Youtube proxy address


2017.07.03 20:23 chrischanTO OfflineTV

The official subreddit for the content group OfflineTV!

2016.05.18 20:39 O5-8 >Run 9_year_old.exe

This is were you put those kids that can ddos you because you logged into the hacked code on javascript youtube c++ servers.

2015.09.15 04:33 Tiger Belly

Welcome to The Slept Kingdom

2024.05.29 06:29 Mean-Type2355 I have not ran into issues that a lot of people are experiencing currently with Sonos

I am just here to share my experience within the bounds of my use case. Before you bring on the hate, examine my use case. I watch content on my TV via AppleTV. Whenever I stream music, it’s via airplay. And in neither cases have I had any issues using my speakers. Yes, the UI is new, but I haven’t had any issues navigating/finding my way to the settings whenever I have had to reduce sub levels while watching movies over the last few weeks. I never control media to my speakers via the Sonos app. To me, it has been an app I use to pair speakers and adjust the EQ & that’s it. Maybe thats the reason why I’m not experiencing the issues folks are addressing.
I read about interruptions and issues with settings, speakers getting dropped off, I haven’t faced any of that & im on the latest app & speakers are all up to date. Spotify, YouTube and Apple TV do a great job at streaming content directly to the speakers. I have never found the need to use the app for content to play. Yes, the app is new and many are facing issues. Totally validated. I am sharing my use case and how this specific case has not caused me any issues yet.
My setup: 5.1: Play:1 (2), bean Gen 2, Sub Gen1 Standalone: Play:5 Gen 2 Two separate rooms
submitted by Mean-Type2355 to sonos [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:26 ItsRelentlessK Windows says connected but I can't access anything

Windows says connected but I can't access anything
I'm completely at a loss on this one. Internet says connected but can't visit any sites nor ping anything. I'm not able to system restore either as it fails every time no matter which one I select.
Idk what to do, can someone lend a hand please?
submitted by ItsRelentlessK to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:46 malware-hater Can't meet header security/privacy requirements inside Nextcloud

Can't meet header security/privacy requirements inside Nextcloud
Feedback from my Nextcloud instance
I meet these requirements outside of the Nextcloud container, but for some reason I can't get my instance to recognize the changes. I've verified my settings with three different header security verfication platforms and all show me that everything is configured correctly.
For context:
  • I am running CasaOS and using the docker image that comes from their app store
  • I am using Caddy v2 as the reverse proxy
For those who are familiar with Caddy, here is my Caddyfile: {
reverse_proxy :1234
header /* {
Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
X-Robots-Tag "noindex,nofollow"
X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies "none"
Referrer-Policy "no-referrer"
I would appreciate any help.
submitted by malware-hater to NextCloud [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:32 Pomology2 Getting a VPN to work in Rootless Podman

Hi everyone. I'm hosting my own vpn (NetBird) in rootless podman. My compose file is pasted at the end of this message post. It consists of 5 containers: Caddy, VPN UI, VPN management, VPN Signaling, and Coturn.
In rootfull docker, it works perfectly. In rootless Podman, the VPN clients cannot communicate with each other. Also their reported "public" ip address in the Netbird UI is actually an internal IP address on the 10.x.x.x subnet. All VPN clients also are getting assigned the exact same 10.x.x.x address, and they all share this identical internal address as their "public IP"...
I am very new to rootless podman so pardon me if the solution to this problem is obvious. Could you point me to any resources to help me understand how to solve the problem? I would love to know if there is a solution that is not excessively difficult to implement but still secure. Thank you!!
version: "3.4" services: # Caddy reverse proxy caddy: image: caddy:latest restart: unless-stopped networks: [ netbird ] ports: - '443:443' - '80:80' volumes: - netbird_caddy_data:/data - ./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile security_opt: - no-new-privileges cap_drop: - ALL cap_add: - NET_BIND_SERVICE - CHOWN - SETGID - SETUID #UI dashboard dashboard: image: netbirdio/dashboard:latest restart: unless-stopped networks: [netbird] environment: # Endpoints - NETBIRD_MGMT_API_ENDPOINT= - NETBIRD_MGMT_GRPC_API_ENDPOINT= # OIDC - AUTH_AUDIENCE=REDACTED - AUTH_CLIENT_ID=REDACTED - AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET= - AUTH_AUTHORITY= - USE_AUTH0=false - AUTH_SUPPORTED_SCOPES=openid profile email - AUTH_REDIRECT_URI=/auth - AUTH_SILENT_REDIRECT_URI=/silent-auth - NETBIRD_TOKEN_SOURCE=idToken security_opt: - no-new-privileges cap_drop: - ALL cap_add: - CHOWN - SETGID - SETUID # Signal signal: image: netbirdio/signal:latest restart: unless-stopped networks: [netbird] security_opt: - no-new-privileges cap_drop: - ALL # Management management: image: netbirdio/management:latest restart: unless-stopped networks: [netbird] depends_on: - dashboard volumes: - netbird-mgmt:/valib/netbird - ./management.json:/etc/netbird/management.json:ro command: [ "--port", "80", "--log-file", "console", "--log-level", "info", "--disable-anonymous-metrics=false", "", "--dns-domain=netbird.selfhosted", "--idp-sign-key-refresh-enabled", ] security_opt: - no-new-privileges cap_drop: - ALL # Coturn coturn: image: coturn/coturn:latest restart: unless-stopped domainname: volumes: - ./turnserver.conf:/etc/turnserver.conf:ro network_mode: host command: - -c /etc/turnserver.conf security_opt: - no-new-privileges cap_drop: - ALL cap_add: - NET_BIND_SERVICE volumes: netbird-mgmt: netbird_caddy_data: networks: netbird: 
submitted by Pomology2 to podman [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:03 hamcycle 10 Ways Narcissists Use Religion to Serve Their Own Purpose
1:37 - Traits of a Narcissist
A narcissist has an insatiable need for admiration, affirmation, and validation, all of which are their drug of narcissistic supply. They believe themselves to be superior and grandiose, they're arrogant, they lack empathy, they're exploitative, they have unreasonable demands of people. These are all traits that are opposite from the traits of Jesus Christ and yet a religious context is often the most optimal place for a narcissist to freely practice their narcissism while appearing virtuous or pious. So I'm going to share with you 10 insights into why narcissists love religion and how they use it to serve their own purposes.
2:22 - Why It's Important to Understand Why Narcissists Love Religion
It's important to understand these things because Jesus warns his followers to beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Hopefully these 10 insights will help you hack into whether or not you're dealing with a true follower or true shepherd or minister of Christ or a narcissist who is posing as one of these roles instead of being there to serve.
2:51 - #1 - The Abundance of Narcissistic Supply to be Had
The first reason why narcissists love religion is because of the abundance of narcissistic supply that could be had. It's a reality there is so much narcissistic supply to be had in religious settings. And narcissistic supply, as I mentioned before, is the praise, admiration, validation, honor, sense of significance that a narcissist is addicted to in order to regulate their negative emotions. So a religious context provides an easy platform for a narcissist because they could get access to a stage or a pulpit or a mic or some means to exert influence where they can gain all of that admiration and praise or a sense of superiority where they can present themselves as godly or pious individuals or chosen by God or specially anointed, all of this to gain validation and attention from people. And like I mentioned all of these things are a drug that a narcissist is addicted to and it is what actually feeds them, more than actually being in a relationship with God but to the pure all things are pure so there are many people in church and religious contexts who are honest good-hearted who believe the best about others and so they can be gullible to the narcissists around them who have disguised themselves as pious people for the sake of getting narcissistic supply and this is truly an evil because a narcissist pursuit of narcissistic supply comes at the cost of destroying and stepping on other people without any regard for their welfare.
4:32 - #2 - The Allure of Control and Power
The second reason why narcissists love religion is because of the alert of control and power. Religion offers a structure of beliefs and practices that can be manipulated by narcissists to exert control over others. For example a narcissist may twist and distort doctrines and scriptures to justify their authority and demand obedience from followers they could create God in their own image, which a lot of them do rather than follow and conform themselves to the God of the Bible. This kind of control feeds into the narcissist need for domination and power and it can get to a dangerous point where religious narcissist replaces God with themselves where they subtly over time position themselves as intermediaries between individuals and God. A narcissist might manipulate followers into believing that they alone possess the ability to interpret God's will or to speak on his behalf a narcissist does this whether consciously or unconsciously to elevate themselves to a divine status in the eyes of their followers and they may never say that they are doing this outright because no person would ever accept a human saying that you have to worship them like a god but a narcissist will certainly have structures and systems in place to make this a reality. And a follower or member of that religious context might not even realize what is happening until one day they notice that this narcissist has taken on an increasingly central role in their life and is dictating their decisions and their behaviors as if they were the ultimate authority. If you notice that you might be in a spiritual environment like this or someone you love might be and you're wondering if there's spiritual abuse going on or if it's a cult I put together a checklist to help you assess that situation and you can get access to it by clicking on the link in the description box below it's a really good tool to help you identify if the religious context you're in is toxic or has turned into a cult.
6:47 - #3 - Camouflage for Manipulation
The third reason why narcissists love religion is because it serves as a camouflage for manipulation. Religious contexts serve as a perfect camouflage for narcissist to disguise their true intentions these are places where it's easy for narcissists to cloak their behaviors and demands in spiritual language where they can manipulate and exploit others while appearing righteous and virtuous at the same time. And what better setup could there be for a covert narcissist who can continue acting narcissistic while appearing like a saint in the process there's no other place except churches and ministries and religious environments.
7:29 - #4 - Their ability to exploit certain teachings for personal gain
The fourth reason why narcissists are drawn to religion is because of their ability to exploit certain teachings for personal gain. Many religious communities emphasize principles like forgiveness, redemption, giving a second chance, reconciling, turning the other cheek, submitting to authority, and narcissists exploit these teachings extensively. They may present themselves as repentant as enlightened or they could be demanding forgiveness and reconciliation from others while refusing to cultivate Christ-like virtues within themselves so all this manipulation allows them to continue exploiting others behind this facade of being Godly.
8:15 - #5 - It allows them to Idolize their Self-Image
The fifth reason why narcissists love religion is because it allows them to idolize their self-image. Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe that they are special or unique so religion can offer a platform to reinforce this idealized self-image where they can portray themselves as chosen by God or having special spiritual gifts or insights or anointing.
8:44 - #6 - The Lack of Accountability
The sixth reason why narcissists love religion is because of the lack of accountability. Some denominations or churches or contacts might have more accountability than others but narcissist tend to gravitate towards those religious contexts that don't have much or have very little. Many religious narcissists exploit religious settings because they perceive them to be environments where their behaviors are less likely to be questioned or challenged so this lack of accountability allows them to continue their manipulative tactics without being questioned or challenged.
9:23 - #7 - It Gives Them a Get-Out-of-Jail Free Card from Having to Self-Reflect
The seventh reason why narcissists love religion is because it gives them a get out of jail free card from having to self-reflect. Narcissists typically struggle with self-awareness and introspection so religion offers a way for them to avoid confronting their own wounds or trauma or shortcomings by focusing on outward religious performance or acquiring religious knowledge, all this outward stuff that they can focus on. It's like Jesus saying to the Pharisees they're like these whitewashed tombs; they look beautiful and nice on the outside but inside they're full of dead man's bones. The attraction to religion allows a narcissist to spiritually bypass themselves where they can use all kinds of spiritual language like it's all washed by the blood or things like that to avoid dealing with deeper unresolved trauma within themselves and getting healed from it because there is power in Christ for healing but you have to do the work.
10:26 - #8 - Entitled and Exploit People in those Contexts
The eighth reason why narcissists love religion is is because it's easy for them to be entitled and to exploit people in these contexts in religious settings. Narcissists may feel entitled to special treatment or privileges due to their perceived spiritual status they might exploit others trust and vulnerability for their own personal gain and control. Narcissists may expect people to serve them, like a slave, free of charge. For instance, because they believe that they have a God-like status or they might expect people to hand their wealth over to them or neglect their own families in order to put the narcissist first all in the name of God.
11:09 - #9 - They Can Create a God in Their Own Image
The ninth reason why narcissists love religion is because they can create a God in their own image. Narcissists are not interested in cultivating Godly virtues within themselves as I mentioned before they would rather project their own traits onto God viewing him as judgmental, angry, or traits that resonate more with their narcissistic personality, more than who God actually is. And this kind of behavior allows narcissists to maintain a sense of superiority and justification for their actions.
11:43 - #10 - The Facade of Moral Superiority
The 10th reason why narcissist love religion is the facade of moral superiority religion provides narcissists with this platform to project a false sense of being moral or virtuous or Godly. And they can create this facade by practicing all the religious rituals and portray themselves in a certain way in front of people like this upstanding citizen, but in reality they could be practicing all kinds of dark deeds in private without people knowing hiding their true intentions all with this mask of piety and so that can serve very well for many narcissists and to enable them to continue their dark practices in secret while people are believing that they are this Godly pious person and that is actually a very hypocritical way to live and Jesus actually condemned these kinds of practices because that is what the religious leaders were doing in Biblical times but many narcissists gravitate towards religious settings in order to be able to continue living out this hypocritical lifestyle.
So understanding why narcissists are drawn to religion is really important in order to recognize and address the manipulation that can happen in churches and ministries while many churches and ministries promote cultivating Christ-like qualities. Sadly those same places attract narcissist to them because of opportunities it presents for control and admiration and validation but hopefully by being aware of these dynamics we can hopefully discern between genuine spiritual leaders and those who are using religion to drive their own ego-driven motives. Remember Jesus warned against the false prophets so hopefully by applying these insights we can navigate relationships in churches and ministries and operate with God's wisdom and discernment where we can be as shrewd as a snake and as innocent as a dove.
*Thanks to u/Jdub20202 for the video recommendation.
submitted by hamcycle to GracepointChurch [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:00 yawebhost CPanel piping script to do email anonymization like simplelogin or

Years ago I embarked on an effort to write some sort of email anonymization script that would take any email message sent to my domain and parse the address and re-deliver it to my actual inbox with a reply-to set so that it will go back through that same script before going back to the sender. Effectively acting like a proxy, hiding my real email address, and allowing me to disable any of the anonymous addresses if they started receiving spam.
I now see that both SimpleLogin and do the same thing, and you can self host them, but there seems to be a lot of setup to self host (19 step process: and I didn't even try to count the steps here:
I think my solution would be a lot less work if one had a cpanel account already. It takes advantage of the built in email features, but just uses the cpanel "email piping" or "pipe to a program" feature to send all inbound messages to a script. (
The script I started was implemented in PHP and it used this parser which is no longer maintained: but I'm sure it could be used as is, or another alternative found.
It might use a local mysql database provided by the cpanel to maintain all the anonymous addresses (ie. which ones are still valid, which ones have been disabled for spam, etc) and a log of what's going on. Or for maximum ease of installation, it could just use local storage on the filesystem.
A web front end would not really be necessary, one could use phpMyAdmin on the cpanel to view logs generated if they are being written into a mysql database…
Has anyone done anything like this?
submitted by yawebhost to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:50 ouidevelop As some of you know, I have an information service for dumb phones. You can get weather, directions, business info, and definitions. The thing still doesn't have a name though. Do y'all have any suggestions? If I choose your suggestion I'll give you 20 dollars.

Here is the description of the service:
u/jbriones95 reviewed the service on his youtube channel a few years ago.
Briefly, this thing can get weather information, driving/walking/biking/transit directions (with up to date traffic info), define words, and get business phone numbers and addresses. And I'm considering implementing a text message based reminder service.
I've been running this thing for about 8 years now and it still doesn't have a name. Turns out I suck at naming things. So do y'all have any suggestions?
If I end up using your suggestion, and you were the first to suggest it in this post, I'll give you 20 dollars.
submitted by ouidevelop to dumbphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:50 Ok-Internal-4677 Premium account suspended for no reason

I thought the YouTube App on my phone was having problems until I checked my email, apparently "We have reviewed your content and found severe or repeated violations of our Community Guidelines. Because of this, we have removed your channel from YouTube.". I'm totally shocked. Firstly, I don't even know that my channel existed, never posted any videos. I have also never left any comments, I'm just a consumer watching videos and listening to music videos. So how is it possible that I committed severe or repeated violations?
Furthermore, this is my main account on my phone, I used my real name, subscribed to YouTube Premium, real payment tied and was auto debited monthly with no issues. So now I can't use YouTube Premium anymore, not even login my own Gmail account on YouTube.
I tried to appeal, thinking they will definitely see that this is a mistake. However, within few minutes, I received a generic reply "We have reviewed your channel carefully and confirmed that it violates our Community Guidelines. We know that this is probably disappointing news but it's our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all.". This is unacceptable, not only did they not address any of the concerns I asked such as the fact that I have never uploaded any videos or posted any comments before, asking them to provide more details or evidence as to what the violations were, the most egregious part was stating they reviewed "carefully", when they can reply within minutes, I doubt any effort or care was involved. Another appeal to them resulted in "We received an appeal for your channel, and it looks like a previous appeal has recently been denied. Please take a look at the email that we sent previously for additional details on the rejection.". Which is just insulting, what "additional details" when I was not provided with any details?
Please if anyone can assist me further, I would really appreciate it.. I have even paid up the premium membership up till 20th of June.
submitted by Ok-Internal-4677 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:50 UnderGroundGrinder T-1 1 MONTH PLAN???

I'm finishing up U World, I had done some of the AAMC Materials, but I'm still gonna grind through that by the start of next week.
Have 3 AAMC FLs under my belt, 503, 502, 501
I haven't taken an FL for a few weeks, and so far, I have been trying to drill content I kept on missing with YouTube, Review sheets, and U World. For example, I didn't know any metabolism pathways for those past exams, which kept coming back to bite me.
Im a pencil/paper typpa person, so Im thinking I keep drilling Anki, doing U World, watching YouTube and adding to my review sheets.
P/S cant lie I've been slacking so I can address my weaknesses in B/B and C/P.
Been doing mix of timed and untimed practice, however, should do more timed since that is an issue for me on exams.
submitted by UnderGroundGrinder to u/UnderGroundGrinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:41 Ambitious-Summer-958 Streamlining Business Operations

In today's fast-paced business environment, efficiency is key to success. With increasing competition and rapidly evolving technologies, businesses need to constantly adapt and optimize their operations to stay ahead of the curve. One way to achieve this is by leveraging cutting-edge tools and technologies that can streamline processes and improve productivity.
IPRockets is a premium IP proxy service that offers a wide range of benefits for businesses looking to enhance their online operations. With IPRockets' free proxy list, businesses can access a variety of proxy servers from around the world, allowing them to mask their IP addresses and browse the internet anonymously. This can be particularly useful for businesses that need to access geo-restricted content or websites that may be blocked in their region.
By using IPRockets' free proxy list, businesses can also improve their security and protect their data from potential cyber threats. Proxy servers act as intermediaries between the user and the internet, helping to shield sensitive information from hackers and other malicious actors. This can be especially important for businesses that handle confidential data or financial transactions online.
In addition to enhancing security, IPRockets' free proxy list can also boost businesses' efficiency by reducing latency and improving connection speeds. By routing traffic through proxy servers, businesses can bypass congestion and optimize their online performance. This can be crucial for businesses that rely on real-time data and need to stay competitive in today's fast-paced digital landscape.
Furthermore, IPRockets' free proxy list can help businesses save money on their online operations. By using proxy servers to access content and services from different locations, businesses can avoid costly international fees and access discounts that may be available in specific regions. This can be particularly advantageous for businesses that operate on a global scale and need to manage multiple online accounts and services.
Overall, leveraging IPRockets' free proxy list can provide businesses with a competitive edge by streamlining their operations and enhancing their online performance. With its advanced features, security benefits, and cost-saving potential, IPRockets is a valuable tool for businesses looking to optimize their online presence and drive efficiency across their operations. By taking advantage of this innovative technology, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and achieve long-term success in today's rapidly changing business landscape.
submitted by Ambitious-Summer-958 to u/Ambitious-Summer-958 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:40 Wild_Instruction_819 Supply Chain Confidentiality in Web3

In the age of Web 3.0, where transparency and decentralization are key principles of the digital world, maintaining supply chain confidentiality has become more challenging than ever. With the rise of blockchain technology and smart contracts, ensuring the privacy and security of supply chain data has become a top priority for businesses around the globe. In this article, we will explore the importance of supply chain confidentiality in Web3 and how leveraging premium IP proxies like IPRockets can enhance privacy and security in supply chain management.
The Importance of Supply Chain Confidentiality in Web3:
Supply chains are complex networks of interconnected entities, including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. These entities exchange a vast amount of sensitive information, including product designs, pricing, inventory levels, and customer data. In the digital age, this information is often stored and transmitted online, making it susceptible to cyberattacks and data breaches.
Maintaining supply chain confidentiality is essential for protecting intellectual property, trade secrets, and competitive advantage. A breach of confidentiality can result in financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. In Web3, where data is stored on decentralized platforms and accessed through smart contracts, the risk of unauthorized access and data leaks is even higher.
IPRockets: A Premium IP Proxy for Supply Chain Privacy:
IPRockets is a premium IP proxy service that provides businesses with secure and anonymous access to the internet. With a global network of high-speed servers, IPRockets allows users to mask their IP addresses and encrypt their online activities, ensuring maximum privacy and security.
By using IPRockets, businesses can protect their supply chain data from prying eyes and cyber threats. With encrypted connections and secure protocols, IPRockets prevents unauthorized access to sensitive information and prevents data leaks. In addition, IPRockets allows businesses to bypass geo-restrictions and access restricted websites and services, making it ideal for international supply chain management.
Benefits of Leveraging IPRockets for Supply Chain Confidentiality:
There are several benefits to leveraging IPRockets for supply chain confidentiality in Web3. Some of the key advantages include:
  1. Enhanced Privacy: With IPRockets, businesses can protect their supply chain data from hackers, competitors, and government surveillance. By masking their IP addresses and encrypting their online activities, businesses can ensure the confidentiality of their sensitive information.
  2. Improved Security: IPRockets employs advanced security protocols, such as AES encryption and SSL/TLS encryption, to safeguard supply chain data from cyber threats. By using IPRockets, businesses can prevent data breaches and unauthorized access to their systems.
  3. Geo-Bypassing: IPRockets allows businesses to bypass geo-restrictions and access international websites and services. This is particularly useful for supply chain management, where cross-border communication and collaboration are essential.
  4. Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional VPN services, IPRockets offers competitive pricing and flexible plans, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.
In conclusion, supply chain confidentiality is essential for businesses operating in Web3. By leveraging premium IP proxies like IPRockets, businesses can enhance privacy and security in their supply chain management. With encrypted connections, secure protocols, and global server networks, IPRockets provides businesses with the tools they need to protect their sensitive information and maintain a competitive edge in the digital age.
submitted by Wild_Instruction_819 to u/Wild_Instruction_819 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:33 AdditionalHandle3594 Using Yuyu Proxy: A Free Proxy Guide

Yuyu Proxy offers a complimentary web proxy service designed to provide users with a straightforward, rapid, and cost-effective. Acting as an intermediary between your device and the targeted website, it enables web browsing without disclosing your actual IP address. This proxy service allows access to popular websites such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, all while safeguarding user privacy and security.

Advantages of Employing Yuyu Proxy

Anonymity: The Yuyu Proxy service serves as a unique tool for anonymous web surfing. It ensures the confidentiality of your online activities by functioning as a barrier between your device and the websites you visit. This barrier conceals your true identity, including your IP address, thus making it difficult for external parties to track your online behavior.
Accessibility: One of the appealing aspects of Yuyu Proxy is that it is offered free of charge. However, due to its free nature, it has certain limitations, such as slower connection speeds and restricted access to specific websites. For instance, it cannot be used for web scraping, creating multiple social media accounts, or performing tasks requiring proxies with higher standards. Overall, it is an excellent choice for basic browsing requirements.
Ease of Use: This web proxy does not require any software downloads or installations. Simply visit the website and input the URL you wish to access. Its user-friendly interface ensures that even individuals with limited internet knowledge can navigate it effortlessly.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it

Step 1: Visit the Yuyu Proxy Website

  1. Open Your Browser: Launch your preferred web browser on your device.
  2. Navigate to the Website: Enter into your browser’s address bar and press Enter.

Step 2: Enter the URL

  1. Locate the Input Box: On the Yuyu Proxy homepage, you will find an input box.
  2. Input the Desired URL: Type in the URL of the website you wish to access. For example, you can type in for a test run.
  3. Use Quick Links: Alternatively, you can use the quick links provided below the input box for commonly used websites.

Step 3: Access the Website

  1. Click “Go”: After entering the desired URL, click the “Go” button.
  2. Wait for Loading: Wait for the loading indicator to signify that the proxy is processing your request.

Step 4: Verify Your IP Address Change

  1. Check the Result: Once the website loads, verify that your real IP address has been masked.
  2. Search for IP Information: For confirmation, search for “IPinfo” on your chosen website (e.g., DuckDuckGo) and visit the top result.
  3. Compare IP Addresses: Ensure that the displayed IP address is different from your actual one.

Step 5: Enjoy Anonymous Browsing

  1. Browse Confidently: Continue browsing the web anonymously and securely.
  2. Mobile Use: You can also follow the same steps on your mobile browser for seamless access.


Alternatives to Yuyu Proxy

For advanced proxy needs, consider OkeyProxy, a leading proxy provider offering residential and datacenter proxies. Catering to personal and business requirements, OkeyProxy provides solutions for social networks, account creation, accessing blocked sites, and web scraping.
submitted by AdditionalHandle3594 to u/AdditionalHandle3594 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:49 SnooHabits4803 What Order Did the Early Deaths Happen In?(Fnaf Lore Part 2)

This post would not have come to my mind had it not been for this video:
The important parts are essentially just a rehash of the main point of that video. I highly recommend watching it, it is very well made.
You will not see one main timeline post from this little series I have going here, as I think posts like that are filled with fluff and waste time. When reviewing timelines, people really only care about a few key issues, and I will only care to discuss those issues that are actually relevant. If you want a summary of the general series of events, there are millions ready to be read/watched.
Here is everything I plan to talk about in my little ramblings:
Death Order(This post)
Midnight Motorist
Book Canonicity
Golden Freddy(And by proxy, The One, Cassidy, and Andrew)
Crying Child
The Mimic
I feel this is the best order in which to tackle the main points of contention which currently plague the community, while also wasting the least time covering topics that mostly everyone already agrees upon.
Here is the order in which I believe the early deaths of the series happen:
Crying Child, Elizabeth, The Missing Children, Charlotte
When looking at this issue, I found that analyzing how the novels depict this early segment of the timeline provides a nice baseline. The novels are very specific about William's motivations when it comes to almost every death in the series. In fairness, I have not read them in a while, but as I recall his motivation for killing Charlotte is never properly said. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.
Novels' William's Story
Since many people completely misunderstand Afton's motives in these books, thanks in part to not having read them, I will quickly lay out William's story arc; the parts of his arc that are not relevant to this post will not be included.
After seeing Henry's newly created Robot Charlie, William becomes obsessed with recreating the spark that had resulted in Robot Charlie's creation. That spark of life that made her so real is what Afton wanted for the duration of the book trilogy. It is why he stole the final, adult Robot Charlie and crafted her into Circus Baby. But, after Elizabeth's death at the hands of Baby, William noticed her consciousness was preserved in the robot, and she was able to think as herself freely. This made William take a detour in his research, as he wanted to now recreate the "accident" of Baby's possession. This is why he killed the missing children, and stuffed their bodies into the animatronics.
This also connects to why Afton wants to become one of the animatronics; they represent his end goal. He wants his consciousness to be preserved in an immortal animatronic body, he's just too much of a pussy to do it himself. That's why he has Elizabeth slowly removing chunks of his body and inserting them into the amalgamation in The Fourth Closet.
With that quick summary out of the way, you can hopefully see why this provides such an important context for the death order in the games. Assuming Games' William has a similar story arc, we can actually confidently place many of the early deaths.

The Afton Deaths

I think I can confidently say Crying Child dies first. Since Robot Charlie isn't a game character, William would need that initial motivation into the spark of life, or some sort of similar concept. Crying Child fits that perfectly, as we know William was attempting to recreate his experiences with the nightmare chambers depicted in Sister Location and Dittophobia. Dittophobia further tells us that William was specifically analyzing fear, most likely as a result of his observations of Crying Child's intense fear leading up to his death. Assuming William is the Fredbear Plush, or is in some way connected to him on a symbolic level, he would've seen everything that had happened to the Crying Child leading up to his death and his promise to put him back together. We know that line in particular originates from William in the games, as Michael states that William asked him to do the same thing to Elizabeth at the end of Sister Location.
In the novels, William was attempting to recreate Charlie's spark, while in the games he was attempting to recreate the events leading to Crying Child's death in order to put him back together. I'll talk more about what that even means when I discuss the Crying Child, but for now it's just important to acknowedge that Crying Child's death is what caused the gas chambers and nightmare experiments to begin, which would coincide with the creation of the Funtime animatronics as there are no other experiments we know of that would require kidnapping kids. This follows the novels' series of events nicely, as Elizabeth's death to the Funtime animatronics would redirect William's studies into remnant and recreating possession, just like it did in the novels, and lead to the MCI.
This is, of course, all speculation, but it fits nicely with the fact that Circus Baby's existed at a time when springlock suits were still around, thanks to the suit on night 4 of that game. The timeline in general fits together very cleanly with this novel-based theory model, and you could even argue that the suit on night 4 is the one that caused the multiple simultaneous springlock failures.

Charlotte, and "a wound first inflicted on me"

The main criticism that I'm sure this order is going to get is the widely held belief that Charlotte was William's first victim. This is what happens in the novels, and Henry states that the wound William inflicted on the world was "first inflicted on [Henry]." I have thoughts about both of these pieces of evidence, as well as my own evidence suggesting Charlotte is the last death of the games. There's an extremely good chance you've heard all of this before, but I hope to present my case in as thorough and convincing a way as possible regardless.
The first point of Charlotte dying in the novels is easy enough to counter. This theory model already posits that Crying Child dying first ticks off all the narrative boxes that Charlotte dying first in the novels does. I think the theory so far should show that the story is actually closer to the novels' narrative if Crying Child dies first. You could argue that Charlotte dying before Crying Child doesn't affect this theory, and you'd be mostly right, but at that point her dying first would be pointless. There's no reason to assume she dies before Crying Child, so I'm not going to assume that she does without evidence(I know Midnight Motorist could be used as a point if certain theories are true, but Midnight Motorist is getting its own post).
The major piece of evidence that many fans point to which "proves" Charlotte is William's first victim is the aforementioned line from Henry's speech in the Insanity Ending. I will counter this evidence with evidence of my own, suggesting that Susie was actually William's first kill.
As I'm sure you know, in Ultimate Custom Night Withered Chica can sometimes say "I was the first, I have seen everything" when she kills you. Many people write this off as her just being the first MCI victim, but I don't buy that. Knowing that would be useless to fans' understanding of the narrative at that time. Knowing that she was William's first victim overall, however, is much more impactful to the story, and is frankly a much more meaningful and intuitive interpretation of that line. With Henry's line, it can be easily interpreted to be referencing between William and Henry personally rather than having to be an indirect wound on Henry caused from Charlotte's death. The alternative explanation for that line is much easier to get behind than the alternative explanation for Chica's line.
Additionally, Help Wanted 2 recently gave us another hint at a potential death order. In Princess Quest 4, lighting the 6 graves in the correct order leads to the Bonnie mask secret. Charlotte's grave is the last to be lit, and Susie's is the first to be lit. I don't think that it's a coincidence that Susie is the first once again.
That sums up my thoughts on the early death order. I'll get to work on verbalizing my thoughts on Midnight Motorist soon.
(Reddit was being fucky and irritating when writing this and stuff got deleted a lot, apologies if parts don't make sense as a result of that)
submitted by SnooHabits4803 to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:23 New-Fig6097 Supreme God Kabir Sahib Ji

Supreme God Kabir Sahib Ji submitted by New-Fig6097 to u/New-Fig6097 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:08 LoudounCountySummary School Board: FCPS School Board Meeting - 5/23/24

This summary was generated by an AI LLM from autogenerated meeting captions. As such, this output may contain factual errors.
Here is a comprehensive summary of the key points from the County Board meeting transcript:
The meeting covered a variety of topics, including:
The board made several important decisions and directed the superintendent to take various actions.
Major Agenda Items
Employee Appreciation Proclamations - The board unanimously approved proclamations honoring the service and contributions of Chuck Fanshawe, Dr. Sheri Agnes Scott, and Dr. Grace Taylor. - These long-time employees were recognized for their leadership and dedication that had a significant impact on the district.
Strategic Plan Goal Update - The board received a report on the district's progress towards its "Goal 4" initiatives focused on equitable access and opportunity. - Key discussion points included: - Addressing gaps in advanced math course enrollment at the elementary level - Expanding world language and STEM/CTE offerings at the secondary level - Improving inclusion rates for students with disabilities - Providing resources to help families interpret student assessment data - The superintendent outlined plans to continue analyzing data and implementing strategies to achieve the district's equity goals.
"Grow Your Own" Teacher Pipeline Program - The district's new "grow your own" initiative was presented, which provides financial assistance and instructional coaching to help current employees become licensed special education teachers. - This multi-year program has already enrolled 130 participants with a 92% success rate in achieving licensure. - Funding for the program comes from a blend of federal, state, and local sources. - Board members were supportive of the program but expressed concerns about sustaining it long-term as grant funds expire.
Notable Agreements, Disagreements, and Controversial Topics
Action Items and Next Steps
Relevant Context and Implications
Overall, the meeting reflected the district's continued efforts to support employees, enhance educational programs, and foster equitable outcomes for all students, while navigating complex budgetary and operational realities.
Keywords and Definitions
submitted by LoudounCountySummary to FairfaxCountySummary [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:54 smiburho Internet Spotty After 5 Years of No Issues

I'm losing my mind.
I've been a Fios customer for 13 years now. Changed addresses about 5 years ago. I've had zero issues at this house until earlier this year. First, my Fios TV started dying during the Super Bowl...the TV would play for 4 seconds, hang for about 4 seconds, then start again, over and over. Had a tech come out, they replaced the box, and everything was fine. The problem started again in April. They sent out a new TV box by mail and I replaced it, and this seemed to fix the problem.
A week later, my Internet completely started to shit the bed. I currently have a gigabit connection with the CR1000A router and two extenders. Again, I've never had a problem in 5 years here until now. First, we noticed that our work Zoom calls and VPN connection to work would sputter out. At the same time, the kids complained that YouTube videos would stop and buffer and disconnect. Given we work from home, this was a major issue for us.
After hours on the phone with tech support, they deduced it was the router. So they sent me a new router -- except it was one of the older thin black routers, not the CR1000. I call to complain, they promise they will send me a new router. But they never do! I have to call back again to complain. At this point, the 4th tech support person suggests it could be wiring in my house, and he sells me on a $15 per month insurance plan on the wiring, saying it would be cost effective. He sends a tech out to look at my issue. The tech swears it's not the wiring, and instead suggests that we probably lost power, and that can mess with the system. He replaces the ONT, gives me a new CR1000 router, and he replaces all splitters and wires.
Things were working fine for almost a month, and today the service issues started again. My wife had 3 Zoom calls drop. I'm trying to watch the NBA Western Conference Finals now on my Apple TV (which is wired into my router) and the video sometimes stops to buffer.
I called again tonight and they can't send a tech out on a Saturday (we need a weekend appointment so that we don't have to burn work vacation time during a weekday) until June 8.
Any thoughts or suggestions from this group? Is it really a wiring problem in my house? For reference, we are in a 20-year old house built in 2004. I find it so hard to believe that after 5 years the wiring has mysteriously gone kaput.
submitted by smiburho to Fios [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:37 The_Naked_Buddhist I am currently watching through the Wendigoon portion of the video; wtf this is the craziest most insane thing I've heard.

I found elsewhere a reupload someone did solely the Wendigoon part of the video, I am currently going through it and will update this thread to basically sum up what is being said. Below I'll start by just copy pasting the comment I started to track this. This won't be refined at all; it's just my blind reaction here cause this is just insane stuff.
This is the video people are upset he removed? I'm barely a minute in and already IPOS is coming across as incredibly condescending and completely unreasonable.
Like I have a degree in English literature, IPOS is just being snobbish from the off complaining that people who are in their twenties shouldn't be discussing classic literature.
Edit: Also just checked there and Wendigoon is currently 24, and was 23 at the release of the Blood Meridian video. So the opening statement is just blatnatly factually wrong. Context: IPOS claims Wendigoon is currently 21 years old.
Edit 2: WTF, he is now claiming that Wendigoon is part of a family ran crime organization. He provides no evidence for this bar a quote he claims came from Wendigoon. But he plays no clip of him making such a statement. According to IPOS Wendigoon's entire father's side of the family was part of a multi-million crime organisation that was busted by the FBI. IPOS brings this up to claim that Wendigoon has always been a millionaire his entire life.
Edit 3: He now is claiming Wendigoon can't make horror content cause his believes are contrary to what IPOS believes horror is about; the believes in question being "Gun usage" and "using his religion as a shield." I don't see how any of this is contrary to horror as a genre.
Edit 4: He has now went on to discuss the old Rittenhouse screenshots showing Wendigoon following him and tweeting about the trail. IPOS however claims these are only some in a series of tweets made by Wendigoon supporting far right individuals, he provides no screenshots of these tweets existence. He is now going on about the Boogaloo boy's thing while pointing to Wendigoon's reddit comment on the issue as evidence that he founded them as a hate group.
He is claiming that Wendigoon must secretly support the Boogaloo boys and be a racist cause he wears haiwan shirts and that's what some Boogaloo boys also wear. IPOS themselves is wearing a haiwan shirt the whole video. He also is claiming that Wendigoon must secretly be a member cause he became a horror youtuber afterwards.
Edit 5: Forwarded most of the next part, it's just him reading Wendigoon's comment and now analysing it. The "analyse" claims that Wendigoon is wrong about the term Boogaloo coming from Che Guavara (despite Wendigoon never saying that) and therefore is secretly racist. They also claim that the term Boogaloo only started being used online from 2010-2012 exlcusively among racists on the internet, as such Wendigoon is racist cause he can't possible be a founder of the movement. (Despite him never saying that.) Apparently because Wendigoon lied about founding the organisation he must be lying about other things too.
Edit 6: Now Wendigoon is secretly racist cause he used the term "Antifa members" rather than just "Antifa" and supposedly only the alt right do such a thing. Now he's addressing that Wendigoon couldn't possible have invented the term Boogaloo (despite Wendigoon never saying that, and just coming off a tangent of claiming that Wendigoon said they got the term from Che Guavara.)
Edit 7: He's now getting into Wendigoon's "Other far right" connections, listing among them Internt Historian. Again he provides no evidence whatsoever to show Wendigoon's "close friendships" with these people or what they supposedly had done. On the list he also mentions Nick Crowley and says that Wendigoon follows him and the Crowley is sick in the head for making true crime content and is suspicious cause he follows some of the same people Wendigoon does. WTAF! That's called a social circle! How tf is that suspicious!? (Also IPOS is a horror youtuber as well, why tf are they throwing shade at Crowley for doing true crime topics then?)
Edit 8: The next few minutes is just more stream of the above bizarre tangents. He just keeps listing people and for the most part fails to explain who they are and what they did, and provides no evidence for any statement he's making. If there is evidence it's like one tweet, and sometimes doesn't even seem related to his claim in anyway. The few names I recognised I know IPOS had to apologise too after getting the info wrong. I have to share one gem though where he says he can't find any evidence of a connection between Wendigoon and one youtuber, but people say they are and therefore they must be. WTF!
Edit 9: He references some controversy about the Faith video using fan art without permission and claims Wendigoon never took responsibility for it, while literally showing a tweet of Wendigoon taking responsibility for the mistake.
Edit 10: He's now going on about the Wendigo being mentioned by Wendigoon. He is claiming that Wendigoon is not of native American descent and that he's lying about that cause Wendigoon is racist and apparently racisits are known to lie about being Native Americans.
Edit 11: He now claims to know where Wendigoon lives, down to the exact town. But also states Wendigoon is in a completely different state and that they have multiple towns in between them plus a reservation. He claims everyone in the region is racist, and therefore Wendigoon is himself. (But IPOS isn't for some reason, depsite saying they live close enough for them to have intimate knowledge of Wendigoon's home town.)
Edit 12: Now Wendigoon is lying about his grandfather telling him local stories cause he wasn't raised on the reservation. Thus he can't have been told these stories as they aren't shared outside the reservation. Also he claims the nearest reservation doesn't have the Wendigo myth in them and therefore Wendigoon is lying cause his grandfather can't possible have moved; because Wendigoon never said he moved.
Edit 13: Now IPOS is going on a rant about how Wendigoon is lying about developing an interest in Cryptids in horror by being told such stories as a kid. IPOs says this must be a lie because he never had that experience, he is now saying Wendigoon is a bad person cause IPOS grew up in a poor town.
Edit 14: The above edit also means Wendigoon is racist now. Also we're a cult cause he's nicknamed "Dad." Then there's an anonymous conversation from 2 native Americans about Wendigoon; but no reference is given as to where this conversation came from or whose saying what. It's literally just IPOS talking to themselves.
Edit 15: He literally has a tweet pulled of Wendigoon saying he is not right wing or bigoted, and is claiming that is evidence that he is a racist cause why else would he say that. (Also he's racist for following less than 500 people on Twitter.)
Edit 16: So he just went on a long tangent saying he tweeted to Wendigoon once a while back complainging to him about all the above, and got people critiquing him on twitter for the next week as a result. He then proclaims the people critiquing him are also racist and homophobic for doing so, and that Wendigoon must also be so because he never acknowledged it.
Also Wendigoon followed IPOS on twitter after all this; and as a result must be racist and trying to intimidate IPOS. Apparently this entire video was made because of this one follow.
Edit 17: In order to demonstrate Wendigoon is a transphobe IPOS points to Wendigoon commenting support to a trans youtuber called Nyx Fears. This proves Wendi is a transphobe cause it means he's "watching her" and he did it to "undermine her channel." The screenshot he shows literally has the youtuber in question comment back happy for the boost. What world is this? Since when was supporting trans creators transphobic????
Edit 18: Now he's homophobic cause he once said he doesn't care for peoples sexualities. And cause someone put him in a meme once saying he supported gay rights???
He now concludes the video saying nothing of the above should be welcomed in horror as a result.
I have finished the entire video and genuinely all of it was unhinged and made 0 sense. Like most of it was just crazy logic or statements thrown at such speed to make schizo posters blush. It was actually wild, how did anyone see this and somehow think it looks good?
Edit 19: Okay In just going to finish on a note to say that genuinely I don't think there's any point to engage with the video or IPOS in general. Or8ginally I was going ti share the link I found for those that wanted it but won't now, (though it's still easy enough to find.)
After thinking a bit I genuinely believe that IPOS must be having some sort of breakdown. It's the only way any of this video makes any amount of sense to me. Like the way he's talking and discussing points genuinely come across as unhinged at points, I can only presume that somehow during a breakdown he wrote, recorded, and then shared this without realising how nuts it sounded.
Just don't bother, this thread here I think gives enough context as to what's in the video and I think should hopefully serve as enough testament that something is going on mental health wise here.
submitted by The_Naked_Buddhist to wendigoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:29 chrisdh79 US sanctions operators of “free VPN” that routed crime traffic through user PCs 911 S5 residential proxy service was comprised of 19 million IP addresses.

US sanctions operators of “free VPN” that routed crime traffic through user PCs 911 S5 residential proxy service was comprised of 19 million IP addresses. submitted by chrisdh79 to technology [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:25 KoberanteAD It might be the end of Youtube for me

So since today in the morning I wasn't able to run youtube from my cellphone. I decided to uninstall and reinstall everything; nothing. I was like meh, I'll fix it later.
Fast forward up until one hour ago, my bf tells me Youtube isn't loading for him, I got weirded out. Tried loading youtube website on my PC; nothing. I got shivers up my back.
Told my bf to try using his cellphone data instead of wi-fi, it worked and my suspicions just got higher. Tried using another wi-fi (we have 2 at home, one from starlink and an asus router we use here in our bedroom) and youtube worked again! Which in my head, it only means my asus router IP is flagged/banned. Unfortunately the other wi-fi only reaches certain areas of the house due to the length of the lan cable for the starlink router (thanks, starlink...) and we're unable to use the other wi-fi pretty much. Disconnected my asus router for like 5 mins, plugged it again to see if the IP address change would do anything, but nope. Even changed LAN IP on the settings, didn't do the trick either.
So yeah, I'm in this situation where if I'm connected to this network, Youtube doesn't load at all. Is it -it- for me/us? Am I the only one in this situation?
submitted by KoberanteAD to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:48 Excellent-Cost-8233 [H] youtube premium, Spotify family plan [W] paypal

submitted by Excellent-Cost-8233 to accountsharing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:59 HuskyInfantry Pihole + Unbound: Confirm I setup my router correctly? (No DNS info shared)

I have a Verizon Fios Gateway router for reference, and I followed Craft Computing's quick DNS tutorial There's no overt section for Local Network / LAN, although I feel confident this is the correct area (highlighted)
I input the pihole IP address (not DNS IP) for both the Start + End IP for the DHCP settings.
I also turned off DNS Rebind Protection, based on some of the discord docs I've seen.
Am I on the right path / is this correct?
submitted by HuskyInfantry to pihole [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:43 Crafty_Ad_8917 Did anyone else notice internet explorer finally works now?

Did anyone else notice internet explorer finally works now? submitted by Crafty_Ad_8917 to winlator [link] [comments]