Olde english cursive


2020.05.14 16:11 BluSentry OldeEnglishBulldogge

/OldeEnglishBulldogge is a place for Olde English Bulldogge owners to talk about their favorite remaster of the Old English Bulldog. Breed standard here: https://www.ukcdogs.com/olde-english-bulldogge

2019.07.27 07:37 GoldHexagon Olde English Bulldogges: the good the bad the drooly

A place for Olde English Bulldogges lovers and owners

2013.09.10 14:25 American Bully - All things AB

A place for people to appreciate the American Bully breed. This sub is where you can come to ask questions, expand your knowledge, and share photos and information about the breed. We support healthy and responsible breeding practices and rescue.

2024.05.16 12:29 ABlueGobbo Party will probably TPK tonight to Baba Lysaga, ending their run of CoS.

Greetings fellow Mistwalkers,
Last session the players dealt with most of the hags at the Old Bonegrinder, after which they decided to travel through the wilderness towards Argynvostholt. After arriving at the river they spotted a swampy area to the south, with Argynvostholt being towards the north(they visited Argynvostholt before but ran away after being very resource-depleted after triggering the magic-wall trap). They knew they had to venture to a ruined village in the swamp due to the card reading from madam Eva, and decided they should thus explore the swamp after which they would go back to Argynvostholt. They arrived at the ruins of Berez and quickly went to the hut where they failed to free the ravens from the cages. We ended the session when they entered the hut where they spotted the ''baby'' and Lysaga.
After they session I gave them a heads up that the next session might be their last, since they probably won't survive any combat encounter with their current level(4 lvl 5 PC's), and due to circumstances it might be best to end the campaign when they TPK.
So here I am sharing my story, and would be wondering what you think of it.
Summary of the group and how they played through Curse of Strahd. Currently we've played 25 online sessions(one of them in person for the dinner with Strahd), with the first five sessions having taken place on Stormwreck Isle. The group is fairly new to D&D, with some having some earlier experience. After finishing Stormwreck Isle I gave them several plot hooks which would lead to several campaigns, Together we decided to go to Barovia due to it's reputation, altough I warned them the campaign itself could be very deadly.
While preparing the Curse of Strahd(I've done two runs of the campaign as a player, our first party/group nearly dying at the Winery and afterwards disbanding because of problems between the Dm and another player) I took some notes from the incredible Mandymod for further additions for my campaign.
The group: -Hafling Drakewarden ranger, alongside his drake companion: Mír. This player previously played in my very first campaign of Rotfm, but the campaign fell apart after some drama between the two other players. -Owlin rogue, who multiclassed into warlock after deciding a swashbuckler rogue couldn't do enough things in combat an lacked in damage. -Eladrin bard -Tortle druid, the powergamer of the group.
Due to not really having any backstories related to curse of strahd, I made up some things for them in Barovia, and during the card reading gave them each an extra card with a suitable objective to their class/character personality.
The problems we faced on the way The group itself first faced some problems with roleplaying of course, but these quickly resolved itself. However the rogue and ranger portrayed themselves as criminals, and were always demanding something in return for helping people out in the valley. They took Ireena to Vallaki, encountering Vasili near Vallaki where he was ambushed by dire wolves. Vasili was quickly renamed to Gaston. The group spent a rather large amount of time in Vallaki, and refused to engage with several npc's, This caused them to miss out on several quests and information which led to other area's. This included engaging with the Martikov's, Rictavio and the Vistani. Due to this they only visited Argynvostholt(way to early) and the Vistani encampment near Vallaki. This forced me to give certain information via other npc's(like Jeny/Jenny? Greenteeth, but this still didn't cause the players to take ''proper'' action.
Forced endgame The players assassinated the burgomaster on behalf of Fiona Wachter, and afterwards dealt with some problems casued by her taking control of the city. Next they triggered the vampire event in the coffin maker shop, which resulted in most of the vampires running of to cause problems in the city and kidnap Ireena from the church(they dumped here there since they considered her a liability in combat and just wanted to get rid of her), and the party would have severe problems dealing with the vampire spawns(being lvl 4 at the time, having nearly no radiant damage potential). The kidnapping of Ireena gave me the opportunity for Strahd to invite the players for dinner, which I used as another info-dump moment and to raise the stakes. During the dinner he gave the players several offers to tempt them to do his bidding(like joining him or misleading them into ridding him of several npc's). I also announced that Strahd would enforce the wedding after 14 days, which I used as a way to urge the players to do more and start taking action.
What were we even doing? The session after the dinner took place, I had a conversation with the player to discuss what their characters would be doing. Only one player had solved her card reading(being Izek's lost sister, but due to rejecting him and later refusing to aid him in opposing Fiona, he died and was turned into a monstrosity), with the others either having no clue where to go or they hadn't solved their one yet. This resulted in the rogue proclaiming she had no purpose in Barovia, and claimed that she thought the party's actions had no proper effect/they gained no proper backlash. This in turn caused several other party members characters to doubt their purpose, with each member trying to make sure the party would do the specific quest/mission that that specific party member wanted/needed to do.
Post session chat I've discussed with 3 out of 4 players how we should proceed, and although some of them want to follow the story through, we thought it might be best to end the campaign(for now at least, I told them we could return to Barovia in a follow up campaign with new characters at a higher level, so they might partially pick up the pieces where they left off). Some players expressed that they weren't satisfied with their class, or reached the conclusion their character didn't fit the objectives the campaign presented. -Which was a bit tricky, since the player who suffered from this the most(the rogue) changed their character's goals and values multiple times during the campaign Another issue was that this was of course for most of them their first (longer) campaign instead of a oneshot, The last issue was their lack of engamement/drive to explore and visit certain sites. This caused them to miss out on several usefull items(the party hasn't aquired any fortune of ravenloft or found their fated ally).
Character deaths/Dark Powers Three of the players would have died once during the campaign, but were ''saved'' to continue the story and prevent the campaign from ending way to early. Two of them were in the first stage of dark power corruption, with the 3rd player being saved from death by Strahd himself, seeing him as a usefull pawn or eventual replacement.
So I will probably edit this post or upload a new post with tonights results. If you're interested or have any questions about certain events in the campaign, be free to ask :) Note; English isn't my primairy language and I suffer from dyslexia
submitted by ABlueGobbo to CurseofStrahd [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:23 bigfatgoalie_monica Advice for confronting MIL

I had my baby shower on Saturday and it went as expected. MIL began making snide comments before I even got there.
A point of contention for the shower for her were the catered desserts. Which were phenomenal and everyone raved about. Several times to several people she said “these are not appropriate for a baby shower. These are meant for a wedding”. (She had wanted to have the desserts homemade by a cousin.)
My mom had ordered a small banner for the gift table with our last name in cursive. I’d seen it many times before the shower. None of us noticed a small spelling error. Think “ante” instead of “onte”. Very minor. MIL had a FIELD day with this. Laughing and telling anyone who’d listen “SOMEONE spelled the last name wrong did you see???? I don’t know WHO did that” - knowing full well it was my mom and just trying to shame her.
She refused to help my mom set up the table flowers or announce the games. (Though previously made a stink that she didn’t feel included enough). And still brought the pumpkin and ice cream cones she for prizes even though I asked her not to. (See previous)
She and her sisters hardly spoke to me all afternoon. She didn’t take a single photo of the room or of/with me, didn’t take any photos at all. My grandma who she’s met before and is 82 went over to say hi to her and she just said hi and walked away.
She didn’t help clean up the room after, all my friends, my mom and I tore down the room and tidied up while she sat talking to her sisters. Then she got up and said bye to me and walked out. Didn’t say bye to my mom.
On her way out 3 of my girlfriends were standing near the exit, one holding another’s 2 month old baby. MIL was carrying a laundry basket with her and essentially shoved my friend with it instead of saying excuse me. Hard enough it moved her body and she was shocked. My other friends who witnessed this were angry too.
The day was a culmination of months of poor behavior ever since we told her I’m pregnant.
Tonight we are going over to ILS house to talk about it and I could not be more anxious.
Any advice on how to calmly broach the subject and begin a dialogue about her heinous behavior the last few months?
submitted by bigfatgoalie_monica to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:21 Ins4ner86 Ok... i might sound crazy, but...

I don't even think this qualifies as depression, I'm like 80% sure I've had depression at some point in my life, acknowledged it, and eventually studied mental and spiritual stuff until I healed. I mean, I've definitely felt a strong difference, but not so quite? Let me explain:
Ever since I got into 10th grade, my school pressure rose to 1000%, I started pursuing science thinking it was what I liked, and got on my head that I wanted to be an engineer. That was 2 years ago, recently, I figured I never had a reason to be an engineer, excluding the typical "I want to have money" mentality (which doesn't make any sense because if I only pursuit money this is kinda random? But I guess I also wanted the engineer clout. Anyways, as my school routine got lighter, I am now 18 years old and a legal adult and I have NO DREAMS. I'm not even sad, but like, I think I should be? But the pressure is definitely here, because like, am I gonna end up homeless? I DON'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING HELP.
So I have this theory, I think that all my life I chased things out of pure... pain? I can't even tell. I know I want to learn how to fight, probably going to start taking Muay Thai classes. Just because it's cool and I honestly don't mind pain.
I don't think it is masochism, it is just that I NEED something to happen in my life, if pain is a necessary step, then it is all fine.
I just like pain because it is definitely REAL, my only fear is just a mundane daily life. I just want something CRAZY to happen.
But I guess I still want money, it is just that money was my top priority when I was a big gigantic videogame nerdy geek. But as I said, I have silenced my wants and needs for so long I CAN'T STAND WHAT I USED TO LIKE ANYMORE.
I don't even think this is the correct subreddit to post, I like crying because it definitely helps relieving the pain and I have no shame of it, I see it as useful and helpful!
Should I just keep sacrificing myself mentally and physically everyday until the end of time just so I can feel something?
I mean one thing is for sure, I make sure to count my blessings just so I don't get clinically insane. I have: A healthy body. I like my physical appearance. I think I'm intelligent and everyone around me tells me that. I'm funny and people love being around me. I love being around people. I think I am a very good listener and people usually talk to me when they need help. I'm strong!! >:) I'm fast!!!! >>>:))) I know how to speak English and Portuguese (my mother language) and I am currently learning Japanese just for funsies since 2022. I have a loving family I have many friends
BUT Why do I have no dreams at all? Why can't I see myself in 20 years? Hell, I can't even imagine myself in 5 years. Please help me.
If y'all have any questions, make sure to post them in the comments below :)) I'll try to answer them alllll.
Oh, and if this isn't depression at all, I KNOW I'VE HAD DEPRESSION BACK THEN. But that would be more yapping I just want someone to help me.
TL;DR I have no wants or needs to do anything in my life and fear having no future because I've put myself through so much tribulation and unpaid kindness it's actually insane.
Also if there are grammar errors, English isn't my first language as I said.
submitted by Ins4ner86 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:14 zjciprazz What's up with all the poor grammar in commercials lately?

This rant is not meant to be directed at anyone on the individual level, who is either learning English as a second language or just does not have the best grammar.
Commercials are supposed to be professional productions that represent The company theyre advertising, and like a newspaper I'm sure there's an editor or whatever you call it in that industry who goes over the final productions for mistakes or changes that need to be made.
Anyone has been up late, Watching TV has probably caught the inogen infomercial for the battery powered oxygen generator that can be carried with the person. I don't normally leave this crap on but sometimes I don't get a chance to change it right away. Last time I was watching it I heard:
" When I was first prescribed for oxygen...." [Something something it was a hassle I didn't go anywhere etc.]
So, I don't know anything about being a doctor but I'm pretty sure they don't prescribe people for machines. Even if there's a slim chance that the person in the commercial is not a paid actor but an actual user of the product who's being paid for their time, wouldn't the director or somebody stop them and correct them?
Second commercial, the Friday night plans commercial the one that packages their Viagra in a big bag with an graphic of a rooster on it. We get it, you have cock pills. And says if you want to get a discount to text a word to 69069. So apparently there's a 13-year-old boy in charge of that part. Moving on, in the commercial when they're talking about how easy it is to get the pills they say that you have to answer a few questions, and "a doctor will prescribe you online." I found it strange that there were two commercials that I've seen relatively close together and both of them have doctors prescribing people.
Do neither of these commercials creators have a single person on staff who was able to say hold on, what you mean is a doctor will prescribe them to you?"
And please disregard any poor punctuation like periods that are in the wrong place, I was using voice to text and lately it's been having punctuation problems.
submitted by zjciprazz to CommercialsIHate [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:11 Darthag1206 Can't get rid of hope

Hi everyone,
First of all sorry for any mistakes I might make, english is not my first language even though I consider myself proficient with it.
I (32m) and my wife (32f) are currently separated (but living together) for about a month (almost 8 years together, almost 4 married, 1 3 yr old boy). She wishes for a divorce due to a lot of reasons that I'm ashamed to say I can't fully understand.
The trouble accentuated beginning of this year when she just got colder and colder with me, while at the same time I improved on my contribution around the house and with the kid. During the last months almost all chores are handled by me while she focuses on her work.
She returned to work early and since then, i have felt unwanted and on the sidelines. I have voiced my concerns to her and she took it as me not understanding the importance of her job.
Anyway, since the separation, I have started seeing a therapist and found that I have huge issues with abandonment and emotional deprivation (grew up mostly with my dad who wasn't the most loving person). I understood that I become really pushy and stressful when having this feelings and that must have taken a huge toll on her. However she keeps saying that she doesn't feel anything for me anymore, she doesn't love me. I can see through small gestures that this is not true, but she won't admit it.
I love this woman with all my heart. I haven't lied to her in 8 years, I tried to be the best version of myself, but she just seems checked out all of the sudden. I don't think she has somrone else, as I have been cheated in the past relationships and there were always signs, none of which I feel currently. She fought a huge depression after our kid was born and I think she still has it, but she doesn't want any proffesional help and even denies it, stating it is all in my head.
Fellow divorcees, how do you deal with hope? Hope that all will be fine between you. I know in my heart and I have known since meeting her for the first time, that she is the one I want for as long as I live. This didn't change, I'm feeling lonely and afraid I won't get over her if we do divorce.
It's so hard to not be able to touch her, kiss her, comfort her when she needs it. There are little moments when she allows me to do that. She even started initiating hugs after seeing some improvements from my therapy. But they just seem to fuel this endless hope I have for us. When she sees me inspired she will put me down with words and if I contradict her, she will state it is all in my mind.
I feel like hell! But I still love her with all my heart! She agreed to live together until.august so we could put some money on the side, but seeing the love of my life everday and not being able to be with her, to receive and give comfort, is slowly killing me.
Shall i hang on to the hope and just give her space? I know that if she wanted to be gone she would've left.by now.
Thanks and sorry for the wall of text!
submitted by Darthag1206 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:05 Mysterious_Cranberry Help! Children’s picture book about a couple who lived in a bottle

I can’t find it anywhere on google. But as a child (in the U.K., in the 1990s) I had a picture book about an older couple who lived in a bottle. In my head, I have it that they were called Mr and Mrs Vinegar, but when I have searched for this, nothing matches the book I had.
It had very whimsical illustrations that were in colour, probably painted with watercolour, and were very detailed. What I loved about it was the cross section of their home (similar to Brambly Hedge). I’ve always been reminded of the book when playing Professor Layton games too. Just… similar vibes.
I don’t remember the plot, other than they had to move/decided to move (I think it was too small for them?) and then they eventually moved into another bottle in the end.
I think it was a paperback, but that’s not 100%. I also think it was white or cream coloured on the spine, but again, not 100%. It was wider than it was tall, and it wasn’t a massive book. Not sure on the dimensions, but it wasn’t a long read, and it was maybe around 8” tall, 12” wide (very rough guess)?
Important: it is DEFINITELY NOT “The Story of Mr and Mrs Vinegar” by Stephen Gammell, “Mr and Mrs Vinegar” by David Pryle, “English Fairy Tales” by Flora Annie Steel (illustrated by Arthur Rackham), “The Old Woman who Lived in a Vinegar Bottle” by Rumer Godden and Mairi Hedderwick, “Veronica who Lived in a Vinegar Bottle” by Sue Whiting and Steve Axelsen, or “Mr and Mrs Vinegar” by Euan Cooper-Willis.
It’s entirely possible that vinegar isn’t in the title or the text of the book at all. But they definitely were a couple who lived in a bottle of some sort! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Mysterious_Cranberry to Findabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:57 HumkaTheBear Am I making the wrong decision to divorce?

Straight to the point: I'm a 30-year-old male, married for 8 years and together for 12. She was my first in everything. For the past 2 years, I've been annoyed with our marriage most of the time because we don't spend time together and barely talk about anything except brief updates. I'm a very active person. I run an IT company, play ice hockey, ride mountain bikes, have a lot of friends, and occasionally race my bimmer. We have a comfortable and calm life together, but I crave a deeper connection, interesting conversations, debates about ideas, and mutual hobbies and interests. She's a very different type of person; she enjoys drawing, meditating, and staying at home. It's not that I dislike these things, but I'm losing interest in her, and we've reached a point where we no longer spend time together or have meaningful conversations because she's not interested and can't support these types of discussions.
We've tried a few activities together, but sports aren't for her, and things like drawing aren't for me. To be honest, I'm very lost because I know she'll be a perfect mother for our kids. When we have kids, these mutual hobbies won't matter as much since we likely won't have time for them anyway. However, I also believe that kids aren't going to fix our problems. I used to think that after 10 years together, it would be the same with anyone, but after reading some posts here, I realize maybe it's not. So I just wanted to get honest advice from people who have been married longer than I have or who have already divorced.
My itch grew more after meeting a couple of women on my ice hockey team who are very active and work in IT. It was like a burst of fresh air, so new and invigorating. I know it's because it's a novelty, and of course, I'll have these feelings, but I wonder if it's something anyone could sustain for more than 10 years. My relatives told me before we got married that she isn't necessarily an "intelligent" woman, but at that time, I said it didn't matter because I had friends to talk about these things with when I wanted to. In reality, I really want to discuss these things with my wife and get a new perspective or have a good argument. It's too calm.
We tried to divorce 2 years ago, and then gave it another shot to try and fix our marriage, but not much has changed. Both of us were not very eager and we just went back into our comfort zone cocoon.
I don't know if I'm living in an illusion or have the wrong idea about marriage, but here I am. Destroy me.
P.S. Apologies if my English sounds a bit off. I am an ESL speaker, and sometimes my words go on little adventures to Russia:D
submitted by HumkaTheBear to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:51 jiraia0 What language are sorceries written in?

What language are sorceries written in?
I've realized that the scrolls of incantations are written in Hebrew script. After looking it up, I found a user on a different subreddit mentioning that the text is actually a column from the dead sea scrolls.
Text from the icon for Bloodboon
That made me curious as to what language the Sorceries are written in. I couldn't find the answer, nor a discussion of this topic anywhere. Is this also Semitic script? I thought it looks (sort of) similar to Arabic, so I started looking at different Semitic writing systems, but none of them were a good match. I then thought it might be some sort of Germanic script, (Maybe Old English?) but I couldn't find many examples of older scripts in that family. Does anybody have an idea of what script this is written in? Or even better, where this specific verse comes from? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Text from the icon for Carian Piercer
submitted by jiraia0 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:48 sir-andreas 24/GMT+2/PC - Looking for buddies, 18+ Europe

I am Andreas, looking for some new friends to play with! I have quite a few games and are very broad with the games I like, so chances are we have similar games! I speak English and Danish so if you speak either of those and preferably are above 18 years old, and don't take gaming too seriously chances are we can vibe! It's very random what time I'm on and it can be any time of the day/night!
The games I play include but are not limited to:
Baldurs gate 3
Euro truck 2
Payday 2
Sons of the forest
Gta V
Red dead redemption 2
Star citizen
Space engineers
Tabletop sim
Tiny tinas wonderlands
If it sounds interesting to you shoot me a comment/dm or write to me on discord, I'll probably answer discord more often than here on Reddit though!
My discord: andreas5000
submitted by sir-andreas to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:44 Able_Staff_3366 HELP! My 2 year old never sleeps…

(Sorry, english is not my first language) Hi, i need advice because me and my partner are going crazy. My 2 year old daughter litteraly never sleeps …. She wakes up between 1-4 times a night and is wide awake every morning at 5am. She naps at daycare for about 1,5 to 2 hours monday through friday and for 1h on the weekends. We tried going to bed later, going to bed earlier, night light, white noise, blackout curtains, NOTHING WORKS.
What can we do to help her (and us) sleep ?
submitted by Able_Staff_3366 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:34 ThrowawayBcMainBroke I need help. School is ending soon and my grades are down, and I may have to attend summer school.

Hello all. So im gonna be straight up honest in this post, I have been slacking in school, especially this year. Im not trying to make a bunch of excuses, but all of the kids at my school constantly annoy and overwhelm me, which has made me truent very often. I submit assignments very late because its hard for me to start working or have any motivation to do so, and now the school year is ending soon in June and I have 40 missing assignments, an F in History (which really annoys me because I submitted 10 old assignments and got a 15/16 on my project, yet still at an F?) a D in english and science, and a bunch of truancys (which honestly half of them have reasoning behind them, yet they are marked not as such) and now I recently got a letter saying I have to attend summer school. Please, any advice on how to get my grades up and finish assignments before school ends would be apprechiated so much. I really do not want to go to summer school, I will genuinely fucking kill myself if I have to. I have been trying my hardest doing old assingments to not attend.
Also, is it possible to resign from summer school if you already got the letter saying you need to attend, if you got your grades up before hand or am I fucked? I am in California if that changes anything.
submitted by ThrowawayBcMainBroke to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:32 Aurorapilot5 Most simple debit card like Gaica

Guys, what would you recommend? I have heard many good things about paypay. I just need a simple debit card like the old gaica card. I have also wise, but charging procedure takes often bit of time. Do you know something that is:
Easy and fast to charge. English language available. No costs for the debit card.
submitted by Aurorapilot5 to japanlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:05 lampone2021 life feels unbearable now and nobody around me seems to understand the pain that i am in

i’m sorry for my english, i know it’s not really good and i don’t have the strength to put extra effort to check if everything is written well. i lost my baby yesterday night, he died while i was asleep and i found him dead as soon as i woke up. he was a senior hamster, i knew that he was about to go because i took him to the vet every month since november and in april he was diagnosed with kidney cancer, nothing could be done because he was old and surgery could be more dangerous than the cancer itself for him. i am devastated, we shared our daily life since i adopted him in january 2022, and in the last seven months i did everything in my power to give him attention every moment of the day and to make him happy, because i have never felt this connection to any other pet and he truly was my soul pet. i never left my house for more than a couple hours during this months because i was too scared i would be missing out on his life or he could die anytime. since march his health condition became really bad and i had to feed him from my hands 3 or 4 times a day, because otherwise he wouldn’t eat or drink, amongst other things. this really consumed me but nothing is as bad as the void left in my soul after he is gone, i could not be prepared for this pain and i find it unbearable, in addition to that the members of my family don’t show any compassion towards me or him because ‘he is just a pet’ or even worse ‘he is just a hamster’. my world collapsed yesterday and i don’t know if i am ever going to be able to find another purpose in life, and honestly i don’t really care, i just want to express my feelings. i have been really depressed for many years, and i have had many suicidal thoughts, almost every day since october. he was a strong emotional support for me and i did my best just to take care of him, but now i really wish i had the strength to finally end things for me. i pray every day god to give me a natural death because i don’t want my parents to feel guilty or ashamed and i don’t have what it takes to do it myself, i’m a coward. i want to reunite with him, he was the center of my life and he will always be.
submitted by lampone2021 to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:05 anthropomorphycalien Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, humans. ❤️✌️

Hi there!
I have been casually lurking this sub-reddit since before I reverted to Islam last year in September, as well as a number of other Islam-themed sub-reddits.
In this sub specifically, as well as a few others, I have appreciated the entertaining and informative discourse established by the seemingly open-minded and critical denizens.
JazakAllah khair, fam.
I figured I would introduce myself, as I'm at a point in my study of the Quran and Islam where I believe open discussion of my thoughts and knowledge, (or perhaps lackthereof? 🧐 The more you know, the less you know.), would be beneficial rather than overly influential.
Anywho. My name is Marisa, or نهى 🤷‍♀️. I'm 30 years old. I live in the Bay Area of California and have since I was 18. I moved out here alone, without connections, and built a decent little life for myself. I'm still studying (Civil Eng.) but currently work for a CE drafting and doing occasional field work. I skateboard, bike, read, write, make art, etcetcetc. The two truths I have found in this life are Islam and to seek knowledge insatiably.
Around the end of 2022/beginning of 2023, I found myself with a lot of friends either born in or whose family is from the MENA region. Various places: Tunisia, Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Syria, Lebanon, etc. Most are Muslim, الحمد لله 🥰. Given that it's in my nature to seek knowledge, I sought to reconcile the fact that I knew nothing about Islam.
My religious background: I was raised "loosely" Christian. My parents believed in God but didn't really talk about God or go to church. My mom would talk a tiny bit about God with me and I remember saying this prayer before bed well into my teens with her:
"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I shall die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take."
Beside that, throughout my childhood also into my early teens, I would go to church with friends. I think a Catholic church once, but mostly Baptist and Protestant IIRC. I even joined youth group a couple of times.
The thing is though, that Christianity never really spoke to me, even though I believed in God. I just couldn't connect with it for no other reason I can think of, than that God was preserving my faith for Islam.
Around the age of 15, I remember telling my father I thought I was an atheist. He acted upset and told me "We believe in God," but didn't have much to say when I said "Since when? You never talk about God."
Fast forward to 18 or 19, and I started calling myself agnostic. My reasoning for this change was the acceptance of the reality of metaphysical phenomena. I was tired of deluding myself to the existence of something outside our understanding, though not ready to accept that I believed in our monotheistic God, the only Lord, Allah subhana wa ta’ala. (Fun fact: When things were terrible and when things were fantastic, I prayed to Allah, even when I called myself an atheist.)
And I stayed that way until I began reading the Quran, hadith, opinion pieces from casual studies, articles and discussions from scholars, from sources across the board. Sunni, Shia, Quranists, ex-Muslims, etc etc.
And I found myself drawn to Islam. For one, it made me finally admit to myself that I believed in God.
Further, the message I was receiving from the Quran was one of ethics, love(in all its forms, fierce and tender), knowledge-seeking, reciprocity, and patience, and so much more as my studies will not cease until I die ان شاء الله .
The tipping point from being drawn by to diving into Islam was what I can only explain as guidance directly from Allah SWT.
I was up late reading Surah an-Nisa. I had finished reading the following ayah, which I had resonated with and was feeling deeply at that moment.
After reading those, I was thinking over them and ready to sleep, I went to put my Quran down. As I did, it flipped open to the page with the Shahada on it. Seeing it, I had a very strong, sudden, and urgent feeling that I needed to take my Shahada. I want to say my intuition was pushing me, but it was different, outside of myself, and far stronger. So I did. I took my Shahada and fell asleep knowing I had done the right thing. Later, I said my Shahada with Muslim witnesses, of course, though not at a masjid.
Since then, I have been content with my choice and endlessly grateful to Allah SWT for His guidance الحمد لله ❤️
For further clarity on my particular stance within Islam, I identify purely as a Muslim and do not associate myself with any sects or school of thought. I take information from everywhere, and my research always goes back to the Quran. I am not a native Arabic speaker, although I'm slowly learning ان شاء الله (And am actually starting lessons soon, الحمد لله), so I often use friends (from all over and who identify within different Islamic schools of thought) as translators when I deep dive verses, hadith, etc, as well as multiple Arabic-English dictionaries, a Quranic Root index, and varying sources of interpretation.
I have not formed any particular blanket opinion about any sect or school of thought at this point, though find some sect-associated acts to be contrary to what we're taught in the Quran.
I am highly skeptical of Hadiths (including the science behind the chains of transmission), though I do not dismiss them entirely. Some are bound to be accurate at best, and indicative of socio-political conditions/individual and group character at worst.
I am deeply curious, though currently ill-informed, about the long-term effect that the first 4 caliphs, as well as the Ummayid and Abbasid caliphates had on the Ummah and our collective understanding of Islamic history, and subsequently our understanding of Islam.
Not sure what else to put on here besides what I already have.
Oh, I have two cats. Ada and Marie. They're named after scientists. If you can guess who they're named after, I'll think you're really cool, مل شاء الله 👌
Also #freepalestine
The ayah from an-Nisa, with Yusef Ali translation:
{ ۞وَٱعۡبُدُواْ ٱللَّهَ وَلَا تُشۡرِكُواْ بِهِۦ شَيۡـٔٗاۖ وَبِٱلۡوَٰلِدَيۡنِ إِحۡسَٰنٗا وَبِذِي ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَٱلۡيَتَٰمَىٰ وَٱلۡمَسَٰكِينِ وَٱلۡجَارِ ذِي ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَٱلۡجَارِ ٱلۡجُنُبِ وَٱلصَّاحِبِ بِٱلۡجَنۢبِ وَٱبۡنِ ٱلسَّبِيلِ وَمَا مَلَكَتۡ أَيۡمَٰنُكُمۡۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ مَن كَانَ مُخۡتَالٗا فَخُورًا } [Surah An-Nisāʾ: 36]
Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him; and do good- to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: For Allah loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious;-
{ ٱلَّذِينَ يَبۡخَلُونَ وَيَأۡمُرُونَ ٱلنَّاسَ بِٱلۡبُخۡلِ وَيَكۡتُمُونَ مَآ ءَاتَىٰهُمُ ٱللَّهُ مِن فَضۡلِهِۦۗ وَأَعۡتَدۡنَا لِلۡكَٰفِرِينَ عَذَابٗا مُّهِينٗا } [Surah An-Nisāʾ: 37]
(Nor) those who are niggardly or enjoin niggardliness on others, or hide the bounties which Allah hath bestowed on them; for We have prepared, for those who resist Faith, a punishment that steeps them in contempt;-
{ وَٱلَّذِينَ يُنفِقُونَ أَمۡوَٰلَهُمۡ رِئَآءَ ٱلنَّاسِ وَلَا يُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَلَا بِٱلۡيَوۡمِ ٱلۡأٓخِرِۗ وَمَن يَكُنِ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنُ لَهُۥ قَرِينٗا فَسَآءَ قَرِينٗا } [Surah An-Nisāʾ: 38]
Not those who spend of their substance, to be seen of men, but have no faith in Allah and the Last Day: If any take the Evil One for their intimate, what a dreadful intimate he is!
{ وَمَاذَا عَلَيۡهِمۡ لَوۡ ءَامَنُواْ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلۡيَوۡمِ ٱلۡأٓخِرِ وَأَنفَقُواْ مِمَّا رَزَقَهُمُ ٱللَّهُۚ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ بِهِمۡ عَلِيمًا } [Surah An-Nisāʾ: 39]
And what burden Were it on them if they had faith in Allah and in the Last Day, and they spent out of what Allah hath given them for sustenance? For Allah hath full knowledge of them.
{ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَظۡلِمُ مِثۡقَالَ ذَرَّةٖۖ وَإِن تَكُ حَسَنَةٗ يُضَٰعِفۡهَا وَيُؤۡتِ مِن لَّدُنۡهُ أَجۡرًا عَظِيمٗا } [Surah An-Nisāʾ: 40]
Allah is never unjust in the least degree: If there is any good (done), He doubleth it, and giveth from His own presence a great reward.
{ فَكَيۡفَ إِذَا جِئۡنَا مِن كُلِّ أُمَّةِۭ بِشَهِيدٖ وَجِئۡنَا بِكَ عَلَىٰ هَٰٓؤُلَآءِ شَهِيدٗا } [Surah An-Nisāʾ: 41]
How then if We brought from each people a witness, and We brought thee as a witness against these people!
{ يَوۡمَئِذٖ يَوَدُّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ وَعَصَوُاْ ٱلرَّسُولَ لَوۡ تُسَوَّىٰ بِهِمُ ٱلۡأَرۡضُ وَلَا يَكۡتُمُونَ ٱللَّهَ حَدِيثٗا } [Surah An-Nisāʾ: 42]
On that day those who reject Faith and disobey the messenger will wish that the earth Were made one with them: But never will they hide a single fact from Allah!
submitted by anthropomorphycalien to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:51 Mathiasbeque20 Working

My name is Mathias Bequé and I will be 20 years old next June. I am currently undergoing training as a tree climber at Syntra West in Roeselare (Belgium). I will obtain my certificate in June 2024. This training is conducted in Dutch, but at home, we speak French. So, I speak French fluently, I also speak desent english. I do not yet have the ETW (European Tree Worker) diploma, but I would like to take the exam once I have gained more experience in this field. I started this training last September, but I am already passionate about this job. Being outdoors, finding solutions to preserve a tree or to safely cut it down, as well as the physical aspect of the job, greatly appeal to me. Starting from October 2024, my plan is to work abroad. This is to broaden my knowledge, climb in other tree species, but also to allow me to travel and discover the world. However, I am finding it difficult to find a nice place to work. Do you have any advice on where I could inquire? Thank you in advance.
submitted by Mathiasbeque20 to arborists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:45 callmeclair getting back on a board [31yo]

ill be honest form the get go ive never been good but always enjoi'ed (rip enjoi) skating and the driving mentality of getting up and trying again despite hitting the ground. but ive not touched a deck since 2017 and the English weather sucks. but i been going through a alot in life atm and want to get back on a deck but worry that im kinda gonna have to start from square one and is 31 to old to be starting fresh?? but anyway im not asking is 31 to old cause i know the answer is 'if you can roll your not to old' so with me dusting off my deck (Louie barletta king of the road deck <3) any advise and tip son how to get back rolling now i dont bounce like did as a kid
submitted by callmeclair to OldSkaters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:38 TheGoatPuncher 2024 Global StarCraft II League Season 2: Code S, Group Stage 1, Group D match thread

Welcome to 2024 Global StarCraft II League Season 2: Code S! The tournament continues today with Group Stage 1, group D.

Live updated scoreboards on Liquipedia and I will also do my best to keep up the ones in this post throughout the broadcast, as my other obligations permit.

Broadcast time

Tomorrow, Thursday the 9th
09:30 UTC - Countdown to broadcast

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VODs will be available in the following places:
All Group Stage 2 matches are best of 3 (first to win 2 maps wins the match)

Group Stage 1, Group D Scoreboard

Match Team Player Score Player Team Aligulac prediction
1 Team Vitality Solar 0-2 DRG - 2-1
2 - NightMare 1-0 ByuN Shopify Rebellion 1-2
3 (Winner's match) - DRG 0-0 M2 winner
4 (Loser's Match) Team Vitality Solar 0-0 M2 loser
5 (Elimination match) M3 loser 0-0 M4 winner
If you've read this far, do also check out the event calendar on There's plenty of Starcraft going on before and after this event!
Enjoy the games!
submitted by TheGoatPuncher to starcraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:32 C00chiemann About the photos returning

Just read about the photos returning to someone sold ipad this makes me wonder will it also return to an iphone xs i sold 2 years back and i wanna ask even tho i reset it and gave it to the person will my current photos which i took on this device and didnt backed up to my apple id implying and assuming that device still has a bug of my apple id will those photos still return to my old phone which aren’t backed up and were taken or secreen shotted on this device nor my id is logged in on iphone as u can check from Settings
Ik its a weird question but since i read that i have been paranoid and overthinking about it even tried to find the number of the person who i sold to but couldn’t lol any remarks will be appreciated
Ps sorry English isn’t my first language
submitted by C00chiemann to ios [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:26 No-Long-2537 IF, workout routine and diet.

Hello guys!
Thank you for the overwhelmingly positive feedback I got on my last post. If there is any grammar mistakes on this post I want to say sorry in advance and that english is not my first language.
I got many comments and messages about my diet, caloric intake and workout routine so I figured I will make a detailed post about what I did to hit my goals instead.
I am 29 years old, 179cm tall, starting weight was 85 kg and my current weight is hovering between 68-69 kgs.
Workout routine:
At the beginning of my journey, I first focused on being able to maintain my fasting window. Even 16 hours was very hard for me and I was very hungry all the time. My body got used to it after 3 weeks or so I would say. I started with working out with a 8 kg kettlebell, 3 times a week and has managed to work myself up to using a 20 kg kettlebell.
At the beginning I focused on kettlebells monday-wednesday-friday. These sessions were around 30 minutes average and are very time efficent and should be possible for people with tight schedules as well.
If you want to start kettlebell workouts I recommend this fullbody complex 3 times a week:
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeCnqFJ .
Walking/ Running:
I have worked my way up to be able to run 10-15 km at will now but at the start I struggled to even hit 1 km before stopping and wanting to pass out. I think if you are looking into start running as well you should start slow and build up your mileage. There is no shame to stop and walk and run slowly. Remember to warm up and stretch after runs, I had to learn this the hard way because I would constantly get injured after longer runs so I had to take breaks from training which sucked.
If running is not for you I really recommend going for a walk to keep your body moving, I dont really have a step goal but I do walk my dog every day.
Diet and fasting protocol(16/8):
I cannot stress this enough but this is the most important aspect of the whole lifestyle change. Replace procressed foods with more whole foods. I had to force myself to eat more fruits and vegetables. But with time I started finding these foods delicious (thank god).
Monday - Friday:
I break my fast with 4 scrambled eggs, kimchi, a whole avocado every single day without fail.
This is the purpose of delaying carbs so my insulin level will not spike for the majority of the day.
I finish my first meal with either a protein shake, protein yoghurt and some fruits (oranges, berries, banana).
I have my last and biggest meal of the day around 7-8 pm.
These meals on the weekdays usally consist of meat(pork, chicken, beef) with either rice, potato or sweet potatoes and veggies (cooked broccoli is my favorite).
I finish this meal with protein pudding (which satisfy my sweet tooth) and some fruits.
I try to do this as consistently as possible, if theres days where I have to be social or go out for dinner. I forgive myself and move on, and remind myself that if I am able to be consistent 80% of the time, I am proud of myself
Remember!! Perfect is the enemy of good.
Treat yourself and be kind to yourself here and there!!
I honestly eat whatever here. I try to not go overboard of course but I usally eat waffles with my fiance for breakfast.
For dinner I eat whatever I crave but its usally pizza or pasta haha.
I love haribo gummy bears so its usally a pack of that too during the weekends.
Another thing I want to add is how important sleep is. I dont think it is a secret that sleep is important but I think we neglect it too much nowadays. Please give your body time to rest, and sleep enough so your body get to regenerate!!
Last note:
Lastly I just want to say that I am proud of us all for being in this sub looking for ways to change our health and lifestyle for the better.
Please do not treat food as the enemy but fuel for your body so you can function and live a long healthy life.
I see so many people going overboard with eating 1000 kcal a day and such and in the long run it is unsustainable. Our body needs food. But treat your body like a temple and eat food that will make you feel great!!
Thank you so much again, I am so happy I found this sub.
Have a nice day :)
submitted by No-Long-2537 to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:15 Grand-Version-541 I am Lost

Hello everyone,
I am actually kind of uncomfortable its actually the first time I ever do a post on Reddit but I do think its really necessary I have to do it because I think its time for me to not deny it and accept that I Do need help.
Hello everyone my name is Aymeric I am now 16 years old and since january I consider seriously to unalive myself, I've always denied it but sonner or later it had to happen and I have yo accept that I need help, if you have the time could you please help me.
Since I was a child alot of things happened that made me grew mature faster but even thought when the worst was on me I've always stand positive but like I said, since January it all went downhill, my family is an hassle and I discovered things really dark about my family that I didnt know, fights were becoming really often and alot of things happened during this 5 month and I cant hold it anymore, its of course not only this 5 month that made me consider suicide, its since my childhood that I had problems but it would be too long to explain it or even resume it.
And now because of that I cant think of one peaceful day where I dont think about Killing myself I see everything as an opportuntity to finally let go of that weight of mine, knife, glass shards, rope, each time I see it I wanna do it but only one thing make me not do it, a girl, we will call her Louise (I dont want her to find that, she doesn't know about my situation) Louise is a friend of mine since 6th grade and that girl I love her, not as lover but as friendship I love her deep within my heart she's like a Sister to me each time I felt sad or to the point of breaking I think of hugging her and just fall on her arms its like a breath of freedom, cooking, massage, cleaning I learned all these things only for one thing, to be able to help her and pleased her by food etc etc I call her my "Little Princess" because I did all of this because its the first time I ever felt love by someone that act like a real sister to me, my real Sisters are slackers who always give their work to me and never shown any type of affection to me and Louise is the only person that I love that much and so I dont want to Hurt her, far from that my mind is on the edge of giving up but my heart stand still and will keep up for her, I dont want to consider the suicide a solution it will only Hurt her, thats why I want your help I want to know how can I get rid of such harmful thinking, its really hard for me to talk about my problems but someday I will talk to her about my problem and I will make sure to fight my suicide thought the best I can, so thats why im asking for your helps if you have any advice I'll take it because now I really need it, am at my lowest even thought I show to others my highest.
Thank you if you read that so far, sorry for my bad english its not my first language so I look forward for your answers.
submitted by Grand-Version-541 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:15 Sensitive-Sir-193 Looking for good active Friends,, and very talkative too... Thank you 💐️

Looking for long-term Friendship Mostly...
I'm 17m Here from india,, I'm looking for good friends that I can care about,, and share my thaughts, interests and knowledge with them...some of my interests are :- music listening,, creating Ai artworks And DIY,, watching Movies,, Playing Games Mostly Single Player,, & Many more,, if you're interested then we can try to become good friends tho,, I'm simple old mindset type guy not interested in any genz stuffs...🍁
My English is not that much good as it is not my first language,, but we can chat easily. Thank You...💐
submitted by Sensitive-Sir-193 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:00 2soccer2bot Daily Discussion

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submitted by 2soccer2bot to soccer [link] [comments]
