High school play scripts

Reddit for Grownups

2011.05.08 16:02 MrRabbit Reddit for Grownups

This is a community for Redditors that are starting to get that "get off my lawn" feeling whenever they check their front page. So come in, have some fun, and enjoy the Reddit discussions that you remember from years past.

2018.04.12 11:49 Liz to Aoi Tori

Liz to Aoi Tori/Liz and the Blue Bird, was an Kyoto Animation film that aired April 21, 2018.

2020.11.19 18:27 helixu Whispering you a love song/ Whisper me a love song

Subreddit about yuri manga: Whispering you a love song/Whisper me a love song.

2024.05.16 12:32 Mavelovent Seeking genuine friends or at least gaming buddies. Someone relatable.

Hello. As states in the title I'd like to find someone I can either befriend or at the very least be able to reliably play games with. I don't wish to study social media engineering and ways to create an ideal post that will garner plenty of attention, so I will simply write what I think a decent post that would make me interested would look like.
I am 31 year old male from Poland that lives with depression (it's nor exactly "struggling" at this point, more of an acceptance without ability to fight it), NEET, programming and fantasy nerd with aspergers syndrome, unable to make friends with anyone at all. No longer wish to work on myself, I just want to talk and play games with someone long term. Talking and playing games with people are the only joys I have in life and they are very much hard to come by.
I've figured that showing some things you are proud of could help, here are some of my gaming accomplishments (yes, I know these will be cringy to most people, but these are things I'm genuinely proud of. I hope at least some people would share these sentiments).
Again, I do not wish to flex these but simply wish to show that I am proud of something, achievement hunting and honing gaming skill is something I feel most at home with. I wish to share that joy with someone and hopefully make friends. I have ~1000 games available so perhaps there is something we can play together?
Aside from games I have interest revolving around manga, electro music, puzzles, logic, controversial/taboo topics and opinions.
If it peaks your interest at all, please send me a short message describing yourself (1-2 sentences, including asl if you don't mind, I don't want to read a paragraph to start off) and mention a game or a few games you think we might want to play together.
I promise to respond to everyone and provide more info if needed.
submitted by Mavelovent to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:31 firepowurrrr Social anxiety but not socially anxious around other socially anxious people

Is this social anxiety? I was wondering if there is a possible CBT method to adapt to this to all kinds of people.
Maybe its because of having the thought process that someone's is like you so you don't feel as anxious?

What i tried to do:
  1. - I watched HealthyGamerGG and I try to think outwardly towards inwardly like-
If I'm feeling anxious around someone, usually its not about me. Maybe they are worried that I am anxious so they want to accommodate the anxiety kind of thing.

  1. - Most adults are just like grown up high school students.
Besides the obvious of not going outside so much so there isn't a lot of human interaction training
submitted by firepowurrrr to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:31 VisualLimit APs are causing tension between my sister and I

My sister and her husband are both doctors (you can see where this is going). My (26F) husband and I are not. Financially, my husband and I work earn more as we both work in tech in the Bay Area but my APs look down on my husband and I. They literally worship my sister and her husband. When they need a favor they only bother me and my husband because our jobs are ‘less stressful’ so we must have a lot of free time on our hands. They mock us that we only have bachelor degrees while my dad only has a high school degree. When we fly over for Christmas dinner they don’t include us in the conversation and only want to know what my sister and her husband are up to. They never call me to catch up unless they need something.
My sister, her husband and my parents live in a different country. Somehow I still can’t get my parents faces and voices out of my head. My sister and I used to be besties but now I want to talk to her less because of my parents. I go to therapy but the voices are still in my head and influence my choices in everyday life.
submitted by VisualLimit to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:30 Mavelovent Seeking genuine friends or at least gaming buddies. Someone relatable.

Hello. As states in the title I'd like to find someone I can either befriend or at the very least be able to reliably play games with. I don't wish to study social media engineering and ways to create an ideal post that will garner plenty of attention, so I will simply write what I think a decent post that would make me interested would look like.
I am 31 year old male from Poland that lives with depression (it's nor exactly "struggling" at this point, more of an acceptance without ability to fight it), NEET, programming and fantasy nerd with aspergers syndrome, unable to make friends with anyone at all. No longer wish to work on myself, I just want to talk and play games with someone long term. Talking and playing games with people are the only joys I have in life and they are very much hard to come by.
I've figured that showing some things you are proud of could help, here are some of my gaming accomplishments (yes, I know these will be cringy to most people, but these are things I'm genuinely proud of. I hope at least some people would share these sentiments).
Again, I do not wish to flex these but simply wish to show that I am proud of something, achievement hunting and honing gaming skill is something I feel most at home with. I wish to share that joy with someone and hopefully make friends. I have ~1000 games available so perhaps there is something we can play together?
Aside from games I have interest revolving around manga, electro music, puzzles, logic, controversial/taboo topics and opinions.
If it peaks your interest at all, please send me a short message describing yourself (1-2 sentences, including asl if you don't mind, I don't want to read a paragraph to start off) and mention a game or a few games you think we might want to play together.
I promise to respond to everyone and provide more info if needed.
submitted by Mavelovent to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:30 Xx_QueenOfHearts_xX My emulator collection (so far)

My emulator collection (so far)
Rlly dont care how bad one emulator is at least I have it as a collection. Havent gone to play all of them bc of school but since its almost summer then I’ll try them (ik ppl keep saying Gamma bad but worth a try)
submitted by Xx_QueenOfHearts_xX to EmulationOniOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:30 Mavelovent Seeking genuine friends or at least gaming buddies. Someone relatable.

Hello. As states in the title I'd like to find someone I can either befriend or at the very least be able to reliably play games with. I don't wish to study social media engineering and ways to create an ideal post that will garner plenty of attention, so I will simply write what I think a decent post that would make me interested would look like.
I am 31 year old male from Poland that lives with depression (it's nor exactly "struggling" at this point, more of an acceptance without ability to fight it), NEET, programming and fantasy nerd with aspergers syndrome, unable to make friends with anyone at all. No longer wish to work on myself, I just want to talk and play games with someone long term. Talking and playing games with people are the only joys I have in life and they are very much hard to come by.
I've figured that showing some things you are proud of could help, here are some of my gaming accomplishments (yes, I know these will be cringy to most people, but these are things I'm genuinely proud of. I hope at least some people would share these sentiments).
Again, I do not wish to flex these but simply wish to show that I am proud of something, achievement hunting and honing gaming skill is something I feel most at home with. I wish to share that joy with someone and hopefully make friends. I have ~1000 games available so perhaps there is something we can play together?
Aside from games I have interest revolving around manga, electro music, puzzles, logic, controversial/taboo topics and opinions.
If it peaks your interest at all, please send me a short message describing yourself (1-2 sentences, including asl if you don't mind, I don't want to read a paragraph to start off) and mention a game or a few games you think we might want to play together.
I promise to respond to everyone and provide more info if needed.
submitted by Mavelovent to LookingForGamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:29 Mavelovent Seeking genuine friends or at least gaming buddies. Someone relatable.

Hello. As states in the title I'd like to find someone I can either befriend or at the very least be able to reliably play games with. I don't wish to study social media engineering and ways to create an ideal post that will garner plenty of attention, so I will simply write what I think a decent post that would make me interested would look like.
I am 31 year old male from Poland that lives with depression (it's nor exactly "struggling" at this point, more of an acceptance without ability to fight it), NEET, programming and fantasy nerd with aspergers syndrome, unable to make friends with anyone at all. No longer wish to work on myself, I just want to talk and play games with someone long term. Talking and playing games with people are the only joys I have in life and they are very much hard to come by.
I've figured that showing some things you are proud of could help, here are some of my gaming accomplishments (yes, I know these will be cringy to most people, but these are things I'm genuinely proud of. I hope at least some people would share these sentiments).
Again, I do not wish to flex these but simply wish to show that I am proud of something, achievement hunting and honing gaming skill is something I feel most at home with. I wish to share that joy with someone and hopefully make friends. I have ~1000 games available so perhaps there is something we can play together?
Aside from games I have interest revolving around manga, electro music, puzzles, logic, controversial/taboo topics and opinions.
If it peaks your interest at all, please send me a short message describing yourself (1-2 sentences, including asl if you don't mind, I don't want to read a paragraph to start off) and mention a game or a few games you think we might want to play together.
I promise to respond to everyone and provide more info if needed.
submitted by Mavelovent to gamingfriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:29 B_Wing_83 Did anyone ever feel conflicted between science and Christianity?

Ever since I was a small child, I was fascinated by animals and insects, but I was especially interested in not only dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. For over a decade, I watched documentaries and read little books about these fantastic creatures in school libraries.
Now I was raised in a Christian family, and naturally I believed in God growing up. For me this led to issues, because my parents indoctrinated me to deny evolution. It was so bad that I made a fool of myself to my biology teacher in high school! My dad claimed that Charles Darwin was angry at God, so he supposedly made up evolution as an act of revenge.
But turns out my biology teacher was indeed a Christian, and believed in creation through the process of evolution. As I paid more attention to class, everything made more sense. Looking back, I felt conflicted with my passion for science and paleontology alongside religion. Many scientific discovers and the fossil record contradicted things in the Bible. I remember being frustrated as the books I studied made sense, yet my parents indoctrinated me to deny evolution.
I respect thoughs who are religious yet still very educated like my high school teacher, but there are still many who are ignorant like my family. On a side note, one of my cousins is (or was) a young Earth Creationist, and she is currently a teacher at an elementary school, which I find mildly disturbing. Isn't it strange that many Evangelicals pick and choose with believing science, yet critizise those who pick and choose Biblical beliefs (like Christians who are chill with gay people and marriage)? Did anyone else have this struggle growing up?
submitted by B_Wing_83 to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:29 Anvmusiclabs Best YouTube Audio Downloader -NoteBurner YouTube to MP3 Converter

Best YouTube Audio Downloader -NoteBurner YouTube to MP3 Converter
Downloading YouTube audio is essential for various purposes. Some people require it for professional projects, while others have it for personal use. However, finding the right YouTube Audio Downloader software can be challenging without knowing what to look for. Several factors come into play when choosing such software. Firstly, determine your usage—will it be for work or personal purposes? For professional use, ensure the software offers all the necessary features.
In this article, we'll show you how to easily download high-quality songs and playlists from YouTube, and save them as MP3 files with the best YouTube Audio Downloader.
best youtube audio downloader
submitted by Anvmusiclabs to u/Anvmusiclabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:28 AutoNewsAdmin [Sports] - Five area high schools doubled down for the state finals for bass fishing

[Sports] - Five area high schools doubled down for the state finals for bass fishing submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to CHICAGOSUNauto [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:27 blue_falcon92 The matchmaking in Team Rumble is pretty bad

Now I know that some people might have already had similar complaints in the past or that the issue could be boiled down to Team Rumble simply not having enough active players to have somewhat good matchmaking, but I really find it baffling that for 70% of the Team Rumble matches that I play, the skill level of the two teams is always extremely one sided.
In many cases, one team will beat the other team by 30 or even 40 kills sometimes because everyone in one team is mostly made of highly skilled players that are extremely good at building and aiming while the other team will be mostly be made of players with average to mediocre skill levels that either play the game very casually or have only started playing recently. This results in the better skilled team dominating the other one with relative ease.
To me, this feels pretty unfair because obviously the team that is made of less skilled players will just get completely destroyed without being able to do anything about it. Sometimes it feels like the more skilled team will also have some very aggressive tryhards, which I mean yeah you can’t really do anything about people like that, but couldn’t the matchmaking system of the game at least do an effort to not put all of them together into the same team? Anyways, sorry for the rant, but I needed to vent about it a bit.
submitted by blue_falcon92 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:26 Patchathair Update for you all

I reached out here over a year ago in despair about my 4-year old boy who was not potty trained for poos - lots of small accidents, big poos twice a week etc. Here's the link if anyone cares to read the original: https://www.reddit.com/pottytraining/s/CylIxCfvsN
Much of the last 12 months have been much the same, with very slow improvements and lots of setbacks. Sometimes he could anticipate a bowel movement but for the most part it required hyper vigilance by parents and even then he would have frequent accidents and get hugely upset when we he had to get cleaned up. We tired different laxatives (lactulose and macrogol) for a number of months, got disillusioned when they didn't help (may have been on wrong doses, but we were disengaged and disillusioned with doctors for long stretches), worked with Occupational Therapist on proprioception to help with body awareness - helped somewhat but not completely - still lots of accidents. Had various toileting routines at various times, had their place but didn't fix anything. Came off laxatives (and focused on good water and fruit intake) for somewhat better results but still frequent accidents, got a teacher aide through a government program (go socialism!) so he could be at school and have toileting support (imperfect but made school possible), had blood tests, xray, lots of belly poking by doctors and paediatrician, generally each visit would have some ideas but no answer. Always was a tension between me and SO as we were each imagining different theories of main cause. Last visit to the paediatrician we were about to administer a full bowel prep clear out but - between appointments - something clicked for our boy and he had no accidents for two weeks and started taking himself to the toilet to do his number 2s. So we held off bowel prep!
He was still having big poos every two or three days so the paediatrician gave some ducolax drops to use as needed to try and avoid things getting "backed up". One drop on Friday evening has been working to avoid him starting the school week with a "backlog".
It still feels like a delicate and vulnerable success. Our boy is still hesitant to use toilets in school or out and about. At a play date last week though, for the first time, he did a poo in a friend's toilet. What a win! He was on a trampoline and we saw him suddenly climb off the trampoline and sprint to the bathroom and he got there in time. I was almost in tears of happiness for him.
We've all been traumatised through the whole experience. Hopefully our boy isn't permanently affected and has no setbacks. My SO and I have a bunch of healing to do in our relationship - it's been a real strain.
Take care out there - can be a tough slog. The scary thing is that sometimes you can do nothing to fix things and it's a helpless feeling.
submitted by Patchathair to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:26 mariadodds Unlock Your Dream Kitchen : Award-Winning Design in Port Macquarie

Unlock Your Dream Kitchen : Award-Winning Design in Port Macquarie

Transforming your kitchen into a space that is both functional and visually stunning is a dream for many homeowners. In Port Macquarie, achieving this dream is possible with the help of award-winning designers who specialize in creating superior quality kitchens. Whether you're looking to update your current kitchen or planning a complete renovation, these experts can help you unlock your dream kitchen. This article will guide you through the process of achieving a designer kitchen with superior quality, showcasing the best of kitchen renovation in Port Macquarie.

The Importance of a Well-Designed Kitchen

Enhancing Functionality and Aesthetics

A well-designed kitchen combines functionality with aesthetics, ensuring that the space is not only beautiful but also practical. This balance is crucial for creating a kitchen that meets your daily needs while also being a pleasure to spend time in.

Increasing Home Value

An updated, stylish kitchen can significantly increase the value of your home. Potential buyers often prioritise the kitchen when considering a purchase, making it a key area for investment.

Personal Satisfaction

A dream kitchen tailored to your tastes and lifestyle can greatly enhance your quality of life. Whether you're an avid cook or love to entertain, a well-designed kitchen can make these activities more enjoyable.

Award-Winning Kitchen Design in Port Macquarie

Why Choose an Award-Winning Designer?

Award-winning designers in Port Macquarie are recognised for their excellence in creating superior quality kitchens. Their expertise ensures that your kitchen renovation is handled with creativity, precision, and attention to detail.

Key Characteristics of Award-Winning Designs

  • Innovation: These designers bring innovative solutions to maximise space, functionality, and aesthetics.
  • Quality Materials: They use high-quality materials that offer durability and a premium look.
  • Custom Solutions: Each kitchen is tailored to the client's specific needs and preferences, resulting in a unique and personalised space.
  • Attention to Detail: Award-winning designers pay meticulous attention to every aspect of the kitchen, from layout to finishes.

Steps to Unlocking Your Dream Kitchen

Initial Consultation

Begin your journey by scheduling an initial consultation with a designer in Port Macquarie. Discuss your vision, needs, and budget. This meeting is crucial for setting the foundation of your project.

Designing Your Kitchen

The designer will create a comprehensive plan for your kitchen renovation. This includes layout, materials, color schemes, and appliances. Review and refine the design until it perfectly aligns with your vision.

Selecting Materials and Appliances

Choose materials and appliances that complement your design and meet your functional needs. Opt for high-quality options that will stand the test of time and add a touch of luxury to your kitchen.

Hiring Reliable Contractors

A successful kitchen renovation requires skilled contractors. Your designer can recommend trusted professionals in Port Macquarie who can execute the design to perfection.

Managing the Renovation Process

Stay involved throughout the renovation process. Regular updates and open communication with your designer and contractors will ensure the project stays on track and any issues are addressed promptly.

Adding the Finishing Touches

Once the major renovation work is complete, focus on the finishing touches. This includes lighting, hardware, and decorative elements that bring the entire design together.

Designer Kitchen Features

Functional Layouts

Effective kitchen design starts with a functional layout. Consider U-shaped, L-shaped, or island layouts that enhance workflow and provide ample counter space.

Superior Quality Materials

Invest in superior quality materials such as granite or quartz counter tops, solid wood cabinetry, and stainless steel appliances. These materials not only look beautiful but also offer durability and longevity.

Innovative Storage Solutions

Maximize storage with innovative solutions like pull-out pantries, deep drawers, and custom cabinetry. These features help keep your kitchen organised and clutter-free.

Stylish Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in kitchen design. Combine ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a well-lit and inviting space. Consider pendant lights over islands and under-cabinet lighting for added functionality.

Modern Appliances

Incorporate modern, energy-efficient appliances that enhance your kitchen's functionality. Look for features like smart technology, which can add convenience and sophistication to your kitchen.

Personal Touches

Add personal touches that reflect your style and personality. This could include a custom back splash, unique hardware, or decorative elements that make your kitchen truly one-of-a-kind.

Real-Life Examples from Port Macquarie


Case Study 1: Modern Minimalism

A family in Port Macquarie transformed their outdated kitchen into a modern minimalist space. The designer used a monochromatic colour scheme, handle less cabinets, and integrated appliances to create a sleek and clutter-free environment.

Case Study 2: Rustic Charm

Another renovation project focused on bringing rustic charm to a small kitchen. The design featured reclaimed wood cabinetry, a farmhouse sink, and vintage-inspired lighting, creating a warm and inviting space.

Case Study 3: Contemporary Elegance

A couple opted for a contemporary elegant design with high-gloss cabinets, quartz counter tops, and a statement island with waterfall edges. The result was a luxurious and functional kitchen that became the focal point of their home.

Tips for a Successful Kitchen Renovation

Plan Thoroughly

Thorough planning is essential for a successful Kitchen renovation. Take the time to think through your needs, preferences, and budget before starting the project.

Stay Flexible

Renovations can come with unexpected challenges. Stay flexible and open to adjustments to ensure the project stays on track.

Communicate Clearly

Maintain clear communication with your designer and contractors. This helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures everyone is aligned with your vision.

Prioritize Quality

Invest in quality materials and workmanship. This not only enhances the look of your kitchen but also ensures it will stand the test of time.

Enjoy the Process

Finally, enjoy the renovation process. Creating your dream kitchen is an exciting journey that will add tremendous value and enjoyment to your home.

Contact Pacific Designer Bathrooms for Your Kitchen Renovation in Port Macquarie

If you're ready to transform your Kitchen into a dream space, contact Pacific Designer Bathrooms today. Our team of experts is ready to help you create a Kitchen that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Whether you're interested in a complete renovation or a simple update, we have the skills and experience to deliver outstanding results.
Get in touch with us to schedule a consultation or learn more about our services. Let us help you unlock your dream Kitchen and bring award-winning design to your home in Port Macquarie.
submitted by mariadodds to u/mariadodds [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:26 ChiekenNagget What's a good yearbook quote?

What's up y'all, just finished high school and I'm thinking of a techwear oriented funny yearbook quote.
some ideas I've received are
"no one knows my pants 1k"
"all the girls beading off like Gore-Tex"
submitted by ChiekenNagget to TechWear [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:24 Unique_Ticket5069 ? I’d like some advice involving past trauma.

I can remember being in primary school when this happened. I was watching a film at home with my older sister where a couple were rolling around on a bed kissing each other. They were fully clothed, but we were curious because we had never seen anything like it before.
We played a game similar to “Mums and Dads” where my older sister and I would choose who was going to be the boy and who was going to be the girl and act out what we saw on the TV. It started out as kissing. I can remember my sister touching me inappropriately and getting me to do it back to her, but that only happened once. The kissing turned into acting out having sex with each other. We had our clothes on most of the time, and I can’t remember it happening on a regular basis. I think it just happened randomly every now and again. It felt good at the time, and we had seen adults do it so we just assumed that it was a normal thing to do. I only recently told my family about it because I used to feel disgusted every time I thought about it. I know this happened between my older sister and my younger sister too but that’s not my story to tell. I didn’t understand anything about sex properly until I was about thirteen, so I wouldn’t have realised at 8–11 years old that what was happening was wrong.
I’ve been through an unbelievable amount of trauma which I think contributes to what happened. It was just sexual curiosity which was taken too far but I’m not sure what to do about what happened. My sister apologised but it wasn’t anybody’s fault. I want to get on with her but it’s hard too. I looked up to her as a role model and thought I was doing the right thing but I obviously wasn’t. If anyone has any advice or has been through anything similar please let me know ☺️
submitted by Unique_Ticket5069 to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:24 Beautiful-Bee-2545 Might overdose on my anti-depressants... Please, hear me out.

I'm so tired of life I can't even begin to express the frustration I'm going through. I'm daily contemplating the way in which I will make an end to this rough life that drained me to the last dregs... Everything began with me scoring the worst scores on my high school final exams which will allow me to get into good colleges, after that everything became bleak and grim. I suffered from severe depression (diagnosed) because of that, I had to endure 2 fucking years of psychosomatic disorder (depression-induced IBS) which made me feel godawful, experienced the worst cramps of my life, had crazy flatulence that almost drove me to suicide... I quit college because of it, but right now I'm cured because of my anti-depressants, but I ask myself at what cost?
I was the best student amongst my friends and most of my peers, but almost all of them made it to great schools except the wretched that I am. And even when I was admitted to a shitty college, I accepted the situation and strove to make it big, but my disease made me ashamed of myself and quit college because I was so ashamed the whole time of my constant (I really mean it) flatulence... I believe that no one can understand how much pain I went through because of this... I really wish I knew someone that underwent the same circumstances as mine. SERIOUSLY, FUCK DEPRESSION!
It doesn't matter now. I'm already bent-on on ending it either by overdosing on meds or any other way. I don't think anyway cares, anyway...
P.S: This is a throwaway account made just for this rant.
submitted by Beautiful-Bee-2545 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:23 LoosePokerPlayer Low, Mid & High Stakes Ring Game Rewards for all grinders! Play and get rewarded in style on PPPoker! Club ID: 613438 to join and contact Telegram - @LooseCannonPoker to play! #LooseCannon

Low, Mid & High Stakes Ring Game Rewards for all grinders! Play and get rewarded in style on PPPoker! Club ID: 613438 to join and contact Telegram - @LooseCannonPoker to play! #LooseCannon submitted by LoosePokerPlayer to PPPokerClubs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:23 LoosePokerPlayer Low, Mid & High Stakes Ring Game Rewards for all grinders! Play and get rewarded in style on PPPoker! Club ID: 613438 to join and contact Telegram - @LooseCannonPoker to play! #LooseCannon

Low, Mid & High Stakes Ring Game Rewards for all grinders! Play and get rewarded in style on PPPoker! Club ID: 613438 to join and contact Telegram - @LooseCannonPoker to play! #LooseCannon submitted by LoosePokerPlayer to pppoker [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:23 Low_Owl_3805 I ' 23 F' don’t know if I can have a future with '23 M' ? ( religion)

Hey so me and this guy liked each other since we were 16 in high school and today we both 23 ( we were off and on )and today we very much in love he such an amazing person he very caring loving polite person we don’t argue a lot but when we do we always change to better ourselves . Our only problem is that it’s religion … I’m Muslim he is Druze As a Muslim female I can’t marry anyone who isn’t Muslim and as Druze he can’t marry also anyone out of his religion he doesn’t mind converting but his family will disown him ( as Arabs we grow up very close to our family)I can’t convert either cuz the religion of Druze only apply if you are born Druze . As much I want us together and get married i don’t want him to lose his family for me . It’s very hard thinking I might not marry him and harder to think he might marry someone else I know we still young but we put so much time memories love into each other it’s hard to move on .
submitted by Low_Owl_3805 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:22 TurbulentJuice4287 BO3 custom zombies random game crash

I was wondering if anyone would know why I’m in the middle of playing a custom zombie map I downloaded from steam randomly closes the whole game? No crash error or nothing. I thought it was maybe my graphics too high but i lowered it and it last longer but still a random game close?
submitted by TurbulentJuice4287 to bo3zombies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:22 Green_Skies19 Waste of oxygen

Been applying for part-time jobs for 5 months now (mostly admin/reception roles but customer service, cleaning, schools etc) and have had absolutely no luck.
I see so many posts on here from people with varying levels of education, skills and experience having applications rejected. What is the issue?? Besides the usual “biased” because people don’t post success stories..
Almost every vacancy says at least 50+ people applied for the role, sometimes over 100. The interviews I’ve been to have been awful, mostly managers talking about themselves or their workload, none of the usual “what are your strengths/weaknesses, what would you do in this situation?”. One interviewer didn’t even ask me any questions, spent the whole 10 minutes commenting about how his staff were ‘idiots & acted like kids’. Recently I was asked if I planned to have children, which I highly doubt a male applicant would’ve been asked. So many times I’ve gone to interviews and just heard nothing at all?? Feels a waste of my time and life, you prepare for interviews, learn the company goals/history, practice questions and they can’t even send an email to say yes or no…
submitted by Green_Skies19 to UKJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:21 Objective-Olive8456 Pursue Your MBA Courses in Maharashtra with MIT-SDE

Pursue Your MBA Courses in Maharashtra with MIT-SDE
MBA Courses in Maharashtra with MIT-SDE
Greetings to all aspiring professionals across Maharashtra! Are you eager to enhance your career prospects through a Distance MBA in Maharashtra but finding it challenging to balance your current commitments? Look no further![ MIT School of Distance Education (MITSDE)](https://mitsde.com/) offers the ideal solution tailored just for you. With our Distance MBA courses, you can now pursue your MBA aspirations while managing your busy schedule anywhere in Maharashtra.

Flexibility and Convenience Statewide: Distance MBA in Maharashtra

Whether you reside in bustling Mumbai, vibrant Pune, historic Aurangabad, scenic Nashik, or any corner of Maharashtra, MIT SDE’s Distance MBA program brings education to your doorstep. Designed with the dynamic lifestyles of Maharashtra’s residents in mind, our courses offer unparalleled flexibility. Say goodbye to rigid schedules and hello to a personalized learning experience that fits seamlessly into your life.

Accessible Learning for Every Maharashtra Resident: Distance Education MBA

In Maharashtra, time is a precious commodity. That’s where distance education comes into play. MITSDE’s Distance Learning MBA courses cover a diverse range of subjects, from finance to marketing, delivered directly to your devices. With MIT SDE, you have the freedom to study on your own terms, empowering you to pursue academic excellence without sacrificing your other commitments.

Leveraging Technology: Online MBA Education in Maharashtra

Embracing the digital revolution, MITSDE offers Online MBA Education accessible to every resident of Maharashtra. With just an internet connection, you can access high-quality MBA programs from the comfort of your home or anywhere else in Maharashtra. Say goodbye to geographical constraints and embrace the convenience of online learning, regardless of whether you’re in Mumbai, Nagpur, Nashik, Kolhapur, or beyond.

Crafting Your Path to Success: Best MBA Courses in Maharashtra

With a myriad of options available, choosing the best MBA course in Maharashtra can be daunting. Thankfully, MITSDE simplifies this process. Our MBA programs are meticulously curated by industry experts, ensuring that you acquire the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in Maharashtra’s competitive job market. Whether you’re a fresh graduate or a seasoned professional, MITSDE offers the perfect course to propel your career forward across Maharashtra.

Education Without Boundaries: Distance Learning in Maharashtra

Education knows no boundaries, and neither does MITSDE. Our Distance Learning programs are accessible to all residents of Maharashtra, irrespective of their location or background. Whether you’re in a bustling city or a serene rural area, you can embark on your educational journey with MITSDE. Take control of your future today and unlock a world of opportunities with MITSDE’s Distance Learning programs across Maharashtra!
#Distance MBA in Maharashtra #Distance MBA courses #Distance Learning programs #Distance Education MBA #Online MBA Education
Name: MIT School of Distance Education
Address : MIT Alandi Campus, Pune — 412105, Maharashtra, India.
Phone : +91 9112–207–207 / +91 9028–258–800
Email: admissions@mitsde.com
Visit Us : https://mitsde.com
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