequin is claiming to have learned, or for Minions to bluff being the Mannequin (wouldn't recommend it for Demons without a backup life).
In short, I think the Mannequin learning who they replaced is far more interesting for everyone involved, including the Mannequin themself. It gives the Mannequin something to do while alive and a chance to mitigate or even utilize the damage their ability does without necessarily sacrificing an execution and a good player's democratic powers.


Many Minion interactions are more likely to be relevant to an Alchemist than to the actual Minion, because this is an Outsider and should ideally be used to interfere with good more than evil. As such, I will treat the Minions below alignment-agnostically unless otherwise noted, with good ones probably being Alchemists.
Demons in general (with a couple exceptions) can have their kills redirected to the Mannequin. This is mostly useful if they were about to kill a landmine character.
Most Travelers can't be affected by the Mannequin because they either don't make picks or pick in the daytime.
submitted by Krixwell to BloodOnTheClocktower [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:24 lexaholicc Phone logs while in Mexico

Going to Mexico secretly for a week. Part of my plan is being able to seamlessly use my phone in MX/CA, but will this show up in my usage or phone logs that I'm in Mexico somehow?
submitted by lexaholicc to tmobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:43 cheapcottontee The nightmare is over. I'm free.

I am officially out. Two nights I made the decision to finally walk out, and I am definitely officially out of that household. All the years, all the abuse, all the venom and narcissism and manipulation, gone in one night. I am starting to feel so light, so free. And it all started with one little argument to finally push me over the edge. So for context, I'm 22. I'm an international student from Mexico, and I'm living right now in the United States, studying a I tried running away from the house a little over a year ago, back when I still lived in Mexico. It didn't work. I didn't have a support network, it wasn't a generally good environment, and my parents had way too many connections to make it safe for me to go outside and enjoy life without being stalked. I ended up going back to their home, giving them a second chance under the guise of them "having changed" and us going to therapy.(All of this of course after they broke into my home to get me to "talk") Obviously, things went back to what they always are. Now the whole fallout starts about two weeks ago. My parents went on a trip back to Mexico. I stayed home alone, and the entire week I kept thinking to myself, I was so free. I felt more at peace than I had been in months without them at home. While they were gone, I went on a trip with my cousin to my aunt's house. I had a talk with that whole side of the family (My aunt, my uncle, my cousins) and I finally opened up to them about years of abuse. Years of pain and complaints that I kept in me. And I had to be honest with myself and tell them "I'm not happy there anymore". I received hugs, they cried with me, and they told me that they've known she had a problem for years, they just didn't know the extent and depth. Pretty much my entire extended family has beef with my mom because she's put in so much effort in burning every bridge in her life with the way she treats people. I was finally seen and understood and validated by family, they told me "This is not okay". They told me "We are here for you"
Fast forward to two nights ago. My family and I have, by this point, moved to a new place to rent, and my dad buys some Ikea furniture for our rooms. It's night time and I'm in my room assembling a bedframe and a night stand. I am so tired and done with the whole process, and my Narcissist mother comes in. I placed my bed away from either wall of my room so that there's space for me to jump into bed from either side. I guess she didn't appreciate that (even though it's MY room and it doesn't affect her), and the following conversation ensued: "You're gonna need 2 night stands for that bed placement to work" "Huh? What do you mean?" "One space is gonna be empty if you put your bed there (??)" "Oh but I'm not placing the night stand there" "What do you mean you're not?" "Yeah, I'm gonna place it over here. Not next to the bed" "Well that's not where it goes, it's supposed to go next to your bed" "Yeah, but I don't like it next to my bed, I like it here" By this point she starts raising her voice "Yeah! And I'm telling you that's not what night stands are made for." "Well I don't like it there! It's my room" "Lower your tone!" "I'm not even yelling at you" "Yes you are!!!" My dad comes in the room. As usual, he immediately takes her side without asking questions "Hey!! Calm down!! Lower your tone [my name]!!" "I'm not even yelling" "Yes you are, you don't realize the way you talk to us" My mom suddenly brings up something from earlier in the day. I introduced her to a college classmate I ran into, and I guess she made up some narrative in her mind: "And you know what!! The way your friend said hi to me earlier today, I know you've been talking about me. He didn't even want to hug me!!! I know you've been talking badly about me behind my back, like you always do!!!" (This literally never happened. I'm not even that close to this classmate. He knows next to nothing about my personal life) "What are you even talking about?? No I didn't!" "Yes you did!!" "No I did not" "I know for a fact you did!! You've done it before, liar" "Ugh you know what? You're imagining stuff. You're making stuff up that isn't there. I'm telling you I didn't." She walks out of the room rolling eyes at me like I'm some idiot she has to deal with, and my dad stays in the room with me. He goes on this very vague and inflammatory lecture about 'the boy who cried wolf' and how my actions have repercussions on my reputation. About how 8 years ago I complained about them to some friend and now they can't trust me anymore. I tell him that I'm not doing that and that, I'm not sure what hoops they expect me to jump through to "prove" I'm trustworthy again. My mom suddenly walks in the room again, and she says "If you've changed so much, why don't you let us go through your computer, huh?? since you're so different now and you've changed so much!! Go on [dad's name], take his computer and go through it, let's see what we find" This of course with the intent of checking all my emails, messages, content, anything. As I've posted here before, my parents absolutely hate my significant other, and I know that if they go on my computer and see my messages with her, it's going to catapult me into a whole new realm of abuse and isolation. Plus, I'm 22. Why should my parents have access to MY computer and my private matters?? This whole time I am thinking, "I can't do this anymore. I can't stand this. I can't live like this, I can't anymore. When will I put a stop to this??" My dad stands up from where he was sitting next to me, and he goes "Well come on then, [my name]. Are you gonna show us?" My mom, like a comedically evil witch is barking orders with a sinister smile and a vengeful tone on her "Take his computer now!" "You WILL give us the password [my name]" This entire time, I am silent. I am silent for what seems like an eternity. In reality it must have been a minute or two. Finally, they snap after watching me silently "Give us the password now!!" And finally my survival instincts kick in. All those years, all that time. And I have had it. I can't do it anymore. I stood up, I shrugged, I adjusted my pants, and with my firm voice I went "No." The shock on their faces was like the shock you saw at the Oscars when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock "EXCUSE YOU!! GIVE IT TO US NOW!! REBELLIOUS CHILD!! GIVE IT UP NOW!!" "No. I won't." And immediately as if on cue "Get out of this house. Get out right now" "Okay!" I started grabbing a bunch of sweaters and items, and my mom immediately goes "You're not taking anything out of this house!!" "Okay!" And I head downstairs to get out. Immediately they run after me to block the door "You're not leaving" "Yes I am, you just kicked me out" "Oh you ARE kicked out!!! After we talk!" "Nope, I'm leaving now" There's a small tussle and fight. They try to grab me, I'm stronger than them, I make it out of the house while my mother is saying something about calling the police or whatever. I'm outside the house with my dad and he won't let go, it's just me and him now while that woman is inside doing who knows what. My dad is holding on to my arm "[my name], please let's talk please please" "Let go of me" "Please, I don't want to" "If you don't let go of me right now, I'm gonna start screaming and pounding on the neighbor's door, and it's gonna escalate" He lets go, and finally, I lay it all on him. Years and years of misery, of frustration, which probably warrants a whole other post and which I recorded in my voice memos just in case" I even told him that I know my mom has a mental illness, something I've never expressed to him before. He told me "Please don't tell me what it is", and I respected that. We were outside in the cold talking for about an hour and a half. Until finally my mother opened the door again, this time trying to act innocent and shy and harmless. "You guys are still out here? Come back inside, it's cold. Please, talk the rest inside". My dad tells her: "He doesn't want to come back inside. He says he won't" "Ugh, well then honey, let him grab his things and leave! He doesn't want to, fine!" and I go "Thank you" I head back inside and start packing everything. My mom tries to make small talk, and I'm very civil and answer back normally. Until she goes "You can't take the laptop with you though" "Um yes I can." and back again with her condescending tone "Umm no you can't" "Yes I can, it's mine." "No it's not, we bought it for you" "Yeah, but you gave it to me as a gift. You can't just take gifts back. It's mine" "No!!! That's ours!! And you are LEAVING IT!!" "No!" She reaches for the computer, at the same time I reach for a shirt next to the computer, she sees my arm approaching and she starts screeching like an animal "DONT YOU TOUCH ME!!! DON'T DARE LAY A SINGLE FINGER ON ME!! IF YOU TOUCH A SINGLE HAIR I'LL HAVE YOU IN JAIL FOR A YEAR" (yeah ok) I just had to smile at how dramatic she is. "No one's touching you. Calm down" "YOU'RE A MANIPULATOR. YOU LIAR!! YOU'RE A REBELLIOUS UNGRATEFUL CHILD IS WHAT YOU ARE. YOU THINK YOU'RE LEAVING THIS HOUSE WITH THIS COMPUTER? YOU'LL HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME. YOU THINK YOU'RE TAKING THIS COMPUTER? HUH?" And then she joyfully slammed my laptop against the table. It broke open and pieces flew out. It got completely bent out of shape and obviously rendered useless. She had that narcissistic smile, thinking full of joy, that this would be my last straw, waiting to see how much pain she had inflicted on me by smashing something I worked with. But instead, I laughed in her face. I laughed, and it ignited the fire even more. What followed was a barrage of insults and manipulation tactics "YOU DESERVED ALL THOSE TIMES I BEAT YOU!! TRAITOR. LEECH. JUDAS" (even though she denied she ever even beat me. also, if I'm Judas does that make her god herself in her mind?) I finally finish packing my stuff after going "Ok. Mhm. Wow. Ok. Sure. Uh huh" for 10 minutes. Finally she's done unloading her venom after I mock her face and voice, and she tells me "When you leave, close your door on the way out" "Uh huh, okay" My dad is disappointed. I'm not sure he even knows what I'm feeling or thinking "I see you've made your decision. I wish you'd think about it." "I've been thinking about it for years" "It hurts me that you're doing this" "It hurts me too dad. Sorry this happened" I called my cousin that I mentioned at the start "Hey, sorry to do this so late. Could you come pick me up?" "Yeah, are you okay? What's going on?" "Something happened. I need a place to stay" "Okay, on my way" While I was outside waiting for him to pick me up, my mother tried one last tactic. "Goodbye son" with a warm motherly voice she could only fake. "Goodbye." "You know I love you right? and I forgive you for everything you did" "Hm." "Can I get a hug before you leave?" I wanted to be petty, but for my own conscience I felt that if they crash and died tomorrow, I'd regret not having some sort of goodbye hug. However fake and spiteful it was. So I hugged her very briefly and with a bit of disgust. "I'm glad you called your cousin. Just tell him the truth, say you decided to walk out of here. Not that we kicked you out" Those were the last words we spoke. That we will probably ever speak to each other. That was her concern, what I'd say about her to others.
Once my cousin picked me up, I loaded everything I had in his car, and off we went to his house. I told him everything, and he was glad I had finally put a stop to it. He understood, and now we are here. This is the most free I've ever felt. I'm going to continue my studies without feeling judged at home. I have a proper home now, where I am treated fairly, wanted. There's been so many phone calls, with my aunt, my mother. These days my mother hasn't bothered contacting me. I think she knows she's lost all power on me. My dad on the other hand has sent texts concerned about my well being. I've answered them briefly and he's been respectful enough to not try to do more. My mother from what I last heard called my cousin (He's 33 btw) threatening him with all sorts of insults. My cousin told her she's officially not welcome at the house, and if she shows up, cops will be called on her. My girlfriend is so happy to finally see me out of this horrible house, as am I. I don't know what to even do with all this freedom. I'll take it easy and slow for a bit. No drinking, no crazy stuff. I need to process a lot still, but I'm so glad this is finally over. For years she loved to tell me "Everything you do in secret will be shouted from the rooftops" To threaten and scare me into "confessing" things. Well, if you're reading this, you witch, I am now shouting what you did, and will continue to shout from the rooftops that I beat you. Witch, I know you hate that word. Sorry, not sorry. Thank you everyone. TL;DR: Huge argument with parents about night stand that escalated into me leaving the house for good. Am staying with cousin. Mother has been warned to not come close or cops will be called.
submitted by cheapcottontee to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:30 ComfortableLate1525 I just finished watching “The Empress.” My thoughts.

“The Empress” is basically “The Crown,” but in German and focusing on the Austrian Imperial Family in the 1850s, specifically Empress Elisabeth.
Here are some of my thoughts about the show, and they’ll only really make sense to those who have watched the show.
I highly recommend the show, but I will warn you that there are some sexual moments with nudity, for any of you prudish people out there.
As always, we have to keep in mind that just like “The Crown,” this show is based off of real events, but very dramatized. I would say even more so than “The Crown.”
Firstly, this show shows the biggest flaw in absolute monarchy, that being manipulation. Emperor Franz Joseph is hindered in his early reign by his controlling and manipulative mother, Princess Sophie of Bavaria.
It also shows that not all royals, not the vast majority, actually hate the masses, as many republicans like to claim. Most royals genuinely care about bettering their country’s standard of living.
I also have come to believe that anti-monarchism, especially in the modern world, stems from ignorance. Countess Leontine von Apafi initially starts off as a revolutionary who is plotting to aid in the assassinations of the top members of the Imperial Family. She works as one of Empress Elisabeth’s lady in waiting (I think that’s what her role was?). As she gets to know the Empress, she begins to sympathize with her struggles adjusting at court. She eventually gains a sorta friendship with the Empress.
In this show, Emperor Franz Joseph’s brother Archduke Maximilian, before he became Emperor of Mexico, is very narcissistic. At one point, he believes he is better suited to be Emperor than his brother. He thinks he can overthrow his brother, but essentially fails. I know, I’m almost certain this didn’t happen in real life. And although I thought his story in the show was excellent writing, I don’t approve of it being applied to a real person for the sake of dramatization.
I also took a great interest in the minor plot of Luzi, the adorable youngest brother of the Emperor. Now, I wasn’t sure what the writers were going for, but his somewhat small character arch hit me hard. People today have such a fixed idea of what is manly and what is girly. So, seeing young Luzi playing with dolls and wearing a dress struck me. Turns out that these things weren’t considered weird for young boys until the late 1800s, and in some places, even the early 1900s. My point is, modern “conservatism” should always have a parentheses around it, because it really is just quote “conservatism.”
Lastly, I just find court culture in this time period so fascinating. It’s still very traditional and formal, but it’s also trying its best to modernize in a world that was changing very fast.
I have a love-hate relationship with these kind of shows. “The Crown,” “The Empress,” that one show about the Russian Imperial Family during the downfall, etc. I like that they humanize royalty, but I hate that they change events to make it more dramatic. I understand that the conversations are made up, and most get that. I just hate having to fact check whether a “historical event” is actually factual or added in for drama.
For those who have watched the show, what are your thoughts?
submitted by ComfortableLate1525 to monarchism [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:57 Sweet-Count2557 Best Things to Do in Spring Hill Fl

Best Things to Do in Spring Hill Fl
Best Things to Do in Spring Hill Fl Are you ready for an adventure? Join us as we uncover the best things to do in Spring Hill, FL.From wildlife sanctuaries to beautiful parks and recreation areas, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Immerse yourself in nature at the Wildlife Survival Sanctuary, or relax on the Gulf of Mexico shoreline at Alfred McKethan Pine Island Park.Looking for indoor activities and nightlife? Sample delicious wines at Strong Tower Vineyard or enjoy live music at local bars and clubs.Let's explore and experience the freedom of Spring Hill together.Key TakeawaysSpring Hill offers a variety of outdoor activities and attractions, including wildlife sanctuaries, parks, and botanical gardens.Visitors can enjoy nature and wildlife by exploring the diverse flora and fauna at Nature Coast Botanical Gardens & Nursery, spotting manatees at Weekiwachee Preserve, and taking walks along the trails of Crews Lake Wilderness Park.For those interested in vineyards and wineries, Strong Tower Vineyard offers wine tasting and a relaxing atmosphere by the fireplace.Families can have a great time in Spring Hill with activities such as visiting the Wildlife Survival Sanctuary, enjoying picnics and playgrounds at Bayport Park, and attending events and activities at Crews Lake Wilderness Park.Wildlife and NatureThe Wildlife Survival Sanctuary is a must-visit attraction in Spring Hill, offering a unique opportunity to observe rescued animals such as primates, big cats, and reptiles up close. Located in the heart of nature, this sanctuary is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. As you walk through the sanctuary, you'll be surrounded by the sights and sounds of these magnificent creatures. It's a truly immersive experience that allows you to connect with nature on a deeper level.One of the best things about the Wildlife Survival Sanctuary is its commitment to animal welfare. The dedicated volunteers who run the sanctuary aren't only knowledgeable about the animals but also deeply caring. They work tirelessly to ensure the well-being of the animals and raise awareness about the issues they face. It's truly inspiring to see their passion and dedication in action.During your visit, you can take a guided tour and learn about animal care and conservation efforts. The knowledgeable guides will share fascinating insights about the rescued animals and the challenges they face in the wild. It's a great opportunity to expand your knowledge and become more aware of the importance of preserving wildlife and their habitats.The Wildlife Survival Sanctuary is a hidden gem in Spring Hill, offering a unique and educational experience for visitors of all ages. So, if you're looking for things to do in Spring Hill, FL, and have a love for wildlife and nature, be sure to add this sanctuary to your list. It's an experience that will leave you with a greater appreciation for the beauty and diversity of our natural world.Parks and RecreationLet's explore the parks and recreation options available in Spring Hill, FL. Here are some exciting things to do in Spring Hill Florida:Delta Woods Park: This park offers lighted walking paths, picnic shelters, and sports facilities. It's perfect for downtown strolls and getting some fresh air. You can get active with soccer, volleyball, or tetherball. It's a great place for outdoor activities with friends.Rotary Centennial Dog Park: If you have a furry friend, this is the place to be. It's Hernando County's only dog park and features fenced-in play areas for dogs. It's a great place for them to run and play. You can spend quality time with your pet and play catch with a frisbee or ball.Weeki Wachee Springs State Park: This park is home to the famous Mermaid Show. You can enjoy water activities such as swimming and kayaking. The park also features a water park with slides and flumes. It's a great place to enjoy the natural springs and wildlife. Don't miss out on the unique mermaid attraction.Weeki Wachee River: If you're a fan of kayaking and canoeing, this is the perfect spot for you. The crystal clear waters and scenic views make it a beautiful place to explore. You can also spot abundant wildlife and enjoy the natural beauty of the river. It's a peaceful and refreshing outdoor adventure.With these amazing parks and recreation options, there's something for everyone in Spring Hill, FL. After enjoying the outdoor activities, you can now move on to explore the indoor activities and nightlife in the area.Indoor Activities and NightlifeFor our indoor activities and nightlife options, let's explore some of the best things to do in Spring Hill, FL. Whether you're looking for a cozy evening by the fireplace or a night out with live music and entertainment, Spring Hill has something for everyone.Indoor ActivitiesNightlifeOther OptionsEnjoy a delicious meal with great wine by the fireplace at a local restaurantSpend time at Strong Tower Vineyard on Friday nights, try their award-winning Southern Blanc wineAttend events and parties at Alfred McKethan Pine Island ParkVisit Strong Tower Vineyard for wine tasting and purchasingEnjoy live music and entertainment at local bars and clubsVisit Bayport Park for a peaceful evening by the waterExplore the Wildlife Survival SanctuaryTake a stroll at Nature Coast Botanical Gardens & NurseryRelax at Linda Pedersen ParkStart your evening by enjoying a delicious meal with a glass of wine by the cozy fireplace at one of the local restaurants. You can also visit Strong Tower Vineyard for wine tasting and purchasing, where you can try their award-winning Southern Blanc wine. On Friday nights, the vineyard comes alive with live music and entertainment, creating a vibrant atmosphere for a night out.For a unique and educational experience, visit the Wildlife Survival Sanctuary. Founded in 2000, this sanctuary houses rescued animals such as primates, big cats, and reptiles. It is run by caring and knowledgeable volunteers who raise awareness about animal issues. Take a guided tour to learn about animal care and conservation efforts.Nature lovers will appreciate a leisurely stroll at the Nature Coast Botanical Gardens & Nursery. This multi-acre garden features lush trees, bushes, and flowers, offering a peaceful atmosphere to unwind and connect with nature. Don't forget to explore the butterfly garden and koi pond for a truly enchanting experience.If you're looking for a relaxing evening by the water, head to Linda Pedersen Park. Nestled along Shoal Line Boulevard, this park offers waterways for fishing and boating, as well as hiking trails and a playground. It's the perfect spot for picnics and enjoying outdoor activities with friends and family.Family-Friendly ActivitiesSometimes, families want to find activities that are enjoyable for everyone, so let's explore some of the best family-friendly things to do in Spring Hill, FL.Wildlife Survival Sanctuary: Take your family on an educational adventure at the Wildlife Survival Sanctuary. This sanctuary, founded in 2000, houses rescued animals such as primates, big cats, and reptiles. Run by caring and knowledgeable volunteers, the sanctuary raises awareness on animal issues and offers tours to learn about animal care.Bayport Park: Enjoy a day of fun at Bayport Park. Situated at the end of Florida State Road 50, this park features a boardwalk, fishing pier, and picnic pavilions. It's the ideal spot for relaxation and enjoying sunset views. Don't forget to bring your fishing gear to enjoy the view from the pier.Nature Coast Botanical Gardens & Nursery: Immerse your family in the beauty of nature at the Nature Coast Botanical Gardens & Nursery. Located at 1489 Parker Avenue, this multi-acre garden offers a peaceful atmosphere and is a free attraction. Explore the lush trees, bushes, and flowers, and don't forget to check out the butterfly garden and koi pond.Linda Pedersen Park: Have a memorable family outing at Linda Pedersen Park. Nestled along Shoal Line Boulevard, this park offers waterways for fishing and boating, as well as hiking trails and a playground. It's the perfect place for relaxation, picnics, and enjoying activities like fishing, boating, and playing on the playground.These family-friendly activities in Spring Hill, FL, offer something for everyone. Whether you're looking for an educational experience, a day of outdoor fun, or a peaceful encounter with nature, Spring Hill has it all. So gather your family and start exploring these wonderful attractions.Vineyards and WineriesWe can visit Strong Tower Vineyard for wine tasting and purchasing. This charming vineyard offers a relaxing atmosphere where we can unwind and enjoy the flavors of their award-winning Southern Blanc wine. As we sip on our wine, we can cozy up by the fireplace and take in the serene surroundings. Strong Tower Vineyard also provides the opportunity to learn about the wine-making process through tours and tastings.To give you a better idea of what to expect at Strong Tower Vineyard, here is a table that highlights some of the key features:FeaturesDetailsWine TastingSample a variety of winesWine PurchasingTake home your favorite bottlesToursLearn about the wine-making processFireplaceCozy up by the warm fireAt Strong Tower Vineyard, the focus is not just on the wine, but also on creating a welcoming and enjoyable experience for visitors. The friendly staff is always ready to answer any questions and provide recommendations based on your preferences.In addition to visiting Strong Tower Vineyard, Spring Hill also offers a range of local restaurants where you can pair your wine with delicious meals. Whether you're a wine connoisseur or simply looking for a relaxing afternoon, a visit to Strong Tower Vineyard is a must for wine lovers and anyone seeking a laid-back atmosphere. So come and indulge in the flavors of Spring Hill at this delightful winery.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Water Activities Available at the Wildlife Survival Sanctuary?Yes, there are water activities available at the Wildlife Survival Sanctuary.While the sanctuary primarily focuses on animal care and raising awareness, they also offer tours that provide opportunities for visitors to learn about animal conservation and enjoy the surrounding natural beauty.These tours may include activities such as observing aquatic animals in their habitats, learning about water conservation efforts, or even participating in interactive experiences like feeding or bathing certain animals.The sanctuary aims to provide a well-rounded educational and immersive experience for visitors.Can I Bring My Own Fishing Gear to Linda Pedersen Park?Yes, you can bring your own fishing gear to Linda Pedersen Park! The park offers beautiful waterways for fishing and boating, making it the perfect spot for outdoor enthusiasts.Grab your rods and reels, cast your line, and enjoy a relaxing day by the water. Whether you're a seasoned angler or just starting out, Linda Pedersen Park provides a serene setting for a day of fishing and picnicking with your friends and family.Is There an Admission Fee for Visiting Weeki Wachee Springs State Park?No, there's no admission fee for visiting Weeki Wachee Springs State Park.You can enjoy water activities such as swimming and kayaking in the natural springs.The park is also home to the famous Mermaid Show, where you can witness the unique underwater performances.Explore the park's water park with slides and flumes, and take in the beauty of the surrounding wildlife.It's a family-friendly destination with plenty of outdoor fun for everyone to enjoy.Are Pets Allowed at the Rotary Centennial Dog Park?Yes, pets are allowed at the Rotary Centennial Dog Park.It's a great place for our furry friends to run and play in the fenced-in play areas.We can spend quality time with our dogs, playing catch with a frisbee or ball.The park provides a safe and fun environment for our pets to socialize and exercise.It's a wonderful spot for pet owners to connect and enjoy the company of other dog lovers.What Is the Address of Strong Tower Vineyard?The address of Strong Tower Vineyard isn't currently known.However, Strong Tower Vineyard is a great place to visit in Spring Hill, FL. They offer wine tasting and purchasing, and you can try their award-winning Southern Blanc wine.The atmosphere is relaxing, with a cozy fireplace to enjoy. You can also learn about the wine-making process at the vineyard and pair your wine with delicious meals at local restaurants.ConclusionIn conclusion, Spring Hill, FL offers a wide range of activities for everyone to enjoy.Whether you're a nature lover, seeking outdoor adventures, or looking for indoor entertainment and nightlife, this vibrant city has something for you.For example, you can immerse yourself in animal care at the Wildlife Survival Sanctuary or relax on the beautiful Gulf of Mexico shoreline at Alfred McKethan Pine Island Park.No matter what you choose, Spring Hill is sure to provide a memorable experience for all.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:44 RuralDisturbance She’s been through a lot.

She’s been through a lot.
I was hunting for a AWD 2.0 for two months, I was really after a Titanium but would have settled on the right SE.
I had a list of seven Fusions I was going to check out in March, I had pulled reports and insurance photos on all of them.
The first Fusion I was interested in was exactly the car I wanted, a clean title 2020 Titanium AWD with 50k miles, paint: JS.
My research on this car revealed a pretty wild past, it was not typically a car I would buy, I tend to seek out one owner vehicles with documented oil change history and that is not this car.
Born in Mexico 🇲🇽 Lived in Texas as a fleet vehicle 8 months later, Rear impact, minor damage in Florida One month later, Front impact, Minor Damage in Florida. Sold at auction, purchased by Michigan dealer @ 17,015 miles.
Sold in Michigan, 4 months later minor impact on the front passenger hood/fender.
1.5 years later the car is totaled in Ann Arbor Michigan, it was hard to find what happened but I got the insurance photo which is below showing the windshield and roof of the car took a major impact.
So despite its past, I went to test drive it. I showed up and instantly started bickering price with this greasy salesman selling a lot full of fucked up cars on Groesbeck Hwy, there are tons of these lots on this strip here in Metro Detroit.
I check the oil first it looks surprisingly good, I look the car over, can see obvious blemishes, over spray, not so good body work when looking close up, brand new tires and brakes.
I run it, trans shifts super smooth, way better than my 2017 AWD, motor and trans are strong. 💪 I went over all the electronics, everything worked.
I felt some vibration when driving but couldn’t really tell what it was, at the time I thought it was the road. I finished the test drive, bickered price some more and settled on $14,700 out the door.
I knew that this car still held the drivetrain warranty before purchasing it, I checked the VIN with my local Ford dealer beforehand so if there were any major issues it would be covered.
I drove the car right to the dealer after purchase to have the oil changed and the car looked over, they bring it back and say everything looks good but the rear main seal is starting to “seep” so we should keep an eye on that. Im like ok, not what I wanted to hear but I can live with it.
After a few days driving the car I notice vibrations during low speed turns. I look it up and find the symptoms are related to the AWD system and the rear differential.
13 days after purchasing the car I drive to my daughters lacrosse game (away) and get T-Boned in the drivers side rear door and quarter panel by a 16 year old girl in the parking lot (pictured)
This accident now means that every corner of this car has sustained damage at some point LOL, and we drove it home after the game, no problem.
So I take it in to have it repaired and got the homeboy hookup only $4500 to repair it, insurance covered most, so I give it the go, shes back in the shop again, almost like she wants to be there.
3 weeks go by and the car is ready, I go pick it up after an extended affair with the 2024 Ford Escape rental, which is really ugly but also a very nice car, I see a-lot of Model 3 tech in that car, its partial self driving and it gets great MPG.
I take the Fusion from the body shop right to the dealer about the AWD and rear differential, they confirm it’s bad, metal in fluid and case, the differential and the axles need to be replaced and the car needs an alignment, all covered under my factory drivetrain warranty, wheew! Dealer charged $3700 to replace the differential and half shafts.
Now I have the car back and It drives perfect, like amazing. I cleaned it super good inside and out, clay bar, waxed it and changed the oil again. You would never know by looking at it that its practically been in a crash up derby across half of the United States.
Now Im about to take it back to the dealer on the rear main seal and after that there is nothing else to fix, for now.
submitted by RuralDisturbance to fordfusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:26 notkevinoramuffin The 15 worst things Bojack ever did

To be clear, I will focus on specific actions rather than broad accusations like "BoJack's relationship with Diane."
  1. Waiting 17 minutes before calling the police for Sara Lynn
  2. Choking Gina
  3. Sleeping with Sara Lynn after being a father figure etc
  4. Ending Sara lynns sobriety (Yes, while I acknowledge that she had a choice in the matter, it is evident that she has been deeply affected by years of dysfunction. Coming from her father figure only amplifies the gravity of the situation)
  5. giving alcohol to teens
  6. Almost sleeping with Penny (This is lower for multiple reasons, just to be clear I'm not defending this just explaining my reasoning 1-He didn't actually do it 2-Legal age in new Mexico. If he actually was able to go through with it, I would put this at 4/5)
  7. Stabbing Herb in the back to save his show
  8. Sabotoging Tods rock opera
  9. Fighting physically with Herb who had cancer and was almost dead
  10. Abandoning the teens he gave alcohol to by the hospital
  11. Sleeping with Emily
  12. Getting Sharona fired
  13. Lost $500,000 for charity (on purpose)
  14. Trying to sabotage Mr and dianes wedding
  15. Taking hollyhock with him to buy drugs
What are your thoughts on this? If there are any omissions on my part, please feel free to point them out. I attempted to compile a list based on what I believe would have significant moral implications in the real world and substantial consequences on the lives of others. However, I do 100% acknowledge that this is obviously purely subjective.
submitted by notkevinoramuffin to BoJackHorseman [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:24 Army_Bot Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (05/06/2024 to 05/12/2024)

Seasonal Allergies Immunotherapy
Hi I’m planning on applying for OCS when I graduate in May. But im currently taking allergy shots for my seasonal allergies. I would have no problem pausing them during basic etc. Resuming when I’m past training, but is this something I have to do? Is it worth having to get a medical waiver for it? Do I need to tell my recruiter?
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Currently in the process of reenlisting as a prior service who was chaptered out in AIT for SI. Submitted and turned over all my paperwork to my recruiter and awaiting MEPS. My recruiter said this is the longest part of the waiting game from his experience. How long should I be expecting to wait realistically? I would ask my recruiter but I feel like I've bothered him enough over the past few weeks lmao. - Thanks!
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Hey guys l need some advice so i'm gonna get straight to the point. I am 20 and a junior in college. I ship in June and i have 3 Mos choices so far. 19D, 11b and 19k. Which do y’all recommend?I'm hardworking and not lazy so yeah. I am joining for many reasons but one of the main reasons is travel. Would I get to do tha much? Thank you
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Hey guys, I enlisted with an airborne contract that has my first assignment at Fort Liberty. How likely is it that I get assigned to the 82nd?
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Weight loss
I'm currently 5% body fat over for the arms 2.0. I'm eating way better and consuming 12-1,500 calories and losing an average of 3,000 calories a day. I've been running/walking 2 miles a day of hill terrain. My recruiter said I need to lose 10 pounds by May 17. I need tips and tricks on how to lose those pounds by then
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Army National Guard recruiter says at MEPS you can choose from several dates to start basic. Is that accurate?
If so, typically how many dates are there to choose from and how far in the future? I have a great civilian job, so would like to know my date as far in advance as possible.
Edit: would go on to traditional state OCS (yea, I know the internet’s opinions on it but it fits my life really well) afterwards.
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I've got 4 years active and 3 years guard under my belt and I've always put in to my tsp to get the match. I know you need 8 years to keep the matching, but my unit has drained what little motivation I had left for the army, and I've decided I'm done. I'm curious if anyone can help me figure out if there's any option that will help me keep my tsp matching besides a 1 year extension. I doubt the IRR counts towards 8 years, and from what I understand, the inactive guard is simply a pause button. So instead of pushing me to 8 years, it's just delaying my 7th till next year or something. I'm also wondering if a future federal job would contribute to that 8 years or if it has to be all concurrent. Thank you for any help or any resources or links yall can send me to figure this out.
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I was wondering if I could join the army with depression, anxiety, and OCD. All diagnosed. I have no suicide attempts or anything like that, no inpatient care either. All of these are somewhat mild and manageable, and I haven't been on any medication. But that was another concern of mine, if I was to get on any medication, would that disqualify me? Thanks a lot.
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Im currently a senior in high school trying to enlist in the army since December but I’m at a loss of what to do. I took the asvab scored a 61 but autism came up on my records from when I was a kid. I had to get a full medical Record for meps then they wanted my pharmacy record and now they want some more records my recruiter made me sign a form for my old doctors to get it from them about a month and a week ago. I called him the earlier this week and he said he Kentucky or Kansas (I didn’t hear him well and forgot) doing some training I honestly just don’t know what to do I’ll graduate from high school in a few weeks and I probably have a month after that before my parents kick me out any advice?
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Hey all, I wanted to get some insight on whether you all think I would be able to enlist with Crohn's. I've seen online that it's generally marked as an "unwaivable medical condition" but sometimes goes on a case by case basis. My IBD is very mild, I honestly forget that I even have the damn disease because it doesnt effect my daily life at all. I have it managed by taking an 8-week biologic but have gone on extended breaks from it before due to insurance reasons (roughly 2-3 months without any meds) and had no flare ups or any issues of the sort. However, my doctor is thinking of switching me to a daily pill (Rinvoq). I don't have any food sensitivities like a lot of Crohn's patients have (caffeine, alcohol, dairy, etc.) and have never had any surgeries nor does my GI doctor think i'll ever need one. I wanted to enlist for a 17C contract as im already in college for tech anyhow, I'm not sure if that would effect my standing. However, dream MOS is 18X but I figure that may be tougher to get by a recruiter. Any advice or thoughts? Army has been my dream forever and I don't want to have to give it up, so I'd really do anything haha.
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I have 2 non violent felonies from 2011 and PTD from 2022 for possession. I've been upfront and honest with my recruiter. He sent me to test today and I scored 63 on Asvab and GT of 113. Is there a chance for me? Thanks in advance. 30 and in great health and shape.
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What bases would you do bmt if your in cyber security and aviation mechanics?
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I ship out in a week. Went to meps and signed in March. Can I change my MOS? Or is it too late ?? I want something language related because I’m fluent in Arabic (already passed DLPT)
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For anyone that has done OSUT at Fort Moore, how long does it typically take before they’ll tell you where your FDS is?
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I have read a few horror stories where someone enlisted with X,Y, or Z in their contract, but after basic they where told something else and could not confirm the original. For example, someone claims they had a specific location through Option 19, only to later be told they are going somewhere else.
My first question is: has this happened to anyone here, and if so and how was it resolved?
My second question is: after signing your contract, how do you gain acess to it later? Do you receive a physical copy for yourself? Can you download a copy? Is there someone you can ask in the Army to retrieve it for you? Will it be acessable on a portal of somekind?
I am considering enlisting with option 19 and the location is very important to me. Thank you!
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Is phone use in BCT only delegated to calls? Also does phone use depend on what phase you're in, like, red phase 20 minutes, blue 30 minutes? Going to jackson
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Not the best time to swear in, waivers
I have all of my waivers approved, however, I won’t be swearing in due to job circumstances. If things change, can I still go back into the army or will I blocked out of it forever?
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I have an AAM and 3 COAs which S1 has been tracking for months but which have yet to reflect on my PPW. Do I have any recourse?
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my recruiter says that I can't get option 4 in my 35W contract but I really want to be airborne as a 35p/m so I have a higher chance of having my skills be put to use. Can i put in for airborne at DLI or AIT? what is the earliest I can do this and how would I go about it? I just went through the normal MEPS process not the airborne physical fyi
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Is a bonus worth choosing the Army over the AF?
In general, I’ve heard that the army’s QoL is less than that of the Air Force. However, the army has way more jobs w bonuses that I’d be interested in. And it’s the same or similar jobs as the Air Force, but w a bonus. I know the Basic Training for army is also longer, but a bonus can be convincing. I have the same question, but in regards to joining the navy as well. I want to focus on my education during my enlistment & get my bachelors & id also like travel opportunities. I haven’t taken my ASVAB yet, it’s scheduled the 16th. I scored rlly well on the PiCAT, and according to those scores I qualify for some army jobs w a bonus. I know it’s not as simple as that, and it’s a whole process & based on what’s available. Just want some opinions on if I was offered an army job w a bonus as opposed to the same/ similar Air Force job without, would you consider it worth it based on your experience?
I already got some answers from a post I made about this, but moderator deleted it and said to comment here. But any additional info/ insight is greatly appreciated. I want to make the best choice for my future in the case that I don't want to do 20 years.
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I'm joining up rn and working with a recruiter. We've got my waivers and everything. Pretty much just have to pick a job. For background I was an IET separation back in 2009. From what I've read and what me and my recruiter have gone over I am glossary non-prior service. I could have sworn I read (albeit a while ago) that business rules did not apply to GNPS, so I should be free to pick my MOS. However, I talked to my recruiter earlier today and he wants me to sit with his 1SG and go over the job options available for prior service. Am I wrong and I just get what I get?
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Please help!
I was looking to join the guard but in my medical records it shows I had Guillan barre. I was feeling some numbness in my legs, but looking back at it, it was very cold outside and I was just a bitch who would try to get out of school by any means possible. They did a spinal tap and never found any trace of the disease however. I was in the hospital for a couple of days, the gave me immunoglobulin and then I went home and nothing ever came of it. I am currently completely asymptomatic This was when I was 12 or 13 years old. Now I’m 18 and want to join but my recruiter said I have to get all the records and stuff. What is the chance that I will still be able to join? I tried looking it up online but I couldn’t find an answer. Also if I’m able to join, will I need a medical waiver?
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My MOS is 68W, I'm shipping out in June and I'm taking the OPAT in a couple of weeks. I'm 5'2 and 115ish pounds. I'm pretty fit. My biggest worry is the standing long jump. I want to pass the OPAT with flying colors and keep my MOS. Is there any advice or tips y'all can give me?
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I’m looking to graduate and enlist in a month but can’t decide on what MOS I want. I think 11B because I don’t want to individuate and do army shit or 68W but I’m not sure if I can get advanced combative training or other schools I want. I want to do something that’s “high speed” and meaningful while working my way towards Ranger reg. Is the 82nd Airborne a good pathway to that? How is civil affairs? Can you enlist directly into it while being active duty?
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Thinking about reenlisting to army with 8.5 PS in USMC. Been out < 5years. Will I have to repeat AIT if I keep my same MOS? I know this is the wrong channel for USMC feedback but also considering going back there if it would mean not repeating AlT. Thanks in advance!
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Hi everyone! I’m a high school student planning on joining the military. I’m Muslim, so I want to be sure that whichever branch I join is accommodating to Muslim needs. If it changes anything, I’m planning joining through the ROTC route.
My main concerns are, does the Army give beard waivers for Muslims? Is it possible to take short breaks throughout the day to pray? Can you fast during Ramadan? Can you be provided with halal (no pork/no alcohol) food?
Also, I’m interested in infantry or armor (or any kind of ground forces officer in general). Would these accommodations interfere with being selected for these careers or being mission ready? (Such as a beard, fasting, etc.)
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i’m a current nasty girl and i’m looking to transfer to Active duty. i understand i need a conditional release in order to sign a new contract and need my G-1 to sign off on it. i’m looking for info on the process from someone who’s gone through the process.
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What are the odds of getting a waiver for ulcerative colitis? I was EPTS’d out in march 2023 after being diagnosed while I was at 30th AG. My GI said I was in remission as of jan of this year. I take 4 Lialda pills a day and get an entyvio infusion every 2 months. I feel perfectly fine now though. Scored a 74 on the asvab.
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Medical record
In the navy currently and getting out in a year. I had a back injury prior to enlisting that I didn’t disclose. I plan on entering the army after my contract. If this comes up will my discharge from the navy be lowered or my benefits revoked?
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So my recruiter told me that I have to get a lease first, but the thing is, is that we don't have one with our landlord. It's more like an oral lease and he's a slumlord who never tries to communicate with any of us. That being said, my recruiter then said that I should find a lease online and edit it to where I state that I'm paying the rent to my sister instead (who has a valid ID) He also stated that my sister and I have to go to a check-cashing place to get it notarized. Is this all ok to do and will the BHA be approved? Also if it's approved, does this mean that the rent we pay which is $1,365.50, is going to be paid for while I'm away and how exactly??
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Can I enlist if I have a Mexican highschool diploma? (I am american, just finished highschool in mexico) And don't have a address in the USA???
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I am thinking of finishing up my bachelors and joining as an officer, my question was whether it was possible or not to guarantee mos 17c in the army if I join as an officer.
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I just got told that I cant enlist for 2 years after my waiver got denied for a history of depression. I stopped feeling depressed last August but got officially cleared into remission in February. I was told theres no point in a consult and the most I can do is reach out to a congressman. Other than reaching out to a congressman, is there really nothing I can do?
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Questions about Virginia National Guard
I want to do OCS! Now here’s my confusion. My recruiter is saying that the moment I swear in is the moment my contract is going to start and will count towards that 6 year! So, if he is right, I will basically complete 2 years training if I do state OCS. But I would like to have more control on what branch I get! My top 3 are: cyber warfare, signal, and intel. Should I do accelerated in that case? Also how likely am I to get one of those aforementioned three if I do state OCS of 18 months? My bachelor was in Computer Engineering, and I am currently enrolled in ASU for master’s pursuing Computer Science! Will I get that 24k a year tuition fee because he said there’s a possibility I might get it since it’s fully online? Can I get tuition assistance and loan repayment both? Does getting either one incur additional service time?
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im thinking of joining as a officer and going into ocs, what is the best branch for a well paying civilian job after completing my service, for context my major right now is relg studies plus maybe bio.
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I leave for Future Soldier Preparatory Course for the fitness aspect on the 21st, has anyone gone through it recently? There’s not a whole lot of information on it online, I was just wondering what it’s like, and what to expect. Do you get issued all of your gear since you will be going to bmt after? What is reception like? Any and all information and tips is greatly appreciated!
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So my husband is going to meps next week. he has 2 different sets of scars on his left arm. He works at a mobile home plant building houses. One was from when he got caught on a nail so it's a little deeper looking and another was from some sheet metal at work. He didn't disclose it to his boss because he works on a line and it would've put his team behind so he just put some bandaids on it and went about his day and cleaned it up when he got home. This was about 1-2 years ago. What is his meps experience going to be like? They aren't self harm obviously but we've heard horror stories about the doctors at meps not believing people and DQ them. He honestly forgot about telling his recruiter and his recruiter has already sent in all his medical history and got him scheduled for meps. Should he still go ahead and tell his recruiter or just wait and disclose it at meps?
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Should i go in as 17c or try my luck at ocs?
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I'm currently in process Enlisting in the Reserve, while holding an associate's degree in mechanical engineering technology, with some side education in programming. While I am working towards my bachelor's degree, I'm looking to pick an MOS that will help my career, or at the very least, be interesting. I don't remember my scores, but my Recruiter told me whatever I pick, my score won't be the limiting factor.
Top of the list for career jobs is 15 series, from what I've heard from currently enlisted in my friend group, wrenching on aircraft in general is a fast track to a cushy job on the outside with my education. 25 series looks boring but useful as anything IT/electrical complements my degree. On the more interesting side, I was looking at 91 series, either 91F or 91P.
Am I going anywhere wrong with any of these jobs? Anything I should be keeping in mind?
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25D or 35T I just wonder which MOS would be better for career. I am really interested in IT. I know 25D is not entry MOS. Let’s say you meet requirements for both MOS. If you stay as enlisted side, what would you recommend?
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I’m heading to ait now at fort Moore for 91M do I get my phone and am I in a dorm how is that like
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Hi all,
I am a permanent resident here is the US, and last week I finished my ASVAB mock test with a 95 on my AFQT. The recruiter says I am eligible for everything that doesn't require a security clearance which is kind of a problem as my dream MOS are the 35-series and 17-series (As both of these are locked behind clearance requirement)
After some thinking, I narrow down to the following, but there are still too many so I hope I can get your feedback on what I am doing. My aims are: a/I want something that will translate into the civilian world well if my time in the army doesn't go well, b/I want an MOS that can advanced through warrant or becoming a commission officer if my time in the army does go well, and c/I want to push myself to the limit and break out of my comfort zone to see where I can go. If I sound arrogant, please forgive for that: I am just trying to be as careful as possible. I am nearly reaching my thirty, and I want to take deliberate steps because I no longer have the luxury of youth and family to try and fail.
The MOS are:
11-series, 12B and 12D: I have a soft spot for these despite knowing they don't translate into the civilian world. But in my heart somewhere is a wild child that wants to test my physical prowess and wants to blow things up. I do know my knees and lower back will hate me for picking this.
15 series: With exceptions to 15C, 15J, and other works related to flying or being mechanics of sensitive equipment, I can be an aircraft technicians. I read that there are demands for airplane mechanics but I don't know much about this field other than a/I got to repair planes, b/people seem to hate it because you have to sign a long contract if you become a warrant.
68A: I did see this MOS getting recommended a lot but after reading its description, I am not very sure if I want to do it either both in the army or afterwards. I must also admit I don't have a good insights onto the day to day life of this job. Can someone shed some light about this MOS for me?
68C: Becoming a nurse seems like a very safe choice out of the military given that the BLS projects nurse to be in high demand and being able to take care of your family sounds like a big plus to me; however, I don't know if I like being a nurse. My parents were doctors, and having seen the hospital environment I can say I am not a fan. I also look into 68A but BLS prospect for it didn't seem good, and the training on 68E, 68D, and 68V look a little bit too short. Do you really become a dental assistant just with 10 weeks of training?
68W: I must admit, I have a soft spot for 68W as it allows me to be both learn some medical skills and be on the field. However, I do notice that 68W only translates to paramedic/EMT post-army, while 68C translates to becoming a nurse (which is more valued and regarded as "better" than paramedic or EMT and thus in higher demand)
88H, 92A, 92F, and 92Y: I pick these because, according to BLS, there is a projected increase need for people in warehousing and transportation. From my limited understanding of the fields, you will be in charge of handling logistics such as maintaining unit inventory, ordering supplies and weapons for your units, etc. but I am not very sure on the difference between, say, 92Y and 92A.
So, can you give me a suggestions? May anyone who has been in these MOS share their experience to help me pick? What are some of the MOS I miss?
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
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Is the 09m program ending at the end of may?
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How does one secure a religious exemption before basic training? My recruiter said we would talk about it down the line but it’s getting down to the wire and I’d rather it not get forgotten.
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Hi my duty station is at JBLM I’ll hopefully be there around May of 2025. I still have too go through basic and AIT but I was hoping that I could get some info about the barracks and hopefully get in touch with some of the people that are getting stationed/ already stationed There that are aviation, specifically 15Y. Thank you
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How can i improve my chances of success after the military?
I'm going to meps in 2 weeks and im shooting for a 25 series mos. 25H was what was available at the recruiters after i took my practice asvab. I'm not the brightest bulb but, hey, I'll take it. Aside from college ,which i want to continue to pursue throughout my time in the army (or after depending on my mental fortitude once i'm actually in,) how can i set myself up for success in the civilian world? Any input from past 25h or 25 series who somehow translated their career into decent paying jobs will be much appreciated.
I'll add I'm only joining the army for the college benefits and free training as i come from a poor household and have no other feasible way to pay for it.
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Hello everyone,
I was recently laid off from a $64k job, and honestly, I'm not too upset. I was already feeling burnt out and unhappy, staying primarily for the promised educational benefits to facilitate a career change, which obviously fell through with the job loss. Now, I'm considering my options and the military as a new path has been sounding appealing to an extent. The VA loan and GI Bill are particularly enticing because they would help me pursue a degree without getting into debt, and enabling the career change I've been considering. And the thought of being able to buy a house at this age/economy seems awesome.
At 28, I'm weighing the implications of joining now, especially considering the pay cut and spending four years AD without the guarantee of going overseas which for me would make it much more worthwhile. Also, I'd likely be one of the older members among younger peers, which is another factor to consider. My entry rank would be E3 due to my associate degree told by the Air force recruiter I met, but I'll need a moral waiver for a misdemeanor I had at 18, which might limit my job options not to mention she told me I would have to be at the disposal of whatever the Air Force wanted me to do? Which I am assuming means that I could enlist for one thing that they tell me nope get your doing this.The Air Force recruiter told me that I would be just fine and I would be able to get in as long as my ASVAB score is high enough.
I'm torn about whether to commit to AD and save myself or a longer term in the military via reserves but still stuck in the same loop of feeling in fulfilled, unable to afford university and in a place I would rather leave. Insights from anyone who joined the military later or faced similar decisions would be incredibly helpful.
Thanks for any advice!
P.S I am also ok with the idea of the military as a career as I would still be able to retire earlier than many of my peers if I pursue the 20 year route..
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I’m reenlisting at the end of this month (was NG but going active). My husband is also active and I was wondering how likely is it that I can be in the same battalion as my husband? I know married couples aren’t supposed to work directly together but would that still be considered “working together”?
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Hi All, I'm 23F graduating college with my bachelor's in international relations at the end of July. I speak intermediate Spanish and would be open to learning more languages. I am looking for a mos that doesn't restrict me to behind a desk or sitting on my ass all day. I was thinking of something intelligence related. I would appreciate any advice/help.
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So i have hemorrhoids right now and I go to MEPS monday. I have a Drs visit from about 2 years ago where she prescribed me the cream to use. The cream says to only use it when you have hemorrhoids. I still have the cream. Will I pass MEPS if I bring that the Dr visit. or should I get a new one the day before? It's Saturday so my recruiter won't answer.
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So I enlisted on Friday. (25H) and I ship to BT in August. I’ve made my mind up before enlisting that I was going to make a career out of it. So now I’m here before you all to ask… what’s some advice you could give someone looking to do 20. Like what’s steps would you take if you could go back to make the most of your Army career? I remember my dad who served in the navy would always say “choose your rate choose your fate” and I think I started off on the right foot. Any suggestions to help make the correct steps in my new career path?
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Going back in. Needing some suggestions on different MOS.
So when I was in the first time I was a 25U. I was 16 when I swore in to secure my mos and left at 18YO. I’ve decicided to go back in. Im picking between 19 jobs, I qualify for all of them as I keep my old asvab scores. I scored over a 105 in everything so I have a pretty big list to pick from. These jobs have good jobs outside of the army and that’s my angle, I know 25U translates to a good job outside of the army but it’s not my cup of tea. So any info on the jobs in the army and civilian life for these mos would be greatly appreciate. The jobs are: 68L 68X (specifically because I want to help vets who are/have suffered) 88H 35F 25B 35M 35G 35L 88K 88N 88U 27D 31E 12M 15Q 15N 25U 88L 88M
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Already signed my contract but I really really wanna change my MOS by the time I ship out for BCT in mid-July, what would be the best way to approach and ask my recruiter to change my MOS? The one that I want is really in demand (19K) so maybe that might help?
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Background: Greencard holder, 6yr+ experience in IT field. No degree. Married.
Always wanted to join the military and finally have the opportunity to do so.
What I want to experience from the military;
I want the opportunity to grow in the IT field and have military experience and later on attain a contractor job in overseas installations. Very interested in being able to move overseas for a few years specially Japan.
My biggest interest is to grow in my career + experience other countries.
Recruits have also told me that for active duty they are allowing first duty station to be chosen because the army apparently has a shortage of people joining so they want to motivate people to join by allowing them to choose duty stations. This has made me consider going active IF they aren't lying about this + the job security has always been a plus to me.
My primary plan was :
Going reserve, getting my citizenship while in basic training, changing my mos to 25B then finding government contracting job overseas preferably (Japan) and changing my unit to Japan to drill there (Camp Zama). Overall my biggest goal is to move overseas and be in the IT field.
What is the best route? Advice is greatly appreciated in advance:)
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I want to enlist as a 19D Wont be for a year or so still but trying to do my research and evrything and make sure this is what i want, So far it looks like it is but i have a couple of questions that i need answering before i decided to enlist. 1. as a 19D with 19C coming will 19D still be manning Bradleys 2. What are my chances of being assigned to a cav unit i really dont wanna be assigned to an infantry or god knows what else 3. Am i able to enlist as active at 17?
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Is it hard to get a self harm waiver? It happened one time three years ago. My recruiter is pushing for it now
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I'm going to MEPS this week and I was told that the Job I'm really interested in (12w) is rare and to not get my hopes up. I'll be doing research about some other jobs, but if I really want that job should I just wait for a slot to open up or go with alternate choices?
Does anyone have any experience with this job and how often slots show up?
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Vision Waiver Acceptance Probability
So I’m wanting to enlist as an 11x OP 4in the army, went to MEPS a few weeks ago, and am currently waiting on a current injury to be waived. I’m just kind of worrying about my vision waiver. Recruiter said we have to wait for this to be cleared first, then we can launch the vision waiver.
What’s the probability that a vision waiver will be accepted with Visual Acuity of 20/30 20/50 corrected vision. I understand everything is case to case, I’m just kind of worrying that it’ll end up being denied.
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Is there a list of all the different Options in contracts? Like Option 40, Option 4, Option 19, etc?
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In the process of renegotiating my contract before shipping out and I'm seriously considering 19K (M1 Armor Crewman). Recruiter told me that anyone can volunteer to go to airborne school at BCT and I really want to go airborne but it seems like 19Ks don't really do it as much as other MOS's. Is it true that i will have the opportunity to volunteer myself for airborne school at basic? If not, how can I attend Airborne or any other specialized school as a tanker?
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Leaving for BT in 2wks. First stop Ft Lenwood and then ft sill for AIT. Then off to Ft Drum for my 1st duty station. Can anyone offer insight on what to expect at each location/stage? 13F if it matters. Much appreciated.
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Just reserved mos 88L Water craft engineer.
Was excited at first as I’ve e heard a lot of good things about this mos, but i have a wife, 6yr old and another on the way and am worried that i wont be home that often given this mos. Im supposed to go to meps in 4 days and swear in. Im really not trying to be away from my family all that often. Is this mos bad for family life? Have i made a mistake? Or should i keep it and roll with it. Any recommendations on what i should do?
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Hello, I’m in ROTC right now but I’m about to go to CST. I have been looking into branches as much as possible and am pretty set on ADA but I wanted to ask if anyone here has been on a HIMAD or SHORAD deployment that can give me some insight on what it’s like, more specifically SHORAD but I do want to hear both sides.
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Joining the army
hi, I am 17 turning 18F, and im joining the army and going to boot camp soon. What are some advice or anything you would tell someone before they go to boot camp or thinking about joining the army?
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Hello, I'm currently a high school senior who is interested in joining the ROTC. I've reached out to ROTC recruiters in the colleges that I will be attending however, they never picked up their phones nor responded to their emails after multiple attempts. I've also scheduled appointments with them only for them to not show up multiple times. I've also called the army and they said they would have someone call me but they never did either. I was wondering if anyone could help me get in touch with an ROTC recruiter as I got a few questions about the Army ROTC as well as the process to proceed.
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Can you go to an maritime academy before your service then get it paid when you join? Can you take maritime academy while active duty?
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What are possible first duty stations for Army officers out of ROTC by MOS?
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2024.05.29 02:24 Army_Bot Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (05/06/2024 to 05/12/2024)

Seasonal Allergies Immunotherapy
Hi I’m planning on applying for OCS when I graduate in May. But im currently taking allergy shots for my seasonal allergies. I would have no problem pausing them during basic etc. Resuming when I’m past training, but is this something I have to do? Is it worth having to get a medical waiver for it? Do I need to tell my recruiter?
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Currently in the process of reenlisting as a prior service who was chaptered out in AIT for SI. Submitted and turned over all my paperwork to my recruiter and awaiting MEPS. My recruiter said this is the longest part of the waiting game from his experience. How long should I be expecting to wait realistically? I would ask my recruiter but I feel like I've bothered him enough over the past few weeks lmao. - Thanks!
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Hey guys l need some advice so i'm gonna get straight to the point. I am 20 and a junior in college. I ship in June and i have 3 Mos choices so far. 19D, 11b and 19k. Which do y’all recommend?I'm hardworking and not lazy so yeah. I am joining for many reasons but one of the main reasons is travel. Would I get to do tha much? Thank you
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Hey guys, I enlisted with an airborne contract that has my first assignment at Fort Liberty. How likely is it that I get assigned to the 82nd?
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Weight loss
I'm currently 5% body fat over for the arms 2.0. I'm eating way better and consuming 12-1,500 calories and losing an average of 3,000 calories a day. I've been running/walking 2 miles a day of hill terrain. My recruiter said I need to lose 10 pounds by May 17. I need tips and tricks on how to lose those pounds by then
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Army National Guard recruiter says at MEPS you can choose from several dates to start basic. Is that accurate?
If so, typically how many dates are there to choose from and how far in the future? I have a great civilian job, so would like to know my date as far in advance as possible.
Edit: would go on to traditional state OCS (yea, I know the internet’s opinions on it but it fits my life really well) afterwards.
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I've got 4 years active and 3 years guard under my belt and I've always put in to my tsp to get the match. I know you need 8 years to keep the matching, but my unit has drained what little motivation I had left for the army, and I've decided I'm done. I'm curious if anyone can help me figure out if there's any option that will help me keep my tsp matching besides a 1 year extension. I doubt the IRR counts towards 8 years, and from what I understand, the inactive guard is simply a pause button. So instead of pushing me to 8 years, it's just delaying my 7th till next year or something. I'm also wondering if a future federal job would contribute to that 8 years or if it has to be all concurrent. Thank you for any help or any resources or links yall can send me to figure this out.
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I was wondering if I could join the army with depression, anxiety, and OCD. All diagnosed. I have no suicide attempts or anything like that, no inpatient care either. All of these are somewhat mild and manageable, and I haven't been on any medication. But that was another concern of mine, if I was to get on any medication, would that disqualify me? Thanks a lot.
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Im currently a senior in high school trying to enlist in the army since December but I’m at a loss of what to do. I took the asvab scored a 61 but autism came up on my records from when I was a kid. I had to get a full medical Record for meps then they wanted my pharmacy record and now they want some more records my recruiter made me sign a form for my old doctors to get it from them about a month and a week ago. I called him the earlier this week and he said he Kentucky or Kansas (I didn’t hear him well and forgot) doing some training I honestly just don’t know what to do I’ll graduate from high school in a few weeks and I probably have a month after that before my parents kick me out any advice?
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Hey all, I wanted to get some insight on whether you all think I would be able to enlist with Crohn's. I've seen online that it's generally marked as an "unwaivable medical condition" but sometimes goes on a case by case basis. My IBD is very mild, I honestly forget that I even have the damn disease because it doesnt effect my daily life at all. I have it managed by taking an 8-week biologic but have gone on extended breaks from it before due to insurance reasons (roughly 2-3 months without any meds) and had no flare ups or any issues of the sort. However, my doctor is thinking of switching me to a daily pill (Rinvoq). I don't have any food sensitivities like a lot of Crohn's patients have (caffeine, alcohol, dairy, etc.) and have never had any surgeries nor does my GI doctor think i'll ever need one. I wanted to enlist for a 17C contract as im already in college for tech anyhow, I'm not sure if that would effect my standing. However, dream MOS is 18X but I figure that may be tougher to get by a recruiter. Any advice or thoughts? Army has been my dream forever and I don't want to have to give it up, so I'd really do anything haha.
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I have 2 non violent felonies from 2011 and PTD from 2022 for possession. I've been upfront and honest with my recruiter. He sent me to test today and I scored 63 on Asvab and GT of 113. Is there a chance for me? Thanks in advance. 30 and in great health and shape.
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What bases would you do bmt if your in cyber security and aviation mechanics?
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I ship out in a week. Went to meps and signed in March. Can I change my MOS? Or is it too late ?? I want something language related because I’m fluent in Arabic (already passed DLPT)
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For anyone that has done OSUT at Fort Moore, how long does it typically take before they’ll tell you where your FDS is?
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I have read a few horror stories where someone enlisted with X,Y, or Z in their contract, but after basic they where told something else and could not confirm the original. For example, someone claims they had a specific location through Option 19, only to later be told they are going somewhere else.
My first question is: has this happened to anyone here, and if so and how was it resolved?
My second question is: after signing your contract, how do you gain acess to it later? Do you receive a physical copy for yourself? Can you download a copy? Is there someone you can ask in the Army to retrieve it for you? Will it be acessable on a portal of somekind?
I am considering enlisting with option 19 and the location is very important to me. Thank you!
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Is phone use in BCT only delegated to calls? Also does phone use depend on what phase you're in, like, red phase 20 minutes, blue 30 minutes? Going to jackson
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Not the best time to swear in, waivers
I have all of my waivers approved, however, I won’t be swearing in due to job circumstances. If things change, can I still go back into the army or will I blocked out of it forever?
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I have an AAM and 3 COAs which S1 has been tracking for months but which have yet to reflect on my PPW. Do I have any recourse?
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my recruiter says that I can't get option 4 in my 35W contract but I really want to be airborne as a 35p/m so I have a higher chance of having my skills be put to use. Can i put in for airborne at DLI or AIT? what is the earliest I can do this and how would I go about it? I just went through the normal MEPS process not the airborne physical fyi
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Is a bonus worth choosing the Army over the AF?
In general, I’ve heard that the army’s QoL is less than that of the Air Force. However, the army has way more jobs w bonuses that I’d be interested in. And it’s the same or similar jobs as the Air Force, but w a bonus. I know the Basic Training for army is also longer, but a bonus can be convincing. I have the same question, but in regards to joining the navy as well. I want to focus on my education during my enlistment & get my bachelors & id also like travel opportunities. I haven’t taken my ASVAB yet, it’s scheduled the 16th. I scored rlly well on the PiCAT, and according to those scores I qualify for some army jobs w a bonus. I know it’s not as simple as that, and it’s a whole process & based on what’s available. Just want some opinions on if I was offered an army job w a bonus as opposed to the same/ similar Air Force job without, would you consider it worth it based on your experience?
I already got some answers from a post I made about this, but moderator deleted it and said to comment here. But any additional info/ insight is greatly appreciated. I want to make the best choice for my future in the case that I don't want to do 20 years.
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I'm joining up rn and working with a recruiter. We've got my waivers and everything. Pretty much just have to pick a job. For background I was an IET separation back in 2009. From what I've read and what me and my recruiter have gone over I am glossary non-prior service. I could have sworn I read (albeit a while ago) that business rules did not apply to GNPS, so I should be free to pick my MOS. However, I talked to my recruiter earlier today and he wants me to sit with his 1SG and go over the job options available for prior service. Am I wrong and I just get what I get?
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Please help!
I was looking to join the guard but in my medical records it shows I had Guillan barre. I was feeling some numbness in my legs, but looking back at it, it was very cold outside and I was just a bitch who would try to get out of school by any means possible. They did a spinal tap and never found any trace of the disease however. I was in the hospital for a couple of days, the gave me immunoglobulin and then I went home and nothing ever came of it. I am currently completely asymptomatic This was when I was 12 or 13 years old. Now I’m 18 and want to join but my recruiter said I have to get all the records and stuff. What is the chance that I will still be able to join? I tried looking it up online but I couldn’t find an answer. Also if I’m able to join, will I need a medical waiver?
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My MOS is 68W, I'm shipping out in June and I'm taking the OPAT in a couple of weeks. I'm 5'2 and 115ish pounds. I'm pretty fit. My biggest worry is the standing long jump. I want to pass the OPAT with flying colors and keep my MOS. Is there any advice or tips y'all can give me?
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I’m looking to graduate and enlist in a month but can’t decide on what MOS I want. I think 11B because I don’t want to individuate and do army shit or 68W but I’m not sure if I can get advanced combative training or other schools I want. I want to do something that’s “high speed” and meaningful while working my way towards Ranger reg. Is the 82nd Airborne a good pathway to that? How is civil affairs? Can you enlist directly into it while being active duty?
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Thinking about reenlisting to army with 8.5 PS in USMC. Been out < 5years. Will I have to repeat AIT if I keep my same MOS? I know this is the wrong channel for USMC feedback but also considering going back there if it would mean not repeating AlT. Thanks in advance!
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Hi everyone! I’m a high school student planning on joining the military. I’m Muslim, so I want to be sure that whichever branch I join is accommodating to Muslim needs. If it changes anything, I’m planning joining through the ROTC route.
My main concerns are, does the Army give beard waivers for Muslims? Is it possible to take short breaks throughout the day to pray? Can you fast during Ramadan? Can you be provided with halal (no pork/no alcohol) food?
Also, I’m interested in infantry or armor (or any kind of ground forces officer in general). Would these accommodations interfere with being selected for these careers or being mission ready? (Such as a beard, fasting, etc.)
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i’m a current nasty girl and i’m looking to transfer to Active duty. i understand i need a conditional release in order to sign a new contract and need my G-1 to sign off on it. i’m looking for info on the process from someone who’s gone through the process.
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What are the odds of getting a waiver for ulcerative colitis? I was EPTS’d out in march 2023 after being diagnosed while I was at 30th AG. My GI said I was in remission as of jan of this year. I take 4 Lialda pills a day and get an entyvio infusion every 2 months. I feel perfectly fine now though. Scored a 74 on the asvab.
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Medical record
In the navy currently and getting out in a year. I had a back injury prior to enlisting that I didn’t disclose. I plan on entering the army after my contract. If this comes up will my discharge from the navy be lowered or my benefits revoked?
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So my recruiter told me that I have to get a lease first, but the thing is, is that we don't have one with our landlord. It's more like an oral lease and he's a slumlord who never tries to communicate with any of us. That being said, my recruiter then said that I should find a lease online and edit it to where I state that I'm paying the rent to my sister instead (who has a valid ID) He also stated that my sister and I have to go to a check-cashing place to get it notarized. Is this all ok to do and will the BHA be approved? Also if it's approved, does this mean that the rent we pay which is $1,365.50, is going to be paid for while I'm away and how exactly??
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Can I enlist if I have a Mexican highschool diploma? (I am american, just finished highschool in mexico) And don't have a address in the USA???
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I am thinking of finishing up my bachelors and joining as an officer, my question was whether it was possible or not to guarantee mos 17c in the army if I join as an officer.
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I just got told that I cant enlist for 2 years after my waiver got denied for a history of depression. I stopped feeling depressed last August but got officially cleared into remission in February. I was told theres no point in a consult and the most I can do is reach out to a congressman. Other than reaching out to a congressman, is there really nothing I can do?
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Questions about Virginia National Guard
I want to do OCS! Now here’s my confusion. My recruiter is saying that the moment I swear in is the moment my contract is going to start and will count towards that 6 year! So, if he is right, I will basically complete 2 years training if I do state OCS. But I would like to have more control on what branch I get! My top 3 are: cyber warfare, signal, and intel. Should I do accelerated in that case? Also how likely am I to get one of those aforementioned three if I do state OCS of 18 months? My bachelor was in Computer Engineering, and I am currently enrolled in ASU for master’s pursuing Computer Science! Will I get that 24k a year tuition fee because he said there’s a possibility I might get it since it’s fully online? Can I get tuition assistance and loan repayment both? Does getting either one incur additional service time?
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im thinking of joining as a officer and going into ocs, what is the best branch for a well paying civilian job after completing my service, for context my major right now is relg studies plus maybe bio.
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I leave for Future Soldier Preparatory Course for the fitness aspect on the 21st, has anyone gone through it recently? There’s not a whole lot of information on it online, I was just wondering what it’s like, and what to expect. Do you get issued all of your gear since you will be going to bmt after? What is reception like? Any and all information and tips is greatly appreciated!
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So my husband is going to meps next week. he has 2 different sets of scars on his left arm. He works at a mobile home plant building houses. One was from when he got caught on a nail so it's a little deeper looking and another was from some sheet metal at work. He didn't disclose it to his boss because he works on a line and it would've put his team behind so he just put some bandaids on it and went about his day and cleaned it up when he got home. This was about 1-2 years ago. What is his meps experience going to be like? They aren't self harm obviously but we've heard horror stories about the doctors at meps not believing people and DQ them. He honestly forgot about telling his recruiter and his recruiter has already sent in all his medical history and got him scheduled for meps. Should he still go ahead and tell his recruiter or just wait and disclose it at meps?
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Should i go in as 17c or try my luck at ocs?
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I'm currently in process Enlisting in the Reserve, while holding an associate's degree in mechanical engineering technology, with some side education in programming. While I am working towards my bachelor's degree, I'm looking to pick an MOS that will help my career, or at the very least, be interesting. I don't remember my scores, but my Recruiter told me whatever I pick, my score won't be the limiting factor.
Top of the list for career jobs is 15 series, from what I've heard from currently enlisted in my friend group, wrenching on aircraft in general is a fast track to a cushy job on the outside with my education. 25 series looks boring but useful as anything IT/electrical complements my degree. On the more interesting side, I was looking at 91 series, either 91F or 91P.
Am I going anywhere wrong with any of these jobs? Anything I should be keeping in mind?
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25D or 35T I just wonder which MOS would be better for career. I am really interested in IT. I know 25D is not entry MOS. Let’s say you meet requirements for both MOS. If you stay as enlisted side, what would you recommend?
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I’m heading to ait now at fort Moore for 91M do I get my phone and am I in a dorm how is that like
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Hi all,
I am a permanent resident here is the US, and last week I finished my ASVAB mock test with a 95 on my AFQT. The recruiter says I am eligible for everything that doesn't require a security clearance which is kind of a problem as my dream MOS are the 35-series and 17-series (As both of these are locked behind clearance requirement)
After some thinking, I narrow down to the following, but there are still too many so I hope I can get your feedback on what I am doing. My aims are: a/I want something that will translate into the civilian world well if my time in the army doesn't go well, b/I want an MOS that can advanced through warrant or becoming a commission officer if my time in the army does go well, and c/I want to push myself to the limit and break out of my comfort zone to see where I can go. If I sound arrogant, please forgive for that: I am just trying to be as careful as possible. I am nearly reaching my thirty, and I want to take deliberate steps because I no longer have the luxury of youth and family to try and fail.
The MOS are:
11-series, 12B and 12D: I have a soft spot for these despite knowing they don't translate into the civilian world. But in my heart somewhere is a wild child that wants to test my physical prowess and wants to blow things up. I do know my knees and lower back will hate me for picking this.
15 series: With exceptions to 15C, 15J, and other works related to flying or being mechanics of sensitive equipment, I can be an aircraft technicians. I read that there are demands for airplane mechanics but I don't know much about this field other than a/I got to repair planes, b/people seem to hate it because you have to sign a long contract if you become a warrant.
68A: I did see this MOS getting recommended a lot but after reading its description, I am not very sure if I want to do it either both in the army or afterwards. I must also admit I don't have a good insights onto the day to day life of this job. Can someone shed some light about this MOS for me?
68C: Becoming a nurse seems like a very safe choice out of the military given that the BLS projects nurse to be in high demand and being able to take care of your family sounds like a big plus to me; however, I don't know if I like being a nurse. My parents were doctors, and having seen the hospital environment I can say I am not a fan. I also look into 68A but BLS prospect for it didn't seem good, and the training on 68E, 68D, and 68V look a little bit too short. Do you really become a dental assistant just with 10 weeks of training?
68W: I must admit, I have a soft spot for 68W as it allows me to be both learn some medical skills and be on the field. However, I do notice that 68W only translates to paramedic/EMT post-army, while 68C translates to becoming a nurse (which is more valued and regarded as "better" than paramedic or EMT and thus in higher demand)
88H, 92A, 92F, and 92Y: I pick these because, according to BLS, there is a projected increase need for people in warehousing and transportation. From my limited understanding of the fields, you will be in charge of handling logistics such as maintaining unit inventory, ordering supplies and weapons for your units, etc. but I am not very sure on the difference between, say, 92Y and 92A.
So, can you give me a suggestions? May anyone who has been in these MOS share their experience to help me pick? What are some of the MOS I miss?
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
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Is the 09m program ending at the end of may?
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How does one secure a religious exemption before basic training? My recruiter said we would talk about it down the line but it’s getting down to the wire and I’d rather it not get forgotten.
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Hi my duty station is at JBLM I’ll hopefully be there around May of 2025. I still have too go through basic and AIT but I was hoping that I could get some info about the barracks and hopefully get in touch with some of the people that are getting stationed/ already stationed There that are aviation, specifically 15Y. Thank you
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How can i improve my chances of success after the military?
I'm going to meps in 2 weeks and im shooting for a 25 series mos. 25H was what was available at the recruiters after i took my practice asvab. I'm not the brightest bulb but, hey, I'll take it. Aside from college ,which i want to continue to pursue throughout my time in the army (or after depending on my mental fortitude once i'm actually in,) how can i set myself up for success in the civilian world? Any input from past 25h or 25 series who somehow translated their career into decent paying jobs will be much appreciated.
I'll add I'm only joining the army for the college benefits and free training as i come from a poor household and have no other feasible way to pay for it.
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Hello everyone,
I was recently laid off from a $64k job, and honestly, I'm not too upset. I was already feeling burnt out and unhappy, staying primarily for the promised educational benefits to facilitate a career change, which obviously fell through with the job loss. Now, I'm considering my options and the military as a new path has been sounding appealing to an extent. The VA loan and GI Bill are particularly enticing because they would help me pursue a degree without getting into debt, and enabling the career change I've been considering. And the thought of being able to buy a house at this age/economy seems awesome.
At 28, I'm weighing the implications of joining now, especially considering the pay cut and spending four years AD without the guarantee of going overseas which for me would make it much more worthwhile. Also, I'd likely be one of the older members among younger peers, which is another factor to consider. My entry rank would be E3 due to my associate degree told by the Air force recruiter I met, but I'll need a moral waiver for a misdemeanor I had at 18, which might limit my job options not to mention she told me I would have to be at the disposal of whatever the Air Force wanted me to do? Which I am assuming means that I could enlist for one thing that they tell me nope get your doing this.The Air Force recruiter told me that I would be just fine and I would be able to get in as long as my ASVAB score is high enough.
I'm torn about whether to commit to AD and save myself or a longer term in the military via reserves but still stuck in the same loop of feeling in fulfilled, unable to afford university and in a place I would rather leave. Insights from anyone who joined the military later or faced similar decisions would be incredibly helpful.
Thanks for any advice!
P.S I am also ok with the idea of the military as a career as I would still be able to retire earlier than many of my peers if I pursue the 20 year route..
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I’m reenlisting at the end of this month (was NG but going active). My husband is also active and I was wondering how likely is it that I can be in the same battalion as my husband? I know married couples aren’t supposed to work directly together but would that still be considered “working together”?
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Hi All, I'm 23F graduating college with my bachelor's in international relations at the end of July. I speak intermediate Spanish and would be open to learning more languages. I am looking for a mos that doesn't restrict me to behind a desk or sitting on my ass all day. I was thinking of something intelligence related. I would appreciate any advice/help.
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So i have hemorrhoids right now and I go to MEPS monday. I have a Drs visit from about 2 years ago where she prescribed me the cream to use. The cream says to only use it when you have hemorrhoids. I still have the cream. Will I pass MEPS if I bring that the Dr visit. or should I get a new one the day before? It's Saturday so my recruiter won't answer.
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So I enlisted on Friday. (25H) and I ship to BT in August. I’ve made my mind up before enlisting that I was going to make a career out of it. So now I’m here before you all to ask… what’s some advice you could give someone looking to do 20. Like what’s steps would you take if you could go back to make the most of your Army career? I remember my dad who served in the navy would always say “choose your rate choose your fate” and I think I started off on the right foot. Any suggestions to help make the correct steps in my new career path?
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Going back in. Needing some suggestions on different MOS.
So when I was in the first time I was a 25U. I was 16 when I swore in to secure my mos and left at 18YO. I’ve decicided to go back in. Im picking between 19 jobs, I qualify for all of them as I keep my old asvab scores. I scored over a 105 in everything so I have a pretty big list to pick from. These jobs have good jobs outside of the army and that’s my angle, I know 25U translates to a good job outside of the army but it’s not my cup of tea. So any info on the jobs in the army and civilian life for these mos would be greatly appreciate. The jobs are: 68L 68X (specifically because I want to help vets who are/have suffered) 88H 35F 25B 35M 35G 35L 88K 88N 88U 27D 31E 12M 15Q 15N 25U 88L 88M
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Already signed my contract but I really really wanna change my MOS by the time I ship out for BCT in mid-July, what would be the best way to approach and ask my recruiter to change my MOS? The one that I want is really in demand (19K) so maybe that might help?
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Background: Greencard holder, 6yr+ experience in IT field. No degree. Married.
Always wanted to join the military and finally have the opportunity to do so.
What I want to experience from the military;
I want the opportunity to grow in the IT field and have military experience and later on attain a contractor job in overseas installations. Very interested in being able to move overseas for a few years specially Japan.
My biggest interest is to grow in my career + experience other countries.
Recruits have also told me that for active duty they are allowing first duty station to be chosen because the army apparently has a shortage of people joining so they want to motivate people to join by allowing them to choose duty stations. This has made me consider going active IF they aren't lying about this + the job security has always been a plus to me.
My primary plan was :
Going reserve, getting my citizenship while in basic training, changing my mos to 25B then finding government contracting job overseas preferably (Japan) and changing my unit to Japan to drill there (Camp Zama). Overall my biggest goal is to move overseas and be in the IT field.
What is the best route? Advice is greatly appreciated in advance:)
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I want to enlist as a 19D Wont be for a year or so still but trying to do my research and evrything and make sure this is what i want, So far it looks like it is but i have a couple of questions that i need answering before i decided to enlist. 1. as a 19D with 19C coming will 19D still be manning Bradleys 2. What are my chances of being assigned to a cav unit i really dont wanna be assigned to an infantry or god knows what else 3. Am i able to enlist as active at 17?
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Is it hard to get a self harm waiver? It happened one time three years ago. My recruiter is pushing for it now
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I'm going to MEPS this week and I was told that the Job I'm really interested in (12w) is rare and to not get my hopes up. I'll be doing research about some other jobs, but if I really want that job should I just wait for a slot to open up or go with alternate choices?
Does anyone have any experience with this job and how often slots show up?
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Vision Waiver Acceptance Probability
So I’m wanting to enlist as an 11x OP 4in the army, went to MEPS a few weeks ago, and am currently waiting on a current injury to be waived. I’m just kind of worrying about my vision waiver. Recruiter said we have to wait for this to be cleared first, then we can launch the vision waiver.
What’s the probability that a vision waiver will be accepted with Visual Acuity of 20/30 20/50 corrected vision. I understand everything is case to case, I’m just kind of worrying that it’ll end up being denied.
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Is there a list of all the different Options in contracts? Like Option 40, Option 4, Option 19, etc?
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In the process of renegotiating my contract before shipping out and I'm seriously considering 19K (M1 Armor Crewman). Recruiter told me that anyone can volunteer to go to airborne school at BCT and I really want to go airborne but it seems like 19Ks don't really do it as much as other MOS's. Is it true that i will have the opportunity to volunteer myself for airborne school at basic? If not, how can I attend Airborne or any other specialized school as a tanker?
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Leaving for BT in 2wks. First stop Ft Lenwood and then ft sill for AIT. Then off to Ft Drum for my 1st duty station. Can anyone offer insight on what to expect at each location/stage? 13F if it matters. Much appreciated.
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Just reserved mos 88L Water craft engineer.
Was excited at first as I’ve e heard a lot of good things about this mos, but i have a wife, 6yr old and another on the way and am worried that i wont be home that often given this mos. Im supposed to go to meps in 4 days and swear in. Im really not trying to be away from my family all that often. Is this mos bad for family life? Have i made a mistake? Or should i keep it and roll with it. Any recommendations on what i should do?
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Hello, I’m in ROTC right now but I’m about to go to CST. I have been looking into branches as much as possible and am pretty set on ADA but I wanted to ask if anyone here has been on a HIMAD or SHORAD deployment that can give me some insight on what it’s like, more specifically SHORAD but I do want to hear both sides.
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Joining the army
hi, I am 17 turning 18F, and im joining the army and going to boot camp soon. What are some advice or anything you would tell someone before they go to boot camp or thinking about joining the army?
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Hello, I'm currently a high school senior who is interested in joining the ROTC. I've reached out to ROTC recruiters in the colleges that I will be attending however, they never picked up their phones nor responded to their emails after multiple attempts. I've also scheduled appointments with them only for them to not show up multiple times. I've also called the army and they said they would have someone call me but they never did either. I was wondering if anyone could help me get in touch with an ROTC recruiter as I got a few questions about the Army ROTC as well as the process to proceed.
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Can you go to an maritime academy before your service then get it paid when you join? Can you take maritime academy while active duty?
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What are possible first duty stations for Army officers out of ROTC by MOS?
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submitted by Army_Bot to ArmyWQT [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:21 pablogotiak Help with Strange French Ancestor.

During my geneological research, I came accross a strange marriage record for my 6th great grandfather. This record shows 2 French men marrying two Spanish sisters in a tiny town in northern Mexico, at a time where it would have been very difficult for Frenchmen to immigrate here. The record, dated to 1756 from Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, contains the marriage of my ancestor, Pedro Peche (maybe his original name was Pierre Pech?) And a local Spanish woman, the daughter of a sergeant. The record mentions Pedro Peche as being born in Rodez, France in 1735 to Antonio Peche and Francisca de la Fuente. The preceding record in the Church's book has another marriage, on the same day by a Bermardo del Puy (Bernard de le Puy?) From Orleans, France marrying the sister of the previous woman. I have searched in vain for years for any kind of record of these men and their parents. I have no clue how they could have ended in this place since they were from different areas of France, neither of which were coastal. Does anyone have any ideas for how I can find their origins? Part of me thinks somewhere in France there is an unsolved mystery fo two friends, sailors, or pirates who vanished without a trace.
submitted by pablogotiak to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:06 Gamer_Gamess Today on May 28th 2010 over 14 years ago, Paul McCartney played a show @ Foro Sol in Mexico City, Mexico! Not the best bootleg but man the mandolin featured in this song is icing on the cake. Yum yum!

Today on May 28th 2010 over 14 years ago, Paul McCartney played a show @ Foro Sol in Mexico City, Mexico! Not the best bootleg but man the mandolin featured in this song is icing on the cake. Yum yum! submitted by Gamer_Gamess to workprintsandbootlegs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:25 BriceTerry04 Marie about to destroy my Donkey Kong Country TV show VHS tape (and probably Bluster Kong as well).

Marie about to destroy my Donkey Kong Country TV show VHS tape (and probably Bluster Kong as well). submitted by BriceTerry04 to Marieism [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:24 SanderSo47 Weekend Actuals for May 24-27 – 'Furiosa' and 'Garfield' Lead the Worst Memorial Day in Decades

Weekend Actuals for May 24-27 – 'Furiosa' and 'Garfield' Lead the Worst Memorial Day in Decades
Just when you thought the box office couldn't get any worse.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga was the first film in the franchise to open at #1, yet its numbers were far below the most pessimistic predictions. The Garfield Movie opened solidly, although it didn't show signs of a break-out here. Angel Studios also released Sight, which was off to a very weak start as well.

The Top 10 earned a combined $97 million ($123.7 million four-day). That's off a massive 39% drop from last year, when The Little Mermaid opened to almost $100 million. In fact, discarding 2020 and 2021 for the pandemic, it was the worst Memorial Day weekend in at least 20 years, and the first one to miss $100 million. And that's not even adjusted for inflation.

Debuting in 3,804 theaters, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga flopped with just $26.3 million ($32.3 million four-day). That's a rough 43% drop from Mad Max: Fury Road, which debuted with $45.4 million back in May 2015. And that's despite nine years of inflation, which makes it even worse. Another sad stat: adjusted for inflation, the debut is barely above Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome ($21.2 million adjusted).

The last time we had a worse #1 during Memorial Day was Casper back in 1995. Adjusted for inflation, it was the worst in over four decades.

Unfortunately, despite the pretty great reviews, the film had a lot against it.

No one will deny that Fury Road is one of the most acclaimed action films of the century, perhaps of all time. But that film, despite making $380 million worldwide, was still a money loser due to its high budget. The figures vary, with The Hollywood Reporter reporting that the film lost $20-$40 million for Warner Bros. Now, despite not being a success, the acclaim allowed it to snatch 6 Oscar wins, and nominations for Best Picture and Best Director. So while WB may have expected more, they got the incentive to continue with the franchise. $380 million is still a lot of money for an R-rated film like this.

But instead of striking while the iron is hot, Warner Bros. got into a severe lawsuit with director George Miller in 2017, as the latter claimed he did not receive a disputed $7 million bonus. This caused production on Furiosa and a Fury Road sequel to stall. The lawsuit was settled in 2020, after which Miller started pre-production on this film. But that's the thing; 9 years is way too long for a follow-up and audiences eventually lose interest. The preferential gap between franchise follow-ups should be as close as possible. Had it come out in 2018 or 2019, it would've fared far better.

But that also leads to another problem; was a Furiosa prequel the film that the audiences wanted to watch after Fury Road? We cannot make assumptions, but it's tough to say the audiences didn't want to watch Mad Max on another epic adventure after the events of the film. After all, the franchise is called Mad Max. Prequels limit the potential audience of the film; this film does not feature Mad Max save for a brief cameo (and it isn't even played by Tom Hardy). So if the audience feels the prequel won't add anything, they simply won't watch it. That's a disadvantage of prequels; you know Furiosa, Immortan Joe and his men will all live. Outside Star Wars (and even that's because of inflation), prequels aren't known for improving on their previous films.

The absence of Hardy and Charlize Theron also hurt the film. It's ridiculous to expect Theron to play a younger version of the character, but the character is linked to Theron, no matter how great Furiosa ends up. Hardy and Theron are not box office draws, but they have a lot of success to their names. In contrast, Anya Taylor-Joy may be popular online, but she has starred in a lot of bombs in the past few years and does not have a single film as leading lady above $75 million. And Hemsworth, while obviously popular for Thor, has not been able to translate that popularity at the box office; he hasn't had a single box office hit since Snow White and the Huntsman in 2012. So you've got two actors that despite being "popular", aren't exactly "popular" enough to help a film.

Now, perhaps the biggest factor, is that the Mad Max franchise simply has not been huge. Yeah, Fury Road made $380 million but that showed that the franchise has a ceilling. When it debuted in 1979, Mad Max earned $100 million worldwide, albeit with an almost non-existent presence in North America. The Road Warrior made $36 million in rentals, while Beyond Thunderdome made $52 million in rentals. Good for their times, but not strong enough for a $168 million film like Furiosa.

According to Warner Bros., a colossal 93% of the audience was 18 and over, and 55% was in the 18-34 demographic. Only 2% of the audience was 13-17, and 9% was 55 and over. Despite Furiosa as the lead, only 28% of the audience was female, although that's not exactly surprising.

The film received a "B+" on CinemaScore, which is the same score as Fury Road. That's not a horrible score, but it does not indicate the general audience will discover the film in subsequent weekends. That film had great legs, but Furiosa doesn't have the same amount of acclaim. Whatever the case, a sub $100 million run is imminent. Miller was hoping to get to The Wasteland with Hardy, but those plans might die unless there's a miracle. But one thing is certain: Furiosa won't ride the highways of Valhalla and McFeast with the heroes of all time.

Sony's The Garfield Movie debuted with $24 million ($31.2 million four-day) in 4,035 theaters. That's barely above what Bill Murray's reviled live-action/animation hybrid earned back in 2004. At least, it already surpassed the lifetime of the sequel ($28 million).

Considering it cost just $60 million, this is a solid debut that puts it in profitability territory. But one can't help but feel like the film could've made even more. After all, it's the first animated title in 2 months. It even managed to open below last week's IF, and that's despite having the IP advantage on its side.

At the end of the day, Garfield is a well known but not massively popular film franchise. It didn't help that Murray's films were poorly received, so it looks like there isn't a lot of market for these films. Sony tried to market the film as a funny adventure for the whole family, but the marketing simply lacked a "hook". There's nothing fresh about this film, and it doesn't offer anything you haven't seen before. If you watched the trailer, you already saw the whole film. In fact, one of the biggest complaints heard is that the film has very little resemblance to the character. Animated films are often critic-proof, but even the reviews for Garfield were quite bad (38% on RT).

According to Sony, 53% of the audience was female and 44% are over 24 years old. They gave it a "B+" on CinemaScore, which is a very poor grade for a family film (these films end up in the A range most of the time). Even IF still got an A. It's tough to determine how much it will gross, but it's a conclusion that families are prioritizing IF and Inside Out 2 for their kids. It should pass Murray's original, but $100 million remains a question mark.

In third place, IF dropped 52% and added $16.1 million ($22.2 million four-day). Considering it was facing Garfield, that's not a bad drop. Through Monday, the film has earned $64.8 million, and there's a strong chance it will finish with over $100 million domestically.

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes eased 47% and grossed $13.3 million ($17.5 million four-day). These aren't fantastic holds, but the film has held far better than its "B" on CinemaScore suggests. The gap between this and War continues expanding; it's now $7 million ahead of that film through the same point. It has made $127 million domestically, and it should earn over $160 million.

In fifth place, The Fall Guy eased just 28% and added $5.9 million ($7.8 million four-day). That takes its domestic total to a meager $72.2 million, and it looks like a sub $90 million run is becoming more likely.

The Strangers: Chapter 1 dropped 53%, earning $5.5 million ($7 million four-day). Through Monday, the film has earned $22.7 million.

In seventh place, we had another newcomer, Angel Studios' Sight, but the film bombed with just $2.7 million ($3.7 million four-day) in 2,100 theaters. Even with an "A" on CinemaScore, it's unlikely the film makes a good impression in the coming weeks.

Challengers dropped 51% and added $1.4 million ($1.8 million four-day). That takes its domestic total to $46.5 million.

Unsurprisingly, Back to Black collapsed 62% for a $1 million weekend ($1.3 million four-day). That was imminent, given that the film had no appeal beyond Amy Winehouse's fans. And even those fans are disliking the film. The film has earned just $5.3 million, and it will finish below $7 million domestically.

Rounding up the Top 10 was Neon's expansion of Pamela Adlon's Babes into 590 theaters. But the film amassed just $1 million ($1.2 million four-day). In contrast, Bottoms made $3 million in 125 more theaters. Expect it to finish below $5 million.

As a bonus: Sony re-released Spider-Man: Far From Home on Monday, but it earned just $265,000. That's even less than Homecoming's re-release ($285K).


Furiosa also led the overseas box office, yet it was also a very weak start. Originally projected to debut with $80 million, it earned just $64.8 million worldwide. For comparison, Fury Road debuted with $109 million worldwide back in 2015. The best debuts were in Korea ($6.4M), France ($2.6M), the UK ($2.5M), Mexico ($2.4M), and Australia ($2.2M). With a debut this weak, a sub $200 million is becoming a possibility.

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes added $20.6 million this weekend, taking its worldwide total to near $300 million after 3 weeks. Its best markets are China ($25.3M), France ($17.3M), Mexico ($15.5M), UK ($13M) and Brazil ($7.6M).

The Garfield Movie added $14 million, and its cume is now $97.5 million. It had solid starts in the UK ($2.5M) and Middle East ($1M). It still has Indonesia, Australia, Poland, France and Japan left.

IF crossed $100 million worldwide after adding $11.3 million overseas. Its best markets are France ($6.8M), Mexico ($5.5M), UK ($5.4M), Australia ($3.4M) and Germany ($2.4M).

After struggling, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire has finally crossed $200 million worldwide. A good milestone, but the film is still not a hit with that $100 million budget.




The year-to-year comparisons are about to get worse. We might have a weekend without a single film above $15 million.

Disney is returning with their first film of the year, Young Woman and the Sea. It stars Daisy Ridley as Gertrude Ederle, an American competitive swimmer who became the first woman to swim across the English Channel. Even with Disney's backing, don't expect much; it's only getting a limited theatrical release. By how much? We don't know, but certainly not strong enough to make $10 million this weekend.

North America is also getting Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle. The film already opened in Japan, where it has made $68 million so far. How much will it make compared to Spy x Family ($4.8 million)?

Another release is Roadside Attractions' Summer Camp, starring Diane Keaton, Kathy Bates and Alfre Woodard. Don't expect much here; Roadside is not known for pulling great numbers.


No write-up next week, just the image. Real-life stuff, but it's not like we're getting an exciting weekend here. We'll return for Bad Boys: Ride or Die.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:44 Silver_liver The Ashtapdan ch.23/43 THE ACTION PICKS UP!

chapters 1&2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Link to AO3
Gentry’s sweet cravings were getting out of hand.
The last time she had a proper dessert was almost a week ago, and if she had something to say about it, no amount of saccharine text exchanges with pretty boys was going to replace a good old sugar rush. A couple of days ago Sereen treated her to the sweetest snack she could get with her status and that piece of dried fruit was nowhere near enough to satisfy G’s sweet tooth.
So many vending machines and eateries, but not a single good bakery? Hell, even a crappy one would do at this point! She had to hunt down some glucose tonight.
After Sereen’s initial tour around the city, she went off leaving G to explore the city on her own. It was getting easier and easier. With the auglasses on, finding her way around proved pretty intuitive, not in the least thanks to the distinct chessboard-like layout of Ashtapada. Each district had a letter-number label. By remembering one’s “square code”, one could find their way back on foot or by cab in no time wherever they found themselves.
Gentry spent hours exploring the wide walking streets and little nooks that offered yet another glimpse into Ashtapadan reality. She once stumbled upon a bookshop with nothing on the shelves but blank-page tomes. The shopkeeper asked her what she was looking for and after finding out the she was a Newcomer, explained that it was a book-on-demand type of place. She would place an order for a story and he would write it for her in a matter of days.
What confused her most was the snow-white buildings of the city. Despite being made with rough porous concrete, they were drowning in lush greenery that sometimes looked like it nearly chocked the structure. Each had the same distinct feature, though, that made them all look unfinished: however tall or short was the building, the top floor always looked under construction. Though there always were the omnipresent hounds on each of the working site, there were never any cranes or scaffolding visible. The obliging auglasses offered G the answer: everything from the smallest houses to the few high rises was essentially self-producing! From what little she understood reading about this advancement, the carbon in the atmosphere was captured by special aerial filters and dissolved in some water. It later went through the pipes in the buildings’ skeleton-like armature and got sprayed on. As the water evaporated, the carbon solidified into neat coral-like blocks that formed the walls and other structures.
Well, that explained why the fumes she saw on the outskirts smoked backwards!
It was getting dark and the orderly streets came alive once G engaged her glasses that revealed the digital underside of Ashtapada again. Every business had a modest sign in the physical world that didn’t stand out on the angular facades. But there also was a hidden bright animated augmented-reality one that could compete with Broadway neon in brightness.
Signs like these weren’t just decorating the facades: the 3D ones flashing on the ground filled almost the whole field of view, too. They looked amazingly enticing in the evening dusk. Information stalls with digital assistants, huge arrows pointing at meeting points, temporary signs inviting strangers to join a club gathering — Gentry was going to gawk at every single one tonight. She came up to some of them, waving hands in the air to try and touch the flickering lights, not caring what she looked like from the outside. Ashtapadans seemed a very relaxed bunch, not putting their noses in others’ business, which felt liberating. Noting how other people in the streets interacted with 3D service bots, G came up to one of them, too.
“Hello, Gentry, how can I help you tonight?” it chirped. The hologram looked like a cute animated girl with an elaborate pink hairdo. “You can ask me a question directly or say “What can you do” to access the list of commands.”
“Hi!” G said. “Do you have a name?”
“You can call me Yukio,” it responded with a little curtsy. “I can answer any questions, show you around or chat about anything!”
Any question? It must know where the desserts were sold! On second thought, wasn’t there something more important than that? Something that brought G here in the first place.
“I’m looking for a person named Exxy Mah,” she said to the patiently smiling girl. “Is there a citizen or a newcomer with this name?”
“There is!” Yukio answered, gleefully jumping in the air. “Exxy Mah is a famous Ashtapadan, she is an advocate for healthy living. You might have seen her on posters and screens around the city.”
The woman in the picture the assistant conjured up floating in thin air showed an elderly woman. She was looking very fit for her age but it clearly wasn’t the Exxy Gentry knew.
“Hmm... That’s not her...” G said. “There has to be another.”
The girl suddenly looked on the verge of tears. “I’m sorry! It’s the only one in Ashtapada! No other Citizens or Newcomers are registered by this name!”
Did her friend change her name then?
“A friend of mine should’ve arrived here last year under the same name. Can you check where she is now?”
Yukio’s helpful attitude fell apart in an instant. Her posture became stiff like a 3D model she was and a voice void of any emotion informed, “Personal data on people of Ashtapada, including their whereabouts is protected by the privacy laws of the city. Please rephrase your search.”
A blink later, the same cute Yukio was standing in front of G again.
“Can I help with anything else?” she smiled.
Was there a way to ask this dummy in a way that would give her at least a hint about her friend?
“Ok, Yukio,” G attempted. “When did the famous Exxy Mah you mentioned arrive at Ashtapada?”
The girl flickered into a wooden statue again, “Personal data on people...”
“Ok, ok, I got it,” G waved. “Bring back the friendly assistant, you creep me out.”
“Can I help with anything else?” the model went again.
G sighed.
“Is there a place a newcomer can get something sweet, a chocolate or a cake perhaps?”
Yukio gasped indignantly, “Ashtapada has a very strict policy on stimulants! You can’t legally buy any tobacco, alcohol, products with added sugar and other such substances!”
“Such substances!” G hollered, forgetting for a second that she was talking to a lifeless simulation. “Sugar is completely harmless! It’s good for your brains you know! Can I at least ask a Сitizen to get me a snack?”
The girl crossed her arms in defiance.
“You can’t buy any dessert in Ashtapada, whatever your status, the law is for everyone. No refined sugar!”
G thought for a moment, rewinding their conversation in her memory.
“Did you say I can’t buy sugar legally?”— Gentry perked up — “Is there a black market of sweets I can go to?”
“A black market of sweets!”
Yukio stared. It was clearly the first time she had had to deal with this particular word combination. It took her a second or two to process the request.
“There’s no black market of sweets in Ashtapada,” she stated, confidently, at last.
“Ok, pinkhead,” G said, rolling her eyes. “I guess it took all candy floss in Ashtapada to make that hair.”
Annoyed at the assistant, she stomped through the bright neon figure in front of her and into the pedestrian street now full of people.
If there was a place with some glucose in this stuck-up place, she was going to sniff it out.
The hunt wasn’t of much success. After watching a street performance by a group of dancers, listening to an impromptu debate and taking part in a couple of opinion polls, Gentry finally felt that it had been a little too much. Even with the auglasses disengaged, he noise, the people and the boisterous crowds in the streets seemed to pour light and sound directly into her brain in an endless stream. It gave her a headache.
Calling up a map from her wristcomm with an already practised motion, she marked a place nearby that looked much quieter and had a swarm of vending machines, too.
Screw the sugar, she just needed some water now.
The place was indeed quite secluded. The narrow street started on the edge of the bustling zone she just left but didn’t seem to cut into the living district. It wasn’t used by many people, but, to G’s surprise, it seemed to be used by hounds, scurrying back and forth with parcels, trash bags and other loads of lesser identifiability.
Perhaps this little alley was shared by humans and these tireless little helpers over the course of the day? The hounds would make use of it in the night but workers would walk it to leave the residential area when the sun was up? That would explain the line of vending machines along both sides, with their tempting lights that invited to at least take a look.
Sadly, their insides weren’t as tempting as the signs promised.
G walked past the rows of healthy corn-based snacks, rows of dried fruit packets, lines of non-edible stuff like auglasses upgrades and finally ended up in front of a drinks machine. It immediately identified her by scanning the device on her wrist and merrily chimed a hello. G frowned. The few options that were available to a newcomer with an embarrassingly low status like hers immediately got illuminated, hiding more enticing bottles and cans in relative darkness.
No need to rub it in, you soulless beast!
But... there was a can that looked a little sweeter than others. Perhaps it was because of its sickly-pink colour, or a pattern vaguely reminding of chewing gum printed along its rims together with the fact that it was unavailable to pheasants like her, but something told Gentry that it probably was it. A sweet drink she was after.
Or, at least, sweetish.
Against better judgment, she tapped the touchglass to order it.
Nothing. The little screen insisted that she must choose what was available.
She scanned her comm again.
She engaged the little flashlight in her glasses and looked at the can more carefully.
Was it... a little askew?
It definitely was.
Its lower rim was half-hanging in the air, the release mechanism lazily holding it in place.
A good shove...
A good shove would probably drop the can down.
Wouldn’t it?
G looked around and immediately felt a pang of guilt.
She hadn’t done anything, officer!
No people, just a couple of smaller hounds rhythmically clip-clopping along the dim alley.
Should she?
The can looked at her from behind the glass like a captive princess, waiting to be rescued from the agonizing imprisonment. Someone to grab its slender body, deflower it with a skilled motion and drain its sweet nectar in a couple of gulps.
Hang in there, my sweet prize, your saviour is coming!
Another hopefully inconspicuous glance around confirmed there were still no people in the alley.
Gentry stepped to the side and leaned on the machine, estimating its weight.
Not too bad.
She leaned in heavier, feet pushing into the ground, legs and back straining against the cool metal.
A little more, and...
One of the little hounds stopped and looked G over, like a dog that saw a little furry animal that could be torn apart.
What, little buddy? Just taking a break. Is it against the law to lean on vending machines?
Gentry urged the walking robot to move along with a little shove of her foot and immediately felt a little bad when it obediently left without making much fuss.
Why the guilt? It wasn’t like she kicked the little guy!
Still, Gentry felt emboldened by the little victory against the mindless machine.
Surely, the frigid castle that held her sugary princess shouldn’t be of much trouble either.
With a renewed wind in her sails, she stepped back a couple of meters and slammed her whole body into the automate that answered with a promising clanking. Another good push and the visual assessment confirmed that the pink princess was nearly saved. Gentry smashed into the box one last time and the can that she longed for finally jangled down and into the pick-up box.
Gentry’s exhilaration lasted only for a second, however. Before she could retrieve the can she lusted after, something much bigger than a modest dog-sized carrier hound filled her field of vision. A larger four-legged robot that also had something fastened on its back and belly. It stood motionless, its front camera glinting in the uneven light like a bird of prey’s, watching G as she stood up after the impact, unsure what to do.
Was it a police hound or something? Unlikely. There were no marks on it that would identify it as such. What was its problem then?
It’s alright, mate, be on your way now.
G slowly moved her hand towards the pick-up box and almost grabbed the cool can when the hound gently shoved her hand aside with its boxy head.
What’s your problem, pal?
Gentry considered if it was worth it being accused of theft so soon after arriving at Ashtapada. Was it really that bad though? She could always claim it just dropped there by itself.
She pushed the hound’s stump of a head back, covering its camera with her palm, reaching for the can again. This time, as if blinded by her hand, the hound didn’t do anything to stop it.
Ah, easy. These machines were too dumb.
Gentry stepped back, completely sure that the matter was settled, and popped the can open. Its sweet scent filled her nostrils with a seductive promise. But the hound had other plans. Once his camera was uncovered, it seemed to focus on the offending drink again and made to awkwardly sway its head to kick it out of G’s hands.
Excuse me? What about the Laws of Robotics, mate? Rings a bell?
It wasn’t hard to dodge the clumsy assault, but the sheer size of the robot made G uneasy. If it seriously wanted to harm her, it could just stomp on her foot and shatter the bones there like fragile glass.
Better get out of here then.
Finally making a sip of the promising nectar, Gentry moved back towards the light opening of the alley, flanking the beast at a respectful distance before scrunching her face in disgust.
Shit! The drink wasn’t sweet in the slightest! It was all a lie! Vile flavourings! She was cheated! Her lovely princess lured her with a siren’s song and stabbed her right in the heart!
Disillusioned, G gripped the can tighter as if in retaliation and picked up the pace.
The hound wasn’t having it though. Surprisingly agile on its metal hooves, it appeared in front of Gentry, blocking her way out. The robots usually looked more like docile cows or donkeys, especially when they were loaded with cargo, but this one, now... looked like a real hound. Its posture suddenly squat, the camera glinting once again, it definitely wasn’t going to let the transgressor go that easily.
Shit, shit! Had it seen her face? Had it scanned her comm? Was she going to prison now?
Panic rose in Gentry’s brain like a suffocating wave.
Run? Return the can back? It wasn’t even good enough to be worth the trouble!
Tentatively, without turning her back on the beast, G made a couple of steps back to escape in the other direction but the robot matched her stride, his dark presence looming in the narrow pathway.
Something like this had happened before. A similar quiet spot in her city. A similar evening that started off great but ended in a disaster. The same impending danger, the same feeling of helplessness, a similar... weapon in her hand?
Right. The brawler that attacked her and Pete at The Clockface was human and was taken down by some boiling hot water, and this hound also had eyes. Only one in fact. And if the can is sturdy enough...
Brace yourself now, my princess, it’s time for sacrifices.
With a well-aimed swing, Gentry launched the can into the thin glass of the hound’s camera eye, turning to run for her life at the same time. A crashing sound proved that she succeeded but there was no time to check what the robot would do next. As usual, the time seemed to stretch into a sickening slime and her legs didn’t feel real, but G knew that outside her reeling head everything was moving properly so she had no time to lose.
Run away, mix into the crowd, save your hide.
Feel worthless later.
submitted by Silver_liver to RoleReversal [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:43 AustralianChrono Chronologica's Drag Race Season 6: Episode 3- Vegas Showgays

Chronologica's Drag Race Season 6: Episode 3- Vegas Showgays
Animal stalking you at night
Raising her shoulders in the air, a layer of Francesa’s dress drops, revealing a matching set of pants as her eyes look upon the judges, transfixed.
Capture me, my blood is red
HerShe spins around, calling her fake mobile phone as if a scared girl in a horror movie, as Chronologica chuckles.
That's not impossible to do, oh
To the beat of the song, Francesca plays with the heaves and grunts, her chest puffing as she curls her lips around every word, like a witch stalking her prey.
Primeval times with a little stimulation
HerShe is on the floor, crawling across the stage like a sexy model, flicking her hair back with a smirk on her face.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “HerShe giving sexy… wow, what a surprise.”
Tie me to a tree, crawl all over me
Her eyes darting around with manic expression as her words silk through like butter, Francesca trawls through the stage with a strong, fixated energy.
I don't ever wanna be eaten alive
HerShe drops into a death splat, as Francesca rips into her outfit with her long claw like nails, the outfit tearing into two as the song ends.
Chronologica gasps, clapping.
Francesca La Fataliá: “All my outfits are designed for moments like this. They don’t need to know that, though.”

I’ve made my decision.

Francesca La Fataliá, you’re a winner baby.
“Thank you, very much.” Francesca bows.
Condragulations–you’ve won this IMMUNITY POTION!–save it for when you’re at your most thirsty and desperate.
“Noted.” Francesca says.
HerShe, well done this week. You are safe.
“Thank you so much!” HerShe smiles.
Racers, the journey is still ahead. You will all be facing a big battle, now- eliminations begin, and your competitors are out there. So, good luck… and do not fuck it up.
The racers walk in, and see the other 6 racers, all dressed in their best Flannel Drag, staring at the group.
“Oh, should we be scared?!” Carly laughs.
Everyone mean mugs each other. Ethan squats, staring at the others. Lady Gag is filing her nails. Niagara is brushing her hair. Shiseido applies lipstick. Molly stares hungrily at the racers. Lokii is smiling.
Francesca La Fataliá: “Should I be scared?”
Lokii: “It’s like two, shocking, scary racers coming together… and then…”
“HIYA EVERYONE!” Vicki cheers, as the racers all run over to each other.
“Oh I know you, girl!” Lady Gag looks at Shayla. “The big nerd girl from Ft. Lauderdale!”
The others stare at Lady Gag.
Shayla Moon: “Should I be offended by the phrase ‘Big’? No, that’s me. But it’s MEANT as an insult.”
“Excuse me… who are you?” Shayla asks.
Lady Gag looks shocked.
Shayla Moon: “Face crack!” Shayla cackles.
“Lady Gag, Chronologica’s Drag Race, Season 6 Winner.” Lady Gag smirks, extending her hand.
“Where’s the winner, I just see someone doing something already done, less successfully.” Francesca responds.
“OOOOOOHHHH!” Niagara laughs.
Lady Gag scoffs, as Ethan and Shisisedo both nod in appreciation.
“WHO are YOU?” Lady Gag turns, giving a stank face to Francesca.
“Leader of the Fataliá Mafia.” Ethan says, eyeing Francesca.
“Wait, you’re really a crime lord?!” Carly gasps.
Francesca smirks.
Carly looks scared.
“Ethan Angel-Eye. I’ve won the first week.” Ethan extends his hand to Francesca.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “When you see a threat- let alone one that may prove herself, you play the game.”
“I guess I don’t need to introduce myself, beyond adding- I’ve won the second week.” Francesca smirks.
“SO that’s the one I steal the potion from…” Molly whispers under her breath.
“Ooooooh…” Lokii smiles.
Lokii: “She’s cool.”
“Who was your top 2?” HerShe grins, looking around. “HerShe Kiss, former pit crew.” Molly smiles, placing her hand on her heart.
Anne smiles, looking over at Lady Gag, who is ignoring the others. “I love your look.”
“Oh, you’re gorgeous, BABE.” Gag smiles.
“Let’s be friends.” Anne says.
“It was I, Molly Moppit- former San Jose Men’s Correctional Prison attendee.” Molly says, crossing a finger around her neck and making a cutting noise.
“Woah.” Carly gasps.
“She’s fucking lying.” Shisedo responds.
Molly rolls her eyes, before laughing. “I was top 2 though.”
“Well, it feels nice to be here, together.” Vicki smiles, looking around. “Maybe we should hold hands and cheer for a season of fantastic drag?”
“I’m not doing that.” Ethan says.
“Hell no.” Shisiedo responds.
“Gross.” Lady Gag scoffs.
“Eek.” Anne makes a face.
Shiseido laughs. “Declassé.”
Molly looks at Shiseido. “Do you even know what declassé means?”
“I’m not a hand holder.” Francesca responds.
“I’ll join!” Shayla smiles, walking over and extending her hand.
“Oh, I’ll do it.” Nakomis joins.
“Me too.” Lokii gives an awkward smile, joining in.
HerShe holds hands with Lokii.
“Of course!” Carly yells.
Nearly half of the room hold hands, the others looking at each other, as the cast of Season 6 scope out the competition.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “I’m… excited.” Carly smiles.
“To Season 6!” Carly cheers.
“TO SEASON 6!” Half of the room responds.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “The tide is high, the guns are blazing- but you know what? This is exciting.”
“To beating you twelve.” Shisiedo raises her hand, as the other half of the room joins in.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “And you know what? I’M READY, BITCH!”
“Shady, shady…” Vicki clicks her tongue.
Shisiedo shrugs.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “It’s on, like Donkey KONG!”
The next day, the racers all enter the werkroom- Bar Lady Gag, who struts out in a seashell bikini.
“…Are you going to be wearing Lady Gaga every single day, in and out of drag?” Anne smiles, looking at Gag.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “I think I’m in love with Lady Gag.”
“No, last week she wore a bikini!” Molly chuckles.
“Miami, bitch.” Lady Gag puts on a pair of shades.
“Where did she even get those glasses…?” Molly questions, putting on a pair of Ethan’s own sunglasses.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “I sense a kindred spirit. Perhaps, it is also this- I am the actual president, treasurer and secretary of the Luxembourg Lady Gaga fan club.”
“Don’t question it.” Anne puts her hand up.
Lady Gag poses, pursing her lips.
“…I hate this.” Shisiedo mutters.
“As do I.” Francesca stares.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “Either way, we’re becoming fast friends.”
“Can I sit h-“ Niagara starts, before Anne and Gag turn to her.
Niagara looks confused, before nodding. “Okay, werk.”
“Nasty bitches.” Nakomis splutters, inviting Niagara over. “Come sit with us.”
“Not when you’re wearing that ugly shirt.” Niagara makes a face. “Who even is that?”
“It’s my namesake.” Nakomis points to her shirt. “Nakomis.”
“Fugly.” Niagara shakes her head.
You’ve got drag MAIL!
“MAIL!” Molly yells.
When you’re a Showgay, every STEP counts. So watch out for the pearls!
“Acting challenge?” Molly asks.
“Oh, I’d love to act.” HerShe smiles.
“I can see it with the persona you put on.” Anne jokes.
“HAH!” Lady Gag snaps her fingers.
HerShe makes a confused face.
“Guys, let’s not…” Vicki smiles. “It’s-“
Yo yo yo!
Chronologica walks out in a Rugby Jersey, the words ‘Eeels’ splattered across it, ‘Chronologica ’69’ across the back.
“Now, is it ’69 because of your age, or…” Shayla winks.
Chronologica winks back.
Welcome to the first REAL week- because this point onwards, we’re doing eliminations. I’m making a promise, here and now… no fake out eliminations. Each week, until the finale, someone WILL go home.
Lokii: “No safety notes. You do bad one week? You don’t win a lip sync? You’re going home.”
Shayla gulps.
Now, for this week’s maxi challenge, it’s time to put your dance and choreography skills to the TEST. In three teams, you will be putting together a choreographed VEGAS inspired showgay performance- big headpieces, big moves, and… you’ll be making your OWN choreography, to just make it a bit more fun!
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I am a Choreographer, first and foremost. This is an opportunity to continue to deliver, and get another win on the board. I feel satiated.”
“Please no.” Francesca looks at Chronologica.
“Mama Fatal.” Carly looks at Chronologica.
Chronologica nods, clapping her hands, as Francesca does a throat slitting motion at Carly.
“Hey, I did that first-” Molly exclaims, before being shushed by Shayla.
Ethan and Mama Fatal, you two will be the TEAM captains, as winners of the first two challenges. They’ll be a third team, we’ll be calling the… leftovers.
Ethan, as first premiere winner, you get first pick.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “None of these racers seem appetizing. Then, I recall a mentioning… of a certain someone having dance experience.”
“Shayla Moon.” Ethan nods.
Producer: “But Shayla didn’t mention her experience to you at that point.”
Ethan Angel-Eye: “That’s none of your business.”
“Carly.” Francesca utters.
“Mama!” Carly laughs, running over.
“One more time…” Francesca growls.
“…HerShe.” Ethan nods.
“Woo!” HerShe runs over.
HerShe Kiss: “I love a team project. I tend to lead them, but…”
Francesca mulls over her options.
“…She’s taking her TIME.” Molly whispers to Vicki.
“Please-“ Niagara raises her hand. “I have performance skills. I think I’m cunt. I know I’m cunt. Let me prove myself.”
The others look at Niagara.
Niagara Halls: “Like, I was thinking- her drag is kinda gorgeous. I want tips. And I don’t want to not be picked.”
“Okay child, prove yourself.” Francesca gestures for Niagara to come over.
“UGH.” Ethan grumbles.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I hate the choices I am forced with.”
The others look at the displeased Ethan. “Lady Gag.” Ethan says, as Gag joins her team.
“Fabulous.” Lady Gag smiles, looking at Anne. “Good luck.”
“You’ll need it.” Anne says, flicking back her hair.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “Allegedly, she can dance. Best bet, over the clear non performers.”
Gag smiles.
“Nakomis.” Francesca says.
That leaves Molly, Shiseido, Lokii, Vicki and Anne as the leftovers!
Molly Moppit: “Am I offended? YES!”

Molly Moppit: “Am I a bad dancer? NO! Gravity just tests me!”
Molly’s eyes dart left to right.
The teams start chatting, as they prepare for the challenge.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “For our maxi challenge this week, we’ll be dancing our asses OFF in a Vegas style dance performance!”
“I think the important query here to ask-“ Francesca looks at the racers. “Who has dance experience? And who has choreography experience?”
“I am certainly a MOVER.” Carly smiles, shimmying.
“So not a choreographer.” Francesca writes a note down.
Carly gasps dramatically, before shrugging. “True.”
“I’ve taught groups, but actively, no.” Francesca says. “I will own up to that.”
“I love to perform, but yeah, same.” Nakomis scoffs.
“Girl, same.” Niagara laughs.
“So I picked poorly.” Francesca says.
“…I mean, we are all performers, right?” Niagara looks around. “I think-“ She pauses at Nakomis.
“Well, you did offer to prove yourself…” Francesca hands Niagara the notepad.
Niagara looks spooked.
Francesca La Fataliá: “I can still lead without actively doing so. I want Niagara to own up and prove herself. I saw a fire. Show it. It’s a team challenge. And I have an immunity potion.”
“Okay…” Niagara cracks her knuckles. “Let’s do this.”

“So, who here is a DANCER?!” Molly smiles.
Nobody raises her hand.
“Why are you acting like a team Captain?” Shisiedo responds.
Lokii and Vicki stare at each other. Anne is oblivious.
“…I was asking a question, Red.” Molly laughs. “Don’t-“
“Don’t call me Red.” Shisiedo puts her hand up.
“Would calling you old nasty grandma bitch be better?” Molly asks.
Anne giggles, as Vicki clicks her tongue.
“No, no, no-“ Vicki shakes her head. “Let’s not swear…”
“Fuck off.” Molly and Shisedo say at the same time.
Vicki frowns.
“...Great, nobody is a dancer.” Anne rolls her eyes.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “I must give my best. Being surrounded by weak links is one good thing- because it means I will not be in the bottom. I’ll help make it clear.”
“I think you should lead, Molly.” Anne puts her hand up.
“Oh…” Molly smiles. “Well- you know what, yes!”
Anne smiles.
Shisiedo looks annoyed.

“Now, I do have choreographer experience. I am the leader.” Ethan looks at the others.
“Ooooh…” HerShe holds her tongue.
HerShe Kiss: “I am a natural leader, I believe I have the skills, the talents, the abilities. It seems to be a default role for me.”
“Does anyone have dance, performance experience?” Ethan asks with a half smirk.
Lady Gag and Shayla raise their hands.
“I am a professional mover.” HerShe smiles.
“Okay, we’re all solid, so we can take hold and fucking deliver. I’m going to expect we all go 110%.” Ethan begins to write notes.
“I’d like to ask something.” Shayla says, putting her hand forward. “I’d love to take lead, front and center.”
“And why do you believe you should be at the front?” Ethan asks.
“You made a fantastic comment the other day, about me being a big girl.” Shayla looks at Lady Gag.
“Oh, yeah.” Lady Gag laughs.
“...I know my body isn’t the standard- Vegas Showgirl. I want to showcase that.” Shayla adjusts herself, stretching in her Death Note crop top. “Big girls can shine too.”
“I love that.” HerShe smiles.
“Werk.” Lady Gag laughs.
Lady Gag: “I’m a fierce bitch, girl- calm down with your big girls can shine too moment.” Lady Gag rolls her eyes.
“Sure.” Ethan nods. “Okay.”
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I will plan and execute this to a T . I know I can perform, and likely win this challenge. But, I’m happy to take a backseat to the conversation right now. Tactically- it works for Shayla- who can lead the show, and allow Lady Gag to get annoyed.” Ethan does a half smile.
The teams all walk onto the main stage for the maxi challenge to rehearse.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “I am excited to watch this chaos. We’re sitting down, and watching all of the other teams… prepare. How much fun.”
“Good luck.” Anne whispers to Lady Gag, as her team gets up.
“Okay…” Ethan holds a clip board, looking at the others. “We’re going to get into the first moment, as Shayla walks out…”
Shayla walks to the front, extends her arms and drops into a split.
“Woah.” Niagara covers her mouth.
Lokii: “She can move. It’s kinda… woah, cool.”
“Okay, then it’s you, Gag-”
Lady Gag flips forward.
“Then HerShe-” Ethan directs, pointing forward.
“I don’t know if my moment works.” HerShe purses her lips. “I’m thinking instead, I should actually strut out-”
“Are you a dancer? Are you leading, or are you third, listening to my instructions?” Ethan responds.
Anne begins to giggle.
Ethan stares at Anne.
“..I think you’re not leading in a democratic style, and it’s not going to work unless this is a collaborative piece.” HerShe adds. “I think perhaps, I can also take the reigns-”
Shayla and Lady Gag look confused, as Ethan gives a blank expression.
Shayla Moon: “Now, I am a control freak- and arguably, yes, my section is working well, but HerShe… huh?”
“This isn’t a Kumbaya scenario. If you can’t do the move, tell me, but it’s my leadership, or I’ll fucking throw you to the wolves in front of the judges.” Ethan growls.
“Jesus.” Vicki utters.
“...Okay.” HerShe nods.

“Your turn, team Mother Fatal.” Anne points.
“That is not yours to say.” Francesca says, getting up.
“Now, I’ve put together some points.” Niagara says, holding up a notepad.
“Wait, Niagara is doing the choreo?” Lady Gag utters to Anne, chuckling.
“Yes, I am.” Niagara smiles, holding the notepad. “Nakomis, you won’t be wearing this, I hope? You have heels to prepare in?”
“...Yes, Niagara.” Nakomis responds.
Nakomis Lotus: “Niagara is leading- she’s trying, but she’s kinda…. Nervous?”
“Nakomis…” Niagara’s eyes burst. “I mean Carly.”
“Oh, yeah girl, okay.” Carly smiles. “Do you want ME to go-”
“YES!” Niagara yells.
Carly looks at Niagara. “We’re one team.”
“Yup, yup…” Niagara exhales. “Let’s do it.”
“You can do this.” Francesca looks at Niagara. “If you don’t, you’ll die.”
Niagara gulps.
“She’s serious, too. I know she is.” Molly adds.
Niagara Halls: “Why did I do this?” Niagara huffs. “Okay, no, wait, I am fierce. I am fierce…”

“Last team, our team..” Anne says, coming up.
“Okay, let’s go.” Molly begins to strut, walking forward, twirling- before tripping her feet.
HerShe makes an awkward face as she watches.
“Can you even-” Shisedo stumbles mid-diss against Molly.
“Is there a curse that has been placed on you all that is making you clumsy?” Shayla asks. “Because I know a practitioner.”
“As do I.” Francesca adds.
“Okay, well lets do it.” Molly says, going through the motions.

Nakomis Lotus: “It’s clear the entire team are struggling. All of them… it is not going good.”
“This choreography is ridiculous. It is both two simple, and two complex- how the hell did you think this was appropriate?” Shiseido splutters.
“Can we not argue, right now?!” Molly puffs.
“If you had something noticeable with your drag, any ability or talent, you’d-”
“Can we just perform.” Vicki sighs.
“Please…” Lokii frowns.
Anne practices the steps, as if ignoring the others.
Nakomis Lotus: “Vicki is struggling a LOT, too- it’s clear. But Shiseido and Molly-”
“You’re an idiot.” Shiesedo starts.
“And you’re OUTDATED!” Molly yells.
“Perform better.” Shiseido looks at Molly.
“Okay, try and actually move, you aged monster.” Molly says, wearing an immunity potion around her neck.
“...Wait a minute.” Vicki stares at Molly. “That’s- she didn’t have that on, only a minute ago…
Nakomis Lotus: “You two in danger, girl.”
The racers get ready for the main stage.
“Does anyone have like, familia rooting for the back home, cheering them on?” Carly says, putting her wig on.
“...Wig glue?” Francesca looks at Carly.
Carly shakes her head. “Nah.”
The others look at fear in Carly.
“You put it down raw?” Shayla gasps, before smirking. “Well…”
“Not the time for sexual jokes!” HerShe sticks her hand out. “Girl. No wig glue?”
“Well, what- it works?” Carly says, pinning down her wig.
“You just pin it down?” HerShe shivers.
“It works!” Carly yells.
“Well, when the wig is cheap…” Shiseido shrugs, looking over. “It’s not a lace front.”
“I ONLY wear lace fronts.” HerShe smiles.
“Not everyone can afford this.” Francesca looks over. “It’s also about how you show case it. I don’t have time to prepare- but perhaps later you can learn a tip.”
“I just..” Carly shrugs. “I kinda have gotten used to coming here, delivering and showcasing myself. It is not just about the look.”
“Well, you’re wrong about that.” Shisedo says, turning over to look at her.
“What do you mean?” Carly says, putting on a tie.
“I think you actively put on this drag persona, you shouldn’t be a pretty girl, who will wear a nice dress and call it a day.” Shisedo starts. “And in fact, as someone who has come here, been in the business for YEARS…”
Molly rolls her eyes.
“What you’re doing is disrespectful.” Shiseido shrugs. “And moreover, it’s just… boring.”
“Look is somewhat important-”
“That’s not what you said.” Shisedo says.
“I-” Carly starts.
“You SAID, you don’t care about the look. And drag has always- yes, it’s had it’s roots in performance, but the 90s? The looks, the style, the performance, the history, the reason I’VE SURVIVED- through being an artist, clearly something you don’t know.” Shiseido spits out.
“That’s a lot of emotion.” Carly says awkwardly. “I was just-”
“No, clearly you don’t get IT!” Shiseido yells, her voice cracking.
“I think you need to calm down.” Ethan looks over, as Shiseido grumbles. “The kid was just painting.”
“Oh, I have a bone to pick with you, too.” Shiseido starts, getting up. “You were the one person I assumed to pick me, and you didn’t. Why?”
“Because clearly, you’re not a dancer.” Ethan says. “Point blank.”
Shiseido purses her lips. “Fine.”

The room is silent, as the racers look at each other.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “Normally, you see the cast kiki, have fun- but really… it feels like no one here wants to talk to each other. Or feels too.. scared to.”
Shiseido paints, looking pissed.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “Yikes, it’s only week three…”
submitted by AustralianChrono to ChronologicasDragRace [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:12 learning_the_lyrics James Taylor feature coming soon?

James Taylor feature coming soon?
So I’m on my first watch-through of “The Boys,” and in the PILOT EPISODE Hughie lists James Taylor as his top three favorite artist. Then in S2 he can be seen in this shirt one time. The show has given us SO MUCH BILLY JOEL. We have Billy Joel as basically the unspoken member of The Boys. We’re having dream sequences with music video footage, etc etc. but so far on my watch, NO JAMES TAYLOR MUSIC?
I’ve finished Season 2. Is there any chance I can hope to look forward to a James Taylor feature in S3? Look, I get it, “Fire and Rain” is probably a song nobody wants to have on the show because someone we love would die. But there are so many good upbeat tracks to choose from otherwise. Hell! Have a Supe spend 5 mins in “Mexico” or have Carolina on someone’s mind. They’ve all “Got a Friend.” Anyway I love the show but baby James needs some more exposure methinks…
submitted by learning_the_lyrics to TheBoys [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:01 Goddessfromthestars Should I or should I just leave them alone?

I 26F need advice on a situation with a guy. I will try to go to the main points here but this may be lengthy so I apologize in advance. I had a crush on this guy back in my senior year where we shared an English class together and both sat in the back. I’ll call the guy Q. Q & I are both introverted and barely exchanged many words to each other but we both sat in the very back of the class. He was always described as being cool, quiet, and funny to everyone that I heard from about him. Once I made Shrimp Alfredo for the class since the teacher gave up the opportunity to make something and since I overheard everyone else bringing desserts bc ‘no one’ ever brought dessert I brought what I know I’d enjoy & I wanted to be a chef at the time. Bc I was so quiet back then everyone was very impressed to find out I brought something that made me stand out since everyone actually brought a dessert and I was one of the few that brought a main meal. Q said it was really good and told me I should make it again sometime and I was on cloud 9 the rest of the day nothing could ruin my day there and will often think about that. I remember he was really good at slam poetry when we were in that unit and that he wanted to become a professional boxer back then when we had to go over what we wanted to do after HS and plan for the next steps. Once I had presented to the class my trip to Guatemala and included how one of my family members that passed used to be a known boxer being on the news and this was before I knew Q wanted to be a professional boxer but remembered he perked up when I spoke about it and showed the pictures of there gloves being on display at a museum. I didn’t think I’d ever see this guy again after HS and didn’t think about his much after that. Time passed by until one day at my community college I was working on a paper for my psych class on the mind of serial killers (my teacher loved it and I got an A for it) and had been working on this paper so much I stayed up the night before working on it. Bc I was so sleep deprive and my eyes started to hurt I took a break from my computer screen and stared at nothing in particular. Just a sea of students walking by but I didn’t focus on anything or anyone. When I felt ready to tackle the paper again I looked down RIGHT when someone was trying to approach me. I didn’t register who it was or that they were trying to approach me until after they had left and realized it was Q. when I finally looked up from realizing he was already down the hallway and I knew should have went after him but I didn’t and stayed put to finish the paper. Soon after that I found his Fb and tried to friend request him in hopes of connecting that way but never got a response. Even now it looks like he hasn’t used it after high school. After that I didn’t think much about it until he came back years later in 2021 when my mom hired his familys fencing company to work on our fence. For some background info his family has this car with their company logo that includes the national bird on Guatemala but I knew he was Mexican so I found it odd. I’m both Guatemalan and Mexican. I found out later his family used to live in an area in Mexico with the name of the bird in there. I didn’t know it was him at the time and was going to walk my dog when I saw the car and changed my mind and stayed in the house. All I knew was that a guy came to talk to my mom about the fence and he had a mask on since it was during Covid times. After some talking my mom came back to the living room where I was and said he mentioned knowing my mom was my mother since he would see us walking around the neighborhood. She told me he even panics a bit and said not in a creepy way. He just happens to see us in passing since he lived 3 doors down. She gave me his name and I doubted it was the same person bc how would he live so close and I never once saw him?? I told her the only person I knew with that name was from my English class senior yr who wanted to me a professional boxer. My mom went back to him and confirmed by asking him and it was Q. I know I should have talked to him but I was so caught off guard I just ran upstairs in a panic and watched from the window in pure shock it was him. I’ve regretted it ever since and tried to see if he’d be there the day his crew came to help fix the fence but he wasn’t. My mom gave him my number and I his incase since no one else would be in the house but me and if his team needed anything but neither of us ever sent anything to the other. I WISHED I had mustered up the courage to have talked to him that day but it just didn’t happen. 2 years went by and I was coming home from walking the dogs and the same car with their logo drove up to my driveway while I was having trouble remembering the code to the garage (I have a bad memory and forgot it that day) I was already embarrassed enough for taking longer than needed to get into my house but I do remember staring at the car, not seeing who was in it but knowing it could only be Q there. I wanted to approach him so much but felt wrong for doing so because at the time I was in a relationship with another guy. I was already thinking of breaking up with the guy for other reasons but that day solidified it for me. I was in the relationship for roughly 3 months but just seeing Q’s car there and wanting for something, anything to happen with them knowing full well I was still in a relationship just didn’t sit well with me. I knew my now ex would never know but I personally couldn’t disrespect him by talking to someone I know I’ve had a crush on for so long when they really weren’t a bad bf at all we just bad circumstances during the time. It gave me more of a reason to break up with him. I thought bc I still had these feelings for someone where I wanted something to still happen with someone I haven’t even talked to in so long over a guy that treated me better than most men have I needed to break it off so they could be with someone that felt the same for them as he had for me. We even broke up on good terms and have nothing bad to say about the other. I didn’t talk to Q that day since it didn’t feel right until after I broke up with my ex out of respect for them and instead turned around and finally got the code to the garage and Q sped off probably thinking that was me rejecting him. Now I’m 26 and since knowing he lives just 3 doors down from my family’s home that I grew up in I always without fail instantly look to see if he’s there when I visit. I now am doing my masters in another state but come home every so often since it’s not too far to visit the family and also in hopes of seeing him again. I’m currently on break before summer classes start up and had a lot of free time to think about all of these instances again. I didn’t think these feelings could possibly be mutual and that it was just me but now thinking back idk how I could be so stupid and not tried to have just talked to him. The last time I saw him I was driving back to my studio from home and right when I passed his house he was outside with his family and we had locked eyes as I drove passed. I was both in shock again to even have that moment occur but also didn’t know if approaching him in front of his family would be the best moment and kept driving. Now that it’s getting warmer I have been making a habit to take more walks around the neighborhood again and sit outside my porch in the hopes of seeing him again along with healthier reasons like not be on electronics. I did find his insta account a while back and tried friend requesting him off there since he looks older in his profile picture but again I never received anything back. In the profile picture he also has a girl with him that I’m assuming was or still is someone he’s romantically involved with. It doesn’t seem like he uses that account bc even though it’s private I’m able to see he only posted 3 pictures but I’m not entirely sure. I’ve liked Q for so long and my feelings for him never went away but fear that I messaged up so many times in the past already that now it’s too late. I don’t know if it’s worth trying to see if there’s remotely a chance with him or to just leave it be. If he’s with someone else I don’t want to to get in between them either. I still have his number but haven’t told anyone nor know if messaging him out of the blue is the best move either. I can see now that even if we haven’t talked much since HS he’s tried in his own way to reach out to me but maybe thinks I was never interested when that’s been far from it and won’t try from here. It’s fair considering how much time has passed I don’t blame him if he really moved on. I just keep wondering now the whole ‘what if’ and know we just have to actually TALK to each other to really know at least what we were thinking during the times these instances occurred but don’t know how to approach it or if I should even try now. The last I heard of him was over a month ago when he said hi to my mom when they passed each other driving. Him back home and my mom to Home Depot and of course I decided to stay home that day to focus on homework. To anyone that’s stayed long enough to read this through what are your thoughts on this and how best for me to appraoch him IF I should. I appreciate any feedback thank you!
submitted by Goddessfromthestars to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:44 hippoposthumous1 My Experience: Temporary Residency in Puebla via Marriage

Most of the posts on this topic have been from a CDMX perspective. I wanted to give an account of my experience here in Puebla, in case someone is looking to compare and contrast the experience in different locations. Since most here have already read through the process, I'm going to keep this brief. There is a lot of information about what you need to bring for this process, but I didn't need most of what I was told I would need. What I ACTUALLY needed:
  1. Tramite. Make sure you print out the right one, because it is very easy to get wrong. This is the one you need:\_estancia.html
    1. In the first field select: Cambiar condición de etancia.
    2. in the second field select: Cambio condicion a residente temporal por unidad familiar
    3. fill it out completely
    4. If you bring the wrong form, they won't print out the correct one. You will have to leave, print it, and come back.
  2. Your name. This seems simple, but it's confusing. In Mexico, you have a first name or names, and then your maternal and paternal last name. In the USA, we usually have a first, middle, and last name. I have learned that your Nobre is your First AND Middle name. Your Apellido is your last name. Don't combine middle and last. More confusing yet, is that sometimes maternal and paternal last name are called "primer apellido" and "segundo apellido" or something similar. Don't put your middle and last there either. Your last name is your apellido (usually your father's, unless you do a hyphenated situation). So Nombre: First and Middle. Apellido: Last name. This WILL save you headaches on all manner of forms.
  3. Passport with stamp that replaces the FMM. Note that even though most airports aren't using the physical FMM form anymore, they require one. The good news for me was that the INM was used to this, and was ready to print one out for me, no problem. She didn't even ask me for one, she just automatically printed one.
  4. Spouse Mexican Passport
  5. Apostilled Marriage Certificate
    1. And official translation if USA or other foreign certificate
  6. Spouse Passport
  7. Copies, only needed one copy each of
    1. Your passport
    2. Mexican spouse passport
    3. Marriage License with Apostille
    4. Translated Marriage License with Apostille
  8. Debit or Credit card for 2 payments, one to look at documents, one to issue the temporary residency permit
  9. A form they gave me that my spouse agrees we're really together, etc... It's a single page attestation that you can pre-fill here:
What I was told I needed but DID NOT NEED, WAS NOT ASKED FOR
  1. Birth Certificates of any kind from either party
  2. Proof of residence- lease, bills, etc
  3. Spouse INE
  4. More than one copy
  5. Prepaid Pago de Derechos receipts(you can do this at the bank if you want like I did, but you can just pay at the counter now)
  6. Photographs
  7. A lawyer
I spent a considerable amount of extra money on apostilled birth certificates and translations, copies of my lease, copies of bills, and multiple sets of copies for everything. I didn't need any of it in Puebla, nor did anyone else (I was in a front seat and could see the process for others).
It is maddeningly slow. The process, more or less:
They open at 9AM
I arrived at 6AM and was third in line. Once I got in, I was seen at around 9:45 and told I had the wrong tramite. The nice lady explained (in English) the correct one, showed my on her computer how to get it, and gave me a paper with all of the requirements. I told her I'd be back later that day. I found a copy shop that's about a block from the INM. I was able to fill out the right form on my phone, save the pdf and email it to the copy shop to print. I went back, and had to wait about 45 minutes in line to get back in. It took me about 1.5 hours to get back up to the window, and everything seemed fine. About 2 hours later they called me up and told me my spouses signature didn't totally match the signature on the attestation, so I called her from the cafe she was at and she fixed it. Then it was another 3 hours until I was seen for my photograph. I received my card about 1.5 hours after that.
It was a stressful, long day, but I left with my temporary resident card, and we went out for a couple of negronis.
Make sure you have the right forms the first time, make sure all of your signatures match. Make sure your name is in the correct format, and you'll be out in a day. Then you are clear for a couple of years until it's time to get a permanent card.
submitted by hippoposthumous1 to mexicoexpats [link] [comments]