Example of a army counseling statement for failure using chain of command

Resolving SMTP Connection Failures for Hostinger Email

2024.06.09 14:14 tempmailgenerator Resolving SMTP Connection Failures for Hostinger Email

Troubleshooting SMTP Email Sending Issues with Hostinger

When it comes to setting up an email service for your business or personal projects, using a reliable SMTP server is crucial for ensuring your emails reach their intended recipients without a hitch. Hostinger, known for its web hosting services, also offers free business email functionalities that many attempt to integrate with their applications. The process, however, can sometimes hit a snag, particularly with the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) settings. Understanding and resolving these issues is key to maintaining smooth communication channels.
The "SMTP connect() failed." error is a common roadblock that developers encounter when trying to send emails through Hostinger's SMTP server. This problem can stem from a variety of reasons, including incorrect SMTP configuration, server downtime, or network issues. Addressing this requires a systematic approach to troubleshooting and applying the correct settings. This guide aims to provide clarity on these settings and offer solutions to overcome the SMTP connection failure, ensuring your emails are sent successfully using Hostinger's email service.
Command Description
new PHPMailer() Initializes a new instance of the PHPMailer class to manage email sending.
$mail->IsSMTP() Sets the mailer to use SMTP.
$mail->Host Specifies the SMTP server to connect to.
$mail->SMTPAuth Enables SMTP authentication.
$mail->Username SMTP username for authentication.
$mail->Password SMTP password for authentication.
$mail->SMTPSecure Specifies the encryption method to use (SSL/TLS).
$mail->Port Specifies the port to connect to on the SMTP server.
$mail->setFrom() Sets the sender's email address and name.
$mail->addAddress() Adds a recipient's email address.
$mail->IsHTML() Specifies whether the email body contains HTML.
$mail->Subject Sets the subject of the email.
$mail->Body Sets the HTML body of the email.
$mail->Send() Sends the email.

Solving SMTP Connection Issues with Hostinger

Dealing with "SMTP connect() failed" errors can be frustrating, especially when the urgency to send emails through your application is high. This problem often arises from a misconfiguration or misunderstanding of the SMTP server settings required by Hostinger. The first step to resolving these issues is to ensure that all SMTP settings are correctly entered, including the server name, port, and authentication details. SMTP server names usually follow a standard format, but they can vary depending on the hosting service. For Hostinger, the SMTP server is "smtp.hostinger.com," and it typically requires SSL encryption on port 465 or TLS on port 587. Authentication is a critical aspect, necessitating accurate username and password entries, which are the same as your Hostinger email account credentials.
Another common issue that could lead to SMTP connection failures is related to the server environment or the PHPMailer version being used. Certain hosting services, including shared hosting environments, may have restrictions or specific requirements for sending emails. Therefore, it's essential to check with Hostinger's support to understand any limitations. Additionally, ensuring that you're using the latest version of PHPMailer can resolve compatibility issues, as updates often include fixes for common problems. If the problem persists, enabling SMTP debug mode in PHPMailer can provide more detailed error messages, helping to pinpoint the exact issue for more targeted troubleshooting. Remember, resolving SMTP errors not only requires technical adjustments but also a clear understanding of the email sending process and the specific requirements of your hosting provider.

Correcting SMTP Connection Failures

PHP Email Dispatch
isSMTP(); $mail->Host = 'smtp.hostinger.com'; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = 'your_email@example.com'; $mail->Password = 'your_password'; $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; $mail->Port = 465; $mail->setFrom('your_email@example.com', 'Your Name'); $mail->addAddress('recipient_email@example.com', 'Recipient Name'); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = 'Here is the subject'; $mail->Body = 'This is the HTML message body in bold!'; $mail->AltBody = 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients'; if(!$mail->send()) { echo 'Message could not be sent.'; echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { echo 'Message has been sent'; } ?> 

Advanced SMTP Troubleshooting Strategies

Delving deeper into SMTP connection issues, it's crucial to understand the more nuanced aspects that could impact email deliverability. One such aspect is the IP reputation of the server sending the email. Hostinger, like many email service providers, may impose stricter controls on emails sent from IPs with poor reputations to prevent spam. This means that even if your SMTP settings are correct, emails might still fail to send if the server's IP is blacklisted. Monitoring your server's IP reputation and seeking delisting from blacklists can be vital steps in resolving SMTP issues.
Additionally, proper email formatting and content can play a significant role in successful email delivery. Emails that lack a proper structure or contain elements commonly associated with spam (such as certain keywords or attachments) may be rejected by SMTP servers or marked as spam by receiving email servers. Ensuring that your emails adhere to best practices in content and formatting can help mitigate these issues. This includes using a clear subject line, a reputable sender name, and avoiding large attachments or suspicious links. Understanding these nuances is essential for troubleshooting and preventing SMTP connection failures, ensuring your emails reach their intended recipients efficiently.

SMTP Connection FAQs

  1. Question: What does the "SMTP connect() failed" error indicate?
  2. Answer: This error suggests that the application is unable to establish a connection with the SMTP server, possibly due to incorrect server details, authentication errors, or network issues.
  3. Question: Can I use any port for SMTP with Hostinger?
  4. Answer: No, you should use the recommended ports, typically 465 for SSL or 587 for TLS, to ensure a secure connection to Hostinger's SMTP server.
  5. Question: How do I know if my server's IP is blacklisted?
  6. Answer: You can use online blacklist checking tools to see if your server's IP is listed. If it is, you may need to request delisting through the specific blacklist's process.
  7. Question: Why is my email content affecting SMTP delivery?
  8. Answer: Emails that appear spammy or contain malicious content can be filtered or rejected by SMTP servers, impacting deliverability.
  9. Question: How can I improve the success rate of my SMTP email deliveries?
  10. Answer: Ensure your SMTP settings are correct, maintain a good IP reputation, format emails properly, and keep your PHPMailer library up to date.
  11. Question: Is SMTP authentication always required?
  12. Answer: Yes, SMTP authentication is necessary to verify the sender's identity, preventing unauthorized use of the email service.
  13. Question: What is the purpose of SMTPSecure in PHPMailer?
  14. Answer: SMTPSecure specifies the encryption method (SSL or TLS) for securing the connection between your application and the SMTP server.
  15. Question: How do I enable SMTP debug mode in PHPMailer?
  16. Answer: Set the SMTPDebug property of your PHPMailer instance to a value greater than 0 to receive detailed error messages during email sending.
  17. Question: Can changing the email content format to HTML impact delivery?
  18. Answer: Yes, but it's essential to ensure the HTML content is well-structured and doesn't contain elements that could be flagged as spam.

SMTP Troubleshooting Summarized

Successfully resolving SMTP connection failures involves a comprehensive understanding of both the technical and content-related aspects of email sending. The primary step is to ensure the accuracy of SMTP settings, including server address, encryption protocol, port, and authentication credentials. Misconfigurations here are common culprits behind connection issues. Equally important is keeping the PHPMailer library updated to leverage the latest features and bug fixes that could impact connectivity and functionality. Furthermore, the server's IP reputation plays a crucial role in the deliverability of emails, with poor reputations leading to higher rejection rates. Developers must also be mindful of the content and structure of their emails, as spam-like characteristics can trigger filters and prevent emails from reaching their destination. Through diligent application of these strategies, developers can effectively navigate the complexities of SMTP email sending, ensuring their communications are both secure and reliably delivered. The process underscores the importance of a holistic approach to email system management, combining technical precision with thoughtful content creation.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:02 The_JG_Man Eventful - Ep. 13 - Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship

Eventful - Ep. 13 - Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship
Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship
Welcome to Eventful, my chronological run through the T6 event ships.
How it works - using my intentionally modestly equipped level 65 Romulan engineer I play a ship to complete its mastery doing content no harder than advanced through a mix of patrols and RTFOs.
Previously I went backwards with the Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser.
With all the Breen ships done it was a curious thought as to what we'd be getting next at the winter event. Andorian ships? Surprise, more Breen? Nope. Instead Gre'thor sends warm regards with the Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship. A ship that quite literally spits out fire. I believe in classical parlance this would be described as being “Metal”. Whatever the case the S'torr to me marks yet another notch up in the quality of the visuals of the event ships themselves. Not to say prior ones were in any way bad, just that they'd become even better. The S'torr is a real looker to me. Clean and bold textures. Very spiffy fire animations. Absolutely holds up in visual fidelity with the most recent releases.
Chained by Fire
How's the general lay-out?
Here's one you probably haven't heard before. What we have here is a 4/4 agile warship. Gasp! You really need to take the ship as a whole however, trait and console included, to work out what's actually going on here. There's a lot of fun synergy that might not be the most effective despite the fact you can be damn sure it'll look cool. If you were, say, to use Coolant Ignition 1 instead of EPtW3 in the LtC Uni/Pilot, you could activate the console, drag a load of enemies behind you as your trait is spitting out hot fire, debuffing them further with the ignited coolant and then shoving multiple torpedoes or mines into them for a big fireball finale. Or, get the doff that changes your Tractor Beam Repulsors 1 into Tractor Beam Pullers 1 and you wouldn't even need the console. I mean you would because they're chains from Klingon Hell and that's all the justification you need, however I'm just throwing out ideas here.
Anyhow I went for the broadsiding approach, using the pilot seating for the usual buffs of Fly Her Apart and Hold Together. This takes an already agile ship and makes it into a fire dancer that's hard to hit so your middling durability is rarely put to the test. At any rate it being a 4/4 commander tactical means you can do pretty much any non-science build with this. It might not be optimised, however it offers up a ton of versatility. That said the universal will probably want to go to engineering, especially if you're using an AtB build and/or you can't live without EPtW3.
Customisation options?
Quite a few actually. You get three Fek'Ihri hull materials to choose from, albeit two more dated ones in which only one of them I actually like, as well as some window options. Finally, and not since the Samsar have we had this, the ability to fiddle with some of the geometry of the ship by being able to select either sail as being on or off. If you really missed having a Breen ship you could even deselect only one sail so you can continue with your asymmetrical ways.
How's the trait and console?
If you're committed to going all in on a fire theme, The Maw of Gre'thor could definitely be useful. Alternatively, it could be rather lacklustre given it requires a trait, only activates every few seconds and is awfully hard to line up with enemy vessels. Does that make it uncool? No. As you know cool doesn't always mean helpful. Ironically the trait is probably better on a slower ship given its strength is based on your throttle, not speed. If you had some mobility, but not a great top speed, you'd likely be able to regularly hit the enemies. I suppose a way of looking at the trait would be that it can help form part of something bigger, but on its own it's not really terribly good.
The Chains of Fire console gives you everything you need to further boost the active and the trait, so that's nice, specifically in being one of the few consoles that can boost fire damage making it valuable if you're going for a fire build. It's free of any exclusivity and is part of no set giving it ultimate freedom, though if you're not using the active or any other means of immolation, there's no real reason to take this over anything else. The active itself is fine. The visual effects for the chains can be hard to make out, especially in a visual effects heavy battle and the damage is fine, if not unremarkable. Problem is dragging enemies behind you limits your weapon effectiveness if you're wanting to engage them and is otherwise served more effectively by GW, of which you can slot GW1 in your LtC Sci seat. That's of course if you have enough control to properly yank your targets along and not just put them on fire. Hard to argue against that as even a sole positive.
Any other fun toys?
No to a bridge, yes to flame jets.
Overall thoughts...
When the S'torr released making a fire build was not something that could seriously be undertaken without a lot of expense. Subsequent years have definitely made it doable, but it's not exactly a common sight. Even now the cumulative effort involved would likely deter all but the most stubborn. Otherwise for fun? Oh, absolutely. There's enough here alone to make something coherent out of. The ship itself as a platform is fine, albeit nothing we haven't really seen before. Despite that, you combine a good enough ship with a look this hot? I'd say that's quite appealing.
Next time?
Heart and Soul.
submitted by The_JG_Man to sto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:58 shiitescalendar martyrdom of imam al jawad a.s

The Characteristics Of Al-Mu’tasim
Al-Mu’tasim was foolish. Historians described him that when he became angry, he did not care whom he killed or what he did.
Dislike Of Knowledge
Al-Mu’tasim disliked knowledge and hated learned people. There was a servant with him who read with him in the book. The servant died and ar-Rasheed said to al-Mu'tasim, ‘O Muhammad, your servant died.’ Al-Mu'tasim said, ‘O yes, my master! He died and rested from the book.’ Ar-Rasheed said, ‘The book will rest from you. (to his men) Leave him! Do not teach him!’ Al-Mu'tasim remained illiterate. When he became the caliph, he did not know reading and writing and his vizier was unlearned. Ahmed bin Aamir described him by saying, ‘An illiterate caliph and an unlearned vizier.’3 He was divested of knowledge, virtue, and any good quality, by which he was supposed to deserve the caliphate in Islam that was the highest and most important position on which justice and equity among people depended. Al-Mu'tasim’s heart was full of spite and malice against Imam al- Jawad (a.s). He burst with rage whenever he heard the virtues and exploits of Imam al-Jawad (a.s) being mentioned. His envy towards him had led him to assassinate him as we shall explain later on.
Bringing Imam Al-Jawad To Baghdad
Al-Mu'tasim had ordered Imam al-Jawad (a.s) to come to Baghdad and he arrived in it in Muharram, 220 AH.9 When Imam al-Jawad (a.s) came to Baghdad, al-Mu'tasim house- arrested him to know all his affairs and activities. He ordered his men to watch him and he prevented him from connecting with his followers and those who believed in his imamate. Mu'tasim ordered Umm al-Fadhl to poison the Imam, and her brother Ja'far ibn Ma'mun, the accursed one, also helped and provoked her. she poisonedn bunch of grapes, and placed it in front of him. When the Imam had eaten from it, she regretted and went on to cry. He-asws said: ‘What makes you cry? By Allah-azwj! May Allah-azwj Strike you with sterility not to be restored, and affliction which cannot be veiled!’ She died in an illness, a hole appeared in the most covered of places of her body parts (private part). She spent her wealth and entirety of what she had owned, upon that illness, to the extent that she became needy to be nourished. And it is reported that the hole was in her private part. The accursed Umm al-Fadhl also contracted leprosy and descended into Hell in disgrace in the desert, and the dogs tore her body apart.
hemlock poison, whose characteristic was that it made the blessed feet of the Imam so heavy that he could no longer walk, and it made the Imam extremely thirsty, such that like his forefather Imam al Husayn a.s he said: 'Al-Atash, al-Atash' (The thirst, the thirst)... The wicked Umm al-Fadhl ordered the maids to beat drums and tambourines and dance so that his voice would not reach anyone's ears. Finally, Imam Jawad, peace be upon him, was martyred in loneliness on the dirt of his room while in exile. For three days, his blessed body remained on the rooftop of the house, and after that, Umm al-Fadhl threw the pure body down from the roof to the ground. The Shias took the blessed corpse and buried it on the 2nd of Dhu al-Hijjah in the presence of Imam al Hadi, peace be upon him.
‘When allegiance was pledged to Al-Mutasim, he went on to check his situation. He wrote to Abdul Malik Al-Zayyat to dispatch to him Al-Taqi-asws and Umm Fazl. Al-Zayyat dispatched Ali Bin Yaqteen to him-asws. He-asws prepared and went out to Baghdad. He honoured him-asws, and revered him-asws, and sent Ashnas bearing the gifts to him-asws and to Umm Al-Fazl Then he sent a drink of citron juice to him-asws under his seal upon the hands of Ashnas. He said, ‘Commander of the faithful has got Ahmad Bin Abu Dawood, and Saeed Bin Al-Khaeyb, and a group from the well-known people to taste it, and he orders you-asws to drink from it with the water of snow, and he has made it just now, and he says, ‘Drink it at night’. He-asws said: ‘It is beneficial (when) cold, and the snow has melted’. And he insisted upon that, so he-asws drank it knowing of their deeds. (The book) ‘Al Manaqib’ of Ibn Shehr Ashub –V4 p 416
وَ لَمَّا بُويِعَ الْمُعْتَصِمُ جَعَلَ يَتَفَقَّدُ أَحْوَالَهُ فَكَتَبَ إِلَى عَبْدِ الْمَلِكِ الزَّيَّاتِ أَنْ يُنْفِذَ إِلَيْهِ التَّقِيَّ وَ أُمَّ الْفَضْلِ فَأَنْفَذَ ابْنُ الزَّيَّاتِ عَلِيَّ بْنَ يَقْطِينٍ إِلَيْهِ فَتَجَهَّزَ وَ خَرَجَ إِلَى بَغْدَادَ فَأَكْرَمَهُ وَ عَظَّمَهُ وَ أَنْفَذَ أُشْنَاسَ بِالتُّحَفِ إِلَيْهِ وَ إِلَى أُمِّ الْفَضْلِ ثُمَّ أَنْفَذَ إِلَيْهِ شَرَابَ حُمَّاضِ الْأُتْرُجِّ تَحْتَ خَتْمِهِ عَلَى يَدَيِ أُشْنَاسٍ وَ قَالَ إِنَّ أَمِيرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ذَاقَهُ قِبَلَ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ أَبِي دَاوُدَ وَ سَعْدِ بْنِ الْخَصِيبِ وَ جَمَاعَةٍ مِنَ الْمَعْرُوفِينَ وَ يَأْمُرُكَ أَنْ تَشْرَبَ مِنْهَا بِمَاءِ الثَّلْجِ وَ صَنَعَ فِي الْحَالِ فَقَالَ اشْرَبْهَا بِاللَّيْلِ قَالَ إِنَّهَا يَنْفَعُ بَارِداً وَ قَدْ ذَابَ الثَّلْجُ وَ أَصَرَّ عَلَى ذَلِكَ فَشَرِبَهَا عَالِماً بِفِعْلِهِم « مناقب آل ابیطالب ج ۴ ص ۴۱۶، بحار الانوار ج ۵۰ ص ۸، منتهی الآمال ص ۱۸۰۵»
(The book) ‘Uyoon Al Mojizaat’ – ‘When Abu Ja’far-asws and his-asws wife, the daughter of Al-Mamoun went out as pilgrims, and Abu Al-Hassan-asws brought out his-asws son Ali-asws, and he-asws was young, he-asws left him-asws behind in Al-Medina, and submitted to him-asws the inheritances, and the weapons, and texted upon him-asws in the witnessing of his-asws trusted ones and his-asws companions, and he-asws left to go to Al-Iraq, and with him-asws was his-asws wife, daughter of Al-Mamoun. And Al-Mamoun had gone out to a city of Rome, and he died at Al-Badeyroun during Rajab of the year two hundred and eighteen, and that was during the sixteenth year from the Imamate of Abu Ja’far-asws. And Al-Mutasim Abu Is’haq Muhammad Bin Haroun was pledge allegiance to during Shaman of the year two hundred and eighteen. Then Al-Mutasim went on to plot in killing Abu Ja’far-asws, and indicated to his-asws wife, the daughter of Al-Mamoun, that she should poison him, because he was aware of her turning away from Abu Ja’far-asws, and the intensity of her jealousy upon him-azwj due to his-asws preferring the mother-as of his-asws son-asws Abu Al-Hassan-asws over her, and because she was not graced with any child from him-asws. She answer him to that and went on to poison in a bunch of grapes, and she placed it in front of him. When he-asws had eaten from it, she regretted and went on to cry. He-asws said: ‘What makes you cry? By Allah-azwj! May Allah-azwj Strike you with sterility not to be restored, and affliction which cannot be veiled!’ She died in an illness, a hole appeared in the most covered of places of her body parts (private part). She spent her wealth and entirety of what she had owned, upon that illness, to the extent that she became needy to be nourished. And it is reported that the hole was in her private part. And he-asws passed away during the year two hundred and twenty from the Hijrah during the day of Tuesday of the fifth (day) vacant from Zil Hijjah, and for him-asws were twenty-four years and some months, because heasws was blessed (to his-asws parents-asws) in the year one hundred and ninety-five
Bihar Al Anwaar – V 50, The book of History – Muhammad Bin Ali-asws, Ch 1 H 26
لَمَّا خَرَجَ أَبُو جَعْفَرٍ عليهالسلام وَ زَوْجَتُهُ ابْنَةُ الْمَأْمُونِ حَاجّاً وَ خَرَجَ أَبُو الْحَسَنِ عَلِيٌّ ابْنُهُ عليهالسلام وَ هُوَ صَغِيرٌ فَخَلَّفَهُ فِي الْمَدِينَةِ وَ سَلَّمَ إِلَيْهِ الْمَوَارِيثَ وَ السِّلَاحَ وَ نَصَّ عَلَيْهِ بِمَشْهَدِ ثِقَاتِهِ وَ أَصْحَابِهِ وَ انْصَرَفَ إِلَى الْعِرَاقِ وَ مَعَهُ زَوْجَتُهُ ابْنَةُ الْمَأْمُونِ وَ كَانَ خَرَجَ الْمَأْمُونُ إِلَى بِلَادِ الرُّومِ فَمَاتَ بالبديرون فِي رَجَبٍ سَنَةَ ثَمَانَ عَشْرَةَ وَ مِائَتَيْنِ وَ ذَلِكَ فِي سِتَّ عَشْرَةَ سَنَةً مِنْ إِمَامَةِ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍعليهالسلام وَ بُويِعَ الْمُعْتَصِمُ أَبُو إِسْحَاقَ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ هَارُونَ فِي شَعْبَانَ مِنْ سَنَةِ ثَمَانَ عَشْرَةَ وَ مِائَتَيْنِ ثُمَّ إِنَّ الْمُعْتَصِمَ جَعَلَ يَعْمَلُ الْحِيلَةَ فِي قَتْلِ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍعليهالسلام وَ أَشَارَ عَلَى ابْنَةِ الْمَأْمُونِ زَوْجَتِهِ بِأَنْ تَسُمَّهُ لِأَنَّهُ وَقَفَ عَلَى انْحِرَافِهَا عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍعليهالسلام وَ شِدَّةِ غَيْرَتِهَا عَلَيْهِ لِتَفْضِيلِهِ أُمَّ أَبِي الْحَسَنِ ابْنِهِ عَلَيْهَا وَ لِأَنَّهُ لَمْ يُرْزَقْ مِنْهَا وَلَدٌ فَأَجَابَتْهُ إِلَى ذَلِكَ وَ جَعَلَتْ سَمّاً فِي عِنَبٍ رَازِقِيٍّ وَ وَضَعَتْهُ بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ فَلَمَّا أَكَلَ مِنْهُ نَدِمَتْ وَ جَعَلَتْ تَبْكِي فَقَالَ مَا بُكَاؤُكِ وَ اللَّهِ لَيَضْرِبَنَّكِ اللَّهُ بِعَقْرٍ لَا يَنْجَبِرُ وَ بَلَاءٍ لَا يَنْسَتِرُ فَمَاتَتْ بِعِلَّةٍ فِي أَغْمَضِ الْمَوَاضِعِ مِنْ جَوَارِحِهَا صَارَتْ نَاصُوراً فَأَنْفَقَتْ مَالَهَا وَ جَمِيعَ مَا مَلَكَتْهُ عَلَى تِلْكَ الْعِلَّةِ حَتَّى احْتَاجَتْ إِلَى الِاسْتِرْفَادِ وَ رُوِيَ أَنَّ النَّاصُورَ كَانَ فِي فَرْجِهَا وَ قُبِضَ عليهالسلام فِي سَنَةِ عِشْرِينَ وَ مِائَتَيْنِ مِنَ الْهِجْرَةِ فِي يَوْمِ الثَّلَاثَاءِ لِخَمْسٍ خَلَوْنَ مِنْ ذِي الْحِجَّةِ وَ لَهُ أَرْبَعٌ وَ عِشْرُونَ سَنَةً وَ شُهُورٌ لِأَنَّ مَوْلِدَهُ كَانَ فِي سَنَةِ خَمْسٍ وَ تِسْعِينَ وَ مِائَةٍ.. «
عيون المعجزات، ص ۱۲۹، اثبات الوصیه ۲۱۹، دلائل الامامیه ص ۳۹۵، بحار الانوار ج ۵۰ ص ۱۶؛ جلاءالعیون ص ۹۶۷، منتهی الآمال ص ۱۸۰۴»
Cause of Imam’s martyrdom
It is mentioned in Tafsir Ayyashi that a man named Zarqan was a close friend of Qadi Ibne Abi Dawud. He narrates: One day when Qadi Ibne Abi Dawud came to me, he was highly distraught. I asked him what the matter was and he told me in a plaintive tone, “Alas! If I had only passed away twenty years ago instead of being humiliated!” When I asked him to explain, he said, “Today, Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibne Ali humiliated me in the presence of the chief of believers, Mutasim.” “What happened exactly?” I asked. “A thief came to the chief of believers and said: I am a thief. Please issue the Islamic penalty to me and purify from my sin.” Mutasim summoned all the jurists including Abu Ja’far Muhammad Taqi and asked us from where the hand should be chopped. I told him from the wrist. When the Caliph asked me for the proof, I said that the Quran has mentioned cutting off the hand of the thief and the word of ‘yad’ implies the hand from the wrist as mentioned in the verse of Tayammum: “…then wipe your faces and your hands…”Surah Nisa 4:43 And the whole nation has consensus that here the word of ‘yad’ implies the hand from the wrist. So it similarly applies for the thief as well and his hand must be cut from the wrist. For some time there was dispute among the jurists with regard to my verdict and some suggested that his hand should be cut off from the elbow relying on the verse of ablution: “…and your hands as far as the elbows…”Surah Maidah 5:6 After that Caliph Mutasim glanced at Imam Muhammad Taqi (a) and said, “Abu Ja’far, what is your opinion regarding this issue?” “The jurists of the community have mentioned their views; now what is the need of my opinion?” Inspite of his reluctance, the Caliphate insisted. He said, “If you are insisting so much; then listen: all the jurists have erred and issued a verdict that is opposed to the Sunnah. The Islamic legal penalty for the thief is that his four fingers must be cut off from the root leaving his palm intact.” “What is your reasoning for that? Mutasim asked. “It is the statement of Messenger of Allah (s) that during prostration (Sajdah) comprises placing the following seven parts of the body on the floor: forehead, both hands, both knees and toes of both feet. If the hand is amputed from the wrist how that person would perform Sajdah? Whereas Almighty Allah has mentioned in Surah Jinn: “And the places of prostration are Allah’s…”Surah Jinn 72:18 It implies the parts placed in Sajdah. “…therefore call not upon any one with Allah.”Surah Jinn 72:18 That is along with those places of prostration do not include anyone else with Allah. Hence whatever comes into the ownership of Allah cannot be cut off.” Mutasim was highly impressed at this reasoning and he ruled that the fingers of that thief be cut off. I was shattered by this verdict and I wished that I had died before issuing such a judgment and facing such humiliation. Zarqan says: That same Qadi visited Mutasim after two days and said: I am here because of my concern for you and I also know that as a result of that my abode shall in Hell. “What do you mean?” asked Mutasim. Qadi said, “O chief of believers, when you gather the scholars and jurists in your court and inquire about their legal verdicts, at that time not only scholars are present, on the contrary, your family members, ministers and your scribes etc are also present and later on these reports are circulated all over the country. But last time you really did something extraordinary! Ignoring the views of all the scholars and jurists of the Ummah, you adopted the verdict of Abu Ja’far. Whereas you should have taken into consideration the fact that from before also a large number of people from the nation believe in his Imamate and they imagine that you have usurped power that was rightfully Abu Ja’far’s. In spite of that you overlooked the verdicts of all the jurists and applied his opinion. This would weaken the foundations of your rule.” Mutasim’s became terribly infuriated and he said, “You have rendered a good advice; may God give you a good reward.” After that the Caliph ordered his minister to invite Abu Ja’far for dinner and poison the food. So that minister invited the Imam for dinner, but the Imam excused himself. The minister said, “We have only invited you for dinner, so that your presence would bring auspiciousness from God and so and so ministers of the Caliph would also like to meet you.” Finally the Imam attended the dinner and then realized that the food was poisoned. He asked them for the mount in order to return, but the host said, “Why the haste? Please stay some more.” Imam said, “It is better that I leave your place and go home.” After that he was in severe pain for a day and then finally passed away Tafsir Ayyashi, Vol. 1, Pg. 319; Biharul Anwar, Vol. 50, Pg. 5.
: الشيخ محمد بن مسعود العيّاشي في تفسيره:
باسناده عن زرقان صاحب ابن أبي داود و صديقه بشدّة قال: رجع ابن أبي داود ذات يوم من عند المعتصم و هو مغتمّ، فقلت له في ذلك، فقال:
وددت اليوم أنّي قدمت منذ عشرين سنة! قال: قلت له: و لم ذاك؟ قال:
لما كان هذا من الأسود! أبي جعفر محمّد بن عليّ بن موسى- (عليهم السلام)- اليوم بين يدي أمير المؤمنين [المعتصم] .
قال: قلت له: و كيف كان ذلك؟
قال: إنّ سارقا أقرّ على نفسه بالسرقة، و سأل الخليفة تطهيره بإقامة الحدّ عليه، فجمع لذلك الفقهاء في مجلسه، و قد أحضر محمد بن عليّ- (عليهما السلام)-، فسألنا عن القطع في أيّ موضع يجب أن يقطع؟ قال:
فقلت: من الكرسوع، قال: و ما الحجّة في ذلك؟ قال: قلت: لأنّ اليد هي الأصابع و الكفّ إلى الكرسوع، لقول اللّه في التيمّم: فَامْسَحُوا بِوُجُوهِكُمْ وَ أَيْدِيكُمْ [ النساء: 43.]، و اتّفق معي على ذلك قوم.
و قال آخرون: بل يجب القطع من المرفق، قال: و ما الدليل على ذلك؟ قالوا: لأنّ اللّه لمّا قال: وَ أَيْدِيَكُمْ إِلَى الْمَرافِقِ [المائدة: 6] في الغسل دلّ ذلك أنّ حدّ اليد هو المرفق، قال: فالتفت الي محمد بن عليّ- (عليه السلام)- فقال: ما تقول في هذا يا أبا جعفر؟ فقال: قد تكلّم القوم فيه يا أمير المؤمنين [قال: دعني ممّا تكلّموا به، أيّ شيء عندك؟ قال: اعفني عن هذا يا أمير المؤمنين] قال: أقسمت عليك باللّه [لما أخبرت بما عندك فيه، فقال- (عليه السلام)-: أمّا إذا أقسمت عليّ باللّه] إنّي أقول: إنّهم أخطئوا فيه السنّة، فانّ القطع يجب أن يكون من مفصل اصول الأصابع، فيترك الكفّ، قال: و ما الحجّة في ذلك؟
قال: قول رسول اللّه- (صلّى اللّه عليه و آله)-: «السجود على سبعة أعضاء الوجه و اليدين و الركبتين و الرجلين»، فإذا قطعت يده من الكرسوع أو المرفق لم يبق له يد يسجد عليها، و قد قال اللّه تعالى: وَ أَنَّ الْمَساجِدَ لِلَّهِ- يعني به هذه الأعضاء السبعة التي يسجد عليها- فَلا تَدْعُوا مَعَ اللَّهِ أَحَداً الجنّ: 18. و ما كان للّه لم يقطع، قال: فأعجب المعتصم ذلك، و أمر بقطع يد السارق من مفصل الأصابع دون الكفّ.
قال ابن أبي داود: قامت قيامتي و تمنّيت أنّي لم أك [حيّا] قال زرقان: إنّ ابن أبي داود قال: صرت إلى المعتصم بعد ثالثة ، فقلت: إنّ نصيحة أمير المؤمنين عليّ واجبة، و أنا اكلّمه بما أعلم أنّي أدخل به النار، قال: و ما هو؟ قلت: إذا جمع أمير المؤمنين في مجلسه فقهاء رعيّته و علمائهم لأمر واقع من امور الدين، فسألهم عن الحكم فيه فأخبروه بما عندهم من الحكم في ذلك، و قد حضر مجلسه [أهل بيته] و قوّاده و وزرائه و كتّابه، و قد تسامع الناس بذلك من وراء بابه، ثمّ يترك أقاويلهم كلّهم لقول رجل يقول شطر هذه الامّة بإمامته، و يزعمون أنّه أولى منه بمقامه، ثمّ يحكم بحكمه دون حكم الفقهاء؟!
قال: فتغيّر لونه و انتبه لما نبّهته له و قال: جزاك اللّه عن نصيحتك خيرا، قال: فأمر اليوم الرابع الامراء من كتّابه و وزرائه [4] بأن يدعوه إلى منزله، فدعاه فأبى أن يجيبه و قال: قد علمت أنّي لا أحضر مجالسكم.
فقال: إنّي إنّما أدعوك إلى الطعام، و احبّ أن تطأ ببابي و تدخل منزلي فأتبرّك بذلك، و قد أحبّ فلان بن فلان من وزراء الخليفة [لقائك] ، فصار إليه.
فلمّا طعم منها أحسّ السمّ، فدعا بدابّته فسأله ربّ المنزل أن يقيم، قال: خروجي من دارك خير لك، فلم يزل يومه ذلك و ليله في حلقه [في المصدر: في خلفه، و قال محقّق البحار: إنّ الصحيح في خلفة و هو بالكسر: الهيضة، و هي انطلاق البطن و القيء.] حتّى قبض- (عليه السلام)- تفسير العيّاشي: 1: 319 ح 109 و عنه البحار: 50/ 5 ح 7 و ج 79/ 190 ح 33 و ج 85/ 128 و الوسائل: 18/ 490 ح 5 و حلية الأبرار: 4/ 580 ح 2.
ـ أَحْمَدُ بْنُ إِدْرِيسَ عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ حَسَّانَ عَنْ أَبِي هَاشِمٍ الْجَعْفَرِيِّ قَالَ صَلَّيْتُ مَعَ ابي جعفر (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) فِي مَسْجِدِ الْمُسَيَّبِ وَصَلَّى بِنَا فِي مَوْضِعِ الْقِبْلَةِ سَوَاءً وَذُكِرَ أَنَّ السِّدْرَةَ الَّتِي فِي الْمَسْجِدِ كَانَتْ يَابِسَةً لَيْسَ عَلَيْهَا وَرَقٌ فَدَعَا بِمَاءٍ وَتَهَيَّأَ تَحْتَ السِّدْرَةِ فَعَاشَتِ السِّدْرَةُ وَأَوْرَقَتْ وَحَمَلَتْ مِنْ عَامِهَا.
  1. Ahmad ibn Idris has narrated from from Muhammad ibn Hassa’n from abu Hashim Ali-Ja‘fari who has said the following. “Once I prayed with abu Ja‘far (a.s.) in the Mosque of Ali-Musayyib. He lead the prayer with us and as to the direction of Makka he stood up facing straight. He also has said that a berry tree that was in the Mosque had dried up and had no leaves. The Imam (a.s.) asked for water and prepared himself under that tree for prayer. The berry tree came alive with leaves and fruits in that year.”
Al-Kāfi - Volume 1, The Birth of Abu Ja‘far, Muhammad ibn Ali, the Second (a.s.), Hadith 10
ـ الْحُسَيْنُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ مُعَلَّى بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الله عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ سِنَانٍ قَالَ دَخَلْتُ عَلَى أَبِي الْحَسَنِ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) فَقَالَ يَا مُحَمَّدُ حَدَثَ بِآلِ فَرَجٍ حَدَثٌ فَقُلْتُ مَاتَ عُمَرُ فَقَالَ الْحَمْدُ لله حَتَّى أَحْصَيْتُ لَهُ أَرْبَعاً وَعِشْرِينَ مَرَّةً فَقُلْتُ يَا سَيِّدِي لَوْ عَلِمْتُ أَنَّ هَذَا يَسُرُّكَ لَجِئْتُ حَافِياً أَعْدُو إِلَيْكَ قَالَ يَا مُحَمَّدُ أَ وَلا تَدْرِي مَا قَالَ لَعَنَهُ الله لِمُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عَلِيٍّ أَبِي قَالَ قُلْتُ لا قَالَ خَاطَبَهُ فِي شَيْءٍ فَقَالَ أَظُنُّكَ سَكْرَانَ فَقَالَ أَبِي اللهمَّ إِنْ كُنْتَ تَعْلَمُ أَنِّي أَمْسَيْتُ لَكَ صَائِماً فَأَذِقْهُ طَعْمَ الْحَرْبِ وَذُلَّ الاسْرِ فَوَ الله إِنْ ذَهَبَتِ الايَّامُ حَتَّى حُرِبَ مَالُهُ وَمَا كَانَ لَهُ ثُمَّ أُخِذَ أَسِيراً وَهُوَ ذَا قَدْ مَاتَ لا رَحِمَهُ الله وَقَدْ أَدَالَ الله عَزَّ وَجَلَّ مِنْهُ وَمَا زَالَ يُدِيلُ أَوْلِيَاءَهُ مِنْ أَعْدَائِهِ.
. Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mu‘alla ibn Muhammad from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abdallah from Muhammad ibn Sinan who has said the following. “Once I went to see abu al-Hassan (a.s.). He said, “O Muhammad, has something happened to the family of al-Faraj (the governor of al-Madina )?” I said, “Yes, ‘Umar (a member of al-Faraj family) has died.” The Imam (a.s.) said, “All thanks and praise belongs to Allah.” He said it twenty four times. I then said, “My master, had known it would make you this happy I would have come to running and bare foot with the news (to congratulate you).” The Imam (a.s.) said, “Do you not know what he –may Allah condemn him- once had said to Muhammad ibn Ali, my father?” The narrator has said that I said, “No, I do not know it.” The Imam (a.s.) said, “He spoke to my father about an issue and then said to him, “I think you are drunk.” My father then had said, “O Lord, if you know that I have been fasting this day, then make him test the taste of al-A ‘war, and the humiliation of captivity.” By Allah, in just a few days his belongings were looted and he was captured and know he is dead-may Allah deprive him of His mercy. Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most gracious, has exacted revenge from him and He continues to exact revenge for His friends from His enemies.
Al-Kāfi - Volume 1, The Birth of Abu Ja‘far, Muhammad ibn Ali, the Second (a.s.), Hadith 9
ـ عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ قَالَ اسْتَأْذَنَ عَلَى ابي جعفر (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) قَوْمٌ مِنْ أَهْلِ النَّوَاحِي مِنَ الشِّيعَةِ فَأَذِنَ لَهُمْ فَدَخَلُوا فَسَأَلُوهُ فِي مَجْلِسٍ وَاحِدٍ عَنْ ثَلاثِينَ أَلْفَ مَسْأَلَةٍ فَأَجَابَ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) وَلَهُ عَشْرُ سِنِينَ.
  1. Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father who has said the following. “Once a group of Shi‘a from the suburbs asked permission to meet abu Ja‘far (a.s.). He granted them permission and they came in his presence. In one meeting they asked him thirty thousand questions. He answered them all and at that time he was ten years old.”
Al-Kāfi - Volume 1, The Birth of Abu Ja‘far, Muhammad ibn Ali, the Second (a.s.), Hadith 7
ـ عَلِيُّ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ سَهْلِ بْنِ زِيَادٍ عَنْ دَاوُدَ بْنِ الْقَاسِمِ الْجَعْفَرِيِّ قَالَ دَخَلْتُ عَلَى ابي جعفر (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) وَمَعِي ثَلاثُ رِقَاعٍ غَيْرُ مُعَنْوَنَةٍ وَاشْتَبَهَتْ عَلَيَّ فَاغْتَمَمْتُ فَتَنَاوَلَ إِحْدَاهُمَا وَقَالَ هَذِهِ رُقْعَةُ زِيَادِ بْنِ شَبِيبٍ ثُمَّ تَنَاوَلَ الثَّانِيَةَ فَقَالَ هَذِهِ رُقْعَةُ فُلانٍ فَبُهِتُّ أَنَا فَنَظَرَ إِلَيَّ فَتَبَسَّمَ قَالَ وَأَعْطَانِي ثَلاثَمِائَةِ دِينَارٍ وَأَمَرَنِي أَنْ أَحْمِلَهَا إِلَى بَعْضِ بَنِي عَمِّهِ وَقَالَ أَمَا إِنَّهُ سَيَقُولُ لَكَ دُلَّنِي عَلَى حَرِيفٍ يَشْتَرِي لِي بِهَا مَتَاعاً فَدُلَّهُ عَلَيْهِ قَالَ فَأَتَيْتُهُ بِالدَّنَانِيرِ فَقَالَ لِي يَا أَبَا هَاشِمٍ دُلَّنِي عَلَى حَرِيفٍ يَشْتَرِي لِي بِهَا مَتَاعاً فَقُلْتُ نَعَمْ قَالَ وَكَلَّمَنِي جَمَّالٌ أَنْ أُكَلِّمَهُ لَهُ يُدْخِلُهُ فِي بَعْضِ أُمُورِهِ فَدَخَلْتُ عَلَيْهِ لاكَلِّمَهُ لَهُ فَوَجَدْتُهُ يَأْكُلُ وَمَعَهُ جَمَاعَةٌ وَلَمْ يُمْكِنِّي كَلامَهُ فَقَالَ يَا أَبَا هَاشِمٍ كُلْ وَوَضَعَ بَيْنَ يَدَيَّ ثُمَّ قَالَ ابْتِدَاءً مِنْهُ مِنْ غَيْرِ مَسْأَلَةٍ يَا غُلامُ انْظُرْ إِلَى الْجَمَّالِ الَّذِي أَتَانَا بِهِ أَبُو هَاشِمٍ فَضُمَّهُ إِلَيْكَ قَالَ وَدَخَلْتُ مَعَهُ ذَاتَ يَوْمٍ بُسْتَاناً فَقُلْتُ لَهُ جُعِلْتُ فِدَاكَ إِنِّي لَمُولَعٌ بِأَكْلِ الطِّينِ فَادْعُ الله لِي فَسَكَتَ ثُمَّ قَالَ لِي بَعْدَ ثَلاثَةِ أَيَّامٍ ابْتِدَاءً مِنْهُ يَا أَبَا هَاشِمٍ قَدْ أَذْهَبَ الله عَنْكَ أَكْلَ الطِّينِ قَالَ أَبُو هَاشِمٍ فَمَا شَيْءٌ أَبْغَضَ إِلَيَّ مِنْهُ الْيَوْمَ.
  1. Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from Sahl ibn zd from Dawud ibn al-Qasim al-Ja‘fari who has said the following “Once I went to see abu Ja‘far (a.s.) and I had a few questions on three pieces of materials with proper markings and they were mixed as such that I could not distinguish. I felt sad. He picked one and said, “This is the letter of Ziyad ibn Shabib.” Then he picked up the other one and said, “.This is the letter of so and so.” I became awe struck. He looked at me and smiled.” The narrator has said that the Imam (a.s.) then gave me three hundred Dinars and asked me to deliver them to the certain persons of the sons of his uncle and said, “He will ask you to show him a professional person who would help him to buy goods, help show him one.” The narrator has said that I then went to him and gave him the Dinars and asked me, “O abu Hashim, can you show me a professional person who would help me to buy goods.” I said, “Yes, I can do so.” The narrator has said that a camel man asked me to speak on his behalf to abu Ja‘far (a.s.) to take part in certain matters of his affairs. I went to see him (abu Ja‘far (a.s.) to speak to him but he was having meal with a group of people and I did not get a chance to speak to him. He (abu Ja‘far (a.s.) said, “O abu Hashim, eat. He placed food before me. Then he said, initiating and without any question from me, “O slave, take good care of the camel-man that abu Hashim has brought for us. Keep him with you.” The narrator has said that one day I entered a garden along with him and said, “May Allah take my soul in service for your cause, I am addicted to eating fig. Pray to Allah for me.” He was quite and then after three day on his own initiation he said, “O abu Hashim, “Allah has removed your addiction.” Ever since it is the thing that I hate most.”
Al-Kāfi - Volume 1, The Birth of Abu Ja‘far, Muhammad ibn Ali, the Second (a.s.), Hadith : 4
ـ عَلِيُّ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ بَعْضِ أَصْحَابِنَا عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ الرَّيَّانِ قَالَ احْتَالَ الْمَأْمُونُ عَلَى ابي جعفر (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) بِكُلِّ حِيلَةٍ فَلَمْ يُمْكِنْهُ فِيهِ شَيْءٌ فَلَمَّا اعْتَلَّ وَأَرَادَ أَنْ يَبْنِيَ عَلَيْهِ ابْنَتَهُ دَفَعَ إِلَى مِائَتَيْ وَصِيفَةٍ مِنْ أَجْمَلِ مَا يَكُونُ إِلَى كُلِّ وَاحِدَةٍ مِنْهُنَّ جَاماً فِيهِ جَوْهَرٌ يَسْتَقْبِلْنَ أَبَا جَعْفَرٍ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) إِذَا قَعَدَ فِي مَوْضِعِ الاخْيَارِ فَلَمْ يَلْتَفِتْ إِلَيْهِنَّ وَكَانَ رَجُلٌ يُقَالُ لَهُ مُخَارِقٌ صَاحِبُ صَوْتٍ وَعُودٍ وَضَرْبٍ طَوِيلُ اللِّحْيَةِ فَدَعَاهُ الْمَأْمُونُ فَقَالَ يَا أَمِيرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِنْ كَانَ فِي شَيْءٍ مِنْ أَمْرِ الدُّنْيَا فَأَنَا أَكْفِيكَ أَمْرَهُ فَقَعَدَ بَيْنَ يَدَيْ ابي جعفر (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) فَشَهِقَ مُخَارِقٌ شَهْقَةً اجْتَمَعَ عَلَيْهِ أَهْلُ الدَّارِ وَجَعَلَ يَضْرِبُ بِعُودِهِ وَيُغَنِّي فَلَمَّا فَعَلَ سَاعَةً وَإِذَا أَبُو جَعْفَرٍ لا يَلْتَفِتُ إِلَيْهِ لا يَمِيناً وَلا شِمَالاً ثُمَّ رَفَعَ إِلَيْهِ رَأْسَهُ وَقَالَ اتَّقِ الله يَا ذَا الْعُثْنُونِ قَالَ فَسَقَطَ الْمِضْرَابُ مِنْ يَدِهِ وَالْعُودُ فَلَمْ يَنْتَفِعْ بِيَدَيْهِ إِلَى أَنْ مَاتَ قَالَ فَسَأَلَهُ الْمَأْمُونُ عَنْ حَالِهِ قَالَ لَمَّا صَاحَ بِي أَبُو جَعْفَرٍ فَزِعْتُ فَزْعَةً لا أُفِيقُ مِنْهَا أَبَداً.
  1. Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from certain persons of our people from Muhammad ibn al-Rayyan who has said the following “Al-Ma’mun did all he could to prove that abu Ja‘far, Muhammad ibn Ali al-Rida (a.s.) was only a young man of worldly desires. However Al-Ma’mun could not succeed. When he became frustrated he gave his daughter in marriage to abu Ja‘far, Muhammad ibn Ali al-Rida (a.s.). For the ceremony he sent two hundred most beautiful entertaining girls each with a bowl in her hand with a precious pearl in it to well come abu Ja‘far, Muhammad ibn Ali al-Rida (a.s.) when he would sit on the special seat prepared for him. They, however, were not of any attraction to the Imam (a.s.) to disturb him. There was a man called Mukhariq who had a voice, musical skills, a guitar and a tall beard. Al-Ma’mun called him and he said, “O Amir al-Mu’minin, if he is a worldly man I will prove myself as dealing him deadly blows on your behalf.” He sat in front of abu Ja‘far, Muhammad ibn Ali al-Rida (a.s.) and began to bray a hee-haw that made all the people of the house gather around him. He began to play his guitar and sing. He did it for an hour but abu Ja‘far (a.s.) did not pay any attention to the right or left. Then he (a.s.) raised his head and said, “O you, tall bearded one, be pious before Allah.” The narrator has said that the musical instrument and guitar fell off his hand and he could not use his hands thereafter until he died. When Al-Ma’mun asked him about his condition he said, “When abu Ja‘far (a.s.) expressed his disappointment at me it struck me with a huge degree of fear from which I have not been able to relieve myself ever since.”
Al-Kāfi - Volume 1, The Birth of Abu Ja‘far, Muhammad ibn Ali, the Second (a.s.), Hadith 4
ـ الْحُسَيْنُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ مُعَلَّى بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ جُمْهُورٍ عَنْ مُعَمَّرِ بْنِ خَلادٍ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ إِسْمَاعِيلَ بْنَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ يَقُولُ لِلرِّضَا (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) إِنَّ ابْنِي فِي لِسَانِهِ ثِقْلٌ فَأَنَا أَبْعَثُ بِهِ إِلَيْكَ غَداً تَمْسَحُ عَلَى رَأْسِهِ وَتَدْعُو لَهُ فَإِنَّهُ مَوْلاكَ فَقَالَ هُوَ مَوْلَى أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ فَابْعَثْ بِهِ غَداً إِلَيْهِ.
  1. Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mu‘alla ibn Muhammad from Muhammad ibn Jumhur from Mu‘mmar ibn Khallad who has said the following. “I heard ’Isma‘il ibn Ibrahim say to al-rida (a.s.), ‘My son feels heaviness in his tongue. I intend to sent him tomorrow to you. Pass you your hand over his head and pray for him. He is your Mawla (slave).’” The Imam (a.s.) said, “He is a Mawla (slave) of abu Ja’far (a.s.). send him tomorrow to him (abu Ja‘far (a.s.).”
Al-Kāfi - Volume 1, Tacit and Explicit Testimony as proof of abu Ja‘far al-Thani’s (the second) (a.s.) Divine Authority over the people after abu al-Hassan al-Rida (a.s.), Hadith 11
ـ بَعْضُ أَصْحَابِنَا عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عَلِيٍّ عَنْ مُعَاوِيَةَ بْنِ حُكَيْمٍ عَنِ ابْنِ أَبِي نَصْرٍ قَالَ قَالَ لِيَ ابْنُ النَّجَاشِيِّ مَنِ الامَامُ بَعْدَ صَاحِبِكَ فَأَشْتَهِي أَنْ تَسْأَلَهُ حَتَّى أَعْلَمَ فَدَخَلْتُ عَلَى الرِّضَا (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) فَأَخْبَرْتُهُ قَالَ فَقَالَ لِي الامَامُ ابْنِي ثُمَّ قَالَ هَلْ يَتَجَرَّأُ أَحَدٌ أَنْ يَقُولَ ابْنِي وَلَيْسَ لَهُ وَلَدٌ.
One of our people has narrated from Muhammad ibn Ali from Mu‘awiya ibn Hakim from ibn abu Basir who has said the following. “Al-Najashi once asked me, “Who will be the Imam after your master? I wish you ask him so I will know.” I then went to see Ali al-Rida (a.s.) and informed him (of al-Najashi’s wish).” The narrator has said that the Imam said, “The Imam will be my son.” Then he said, “Can any one say that my son will be the Imam when he has no son?”
Al-Kāfi - Volume 1, Tacit and Explicit Testimony as proof of abu Ja‘far al-Thani’s (the second) (a.s.) Divine Authority over the people after abu al-Hassan al-Rida (a.s.), Hadith 5
ـ عِدَّةٌ مِنْ أَصْحَابِنَا عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ جَعْفَرِ بْنِ يَحْيَى عَنْ مَالِكِ بْنِ أَشْيَمَ عَنِ الْحُسَيْنِ بْنِ بَشَّارٍ قَالَ كَتَبَ ابْنُ قِيَامَا إِلَى أَبِي الْحَسَنِ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) كِتَاباً يَقُولُ فِيهِ كَيْفَ تَكُونُ إِمَاماً وَلَيْسَ لَكَ وَلَدٌ فَأَجَابَهُ أَبُو الْحَسَنِ الرِّضَا (عَلَيْهِ السَّلام) شِبْهَ الْمُغْضَبِ وَمَا عَلَّمَكَ أَنَّهُ لا يَكُونُ لِي وَلَدٌ وَالله لا تَمْضِي الايَّامُ وَاللَّيَالِي حَتَّى يَرْزُقَنِيَ الله وَلَداً ذَكَراً يَفْرُقُ بِهِ بَيْنَ الْحَقِّ وَالْبَاطِلِ.
  1. A number of our people has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Ja’far ibn Yahya from Malik ibn Ashyam from al-Husayn ibn Bashshar who has said the following. “Ibn Qiyaman wrote a letter to abu al-Hassan (a.s.) in which he had said the following. ‘How can you be an Imam when you do not have a son?” Abu al-Hassan al-Rida (a.s.) replied him with signs of anger, “How do you know that I will not have a son? By Allah, not many days and nights will pass before Allah will grant me a male child through who He will make the truth distinct from falsehood.”
Al-Kāfi - Volume 1, Tacit and Explicit Testimony as proof of abu Ja‘far al-Thani’s (the second) (a.s.) Divine Authority over the people after abu al-Hassan al-Rida (a.s.), Hadith 4
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father that ’Isma‘il ibn Mihran who has said the following. “When abu Ja‘far left Madina for Baghdad the first time of his two journeys on his leaving I said to him, “May Allah take my souls in service for your cause, I am afraid about you in this condition. To who, after you, will belong the task (Leadership with Divine Authority)?” He turned to me laughing and said, “The disappearance, as have thought, will not take place this year. When he was about to be taken to al-Mu‘tasam (179/795 —became caliph 218/833 — 227/841), for the second time I went to him and said, “May Allah take my souls in service for your cause. You are leaving. To who, after you, will go this task Leadership with Divine Authority)?” He wept until his beard become soaked. He then turned to me and said, “This time you should be afraid about my life. The task (Leadership with Divine Authority) after me will go to my son Ali Al-Kāfi - Volume 1 p323
عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ إِسْمَاعِيلَ بْنِ مِهْرَانَ قَالَ: لَمَّا خَرَجَ أَبُو جَعْفَرٍ ع مِنَ الْمَدِينَةِ إِلَى بَغْدَادَ فِي الدَّفْعَةِ الْأُولَى مِنْ خَرْجَتَيْهِ قُلْتُ لَهُ عِنْدَ خُرُوجِهِ جُعِلْتُ فِدَاكَ إِنِّي أَخَافُ عَلَيْكَ فِي هَذَا الْوَجْهِ فَإِلَى مَنِ الْأَمْرُ بَعْدَكَ فَكَرَّ بِوَجْهِهِ إِلَيَّ ضَاحِكاً وَ قَالَ لَيْسَ الْغَيْبَةُ حَيْثُ ظَنَنْتَ فِي هَذِهِ السَّنَةِ فَلَمَّا أُخْرِجَ بِهِ الثَّانِيَةَ إِلَى الْمُعْتَصِمِ صِرْتُ إِلَيْهِ فَقُلْتُ لَهُ جُعِلْتُ فِدَاكَ أَنْتَ خَارِجٌ فَإِلَى مَنْ هَذَا الْأَمْرُ مِنْ بَعْدِكَ فَبَكَى حَتَّى اخْضَلَّتْ لِحْيَتُهُ ثُمَّ الْتَفَتَ إِلَيَّ فَقَالَ عِنْدَ هَذِهِ يُخَافُ عَلَيَّ الْأَمْرُ مِنْ بَعْدِي إِلَى ابْنِي عَلِيٍّ. کافی ج۱ ص ۳۲۳
submitted by shiitescalendar to islamiccalendar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:48 PrimevialXIII most bot responses and rerolls are horny and romantic now (semi-rant & criticism in one)

you ever feel like ranting?? well i do, so get ready.
alright now listen up: so, ever since a few weeks nearly every single bot reroll i get is either:
1) the bot making advantages towards me.
2) the bot touching me or the bot flirting with me.
3) the bot forcing me into kisses or sex.
for example i used the same bot, the same rp concept and even the same first message yesterday. a few months or even weeks ago i never, really NEVER got any sexual or romantic replies/rerolls. now almost every reroll is one. no matter what account of mine im using and im so so sick of it.
back then my persona could even sit on the bots lap and for the bot there was nothing sexual about it. now i have my persona hugging the bot whos supposed to be the personas brother and the bot is like "theres something steering up in (bots name) thats more than just feelings you harbor for your family members" or just the bot outright making the hug sexual. that has NEVER happened a few months ago, i even added "no incest, purely platonic" in the characters description ffs, a director command and not even that helps.
the whole thing nearly (!) feels like back then on c.ai where the bot was constantly flirting with the user for no absolute reason. i hated that and slowly it's happening on dopple too.
i just hope its just the (not really satisfying) LLM they are using rn and hopefully theyre gonna change/improve that soon. i really dont want dopple to become another horny chat ai service. the lacking over-horniness and romance aspect in most rps was one of the main reason of me using dopple tbh and it makes me both sad and mad that theres so many horny and romantic responses now.
even when i add for example "(bots name) isnt interested in sex or love" in the character description it doesn't acknowledge it. even director commands don't tone it down. it seriously made me use dopple less because im not interested in romance or sex.
dopple devs if one of you reads this, please for the love of god dont make romance and sex a main point for the LLM and the main usage of your website. please keep it so people themselves can decide if they want to fuck or romance their bots.
also like i said in the title this whole rant is just criticism and not hate, dont worry, i still use the app more than i probably should.
well dramatic exhale that was everything i had to say, i think. if you feel like it, give me your opinions or even your complaints, i dont mind.
anyway, thanks for reading. have a good day.
submitted by PrimevialXIII to DoppleAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:45 sameed_a how to improve decision-making with lean startup?

Working on my first major business venture, I had this crystal clear vision of the product I would be selling. It was a smartphone app designed to make life easier for students and teachers, combining the best features of several popular platforms. I poured in all my savings and months of hard work into this project, believing it was going to be the next big thing. However, when the app finally hit the market, it flopped. Nobody was using it. I was devastated and couldn't understand what went wrong.
In my search for answers, I came across The Lean Startup methodology by Eric Ries. The concept of validated learning struck me. I realized my mistake: I was so sure of my idea that I made no effort to test it out beforehand. I didn't seek to validate my assumptions about what the customers needed. Instead, I built the product I thought they needed.
Not one to be easily defeated, I took this failure as a chance to revise my strategy. I started by cutting all the extra features and sticking with the core concept of the app. Then, instead of releasing it to the public, I released a basic version to a small group of students and teachers. The feedback was astounding. They found value in the app, but not where I had initially thought. I iterated, made changes based on their feedback, and released the next version. Each iteration brought me closer to a product that truly added value to my customers' lives.
Analyzing this entire process made me realize that I was applying the mental model of First Principles Thinking without even realizing it. I had to strip down my assumptions and rebuild them from ground zero, based on the validated learnings.
I am now proud to say; my app is gaining traction and I am learning more each day. All thanks to the lean startup model and surprisingly, a good dose of failure.
P.S: While this tale of trials and tribulations may seem like it comes straight from a movie, it's hypothetical. However, it serves as a good example of how mental models, like First Principles Thinking and the Lean Startup methodology, can be used to improve decision making in business, and in everyday life too! So, if you got the urge to grab some popcorn, I wouldn't blame you. It’s the entrepreneurial drama at its best!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:20 guiltyofnothing “You are what is wrong with society. Again, it is advisable that you the seek the psychiatric help that you require.” /r/bingingwithbabish boils over a new paywall and a creator’s apology

The Context:

Andrew Rea is a cook, YouTuber, and author better known as Babish, famous for his cooking series Binging with Babish.
Recently, it was announced that Babish will be introducing a paywall for some new content. In addition, old websites with previously-free content were shuttered.
Babish has also come under fire for his sponsorships, with particular criticism over his promotion of the video game Hogwarts Legacy, considering the recent controversial statements from the series’ author JK Rowling.
Our drama starts as Babish himself takes to the sub to issue an apology for the rollout of the changes, attempting to justify and lay out the reasoning behind them.
While many are receptive to his explanation and find it sincere, others are not so ready to accept…

The Drama:

One user defends the criticism:
TL;DR: you're getting a lot of criticsm for your shitty business decisions, so you're playing the mental health card to turn down the heat.
Look, I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch, and I'm sorry you've gone through the things you have. But forgive me if I find it hard to shed a tear for you.
You can't expect a huge outpouring of sympathy for your mental health, and then turn around and push Betterhelp and a crypto gambling game. Those are both products that prey on your audience's mental well-being. So we're supposed to care about your mental health but you don't give a fuck about ours? Explain that one to me. As for the paywall, I don't care that much, but it's shitty that you didn't tell people it was going up beforehand.
I’m not emotionally equipped to be a public figure.
Should have thought of that before making your face the logo of your company.
Do you enjoy being an awful person?
His struggles are fairly well documented, personally, well before any of this happened
Just take 12 seconds and consider maybe this was an oversight?
It’s not like he’s fucking Brad Pitt with a team of 87 managers and PR folks. I’m sure he’s got a manager, but do you really think he’s got the same pull as an a-list actor to catch every small failure?
He’s a fucking YouTuber - a great one, in my opinion, but a YouTuber nonetheless. Humans make mistakes when they don’t have 36 people checking every ounce of their work.
Give him a little grace and maybe give everyone in your life a little. It’s not all a conspiracy, sometimes people just fuck up.
Do you enjoy not reading my comment? Yes, his mental health struggles are well documented. That's why I acknowledged them.
I'm not talking about the paywall. I'm talking about how he wants everyone to care about his mental health, but has said absolutely nothing in regards to the shitty predatory sponsors. And I'm not talking about his shitty "sorry you feel that way" post on YouTube and taking the video down. He can't just say "sorry, mental health" while ignoring the harm he's helped cause by not being selective about who he takes money from.
Oh fuck off you miserable nerd, if you don’t like how he makes money, you don’t have to participate or consume the content.
If you’re going to keep being salty about this despite an apology and a way to access the old websites then I suggest you look inward.
Read my comment again, I'm not angry about the paywall.
Read my fucking comment again, asswipe.
Did you change it?
If not, I'll pass on reading your angry rantings again. Theu weren't worth the first read through.
No, I didn't. Because I already said it's not about the paywall, dipshit.
Theu weren't worth the first read through.
Still worth it enough for you to respond and be an asshole though, I guess.
Edit: get blocked, douche.
Paywall paywall paywall.
You are obsessed.
I feel so sorry for you content creator dick riders lol
You’re acting like he owes you something. He doesn’t. We live in a different world now where companies are just faceless businesses anymore, and a lot of the things we consume are the product of single people or small teams. As a result, individual proclivities and issues are part of the new normal. If you have an issue with it; unsubscribe.
Yeah, he owes ot to us not hawk predatory sponsors and then expect everyone to give him a hug when he has mental health issues. But fuck me, I guess. Maybe I should make a post about how I've been struggling with depression my entire life so this sub can forgive me for daring to not give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek for it.
live in a different world now where companies are just faceless businesses anymore
It's a real shame he built his company off of his character and used his own face as its logo.
If you have an issue with it; unsubscribe.
Believe me, I will. I guess I thought when he finally apologized for his shitty business practices that he'd actually apologize, instead of ignoring the sponsorship stuff all together. I thought he was better than this.
Others stand to defend Babish:
Great job folks. You bullied this nice dude who has given you hundreds of hours of free labor.
If were being real he saw the post on mildly infuriating and made a whole ass response, which is insecure as fuck .
Also this is a post where hes admitting hes at fault and yall are telling him “no” which is funny as shit.
It’s “insecure as fuck” to address widespread criticism openly and honestly?
one guy saying bad things about you shouldn’t make you wanna write out a giant reddit post defending yourself yeah.
Who needs to be liked THAT much?
Not one guy, it was widespread backlash on multiple subreddits and from like all his fans. It would have been ridiculous not to respond
Criticism over shitty business practices (shilling products designed to prey on the mental wellbeing of your audience and introducing paywalls with no notice) isn't the same as bullying.
I mean grow up. You have no right to his labor. None at all. Notice? What is this, you're upset about his terms of service? Lol.
Babish isn't gonna fuck you, bro.
"I have no point but I have a funny"
What point could I make that wasn't already addressed in my response to this parasocial weiner?
Babish made some shitty business decisions, people criticized them. That's not bullying. When people complain about McDonald's discontinuing a menue item, you never see people say "stop bullying the CEO :(". So why is it suddenly bullying when criticism is directed at a YouTuber for their shitty business practices? Yes, Andrew is a person. But that doesn't mean he's immune to complaints just because some parasocial crybaby thinks telling a person to do better constitutes "bullying".
Except if you read the comments on some of the posts people absolutely went well beyond criticism of the business decision to personal insults and vitriol that could indeed accurately be described as “bullying”.
Fair enough, but they made a general comment about how this sub bullied him, not just a few shitheels who took it too far.
cool but that wasn't what the person you told to "grow up" was doing, so why don't you stop huffing your own farts for a minute
I didn’t tell anyone anything? What are you talking about?
whoops, thought you were the OP in this thread, not just a random interjection like me. I'm cutting down on caffeine and it is not making me smarter
he isn't doing it for "free" mate, he's running a for-profit business. yes bullying is wrong, but people complain about businesses all the time.
Free labour, minus his YouTube revenue, sponsorship revenue, merch revenue...
There's wanting to encourage civility, but let's not jerk each other off here.
Or let's. I mean. It's a Saturday night and I'm alone. I'm open to talk.
Grow some balls lol
The knives are out:
Dude you've been up your own ass for years. When you first started blowing up and dragging your videos out - I nicely suggested you stop adding 5 minutes to the beginning of every video showing us how to make bread. I told you having a separate "Bread with Babish" and telling viewers to reference that would be better. You basically said I was stupider than frog excrement and shouldn't think. Like what? Then a few months later Basics with Babish comes out. Go fuck yourself.
Bro has main character syndrome, thinking Babish personally spites him and only him.
In the nicest possible way, touch grass. Maybe even read your comment out loud and you might realise how ridiculous you sound.
You’ve been carrying this grudge for what, eight years? Touch some grass.
"touch grass" is so overused and trite it makes me want to tear off my dick
Another brings up Babish’s Hogwarts Legacy sponsorship:
Can we get an update on promoting the transphobic wizard game, and apparently deleting comments mentioning trans people on the video?
Imagine what a sad life you live if you’re that triggered by a video game. Literally don’t play it. Why do you care if others play it?
Because buying the game is basically saying "This mid wizards game is more important to me than human rights, fuck gay people, fuck trans people, kill em all, i dont give a shit lmao".
Seek help.
You should seek help if you dontate your money to making the lives of others worse intentionally and give 0 fucks about it.
You are what is wrong with society. Again, it is advisable that you the seek the psychiatric help that you require. (By the way, it’s a great game).
Glad to know im whats wrong with society and not the scumbags who gave money to anti trans charities. Just know while you're playing it that trans people are living worse lives because of you.
The lil smart phone that ur using right now that relies on cobalt, which was mined by little kids like those in the DRC without protective gear so your phone could have a battery. Just know while you’re sitting here being a keyboard warrior that thousands, if not millions, of little kids’ lives are getting worse because of you.
a.) Im not on a phone and do not own a phone.
b.) Theres a difference because you NEED a computer of some sort to function well these days. You do not need the wizard game.
c.) Theres a difference between supporting a company like that where they try to hide it and keep it from the public and openly supporting someone who basically just comes out and says "Yo btw if you buy my game ill use the money to kill trans people, thanks"
Imagine being privileged enough for someone enjoying/promoting a Harry Potter game to be what gets ur panties in a twist. I get Rowling is a shit show, but be fucking for real 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m sure your phone is a product of child slave labor and I’m sure you buy a lot of shit that promotes even more terrible things. Get off your high horse and stop crying over first world problems.
Im sorry its considered being on a high horse for wishing people didnt support a disgusting fucking transphobic monster thats hurting fuckloads of people. Its not even like other companies where its semi hidden and you have to look for it, she's blatantly and publicly a transphobic scumbag piece of human garbage. If you don't know any better, sure, but when people are buying the game with the specific intent to support transphobia or don't care that they're giving their money to someone who who's publicly transphobic and openly supports bigots and the hurting of people, you're transphobic and probably terrible.
People like you don’t actually help anything. All you do is piss off ordinary people and make them less likely to care about the trans community. You’re just bitter and you feel better about accomplishing nothing when you sling garbage comments at people. Grow up and do something that actually helps the community. Spewing vitriol and calling people transphobic is not helping.
Someone is transphobic Gets called transphobic Surprised Pikachu face
So you want me to stop calling transphobic people transphobic?
Id rather not help at all than actively hurt the community, ruin people's lives, and fund charities that fight to give people less rights. At least I fight for human decency and people's rights and don't donate to this shit.
I’ll rephrase. YOU ARE ACTIVELY HURTING THE COMMUNITY BY MAKING PEOPLE LESS LIKELY TO SUPPORT. Seriously, stop it. You’re not helping, you’re hurting. You’re not the face of the community, you’re just shouting in the comments at people who just want to watch a guys YouTube channel about food.
”He supports JK Rowling.” No he doesn’t. The game is a game. Cry all you want about what she said, the rest of the community has been ignoring her for years.
“She donates against trans acceptance”. Yes, and she would anyway even if the game didn’t get made. She was already rich after the books, it’s a pointless argument based solely on your principles and not on doing any good.
You keep calling people transphobic, but they are not. Buying a video game is not transphobic. You’re delusional and childish. This conversation is over, leave these people alone and spend time figuring your own shit out.
I dont know in what universe giving more money to be donated to anti LGBT stuff is not transphobic. "Yeah i give money to charities that murder children but i dont support child murder". Sounds insane right? Thats what you're saying. That just because you're giving money to support making trans people's lives worse that you're not transphobic. You're being insane. "She'd support it anyways so who cares!" is the most insane argument i have ever read in my life holy shit. xD
Hopeless and stupid. You may as well go vote for Trump, you’ll fit right in. Honestly at this point I think you’re paid to make the trans community look bad, it makes more sense than whatever other insanity you want to keep blathering. I’m just gonna block you, like every other rational person.
You gave money to the company that made your smart phone and therefor you support child labor since the whole phone, or at least pieces of it, were made from child labor. You’re a disgusting human being….you see how fucking delusional you sound, bro?
One user taps out:
I’m glad you addressed it, but I had to leave. Best of luck to your future endeavors and I hope lessons were learned.
And yet, here you are
This isn’t the airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.
what an original comment, you are so smart and funny and original for having made such a thought provoking post. I hope you print this comment out and frame it so that your children will learn to appreciate what an original thinker their parent is. are you the person who invented "touch grass" as well? big fan of your work
lol I can only imagine how sad your life is that this is how you spend your time
if you think it is sad that I am here on reddit, doing reading and commenting, I have some terrible , alarming news for you.
lol yea that’s definitely what I meant 😂
One user still has issues, despite the apology:
Any amount of warning that you were planning to paywall the site would have made it a lot more palatable of a change. Doing it without telling people felt shady at best and deceptive at worst.
Yeah, and this is an acknowledgment and an apology. Seems a little cruel to keep dragging him at this point.
I guess it starts with a halfhearted apology. There’s no explanation for why it was sprung without notice.
It’s “yeah whatever guess I should’ve told y’all but here’s some more stuff coming up that you can pay me for”
here's some more stuff coming up that you can pay me for
Ah, so you're one of those people who feels entitled to infinite free content from creators.
It’s weird to me how many people think YouTube content is free. YOU are the product. Free means no monetary exchanges. Do you think Andrew makes no money from YouTube? Do you think YouTube makes no money from you? His videos are not free.
Wow you are REALLY fucking dumb huh?
No but apparently you are. How does Babish not get paid from YouTube? Is every video he posts “free labor”?
No I just don’t think this should be portrayed as an apology when it’s really just an advertisement
Maybe he can post again so you can still be mad for some fucking reason
A slapfight breaks out:
I’m sure you have good connections but if you want some fresh eyes on your script, id be down to give some coverage. Why am I being downvoted so heavily? As an aspiring writer myself, I know how hard it is to get feedback on a project. I’m a fan and offering my time and energy. I don’t get what the problem is. lol wtf is this sub? Comments insulting people getting upvotes in a thread about how negative comments have affected someone is wild work. Fuck me for being interested in Andrew as a writer.
Same vibes as the dude who asked Elon to run Tesla who was a nobody
get outta here man lol
Because you’re a nobody lmao
Holy shit, just read through your comments and god damn are you miserable hahah.
meanwhile you're scouring the profiles of people who upset you, looking for mud to sling
Someone calls me a nobody, I gotta go see what mighty status they got in the world to be shitting on others lol.
He literally thinks babish is gonna choose him or something but instead he attacks me 💀
Looooool you’re gonna play victim??? Aint no fucking way lol. You insult and disrespectfully gatekeep and now you’re the one talking about being attacked hahahahahaha fuck all the way off with that nonsense.

The Flairs:

submitted by guiltyofnothing to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:10 biggdonglittlechina I'm 15 and pregnant, can I refuse my mother in-law rights to see my child? (This ones a long one.)

She disrespects me, pregnant soon-to-be. I am only 15, my boyfriend ( her son) is 16.
To help understand what kind of mother she is, the first time my boyrfriend welcomed her back into his life after years she was supposed to pick him up from school. She called him unexpectedly as school was over telling me not to get on the bus and that she'd pick me up. I waited hours; she never came. She continues to prove her incapability to be a crutch for him as she is never on time. She dropped me and my boyfriend off at a lake and said she'd be back in an hour. 3 hours later we call her and she tells us we are rushing her, and throws a fit.
She is friends with a man who recorded me and my boyfriend and HERSELF naked in the bathroom either changing/using the toilet/showering. She said she was scared that he was going to kill her but continues to buddy buddy with him as if they were childhood best friends. In reality, he is only her domestically abusive ex-boyfriend's brother who is obsessed and desires more than a friendship with her, which she claims she will never see him that way. Yet it seems as if she leads him on with the excuse of "I have a flirty personality".
The man was drunk one night, and screamed at me that I ask for too much of my boyfriends mother, when all I asked was to get my laptop from my house. ( 10 min drive ) Making me cry, I have PTSD and have had my father yell in my face and put his hands on me. His mother stayed quiet and allowed this to happen. Then after the man left she sided with us saying he was crazy and had anger issues but never brought it up to him, taking his side to his face.
One morning, I woke up really hungry. I hadn't eaten the night before or the current morning whatsoever because we are low on money. His mother had 100$ worth of food stamps, when I went to ask if I could get a $3 salad from Casey's, his mother yelled at me not to tell her what to do with her money. She put her hands on me, threatened to call the cops, etc.
There's much more but that's a lot to get into these are just some random examples, I decided enough was enough and stress was bad for my baby. Reached out on insta it went something like this. **
His Mom
You wanna talk we can talk in person I'm not bout to sit here and text cause someone will take it the wrong way. I'm getting ready for work anywho.


I do not want to talk to you in person, what I have won't be misinterpreted. I've tried talking to you in person you catch an attitude if I'm not picky with my words and I tend to match energy, I can't deal with stress and yelling. You may not care considering when I reminded you I am pregnant last time your response was "so?", but I care about my baby and I take into mind what my emotions with cause upon my child

His Mom

I won't sit back and be disrespected over and over again by a child. You are very manipulative with my child and what you won't do is use that baby as leverage to hold over somebody's head. I'm getting ready for work now !
You call me manipulative yet you screamed and cried to your child in the same hour, you don't want to be disrespected? me either, respect is earned. You can claim I use the baby as leverage but every statement I make before bringing up I'm pregnant is valid, example; I have to eat, I am pregnant. Why are you yelling, I am pregnant etc. Try again ! Sure, call me a child. If that's the case your the adult, act like it.
Replying to his moms message.
Her message:"I'm getting ready for work now !" And this means nothing to me, you say this and when you come back it's a roulette of what's chelcie going to waste her money on this time? Will it be weed and alcohol? Will it be gambling? Oh, or will it be giving money to her ex-husband! find out next episode!! While your busy wasting thousands, I manage to live off of 500 a month only spending it on food and your son, like you should be doing. Give me a reason to respect you and I will

His Mom

Byeee kid


Thanks for proving my point, No you are not welcomed in my babies life. 🙂You are immature and a narcissist.

His Mom

And you won't and can't stop mee silly girl
I can, you have no right to tell me what I can and can’t do with my child, if I do not want you seeing my child you will not see him/her, period. I know my rights, minor or not as a parent I will not be obligated to allow you visits into my childs life if you are being a problem.

His Mom

We will see, I'm done with your childish ass


Sure. I am childish. We sure will see. As far as my kid will know you died before he was born, learn respect not everything is given to you.
His Mom
Your done treating my child the way you do him also


(BF NAME) loves me, I love him. our future as a family will only grow without you in the picture. Continue to prove my point. He waited all night for you to come home, I stayed up texting him till he fell asleep. He told me he couldn't even get through to you.
His Mom
My dad was a cop and my uncle is a judge I don't care what Google says Lol


lol and my dads the CEO of Home Depot, doesn't matter. Let's go to court about this.

His Mom

I don't have time to entertain your bullshit go watch TV or something


Yea entertain my bullshit, you're a 33 year old cry baby.

submitted by biggdonglittlechina to entitledparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 FlyByTieDye Another way of looking at the written part of the chunin exams, i.e. why Ten Ten didn't fail

So I've noticed a lot of people when discussing the written test in the chunin exams will make some incorrect assumptions about what that test is actually testing. I think a lot of that has to do with taking what a lot of characters say at face value, forgetting that some characters can be deceptive, and not mean what they say (e.g. Ibiki and the other proctors), or else be naive or incorrect (e.g. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura). So, I wanted to take some time to read into the test further to come to a new perspective on it, and maybe explain how some students (like Ten Ten) managed to pass, despite having really obvious cheating techniques.
Ok, so let's look at the test from the perspective of the test takers: they sit down to take a test, thinking they have to pass it (which is their first incorrect assumption), then realise they are absolutely out of their depth. But, they still notice some people making progress on the test (e.g. the two planted chunin ninja, maybe some other rare cases like Sakura, or ninja older than immediate Academy grads), and the idea of cheating has already been planted in their minds by Ibiki's rules. But with the idea that they have 10 points, and lose two points when they are caught cheating, and fail if they reach 0, many assume (like Sasuke) that the point is to cheat without getting caught. I've noticed, many fans take on this perspective too, and so find it ridiculous how Ten Ten, Kiba, etc. were never caught, despite that mirror contraptions and dogs barking would be obvious to anyone in the room. But I think it's because even someone like Sasuke has an incomplete perspective (i.e. this is still an incorrect assumption about the test), and so we should look at the test from a different perspective.
Now, let's look at it from the perspective of Ibiki and the proctors. They have engineered a situation where the exam entrants will have to cheat. Despite the rules implying that the students would be punished for cheating, they've actually designed a scenario to force or encourage students to cheat and thus display their ninjutsu techniques, which the examiners are looking out for. Not only that, the examiners know who the students will be cheating off (there were only 2 plants with all the knowledge), so the proctors would know where to look for cheating. Also, as this YouTuber pointed out, given that most of the applicants are from the leaf village, and the proctors themselves are also from the leaf village, they'd know exactly what cheating methods to look out for, for more than half of the entrants (i.e. watch for if that Uchiha kids eyes glow red, or the two Hyuga kids eyes start wrinkling, watch out for bugs because that Aburame kid is taking the test this year, etc.) Just like in the bell test though, there's nothing really a genin could think of that an elite level Jonin couldn't already be prepared for, so I'd say it's not about using techniques the exam proctors are unaware of, it's using the techniques you do have well enough for this constructed situation of information retrieval (and transfer).
So, that is this new perspective I am proposing. The idea wasn't actually to use Ninjutsu and not get caught, it was actually a display ninjutsu (the proctors actually wanted to see you using ninjutsu), but you had to do so competently (there's also a component of team work to it, but I'll get to that later). Let's take it back a few steps, how does one become a genin? To learn one or two basic ninjutsu (shadow clone or transformation jutsu), and perform so on test day. And how does one become eligible to enter the chunin exam? To be a genin (obviously) but also complete at least 8 missions. Now, the missions that Academy grads can take on can be quite low level (capture the Daimyo's wife's cat, to baby sit for the council of elder's, to dig up sweet potatoes, etc.) so obviously they don't just want to graduate someone who has only ever caught cats and dug up yams, you wouldn't even need the Academy level Ninjutsu to do so. I guess it could be assumed that a diligent enough ninja, with enough time and missions, could learn new jutsu in that time, and in my read, the "written" part of the exam is to select for the students who have trained and learned more than the Academy level techniques, or really select out the students who have been dragging their feet, not learning new techniques and not progressing past Academy level.
So looking at it this way, the chunin exams have several levels of filtration, so that only the competent ninjas make it through. For the first example, Kotetsu and Izumo were filtering out ninja who weren't even competent in detecting genjutsu from even applying to the exams. Next, Ibiki's test heavily leans towards filtering students with good ninjutsu techniques (and team work), and both the Forrest of Death and combat rounds half the number of entrants with each round, and heavily leans towards combat, taijutsu and survivial. Now, the reason why I say the exam proctors actually wanted to see ninjutsu is because, if it was really about not cheating, they could have lowered the threshold for not getting caught (e.g. three chances, or immediate failure for cheating), or else they wouldn't have allowed e.g. Kankuro to take a puppet in, Kiba to take a dog in, etc. They actually wanted to see the genin's use these techniques to their disposal, but to do so competently.
Let's go back to the example of an Academy grad that has learned no other ninjutsu. They not only have to pass the exam, but ensure their team mates do, all without losing 10 points. Another way of phrasing that is thay they have to complete the exam (gather information and pass it to their team mates) within 5 moves. Surely, if they do use both a shadow clone, and a transformation jutsu like they learned at the Academy, they could disguise the clone to look like a proctor (just like Kankuro's puppet did) to gather test information, but that would be 2 moves instead of Kankuro's one move. But then, to make sure your whole team passes, you'd have to do so twice again to send that information you found to each team member (i.e. another 4 moves, which would be a fail). Kankuro's puppets were detected by Ibiki, sure, but he wasn't failed, as he used fewer moves to both gather test information and pass it to Temari than this hypothetical Academy grad example. Also, as I've said, the proctors know the techniques of the famous clans of Konoha. They know the Yamanaka clan's mind transfer jutsu, they know about the Aburame clan and Inuzuka clan bug and dog rearing, they know the Uchiha and Hyuga clan dojutsus, and they want to make sure those select students have been diligent enough to learn those family techniques to pass.
So, knowing that the Byakugan, the Sharingan, ninja hounds or chakra beetles exist, the proctors know enough students will be able to complete all 10 questions on their own, but that's where the caveat comes in that if any student fails individually, their whole team fails. Techniques that only advantage yourself (Sharingan, Byakugan) mean nothing if you can't also advance your team (which is where Ino, Ten Ten and Kankuro, despite being obvious/getting caught, were actually in the right and got a pass). So just like the bell tests, they're not just looking for students who can advance themselves individually, but also those who can use techniques to advance their whole team (and again, it was the Konoha ninja that arranged these teams, they know what techniques these teams should use to pass together, they just want to make sure the students realise that on their own too.) So Neji's Byakugan allows him to pass on his own, but does nothing to advance his team. Neji does initially have a lot of the same self-serving arrogance of Sasuke, but Ten Ten looks out for Rock Lee (who would be heavily disadvantaged for not knowing any ninjutsu). And as ridiculous as her mirrors are, with them she is able to obtain an entire test's worth of information and transfer it to Rock Lee all in one move, which is why she didn't fail (and note: I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with Ten Ten, or even Kishimoto's efforts here. I do find her ridiculous mirror contraption funny, but I can also find reason why Kishimoto could show us something as ridiculous as this, yet still pass Ten Ten to the next round). That's why she wasn't failed, because she was able to show the examiners how she can use her techniques with ninja tools effectively to both gather and transfer information. Same as Ino, the Yamanaka clan mind transfer jutsu is well known in Konoha, and the hand signs are obvious, but within only 3 moves, she was able to gather a full test worth of information, and transfer it to both Shikamaru and Choji. Team Kurenei at least each had the means to pass individually (Hinata's Byakugan, Kiba's Akamaru and Shino's beetles), and they also had trust in each other to do so.
Yet this test really was to show us how unprepared team 7 truly was. By some fluke, Sakura knew enough to pass the test on her own, and Sasuke could pass with the Sharingan, but neither had any techniques or the team work necessary to pass this information to Naruto, like Ten Ten, Ino or Kankuro had for Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Choji and Temari. In fact, they were both essentially just gambling on the chance that Naruto wouldn't screw it up for them, which is not good team work at all. The last test question Ibiki posed was specifically designed to weed out teams that had no trust in each other (and I guess Naruto had enough trust in Sakura and Sasuke to pass, even if they didn't have trust in him. He was also confident enough to make the first move in his team before Sakura quit on his behalf). At this point in part 1, Kishimoto was still stressing the importance of team work. I.e. in the bell test, despite Sasuke's competence in Ninjutsu, he couldn't pass without trusting his other team mates (hence the following "lunch test"). In the Land of Waves, he started to trust Naruto's abilities with e.g. the Windmill Shuriken technique, but we also see he doesn't really trust Sakura either, even saying she is as bad as/worse than Naruto. It takes the Forrest of Death arc for him to forcibly rely on Sakura before he starts trusting her.
So getting back to the written part of the Chunin exams, it wasn't about completing the test, it wasn't even really about not getting caught, it was about displaying competency in more advanced level Ninjutsu, and also showing effective team work/trust in your team, which is why it was an effective test for team 7 at this part of the series. They had enough technical knowledge at this part of the series (or at least Sasuke and Sakura did), but they still were failing at team work. And so easily could have failed the whole test.
Tl:dr - the point of the written exam wasn't to "not get caught using ninjutsu/cheating" as Sasuke assumes, it was actually a display of using the right type of ninjutsu and team work (something Sasuke had a blind spot for) in as few moves as possible. Ten Ten was obvious, but passed because of this distinction, being able to pass herself and Lee on the test with her techniques. Yet Team 7, despite Sasuke and Sakura being discrete in their methods, almost failed because Naruto didn't have the sufficient ninjutsu on his own, and neither of his team mates had the sufficient ninjutsu or team work to transfer their answers to Naruto.
submitted by FlyByTieDye to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:05 Difficult-Way-3754 GRE Essay topic 2. Checkout complete essay.

"The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones."
Learning is a lifelong process for any human being, and one that is not straightforward or simple. A varied nature of stimuli are received by our bodies, which form gradual and complex neural connections in our brain. This process is affected by external factors like pressure and encouragement, and also internal factors like age, memory and motivation. Similarly, teaching is also an extremely involved process which needs to adjust to the learning environment, the motivations of the learner and the subject matter. By saying that praising positive actions and ignoring negative ones is the best way to teach, we are not only overly simplifying this teaching process but also the learning mechanisms. In fact, I believe that there cannot be any one best way of teaching, and a ‘one size fits all’ approach to teaching is fundamentally flawed.
The teaching methodology of a peer educator, a training personnel at an army institute, and a life coach are distinctly different from each other. If one day, a life coach starts to behave like a strict disciplinarian an army training personnel is, his/her audience will lose the little optimism and motivation they have. Similarly if an army training personnel teaches like a peer educator, it will not inculcate in the trainees, the respect and discipline which are so fundamental for the army. Even within one particular context, say the typical middle school classroom, we find that all students do not respond to the teaching process in the same way. Some may excel through interactive learning while others may find this to be intimidating, some may flourish through leniency while others take advantage of it. These examples clearly indicate that teaching methodologies cannot follow one single model, and need to be tailored to the context, the content and most importantly, the learners.
When teachers focus on applauding what the learner does right, it no doubt creates a more positive learning environment where students feel safe and are not afraid to make mistakes. Hence, they learn more freely and creativity flourishes in such environments. Artists, musicians and other creators require freedom of thought and action, being limited by the fear of doing something wrong is counter-productive in these cases. For young children, this methodology can set the foundation of a lifelong learning process, where they attach importance to the activity of learning itself and its positive outcomes. This way of teaching can thus prove extremely useful in such cases.
However, as these young children progress, a more holistic approach to learning needs to be taken. One which values the lessons from wrong actions as much as those from correct ones. It is a well known fact that we learn from our own mistakes, as well as those made by other people. History is full of such examples, whether it be about governance, evolution or another aspect. Hence, what is more important than avoiding these mistakes, is to look at them through the positive lens of learning and constant growth. When we choose to ignore these actions, we are not only letting go of an incredibly large resource and opportunity to learn, but also creating a false world in our minds where these mistakes do not matter. In real life however, our wrong actions are as consequential as our positive ones, if not more. The teaching process needs to consider this aspect, especially in critical sectors like health care or defence where a tiny mistake can have fatal outcomes.
To conclude, teaching and learning are complicated processes dependent on multiple variables. Instead of looking for a single ‘best way to teach’ we should explore best practices in teaching approaches across various contexts. Focus should be laid on creating a positive learning environment and achieving the outcomes. The positive as well as wrong actions should be a part of this process and they should be looked at through a growth perspective. Teachers as well as learners should be aware of the importance of both, and tailor the process to suit their unique needs. Our negative actions should get the attention they deserve because that is how we can build on our weaknesses and avoid making the same mistakes again.
submitted by Difficult-Way-3754 to GRE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:02 False-Manager39 HallNaa vs HillNaa (Difference)

Two Theth Punjabi verbs.
HallNaa / ہَلّنڑا
In Punjabi the word for moving is "HallNaa" (In Urdu/Hindi it is "Hillnaa")
And to move or nudge something, we say "HalaauNaa / HalaavNaa" (In Urdu/Hindi it is "Hilaanaa")
Also when we say "Oh Hallyaa Hoya Ae" Means, his head is "shook", he has gone mad
"AaTaa Gunnhdii, Haldii Kyo'n Ae" (Famous AkhaaN)
HillNaa / ہِلنڑا
This is a completely different Punjabi verb. It means to become accustomed, habitual, used-to, familar "Aadii Honaa"
Often used in certain contexts:
With animals:
"Aah Kabootar Ajay Hillyaa Koi Na Meray Naal" Means it does not obey my commands yet.
With people who beg:
"Hilyaa Mangtay Naalo'n BhaiRaa" (Idiom) Means, that the friend/brother who was become habitual of requesting, is worse than the common beggar
In Punjabi begging/requesting is "ManngNaa-PinnNaa" (Bheek Maangna in Urdu/Hindi) And beggar is Mangtaa-PeyNaa (Bhikaarii in Urdu/Hindi) For video examples of all these words, check this post
Shahpuri Punjabi Drama: "Hill Gyaa Ae Ohdi Kamaai Tey"
submitted by False-Manager39 to ThethPunjabi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:50 khalisdar Why do you call our Muktijoddha criminals? What is your thought about our Muktijoddha?

It's important to note that I am not Bongo Bhashi (Bengali), but rather, my ancestral line is Śrīhaṭṭa (Sylhet). Understanding this distinction is important due to the deep social, cultural, religious, and political differences between Bongo Bhashi and Śrīhaṭṭa, which in turn affect the contextual and interpretive meaning of Muktijoddha in both cultures. For a better understanding, it's recommended that you read the book Bengali Wins Freedom.
In 1971, the Bengali terrorists, called Mukti Bahini, now called Muktijoddha, were based in India, which were directly supported and sheltered by the Indian military and defense ministry through Operation Jackpot, fought against the United Pakistan military and pro-Pakistani such as Razakar. Al-Badr and Al-Shams were assisting the Pakistan Army in protecting big cities and fighting alongside the Indian-East Pakistan borders while the Indian military prepared for direct intervention.
General M. A. G. Osmani, who was my nephew within English culture as a second cousin, served as the Commander-in-Chief of the Bangladesh Forces. He organized the Mukti Bahini into 11 geographical sectors to improve command and control the chain of command. By December 1971, the Mukti Bahini forces numbered 30,000 trained guerrillas. The exact number has never been recorded except for the 11 sectors commanding unit who officially submitted the 30,000 trained guerrillas. Also, the first Chief of Staff, Mohammad Abdur Rab, was a family friend of ours with whom my dad had a tea table conversation a couple of times.
My father, the chairman of the East Pakistan Peace Committee Standing Committee, was elected by pro-Pakistani political parties on April 8, 1971. In 1971, during the war in East Pakistan, one of my first cousins was the high commander of the Al-Badr guerrilla group.
The Bongo Bhashi (Bengali people) from Bangladesh claimed that they were all Muktijoddha, who fought against Pakistanis and Biharis for their Bengali nationalism under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman when Mujib was leading the Pakistani political party, Awami League. Even in 1971, Mujib was politically detained in West Pakistan without any charges.
However, M. A. G. Osmani said otherwise in a family conversation. It's important to note that Bangladeshi Bengalis consider me a Bihari despite my family's long and esteemed history in Sylhet for millennia.
According to the all-Bengalis allegation, Pakistanis committed genocides against Bengalis. Pakistanis wanted to eliminate all Bengalis. Pakistanis killed more than 3 million Bengalis and raped more than 200 thousand women. But Bengalis failed to show evidence.
As Bengalis are fighting regarding the Muktijoddha Quota, Bangladeshi Bengalis do not have the brains to understand the gravity of the situation except for pathological lying. Every situation was uniquely different between 1969-75. During this time, gang violence, looting of stores, rapes, and bank robberies were everyday occurrences.
It was the blessing of Allah that my father was born in Sylhet, and every senior political leader in East Pakistan used to respect my dad due to his ethics, moral principles and mystic lifestyle. The truth is that Bengalis know how to initiate violence, bad behavior, and lies but do not know how to bring peace and respect to others. Numerous countries continue to face ongoing violence and struggle to achieve peace, but my father brought peace to East Pakistan and Bangladesh,
However, during that chaotic period, my father was able to bring peace to East Pakistan and Bangladesh. This was achieved through respect and adherence to my father's advice by individuals such as Tikka Khan, Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, Bengali father Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad, and Zia.
During the years 1969-1975, street gang wars were widespread, leading to frequent criminal activities and violence such as gang violence, gang rapes, looting, rapes, land grabbing and bank robberies. In response, my father made a recommendation to the Defense Minister to request an executive order from Mujib to recruit the "Muktijoddha" for governmental jobs in order to combat the escalating situation and restore order in the country. The decision was not based on respect or honor for “Muktijoddha” but to prevent criminal activities and gang wars.
Bengalis did nothing for the country except produce false dramas and movies, write fabricated books and stories, embezzle relief funds, and erect numerous counterfeit memorial monuments, contributing to the world's most corrupt bureaucracy. Show us one good from Bengalis. Read a book to understand better.
submitted by khalisdar to u/khalisdar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:49 noganogano Is the description of the earth in the Quran wrong?

There is a criticism about the Quran regarding its depiction of the earth. One OP about it as follows ( at: https://old.reddit.com/DebateReligion/comments/1cfvkok/the_descriptions_of_the_shape_of_the_earth_in_the/ ) (after the text of that OP I paste my answer):
Muslims will often say that the Qur'anic verses on the shape of the Earth refer to the "spreading out of the earth's surface around a globe".
Even if we concede this, the following word appears in 13:3, 15:9 and 50:7
madad (extend by drawing or pulling, stretch out, expand) 
If I have a composition of geological materials like sand and rocks in my hand and I call it the earth, it would be linguistically incorrect for me to say "I stretched out the earth" when referring to dispersing these materials on the ground (or a globular object. The verb "stretch" implies an action that elongates or extends something that is inherently capable of being made longer or wider without breaking, typically applied to something continuous and cohesive.
Here's why "stretch" would not be appropriate:
Material Properties: Sand and rocks consist of discrete particles and solid objects. They do not form a continuous, elastic material that can be elongated or expanded through pulling or similar actions. Stretching implies a change in shape or form through tension, which doesn't apply to a collection of loose, non-cohesive materials like rocks and sand. Nature of the Action: The action of spreading rocks and sand involves scattering or distributing these materials across a surface, not elongating them. "Stretch" does not accurately describe this process, as it fails to capture the act of evenly covering an area with particulate matter. 
Now, let's talk about the verb "spread out"... we know what this means... how? Because it is always referring to the spreading out of a cohesive, singular material/object (for example carpet).
The Earth's crust/surface is composed of multiple tectonic plates and a variety of geological materials, making it non-uniform... and while it can be spread out, it would be incorrect to liken it to the spreading out of a uniform fabric.
It's also incorrect to say "spread out like a carpet"... because a carpet is not spread out, unless it's spread out. It would be more correct to say "and we spread out the earth as though it were a carpet". It may seem like a minor thing, but this an omniscient being we're talking about.
The phrase "spread out like a carpet" suggests that the action of spreading has already occurred, making the earth comparable to a carpet that has been laid flat. This phrasing inherently implies that the Earth is already in a state of being spread, akin to a carpet that is flat and extensive.
On the other hand, saying "and we spread out the earth as though it were a carpet" introduces a simile that emphasizes the action of spreading the Earth in a manner similar to how one would spread a carpet.
The carpet analogy is nonsensical regardless, especially if we take it to mean "spread out on a globular object"... because not once in the history of mankind has a carpet ever been "spread out" on a globe. Besides, you wouldn't use the word spread... you'd explicitly say that you have wrapped the globe in a carpet.
It would be easy to improve the Qur'an. Just say "... and we have covered the earth in sand and rock.".
Occam's razor suggests the obvious; these descriptions were written by a flat-earther. There are THOUSANDS of ways we can improve these verses to be more accurate without losing their poetic integrity, ranging from analogies that don't include cohesive objects like fabric to using correct verbs. Nobody in this day and age would ever describe earth's shape like this. There are too many linguistic error, and even when we concede that we need to view these descriptions as metaphors, the metaphors simply don't work.
The answer:
You just try to find the meanings of the word "mad" that make the meaning of the related verses in the Quran non-sensical.
When i ask chatgpt, about the usage of the verb in Arabic literature prior to the advent of the Quran, i get many examples that support the usage of the verb which is in full agreement with the scientific findings about the formation of the earth. You can try for yourself.
On the other hand, the answer of chatgpt to the question "can that verb be used for spreading some material (like dust) on a surface?" is as follows:
"Certainly! The verb "مَدَّ" (madda) in Arabic can describe the action of spreading or dispersing some material, such as dust, on a surface. It indicates the act of scattering or distributing something over a given area. So, if someone is dispersing or spreading dust, sand, or any other substance on a surface, this verb can accurately depict that action."
So, if you study the formation of the earth, you will see that this is how the earth was formed. It was much smaller, and the material in the space spread out on its surface and it became bigger (and longer in its equator).
So, if you find the related Quranic statements non-sensical, you find science non-sensical.
submitted by noganogano to IslamicInformation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:38 Celestiasx Feel like a failure even though i’m not

Objectively speaking, i’m not a failure at all and am doing great for myself— going to a decently selective university, already have a job that I will be making near 6 figures from once I graduate college, have friends, have some money in the bank, hobbies i enjoy, no physical or mental health issues etc. but my parents have always had high expectations for me. My dad’s sense of humor is very teasing and sarcastic, and my mom wants me to be #1 at everything I do.
For example: I just finished my freshman year of college as a computer science major with a 3.6 GPA. My dad jokingly calls my grades lacking and me a subpar student, since i graduated high school with a 4.0. I know he is joking, but i also know him and know there is some truth to his jokes, and I know he wishes i was doing better. And my mom lied to her friends about me getting straight As. She always feels the need to lie about me doing better than I am, or doing MORE than I am.
My mom isn’t so much on my case anymore besides the white-lying to her friends bit and trying to take credit for what i DO do because “she raised me and gave me her brains and support”. But the older I get, the less I think my dad likes me. He believes I’m slacking rather than working hard for my grades because of what I used to get, and because of some extremely specific circumstances that allowed me to get my job in the first place (no nepotism lol) he thinks I haven’t worked for anything at all and my life has just fallen into place for me. I will admit, I’ve been extremely fortunate and lucky, but I have just accepted that no matter what I do at this point they’ll always think i could’ve done more.
submitted by Celestiasx to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:38 thejasonhearne Focus Mode Switching - Based on Bluetooth, Day of week, and Time

Hi everyone - looking for a little help.
Here's what I'm trying to do. I have a focus mode that runs Mon-Fri between 08:00 and 17:00 called Work and a focus mode that runs when my phone connects to my car Bluetooth (MYCAR) at any time. The issue I have is that if I use the car during the work day my automation for the car focus (labelled Personal) turns off and puts me back to default view rather than Work focus.
I've tried different ways but I can't seem to find a solution.
Using an If command and setting Date Format to EEE I'm able to write an automation that checks if the day of week begins with S and then subsequently turn Work focus back on during the week but there doesn't seem to be a way, at least that I can find, that also allows this automation to account for time.
This latest version looks like :
When iPhone is disconnected from "MYCAR" run immediately
If Current Date begins with S (Date format EEE)
Turn Personal Off
Otherwise Turn Work On until Turned Off
It seems like it needs a time check If statement under the Otherwise command but not sure if Shortcuts is powerful enough to do that.
Any thoughts? Ideas? Solutions?
submitted by thejasonhearne to shortcuts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:34 occultra my mental health RANT

the past year my mental health has gone down the shitter. i went from a decent paying job to a shit paying job just to get away from the boss of that job, only to go back there part time. the boss is still shit. this causes me major anxiety whenever i’m working with said boss.
i am reaching the end of my associates degree. i don’t know what i want to do furthering my education and i have looked into different jobs but i keep getting rejected.
my mom who is my best friend got diagnosed with congestive heart failure, my grandmother has stage four cancer but she’s constantly berating me so it is weird knowing she’s dying as she’s calling me a whore, ugly and more.
my boyfriend is great, he does a lot for me but lately, he’s been a short fuse which triggers me, i instantly start crying and i get overwhelmed.
my financial situation is terrible, i’m so much in debt and now my car is acting up. last night, i considered ending it because of how much overwhelmed i was but i got pulled over, had to do dui testing because i was swerving in and out of the road due to having one contact in and sobbing so bad. i tell my boyfriend, he just says calm down other people have had it worse where they got arrested. which is like what the fuck? i don’t care if we got into an argument but what the fuck? every time we get into a disagreement which tonight i don’t even know what happened because he asked me for my opinion and got mad for me for my said opinion which i said “i dont care go for it i preferred we did it together but pursue it” and after a long pause i asked him if he resents me for my financial situation because he almost always uses it as an excuse for everything sometimes. like for example can’t move in together because of my finance but then he tells me he wants to talk to a realtor soon. or recently in a big argument, he used my previous relationship which was a domestic violence abuse relationship against me and other things against me. and it was this whole thing. it was my fault tho i overreacted about something. i just feel like i have to tip toe around everybody lately. tip toe around my bosses, my mom, my grandmother, my boyfriend, everybody.
i am just starting to feel like i am this burden is everybody’s life. yea some of the things are not that big of a deal. its just all too much at one. i have had this feeling building up within me. i feel like i have to sit there and just be quiet for people so i dont upset them. i feel like i am becoming a shell of myself. i have cried myself to sleep pretty consistently for the past month. i just stare up at the ceiling and sob. i have tried to find therapy but it’s either too expensive, doesn’t work or my parents berate me for it cause mental health to them doesn’t exist. i am on a constant loop in my head of everything ive done wrong in my life, how im not good enough, how my grandmother calls me names. im 22 and feel like im whining like a baby when i talk about my mental health cause i dont have it bad like other people do. im 22 and despite that feeling i am feeling like maybe i should stay 22
submitted by occultra to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:33 Zoetje_Zuurtje Creating a custom event pulse

I tried searching for any way to create a custom event pulse, but it seems like there isn't any example online yet. There is a hacky way of doing this though, so I'll post it in the hope that future modders won't need to use trial-and-error to figure out how this works:
# This is events/mod_custom_pulse.txt namespace = mod_custom_pulse country_event = { id = mod_custom_pulse.1 title = mod_custom_pulse.1.t desc = mod_custom_pulse.1.d hidden = yes trigger = { had_country_flag = { flag = mod_decennial_pulse days = 3650 # 10 years } } is_triggered_only = yes immediate = { set_country_flag = mod_decennial_pulse } option = { name = gpd_custom_pulse.1.a # Events in the new, decennial pulse go here: # country_event = { id = mod_custom_event.1 } country_event = { id = mod_custom_event.2 } } } 
Then, in common/on_actions/mod_on_actions.txt:
on_startup = { if = { limit = { OR = { NOT = { has_country_flag = mod_decennial_pulse } # If you want to add multiple pulses, # you can add them in an OR statement. See notes. # NOT = { has_country_flag = mod_centennial_pulse } } } set_country_flag = mod_decennial_pulse # set_country_flag = mod_centennial_pulse } } on_yearly_pulse_5 = { events = { mod_custom_pulse.1 # 10 year pulse # mod_custom_pulse.2 # 100 year pulse } } 
submitted by Zoetje_Zuurtje to EU4mods [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:31 ScotBuster Genestealer Cults will be an even stronger alpha strike with the new codex, please check my math.

Seen a lot of doomsaying so I've been running some math. Hope some-one can check my math and prove me wrong because we are going to be nerfed to fuck if this is all right.
Core of army - 4 20 man Neophyte squads 2 flamers, 2 grenade launchers (use krak) 2 Sesimic Cannons, 2 mining lasers, or 3 20 mans and 1 10 man acolytes with demo charges..
3 Neophytes get a Benedictus, and 2 get a nexos. 1 Neophyte/acolyte gets a primus with chink in the armour and a nexos.
Use nexos to chain Primed and Readied, which by my understanding is a battle tactic. If it is, it won't be for long...
Deep strike all 4 units turn 2. They get - Sustained hits 1, Lethal hits, Crits on 5+. One unit gets full re-rolls to hit with the Primus, acolytes also get re-roll 1s to wound, or full re-rolls on the objective.. Combine with some Achillis with survey augurs for -1ap and ignore cover. Neophytes don't need to drop within 3 inches. Watch as C'tan, Land raiders, Stompas etc all die horribly with no counterplay other than trying to screen out our deep strikes (good luck).
On unitcrunch i'm getting over 50% chance to kill Land raiders with the neophytes both version, and the acolytes, sometimes getting as high as 90% on the land raiders, and even a 67.2% chance against a C'tan (Not deciever).
This combo will work pretty well into anything at all from what I can gather, with only really a 10 man terminator block being likely to survive vs 1.
Well, put your primus on the neophytes, he can still drop turn 2, with the nexos to do this for 0 cp, and delete pretty much whatever he wants. Now you'll need 3 Acolyte 10 mans with demo charges and benedictus instead, but you'll still delete most tanks fairly well. The Neophyte/primus combo can be used, but without lethals they won't be slaying tanks left and right. 2 cp +1 to wound is still feasiable with nexos however...
you won't be able to alpha strike turn 2, but you can stagger it over 2 3 and 4, to great affect.
What do people think? Personally I think crits on 5+ with lethals and sustain hits is pretty crazy. I'm sure you could make this work for melee as well, just sub a biophagus in, since achillis now carries over to the fight phase.
EDIT: Corrections, i'm being told by vulcanstrike that nexos no longer allows us to double up stratgems. That makes this a lot more balanced, as we can only get our crit's on 5+ once per turn. It's still very exciting, but much more reasonable for now. Just means you only want 3 units of Neophytes/acolytes and stagger them over 3 turns.
To note - this can work with Melee as well - Rapid ingress, Biophagus is your friend.
Ran the math on our newly nerfed Aberants - 3 attacks per, strength 7 ap -2, damage 2, +1 ap from achillis, lethal hits. Is still 14 expected wounds on a land raider. With sustained from cult ambush goes up to 16 (52.4% chance to slay), and with that plus 5+ crits goes up to 16 and 87.7% chance to kill. Not bad.
How about Biosantic Broodsurge? Well that's 4 attacks, due to +1 to charge, and a +1 to wound stratgem. 16 wounds, 90.3% chance to kill a land raider. The Achillis is the major buffer here.
Screw it, let's look at Hybrid Metamorphs with Day of Ascension, rapid ingress, Biophagus and Achillis support (Which does work in the new codex). That doesn't take up any resources allocated to the Neophyte blocks ... although you could add a primus here as well, I suppose... then you get lethal on the autopistols as well...... probably not worth it.
Anyway, 3 attacks, strength 5, ap-2 (with achillis) D2, lethals, sustained, 5+ crit - 16 wounds, 84.9% chance to kill. Without the 5+ it drops significantly, 14 wounds 35.9% chance. Still solid for a non anti tank squad.
Running the math on the unit of neophytes without 5+ crits and a Benedictus still allows 11 expected wounds on a Land Raider, and a 23.8% chance of slaying with an achillis. You can run 3 blocks of neophytes with this combo. On following turns, without sustained hits you're still looking at 9 expected wounds and a 14.3% chance of killing a land raider. Still pretty strong I think!
Wait a minute can you take Chink on a Patriarch now? I think you can. Is that good? I think it might be... Lets see. WITHOUT an achillis, that's dev wounds, lethal hits, sustained, crits on 5+. Normally lethal and dev have anti synergy, but sustained helps shore that up... That's 16 wounds and 70% chance to kill a land raider. Now what about Broodsurge... let's do with an achillis for fun, and +1 to wound. Slightly worse, 16 wounds, 56.6% chance to kill. Not bad for a 7 inch charge from deep strike that you can do every time you charge though! Genestealers are back on the menu maybe? You can also get up to shennagins with 10 Hybrid metamorphs with +1 to wound anda 4+ fnp with ap-2 for being a sticky objective holder.
TLDR : - Day of ascension with lethal and 5+ crits is cracked. Melee is massively buffed due to Achillis working in the fight phase as well now. Both Biosantic broodsurge and Day of Ascension can provide scary alpha strike potential. Stop worrying so much, Get as much Lethal Hits as you can, and carry on culting.
My List advice would be, for day of ascension - 2-3 Hybrids with Biophagus. 3 Neophytes with Benedictus, then either another Neophyte brick with a Primus + Chink in the armour, or a Patriarch with Chink in the armour and 10 genestealers. At least 3 achillis with mortors and survey augur, maybe more, then Fill out as you please. Demo charges with primus can also be good. Maybe an acolyte with mining and Clamavus for sticky objectives and deep strike screening. Round out with Kellermorphs and sanctus for secondaries. Hybrids can be swapped with Aberrants, but you still want the Biophagus. Possibly some 5 man genestealers for infiltrate shenangins to trap in deployment zone, or Hybrids with Acolyte and the infiltrate enhancement to do the same could use a Aberrant/biophagus with the startgem here as well, but I like how cheap with the 4+fnp the acolyte gives. Throw in a nexos or something somewhere for blip shenagins etc.
submitted by ScotBuster to genestealercult [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:23 ScarCommon8091 Quantum computation vs Classical Computation

Hey everyone, I have read multiple times about quantum computers being exponential faster than classical computers, an example being a quote from https://artandgraft.com/work/google-quantum
Unlike traditional computers which explore solutions in a linear way, quantum technology has the ability to explore multiple solutions simultaneously
I have a very basic understanding of quantum computation: there are new kind of gates which are fundamentally different from classical computers(e.g. hadamard gate) and when a combination of them are used in certain applications, helps explore the space of possibilities in a different or more natural way. An e.g. being simulations involving atoms and molecules which being inherently quantum in nature, are well suited for a quantum computer.
However I don't think it amounts to exploring multiple solutions simultaneously.
I would like to understand how these statements came to be about and what are some other cases where quantum computation is actually exponentially faster, if any(both practical and theoretical application)
Any resources to read up about is welcome as well. Thanks
submitted by ScarCommon8091 to QuantumComputing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:20 DefinitelyNotSascha The Requirements to Summon the Chaos Heart

In Super Paper Mario, we see that arguably the most prominent requirement to summon the Chaos Heart is the marriage of Bowser and Peach. Tippi makes this clear by quoting the following passage from the Light Prognosticus:
"A fair and lovely princess... A furious monster king... The union of these two will call forth the Chaos Heart, the consumer of worlds... And the Chaos Heart will ravage the sky, and so bring forth The Void."
Ever since Super Mario Odyssey, I (and I think many others) have been wondering if the wedding in that game would also cause the Chaos Heart to be summoned. By extension, the question of whether Peach and Bowser marrying is the only requirement to summon the Chaos Heart is raised, and, if not, what additional conditions might be required.

Determining Whether the Marriage of Peach and Bowser Is the Only Requirement to Summon the Chaos Heart

Over the course of the franchise, we have often times seen Bowser trying to marry Peach, though most of these examples are non-canon (Super Mario Bros.: Peach-hime Kyūshutsu Dai Sakusen!, Do You Princess Toadstool Take this Koopa...?, The Super Mario Bros. Movie). Though Super Paper Mario is notably the only instance of the ceremony not being stopped and the words "I do" being said by both parties, at which point the Chaos Heart is summoned. This makes it impossible to tell whether the Chaos Heart would be summoned in any other instance of Peach and Bowser marrying. Even before Peach saying I do in SPM, there is no indicator of Chaos Magic perceptible to the player – be it visual, auditive or otherwise.
So we lack concrete premises to infer the requirements to summon the Chaos Heart through deductive reasoning. Let's then take an abductive approach: Bowser attempts marrying Peach at least once after the events of Super Paper Mario. If him marrying Peach was the sole requirement for the Chaos Heart to be summoned, then why would Bowser attempt a marriage (any possible stubbornness or lack of forethought on Bowser's part aside)? From this it could be concluded that Bowser would have some reason to believe that his marriage attempts would not cause the Chaos Heart to be summoned. Such a reason being that there are more requirements to meet to do so.

Additional Requirements to Summon the Chaos Heart

After the closing battle with Count Bleck, he tells the Heroes of Light that dispatching him would make the Chaos Heart disappear and that he thought the Chaos Heart would disappear if the person controlling it fell. Dimentio mentions the Dark Prognosticus saying that Luigi is the perfect host for the Chaos Heart. Merlon quotes the Light Prognosticus, saying the following:
"Naught can stop [The Void]... unless the one protected by the dark power is destroyed."
All of these statements show that the Chaos Heart requires a person to actively control it. It is also shown that a host for the Chaos Heart can be more or less suitable, and that control over it can be relinquished to or seized by a different person.
The chart detailing Wish and Chaos Magic shows how hypothetical Chaos Magic is created by people and used to power (and thus summon) the Chaos Heart. It appears that Chaos Magic is inherently linked to clashing ideas (and by extension the concept of irony), disharmony and conflict, which presents itself in the following cases:
It's reasonable to assume that Peach and Bowser marrying generates a certain amount of Chaos Magic, as the event summons the Chaos Heart. However, the amount could be amplified by the irony of Count Bleck being the one conducting the event. Therefore, it's not conclusive whether the marriage of Peach and Bowser would generate enough Chaos Magic by itself.
We can also assume that the Chaos Heart's host must wield Chaos Magic in order to power and control the Chaos Heart, therefore making them more or less suitable depending on their ability to do so.
In conclusion, in order to summon the Chaos Heart, the following requirements must be met:
  1. Enough Chaos Magic must be generated
  2. A person must actively control the Chaos Heart
  3. The person controlling the Chaos Heart must be able to effectively wield Chaos Magic
submitted by DefinitelyNotSascha to Marioverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:15 FPLModerator Rate My Team, Quick Questions & General Advice Daily Thread

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submitted by FPLModerator to FantasyPL [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:13 monkeyantho 6 week MVP SaaS Launch: Automated Text to Speech Audio Editor

It is a tool to scrape url and turn the content into audio using a notion-like editor - NoteScriber
The tech stack is next.js and superbase.
This is my 3rd attempt in saas after two failures. First two failures were skill issue with software engineering. First web app was also a AI text to speech wrapper, but got DDOSed and faced heavy $10k bill by Google Cloud (unprotected firebase function), so firebase project got deleted for unpaid bills. Second was because of no PMF.
Before any marketing can be done, the engineering and security have to be really solid. Normally building a SaaS requires years of experience. I realised my limitations as a solo dev so decided to buy a SaaS boilerplate.
Before building the MVP, I spent a few months getting familiar with the new apps router by building random projects etc.
Then did some market research on what to build. I decided to go for what worked before. First web app actually did $1000 in revenue, which further proved the text to speech market is validated. Examples of funded startups using text to speech APIs: audiostack.ai and podcastle.ai
Their editing suite is more advanced, but I want to offer a simple UX.
I do eventually want to build a multi channel podcast editor but this feature would need a few senior devs.
The monthly subscription is high ($79), because it offers unlimited AI usage for scraping and text to speech.
I appreciate any constructive feedback.
submitted by monkeyantho to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:13 Swiftcheddar I hate how so many games do Character Attributes in the DnD model

I'll start off with my Thesis Statement, so you can tell exactly what the takeaway here is: I hate the way Character Attribute systems present characters, and I always have. The biggest issue I have is that they're full of Stats that are essentially "If you don't take this, you suck conceptually", but because of game design, players are forced into what ends up being incredibly limited archetypes. eg. It's forever optimal for a Fighter character to dump INT, so every fighter becomes a lunkhead.
If you don't agree with that Thesis Statement then you probably won't get a lot from this, but otherwise I'll explain:
Now, with that thesis statement, lemme clarify that I realise things are a little more flexibile when it comes to actual tabletop gaming because there you're not meant to create hyper-optimised characters and it'd often be fine to have a character with strange stat allocations. I'm talking primarily about videogame implementation where you're somewhere between heavily encourage to outright required to optimise your characters.
And I'm not saying I dislike the idea of Character Attributes, I don't want to see them gone, I love them. I'm exactly the kind'a guy who spends an hour on character creation deciding on my race, class, stat allocation, balancing the kind of gameplay needs I have for the character against how I envision them as a character in this world.
So, with that out of the way, very simply: I fucking haaaate the idea the way DnD and it's successor systems do Stats, and the archetypes that've been built from that.
The Fighter is always dumb, because fighters have to put all their stats in STR. The Mage is always super smart, because mages have to put all their stats in INT. None of them are any good at social situations, because CHA is a dump stat, but hey, the Thief has that under control, depending on how overpowered DEX is in the system we're talking about.
Why can't a fighter be smart? And why does learning magic mean you have to be smart? What about Wisdom, the Mage has to be smart but incredibly limited in application because that's the Priest's role?
It's archetypical as hell, and I think the worst part of it (and why I've used the example twice), is that the three stats INT, WIS, and CHA are all "If you don't take these, then your character just sucks conceptually. Even if they're perfect from a gameplay perspective." If you play a character that doesn't benefit from INT/WIS then you're dumb, if you don't benefit from CHA then you're a loser who can't talk to people. Strength may be just as valuable in game, but let's not pretend we as society don't view high Intelligence as far cooler conceptually than high Strength or Dex.
The outcome of this is you either completely disconnect the Stats from Roleplay (see Minsc in BG3 having 12 Str...) or you end up being insanely limited in how you create and present characters.
Go see Pathfinder where people talk about how Valerie only has 9 INT? Isn't that hilarious? She talks such a big game, but she's a complete meathead! Amiri, the actual meathead is smarter than her! But the reason Valerie only has 9 INT is because she's a Tower Defense fighter and Int does very little of nothing for her, her character is built to exist in the gameplay systems even if it completely contradicts the character's presentation.
Same deal with Fallout New Vegas discussions, "Obviously Ceasar is a moron that doesn't know what he's talking about, look, he's only got 5 INT!" Then I guess Ulysses with 10+ in all stats is a living God who's correct about everything?
And while we're on the topic, no, there's no fucking difference between INT and WIS. "Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it on a fruit salad!" fucking hell, intelligent people know not to put tomatoes in their fruit salad. You're telling me a 300yr old Elf Wizard with 18 INT, 12WIS doesn't know where his tomatoes go? Every single example of "This is Intelligence, and this is Wisdom" is just something an intelligent person would learn, making Wisdom not even exist as a Stat, or at least not one that would be even slightly constant. Seriously, the discussions about INT v WIS are like watching people try pretend Neutral Good and Neutral Evil are actually alignments, it's all just hair-splitting semantics to invent a box to put people in. It doesn't correspond to reality at all, it doesn't even correspond to the presentation of the game's reality they're talking about.
And even if it did, even if I was wrong about that, that would only make things worse, because now not only do you have to play your Mage as a super smart guy (only Sorcerers get to be dummies), now you have to also be "autistic" and not understand people, or the world or anything around you. Again- I'm not talking about people playing suboptimised players on tabletop, I'm talking primarily about environments like videogames where you're practically shooting yourself in the foot if you don't hyper optimise your character. "Yes, you may feel better about your Fighter only having 16Str so you could have 14Int so he's not a moron that can't even tie his own shoes... But now you've made every single combat encounter harder and made your character useless." At that point, just play a Mage in every single game, that's what I often default to. At least then you're optimal without being stupid, and only having average strength is fine, that's no different than how most people are in reality.
Of course there's other examples, Cyberpunk and WoD use very different systems that capture character designs in different ways, and even the Fallout SPECIAL system is pretty good, since INT and CHA are roughly as good for everyone. Pillars made a good attempt at making all stats good for everyone, but kind'a made stats feel worthless at the same time.
But mostly, and especially in fantasy settings, we default back to the way DnD and the DnD derivatives have done things for a million years. If you're making an action RPG with a very simple stat system, you'll use STDEX/STAM/INT and maybe LUCK, and even if you're making a far deeper, much more intricate 300hour CRPG, you're probably using an extremely similar system.
How I'd do it? I'd do away with Stats that conceptually make your character "lame" if you don't have them. You can play a Smart fighter or a Dumb fighter, or a Dumb Wizard, or a Charismatic Barbarian, or anything else, but it wouldn't be tied directly to your statline.
Str for hitting, moving and carrying things. Agi for movement. Perception or Visualisation for Magic spells. Stamina to deal with endurance and resilience. Luck for fun. Probably something like Awareness for how vigilant they are. Maybe even Initiative or something similar for how hot-headed and ready to spring into action they are.
Anyway, there's better ways but it doesn't matter since nobody's going to do them and 10 years from now I'll still be reading about how "This character who's meant to be really strong in game only has 10 STR lololo, and look this guy talks like he's so smart, but his INT Stat is only 12!"
submitted by Swiftcheddar to CharacterRant [link] [comments]
