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Grenland - Bamble, Porsgrunn, Siljan og Skien

2015.07.24 12:34 gitarg Grenland - Bamble, Porsgrunn, Siljan og Skien

Denne subredditten brukes for nyheter og diskusjoner om ting som skjer i Grenlandsområdet. Fritt fram for å diskutere dialekt, tilhørighet, nyhetssaker, aktiviteter og alt annet som har med Grenland å gjøre. Bamble, Porsgrunn, Siljan og Skien.

2024.06.09 10:17 snooper98 Completely unsafe and disgusting Lyft ride - no refund??

This is long so Tl;Dr: a long, dangerous disgusting ride and Lyft offers no credit at all, sorry to have to go back to Uber.
I started using Lyft exclusively when Uber began adding on hidden reservation fees for trips I make monthly for business traveling to and from the local airport. This time I didn't reserve a Lyft but called when I landed. I waited while the arrival time would count down from 7 minutes and then go back to 7 minutes and count down, and then go back up to 7 minutes and count down, when finally the guy showed up. No idea why he drove around the airport three times, it said he had another passenger but that didn't make sense.
When he finally showed up he just opened the back door for me to put my bag in the back seat and didn't offer to open the trunk but I didn't ask, I should have. I get in the car and all of the windows are open. As we drive out of the airport and hit the speed bumps it sounds like his rear axle is about to fall off the car. I suddenly start to notice the smell - a combination of mold, vomit, attempts to cover it with something disgusting, really an unidentifiable and deeply horrific stench. He drives on the highway with all of the windows open telling me I can close the windows if I like. But when I close the windows the smell is even stronger. He can't go over 60 with the car it sounds like it's going to fall apart. I'm fearful for my life as he hits construction cones on the highway, goes off the side of the road, and yawns constantly (it's an 11PM drive).
We finally get to my home after he keeps saying how dark it is where I live - yeah we don't have street lights everywhere in the suburbs - and he seems like he's afraid to be driving there. His headlights barely work. But the piece de resistance is we pull into the driveway and I try to get out and the back door handle doesn't work. Confused, I click the lock back and forth but even though I can pull it the handle does not open the door. He says to me he has to go open it and he jumps out quickly and opens the door. Then he gives me this kind of weird look and I just say thank you good night and I walk away. He sits in the driveway for a while so I'm watching out the window to see when the headlights go away and he finally leaves.
I reported it immediately to Lyft - the entire drive the car felt like it was going to fall apart or he was going to crash into a truck and literally throw all of my clothes outside and my suitcase and my bags because of the stench which took me dry cleaning to get rid of. But the only thing they really seem to care about was the fact that the rear door didn't open from the inside. They said they would take care of it but honestly if this is the quality of driver they allow, I feel like I have no choice but to go back to Uber who at least occasionally checks their drivers. And they offered zero credit or refund, I mean this was the worst ride I've ever had and I was terrified this guy was going to come back to the house after I reported him. Nothing, no credit just "our safety team will take care of it".
Just unbelievable. They said I could get out from an unsafe ride at any time but we were on a major highway and I had no idea that I could do that or even how I would do that. How about you just have safe drivers to start with?? I can't in good conscience ever use them again. Would love to hear if this is more common than I once thought.
submitted by snooper98 to Lyft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:36 moosepatrol15 Christian Mentors in Active Longterm Recovery

I applaud all of you truly seeking recovery from pornography. The hold it has on you mentally and physically is understandably excruciating. The effects it has on your relationships more than likely is also excruciating, even devastating.
I hope you don't mind me writing this here as I would like to provide insight as to the damaging effects it has on men, women, families. I also pray that a Christian man with long term recovery (I've seem several men explaining their history, ill effects, guidance, encouragement) under his belt reaches out to offer him support, even if a comment. Therapy is far too expensive in our state, he has no socials to seek a mentor on his own.
I am the wife of a 33 year old porn addict that has been in and out of recovery since his 20's. He has been using since he was a young teenager. He understands that lusting after other woman is cheating and adultery.
My husband is only just beginning to piece together over our hundreds on coversations just how much of his life it has robbed him of. So much time has been spent watching abhorrent and fake situations, fake women, unrealistic sex. He doesn't comprehend foreplay, he is learning that it isn't just kissing her neck for a few seconds while grabbing her ass and then slamming a chub (thanks PIED) into a dry woman and leaving micro tears isn't foreplay at all and that the woman isn't at all turned on enough. That the sex he learned is lack luster and lacking true intimacy and romance. That the PIED stems from him not getting the same dopamine rush of new girl, new girl, new outfit, new pose, new whatever. He is just beginning to understand it destroys his true attraction. His emotional maturity is that of a 15 or 16 year old. The temper tantrums withdrawl induces are heart breaking to witness, it's heart breaking to hear him crave other women and actively seek them on the phone or out in public. He never fell in love with a hobby or developed a skill.
Betrayal trauma is real. It beats us women down mentally. It truly causes insecurities with bodies, the idea of us never being good enough is solidified with each and every relapse. Each and every time we attempt sex and he goes soft. Woman feel a level of rejection that men cannot comprehend when we say no to sex. It's difficult when we see what he looks at on his phone, when our minds run with the question of "what does he seek?" If we dont know, it's absolutely devastating to watch him check out women in public because "all guys do it". (No, there a millions of men that posses self control, self respect, respect for their woman. They dont all walk down the street with an over sexualized mind looking for their next hit, I digress) You are not only showing us what you lust after and provide us a real life women that we are comparing ourselves too and ultimately competing with. Then you turn around and tell us to "get over it", "I go to bed with you every night", "your so insecure, its not like im f* her"🤮. When you drop subtle hints about makeup, hair, outfits, mannerisms, getting plastic surgery to fit whatever mold that is not us, we know it comes from you porn. We know we are yet again being compared. We feel as though you have only settled for us as you can do "so much better".
When you are with a partner, married or not, there should be no competition. Men should not be creating such insecurity for the woman they love. Men should not be manipulating them, gaslighting, go into full fledged DARVO loops to protect their teenage heart and mind from losing what has destroyed them.
My husband started truly seeking recovery in Jan of 2023 and has been hard core porn free since. Slow attempts at rewiring his brain from such fantasies and bringing him down to just him and I and what he is actually feeling and living. He did well but he was using me up until the fantasies he had in his warped mind became far too twisted for the Christian wife he had sought and married. (I know he wasn't on hard core as Truple is in place, finances absolutely prevent gimme from obtaining a second device, and he is always hinest abiut relapse situations) That changed my respect and trust in him. What else is he capable of? I don't know the man I married was a daily - moment to moment thought. I shared the reboot process, reviewed his need to get his brain out of fantasy world and bring him to reality and he went off all socials. The changes were astounding. My husband was returning and apolegetic and again apologizing for being an addict,, he penis began functioning correctly again and it became what it should have been - longer, more girth. He regained the ability to orgasm by something other than his own hand and various positions. Then the ferocious withdrawls hit 2 months later. The change in him was immediate, his mood, anger, desires all exploded and I felt I knew him even less. It took months of arguing, his performance issues, the change in me he had provoked and how much it impacted our relationship before he removed all socials again. This cycle went on for months. He is just now learning recovery takes more than just dropping socials. It takes understanding the addiction and what it does to the brain. It takes sitting and processing through all the thoughts and symptoms of withdrawl. Which means actual research, recovery plans, understanding events from childhood and how he used porn to cope and how to develop actually coping skills, how to seek and fulfil his dopamine need with real life, non sexual activities. There is more, but it's hard.
The most recent relapse to soft core thirst traps (it is porn boys) on YouTube shorts that brought me to my breaking point. Well, a little more about that. He made it to month 2 of no phone and all the amazing changes returned. Then a huge stressor knocked gim down. I am 5 months pregnant and just put on pelvic rest as my life and our child's life could end from me orgasming. I very well could bleed to death. His response when I told him was not about his wife or child and our well being. It was a temper tantrum about him not being able to have sex. What was he going to do for the next five months? A few days of me Servicing him while processing my new added elements of hell and very quickly came down to my decision of it's recovery or we divorce so I can protect my mental health and ensure our child is not subject to their fathers addiction and ill effects. (He did come around to talking about the pregnancy and risks and understanding but addiction kept him from allowing it to be the first line of thought. Please do not come at him for being a raging asshole, he can come off that way just like all other addicts. I have clinical experience in the addiction world just not porn, I am a true supporter in giving time, space, patient understanding while attempting to heal from an evil crutch. He is a good man who does adore me outside of the addiction)
He now understands some of what I experience with betrayal trauma, that I can not live in a mental hell he is dragging me through as a result of his addiction. I understand all the negative emotions come from the hold this sick, destructive addiction has on his fragile mind. He now understands HE is the one destroying the marriage and throwing it all away for fake, immoral, broken women that are simply using him for their own benefit. He understands I have given him 100 percent of me, tried to be his morally sound God fearing wife trying to keep us both on the straight path, I've been the diligent helper and provider of wisdom, the de escalator, the logical thinker all while taking the addictions abuse and attempting to keep myself in check mentally and physically. He also doesn't want to be the creepy guy gawking at young women, they very type he yells at other men for when they are checking me out.
If you made it this far, thank you. I'm sorry if this turned out choppy. It's all very complicated. Life is hard enough without a porn addiction. No one deserves this agony. Please, be kind to yourself and do the hard work it takes to truly recover. Apologize to your woman and love her the way she deserves.
submitted by moosepatrol15 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:59 Paul-Villerius Predicting the release schedule for the rest of the series

So everyone's wondering when the next season is going to drop. We all know shooting starts this month, which means casting will be announced any day, but what can we expect after that? How are we going to avoid being constantly on pins and needles between every announcement for the next several years? I'm not a production expert, but I think we can reasonably put together a timeline for how the rest of the series will pan out based solely on the timeline for Season 1 and what we know already about Season 2.
Season 1 began filming in January 2022 and released on the last day of August 2023. That would put the release for Season 2 in early 2026, right? Well, I'm going to say that late 2025 is more likely. The strikes already put production off by a lot of time, so Netflix can't afford to lose more time. However, I think it will be later in the year rather than the same late summer release due to the expanding world and possible Oda-requested reshoots. I think it will coincide with the American and Japanese schools' winter breaks. As an aside, that would certainly enhance the mood of Drum Island.
I'm assuming Season 2 will cover the whole of Alabasta Saga, and I think Season 3 will likely cover all of Skypeia Saga as well, however, to make up for the 2+ year gap between Seasons 1 and 2, seasons will start to be shot concurrently, similar to movie franchises such as Avatar. Seasons 3 and 4 will be the first to be done this way. The consistently good feedback from OPLA's metrics make it extremely likely that they'll be ordered simultaneously. By this time, production will be smooth enough that Season 3 will be released 15-18 months after Season 2, 12 if we're lucky, but let's say Spring 2027.
Season 4 (Water 7 Saga) will obviously be completed very soon after Season 3, but Netflix will have to sit on it for a year to avoid burning the audience out, so Spring 2028 for that. Then Season 5 will cover Thriller Bark and Sabaody, but it will be finished so soon that Netflix will not be able to sit on it like they did for Season 4, so Season 5 will probably release a couple months after Season 4. Its release will be even more expedited due to the jump on production that's been in front of our eyes this entire time. While the Rumbar Pirates' ship was obviously built for the Reverse Mountain Arc, it makes perfect sense to assume that they will be shooting parts of Season 5 while they shoot Season 2. The reason for this is obvious. While there's been no announcement yet, Netflix has obviously ordered Season 5 before Seasons 3 and 4.
Because of the absolute magnitude of the Summit Saga, Season 6 will be split into two parts, the first part covering Amazon Lily, Impel Down, and the separated Straw Hats. It will probably be shot concurrently with all four previous seasons for preparation's sake, but Netflix will need to cultivate big hype to outdo the lead-up to the release of Season 1, so Netflix will need at least ten years to build our expectations, so don't expect Season 6 Part 1 anytime sooner than late summer 2038. However, before Part 2 drops, covering the Marineford Arc and current day Post-War Arc, Netflix will release a Post-War flashback special. Changing the order of the storytelling doesn't change much and contextualizing Luffy and Ace's relationship will make Marineford even more gut-wrenching. Unfortunately, Colton Osario will have aged out of the role of young Luffy, and it'll be difficult to find a replacement for him. With such a difficult decision, I think the best option will be to have Iñaki Godoy play young Luffy as well. Tomorrow Studios will probably wait to shoot until Iñaki is 7 years old, but with the time saved from not having to digitally de-age him, the Post-War flashback special will probably release in early 2012, if not late 2011.
And then, the day after Season 6 Part 1 drops, Oda will make the announcement: a new way to experience One Piece. Season 6, Part 2 of Netflix's One Piece will be a collaborative spiritual consciousness. Immediately after the announcement, we will all be able to envision One Piece together, contribute to it, mold and preserve it in our hearts, and project it into others'. The fandom will encompass the entire world, and we will all live Goda's story, our souls united, in One Piece.
...and Season 7 will cover Fishman Island and release 18 months after Season 6, and that'll be a good point to end the live action series with no significant loose ends. No one's really itching to see Mid Cake Island or Mid Country in live action, though a miniseries adapting the Warship Island Arc is probably in the cards due to fan expectations, and maybe even a standalone film adaptation of the plot of One Piece Odyssey. I know fans who wanted to see the entire series adapted will be disappointed. I think we all want to get as much as we can out of this series, but we have to be realistic here.
That's just my two cents as a fan. Again, I'm no expert, but I think these are pretty reasonable assumptions that anyone could come to, and I'm interested to hear what you all think.
submitted by Paul-Villerius to OnePieceLiveAction [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:35 duneterra Pot de crème mold

Does anyone know where I can find good quality molds?
submitted by duneterra to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:10 Curious_Sun6571 ajudem-me a perceber se tenho primos/tios irresponsáveis ou se isto acontece em todas as família

muito resumidamente houve um aniversário da minha avo que reuniu imensa gente da família! nada de mais até então! homens a ver futebol, mulheres no paleio e os meus 3 primos mais no canto: -Lara (10 anos) -Rodrigo (5 anos) -Lourenço (3 anos) _quando foi intervalo do jogo,a sala entra num silêncio e só dá para ouvir o meu primo Rodrigo a falar "ala Portugau está perdendo".. toda a gente olhou para ele e só uma tia minha teve a destreza de questionar a pronuncia brasileira -agora mesmo ele está à minha frente a jogar ao Pedra "papeu",tesoura! _a minha prima Lara, mal chegou mandou um tio calar só porque ele disse que ela tinha calças feias, mandou outro tio meu sair do sofá proferindo as seguintes palavras "ui sai dai pah! esse lugar é meu!".. para além disso passa a vida no tiktok a ouvir músicas funk de teor sexual _o meu primo Lourenço mesmo não conseguindo dizer o meu nome sequer,ainda assim pega no telemóvel,desbloqueia-o,abre o youtube e pesquisa por "masha urso" pela pesquisa se voz! isto tudo com uma caixa cheia de de brinquedos e com o "Masha e o urso" a passar pela televisão!
submitted by Curious_Sun6571 to CasualPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:45 Significant-Tower146 Best Female Belly Band Holster

Best Female Belly Band Holster
Introducing the latest must-have accessory for women who carry a firearm: The Female Belly Band Holster! This innovative holster provides a comfortable and secure way to carry your firearm, enhancing convenience and style. In this article, we've gathered a roundup of the best Female Belly Band Holsters on the market, so you can make the perfect choice for your needs. Get ready to enjoy the ultimate carrying experience with our top picks!

The Top 13 Best Female Belly Band Holster

  1. Revolutionary Comfortable IWB Holster with Adjustable Fit - Secure, comfortable, and versatile, the STRAPT-TAC Belly Band Holster Rig enhances your traditional IWB holster for reliable trigger protection and complete concealment.
  2. Comfortable Belly Band Holster for Universal Firearms - The Mission First Tactical MFT Belly Band Holster is the perfect solution for those who prefer a more comfortable carry, offering top-tier features such as a Hard Laminate Trigger Shield, two elastic pockets, and two secure YKK zippered storage pockets.
  3. Comfortable Hidden Gun Holster for Concealed Carry While Running - Stay safe and comfortable on-the-go with Cabela's Breathable Belly Band Holster, perfect for concealed carry and versatile carry configurations during runs or daily activities.
  4. Rothco Concealed Carry Neoprene Belly Band Holster - Experience ultimate comfort and customization with Rothco's Concealed Carry Neoprene Belly Band Holster, designed for everyday carry and suitable for most standard sidearms.
  5. Caldwell Tac Ops Belly Band Holster XL: Versatile, Breathable, and Comfortable - Caldwell Tac Ops Belly Band Holster XL 1092405 - High-quality, versatile, and functional, this holster offers comfort, protects your firearm, and doubles as a convenient storage solution for everyday essentials.
  6. Versatile DeSantis Gunhide Belly Band Holster - Discreet, versatile, and perfect for on-the-go, the DeSantis Gunhide Belly Band Holster offers three pockets for your essentials, while fitting most small frame concealable handguns.
  7. Concealable Belly Band Holster for Small Frame Autos in Natural Finish - The DeSantis Gunhide Belly Band Holster is an ambidextrous, versatile choice for concealing your small frame handgun, available in a range of sizes and colors to fit your needs.
  8. Comfortable Elastic Belly Band Holster for Optimal Concealment - Sticky Holsters Sticky Belly Band 37-58" XL offers a comfortable and versatile concealment solution for ladies with elastic construction, five patches of STICKY material, and four built-in accessory pockets for ultimate convenience.
  9. Galco Underwraps Belly Band 2.0 - Versatile Holster for Multiple Weapons - The Galco Underwraps Belly Band 2.0 (UWBKSM2) offers a versatile and stable solution for concealed carry of multiple weapons and accessories, with improved features for even more gun compatibility and customization.
  10. Versatile Galco Underwraps Belly Band Holster 2.0 - Galco Underwraps Belly Band 2.0 Black - UWBKSM2: Versatile and practical holster designed for concealed carry of multiple weapons and accessories, accommodating various hand positions and configurations.
  11. Comfortable Anti-Slip Female Belly Band Holster for Firearms - The Crossbreed Modular Belly Band 2.0 is a versatile and comfortable gun belt designed for active women, offering anti-slip technology, a pocket for your phone, and convenient storage for magazines.
  12. Comfortable Belly Band Holster for Everyday Carry - The Rounded Gear Belly Band Holster provides ultimate carrying comfort with its moisture-wicking neoprene material, adjustable size options, and versatile pockets for weapons and accessories alike.
  13. Adjustable Concealed Carry Holster for Women - The Allen Hideout Belly Band Holster, a versatile and breathable option for female concealed carry, offers adjustable comfort with dual-layer pocket security and optional right or left-handed use.
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🔗Revolutionary Comfortable IWB Holster with Adjustable Fit
I recently tried the STRAPT-TAC Belly Band Holster Rig, and I must say, it's a game-changer for gun owners who value comfort and convenience. Unlike other belly band holsters, this one offers a much higher degree of security for your weapon, ensuring both you and your gear stay safe and secure.
One of the standout features of this holster is the adjustable fit. The hook-and-loop system allows for a personalized and snug fit, making it suitable for a wide range of sizes and body types. The aeroprene strap is not only comfortable for all-day wear but breathable as well, perfect for hot summer days.
However, one minor downside is that it requires an IWB holster to function properly, and the holster itself is not included in the package. This might be a little inconvenient for some users.
Overall, the STRAPT-TAC Belly Band Holster Rig offers an exceptional blend of comfort, convenience, and security, making it a must-try for gun owners and a great addition to your concealed carry arsenal.

🔗Comfortable Belly Band Holster for Universal Firearms
The Mission First Tactical MFT Belly Band Holster has been a reliable addition to my daily routine, providing both comfort and functionality. This versatile holster is perfect for various activities, and since it doesn't require a belt, it's an ideal choice for those who prefer a more comfortable carry. The 3D Spacer Mesh Fabric ensures an all-day carrying comfort by increasing airflow and preventing bacterial growth, while the Open-Air Weave Construction promotes maximum breathability, keeping me cool and dry.
One feature that stood out for me is the ambidextrous design, which is compatible with a wide variety of firearms, making it suitable for both left and right-handed individuals. I also appreciate the Hard Laminate Trigger Shield, which protects the firearm's trigger from accidental discharges, and the two elastic pockets that allow me to carry spare magazines or other essentials.
However, I did notice that the holster may not be suitable for firearms with a Red Dot or Flashlight. Additionally, the fit can be a bit snug for those with larger frames.
Overall, the Mission First Tactical MFT Belly Band Holster is a comfortable, breathable, and versatile option for those looking for a reliable and functional holster for various activities. Its ambidextrous design and Hard Laminate Trigger Shield make it a standout product in its category.

🔗Comfortable Hidden Gun Holster for Concealed Carry While Running
This Cabela's Belly Band Handgun Holster was a lifesaver on a humid summer day. I had been struggling to conceal my firearms under my lightweight shirts, but this holster made it a breeze. The breathable elastic worked well with my t-shirt and never felt uncomfortable, even during long hours spent outdoors.
One of the highlights was the infinite variety of carry configurations. Whether I wanted to carry my handgun on my right or left side, in the small of my back, or in a cross-draw position, this holster made it possible. The hidden pocket was also a great feature for storing extra cash and my ID.
However, I did encounter a few minor drawbacks. I found the Velcro stitching to be a bit weak and starting to come apart after a few months of wear. Also, when wearing the holster over my shirt, my skin would get a bit irritated from the Velcro corners.
Despite these minor issues, the Cabela's Belly Band Handgun Holster was a game-changer for me. It allowed me to carry my firearms comfortably and securely, even in the heat of the summer. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a versatile, comfortable, and affordable way to carry their handguns.

🔗Rothco Concealed Carry Neoprene Belly Band Holster
I recently got my hands on the Rothco Concealed Carry Neoprene Belly Band Holster, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer. This holster is a perfect choice for concealed carry enthusiasts. It's ambidextrous, meaning it's suitable for both right-hand and left-hand users, which is a big plus. I also appreciate the adjustable mag pouch that allows for full customization.
Not only does this holster provide comfort due to its soft neoprene backing, but it's also breathable, making it ideal for all-day wear. The neoprene backing is a nice touch, and it's a great feature for those who like to carry their gun for extended periods. The holster is designed to fit most standard sized sidearms, including Glock 19, Ruger LCP, Sig Sauer P365, and more.
However, there are a couple of things I'd like to see improved. For instance, the metal snap closure could be a bit stronger, as it doesn't always provide the most reliable hold. Additionally, the elastic storage slit could be longer, as it's a bit too short for my personal needs.
Overall, I'm quite happy with my Rothco Concealed Carry Neoprene Belly Band Holster. It's well designed, comfortable, and provides a secure and reliable way to carry your handgun. It's definitely a worthy addition to any concealed carry enthusiast's arsenal.

🔗Caldwell Tac Ops Belly Band Holster XL: Versatile, Breathable, and Comfortable
I've been using the Caldwell Belly Band Holster XL for a while now, and I have to say, it's quite comfortable. The moisture-wicking material is perfect for those sweaty summer days, and the wide elastic pockets are a great feature for supporting those weapon-mounted lights and lasers.
One issue I've encountered is that the firearms can sometimes touch my skin due to the slide protection tab not being perfectly positioned. Additionally, the holster is not machine washable, which makes it more difficult to clean than I would like.
Overall, the Caldwell Belly Band Holster XL is a decent choice for someone looking for a comfortable and versatile carry solution. While the materials used could be improved, the wide range of pockets and the adjustable fit provide an enjoyable user experience.

🔗Versatile DeSantis Gunhide Belly Band Holster
I recently tried out the Desantis Gunhide Belly Band Holster, and I must say it has been a game-changer in my daily routine. As a security professional, I needed something comfortable yet practical to carry my concealed handgun in a discreet manner.
One of the standout features of this holster is its elastic band, which measures 5 inches wide. It wraps around the waist and fits securely, accommodating the essentials you need to keep close at hand. The holster has three pockets, making it easy to stow crucial items like your phone, wallet, and other small necessities.
The Desantis Gunhide Belly Band Holster also comes in a natural finish and an ambidextrous design, which means it's equally suitable for left-handed and right-handed users. The elastic band is available in various sizes, ensuring that it caters to different waist measures, and is perfect for those with smaller frame concealable handguns.
While this holster is perfect for most small-framed handguns, it might not be the best fit for larger models. Additionally, some users might find the fit to be a little too snug around certain waist sizes, causing discomfort. But overall, the Desantis Gunhide Belly Band Holster is an impressive piece of gear for those seeking a comfortable and practical way to carry their essentials and conceal their handguns.

🔗Concealable Belly Band Holster for Small Frame Autos in Natural Finish
I've been relying on the DeSantis Gunhide Belly Band Holster for a while now, and it's been a game-changer. The elastic band is nice and wide, making it comfortable to wear all day. I adore the ambidextrous design, which means I can wear it on either side depending on what feels best.
One of the product's standout features is the concealable pockets. They're great for keeping your essentials close while maintaining a low profile. The elastic band doesn't dig into your skin, even when you wear it for extended periods.
However, there's always room for improvement. The holster doesn't come in a wider range of sizes, which could be an issue for folks who don't fall into the specified categories. Additionally, the holster only fits small frame concealable handguns, which might not be suitable for everyone.
All in all, the DeSantis Gunhide Belly Band Holster has been a fantastic addition to my daily life. Its comfortable design, convenient pockets, and ambidextrous feature make it a must-have for those in need of a reliable concealable holster.

🔗Comfortable Elastic Belly Band Holster for Optimal Concealment
As a reviewer, I tried out the Sticky Holsters Sticky Belly Band, and I have to say, it exceeded my expectations. I was particularly impressed by the elastic construction, which both ensured comfort and provided the necessary strength to hold just about anything. Talk about versatility!
The three patches of "stickiness" are key to keeping the band secure and in place throughout the day. No more constant adjustments – it's a game-changer. And don't even get me started on the four built-in accessory pockets! They're designed to fit all sorts of goodies, making this belly band not just functional but also super practical.
While I could really use a larger size, fitting snugly wasn't too much of an issue for me. And hey, the band can be used for more than just hiding a holster – perfect for stashing documents when you're on the go, or keeping your valuables safe while you're sweating it out at the gym.
It's not all roses, though. A few reviewers mentioned that it can be a bit of a struggle to get everything just right. But overall, I'd definitely recommend giving this Sticky Holsters Belly Band a try. It's more than just a comfortable way to carry your holster – it's a smart, multi-purpose solution for all your carrying needs.

🔗Galco Underwraps Belly Band 2.0 - Versatile Holster for Multiple Weapons
I recently stumbled upon the Galco Underwraps Belly Band 2.0 Black - UWBKSM2 and was excited to try it out for my concealed carry needs. This updated version of the belly band allows a versatile carrying of multiple weapons and accessories, giving you the power to customize your rig to your heart's content.
What immediately caught my attention was the elasticized nylon design, which made wearing this belly band super comfortable and easy. The two leather holster pockets allowed me to securely position my firearms in a stable manner while on the move, offering easy access when needed. The addition of two accessory pockets was also a bonus, allowing me to stash items such as badges, cuffs, and ammo without any hassle.
Wearing this belly band felt like wearing a second skin - it was lightweight, flexible, and easily accommodated my body shape. The variety of carrying positions, including the traditional low on the waistline and strongside, crossdraw, and appendix carry, made it a versatile choice for my needs. Moreover, the Underwraps 2.0 could be adjusted for both right and left-hand draw, further enhancing its adaptability.
However, I did notice that the belt felt a bit bulky around my midsection, especially when I was carrying multiple items, which slightly restricted my movement. Additionally, I believe it could have been more breathable for hotter environments, offering better comfort during warmer days.
Overall, the Galco Underwraps Belly Band 2.0 Black - UWBKSM2 showed impressive capabilities in terms of carrying multiple weapons and accessories effortlessly. If you're looking for a belly band that can adapt to multiple carrying styles and provides ample space for additional items, then this is undoubtedly worth a consideration.

🔗Versatile Galco Underwraps Belly Band Holster 2.0
I recently gave the Galco Underwraps Belly Band 2.0 Black a try, and I must say, it was quite an experience. As a woman, I was skeptical about how a belly band would fit and feel, but to my surprise, it was surprisingly comfortable and easy to wear. The elasticized nylon design allowed me to adjust it to fit my waist perfectly.
One of the standout features of this belly band was the two leather holster pockets, which securely held my handguns and had a stable positioning. I appreciated the two accessory pockets that could accommodate almost anything I needed, from ammo to a badge and cuffs. The versatility of this band was fantastic, as I could adjust the carry for various situations and needs.
However, I did notice that it wasn't the most discreet option, as anyone who saw it would immediately know that I was carrying a firearm. Also, if you're not used to wearing a belly band, it might take a bit of practice to adjust to the new feel. Nevertheless, the Galco Underwraps Belly Band 2.0 Black has become an essential part of my concealed carry kit, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a versatile, comfortable option for carrying their weapon and essentials.

🔗Comfortable Anti-Slip Female Belly Band Holster for Firearms
I've been putting the Crossbreed Belly Band through its paces in my daily life lately. This is one of those products you don't realize you need until you have one. It's a game-changer for those of us who find it important to be prepared for anything life throws our way.
The main thing that stood out for me is the belt's elasticity. Even when it's fully loaded, it stays in place without any hassle, thanks to the clever anti-slip panels. This is especially important for someone like me, who is always on the go.
However, I should also mention that one of the downsides is that despite the polyester jersey outer shell being washable, it's only up to 25 times. That's a lot, but still less than the 50+ you might get with a normal washable holster.
Overall, the Crossbreed Belly Band is a perfect blend of comfort, concealment, and adaptability. It's easily customizable, breathable, and the anti-slip panels ensure it stays firmly in place, regardless of what you're doing. Sure, there are minor drawbacks, but when you trade them off against the convenience it brings - it's definitely a trade worth making.

🔗Comfortable Belly Band Holster for Everyday Carry
The Rounded Gear Belly Band Holster has made a significant difference in my daily life. Its moisture-wicking neoprene material keeps me comfortable even in the sweltering heat, and the perforated holes ensure maximum breathability.
The slide protection tab adds an extra layer of security, preventing any skin irritation from my firearm. And the wide elastic pockets? . Perfect for stashing a cell phone, a magazine, or a flashlight.
This holster is versatile, practical, and oh-so comfortable. However, some users might find the size range a bit limited, but overall, it's a solid choice for everyday carry.

🔗Adjustable Concealed Carry Holster for Women
As a reviewer, I've been wearing the Allen Hideout Belly Band Holster for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's been quite the experience. The holster fits like a glove, being both comfortable and secure in my daily life.
One of the aspects that stood out for me is the ambidextrous design. It's great to be able to switch hands without any hassle, and the cross-draw feature is perfect when I'm on-the-go. Speaking of on-the-go, the ventilation throughout the holster really helps keep me cool, especially during long days.
However, I did notice that the holster pocket could be a bit snug when placing your firearm. It's something to consider if you're carrying a larger gun. Additionally, I found the magazine pockets sometimes got in the way of my hand movements, making it a bit difficult to operate.
Overall, I am satisfied with the Allen Hideout Belly Band Holster. It's versatile, comfortable, and easy to use, making it a convenient choice for concealed carry. Even though it has a few quirks, I believe it's worth it for the added comfort and convenience it brings along.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide for Female Belly Band Holsters. This guide will provide you with important information to consider when purchasing a holster for your firearm. We will discuss the key features and considerations to ensure you find the best belly band holster for your needs.

One of the main reasons people purchase a belly band holster is for discreet carry. It is essential to choose a holster that offers good concealment. Look for a holster with a soft, flexible design that can be easily hidden under clothing. The holster's material should not bulge or print, even when worn over multiple layers of clothing.


Since you will be wearing your belly band holster for extended periods, comfort is a crucial factor to consider. A high-quality holster should be breathable and lightweight. It should be made of soft materials, like neoprene, to prevent irritation and moisture buildup. Make sure to choose a size that fits you well, providing a snug and comfortable fit without being too tight.


Your holster needs to securely hold your firearm in place. Look for a system that uses both tension and friction to keep the gun from falling out. Additionally, some holsters include adjustable retention systems that allow you to fine-tune the level of force required to draw your firearm.

Draw Speed

Easy access to your firearm is essential in a life-threatening situation. Ensure your belly band holster allows for quick and smooth draws. Pay attention to the holster's design and how it is positioned on your body. Choosing a holster that covers a greater portion of your belly can offer better draw speed.


While not necessary for all users, some accessories can enhance your belly band holster experience. You may consider purchasing extra magazine pouches, soft loops for non-firearm items, or additional retention straps for added security.

Maintenance and Durability
A quality belly band holster should maintain its shape and function over time despite frequent use and washing. Look for materials that are both comfortable and long-lasting. Regularly clean your holster to avoid damage from sweat, dirt, and oil. Proper maintenance will ensure your belly band holster remains reliable for years to come.
When choosing a female belly band holster, consider factors such as concealment, comfort, retention, draw speed, accessories, and maintenance. With these elements in mind, you will find the perfect belly band holster suited to your needs.


What is a female belly band holster?

A female belly band holster is a stylish and comfortable way to hold and conceal your firearm. Designed specifically for women, it provides a secure and discreet fit while also enhancing comfort and mobility.

What are the benefits of using a female belly band holster?

  • Comfortable: Unlike traditional holsters, belly band holsters provide a comfortable and snug fit, allowing you to wear them for longer periods without discomfort.
  • Concealment: The design of the belly band allows for easy concealment, making it ideal for carrying a firearm in public.
  • Retention: Female belly band holsters feature adjustable tension clips that ensure your firearm stays securely in place.
  • Quick access: The holster allows for quick and easy access to your firearm when needed.

What materials are commonly used in the construction of female belly band holsters?

Common materials for belly band holsters include elastic, nylon, and polyester. Some holsters may also feature non-slip materials or padding for added comfort.

How do you choose the right size for your female belly band holster?

To ensure a proper fit, you will need to measure your waist circumference. Most manufacturers offer a sizing chart that can help you determine the best size for your needs. It's essential to ensure a comfortable fit without causing any discomfort or restricting movement.

Are female belly band holsters suitable for everyday wear?

Yes, many women find that belly band holsters are a great option for everyday wear. The discreet design allows for easy concealment, and the comfortable fit makes them suitable for long-term use.

How should I clean and maintain my female belly band holster?

To maintain your holster, you should clean it regularly using soap and warm water. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage the material. Ensure that the holster is completely dry before storing it to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Do female belly band holsters come in different colors and styles?

Yes, there is a wide range of colors and styles available for female belly band holsters. Some may feature decorative patterns or embellishments, while others aim for a more discrete and minimalist design. The choice of color and style will ultimately depend on your personal preferences and the level of discretion you require.

Can I wear a female belly band holster under clothing?

Yes, many women find that they can wear a belly band holster under their clothing, providing a discreet and secure way to carry their firearm. The elastic band design allows for a comfortable fit regardless of the clothing you are wearing.
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2024.06.08 08:11 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Fast Draw Holsters

Best Fast Draw Holsters
Are you in search of the perfect holster to hold your gun? Look no further! In this article, we'll be rounding up the top Fast Draw Holsters on the market. These holsters not only keep your gun secure but also allow for quick and smooth draws when you need them most. Get ready to discover the best options for your needs!

The Top 14 Best Fast Draw Holsters

  1. Quick Draw OWB Holster for Firearm - Boost your concealed carry style with the Vedder Holsters Quick Draw OWB Holster, offering seamless comfort and effortless concealment.
  2. Galco Stow-N-Go J Frame Right Hand Black Holster for Optimal Security and Comfort - Experience exceptional comfort, affordability, and performance in the Stow-N-Go J Frame Holster by Galco, the perfect choice for fast draws and easy returns.
  3. Secure, Durable T-Series Gun Holster: Truck Gun Holder - The T-Series L3D Holster offers a sleek, secure, and versatile gun-carrying solution for Glock enthusiasts, with a sturdy strap, smooth draw, and sound-dampening features that withstand varying conditions.
  4. Vintage Leather Western Holster for Large-Caliber Guns - Experience the durability and style of this Deluxe Tooled Tan Leather Western Holster - Large, designed for Heritage Rough Rider 22 firearms.
  5. High-Quality Black 5-inch Quick Draw 1911 Holster for Colt Govt - Experience the ultimate in personalized comfort and performance with the Tagua PD2 Quick Draw 1911 Holster, featuring premium leather and a 360-degree paddle for your best drawing angle.
  6. Versatile Speed Master 2.0 Paddle Belt Holster - Experience the versatility of the Galco Speed Master 2.0 Paddle Belt Holster, designed for both speed and safety, with premium steerhide construction and adjustable paddle and belt attachments for a perfect fit and carry.
  7. Secure Level 3 Retention Holster for Sig P320 with Light and Micro Red Dot Sight - Rapid Force Lvl 3 Sig P320 W/LT MRDS Black - Experience the ultimate protection with a secure, fast, and durable duty holster designed for active law enforcement and military professionals, now compatible with a wide range of full-size lights.
  8. Classic M1873 Western Fast Draw Revolver Holster - Experience unmatched quality and authenticity with this genuine leather M1873 Western Fast Draw Revolver Holster, meticulously crafted in the USA and designed to securely hold all 4.75 inch & 5.5 inch barrel lengths.
  9. High-Quality 1911 Quick Draw Optics Ready Holster for Right-Handed Shooters - Experience swift and secure carry with the Tagua Gunleather TX LCEP BH2 Quick Draw Optics Ready Holster, perfectly designed for right-handed shooters of 1911's with 5" barrels and ideal for threaded barrel or suppressor height front sights.
  10. Versatile Speed Master 2.0 Concealment Holster Paddle/Belt Attachment - Featuring an open top design, covered trigger for safety, and adjustable tension unit, the versatile Galco Speed Master 2.0 Paddle/Belt Holster enables convenient on/off ability and can be interchanged between both paddle and belt slot attachments.
  11. Sig P320 Right-Hand Holster with Light Compatibility - Unlock unparalleled protection and speed with the Rapid Force Duty Holster, perfect for Sig P320 firearms and designed for law enforcement and security professionals.
  12. Quick Release Paddle Holster for Ideal Firearm Convenience - Experience lightning-fast draws and premium durability with the Canik TP9SFx OWB Quick Release Paddle Holster, designed for competition-ready optic compatibility and ultimate versatility.
  13. Secure Level 3 Retention Holster for P320 Carry/Compact/X Compact 9/40 with Micro Red Dot Sight - The Rapid Force Lvl 3 P320C MRDS QDS Blk offers military and law enforcement professionals a secure, fast, and durable holster, ensuring both protection and optimal performance on the job.
  14. Medium Black Leather Right Side Draw Holster for Fast Access - The Denix MD Single Draw Holster offers quick and easy access to your firearm with its reliable right-side single draw design, made from durable black leather materials and conveniently shipped in bulk packs for hassle-free storage.
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🔗Quick Draw OWB Holster for Firearm
I recently started using the Quick Draw OWB Holster by Vedder Holsters, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. The holster is made of luxurious premium leather and Kydex, which provides a perfect fit for my firearm. What stands out the most is how easy it is to conceal under a shirt or jacket since the holster keeps my firearm close to my side.
However, there were a couple of downsides to my experience. The belt loops feel a bit rough, and they seem to be a bit too durable for comfort, especially when sitting. Additionally, the balance seems to be off, and sometimes the grip of my firearm hangs out a bit too much. This makes for an uncomfortable carry and noticeable printing.
Overall, the Quick Draw holster is a high-quality product with some minor flaws. Despite these issues, the pros definitely outweigh the cons, making it a reliable choice for anyone looking for an outside the waistband holster.

🔗Galco Stow-N-Go J Frame Right Hand Black Holster for Optimal Security and Comfort
I've had the chance to try out Galco's Stow-N-Go Smith & Wesson J Frame Right Hand Black Holster, and let me tell you, it has been a delightful experience. As someone who carries their handgun regularly, comfort is a top priority. This holster checks all the boxes with its Center Cut Steerhide material which is not only durable but also soft and comfortable against my skin.
One of the standout features for me was the reinforced mouth. It allows for a smooth and easy return to the holster while also enabling a very fast draw. The open top design further enhances this experience, making it a breeze to access my weapon when needed.
The sturdy injection-molded nylon clip is great for securing the holster onto my belt, providing peace of mind that it won't fall off or shift during daily activities.
However, there's always room for improvement. One potential downside, at least for some users, might be that it only fits belts up to 1 3/4". Also, depending on the size of your firearm, you may find that it doesn't fully cover the trigger guard, which could be a safety concern for some.
Overall, I've been pleasantly surprised by the Galco Stow-N-Go Holster. It offers a great combination of comfort, performance, and affordability. Despite the minor drawbacks, I'm confident that many users will find this holster to be a reliable and comfortable option for concealed carry.

🔗Secure, Durable T-Series Gun Holster: Truck Gun Holder
As a seasoned gun enthusiast, the T-Series Holster has been a vital addition to my collection. The thumb-activated retention makes it easy to draw my weapon, following the Master Grip Principle for added security. What really stands out, though, is the low-friction material used internally that allows for a smooth and effortless draw every time.
While sturdy and reliable, I noticed that the additional retention strap over the back of the slide felt a bit unnecessary at times. This, however, doesn't take away from the overall experience. Another noteworthy feature is the holster's sleek design, made of durable material that provides some much-needed protection while still keeping some bulk to a minimum.
The added bonus of the jacket-slot belt loop attached to the holster is truly appreciated, as it enhances the convenience and ease of use. However, I wish the QDR and 2-slot belt loop were included for a more complete package. Nonetheless, the T-Series Holster remains a top-notch choice for any discerning gun owner looking for a reliable and secure hold on their firearm.

🔗Vintage Leather Western Holster for Large-Caliber Guns
I've had the pleasure of using this deluxe western holster for a few months now, and let me tell you, it's an essential accessory for any cowboy worth his salt. The thick, tooled tan leather exudes the classic charm of the Old West, and it leaves no doubt about its craftsmanship. The holster is lined with. 45 caliber cartridge loops, which makes it a perfect companion for your favorite Heritage Rough Rider 22.
While wearing this holster, I've found that the fit is comfortable and snug, thanks to its well-designed structure. However, I have noticed that the construction could be a bit more robust, as I experienced some scuffs and wear on the leather after prolonged use.
Overall, this Deluxe Tooled Tan Leather Western Holster is a fantastic choice for the rugged cowboy in all of us, but it might not be the most durable option available for those looking to last a lifetime. Nonetheless, using this holster only enhances the feeling of authenticity and freedom, making it an asset in any cowboy's arsenal.

🔗High-Quality Black 5-inch Quick Draw 1911 Holster for Colt Govt
As a daily gun carrier, I've tried my fair share of holsters, and the Tagua PD2 Quick Draw 1911 5-inch Right Hand Black Holster has definitely stood out. The premium high-quality leather used to craft it feels fantastic, and the double stitching adds an extra layer of durability. The holster's quick draw style makes carrying and accessing my weapon a breeze, and the smooth re-holstering ensures it's just as easy to slip back in place.
One of the standout features is the rotating paddle, which allows for a 360-degree range of motion to find the most comfortable drawing angle for me. This customization is a game-changer for anyone looking for the perfect fit. Additionally, the open top and bottom design allow the holster to accommodate multiple barrel sizes, providing versatility for gun owners with different models.
That being said, the only downside I found was that the holster is specific to the right hand, which might be limiting for left-handed users. Overall, the Tagua PD2 Quick Draw 1911 5-inch Right Hand Black Holster has been a reliable and efficient choice for my open carry needs.

🔗Versatile Speed Master 2.0 Paddle Belt Holster
As someone who frequently wears a holster, I appreciate the versatility and convenience that the Galco Speed Master 2.0 offers. I've found that the adjustable tension unit and interchangeable belt slot and paddle attachments make this holster highly customizable, ensuring that it fits my needs perfectly. I particularly enjoy the open top design and the covered trigger, which provide both speed and safety.
One of the features that really stands out to me is the hand molding for excellent retention, which ensures that my gun remains securely in place. However, I did notice that the fit can be a bit snug for gun belts wider than 1 3/4 inches, so it's something to consider. All in all, the Speed Master 2.0 is a reliable and functional holster that has made a significant difference in my daily life.

🔗Secure Level 3 Retention Holster for Sig P320 with Light and Micro Red Dot Sight
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Rapid Force Lvl 3 Holster with my trusty Sig P320. As someone who constantly has to be on the move and ready to protect and serve, I needed a holster that could keep up with my fast-paced life.
One of the standout features of this holster is its compatibility with a wide range of popular full-size lights, such as the Surefire X300, Streamlight TLR-1, Modlite, and Inforce. This allowed me to have a reliable and secure setup for my gun, providing me with the confidence I needed in any situation. The holster also offered a secure Level 3 retention to ensure my firearm wouldn't accidentally be drawn during movement or while on duty.
However, one aspect I found slightly challenging was the fit for my Sig P320 with a light and micro red dot sight, as it took some effort to get the holster positioned correctly. Nevertheless, once it was in place, it provided a smooth and fast draw, allowing me to be prepared for any emergency. The holster's durability was also commendable, holding up well against the everyday rough handling my job entails.
Overall, the Rapid Force Lvl 3 Holster is a reliable and versatile option for firearm enthusiasts or those who need to be ready at a moment's notice. Its compatibility with various lights and adjustable retention make it a valuable addition to any security setup.

🔗Classic M1873 Western Fast Draw Revolver Holster
As a history enthusiast, I recently came across this M1873 Western Fast Draw Revolver Holster and felt compelled to give it a try. This classic holster, crafted right here in the USA, certainly did not disappoint. The rich, genuine leather that the holster is made of lends an air of sophistication, while its white stitching along the rear edge adds a charming touch. The M1873 works seamlessly with barrel lengths of 4.75 inches and 5.5 inches.
One downside, however, is that the belt needed to use this holster is sold separately. This meant that I had to go hunting around for the perfect belt to pair with it, making the overall experience a bit more complicated than it needed to be.
That being said, once I had the holster and belt all set up, I found that it was a perfect fit for my M1873. The holster held the gun securely in place, but was still easy to draw. Overall, it's a great choice for anyone looking to add a touch of the Wild West to their collection.

🔗High-Quality 1911 Quick Draw Optics Ready Holster for Right-Handed Shooters
In my experience, the Tagua Gunleather TX LCEP BH2 holster was a game-changer for me as a right-handed shooter. The quick draw feature made it super easy to grab my 1911 with the 5-inch barrel, and the lock retention system gave me peace of mind knowing my gun was secure.
The open bottom design was perfect for my threaded barrel or suppressor height front sights. Although it might not be the holster for everyone, it certainly made a difference in my gun-carrying routine.

🔗Versatile Speed Master 2.0 Concealment Holster Paddle/Belt Attachment
I recently had the chance to try out the Galco Speed Master 2.0 Paddle/Belt Holster, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. The open top design and premium steerhide construction make it an ideal choice for any gun carrier looking for speed and convenience. The adjustable tension unit ensures a secure fit, while the interchangeable belt slot and paddle attachments offer the user ultimate flexibility.
Overall, this holster is perfect for those who prioritize quick draws and versatile carrying options.

🔗Sig P320 Right-Hand Holster with Light Compatibility
I recently had the chance to try the Rapid Force Level 3 P320 holster, and let me tell you, it's a game changer for those looking to keep their firearms safe and secure. The holster's compatibility with popular full-size lights, such as the Surefire X300 and Streamlight TLR-1, is a major highlight.
One of the things that stood out to me during my testing was the Level 3 retention, which provides an extra layer of security, giving me peace of mind. And the fast, intuitive draw makes it easy for me to be ready and respond when the situation calls for it.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks. The holster's basketweave finish, while aesthetically pleasing, can be a bit difficult to clean, and the fit isn't perfect for all Sig P320 models. Overall, the Rapid Force is a reliable and practical option that I believe will serve active law enforcement and military personnel well.

🔗Quick Release Paddle Holster for Ideal Firearm Convenience
The Canik TP9SFx OWB Quick Release Paddle Holster is a must-have accessory for gun enthusiasts who value both style and functionality. This versatile holster is designed to provide the perfect balance of flexibility and security, while offering a seamless user experience.
During my time testing the holster, I was particularly impressed by its quick-release feature, which allowed me to easily swap out my firearm with minimal hassle. The paddle attachment offered an optimal level of comfort, making it suitable for both short and long periods of wear.
One of the standout features of this holster is its competition-cut design, which ensures lightning-fast draws and slide-mounted optic compatibility. This made it a reliable option for those looking to take their shooting skills to the next level.
However, one area where the holster could improve is in its compatibility with a wider range of firearms, as it is specifically designed for the Canik TP9SFx. Additionally, some users may find the paddle attachment a bit cumbersome when switching between clothing or environments.
Overall, the Canik TP9SFx OWB Quick Release Paddle Holster is an excellent choice for gun enthusiasts who value quick, reliable access to their firearms. While there are some minor drawbacks, the benefits far outweigh the negatives, making this holster a worthwhile investment for those looking to streamline their shooting experience.

🔗Secure Level 3 Retention Holster for P320 Carry/Compact/X Compact 9/40 with Micro Red Dot Sight
When I first heard about the Rapid Force Lvl 3 P320C MRDS QDS Blk, I was intrigued by its reputation as a reliable and easy-to-use duty holster for law enforcement personnel and military members. As a reviewer who has had the opportunity to test it in everyday life, I must say it doesn't disappoint.
The level 3 retention feature, designed to keep the firearm secure without requiring you to re-holster, is a true standout. The fast and intuitive draw mechanism adds a layer of efficiency to your work, making it easier and quicker to withdraw your weapon when needed. Additionally, the extreme durability of the holster assures you that it will withstand the rigors of your job.
However, there's a little caveat. The fit of the Rapid Force Lvl 3 P320C MRDS QDS Blk is quite specific to the right hand, which may not suit every individual as seamlessly as I find it. Nevertheless, with its exceptional features and solid built quality, I definitely recommend this duty holster for those seeking a reliable and speedy solution in their line of duty.

🔗Medium Black Leather Right Side Draw Holster for Fast Access
I recently tried out the Denix MD Single Draw Holster in my daily life and it was a game-changer. The medium size fit just right and the black leather construction gave it a sleek, professional look. The right side single draw style made it easy to access my weapon quickly in case of an emergency, which was a major plus.
However, one drawback I noticed was that the holster was a bit bulkier than I would have liked, but it was still manageable. Overall, the Denix MD Single Draw Holster has become an essential part of my daily carry and I'd highly recommend it for anyone looking for a reliable and stylish holster.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to fast draw holsters, there are various factors to consider to ensure the best possible experience when drawing your firearm. This guide will detail important features, considerations, and advice for choosing the right fast draw holster for your needs.

Material and Construction

The material and construction of a fast draw holster play a significant role in its durability, functionality, and overall performance. Common materials include leather, Kydex, and nylon. Leather holsters offer a traditional look and feel, while Kydex holsters are known for their rigidity and resistance to wear. Nylon holsters may be more cost-effective but may not offer the same level of durability as leather or Kydex.

Retention and Release System

A good fast draw holster should have a secure retention system to prevent the firearm from falling out when not in use. At the same time, it should facilitate a smooth and quick release when you need to draw your gun. Look for holsters with adjustable tension to find the perfect balance between retention and ease of use.

Comfort and Fit

A comfortable fit is crucial for a fast draw holster. Make sure the holster conforms to the shape of your firearm and can be securely attached to your belt or waistband. Adjustable straps and belt loops can help ensure a proper and comfortable fit.

Type of Firearm

Consider the type of firearm you will be using with the holster. Some holsters are designed for specific firearms, while others are more versatile. Look for a holster that is compatible with the make and model of your gun to ensure a proper fit and optimal performance.

Draw Techniques

Fast draw holsters are designed to facilitate quick and efficient drawing techniques. Research various drawing techniques and choose a holster that supports the method you prefer. Some holsters may be better suited for stronger draw techniques, while others may be more suitable for smoother, more controlled draws.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance and care are essential for ensuring the longevity and performance of your fast draw holster. Frequent cleaning and conditioning can help maintain the holster's quality and prevent wear and tear. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for specific care recommendations.

Brand Reputation and Customer Reviews

When purchasing a fast draw holster, it is essential to consider the brand's reputation and customer reviews. Do some research to find holsters from reputable and trusted brands. Look for customer reviews to gauge the holster's performance and quality in real-world situations.

Price Point

Fast draw holsters come in a wide range of prices. Determine your budget and look for holsters that offer the best value for the features and performance you require.
When shopping for a fast draw holster, consider the material and construction, retention and release system, comfort and fit, compatibility with your firearm, drawing techniques, maintenance and care, brand reputation, and price point. By taking these factors into account, you can find the best fast draw holster to meet your needs and ensure optimal performance when drawing your firearm.


What are Fast Draw Holsters?

Fast Draw Holsters are a type of holster designed to enable quick and efficient access to a firearm. These holsters typically feature a unique design that allows the user to easily and quickly draw their weapon without having to expend unnecessary effort.

What are the benefits of using Fast Draw Holsters?

The primary benefit of using Fast Draw Holsters is the ability to quickly and efficiently access your firearm when needed. This can be crucial in self-defense situations or other instances where time is of the essence.

Are Fast Draw Holsters suitable for all types of firearms?

Fast Draw Holsters are typically designed for specific types of firearms, such as semi-automatic handguns. It is essential to choose a holster that is compatible with your firearm to ensure proper fit and function.

How do I determine the right size and fit for a Fast Draw Holster?

To determine the right size and fit for a Fast Draw Holster, you should consult the manufacturer's specifications and measurements. It is also helpful to read customer reviews to get a better understanding of the holster's overall fit and function.

Are Fast Draw Holsters durable and long-lasting?

The durability and lifespan of a Fast Draw Holster depend on the materials and construction used by the manufacturer. High-quality materials and well-designed construction will generally result in a more durable and long-lasting holster.

Are there any safety concerns associated with using Fast Draw Holsters?

When using any holster, there is always a risk of the firearm being accidentally discharged. It is essential to follow proper gun safety procedures, such as keeping your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire, and ensuring the holster is securelyfastened to your body.

How much do Fast Draw Holsters typically cost?

The cost of Fast Draw Holsters can vary depending on the brand, materials, and features. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $100 or more for a quality holster.

Are there any well-known brands or manufacturers of Fast Draw Holsters?

Yes, there are several well-known brands and manufacturers that specialize in Fast Draw Holsters, including DeSantis Gunhide, Galco Gunleather, and Concealment Express. You may also find holsters from popular firearm accessory companies like Streamlight and Maglite.

What should I look for when choosing a Fast Draw Holster?

When choosing a Fast Draw Holster, consider the following factors:
  • Compatibility with your firearm
  • Durability and construction
  • Ease of use and quick access
  • Concealability and comfort
  • Customer reviews and ratings
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2024.06.08 06:05 omegacluster Album Anniversary List 2024-06-08

Today's anniversaries are:
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2024.06.08 03:42 OriginalPapaya8 The MP Lafer a Brazilian replica of the British MG TD that was produced during the 1970s until the beginning of the 1990s. Long post.

The MP Lafer a Brazilian replica of the British MG TD that was produced during the 1970s until the beginning of the 1990s. Long post.
Lafer S/A, an important Brazilian furniture company founded in 1927, also produced, for almost two decades, a highly successful automobile in the country, the MP Lafer. The car, which was initially named the MGT 1973, was designed by Percyval Lafer, one of the three brothers who owned the company, as a natural outcome of the diversification process that the company was going through. As Percyval once revealed, it was a logical choice: “we have a tapestry, we produce fiberglass, foam and metal structures; why not car bodies?” (In addition to furniture, Lafer produced plastic pieces reinforced with fiberglass, such as “orelhões”; Portuguese for big ears, they were Brazilian public telephone booths that had a shape similar to a giant ear; for telephone companies, for example).
The MP was a replica of the English MG T-type sports car, more specifically the MG TD Midget produced from 1950 to 1953. The MP Lafer was the first replica manufactured in the country on an industrial scale. Mounted on the Volkswagen Beetle’s platform and with a plastic and fiberglass body, the MP was shown to the public for the first time at the VIII Motor Show, in 1972. The following year, demonstrating its intention to export the new car, Lafer took it to its first international exhibition, at the Brazil Export fair, in Brussels.
Small-scale manufacturing began in May 1974, in São Bernardo do Campo (SP). As it became almost universal in the small Brazilian industry of off-the-shelf cars, therefore, in this case too, the new model used the well-known air-cooled rear-engine VW mechanics as a basis. The first series of the MP received the 1500 air-cooled engine from the Beetle, simple carburetion and 52 hp. In addition to the traditional VW suspension, using torsion bars, however, unlike the Beetle, the MP used disc brakes at the front and drum brakes at the rear.
The use of the rear engine prevented the MP to be a truly faithful replica; on the contrary, it required the design of a new body, freely inspired by the MG. As the Beetle platform did not undergo any type of adaptation or cutting, the body was also wider than the English original. The trunk was moved to the front, housing the spare tire, and in the first units the fuel tank nozzle was placed on the false radiator cover, causing confusion among gas station attendants at the time.
In a practical and aesthetically pleasing solution, the engine ventilation was provided through a rear grille, with the same design as the car's wheels, giving the false impression of being the spare tire; The rear lights were the same as the Beetle. It had a canvas roof and, like the English original, suicide doors, a folding windshield and detachable side windows (which were difficult to operate: unlike the MG's plastic curtains, they were made of glass, much heavier and without a lifting mechanism).
The interior was good, but the quality and precision of the dashboard instruments were insufficient. The cockpit maintained the MG style, with an almost vertical steering wheel, but more comfortable. Despite the radial tires and magnesium wheels which were optional, the performance was anything but sporty and the unfavorable weight ratio (41% at the front and 59% at the rear) did not help stability or braking, which tended to lock the front wheels.
The IX Motor Show, in 1974, brought few but important new features to the MP: the car gained a new dashboard, more complete and higher quality gauge cluster, doors that opened the normal way, a removable rigid roof and most importantly, a new engine: the 1600 cc engine from the VW Brasília, with its 60 hp, the performance had a slight improvement compared to the previous engine, the maximum speed finally exceeding 120 km/h or 74.5 mph (it reached 124.4 km/h or 77.3 mph, with the roof closed, versus the 117 km/h or 72.7 mph of the previous model); fuel consumption, stability and brakes, however, remained weak points.
The MP aroused great market interest. In April 1976, the 600th unit of the car was manufactured, which was already being exported to the USA, Japan and several other countries, complete or in the form of kits. This success sparked competition, causing the emergence of identical replicas, but often without the same construction quality and attention to detail. Lafer therefore had more reasons to improve its car, which in the same year gained double carburetion leading the engine to develop 65 hp. In addition, externally it received new, longer, two-color taillights, abandoning the previous Beetle lights; Internally, it gained a new sporty steering wheel that had a wooden rim. With the new engine, the MP's consumption and performance finally managed to improve considerably, with the car's top speed reaching 129.4 km/h or 80.4 mph, almost the same as the car that served as its inspiration, the MG- TD.
After a year of declining sales, 1978 began with a new model, the MP TI, a variant of the replica aimed at younger people. Maintaining the same VW 1600 mechanics, the TI was completely chrome-free (except for the wheel rims and the engine cooling grille), replacing the shine of the headlights, lanterns and windshield frame with matte black paint. The metallic bumpers were also replaced by fiberglass ones, also black, but with a very heavy design, at odds with the delicate lines of the car. The interior was also slightly changed, receiving reclining seats, a black dashboard and green windows. The suspension was lowered, improving stability.
At the XI Motor Show, that same year, the TI was modified again, making the whole thing much lighter and more pleasant: the finishing details, previously painted black, started to receive the same color as the body, including the wide bumpers. , which gained claws and a central rubber strip. The false grille was redesigned, moving further away from the original MG, also losing the chrome and receiving the same color as the body. The series of side recesses on the hood, which imitated engine air outlets, were eliminated. The magnesium wheels also had their design changed and started to be painted in the car's colors. The new TI was equipped with two circular bi-iodine headlights and two square fog lights.
The beginning of the 1980s was troubled for Lafer, which ended up filing for bankruptcy in March 1981, as a result of the drop in internal and external sales of its main business, which was the furniture industry, as a result of the rise in raw material prices, the at the same time reducing international competitiveness and the internal market. As a way of taking advantage of part of the idle capacity in the plastic molding sector, the company started to produce airfoils and fairings for truck cabins, accessories to reduce turbulence in trucks and trailers. The products were exhibited at II Transpo, in 1980. The crisis also affected its automobiles, especially in 1982, the year in which, until the month of September, only 95 units had been sold, compared to 600 in 1980. Slowly, however, The country's economic situation improved and, consequently, so did Lafer's situation.
At the end of 1983, the TI would undergo yet another style update, moving it further away from its British inspiration, but also from the foreign market, which preferred the classic look of the standard MP. This false grille was eliminated, replaced by a fiber piece with an almost smooth surface and two diagonal ribs, with the octagonal logo moved to the top left corner; To top it off, the model gained rectangular headlights, instead of the traditional round ones. The car actually became much more “modern”; however, with so many modifications, it definitely moved away from the “replica” category.
In 1986, seeking to recover the attractiveness of its cars, making them truly sporty (which would necessarily imply abandoning the air-cooled VW engine), Lafer prepared a prototype with a front engine; this was a realistic replica, at par with the old ones. MG Presented it with the name MP-TX, it used the modern VW AP 1.8 engine (vertical, four cylinders in line, water-cooled), mounted at the front; In an advanced proposal, the gearbox was transferred to the rear, coupled to the differential, optimizing weight distribution across the two axles. With the exception of the rigid fiber roof, nothing differentiated it from the MP-TD. The complexity of the project, however, discouraged its industrialization, unfortunately.
The TD and TI models continued to be produced normally until 1990, when the country's opening to car imports, determined by President’s Collor government, dealt a mortal blow to small national manufacturers. For Lafer, whose main business was not manufacturing cars, perhaps the decision to end production was less painful than for others.
In almost 17 years, around 4300 cars were built, more than a thousand of them exported to more than three dozen countries. The molds for the MP's fiberglass bodies were buried on the factory grounds, in São Bernardo do Campo, where they still lie today, under the foundations of a large supermarket.
Fun Fact: The MP Lafer appeared in the 1979, 007 movie Moonraker when James Bond visits Brazil.
In the plot, the British agent comes to Brazil to investigate a parallel connection of a powerful aerospace industry tycoon, suspected of having the objective of world domination. When James Bond disembarks in Rio de Janeiro and heads from the airport to his hotel, he realizes that he is being followed by a beautiful Latin American spy who is the one driving the MP Lafer. Although the car wasn't featured for long it did leave an impression.
But a mystery arises as, after the end of the recordings, the 1978 MP Lafer supplied by the factory returned discreetly to São Bernardo do Campo, underwent a review and was sold normally with no mentions of it being used in the movie. Meaning no one knows its whereabouts or if it's even still running. Imagine what it would be worth if it was found today.
Link to a site with photos of the MP Lafer in the movie and promotional images of Roger Moore posing with the car:
submitted by OriginalPapaya8 to WeirdWheels [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:19 araujofav OBJETIVAMENTE. ¿Cómo creen que habríamos llegado al 2024 con Anaya?

Argumenten sus respuestas. Se entrega individual, dos cuartillas, letra molde y en tinta negra. No Adriana no puede ser a computadora.
Aquí va la mía:
Seguridad: Pienso que el crimen habría continuado al alza, (igual que con AMLO) pero de forma más acentuada. Esa es toda una discusión pero mientras el vecino venda zapatos nosotros vamos a seguir calzando del mismo número🔫. Ese ligerísimo, apenas perceptible y reciente descenso en homicidios dolosos que tenemos no habría existido. Probablemente con Canallín hubieran empezado a echarse ojitos el gobierno de USA y MX para una intervención al asegurar que "la situación está fuera de control, esto es algo que compromete a ambos países y por ello la única solución es trabajar juntos. Igual y hubiera construido una cárcel au Bukelé, eso probablemente sería su Dos Bocas, y no, no pienso que solucionaría nada, probablemente hubiera metido puros marihuanos.
Economía: Creo que Anaya se habría puesto más las pilas, pero con esteroides, en temas de nearshoring. Aunque no estoy tan seguro de que la recaudación hubiera estado tan chida, realmente creo que los problemas de agua, vivienda y gentrificación por gringos estarían más críticos. No habría impulsado un corredor transístmico Porque a sus ojos Oaxaca es muy moreno como para darle atención. Alguno que otro escándalo por poner apps y dar tablets en la Mixteca o Barrancas del Cobre.
Internacional: El país estaría siendo más qlero con los centro y suramericanos y haitianos y más palero con los güeritos. Con Trump, pffff, no sé, creo que por querer jugarle al listo con él, (que lo hubiera intentado para lucirse en las entrevistas) le habría salido el tiro por la culata, pero no sé, este es en el que menos podría decir algo.
Pandemia: País super endeudado (aprendido de Caldy), mucho, mucho, muy. Si no hubiera tenido a Marcelo Ebrard (el nerd del MUN) las vacunas no habrían llegado tan pronto como lo hicieron, él sí nos hubiera encerrado en casa con la policía. La verdad es que sólo si el Dr Macías volvía a ser asesor los indicadores hubieran ido a la baja, así que mi respuesta es, depende.
Salud: En este sentido reconozco que las cosas no habrían tocado el fondo al que terminaron llegando, aunque no dejen que les mientan, el sistema de salud era mediocre, solo no se daba el lujo de quedar mal con TANTA gente, el sistema de salud y la cultura de la salud necesitan un cambio que Anaya no hubiera hecho y que Obrador evidentemente tampoco está haciendo.
Educación: Vista para abajo, Otro ámbito que requiere cambios desde su base que no pasan, pero su argumento sería más que los niños de las escuelas de gobierno no le echan ganas ni porque les regalan tablets.
Transparencia: Con MALO no hubo cambios reales en transparencia, pero con canallín "nunca habría existido la corrupción con el PAN", las únicas corruptelas ocurrirían en la jefatura de la CDMX y en los estados de morena. En 5 años milagrosamente Anaya sería dueño de cada mall en querétaro. Ricardo Salinas Pliego, Azcárraga y él serían besties, algo así como las plásticas de la elite mexicana.
Infraestructura: El NAIM hubiera costado tantas veces más como lo hizo el tren maya. Lo bueno? Ese sí lo estaría usando la gente. Lo malo? Su mantenimiento sería bastante costoso, el agua y el tráfico con sus derivadas consecuencias sí estarían ya frías como cerveza de Oxxo en provincia.
En resumen, creo que si hoy cojeamos con el derecho y nos duele el izquierdo, el México de Anaya cojearía del izquierdo y le dolería el derecho.
Sin pelearse, mejor vamos a tomar una cerveza por eso. 🍻
submitted by araujofav to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:22 CogumeloJoca Comission de design de fursona :3

Comission de design de fursona :3
Bodia, batarde, banoite :> Estou abrindo comissões de design de fursona frente e verso, cores sólidas e fundo simples ^ seguirei o molde da arte de minha fursona. Faço qualquer espécie! O preço é 20 reais ^ Pagamento via pix para br :3 Se interessado, mande DM "
submitted by CogumeloJoca to furrybrasil [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:07 One_Entrepreneur9198 Estilo do livro

Eu ja vi mts pessoas perguntando isso mas nunca vi nenhuma resposta concreta, ent eu vou tentar tb :p
•quais as fonte usadas no livro de ordem (a padrão, a de sangue do suplemento, de energia do suplemento e a do estrangeiro)
•existe algum site/app para se criar paginas com estetica parecida com a do livro? Se não, quais os metodos comumente usados nisso?
•existe algum molde de rituais e/ou fichas de criaturas e ameaças no geral? Se sim, qual?
submitted by One_Entrepreneur9198 to OrdemParanormalRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:51 Tur2003 O que você faria se fosse prefeito de São Paulo?

Uns dias atrás perguntaram aqui qual foi o melhor prefeito da cidade na opinião das pessoas. Então, vamos fazer uma "brincadeira": o que você faria se fosse prefeito de São Paulo?
Aqui estão minhas propostas. Deem sua opinião e se eu teria uma chance do seu voto.
submitted by Tur2003 to saopaulo [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:34 Ill-Sky-8377 Não sei o que dar de presente pra namorada

Faltam 5 dias pro dia dos namorados e eu ainda não sei o que dar pra ela, eu ultimamente gastei bastante e agora estou com um orçamento baixo pra comprar alguma coisa pra ela.... Alguém tem dicas de alguma coisa que eu posso dar até dia 12 ? Minha alternativa seria chocolates e um urso de pelúcia, isso é o que eu estou podendo comprar kkkk alguém sabe alguma coisa caseira pra fazer ?
submitted by Ill-Sky-8377 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:18 lostbluefox Anamnese me deu negativo

Minha vida é uma mentira. Apostei tudo nessa anamnese, fiz com indicação do meu psiquiatra pq estava perdido no mar de tantas opções. Sou homem trans, 35, não sou mais tão impulsivo quanto costumava ser, mas minha vida é uma zona. Não sei planejar, vivo cansado com dificuldade em focar e reter informações complexas. Perdi um emprego por burnout, perdi amizades por causa de síndrome de rejeição, já quase me desavivei pq não suportava mais o ciclo de fixação e tédio sem construir nada na vida. E os maiores motivos q me deu um negativo, segundo a Dra, é porque eu era UM BOM ALUNO QUE NÃO LEVANTAVA. Eu gostava de estudar. Eu gostava de aprender, até o ponto que não conseguia mais e minhas notas do ensino médio foram pro esgoto. Meus colegas de trabalho conseguem reter informações complexas e atender 2 chats, eu não, não consigo lidar com 2 conversas paralelas, não consigo seguir direções, planejar, não consigo manter datas e tarefas sem milhões de lembretes no calendário. E agora eu me sinto naquele precipício. Parece que nunca vou conseguir ajuda, que se eu não for a bosta do esteriótipo de Tdah eu nunca vou conseguir ajuda. Ain mas o que você tem é ansiedade. No final, todos os moldes de 40 anos atrás me definem e eu não sei mais o que faço. Minha vontade é sinceramente de sumir. Falam que sou ansioso e depressivo, como se eu não tivesse tratado isso por uma década. Olha....
submitted by lostbluefox to TDAH_Brasil [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:43 Weird_Ask4805 Yo_ctm

Yo_ctm submitted by Weird_Ask4805 to yo_ctm [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:28 Master_of-All_Things The first initial on my Greece region Greecnia!

The first initial on my Greece region Greecnia!
(I'm Brazilian so the text is in Portuguese sorry) he's grass psychic in the last form Any opinions?
submitted by Master_of-All_Things to fakemon [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:10 LeastSuit8095 Help

Why is this guy in my bedroom everyday, I know they eat other insects. But do they come near mold as well. I noticed a little mold in my bedroom and found this guy as well. I’ve ordered a de-humidifier but any suggestions how to keep them away ( looks hella scary btw). Found one in kitchen too
submitted by LeastSuit8095 to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:27 Retroville_3 Texas/U.S. Buyers willing to pay shipping fees

Texas/U.S. Buyers willing to pay shipping fees
I want to sell to genuine fans at fair prices All the dolls I own are pre 2016 and in good shape. I am hoping to sell within the state of Texas since I don't have the money to ship anywhere else. if you're willing to pay for shipping costs + the price of the doll please pm to negotiate. (( I've posted this in multiple MH communities they are all me))
they have very slight staining by the hair but I cleaned them all up and they have most of their accessories. all elastics have been replaced since the heat destroyed the bands. they are all out of the box and used but most don't have any noticeable damage
-Frankie Stein- Sweet 1600 2008 mold, G1 (Missing all accessories besides clothes/shoes/stand)
-Cleo de Nile- Frights, Camera, Action! 2008 mold, G1 (Missing- journal and brush) Includes all other accessories
-Abbey Bominable- Ghouls Rule 2010 mold, G1 (Missing- journal, cake stand, lantern, headband) includes bonus outfit + necklace, Includes all other accessories
-Venus Flytrap- Monster High Music Festival 2011 mold, G1 (Missing- journal, brush, vip necklace and stand) Includes all other accessories
-Monster High: Mummy + Gorgon- Create A Monster, 2012 mold, G1 Includes all other accessories
-Honey Swamp- Frights, Camera, Action! 2013 mold, G1 (Missing- journal, brush and stand) Includes all other accessories
-Lorna Mcnessie- Monster Exchange 2014 mold, G1 (Missing- brush and stand) Includes all other accessories
-Catty Noir- Signature Catty 2011 mold, G1 (Missing- journal and brush) small but very noticeable damage to the left cheek (rat bite)
submitted by Retroville_3 to MonsterHighDolls [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:40 Retroville_3 I want to sell G1 dolls for fair prices to people who are genuine fans/collectors

Buyers in Texas/ U.S. Willing to pay shipping costs
[[I am going to post this in multiple MH threads]]
All the dolls I own are pre 2016 and in good shape. I am hoping to sell within the state of Texas since I don't have the money to ship anywhere else. if you're willing to pay for shipping costs + the price of the doll please pm to negotiate.
they have very slight staining by the hair but I cleaned them all up and they have most of their accessories. all elastics have been replaced since the heat destroyed the bands. they are all out of the box and used but most don't have any noticeable damage
-Frankie Stein- Sweet 1600 2008 mold, G1 (Missing all accessories besides clothes/shoes/stand)
-Cleo de Nile- Frights, Camera, Action! 2008 mold, G1 (Missing- journal and brush) Includes all other accessories to my knowledge
-Abbey Bominable- Ghouls Rule 2010 mold, G1 (Missing- journal, cake stand, lantern, headband) includes bonus outfit + necklace, Includes all other accessories to my knowledge
-Venus Flytrap- Monster High Musibite.stival 2011 mold, G1 (Missing- journal, brush, vip necklace and stand) Includes all other accessories to my knowledge
-Monster High: Mummy + Gorgon- Create A Monster, 2012 mold, G1 Includes all other accessories to my knowledge
-Honey Swamp- Frights, Camera, Action! 2013 mold, G1 (Missing- journal, brush and stand) Includes all other accessories to my knowledge
-Lorna Mcnessie- Monster Exchange 2014 mold, G1 (Missing- brush and stand) Includes all other accessories to my knowledge
-Catty Noir- Signature Catty 2011 mold, G1 (Missing- journal and brush) small but very noticeable damage to the left cheek (rat bite)
submitted by Retroville_3 to MonsterHighMarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:17 rossog93 Donde comprar insumos para hacer queso en Córdoba capital?

Alguien tendrá el dato de dónde se conseguirán insumos como fermentos, moldes y demás para hacer quesos en Córdoba?
Desde ya muchas gracias,
submitted by rossog93 to Cordoba [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 12:19 somethingtastefulpls Abordagem diferente... talvez

Faço este post na minha conta descartável, pois estou a contar receber pushback considerável.
Tenho uma experiência profissional sólida no setor empresarial e sou versátil em departamentos administrativos e estratégicos.
Neste momento, não estou a trabalhar e, honestamente, também não me apetece, pelo menos nos moldes tradicionais. Trabalhar como freelancer, para mim, ainda se enquadra no modelo tradicional.
Acontece que isto de não fazer nada de produtivo está a dar cabo de mim, e por isso faço este post na esperança de encontrar uma solução. Gostaria de ajudar empresas a superar dificuldades, atuando como consultor administrativo. No entanto, não quero ser funcionário nem freelancer.
Não tenho qualquer problema em assumir responsabilidades e cumprir os meus compromissos. No entanto, procuro uma relação mais "casual" do que a de um freelancer típico, que colocaria online o seu website e ofereceria os seus serviços de consultoria.
submitted by somethingtastefulpls to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]