Dex amphet 10mg

Tweaker behavior from meds

2024.05.16 20:51 Easy-Highlight4431 Tweaker behavior from meds

Anyone else feel like they come off a little bit like a tweaker on meds/stimulants?
I tried many different medications and found one that works great, mind is quite, I’m focused and I’m taking a very low dose. (10mg dex)
But when I’m talking my speech is kinda weird like my tongue gets twisted and I’m grinding my teeth and breathing heavier, talking faster.
I’ve been taking the meds only about a month, does this get any better or any advice?
Or maybe I’m overthinking it. I Donna
submitted by Easy-Highlight4431 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:19 Good-Fill-8850 Afternoon crash makes me question if meds are truly worth it...

31/M, been taking stimulants for about 6 months. I have tried quite a few combos. Vyvanse 30mg only, Vyvanse 30mg + Adderall IR 5/10mg booster, Vyvanse + Dex 5/10mg IR booster, Dex 10mg ER + 5/10mg IR booster and 2x Dex 10mg ER per day. I have even experimented with only IR Dex and didn't find it to be much better.
Vyvanse works best, but I only get about 5-6 hours from it and then crash in the afternoon. This is on 30mg. I've tried a second 30mg once before and then it is too much and makes me extremely irritable and depressed later in the day. I noticed this depression and irritability with the ER plus booster.
It seems that once a day Vyvanse is best side effects wise but the zap in energy and slight depression at 3pm makes it difficult to want to continue. Not to mention the cost of my Psychiatry visit and then the cost of Vyvanse. Just curious of anyone has decided meds weren't worth it for them or that the side effects were bad enough to continue?
I was able to function decently before meds, but when the meds are effective it seems to lift my mood, keep me out of my head and relieves some anxiety. Just looking to vent a little and see who else may have dealt with a similar dilemma. Thanks!
submitted by Good-Fill-8850 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:24 Gloomy_Ad5020 To dose up or not?

I’m newish to vyvanse. It’s been a few months of playing with dosing with my doctor. Currently I’m on 20mg + 5mg dex in the morning. It worked great the first day or two and now it’s just… meh.
We did try 30mg vyvanse and it felt “stressy” to me, though I was also pmsing. I mentioned that to my doctor and he kind of dismissed that.
So no we’re trying this current method. 20mg v + 5mg dex. I’m wondering if I could do 10mg? I don’t like that feeling of tension in my neck and shoulders if I go too high… but I’m really not getting much more done.
Are there ways to optimize what I’m already on? Should I push for a second 5mg of dex?
It’s about 230pm and I feel like I could take a nap! Not sure what to do. My check in with the doc is Monday.
submitted by Gloomy_Ad5020 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 11:28 JamesfEngland Elvanse 70mg working but wearing off quickly, booster?

Elvanse 70mg working but wearing off quickly, booster?
Hello, I take lisdexamfetamine 70mg but it wears off after 6 hours or so. I wrote it works from 8am-2pm in each monitoring form I have had.I was hoping to get a dex (amfexa) top-up of 5-10mg or thereabouts but the prescriber asks me if I’m happy to end titration because it is the top dose? I’ve read people taking 70 + boaters on here and other forums so I am not sure what to say back really.
submitted by JamesfEngland to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 07:41 jenniferonassis Dextro from Wilshire/Azurity

Ive just been in a deep dive so please feel free to ask me more questions.
I’ve been on 10mg dex for 7 years.
I’m used to pharmacies switching manufacturers occasionally. But last summer (2023) the pharmacy I was at had the white, diamond shaped generic by Mallinckrodt pharmaceuticals. I switched to a pharmacy closer to me that had the round peach by Wilshire Pharmaceuticals.
I didn’t notice right away because I was going through some significant stress, but a few months in I could barely stay awake.
I initially thought it was stress, but I’ve gone through worse stress and was fine. In true ADHD fashion, I normally have fits of sleep interrupted by fits of insomnia.
But September 2023 on? I was SO SLEEPY all of the time.
A few months ago, I realized that the stress I was attributing to that sleepiness was gone. And that I had changed pharmacies and gotten the peach pills instead of white around the time I noticed the sleepiness.
So I went back to the other pharmacy. First two months I got the white diamonds. I felt great.
Now I’m back to the peach rounds. And I’m so freaking tired all the time again.
Tonight, I looked into this to find the manufacturers of the two generics.
Turns out the peach pills are manhufactured by Wilshire. Which is owned by Azurity Pharmaceuticals.
There is a recall on Azurity’s 30mg dextroamphetamine as of January 2024 due to a “mixup” that dispensed carbinoxamine maleate instead of dextroamphetamine.
Carbinoxamine info and side effects:
I just submitted a report to the FDA here
I had to go back to see when I filled at both pharmacies to note the change, FYI.
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2024.05.07 18:07 Southern-Course6871 Feel elvance doing nothing compared to Dex

So I was on 10mg Dex 2x a day, I asked to change off Dex to elvance (lisdexamfetamine) because I found Dex was making me have little emotions and get a bit angry once it wore off
So I am now on 70mg elvance and it’s not doing anything, it’s like I haven’t taken anything, I get super tired around 4/5/6pm too I had to have caffine for the first time in months otherwise I would’ve passed out asleep. Compare to Dex I have 0 motivation to do uni work or things I need to do and the tiredness is crazy bad in the afternoon / evening
I liked Dex a lot but Amfexa is all I can get and the waymade and teva are out of stock for ages
Anyone have similar feeling / effect
submitted by Southern-Course6871 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:33 Cool-Location379 Central Serous Retinopathy? (Dexamphetamine and Steroid Creme)

I'm a 33 yr old male and I was diagnosed with ADHD on Friday. After taking my first 5mg dose of dex that afternoon I woke up the next day with a tightness in the upper eye lid of my left eye and a small white discharge sitting in the outer corner of the eye. I washed my eye and the feeling and discharge disappeared, I didn't think too much of it at the time. I took another 5mg, followed by 10mg during the afternoon, the same symptoms suddenly came back and I've been freaking out after googling it and finding CSR. I don't have any visual impairment at this stage.
I also have a topical steroid cream that I had taken that day and the day before. I'd maybe use it a couple times every month or so.
I fell like it definitely is CSR given the involvement of dex and steriod cream. Could I be wrong? How likely is visual impairment to follow and how long would this take? I I can't reach my Psychiatrist but I think the best thing to do is stop taking the dex.
Today is a Sunday, tomorrow's a public holiday and I start a new professional job on Tuesday after moving back from the UK so I'm trying not to stress. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Cool-Location379 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:22 stonetear2017 What does your diet look like?

Lost weight due to taking dex as prescribed, 10mg 2x a day. Want to gain back my weight and pack on muscle. I am active - golf 3x a week and walk the course only. But, want to get into great shape. My vitals are good - did a biometric screening. But need help building a diet. 5’7” 145 lbs and athletic. Any advice?
Will be starting intuniv this week as well
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2024.05.02 11:32 Par353 Lingering effect of short-acting stimulants

This is mostly relevant to people taking short-acting stimulants, but I'm interested to know if anyone suspects or has noticed that the medication is making changes to the way they feel beyond the effective period advertised on the label. I take 10mg dex (therapeutic dose) at breakfast and lunch, which means the drug should have worn off by 6pm at the latest. I don't have much trouble sleeping, but rising from sleep has been so much easier, even at the current 5am start, which formerly would have been near impossible for me. I suspect some of the drug is lingering in the blood. Has anyone else noticed or wondered about similar things?
submitted by Par353 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 13:35 Consistent-Talk-8492 Elite Pharmaceutical Vs. Amneal? Anyone having issues?

I was diagnosed a few months ago at 26 and I'm still trying to get my dosing right. That being said, I picked up my new 10mg ER and 5mg ER at CVS the other day and the manufacturer is different.
Since I started on Adderall I always had Amneal as the manufacturer but the new bottles say Elite Laborator. The labels are also different, Amneal says "Amphetamine Salts ER" and the Elite says "Dextroamp-Amphet ER".
I took the new Elite capsule yesterday and for me there was a noticeable difference. After a few hours I felt like I could barely keep my eyes open and the focus affects didn't last nearly as long. Even though my eyes were shot early in they day, I still had a hard time going to sleep at night, makes no sense.
Has anyone else noticed a difference with Elite Laborator and are these two medications the same despite the name?
submitted by Consistent-Talk-8492 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:56 Zealousideal-Turn277 Fixated on finding the fix

Hi all,
Of recent I’ve been facing some interesting issues and in constant search of the solution (how very adhd of me) the rundown below.
I even engaged in a psychologist to help with strategies but also to address some childhood trauma and abuse (this probably needed to be done anyway)
After some reading and linking the massive issues getting out of bed on days I don’t work, slightly shorter fuse and what I feel heightened aggression my conclusion is too higher dopamine? Causing crashes and issues with serotonin which lines up with the feelings of lack of self-doubt, voices in my head, helplessness and lack of self worth/hopelessness. (Hello anxiety/depressive symptoms)
Context : I regularly train 4x /week (powerliftecoach) Eat very nutritious food (I’m an accredited sports nutritionist) Drink plenty of water Sleep 6-8hrs a night (similar bedtimes 9-5/10-6)
My plan of attack is to come off the meds for a few days and do a bit of a detox maybe for a week or two and halve my Vyvanse 50mg (25mg) and start back at what worked well before the premature increase by the psychiatrist and see what happens. (I did report I was feeling good and asked why he wanted to increase when my symptoms were good)
I’ve even played with the idea of trialing Ritalin again to see if I potentially notice anything different this time but I’d love to hear of anyone’s similar experiences/thoughts.
My whole diagnosis was in order to help my daughter get the support she needs in order to manage and stay focused at school, something my mother denied me at a young age even though my principal at primary school suggested my mother have me seen/assessed to which she didn’t want and thought she knew best (typical adhd trait)
Since my diagnosis my daughter has also been by a paed, and on 2.5mg dex 2x a day showing improvements, but also now seeing some signs of ASD traits (6y/o).
Anywho, out of all of this, I just want the best for myself and my family in order to manage this invisible and heavily criticized disorder of the brain.
TIA xx
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2024.04.28 07:01 Hungry-Detective-295 Should I trial Dex if Ritalin works well?

So I'm currently on 40mg Ritalin LA in the morning and 10mg booster IR in the arvo. It is working well. Biggest win is a massive improvement in my sleep and ability to wake up. Also, just all the boring tasks I used to procrastinate on are just easy to do. Yay!
I see my doctor this week and I'm tossing up trialling Dex so I can confirm ritalin is the best medication for me. Just wondering if anyone liked Ritalin but actually like Dex more?
The other thing is I don't really wanna bother with vyvanse with all the shortages. I might also try Concerta. Anyone take Concerta and Dex?
Edit: Additional info, the one thing I'd like to see in switching is hopefully more length. Ritalin IR only lasts me 3.5/4 hours.
Update! I'm trialling Concerta with Ritalin IR booster.
Update again! Concerta is so much better than LA I reckon I get an extra 2 hours and it seems more consistent!
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2024.04.26 16:14 Gloomy-Goal-5551 Feel like I’m losing myself due to Citalopram

Been taking citalopram for a year now switching from 20 to 30 mg a day.
Unlike most stories I read here, it seems like I never had it that bad. I was never severely depressed and also no panic attacks no anxiety etc. My symptoms were those of someone who lacks any sort of discipline and I would never take initiative to do something in life. I sought medication for this next to my adhd drugs (I take dex 40mg a day) and was recommended Citalopram.
A year later now I reflect on what it has done for me and, to be honest, I don’t really know. I feel like I don’t have random inconsistent bad days with but also barely any random inconstant good days. I’m also way more calm and feel like I’m losing my soul. I’m just not as expressive as I used to be and I feel like I lack identity. The drive which I was searching for is something I still haven’t found, but that’s okay. In general: I’m happy. I have structure in my life due to work which prohibits me from laying in my bed being lazy all day and friends I see during the weekend, but on a day I have nothing I will always be laying in my bed the entire day. No matter what.
Therefore I wanna get off the drug. Since I don’t have any negative side effects and no positive ones either I feel like on the long term I’ll lose part of who I am. I used to be the crazy loud social guy at parties. Now I’m just… there.. Anyways, I feel like I’m ready for but I’m not sure it I can just go without so easily. Any advice? I don’t wanna build it off to 10mg
submitted by Gloomy-Goal-5551 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 12:29 Ok_Powerfully Anyone else concerned about the number of stimulants they consume each day?

Is anyone else feeling like the amount of stimulants they put into their bodies is a little excessive?
My stimulant intake is skyrocketing every day, and it's beginning to worry me. When I wake up, I'll have a super strong filter coffee, 10mg of dex, and another 100mg caffeine tablet.
submitted by Ok_Powerfully to NarcolepsyHELP [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 18:07 RaviOlii_ Anyone else worried about the amount of stimulants they take each day?

Does anyone else just feel like the amount of stimulants they put into their body a tad outrageous?
My stimulant intake is getting wildly high each day, and it’s really beginning to concern me.
Upon waking up, I’ll have a super strong filter coffee, 10mg of my dex, and then another 100mg caffeine tablet on top of that.
Once I get to work, I’ll immediately drink an energy drink which is another 160mg. Then lunchtime comes around, and I’ll have 10mg more of my dex.
If I’m also going to University, I end up having another 10mg of dex around 2pm. Then another caffeine tablet.
I get home around 4-5pm, sometimes later. I have another 10mg of dex now and then do uni study until 10-11pm.
Surely this cannot be healthy or sustainable long term.
submitted by RaviOlii_ to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 00:10 roy_c38 Bad experience on Mirtazapine

I previously put up a post about switching from Sertraline 100mg to Mirtazapine (initially 15mg and now 30mg), whilst weaning off the Sertraline (100mg-75mg-50mg-25mg), to take alongside my Elvanse 50mg and Dex 10mg top up.
I have pasted that particular post link here:
I was doing very well before with just the Sertraline 100mg with the ADHD meds, but suffered from severe insomnia hence was advised to change to Mirtazapine.
During the process of the changeover, I was suffering some horrible symptoms and side effects including dizziness, light headed, confusion and especially binge eating and craving sugary stuff… GP and Private Clinician advised to soldier it through and give it a chance.
Now 7 weeks in and I’m feeling even worse. Like a zombie, feeling clueless, I’ve put on 9kg just in these past 7 weeks; and still with other various issues I’m feeling absolutely crap.
The dizziness and light head is getting worse and I’m also getting pins and needles in my hands, I’m literally just moving my eyeballs and feel dizzy, with a horrible feeling in my head, eyes, and gut. My restless legs have also gone worse.
I think I’ve had enough now and decided to come off the Mirtazapine, go back to how it was with the Sertraline; and tackle the sleep issues at the time, if they do come back!
I’m still waiting to hear back from my GP and private clinician re the process to do this, but as I’m eager, as of tonight I’ve taken only 15mg Mirtazapine in oppose to 30mg. I completely came off the Sertraline 5 days ago; and haven’t introduced it back in for now, till I’ve spoken with the GP/Clinician.
Wanted to know if anyone had the same experiences and journeys and what the outcome was. I’m keen to know more about the weaning process now, to eventually stop the Mirtazapine and how to introduce the Sertraline etc.
Thank you
submitted by roy_c38 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 09:48 fompas11 Script timelines and surpluses

heya! i’m in NSW and am prescribed 30mg dex per day by my psych.
i don’t always take the third 10mg if i want a super chill evening and i don’t always take them on weekends for the same reason.
i’m trying to fill my script on the same day each month for consistency, but i’m ending up with a surplus every month and its mounting up…
what should i do? can i leave it a while til ive ran out and then refill or will that look dodgy?
i know these meds are closely monitored (and for good reason!) so i don’t want to do anything that will flag me on a system of whatever.
submitted by fompas11 to ausadhd [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 08:29 Unfair-Recording-520 Dex: why does it feel most effective at the end of the day?

Hi - so for context I’ve been on dex for about six weeks. Dosing for the last couple has been AM 12.5mg early lunch 10mg and 2.5mg around 2pm.
If I’m honest I’ve not really noticed anything since i initially started on 5mg twice a day - and no crashes or anything like that but there have been a few occasions where I’ve found I’m a little spaced out during the day BUT
Come 4pm I’m suddenly in action mode - more focused than I ever am at work and motivated into the early evening to do all the life admin I normally ignore.
Just wondering if anyone’s experienced anything similar? I know dex is completely trial and error but just wondering if this is a sign to increase the dose a little more or go back down.
submitted by Unfair-Recording-520 to ausadhd [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 02:28 Bulky-Combination-63 Should I feel more than this? Started 5mg Dex this morning.

I was diagnosed earlier in the week and started on 5mg Dex this morning. The Psychiatrist told me to take 5mg in the morning with breakfast for 5 days and if I am feeling well take another 5mg 3 hours after the first one for another 5 days and then increase to taking 3 a day. I usually take 40g Protein Shake every day at 6am so I took the DEx with the shake this morning. I did feel something about 40 mins after I took it. More focused, energized and in a good mental mood. But by 8:40am I could feel a drop. But I wonder should I feel more focused? More energized? Do I need 10mg instead of 5mg? I know I just started taking it but I thought I ask here as I have read some very useful insights in this subreddit. TIA
submitted by Bulky-Combination-63 to ausadhd [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 22:11 bookpetals Respiratory issues 15yr old cat

Hi there! I’ve been going back and forth and all over the place with vets/emergency vets here and just want to get my girl some help.
Name: Chico
Species: cat
Sex: Female
Spay status: Spayed
Breed: mixed/tabby
Body weight: 11lbs
History: Incredibly skittish (only is comfortable with me/my husband - not even my 4yr old daughter because she’s loud). Has been healthy for years but I’ve moved around a lot so she hasn’t had stable vet visits. She gets a little sneezy/wheezy in spring/fall but nothing crazy or in need of attention. She was 14lbs but has dropped since switching to senior food over the past 2 years.
About two months ago she started to get a really bad wheeze/cough but everything I read said it was likely an upper respiratory infection. About 6 weeks ago I lost her litter mate and my soul cat Dusty (to our dog that has lived with her with no indication of violence towards her, very traumatic). I slipped into a depression and then my Chico was doing worse so I endeavored to find a vet to take her to about 3 weeks ago.
I finally get a Banfield to take her, they see her and agree it’s an upper respiratory tract infection and ask if they should give her a shot or oral antibiotics, I said she’s picky is it okay if we do the shot? They said yep, gave no other info and we were on our merry way with a follow up that Friday (it was Monday) to get her rabies updated.
Go in on Friday, Chico was yelling the whole way there, very upset. It’s a 35 minute drive (fastest place I could get us into as I was panicked). Come to find they shouldn’t have made the appointment so soon and we make a new appointment and I go home.
Chico started experiencing really bad wheezing, couldn’t breathe after getting home. I take her to an emergency vet, they do X-rays and a blood test. Blood test shows no indication of heart murmuheart failure. X-ray shows what seems like a possible soft tissue on her esophagus. They said we could do more imaging but there wouldn’t be anything we could do. Sent me home with 2 oral antibiotics and 1 steroid (prednisone).
I gave the antibiotics for the week indicated and have been giving the steroids as indicated but an almost out. She’s been up and down, and this past Monday we had made a laps of love appointment. Monday morning she was up and amazing. She’s been fighting so hard to be here. So we canceled the appointment and made another appointment with a different emergency vet.
This vet took another X-ray, confirmed her lungs look good, no heart murmur but they immediately took her back to the oxygen kennel despite my warnings about this stressing her more because she’d be away from me. We wait for 2+ hours, they said it looks like her trachea was collapsing and recommended a CT and ultrasound. But he didn’t confirm that at all, and was mostly just unsure the entire time. Turns out he just started practicing last month.
I ask what the treatment would be based off what they find in additional tests , they tell us nothing because she’s 15. So I tell them I want to take her home and they tell me no, we need to euthanize her. I immediately panic, she should be home if she’s going to go and they’ve been stressing her by keeping her near all the dogs barking without me. Mind you, she was hiding in the closet when our dog would have hurt our other cat, so she heard the entire thing. They also gave her 4 shots. FUROSEMIDE INJ 50mg/m, BUTORPHANOL / TORB INJ (10mg/ml), TERBUTALINE INJ 1mg/mL, DEX SOD PHOS INJ 3mg/mL. Though the quantity line on these are like 0.2, 0.1, 0.62, and 0.23 respectively.
Immediately they got a social worrier involved, we had to sign a paper saying we were taking her home and we’re told she likely wouldn’t make it and the SPCA would call us.
She made it home. Has been doing so amazing, eating lots, drinking, using the litter box, jumping on things for the past 48 hours with minimal wheezing. Is so happy and animated. She wants to be here.
Original vet (Banfield) won’t refill the steroids (prednisone) without seeing her, which is what started this mess and gets her beyond stressed. I think she’d give us another few months if we could just get her what she’s needs. But I don’t want to keep stressing her out unnecessarily. This cat is seriously fighting to be here with us and given all I’ve been through, I want to let her. If she was giving up, I’d let her go.
Thoughts on next steps? For context, I can’t get into another vet closer - we’ve been on waiting lists for months.
Any advice is appreciated!
Edit (formatting - on an iPhone)
submitted by bookpetals to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 09:02 lemonmyrtleair Best medication for impulse control?

Hello all,
I'm currently on 10mg dex 5mg x2 daily. The initial benefits for impulse control were great but since then it has faded. It does help with focus slightly however I would have better focus if I could get myself out to exercise, if I could stop staying up late and if I could get in control of the habits that affect my sleep. Right now I still feel that I am not in control of my actions.
I am going to see a cardiologist soon hopefully as part of what I need to do to increase the dose of dex. I do think increasing the dose may help however I want to also consider a non stimulant option for getting back in control of my actions, for example my financial problems due to zero impulse and behaviour control.
Based on my readings clonidine is very good for sleep and for impulse control and seems to have the littlest side effects. Can I ask specifically to try clonidine? I'm wondering from people who have trialed various non stimulant medications which has been the best help for this specific area of ADHD. I know everybody is different but it would be great to have some insights.
submitted by lemonmyrtleair to ausadhd [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 05:42 ADpeepee GP refusing to let me try IR Dex again (the med I was initially prescribed)

Hi All,
I've hit a year since being diagnosed and being on meds. I was initially prescribed Dexamp 10mg IR AND Vyvanse XR. I asked my doc if I could try changing meds to methylphenidate, as amphetamine seemed to be working for everything except studying and reading (things I really, really need to be doing since I'm mid thirties and not financially secure yet)
I'm about ~8 months into Ritalin IR & XR, it's working very well for study once I get started (actually finished a Microsoft Cloud cert through work, I usually never finish any study). The shitty disorganized ADHD symptoms feel like they're back in full force. Think: not servicing my car when I had plenty of opportunities to do so until I blew the engine, losing things en masse, breaking things due to the "ADHD Laziness". These things and long-term thinking/planning were all vastly improved on the Dex, not to mention the side effects of ritalin are getting more pronounced.

Now, I've mentioned what I just said to my GP and expressed interest in going back on Dex IR again. He has now "soft" refused me twice by basically ignoring my request and saying "we'll see how it goes" and handing me a ritalin script. I'm in Australia and docs don't give out dexamp easily in my state, so one of my only options is to go back to the Psychiatrist who initially diagnosed me (who have their own attached GP clinic now specifically for ADHD). The problem with this is the appointment is 4x more expensive than my current GP and doesn't guarantee that they'll put me on dex again.
TLDR: I think it's pretty absurd that my current GP won't let me try dexamphetamine again, given the short time I was on it and the fact that I don't act like a crackhead at all (I actually successfully pivoted into permanent white collar IT and gained certs on the job after being medicated). What would you do?
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