Gamertag quiz

I figured out a few days ago that some of the characters in one of my favorite YouTube series are LGBTQ+, and even now I'm squealing with joy inside (also none of the flairs matched this and there isn't an "other" flair so I'm just marking this as a meme)

2021.09.21 14:36 Error_Code_Nobody I figured out a few days ago that some of the characters in one of my favorite YouTube series are LGBTQ+, and even now I'm squealing with joy inside (also none of the flairs matched this and there isn't an "other" flair so I'm just marking this as a meme)

I like a lot of YouTube series, there's just something about them that sets them apart from series on TV. In this one particular series, there were these two characters that I shipped pretty much ever since I started watching that series. However, they are both boys, and you know how reluctant series-makers can be when it comes to LGBTQ+ relationships. Therefore, I assumed that the relationship between those two characters would always just be bromance. However, in the most recent episode, one of the boys named Grill whispered, "and I dig it~" into the other boy, Chill's ear. Then, Chill blushed. I thought, "yeah no there's no way that's a just friends thing". I looked it up on the fandom wiki for the series, and it turns out Grill and Chill are confirmed to be in a relationship.
That's not the only thing. The episode I was just talking about was a Part 2. In Part 1, there is another character who is an avid gamer, known only by xXDied-DeathXx, a gamertag. I had not watched that episode in a while and did not remember that character very well. Anyways, two of the main characters, Brew and Quiz, were talking to xXDied-DeathXx, and started referring to them using they/them pronouns. This could be because they always wear a mask and use a voice-changer, so maybe it's a matter of just not knowing their gender. Nonetheless, it still made me happy to see a character that is referred to by they/them pronouns. xXDied-DeathXx also gives off aroace vibes, but I think that's just a fan theory of mine.
One thing that is often messed up with LGBTQ+ representation in media is making the character nothing more than their sexuality and gender identity, but these three characters are icons on their own, along with the other characters in the series.
(Side Note: In case you're curious, the series is called "On the Hill")
submitted by Error_Code_Nobody to lgbt [link] [comments]

2020.09.14 10:51 1em0nhead WoT Console Quiz Competition

This month's competition is a fresh idea I had that relied on WG supplying me with some interesting facts for you to try and answer and MintoVimto has come through for me again. I have a bunch of questions that the team have given me for you to guess. Please let me know if you like this style as I can continue it if its successful.
  1. The map Liberty Falls started off as a PC map and underwent various modifications and additions. Which PC map was it based on?
  2. What is the most played map in Team Training?
  3. Which Mercenary Contract has been completed by the most number of players?
  4. What is the largest map that has ever been on console and what size was it?
  5. What used to be the the limit for the number of spare crews you could have in your barracks? (I'll accept answers within +10/-10)
  6. In the past 90 days, what was the most played tech tree tank? (Multiplayer Battles Only)
  7. What is the most played tech tree tank of all time? (Excluding tier 1 tanks)


  1. PM me your answers. If you post here not only will I DQ you I will ban you from reddit for being retarded.
  2. Deadline is Monday 21st September 9am UTC.
  3. You may only submit one entry so make sure you're happy with your answers before you do.
  4. Most right answers wins, otherwise there will be a tie break question I hold in reserve.


Information on prizes. These are part of the new community rewards scheme Minto introduced and supplies us with. The codes expire and are non transferable. I log who I send them to and report them to WG. If you win you will have to supply your gamertag the account will be redeemed on and if there is a discrepancy the reward can be removed.
Good luck!
submitted by 1em0nhead to WorldofTanksConsole [link] [comments]

2020.06.29 13:12 NSIMods June 29th, 2020: RichardSaxon Interview

Tell us a little about yourself.
I'm 27 years old, originally from Norway, about to finish my last year of medical school. I love horror, both the psychological, and more gruesome aspects of it. One day, I hope to publish a book! All I need is the power to overcome the heavy weight of procrastination.
Wow, medical school! That's very impressive. Did your medical background play a role in I woke up during surgery, they weren't trying to save me or any of your other stories?
I wrote that surgery story following my surgical practice. I spent all day, every day assisting in trauma surgery for a couple of months. In the end, I guess my brain was just filled with them. I eventually figured it would be an interesting topic. It's true, that people sometime retain partial, or full awareness during surgery. Anesthesia is a weird thing that we still don't fully understand. Luckily, it's a one in a million kind of thing, so don't worry!
My first story to get over a thousand votes, was also based on a medical oddity. I haven't slept in 3 months is about a man with Fatal Familial Insomnia, a disease that quite literally causes your brain to fill with holes due to a prion infection. It's exceptionally rare, so don't be afraid!
When did you first become interested in horror?
I've always been into horror. But, the first moment I can remember pursuing it, was back when I was about 11. I lived on the outskirts of a small town, with plenty of farms and forests around. There was a particularly gruesome forest close to our house, with trees so old and tall they'd creak in the wind. We used to wait until nightfall, and then venture into the darkness, carrying nothing but dim flashlights and letting our imaginations run wild. Unfortunately, a storm brought down quite a few of the trees, one of which smashed our car. After that, they cut down most of the woods, as they proved to be quite dangerous.
Your very first submission to Nosleep, Ever since my diagnosis I keep dreaming about the same place, is a heart-wrenching story about a man and his struggle with physical and mental deterioration from illness. It shares many similarities with the description of where you grew up. Was that forest the inspiration for the woods in your story, or the childhood home?
The vast fields, only bordered by a forest and a mountain is the view I had from my bedroom window. Except the field there was full of cows that awoke me early in the mornings. I wanted something beautiful to contrast the horror, and lots of nature seemed the perfect fit for me!
Have you personally had experience with the issues that Devon was experiencing in your line of work? If so, how did that affect you?
Can't say I've seen someone with dreams like that, but I've dealt with people whose minds have long since vanished, leaving their more or less healthy bodies behind. It's hard, and sometimes there's nothing we can do to help, but everyone deserves to be treated with dignity nonetheless.
Was there a specific moment you knew you wanted to write in the horror genre?
I always wanted to write. Even as a kid, I drew comics and wrote stupid short stories. Of course, in my native language, there wasn't much of an audience to speak of, so I kind of lost the passion. It wasn't until I discovered Creepypastas, before I got back into the horror game. Then, after listening and reading for nearly a decade, I decided to give it a shot myself. I posted my first story on NoSleep on the 19th of August, 2018. It got a baffling 56 upvotes.
Where do you find inspiration? Have real life experiences ever made their way into your work?
Inspiration is a funny thing, it can come from literally anywhere. I sometime base my stories off real events, such as the Kola Borehole (Article here.) or Blue 52. (Article here.) Other times, they just randomly pop into my head. Of course, I get ideas from movies, books, music and other stories as well. I actually think gaming has helped, as I have to put myself into the world I'm playing in.
How did you discover NoSleep? What prompted you to begin writing for it?
I asked for someone's favorite horror story/creepypasta, and they recommended the Left/Right Game. After I read that, I couldn't stop going through the top posts on NoSleep. I was hooked from the very first story. After a few weeks of reading, I wrote my first horror story, and posted it there.
A plethora of your stories, including Nothing is Worse than Death, The Call of the Void, and I Want to Keep Falling, as well as the Utopia collaboration and your otherworldly Train series, delve into the grand mystery that is the afterlife. Each one is unique in their own take on what comes next, whether it be Hell, Paradise, or the Void. What's your personal belief on what we experience after death? What would your ideal afterlife be?
I'm not sure what I believe. I sure hope there's something after death. The thought of just not existing is very strange to me. Personally, I wouldn't mind being reborn, but only if I could retain my memory, if only to see where humanity ends up in the future.
What NoSleep stories and/or authors have had the strongest impact on you?
It's a hard question, because I can't possibly list everyone I admire. I have to start with u/NeonTempo 's Left/Right Game, and u/Mr_Outlaw_ 's "My friend has been living in another reality for the past seven years." Also, back as a rookie writer, I took part in one of the NoSleepTeams competitions. u/colourblindness was my team leader, and he made me feel very welcome. In fact, the entire community is amazing. As for current day, I never skip a story by u/poloniumpoisoning (awesome name) she's awesome too, every story is brilliant. u/mrmichaelsquid also makes my skin crawl, u/spookyChorror immediately became a NoSleep champion, not to mention the work he's done for the community.
And I can't skip on the fantastic NoSleep mods, who have made this community one of the best on Reddit. Also, the folks over at SleeplessWatchdogs for defending authors' copyright.
Also, for a collection of great stories by awesome authors, please visit TheCrypticCompendium!
What is the most terrifying thing you have personally experienced?
My first memory is getting lost in a foreign country. I somehow wandered away from my parents, and they couldn't find me for some hours. I just remember standing there, when a cop drove up to me on a motorcycle. To my absolute surprise, he spoke my own language. I don't know the odds of how that came to be, but he made sure I was safely reunited with my parents. Of course, that wouldn't be so scary today, but I was only 2 or 3 at the time.
We're glad you're okay, that sounds like the opening of a horror movie! On that note, what are some of your biggest influences from media?
LOST is my favorite show of all time, and despite having almost to do with what I've written, I can't let this interview continue without mentioning it. As for my writing, I think SOMA is the game that truly got me into psychological horror. Before then, I'd seen countless horror movies, and read even more, but that game awoke something within me, and has been the inspiration for my personal favorite story I have written.
Would you consider yourself a Jack, Sawyer, Locke, Hurley, or a Ben (shiver)? Or did you identify more with a different character?
Well, my personal favorite is Sawyer, and though we have similar hairstyles, he will always be far cooler than me. I guess in many ways I identify with Locke. I used to be a fairly angry/emotional person, but have matured at least a bit in since I started university. Though if you put me on the LOST island, I'm sure I'd end up being a Boone.
Other than writing, what are some of your hobbies? What other creative mediums do you enjoy?
I'm a semi-professional photographer. Or, at least I used to be, my equipment hasn't been updated in many years, and is starting to malfunction. I also enjoy cooking, and posted some pictures on different food related subreddits, before I decided that this profile would be purely horror. Maybe my food was horrible though, and would have fit regardless.
Do you ever explore writing other genres besides horror? If so, what other styles of writing? Which do you prefer?
I throw a bit of sci-fi into the mix every now and then. Usually they also end up being horror in one way or another. If anything else, I'd be into writing fantasy novels.
You touched on the mental health aspect of the medical field with your stories Anxiety is a Vicious Bitch, How do I get out of this Hole and The Parasite you have to forget. Mental disorders affect an enormous amount of the population and are something so many people can relate to. What was your process for working through these subjects? How did you decide on the metaphors you used to describe them? Did your work in the medical field help with the subject matter?
I've had some depressive episodes growing up. Now that I'm an adult, I'm lucky enough to have moved past that, but the memories still linger. It's weird, because you don't necessarily feel particularly sad. It's just the lack of joy in any activity, anhedonia. Of course, psychology/psychiatry is a massive factor in all fields of medicine. Not just from the side of patients, but for doctors/students as well. It's a stressful situation, and burnout is a real shit thing. The metaphors I used in my stories, are just my personal ways of describing the emotions. Some I made up myself, but others I have been told by others when they tried to describe how they experience the world.
Mental health is as important as physical health. I hope that one day we live in a world where it's less stigmatized. Never be ashamed to talk about your feelings. Even unhealthy thoughts and emotions are real, and need to be addressed. The first step of healing is to accept the reality of situation, and seek out help where it's necessary.
How much time do you spend writing in an average day or week? Do you have any rituals that help you focus?
Depends on how much free time I have. If possible, I can spend the whole day writing. As for focus, I sometimes listen to this playlist by myuu. It also helps to read horror before I write myself, that way I can get into the mindset needed.
When crafting a piece of fiction, do you generally start with an outline or simply begin writing?
Both, sometimes all I have is a title, or a concept. Other times, I have a basic sequence of events in my mind, that I need to connect. On a rare occasion, I just know the end of a story, and I need to figure out how that happened. Regardless of how it starts out, I think the most important thing is to just let words flow. Usually my first draft is illegible, but that's how I like it.
Have any of your stories ever involved research? If so, what was involved?
Three stories come to mind that took longer to research than to actually write. "The Lazarus Experiment," which takes place during WW2, where the dates listed in the diary are all connected to real life events. "The ocean is much deeper than we thought," which required me to learn about marine biology and how pressure would affect the station and people within. Finally, "We've been stationed on the moon since 1988," was hard to research. I spent hours reading about space travel, proper terms and I still made a ton of mistakes. In the end, I learned something from it, so I'm happy!
Speaking of We've been stationed..., it's only one of many of your stories that take place in space. What do you think draws readers to stories about the cosmos? What do you find most compelling about writing about the topic?
People are afraid of the unknown. Things like our own oceans, and the vastness of space is just something people struggle to comprehend. Even without a horror element, these places are just terrifying. To me personally, it's the mystery that piques my curiosity. I wish we knew more about space, but in the absence of facts, it's easy to imagine what might be.
In a similar vein, you touch on the fear of the unknown right here on Earth in the series The ocean is much deeper than we thought and the standalone Stay away from the ocean, it's not safe anymore. Thalassophobia is such a widespread fear as our knowledge of the depths and what lurks below is so limited. Are you a victim of said phobia? Have you had any personal experiences that inspired these tales of the mysterious vastness of the ocean and the secrets it holds?
I don't like it when I can't see the bottom of whatever water I'm in. It's scary! I've never had any negative experiences, and frequently go swimming despite being nervous about it.
Several of your stories feature Artifex, an ominous and mysterious corporation. Did you always intend to include them in so many of your plots? Will we learn more about them in time?
After posting the first story with Artifex Pharmaceuticals, which is a minor branch of the company, people wanted to know more. I then realized that a few of my upcoming stories fit the theme, so I implemented them there as well.
I'm working on a series to be the end of Artifex. It will vaguely incorporate characters and events from the other stories, and will be the last time I ever mention them.
Are there any topics you feel are too controversial for you to address or that you prefer not to explore in your writing?
I try not to write about current events, because they affect people living in present times. But, as far as history goes, nothing is off limits, as long as the topic is tastefully approached. It can even help people understand the complexities of certain situations. That's why I was very nervous about posting The Lazarus Experiment, because it dealt with the Holocaust, but I tried my best to reflect the fear and hopelessness without stirring up too much controversy.
Did the emotional process of writing The Lazarus Experiment—something so horrific and based in reality—differ from crafting your other work?
I've always had an interest for history, WW2 in particular. It just baffles me how far into darkness humanity fell. The fact that it affected so many people, made me feel a bit bad about posting it, but I think it's important to remember that horror happens in real life as well as in our stories.
What are your feelings toward NoSleep's immersion/believability rule? What impact, if any, do you think the suspension of disbelief format may have when transitioning your work toward a mass audience unfamiliar with NoSleep?
It's a fine rule. It's very loose, and easy to work around. Personally, I don't think my stories are all that believable sometimes. I do push the limits, with sci-fi. I've had a couple of stories removed because of it, but that's my own fault for stepping over the line. I understand why authors aren't always a fan, but I have to admit, the believability is what first got me into NoSleep.
Do you have any favorite reader reactions to your writing?
I love it when they try to dig into the plot, and start a conversation in the comments section. Sometimes, they're completely off track, but sometimes they're able to predict exactly what's about to happen. It's amazing to read.
You're notably interactive in the comment sections of your stories, frequently connecting with your readers while in character. Does that community involvement ever influence how you broach writing a story? Is it difficult to maintain interaction without breaking immersion?
I love interacting with the comment section, it's on of my favorite parts of posting. Sometimes comments don't follow the immersion rules. I try my best to respond in character, or in a way that makes sense according to the story. Usually it works out pretty well, and it's a great deal of fun!
What story or project are you most proud of?
The ocean is much deeper than we thought. Mostly because I'm happy with the visuals, and the research I did as I wrote.
What's the most valuable lesson you've learned since you began posting to NoSleep?
That upvotes don't define quality, and that we're all going to make a ton of writing mistakes. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
As a successful author on NoSleep, do you have any advice for new contributors?
Don't be afraid of failure. Write because you love it, and not to hit the top of hot. It's incredibly rare to post one story, and immediately have your name recognized. The names you see frequently on the top of NoSleep, are all authors that write a lot. Think about all the unseen stories they've posted, and you'll see the mountain of obscurity that holds up the peek of their most successful stories.
What are your short-term and long-term writing goals?
I have three novels planned, and I want to get them out into the world. I'm just too lazy to commit to such an achievement at the moment.
Community Questions:
From NSIMods: Do you believe in ghosts?
How do you know I'm not a ghost? Surely, if I were a ghost, my answer would be "no." So, with that in mind, I'd tell you that I don't believe in ghosts. Actually, during that ramble, I might have broken my cover. Can we start over?
NSI ain't afraid of no ghosts, but we are pretty leery of authors who won't say definitively if they are one or not... scribbles in detective notebook
Submitted anonymously: If you had to live in the established universe of any of your stories, which would you choose and why?
Probably Angels Aren't Beautiful, because that would mean people had angels protecting them.
Submitted anonymously: Of all the creatures and oddities you've created, which do you have the biggest soft spot for?
Garry from Angels Aren't Beautiful. He was a good lad.
From Colourblindness: What’s the one thing that you have always wanted to write about but never have?
I had a story in mind about a town that never existed. Basically it would be the protagonist telling stories about his childhood, speaking about the weird animals that can't be real, the bizarre language they spoke, and a cult like religion that loomed over their lives. He then gets sent away from his parents at the age of ten, and has since tried to find a way back. Maybe one day I'll get around to it.
From Poppy_moonray: A dastardly corporation of ne'er-do-wells called Artifex appears in many of your stories. How did you decide on the name Artifex? Is there significance to it?
It was a name me and my friend chose for our imaginary company back when we were kids. It means: Skilled.
Submitted anonymously: If you were able to spend the day with any figure in the horror community (author, director, actor, etc.), who would you choose and why?
I've always been a massive fan of Silent Hill. The universe is absolutely amazing, and I love the atmosphere. I guess the original creator was Keiichiro Toyama, but I have to acknowledge that there was a whole team working on the story and visuals. I would have liked to be a part of the process of coming up with the different elements.
From Cephalopodanaut: If you were arrested on crimes against humanity in a future dysyopian world and were going to be transported to a desolate alternate universe where there are no humans as your punishment and could only bring 1 movie, 1 album, 1 book, and 1 game, what would you bring?
About Time is the best movie ever made, fight me! I don't know about albums, usually it depends on my mood. Maybe something by The Rolling Stones, but I also wouldn't mind the complete Halo OST, is that weird? For books, can I bring the Lord of the Rings trilogy, or the full Harry Potter set? It has to be something long at least, to last throughout the end of time. As for games, Left 4 Dead 2 for sure, I've played that more than I care to admit.
From Poppy_moonray: If you were to switch paths and become a jazz musician called Richard Saxophone, what would the name of your first single be?
Dick Sax. Childish, yes. I foolishly wrote RichardSaxon as my xbox gamertag, and that's just what people decided to call me.
From ByfelsDisciple: What do you think is your most underrated story? Your most overrated?
Most overrated, is my most popular: I woke up during surgery it's a fine story, but it didn't deserve 10k upvotes. My most underrated would be The Lazarus Experiment, or maybe Rainfall.
From Colourblindness: Have you ever had a story you loved to write bomb? How did you handle the story?
I'm a bit upset about Rainfall. I liked the environment, but I guess it was a bit bland.
Submitted anonymously: Which of your stories has been the most difficult to write, and why?
Anything that involves children getting hurt is hard to write. I struggled when writing down the details in "Why I removed all the doors from my house." Also, I'm horrible with endings, it's so hard.
Submitted anonymously: Would you/have you ever collaborate(d) with anyone else on nosleep? Is there anyone you'd like to work with?
There are so many awesome authors I'd like to work with here. I already worked with the great u/poloniumpoisoning, and took part in HotelNonDormiunt
From Cephalopodanaut: If you could accurately harness any imaginable thing into a candle scent, what would it be?
Petrichor scented candles, please!
From Poppy_moonray: What fruit do you empathize with most strongly? What fruit fills you with an unbridled fury?
I like bananas, they are yellow, and that was my favorite color as a child. I don't like pears, they are evil and have a weird consistency.
From Poppy_moonray: What reality show would you most want to see redone as a horror? (My vote is for Great British Bake Off, personally)
I want them to redo Big Brother or The Weakest Link, like they did in Doctor Who
From Poppy_moonray: What animated Disney character do you think you're most similar to, and why?
According to a quiz I just took, I'm Maleficent. According to my friends, I'm Sully from Monsters, Inc, because I'm tall, but harmless.
From Colourblindess: As a prolific writer, do you ever find yourself thinking you will run out of ideas?
There are always things to write about. I can't promise they're good ideas, but I still have a few hundred written down in my notebook.
Submitted anonymously: Favorite guilty pleasure?
Sometimes I just need a day alone, in bed, with a glass of whiskey. I'll just spend the entirety of the day watching movies and not responding to messages. People think that's odd, but I just need to charge my social batteries.
Submitted anonymously: Favorite song lyric?
♪ I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts ♪ I don't know why, it just makes me smile.
Submitted anonymously: What question did you want to be asked that didn’t get asked?
No one asked me what planet I'm from. Now you'll never know.
Riveted over Richard?
Make sure to subscribe to his
The NSI team would like to say an entire mysterious and magical afterlife's worth of thank yous to the immensely lovely, talented, and kind RichardSaxon for taking the time to speak with us! You're a gem, and we can't wait to hear your debut jazz single, Dick Sax!
We'll see you back here in two weeks when we speak with the sinister and haunting SamHaysom on July 13th! Don't fear being stuck playing the purgatory game though, you can get plenty more Haysom in the meantime: check out his book, The Moor, or his website, subreddit, twitter, or instagram!
submitted by NSIMods to NoSleepInterviews [link] [comments]

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submitted by GiuliettaShop to Popify [link] [comments]

2020.03.20 15:16 jptoc CasualUK's "stuck at home forever" Megathread! Things to do, see and play whilst at home, as well as useful links!

Hello, welcome to the CasualUK Isolation Megathread. How are you? Insane yet? Good, good.
To keep us all relatively sane during the next few days/weeks/months/years/decades we want to collate any threads of cool things to do during isolation. I forgot to say initially - thanks to teh_yak for giving us a kick up the arse and getting this sorted. Thanks pal!
If you have an idea, message us mods your idea, we'll okay it and then put a link in below. Hopefully that way we can collate a good long list of fun things to do and try during the next little while. If you use these resources, be sure to thank the user that posted them!
Please keep suggesting things!

Official government advice on what to do during the lockdown.

Mental health help thread
Fun and Games
Teaching Resources
Food and drink
Live webcams
TV, Film, Music and Podcasts
Ideas to keep kids/adults sane
Indoor fitness
Reddit stuff
Serious stuff
Please get involved in this gang - let's all keep safe and sane!
If any of the links look dead/need updating/aren't right give us a nudge in modmail and I'll sort it.
submitted by jptoc to CasualUK [link] [comments]

2019.07.14 21:40 siouxsie_siouxv2 What Spongebob means to our users...

For our 2 millionth dollar subscriber, I decided to put together some of the best answers given on our mod application for the question "Tell us what the show means to you". Some were pretty great, it is really cool how this show means so much to so many.

Tell us what the show means to you

  • It was a big part of my childhood, and even today it’s a way for me and my friends to make jokes and reconnect over silly things from our past. Spongebob is kind of a unifying factor for a lot of people, and it’s cool to be able to relate because of that. Plus there’s a ton of memes.
  • reminds me of being a kid at home in the summer not allowed to go outside til my parents came home sitting in the AC and getting fat eating garbage food
  • I’ve watched this show since I was a kid, I’ve seen every episode at least 6 times (except the new ones because they’re awful, but I’ve still watched some of them) Spongebob is my childhood and is a meme goldmine
  • It’s a classic piece of American animation, a beloved classic which has withstood the test of time. Hanging out with your friends and each one of you gets every quote and dumb joke, that’s life my friends. I’m a GOOFY GOOBER, YEAH!!
  • The show means a lot to me because I have so many wonderful childhood memories due the show. I’m only 14 but I used to watch the show every morning and I really care about it. I still watch it, it’s not as good as it used to be but it’s still good. THE KRUSTY KRAB PIZZA, IS THE PIZZA, FOR YOU AND ME
  • It was something I grew up with and it was one of the few things on tv I watched and still watch. Also since a lot of people have seen it they can understand the jokes and references I make about it.
  • The show is more than a show to me. It's more than nostalgia. Not only can I go back and rewatch it, but I catch the well written adult-jokes that go over the heads of the kids. And to me that is just brilliant writing, which I deeply enjoy since it can bring not just kids, but entire families together and everyone can enjoy it.
  • Its the funny show thats fun to watch, its always had a place in my heart for the longest time
  • The show represents my childhood, me getting up at 7 in the morning running down the stairs to watch Spongebob on the couch with my sister. The show holds a special place in my heart.
  • Obviously it was my favorite show as a kid. It brings me back to what it felt like coming home from school and just turning on the TV, praying SpongeBob would be on. It's such an emotional feeling, remembering what you felt like as a kid.
  • I've watched this show ever since I was a baby. It was with me as I grew up and spent my weekends at my grandparents house. My grandparents and I bonded through the show. When I was home with my parents we watched this show together. Its perfect balance of humor for children and adult humor makes it a good show for everyone of any age. I sometimes get teared up watching the show because it brings back memories from my childhood. There is no show better than SpongeBob.
  • My favorite show ever and it essentially built my entire sense of humor
  • Spongebob has been a show that defined my childhood, my teenage years, and a good part of my adulthood so far. Spongebob has been a source of entertainment and a tool for me to use so that I can bond with other people. I don’t associate with people who don’t like Spongebob.
  • For the first three seasons, it was the most solid animated show to have ever existed. It's given us so many wonderful quotes and memes that we can share with very confused people.
  • It's been around since before I was born, and was simply always on. Something about getting some of the humor as a kid, watching the same episodes now and finding new humor while still enjoying the previous is very satisfying.
  • This show means a lot to me, as it was one of the first cartoons I ever watched after growing out of the Nick Jr. type cartoons that I watched when I was incredibly young. Spongebob became the show that I keep going back to time and time again, as many episodes from the show had either fantastic humor, or great lessons that I still use in my life to this day.
  • It's what I grew up on. It's a good show that I wouldn't say taught lessons to me (Except that licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets), but it was good show for a few seasons. It jumped the shark pretty hard after Hillenburg left, and while some of Season 4 isn't bad, other episodes make me wonder why I still have them on my computer. And the only episode I have after Season 4 is the Handsome Squidward one, and even then, the only part of that that's really good is the part at the end where he goes super hot.
  • I absolutely loved the show when I was younger and still do. I own somewhere around 20 SpongeBob DVDs and I work with a number of others to archive international dubs of the show. (Don't get into the SpongeBob dub community BTW, way too much drama.) This show means so much to me and I can hardly find the words to express it.
  • The show has been part of my life for as long as I can remember, it has been a constant for afternoon entertainment whether I was coming home from elementary school or college. I dressed up as spongebob on halloween, I visited Nickelodeon Land to go on the spongebob rides. I quote the show at least once a day. Its a big part of my relationship with my siblings as we all watched the show together.
  • The show definitely means quite a bit. I have been watching the show for many years now and still do today although it's mainly the older episodes due to having easier access to those episodes and those being the best in my opinion, the show is definitely one of my favorite Nickelodeon shows. The show has brought entertainment to millions of children and adults around the world and still does today with it's characters, stories and humor.
  • I really wish Stephen Hillenburg was still alive to at least witness his creation becoming 20 years old. SpongeBob's 10th anniversary special Truth or Square was a letdown to many (including my older brother who watched it when it first aired) and didn't really celebrate the Sponge's 10th anniversary (although the game based on the special did) with all it mainly being of SpongeBob and gang traveling through a vent. I'm hoping the 20th anniversary special will be one loved by many this time and considered to be one of the best of the series.
  • Kinda knew that no matter how much shit I was getting at school or what was going on at home I'd have that to look forward to. I vividly remember sitting on the floor eating my instant noodles watching SpongeBob. For years it was my favorite show.
  • As you can tell by my shaky trivia knowledge I haven't exactly kept up on my watching but still, when I have a bad day I really love lurking this sub and enjoying the nostalgia. SpongeBob is one of those childhood memories that never fails to make me a bit wistful and melancholy. I guess for lost innocence or something.
  • It was a staple of my childhood, and was something that kept me going after being bullied. I loved the show, and hillenburgs passing devastated me.
  • I was 5 years old when the show started, so I literally grew up on it. Watched it all the time, decorated my college graduation cap with a Spongebob reference, and honestly my subconscious thoughts are actual references. It'll be with me my whole life. It's not a personality trait, but it's kinda one of the fibers of my being.
  • The show means happiness.
  • I was raised on Spongebob. Despite being a comedy show, it has some messages of friendship and compassion. I learned a lot about how to be a nice person from the show, and it shaped my personality.
  • I loved SpongeBob when I was a kid. I still remember my best friend showing it to me for the first time at my house, and I watched it for hours after she left. I even remember what episode it was; Karate Choppers.
  • It kinda means childhood, sorry for the nostalgic cringe but it was always my favourite show growing up and I get great enjoyment out of spongebob memes and rewatching all the epsidoes
  • I've been watching the show for as long as I have memories. I'm 23, so I was 3 when the show premiered in '99. I legitimately can't remember a time without Spongebob and I grew up with the show. I've watched every episode up to the first movie countless times. I've made many friends due to shared Spongebob jokes and references in school. It's my favorite western cartoon and I still watch it as an adult. It's shaped my sense of humor, and it's the standard by which I judge children's cartoons. In my college English class I wrote an essay about why Stephen Hillenburg was one of the most influential people in my life.
  • This show has been my entire childhood, from when I was in elementary school watching it with my friends, to middle school making spongebob quotes many times each day, to today making memes for people to enjoy and relating real life situations to spongebob episodes. Spongebob has always been there to give me a laugh when I'm not having a good day.
  • My entire freakin childhood. also stellar memes. It brings everyone together because everyone likes spongebob. Memories. It came out when my daughter was a baby and Spongebob was my youngests favorite of all time so I've seen every episode. My family has endless inside jokes based on Spongebob. "The show was without a doubt my favourite show as a kid, and I always found enjoyment in sitting down and watching a couple episodes. Although the episode today don't hold up to the older ones, I'm glad they're still keeping up with it and hopefully one day we'll be able to see the day spongebob gets his boating license, sandy makes a ground-breaking invention, squidward gets his own recital, and Mr. Krabs becomes a millionaire. I've always found it's the show that essentially defined my childhood as I had never found as much enjoyment out of much else, and it was always there to cheer me up when I was feeling anxious or whatnot.
  • Its just a reminder of my childhood, I used to have spongebob everything. Its always nice to see that its still going on, it makes me feel like a kid again. The old episodes are what actually make me love the show. It is a good show to watch when having a bad day, and I think it just has a certain feel of being actually watchable to all ages, not just kids. I love watching the characters develop throughout the story and then go back to their natural old self at the end of the story. I wasn't good at recognizing emotions when I was younger, and Spongebob sort of helped me with social skills.
  • It’s my childhood. It defines who I am and helped me grow as a human being. If Stephen Hillenburg were still alive I’d give the man a kiss.
  • It means growing up with the humor. Having been born before its initial airing, Spongebob Squarepants is something I've seen born and grown in its time. There is something to be said about 20 years of humor from the same source consistently being able to fuel joy in such a manner.
  • The show means childhood. I remember sitting in front of the TV binge watching episodes on nickelodeon. I remember when spongebob marathons came on and I got so excited. I remember the spongebob plushies I used to play with, I remember the spongebob DS games I played. I remember coloring in my spongebob drawing book. Spongebob is my childhood.
  • This show definitely means a lot to me. It’s one of those shows that simply never get old and you can keep rewatching the episodes and it’ll never be not funny. I remember pleading with my dad to get Nick just so I would be able to watch the show.
  • I grew up watching SpongeBob ever since the 2nd grade every day. And now I’m in my mid 20s and I’ll still watch it. It just brings good memories from my childhood. SpongeBob is such an integral part of my life and I grew up on SpongeBob. I remember when it first came out, I was a kid sitting in the back of my mom's minivan complaining about how lame Nickelodeon was because there was a new show called "SpongeBob SquarePants" and I thought it was going to be the dumbest thing ever. But..I actually watched it, and I liked it, and I kept watching other episodes and I liked it more and more until it became almost a second part of my life. It's such an integral component of pop culture today that I wouldn't hesitate to argue it's probably one of the most influential shows in history. Personally, legit not a day goes by that I don't quote SpongeBob in some form. It's so versatile, too. If you're feeling sad, watch SpongeBob. If you're happy, watch SpongeBob. If you just want something on in the background, put on SpongeBob. It works for almost everyone in every emotional state. That's why I really enjoy this sub because it helps connect a pop culture phenomenon like SpongeBob to the most recent and important pop culture "memes" of today. It's legendary.
  • In retrospect this show held/holds incredible value to me. It was a labor of love and it taught me much more about life than anything else, at least on television. This show has created timelines of humor for my friends and I to enjoy our entire lives. Without it, we would have significantly less joy in our lives. Also, I learned mayonnaise is still not an instrument. In all seriousness the show has humor on different levels that appears to both adults and children alike. It’s origins intent as an introduction and educational program based around marine life always stuck with me as an important staple of my childhood as both my parents were also marine biologists. Another one of my favorite quotes is from the episode about Spongebob getting Patrick a special gift for his birthday and one of Patrick’s guesses being “paramecium”.
  • I have been watching sponhebob since I was a kid until my age now still watching it. So Spongebob has become the staple of many childhoods for kids of all ages. Silly time spent with my kids growing up, searching for the perfect merchandise before Amazon was big for my 22yo, having my 16yo quote the show and me and her brother crack up but her grandparents just get more condused. Mainly, recovering from a number of surgeries and my kids who were kids - teens during the timeframe, giving up open time with friends to sit and binge watch it with me as I recovered, very carefully curled up with me in bed with the dogs.
  • This show WAS my childhood. I've seen every single episode countless times and can recite many of them word for word. You could say I had an addiction. Spongebob Squarepants is a show that keeps me happy when times are tough. The childish, but also funny humor keeps me entertained (at least the older episodes).
  • My father would come home after working a 12 hour shift at the quarry. He was 19 and a high school dropout. Every day he would take my little baby self and we would sit down on the couch and watch spongebob till we both eventually fell asleep. While I'm not completely up to date with the series, I've spent my entire childhood watching the show. When my little sister was born I got her a little Spongebob plush and I hope to keep the love for the show going.
  • My childhood! Perspectives towards life from two dumb invertebrates, one edgy squid, a greedy crab and mature chipmunk. All through absurd and amusing scenarios. Even as a young adult now, I could and definitely would watch Spongebob for whole weeks if it was on TV and if I had the time. The show just has anything for anyone. Dumb fun!
  • Now, Spongebob has an additional meaning to me: Memes. I love memes, I love Spongebob. Spongebob + Memes = Spongebob memes!
  • This was one of the "key" shows for me growing up, it brought a lot of happiness to my childhood My favorite show of my childhood that weirdly bound my generation together because we can all quote and laugh at Seasons 1-4. The show to me, feels like happiness in about two hundred 11 (and sometimes longer) minute segments. Whenever I felt down, watching one of my favorite Spongebob episodes always cheered me up. It is very relatable at times to me personally. It has always been a part of my childhood, even as a baby. My first word, in fact, was a horrible pronunciation of "Spongebob". Watching spongebob has shaped me into the awkward teen I am today. I reference quotes and memes from the show on a daily basis. I enjoy making existing old images of Spongebob into a more higher quality out sheer enjoyment.Spongebob to me, will always be my favorite cartoon and perhaps even favorite show. Stephen Hillenburg is God among men. And I would like to thank him for making this beautiful show. Spongebob represents a childlike nostalgia of when I was young without a care in the world. It represents the curiosity of every child, which eventually gets crushed by modern education. Spongebob is a timeless memory of just peace and happiness. RIP Steven Hillenburg, my hero.
  • I've been watching since I was a kid and still do. It's helped pick me up in times of depression after my father passed.
  • Its 19 years of watching it. It came out when my mom was alive and she was the one to introduce it to me. She passed on that same year and everytime i watch the episodes from the 1st season, im reminded of the times i had with her on the sofa
  • Like to many people, Spongebob Squarepants is their childhood and a cultural icon. I grew up with 4 siblings and we all fought for time on the one TV we had. The one show that we all agreed on so we didn't fight over was Spongebob. I use the quotes from the show all the time, and most people I'm around recognize it. Plus the memes are great too. It means expressing yourself in whatever way you want and to always let your inner child out.
  • Spongebob is basically my entire childhood and even today i still like to re-watch some old episodes from the first and second season. I've watched countless episodes, both movies and i even played a lot of spongebob games on my ps2 (especially the Spongebob the movie game) and PSP. Whenever I got home from a tough day at school or i was feeling sad i would turn on the TV and watch spongebob all day which really cheered me up when I was down. The show is basically my entire life ever since i was a kid and it still is a big part of my life today.
  • The foundation of so much of my humor and perception of the world. Cultural icon and important part of so many people’s lives.
  • A way to get along with my younger siblings, meme material, bonding with other weird college students
  • I loved watching it growing up and love the memes and jokes that we can continulously enjoy years after. It reminds me of my childhood just spending hours watching the shows, buying the merch, and other things to dedicate to spongebob. It's a part of my life that I feel I will hold onto forever.
  • The show was my childhood. I remember discovering the show back when I was in the first grade. By this point the who was already past it's first few seasons. I remember watching it everyday and I even played games about SpongeBob. There was a game that I had and it was basically where you shoot snowballs if I remember correctly. It was sold as it's own console and I remember playing it for hours during the summer vacation. Then as I discovered more shows as I matured, the meme culture was born before my eyes. I still tuned in for the show while it still ran, but the meme culture that SpongeBob sparked brought me closer to the show. Every meme format was like hey I remember that episode. In school I put SpongeBob memes into my fun presentations infront of the whole class. The meme formats are some of my favorites such as the mocking format. This show was my favorite childhood show. pokemon and SpongeBob made my introduced me to my first "big kids show" that wasn't some show made for little kids. Going back and watching the show now, I see that the show was not only made for kids but adults too.
  • I grew up watching this show, so it's really been ingrained in me my entire life. I think that a big part of my personality now and my sense of humor was shaped by this show, and as cheesy as it sounds, it made me who I am today.
  • This show holds a very strong part in my heart and childhood, I've always loved watching and laughing at the show, even believe it or not, stayed for every season, yes even after season 3. I love the characters and how they act in this awesomely creative and weird world. Each episode made me happy and I just love this show and everything about it. Thank You Stephen Hillenberg, Rest In Peace. It means a good deal to me. I grew up with it. I can remember watching the first season as it aired, and rewatching many of the early seasons into adulthood. I have many of the dvds from the show, and have seen the first movie too many times (if that’s possible). Myself and one of my best friends communicate through mainly spongebob quotes at times, and we synchronize online gamertag pictures and profile pictures from spongebob scenes (currently rocking an anchor arms pic on Xbox)
  • Honestly to be serious, this show represents my childhood, my adolescense, and just general happiness. I have been watching this show for as long as i can remember and it still manages to put a smile of my face even on the worst days.
  • This show in its earliest seasons is a reflection of my childhood. It brings me to simpler times, with much of the humor being timeless. It gives me a way to relax, and I have very few outlets for that. Even though I don’t like the new seasons of spongebob, I have a young niece who adores them, and it’s- it’s crazy to see how I was, who I was with this same show, reflected in a child who can’t understand the show. It’s truly timeless and will always make childhood dreams come true
  • Spongebob holds a special place in my heart. I own the whole show and it is definitely going to be something I introduce my children to and look forward to. I wasn’t a popular kid in school at all growing up Nickelodeon was really my best friend. Spongebob, Fairly Oddparents, Jimmy Neutron, i could go on and on. I got out of it after Sam and cat ( their last good show imo besides certain spongebobs here and there ) ended. But spongebob was and has always been my favorite. I consider it a huge part of my childhood
  • This was a show I grew up with, one of the only ones I've been watching consistently from a young age. Even now, just thinking about the show brings back fond memories. The community's let's watch events still make me smile every time. The fact that there is still so much variety in spongebob memes goes to show how much it matters to the internet as a whole. It brings back good memories of family time. And the fact of laughing your way through life, even when it gets tough.
  • It’s literally the building blocks of my childhood and will always be a huge part of my life. I refer to the show every day in at least one conversion. And I can even do SpongeBobs laugh spot on!
  • spongebob was an essential part of my childhood and it helped me cope and be optimistic when my mom was diagnosed with cancer
  • Spongebob was such a huge part of my childhood. It saddens me that the original writers aren't on anymore and that Hillenburg has passed away. I have a younger brother with autism, and it was often hard for us to connect as kids, but Spongebob was the one thing that could always bring us together without fail. We could spend hours just reciting lines back and forth and laughing together. We watched and re-watched episodes and played all the GameCube games with each other. No other show has been such a long-standing part of my life, or can so easily put a smile on my face.
  • It means that you should never stop being who you are. SpongeBob always ends up being himself and not caring what people think of him
  • The show represented my childhood, and it got me through some rough times. The jokes were fantastic, and i’m proud that for 20 years, the writers have kept people’s children smiling and laughing in the rough world we live in.
  • Was integral to my childhood. Now that I am an adult, I have more appreciation to the subtleties and subtext that the show has.
  • spongebob was a part of my childhood growing up, and throughout my latter years in high school and college my friends and I would constantly quote sponge bob in normal diologue which resonates how much of an impact the show had on me, I suppose.
  • It's the foundation of my friendship with my best friend since my first day of Kindergarten (we are now both almost 30 and still throwing the same quotes at each other). The first movie was the last movie i went to see with my mom, and the last soundtrack i ever bought.
  • I grew up on this show and now I can watch others grow up on this timeless show. I got my brother hooked on it and now it’s his favorite show! (I’m ten years older than him) I can watch an episode and relate it to anytime in my childhood. I’d watch spongbob at least twice a day when it was on nick and I’d eat chips and enjoy myself
  • The show signifies my childhood and everything I watched. I remember waiting all week for the new episode and being yet again amazed at the story writing. I genuinely felt sad when I heard of Stephen Hillenburgs death
  • I'm sure I'm not the first to say that Spongebob was my favorite show as a kid. I remember spending several hours a day over one summer watching Spongebob -- I can still recite commercials that aired that summer. Even though it's been a while since those days, I can still appreciate how some of the humor in Spongebob still hasn't gotten old.
  • When I was in the military, I had 8 hour shifts from midnight to 8 am every day without a cellphone to keep me busy. Luckily I had a TV in my office and since it the middle of the night I didnt have much to do except for the 30 min charts I had to fill and wait for calls if something happens during the night. So how did I managed to pass the time without going crazy? A six hour marathon of SpongeBob from midnight to 6 am. That was the best year of my life (sadly, I had to go through 2 years of agonizing torture to get there).
  • It was a huge part of my childhood. growing up I would put my tape recorder next to the TV and record the audio of spongebob episodes and then listen to them in bed. SpongeBob was the first show I and many others got attached to, mostly for the sake of comedy and over the years my first online communities when I was a kid were SpongeBob ones so it's stuck with me for years as my go-to discussion. I still have connections there to this day and I potentially wouldn't have strong ties without it as I'm somewhat nervous of irl socialization. The online community for an overall great show though has been easy for me to adapt to in my comfort zone.
  • It was and still is one of my favourite tv shows. I would always watch nickelodeon at 5:00pm to see the newest episodes and it's a great show to watch when I have nothing else to do. This show is my childhood, I can’t imagine what it would be like without it. I’m writing this on May 1st 2019. That’s the 20th anniversary, it’s crazy. I love spongebob, and I love the memories I’ve made with it.
  • It means a LOT to me. I have watched every SpongeBob episode, know a lot of trivia, own Seasons 1-4 on DVD, I own The First Season (Minus a few episodes), Big Pink Loser, Bubble Buddy, Christmas Who, Secret Box, and Band Geeks on YouTube. I own a lot of merchandise and, as I am writing this I am wearing a SpongeBob shirt. Happy 20th anniversary, SpongeBoy me Bob.
  • It basically means my childhood, I would watch that just about everyday. My parents got me a Kindle fire as my first electronic and the only good show it has was SpongeBob so I would watch it for hours on end everyday. I remember when my friend showed me this video of subliminal messages in the show and since I was a bit older I decided to rewatch most of the show. I saw some new things I reminisced on some things but even to this day I make references to the show that most everyone gets. that's what the show means to me.
  • To me it means a safe happy place for generations of people. Even after the show ends It will still be remembered as a connecting thread through us all. It was a predictor and is a foundation of meme culture, it is a pivotal piece of entertainment all ages can enjoy, and it is a key example of how shows marketed towards kids do not have to be bad, or boring, or poorly written, or devoid of passion.
  • It's a show about fun. I look back at the good old days when I watch the great classic episodes, which is really just all of the classic episodes. The writing is genius, the characters work incredibly well off of each other, it has moments we're obviously still quoting to this day and will for the rest of our lives... Fun is all I can really describe it as. F IS FOR FRIENDS WHO-
  • Its an amazing children's show that can still be enjoyed by adults so watching it alongside your kids is not a chore but a fun memory. Also nostalgia.
  • This show is my entire existence; I quote old episodes by the hour, I watch it whenever it’s on, and I have seen every episode multiple times, sometimes hours on end. I would be a 100% completely different person if not for Spongebob, and I totally mean that. I can’t even imagine a life without the joys of spongebob. I am also the curator for the Spongebob SubCategory on the quiz website, Sporcle (my username is Squidward-master), where I have made 28 quizzes on both vague stuff, and specific stuff on episodes throughout the series (but mostly seasons 1-3).
  • It’s a show that’s been around for longer than I have, it’s influenced a lot of people and I will never forget it, for the rest of my life. It’s a good show
  • I grew up with the show and it means the world to me. I quote it all the time, know every episode and title, and know a lot of trivia. It’s a part of my life.
  • I grew up with this show for most of my life and it was the first animated Tv show I watched when my family got cable television for the first time so it's very special to me
  • It represents growth, learning, and innocence. Spongebob is kinda like the child that we all once were, whereas Squidward is like the person most adults are. The show explores the dynamic relationship between these two characters, and the way Spongebob and Squidward interact can be somewhat compared to real life.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants was the first show that captured my imagination as a child. I was in love from the first time I saw an episode. I grew up a superfan, watching every episode and constantly drawing and playing SpongeBob. The show inspired me to pursue animation- a dream I've had since I was 6 years old, and now 15 years later, it's coming true as I'm in college for it. Steve Hillenburg was and still is my hero. It's a shame he was taken from us so soon, and one day I hope I can make something in his honor. SpongeBob is more than just a show to me- it's both the past, the present, and the future of my life- my inspiration, my source of joy, and something I want to work on some day.
  • It defined my early teen years, as it was the show I'd never miss. Never failed to entertain me. It also got me interested in graphic arts and marine life. The show was a large part of growing up and I had watched the show often growing up.
  • I was born right after Spongebob started airing. As a unabashed denizen of the internet, I kinda grew up with it, and it's left an impact on me that's difficult to qualify. Spongebob is something that nearly everyone I can think of cherishes as integral to their childhood and growth as a person. Sure, it wasn't always good, but more than any other cartoon, the characters were believable. As someone who values integrity and honesty, seeing characters who are so much "themselves"- that is, they know who they are, who they've been, and who they want to be, and will stop at nothing to project their personalities- parallels how I want to be. It's honestly quite likely Spongebob played a role in creating that mindset.
  • It's a reminder of a simpler time as a child where life was easy with no worries
  • It Means A Lot. It Helps Me Stay Happy Through Sad Times. I Have Watched This Since I Was Little
  • Like many others I grew up on the show and even at 22 I still frequently watch it. I truly think it’s the greatest animated show of all time because of its cultural impact and how relevant it is across generations X,Y, and Z.
  • Everything, I would be a completely different person without this show. Me and my dad still quote some of our favorite episodes to each other, and is half the reason why we are such good friends. Me and my Brothers still communicate with each other because we share a love for this show.
  • this show literally means so much to me. it's kind of pathetic but it's the entire basis of my sense of humor. i love making all the references with people who had the same childhood. i grew up with it and watched every episode until the one with the vikings. i didn't watch it until i joined the meme game and since the, i noticed that it was part of my childhood and much of it is still deeply relatable. as a kid, i enjoyed the goofyness, but now i really like the different layers of irony, deepness or whatever i see in the scene i'm watching
  • I've watched since I was a toddler and I can appreciate the newer seasons and find myself laughing in some scenes. I have a Spongebob sticker on the back of my car, it's pretty cool. A bond with my brother, as we often bond over referencing the show together.
  • Honestly it would take a full essay to show what this show means to me it's the most important part of my child good i still watch it today I wouldn't be who I am without spongebob I still remember receiving my very first Lego set something that changed my life and it was a spongebob set what I'm trying to say is spongebob is the most important cartoon for me and it will never look bad to me Means everything to me, it’s my childhood, my sense of humor revolves around the show.
  • The show means a lot to me. I was already able to get a laugh out of it no matter what mood I was in, and it’s always been a thing where I just don’t grow out of it as I can always either relate to it so well or just get a laugh at the things spongebob and Patrick do.
  • As a product of the 90s it's basically all I know and reference. I recently relocated to New Mexico from New York and the first bond my coworkers and I had was an undying love for Spongebob. I feel like loving and memorizing random episodes of Spongebob is the one commonality young professionals have.
submitted by siouxsie_siouxv2 to BikiniBottomTwitter [link] [comments]

2019.06.27 11:46 Ginomania [META] "Good to know" and "Just a heads up"

In the comments you are welcome to give more tips for new members or just things that are important for you to mention
Thanks for your contribution,
Sicerely Ginomania
submitted by Ginomania to RocketLeagueExchange [link] [comments]

2017.06.01 17:35 elitecloud Recruiting Guilds - June 2017

What is this thread?
Here are the guilds that are currently recruiting:
PC Reddit Guilds
XBOX Reddit Guilds
PS4 Reddit Guilds
Archived threads
Please allow me a few days once posting to get to editing this sticky, I do my best to get it fixed ASAP :)
With the update to the new g.s. hitting consoles I will be reaching out to all guilds to update IL when time allows.
Edit :
Updated Sanctum
submitted by elitecloud to Neverwinter [link] [comments]

2017.05.30 10:19 TimburgersNW [xbox] The Order of the Pizza is hiring delivery drivers

20 minutes or Orcus gets his money back.
It's just a game, or is it? Welcome to our guild recruitment page. Please take some time to fill out this quiz to see if the pizza guild is the right guild for you.
Instructions: Circle one answer and show your work on a separate piece of paper.
  1. Are you hungry right now? Yes / No / Maybe
  2. Do you like cats? Yes / No / Maybe
  3. Is your character named after your favorite food? Yes / No / Maybe
  4. What do you like on your pizza? Yes / No / Maybe
  5. Is your Facebook photo from more than 10 years ago? Yes / No / Maybe
  6. Have you had to throw away a controller because the LB button stopped working? Yes / No / Maybe
  7. Do you believe in life after love? Yes / No / Maybe
Score: If you didn't take the quiz and are still reading this you may turn in a 4 word essay as a substitute titled "Why I belong".
Mostly "yes" = you are in... where have you been all our lives.
Mostly "no" = umm, okay. You can join if you want but you have to clean up after yourself and no eye contact for the first three weeks.
Mostly "maybe" = just walk away and go figure out who you are before someone else decides for you. Come back tomorrow and try again. We believe in you, you can too.
Below is some information that really doesn't matter to much.
Guild hall 14
Perks * Daily dance contests
*Full fake alliance with fake people
Contact: xbox gamertag - timburgers
1 Expensive
submitted by TimburgersNW to Neverwinter [link] [comments]

2016.11.01 01:44 iambobbyhill2015 Microsoft Scam, All Xbox Players at Risk

Today while away from my Xbox I heard a notification. I look and to my surprise I see a message from Xbox Live. I grab my controller and open up my messages. The message tells me to check my email and that enforcement was being taken against my account. Shocked, I open up my laptop and check my email. I see an email from Microsoft. It states that I can no longer sign into my Xbox Live account until November 14, 2016. A 2 week ban.
I have been with Xbox Live since early in the Xbox 360 days. I believe my account is around 7-8 years strong with absolutely 0 bans or anything of that nature.
Obviously my first step of action is to go talk to some Microsoft Support. I load up, get matched with an employee and begin our chat. I explain to him the situation, he does his regular copy & paste routine telling me that to have my Ban reviewed, I need to go to such & such a link and fill out such & such a form. I get to the link, I do as he instructed but I am stopped before I can submit my case review.
The website tells me that I am not eligible for a case review, I need to first fill out a questionnaire. Alright... so I mention it to the Support Agent and he tells me that he forgot that I may have to fill out the questionairre before being able to sumbit my review. At this point I have already been on chat with this guy for about 20-30 minutes.
I am filling out the questionnaire, some basic questions. Question #4 pops up reading close to (if not word-for-word) "Do you find it okay to send Nudes to another player". At this point I am honestly starting to get a little annoyed, I am not an idiot and this questionnaire is designed for idiots. It doesn't take rocket science to understand that sending nudes on Xbox to random players is a No-No. The next question pops up and it is worded very odd/tricky. I click false and it ends up being true, one question wrong = fail. So I get ONE more chance at completing one of these questionnaires 100% correctly.
The first question on quiz number 2 reads: "When given a forced gamertag change, I have the opportunity to change my gamertag for free? True or False"
I have been an Xbox player since 360 like I mentioned, I have had the same Gamertag for 7 years. How on Earth could I possibly know the answer to this question? I literally could not know as I was never in that situation.
I go back to the chat and ask my Support Agent for the asnwer, and explain I could never know the answer in a million years. Of course he tells me no, they cannot help with the questionnaires.... I sit there for another 30-45 talking to this guy about the question I am being asked and explaining I could not possibly know the answer. After lots of circling back and forth (because a call center job is literally that important that it makes people refuse to be human beings to one another) he finally hints that the answer is True. His wording was very precise because I am (now) 100% sure he also did not know the answer. Eventually he tried to bail on the conversation and close out, but I got him to put me through to a manager so he could go on about his day.
Me and this manager talk for another 30-45. At this point I have been sitting on this one Questionnaire question for an hour because if I click the wrong answer I am blocked from submitting my case review. She tells me that she cannot help me with the questionnaire because she could not possibly know the answer because the questionnaires are chosen randomly based on your offences.... This is what she told me. Me who has had the same gamertag for 7 years, was given a question about Gamertag changes because it suites my situation in their eyes. Obviously the manager did the same dilly-dallying and in the end I finally got her to tell me the answer. I click True. Meaning: "It is true that if you are given a forced gamertag change, you will get the opportunity to choose a new gamertag for free". WRONG. The ANSWER THE MANAGER GAVE ME, was incorrect, and here I sit... Still banned and now with no chance of a fair Case Review.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the questionnaire is in place specifically to block people from getting fair reviews. You need 100% correct to pass and its a quiz full of trick questions that one person could not possibly ever know some of the answers to. So in order to get a fair review on a possible Ban ERROR, I have to know more than the Managers at their own offices. I have to know everything there is to know about Microsoft, from Gamertag changes to price changes.
As a long time customer of Xbox this is more than infuriating, and honestly a little defeating. I play Xbox to relax, today my Xbox was by far my biggest source of stress. Banned incorrectly for 2 weeks with no chance of Appeal, on a console that requires me to pay a monthly fee to play... You can guess what they said when I asked for those 2 weeks of Xbox Gold refunded. lol.
If anyone at Microsoft happens to read this, this is how you lose long time loyal customers. I have never been more tempted to pack it all up and switch to Sony.
NOTES: - I am not sure what the ban was for, apparently harassment however the only people I ever message are close friends or people from LFG sites saying "Invite". They did not give me an exact instance of what got me banned. - The first Support Agent told me that my ban had not even been investigated at the time, and was pushed out by a computer... - This is my FIRST offence(?) ever on Xbox Live. - Received unexpected ban until Nov. 14, 2016.
I just want to get this out there because I know I am not a player who deserves the ban hammer. Not even close. I have 2 kids and when I am on Xbox I have a regular group of 5-6 guys I always am playing with. We play Destiny all the time and that is it. Just know that this could happen to literally any one of you at anytime, they can ban you without investigation and they will go out of their way to make sure you serve that ban regardless of if you deserve it or not. Even people who deserve the bans, deserve a chance to have it fairly reviewed. Microsoft is at a new low.
Edit: I understand you guys want me to be guilty but its just not the reality of the situation. I am not on here "Crying about a ban"..... I am simply trying to fairly submit my Case for Review. Regardless of how you look at it, everyone deserves the chance of Case Review wether they are a raging 12 year old or a racist 56 year old. There is no way you can argue that, I bet ill see you try though.
submitted by iambobbyhill2015 to gaming [link] [comments]

2016.07.09 23:53 sryanbruen Xbox One Party Zombies Quiz idea

I have just thought of this idea. For anyone that is on Xbox One, I'm giving the opportunity to take part in a zombies quiz much like Nixaru's Zombie Showdown and I will make a different one each week. A maximum of 4 contestants will take part each week. And though you might have to wait some time, you are allowed to take part in another future zombies quiz if you enjoyed it so much that you want to do it again. You have to be on Xbox One unfortunately and of course, have a mic so I can speak orally to you and hear what you're saying. Would anyone be up to this or will I just fuck it in the trash?
EDIT: So here are my confirmed contestants for episode 1
submitted by sryanbruen to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2016.04.01 09:52 FluffyALaMode [PS4][XB1][LTS] Oryx Challenge Mode Marathon, Saturday April 2

Edit: Fantastic job everyone! See you next time!
Hello folks! It's almost Saturday, which is usually the time our beloved mods host their weekly challenge mode marathons. Unfortunately, they seem to have come down with a severe case of real life responsibilities, so I'm organizing this one! And, just because I'm doing most of this stuff from my phone, we're not gonna have the fancy sign-up sheets this time. You'll live. I'm sure you can provide the necessary information without a quiz format. (I hope.) Below you will find two lists of requirements, one for normal and one for hard mode. Please meet these requirements, as it will make everyone's lives easier.
Normal Mode Requirements:
Hard Mode Requirements:
My intention is to start at 6pm PST, and go until we run out of people. I will update this once we have more Sherpas, as well as for the Xbox crowd. If you want to help out, please message me to let me know. The more the merrier!
To Sign Up:
Comment below with the following information:
Your PSN id/Gamertag
Your light level
Normal or hard mode
Console (PS4/XBoxOne)
Previous Experience
I may not have a fancy sign-up sheet, but I have a neat spreadsheet to show who has signed up so far. It's here.
For all you European folks, we have another Sherpa planning runs for earlier on Sunday. Check it out.
We do not currently have a Twitch stream available, so we will have to go back to the Dark Ages of sending out messages/party invites when we're ready for the next group.
XBox Sherpas and sherpees can message scheduledcargo for scheduling and/or information.
submitted by FluffyALaMode to DestinySherpa [link] [comments]

2015.11.28 03:05 redleaderthrow Me [24 M] with my best friend [23 M] of 12 years, he says my interest in something kills his interest. Am I wrong to feel hurt and confused by this?

Hi Everyone,
I'm using a throwaway since my main username is the same as my gamertag, which my friend knows. This is probably going to sound ridiculous, but it's a problem that has been invading my thoughts for the past few weeks.
I've had a problem that has recently flared up with my oldest friend. We've known each other for 12 years, and have similar tastes when it comes to a range of things. Unfortunately, this has caused a problem.
He has been recently telling me that whenever I start getting interested in something, it ends up killing his interest in it too. The biggest example of this for him was Star Wars. I became interested in Star Wars when I was 14 years old, and I became a huge fan very quickly. A few of my friends at the time were also into it for about a year or so before me, and when they learned about my interest, they acted as gatekeepers, telling me that my interest was superficial and that I'm not a true fan for knowing every detail of every character. They would relentlessly quiz me on trivia and laugh at me if I didn't know the answer. Nevertheless, I became known as the Star Wars guy in my class for the next couple of years because I loved the universe so much.
My friend was back in town recently, and we were getting lunch one day and discussing the new Star Wars game that was released last week. I recommended that he get it too, so we could play together, and he looked at me. He eventually told me that his interest in Star Wars was killed because I liked it so much, and that my love for the series turned him off it. I told him that this sounded ridiculous, as my enjoyment of something shouldn't affect his, and he countered that by saying that everyone else in our friendship group stopped liking Star Wars because of me. I was absolutely blown away, and it took some self-control to not just walk out of the restaurant there and leave him. I just see it as a group of 14 year olds thinking that something is uncool or childish because other people like it, and that's why they stopped liking it.
Am I wrong to think that his reasoning is strange? I've never acted as a gatekeeper to anyone else who has liked Star Wars, so I feel pretty bad about being told this by one of my closest friends. What should I do about it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
tl;dr: My oldest friend says that my interest in Star Wars made him stopped liking it. Am I wrong to feel hurt and confused by this?
submitted by redleaderthrow to relationships [link] [comments]

2012.12.06 21:46 lzravanger Halo 4 Gameshows by CrypticStorm - Win MSP or try to top the leaderboards! Signups inside.

Hello fellow redditors. My name is CrypticStorm, and with Halo 4 now available, I have been working constantly on new and fun gameshows for the public to try out. While most (well all really) of you do not know me, I have been doing this since Halo 3, where obstacles courses were amazing with ghost jumps and other cool tricks. Now in Halo 4, I have brought back a few gameshows from older games and a few new ones for reddit to try out. If these turn out well, I plan on uploading them to my youtube channel which is currently barren at for all to see.
For those of you who don't know, a gameshow is something like Jeopardy or Family Feud. A goal is established and tried to be obtained through whatever means. Most common in video games are obstacle courses, with quiz shows right behind that. My shows however, are completely varied.
Here are the first two gameshows ideas that I plan to test out with the community:
Ultimate Spartan Challenge:
This gameshow is the standard obstacle course and where one can win their MSP. The rules of the course are simple. You join the lobby, I start the map and you get one attempt to beat all 4 stages in succession. While difficult, it is a free attempt at 1600 MSP. I give all competitors one week to compete on this obstacle course. Hopefully that week will start next Monday and run throughout the duration of the weekly challenge.
In Progression, groups of X players (X will vary) enter a lobby and attempt to complete a challenge in a given amount of time or lives. If they complete that challenge, then they may move onto the next challenge. The catch is, once a team loses to a challenge, they have to wait until the next day to compete again. This gameshow is all about teamwork and learning to adapt to various challenges. Teams fall apart in this game when time runs thin and the panic starts. This gameshow is VERY fun, but requires a lot of coordination and time on my end.
TL;DR If you would like to sign up for any of these gameshows, please visit the link below and sign up. You only need to enter your Gamertag, but other information is helpful.
Sign Up!
submitted by lzravanger to halo [link] [comments]

2010.09.16 16:29 tonypotenza need some PS3 buzz quiz world players (for online play)

me and my gf want to play some buzz quiz world but there is never anyone online to play, wanna play with us ? pm me or post here your gamertag , ours is tony_potenza
submitted by tonypotenza to gaming [link] [comments]

2010.01.15 18:50 puppetless I won prizes on 1vs100 live but I can't claim them.

I was in the ''mob'' on 1vs100 live. The person answering the question lost, and so each person left in the mob would receive the prize he would have won. (The prize was a certain number of microsoft points and an xbox live arcade game). I read the information afterwards, and it said something about either checking my email or I've since checked both, and there was nothing about my prizes there.
I then checked the rules and regulations of 1vs100 on the xbox 360 site. I read about half of the information then promptly fell asleep due to an overdose of boring legalese. The parts that I did read before I lapsed into unconsciousness I qualified for. I was playing on my own xbox, on my on gamertag, on my own gold membership I purchased myself. I was resident in the country the quiz was taking place in (the UK).
I want my free shit! How do I claim the prizes?
tl;dr:I want my free shit! How do I claim the prizes?
submitted by puppetless to xboxlive [link] [comments]

2010.01.15 18:35 puppetless I won prizes on 1vs100 live but I can't claim them.

I was in the ''mob'' on 1vs100 live. The person answering the question lost, and so each person left in the mob would receive the prize he would have one. (The prize was a certain number of microsoft points and an xbox live arcade game). I read the information afterwards, and it said something about either checking my email or I've since checked both, and there was nothing about my prizes there.
I then checked the rules and regulations of 1vs100 on the xbox 360 site. I read about half of the information then promptly fell asleep due to an overdose of boring legalese. The parts that I did read before I lapsed into unconsiousness I qualified for. I was playing on my own xbox, on my on gamertag, on my own gold membership I purchased myself. I was resident in the country the quiz was taking place in (the UK).
I want my free shit! How do I claim the prizes?
tl;dr:I want my free shit! How do I claim the prizes?
submitted by puppetless to xbox360 [link] [comments]