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2024.05.16 08:38 VolarRecords Thomas Townsend Brown and Nikolai Tesla -- UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion and How to Build a Flying Saucer

Thomas Townsend Brown and Nikolai Tesla -- UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion and How to Build a Flying Saucer
Just tried posting this on UFOs and aliens and it was taken down because of Reddit's filters.
Last night I posted about Thomas Townsend Brown's research into building UFOs that goes back to the late 1920s right about the same time that Tesla was patenting his own research about UFOs.
I only know about T. Townsend Brown thanks to this Jesse Michels recent doc that a number of you have seen. I watched it twice when it came out and it blew my mind. I'm not a physicist by any means and can't explain shit to anyone. Just trying to pull together some threads.
Jesse Michels actually learned about T. Townsend Brown from his doc on Grusch documenting his time around his hearing last July.
A number of you in the field of mathematics and physics with a huge interest in UFOs chimed in today, and I can't even keep up. It's all pretty brain-breaking stuff. I'm super armchair about all of this but have always been very interested. So in response to a couple of comments, I took the very simple measure of looking into Brown's Wikipedia. Yes, I'm very aware of the whole Guerilla Skeptics thing. I even happened to pass by their office here in LA after going to the sole US press conference on the Nazca Mummies here in Beverly Hills on March 11th.
Here's the u/thegoodtroubleshow episode about the Guerilla Skeptics.
Anyway, hope this stuff doesn't get scrubbed, but here's Brown's Wikipedia page as it stands now. Seems like a lot of you have already done years of research on him, so I doubt much can truly be hidden.
Brown filed a number of patents:
  • GB300311 — A method of and an apparatus or machine for producing force or motion (accepted 1928-11-15)
  • US 1,974,483 — Electrostatic motor (1934-09-25)
  • US 2,949,550 — Electrokinetic apparatus (1960-08-16)
  • US 3,018,394 — Electrokinetic transducer (1962-01-23)
  • US 3,022,430 — Electrokinetic generator (1962-02-20)
  • US 3,187,206 — Electromagnetic apparatus (1965-06-01)
  • US 3,196,296 — Electric generator (1965-07-20)
Here's a website dedicated to him: Maintained by Paul Schatzkin, author of "Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown"
One of the references mentioned on his Wiki page is this, perhaps a book titled "Lost Journals." Here's Chapter Six.
Chapter Six
UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion
~Did Tesla Discover the Secrets of Antigravity~?
Nikola Tesla has been credited for the creation of much of the technology that we take for granted today. Without the genius of Tesla we would not have radio, television, AC electricity, Tesla coil, fluorescent lighting, neon lighting, radio control devices, robotics, x-rays, radar, microwaves and dozens of other amazing inventions.
Because of this, it is no surprise that Tesla also delved into the world of flight and possibly, antigravity. In fact, his last patent in 1928 (#1,655,114), was for a flying machine that resembled both a helicopter and an airplane. Before he died, Tesla reportedly devised plans for the engine of a spaceship. He called it the anti-electromagnetic field drive or Space Drive.
Here's this article mentioned in that publication by Tesla.
Man's Greatest Achievement by Nikola Tesla
New York American — July 6, 1930
from Rastko'sNetwork Website
Here's more from that link:
~How to Build a Flying Saucer~
Tesla had discovered that the electrostatic emission from the surface of a conductor will always concentrate where the surface curves or even presents an edge. The sharper the curve or edge, the greater the concentration of electron emission. Tesla also observed that an electrostatic charge will flow over the surface of a conductor rather than penetrate it. This is called the Faraday or Skin Effect, discovered by ~Michael Faraday~ many years ago.
This also explains the principles of the Faraday Cage which is used in high voltage research labs to protect humans and electrosensitive equipment from harm. According to eyewitness reports of interiors of UFOs, there is a circular column or channel through the center of the vehicle.
This reportedly serves as a superstructure for the rest of the saucer shaped vehicle, and also carries a high voltage, high frequency coil. It is believed to be a resonant transformer which gives the electrostatic and electromagnetic charge to the craft and establishes polarity.
This coil is relative to what is known as a Tesla coil. The Tesla Coil of course, was invented by Tesla in 1891. This column or channel is approximately two feet in diameter and is hollow. On some vehicles this hollow area has a turbine generator in it.
When the vacuum is created on one hemisphere of the craft, the atmospheric pressure is allowed to rush through the tube to drive a sort of turbine electrical generator. Some reports say the extraterrestrials use this system as stationary power plants for electrical energy on their planets as well.
The eyes of the craft are arranged by electro-optic lenses placed at quadrants or wherever they wish to see from. The screen-like monitors are placed on a console where the navigator can observe all areas around and about the vehicle at the same time. This includes the magnification lenses which are used without changing positions.
There are also windows about elbow level and about one foot through or thick. This distance would have to be in view of the four or more walls or plates of the capacitor hulls making up the major portion of the craft. The windows have an iris type of shutter so that when it is closed, it allows electrostatic charge to flow evenly.
~Dr T. Townsend Brown and Electrogravitics~
The idea of using high voltage electricity as a means of propulsion is not new. Tesla laid the groundwork in the late 19th century which was then continued by such notables as Thomas Townsend Brown, who discovered in 1923 what was later called the Biefeld -Brown Effect.
Thomas Townsend Brown, was a physics student of Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld at the California Institute for Advanced Studies. Brown noticed that when he had two plates carrying high voltages of direct current separated by a dielectric, the negative electrode moved by itself in the direction of the positive plate. In other words, Townsend Brown discovered that it is possible to create an artificial gravity field by charging an electrical capacitor to a high-voltage.
He built a special capacitor which utilized a heavy, high charge-accumulating (high K-factor) dielectric material between its plates and found that when charges with between 70,000 to 300,000 volts, it would move in the direction of its positive pole. When oriented with its positive side up, it would proceed to lose about one percent of it's weight.
He attributed this motion to an electrostatically-induced gravity field acting between the capacitor's oppositely charged plates. By 1958, he had succeeded in developing a 15 inch diameter model saucer that could lift over 110% of its weight. Brown's experiments had launched a new field of investigation which came to be known as Electrogravitics, the technology of controlling gravity through the use of high-voltage electric charge.
As early as 1952, an Air Force major general witnessed a demonstration in which Brown flew a pair of 18 inch disc airfoils suspended from opposite ends of a rota-table arm. When electrified with 50,000 volts, they circuited at a speed of 12 miles per hour.
About a year later, he flew a set of 3 foot diameter saucers for some Air Force officials and representatives from a number of major aircraft companies. When energized with 150,000 volts, the discs sped around the 50 foot diameter course so fast that the subject was immediately classified.
Interavia magazine later reported that the discs could attain speeds of several hundred miles per hour when charged with several hundred thousand volts. Brown's discs were charged with a high positive voltage, on a wire, running along their leading edge and a high negative voltage, on a wire, running along their trailing edge.
As the wires ionized the air around them, a dense cloud of positive ions would form ahead of the craft and corresponding cloud of negative ions would form behind the craft. Brown's research indicated that, like the charged plates of his capacitors, these ion clouds induced a gravitational force directed in the minus to plus direction.
As the disc moved forward in the response to its self generated gravity field, it would carry with it its positive and negative ion clouds and their associated electrogravity gradient. Consequently, the discs would ride their advancing gravity wave much like surfers ride an ocean wave.
Dr. Mason Rose, one of Townsend's colleagues, described the discs principle of operation as follows:

Although skeptics at first thought that the discs were propelled by more mundane effects such as the pressure of negative ions striking the positive electrode. Brown later carried out vacuum chamber tests which proved that a force was present even in the absence of such ion thrust.
He did not offer a theory to explain this unconventional electrogravitic phenomenon; except to say that it was predicted neither by general relativity nor by modern theories of electromagnetism. However, recent advances in theoretical physics provide a rather straightforward explanation of the principle.
According to the novel physics of subquantum kinetics, gravity potential can adopt two polarities, instead of one. Not only can a gravity field exist in the form of a matter-attracting gravity potential well, as standard physics teaches, but it can also exist in the form of a matter repelling gravity potential hill.
Moreover, it predicts that these gravity polarities should be directly matched with electrical polarity; positively charged particles such as protons generating gravity wells and negatively charged particles such as electrons generating gravity hills.
Thus contrary to conventional theory, the electron produces a matter-repelling gravity field. Electrical neutral matter remains gravitationally attractive because of the proton's G-well marginally dominates the electron's G-hill. Consequently, subquantum kinetics predicts that the negative ion cloud behind Brown's disc should form a matter repelling gravity hill while the positive ion cloud ahead of the disc should form a matter attracting gravity well.
As increasing voltage is applied to the disc, the gravity potential hill and well become increasing prominent and the gravity potential gradient between them increasing steep. In Rose's terminology, the craft would find itself on the incline of a gravitational hill. Since gravity force is known to increase in accordance with the steepness of such a gravity potential slope, increased voltage would induce an increasingly strong gravity force on the disc and would act in the direction of the positive ion cloud. The disc would behave as if it was being tugged by a very strong gravitational field emanating from an invisible planet sized mass positioned beyond its positive pole.
Early in 1952 Brown had put together a proposal, code named Project Winterhaven, which suggested that the military developed an antigravity combat saucer with Mach-3 capability. The 1956 intelligence study entitledElectrogravitics Systems - An Explanation of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control, prepared by the private aviation intelligence firm, Aviation Studies International Ltd., indicates that as early as November 1954 the Air Force had begun plans to fund research that would accomplish Project Winterhaven's objectives.
The study, originally classified Confidential, mentions the name of more than ten major aircraft companies which were actively involved in the electrogravitics research in an attempt to duplicate or extend Brown's seminal work. Additional information is to be found in another aviation intelligence report entitled: The Gravitics Situation.
Unfortunately, due to the militaries TOP SECRET classification, Townsend Brown's work has not appeared in any physics or science publications that can be accessed.
submitted by VolarRecords to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:25 otguide AITA if I don’t want my in-laws at our wedding?

My future MIL has said/done nasty things that can’t be forgotten. We went through 2 really rough patches and I realized what kind of person she is and how she truly feels about me. Attacking my character, saying I’m a bridezilla, I don’t know what it’s like to work hard and I’ve never had a big girl job (I’m in a doctoral program) and that I force my fiance to spend his $ on me. I was so shocked and hurt (been in the family for 7 years when this all started) that I deleted all of our pics together off my social media. Was it immature? Probably. But i didn’t do this to intentionally hurt her~ more of something I needed to do for me to be emotionally “done”. Fiancé understood and was supportive of my decision to do this. We got through our rough patches, and I decided to forgive (yet again) for the sake of my fiancé. I told FMIL it would take a long time for me to heal from this.
Months later, they came to visit us. Showed them my school, our fav restaurants & apartment. She threw a crying fit about us being out too long “this was my opportunity to relax from work and I wanted to go to the beach… I didn’t even want to go to lunch!” Just drama, no fun for anyone. Step dad tells my fiancé “just go apologize”. Fiancé said no, I did nothing wrong. Weeks later, I posted recent pics on FB but none of any photos of their visit. She got pissed & sent screenshots of my FB telling fiancé I’m “holding a grudge”. I didn’t feel comfortable posting photos of us after wha happened. Fiancé understood/respected that. She texted fiancé “I’m gonna need half the $ I offered for the rehearsal dinner since it’s gonna be expensive to get to the destination anyways”. She then realized I removed ALL our pics from my FB (the previous year). She told his step dad & he texted my fiancé saying they are convinced I’m the problem and “if we are not going to be in any photos or posted in any pics, you can go ahead and uninvite us from the wedding and we’ll relay to our side of the family that we don’t plan to attend”. We gave them what they asked for. This was the third time they used our wedding against us and threatened to not come.
We’ve been no contact since last July. Fiancé received a text from his gma saying “you are evil for treating your own mother this way and none of us will be at your wedding if your own mother is not invited”. Turns out she told everyone that we uninvited them on our own. She’s saying that we “misunderstood them” when we clearly have the text with their request.
It’s 6 months until wedding, fiance has been blocking flying monkeys left and right. She even texted his birth dad (they never speak) saying “I just want to share my side of the story”. He didn’t reply. Now that mostly everyone she can use is blocked, she texted his aunt saying “can you please just ask them to talk with me? I can’t not have my son and his family in my life. We’ve all along wanted to be there for their special day and they misunderstood our texts.” AITA if I put my foot down on them attending the wedding?
Fiancé and I are on the same page but he has said “of course I want my family there, I just wish they weren’t such a**holes cause we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place”.
submitted by otguide to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:13 UnlimitedKOs I asked Buck what the truth is about these 5 to 6 BF4 players who keep whining

Hundreds of my friends and I have been playing on Buck's server for many years ane none of us have ever been banned. Everyone in the match is happy that the admins ban players who sit in vehicles the whole match farming tons of easy kills. 99%of players don't like to get picked off over and over by a vehicle whore.
~I see the same 5 or 6 people complaining about being banned for breaking a server rules on this Buck guys servers and comments from people who don't even own BF4.~
Bucks servers have 30 to 40 thousand favorites so he must be doing something right.
I sent this Buck guy a message and he said that there are only about 12 players banned for habitual farming. Buck said he gives them another chance to abide by the server rule and if they keep farming then they get banned. He said he's given many of them dozens of chances to abide by the no farming rule, takes off their ban but they come back and farm again, so the admins ban that farmier. That's what they deserve, we all despise vehicle whores.
Sitting in vehicles farming infantry is easy, no skill required, Dog fights in jets and choppers is where skill is needed.
Most players roll on foot and don't want to get picked off over and over by the 1% who are 247 vehicle whore/chopper farmers. Also I've seen this XWarmachine Hasbulla guy on BF4 for years, he's a notorious farmer, ruins the matches. What does he expect to happen if he farms on a server with a no farming rule.
Buck respects and commends skilled players, I went 125-42 on a one hour match on Locker one day and Buck sent me a message with a thumbs up, said "nice skills bro, the admins and I could see that you were legit, stock controller, no mnk, you're welcome on anytime.
Buck said that he and the admins warn players if they're sitting in vehicles farming and if them and if they keep farming after being warned about the server rule then they get banned. Again, we like that we can roll on foot and not get farmed by farmers like Xwarmachine the whole match.
One time I got a little carried away as a gunner in a chopper and Buck sent me a friendly reminder of the server rule. I have 100's of friends who play on Buck's servers for mny years and not one has ever been banned.
Intead of sitting in vehicles the whole match picking all of us off over and over, run and gun like the rest of us and you'll never get banned.
Thanks Buck for helping to keep BF4 going for the 99% who roll foot, your servers are the best on BF4. Don't trip on these player haters. Keep up the good work Buck.
submitted by UnlimitedKOs to battlefield_4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:55 Packagemaker Contracts strait out of medic school

Hey guys, I’ve always wanted to go on long term 3-6 month contracts once I get my medic, but am worried I won’t be able to get my footing as a medic if I’m doing contracts. Anyone have any input?
submitted by Packagemaker to Paramedics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:55 Cute-Ask9501 Some screenshots from my current tinder experiment. One girl is 6 foot, the other like 5’8

Some screenshots from my current tinder experiment. One girl is 6 foot, the other like 5’8 submitted by Cute-Ask9501 to TrueVirgin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:50 Eclecticfart Pissed at the state of California and State Farm

I recently purchased a used car from a friend and tried to insure it. My old car broke down in the fall, and after trying to fix it for months, I decided to cut my losses and had it junked. So after paying for car insurance for about 6 months on the car and not driving it I cancelled the insurance. When I did this, State Farm did not tell me I would have to re-apply for insurance and there would be a chance I would be dropped.
Fast forward to today. I thought I would be able to just purchase a new policy and have car insurance that day since I have had State Farm for 15+ years and I have other insurance policies with them including whole life insurance and renters insurance. They tell me that I have to reapply since I canceled my policy and I would take 2 weeks for the policy to be effective. New law in California apparently. Then I get a voicemail saying that they will not cover me because I had 2 accidents last winter.
This is what upsets me-
-the agent never told me that this was a possibility when I cancelled my insurance. They did offer to pause the policy until I got a new care but did not specify there was a chance I would not be able to receive a new policy under the new regulations and my driving history.
-both of my accidents were minor and a result of bad weather and road conditions. Where I live, we had record breaking snowfall. I worked as a first responder which required me to drive in atrocious weather to and from work so I could help people, I did not have a choice to not drive during bad weather and storms because it was my job to be on duty those days. My town was literally declared to be in an official state of emergency. FEMA and the National Guard were present, not that this is relevant to car insurance just painting a picture.
-My two dumb accidents were sliding down an icy road coming home from work and hitting my coworker who had slid in the same spot into a snow bank in front of me and was stuck in the the road and couldn’t avoid him and the other one was accidentally backing into someone very lightly in a parking lot where there were 10+ foot snow banks, I couldn’t see, and slightly dented the back panel of his truck with my spare tire.
I’m not claiming to have no fault, I am not a perfect driver or person but I feel like I could have been given more information from my agent before canceling my policy. I have been with this particular agent for 10 years.
I know this post is long and the chances of it being read are probably low, but if anyone has any insight, that would be great.
submitted by Eclecticfart to Car_Insurance_Help [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:47 AggripaDaRippa 28/M/Pennsylvania/Anywhere night owl looking for new people to chat with!

Hey there! Looking for some new people to talk to, down to chat about pretty much anything as long as you can somewhat hold a conversation haha. Not really great at writing these things so I'll just list off some of my interests and things I'm looking for.
About me:
-i like watching sports; baseball, hockey, F1, sometimes basketball.
-i love video games, I play mostly on my PC, but I also have a PS5 and a switch. Right now I'm mostly playing dota 2 and r6 siege, but I have and play a lot of other stuff too.
-I have two cats that I love to death, totally down to show you how cute they are!
I love movies, I have a pretty large physical movie collection of blu rays and 4ks, I especially love horror but I'll watch most genres.
-I also enjoy music a lot, mostly metal, but also pop punk, pop, rap, country, and some other random stuff too. I've been to A LOT of concerts over the past 10 years but haven't been to many recently.
-im pretty introverted, I work a lot and when I'm not working I like to pretty much stay in and relax for the most part.
-i work night shift, i I have a pretty unorthodox schedule and sleep during the day and I'm up all night haha
I have 6 tattoos!
I don't smoke or drink, I don't really mind or care if you do though!
Physically im 6 foot tall hazel eyes with glasses and short brown hair. Medium build, a bit of a dad bod.
That's pretty much it, I'm sure there's a lot more I could include but I'll save that for later. Now here's some things I'm looking for!
What I'm looking for:
-someone who can somewhat hold a conversation and is actually interested in getting to know each other
-down to share selfies and possibly down to voice chat in the near future
down to switch to another platform, I don't really want to use the chat feature on here, sorry.
-open to the possibility of something flirty, and or just friendship. I'm not strictly looking for friendship only.
That's mostly it I think. Shoot me a message with a little about yourself if you're interested
submitted by AggripaDaRippa to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:46 AggripaDaRippa 28/M/Pennsylvania/Anywhere night owl looking for new people to chat with!

Hey there! Looking for some new people to talk to, down to chat about pretty much anything as long as you can somewhat hold a conversation haha. Not really great at writing these things so I'll just list off some of my interests and things I'm looking for.
About me:
-i like watching sports; baseball, hockey, F1, sometimes basketball.
-i love video games, I play mostly on my PC, but I also have a PS5 and a switch. Right now I'm mostly playing dota 2 and r6 siege, but I have and play a lot of other stuff too.
-I have two cats that I love to death, totally down to show you how cute they are!
I love movies, I have a pretty large physical movie collection of blu rays and 4ks, I especially love horror but I'll watch most genres.
-I also enjoy music a lot, mostly metal, but also pop punk, pop, rap, country, and some other random stuff too. I've been to A LOT of concerts over the past 10 years but haven't been to many recently.
-im pretty introverted, I work a lot and when I'm not working I like to pretty much stay in and relax for the most part.
-i work night shift, i I have a pretty unorthodox schedule and sleep during the day and I'm up all night haha
I have 6 tattoos!
I don't smoke or drink, I don't really mind or care if you do though!
Physically im 6 foot tall hazel eyes with glasses and short brown hair. Medium build, a bit of a dad bod.
That's pretty much it, I'm sure there's a lot more I could include but I'll save that for later. Now here's some things I'm looking for!
What I'm looking for:
-someone who can somewhat hold a conversation and is actually interested in getting to know each other
-down to share selfies and possibly down to voice chat in the near future
down to switch to another platform, I don't really want to use the chat feature on here, sorry.
-open to the possibility of something flirty, and or just friendship. I'm not strictly looking for friendship only.
That's mostly it I think. Shoot me a message with a little about yourself if you're interested
submitted by AggripaDaRippa to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:22 BigCountryExpat Where Can I Get a REALLY LARGE Traditional Set of Robes?

Greetings and A Salaam Alyaikum! I'm a US contractor who just got a new gig at Camp Arifjan
Per my username, I've spend a huge amount of time in and around the Middle East. Almost 10 years. One of my tours was 22 months in KC, (at Camp Arifjan) and the one thing I regretted was not getting a set of formal or even semi-formal Arabic Robes, aka the thawb or thobe? Dishdasha? Either way, even for an American, I'm HUGE.
As in Height: 6 foot 4 inches tall (198cm) Chest: 62in (157cm) around Neck: 23in (58cm)
THIS TIME I'm getting my gear. I really want to have a nice set that doesn't break the bank. I'm pretty sure there has to be a tailor or someone in Fahaheel? The souk that's across the street maybe? Plus I need a HUGE Agal as my head is 62cm around...the regular off the shelf ones are waaay too small. Like I said, I'm a BIG Dude. Where does Sheikh Al-Sabah's bodyguards get their gear? I'm guessing that the Head Honcho has to have some big ole boys as his PSD... (aka his personal security detachment)
Any suggestions or intel would be appreciated! Many Thanks!
submitted by BigCountryExpat to Kuwait [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:21 andthisisso 8 foot Ant like being, very skinny, walking very slowly with what looked like a 4 foot tube hanging from it's lower face/jaw area in the Arizona desert 2015.

I was in the in the desert camping. It was about 2 am and I was still in the truck cab eating pistachios and tossing the shells out of the open window. Huge full moon behind me about 2 o'clock in the sky I was watching it in the rear view mirror. All at once a tall being walked about 6 feet behind my truck and stopped. I turned around and looked out of the opened back window. It was about 8 feet tall, very very skinny, long arms with elbows below it's waste area, foot long skinny neck, oval head that had what looked like a 4 foot beard or tube hanging from it's lower face. I couldn't make out the feet or hands. It was walking like it was struggling, like if you walk in a swimming pool with the resistance of the water. As it stopped it barely moved it's shoulders but that freakish long neck turned the big head with at me. I don't know if it saw me in the truck. I froze. it turned it's head forward and continued on walking. It was bizarrely thin, like an insect. I got scared thinking it's so thin it's hungry...I took off, camping equipment in the back of my truck flying to the side of the dirt road as I drove.
I went back 4 months later in the day light. I saw nothing unusual.I drove around a bit, it was a nice day and found a place that looked like a good hiking spot. As I got out of the truck, maybe about 3 in the afternoon I heard diesel engines struggling digging, like back hoes, earth movers, dump trucks dumping a load and banging the scooper to unload all the dirt, trucks backing up with the beep...beep..sound but there was nothing around. I was in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road, no other cars around for miles. I couldn't figure where the digging noise was coming from but wondered...I got on my hands and knees and listed to the ground, it was coming from under the desert landscape. I was standing on where the digging was coming from.
As I stood up I saw two very shiny white pick up trucks facing the front of my truck, onyx black windows. they were so shiny the sun reflecting on them hurt my eyes. Driving in the desert piles dust on a truck, these looked like they just came off a show room. I got scared, I guess they saw me listening to the ground and I suppose I wasn't suppose to hear that sound. As I got back in the truck I saw two more white trucks exactly the same behind me, facing me. I drove off looking if they were following me, they weren't.As I got to the nearest road my heart sank as there were two more of the same trucks waiting for me at the intersection, facing each way so which ever way I was going one truck would be right behind me. As I got on the road the truck behind me followed me right on my bumper. I was going 90 MPH and the truck was right behind me, the other truck then was trying to pass me, I was swerving two lanes to keep it from passing me. I came up to an exit to some buildings and decided to give it a shot and exited. At the same time the two trucks slowed down and made a U turn and went back.They could have taken me out in the desert and no one would have found me or my truck, but they didn't. Did they want to kill me on the road??? I don't know, but I was terrified to go home thinking they'd be there, but I never saw them again and NEVER went back!!!!My thought is...I discovered a government instillation being built, maybe for national security...why chase me when that giant insect like being was walking around a few months prior about 2-4 miles from where I heard the digging sound? Is that location ET/Human/Government????
Here is my interview. This occurrence starts at 01:08:00
submitted by andthisisso to Humanoidencounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:01 GGdruid Electric Callus Remover: Rechargeable Electronic Foot File CR900 by Own - Price: $29.97 (MRSP: $31.97 You Save 6.26%)

Electric Callus Remover: Rechargeable Electronic Foot File CR900 by Own - Price: $29.97 (MRSP: $31.97 You Save 6.26%) submitted by GGdruid to BestDealsFinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:01 EUGsk8rBoi42p "Just check out Eugene’s Reddit section any day, but don’t say I didn’t warn you."

Admitting we have a problem is the first step in solving it! Author is a Eugenean talking about her experience with rising crime in the city, never saw this story but hey, still relevant today. Found this little gem by random chance. Title is a hopefully relatable quote from the article. You can agree or disagree with the author, but it's actually pretty well written with sources included. (just including the whole article, for people who don't want to click links!)

I Caught Two Men Stealing From My Home. The Aftermath Was Absurd—and All Too Typical.

This experience crystallized Oregon’s deeper problems.

Typically, guys wearing power-company vests don’t leave the houses they’re working on laden down with backpacks—let alone power tools, a scooter, and a Nintendo Switch. But that was the scene I happened upon at 6:30 p.m. on a Tuesday in mid-April when I puttered into my driveway in Eugene, Oregon, my 7-year-old ensconced in the back seat.
For a second, my brain tried to normalize the incident: This is just my daughter’s dad stopping by—except there are two of him, and they’re dressed as electricians for some reason? Then, a second later, everything whooshed into place: Oh, wait, I’m being robbed. Or, rather, I was being burgled. I would get reminded of this distinction later, when I made the dubious choice to join the chorus of aggrieved buttinskies on Nextdoor, where my well-meaning post to warn the neighborhood would turn me into an accidental vigilante hero for a day.
Unfortunately, it’s true: My reaction to this burgle was the lived-out fantasy of many who have been on the business end of a property crime. As the two goons took off on foot down my street, I went into fight-or-flight mode—and I chose fight.
“Well,” I said to my confused child, “let’s go see if we can get our stuff back.”
I peeled my 2005 Subaru back onto the street and easily overtook my two targets, who then hurtled themselves into an alley, whereupon I cornered one by the driver’s side window as the other made haste across the adjacent parking lot.
“Just give it back, bro!” I yelled out my window. “Just give it back! I’m a single mom! Just give it back.”
I repeated this until either I reminded him too much of his meanest teacher or he realized he’d been caught in broad daylight. “Fine,” he said. “Just fucking take it.”
He shoved a backpack through my driver’s side window. Inside it was both my laptops and my daughter’s iPad from school. Back at home, I would discover these guys had used channel lock pliers to force open the back door, but that the general chaos of my home had prevented them from locating my passport, jewelry, or sole item of irreplaceable value: the Montblanc fountain pen that my father, who died in a bicycle accident two years ago, had gotten for his law school graduation. My cat was unfazed.
I can honestly tell you that this little caper of mine was thrilling and deeply satisfying. It was also the exact wrong thing to do. Even this fanatical open-carry gun website implores: “Don’t chase criminals.” What if these two dipsticks had been armed? As unlikely as that was—property crime in my town is often driven by addiction, and weapons are worth money, which can buy drugs—I put myself and my child in potential danger. And for what? Three grand worth of electronics. As any reputable expert will tell you, you’re never to give chase to a thief, because human life is not worth possessions. As much as I admit to enjoying being called a “badass” by everyone I told this story, plus the listeners of KLCC Oregon, I should not have done this.
I did call the police, on the nonemergency line, because the dudes were long gone and nobody was hurt. I declined the dispatcher’s offer to send two officers to fingerprint a bunch of stuff I’d already touched. At best, that would have just added two more sets of prints to my town’s burgeoning roster of perennially at-large property criminals.
There are larger issues here, issues much more important than my would-be cool story. First, it’s an example of how in Eugene, small-scale property crime is now de facto legal. It is largely nonviolent, so it’s rarely seen as worth police resources to track down the goods. At the same time, it is so prevalent that any time one vest-wearing bozo gets nabbed, three more spring up in his place. This was my house’s second break-in in six months, and my fourth property crime total in the three years I’ve lived here as an adult. Eugene is my hometown, so I can also add the four times my childhood house, where my mother still lives, has been burgled since the early 2000s. When I was little, we left our front door unlocked so regularly that I wasn’t aware front doors had locks on them until I was much older. By the time I turned 30, however, every door in my parents’ house had been pried open at least once. (“Time to finally get that alarm system!” said my dad for three straight decades.)
Still, it’s a mistake to treat this trend solely as a vexing crime problem. Eugene’s descent into its property crime epidemic has been concurrent, unsurprisingly, with two addiction epidemics: First, the methamphetamine nightmare of the 1990s—when pseudoephedrine pills were still unregulatedhit Oregon and other Western states particularly hard. That wave segued all too naturally into the opioid and fentanyl crisis of the present. Meanwhile, not only did meth never really leave, but its use in Oregon also surged with the pandemic, with three Oregonians per day currently dying a drug-related death.
Since our conversation was necessarily brief, I don’t know the housing or drug situation of the guys who broke into my place. But local statistics point to them as two more casualties of these plagues. (Granted, those statistics are from nearby Portland, and they are police-sourced, so take them how you wish.)
For all the ambivalent empathy that the opioid epidemic has engendered, the local property crime scourge has set off a fierce public backlash. My incident brought out an unsurprising chorus of bloodlust on Nextdoor and elsewhere, when I shared it because I wanted to give my immediate neighbors a heads-up: “You should have kicked their asses,” they wrote. “We need to rise up and defend our property.
This town’s petty crime is often attributed, at least in the national conservative press, to our West Coast government’s decision to temporarily allow urban camping during the pandemic. (That policy has now officially ended, for what it’s worth.) Towns like mine have often been characterized in the popular imagination as unlivable crime-addled hellholes. I will be the first to admit that our tent cities are sometimes blatant open-air drug markets, but this is the case even as our property values inflate to absurd proportions—and our crime is actually on the decline. Still, Oregonians like me currently have about a 2.7 percent chance of being burgled, which, at almost 30 percent higher than the national average, is very high. I learned very efficiently how anecdotes like mine get around (I can’t help it if I’m a dynamic storyteller!) and attract the righteous indignation of other former victims, so many often feel, incorrectly, like we few honest vanguards are awash in a sea of riffraff.
This atmosphere, in turn, inspires my locality’s equally unreasonable political extremists to put forth and exacerbate their own untenable solutions. Even in a hyperpolarized American environment, Oregon is more polarized than most. For decades, our liberal enclaves have made Portlandia look understated, while our conservative areas make Texas’ look progressive.
For example, during the heyday of Eugene’s recently dismantled and infamous Washington Jefferson Park tent city, a larger break-in at a bicycle store was traced at least partially back to the encampment. The police swept the tents and made a flurry of arrests. Some of the bikes were found. This resulted in part in outrage over using resources to hassle the city’s most impoverished residents: “A stolen bike, yes, that sucks,” an advocate for the unhoused told a local news outlet. “But what are your priorities? And I’m sorry, but a stolen bike isn’t the priority.”
Well, trust me, in this town, it definitely isn’t. Recovering those bikes was an anomaly; in Eugene, most of these burglaries go unsolved. In fact, 87 percent of burglaries in the whole country do, too. The get-tough-on-property-crime proponents assert that statistically, this sends a message that stealing is fair game, and sure, that is a message I do not condone. But I also agree with a somewhat less rabid version of the opposing view: Property is replaceable, these crimes are nonviolent, and everyone currently rifling through houses and dealing drugs out of tents in my town is human. They deserve a chance to get their lives on track.
So, what should be the town’s priority? Fixing the addiction epidemics is a perilously long way away from happening, for reasons that are as polarizing as addiction’s consequences. In the sobering and excellent Dopesick, author Beth Macy goes into painfully exacting detail about opioids’ near-inescapable hold on the human brain. Macy argues that the true way out of this epidemic is “low-barrier treatment,” which includes supportive housing and medical interventions such as safe injection supplies, fentanyl testing strips, buprenorphine access, and supervised consumption sites. All of these options, however, are a tough sell even in a “progressive” town like Eugene, where supervised consumption sites are what NIMBY nightmares are made of, and low-barrier treatment can run up against deeply held moral stigma: Gas is $5 a gallon, and my taxes are going to some junkie?
In the meantime, while some admirably advocate and vote and wait for those breakthroughs, what should we do about the burglaries themselves? Should we pursue more law enforcement, or more compassion toward the burglars? More arrests that allegedly might deter this, or policies that might alleviate income inequality? Does—as approximately 83 percent of the suggestions from my Nextdoor thread contended—every house in town need a tripwire that handcuffs trespassers on sight? Or should all businesses be taxed at 500 percent, and the proceeds used to furnish every fentanyl dealer in town with a nice apartment and mad cash? The debate has degenerated such that these are the sorts of cartoonish positions each side believes they’re fighting—and, in fact, are the only available choices. Just check out Eugene’s Reddit section any day, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.
The actual blight on small American towns like mine isn’t property crime. It’s that any tenable solution to it has been swallowed up into a churning abyss of extremism and perceived counterextremism. No one seems to have a convincing answer to the most basic question: So what should we do? What should I do?
Burglaries don’t have to be largely unsolvable, and more property criminals could be apprehended. But while I don’t want those dudes or any of their buddies to come back to my house, I also don’t want them in an American prison, where their “rehabilitation” will consist largely of learning better ways to commit even bigger crimes when they get out, and their options for alternative forms of acquiring money will be even more limited than they are now. Lacking any meaningful restorative justice program for petty thieves in my town (which would, in turn, necessitate locating and apprehending them), I decided my own problems could be solved, for now, with a padlock on my back gate.
And then, not long after the break-in, a Nintendo Switch appeared on my town’s Craigslist. Its included components and color combination were identical to the set stolen from my house. I debated, briefly, bringing my vigilante justice alter ego Super Annoying out of retirement, answering the ad and showing up to shrill my wrongdoers into returning what was mine. But this time, I thought better of it. My life is not worth much, but it’s probably worth more than Mario Kart. I can only hope the console’s new owners enjoy it as much as my daughter did—at least until someone steals it again.
submitted by EUGsk8rBoi42p to Eugene [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:53 Aggressive-Jelly-180 Changes I'd make for the Super Smash Bros. Playable Fighters part 1: Smash 64

Welcome to the series of Changes to be Made to the Super Smash Bros. Playable Fighters. First, we are going with the playable fighters of the original game, Smash 64. Now this topic has been done before, though it'd to make my own version. Plus, while some did get some proper changes, the original 12 are still the biggest offenders when it comes to bad or outdated choices of Movesets, animations, aesthetics, etc. Here is a list of them.
Donkey Kong:
Power Suit Samus:
Captain Falcon:
And, there you go. This took a little while, though i hope to hear your feelings about these changes (as long as your reasons for your feelings are good). Any changes that you want to see to the original 12 that i didn't mention and did i misplace some moves? or did i add a change that was unnecessary? It'd be cool to see what other people can come up with.
submitted by Aggressive-Jelly-180 to smashbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:31 Main-Marionberry-811 Help! Earthwork calculations off buy 167 yd.³ on what was supposed to be close to net zero project

Hi, I’m hoping someone here can help me. I am the owner building a new house, my civil plans say that the grading is net zero, the fill is 115 yd.³ and the cut is 115 yd.³ for the whole project which includes a 800 sq ft slab on grade foundation for the house and roughly 58 ft long x 16 ft wide driveway. The slope of the land we’re working on is about 20 %
The civil plans state that civil’s earthwork calculation do not account for volume lost to grub or compaction and it’s the responsibility of the contractor to do their own calculations
My GC has fixed contract with the excavators. They have completed the work for the site for the house and are working on the driveway, which is half cut and half fill, but have run out of material. They said the driveway is at a 3 foot lower elevation from where it needs to be and will require an additional 167 cubic yards of fill, and that I am responsible for the materials, delivery and labor to install it all to complete the driveway
I’ve measured the driveway based on the stakes that the surveyor put up marking the driveway prior to grading, and it is about 6 feet too wide (22’ instead of 16’) and on the side where they did the cut, they cut the driveway at an elevation 1-2’ lower than what was instructed by the surveyor
how could it be this far off? even if you account for the loss due to grub and compaction, that wouldn’t even come close.
They definitely over-excavated, could that be a cause for running out of material?
My GC and the excavator are blaming it on Civil’s plans, and again are saying the entire cost is my responsibility
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
submitted by Main-Marionberry-811 to civilengineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:29 bobspizza42 Question

Helloooo I found a jumping spider a few weeks ago and I’ve been keeping them in this container it seems to be doing well and he’s been eating the flightless fruit flies I got him from the pet store and he’s been putting up webbing which come to my problem he made a cocoon web thingy nest idk what it’s called but it was between the paper plate and the edge of the glass and when I lifted the paper plate to feed the spider(peter) it unfortunately broke his lil house he made :( so any help with better area to make his nest thingy house? And a better top to his enclosure would be amazing, also it’s fairly big about a foot tall and 6-7 inches across roughly guessing and Peter is the lil dot in the top left right nest to his house i destroyed ;-;
submitted by bobspizza42 to jumpingspiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:13 Mickcalei [Amazon] smiry Rectangle Picnic Tablecloth, Waterproof Elastic Fitted Table Covers for 6 Foot Tables, Wipeable Flannel Backed Vinyl Tablecloths for Camping, Indoor, Outdoor (Grey - $5.99 (Now: $5.99, Was: $11.52)

[Amazon] smiry Rectangle Picnic Tablecloth, Waterproof Elastic Fitted Table Covers for 6 Foot Tables, Wipeable Flannel Backed Vinyl Tablecloths for Camping, Indoor, Outdoor (Grey - $5.99 (Now: $5.99, Was: $11.52) submitted by Mickcalei to Deals_Finder [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:05 53797361646D696E Synovial cyst

Has anyone here he a synovial cyst in their lumbar spine? If so, what was your pain pattern? What was your treatment?
Im waiting MRI results but essentially I have leg and foot pain/tingling that lets up when I sit down.
2 x previous MRI show facet arthritis at l4/5 with a disc bulge to the left with disc osteophytes narrowing the left recess and foramin but not clearly compromising the nerve, and a prior herniation at l5/s1 with mild facet arthritis.
Had facet injections last year which worked wonders and took my lower back pain away.
6 months after that last MRI and facet injection, I have calf pain and tightness and foot tingling, which I would describe as neurogenic claudication as it goes away when I sit. Any literature I had read on this said spinal stenosis mainly 60 years and older. Until today when I read about synovial cysts causing stenosis and neurogenic claudication.
I’m a mid 30s active male with a young family so activity modification to restrict anything upright is ridiculous.
I’m wondering given the history of some spinal degeneration with facet arthritis, if a synovial cyst could be to blame here since the symptoms came on a week or 2 after a mass pain flare up that I suspect could have been a facet sprain.
submitted by 53797361646D696E to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:55 refrigerator_runner Reminder: these cars are actually not slow

Been dailying my 03 Grand Marquis for over 6 years now. For my job I had to drive a 2011 Chevy Aveo for a day.
Jesus Christ. There's Panther slow, and there's ACTUAL slow. 1.6L 4-cylinder with 108 hp/105 lb-ft torque. I had to turn the A/C off to actually accelerate an uphill highway onramp and just barely merge. When going uphill with the A/C on, pushing the throttle gives you basically nothing except a high RPM downshift to the lower gear, which barely even makes you go faster, and makes you feel like the little fucker is gonna blow up. Around town, like 30-45 mph speed limits, it's okay-ish. 1st gear is okay, but 2nd gear is just painfully long and slow.
Made me realize that NONE of this exists with my Grand Marquis. 230 hp and 270 lb-ft torque is enough power for regular driving, even if you have a heavy foot like me. I've never once had to turn the A/C off to merge onto any kind of highway, at any speed I wanted. I never have to give a ton of throttle just to keep up with modern cars when accelerating from red lights.
Yeah, these aren't speed demons, but it could be a LOT worse.
submitted by refrigerator_runner to CrownVictoria [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:21 ConclusionEither9072 25 M4F USA/Anywhere looking for that special someone!

25 M4F USA/Anywhere looking for that special someone!
Hello everyone! My name is Brendon, and I just turned 25. I’m looking to find my rock and the person I’m looking to spend the rest of my life with! And with that said absolutely no kids! I love anything from amusement parks to video games to hiking and swimming! I’m open to all personality types but would prefer to stay in the 21-35 range for dating. I’m fairly tall at 6 foot 3 and have an average body type. I love exploring and doing things with other people, especially with someone I care deeply about. I hope to hear from you!
submitted by ConclusionEither9072 to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:15 4prophetbizniz i4 vs. M440i Experience

I had an i4 as a loaner for a long weekend while the wife’s X5 was at the dealer. She had a run-in with an owl that buggered up the grill and active shutters (that’s a post in and of itself). I have a ‘22 M440i GC and absolutely love it, but I’ve also been curious about EV’s. So when the dealer offered an i4 as a loaner I was intrigued so I went for it. A few thoughts after living with an i4 for a few days:
All in all I’m glad I went for the m440i instead of waiting 6 months for the first i4’s. EV’s are coming, which is fine by me. For the moment, the i4 just didn’t have the fun factor I’m looking for. But if you just want a nice, comfortable ride and can charge at home, the i4 is great and might be for you.
submitted by 4prophetbizniz to BMW [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:59 snoah13 Fence Staining Question

Hi guys, how would you quote this?
I have a pressure washing company out of NC. A recent client who I pressure washed their wood fence in preparation for new stain reached back out to me if I could do the staining. Typically I only pressure wash, however, I do have personal experience/tools from staining my own fence and pergola and feel more than comfortable with the process.
The customer has been quoted between $2,000-4,000 by local companies which seems really high to me.
Fence is 144 linear feet. 6 feet tall (5 foot wood planks and 1 foot lattice on top).
864 square feet or 1,728 front and back depending on how you do it.
I was thinking around $1,000 for the staining? No experience quoting this type of work. I charged $450 for the pressure washing originally as it was time consuming and the lattice was a damage concern.
submitted by snoah13 to pressurewashing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:52 Strange_Internal_923 Successful Surgery

You guys might remember my post last week. The surgery happened on Tuesday as planned, and it went wonderfully.
I was very nervous, in particular because I have high blood pressure, and didn’t know that I needed to have been off nicotine (I was vaping until two days before surgery). I did some googling on Monday, and saw that lots of surgeons and anesthesiologists would refuse surgery on people who have used nicotine in the last 2 months, and high blood pressure made complications way more likely.
Turns out, they didn’t care a bit, and the surgery happened as planned!
The last thing I remember was being very very anxious as I was wheeled into the OR, and the anesthesiologist giving me a heavy dose of a benzo. This stopped my brain from making any further memories, so I don’t remember counting down until the general anesthetic hit.
I woke up, was told there were no complications besides my blood pressure dropping too low requiring adrenaline infusions at two instances.
My surgeon successfully released my impinged nerves by doing laminotomjes at L4-5 and L5-S1, and removing the herniated portion of my L5-S1 disk. The herniation above it wasn’t removed, but the nerve was freed thanks to the laminotomy.
There’s quite a bit of tightness around the surgical site, it was a 3-4 inch incision. That’s the only pain I have. I had some hypersensitivity on the bottom of my foot which I confused for numbness for a few hours until I realized that I was actually feeling so much more than I was before.
I have very little sciatica pain. There’s been some hardly noticeable 1/10 pain, likely from the bulging disk at my L3-4 level, which is only noticeable now that the other pain has disappeared. It is almost imperceptible and only shows in rare positions or angles. The surgical site pain has not crossed 4/10.
I stood and walked around my house the entire rest of the night, I was up for 5-6 hours moving around, cooking, talking with my family, only occasionally sitting. It’s really a miracle.
The surgical site isn’t itchy, and only seems to be painful in the sense that the muscles are tightening and spasming. Muscle relaxers fix this and the narcotics make it disappear.
I couldn’t be happier. I have gone from 24/7 pain which never dropped below 7 out of 10, to no pain at all. The surgical site pain seems to be subsiding by the hour.
One thing I think is worth mentioning for others considering a surgery like this - I haven’t returned to my pre-injury normal in terms of mobility because I feel my muscles in the affected leg have atrophied, and the compensating gait that I’ve used with the pain over the last 6 months seems to have made my gait slightly asymmetrical. So I’ve been going on short walks and already notice it evening out.
submitted by Strange_Internal_923 to Microdiscectomy [link] [comments]