Pro ana strattera \

When you’ve been involuntarily hospitalised for anorexia, but you still have to keep up with posting your usual proAna content… (Bryony Carter)

2024.06.10 00:28 Training_Mouse8836 When you’ve been involuntarily hospitalised for anorexia, but you still have to keep up with posting your usual proAna content… (Bryony Carter)

I’m not going to screen shot the other much more triggering stuff, but I don’t know how getting nude in the bathtub is the content you’d think up of to advertise for a meal delivery service 🥲 The only proper shot of the salad is right at the end with her skinny elbow 🤣
The fact that Soulara is partnering with her also annoys me. I’ve messaged them (silence), then also commented questioning why they continue to partner with an influencer who promotes such UNHEALTHY behaviours to a vulnerable audience- of course the comment got deleted. Also saw another similar comment get deleted soon after mine too. Like, come on- she’s now posting this crap from a hospital room.
Call me pessimistic, but I don’t think she’s using this admission with any view to getting better- if anything she will double down on her behaviours but relabel it as “getting my light back” …
submitted by Training_Mouse8836 to EDRecoverySnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:03 yungmarc Omega Seamaster 200

Omega Seamaster 200
Just crafted some strap adapters for my integrated bracelet Seamaster. Full restoration is complete.🔥
submitted by yungmarc to OmegaWatches [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:51 Alive_Bee9560 Tu-Ana

Luzente formas que em cor clara se anuncia \ Diante do calor da tua morada, \ Sem salvaguardas, doa-se inocente, \ Jurando-se quista, amada. \ É que teus olhos não compreendem as agonias \ Que as avenidas de Jampa causam, \ Só compreendes o verde divino: Doce Batata, \ Que em roxo a terra cultiva e guarda \ Diviníssima.
Tu, Ana, a quem se oferta turva \ Sem vaticínio de palavra contra \ O lobo que ao lobo caça? \ A maldade ancestral que por luxúria abocanha a pequena flor casta; \ E não cataloga tua castanha compleição delicada, \ Apenas envereda, caçador indômito. \ Na crueldade causa dor pelos prados santos, \ Com olhos furiosos e satânicos, \ Lambuza de pecado o pudico relvado; \ Depois avança incompreensível, \ (Lindo oleandro, monstro de desamor e perfídia) \ E tu, Ana, compreende o abandono irremovível.
Vagueia com o peso da impureza na alma, \ O céu cinzento se revela \ E o sereno cai dos olhos desesperados \ (Perante a fúria dos ventos nas macaíbas) \ Sem segredos ao mar se entrega; \ E observa turvilíneas formas no horizonte de nuvens monstruosas. \ (O mini-mistério da carne: o pecado) \ Na água se confunde pranto e onda, \ Inunda-se do peso do mundo. \ Nada.
submitted by Alive_Bee9560 to rapidinhapoetica [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:50 Alive_Bee9560 Tu-Ana

Luzente formas que em cor clara se anuncia \ Diante do calor da tua morada, \ Sem salvaguardas, doa-se inocente, \ Jurando-se quista, amada. \ É que teus olhos não compreendem as agonias \ Que as avenidas de Jampa causam, \ Só compreendes o verde divino: Doce Batata, \ Que em roxo a terra cultiva e guarda \ Diviníssima.
Tu, Ana, a quem se oferta turva \ Sem vaticínio de palavra contra \ O lobo que ao lobo caça? \ A maldade ancestral que por luxúria abocanha a pequena flor casta; \ E não cataloga tua castanha compleição delicada, \ Apenas envereda, caçador indômito. \ Na crueldade causa dor pelos prados santos, \ Com olhos furiosos e satânicos, \ Lambuza de pecado o pudico relvado; \ Depois avança incompreensível, \ (Lindo oleandro, monstro de desamor e perfídia) \ E tu, Ana, compreende o abandono irremovível.
Vagueia com o peso da impureza na alma, \ O céu cinzento se revela \ E o sereno cai dos olhos desesperados \ (Perante a fúria dos ventos nas macaíbas) \ Sem segredos ao mar se entrega; \ E observa turvilíneas formas no horizonte de nuvens monstruosas. \ (O mini-mistério da carne: o pecado) \ Na água se confunde pranto e onda, \ Inunda-se do peso do mundo. \ Nada.
submitted by Alive_Bee9560 to u/Alive_Bee9560 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:35 lntsu Cambuci

Eu me mudei pro Cambuci de novo, é um dos lugares q eu tenho mta dificuldade de chegar por transporte público. O caminho q eu fazia era descer naquele metrô horrível Pedro II, atravessar a escada amarela e pegar um ônibus do expresso Tiradentese descer na rua Ana Neri… indo pro Largo do Cambuci a pé (atravessando a Justo Azambuja) mas é muito RUIM esse caminho…
Fui ver outros caminhos pelo Maps e foi difícil me recomendar outros caminhos, mas ele tá falando pra eu pegar um ônibus no Metrô Ana Rosa. Mas eu ainda sou meio confuso pra ir pra lá de ônibus
Alguém sabe como chegar no Cambuci de ônibus de maneira descomplicada? Kk
submitted by lntsu to saopaulo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:02 vinilzord_learns 10 semanas de Atentah: ou é uma merda, ou funciona muito bem

Bom dia pessoal. Basicamente é o que tá no título. Pelo que percebi, não existe meio termo. Tanto a atomoxetina aqui no Brasil ou lá fora funciona super bem pra pessoa, ou ela piora em 100x o TDAH e ainda te dá uns colaterais estranhos.
Vou postar aqui meu relato, tentarei ser curto e objetivo (coisa meio difícil pra quem tem TDAH kkkkkkk). Coloquei bastante informação, então faz um esforcinho pra ler tudo, pode ser útil pra vc.
Contexto: chegamos no diagnóstico no começo de Fevereiro, comecei com Venvanse 30mg, e em 3 semanas fui pra 50mg porque eu tava tendo um crash muito forte lá pra 4 da tarde. Com 50mg eu sentia o efeito do remédio durante umas 10h, era um efeito bem nítido e "suave", o que é esperado de uma pro drug, pois a lisdexanfetamina é liberada lentamente. Pra mim Venvanse funciona super bem tanto em jejum quanto com a barriguinha cheia de proteína xD, o que mais faz diferença no meu caso é ficar hidratado, pois tenho o péssimo hábito de tomar pouca água. Com o Venvanse eu sinto vontade de fazer coisas produtivas o dia inteiro, mesmo que sejam insuportáveis pra mim, tipo lavar uma pilha de louça. Por que eu mudei pro Atentah de repente? Porque eu estava tendo episódios de insônia, ansiedade e acessos de raiva que vinham do nada. Masssss, observando e pensando bem, são colaterais controláveis se eu treinar PESADO todo dia e tomar alguns nootrópicos que ajudam a regular essas coisas, que são a L-teanina e Aswagandha. Enfim, agora vamo pro relato.
Nesse período lutei dia após dia pra cumprir com as tarefas, e devo ter tomado mais café em 10 semanas do que em 2023 e 2022 juntos. Foi foda. Aliás, o café não me deixa agitado, curiosamente ele me deixa mais calmo e focado. * Colaterais estranhos que tive além dos que já falei: pipi murcho (parece que encolheu mesmo), ereção fraca, libido quase zero. Nas 3x que tentei gozar, foi doloroso e não senti nenhum prazer. Na hora do orgasmo parecia que tava saindo lava do meu pênis, era horrível, sensação de queimação forte. E também tive episódios de dificuldade de urinar.
Resumo da ópera: voltei pro Venvanse 50mg nessa última quinta-feira, e estranhamente ele não está dando o efeito 100% de antes, mas eu já me sinto infinitamente melhor do que com Atentah.
Mediante as dezenas de relatos que já li aqui e no ADHD e StratteraRx, cheguei à conclusão de que esse remédio ou funciona super bem pra pessoa, ou deixa ela completamente estragada.
Por último, mas não menos importante: eu percebi que com o Atentah eu fiquei uns 20% menos ansioso e impulsivo. Antes de tomar uma decisão ou falar alguma coisa, eu conseguia pensar com calma e clareza. Isso foi bacana porque agora eu consigo identificar esse padrão de comportamento causado pelo meu TDAH e "silenciar" ele, se é que isso faz algum sentido pra vocês (pra mim sim). Com relação à ansiedade, os pensamentos desaceleraram um pouco, principalmente de noite. Infelizmente, esses foram os únicos prós no meu caso. O que pega mesmo e me atrapalha com meu tipo de TDAH é a disfunção executiva, "ânimo" e baixa dopamina.
Do fundo do meu coração, eu desejo que quem toma ou vai tomar a atomoxetina tenha muito sucesso, porque o Venvanse com certeza exarceba algumas comorbidades que acompanham o TDAH. Mas, pra aniquilar a disfunção executiva e te dar mais foco/ânimo, o Venvanse é sensacional. Talvez só perca pro Adderall XR (nunca tomei, mas é o que dizem).
Adendo: já tive COVID-19 2x, e tenho 99% de certeza que isso piorou meu TDAH. Eu lembro que antes de pegar o vírus eu tinha mais facilidade de executar tarefas e de me concentrar. Meu TDAH é do tipo primariamente desatento.
Pois é, o texto ficou grande pra cacete, mas fazer o quê rs. Gosto de dar bastante detalhes, às vezes uma coisinha que parece boba pode fazer uma grande diferença pra quem tá lendo.
Abraço pra vocês, ótimo domingo. 😊
submitted by vinilzord_learns to TDAH_Brasil [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:26 rvisthebest Bap OTP - I am struggling against dive in high elo, any advice?

I cannot get above Masters 4 right now (which is equivalent to GM5-GM3) pre-season 9. My goal one day is to get to GM1 equivalent.
Bap is my main and by far my strongest character, and my WR when it’s like Brawl or Poke is like 65%. I know this is largely because my aim is decent and I weave well.
I however am being severely held back (have a much lower winrate) whenever we are playing against Dive. Dive v Dive also feelsbad bc harder to heal Ball/Doom/Winston but the issue is more of FACING Dive for me, rather than playing With Dive.
How do you make Bap work? I often go against Winston/Doom + Echo/TraceVenture and it’s just a nightmare. In this Elo they are more coordinated , miss much less, etc. I try to save all my cooldowns, poke enemies out while they are staging, but I just get blown up.
Just feels like my high winrate with brawl/poke is neutralized whenever it’s Dive.
Everyone always says Bap is broken/strong (and yes, I agree he is strong), but it feels some situations it’s so hard to make him work at this rank. I also am rarely able to catch pro streamers/players play Bap vs full dive. I’ve seen it in OWL games but the Bap is protected by a brig and gets coordinated peel (+OWL is different).
If it’s really really bad I go to Kiriko. My Kiriko isn’t awful but it is def not enough to have huge impact on games. My Ana is a complete step below in comfortabilty and skill level. I know a lot of people say it would be time for me to really sit down and work on my Ana/Kiri more, but I still want to hear advice from other high elo Bap mains.
submitted by rvisthebest to BaptisteMainsOW [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:19 samy_niknia [Homemade] Bocata de calamar (Madrid style squid sandwich)

[Homemade] Bocata de calamar (Madrid style squid sandwich) submitted by samy_niknia to Easy_Recipes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:04 samy_niknia [Homemade] Bocata de calamar (Madrid style squid sandwich)

[Homemade] Bocata de calamar (Madrid style squid sandwich) submitted by samy_niknia to Easy_Recipes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:31 samy_niknia [Homemade] Bocata de calamar (Madrid style squid sandwich)

[Homemade] Bocata de calamar (Madrid style squid sandwich) submitted by samy_niknia to Easy_Recipes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:49 samy_niknia [Homemade] Bocata de calamar (Madrid style squid sandwich)

[Homemade] Bocata de calamar (Madrid style squid sandwich) submitted by samy_niknia to Easy_Recipes [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:35 Ogbrainsss Hearing offers

Hearing offers
Last 5 as a lot preferred.
submitted by Ogbrainsss to ufccards [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:22 the_sweens Am I missing any tests before seeing a CFS/ME doctor?

39F with Pots. Hello, I'm at the end of a year of testing for fatigue and things and most things have been ruled out so I am seeing a CFS/ME specialist.
Before I see them, are there any other common tests that would be useful to bring that may not be here?
E g. I'm getting a test for Lyme disease next week.
The list I have:
CBC With Differential/Platelet WBC x10E3/uL RBC x10E6/uL Haemoglobin g/dL Hematocrit % MCV fL MCH pg MCHC g/dL RDW % Platelets x10E3/uL MPV fL H. pylori, IgG Abs Index Value Neutrophils 109/L Lymphocytes 109/L Monocytes 109/L Eosinophils 109/L Basophils 109/L ESR mm/Hour Absolute neutrophils x10E3/uL Absolute lymphocytes x10E3/uL Absolute monocytes x10E3/uL Absolute eosinophils x10E3/uL Absolute basophils x10E3/uL Immature granulocytes % Absolute immature granulocytes x10E3/uL Low-density lipoprotein, direct assay mg/dL Erythrocute Sedimentation mm/h Nucleated red blood cell 199/L Blood Film
Comp. Metabolic Panel Glucose mg/dL UREA NITROGEN (BUN) mg/dL UREA SERUM mmol/L CREATININE umol/L eGFR NON-AFR mL/min/1.73m2 SODIUM mmol/L POTASSIUM mmol/L CHLORIDE mmol/L CARBON DIOXIDE mmol/L CALCIUM mmol/L Uric Acid umol/L PROTEIN, TOTAL g/dL ALBUMIN g/dL Albumin Serum unit/L GLOBULIN g/dL (calc) ALBUMIN/GLOBULIN RATIO (calc) BILIRUBIN, TOTAL umol/L ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE U/L AST U/L ALT U/L Anion POCT cBase Excess (b) mmol/L Serum folate ug/L Ferritin, Serum ng/mL Serum C reactive protein level mg/L
Blood Sugar / Insulin Insulin uIU/mL HbA1c mmol/mol Fasting Glucose mg/dL 1 Hour Glucose mg/dL 2 Hour Glucose mg/dL 3 Hour Glucose mg/dL
Bone Profile Serum albumin g/L Serum alkaline phosphatase U/L Serum inorganic phosphate mmol/L Serum total protein g/L
Heart Health and Serum Lipids Serum triglycerides mmol/L Serum HDL cholesterol level mmol/L Serum LDL cholesterol level mmol/L Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio Serum cholesterol mmol/L SE non HDL cholesterol level mmol/L Lipase U/L N-Terminal Pro-BNP ng/L
Liver Serum total bilrubin level umol/L Alaine Aminotransferase Serum (unit/L) Gamma-glutamyl Transpeptidase Serum (U/L)
Thyroid function Thyroid stimulating hormone uIU/mL Serum free T4 level pmol/L Serum TSH level m[iU]/L
Hormone Serum sex hormone binding glob nmol/l Serum prolactin level mU/L Serum testosterone nmol/L Serum Oestradiol pMol/L Cortisol Level Free Androgen Index Gonadotrophin Levels Serum LH Level U/L Serum FSH level U/L
Vitamin VITAMIN D, 25-OH, TOTAL ng/mL VITAMIN D, 25-OH, D3 ng/mL VITAMIN D, 25-OH, D2 ng/mL Vitamin B12, Cobalamin pg/mL Vitamin B12, ng/L Serum iron umol/L Serum transferrin mg/L Serum TiBC umol/L Transferrin saturation index %
Autoimmune Celiac and Immunoglobulins Tissue transglutaminase antibody, IgA U/mL Immunoglobulins IgA g/L Immunoglobulins IgG g/L Immunoglobulins IgM g/L Plasma Viscosity Rheumatoid factor Coagulation Prothrombin Time (seconds) I.N.R APTT (seconds) Fibrinogen (g/L) 5.9 Immunology ANA Screen (HEp-2) HEp-2 Titre ENA Antibodies ENA Screen dsDNA Antibodies dsDNA (Immunoassay) Cardiolipin Antibodies aCL IgG (U/mL) aCL IgM (U/mL) B2 Glyoprotein 1 Antibodies Anti-B2-GP1 IgG (U/mL) Anti-B2-GP1 IgM (U/mL) Myositis Antibodies CD (cluster of differentiation) CD3 Absolute Count (u/L) CD4 Absolute Count (u/L) CD8 Absolute Count (u/L) CD19 Absolute Count (u/L) CD56 Absolute Count (u/L) CD3 (%) CD4 (%) CD8 (%) CD4:CD8 Ratio CD19 (%) CD56 (%) Naive:CD4+ CD45RA+ CD27+ Memory:CD4+ CD45RA- CD27+ Naive:CD8+ CD45RA+ CD27+ Memory:CD8+ CD45RA- CD27+ Effector:CD8+ CD45RA+ CD27- Effector:CD4+ CD45RA+ CD27- Naive B Cells [CD19+/CD27-/IgD+] Unswitched Memory [CD19+/CD27+/IgD+] Switched Memory [CD19+/CD27+/IgD-] Transitional Cells [CD19+/IgM++/CD38++] CD21 Low B Cells [CD19+/CD21Lo/CD38-] Marginal Zone Cells [CD19+/IgD+/IgM+/CD2] Plasmablasts [CD19+/CD38++/IgM-] Euroclass A Euroclass B Miscellaneous Immunology Test - Lithium Tetanus Antibody IU/mL Pneumococcal Serotype Pneumococcal Serotype 1* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 3* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 4* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 6B* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 8 3.65 mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 9N mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 9V* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 12F mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 14* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 15B mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 18C* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 19A* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 23F* mg/L Pneumococcal serotype specific Ab commen Pneumococcal serotype specific Ab commen Other Immunology Tests Classical Pathway (CH100) L 350 CH100 U/mL Alternate Pathway (AP100) C3c (g/L) C4 (g/L) Creatine Kinase (IU/L)
Blood Bank Direct Antiglobulin Test CMV IgM antibody level EBV vca IgM EBV vca IgG EBV EBNA 1 IgG Toxoplasma screening test Toxoplasma gondii IgM HIV Antibody
Blood Gas tests VENOUS BLOOD GAS W/LACTATE Sample Type pH, Blood PCO2 mm Hg PO2 mm Hg PO2 KPa Base excess mmol/L Bicarbonate mmol/L Oxygen Saturation % Calcium, Ionized, whole blood mmol/L Hematocrit from Hb % Lactate, whole blood mmol/L
Urine Tests URINALYSIS WITH REFLEX TO CULTURE Glucose, (UA) mg/dL Bilirubin, Urine Ketones, UA mg/dL Specific Gravity Hemoglobin (UA) Protein, UA g/dL Nitrite Urobilinogen mg/dL WBC Esterase WBC /HPF cmm WBCs, UR HPF RBCs, urine HPF Mucus threads Epithelial cell count 10*6/L Squam Epith Cells LPF albumin (mg/L) Random creatinine mmol/L Albumin: creatinine Leukocyte esterase Blood Color Appearance
Microscopic Examination WBC /HPF RBC /HPF Red Cells 106/L Epithelial cells /HPF Bacteria Pus Cells 106/L Yeast
Stool Tests Stool Samples Ova and parasites concentration Salmonella/Shigella Screen Campylobacter Culture E coli Shiga Toxin EIA Shigella / EIEC PCR VTEC Verotoxin DNA Vibrio Yersinia Plesiomonas C difficile Toxins A+B, EIA Faecal Immunochemical CALPROTECTIN, STOOL ug/g PANCREATIC ELASTASE-1 Elast./g
submitted by the_sweens to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:00 DontmindmeIoI The book I have to read for my finals is kinda pro ana T^T

The main character is very thin, doesn't like to eat, barely eats (didn't eat for more than 24 hours) and says that people who eat much and all the time gross him out... and he says that he doesn't have an ED! >.< He even said that he wishes there was a pill with all nutriens he needs for the day so he wouldn't have to eat at all.
Meanwhile, I just ate 7 Kinder Schoko Bons as a snack after a long day. I feel so disgusting omg.
I never thought that something could trigger me but this is heavy rn. I want to cry wtf.
And usually I wouldn't care. I am in my calorie range but I am eating a bit more than usual because I have to study (my finals are next week)... I already feel unwell because I eat more than usual (about 1700 calories instead of 1300).
I really hope that they will adress it in the book soon so I can feel better... the main character also calls people often fat and says that people usually have too much fat on them... HELPPP
submitted by DontmindmeIoI to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:09 Tall-Item-4034 Need help figuring out whose signature this is

submitted by Tall-Item-4034 to AutographAssistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:58 boldfrontiers Vintage Page Description - Jeremiah's Vision (recto)

Vintage Page Description - Jeremiah's Vision (recto) submitted by boldfrontiers to tergoventus [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:25 Michdr2 [Homemade] Bocata de calamar (Madrid style squid sandwich)

[Homemade] Bocata de calamar (Madrid style squid sandwich) submitted by Michdr2 to food [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:27 Juli010203 Pro Ana WhatsApp Coaching

Hey☺️ Ich biete ein pro Ana Coaching auf WhatsApp an.
Kommt einfach in die Vorgruppe, alle weiteren Infos bekommt ihr dort. Link zur Vorgruppe:

ana #anamia #pro ana #anacoaching

skinny #anawhatsapp

submitted by Juli010203 to Ana [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:40 Pablokingpint_13 Biete pro ana coaching und Medikamente an

Wer Unterstützung coaching oder Medikamente zum abnehmen braucht kann sich melden
submitted by Pablokingpint_13 to ProAnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:42 Midgetspinner104 Having issues with EasyPETG foaming on first layer and later ones, but not the more Solid midsection.

Having issues with EasyPETG foaming on first layer and later ones, but not the more Solid midsection.
So Iam printing these latches in Fiberlogy Burgundy transparent PETG on my unmodified Artillery Genius Pro.\ I started with 230°C on the nozzle and 90°C bed (recommended by Fiberlogy).\ The first prints we're pristine but after the 3rd or 4th the quality started degrading.\ The spool is 5 days out the box.\
The first layer got all bubbly/foamy. \ The midsection stayed pristine and the upper small arms went all bubbly/foamy again.\ I tried different heats between 225-240 and the problem stayed. Lower bed temp resulted in adhesion problems.\
Last picture shows the most recent print where I reduced the flow to 80% to compensate for degrading components due to heat in the PETG maybe causing gas Bubbles.
Reduced print speed to 25 mm/s over time.\ Initial speed is 15 mm/s.\ Fan speed is 50 % starting at layer 4.
Iam a bit lost on whats causing this and how to fix it. Going up in temperature obviously increases stringing. But it seems like the more coherent temperature inside bigger pards is beneficial. Except for the firs layer.
Please help
submitted by Midgetspinner104 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:51 Suspicious_End596 This movie flopping bigly was the turning point in the culture when Hillary Clinton-esque girlboss #MeToo 2010s feminism gave way to Red Scare-esque based & redpilled biology-and-human-nature-respecting "mean girl era" Lana-core pro-ana anti-anti-men 2020s feminism.

This movie flopping bigly was the turning point in the culture when Hillary Clinton-esque girlboss #MeToo 2010s feminism gave way to Red Scare-esque based & redpilled biology-and-human-nature-respecting submitted by Suspicious_End596 to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:53 KingEdithonus Losing hope / running out of options

Hey guys. I'm a male going on 30 yrs old and have struggled with chronic fatigue for most of my life. The earliest I remember it starting was in elementary / middle school when I'd fall asleep during class / struggle severely to stay awake.
I've taken (and still take Adderall) for years and feel that it helps some but not always a lot. Days can differ drastically. Some days I have more energy than others. I also take Lexapro for anxiety / depression.
Along with the fatigue I'll have bad brain fog. Meaning sometimes it's hard for me to absorb or retain information, put thoughts into words as well as I want to, think deeply about a topic, etc.
I've tried taking different doses of Adderall, taking it multiple times throughout the day, taking the XR VS the regular. I've tried Concerta, Vyvanse, Strattera, Ritalin, and I can't ever tell a big difference between any of them.
I drink 2 energy drinks on average just to stay awake and function, which I hate doing for multiple reasons, and sometimes it doesn't even help as much as I need it too.
My basic vitals such as BMI, body fat %, cholesterol, blood sugar are all within optimal range.
I've seen an endocrinologist and have had CBC w/ differential, magnesium, comprehensive metabolic panel, total cortisol, ACTH, free thyroxine, TSH 3rd Gen, RBC sed rate, testosterone (free and total), FSH, LH, prolactin, urinalysis, another CMP, DHEA, ANA screen, TSH with reflex to free T4, rheumatoid factor, c-reactive protein, and vit D testing done. I've also had chest xrays, EKGs, and a sleep study done. The sleep study found moderate OSA that I'm currently treating. I was told every other test and scan has been normal.
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I know it's hard as factors can differ with everyone, but I need to do something. I sleep 7 hours a night on average and sleep well, don't wake up a lot if at all.
Thank you
submitted by KingEdithonus to chronicfatigue [link] [comments]