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2013.11.19 16:46 ikem1223 Need for Speed: Rivals

All information and discussion about the new Need for Speed, Rivals. Link up with friends in the city, or organize races here. Have problems, post away! Want to show your customization, post away!

2011.04.09 17:51 ALT-F-X Speedrunning

/speedrun is a subreddit for the speedrunning community. Speedrunning is a play-through of a video game performed with the intent of completing a goal as fast as possible.

2015.10.28 14:52 NFS Rides (NFS Pics and Videos)

Have any sweet pictures of your cars from any Need for Speed title? You've come to the right place! Cinematics are welcome as well! For any other posts, visit /needforspeed

2024.06.09 17:46 BFreeCoaching Addictions — Why You’re Addicted & How to Stop (Phone, Food, Weed, Porn, etc.)

[Note: We’re focusing on emotional reasons; not physical. And this is just one perspective. Please consult your doctor for healing, withdrawals, etc.]
TL;DR: Addictions are coping mechanisms for an unfulfilled, disconnected life. You're craving intimacy and connection. And, you’re addicted because you judge yourself (and others).
Replace “addiction” with “momentum.” You hire an addiction to do one of two jobs:
Addictions are used to regulate your emotions. But, when you artificially modify momentum, that keeps you stuck. So you’re learning how to shift from negative addictions (e.g. social media, junk food, vaping, etc.) to positive addictions (e.g. meditate, exercise, dancing, drawing, etc.).
Before we begin, this is important: I’m not here trying to fix you. Because I don’t think you’re broken. I believe in you. You are strong, worthy and powerful enough to transform this. You may not know how to yet, but we’ll work together in understanding what’s at the heart of the issue, to support you in allowing the life you want and deserve.
Secondary Addictions: Phone, social media, food, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, video games, relationships, attention, validation, anger, sex, porn, weed, smoking, gambling, shopping, hoarding, workaholic, perfectionist, procrastinating, etc. All of these are secondary; compensating for an even greater addiction.
Primary Addiction: You’re addicted to judging yourself (and others). Not accepting and appreciating yourself and others is the cause of secondary addictions.
Addictions are coping mechanism for an unfulfilled, disconnected life. Mistreating substances is a reflection of how you treat yourself. And the irony is, part of the source for addiction is… judging yourself for doing it.
Addiction: Consistently using a substance or experience to regulate your emotions (this can be positive or negative).
And to add another layer: Replace “addiction” with “momentum” (or movement or energy flow). There’s momentum towards what you want or don’t want, and we’re discussing shifting momentum from unwanted to wanted; negative addictions to positive. Your natural state is to feel better. But if you don’t know how to do that, then you’ll rely on circumstances and people as fuel for feeling movement. But, when you artificially modify momentum, that keeps you stuck.

The Cycle of Addictions

Negative addictions are used to avoid negative emotions. Whereas positive addictions are used to heal and embrace negative emotions.
Negative emotions are positive guidance (although it might not feel that way) letting you know you are focusing on (and judging) what you don't want. Negative emotions are just messengers of the limiting beliefs you're practicing. They're a necessary part of your emotional guidance, like GPS in your car. But the more you avoid or fight them, you keep yourself stuck.
All emotions are equal and worthy. But most people unknowingly create a hierarchy for their emotions (i.e. positive = good; negative = bad). Begin seeing negative emotions as worthy, valuable and supportive friends, and work together as a team to help you feel better.

The Purpose of Addictions

Because you’re the CEO of you, you hire an addiction to do one of two jobs:
Addictions either make you feel more powerful, or distract you from feeling powerless. Negative addictions give you a false sense of security, which ironically enhances your insecurity. And that keeps you stuck in a cycle of abuse with negative addictions.
Addictions can soften your focus, so you’re distracted and more general with your thoughts (i.e. tune out). And when you focus less on details, then you’re less aware of what you specifically don’t want or have, so you judge less. And with less judgement, you slow down negative momentum, and naturally feel better.
Negative addictions can help you tune out, but they also won’t let you tune in to who you really are. So if you use substances to numb yourself, then you lose your ability to focus. But it’s your power of focusing that will set you free.
Negative addictions are trying to fill a void, with things that aren’t designed to fill it. It’s like trying to fill a cup with a hole in the bottom; so no matter how much you put in, it's still empty. And you use secondary addictions to distract yourself so you don’t feel the emptiness. But the only way to fix the hole is to be reminded of how powerful, worthy and whole you really are. And it’s not a fact that you’re unworthy; it’s just something you’ve been taught by other people, who feel unworthy.
Because negative addictions are coping mechanisms, then if you think it’s the cause, then not using it will be the cure. But that doesn’t work as a long-term solution because it doesn’t address the actual issue: judging. So when you stop one unwanted behavior, you’ll probably start something else; i.e. transfer addiction. Or, you can call it transfer relief.
As long as you believe negative addictions help you feel normal, then you're not incentivized to let go because it’s not in your best interest. But when you feel better first, before going to the substance or experience, then you gradually remove its purpose, and thus your desire for it.
Negative addictions are just tools, and you used that tool to help you through a difficult time when you didn't know what else to do. You did the best you could, and now you’re ready for a change.
Negative addictions have imposter syndrome; and rightfully so — they’re unqualified for the job of giving you sustainable relief. So when you start hiring positive addictions, then you release the control negative addictions once had over the company (i.e. you).
And it doesn’t mean you still don’t enjoy technology, food, etc. You can let them be for fun (based on your personal boundaries), but you are in control. They’re expressions of a fulfilling life; not replacements for it.

Positive Addictions — What You’re Really Craving

Addictions indicate you're craving intimacy and connection. With others is nice, but you’re craving connection with yourself. And to stop an unwanted addiction, you want a new healthy habit to take its place. Because without it, there’s a power vacuum. So, what are your new healthier coping mechanisms to connect with yourself? For ex:

Tips to Start Healing

1. Be Aware. Be Mindful. Be Intentional. When using an unwanted addiction, tell yourself,
The simple act of bringing awareness to an unwanted habit shines light into the darkness, and you start regaining your power. You’re still doing the unwanted activity, but you’re tuning in, instead of tuning out.
2. Make a Deal with Yourself. When you get tempted to do an unwanted addiction, focus on feeling better first (e.g. meditate or go for a walk for a few minutes). Then, you can still do the unwanted addiction after you feel better. (This isn’t advocating unwanted behavior, but it is being realistic in helping you wean yourself off, and begin the job transfer process from negative to positive addictions.) So it accomplishes three things:
  1. You’re not depriving yourself; you’re just slightly delaying gratification, which builds up your strength of not automatically going to the same unwanted habit.
  2. You’re replacing the old addiction with a better-feeling one (and notice that you’ll consume less and/ or gradually have less desire to use the substance).
  3. You create self-trust and respect by making a practical deal with yourself, and showing that you’re stronger than you think and can follow through; which also gives you hope that you can do this.
3. Reduce Consumption: Adjust Time and/ or Intensity. (E.g. If you’re smoking five days a week; do only four days, or use one less a day than normal).
4. Focus on what you want to start doing, instead of what you want to stop doing. What do you want to feel?
5. Your Phone Has Grayscale, which makes it black and white, thus reducing the stimulus and dopamine you receive from it. You can also turn on app limit timers and turn off notifications.
6. Find an Accountability Buddy (if you can). They don’t have to stop their unwanted addictions, but they're willing to celebrate when you succeed and support you if you fall short. Also consider talking to your smoking or drinking buddies about your new commitment to your health.
7. If You Relapse, It’s Okay. Don’t judge yourself (i.e. "Why am I so weak, stupid, etc.?”). Self-judgment is self-sabotage, because it ironically fuels the very behavior you want to stop. You didn’t lose progress, because recovery isn’t a perfect straight line. It’s a process. And regardless, you’re now one step closer to your goal (with more clarity of what you don’t want, and increased desire for what you do want).
8. Self-Reflection Questions:

Honorable Mention Addictions

1. Acceptance, Caring What People Think, and Needing to Be Understood
Wanting acceptance is fine. But needing it, is not knowing your value. So you’re desperate to find ways to get people to love and understand you (i.e. people pleaser, perfectionist, workaholic, clingy, gym selfies, etc.). This also inspires arguing, needing to be right and anger addictions, because you need to feel heard and validated (instead of understanding that some people can’t or aren’t interested in understanding).
2. Avoiding Boredom — Social Media Consumption
Consuming vs Creating. Negative addictions can have an imbalance leaning towards consuming people’s creations, vs expressing your own. When was the last time you laid in bed at night, or waited in line at the store, and didn’t pull out your phone to distract you? Instead of simply appreciating the moment and your surroundings.
“Something distracting me is better than nothing.” But then you don’t have standards of quality; you simply have an insatiable appetite of consuming more. And if you’re not intentionally consuming media; it will consume you. It’s passive consumption; each post is a potato chip. When you don’t have a specific intention before opening an app, then you’ll most likely spend your next hour on empty emotional calories and walk away feeling worse. Excessive consuming leads to fuming and glooming.
Negative addictions can start out innocently. But like a frog in a boiling pot… you don’t notice that you increasingly rely on them for self-medicating negative emotions until you feel it’s consumed you.
3. Anger and Drama
When you feel bored, there’s no momentum in that. You feel lifeless; like a plank of wood floating on still water. And you would rather feel fun and excitement (i.e. positive momentum). But, if you don’t know how to generate those feelings, then you’ll settle for the next easiest emotion that has momentum, which is anger. (But anger is negative momentum; when not intentionally controlled.)
Drama feels interesting compared to boredom, until it gradually wears on you (and your relationships). So you try to give that anger addiction up. But if you don’t know how to create positive momentum, then when you get bored, you’ll reach for anger again to get your fix to feel that energy flow.
As you judge yourself, you will feel sad, and then naturally inspired to feel angry, because anger has more momentum and energy than sadness; thus it feels more empowering. But if you don’t intentionally choose anger for relief (in a safe space, by yourself; don’t express it to others), then as you continue judging people and circumstances, you will eventually feel sad again, and feel stuck in a cycle of sad → angry → sad → angry.
4. Victim Mentality, Dismissive and Needing to Be Right
If you haven’t healed your inner child and trauma, you can get addicted to always feeling like a victim. You would rather be right, than happy. So you can believe you’re always right, and everyone else is wrong. You can get addicted to being dismissive of people’s perspectives (as a reflection of how you felt you were treated growing up). One advantage of continuing to feel like a victim is, you don’t have to change; everyone else has to change, because they’re the problem (i.e. you believe your negative emotions come from them). Your trauma isn’t your fault. And, healing is possible, when you feel comfortable and open to the opportunity.
5. Procrastinating, Isolation and Abandonment
Isolation amplified after the year 2020 (gee, I wonder why…). The main appeal is having no expectations, pressure to perform, or be responsible to others. The issue is, people are simply a mirror that reflects the relationship you have with yourself. So avoiding people doesn’t get rid of your limiting beliefs; you just become less aware of them.
Also, it can be easy to get stuck in the cycle of, "I hate myself, so I don't socialize. Which makes me feel lonely. So I hate myself even more..."
Procrastinating and abandonment can cause other addictions. For ex: You’re doomscrolling until 2 am because you’re avoiding the routine to go to bed, and/ or trying to run away from feeling bored, lonely and worthless.
6. Productivity, Maximizing and Efficiency
People thought the creation of computers would help people work less because it would do a lot of the work. Only to fast forward and realize it just raised society’s standards of the work they expected from you, causing you to ironically work more; not less. And with the emergence of A.I., hopefully we don’t repeat the same mistake.
People naturally want what’s best for them. But, if you were raised to constantly need to improve and do more, then any activity you do, can be turned into two to three activities. Maximizing your time doing one activity, while learning another (e.g. second screen viewing — which can be beneficial, but detrimental when you feel you have to do it and/or avoiding boredom). With the abundance and ease of access to learning, addiction to productivity causes you to demonize downtime: “Why just go for a walk? Why just lay in bed? I should be making money or learning something useful.”
Productivity addiction can justify doing less hobbies you enjoy, because they’re not making money. This can ironically make you less productive. You’re burned out, but you feel lazy because you don’t want to work all of the time; but can’t justify fun… so you do nothing as a compromise. This reduces the quality of your life, which then fuels other negative addictions to fill the void. And, if you don’t take a break from working, then your body will do it for you.
7. Comparing Yourself to Others and Should
When you compare yourself, you should all over yourself. “I should do this and be different,” or, “I shouldn’t have done that.” Shoulds leave you either feeling shame or resentment. If you force yourself to do what you think you should, then you sacrifice yourself, and so you feel resentment. But if you don’t do it, then you feel guilty, shame and regret. You can’t win.
8. Limerence, One-Sided and Parasocial Relationships
You’re addicted to people who don’t care about you. You keep holding on to people whose behavior makes it clear they’re not interested in a mutually satisfying relationship (romantic or friendship). This can be celebrities, K-Pop idols, streamers, influences and/or a situationship you’ve put your life on hold for years waiting and hoping for it to become something more.

You Didn’t Waste Your Life — There’s Still Hope

Robert Downey Jr.'s life was a disaster for years (alcohol and drug addiction, arrested, etc.) before he decided to turn it around (and iconically become Iron Man). His pain and experiences were fuel to become the actor and inspirational person that he is today. His quotes:
Although it may not seem like it right now, everything you have lived can be used to make you stronger, wiser, healthier and happier. Your potential has increased at least tenfold because of your “wasted” experiences. Think of it like you’re a rubber band on a slingshot; and the further back you stretched into the darkness, as you let go of limiting beliefs, you propel yourself forward that much farther into the light.
I can’t wait for you to begin seeing what you’re truly capable of in the months and years to come. When you finally stop beating up on yourself for the very past that will propel you into becoming the more compassionate, understanding, supportive, appreciative, creative, productive and fulfilled person that you want to be.
~ BFree
Share your thoughts: What’s one step you’re going to do to let go of negative addictions and start allowing more empowering positive addictions?
submitted by BFreeCoaching to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:46 Gizm0Guru Sonos Ace - Hard to Hate, Hard to Love (Review)

I took the plunge and pre-ordered the Ace, and I’ve been putting it through its paces for the last couple of days. I’m pretty deep in the Sonos ecosystem, and I’m a big headphone collector, so I’m tossing in my thoughts here for those thinking about taking the plunge on these $450 cans.
TL:DR - the Aces come in at a high price point in the market at $450. At that price, these may be a tough sell for many. The overall sound is very good - but not definitively better than the category leaders in the market, many of which cost substantially less. Early/Gen1 bugs will leave some thinking that the product is half baked or leaves them out entirely, especially Android users. All that said, this is still a Sonos product, so there are enough things done well about the Ace that it could be a decent proposition - especially if you catch a sale and/or after upcoming software updates. Hard to hate, hard to love.
Now to give some context and get into the deeper review. As mentioned, I am pretty deep in the Sonos ecosystem because I’ve steadily added to my setups over the years. I started with a 5.1 system, Playbar + Sub + two Play 1s about 10 years ago (now in my kid’s playroom) and now I have Sonos in my whole home - another Arc-based 5.1 setup (media room), a Playbase 5.1 setup (living room), a Beam (bedroom), Move (outdoor patio) and a Roam (travel).
I am also a headphone collector and have 22 pairs, ranging from “consumer” stuff like the Ace, AirPods Pro/Max - and all the way up to high-end reference gear from the likes of Audeze, Sennheiser, Meze, Focal, etc. I listen to many types of music, from hip-hop to classical, and I also do quite a bit of gaming. I have a young kiddo so have the need to use headphones for TV viewing pretty often.
Starting with the overall design, comfort, control and included accessories - Sonos does a mostly solid job. The design isn’t overly striking in any way, but it is a well-refined “standard headphone” type of design with clean lines. The Aces are light while still feeling solidly built, have a smooth but appropriately firm sliding hinge for headband fit, have easily removable pads, and while they don’t completely collapse, they get compact enough to fit in the included zip-up hard shell carrying case.
The respectable carrying case isn’t the only included accessory. A USB-C cable is included for both charging and USB-C audio (no included wall charger), and a USB-C to 3.5mm cable is included as well for plugging into analog sources. The inclusion of these cables and capabilities gives the Aces a lot of general versatility and are good things at this price point.
The design lends itself to an overall very comfortable headphone. The band has a very soft cushion and connects to the cups in a way that distributes the weight very well. The cushions of the cups are a well-padded and very comfortable faux leather situation with a firm but not too imposing pressure on the head. These are easy to wear for hours without discomfort for me. I will note that while everything is fine for me, the cups are not particularly large, and the pads are angled, so people with large ears may find their ears touching the cups a bit.
The controls are also well designed. Sonos chose to avoid any type of touch controls with the Aces and has just three buttons - one for power and Bluetooth pairing, one for ANC/transparency/on-device voice assistant, and one for volume and track/audio source/phone call control. It reads more complicated than it is for the controls to become second nature. It is a very good overall control scheme. It’s not quite as good as the Digital Crown design of the AirPods Max, but I’d give it a strong second to that.
When it comes to hardware design and general ease of use, Sonos has always done well across its product range, and that continues here. Grade: A
Sound is one of the most subjective/difficult things to review, and I’m going to try and be as neutral as possible and use some good points of comparison. Overall, the Aces perform fairly well for the product category, and while they bring their own approach to the table, it is very much debatable whether what they bring in terms of sound is worth the fairly high $450 entry point versus $450 for the AirPods Max, $299 for the Sennheiser Momentum 4, $328 for the Sony WH-1000XM5 or $379 for the Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra - all very mature and respectable market leaders with similar product features in this category. There are wireless headphones out there that are priced higher like the Focal Bathys ($799) or the Bowers and Wilkins Px8 ($529), though one could argue that those are catering to the luxury and/or audiophile market (all Amazon US prices as of this writing), where the sound expectations have a higher hurdle to overcome.
Let’s first talk about tonal balance. The general tuning of the Aces is very similar to all of the other products I mentioned above, which is a version of a “V-Shaped” tune; bass is boosted, and treble is boosted, creating what has become commonly known as a “fun” type of tuning that I call warm and sparkly. While all of the products I mentioned do this in some way, each does it slightly differently, resulting in a slightly different overall sound presentation, the Aces are no exception. Let’s dive in.
The bass on the Aces is very noticeably boosted throughout the entire band, and the biggest boost is in the sub-bass region. This means the Aces bring slam, boom and rumble to the listen. It could be argued that these get into bass head territory, and I believe those that like bass would be happy with the Aces in that department. While the bass is certainly very prominent, it is not overly loose and still maintains a decent level of control. It is a thick but fairly clean bass. It hits thicker than the AirPods Max but less so than the Momentums and XM5s. If you like to feel those big explosions and soundtrack moments in your TV viewing and gaming, the Aces will fit the bill, as the depth the bass can reach is impressive. The downside to the bass tuning is that since the entire bass band is boosted, if you are listening to a track that has a lot of action in the bass region, it can be overwhelming and lack detail. It can also lead to some bleed into the lower midrange on certain tracks.
It is the midrange on the Aces that surprised me the most, though when I think about how Sonos likely dedicated as much thought to how these sound for TV as to how they sound for music, it makes sense. In a usual “V-shaped” tuning, it is the midrange that is the least present or gets a bit left out of the mix. This often results in vocals and many common core instruments and pieces of the mix somewhat veiled, and is the reason many audiophiles don’t like the V-shaped tuning. The Aces mostly avoid this. The midrange balance is pretty on-target with the exception of a bit of a dip in the upper mids. This means that you get a very full-bodied core sound when listening to the Aces, and that’s a very good thing. Male vocals are very often put on full display because of the added warmth of the bass boost. Female vocals can sometimes take a bit of a back seat, along with instruments like guitar, as a result of the dip in the upper mids, but to notice either of these, you’d really have to be a focused listener (more on why later). The story of the midrange is that it’s better executed than many in the category. This translates well to TV/gaming as well, as dialogue is typically easy to make out, even when there’s lots of other action going on.
The treble on the Ace, as mentioned, is definitely boosted, but in a targeted way that overall, works. I mentioned that the upper midrange where female vocals and some higher instruments live is a bit de-emphasized. Well, the treble is boosted in the “sparkle” region, where sounds like symbols reside - as well as the “s” and “t” sounds in vocals. This boost makes details shine a bit more, and it also hides the under-emphasis of the upper midrange a bit because it still pulls forward the sparkle of all vocals. This upper midrange and treble boost combination is also seen in some well-regarded higher end headphones from the likes of Sennheiser and Meze Audio, just to name a few, so kudos to Sonos for pretty solid execution on the treble. The downside to boosting this region is that some people’s ears are sensitive to this frequency range, and can find sounds like snare drums, loud symbols and the like in this region to be grating to listen to for long periods of time. I don’t find the boost to be extreme, but it is there, so those that are treble-sensitive, just something to note.
This is a good point to make note that this has all been related to the default tonal balance of the Aces right out of the box. Connecting to the Sonos app does allow you to adjust the frequency response - though it is a very basic EQ just like other Sonos products - a simple treble/bass slider. Most of the options at this price point offer greater level of control with a at least a 3-5 band EQ, but it’s better than nothing.
Last in the sound department is a bit about the staging and technical performance. Again, the Aces do what they do fairly well for the category, but whether what they do is definitively better than their peers is debatable. The sound that comes from the Aces is crisp and clear, and one of the most immediately noticeable aspects of the presentation is the good horizontal spread of the pieces of the mix - everything is placed very well with pretty good separation. The sound stage isn’t overly wide by any means, and we aren’t talking about a 3D/holographic sound stage (unless you’re using Dolby Atmos, which I’ll come back to), but the sound does indeed go ear-to-ear horizontally. Even so, the focus of the Aces is always front and center. The stage is very center-focused and intimate, with the edges of the left and right channel wrapping around to the ears. It is a pretty in your face presentation that works well. The center position also has a small but distinct depth and separation from the mix, which is impressive for a wireless headphone (I had to wonder if the fact that the inside of the pads of the Aces are angled contributes to this). The fact that the stage is so center-focused also keeps the vocals and heart of the mix emphasized, and this pairs well with its midrange tuning. This presentation also is another testament to being well-designed for both music and TV listening.
I am not always a fan of Dolby Atmos for headphones, as what the technology can do is often overhyped, but the Aces do handle Atmos mixed sources (or multichannel sources when using TV Swap) very well. It essentially makes the sound stage a bit bigger, along with more precise positioning of the pieces of the mix. I find it best for video content and hit or miss for music.
The overall sound package that the Aces deliver is solid, well-executed, V-shaped listen. The sound is warm, crisp, clean, dynamic/lively and is presented very well, in a way that will work for many genres of music, TV and gaming. The aces definitely deserve to be in the conversation among the market leaders, but each of these market leaders also have strong overall presentations that are arguably just as good, if not better - and allow for a bit more control with more EQ personalization options. The Ace’s premium price relative to this competition has to be taken into consideration as a point of comparison in evaluating overall sound. Grade: B+ / A-
I realize that when evaluating a pair of wireless headphones nowadays, the technology feature set is a big factor as well, and that’s where things get even more interesting for the Aces. This is because depending on your particular Sonos setup, mobile device setup, and general home listening setup, the technological features of the Aces are various levels of either lacking or unfinished.
Let’s start with the good. Regardless of the device you’re using to connect, you get to experience the active noise cancellation and transparency modes of the Aces, and both are very good. The noice cancelling mode isn’t quite as good as Bose, and the transparency mode isn’t quite as good as Apple, but both are respectable compared to anything else, a good showing. You can also enable head tracking in the Sonos app when connected to any device audio via Bluetooth, which for Android users may be an added convenience, depending on your device (for Apple users, this is a feature built in option at the system level between any iOS device and AirPods). You also get a fairly good mix of codec support, including some lossless options if your device supports it.
Now, the not so good. When Sonos announced the Aces, the company very accurately talked about how headphones were one of the most requested products of the community, and everyone in this sub can probably attest to that. But what has been released, at this point in time especially, IMO misses the mark by not doing the we want the headphones to do most - connect seamlessly to our larger Sonos systems, and on top of this, it highlights the challenge of forced obsolescence when dealing with home theater speakers and advanced technology in the same package.
The best way to illustrate this is to state plainly that the Aces are first and foremost Bluetooth headphones. They connect to your Sonos system indirectly via the app on your Bluetooth device, not directly to the system itself via WiFi (mostly). This means a few things. If you’re envisioning using the Sonos app as a hub main hub for navigating your music library across sources and handing it off between your Sonos speakers and headphones, that’s not in the cards with the Ace (ha). As a matter of fact, you can only use the Sonos app to play and pause media playing on the Ace, not select and navigate.
If your goal is using the Aces to listen to your TV, it can be done via a feature called TV Swap, but the situation isn’t exactly pretty for a lot of people. You can press a button on the Aces or within the Sonos app to trigger a direct WiFi connection between a TV-connected Sonos speaker, but at launch and of this writing, it only works on the top-of-the-line Sonos Arc soundbar. This support is coming via software update to the Beam and Ray at an unannounced date. This means that for folks like me that have been building a Sonos ecosystem for years, arguably the most loyal and valuable customers of Sonos (and the ones requesting this product for years), the usefulness of the Aces may be substantially reduced. Out of the four rooms that have Sonos sound bars in my home, again, all purchased within the last ten years or less, only two will ever work with the Aces. My Playbase and Playbar are forever excluded, and if you’re using something like the Sonos Amp to connect a turntable or other device to your Sonos system, you’re also out of luck. If you are an Android user, the picture is even uglier, as the TV Swap feature doesn’t work AT ALL, meaning that until an update arrives, also at an as yet unannounced date, the Aces are essentially a regular pair of Bluetooth headphones for Android users.
For me, this is the most disappointing thing about the Aces. Unless you are a fairly recent inductee to the Sonos ecosystem, the Aces probably are really more general Bluetooth headphones that can connect to a Sonos speakeTV than Sonos headphones that also connect to Bluetooth devices. This is in a world where there are certainly other options for connecting headphones to your TV’s audio. Many smart TV’s and set top boxes now offer a direct Bluetooth connection, and if you have an Apple TV, using AirPods via AirPlay is a much more seamless experience. All of these things, combined with the recent revamp of the Sonos app that took away features and left many unhappy in the name of updating the app for future products (including the Ace), should make you think twice about if the Aces are the best way to get TV audio via headphones for you and your setup - and about the longevity of your particular Sonos setup in general. I realize there are technical challenges that make better Sonos system integration a challenge, and that for some, the issue about older products isn’t an issue at all, but it is worth bringing to light for those making a long-term purchase decision.
The second most disappointing thing about the launch of the Aces is the continued trend of companies releasing products at full price that are essentially unfinished. I already discussed that for Android users at launch, there is no TV Swap at all, so these are effectively just regular Bluetooth headphones with no Sonos system integration at all. I also touched on the fact that TV swap support for the Beam and Ray is missing for all platforms. There is also a very cool-sounding form of TruePlay that Sonos is calling TrueTune. This will calibrate the room, so that when using TV Swap to listen to audio, you’ll get an even more “immersive” listening experience that takes Spatial Audio and head tracking to the next level by trying to actually mirror the acoustics of the room as if you had no headphones on at all. I can’t report on that because, you guessed it…the feature is coming at a yet unannounced date. On top of this, there are bugs out of the gate. Sometimes my Aces don’t show up in the Sonos app, and TV Swap sometimes doesn’t trigger or glitches out.
All of this makes judging the technological features of the Aces difficult. On the side of being Bluetooth headphones - the ANC, connection possibilities/versatility, multi-device connection, head tracking/spatial audio support, and battery life, the Aces are a strong showing. On the Sonos side, your experience will be highly dependent on your current Sonos setup, source setup, how you like to navigate your music library, your level of patience to receive updates, and your trust/level of care for when/if Sonos will release an update that breaks something between your Aces and your existing setup or releases a new speaker that doesn’t work with the Aces. These are all considerations that again make the $450 asking price seem steep when there are other options in the market with equal or greater capabilities for a substantially lesser price. Grade: C-
Overall, I view the Aces as a solid pair of Bluetooth headphones, and as Bluetooth headphones for day-to-day needs, they are worth considering, though arguably not the best value in terms of overall sound quality and features. The AirPods Max, Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wireless, Sony WH-1000XM5 and Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra all bring comparatively good sound and feature sets at the same or a substantially lower price. Whether that premium is worth it because of the Sonos interplay, well, your mileage may vary, depending on your setup. They have the potential to be pretty great for some, while at the same time being annoying for some - hard to hate, hard to love. I hope this review was helpful for those taking a look at these or building a Sonos ecosystem in general. Happy listening!
submitted by Gizm0Guru to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:45 st0mpeh Harasser vs PTS Sundy - Some testing

Im a harasser main and myself and my gunner had a bit of time to test last night. Since we play TR we used a Vulcan as thats mostly what we drive in the field.
First thing we found out is its pointless testing against your own factions sundy as things get funky and dont work the same, so after throwing out the first hours results we retested against a sundy of the opposite faction.
Deploy Dome: From outside the bubble it took 2.5 mags just to take down the shield before we could start taking down the sundy health. In the field its not that easy to stay on target that long when youre being shot at but as a buff its only slightly over what we would expect if the idea is to give it more durability as a single defence.
Enhanced Plating: 2.75 Mags from close (but not adjacent) distance to take the bus down. Doesnt seem unreasonable for a buff if the bus is on its own but from a longer distance (lower power bullets) and with support thats extending its life quite significantly. Still its not that terrible on its own.
Reactive Armor: This is where it gets a bit crazy, it took 6.5 whole mags! parked next to it to take it down, thats ridiculously long and for that it might as well be invulnerable as we're not taking that down in the field even with a blind three legged dog doing repairs, this needs a significant readjustment downward.
Additionally, why would anybody bother using Enhanced plating when Reactive Armor is so strong?
Nanite Repair: The hilarious part of testing was when the heal is on, just 1 engineer repairing meant we were doing literally no damage at all from a Vulcan parked next to it. I get that these new abilities are supposed to beef it up a but but surely there has to be some chance that we take it down with sustained fire?
Before the buff it from personal experience if I see 2 engineers repair glows while we are shooting at a bus then we can maybe still do it, but when there are three glows or more its just not worth it as they can outrepair any DPS we can present to it as a light vehicle. Now just one engineer on his own can completely nullfy an attack from our strongest weapon from near point blank range, two engineers and its just not worth bothering.
Repair Station: Insane amount of reps! We put one out and tried to kill the Harasser with a Rocket Launcher and an Explosive Crossbow both at once, the Harasser+Rep station won!! This is going to make groups of anything camping by one of these virtually invulnerable. Its going to create unmovable nests of high power vehicles that nobody can more. Theres a reason rep sundys till now have been relatively slow to repair, this is it. The Station repair rate needs toning down significantly.
As for destroying it, its weak enough and seems to fall fairly quickly with sustained fire (all exept the Archer which seemed to take forever yet should be a good fit for that job) and multiple stations didnt seem to stack reps thankfully but having a sundy rolling around pooping several of these out with insane rep rates is going to be a problem, I would prefer to see just one at a time so drivers have to choose where to create the invulnerable vehicle camp.
A bigger problem: The biggest issue we came across was the fact that these buffs can be stacked in multiple slots. We tested the Deploy Dome + Reactive Armor and came up against the completely insane situation that we ran out of all our ammo before we could take the bus down from outside of the shield.
It took 11.5 full magazines as once the shield comes down, the reactive armor is so strong that the shield came up again so we had to use another 2.5 mags to take that back down again. A Vulcan carries 10 mags. So even the strongest close quarters AV weapon could not match a SB+RA sunderer.
Some of you may say a single vehicle shouldnt be able to take down a single sunderer but then whats the point of having a vehicle designed for AV work? Its literally our job to clear sunderers from around bases under attack and if we cant then we might as well pack up and not bother (something im sure the infantry players who want vehicles to be deleted from the game will like) or we just farm the infantry from it and not even bother trying to take down these new invincible war machines while our bases fall to the lightest of attacks.
Lastly but I think this has been said already
Point Defense: Lets face it this is just going to be used to farm as its basically turning it into a stationary battle bus. Especially with long range weapons such as Palisades(+NC/VS variants) and Walkers plus high power AI bulldog/furys.
People are going to be sitting in these shooting at anything moving even when they arent even close to or engaging the sunderer they are mounted on. If the fire rates are going to be buffed this much it needs a significant nerf to accuracy to compensate. Either that or the buff only affects the shorter range defensve weapons, not something that can reach across to the next Hex.
I do hope the devs listen to us because to release these to live like this is going to seriously unbalance the vehicle game. Im all for seeing more durability in some areas but as they are theyve created a monster and gone way overboard with this whole beef up the sunderer thing.
submitted by st0mpeh to Planetside [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:45 Nahiyan_Alam Games to play with my friend?

He's on mobile, so I need to stick with mobile games. I'm looking for some games that we can play together and have fun, but I haven't been able to find any good ones.
submitted by Nahiyan_Alam to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:45 Fabrs99 Let's talk about combos

Generally, we think about combos as "a fast sequence of punches", and that's ok, but not enough. If you are throwing like 8 or more punches and not getting a knockdown, that may be an impressive fast sequence of punches, but you're just wasting your breath. A combination of 3 or even just 2 punches can already be enough to achieve a knockdown in the game.
I think about a combo as a sequence of good punches, and movements, well connected.
The first step in developing a combo is to find a good punch. It doesn't matter what punch it is, a cross, a hook, or even a jab. Just choose one and start working on it, but keep the following in mind:
I don't care if you have to go all the way down to Sparring Partner on easy, or even to the Dummy to find your good punch, and don't be ashamed to do that, because in the end of the day, you cannot achieve on Outclassed what you can't achieve even on Easy.
Now that you have a good punch, it's time to find a second one... ...and talk about the "well connected" part.
You may add any punch after your first one, but some of them will fit a lot better than others. For example, notice how a cross automatically "charges" your other hand's hook, while it also make your opponent raise his defense to front punches ...leaving his side open. Or, how landing a hook makes your opponent cover his sides, leaving his chin open to a uppercut, which is the same range as your hook. That's the thing about connecting well.
Or course, your second punch should also be a GOOD one, AND your first punch should not be hindered by it being added. At this point, it is easy to fall for the set up punch fallacy: "Oh, my jab sucks, but it's just because it's a set up punch"... Don't fall for that. Although the "set up punch" is a real thing, don't use it as an excuse for weak punching. Most of the time, there's no reason for your first punch to not be devastating as well.
Naturally, after finding a second punch, you can repeat the process for as many punches as you like — but, hopefully, if you followed the steps, you will find yourself not NEEDING a lot more of them to consistently achieving knockdowns.
Finally, movement. Good combos are not always made entirely of just punching. A little step here or there, a well timed pause while throwing, a shoulder rotation, some head movement to bait your opponent on throwing something... those little details can make a lot for your combo. One of my favourites, for example, is stepping back and waiting for the opponent to come in with a jab, dodge it to your right and come over his jab with a nasty rear hook, that just got "charged" by your dodging. The first dodge movement is essential. Then, after being hit really hard, the opponent usually steps back and I'm already ready to lunge forward (another movement) with a stiff jab, followed by a final real hook. But, in case that hook fails, I add a bob-weave at the end to stay safe (another movement).
So, after you develop all these details, you're gonna have ...your first reliable combo. And it will be a lot of fun and something really useful to deal with opponents on higher difficulty levels. But don't get accomodated. Select another punch, and start building your second, different, combo =)
Not sure if this is pretty obvious to most, but it took me a long time to figure these little things out.. and I would love to hear your experiences and tips in the comments.
submitted by Fabrs99 to ThrillOfTheFight [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:44 Marvelous_MilkTea 4 months is hard.

Just some venting. The 4 month mark makes me miss the newborn stage. Not only has her sleep regressed so that it takes forever to get her to bed, she wakes up earlier, wakes up multiple times in the night (more than she used to at 2 and 3 months), and barely naps during the day if at all so I am extra tired these days. But then what makes it more difficult is that she also needs me to entertain her all day long while she is incapable of doing anything independently yet. So I am exhausted walking her around the house all day long, walking around the yard, playing with toys for her, sitting there making eye contact talking to her, tummy time together, and she won't let me sit down and relax while holding her. We have to be moving around doing something.
And this is going to last for who knows how long 😭 a whole month or 2 of this. Every day I think to myself.... one more day done. Just waiting for it to get a bit easier.
Good thing she is so ridiculously cute and easy to love. I wouldn't do this for anyone else!!
submitted by Marvelous_MilkTea to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:44 Nomad_035 Attack Shark X3 Sleeps on Fortnite

Attack Shark X3 Sleeps on Fortnite
Recently, I bought an Attack Shark X3 and it is working perfectly, except for one issue specifically with Fortnite. Whenever I am playing, after a while, the mouse simply stops working and goes into 'device sleep' mode in the software, and the 'Mode indicator light' starts flashing red. The only way to get the mouse working again is to unplug and replug the USB dongle, and this only happens with Fortnite. I have already adjusted the Windows power options and disabled sleep mode in the software, but the problem persists. I need help
submitted by Nomad_035 to MouseReview [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:44 armchairwhatever [USA-MD][H] Modded & unmodded consoles, Nintendo Switch games, controllers, accessories and VR [W] Paypal

Selling a lot of tech that I need the money for. All of my items are in fantastic condition, and will be cleaned and disinfected prior to shipping.
1) AYA Neo 2
This is the White Model with 16GB of ram and 525GB of storage. Comes with the official dock that connects to TV plus the case and charger. $300 shipped SOLD
2)Quest 2
Not really played much, I believe this one is the 128gb model, comes with the Kiwi elite strap and the Anker official charging dock. Asking for $225 shipped for this one
3)New Nintendo 3DSXL (Modded)
Jailbroken. Modding software shown in pics, comes with 64gb SD and charger. Asking for $200 shipped
4)PS Vita Slim (Modded)
Like the 3DS, I put pics of the exact modding software and OS in the timestamps. Comes with the sd card game slot thing (don't know what it's called lol let's you run your own games pics also in timestamps.) Comes with 256gb SD card. I'm not too sure on pricing for this one but going $200 shipped.
5) XBOX 360 (Modded)
RGH3 I believe is the hack, includes RGB lights,, running Aurora launcher, and is stocked with the basics like Dashlaunch and xexmenu. Also 1TB storage. Comes with 2 controllers in immaculate condition, as well as power cord for the system. Like other consoles, pics of software are added. Asking $200 shipped
6) PlayStation Classic
Open Box, not too much to say about this one. Great condition. Looking for $50 shipped
7)Nintendo Switch Games
Super Mario Maker 2
Super Mario 3D World
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Club House Games 51
Korg Gadget
Oddworld Collection
Really trying to sell all of these together, I think $170 for the lot is fair.
8) X2 Switch Pro Controllers
Open box condition, both in retail packaging and include chargers. Looking for $100 shipped for the pair.
9) Backbone Controller Type C Edition
Barely used. Looking for $75 shipped.
ALWAYS ACCEPTING OFFERS! Not commonly selling things so I'm more than happy to wiggle on pricing.
submitted by armchairwhatever to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:44 ProfessionalSpell745 MDT ESS I’m an idiot what to do?

MDT ESS I’m an idiot what to do?
Alright, I screwed up, wondering what the reddit community has to say.
Bought the wrong base, in my haste to get a chassis on black friday from MDT I picked up the base with a long action mag opening. I assumed since it was a rem 700 LA it would fit but realized yesterday when I finally got around to mounting glass that the mag opening is way too small and need the 3.85 mag well.
So…what’s the play? Hope to find someone that can trade ESS base? Save the chassis for another build? Wait until black friday again? Paid $650 for the chassis so spending $500 for just the base seems hard to swallow.
submitted by ProfessionalSpell745 to longrange [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:44 Nahiyan_Alam Games to play with my best friend?

He's on mobile, so I need to stick with mobile games. I'm looking for some games that we can play together and have fun, but I haven't been able to find any good ones.
submitted by Nahiyan_Alam to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:44 Glum_Ad5931 New to the community [Other] [Online]

Hey guys! I'm really new into D&D and would want to play online with someone. I wonder where should i start? I have some basic knowledge and some from games like Baldurs gate etc... Are the DMs playing or explaining the game from scratch payed to do it? Or? Just need some info of how could i learn and play?
submitted by Glum_Ad5931 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:43 Signal_Team8543 Kim Egg, Youtuber and Founder of QWER, Injured in a Car Accident

Article translated using google translate.
[Sports Reporter Kim Jun-seok] Kim Gye-ran, a health YouTuber and online content creator, is taking a hiatus from his activities due to a car accident.
On the 8th, Kim Gye-ran announced his accident, saying, “I suffered fractures to my head and shoulder due to a car accident while on schedule, so I will likely need surgery.”
He continued, "I think I will be taking quite a long break for the time being. Thank you all for your concern. I will do my best to recover."
Kim Gye-ran added, "The existing footage will be uploaded as scheduled, but it looks like he will probably be working hard. I will prove that a shoulder fracture = lower body."
submitted by Signal_Team8543 to QWER_Band [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:42 MythicalBwast The game is a bit lackluster atm ; Update of Life

I just a post saying that this game is tiring and I agree. I do agree that playing a game for a long time and getting sick of it is a valid point. That's what happens to me with with Sims, but I also left because Gamelodt gave off the impression that they weren't money hungry and big on microtransaction. You know how EA is but that was until they went back on their word on Dreamlight Valley being free to play while still advertising it that way 6mo before said release. Then they said characters won't be behind a paywall and yet Wall-E, Ursula and Belle exist. And I can tell Adam will be behind one too.
Then not to mention the glitches and bugs. So many bugs in this game that are not being fixed with urgency. We bought the exapnsions just for it to not live up the hype. Barely any updates and I'm assuming the last update will be this summer? Unless we get a years worth but even then that's not worth 30 bucks, cause there's 6 or 5 more ports behind the castle. I'm gonna pay $150 dollars every 6-12mos for 3-6 free updates??? Big biomes with barely any decorations unique to these islands and not enough game buildings that don’t come from the premium shop? That doesn't seem worth it to me unless they will continue to pop out updates like they have done for the main Valley.
I really think after Tiana drops they need to stop making new content. They need to 1. Fix all the bug, glitches and constant crashing and freezing. 2. We need to have our levels updated. I think it goes to 40, we need to make it go to 80. The tabs should be better organized. We need a multilayer tab. A 3. Multi-player needs a very big update. I'm not paying for it after my subscription is over because it's a waste of my money. Not much to do especially being a PS player and no cross-play. 4. They need to add some character to the game, some more touch up as well as adding search bars like people have asked. Ad characters should get new animations animations dialouge. Especially the older one.
  1. We need to be able to really customize our valley. I think we should be able to reskin every building we get. Premium or no premium and it SHOULDN'T be in the premium shop either. It should should money and moonstone free. I like visiting my friends valley but we all have the same Scrooge store and Remy restaurant, and bakery, ect. Not too crazy but like being able to change change brick color, and the windows, and the color of those top things. Just color swatches basically. The ability to add walls inside a room. For either a bathroom or just a division. And they need to fix the alignment in the game as well as letting paths touch. That's a must. I hate the gap. And it's been two years. That little they update they did was cool, yes, but they need to go ahead and update the Scrooge store with a whole new catalog of clothes and furniture. Because them adding furniture and and clothes to the premium shop just about piss me off. And not to mention the furniture frequently has a red dot to stuff you have definitely already bought and just remove L couches, cabinets and chandeliers from the displays and just have them in the tab to avoid this issue because they thinknits funny but it's actually annoying. They just invented more space to see the same things. And I'm not sure how the sandbox works. I know it can't be like the sims but I like to have one flexibility on our homes. Open floor plans, windows actually having lighting no matter where they're placed and just the ability to not have everything so boxy and straightforward. It's really giving Sims Freeplay and I don't like that.
  2. We need LIFE. I love being the Queen, Ruler, Empress- whatever of Dreamlight Valley but I need a life. I'm not sayingbthey need to go full blown siks with jobs, care and toddlers, but something. I want to have the ability to have the Forgotten either be more human like; like they look like me but they have visuable features. Like their skin is either black or purple or vitiligo with black and purple, they either be your twin, or you can dress them up. I want to be able to assign them a room in my own and you actually see them in it. Sleeping, by the fire, something. Walking around the house, things like that. With a voice too or not but speech bubbles or be able to change the tune of their voice. I want to be able to have needs like in the sims. We have to eat, sleep, we can't actually sit to the tables and not so far back. Interact with objects like the toaster to cook, watch clips/trailers of movies or series as TV and that be a need of fun or entertainment. Using the bathroom is option but I would like to use my garden tub and glass shower and my Moana sink lop. Interact with merlijs items or the Tangled spindles and art easel. Pick up a book. Certain interaction with certain characters, like you're able to read to stitch(7 second animation or whatever), cast spells with Merlin, things like that. I'd like to be able to have relationships too, like our own NPCS, with either a room in our house or their own. Like siblings or spouses, pets - not companions, marriage or things like that. I thought we were getting cars or be able to drive the carriage, Oswald car or bus but even being about to ride the bikes/motorcycles would be cool. And just deeper lorr and gameplay like combat or just being able to hold a weapon and fight a villain or something. Basically being able to do disney/fantasy things in a Disney game.
Not all this needs to happen but something lol. I feel like what the game mostly is about now is giving us a buggy game and premium shop. And yes, the game is amazing, but every update we have said there's problems so they don't think about buying every system and having testers play game a week before releasing??? I feel like that makes sense because soon there's going to much bugs to fix like the Sims 4. It's just new content, premium shop, dreamsnaps and boring star paths. Too many motifs and why the hell did we have an AMUSEMENT Park starpath but Slinky was in the shop and NOT the star path????
Like I love the game. Almost 1k hours on this thing, but after the main story, a few character levels for their missions, a few crafting here and leveled up attractions it gets boring. I do think after I have decorated every biome, leveled up every character, and gotten gotten 100k mist and Dreamlight I won't play the game as much if nothing is gonna change.
And don't get me wrong, I'm aware it's most the company not the game people but it's still frustrating. The star paths haven't seemed worth my time. Dreamsnaps being repeated gets tiring. Nothing new, it's a lot. It's just idk. I play other games like RPGs and stuff and you know they can take 70+ hours to complete, if you're a pro that is because I can replay those over and over and over because they have that much to do.
submitted by MythicalBwast to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:42 VeefromsuitU Hiii new member here!!

Hi! I am vee. I make art. Im 15, so pls dont be weird with your requests ;-; Like all other people i love dressing up and playing good stuff. For that, i need robux. Willing to make anything :3!! Maximum ill7 u charge is 100 robux for 2 models :D! Do dm!
submitted by VeefromsuitU to RobloxCommissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:42 Ill_Addendum MultiVersus might have an AFK problem

Three of the five games I played so far today featured players that were straight-up idling. I don’t think it was a connection issue, as when I face those, the match doesn’t give you progress and the results screen takes a while to load - neither of those problems occurred in any of the three matches.
So unless there’s been a dramatic change to what DCs look like, I feel like a significant percentage of queues consists of AFK players. For the smidge of battle pass XP? To grind out some mission? PFG needs to fix the incentives somehow so this happens less or ban players who don’t move or attack at all if they can’t stop it.
submitted by Ill_Addendum to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:42 Inevitable-Law-3638 Looking for exchange of fruits😊

Hi, everyone! I am Maria from Love. It is the first time I play online and have no friends that play. I want to help in case someone needs my fruits, crops or fossils!
I am looking for: appels, cherries, pears, and maybe green pumpkin You may take: any fossil you find and can shake trees for any fruit or crop (of course not take the whole plant, but it's products). I have oranges, peaches, coconuts, bamboo, potatoes, carrots, sugarcane, tomatoes, yellow/white/orange 🎃
Dm me for 🦤 code. Let's play 😁
submitted by Inevitable-Law-3638 to BuddyCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:42 Owl_House_3111 A FRESH GRAD MISTAKES ON HER FIRT JOB?

For my ate's and kuya's here. What are the red flags I should be aware of when I apply sa isang TECH company?
For reference: (F) 22, I took a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering waiting na lang sa graduation this coming July. I'm currently in a a job hunt kasi sabi ng mga elders mas maganda ng prepared I know for some people too early since hindi ko pa hawak deploma (credentials) ko although some companies may not require asap. while others would prefer na right after graduation (1-2 months) mag laan ng panahon to apply. Btw, yes may experience na po ako with interview, mag send ng resume, emails and inquiries.
I don't know which way ang mag wo-work sakin. If you'd ask me ano bang gusto kong I-pursue? Tbh, gusto ko talaga maganda agad ang mapasukan ko na company. I know I can't control that part.
Nung nag ojt ako they gave me a tasked to create a project (for their own use) (exploitation much) haha anw, the project includes creating an online database and I did 60-70% of the Job. Why did I mention that? Kasi feeling ko kaya ko naman pero alam n'yo po parang marami akong kayang gawin pero hindi ako expert. Like: I can make a pubmat, I can do film, I can act, I can write stories, tell stories, speak in front of people, paint, dance, edit videos and photo manipulations and so much more. I also love to play guitar, acoustic and electric.
I have too much to think about but knowing me? I don't think working for somebody would work. The ick feeling kapag may nag uutos sakin na alam kong lampas na sa responsibilities ko. I wish I wasn't this aware.
Sometimes I wish I can work without feeling anything.
submitted by Owl_House_3111 to PHJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:42 Wonderful_Vast_6541 HSR Download Failure

I downloaded the HoYo Play launcher because I like having a super organized desktop.
Now I can’t download HSR.
Genshin works fine, but every time I try to install HSR it stops at 21%, the download speed goes down to 0.00kb/s, and then it gives me a download failure. I’ve tried moving files around for storage, I got a hard drive so I have an extra 114gb to download it onto (not counting the space the launcher takes). I even went into Command Prompt and went through my network caches and settings. I tried downloading it from the web as well but that just redirected me to the launcher. ;
I’m going a little crazy, so if anyone has a solution, I’d love to hear it.
submitted by Wonderful_Vast_6541 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:41 pewds90mill Finished my high school career with a 6’11 (~2.11m) clear, falling just short of 7’1”

Finished my high school career with a 6’11 (~2.11m) clear, falling just short of 7’1”
Next stop: Boilermaker Station 🚂 Had my last meet at the Indiana All-Star Midwest Meet of Champions. (It was outside 😂) I won the meet and tried for 7’1” but just didn’t have enough rotation.
Tips are appreciated!
I think I need to create more lean at takeoff to be able to flip over the bar quicker, and also more speed.
submitted by pewds90mill to highjump [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:41 TheDiscoChicken_42 Help meh

I am level 13 and really need to get levels fast. I only can play for like 20-30 mins per day and lego and festival are not helping that much. any suggestions?
submitted by TheDiscoChicken_42 to FortniteXPMaps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:41 No-Concept-6585 AXS transfer query

Hiya everyone,
I bought tickets for N2 Liverpool through viagogo, a risk I know! I’ve received the tickets in my AXS account today and everything looks to be okay. Everything matches on viagogo to AXS but im CONVINCED something will go wrong based on everything online telling me viagogo is basically a scam company.
Is there anything at this stage that I need to be prepared for? Is there a way they could have sold multiple versions of the ticket considering they are now transferred into my account in my name? The AXS website says the QR code updates every 60 seconds for security so surely the only version of the tickets that will work is the transferred ones on my AXS app and not screenshotted versions? Also, the original version of the sellers tickets will no longer be valid in their accounts as they have been transferred to mine right? Also, I’m assuming you can’t upload fake tickets to AXS and transfer them? All tickets on AXS transfer will be legitimate tickets?
I know I probably sound dramatic considering the tickets are showing in my AXS account but I’m trying not to get too excited just incase we can’t get in! It’s the first time I’ve been able to get tickets for a concert so this is all completely new to me so I’m hoping for some guidance from experience Redditors please!
submitted by No-Concept-6585 to erastour [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:41 Mobile_Ad578 Wedding drama

Long long story sorry. Rules set out by soon to be Husband 1, no church. OK no problem 2, no cake. OK far to expensive anyway 3, equal number of guests. Interesting as 4 including him in his family, 10 in mine, plus 10 mutual friends plus his work mates who had children/teenagers so allowed for plus ones for each teenager as I know the venue had arcade and at least they could enjoy it. 12 people total of 38 just incase. So I ordered Package deal of Christmas set meal of 12 starters, 12 Mains and 12 Deserts choice for each person which also included 50 tickets per person on the arcade game machines one of which was white water rapids I wanted to go on. 4, no wedding Dress. He believed that as we add been living together for 10 years there was no point in a wedding dress. Wrong ì would ware what I wanted to. 5, no flowers. He did not understand it was already decorated for Christmas as we were having registered wedding on 18th December. 6, an extra place was to be set for his deceased brother. I had never met his brother and as he was paying nothing towards the wedding there was no way I was having my family pay for a full meal for a ghost. 6, Who would be our witnesses. Agreed. 7,no top table (no idea how to explain that to parents) 8, no speeches (not his choice so tough)
Registrars rules 1 no alcohol in room ( room had a bar in it and had to be emptied before wedding which venue kindly did) 2 no religious themes in room (exception for Christmas Decorations as long as no crosses,) 3, no walking down an aisle (so Bridesmaids and farther of the bride cannot walk together STUPID RULE) my Dad did not get to walk any of his daughters down an aisle, I did offer to take him to Tescos so we could walk down an aisle which made him laugh and he was OK with that)
Bridesmaids, Sister and Niece told, venue was totally floor to ceiling red, as the room at Dave and Busters was set for Christmas. Dresses were paid for by my parents, in any choice of style, colour and length totally their choice. I ended up paying for Husband to be leather trousers and I had brought him a shirt which he did not want to ware and said he would buy his own. Not sure why I had to buy leather trousers. During fitting no available dresses in my size to try so dressmaker surprised me by getting my size 10 Sister to try the dress on. Mom was so happy as my sister didn't wear a wedding dress for her wedding. No way would I look anything like her as I was a 20 the dress had to be 2 sizes up from that due to fitting and Sister 5ft 0in I am 5ft 8in she is blond blue eyes I am mousey and Hazel eyes. I could not say a thing as parents were paying and mom was happy.
The wedding hell ( day)
Hairdresser took 4 hours for 2 do ups 1 wash and blow dry. I told him to do same as usual, which usually took 30 minutes however he decided to add a little body to my hair which I said OK, but he had spoken to my mother, they agreed ringlets would look great, I hate ringlets and curly hair. I felt awful as he put curlers in for body, sprayed it with stuff and left me for 3 hours whilst he did the others, promising me the spray would make it have a slight wave, like hell. Others looked great and no time to fix it, as had to get ready.
So Bridesmaids wore red satin A line dresses (yep you could not see them in a red room)Dad ordered cars, not 2 as we had agreed but 1 taxi for all of us. 2 Bridesmaids, Dad, Mom ME and driver packed in. We passed groom on way as he left a pub. He was late! Photos taken of me, angry bride getting out of packed car whilst snowing. 1 taken. Brother was photographer and realised not a happy bride. Photos of everyone else by Christmas Trees. My groom turned up slightly drunk and said the most amazing thing to me that I was surprised I married him but all I could think was how much everything had cost my parents.
We had to met with Registrars before wedding in a room and were asked about the order of service they provided we said short as we wanted to let guests enjoy the venue. We were asked if they could do a reading. Expecting they meant a religious one we said no thank you. Guess not turned up out of 35, 10 all his work mates 6 of which turned up at 8pm after a 2pm wedding. Expecting to be fed the wedding meal which was finished hours previously so they expected us to pay for an evening meal for them. Answered No chance. £1,000 wasted on there food alone. Anyway the "service" consisted of us answering yes to our names whilst we were seated on a stage with only Registrars bride and groom. No one else allowed all others seated in no order and then the registrar stood up and said the bride and groom did not want a reading but they needed to complete the paperwork so here is a reading of a poem! Don't remember saying yes to that. That was it. We signed a book or 2 and it was over, no option to stop the wedding which I was going to do but to late. I had 2 dresses one a wedding dress and a change for the meal after the service, a black satin dress which was how I felt. I went to change. At which point one of the witnesses decided to do a toast to the bride and groom and I was not in the room, it took me 3 minutes to change dress and shoes. My Dad did not get a chance as the meal was ready. And I was back, The meal was buffet style with all 12 of each option per person it was huge. Everyone looked at me to be seated as there were 3 sets of tables. I said please sit where ever you like. I went to a table and sat down my husband sat next to me on my other side were 2 mutual friends his parents my parents and next to my husband was his mom's friend I had not met who had dementia and called my husband his deceased brothers name for the next hour. At the end of the meal I gave out the tickets for the arcade, having 500 tickets extra, strangely I was left with no tickets left to go on the ride but as it turned out i did not get the chance. Why well, Husband was so drunk, he started a fight with his Dad. It got so bad that I had people telling me to take him home. Angrily I arranged it having had a 2pm wedding which finished with a passed out Husband on the bed at home by 4.15pm 2 and a quarter hours wedding. He proceeded to wake and went to the upstairs toilet but managed to throw up on the carpet midway, yes I could have got it cleaned but why should I. So I cut a huge hole out wrapped it up and put it in the bin, blaming him for cutting the carpet up after puking. Which he believed for many years and still does. We got conned for 6 bottles of champagne instead of 5 which was for 25 adults because my sisters son had a glass and they had to open an extra bottle but he was under age and already told no alcohol. Then whilst opening our presents at home on my own while everyone else was at the wedding with evening entertainment and buffet I had a phone call for the remaining bill to be paid and I had to play chase ringing my Dad at a quiet time to go and pay the remaining balance as he was still there. So I spent the rest of the night on my own. Nice Ho almost forgot the special something my groom said to me as soon as he arrived seeing me dressed up "What the f**k do you look like?" Just as we were called into the registrar meeting.
For background were dated for 5 years lived together for 10 years were married for 19 years 359 days we divorced absolute 6 da6s before 20 years married. Now 5 years divorced so much better.
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