Aerococcus viridans antibiotics

Could this be CV ?

2024.05.12 16:10 No-Age4085 Could this be CV ?

Could this be CV ?
Could this be CV. I have constant burning/UTI like symptoms when I pee and after … it lingers till I pee again and I’m just super uncomfortable down there 24/7. Feels like I pee fire.
I also have urge to pee 24/7 … right after I pee I feel like my bladder is full. I am pregnant so I know that could be Becuase of baby but burning doesn’t make sense. I’ve had this for 3 months now and I’m so miserable.
submitted by No-Age4085 to CytolyticVaginosis [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 16:59 leahnc UTI (Aerococcus sanguinicola)

Hello. I'm 49 F. Height 5'4" Weight: 252lbs Non smoker. Medication: estradiol patch
I developed UTI symptoms about a week ago. My only symptom was foul smelling urine. My urinalysis was completely normal. The culture showed Aerococcus sanguinicola within 1 day. I can't find much info online so it's concerning me. Previous utis were "e coli" bacteria but never heard of this one. I am on antibiotics for five days.
I'm worried if this is something I need to be more concerned about and proactive about. The nurse practitioner didn't say much when she called other than start the antibiotics immediately which I did. Im worried about sepsis. I had a kidney infection in my teens and it was pretty awful. I was so sick & almost lost my kidney . Definitely don't want to go through that, ever again!!! Thank you
submitted by leahnc to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 13:22 leahnc Culture Results (rare?) Worried

Hello. I went to urgent care 3 days ago for mild UTI symptoms . Main symptom was very smelly urine for about a week and fatigue. I really haven't had the dysuria or pain. The urinalysis was completely normal but the nurse practitioner said she would send it out for culture. Yesterday I get a call that I have UTI. The results >100,000 CFU/mL Aerococcus Sanguinicola.😥 The Doctor didn't say much about the results just to pick up the antibiotic assp. I've had many UTIs and positive for Escherichia coli. But this bacteria is apparently difficult to culture? I guess their culture reporting is really comprehensive? I'm really worried. I'm on Augmentin for 5 days.. I'm still feeling really tired..
I was hospitalized for a kidney infection when I was 18 and I felt awful so hoping it doesn't get to that point. Thank you
submitted by leahnc to CUTI [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 05:40 Current-Company-2351 Juno Bio Results

So I have had chronic bv and yeast infections for a year. I decided to stop taking antibiotics the past month or so and to get a juno bio test. I have had way too much antibiotics in the past year and steroid cream to help with the inflammation. I have BV and a yeast infection according to the results and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to give advice about how to go about this: -I can either go to the gyno and see his recommendation. In the past he has only recommended antibiotics and boric acid without a specific plan. -I can take boric acid for a week straight and then probiotic suppositories for a week straight to see the results. My only fear is that it may not help with the redness and swelling, in that case I can ask for a refill for the steroid cream. -Since I have had this issue for a while I have an unlimited refill for antibiotics and antifungals, I could choose to take both with the addition of boric acid/probiotic suppositories
My only reason for not wanting to see my gyno is that the initial visit price resets every year with my insurance so I would have to pay $200 just for seeing him the initial time. I have the ability to get steroid cream, antifungal, and antibiotic prescriptions so the only thing the doctor could do is check a sample and to give me advice along with viewing my juno bio results.
The results:
Gardnerella leopoldii 30.99% Prevotella bivia 20% Lactobacillus iners 9.01% Gardnerella vaginalis 7.42% Fannyhessea vaginae 5.68% Prevotella timonensis 5.03% Sneathia sanguinegens 4.94% Gemella asaccharolytica 3.83% Sneathia vaginalis 2.48% Prevotella disiens 1.71% Aerococcus christensenii 1.68% Eggerthellaceae 1.65% Gardnerella 1.17% Dialister 1.06% Lactobacillus crispatus 0.76% Dialister micraerophilus 0.73% Lactobacillus 0.47% Veillonella montpellierensis 0.36% Peptostreptococcus anaerobius 0.28% Peptoniphilus 0.24% Lactobacillales 0.2% Duncaniella 0.16% Lactobacillus jensenii 0.14%
submitted by Current-Company-2351 to VaginalMicrobiome [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 00:13 WrongSaladBitch The ointment I was prescribed came with a diagram of the chemical compound

The ointment I was prescribed came with a diagram of the chemical compound submitted by WrongSaladBitch to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.01.11 14:00 icedcoffeerainydays Need support/advice, feeling extremely hopeless

Hi everyone, I am a 27 y/o female that has had 20+ UTI's since December 2021. I am also trying to work full time and am also in grad school so dealing with constant UTI's on top of everything else has been very rough. I have seen multiple urologists, one urogynecologist, and two infectious disease doctors in my area and no one is helping. One urologist referred me back to my GP and wrote that I "need psychological evaluation because I seem to have an obsession with urinary tract infections" (as if it is my brain's fault for having all these UTI's??), another flat out told me he has "no idea why I keep getting all of these infections but hopefully they go away" (yeah, same here). Infectious disease doctors have been extremely unhelpful too, they just tell me that being on so many antibiotics is bad (I know but what else am I supposed to do then?) The doctors have also said I have overactive bladder and interstitial cystitis but I believe both of those are BS diagnoses that they are trying to label me with because they are refusing to admit that 1) I have had 20+ confirmed UTI's and 2) they have no idea how to treat me so it's easier to just label my problems as something else. I've had two cystoscopies and those have both came back fine.
I also had endometriosis excision surgery on September 12. I was hoping that would solve all of these issues but it hasn't. I have had 5 UTI's with multiple different bacteria since then. The last infectious disease doctor I saw is also trying to say that my symptoms are due to endometriosis but that makes no sense to me because these infections have gotten worse even after having all my endometriosis removed. That same doctor also told me that "enterococcus does not form biofilms" (I suspect I have an enterococcus biofilm since I have been battling that bacteria since May 2023). Pretty funny how all the health journals and research I have done says that enterococcus does indeed form biofilms. He also told me to stop taking probiotics despite the research saying that it can help prevent UTI's. Once again, the doctors around here do not care to research or help patients. This has absolutely exhausted me because I feel like why am I even bothering going to these doctors who are telling me incorrect information or say I have psychological issues. I am not trying to sound arrogant but I feel like I know more about my body and UTI's than they do since I've actually taken the time to research and try to figure out the root of all of this.
Here is the list of all the UTI's I have had in order:
12/29/21- Group B Strep
1/31/22- Group B Strep
2/19/22- Enterobacter cloacae + streptococcus viridians
4/29/22- Group B Strep
5/21/22- Group B Strep
6/9/22- UTI but unknown the exact kind of bacteria
7/6/22- Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
11/19/22- Klebsiella Pneumoniae ESBL
12/29/22- UTI but unknown the exact kind of bacteria
1/19/23- Viridans group strep
1/27/23- fungal UTI
4/3/23- Alloscardovia Omnicolens
4/14/23- Morganella Morganii and yeast
5/24/23- Enterococcus faecalis
6/16/23- Enterococcus faecalis
6/29/23- Enterobacter cloacae + E Coli
8/22/23- Enterococcus faecalis
9/19/23- Klebsiella
10/3/23- Klebsiella + Enterococcus
10/23/23- Klebsiella, Enterococcus, and Enterobacter
12/2/23- E Coli
12/27/23- Enterococcus
1/4/24- E Coli
I have done everything I can to prevent these. Here is what I have tried:
-Currently taking nightly dose of Macrobid that urology put me on. Have been taking since mid October.
-Hiprex with vitamin C (also currently taking)
-Tons of different supplements (cranberry PACS, d-mannose, olive leaf extract, oregano extract, monolaurin, NAC, collodial silver, uva ursi, garlic, zinc, vitamin D, Cystex drink, corn silk, magnesium, probiotics, Buchu leaf, marshmallow root)
-Am extremely careful with my hygiene, I wipe properly, shower immediately after bowel movements, wash my underwear and towels with laundry sanitizer, iron my underwear, change my underwear twice a day, only wear cotton underwear and no tight clothing, etc.
-Have avoided chicken and sugar because I have read that both of those can cause UTI? Not sure that's helping though since I'm still getting these infections
-Drink lots of water every day
-Currently in pelvic floor physical therapy (my PT is the one doctor in my area that has been fantastic and is extremely empathetic towards all of this that I have gone through)
-Just started seeing a functional medicine doctor who did vaginal microbiome testing. Waiting for results of that to come back.
I am so tired of living like this. I just want to be happy and healthy again and move past this. If anyone has any advice please let me know. I am moving to San Antonio in June (thank goodness because I am beyond done with the area I live haha) so I'm hoping to see Dr. Hlavinka when I move since he seems up to date on testing and research unlike every doctor in the area where I currently live. I'm actually going to call his office today and see if he hopefully offers telemedicine until I move down there.
I am so sorry to anyone who has gone through this UTI battle too. I don't understand why the doctors continue to dismiss us instead of actually trying to help. Thank you if you read all of this and sorry it was so long lol

submitted by icedcoffeerainydays to CUTI [link] [comments]

2023.12.27 22:43 ashtreemeadow16 November 2023 Results (symptoms for months) - thoughts on probiotics / what else to use for treatment?

NOTE: I do understand this is not a substitute for seeing a medical doctor. I will also see a doctor.
Too much Lactobacillus
Aerobic bacteria good
Too much Anaerobic bacteria
High PH
BACTERIAL LOAD BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS I have treated the BV with boric acid suppository a few days ago (it always comes back but hopefully this will be the last time).
CYTOLIC VAGINOSIS? I am also L. iners dominant, does this mean I have CV as well? Multiple disruptive bacteria: Gardnerella17.29% Gardnerella encompasses a group of bacteria that are associated with biofilm formation and bacterial vaginosis.
Aerococcus christensenii14.7% Having high amounts of Aerococcus christensenii is associated with infections in some women. Gardnerella vaginalis13.89% Gardnerella vaginalis is historically associated with bacterial vaginosis, but it is also often found in healthy vaginal microbiomes. Gardnerella leopoldii4.77% This microbe is a type of Gardnerella. These bacteria are associated with biofilm formation and bacterial vaginosis. Fannyhessea vaginae0.78% Fannyhessea species are strongly associated with bacterial vaginosis. Ureaplasma parvum0.35% Ureaplasma parvum is a type of Ureaplasma. These microbes are common and usually do not cause any problems. However, in ... Ureaplasma urealyticum0.34% Ureaplasma urealyticum is a type of Ureaplasma. These microbes are common and usually do not cause any problems. However, in ...
UREAPLASMA P. / UREAPLASMA UU I'm finally on antibiotics: Doxycycline 100mg 2x daily for 14 days / followed by Azithromycin 500 mg 2x day after finishing Doxy. Hoping this cures the ureaplasma. YEAST / FUNGUS Fungal Composition: Candida Albicans Is anyone able to advise me on which probiotics I need while I am taking this antibiotic? Or other treatments I could be doing? Thank you in advance!
submitted by ashtreemeadow16 to VaginalMicrobiome [link] [comments]

2023.12.27 22:38 ashtreemeadow16 November 2023 Results (symptoms for months) - thoughts on probiotics / what else to use for treatment?

NOTE: I do understand this is not a substitute for seeing a medical doctor. I will also see a doctor. SUMMARY Too much Lactobacillus, Aerobic bacteria good, Too much Anaerobic bacteria, High PH MICROBIOME TYPETYPE 4 GARDENELLA VAGINALIS DOMINANT microbiome BACTERIAL LOAD
I have treated the BV with boric acid suppository a few days ago (it always comes back but hopefully this will be the last time). CYTOLIC VAGINOSIS?
I am also L. iners dominant, does this mean I have CV as well?
Multiple disruptive bacterias:
Gardnerella encompasses a group of bacteria that are associated with biofilm formation and bacterial vaginosis. Aerococcus christensenii14.7%
Having high amounts of Aerococcus christensenii is associated with infections in some women.
Gardnerella vaginalis13.89%
Gardnerella vaginalis is historically associated with bacterial vaginosis, but it is also often found in healthy vaginal microbiomes.
Gardnerella leopoldii4.77%
This microbe is a type of Gardnerella. These bacteria are associated with biofilm formation and bacterial vaginosis.
Fannyhessea vaginae0.78%
Fannyhessea species are strongly associated with bacterial vaginosis.
Ureaplasma parvum0.35%
Ureaplasma parvum is a type of Ureaplasma. These microbes are common and usually do not cause any problems. However, in ...
Ureaplasma urealyticum0.34%
Ureaplasma urealyticum is a type of Ureaplasma. These microbes are common and usually do not cause any problems. However, in ...
I'm finally on antibiotics: Doxycycline 100mg 2x daily for 14 days / followed by Azithromycin 500 mg 2x day after finishing Doxy. Hoping this cures the ureaplasma.
Fungal Composition: Candida Albicans
Anyone able to advise me on which probiotics I need while I am taking this antibiotic? Or other treatments I could be doing?
Thank you in advance!
submitted by ashtreemeadow16 to Ureaplasma [link] [comments]

2023.11.08 09:28 Affectionate_Pea6301 0% lactobacilli

Juno bio test results:
Lactobacillus bacteria 0% Anaerobic bacteria 100%
42.91% Aerococcus christensenii 37.68% Bifidobacterium breve (good bacteria) 11.12% Prevotella bivia
Anyone been in this no lactobacilli boat before? Especially interesting since I successfully nuked Gardnerella out of my vag with BV medicine. I took the test 3 weeks after my last antibiotics which was Clindamycin cream.
My symptoms are white discharge daily but it's like flaky and not creamy like yeast infections are.
I had the mycoplasma hominis STD for 4 months. Strep B for at least that long but possibly 6 months. I've been mycoplasma free for 2 months.
Got treated for strep B UTI in summer and took 2 weeks of augmentin before I finally begged for a mycoplasma test and found it I was positive for Mycoplasma hominis. 7 days of doxycycline cured me of mycoplasma. But then BV came back and I still had strep B.
I took 3 days of keflex for strep B. Without Mycoplasma it seems that was enough to cure it. Took Clindamycin for BV.
Still had some discharge and it burns down there day after I wear tights so decided to get a Juno bio test. Super relieved finally got rid of strep B but was shocked I had 0% lactobacilli. Gonna start retaking probiotics. Hopefully weeks of probiotics will be enough and I don't need to take more antibiotics.
Also does anyone know how long probiotics are good for once opened? I've kept my probiotics in the fridge so that it won't lose its potency but they have been in there for 2-3 months. I took a break from it after months of pills and supplements. I'm gonna buy some more this week but does anyone know if they're still safe or effective having them open for the long?
P.S. I want to thank this sub for helping me find out I had mycoplasma hominis. Some kind souls suggested that those with strep B UTIs get tested for Mycoplasma & Ureaplasma bc it's a common coinfection. They saved my health where a bunch of doctors failed to suggest this test while I suffered immensely for 4 months with it.
If you have chronic BV, chronic UTIS, chronic yeast infections, or unexplained vaginal symptoms despite negative results on routine STDs I highly recommend you get the ureaplasma & mycoplasma PCR test. It should be done via vaginal swab optimally. It's actually not hard to cure ureaplasma or Mycoplasma hominis for most, they're just underdiagnosed infections. (Mycoplasma genitalium is harder to treat sadly but still curable.)
submitted by Affectionate_Pea6301 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2023.11.08 07:55 Affectionate_Pea6301 0% lactobacilli

Juno bio test results:
Lactobacillus bacteria 0% Anaerobic bacteria 100%
42.91% Aerococcus christensenii 37.68% Bifidobacterium breve (good bacteria) 11.12% Prevotella bivia
I had mycoplasma hominis for 4 months. Strep B for at least that long but possibly 6 months.
Got treated for strep B UTI in summer and took 2 weeks of augmentin before I finally begged for a mycoplasma test and found it I was positive for Mycoplasma hominis. 7 days of doxycycline cured me of mycoplasma. But then BV came back and I still had strep B.
I took 3 days of keflex for strep B. Without Mycoplasma it seems that was enough to cure it. Took Clindamycin for BV bc after chronic BV for 6 months I had suffered enough and wanted to be and to drink some beer and not have to abstain from alcohol for more than a week.
Still had some discharge and it burns down there day after I wear tights so decided to get a Juno bio test. Super relieved finally got rid of strep B but was shocked I had 0% lactobacilli. Gonna start retaking probiotics. Hopefully weeks of probiotics will be enough and I don't need to take more antibiotics.
Also does anyone know how long probiotics are good for once opened? I've kept my probiotics in the fridge so that it won't lose its potency but they have been in there for 2-3 months. I'm gonna buy some more this week but does anyone know if they're still safe or effective having them open for the long?
submitted by Affectionate_Pea6301 to VaginalMicrobiome [link] [comments]

2023.10.12 20:26 lowlandlil UPDATES: Bacterial Vaginosis BV and Clindamycin - Healing/ Treatment Journey

UPDATE 2 weeks after: So far- It feels like it has really knocked out my BV. For the first time in so long, I'm not embarrassed of myself and there is literally no smell. I started my period a week after my treatment, which I had time to also use probiotic vag suppositories starting the day my clinda ended, and wow - what a big difference. My period blood came on without any brown spotting, its like a beautiful and healthy red color - with egg white texture. I bled for 5 days and it really just felt like whatever was also messing up my period before is clearly gone now. No more stinky brown blood - no more pre period spotting. Time will tell! I will continue to post here. I'm still doing the probiotic suppositories for now.

Hi! I just wanted to put this out there for anyone struggling. I've been suffering from chronic BV for years. I'm 30/F and I've had BV off and on since I was 17. I thought over time, I could use anything BUT antibiotics to cure myself because at the time, my gyno scared the shit out of me and told me flagyl was the only option and the side effects were really scary. So antibiotics was not it. Until now- Im thinking about family planning and I am just totally done being embarrassed. I have endometriosis and PCOS. Every time I had sex, I was sooo ashamed and truthfully, its been traumatic for me. I don't really know why it took me this long to get here - but I'm here and I want to share what my method is moving forward with a lot of research, holistic options and doctors advice.
Evvy Results:
99% Bad bacteria / 0% Healthy Bacteria.
Gardnerella vaginalis 64%Atopobium vaginae 11%Prevotella amnii 7%Coriobacteriales DNF00809 4%Prevotella timonensis 2%Veillonellaceae 2%Prevotella tannerae 1%Porphyromonas uenonis 1%Lactobacillus iners 1%Sneathia amnii 1%Mageeibacillus indolicus .8%Prevotella buccalis .5%Prevotella .4%Mobiluncus curtisii .3%Sneathia sanguinegens .2%Peptoniphilus lacrimalis .2%Prevotella bivia .2%Dialister micraerophilus .2%Peptoniphilus harei .2%Aerococcus christensenii .2%Mycoplasma hominis .2%Prevotella disiens .16%BVAB1 .15%Megasphaera .08%Streptococcus agalactiae .005%Ureaplasma parvum .004%Sneathia vaginalis .004%Staphylococcus .003%Ureaplasma urealyticum .001%
Evvy Reccommended Care:
Boric Acid - 4-7 days
Clindamycin - 5-7 Days
*Vaginal Probiotic - 5 -7 days
*Oral Probiotic - 6 Months
*Lactoferrin - 30 Days
*Doing all three at the same time.
What I am doing / Doctors orders:
Clindamycin Vaginal Phosphate 2% - 7 Days
*Life Space Vaginal Probiotic - 7 days
*Oral Probiotic - 6 Months (Maybe Seed, Natran or Jarrow)
*Jarrow Lactoferrin - 30 Days
I'm not sure if I should use a Boric Acid suppository now post Clindamycin. I might just go directly into the probiotic suppositories since I have no good bacteria in there at all and according to my doctor, the Clindamycin should knock out everything since I went for 7 days.
But I have it on hand just in case, as she said IF the symptoms persist- to take the Boric Acid 600mg first then follow again with another round of Clindamycin ONLY if I really think theres an issue. So I went ahead and had her order another round for me at the pharmacy.
I DEF will be taking the Honey Pot Boric Acid for any potential triggers moving forward -
- sex - day after or after sex
- semen - after sex
-post period - doctor said I can take it towards the end of my period and go on for 2-3 days.
So far, I am on day 6 of the Clindamycin. I am totally amazed - NO side effects. Odor is completely gone. The only thing I noticed at all was mild abdominal cramping - but that could've been due to my ovulation as I noticed Egg White discharge.
I'm also abstaining from sex during this entire period with my husband.
I am curious to order another Evvy test soon, but might give them a call to see if I should wait till I have finished my round of vaginal probiotics.
Other supplements and things I am taking:
Perelel Hormonal Support
Perelel Conception Support
Dame PH Balanced Lube
Im on the hunt for a nice PH balanced cleanser...!
I will be updating this as I move forward over the next month - and year. So feel free to follow along!
submitted by lowlandlil to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2023.10.12 20:20 lowlandlil Updates for Bacterial Vaginosis and Clindamycin Healing Journey

Hi! I just wanted to put this out there for anyone struggling. I've been suffering from chronic BV for years. I'm 30/F and I've had BV off and on since I was 17. I thought over time, I could use anything BUT antibiotics to cure myself because at the time, my gyno scared the shit out of me and told me flagyl was the only option and the side effects were really scary. So antibiotics was not it. Until now- Im thinking about family planning and I am just totally done being embarrassed. I have endometriosis and PCOS. Every time I had sex, I was sooo ashamed and truthfully, its been traumatic for me. I don't really know why it took me this long to get here - but I'm here and I want to share what my method is moving forward with a lot of research, holistic options and doctors advice.
Evvy Results: 99% Bad bacteria / 0% Healthy Bacteria. Gardnerella vaginalis 64% Atopobium vaginae 11% Prevotella amnii 7% Coriobacteriales DNF00809 4% Prevotella timonensis 2% Veillonellaceae 2% Prevotella tannerae 1% Porphyromonas uenonis 1% Lactobacillus iners 1% Sneathia amnii 1% Mageeibacillus indolicus .8% Prevotella buccalis .5% Prevotella .4% Mobiluncus curtisii .3% Sneathia sanguinegens .2% Peptoniphilus lacrimalis .2% Prevotella bivia .2% Dialister micraerophilus .2% Peptoniphilus harei .2% Aerococcus christensenii .2% Mycoplasma hominis .2% Prevotella disiens .16% BVAB1 .15% Megasphaera .08% Streptococcus agalactiae .005% Ureaplasma parvum .004% Sneathia vaginalis .004% Staphylococcus .003% Ureaplasma urealyticum .001%
Evvy Reccommended Care: Boric Acid - 4-7 days Clindamycin - 5-7 Days *Vaginal Probiotic - 5 -7 days *Oral Probiotic - 6 Months *Lactoferrin - 30 Days
*Doing all three at the same time.
What I am doing / Doctors orders: Clindamycin Vaginal Phosphate 2% - 7 Days *Life- Space Vaginal Probiotic - 7 days *Oral Probiotic - 6 Months (Maybe Seed, Natran or Jarrow) * Jarrow Lactoferrin - 30 Days
I'm not sure if I should use a Boric Acid suppository now post Clindamycin. I might just go directly into the probiotic suppositories since I have no good bacteria in there at all and according to my doctor, the Clindamycin should knock out everything since I went for 7 days.
But I have it on hand just in case, as she said IF the symptoms persist- to take the Boric Acid 600mg first then follow again with another round of Clindamycin ONLY if I really think theres an issue. So I went ahead and had her order another round for me at the pharmacy.
I DEF will be taking the Honey Pot Boric Acid for any potential triggers moving forward - - sex - day after or after sex - semen - after sex -post period - doctor said I can take it towards the end of my period and go on for 2-3 days.
So far, I am on day 6 of the Clindamycin. I am totally amazed - NO side effects. Odor is completely gone. The only thing I noticed at all was mild abdominal cramping - but that could've been due to my ovulation as I noticed Egg White discharge and cramping is pretty normal for me as I have PCOS and Endo.
I'm also abstaining from sex during this entire period with my husband.
I am curious to order another Evvy test soon, but might give them a call to see if I should wait till I have finished my round of vaginal probiotics. ---- Other supplements I am taking: Perelel Hormonal Support Perelel Conception Support
I will be updating this as I move forward over the next month - and year. So feel free to follow along.
submitted by lowlandlil to VaginalMicrobiome [link] [comments]

2023.09.29 17:06 ImpressiveRepeat7236 Multiple Negative Urinalyses with High Leukocytes and Blood in Urine?

Hi everyone, I've come down with a couple of UTIs this year and I'm struggling to understand my test results, and the best way to move forward.
My first UTI occurred when my immune system was probably a bit weak. I was having regular sex after a long period of not having any and was maybe pushing my boundaries with how long I was waiting to pee. I received a couple of vaccines in one day, started feeling a bit ill, and came down with the worst UTI of my life two days later. The results from that urinalysis showed that I had E. Coli and Strep Viridans.
Since then, I've had two UTIs where the urinalysis came back negative. However, I had all the classic UTI symptoms on top of peeing blood, which mostly subsided after antibiotics. In both instances, I had leukocytes but no nitrites. The first result showed 50,000-75,000 cfu/ml Mixed Gram Positive And Gram Negative Flora. My most recent test showed <10,000 cfu/ml Mixed Gram Positive And Gram Negative Flora.
Additionally, the last two times I've had a UTI, I came down with them within 1-2 days of holding my pee for an extended period of time while traveling. My PCP thinks that my UTIs are mainly related to sex, and has given me an indefinite prophylactic prescription of Nitrofuratoin. I'm now supposed to take 100mg within 24 hours of having sex to prevent future infections.
I have an appointment with a urogynecologist in ~2 months (the soonest appointment I could get). In the meantime, I feel a bit unsettled and unsure of what the best practices are here besides drinking a ton of water, maintaining hygiene, and not holding it. I tried to stave off my last UTI with multiple D-Mannose doses, but I was ultimately unsuccessful. I suppose it would make sense if there was no E. Coli in my urine, D-Mannose was ineffective. Perhaps I should abandon it altogether?
Generally, peeing just hasn't been the same since my second UTI this year. I pretty much always have increased urgency/frequency, and on/off urethra pain which makes me constantly anxious that I have a UTI.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Would love to hear what worked for you!
submitted by ImpressiveRepeat7236 to CUTI [link] [comments]

2023.06.20 17:49 West-Show9450 Strep Viridans treatment

Hi, I was wondering if anybody has experience with treating streptococcus viridans? It came up on my urine culture and doctor said that they don't usually treat it because it's a skin contaminant but since I have symptoms she prescribed macrobid (I'm allergic to cephalexin and penicillin). I'm also waiting for results on ureaplasma that I already treated twice 3 months ago and was negative at the end. But it feels like it's back. I guess my main question is, has anybody treated viridans with doxycycline? Seems to be the only antibiotic I can tolerate.
submitted by West-Show9450 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2023.05.11 18:03 CheesecakeSalty656 acute endocarditis vs subacute endocarditis

acute endocarditis vs subacute endocarditis submitted by CheesecakeSalty656 to medpathology [link] [comments]

2023.04.28 21:37 Osikawaru UNCLEAR DIAGNOSIS for 3 years. MULTIPLE SURGERIES, NO RESULT. Sinusitis / cyst / oroantral communication / fistula / wisdom teeth / nerve damage / postnasal drip

No idea, what to do. After all surgeries, the complaints remain. Any ideas / similar cases / contacts links are appreciated 🙏🤞
Male 35, 165 lb, 5’10”
ALL complaints on the LEFT side of head:
Test results with deviation from the norm:
Disease history:
submitted by Osikawaru to Allergies [link] [comments]

2023.04.28 20:36 Osikawaru UNCLEAR DIAGNOSIS for 3 years. MULTIPLE SURGERIES, NO RESULT. Sinusitis / cyst / oroantral communication / fistula / wisdom teeth / nerve damage / postnasal drip

UNCLEAR DIAGNOSIS for 3 years. MULTIPLE SURGERIES, NO RESULT. Sinusitis / cyst / oroantral communication / fistula / wisdom teeth / nerve damage / postnasal drip
Any ideas, similar stories, contacts – will be appreciated 🙏🤞
No idea, what to do. After all surgeries, the complaints remain.
Male 35, 165 lb, 5’10”
ALL complaints on the LEFT side of head:
  • chronic sinusitis
  • “burning” in maxillary sinus
  • postnasal dripping, inflamed nasopharynx
  • BLUNT under-eye pain, temple pain, nose bridge pain, back of the head pain
  • eye pressure, eye discomfort, light sensitivity, decreased vision
  • side neck vainness, dull neck pain, enlarged lymph node
  • atopic dermatitis
  • body temperature 37-37.5 C (98.6-99.5 Fahrenheit) during 1-2 weeks 3-4 times a year
Test results with deviation from the norm:
  • IgE + (1000-1200)
  • eosinophilic cationic protein +
  • epstein barr virus + (vca+, ebna+)
  • Streptoc. viridans, Neisseria spp.
  • food, dust, mold, animal etc. allergies
Disease history:
  • Chronic sinusitis since childhood
  • 2015 septoplasty, which decreased frequency of acute respiratory diseases
  • 2016 eye discomfort, vision decrease, atopy
  • 2019 first acute sinusitis in 3 years
  • 2020 non-effective conservative treatment (antibiotics, nose rinse, antihistamine, glucocorticosteroid sprays)
  • 2021 significant amplification of complaints
  • 2022 August - endoscopic maxillary sinusectomy, frontotomy draf II-a, vasotomy
  • 2022 November - tonsillectomy
  • 2022 December - lower left wisdom tooth extracted
  • 2023 March - upper left wisdom tooth extracted
  • 2023 April - upper 7th tooth caries treated (tooth remained vital)
submitted by Osikawaru to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2023.03.29 20:56 83ladybug Can ginger pills be contaminated with bacteria?

I just got my urine results and I have these bacteria: Enterobacter Cloacae Complex, E. Faecalis, Viridans Strep., Strep B., AMPC and Aerococcus Urinaens.
After a quick google, I saw that Enterobacter Cloacae Complex is found on Rhizome Rot or ginger rot. Could I have gotten that from my ginger pills? Thanks all!
submitted by 83ladybug to herbalism [link] [comments]

2022.10.30 22:05 sage414 Please Help me Understand My Microgen Test Results

After dealing with antibiotic resistant UTI's my whole life, I had a Microgen test done. However, I cannot figure out my results at all:
I apparently tested positive for Enterococcus Faecium, Viridans Group Strep, and Enterobacter. My doctor prescribed antibiotics for a year. However, I cannot go through with this. I've been one every antibiotic, and they give horrific gut side effects as well as others.
Googling these bacteria has me incredibly confused. There is little information about these strains causing UTI's, and when they do, it's typically from a catheter, which I've never had.
They are typically found in the gut, and are somehow in my bladder. What can I gather from these results?
submitted by sage414 to CUTI [link] [comments]

2022.09.16 22:40 throwaway788912345 Help, this pain is killing me

I’ve been dealing with prostatitis for one year. It all started after receiving oral sex from a sex worker. All my urine std tests including mgen and ureaplasma spp have been negative multiple times. I had an MRI several months ago that showed inflammation in the peripheral zones of the prostate.
Ive taken doxycycline several times, the longest has been 5 weeks. Initially, it helped a lot, lately it doesn’t help as much and this leads me to think whatever bacteria is there grew resistant.
I tried levofloxacin for one week but developed ankle pain and had to stop.
Im also developing eye redness and discomfort, and joint pains, which all started before taking levofloxacin so it’s not like I got floxxed. This makes me think I am developing reactive arthritis. My doctors agree. Reactive arthritis is mainly associated with chlamydia and ureaplasma, but I’ve had countless negative urine tests for these.
The only bacteria that ever grew in my urine is strep viridans after a prostate massage but it was at a low colony count. And the lab didn’t run antibiotic susceptibilities. Corynebacterium grew on a semen culture but im told its a harmless bacteria.
Ive started doing PT but can’t afford more than one session a month. Doubt this is muscle related but covering all my bases.
Not sure what to do now but I can’t live like this. I’m pretty sure I have chlamydia or gonorrhea or mgen in my prostate but without proof of this doctors don’t know what else to prescribe. Maybe it’s worth trialing out moxifloxacin. Or tackling the strep with augmenting.
Im in NYC by the way where urologists hate prostatitis patients, prescribe cipro say goodbye and wish me a joy life.
Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by throwaway788912345 to Prostatitis [link] [comments]

2022.06.24 18:49 podpeople3000 Interesting Article for those who have a connection between IC and UTIs

While I was going down the rabbit hole to find treatment information prior to my doctors visit Monday, I came across the below article;
I’ve suffered with UTIs my whole life, and now when my pee is cultured mid flare, often I show no growth. The few times I show growth it is an overgrowth of a bacteria that is part of the Urinary system’s natural flora (i.e. strep viridans). But I consistently respond to antibiotics, which I usually attribute to their anti-inflammatory properties. But this has got me curious about trying long term antibiotics before other more invasive diagnostics and procedures.
submitted by podpeople3000 to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]

2022.06.04 01:36 me07kn3 Opinions about persistent "burning" at the urethra tip (poll included)

Dear Fellow Sufferers,
I have been experiencing continuously one and only symptom in the last 1.5 years; i.e. a burning urethra tip. I have received multiple medical diagnoses (i.e. chronic urethritis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome) from multiple doctors (i.e. 4 urologists, 1 neurologist, 1 CPPS expert) based on various tests (i.e. urethral swab cultures, uroflowmetry, pelvic ultrasound, transrectal ultrasound, MRI of the pelvic region, MRI of the prostate, MRI of the lumbar spine) and I have tried different therapies (i.e. antibiotics, alpha blockers, vitamin B complex for nerve healing, pelvic floor exercises) with no improvement.
From a pathological point of view the most characteristic results include (1) four cultures positive to intestinal bacteria, (2) white discharge collected twice from the interior of the urethra, (3) an MRI scan showing signs of chronic inflammation in the peripheral zone of the gland and mild bleeding elements on the right lateral edge of the gland and (4) red blood cells (10 per optical field) always appearing in my afternoon urine tests (not in the morning tests!).
As mentioned above, I had 3 urethral swab cultures and 1 semen culture during the past 18 months and all of them showed intestinal bacteria every single time.
Opinions and thoughts based on the above? see poll below for a more interactive discussion.
View Poll
submitted by me07kn3 to Prostatitis [link] [comments]