Blackberry msn emoticons copy paste

(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ Text Art

2015.09.14 00:00 (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ Text Art

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Post interesting text art or text art sites! Even emoji involved things! ᕙ༼=ݓ益ݓ=༽ᕗ Practically anything goes! We like ASCII art, emoji art, Unicode symbols, emoticons, emojis, Braille art, etc.!

2015.03.20 03:30 garnerrr2 apps_reviews:discover new applications and think about them

Under construction

2008.04.14 11:56 the r/California subreddit — for all things Californian

The subreddit for the Golden State of California -- for news and info on what's happening all across the state.

2024.06.09 09:25 kugkfokj Where to buy a book so that I can extract its text?

I want to buy a specific book but I would like to buy it ina format/platform that allows me to extract/copy/paste its content. This is because before reading the booki would like to add the text to so that I can study the words I don't know beforehand (not all of them but I would like to get to maybe 95-98% coverage).
submitted by kugkfokj to LearnJapanese [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:22 CherryBlossomEnding TXT - MOA's dance moves leaves TXT speechless COPY&PASTE @ hello82 [ENG SUB]

TXT - MOA's dance moves leaves TXT speechless COPY&PASTE @ hello82 [ENG SUB] submitted by CherryBlossomEnding to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:19 sapnapsdeity Constantly Crashing

I've been using reshade for the past year now and I've only ever been able to load one preset with no problems. Recently, the creator of said preset deleted the link and I wiped my laptop believing I had the preset copied to my onedrive (it wasn't) and so I've resorted to trying new presets. So far not a single one has worked and my game (sims) crashes as soon as reshade loads. I always install the proper shaders and even go as far as to download the older versions some were made with to see if that works. The same issue occurs with gshade, so I have no clue what the problem is here.
Edit: I'll add that I already gave the bin folder special permissions.
submitted by sapnapsdeity to ReShade [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:14 riskyyengagement هكذا تحدث زرادشت

هكذا تحدث زرادشت submitted by riskyyengagement to ExEgypt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:00 AutoModerator /r/Stellar Weekly Discussion Thread

Welcome to Stellar Weekly Discussion Thread!
Please utilize this thread for all general discussions about Stellar, market speculation about XLM, memes, and speculation about upcoming announcements or projects!

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submitted by AutoModerator to Stellar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:00 LaughingOgreWargamin Event Movement Issues (Moving Player Instead)

Event Movement Issues (Moving Player Instead) submitted by LaughingOgreWargamin to RPGMaker [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:55 QuintaviusOmega Can anyone explain 4 types of dystopa with examples?Orwellian, Huxleyan, Kafkaesque, and Phildickian

Everywhere I've tried to search their meaning they have copy pasted same thing over and over without conveying the actual meaning.
submitted by QuintaviusOmega to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:42 smalluniverse26 Idk how to feel but I could use some opinions from outside looking in….

I got a pretty horrible email from my mother a few days ago. It always makes me question whether I really am overreacting to how shes treated me in the past because of how much she invalidates me. She physically and emotionally abused me for all of my life until I went no contact with her over a year ago. I was also very parentified. These types of emails make me question the reality of my memories and I could really use some opinions from outside looking in. I know the email is tl;dr. I could use some reassure that I made the right decision.😔 I really struggle with this entire situation. I have copy and pasted the email and changed some names and such to keep privacy. *For some context in this email I’m currently paying my way through college to hopefully end up in medical school one day.
“Saw this pic and thought of you, this is totally something you would have done with (your sister). [for context it was just a random picture of a young girl with her sister]
Oh I know you'll never see this message, but even sending it to a black hole somewhat feels better than not, I don't know why.
I've joined several grief groups, this seems to be a trend with all of you going no contact. Today (your cousin) sent the eternal fuck you to my brother, I bet she's proud of herself like you are. Master conquerors, you guys are of the same skin. I guess it's how you prove to the world that you are independent and in charge. Your generation is full of selfish entitled brats who believe you were treated poorly, what a slap in the face to those who truly were abused. Grow up and act like the adult you are pretending to be.
As all are learning to accept our children are dead, all of you go on about life happy you've set "boundaries' regardless of how much deep pain that causes to the family left behind.
In thinking about it you were a giant pain in the ass to raise. You went through some really unattractive phases, too. You were messy and I hated your pierced (nsfw). You always lied about the pierced belly button but I saw it. I also saw those nasty s*x messages from your ex bf but I never told you. Many of your friends were awful too, and I hated how rudely you acted with never saying where you were. I never micromanaged you but yet it's me who got the fuck you in the end.
I act like you when I remember those things because then I can hate you like you do me. Only I don't make things up to hate you like you do about me.
I used to wish you would be a Dr., but now I hope you reconsider. You're much too cold in your heart to make it in the profession. Anyone who can screw their own Mother will be a shitty Dr.
I didn't raise you to be the person you are. But it's on you now to be whoever you want.
You can walk away from me but until the end of time I will be your Mother. It's my face you will see in the mirror looking back at you. You can throw me away in your words and actions but you can never rid your soul of me.
We are putting all of your things in storage, I can't stand looking at anything that reminds me of you. In our lives you have died and we must move on. We also will no longer say that we have 2 children, this will be a win for you.
A broken heart is all I have from you, how I wish I could have known how you would betray me in the end. I used to wish to see your face but now all I pray is to be able to forget you.
To think I ever believed any of your lies, how you carried on about family and picking a guy who would someday carry your Dad. Lmao. I guess we all know how the question is the house is on fire, and you can only pick one of us...the whole time the joke was that you were just always telling lies, you never meant any of it.
Always, Mom”
submitted by smalluniverse26 to EstrangedAdultChild [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:27 -_sigma_- How does one save general game preferences (not keybinds)?

I'm referring to settings like 'game settings', 'control', 'foip, voip, headtracking'. Is there a .cfg file somewhere I can copy-paste into new patches or fresh installs?
submitted by -_sigma_- to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:24 darkbluesweater Does anyone else wish the ability icons weren't just regular, in game ones?

I get that it helps cut costs if you don't have artists making new icons but its weird to see: Teemo throw a dumpling but the icon is a mushroom, Cho' Gath and Sivir not resembling their icons, etc. It kind of makes TFT feel less unique and more of a copy/paste.
submitted by darkbluesweater to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:22 Burnouts3s3 Can a plagiarism charge be brought against someone using fanfiction but changing the names of the characters?

If someone were to copy and paste another person's fanfiction, changed the names and published it under their own work to collect royalties, how would the original fanficiton writer go about claiming damages?
submitted by Burnouts3s3 to legaladviceofftopic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:11 Prestigiousbluregard Trying to pull a book title from one column when the value is set to "reading"

I learning how to use excel and was wondering if I can get some help regarding this one issue I am trying to figure out. I created a file with all the books I am reading and wanted to see how I could create a formula that generates the name of the book title when the value of a column cell is set to "Reading".
So in the Screenshot below, I have the book titles in Column A and on Column C I have "Reading Status". Column C has a Drop Down List with different values. I currently have "One Hundred Years of Solitude" marked as "Reading" so I would like to have that information easily displayed in one cell that contains all the stats including what book is currently marked as "Reading". Is it possible? Thank you for the help!
submitted by Prestigiousbluregard to excel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:54 recentlyquitsmoking2 How do I get subtitle editing working?

I'm using LM Studio ROCm and I can't get what I want, no matter which model I use.
Use case / background: I'm copying content from an SRT that may or may not be correct - the timings are sometimes off. I'd like to be able for the model to generate what I've pasted and output with the correct timings.
What's happening: No matter which model I use, the LLM creates the next set of subtitles. It's creating content instead of correcting what I've asked it to.
System prompt: You are a transcription and subtitle specialist. You take raw transcriptions, that are taken from YouTube and put inside the SRT format, and format them with grammar, spelling, and syntax. You ensure the content makes sense in the context of the speech or talk and modify it if needed, without changing the content at all - only the words that need updating.
System prompt 2: You are a transcription and subtitle specialist. You take transcriptions and ensure that the timings are correct and sequestional. You don't create new content but edit content that is provided. You keep the core text according the timings the same to ensure timings are kept. If the content is correct then you output the content as is.
I've also added in further instructions to no avail. I've tried different quantities of subtitles.
Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by recentlyquitsmoking2 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:46 BakeMeAt420 URxvt Copy/Paste Issue with Perl Extension

Hey there,
I followed the directions to get my tmux to copy to the system clipboard but I've had no luck. I'll give some info so maybe someone can point out what I'm doing wrong and help to get me going in the right direction.
I followed the directions here. I have this script saved as tmux_clipboard inside /home/myname/.config/urxvt_perl_extensions.
use MIME::Base64; use Encode; sub on_osc_seq { my ($term, $op, $args) = @_; return () unless $op eq 52; my ($clip, $data) = split ';', $args, 2; if ($data eq '?') { my $data_free = $term->selection(); Encode::_utf8_off($data_free); # XXX $term->tt_write("\e]52;$clip;".encode_base64($data_free, '')."\a"); } else { my $data_decoded = decode_base64($data); Encode::_utf8_on($data_decoded); # XXX $term->selection($data_decoded, $clip =~ /c/); $term->selection_grab(urxvt::CurrentTime, $clip =~ /c/); $term->exec_async('xdg-open', $data_decoded) if $clip =~ /x/; # some test extension } () } 
Inside of my .Xresources file, I have the following options set:
URxvt.perl-lib: /home/myname/.config/urxvt_perl_extensions URxvt.perl-ext-common: tmux_clipboard 
Now I can copy from within tmux if using neovim but neovim can always copy and paste since I have xclip installed. I am wondering what exactly else I should need to do to get this working from within tmux. I've tried entering copy mode and using visual mode to highlight something and then using y to yank, ctrl+alt+c (same thing I do in URxvt terminal), enter, and no luck with any of those.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by BakeMeAt420 to tmux [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:43 -etuskoe- Why are files copied from the internet not embedding?

Since the latest update, images copied from the Internet and pasted into discord are not embedding. Deleting and redownloading the app did not help. How do I fix this?
submitted by -etuskoe- to discordapp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:42 Savante37 My Gilgamesh / Thena deck is the most fun I’ve had in probably a year.

I’ve been on an insanely crazy run with this, I have only lost once. I’m sure there’s a few other options but I have Rogue to stop some of the crazy combos that outpace the pure power combos (Wong, Devil Dinosaur and Iron Man particularly!) and Negasonic for some late game heroics.
Today I had someone turn 6 Leader after Limbo and copy Blue Marvel and it looked perilous. I dropped Rogue turn 7 to steal Blue Marvel back and Ironheart to bump a few cards up and trigger Thena to juuuust steal a lane.
I’ll take suggestions for improvements at any time. It feels chaotic and consistent and not relying specifically on any combo or specific draw, and it’s pretty action packed.

(1) Sunspot

(1) Ant Man

(1) Hawkeye

(1) America Chavez

(2) Thena

(2) Forge

(2) Okoye

(3) Ironheart

(3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead

(3) Rogue

(5) Blue Marvel

(5) Gilgamesh


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.

submitted by Savante37 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:38 Bien_Mulberry_243 Telephone Directories: How to Opt Out of Telephone Directories Step-by-Step Instructions

Telephone Directories: How to Opt Out of Telephone Directories Step-by-Step Instructions

Telephone Directories: How to Opt Out of Telephone Directories Step-by-Step InstructionsTelephone Directories: How to Opt Out of Telephone Directories Step-by-Step Instructions

In this post, we’ll cover what Telephone Directories is and Step-by-Step instructions on How to Opt Out of Telephone Directories.

What is Telephone Directories?

Telephone Directories is a people search engine. Users can anonymously search over 500 million public records for the phone numbers, location history, birthdays, names of family members, email addresses and home addresses of individuals on the Telephone Directories website.
If you are concerned about your personal information being exposed on sites like Telephone Directories, learn how to opt out and remove your data by following the step-by-step opt out instructions provided below.
Currently, there are three ways to remove your personal information from data broker sites like Telephone Directories:
Sign up for Optery's automated opt out and data deletion service. Our service will monitor and remove your profile from dozens of data brokers on an ongoing basis. Click here to sign up and get started with a free account and to learn about our automated service plans.
Remove your personal information from Telephone Directories by following the steps outlined below. Optery provides guides with step-by-step opt out instructions for many other data brokers here.
If you are a resident of California, you can opt out of data broker sites that follow the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) law. Click here to review Instructions for submitting a CCPA Data Deletion Request.

How do I Opt Out of Telephone Directories Manually?

1) Go to the Telephone Directories website here: Opting out of Telephone Directories requires you to search for your personal profile URL. Begin your search by entering your first and last name or phone number, and the city and state where you live, or your zip code into the search fields and click Search.
2) Find your profile from the search results and click the SEE RESULT button.
3) Your detailed personal profile will be displayed. Copy your profile URL from the web address area (your profile URL is in the red rectangle in the image below).
4) After you have copied your profile URL, stay on the page and scroll all the way down to the bottom. Find the trash can icon with the Removal link located on the bottom right of the page and click it.
5) The Telephone Directories record removal page will appear. Paste your copied profile URL from Step 3 into the removal box and click Removal.
6) After the Removal button is clicked, confirmation of the successful removal of your profile from the Telephone Directories website will be displayed.
You have taken a simple, but important step towards reclaiming your privacy. However, there are hundreds of People Search Sites out there displaying peoples’ personal information. They are constantly changing and being updated. It’s nearly impossible to stay on top of these data brokers which is why we offer our premium service that monitors and removes your profile from dozens of data brokers continuously. We do all the work. You get your time back and more peace of mind. Bonus tip: if you’re a business owner worried about the security of your employees, we also have Optery for Business.
submitted by Bien_Mulberry_243 to Optery [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:34 h____ MenuBar Next — macOS app that displays the first line of text of a file in your menu bar. Free

I made a single-purpose macOS app that displays the first line of text of a file in your menu bar. It's called MenuBar Next.
This came out from me using BitBar and SwiftBar for many years and then gradually, all I use them for is have a single plugin that read my TODO list file and display the next/current TODO item. MenuBar Next just reads the first line from the default or specified text file so you can point it at any file.
I made it mostly from copy and pasting + some slight edits of an app I'm working on. It's free.
Happy for feedback.
submitted by h____ to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:34 I_need_help0001 Might be dropped out of university

Hello, I’ve copy and pasted this from a previous post in hopes that it might reach more people here. Any advice is appreciated.
I’m currently at the end of my second year as an undecided student and will be dropped from my school if I don’t declare into my intended major by the end of this spring. The thing is, I don’t think I will be able to do that since I’m probably going to pass only half of the classes I took this quarter. I’d be exceeding the 90 unit cap to change, so most likely I will have to leave school. If by some miracle that doesn’t happen, then I’m thinking of possibly leaving either way.
In the two years I’ve been there, I’ve honestly struggled so much and my grades have definitely shown for it. I’m first gen and low income, so I feel like I was severely underprepared when coming to a big university. I didn’t know there was resources for students like me until a few months ago, so I wasn’t able to take advantage of things that may have helped me a lot sooner. On top of that, I’ve had to deal with even more stressors from working, my mental & physical health, one of my parents being re-incarcerated, my other parent & siblings becoming homeless, etc. I understand that everyone has their own problems to deal with, but unfortunately I’m not one of those people that handles theirs so well.
I originally wanted to go to PA or OT school after getting my bachelors, but I don’t think grad school is even going to be an option for me anymore considering I won’t be a competitive enough applicant. My GPA has made me start to rethink everything and wonder if I should even continue to pursue this degree anymore.
If I do end up having to leave school, I obviously don’t want to just give up. I would still like to continue my education somewhere else. But I don’t know if a science degree would be worth it given my horrible grades and low GPA (less than 3.0). I wish I could start all over again. I just feel so torn and like I’ve completely failed myself & ruined any chances I have of bettering my future.
Would I even be able to go to college somewhere else with how bad my grades are? Should I pursue a different degree and change my career plans? I’ve always had a genuine interest for designing walkable cities & infrastructure, so I wouldn’t mind switching to something like civil engineering. Would I even be able to do that?? How would my GPA here affect my GPA elsewhere? Can I completely start my degree over or am I stuck with this fuck up forever?
I’m feeling very hopeless right now and like I’ve hit a new low point in my life. I’m really sad and disappointed in myself. I don’t know what to do.
TLDR: Might have to drop out of school because of low GPA. I don’t know if I should give up on my degree or continue pursuing education somewhere else. I don’t know if I should change my career plans either. I’m just really lost
submitted by I_need_help0001 to college [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:32 tiggerclaw GOG provides offline installers, and they cannot take your game away if you download and archive them

GOG provides offline installers, and they cannot take your game away if you download and archive them submitted by tiggerclaw to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:30 MidnightMarketing How to double your revenue from email campaigns

This post is all about deliverability. The basic math equation is simple. More people will buy from your emails if more people see your emails. So if your open rates are below 20%, you can probably double them by just following the basic tips I give you below.
With that being said, let's get started.
Here are 10 things you should avoid doing regularly if you want to have good deliverability:
  1. Don’t keep unengaged members on your email list. If your business isn't seasonal and someone hasn't opened your emails in over 6 months you should consider either reducing the volume of emails that are sent to them or completely removing them from your email list. They will bring your open rates down and this will increase your chances of being marketed as spam.
  2. Break your list down. Segmentation does not matter if you have less than 2k emails. But once you get to 10k+ emails You’ll need these 4 basic segments: Buyers, Non-buyer, Engaged customers, and Non-engaged customers. You can personalize emails based on what they have bought/viewed. This alone will significantly boost your open rates. Think of it like this, what’s more likely to be opened? FREE SHIPPING on everything Today Only OR You’re in luck🎲 – Free Shipping for the next 6 hours in {{Users_city}} (while recommending items that they have viewed recently in the email)
  3. Beware of spam filters - Did you know that you could get blacklisted? If your domain is unhealthy your emails will almost always go directly to spam. It's almost impossible to revive a domain so be careful how you go about sending from your main domain. Also if you burnt a domain in the past from 1 IP address it's likely that if you create a new domain using that same IP address your 2nd domain also will be negatively affected. If you use a shifty email sending provider you will also run into spam filter problems.
  4. Write a good subject line. The subject line is the single most important aspect of email copywriting. There are typically only 2 types of good subject lines. Subject lines to make people curious and subject lines that are direct (Typically with a good offer). That’s literally all there is to it. Also, don't lead with a misleading subject line. Pissing people off is the easiest way to get spam complaints instead of normal unsubscribes. (Spam complaints are way worse for deliverability)
  5. Don't be inconsistent. Algorithms love consistency. This is why the number 1 way to boost engagement on almost any social platform ever created is to post consistently and follow some sort of routine. Emails aren't different at all. Try to email your most engaged segment every week. This will give you a good average open rate and also it will show the email service provider that people interact with your content regularly.
  6. Don't try to hide the unsubscribe button. Not having an unsubscribe button is illegal but some people just try to use cheat codes like making the unsubscribe text white on a white background. This is the easiest way to increase spam complaints greatly. Customers should never feel like you're forcing them to do anything.
  7. Don't send emails from shady domains. You should have a clear professional-looking sender address. Use a business domain, not a regular email account. Avoid using any random characters anywhere in the domain and do everything you can to make it very clear where the email is coming from.
  8. Make sure your grammar is on point. Typos of any kind can be a red flag for spam filters. It's impossible to be perfect all the time but at least try to make sure your emails have less typos than this Reddit post.
  9. Never buy email lists and use them for B2C marketing. Sending to people without their consent is the worst thing that you could possibly do if you're trying to avoid the spam filter. Make sure every single email address that is receiving your emails has opted in.
  10. Don't use spammy copywriting. Most people have literally no idea what this means so I put together a list of things that are generally bad. Here is the list of things to avoid: Using all caps for subject lines, capitalizing every word in your subject lines all the time, using large fonts, using fonts smaller than size 8 font in main bodies of sales copy, overusing words like FREE or SALE in your subject lines and over using emojis.
I want to end this with a reminder that no one is above spam filters. If you go to your spam folder right now you'll probably see at least one 8 figure company stuck in there multiple times. These people hire "experts" and pay them thousands every month and still can't figure it out. So just because your emails are doing okay now, just know that can change fast if you are not careful.
submitted by MidnightMarketing to ecommercemarketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:30 MidnightMarketing How to double your revenue from email campaigns

This post is all about deliverability. The basic math equation is simple. More people will buy from your emails if more people see your emails. So if your open rates are below 20%, you can probably double them by just following the basic tips I give you below.
With that being said, let's get started.
Here are 10 things you should avoid doing regularly if you want to have good deliverability:
  1. Don’t keep unengaged members on your email list. If your business isn't seasonal and someone hasn't opened your emails in over 6 months you should consider either reducing the volume of emails that are sent to them or completely removing them from your email list. They will bring your open rates down and this will increase your chances of being marketed as spam.
  2. Break your list down. Segmentation does not matter if you have less than 2k emails. But once you get to 10k+ emails You’ll need these 4 basic segments: Buyers, Non-buyer, Engaged customers, and Non-engaged customers. You can personalize emails based on what they have bought/viewed. This alone will significantly boost your open rates. Think of it like this, what’s more likely to be opened? FREE SHIPPING on everything Today Only OR You’re in luck🎲 – Free Shipping for the next 6 hours in {{Users_city}} (while recommending items that they have viewed recently in the email)
  3. Beware of spam filters - Did you know that you could get blacklisted? If your domain is unhealthy your emails will almost always go directly to spam. It's almost impossible to revive a domain so be careful how you go about sending from your main domain. Also if you burnt a domain in the past from 1 IP address it's likely that if you create a new domain using that same IP address your 2nd domain also will be negatively affected. If you use a shifty email sending provider you will also run into spam filter problems.
  4. Write a good subject line. The subject line is the single most important aspect of email copywriting. There are typically only 2 types of good subject lines. Subject lines to make people curious and subject lines that are direct (Typically with a good offer). That’s literally all there is to it. Also, don't lead with a misleading subject line. Pissing people off is the easiest way to get spam complaints instead of normal unsubscribes. (Spam complaints are way worse for deliverability)
  5. Don't be inconsistent. Algorithms love consistency. This is why the number 1 way to boost engagement on almost any social platform ever created is to post consistently and follow some sort of routine. Emails aren't different at all. Try to email your most engaged segment every week. This will give you a good average open rate and also it will show the email service provider that people interact with your content regularly.
  6. Don't try to hide the unsubscribe button. Not having an unsubscribe button is illegal but some people just try to use cheat codes like making the unsubscribe text white on a white background. This is the easiest way to increase spam complaints greatly. Customers should never feel like you're forcing them to do anything.
  7. Don't send emails from shady domains. You should have a clear professional-looking sender address. Use a business domain, not a regular email account. Avoid using any random characters anywhere in the domain and do everything you can to make it very clear where the email is coming from.
  8. Make sure your grammar is on point. Typos of any kind can be a red flag for spam filters. It's impossible to be perfect all the time but at least try to make sure your emails have less typos than this Reddit post.
  9. Never buy email lists and use them for B2C marketing. Sending to people without their consent is the worst thing that you could possibly do if you're trying to avoid the spam filter. Make sure every single email address that is receiving your emails has opted in.
  10. Don't use spammy copywriting. Most people have literally no idea what this means so I put together a list of things that are generally bad. Here is the list of things to avoid: Using all caps for subject lines, capitalizing every word in your subject lines all the time, using large fonts, using fonts smaller than size 8 font in main bodies of sales copy, overusing words like FREE or SALE in your subject lines and over using emojis.
I want to end this with a reminder that no one is above spam filters. If you go to your spam folder right now you'll probably see at least one 8 figure company stuck in there multiple times. These people hire "experts" and pay them thousands every month and still can't figure it out. So just because your emails are doing okay now, just know that can change fast if you are not careful.
submitted by MidnightMarketing to ecommerce [link] [comments]