My first time rogol

My First Time

2017.04.06 21:50 mario6813 My First Time

My First Time is a place to share your first experiences with anything in life, it might be your first roller coaster, first date, first time out of college, or anything else!

2010.09.14 20:29 ilcocodrilo shroomers

For the hunting, growing, and consuming of mushrooms.

2009.07.17 18:20 valkyrii99 All the best kittens

Kittens, advice, and lots of cuteness!

2024.06.09 11:08 ilovenapes 240609 Current Status of Voting Polls

Hi fellow EverAfters!
Wanna vote but don't have time to grind and watch ads?
Not a problem!👌
Just participate in our Donation Drive (PayPal/GCash/BPI) and let the voting team handle the rest! 😎
However, if you do have time to spare, kindly help us with a few taps on your phone and vote! 😁
Here is a list of on-going voting polls and their current status:

❗️Top Priority Voting Polls ❗️

- Grind on these first before anywhere else.

KGMA Trend of June: Kpop Group (Monthly Voting - June):

Deadline: June 16, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
Fancast 1st - 15,337 votes 2nd - 14,563 votes
We got the lead again! 😲
This is our power as regular voters! Inch-by-inch we move, but in aggregate, we have already reached a mile and passed them!
They may have a voting team that can drop 10k+ votes within a day, but we have a more dedicated and supportive fandom that can catch up to them in no time! 😎
However, let's not be overconfident. As I've mentioned before, our big contender this time has an organized and well-experienced voting team.
Their 10k+ vote drop is bound to happen again! Let's widen the gap even more, just like how we did last month!
Continue spreading the word and encourage all casual fans to download Fancast and participate in the voting! 📢
We may be a baby fandom right now, but we have already proven from time to time that we can also fight! We can win this! Vote now and win that trophy! 😡 🤳
Also, please collect rubies in Idol Champ app as well since they can be converted into gold hearts. ❤️ -> 💛

UPICK (Rookie Artist of June):

Deadline: June 20, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
UPICK 2nd - 1,893,825 votes 1st - 2,002,761 votes
Collect voting points, but DON'T use them yet❗️
There will be a Time Attack event tomorrow, 9pm-10pm KST. Any amount of voting votes used during that time will be paid back 100% the next day. Make sure to participate! 😊
We are currently on a 4-month winning streak for this award. 🔥
The first 4 months were Elisia, Gehlee, Yunha, and Seowon. (in order).
It's Nana's turn this month.

✌️ Other Voting Polls ✌️

- Vote here after grinding on priority polls.

Stardom Rookie Idol (Female):

Deadline: June 9, 2024 (today, 11:59pm KST 📢) - The timing stated in the app is already adjusted based on the timezone of the user.
App Name Current Place Opponent
Stardom 1st - 8,019 votes 2nd - 7,988 votes
Today is the day!
Rewards: - a [special video greeting](s from UNIS - an article (a big help for brand reputation) - Twitter congratulatory post - Fan event (Q&A) with UNIS 😲
Let's show them how much we want all these and vote! 😁
This app is only available in Korean. Therefore, if you're having a hard time navigating through the app, you can use this guide from the voting team for instructions. 👍

idoki Female Idol (June Ranking):

Deadline: June 30, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
idoki 1st - 367,220 votes 2nd - 313,371 votes
We have finally reclaimed the crown for Gehlee! 👑
However, the gap right now isn't that far and other birthday celebrants are expected to catch up again in the next coming days! Do not ever let your guards down! Protect the crown! ⚔️
The Birthday Cafe event for Gehlee's birthday on August will only proceed if she has the highest votes among all birthday celebrants, both male and female!❗️
The deadline for this reward is only until June 20. Make sure you vote consistently until then!
Let's help make Gehlee's birthday this year a very special one because she deserves it! Vote and widen the gap!! 😡🤳

My1pick Chart (May) - TREND (Female):

Deadline: June 10, 2024 (tomorrow 🫣)
App Name Current Place Opponent
my1pick 1st - 45.02% 2nd - 36.39%
The reward for this one is an ad in Gangnam station for 3 days! 😲
Let's win this and help UNIS get more recognition from the locals! 🔥

June Rookie Stardom:

Deadline: June 14, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
PODOAL 2nd - 90,880 votes 1st - 82,580 votes
The rewards for this one include SNS event and press release. These will help UNIS in terms of brand reputation ranking, so let's vote here as well! 😁

THEKKING July Anniversary Ranking:

Deadline: June 19, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
THEKKING 5th - 509 votes 1st - 6,310 votes
The reward for this is a 15 day subway ad! 😲
I think we have a chance here since the deadline is still far. So, vote here after grinding on UPICK and Fancast! 💪🏻
I made a quick guide on how to collect voting points in this app for those who are interested. 😁
Did I miss something?
If yes, please mention them in the comments so I can include them on my next update 👍. Thanks!
submitted by ilovenapes to unis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:08 Competitive-Win-893 First time posting one of my OCs on here. What do we think of him?

submitted by Competitive-Win-893 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:07 Flinty_cattherian Help, I can predict future

Hi I am not sure if it is the right place if not pls correct me. so I discovered it like 2/3 years ago. The first time was when I was sitting in my room and i randomly saw a car speeding towards me. It was terrifying. I couldn't sleep in few days. I also told my friends and family to be careful. Guess what soon my classmate had accident where car hit him. I predicted a lot of BAD things always bad. After year I started to know when It starts so I could stop it. But now it came back stronger I can't stop it. I am so scared that it will be something bad. I feel so bad when I know it will happen but I can't do anything. Can someone help me? Any advices? How to control it?
submitted by Flinty_cattherian to witchcraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:07 MmmDananananone Should I keep my anxiety/depression diary?

Since I was in my twenties and first suffered serious depression, I've kept notebooks where I've written down my fears and worries. There must be 10 or so of them lying around in various places. Even if it didn't seem so at the time, it was and is always good to put things down on paper in order to gain perspective, or just get them off the carousel going round in my mind. I'm writing at the moment in a journal that's 7 years old. It's got writings that span the breakup of my marriage and my moving in with a new partner, my separation from my children and subsequent conflicts with my ex over time with them, career worries and desperation. When I occasionally check a page at random as I'm leafing through to find a blank page, I read snippets from events in the past. I though I'd read them and think "pull yourself together mate!" but usually I feel sympathy for myself back then. My question is, is it worth keeping hold of these diaries? On the one hand they show that I got through situations worse than I'm in now, but on the other maybe it's not good to encourage navel gazing and perhaps revive old anxieties to lump on top of today's ones. I doubt there's a firm answer to this, but I thought it'd be worth asking. Cheers.
submitted by MmmDananananone to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:07 IndividualCommon6156 I've been in love since 10 years ago with a person I knew though social media and she's the reason I'm alive.

I've been in love since almost 10 years ago with a person I knew though social media, and to most people it sound pathetic, I know, but the "worse" part is that we ended our relationship about 7 years ago.
We knew each other though a WhatsApp community group, while I was 15 and she was 13(this in 2014).
Initially, we didn't even talk to each other much (and never on private message, just the group), but by joking with each other we started talking more and more.
Prior to the continuation.., I would like to add certain context of myself. Due certain circumstances in my life i had severe depression and suicidal attempts even when I was even younger, but since I was naive/stupid I could never make it, and was getting frustrated at my own situation despite my young age, so that's when I just decided to know people on the Internet as a different persona. Never a fake name or anything like that, I was too young to even considering I could do that lol (I started at 10, which was extremely young on social media at that time, seems like not so much nowadays). So even though I was super introvert, expressionless and hated and mistrusted every single person, I started joining Facebook groups and then WhatsApp groups to know people who at least weren't from my home country. I always tried to being a expressive person in all of them and tried very hard to make some friends, but after a few disappointments I started losing hope, and I could not feel neither love or hatred towards people. It was just self hatred while I was still trying to "fix me" since even people started saying I was a weird kid because of how expressionless and apathic I was. They just treated me like a weird thing.
I felt like shit everyday, every hour, spending most of the day medicated with up to 6 pills.
And even though I was still that "funny" or "extrovert" person on social media I stopped talking to people on private, because I was exhausted on trying to connect with someone since I didn't even know how to properly hold common conversations like "how was you day?",and that other persona just wasn't enough.
So... continuing with the main story; It felt completely different with her, it was fun, even though there was still no private conversations, just the group chat.
At first, I thought it was just a misunderstanding on my part(as if I was brainwashing myself to think it was fun), so I got more and more curious about the things I was feeling with her, till the point that curiosity moved to her, and I started to wanting to actually know her better, not because I was trying to fix me, but because I was genuinely interested on her.
According to that genuine Interest and then love, I slowly naturally stopped acting as another person, and even though I was cold and barely showed any "visual" interest we still keep talking normally.
She was perfect in my eyes, I loved her very much and told her about it, but she rejected me due to her family. Even so, she made it clear that she felt the same.
Still, we keep talking normally, and on mid 2016 we started a relationship.
We had a lot of fights, mostly because of me I still had a hard time expressing myself since I wasn't used to, and she was also bad at expressing herself but in a a different way I had a herd time showing my true feelings about things, and since it was by chat it was even harder to express.. And she was bad about talking about herself, even about her opinions about anything.
So there were a lot of misunderstanding between each other, with her thinking I was mad or sad about something, but since I always told her it wasn't anything (it really wasn't anything) she had a hard time believing I was telling the truth to her. And since she didn't liked to talk too much about her thoughts I sometimes felt like she wasn't interested on me or just didn't trust me enough to talk about certain things.
So even though I would tell her everyday how much I loved her and she would tell me it wasn't like that, we still keep arguing a lot. As a couple with mental health issues we had quite a ride every day lol.
At some point, the discussions started getting more regular, and I starting feeling like It would be better for her to just forget about me and that she would be happy like that. I would make me as a "sacrifice" and just cut her up so she could be happy without having to deal with my problems.
We had yet another fight, and I thought about that again, and after a lot of things we said goodbye to each other and told her I was going to block her, which I did.
It was extremely stupid, and I regretted it even a minute after doing it, but I keep thinking it was the best for her. Almost 6 months passed, with me feeling regret every single day and feeling like shit but also thinking about how things were and how I should have done a lot of things differently, till I just couldn't help it anymore and unblocked her and talked to her again. It was yet another bad decision. If already did it I should have gone on with it till the end, so why tf would I talk to her again? I just made her suffer again. I regret both things, till this day.
And even though I did that, she responded to me We had a very deep conversation, and explained to her why I did it and why I talked to her again. She obviously felt awful,and while I was explaining, I once again felt like it was such a stupid idea and that I should have tried more.
In the time we didn't talk we both thought a lot of things, and ended up deciding to just keep as friends, even though we both still loved each other. We just came to the conclusion that we hurt each other more being together as a couple. We started to talk less and less, to the point it ended up in a relationship of "happy birthday" and "happy new year", not because we didn't want to speak to each other, but because it was kinda weird. I still loved her very much, but I couldn't say so, and every thing she did or how she talked was still adorable to me, but I just couldn't say "you're cute", "I love you so much", because we weren't anything.
At some point in her birthday(2020) I told her that maybe we shouldn't talk to each other more so we could just forget about each other(I never intended to forget about her but I wanted her to be happy) but she said she was okay with our (at that time) current situation so she would still do it.
When new year came, she didn't talked to me. Neither in my birthday (January). I was both sad and relieved/happy tbh. I thought "maybe she's thinking about herself and her own happiness, which is what I wanted". Time came by, and in 2022 she talked to me, not on new year or on my birthday, but on a normal day.
I was extremely happy and worried at the same time. We talked about a lot of things, including love in general. I told her I still loved her, not wanting anything in return, and she said that maybe I only love the memories, and I would not like her current self. We keep talking about a lot of things, every day for a few months, and I just came to the conclusion that she was wrong. I still loved her, the way she expressed, the way she talked, everything. I felt like I was 15 again, discovering new things that made me love her more and more.
Everything was fine, we were not in a new relationship but still good. At some point she was very busy with a lot of things(tests and everything), so we naturally started talking less. I was completely oblivious about what she was thinking during that time, and I still don't fully understand, but she told me that we probably shouldn't talk anymore(maybe revenge? I don't think so but sometimes I do think I can be that) I was again sad but happy, thinking she knows we probably don't have a future so it was the best for her. So i agreed with her(not like I had an option), and we said goodbye.
Sometimes I think, maybe she wanted me to tell her no? Should I have said no and that we should try it? But even so, my own answer is that that was the best. I still can't forgive myself about what I did and how we broke up, so I just can't feel the right to be with her.
Even so, I still feel genuinely happy for her, and I wouldn't mind if she has another lover on her life, quite the opposite. I would love her to be happy, and it doesn't matter if it's not with me, because it's just not about me but about her.
She initially made me feel jealous for the first time in my life, she made me worried, sad, happy, stressed, loved, wanted, etc. Most feelings I didn't think I could feel for another person. Even my family didn't think I could. She made me not wanting to kill myself every day, she made me think living was worth it, she made me think I should keep on living no matter what. That's true even though I still don't have anything, not even friends. She made my life happy just by thinking about her, and I will always be thankful and sorry for everything we did together, not just because of how she made me feel, but because she was (and pretty sure still is) an amazing person who deserves the better. She even made me leave most pills.
Like I started, I still love her very much, and even though she's the only "thing"(as in both passion and people) I "have" and even though sometimes I just want to die, I will still keep trying to live, for as long as I can even though I think about dying every single day of my life.
Even though this was long af, it was still a super resumed version, and since English it's not even my first language I probably have a lot of mistakes, so sorry about that and also thanks to whoever made it this far. Although I doubt this will ever be read I feel a little relieved since I literally have no one else to talk, not even family lol.
submitted by IndividualCommon6156 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:06 Lady8425 ACC application says "abandoned"

Hey guys, I'm a transfer student for fall of 2024, and I'm really confused about the ACC application. I submitted my housing application with my three preferences on June 4th and paid the $200 deposit. I was advised that I only need to submit one app with all three preferences and make one payment of a $200 deposit, but my second and third choice communities applications are listed as "abandoned". My first choice app says it's complete... does this mean I have to do the same application three separate times and pay $200 each time? Confused and super concerned because I know the housing applications are really important to submit as soon as possible. I called the leasing office on Friday and left a message but didn't hear back. I would finish the other applications that claim to be abandoned but I don't want to go through the pain of refunding that payment if it turns out I don't have to pay for all three deposits. Any info helps! Thank you!
submitted by Lady8425 to UCI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:06 Deep_Cabinet_3840 My bf cheated on me, and I told him the only way I could get over it is if I cheated back. He agreed, but now that I’m going through with it, he’s begging me not to

Me (23f) and my bf (24m) have been together for 5 years now. We met in uni and moved in together after. About six months ago, he sat me down to tell me he had cheated on me. It was a one time thing during a rough patch in our relationship, and he regretted instantly. Now yes I was hurt by his infidelity, but I was also really shocked. He was always going on about he didn’t understand how I could like someone like him, and was always afraid that I would cheat on him. So to find out that he would do something like that even though it was his biggest fear of me doing it was crazy to me.
Honestly when he was talking to me I just went completely numb. I wasn’t even listening to him and just went into some sort of state. I came back to my body with him begging for my forgiveness and saying he would do anything to keep us together. I wasn’t thinking super clear when I said it, but I just blurted out that I needed to sleep with someone in return. He seemed a little taken aback by it, but I told him that was the only way, and he agreed.
I stayed at my sister for a month after that bc I needed some time, but I held true to my word and forgave him. He would ask every now and then about it, but I really didn’t have anyone I could even think about sleeping with. And I eventually told him I just didn’t want to talk about it. When it was done I would tell him and that was it.
Flash forward to the present and I’ve met this guy from my work. He’s super cute and fun, and has made it clear he’s into me. At first I just brushed it off, but he was the first guy that made me remember I had a pass. So I was thinking about it and decided to go ahead and ask him. I told him everything, and he was down. We set a date and I can’t lie, I was super giddy.
I guess my boyfriend could tell and asked what was up. I’m a horrible lier and tried to make something up, but he just suspicious. He ended up going through my messages saw the ones with my coworker. Now he’s begging me not to go through with it and in general has just been a total wreck.
I told him no. Like I said before this was the only way I was gonna get through his infidelity, and if he couldn’t handle it then we should just break up anyways. My plans were set in stone, and the only thing that was gonna change was if he was still there when I got done. He got upset and went to stay at his brothers.
Since then I’ve been bombarded with messages from his friends telling me I’m being cruel. That my bf has learned his lesson and that it’s cruel to let a man know when his gf would be cheating on him. In their words “ at least I found out months later” I’ve asked some of my friends about it and I’ve gotten mixed reactions. Some of them think I should just dump him out right. Others think I shouldn’t have to even the score in a relationship, and some think I should go through with it.
Am I being an idiot? I know it may not seem like it, but I do love my bf. I think he’s now finally understanding them pain I feel knowing he was with someone else, but I don’t think I can be fully over him cheating if I don’t do this.
submitted by Deep_Cabinet_3840 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:06 Cotton6890 Just adopted this sweet bean from the shelter. Her name is Cleo and shes almost 4 :) can anyone identify her official coat colour?

Just adopted this sweet bean from the shelter. Her name is Cleo and shes almost 4 :) can anyone identify her official coat colour?
This is my first time ever owning a pet and I am a little overwhelmed. The first night i let her roam the house and she would come into my bedroom and meow at me every hour then do zoomies around the house and scratch on my carpet. Ive decided for my own sanity that she can stay downstairs at night where she can free roam, she has her litter, water, automatic feeder, lots of cosy places to sleep, scratching tower etc. Is this okay? Looking for some reassurance as I’m feeling guilty but I need sleep 😅
submitted by Cotton6890 to Siamesecats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:05 Aevari2 Overcoming Motion Sickness in SoT??

So, I would play SoT with my husband alot when it first came out, rockin' our day one eye patches. We loved it, every weekend we'd spend the entire day until dinner time just sailing and having fun on the seas. I had no issues back then.
I took a long break from SoT's because I was pregnant (pregnancy and gaming just didn't mix for me). And afterwards we never had the time to play the game because we have a child now.
I started up the game for the first time today since 2021 and after about 45mins I got very nauseous. Never had this happen while playing SoT beforehand.
Coincidentally, this also happens when I play Warhammer 40k: Boltgun.
I've never had games make me feel nauseous before, and I'm feeling incredibly disapointed by it because SoT was THE game that we played together, but now when I boot it up, I can't handle it for very long.
I'm looking at trying to increase the space between myself and the screen. my computer desk has me much too close to my 27" monitor. I really do hope thats the reason why I'm feeling like this.
I wanted to ask if anyone else has been away from the game for a while and returned only to experience nausea? If so, did you overcome it? Do you have any tips to lessen it?
I really want to play this game again, heck if the game is still going strong when my toddler is at an appropriate age I want my husband and I to form a brig crew together, but first... I need to find a way to overcome this motion sickness. Any advice or tips would be very much appreciated.
submitted by Aevari2 to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:05 eeedg3ydaddies really scared, I wish I hsd a different brain

I had a panic attack for the first time in a long time and now I am scared to be awake/alone.
I haven't had a panic attack in little over a year. I don't take benzos anymore. Earlier suddenly it felt like my brain was spinning around in my skull and I kept getting hot flashes. I knew I was about to panic so I started meditating and deep breathing. I ended up falling asleep.
Now its the middle of the night, all my friends are asleep and I am scared. I can't stop crying I am so scared I am going to panic.
submitted by eeedg3ydaddies to panicdisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:05 Electronic-Ad1293 My Remarkable GMAT Journey: From 410 on GCE to 655 on GFE

Hello, everybody! I am Akshat, and I am thrilled to share my GMAT journey with you. It has been a challenging yet rewarding experience, and I hope my story can inspire and guide other GMAT aspirants. Starting from a score of 410 (9th Percentile, 425 - GFE Equivalent) and transitioning to a 655 (90th Percentile) amidst the shift to the GMAT Focus Edition, my journey is a testament to perseverance, strategic learning, and effective mentorship.
The Beginning: Overcoming a Rocky Start
When I first took the GMAT Classic Edition diagnostic mock, I scored 410. It was a tough start, but I saw it as a baseline from which I could only improve. With a score breakdown that included a low verbal ability (V17) and a quant score (Q27), I knew I had a long road ahead.
Finding the Right Resources: Transition to the Test Prep Company
Initially, I relied on free resources like YouTube and the Official Guide (OG). However, these did not provide the structured learning I needed. This is when I discovered a Test Prep Company I got enrolled into. The comprehensive courses, strategic methodologies, and diligent mentorship provided by the Test Prep Company played a crucial role in my improvement.
Tackling the Verbal Section: From 16th Percentile to 96th Percentile
Challenges and Initial Struggles
Starting with the verbal section, I faced significant challenges, especially with Critical Reasoning (CR). My initial accuracy in CR was only 10% on Hard questions. Despite multiple attempts, the concepts didn’t click.
The Turning Point: Structured Approach for CR
The Test Prep Company introduced me to a structured approach for CR, which transformed my approach. This strategy helped me understand the question's underlying logic and formulate potential answers before looking at the options. This approach not only improved my accuracy but also reduced the time I spent on each question.
Reading Comprehension: Overcoming RC Anxiety
Reading Comprehension (RC) initially seemed manageable, but as the passages grew harder, I struggled. Consistent practice, reading articles from The New Yorker, and following the Test Prep Company’s RC course helped me improve significantly. My accuracy improved from 30% to 70% on hard questions.
Conquering the Quant Section: Building Strong Foundations
Strengthening Basics
The Quant section required a strong grasp of basic concepts. The Test Prep Company’s approach of starting from fundamentals and gradually moving to harder questions was instrumental. The diagnostic tests and personalized study plans ensured I focused on areas needing improvement.
Validating my Learning with the Quiz Portal
The Test Prep Company’s Quiz Portal provided high-quality practice questions that closely resembled the Official GMAT questions. The medium and hard quizzes to validate mastery were particularly effective in solidifying my understanding and improving my timing.
The New Challenge: Data Insights in the GMAT Focus Edition
Adapting to DI
As one of the early adopters of the GMAT Focus Edition, I faced uncertainty regarding the Data Insights (DI) section. The Test Prep Company’s DI course offered a comprehensive preparation plan that covered various question types, from Multiple Source Reasoning (MSR) to graphical analysis. The Test Prep Company was ready with their top-class DI course when nobody in the industry had even thought about building the DI content for GMAT aspirants like me.
Reflections and Tips for Future Aspirants
Perseverance and Consistency
My journey underscored the importance of perseverance and consistent practice. Despite working full-time, I dedicated specific hours to GMAT preparation daily. Consistency was key in building and retaining the skills needed to improve my score.
Leveraging Mentorship and Resources
The Test Prep Company’s mentorship, particularly the personalized feedback and strategic advice was invaluable. My mentor’s push to find and fix my weaknesses was crucial in achieving my target score.
Mindset and Motivation
Adopting the right mindset was critical. Viewing each challenge as an opportunity to learn and improve helped me stay motivated. My goal was to avoid retaking the GMAT by giving my best effort in the initial attempt.
Reflecting on my GMAT journey, I am grateful for the support and resources that helped me succeed. To all GMAT aspirants, believe in yourself, stay consistent, and utilize the right strategies and resources. Your hard work will pay off, and you'll achieve the score you aim for. Best of luck!
submitted by Electronic-Ad1293 to GMAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:05 yessirwelitty My Story with ongoing BV

Hello everyone! Hopefully my story reaches whoever needs it. I sadly struggled with BV for 9 months straight before it finally went away. It all started when I was sexually active with a guy that was no good for me. It was my first time ever having BV so I didn’t understanding what was going on with my body at the time. After ending the connection my vaginal health wouldn’t get better for the life of me. I was constantly going to the clinic getting tested, making multiple doctors appts but no matter how much antibiotics was given to me I would still have BV. The antibiotics I took were Flagyl (took this about 4 times) and Clindamycin cream (used this once) and both gave me the same effects. I always finished the meds and my downstairs area would smell like dirty water! I was miserable and super insecure. Before having any vaginal issues I was drinking a lots of water and taking my probiotics on a regular basis. In those nine months nothing was working! I spent around $200 in probiotics trying different brands and different strains to see what would work for me. I can’t say they didn’t work because I did feel and smell a difference but I still wasn’t back to normal. Finally after a long 9 months with lots of research and a good amount of money spent I am happy to say I am free of the shackles of BV. I been BV free for 4 months now. Here are some tips for anyone struggling.
  1. Drink lots of water! I know it’s very cliché to say this but dehydration can intensify body odors. I recommend drinking about 40oz - 64oz a day. Stop drinking water when your pee is clear. You don’t wanna over hydrate your body and lose electrolytes.
  2. Invest in a good probiotic and be patient. Sadly a lot of reviews online for probiotics are fake and some companies pay for good reviews. Avoid the brands that have reviews like "after one day of taking this probiotic all my problems went away." Learn from my mistake of being gullible enough to believe that. Look for probiotics with variety of strains, between 7 to 20 strains will do. CFU count can be a little tricky but I notice my body reacts will to 50 cfu. I don’t suggest 100 cfu because it could give you adverse effects and make your BV or yeast infection worst. If you need any recommendations feel free to message me.
  3. TEA! There are lots of different teas that have amazing benefits for you vag. I researched the benefits of a lot of teas before i came across hibiscus tea. This tea has completely changed my life for the better. Funny enough I had a dream about hibiscus tea after i brought it and something told me to give it a try. Before i tell you this recipe I recommend you do your own research on this tea. If you have low blood pressure I do not recommend you drink this because it could lower it even more. Hibiscus is rich in antioxidants and assist the body in fighting infections. You could drink the tea alone but i personally didn’t feel the most benefits from doing that. What I do is brew a cup of tea for about 5 mins, add a SPLASH of Apple cider vinegar with the mother. ACV does have some antibacterial and anti fungal properties that could help with health of your gut and vaginal Microbiome and the "mother" is the cloudy particles you see within the vinegar, which is made of good bacteria. Not a shot but a splash of it, took much ACV can be harmless to your throat and teeth. To sweeten the tea I use 100% organic, honey. This is optional but if you have pure 100% pure cranberry juice not from concentrate in your home add a splash of that too. Literally a hour after drinking this I smelled significantly better and continued drinking this for 7 days straight, once a day. My ph balance was right back to normal on day 7. Now I make this for myself about 2-3 times a week. If you come to the conclusion that you can’t consume hibiscus tea a good alternative is green tea, ginger, turmeric, peppermint, licorice, and black tea.
  4. Take a shot of Pure 100% cranberry juice not from concentrate twice a day. Yes cranberries are mainly used for UTIs, but with long-term consumption, it can help the overall pH balance of the vagina. I recommend the Lakewood Juice brand.
  5. Ask for a different antibiotic. Please be vocal about a specific antibiotic not working for your body. A lot of doctors love to prescribe Flagyl because it’s considered the standard for BV but it doesn’t completely eliminate the problem. For any of my ladies who have been prescribed Flagyl over and over again please consider trying oral clindamycin! This is the only antibiotic that has completely cleared my BV. Please be cautious though, it can be really hard on the stomach so i do recommend you take a probiotic about an hour after the dose. For example, if you have to take two pills a day after your last pill take a probiotic a hour after. This is to prevent the loss of the healthy bacteria in your gut. YOU DON’T TO GET C DIFF. If you have IBS, Ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease please talk to your doctor to see if it’s a good fit for you. Tips 1-4 are for replenishing your Microbiome and maintaining your pH balance.
If you come to the end of this post, thank you so much for reading. I hope my story encourages you and gives you a sense of hope that you can gain control of your body again. Feel free to ask any questions or message me! F**k BV.
submitted by yessirwelitty to VaginalMicrobiome [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:05 avawolfs Interested in booking a reading? Slots are available! Dm me 🥰

Again, take what resonates leave what doesn’t 🩷
Hello, i’m a tarot reader! I am now offering paid readings but if you have any follow up questions, feel free to ask me (no charge for this) and no charge for same day delivery. I have so much free time today and the following week so hit me up if you want to book a reading or like clarity in your situation :)
how to book? just dm me your question (question only), please approach me nicely poo and also be kind when conversing. you can ask if you’d like to be read here in reddit or tg or other social media platforms (will send my social media acc. e.g twt, tg, and messenger)
you have to pay first, as soon as i’ve already received the payment will definitely send it immediately since when i saw your questions (ive alr shuffle the cards)
Yes/No Only (No explanation) - ₱10 or $0.17
Yes/No with explanation - ₱50 or $0.85
Special Reading (Love, General, Career) - ₱80 or $1.37
Unlimited Questions for 10-15 minutes - ₱129 or $2.20
Feel free to hit me up! Again, cards aren’t set in stone. It will change over time as you have the power for controlling your future. 🪐✨
submitted by avawolfs to CasualPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:05 Limp-Ask-7705 Should I (F23) break up with my fiance (M26)

Hey everyone, first post here. I'm in a very difficult situation right now. Me (F23) and my fiance (M26) have been dating long distance for a bit over 3 years now (engaged for 2), and a bit over a year ago he started supporting me financially. Due to a disability, I'm not able to work for long periods of time, but a year ago is when the financial situation started getting worse where I live and so my fiance told me to quit my job since it was causing me great pain and has been supporting me financially ever since. I was hesitant since I not only worked for myself, but also to provide for my family of 6, since the only source of income was mine and my mother's, who gets minimum wage (my siblings are still in school and too young to work), but I trusted him and I quit my job. Everything was fine, he was able to send me money twice a month until a month ago, when he had a mental breakdown and stopped going to work, which resulted in him getting fired. He has been battling with depression for a couple years, but when we started dating it got better (according to him) and now he's back at his lowest point again. I tried to be supportive but I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm angry at him, I hate how much I depend on him and I hate how our relationship doesn't seem like enough motivation for him to go to work. I know that's not how mental illness works, and that ONE person isn't gonna cure your depression, but he has always made it clear that he was gonna make sure I could eat and have a roof over my head since now my wellbeing and my family's was "his responsibility" and that he "wanted to be the provider". But on the other hand, I love him so much and I don't think I could break up with him, since I don't want to hurt him and make his depression worse. It's just that seeing his lack of motivation and ambition is making me rethink things. Plus, seeing my family go hungry and not being able to do anything about it because nobody wants to hire a disabled person just adds to the frustration. It's gotten so bad that I've been having suicidal thoughts, just wanting to make all the worry and the stress go away. What should I do?
TL;DR : My fiance got depressed, lost his job and stopped supporting me financially despite making me quit my job a year ago, assuring me that he would take care of me. Now because I'm disabled I can't find a job. Lost on what to do.
submitted by Limp-Ask-7705 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:05 jerrikhowesagv My little boardgamer.

I've been playing boardgames with my son who is now 5 years old, since he was 3. It's not a daily activity. But a couple times week I try to make the time to sit down with him and connect over cardboard. Nearly every purchase I make is made with the consideration of "will this be something my kid might like to play someday"?
One of his favorite games, as of late, has been Quarriors. Although I don't personally love the game. I love playing it with him. It has fun colorful dice and monsters, which he enjoys. And I enjoy it gives him a chance to practice some basic reading, simple addition, and start understanding probabilities.
I work virtually from home and my son gets home from Kindergarten about an hour before I wrap my work day. He normally watches cartoons for a bit until I'm done. Like usual, yesterday after getting off the bus I sent him downstairs with a snack.
About 20 minutes before I was done working he comes up and asks if I'm done yet. I tell him no. 5 minutes later he returns, asking if I'm done. Then again a couple minutes after that. I have to admit, by then I was a bit frustrated with him. He knows he is supposed to not intrude, unless it's urgent, while I'm working still.
I close my computer at the end of the day and head downstairs to see what he's up to. Come to find he set up a game of Quarriors for us. And he's waiting to play with me. He sorted through the 130 dice to separate them all out, laid out the cards in nice neat rows, set up the score track, and gave us each our starting dice... almost all off of memory. This is the kid I need to remind thousands of times pick up his toys or to bring his gloves home from school. He couldn't remember one rule for set up, and he's just starting to learn to read, so he told me he had to find how many dice we got to start in the rulebook. Unlike me, who can just skim a rulebook and find the information in seconds, this means he had to work, work really hard, to find this information.
There he is, kneeling on the floor, had already taken his first turn, just waiting for me to play with him. I broke down and cried. I was so dismissive of him when he had come up earlier, and all he wanted was just to sit down with his dad and play a boardgame.
submitted by jerrikhowesagv to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:04 avawolfs Interested in booking a reading? Slots are available! Dm me 🥰

Again, take what resonates leave what doesn’t 🩷
Hello, i’m a tarot reader! I am now offering paid readings but if you have any follow up questions, feel free to ask me (no charge for this) and no charge for same day delivery. I have so much free time today and the following week so hit me up if you want to book a reading or like clarity in your situation :)
how to book? just dm me your question (question only), please approach me nicely poo and also be kind when conversing. you can ask if you’d like to be read here in reddit or tg or other social media platforms (will send my social media acc. e.g twt, tg, and messenger)
you have to pay first, as soon as i’ve already received the payment will definitely send it immediately since when i saw your questions (ive alr shuffle the cards)
Yes/No Only (No explanation) - ₱10 or $0.17
Yes/No with explanation - ₱50 or $0.85
Special Reading (Love, General, Career) - ₱80 or $1.37
Unlimited Questions for 10-15 minutes - ₱129 or $2.20
Feel free to hit me up! Again, cards aren’t set in stone. It will change over time as you have the power for controlling your future. 🪐✨
submitted by avawolfs to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:04 Capttain01_ (22M)BF and (20F) GF, my tone, words, sass or slight lashing out hurts my girlfriend

so for the past two years, we've been dating, and it's been smooth but we've had our fights. Recently, we've had more fights about my tone, words, and little outbursts of how I respond to things, This night, she was just on my phone and wanted to sign into her Instagram like she normally does, she saw a message from a girl I used to go school with, she was a senior. She asked who she was and I said its someone I went to school with and explained, Then she asked did you guys have any relations or relationships, and I kind of lashed out a little and started being defensive and explaining myself, Sometimes she brings up my past, like with the people I've slept with and who I've been with and yes I've expressed that I'm not comfortable talking about it and how I regret the things I did before her with those people, and I should've waited.
So her asking that even during the day or saying it makes me uncomfortable which I've expressed.
and i know i could've answer it better
and when we fight i dont or have these situations she doesnt say i love you back or even a simple hug to say goodbye when shes heading home, yet she says when hurt or upset why would she be lovey dovey but thats not really what i'm asking for just reassurance.
Last week we were crossing the road heading to the gym and I noticed her bumping into me which made us cut our walk short, I told her, you're bumping into me and why don't we walk normally on the crosswalk, she got a little upset by the way I said it due to my tone and said I should walk by myself which hurt a little, and I ended waiting in the car as I did not feel like going to the gym anymore.
I wanted to talk as she got back into the car, but then I assumed she didn't want to talk so we didn't speak as much for the whole day and the next, as I was unsure if she wanted to talk to me. fast forward: later it became huge, but we resolved it and worked through it. Normally she likes space when she's upset so I assumed she didn't want to talk as much to give her that time to process her feelings.
It's not the first time my tone, words or small lashing out has caused her to be hurt, I want to be better and do better by journaling, praying and being slow to speak to avoid such but yet again it happened.
She told me "I can’t force you to act right no matter how many times you hurt me it’s gonna happen again and I don’t want that anymore I’m tired. You always say I’m working on it/ I’m sorry/ I’m praying about it/ I love you but it’s just not working you're not changing it’s just like you don’t want to change it’s just naturally how you are. I cannot fix you. And I cannot always be taking hits like this I’m not into having a relationship where you have an attitude that comes out of nowhere, speak to me rudely, act like you don’t want me around based on your attitude, or lash out. I don’t know if it’s because we spend too much time together but honestly, I know it is. "
I do not want to lose her or the relationship, I want to work, and I've been doing this unintentionally and want to stop hurting her like this, She is more avoidant when it comes to conflict, but I like to solve it and fix it, but I've been learning to give her the space she needs in conflict slowly.
So yeah, i unintentionally give her a tone, or say somethings or give sass to somethings she says and it hurts her or gets her upset, which i try to explain and tell her i'm working on it but it keeps happening and this past week i've tried putting in the effort to do better, change and act right so i can speak without any of these in simple situations.
I've done some immature emotional stuff back in the beginning, but i've grown from that
submitted by Capttain01_ to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:04 console_fulcrum I almost re-imaged servers that were LIVE - Caused Disruption!

Hey everyone ,
TL:DR - I want to know how much in the wrong vs where the organizational process is to take blame?
I messed up by mistakenly re-imaging severs that were live in a production-1 environment, which disrupted about 700 VMs , and back to stability took 6 hours. I overlooked by not running a ping/sanity check. This made a huge noise and service unavailability upstream
Will I be fired ?
FULL STORY! My company runs Nutanix hyperconverged infrastructure at scale , and I'm an Infrastructure engineer here. We run some decently big infrastructure,
What happened ? - in our Demo (production-1) enviornment, there was a cluster of 21 hypervisors running , and serving about 700 VMs , let's call it cluster A
BUT IN MY CASE - 9 WENT DOWN! - SHUT DOWN ALL VMS that couldn't power on due to lack of resources.
What followed next ? - we immediately engaged enterprise support with P1 - started recovery attempt praying that disks would still be intact - THANKFULLY IT WAS - It took 6 hours to safely recover all supervisors and power on all VMs impacted
Things I will admit to - - All I had to do , was fricking ping those hosts, and see if they responded - I did not do this - should've been more attentive to color coding in a sheet of 100s of server tags - maybe yes.
MY QUESTION TO THE COMMUNITY - - How could I have done this better , you don't have to know Nutanix , but it in general? - How much would you blame me for it vs the processes that let me do it in the first place ? - Can I be fired over such an incident and act of negligence? I'm scared.
Please help.
submitted by console_fulcrum to sre [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:04 auvio_ Not having MacOS boot option in OpenCore

Not having MacOS boot option in OpenCore
Background: I'm fairly new to hackintoshing, and I've done it before 1 time on physical hardware several years ago,but I only briefly used it. I've used opencore on virtual machije software like qemu with kvm hypervisor before, and VMware, however I have not done it on physical hardware in a while My specs are: i9-12900k 32gb ddr5 G.Skill Radeon Rx 580 MSI z690a Pro Wifi
I'm also using custom libre firmware on this computer called Dasharo, and I'm running the latest release (v1.1.3), and Dasharo is pretty much Coreboot + edk2 but forked to add more security features and hardware specific features, ease of use, etc. I believe my firmware might have some part in this not working, however I saw it's possible to run hackintosh in certain Chromebooks, and those Chromebooks are running Mrchromebox firmware which is corrboot + edk2 as well, so it should pe possible to run a hackintosh in coreboot
Steps I took: I created a MacOS Sonama USB using OpenCore Legacy Patcher on a real Mac running MacOS big sur
I used several different EFI folders made for this motherboard and none of them worked. 2 of the EFI folders I tried only showed 2 boot options which both said "NO NAME", the first no name booted into my systemd-boot bootloader for arch Linux on my m.2 nvme and the 2nd no name option just gave some error code. One of the folders I tried showed 3 options, 2 being no name and one "EFI", and 1 of the no names went to my arch Linux SSD, and rhe other 2 options didn't work. The last EFI folder I tried gave some error about some ArpDxe.
I have a sata SSD In my computer running fedora Linux with Grub bootloader and that one doesn't show up in the menu which led me to believe it was some issue with sata, but ahci or whatever it's called Im pretty sure is enabled since in the Dasharo firmware hot plug is enabled by default, which I think is ahci
Here are the ones I tired: (one in the picture) (another one that didnt work, similar issue as first one, and I think this one is the one with the 3 options) (Gave ArpDxe error)
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
submitted by auvio_ to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:04 ResidentReference844 Am I being delusional about what kind of relationship my bf (19M) and I (19F) have?

3 years ago I met my bf (A) when we were seated next to each other in a class. From the jump, A would initiate conversation with me and say things that were pretty reminiscent of the whole "boy pulling girls hair because he wants her attention" shtick except in verbal form. For most of our interactions I was unsure whether he was making fun of me, hitting on me or if that was just how he talked to everyone.
A couple of days of this and I tell my friend (B) about A's behaviour, and as it turns out, B and A have actually grown up together and know each other quite well. Despite this, they aren't close since A is kind of douche. B tells me that she's sure that A is hitting on me. She also tells me that she's friends with A's ex, C, who finally dumped him for good after their some-months long on again/off again relationship because A was just a bad bf. This is also how I learned that B sits on A's other side in our shared class.
It kind of clicked for me then that the reason why A was always so eager to talk to me was because B would always be on his other side to hear it. This was confirmed for me some months later when our class ended and A would only ever approach me in the halls if B was there to see it and even that stopped after B took him back. After that, A and I didn't interact at all until last year when we happened to both attend the same college.
A starts talking me up again, going on about how he didn't see me at all the last few years (as if he wouldn't ignore me unless I could help make B jealous?) and how it's so crazy that we happened to be going to the same school and have some lectures together. He tells me that B went to a school a few cities away so they decided to call it quits for good. During our first conversation after a good two years, he makes sure I know that he's single for the foreseeable future and is excited about the larger dating pool college provides.
For a few weeks, our conversations are just like how they were the first time we had class together except now we're seeing each other more frequently, hanging out outside of class, and texting throughout the day. He starts getting more bold, (sitting/standing next to me until there's no space between us, leaning in too close when we're talking, keeping a hand on my knee or shoulder, etc). At this point we're dating without the title so I just straight up ask him "Are we dating?" and he goes "For real? Can we?" As if my question was unexpected and all of his actions weren't a build-up to this point? It's a pretty lame start for our relationship and I fear it set a precedent because I cannot name one solid aspect of our relationship.
To start, just based on A's personality and his relationship with B, I know that he's not your ideal bf. All my friends (and me as well) know him to be kind of a douche, he has so many female friends, is casually flirty, and I can never tell when he's honest, what he's thinking, or how much he actually likes me. At the same time, I feel like he has a lot of good qualities. He's insanely smart and always helps me study (we're in the same program), he's also attractive and I know he's out of my league, and as confusing as he can be, I enjoy the time we spend together.
My big issue is that I don't know how committed I can actually be to this relationship. If I'm being honest, A's character makes him hard for me to trust, and I also know that A could do a lot better than me. Both B and A are more attractive than me and I hardly share any personality traits with B so I'm not sure what he likes about me. I know A and B were sexually active while they were dating but me and A are not due to reluctance on my part. A's also pretty popular and I know he has other relationship prospects.
We've been dating for four months now and I've been trying not to be too vulnerable around him emotionally or otherwise because it feels like I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. As it stands now, if he stops talking to me tomorrow or tells me he wants to see someone else, I wouldn't be broken up about it because I expected so anyway. At the same time, I know if I did the same to him he'd be mad, but not heartbroken. I like what we have now, keeping it casual because neither of us feel like we're in love or anything, but I feel like a fool for thinking that's sustainable. I know he'll eventually get tired of our relationship being stagnant and either want more or to break up and I don't know which one upsets me more.
I like to think that we both have a mutual understanding that we're not too invested in our relationship and are only together to mess around but if that were true why would choose me of all people? I don't think he's romantically invested in me but I don't want to be the reason why we don't work out if I'm wrong. At the same time, I'm scared of advancing our relationship and finding out I'm just expendable to him. What should I do?
TLDR: My bf is known to be kind of a douche and I have no idea how much he likes me or why he's been wanting to date me. We've been keeping our relationship casual and I'm not sure if my next steps should be to maintain my distance or close it.
submitted by ResidentReference844 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:04 lukegerbz picked up this beauty over the weekend

picked up this beauty over the weekend
always enjoyed triumph motorcycles but my first time owning one and i’m in love. still have my hondas, but this is a whole different beast with power delivery
submitted by lukegerbz to Triumph [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:03 aaronbcompgeek The Job Market Isn’t That Hard, Seriously

Hey guys,
I keep seeing posts about how hard the job market is. Honestly, it's not as tough as you're making it out to be. I'm a third year student from UNSW, with average grades, an average resume and I got intern offers from Atlassian, Canva, and EY with minimal effort. Here’s how I did it:
First off, if you’re not involved in uni societies like CSESOC or DevSoc, what are you even doing? These societies are goldmines for networking and look great on your resume. Get involved, go to events, and make connections.
Second, keep a HD WAM. Seriously, how hard is it to get HDs? Just pay attention in lectures, do your assignments on time, and study smart. If you’re struggling with this, you might need to rethink your priorities.
Side projects? I didn't have a ton. Just a few quality ones that actually showed off my skills. Employers want to see what you can do, not a list of random projects.
Referrals are key. I got mine through an Adelaide-based study program. Yeah, you might have to go out of your way a bit, but it's worth it. Seek out these opportunities, network, and get those referrals. It’s not that complicated, start spamming linkedins.
So, to everyone saying the job market is brutal: step up your game. Get involved, keep your grades up, do some decent projects, and network. If I can do it, so can you.
Later, aaron-bonnet
submitted by aaronbcompgeek to cscareerquestionsOCE [link] [comments]