Dirty poems for men

i lik the bred

2017.03.23 18:51 Hasnep i lik the bred

Poems based on this one about a cow licking bread by Poem_for_your_sprog: my name is Cow, and wen its nite, or wen the moon is shiyning brite, and all the men haf gon to bed - i stay up late. i lik the bred.

2013.01.29 19:19 AbraxianAeon POETRY FOR MEN


2014.06.21 17:45 chalkchick0 Mature men of Reddit being irresistible.

Mature/oldeelder men of Reddit being the Gloriously Irresistible Men they are. Eye Candy and Heart Candy for our older female or LGBT readers to enjoy. Post your romance inducing selfies, pics, videos, etc. Show us how delicious you are at work, at home, at the park, with your fuzzy bros, in your new jeans, in your best suit, in your favorite costume, in your sports uniform, etc. Go mild for our Romantic Dreams.

2024.06.09 11:03 ghost_of_john_muir Allen Ginsberg… the pederast?

I’ve read a good amount of Ginsberg’s poetry and I’ll be honest, I didn’t like it. So I never did much of a deep dive on him as a person & for all I know this is common knowledge… but I was reading Andrea Dworkin’s memoir today and she talked about their brief friendship which I’ve pasted below. It’s long for context but I bolded the important parts if you wanna skim:
I did go to New York just to see him, but when I got to New York I was too shy to call him. I'd spend every waking hour worrying about how to make the call. I picked a rainy night. He answered the phone. “Come on over now, ” he said. I told him that he was much too busy. I told him that it was raining. I went anyway, shaking on the wet sidewalks, shaking on the bus, so nervous on the five flights up to his apartment that I could barely keep my balance. As always when I was nervous, I broke into a cold sweat.
He had warned me that he was working on proofs for a new book of poems and would have very little time for me, but we spent the whole night talking - well, okay, not all of it but many hours of it. He then walked me down to the bus in the rain and told me he loved me. I counted. He told me eleven times.
When Elsa [the photographer they shared] had a baby I was asked to be his godmother and Ginsberg was his godfather. We were now, metaphysically speaking, joined in unholy matrimony. And still I stayed away from him. I did not see him again, since that time in college, until my godson was bar mitzvahed. By this time I had published many books, including my work attacking pornography - the artifacts, the philosophy, the politics.
On the day of the bar mitzvah newspapers reported in huge headlines that the Supreme Court had ruled child pornography illegal. I was thrilled. I knew that Allen would not be. I did think he was a civil libertarian. But in fact, he was a pedophile. He did not belong to the North American Man-Boy Love Association out of some mad, abstract conviction that its voice had to be heard. He meant it. I take this from what Allen said directly to me, not from some inference I made. He was exceptionally aggressive about his right to fuck children and his constant pursuit of underage boys.
I did everything I could to avoid Allen and to avoid conflict. This was my godson’s day. He did not need a political struggle to the death breaking out all over.
Ginsberg would not leave me alone. He followed me everywhere I went from the lobby of the hotel through the whole reception, then during the dinner. He photographed me constantly with a vicious little camera he wore around his neck. He sat next to me and wanted to know details of sexual abuse I had suffered. A lovely woman, not knowing that his interest was entirely pornographic, told a terrible story of being molested by a neighbor. He ignored her. She had thought, “This is Allen Ginsberg, the great beat poet and a prince of empathy. ” Wrong. Ginsberg told me that he had never met an intelligent person who had the ideas I did. I told him he didn’t get around enough. He pointed to the friends of my godson and said they were old enough to fuck. They were twelve and thirteen. He said that all sex was good, including forced sex.
I am good at getting rid of men, strictly in the above-board sense. I couldn’t get rid of Allen. Finally I had had it. ** Referring back to the Supreme Court’s decision banning child pornography he said, “The right wants to put me in jail. ” I said, “Yes, they’re very sentimental; I’d kill you. ” The next day he’d point at me in crowded rooms and screech, “She wants to put me in jail. ” I’d say, “No, Allen, you still don’t get it. The right wants to put you in jail. I want you dead. ” **
He told everyone his fucked-up version of the story (“You want to put me in jail”) for years. When he died he stopped.”
-Heartbreak: The Political Memoir of a Feminist Militant - Andrea Dworkin
I googled it after because i don’t blindly trust anything I read in any book. I found this long article with a NAMBLA context from someone who was clearly a huge Ginsberg fan. Despite the minimization sprinkled throughout the author makes clear Ginsberg did participate for this organization for years, and was in fact kinda the face of the thing.
So did y’all know this? If you’re a Ginsberg fan do you care? One of my criticisms with, like, Howl for instance was that I thought the pornographic language gratuitous. There is no language so coarse as to bother me from a moral standpoint, for instance I like Henry Miller very much, but I thought it was shock for shock’s sake. If I recall correctly, Howl resulted in a lawsuit over it being banned. I believed then the “cunt wheelbarrows” (or whatever it was - im on my phone & this is from memory) to be a most excellent marketing plan for media attention.
Someone did eventually explain to me that the graphic language was to represent consumeristic culture / selling sex etc. so then I thought the lawsuit garnering him so many fans (book sales!!) was clever in an Andy Kaufmann-esque way - taking his art from poem to performance art - using a critique about consumerism to advertise for free (lawyer fees? But news telling you you can’t read something is sooo much more effective than a magazine ad). beatnik Ouroboros?
But after reading Bworkin & the article linked above… I’m kinda just back to where I started. Maybe he was just a philiac who figured out a way to talk dirty in public, maybe hoping to find some Holden Caulfield in the crowd enamored by his lack of “phoniness” to come back & see his obscure music collection & talk about how teachers really /don’t/ get him, or whatever.
TLDR: The question at the end of the day for Ginsberg: Kaufmann DaDa, Grecian dada, or both?
submitted by ghost_of_john_muir to quentin_taranturtle [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:47 Manu_Pareja Rigid masculinity standards - Reversed Kipling's poem "If—"

I think a lot of neurodivergent individuals suffer from not fitting the stereotypical mold of masculinity, and society constantly pressures them to conform. I certainly do.
For me, this pressure is clearly illustrated by Rudyard Kipling's revered poem "If—", which he dedicated to his son as a guide on how to be a man. This poem is deeply embedded in our culture. It's supposed to be empowering and inspiring.
However, when we rewrite it in the negative, it reveals the immense pressure to meet these rigid standards of manhood, highlighting how such expectations can be overwhelming for those who don't fit this traditional mold. Here's how the poem looks when flipped:
If you can't keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can't trust yourself when all men doubt you, And you give way to their doubting too; If you can't wait and are tired by waiting, Or being lied about, you deal in lies, Or being hated, you give way to hating, And can't hold back and look too good, nor wise:
If you can't dream—or let dreams be your master; If you can't think—or make thoughts your aim, If you can't meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can't bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And can't stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can't make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and can't start again at your beginnings And give way to their murmurs, you won't be a boss; If you can't force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And you break down when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can't talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, And if men’s doubts, you can't hold as such; If you can't fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is not the Earth and everything that's in it, And—you won't be a Man, my son!
submitted by Manu_Pareja to adultautism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:29 bones_dungeon How to bond with my 14 year old step son

So here's the situation I live with my fiance of 3 years and her 2 sons 20 and 14. I connected to the older one over interest in D&D and Fantasy and anime. I try to connect and bond with the younger one over Pokemon and videogames and Meteorology because those are his interests but the most I can get from him are one word answers, or silence and dirty looks. He has repeatedly said that he "hates me", "wishes I'd "never come to live there" he's told me he wishes I "would die" and that he's going to KO me. He also often responds to me with "f*** you" "go the f*** away" and has called me a "mother f**er" (ill admit that I have once when he called me that I pointed at his mom and said "yes I am" when I was fed up with being sh* on) I'm just trying to figure out how to get through to him he just seems like he wants nothing to do with me no matter how much I try. His dad abused him till he was 7 when his mom left his dad and his das went to prison and then and then other men his mom dated after would always leave after a few months but I've been a constant for 2 ½ years now with no signs of leaving but it's causing stress and strife. I just need some advice on things to try with this boy because I'm running out of ideas. He doesn't want to do anything but stay in his room and watch YouTube on his TV and play on his VR (both of which I bought him) he won't do chores and I can't dole out discipline as I know as a step parent type of only a couple years I can't do that, he won't bathe unless his mom makes him, he won't make any food for himself and treats me and his mom and older brother like his servants and gently is disagreeable -which again he's 14 I get that teenagers suck. The only example I have is my Dad who would distance himself or scream at me and I can't do that either. His mom wants me to bond with him and I've tried but it seems like nothing works. any advice would be helpful.
submitted by bones_dungeon to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:35 parsa_fung I am terrified. I feel my life is in danger.

I am terrified. I feel my life is in danger. My mother's pressure has become more intense, and she threatens me constantly. She calls me crazy and delusional, and refers to my being trans as "dirty." But I am not dirty. I just want to be who I truly am.
Tonight, she threatened to reveal my true identity to my father. My father is a religious extremist who stabbed my mother in front of me when I was a child. Now my mother is using this past trauma as a weapon against me.
I don't have anyone. I live in Iran, where they destroy trans people. So I have no help.
I feel very bad. My body is frozen, and I keep crying, and it won't stop.
My mother keeps trying to tell me that I am dirty, sexually perverted, and delusional. I am not delusional, dirty, or perverted. I just can't bear to not be my true self anymore. Everyone judges me and keeps trying to convince me that I am delusional and not really trans.
My feelings are completely real and have been with me almost since the beginning of my life. No matter what happens, I want to live the way I truly always wanted to, even if others don't accept me and I stay alone forever.
For fear of being destroyed by my family and society, I constantly tried to suppress this feeling inside me, behaving like a cisgender person and playing their role. But the more I grew up, the more I realized that I don't want to be like men. I felt very bad, to the point that the last time I was about to end everything because of this issue (though I didn't do it in the end, and instead I screamed and cried).
I cover my body so that I don't see it. Whenever I think that I might have to live as a man for the rest of my life, I feel worse, and my desire to die increases tenfold. Now that I want to try to live as I truly am, they bring these troubles to me. What sin did I commit to deserve such treatment?
submitted by parsa_fung to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:53 Itdoesntmatterrrrrr What is “Boycore” to you?

This is metaphorical and silly, but hear me out: I’m wondering how we would define boyhood or “boycore” and more specifically, what men see in their heads or feel in their bodies when they remember themselves during their childhoods, or what parents are seeing in their sons that fits into boycore.
This is what I thought fit in to boycore when first thought of this question:
-Wearing dirty clothes and not caring
-Getting bored often
-Wearing a t shirt that doesn’t fit right
-Liking the band Breaking Benjamin
-Being in a body that’s growing so fast it hurts a little all the time
-The desire to do anything as fast as possible if it’s fun and as slow as possible if it’s boring
-Thinking that yelling is fun/funny
-Being upset or physically hurt and trying unsuccessfully to hide it
-Getting too mad and not know how to calm down
-Running as fast as you can for no reason
submitted by Itdoesntmatterrrrrr to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:39 leandrixgarcia What do you call someone who loses sexual interest in one gender (or their “common phenotype”) and starts to prefer another? For example, before I even liked men with hairy chests, but recently I've even felt a bit of an aversion to them. Before, I had anal sex and had a greater tolerance when...

What do you call someone who loses sexual interest in one gender (or their “common phenotype”) and starts to prefer another? For example, before I even liked men with hairy chests, but recently I've even felt a bit of an aversion to them. Before, I had anal sex and had a greater tolerance when "dirty accidents" occurred. Today I tolerate it less, although I disguise it well so as not to embarrass or hurt others. Women don't have hair, women have the option of penetration not being anal. Anyway... What's going on?
submitted by leandrixgarcia to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:22 Weary-Attitude-3858 I got cheated on… again 💀

People really get on women for speaking negatively about men and I get it.. not everyone is trash. But after being done dirty by the male species it’s hard to stay logical and remember one persons mistakes shouldn’t define the entire population.
From my experience… I know it is true that the male population is infested with bad guys but I know there is some good in there. As a woman, we have to do better with loving ourselves, knowing our worth, choosing wisely and creating boundaries / expectations that we actually stand on.
But for the bad guys who KNOW they’re dealing with a genuine sweet person… why do yall ruin us when you know you don’t mean well? You knoooow you like 304s so why not pursue them? They literally will fulfill all you need & act just like you. Why not pursue THEM?
What fun is it pursuing a good woman just to ruin her ? It’s really baffling.
submitted by Weary-Attitude-3858 to CheatedOn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:35 ElizabethKenobi0621 When a man just doesnt take NO for an answer

I (36f) had a guy i was friends with on facebook for a few years. We havent spoke since July 2023. He messaged me randomly saying he was in my area. I said ah cool. What for? His brother graduated from Marine Corps. Doooope. I live in south carolina so I am near the base. 3 hours away. We never really chatted before. So it was random he straight up messaged me. Granted. I raise awareness for combat PTSD and military unaliving so i get hit on from time to time.
A little backstory. My last relationship broke my soul. I made a promise to myself that if it didnt work i would be done. Ive chased men for my entire adult life because I was so desperate to be loved. And after the last one, it destroyed my spirit, my soul, my heart. I made the choice to walk away from the man of my ✨DREAMS✨. He checked every box. He was everything i ever wanted. And its over. So fuck him if i can have us
Back to the story. The guy was super romantically aggressive. Love bombing. “Baby youre so beautiful. We are going to be together forever. I cant wait to show you my passion” it was intense. All of this is after i said I dont wanna date anyone. Im a people pleaser who goes with the flow just to make people happen. He was insisting we are getting married and all of this. It was bizarre. Like dude. stop.
If i dont wanna date anyone. That includes you. I have my phone set up so if you arent in my contacts your texts wont notify me and your phone calls go straight to voicemails. I blocked him on all socials. And just saw i had 3 missed called from no caller ID. Just take the L and find some chick in ohio and forget i existed. I spent my 20s and first 3 years of my 30s being desperate for love. And now. I found i just wanna be left the eff alone. No dates. No chats. No phone calls. Alone is wonderful. Esp after all of Charlottes videos of liars and dirty dirty cheaters in the world. If you need me i will be getting down to this. Sick. Beat. Time to shake it off
submitted by ElizabethKenobi0621 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:13 OkSea9230 These wives belong to all of us 🤫

I find it funny when a youtube short of these young muslim couples show up, the women adorned in tight clothes, ‘hijab’ and a face full of makeup. She’s on display for the whole world’s eyes to see…how many dirty perverts are fantasising and touching themselves to these women? All while their husband is right next to them. These men must have some nasty fetish for knowing their wives are basically being used. What a joke. Who decided they were ‘influencers’ anyway, influencing us on what not to do perhaps? So dumb…and their comments will be filled with young girls thinking this is the ideal relationship.
These men have no backbone. How are you going to allow YOUR wife to dress up like one of these kuffars and then allow them to go in front of men like that. Such foolery. I guess these women belong to all of us now, we should collectively be calling them OUR wives since they’re being passed around for free right?
The fact these women are walking all over their husbands is laughable. They have no shame. Their husbands are actually rewarding them for their dirty, disrespectful behaviour. Yikes.
EDIT: There’s a comment saying my language is sinful so I’m adding this to hold myself accountable and explain some of the things I’ve said. I’m aware it was a bit too much and I’ll do better. I’m a human that sins just like everyone else, a lot of the stuff I say goes over peoples heads. The whole they are ‘our wives’ and ‘passing them around for free’ and the ‘being used as internet whres’ comments I agree is unnecessary, but the first two were in my opinion obvious jokes. No these women DO NOT belong to us, but because of the way they are being presented to us makes it seem as if they are our wives because we shouldn’t be seeing them like that, only their husband and mahrams. 😅 And to clarify I wasn’t calling them whres, I was referring to what their behaviour is entailing as that’s what people are seeing them as. I shouldn’t have made that comment to begin with and I also shouldn’t have sworn. May Allah forgive me. I removed that part of my post and edited out anything unnecessarily rude…like the name calling 😭
submitted by OkSea9230 to MuslimCorner [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:14 Mental_Desk_6479 Is it a bad thing to use my pretty privilege?

I'm not posting this to brag about my looks or anything. Since I was a kid, I know that my looks is above average. I'm aware of that. Some people will stare at me or will turn their head when they see me sa daan.
I'm posting this here to gather some opinions because I think at some point, mali ako for doing this.
For context, l'm working in BPO. I was promoted to an officer level two months ago. Some of the TL's told me that some of the officer likes me for my looks, that's why they kept on telling me to apply for the position while I was still an agent. So, I gave it a shot and was promoted nga.
Although, I'm still half agent pa rin until now since apprentice ang level ko. I want to be promoted fully and to be a confirmed officer, that's why I'm using my charms to my superiors so they will process my confirmation as an officer.
That's one thing.
Another thing is that some of my co-workers are expressing their feelings to me. Some will buy me coffee, snacks, or a meal and to be honest, this is very beneficial for me since I want to lessen my expenses. Ang laki ng nasasave kong money because of this. So, I keep receiving ng mga binibigay nila. Sometimes, they will ask me for a date but I kept on turning them down. Why?
Because I have a boyfriend. Ito pa yung medyo nagagaguhan ako sa sarili ko kasi I know that my bf ako and alam yun ng lahat ng tao sa prod pero tanggap pa rin ako nang tanggap ng mga binibigay ng mga nagkakagusto sa akin and sinasakyan ko yung mga pang aasar sa akin ng mga officers kahit may panglalandi na.... because sa mga nakukuha ko sa kanila.
I'm receiving dirty looks from my co-workers na babae kasi feeling ko iniisip nila na malandi ako. But, l'm just doing this for the benefits. Wala akong balak patulan sa kanilang lahat. Should I stop using my looks to get what l want?
——— EDIT: Hi, thank you sa mga comments and advices. Will consider it. Hindi ko lang nabanggit sa post ko kasi out of the context na siya pero hindi lang naman po ako napromote because of my looks. Dumaan pa rin ako sa right process. Interview, exam and such. Sa new position ko, we handled data so we need to have technical knowledge. Good thing that I have that qualification kaya sinabihan din nila ako na “I don’t disappoint them” daw because hindi lang ako sa looks. I am aware of everything. I’m not GGS nor user. For those men giving me things that I didn’t ask, I am very vocal to them na I have boyfriend and they don’t need to spend anything for me kasi wala silang makukuha pabalik. Beneficial for me, yes. Kaya tinatanggap ko AND ayaw kong mapahiya yung mga taong nagbibigay. However, thank you sa mga comments ninyo. Pinag-uusapan na namin siya now ng bf ko and okay lang naman daw sa kaniya as long as alam ko ang limitation ko which is alam ko naman. I also asked my parents and my father told me na hayaan ko lang daw sila na magbigay ng gift, basta vocal ako na wala silang makukuha sa akin.
Marami rin akong nababasang comments saying na ganda lang pero walang utak. Please stop jumping into conclusions. Nagiging beauty shaming na siya in a way.
Nagpost ako here kasi nag-o-overthink ako because sa mga nakikitang reaction ng mga ibang co-worker ko. I’m just 23. Aminado ako na kaunti palang ang alam ko sa buhay that’s why I used this platform to get advice.
I am aiming a good position sa company before I take BLEPP next year. That’s why gusto kong mapabilis ang confirmation ko sa promotion—that’s why I’m using my charms..
submitted by Mental_Desk_6479 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:59 Verrgasm Rustland

Marching bootheels thundered in near-unison over the crumbling debris littering the street outside, the vibration palpable in the silence of the small, darkened apartment. Tina shook within her mother’s clammy embrace, but the whispers about how it would soon all be over consoled her, and Tina knew it to be true. The patrols hardly ever entered derelicts like the kind she and her family squatted in. Now just the three of them. Her father had been gone longer than usual, out collecting more water. It was a task he’d set to work on every day, multiple times. Often as many as six or seven, as tainted as it all was. The moisture traps sporadically covering nearby rooftops stretched to a roughly square mile radius of the former metropolis around them, now just an ashen-brown waste of barely breathable air and water so dirty that the distillation process to make up a few consumable gallons could cost a parent their child. Tina had lost friends like that before, not too long after the world changed forever. Almost immediately, in fact, in some cases.
Tina’s mother tightened her grip around her daughter as the marching abruptly stopped, and for a single, uniquely terrifying moment, the silence was utterly complete. Until it wasn’t. The screams tore through the night in echoes befitting Hell. And then the yelling, covering the screams with thuds so clearly the result of merciless violence. It was Tina’s father. She found herself about to cry out for him, but, detecting this, and acting quickly in the way only a desperate mother could, she clamped her hand over Tina’s mouth as her father’s moans intensified in the street with the smacks now audibly crunching bone in their ferocity.
Tina could only make out a few words through the chaos. The increasingly garbled pleas from her father as he begged. The patrol guards, gruff and near-unintelligible in their degradation; barking, demanding. They wanted him to give up where he had been hiding. Where his family was hiding. Her father continued to beg, and cry, and scream, and then beg even louder as the patrol’s methods of torture became increasingly barbarous until, finally, he could vocalize his pain no longer. Tina’s mother had begun to weep, holding a hand over her own mouth in an attempt to silence herself, but as a guardsman pulled his weathered rust-flecked sidearm from his slackened waistband and pulled the trigger, she could stifle herself no longer. Only a squeal escaped her lips, barely louder than a cough, but the quiet that followed filled her with a dread which she knew signaled their end. After an impossible eternity of insufferable silence that choked the air from Tina’s mother lungs and grasped her final semblance of hope within its deathly grip, she heard the outside door to the street crash open; everything good in her life withering in a single, horrendous instant. Her weeps became panicked, inconsolable sobs as she grabbed the old sewing scissors on the nightstand by their side and proceeded to jam the blades into her daughter's rising chest. Just as quickly, after muttering her purest, most sincere apologies, she inflicted herself with a similar treatment. Her embrace never faltered. Even when they both lay there on the dusty wooden boards, fading away forever. Together. The girl’s mother’s grip tightened as the door to the apartment flew open against its frame, their flimsy obstructions doing little to stop the entry. A squad of masked men filled the room, turning the family’s meager possessions upside down. Tina’s mother felt her daughter whimper her last and go limp in her arms. She no longer had the will to cry. It was all so close now. As her vision began to flicker and fade, she felt a presence kneel before them; felt him breathing, heavy, as he said: “Take the little one. She’s still so fresh…”
submitted by Verrgasm to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:09 Striking-Board9213 AITAH for cussing someone out at my friends birthday?

Okay. So I, (24f) went out the other day for my friends birthday. Before we went she let me know that they had invited someone i'm not cool with, we will call him N (27m). The reason I am not cool with N is because everytime we have gone out together in the past he has acted like a fool. N is an alcoholic that we have known for almost a year, so when we met I gave him the benefit of the doubt because my father was an alcoholic so I have a bit of a soft spot but after a while I had made the decision to not be around him because he can't handle himself. Anyways she let us know he was going and I said it was fine because it was her birthday. So the night of, before we headed out to the nightclub as a group we all saw Ns alcohol intake go up and we all told him to relax because the night is still young. He did not listen and continued to get plastered before we even stepped into the club. upon getting there he immediately starts trying try grind on noticeably gay men, we went to a gay club and he is NOT gay. He was just making these men feel uncomfortable. They would reject his advances and would move onto the next person. As the night goes on he is just doing the most, jumping on our other girl friend that was out with us, licking peoples faces, kept slapping my fiancés butt (they are a stud so I guess he thought it was okay? definitely was not okay though.), and the whole night I trying my best to be nice but I must admit i'm not the nicest person. I would correct him or one of our other friends would but at this point he's drunk and acting out. My breaking point there was after I got a water, he stuck his very dirty hand into it and swirled it around so I threw the whole glass on him, bad girls style. It was a bad move i'm aware, but it was like immediately what my brain told me to do. So after that my fiancé figures it's time to leave so we all head out and get food right outside the nightclub and decide to eat it in the parking lot by the car. He then tries to open random car doors by us so we all decided it was time to take him home. Now at this point I am on the edge, I'm annoyed, and for the most part I don't have that bad of a temper but I was tipsy and this whole night was going exactly how I expected because of this man. We get into the car and he immediately starts complaining that he doesn't know where he is and that we're going the wrong way and it's almost in unison everyone in the car (6 of us, DD is sober and has a GPS to his house pulled up) tells him to just relax but he won't stop and I just tell him to Shut the f*** up. The car is finally silent but then he asks me why i'm being so mean? I lose it. I start screaming at this man on the highway to just shut up and being around him is a chore like taking care of a child. Everyone is quiet, he's calling me childish and i'm losing my voice from screaming until they tell us to chill, my fiancé in the front grabs my hand and tells me it's okay. I think she thought I was about to hit him. We drop him off and he tries to apologize because he just 'came to' and 'didn't even know what was happening'. I tell him to just get out of the car. I apologized to everyone in that car for my reaction and they all say it was justified and kind of funny but it was still my friends birthday so I message her privately to apologize, she said it was okay and she "loves that I stand on business" but I feel really bad for making a night out end that bad. Am I the asshole?
submitted by Striking-Board9213 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:27 Captainstever15 [USA-OR] [H] Analogue Pocket pink, DS systems, PSP, PS3, PS1, 3DS, Switch, PS2 JRPGs, DS games, Amiibo, CIB GBA games, CIB GBA SP, NES, SNES [W] Lists, Nintendo games, Nintendo Powers, weird accessories

Hi all, looking to trade some more items. Let me know what you 're interested in and have to offer, always happy to look through lists!
I have my personal wishlist posted here
System Item Condition Photos
3DS 3DS system blue (dented corners and above screen, outer cameras don't work) Loose Pics
3DS 3DS XL Zelda Link Between Worlds edition (charger port is loose, minor crack near port) Loose Pics
3DS Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate Loose
3DS Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars Loose
3DS Gravity Falls Loose
3DS Gravity Falls CIB
3DS Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beggining Loose
3DS Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX Loose
3DS Jewel Master: Cradle of Egypt 2 3D CIB
3DS Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance Loose
3DS Kirby Planet Robobot Loose
3DS Kirby Triple Deluxe Loose
3DS Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Loose
3DS Mario & Sonic at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games CIB
3DS Mario Golf: World Tour Loose
3DS Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Loose
3DS NCIS Loose
3DS One Piece: Unlimited World Red Loose
3DS Pilotwings Resort CIB
3DS Pokemon Moon (In case with reprinted art) Loose
3DS Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Loose
3DS Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Loose
3DS Pokemon Sun (In case with reprinted art) Loose
3DS Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Loose
3DS Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy Loose
3DS Professor Layton and The Miracle Mask Loose
3DS Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition Loose
3DS Rabbids Travel in Time 3D CIB
3DS Samurai Warriors Chronicles CIB
3DS Scribblenauts Unlimited CIB
3DS Senran Kagura: Deep Crimson 2 Loose
3DS Sims 3 CIB
3DS Skylanders Giants Loose
3DS Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Loose
3DS Style Savvy: Trendsetters Loose
3DS Super Mario 3D Land Loose
3DS Yo-Kai Watch Loose
3DS Yoshi's New Island Loose
Analogue Analogue Pocket pink w/ screen protector, no cables CIB
Dreamcast Marvel vs Capcom Game + case
Dreamcast Sonic Adventure (Sega All-Stars) CIB
DS 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors Loose
DS Advance Wars: Days of Ruin Loose
DS Advance Wars: Dual Strike Loose Pics
DS Beyblade Metal Fusion Loose
DS Bleach Blade of Fate Loose
DS Bleach Dark Souls Loose
DS Bomberman Loose
DS Children of Mana Loose
DS Clubhouse Games CIB
DS DSi XL red Mario 25th anniversary edition (bite marks along top of screen and plastic) Loose
DS Eragon CIB
DS Final Fantasy III CIB
DS From the Abyss Loose
DS Guilty Gear Dust Strikers Loose
DS Kirby Planet Robobot Loose
DS Legend of Legacy Loose
DS Legendary Starfy Loose
DS Lunar: Dragon Song Loose
DS Mega Man Star Force Leo CIB
DS Nostalgia Loose
DS Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations Loose
DS Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice For All Loose
DS Pokemon Soulsilver Loose
DS Pokemon White 2 Loose
DS Princess on Ice CIB
DS Ragnarok Online DS Loose
DS Ridge Racer DS Loose
DS Rockman ZX (JP) Loose
DS Sands of Destruction Loose
DS Sims 2 Loose
DS Sims 2 Loose
DS Summon Night Twin Age Loose
DS Super Princess Peach (minor label damage) Loose
DS Trauma Center: Under the Knife Loose
DS True Swing Golf CIB
DS Urbz: Sims in the City Loose
GB Gameboy Pocket Black CIB
GB Q*Bert Loose
GBA GBA SP 101 graphite (damage on front of box where promo sticker was) CIB
GBA Golden Sun Loose
GBA Golden Sun: The Lost Age Loose
GBA Konami Arcade Advanced Loose
GBA Medabots Metabee Loose
GBA Metroid Fusion (heavy wear, faded cartridge) CIB
GBA Monster Rancher Advance (rough condition box) CIB
GBA Pokemon Sapphire Loose Pics
GBA Rebelstar Tactical Command CIB
GBA Super Mario Advance (faded label) Loose
GBA Super Mario Advance 4 (cartridge dented) Loose
GBA JP Super Street Fighter II X Revival Loose
GBC Donkey Kong Country Loose
GBC Pokemon Pinball (no battery cover) Loose
GBC Turok 2 Loose
GCN Animal Crossing Loose
GCN Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance CIB
GCN Donkey Konga CIB
GCN Gameboy Player black Loose
GCN Gameboy Player Startup disc CIB
GCN Harvest Moon Magical Melody Loose
GCN Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life (heavy art wear) Game + case
GCN Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest Game + case
GCN Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Loose
GCN Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse CIB
GCN Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Loose
GCN Sonic Adventure DX Loose
GCN Sonic Gems Collection Loose
GCN Sonic Heroes (PC) CIB
GCN Sonic Mega Collection Loose
GCN Sonic Riders Loose
GCN Super Mario Sunshine Loose
GCN Yu-Gi-Oh Falsebound Kingdom Game + case
Genesis Phantom 2040 (heavy box wear) Game + box
Genesis Sonic & Knuckles box + manual Box + manual
LCD Game & Watch Super Mario Bros Loose
LCD Game & Watch Super Mario Bros CIB
N64 007 The World is Not Enough (Minor liquid damage to label) Loose
N64 All-Star Baseball 2001 Loose
N64 Banjo-Kazooie (Faded label) Loose
N64 Banjo-Kazooie (Label has tears and fading) Loose
N64 Cruis'n USA (Label tears) Loose
N64 Cruis'n World (Blockbuster sticker on label) Loose
N64 Doom 64 (Minor label tears) Loose
N64 Duke Nukem 64 (Label has tears) Loose
N64 Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko Loose
N64 Hexen (Marker on cart, minor label tears) Loose
N64 Hybrid Heaven Loose
N64 International Superstar Soccer 98 Loose
N64 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (label fading / damage) Loose
N64 Lode Runner 3D Loose
N64 Mace: The Dark Age Loose
N64 Mario Kart 64 (Faded label) Loose
N64 Mario Tennis (Minor label tears) Loose
N64 Milo's Astro Lanes Loose
N64 Mischief Makers (Writing on label) Loose
N64 N64 Expansion Pak Loose
N64 Paperboy 64 Loose
N64 Quake II Loose
N64 Rampage 2 (Blockbuster sticker on label) Loose
N64 Space Invaders (Blockbuster sticker on label) Loose
N64 Super Mario 64 (faded label) Loose
N64 Super Smash Bros (Blockbuster sticker on label) Loose
N64 War Gods Loose
N64 Zelda Majora's Mask (Holographic label, scratch along label) Loose
NES Adventure Island Loose
NES Alpha Mission (dirty front label) Loose
NES Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Loose
NES Days Of Thunder Loose
NES Golf Loose
NES Hook Loose
NES Ice Climber Loose
NES Ice Hockey Loose
NES Ikari Warriors Loose
NES Jeopardy! Junior Edition Loose
NES Kid Icarus Loose
NES M.U.S.C.L.E. Loose
NES Mega Man Loose
NES Ninja Gaiden (Label damage) Loose
NES Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular Loose
NES Super Mario Bros 3 (Label damage) Loose
NES T&C Surf Designs Loose
NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (in clamshell case) Loose
NES Top Gun Loose
NES Ultimate Basketball Loose
NES Wrath of the Black Manta Game + manual
PS1 Brave Fencer Musashi Loose
PS1 Bushido Blade 2 Loose
PS1 Chrono Cross Game + case
PS1 Colony Wars CIB
PS1 Cool Boarders 2 CIB
PS1 Crash Bandicoot: Warped GH CIB
PS1 Driver CIB
PS1 Driver 1 & 2 Twin Pack GH CIB
PS1 Final Fantasy IX Game + case
PS1 Final Fantasy VII GH Game + case
PS1 Final Fantasy VII GH (cracked front of jewel) Game + case
PS1 Frogger GH CIB
PS1 Gran Turismo 2 GH CIB
PS1 Hot Shots Golf 2 CIB
PS1 Mega Man X6 Game + manual
PS1 Metal Gear Solid GH CIB
PS1 Namco Museum Volume 1 GH CIB
PS1 Nightmare Creatures CIB
PS1 Parasite Eve (disc 1 only) Game + case
PS1 Resident Evil 2 Game + case
PS1 Resident Evil 2 GH CIB
PS1 Rocket Power Team Rocket Rescue CIB
PS1 Simpson's Wrestling CIB
PS1 Sol Divide CIB
PS1 Space Invaders CIB
PS1 Tomb Raider GH CIB
PS1 Tomb Raider II CIB
PS1 Tony Hawk CIB
PS1 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater GH CIB
PS1 WWF Wrestlemania The Arcade Game [Greatest Hits] CIB
PS1 Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories Game + case
PS2 Art of Figthing Anthology (water damaged art) CIB
PS2 Barbarian CIB
PS2 Bloodrayne 2 Game + case
PS2 CSI 3 Dimensions of Murder CIB
PS2 Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires CIB
PS2 Fatal Frame II CIB
PS2 Final Fantasy XII Collector's Edition CIB
PS2 Frogger: The Great Quest CIB
PS2 Godai Elemental Force CIB
PS2 Guitar Hero CIB
PS2 Hard Hitter Tennis CIB
PS2 Headhunter Redemption Game + case
PS2 Kessen CIB
PS2 Mobile Suit Gundam Journey To Jaburo Game + case
PS2 NBA Street CIB
PS2 Ratchet & Clank CIB
PS2 Samurai Warriors Game + case
PS2 Samurai Warriors 2 Empires CIB
PS2 Samurai Warriors 2 Xtreme Legends CIB
PS2 Shadow Man Second Coming Game + case
PS2 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon Game + case
PS2 Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Game + case
PS2 Star Wars Super Bombad Racing CIB
PS2 Starsky & Hutch CIB
PS2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus Game + case
PS2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 Mutant Nightmare CIB
PS2 Tekken Tag Tournament Loose
PS2 The Great Escape CIB
PS2 Thunderstrike: Operation Phoenix CIB
PS2 Tsugunai Atonement Game + case
PS2 Yu-Gi-Oh GX The Beginning of Destiny (art damage) CIB
PS2 JP Another Century's Episode CIB
PS3 Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel CIB
PS3 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood CIB
PS3 Assassin's Creed III CIB
PS3 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag CIB
PS3 Batman Arkham City GOTY CIB
PS3 Bioshock CIB
PS3 BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger CIB
PS3 Bleach: Soul Resurreccion CIB
PS3 Bound by Flame CIB
PS3 Bulletstorm: Limited Edition CIB
PS3 Burnout Paradise CIB
PS3 Call of Duty: Ghosts CIB
PS3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 CIB
PS3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Game + case
PS3 Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice CIB
PS3 Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion GH CIB
PS3 Enslaved CIB
PS3 Fairy Fencer F CIB
PS3 Final Fantasy XIII CIB
PS3 Final Fantasy XIII CIB
PS3 Final Fantasy XIII-2 CIB
PS3 Folklore (Water damaged art) CIB
PS3 Genji Days Of The Blade CIB
PS3 Heavy Rain CIB
PS3 Hitman: Absolution CIB
PS3 inFamous GH CIB
PS3 Just Cause 2 CIB
PS3 Just Dance 4 CIB
PS3 Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days CIB
PS3 Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning CIB
PS3 Madden NFL 15 CIB
PS3 Mirror's Edge CIB
PS3 Mugen Souls CIB
PS3 Mugen Souls Z CIB
PS3 Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations CIB
PS3 NCAA Football 11 CIB
PS3 Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch CIB
PS3 Ninja Gaiden Sigma CIB
PS3 One Piece: Unlimited World Red CIB
PS3 Persona 4 Arena CIB
PS3 Persona 5 Game + case
PS3 Playstation Move Heroes CIB
PS3 Portal 2 CIB
PS3 Record Of Agarest War 2 [Limited Edition] (Heavy outer box wear) CIB
PS3 Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare CIB
PS3 Resident Evil 5 Game + case
PS3 Sacred 2: Fallen Angel CIB
PS3 Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Game + case
PS3 Skate 3 CIB
PS3 Star Ocean: The Last Hope International CIB
PS3 The Darkness CIB
PS3 Uncharted CIB
PS3 Uncharted 2 CIB
PS3 Uncharted 3 CIB
PS3 Valkyria Chronicles CIB
PS3 Valkyria Chronicles CIB
PS3 Virtua Fighter 5 CIB
PS3 White Knight Chronicles International Edition CIB
PS3 Witch and the Hundred Knight CIB
PS4 Borderlands 3 CIB
PS4 Dragon Ball Xenoverse CIB
PS4 God of War CIB
PS4 Hasbro Family Fun Pack Game + case
PS4 Last of Us Part II CIB
PS4 LEGO Marvel Collection Game + case
PS4 Ratchet & Clank Game + case
PS4 Spyro Reignited Trilogy Game + case
PS4 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Game + case
PSP Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII CIB
PSP Final Fantasy IV CIB
PSP Growlanser Wayfarer of Time Game + case
PSP IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds Of Prey CIB
PSP Invizimals: Shadow Zone CIB
PSP Kingdom Of Paradise CIB
PSP LEGO Indiana Jones The Original Adventures CIB
PSP Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters GH CIB
PSP Riviera The Promised Land Game + case
PSP PAL Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice CIB
SNES Batman Forever Loose
SNES F-Zero Loose
SNES Power Rangers Zeo Battle Racers Loose
SNES Spiderman X-Men Arcade's Revenge Loose
SNES Star Fox (heavy box wear) CIB
SNES Super Baseball 2020 Loose
SNES Super Gameboy Loose
SNES Terminator 2: The Arcade Game Loose
SNES Tetris 2 Loose
Switch Bendy and the Ink Machine CIB
Switch Galak-Z: The Void & Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-A-Fide CIB
Switch Gigantosaurus: The Game CIB
Switch Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle CIB
Switch My Time at Portia CIB
Switch Party Arcade CIB
Switch Resident Evil Origins Collection CIB
Switch Starlink: Battle for Atlas CIB
Switch Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition CIB
Switch The House of the Dead Remake [Limidead Edition] NIB
Wii Batallion Wars 2 Loose
Wii Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 CIB
Wii Classic controller pro gold Loose
Wii Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party 3 CIB
Wii Dead Space Extraction Loose
Wii Dokapon Kingdom Loose
Wii Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 CIB
Wii Excite Truck CIB
Wii Gold classic controller pro Loose
Wii Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock Loose
Wii Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Loose
Wii Hasbro Family Game Night Value Pack CIB
Wii Just Dance 2020 CIB
Wii Just Dance 2020 Game + case
Wii Luigi Wii remote plus w/ sleeve and wrist strap Loose
Wii Mario Wii remote plus w/ sleeve and wrist strap Loose
Wii Michael Jackson: The Experience (with glove) CIB
Wii Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 CIB
Wii SimCity Creator CIB
Wii Yoshi Wii remote plus w/ sleeve, no sleeve Loose
Wii U Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival Game + case
Wii U Ducktales Remastered CIB
Wii U Fast & Furious Showdown Game + case
Wii U Madden NFL 13 CIB
Wii U Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate CIB
Wii U Pokken Tournament Game + case
Wii U Resident Evil: Revelations Game + case
Wii U Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Loose
Xbox Backyard Wrestling Game + case
Xbox Dungeons & Dragons Heroes Game + case
Xbox Halo 2 Limited Collector's Edition (no slipcover) CIB
Xbox i-Ninja Game + case
Xbox Myst IV: Revelation CIB
Xbox Oddworld Munch's Oddysee CIB
Xbox Tetris Worlds CIB
Xbox 360 Batman: Arkham Origins CIB
Xbox 360 Bioshock CIB
Xbox 360 Bioshock 2 CIB
Xbox 360 Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway CIB
Xbox 360 Call of Duty: World at War CIB
Xbox 360 Crackdown 2 CIB
Xbox 360 Darksiders CIB
Xbox 360 Far Cry 3 CIB
Xbox 360 Grid CIB
Xbox 360 Just Dance 2017 CIB
Xbox 360 Portal 2 CIB
Xbox 360 Rock Band 2 CIB
Xbox One Red Dead Redemption GOTY CIB
Xbox One Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare CIB
I also have some extra amiibo:
Item Condition
8-bit Classic Mario amiibo NIB
Blathers (Animal Crossing) amiibo Loose
Bowser Loose
Chibi-Robo Loose
Cyrus (Animal Crossing) amiibo Loose
Daisy [Super Smash Bros] Loose
Fox amiibo NIB
Ganondorf amiibo Loose
Inkling Boy (Splatoon) amiibo Loose
Inkling Boy amiibo Loose
Inkling Boy amiibo Loose
Inkling Girl Loose
Inkling Girl amiibo Loose
Inkling Squid Loose
Inkling Squid - Neon Purple Loose
Inkling Squid - Neon Purple amiibo Loose
Kirby - Star Loose
Link (Smash) amiibo Loose
Link (Smash) amiibo Loose
Link (Smash) amiibo Loose
Little Mac (Smash) amiibo NIB
Lottie (Animal Crossing) amiibo Loose
Lucario amiibo NIB
Lucas (Smash) amiibo Loose
Lucas amiibo Loose
Mario - 30th, Classic Loose
Mario (Wedding) amiibo Loose
Marth (Smash) amiibo Loose
Mewtwo amiibo (packaging plastic damages) CIB
Octoling Boy Loose
Octoling Girl Loose
Octoling Octopus Loose
Peach (Smash) amiibo (figure came loose from stand) Loose
Pearl / Marina 2-pack amiibo NIB
Reese (Animal Crossing) amiibo Loose
Waddle Dee Loose
Yarn Yoshi - Green Loose
Boo Loose
Bowser - Super Mario Loose
Luigi - Super Mario Loose
Mario - Super Mario Loose
submitted by Captainstever15 to gameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:23 Captainstever15 [USA-OR] [H] Analogue Pocket pink, DS systems, PSP, PS3, PS1, 3DS, Switch, PS2 JRPGs, DS games, Amiibo, CIB GBA games, CIB GBA SP, NES, SNES [W] Paypal

Hi all, looking to sell some more items. Currently only accepting Paypal F&F, offering free shipping on any order $50+. Feel free to send offers and ask for more pics!
System Item Condition Price Photos
3DS 3DS system blue (dented corners and above screen, outer cameras don't work) Loose $75.00 Pics
3DS 3DS XL Zelda Link Between Worlds edition (charger port is loose, minor crack near port) Loose $160.00 Pics
3DS Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate Loose $18.00
3DS Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars Loose $21.00
3DS Gravity Falls Loose $26.00
3DS Gravity Falls CIB $34.00
3DS Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beggining Loose $11.00
3DS Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX Loose $42.00
3DS Jewel Master: Cradle of Egypt 2 3D CIB $8.00
3DS Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance Loose $11.00
3DS Kirby Planet Robobot Loose $26.00
3DS Kirby Triple Deluxe Loose $14.00
3DS Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Loose $14.00
3DS Mario & Sonic at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games CIB $17.00
3DS Mario Golf: World Tour Loose $20.00
3DS Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Loose $13.00
3DS NCIS Loose $12.00
3DS One Piece: Unlimited World Red Loose $20.00
3DS Pilotwings Resort CIB $14.00
3DS Pokemon Moon (In case with reprinted art) Loose $14.00
3DS Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Loose $18.00
3DS Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Loose $19.00
3DS Pokemon Sun (In case with reprinted art) Loose $14.00
3DS Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Loose $20.00
3DS Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy Loose $81.00
3DS Professor Layton and The Miracle Mask Loose $26.00
3DS Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition Loose $14.00
3DS Rabbids Travel in Time 3D CIB $8.00
3DS Samurai Warriors Chronicles CIB $14.00
3DS Scribblenauts Unlimited CIB $7.00
3DS Senran Kagura: Deep Crimson 2 Loose $42.00
3DS Sims 3 CIB $16.00
3DS Skylanders Giants Loose $7.00
3DS Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Loose $8.00
3DS Style Savvy: Trendsetters Loose $31.00
3DS Super Mario 3D Land Loose $9.00
3DS Yo-Kai Watch Loose $12.00
3DS Yoshi's New Island Loose $10.00
Analogue Analogue Pocket pink w/ screen protector, no cables CIB $270.00
Dreamcast Marvel vs Capcom Game + case $66.00
Dreamcast Sonic Adventure (Sega All-Stars) CIB $41.00
DS 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors Loose $38.00
DS Advance Wars: Days of Ruin Loose $18.00
DS Advance Wars: Dual Strike Loose $21.00 Pics
DS Beyblade Metal Fusion Loose $4.00
DS Bleach Blade of Fate Loose $11.00
DS Bleach Dark Souls Loose $16.00
DS Bomberman Loose $11.00
DS Children of Mana Loose $11.00
DS Clubhouse Games CIB $7.00
DS DSi XL red Mario 25th anniversary edition (bite marks along top of screen and plastic) Loose $70.00
DS Eragon CIB $5.00
DS Final Fantasy III CIB $16.00
DS From the Abyss Loose $24.00
DS Guilty Gear Dust Strikers Loose $10.00
DS Kirby Planet Robobot Loose $26.00
DS Legend of Legacy Loose $14.00
DS Legendary Starfy Loose $14.00
DS Lunar: Dragon Song Loose $7.00
DS Mega Man Star Force Leo CIB $60.00
DS Nostalgia Loose $25.00
DS Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations Loose $14.00
DS Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice For All Loose $18.00
DS Pokemon Soulsilver Loose $120.00
DS Pokemon White 2 Loose $130.00
DS Princess on Ice CIB $7.00
DS Ragnarok Online DS Loose $26.00
DS Ridge Racer DS Loose $7.00
DS Rockman ZX (JP) Loose $8.00
DS Sands of Destruction Loose $46.00
DS Sims 2 Loose $17.00
DS Sims 2 Loose $20.00
DS Summon Night Twin Age Loose $30.00
DS Super Princess Peach (minor label damage) Loose $28.00
DS Trauma Center: Under the Knife Loose $15.00
DS True Swing Golf CIB $7.00
DS Urbz: Sims in the City Loose $21.00
GB Gameboy Pocket Black CIB $120.00
GB Q*Bert Loose $14.00
GBA GBA SP 101 graphite (damage on front of box where promo sticker was) CIB $300.00
GBA Golden Sun Loose $33.00
GBA Golden Sun: The Lost Age Loose $34.00
GBA Konami Arcade Advanced Loose $4.00
GBA Medabots Metabee Loose $60.00
GBA Metroid Fusion (heavy wear, faded cartridge) CIB $110.00
GBA Monster Rancher Advance (rough condition box) CIB $51.00
GBA Pokemon Sapphire Loose $80.00 Pics
GBA Rebelstar Tactical Command CIB $36.00
GBA Super Mario Advance (faded label) Loose $12.00
GBA Super Mario Advance 4 (cartridge dented) Loose $15.00
GBA JP Super Street Fighter II X Revival Loose $23.00
GBC Donkey Kong Country Loose $16.00
GBC Pokemon Pinball (no battery cover) Loose $16.00
GBC Turok 2 Loose $9.00
GCN Animal Crossing Loose $37.00
GCN Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance CIB $26.00
GCN Donkey Konga CIB $18.00
GCN Gameboy Player black Loose $46.00
GCN Gameboy Player Startup disc CIB $112.00
GCN Harvest Moon Magical Melody Loose $17.00
GCN Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life (heavy art wear) Game + case $16.00
GCN Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest Game + case $48.00
GCN Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Loose $81.00
GCN Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse CIB $17.00
GCN Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Loose $11.00
GCN Sonic Adventure DX Loose $18.00
GCN Sonic Gems Collection Loose $26.00
GCN Sonic Heroes (PC) CIB $25.00
GCN Sonic Mega Collection Loose $10.00
GCN Sonic Riders Loose $23.00
GCN Super Mario Sunshine Loose $23.00
GCN Yu-Gi-Oh Falsebound Kingdom Game + case $16.00
Genesis Phantom 2040 (heavy box wear) Game + box $40.00
Genesis Sonic & Knuckles box + manual Box + manual $38.00
LCD Game & Watch Super Mario Bros Loose $24.00
LCD Game & Watch Super Mario Bros CIB $26.00
N64 007 The World is Not Enough (Minor liquid damage to label) Loose $12.00
N64 All-Star Baseball 2001 Loose $8.00
N64 Banjo-Kazooie (Faded label) Loose $17.00
N64 Banjo-Kazooie (Label has tears and fading) Loose $17.00
N64 Cruis'n USA (Label tears) Loose $11.00
N64 Cruis'n World (Blockbuster sticker on label) Loose $16.00
N64 Doom 64 (Minor label tears) Loose $24.00
N64 Duke Nukem 64 (Label has tears) Loose $17.00
N64 Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko Loose $16.00
N64 Hexen (Marker on cart, minor label tears) Loose $11.00
N64 Hybrid Heaven Loose $15.00
N64 International Superstar Soccer 98 Loose $28.00
N64 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (label fading / damage) Loose $30.00
N64 Lode Runner 3D Loose $13.00
N64 Mace: The Dark Age Loose $14.00
N64 Mario Kart 64 (Faded label) Loose $31.00
N64 Mario Tennis (Minor label tears) Loose $16.00
N64 Milo's Astro Lanes Loose $14.00
N64 Mischief Makers (Writing on label) Loose $34.00
N64 N64 Expansion Pak Loose $40.00
N64 Paperboy 64 Loose $11.00
N64 Quake II Loose $14.00
N64 Rampage 2 (Blockbuster sticker on label) Loose $20.00
N64 Space Invaders (Blockbuster sticker on label) Loose $13.00
N64 Super Mario 64 (faded label) Loose $30.00
N64 Super Smash Bros (Blockbuster sticker on label) Loose $35.00
N64 War Gods Loose $9.00
N64 Zelda Majora's Mask (Holographic label, scratch along label) Loose $48.00
NES Adventure Island Loose $9.00
NES Alpha Mission (dirty front label) Loose $5.00
NES Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Loose $13.00
NES Days Of Thunder Loose $9.00
NES Golf Loose $3.00
NES Hook Loose $14.00
NES Ice Climber Loose $17.00
NES Ice Hockey Loose $3.00
NES Ikari Warriors Loose $8.00
NES Jeopardy! Junior Edition Loose $4.00
NES Kid Icarus Loose $18.00
NES M.U.S.C.L.E. Loose $14.00
NES Mega Man Loose $70.00
NES Ninja Gaiden (Label damage) Loose $12.00
NES Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular Loose $9.00
NES Super Mario Bros 3 (Label damage) Loose $14.00
NES T&C Surf Designs Loose $5.00
NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (in clamshell case) Loose $9.00
NES Top Gun Loose $3.00
NES Ultimate Basketball Loose $4.00
NES Wrath of the Black Manta Game + manual $9.00
PS1 Brave Fencer Musashi Loose $43.00
PS1 Bushido Blade 2 Loose $14.00
PS1 Chrono Cross Game + case $18.00
PS1 Colony Wars CIB $11.00
PS1 Cool Boarders 2 CIB $5.00
PS1 Crash Bandicoot: Warped GH CIB $11.00
PS1 Driver CIB $10.00
PS1 Driver 1 & 2 Twin Pack GH CIB $17.00
PS1 Final Fantasy IX Game + case $14.00
PS1 Final Fantasy VII GH Game + case $26.00
PS1 Final Fantasy VII GH (cracked front of jewel) Game + case $24.00
PS1 Frogger GH CIB $9.00
PS1 Gran Turismo 2 GH CIB $10.00
PS1 Hot Shots Golf 2 CIB $11.00
PS1 Mega Man X6 Game + manual $18.00
PS1 Metal Gear Solid GH CIB $29.00
PS1 Namco Museum Volume 1 GH CIB $8.00
PS1 Nightmare Creatures CIB $27.00
PS1 Parasite Eve (disc 1 only) Game + case $34.00
PS1 Resident Evil 2 Game + case $34.00
PS1 Resident Evil 2 GH CIB $38.00
PS1 Rocket Power Team Rocket Rescue CIB $8.00
PS1 Simpson's Wrestling CIB $21.00
PS1 Sol Divide CIB $17.00
PS1 Space Invaders CIB $8.00
PS1 Tomb Raider GH CIB $11.00
PS1 Tomb Raider II CIB $12.00
PS1 Tony Hawk CIB $10.00
PS1 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater GH CIB $9.00
PS1 WWF War Zone GH CIB $9.00
PS1 WWF Wrestlemania The Arcade Game [Greatest Hits] CIB $30.00
PS1 Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories Game + case $26.00
PS2 Art of Figthing Anthology (water damaged art) CIB $10.00
PS2 Barbarian CIB $8.00
PS2 Bloodrayne 2 Game + case $10.00
PS2 CSI 3 Dimensions of Murder CIB $6.00
PS2 Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires CIB $13.00
PS2 Fatal Frame II CIB $73.00
PS2 Final Fantasy XII Collector's Edition CIB $12.00
PS2 Frogger: The Great Quest CIB $8.00
PS2 Godai Elemental Force CIB $5.00
PS2 Guitar Hero CIB $7.00
PS2 Hard Hitter Tennis CIB $4.00
PS2 Headhunter Redemption Game + case $9.00
PS2 Jak II GH CIB $8.00
PS2 Kessen CIB $7.00
PS2 Mobile Suit Gundam Journey To Jaburo Game + case $14.00
PS2 NBA Street CIB $12.00
PS2 Ratchet & Clank CIB $10.00
PS2 Samurai Warriors Game + case $8.00
PS2 Samurai Warriors 2 Empires CIB $17.00
PS2 Samurai Warriors 2 Xtreme Legends CIB $20.00
PS2 Shadow Man Second Coming Game + case $10.00
PS2 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon Game + case $110.00
PS2 SSX CIB $7.00
PS2 Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Game + case $9.00
PS2 Star Wars Super Bombad Racing CIB $9.00
PS2 Starsky & Hutch CIB $5.00
PS2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus Game + case $22.00
PS2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 Mutant Nightmare CIB $26.00
PS2 Tekken Tag Tournament Loose $8.00
PS2 The Great Escape CIB $9.00
PS2 Thunderstrike: Operation Phoenix CIB $5.00
PS2 Tsugunai Atonement Game + case $47.00
PS2 Yu-Gi-Oh GX The Beginning of Destiny (art damage) CIB $34.00
PS2 JP Another Century's Episode CIB $10.00
PS3 Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel CIB $34.00
PS3 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood CIB $5.00
PS3 Assassin's Creed III CIB $4.00
PS3 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag CIB $6.00
PS3 Batman Arkham City GOTY CIB $5.00
PS3 Bioshock CIB $7.00
PS3 BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger CIB $17.00
PS3 Bleach: Soul Resurreccion CIB $28.00
PS3 Bound by Flame CIB $8.00
PS3 Bulletstorm: Limited Edition CIB $7.00
PS3 Burnout Paradise CIB $8.00
PS3 Call of Duty: Ghosts CIB $5.00
PS3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 CIB $6.00
PS3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Game + case $4.00
PS3 Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice CIB $9.00
PS3 Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion GH CIB $9.00
PS3 Enslaved CIB $12.00
PS3 Fairy Fencer F CIB $20.00
PS3 Final Fantasy XIII CIB $9.00
PS3 Final Fantasy XIII CIB $9.00
PS3 Final Fantasy XIII-2 CIB $9.00
PS3 Folklore (Water damaged art) CIB $34.00
PS3 Genji Days Of The Blade CIB $7.00
PS3 Heavy Rain CIB $5.00
PS3 Hitman: Absolution CIB $6.00
PS3 inFamous GH CIB $8.00
PS3 Just Cause 2 CIB $6.00
PS3 Just Dance 4 CIB $5.00
PS3 Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days CIB $8.00
PS3 Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning CIB $4.00
PS3 Madden NFL 15 CIB $4.00
PS3 Mirror's Edge CIB $7.00
PS3 Mugen Souls CIB $14.00
PS3 Mugen Souls Z CIB $16.00
PS3 Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations CIB $8.00
PS3 NCAA Football 11 CIB $7.00
PS3 Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch CIB $6.00
PS3 Ninja Gaiden Sigma CIB $8.00
PS3 One Piece: Unlimited World Red CIB $23.00
PS3 Persona 4 Arena CIB $11.00
PS3 Persona 5 Game + case $13.00
PS3 Playstation Move Heroes CIB $5.00
PS3 Portal 2 CIB $9.00
PS3 Record Of Agarest War 2 [Limited Edition] (Heavy outer box wear) CIB $26.00
PS3 Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare CIB $9.00
PS3 Resident Evil 5 Game + case $6.00
PS3 Sacred 2: Fallen Angel CIB $7.00
PS3 Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Game + case $8.00
PS3 Skate 3 CIB $8.00
PS3 Star Ocean: The Last Hope International CIB $10.00
PS3 The Darkness CIB $13.00
PS3 Uncharted CIB $5.00
PS3 Uncharted 2 CIB $5.00
PS3 Uncharted 3 CIB $5.00
PS3 Valkyria Chronicles CIB $6.00
PS3 Valkyria Chronicles CIB $6.00
PS3 Virtua Fighter 5 CIB $7.00
PS3 White Knight Chronicles International Edition CIB $8.00
PS3 Witch and the Hundred Knight CIB $17.00
PS4 Borderlands 3 CIB $8.00
PS4 Dragon Ball Xenoverse CIB $8.00
PS4 God of War CIB $10.00
PS4 Hasbro Family Fun Pack Game + case $7.00
PS4 Last of Us Part II CIB $15.00
PS4 LEGO Marvel Collection Game + case $10.00
PS4 Ratchet & Clank Game + case $9.00
PS4 Spyro Reignited Trilogy Game + case $11.00
PS4 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Game + case $6.00
PSP Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII CIB $13.00
PSP Final Fantasy IV CIB $33.00
PSP Growlanser Wayfarer of Time Game + case $44.00
PSP IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds Of Prey CIB $9.00
PSP Invizimals: Shadow Zone CIB $11.00
PSP Kingdom Of Paradise CIB $5.00
PSP LEGO Indiana Jones The Original Adventures CIB $8.00
PSP Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters GH CIB $9.00
PSP Riviera The Promised Land Game + case $26.00
PSP PAL Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice CIB $9.00
SNES Batman Forever Loose $6.00
SNES F-Zero Loose $14.00
SNES Power Rangers Zeo Battle Racers Loose $13.00
SNES Spiderman X-Men Arcade's Revenge Loose $9.00
SNES Star Fox (heavy box wear) CIB $34.00
SNES Super Baseball 2020 Loose $13.00
SNES Super Gameboy Loose $21.00
SNES Terminator 2: The Arcade Game Loose $10.00
SNES Tetris 2 Loose $7.00
Switch Bendy and the Ink Machine CIB $26.00
Switch Galak-Z: The Void & Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-A-Fide CIB $13.00
Switch Gigantosaurus: The Game CIB $11.00
Switch Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle CIB $13.00
Switch My Time at Portia CIB $39.00
Switch Party Arcade CIB $9.00
Switch Resident Evil Origins Collection CIB $19.00
Switch Starlink: Battle for Atlas CIB $9.00
Switch Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition CIB $19.00
Switch The House of the Dead Remake [Limidead Edition] NIB $36.00
Wii Batallion Wars 2 Loose $9.00
Wii Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 CIB $7.00
Wii Classic controller pro gold Loose $21.00
Wii Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party 3 CIB $9.00
Wii Dead Space Extraction Loose $17.00
Wii Dokapon Kingdom Loose $38.00
Wii Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 CIB $52.00
Wii Excite Truck CIB $7.00
Wii Gold classic controller pro Loose $20.00
Wii Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock Loose $26.00
Wii Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Loose $10.00
Wii Hasbro Family Game Night Value Pack CIB $14.00
Wii Just Dance 2020 CIB $31.00
Wii Just Dance 2020 Game + case $30.00
Wii Luigi Wii remote plus w/ sleeve and wrist strap Loose $23.00
Wii Mario Wii remote plus w/ sleeve and wrist strap Loose $25.00
Wii Michael Jackson: The Experience (with glove) CIB $26.00
Wii Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 CIB $13.00
Wii SimCity Creator CIB $7.00
Wii Yoshi Wii remote plus w/ sleeve, no sleeve Loose $36.00
Wii U Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival Game + case $8.00
Wii U Ducktales Remastered CIB $22.00
Wii U Fast & Furious Showdown Game + case $14.00
Wii U Madden NFL 13 CIB $9.00
Wii U Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate CIB $14.00
Wii U Pokken Tournament Game + case $8.00
Wii U Resident Evil: Revelations Game + case $14.00
Wii U Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Loose $21.00
Xbox Backyard Wrestling Game + case $8.00
Xbox Dungeons & Dragons Heroes Game + case $12.00
Xbox Halo 2 Limited Collector's Edition (no slipcover) CIB $17.00
Xbox i-Ninja Game + case $11.00
Xbox Myst IV: Revelation CIB $9.00
Xbox Oddworld Munch's Oddysee CIB $7.00
Xbox Tetris Worlds CIB $5.00
Xbox 360 Batman: Arkham Origins CIB $26.00
Xbox 360 Bioshock CIB $7.00
Xbox 360 Bioshock 2 CIB $4.00
Xbox 360 Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway CIB $8.00
Xbox 360 Call of Duty: World at War CIB $8.00
Xbox 360 Crackdown 2 CIB $6.00
Xbox 360 Darksiders CIB $5.00
Xbox 360 Far Cry 3 CIB $4.00
Xbox 360 Grid CIB $9.00
Xbox 360 Just Dance 2017 CIB $9.00
Xbox 360 Portal 2 CIB $7.00
Xbox 360 Rock Band 2 CIB $7.00
Xbox One Red Dead Redemption GOTY CIB $16.00
Xbox One Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare CIB $10.00
I also have some extra amiibo I am looking to sell!
Item Condition Price
8-bit Classic Mario amiibo NIB $13.00
Blathers (Animal Crossing) amiibo Loose $6.00
Bowser Loose $8.00
Chibi-Robo Loose $9.00
Cyrus (Animal Crossing) amiibo Loose $6.00
Daisy [Super Smash Bros] Loose $30.00
Fox amiibo NIB $14.00
Ganondorf amiibo Loose $13.00
Inkling Boy (Splatoon) amiibo Loose $9.00
Inkling Boy amiibo Loose $9.00
Inkling Boy amiibo Loose $9.00
Inkling Girl Loose $10.00
Inkling Girl amiibo Loose $10.00
Inkling Squid Loose $12.00
Inkling Squid - Neon Purple Loose $10.00
Inkling Squid - Neon Purple amiibo Loose $10.00
Kirby - Star Loose $14.00
Link (Smash) amiibo Loose $15.00
Link (Smash) amiibo Loose $15.00
Link (Smash) amiibo Loose $15.00
Little Mac (Smash) amiibo NIB $20.00
Lottie (Animal Crossing) amiibo Loose $3.00
Lucario amiibo NIB $10.00
Lucas (Smash) amiibo Loose $9.00
Lucas amiibo Loose $9.00
Mario - 30th, Classic Loose $7.00
Mario (Wedding) amiibo Loose $14.00
Marth (Smash) amiibo Loose $9.00
Mewtwo amiibo (packaging plastic damages) CIB $10.00
Octoling Boy Loose $14.00
Octoling Girl Loose $17.00
Octoling Octopus Loose $20.00
Peach (Smash) amiibo (figure came loose from stand) Loose $9.00
Pearl / Marina 2-pack amiibo NIB $23.00
Reese (Animal Crossing) amiibo Loose $4.00
Waddle Dee Loose $9.00
Yarn Yoshi - Green Loose $15.00
Boo Loose $23.00
Bowser - Super Mario Loose $12.00
Luigi - Super Mario Loose $17.00
Mario - Super Mario Loose $14.00
submitted by Captainstever15 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:43 apothyk Any states where internalized homophobia is lesser?

I’m originally from MI. I’ve moved around a lot and done time in Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana as well. The “carrot stick” phenomena got me where you’re basically chasing something you believe is within reach but is actually unattainable… i.e. having a normal dating life and especially finding a partner. I have wasted soooo much time in the Midwest hoping that if I just got to the right city or state things would get better. I think the ultimate letdown was when I went to University of Michigan in Ann Arbor; an alleged ultra-liberal school/city. Every single one of the guys I dated were deeply in the closet, no one wanted to hold hands or share our relationship status with their friend circle. Even random gay students on Grindr were very DL as if they all belonged to some straight frat and were afraid of getting caught by the homies. The internalized homophobia in the Midwest runs DEEP. I recently let my lease expire and am literally going to go on a quest this summer to find a better place. To me that is somewhere where men who like men are confident enough to be relaxed and open about it. I’m tired of feeling like a dirty secret… it’s kind of wrecked my self-esteem. I am looking for STATES, not cities, as I assume it would be easy to just throw out “move to L.A., NYC, Houston, etc.” but I am not a big-city person and also can’t afford those places.
submitted by apothyk to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:39 YeOldeSuccotash The most romantic movie you've ever seen

It started off like the most romantic movie you've ever seen. I (m, 50s, American) was on a solo trip through Europe in April 2023 when I met her (f, 40s, French) at a super cool neighborhood party I got randomly invited to during my 1-day visit to Austria. We exchanged glances, and got to talking. She was very cute and French. It was so random, seemed like kismet. We connected instantly and we spent the whole night together (very PG and very sweet at first). Have you seen Before Sunrise? Kinda like that.
I left the next day to continue my journey in Europe. But we started texting constantly. Then she wanted to come with me to Istanbul for a few days. It seemed impulsive, but I readily agreed. It was pure bliss.
She was stylish, cute, demur, fun, smart, and she adored me completely. She would do this "flashbulb eyes" thing that would knock me out. Even some random person came up to us in Istanbul and said, "you are such a cute couple" and took our picture. I had been divorced for a few years and the dating scene where I live in California is not so great.
I go back to California and she goes back to Austria where she lives. She told me she had to call her mom 6 times to tell her about how in love she was, but had to hang up because she was crying so much and couldn't talk.
Constant texting, pictures, love messages, calls. It was so nice. She even wrote poems and made songs (they were a bit frantic and weird, but anyway). I told all my friends. They were so happy for me. I was very in love with her.
Then about a month later, I made a casual comment that I admitted to be "demanding", ie., I don't put up with a lot of crap. I could feel the change.
Her nephew came into town to spend a few weeks with her. She started to ignore me. The texts and songs and pictures trickled down. She said she had no time. But she was going to concerts, etc. It was bullshit. When I raised my concerns, she said I was shouting (I was just angry, but did not shout).
Curiously, it felt like a previous relationship that I had. It felt like love bombing and discarding. Finally, when she did get around to calling me, I told her that she can't treat people that way and that this seems like a personality disorder. (This time I really was shouting). So I ended it and blocked her. I was really sad, but I moved on. I went on lonely solo trips and even got back into dating (I actually had some promising dates!)
In October of last year, she slipped past the blockade, reached out, and I responded. I asked why she ditched me. I got no real answer but I wanted to believe. My friends told me don't do it. I knew the risks. I just desperately wanted that love again. I desperately wanted to have my L. She adored me. She was everything I wanted.
We meet up in DC for the most romantic Christmas I ever had. I was finally with someone I really loved. It was lovely. I was still hurt though. I wanted her to "kiss my heart" and tell me that she was sorry. She told me to "let it go". I just sucked it up.
On this trip, she told me about her late husband. She said they were very in love and never fought. He was Mexican and they met in Vienna years earlier. On a trip to visit his family in Mexico, they all were kidnapped, the men were separated from the women, the women were let go a few days later, but all the men disappeared. She told me she looked for him for 3 years before giving up.
So I gave her lots of slack. We also had a language barrier. We spoke English together, but her native language is French. I attributed any miscommunication to that as well.
We agreed to meet up again in Austin. And this is where the cracks really started to show. It was the first episode of her losing it. Right before the trip, she blew up after some text exchange. I don't remember what happened as per usual ("bewildered" is how I felt with these episodes). She said she was devastated and that we shouldn't meet anymore in Austin.
So I stayed up all night talking her off the ledge. We made up and I was happy again. I totally ignored this and following episodes.
We had a nice time in Texas. So much that we decided that we wanted to be together. When we got back to our respective countries, she told me she was moving to California (no discussion with me, just a decision on her part). Shortly thereafter, she told me she was going to start studying to get her master's. Then she was going to apply for another job in Vienna (???) Then she realized that wouldn't be a good idea. Anyway...
I wanted her to be here in California with me but it's really tough to move to the US without being married. She didn't really think anything through, she just thought some company would give her a work visa. It don't work like that, honey. I was ready to marry her (but she still was technically married because she didn't have the death certificate of her late husband who disappeared).
Meanwhile, I had a ticket to meet her in Austria and spend 2 1/2 weeks together. I just wanted to experience "normal boring life" together. We got along so great when we did. She liked all the music I liked, even stuff that she really shouldn't have heard (obscure stuff from the 80s). (Looking back, maybe this was mirroring.)
Right before my trip, I got to worrying that she was coming to live here in August sight unseen. I was afraid I was building up an image of some idyllic life, when in reality California has tons of problems. So I made a video to show her the nice things, but also the bad things of my neighborhood. When I mentioned this, she lost it. "You don't want me to come. I hate you. You're awful. Don't come to Austria." She later called and we made up. Again. This was 12 hours before I got on the plane.
I went to Austria. The first 1.5 days were great. Then her aunt and uncle came to stay with us from France. They are all very close. But her 1 bedroom apartment made for close quarters, especially since I had never met them. Spanish was the common language (I'm fluent, so no problem). I liked them. They were a cute couple and they cared about her a lot. The uncle told me "you know what happened to her. She loves you very much, so please take care of her". I said I would of course. I really loved her.
But the next day her mood changed. She was happy and chipper with them (and her shitshow best friend) but cold to me. I wasn't included in the conversations really. She didn't try to bring me into the fold. Not everyone is a good conversationalist, I reasoned.
The following day, we were all supposed to go to Prague. Romantic Prague. But in the morning, she told me "you were sulking all day yesterday" and "you obviously don't like my aunt and uncle so why don't you just go your own way."
This is on my vacation, mind you.
I felt trapped. But we made up 15 minutes later and all went to Prague. She was still grumpy with me.
That night, on the river in romantic Prague, she called me a robot and said she didn't know who I was. She said I should leave.
So that night, I had to figure out a plan. I still had a bunch of my stuff at her apartment in Vienna. I also had her spare key. I felt the heebie jeebies, worried about my physical safety. I couldn't sleep.
My plan was to take the train to her place in Vienna, grab my stuff, leave her key, and peace out.
But the next morning, she realized I had the extra key, and threatened to call her uncle and the police if I didn't give it to her.
So I found myself walking around romantic Prague at 7am with just some of my crap, no plan, and no sleep. I felt like some refugee. Then she called. "Do you want to talk over coffee?" I had no other plan.
We make up of course. The next day we are hot and heavy in a church tower in a little Czech town. We were back, making out, holding hands, acting like teenagers. It was so nice.
Don't ask me how I could forget what had happened just a few hours prior.
We went back to Austria and had another nice day, making plans to go on adventures. Yes, we were now talking about me moving to Austria.
But the next night, right before the aunt and uncle were to go back to France and we were supposed to go to Budapest, she blew it up again.
She had a knack for blowing things up right before really important events.
I had left the bathroom fan on and she just lost it.
(By the way, all of these blowups where in whispers so that aunt and uncle could not hear. She's very sweet to her family and I guess she can do no wrong.)
We were in bed and now it was my turn to lose it. In a whisper, I said, "you're stupid and you have this ugly evil face".
Then she kicked me while in bed. She was LIVID.
Still in a raging whisper, she told me to get out (in my underwear I guess) and if not, she was going to "make a scene".
I was so scared.
Then she just got into bed. And I followed.
We talked it over. She said I deserved to be kicked. I told her no words should lead to violence.
Back to normal. We went to Budapest for a few days and then back to Vienna. Now we're alone together, at last. And guess what? We had a great time. We rode her bike in the park with her sitting on the back rack, like kids. We went shopping. I treated her to restaurants (I paid for everything on the whole trip, about $2k). We played guitar and sang together. We went to the Prater and rode rollercoasters. We made love.
On the last day, she took me to the airport. We had breakfast and we both were sad. But we had plans for the future.
She walked me to security and we said our goodbyes.
When I got to the gate, I get a text. "You didn't look back when you went through security. I'm so sad. Have a nice flight!" I had to talk her off the ledge again: "I thought you were leaving, I'm so sorry my love. I didn't mean to. I love you so much."
When I got back, I was so exhausted. I thought it was the jetlag, but I was on edge. I was angry and didn't know why. Snipping at my coworkers. My body hurt I was so tired.
But I was looking for jobs in Austria. I still hadn't realized anything.
I had an opportunity to go camping in Yosemite a few days later on Friday. Even though I was so tired, I knew I should take the opportunity (campsites there are hard to get). I called her Friday am, asked her how her day was. She knew I still hadn't packed and had a very important presentation to give too. I realized I need to get ready for that presentation that was starting in just a few minutes. "Sorry my love, I need to go. Got to get ready. I will send you a message when I get to Yosemite."
Then right when my presentation was about to start, I get a message. "You are so cold. You knew I was hurting but you ended the call so abruptly."
That was it. The last straw.
When driving up to Yosemite, I told my friend the whole story. I hadn't told anyone about all the explosions and breakups. I couldn't believe my own ears. Was I actually saying these things?
Then it hit me. I had to end it.
Later that week, I sent her an email to end it. I knew a phone conversation would end badly. Email is not the classiest, but I did what I could.
I got hateful texts, then texts trying to get me back, showing pictures of the stuffed animals I got her. Then her final one.
Then it hit me. This was abuse. The realization has been coming in waves. And this wasn't the first experience I had either. I dated M a few years earlier who actually ENJOYED abusing me. I could even see a little smile when she would throw insults or say things to shock me.
I don't think L is a narcissist. She couldn't help it. She even told me once that I could help her "heal".
Looking back, L told me on several occasions that I wouldn't like her once I got to know her. She was right about that one. She said she wasn't smart and that I wouldn't like her (but she spoke 4 languages and has a couple of university degrees and a good job). She said if we lived in Paris, I would leave her for a Parisian girl.
I see all these other things that I ignored. Like how she called herself a "party girl" and would go dancing with her girlfriends, but no guys would ever talk to her. Right.
No guys from the beach volleyball meetup group she organized would ever try to get with her. Right.
The guy who gave her a book of Sufi poetry (very romantic) wasn't hitting on her. Right.
The old guy who she met at the airport and wrote to her and signed off as "ton Ron" ("your Ron") was just some nice old guy. Right.
So right when I met her, she had just moved out of her old place with her ex, even though they had only dated for a couple of weeks and stayed as "roommates" for the remaining 5 years. Then two weeks later you get with me? Right.
I got her and her family a bunch of little gifts and she gave me whatever was in her cupboard and cheap socks with bears with 3 eyes. Meanwhile, she went to great lengths to get gifts for her people.
Maybe she saw me as a ticket to live and study for free in America.
I was a total fool. Maybe she never even loved me. Or am I just telling myself this to make it easier for me?
I wrote a second email telling her a lot of these thoughts, but in a polite tone. I asked her to get help.
I blocked her everywhere of course. But even though I set up a filter to delete any incoming email, I still check my trash box 5 times a day to see if she wrote.
How I wish that she actually got help and that she could actually be in a real relationship with me. I know, I know.
Why did you hurt me, L? I would have done anything for you. I was your bear, your prince, remember? I was perfect for you, remember?
I'm crying as I write this.
I hate this. I don't want to be alone again. You were the one for me.
I miss you.
submitted by YeOldeSuccotash to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:29 Clean_Kiwi3694 AITA for being annoyed because my bf is extremely dirty

Context- I’ve been dating my man form the past 4 years he’s been living with the same flatmate since we met. We met in the lockdown hung out as friends and eventually got together. He does a very mentally demanding job so often blames that. So my bf is messy and used to find it really cute earlier that I had to help him a little with cleaning and making the bed, etc. but I didn’t realise it until after the lockdown when both of us started working that he’s extremely messy and a little dirty, he takes care of his personal hygiene but everything around him is a mess. Like he won’t change the bed sheets for 2 months if I don’t visit him, will keep half eaten food here and there it’ll go bad and still won’t pick it up, there are cups/ plates all round the house that have fungus in them coz they are unwashed since 4 days, his home is literally sticky and even the maid can’t get it off. I can literally go on. I used to go to his home at-least once a week and clean his he for him (cleaning the bedroom, change bedsheets, thow away bad food, etc) but recently I have reduced my visits since my mom is on bed rest and she needs me by her side. Yesterday I came to his home after my grandma came to visit and stayed with my mom. The home was an absolute mess. Hall was filled with his bags, food and shoes, his bed room was disgusting with everything everywhere, kitchen was stinking. I tried my best to clean but couldn’t do the kitchen and laundry as I was tired. He came home and complained about the undone laundry I said sorry but he reminded me that he washed a pair of pajama pants and a dress last week and I should’ve done this. I laughed at this thinking it was a joke but he wasn’t joking I said that I’ve been washing his clothes from the past 2 years and never asked for something like that. He then went to say that men usually don’t do ‘girly things’ like these. I was offended was an understatement. I was angry and told him I want to go home to which he responded great I’ll come with you I don’t want to stay in this house we both left and had a very big fight on the road. I understood that I can’t be blackmailing him with I wannna leave if I’m angry but he refuses to acknowledge that he’s disgusting and can’t do his own chores. Today morning I saw a rat in the kitchen and I’ve been nauseous since. I’m really scared of rats. This had happened earlier and I bought the pest control but I saw some disgusting things the last time I got them. So I refuse to call them and be there when they are working. But also I refuse to go to the kitchen. He says I’m being over dramatic but I can’t take these dirty habbits. AITA?
submitted by Clean_Kiwi3694 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:03 Seamus_Hean3y (Spoilers Extended) The Jon, Arya, Catelyn showdown in TWOW

The relationship between Jon and Catelyn is one of the most fraught in ASOIAF. By contrast, Jon and Arya's bond is probably the most trusting and faithful. Finally, Catelyn and Arya have difficulties but they undoubtedly love each other. The triangular relationship of these characters could well be a source of looming conflict in TWOW.
A few weeks ago I posted "The Real Queen in the North" outlining how Lady Stoneheart is hunting for Arya and plans to crown her daughter Queen in the North. It got a good reception but some comments raised an interesting point regarding the unresolved tension between Jon Snow and Catelyn Stark.
We can say with a fair amount of certainty from the show (his ADWD plot was heading that way too) that Jon Snow will be crowned King in the North at some future point. Jon's affection for Arya, Catelyn's loathing for Jon, and Arya's loyalty to Jon could be pitted against each other in this storyline.

Grudged Him Every Bite

Catelyn's hostility towards her husband's bastard son is established very early in AGOT, most acutely with the infamous confrontation in Bran's sickroom. Jon's resentment at how Catelyn treated him regularly resurfaces and in ADWD Jon's bitterness is still kicking:
We could, thought Jon, if we had the gold, and someone willing to sell us food. Both of those were lacking. Our best hope may be the Eyrie. The Vale of Arryn was famously fertile and had gone untouched during the fighting. Jon wondered how Lady Catelyn's sister would feel about feeding Ned Stark's bastard. As a boy, he often felt as if the lady grudged him every bite. -ADWD Jon IV
Evidently, Jon's grievance with Catelyn remains raw and unresolved.

Mother-Daughter Strains

In ASOS, the relationship between Arya and Catelyn assumes a much bigger role than before. Arya spends the entire book seeking her mother:
She wanted Riverrun, not Acorn Hall; she wanted her mother and her brother Robb, not Lady Smallwood or some uncle she never knew. -ASOS, Arya VIII
Arya comes harrowingly close to reuniting with Catelyn at the Red Wedding:
Arya had mud in her teeth and her face was wet. Rain. It's only rain. That's all it is. "We're here," she shouted. Her voice sounded thin and scared, a little girl's voice. "Robb's just in the castle, and my mother. The gate's even open." There were no more Freys riding out. I came so far. "We have to go get my mother." -ASOS, Arya XI
Even after the Red Wedding Arya still yearns for her mother:
“We should go back,” she suddenly decided. “We should go back to the Twins and get my mother. She can’t be dead. We have to help her." -Arya XII, ASoS
Arya wargs into her direwolf Nymeria and retrieves her mother's corpse from the river:
That night she went to sleep thinking of her mother, and wondering if she should kill the Hound in his sleep and rescue Lady Catelyn herself. When she closed her eyes she saw her mother’s face against the back of her eyelids. She’s so close I could almost smell her… Arya XII, ASoS
From the end of ASOS the Brotherhood Without Banners under Lady Stoneheart/Catelyn are searching for Arya and she hopes to crown her daughter Queen in the North.

The Drama Triangle

In Arya's first chapter something of a Catelyn/Jon dichotomy is established:
"A shade more fun than needlework," Arya gave back at him. Jon grinned, reached over, and messed up her hair. Arya flushed. They had always been close. Jon had their father's face, as she did. They were the only ones.
It was worse than Jon had thought. It wasn't Septa Mordane waiting in her room. It was Septa Mordane and her mother. Arya I, AGOT
In Jon's second chapter the duality is in evidence. First half is the tense encounter between him and Catelyn:
Jon did not know what to say. "It wasn't your fault," he managed after an awkward silence.
Her eyes found him. They were full of poison. "I need none of your absolution, bastard." -Jon II, AGOT
But after a brief goodbye to Robb the second half is Jon's final scene with Arya; a bedroom farewell in every way different to the other:
Suddenly she looked like she was going to cry. "I wish you were coming with us."
The memory of her laughter warmed him on the long ride north. -Jon II, AGOT
Arya wonders if Robb and her mother would even want to ransom her:
"Well," Arya said, "my hair's messy and my nails are dirty and my feet are all hard." Robb wouldn't care about that, probably, but her mother would. Lady Catelyn always wanted her to be like Sansa, to sing and dance and sew and mind her courtesies. Just thinking of it made Arya try to comb her hair with her fingers, but it was all tangles and mats, and all she did was tear some out. -ASOS Arya VII
Arya later makes a comparison to Jon, who she believes unlike her mother would accept her no matter what:
"He's with the Night's Watch on the Wall." Maybe I should go to the Wall instead of Riverrun. Jon wouldn't care who I killed or whether I brushed my hair . . . "Jon looks like me, even though he's bastard-born. He used to muss my hair and call me 'little sister.'" Arya missed Jon most of all. Just saying his name made her sad. -ASOS Arya VIII
Harwin pleads with Arya not to bring up the topic of Jon's parentage when she's reunited with her mother:
He shook his head. "Let it lie, my lady. They're dead, all of them. Let it lie . . . and please, when we come to Riverrun, say naught of this to your mother."-ASOS Arya VIII
Catelyn and Robb row over the question of Jon Snow (Stark) versus Arya as heir to the North's throne:
"So you pray. Have you considered your sisters? What of their rights? I agree that the north must not be permitted to pass to the Imp, but what of Arya? By law, she comes after Sansa ... your own sister, trueborn ..."
"...and dead. No one has seen or heard of Arya since they cut Father's head off. Why do you lie to yourself? Arya's gone, the same as Bran and Rickon, and they'll kill Sansa too once the dwarf gets a child from her. Jon is the only brother that remains to me. Should I die without issue, I want him to succeed me as King in the North. I had hoped you would support my choice."
"I cannot," she said. "In all else, Robb. In everything. But not in this . . . this folly. Do not ask it." -ASOS, Catelyn V
Jon thinks Catelyn would have rejoiced to hear him renouncing Arya, in the context of being unable to help "her" for the sake of his vows:
By now she'd be eleven, Jon thought. Still a child. "I have no sister. Only brothers. Only you." Lady Catelyn would have rejoiced to hear those words, he knew. That did not make them easier to say. His fingers closed around the parchment. Would that they could crush Ramsay Bolton's throat as easily. -ADWD Jon VI

The Road Not Taken... Yet?

Interestingly, GRRM in the 1990s while writing AGOT very much intended for Jon and Catelyn's relationship to lead to an emotive character moment:
When Winterfell burns, Catelyn Stark will be forced to flee north with her son Bran and her daughter Arya. Wounded by Lannister riders, they will seek refuge at the Wall, but the men of the Night's Watch give up their families when they take the black, and Jon and Benjen will not be able to help, to Jon's anguish. It will lead to a bitter estrangement between Jon and Bran. Arya will be more forgiving
Most of these plot points have emerged in some way in the published books; Bran travelled beyond the wall and Jon later anguished over his Night's Watch vows preventing him from helping "Arya". But Jon vs. Catelyn has never really reached the dramatic conclusion GRRM was seeding in AGOT (and right into ADWD) and Jon's thoughts more often dwell on how he was treated by his not-stepmother rather than the identity of his birth mother.

What If

A few possible scenarios:
Jon and Catelyn reunion: Resurrected Jon and Lady Stoneheart meet somewhere in the North. She recognises that Jon was willing to lay down his life for her daughter (Pink Letter march against Ramsay). They bond over their shared experiences as freaky fire zombies.
No reunion but resolution: Jon and Lady Stoneheart don't physically reunite but Arya argues his case, explains that Jon Snow laid down his life on her account, and Stoneheart finally departs the world with her grudge against Ned's bastard diluted.
Arya crowns Jon King in the North: Although crowned by her mother, Arya is still very, very loyal to Jon Snow and may feel a debt for his sacrifice for her. In AGOT she refused to tattle to their father about Needle, even when Jon was thousands of leagues away and beyond reproach. Recall this line from their first scene together:
Jon shrugged. "Girls get the arms but not the swords. Bastards get the swords but not the arms. I did not make the rules, little sister." -AGOT, Jon I
Jon has already given Arya the sword, perhaps Arya will abdicate and gift Jon "the arms".
(Feel to make your own predictions!)
submitted by Seamus_Hean3y to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:51 Fazbearnit3 collanite season 1

Collanite Season 1:
Storyline: one day, during day of the blood ring on monstinia, a portal made of this excess energy formed in the relatively small but populated and active island, known as aphrodite, not only that, but it also created a energy dome around itself, that slowly grew until it covered the entire island, causing strange, anomalous events to occur on the island. On further investigation, it was discovered that these events only affect aphrodite. Later on, from the same portal, a group of people from another world fell through into the island and started colonizing it for themself. Theme: strange, otherworldly characters have entered aphrodite
Locations: Monster Metropolis, Saltwater Shore, Skier Slopes, Doggy Diner, Peace Pond, Mount Anon, Starlit Suburb, Golden Saucer, Cozy Cabins, Sakura Swim Club, Misty Mesa, Sacred Shrines
Skins: Travis Touchdown(1), Link(22), 2b(43), Glamrock Freddy(57), Sindel(71), Monika(94), Cloud Strife(117)
Destruction Tools: Blood Berry(goes on back), Ancient Battle Axe, Virtuous Contract, Glamrock Mic, Sindel’s Kwan Dao, Heart Pen, Buster Sword(goes on back)
Backblings: Blood Berry(comes off back), Hyrule Shield, Virtuous Contract, Glamrock Giftbox, Sindel’s Regal Crown, Poetry Book, Buster Sword(comes off back)
Emoticons: Ancient Bow Drawn, Well Done Superstar, Kombat Hairwhip(animated), MonikaHeart, Confident Cloud
Gliders: Demzamtiger(motorcycle), Wild Paraglider, yoRHa Flight Unit, Car Battery, Sonic Levitation(built in, sindel), Poetry Book, Hardy Daytona(motorcycle)
Contrails: Sheikah Symbol, Pod 042, Blue Boltz, Glitching, Materia Orbs
Emotes: Beam Showoff, Milk Drink, Slate Check, Phut Hon, Glamrock Wave, Glamrock Giftbox(built in, glamrock freddy), Sonic Scream, Write Your Heart, Code Panel(built in, monika), Piano Practice, Victory!
Weapon Wraps: Tunic Of Memories, yoRHa Specialist, Glamrock Shell, Edenian Crest, Doki Hearts, Buster Steel
Music Pack: Berry Beatdown, Open Wilds, Blissful Death, Pizzaplex Performance, Your Reality, Let The Battle Begin
Weapon Charms: Jeane, Triforce Of Courage, Superstar, Soulfire Sindel, Chibi Sayori, Chocobo
Loading Screens: View Of The Wild, yoRHa Installation, Below The Pizzaplex, Kingdom Of Edenia, JuSt MoNiKa, Fantasy Evolution
Edit Styles: Purple Jacket(Travis Touchdown), Tunic Of Memories, Tunic Of The Wild, Well Worn Outfit(Link), 2p Mock Machine, Mask Off(2B), Dirty Freddy(Glamrock Freddy), Royal Attire, Revenant Sindel(Sindel), Paper President, Ghost Menu Monika, Ponytail Monika, Jumpscares Monika(Monika), Playstation Polygonal(Cloud Strife)
Wildlife: Goose(runs up and steals an item from you), Chocobo, Wolf, Horse, Snowcoat Fox
Vehicles: Chocobo(tameable), Horse
Weapons: Thrasher Assault Rifle, Thrasher Burst AR, Thunder Shotgun, Buster Shotgun, Sonic Wave Shotgun, Calamity Submachine Gun, Sacred Submachine Gun, Tactical Pistol, Drum Pistol, Ancient Sniper Rifle, Monster Grenades, Silver Longsword, Royal Guards Sword, Beam Katana, Silver Knife, Bronze Knife
Items: Crafting Station, Pizza Box, Pizza Slices, Maple Sprout, Maple Vines, Apple, Baked Apple, Maple Pie, Raw Meat, Meat Skewer, Knights Shield
Containers: Common Loot Crates, Uncommon Loot Crates, Rare Loot Crates, Super Rare Loot Crates, Ammo Boxes
Weekly Challenges/Updates:
Week 1.
Visit Named Locations (3)
Deal Damage With The Bronze Or Silver Knife (300)
Search Loot Crates (5)
Plant A Maple Sprout, Then Consume Maple Vines (2)
Eliminations With Beam Katana (1)
Week 2.
Visit Starlit Suburb, Then Block Damage With A Shield (200)
Retrieve A Stolen Item From A Goose
Search Uncommon Or Rare Loot Crates (3), Deal Damage With A Thrasher Assault Rifle Or Thunder Shotgun (500)
Tame Horses Or Wolves (1)
Deal Damage With The Royal Guards Sword While Riding On A Horse (350)
Added: Bows, Arrows, Milk Bottles
Week 3.
Fire Arrows At Opponents (8)
Land At Sacred Shrines And Reach Top 50 (1)
Interact With yoHRa Pods (3)
Craft A Shotgun Or SMG Using The Crafting Station (1)
Deal Damage With A yoRHa Assault Rifle (300)
Added: yoHRa Assault Rifle
Week 4.
Pick Up Or Purchase A Pizza Box (1)
Visit Doggy Diner And Consume Pizza Slices (5)
Perform Dodge Rolls With The Knights Shield (3)
Construct A Stage Inside Of Doggy Diner (1)
Eliminate Opponents With The Silver Knife (5)
Week 5.
Knock Back Opponents With The Sonic Wave Shotgun (3)
Eliminations At Mount Anon (3)
Interact With The Royal Crest Of Edenia At Sacred Shrines (1)
Deal Damage To Opponents At Close Range With A Thrasher Assault Rifle (150)
Search Loot Crates Of Rare Or Higher Rarity At Sacred Shrines And Mount Anon (8)
Week 6.
Visit The Clubroom At Starlit Suburbs (1)
Eliminate Opponents At Starlit Suburbs Or Sakura Swim Club (3)
Consume Cupcakes (5)
Collect A Fazer Blaster And Stun An Opponent Using It (1)
Delete Opponents By Eliminating Them With Four Hits Or Less (1)
Added: Apple Pie, Fazer Blaster
Week 7.
Visit Sacred Shrines Or Sakura Swim Club, Drink Milk Bottles (3)
Collect Torn Poem Pieces Scattered Around Starlit Suburb (7)
Restore Health And Stamina Using Meat Skewers (75)
Deal Damage Using Monster Grenades (150)
Destroy Structures With Beam Katana In A Single Match (20)
Week 8.
Consume Apple Pie (1)
Investigate Strange Energy Signals At Monster Metropolis, Mount Anon And Skier Slopes (3)
Collect A Tactical Pistol And Deal 150 Damage Using It
Piece Together The Torn Poem Pieces Into A Full Poem (7)
Get An Elimination With The Ancient Sniper Rifle (1)
Week 9.
Deal Damage With The Buster Sword (175)
Land At Golden Saucer
Block Damage With The Knights Shield 30 Seconds After Landing (150)
Visit Skier Slopes And Cozy Cabins In A Single Match
Land At Monster Metropolis And Deal Damage With The Buster Swords Cross Slash Or Blade Beam Attack (100)
Added: Buster Sword.
Week 10.
Deal Total Damage With The Calamity Smg and Royal Guards Sword In A Single Match (300)
Consume Baked Apples, Maple Pies Or Pizza Slices In A Single Match (8)
Visit The Clubroom At Starlit Suburbs, Read The Pieced Together Poem (1)
Use The Buster Swords Cross Slash To Deal Damage In Different Matches (3)
Tame A Chocobo And Ride It 250 Meters
Week 11.
Interact With The Strange Gauntlet At Mount Anon (1)
Eliminate Opponents Using The Buster Sword (3)
Investigate Strange Objects Appearing At Monster Metropolis, Saltwater Shore, And Misty Mesa (1)
Defeat Prismarine Warriors (5)
Visit Named Locations In A Single Match (3)
Added: Prismarine Warriors, Prismarine Knife
End Event: Power Theft The event starts players around Mt. Anon. The event starts with an anomaly opening up at mount anon and from ot, Romeo the admin appears and steps out laughing maniacally “it is time, people of aphrodite. Time that I take this islands power for my own!” Romeo then rises up into the air, hovering above the center of mt. Anon.. then 2b rushes up the side of the mountain and slashes Romeo with the virtuous contract, causing him to yell out in pain for a moment before quickly composing himself and fires a blast of lava towards 2b, knocking her off the mountain and onto the ground with a thud. He then fires another blast, attempting to finish off the islanders of aphrodite, but monika forms a shield of code that absorbs the blast before closing it. “Don’t worry about him, we’ll stop him before he can do anything harmful” monika says, and then both cloud and travis run up to the mountain, weapons drawn- and then in sync, they jump up into the air and travis performs quick and powerful slashes with his beam katana, while cloud fires multiple blade beams at Romeo, greatly damaging him and knocking him back down onto the mountain, as they both fall back down sure they’ve beaten him.. and they took that moment to rest, but just then as soon as they let their guards down.. romeo began laughing before getting up and dusting himself off and commanding his army of prismarine colossus to rise up from the water around the island and attack everyone on it. Then saying “Now, back to absorbing this pathetic heart of yours” and forming a small protective shield around himself and firing two guardian beams at the center of the island, glamrock freddy then throws everyone a Fazer blaster as him and sindel team up, using the combined efforts of the Fazer blasters and sindels sonic scream to stun the colossi, the additional Fazer blasters allowing the rest of the the islanders to fire at the collosi while they can’t move. Romeo then attempts to pull the power heart out, causing a small tremor as the power heart is ripped out from the core of the island, then once it’s all the way exposed he begins using the beams to absorb the crystallic energy. once the first set of colossus fall, another one walks up from the water almost immediately, and then monika seeing this, says “it’s no use. They just keep coming..” then she gets an idea, and says “alright, I have an idea. But- it’s a risky one..” “if the powerheart becomes corrupted, then it’s dark energy will drain the energy and power of anything making contact with it..” “but, as the heart is what controls everything on this island. If it gets corrupted, the islands landscape and everything would also become corrupted and sinister.. but it’s the only way” monika hesitates for a moment before manipulating and corrupting the powerheart. as the heart grows darker and begins to crack slightly, the influx of dark energy causes romeos beams to backfire, draining him of all his energy and admin powers and causing him to fall out of the sky, back onto the mountain and sliding down the side of it, hitting various things on his way down before eventually coming to a stop on the ground surrounded by everyone else. Romeo then lets out a weak cough, saying in a weak raspy voice “what.. h-happened?..” and link chimes in saying “you just got defeated by us.. now.” And link draws his sword, ready to finish off romeo.. but before he can, the powerheart lets out a big burst of dark energy, knocking everyone back and leaving a decent sized crater around it.
submitted by Fazbearnit3 to allthingsever_public [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:46 SheisAlo_ BOYFRIEND DON’T PLEASURE ME RIGHT .

HELLO! I am 18 years old. my bf (19) and we have been together goin on two years we got together when I was 17, he was 18. He was my first ever physical partner (bc most of my relationships were long distance through internet) he took my V card. I notice a little bit on in our relationship he was only getting off and I wasn't I tried talking to him about it because at first he made me feel like I was being used for my body only, he denied it and said that it's not true and he loves me more than just that but there would be times where he wasn't affectionate and he would rush into the moment and after we were done he'll clean up roll over go to sleep or play the game. I told him that made me feel like I wasn't enough and not beautiful and just made me feel used. Which it did. I told him I wanted to feel loved and I wanted to be held (cuddled) and kissed afterwards. Another problem was when I was talking to him and we were talking about our sessions. (Which are never long) they usually last only 2-3 minutes. But I started asking him do you know what a G spot is and how to find it? He goes on to proceed to say "yeaa... I just haven't found yours i guess." We started talking more and I can't remember what was said but at some point he says he only does it for himself. In his words. "I mainly do it for myself" then he laughs. I sat there quietly didn't say anything after that I was in shocked of what I heard I turned around and got on my phone and went to sleep. Fast forward a couple months later. he started being more affectionate, Then he lacked off again. (fast forwarding a couple months from now) He started only wanting to do it when HE WANTED TO! That was also a problem I had before I told him about. He only ever does anything with me when it's late and he can't sleep and he wants me to do it with him so he can go to sleep at first ofc I didn't notice it but when I started realizing it I got really annoyed because we had already discussed this before. And before you asked YES! I've tried showing him and teaching him ways to make our sessions better and how to please me because I know some men just aren't educated on woman's bodies. For Example; I told him where and what a "Clit" is he says "oh" yup that's it. "Oh" and I even told him to use his fingers one time He says. "I don't want to used my fingers because I work on cars and my hands are always dirty" (he's a mechanic btw) I tell him well let's try different positions I show him different positions and he goes "I don't like that position" if you're wondering the only position we do is missionary, or doggy style. He says he doesn't want to go down on me because I pee out of there and bc of my period. But he wants me to go down on him in which I do because it's no problem and I don't mind. I shower regularly and I am not stinky or unclean. If you are reading this it is June 6 2023 YESTERDAY! Morning We were gonna do it, I was on top and we were kissing he was just laying there. It wasn't turning me on AT ALL! Because he was putting in no effort. I told him this isn't getting me in the mood. I kid you not he kinda moshes me off of him turns around with a little grumpy attitude and go "we don't have to do anything then." I tell him it's not that I don't want to it, it's just not getting me in the mood. He looks at me and then say "I gotta get up soon anyway" He just blankly ignores anything I tell him. and at this point I really don't know what to do. I am unsatisfied in this relationship SEXUALLY! And it's BORING! Our session only last 2-3 minutes and we only do it ONCE! Sometimes Twice because he knows I'm unsatisfied and he feels guilty but that's rarely. I have to wait till he leaves the next morning for work or couple hours to satisfy myself. Can anyone please give me advice. I don't want to be a cheater but I'm unsatisfied and I even hit up an old guy friend of mine from the past we did some s*x-texting which is more fun and loving in my opinion because...well... That's what I'm looking for fun and excitement. And I know that already makes me not loyal to my partner and already a cheater but I don't know what else to do and I do feel so guilty for doing what I did. I really love him so it's hard to leave. And I don't want to be so judgmental because we're still young and I know we have a lot of experiencing to learn but it feels like he doesn't even want to experience or learn anything about my body it feels like it's just all about him. :( please help me.
submitted by SheisAlo_ to u/SheisAlo_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:41 kraken-in-a-jar One of my players a deck of cards that act like a d20 (cocked included)[Art]

1: Swords don't kill DM's do
2: Could be worse (personal favourite)
3: One flesh one end (quote from gideon the ninth)
4: Four people climbed the atlas (a reference to my world's year zero myth)
5: And the sun rises upon the world (a continuation of 4)
6: The big bad wolf (a reference to a goddess that's reoccurring in most religions, the wolf mother)
7: The wolf turn to the wild and savage she swallowed him whole
8: Who's Boris? (a reference to the year zero campaign in which we had a conspiracy board. In the middle of the board was the name “boros” and one of the players came to the session and immediately asked.
9: In the graveyard there is only one god. War. (A saying with a double meaning as War is a self proclaimed god in a place called The elephant graveyard)
10: I'm a real ~~ boy~~ two numbered (boy is crossed out. Two numbered has the same weight as teen and is a refrence to pinocchio.)
11: Charity and greed from which the gods were born
12: Yonni/twelve treason (a reference to one of the players [Art is a reference to a reddit post from rats]
13: There are no bargains between lions and men (quote from song of achilles)
14: Would you watch the dance of the woman in red (the red empress is the first necromancer and a said to be ascended god)
15:Walk blindly after the red woman (she is often depicted as blindfolded similar to how lady justice in our world is)
16:I will kill you and eat you raw (quote from song of achilles)
17:And war unsheathed his sword for the first time (saving the graveyard from the risng sun and claiming it as his kingdom)
18: My name won't be forgotten and thus I'll live forever (quote from the poem a former BBEG sung during the campaign climax)
19: Godhood, it's so fragile. (Quote by a former PC turned into NPC after the end the latter year zero campaign.
20: Master of fate
Cocked: I speak true - Lied the truth speaker (truth saying is a type of magic making the mage unable to lie)
submitted by kraken-in-a-jar to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:15 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 429

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 429

「Shall we move in that direction now?」

The moment the press conference concluded, Shao Shen, the acting head of security, approached with this query. I nodded in affirmation.

"Let's do that. You know where he is?"

「Yes, I know. Let's go then.」

Guided by Shao Shen, a phalanx of security guards formed a protective circle around me and we commenced a slow march.

Meanwhile, pandemonium erupted outside our orderly formation. A tide of broadcasters armed with cameras and microphones surged towards us.

「Mr. Jin! Is it true that you are friends with His Royal Highness Prince Felix?」

「Jin-san! Jin-san!」

You're the real nuisance, buddy. [Note: the character for "san" in Korean phonetically sounds similar to the word for "nuisance" and "troublemaker".]

Even though we had just had the press conference, journalists from various countries clung on. Luckily, they could not break through the barrier of the Hunter security guards.

Well, there was one particularly tenacious reporter who managed to thrust a microphone in front of me.

"Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung! As a fellow Korean, just one interview please..."

There are always such people wherever you go.

"Ah, yes. Since we're both Korean, please step aside."

I was about to breeze past him when I halted, struck by a wave of recognition. I gestured for Shao Shen to allow the journalist through.

"Just a moment. Are you with DAS Patch?"


"Yeah, you are. You published an article about me, right?"

"No, that's not true."

Right, that fucking guy.

This was the journalist who had once branded me as 'single since birth' in a viral article. Since then, searching my name online invariably brought up 'Jin Tae-Kyung, forever alone' as a related search term.


Bewildered by the Korean exchange, Shao Shen looked puzzled.

「Yes, Hyung.」

"Suppress him."


With a firm nod, Shao Shen seized the DAS Patch journalist's wrist.

「Sir, I will now confiscate your balance.」

"Wait, just a moment!"

The commotion had escalated beyond control. The journalist, caught in a surge of force, was hurled into the air, landing amidst the crowd with a crash that sent cameras splintering across the ground. A cacophony of multilingual expletives rained down like a storm.

Witnessing this babel of curses, I couldn't help but marvel.

"We truly live in a global village."


"No, never mind. Let's keep moving."

As the police intervened, the crowd parted, opening a pathway.

With the crowd's eyes on me and security tight, I made my way to the designated meeting spot — a suite in a five-star hotel reserved for VVIPs.


「Oh, Jin. You arrived sooner than I expected?」

Magic Johnson, who had been intently studying something, rose to greet me with a warm smile.

His giant hand clapped my shoulder as he guided me to a seat.

「So, how did the press conference go?」

He obviously hadn't seen it. Accepting the beer he offered, I shrugged.

"So-so. I just answered the questions the best I could and ended it in 30 minutes."

「Haha. The journalists must not have liked that much.」

"They probably like me much more than they like you, since I at least held a press conference."

Magic Johnson had vanished into his quarters as soon as the conflict concluded.

Unlike other S-rank Hunters like Fei Chen and Prince Felix, he had become a recluse, to the extent that rumors of his death were circulating.

His only recent public interaction had been a cryptic update on his official SNS account.

I am researching something new.

It is as mysterious and magnificent as the victory we have just achieved.

Most people probably didn't understand what that meant and dismissed the message, but I was among the few who understood the depths of his new venture.

"So, how did it turn out?"

Magic Johnson's lips twitched slightly as he replied,


"Oh, you were able to do it."

「Did I say that?」

"You're not hiding your smile very well."

「I'm not? Not at all?」

What do you mean, not at all?

As his eyes brimmed with anticipation, I couldn't suppress a chuckle.

"You didn't even like this task at first."

「How do you know that when you weren't here? Did Choi tell you that?」

"Who else? Right now, it's just me, you, and Mr. Choi who know this secret."

「Oh. Well there's something wrong in what Choi told you.」

"Something wrong?"

「Yes. It wasn't that I disliked this task.」

Magic Johnson, having downed a 500ml can of beer in a single gulp, adopted a more grave demeanor.

「I was trying to destroy it.」


「No joke. Imagine if you were in my shoes back then. I almost blew the room to pieces.」

"If it were me, I would have destroyed the hotel."

Yet, the room and the hotel remained unscathed, a testament to Magic Johnson being a 'Grand Mage.'

Mages, driven by an innate curiosity, delve into the unknown, and a Grand Mage, at the pinnacle of both power and knowledge, embodies this trait profoundly.

He had embraced the proposal concerning this unprecedented venture.

「After hearing Choi's explanation and seeing it myself, I couldn't believe it. This is really...」

His words trailed off as he gazed absently at the other end of the room. Then he abruptly shook his head.

「No. This isn't right. You should check it out yourself.」

"Good thing. I thought I was going to die waiting."

Setting aside my half-empty can, I strode confidently across the expansive suite.

"Is it here?"

Magic Johnson nodded. It’s not surprising for an S-rank Hunter sensitive to the flow of energy to notice something odd in this space.

「That's right. You can really feel it?」

"At this level, it's really hard not to notice."

To an untrained observer, the area appeared ordinary. However, upon entering the room, I had instantly discerned its true nature.

This space was shielded by a spell that obscured all sound and vision.

「Wait a moment. I'll remove the magic...」

Whoosh, screech!

Magic Johnson's words were abruptly cut off, his expression shifting to one of surprise.

My hand, radiating with Protective Qi, swept through the air, effortlessly severing the layers of spells he had woven.

「Jin. What did you...?」

Thanks to opening my middle dantian during the fight with the Arch Lich, I could now see the patterns of Qi.

Such feats had become routine for me, so I offered no further explanation and simply focused forward.

With the spell dissolved, the fabric of space unfolded, revealing a figure concealed behind it.

"Ah, eh, ee, oh, oo. Hello. Thank you. Let's cook some rice. I love kimchi."

A blonde foreigner, meticulously practicing Korean in front of a full-length mirror while clutching an object, spun around at the sight of my reflection.

A brief, practiced smile flickered across his face, reminiscent of a seasoned actor.

"You've finally arrived, wicked human."

Look at this guy, getting the pronunciation exactly right.

For a moment, I contemplated punching him, but I chuckled and responded instead.

"Have you gotten handsomer since we last saw each other?"

The blonde foreigner, the Skeleton King, replied with a smug voice.

"You've gotten uglier since we last saw each other."


"Squid-faced human." [Note: squid is a Korean slang for "ugly guy".]

"...... You damn bastard."

Where on earth did this guy learn Korean?

* * *

「Hmm. Indeed, it's beautiful. There's no evidence of incongruity.」

Magic Johnson chuckled with satisfaction, echoing a top-tier plastic surgeon from Gangnam.

「Even looking at it again, it's a masterpiece of the era. I must be the first mage in human history to carve magic circles onto the bones of a living Named Monster, right?」

It was more than mere self-congratulation; it was the stark reality.

The radiant blonde hair, the eerily luminous golden eyes, and a stature of 190 cm — all meticulously crafted to the finest detail, including just the right amount of body hair.

Beyond that, the defined muscles, visible veins, and every subtle biological response to each breath or gulp.

Only upon intense scrutiny could one detect the abnormality; the Skeleton King appeared utterly human.

"...... Wow, it actually worked."

I had proposed the idea on a whim, thinking, 'What’s the worst that could happen?' but never anticipated such a flawless transformation.

I was just about to touch his blonde hair when...


The Skeleton King stepped back, fixing me with a haughty look.

"Keep your dirty hands off me. You'll ruin my hair."


"Will you take responsibility if I go bald?"

This bastard is totally human now...

Dumbfounded, I couldn't muster a response. The Skeleton King, unfazed by my silence, admired his reflection in the mirror and smiled smugly.

"Hmm. Super handsome."

"......Where did you learn to talk like that?"

"From the internet."

"The internet?"

"Yes. I watched it intensely for a week."

"You don't happen to have a phone, do you?"

"That kind human over there bought me one. Thanks, Johnson."

Magic Johnson, having used a translation spell, grinned, evidently satisfied.

「Here's to a successful new start, Mr. King.」

「Thanks, Johnson.」

When did he learn basic English conversation?

I turned to confront Magic Johnson.

"Did you really buy him a phone?"

「Come on, Jin. What's the problem? My youngest daughter is five and she uses a smartphone.」

"That's your daughter, Johnson, but this is the Skeleton King."

"Wait. Wicked human. Sorry to interrupt this conversation, but I must say this."

The Skeleton King cut in with a serious expression.

"From now on, call me Stone-King." [Note: I'm not sure what reference the author is making here, but Stone-King is a direct translation of the Korean characters, which were even used phonetically to sound like "Stone-King" in English.]

"What bullshit is this? Do you want me to stone you?"

"It's my new name. Stone King. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA..."

I muttered, feeling a headache coming on.

"Should I just kill you now?"

"Are you planning to kill an American citizen?"

"Who's an American citizen, you idiot?"

"Sooner or later, I could acquire American nationality."

"You ought to be writing a web novel on KakaoPage with lines like that. Who says this kind of bullshit?"

Magic Johnson bashfully lifted his hand.

「Jin, with my connections, it's entirely possible...」


The absurdity nearly drove me to madness.

Clutching my throbbing forehead, I turned to Magic Johnson.

"Excuse me, Johnson."


"What I asked for through Mr. Choi was just to make him look like a human."

「Ah, of course. It was his desperate request, wasn't it?」

This whole scenario had unfolded shortly after my awakening, spurred by the Skeleton King’s vehement demands.

He had lamented about the oppressive confines of the Inventory where he’d been held.

Given his crucial role in the battle, his request seemed reasonable from the perspectives of both Mr. Choi and myself.

'He had protected Mr. Choi and Shao Shen during the battle with Lei Fei, and it was also thanks to him that I was able to defeat the Arch Lich.'

It was about time I reciprocated the Skeleton King’s efforts.

Additionally, having him in a human guise would simplify many things.

No longer would we need to conceal his true form, and he could even secure a contract with the Peace Guild.


"The appearance I described was that of an Asian, wasn't it? No matter how many foreigners there are in Korea, they still stand out. Especially with looks like this."

Before Magic Johnson could respond, the Skeleton King spoke up assertively.

"I asked for it to be changed."

"What? Why?"

"I saw it on the internet. Handsome white men are popular everywhere in the world."

"......And why does that matter?"

"I’d like to try dating."

"Oh, my God."

Magic Johnson offered a consoling pat on my shoulder, which was heavy with the weight of exasperated sighs.

「It's okay, Jin.」

"What do you mean, it's okay? Do you know how scary social media is these days? What if netizens find out and say he's not born in Atlanta, Georgia, but is a native of the demon world? Does that even make sense? Why would you agree to such a request, Johnson?"

「I wanted to create a face that I'd enjoy looking at.」


「That face is my ideal type.」

No, fuck...

Just then, a comment that shredded my last thread of patience reached my ears.

"Do you think it's unfair, squid-face?"

"Hey, you damn bastard!"


In an instant, I lunged and landed a solid punch atop his head.

He groaned, blood gushing from his mouth — likely because he had bitten his tongue.

Blood, really? Was this yet another trick of magic? It was impressively executed.

"Die! Die!"

"Ack! Argh!"

The melee escalated as our hefty figures tumbled across the room, plunging it into chaos.

During the scuffle, a desk was upended, its collapse sending a cascade of documents Magic Johnson had been reviewing flying across my face.

"Wait, stop! Wicked human! I can't see anything!"

"You need to correct your manners today..."

But then, I froze.

Among the papers smothering my face, I spotted patterns — strange yet familiar.

'This is...'

I left the Skeleton King floundering as I stood and seized the sheet emblazoned with the pattern.


Without a doubt.

It was indeed the pattern I had seen in Sichuan.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]
