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2024.06.09 17:50 Brokenly_Broken I tried reconciliation but it didn't go as planned

I (F,24) and my boyfriend (M,27). D-Day was 4 months ago. AP was someone that knows, he knew that but it didn't seem to bother them. I found out about it from his friends because he always denied everything. I had decided to move on alone but two weeks later he came back and I felt real guilt, he apologised to my family (they know him), he was ready to do ANYTHING to make me trust him again. I agreed to reconcile (please don’t judge me on this part) but a side of me was no longer there. He had blocked his friends and the AP too. A few weeks later everything changed, he no longer made enough effort to be forgiven, he started writing to girls again on Snapchat, he no longer gave me enough attention, and he told me that it bothered him that I I still haven't really decided if I want to officially get back with him or not. We went almost two weeks without speaking, then I discovered that he had installed a dating site, he told me that it was just to get an opinion from a stranger (I didn't believe it but yeah). I asked him to leave me alone but he got down on his knees and begged me not to leave him, that he really means it.
All this stressed me out and I asked him for all his passwords, which he did. I admit that for my part I had become colder and I got angry a little more quickly than usual because I was tired of trying and finding myself in this posture despite myself. I told him about all this and I had the impression that the only thing that made him regret was the culpability. He told me that if he came back it was because he saw that the behaviors (not knowing my place as a woman, wanting to have the last word..) he complained about before had changed for the better, also that he had flouted his principles by sleeping with someone who knew me and lying to my face about it . Last week he told me that he can't see himself continuing like this, without knowing if we're really together or not, that he's afraid that my impulsive nature will come back and that he'll waste his time. I was really shocked and I wondered at what point he became the victim because after the discovery I continued to be more attentive than usual.
His birthday is in few days, I found out his AP is now hanging out with his old friends and I'm quite shocked. He told me that he can only be truly caring if I decide to change this character and agree to really move on, to agree to really move on from the cheating and really try to move forward.
He changed his passwords so I no longer had access to his accounts and told me to think about what I want. Honestly I don't know what I want anymore, I feel like the situation has turned around and it's up to me to make an effort when it's me who was deceived, I would like some advice …
submitted by Brokenly_Broken to CheatedOn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:49 ifred1 Wow. What a s$#% show. Went to superstore after 6 weeks boycott. Won't go there again for a long time.

Today I broke my 6-week boycott with superstore to redeem my PC points. And what a change it was. Some deals were good ($2.99 for strawberries, $8.77/kg for ground beef. $5.49/kg chicken, $5.49/kg for pork chops bnls), 50% of eggs (caged was sticker that was news to me. $2.61 per 12 is deal for me).
But other prices?!? $4.49 for kettle chips. $2.49 for 1 cucumber. $6.99 pineapple. $8.99 for potatoes. Crackers and snacks all $1 to $2 more than Walmart for identical product.
And then the self checkout. I noticed new prison like plexiglass glass installed. Maybe before. Not sure. Felt like in prison. Never really noticed this before but now with experience of other stores, this is ridiculous. So. Green light on one selfcheck only to read "lane closed ". So wait for next. My old routine with bucket and scanning.... we'll that one first item didn't want to scan. Maybe sticker on chicken is bad. Happens. No. Other stickers not scanning. OK. So off to 3rd checkout. Move all stuff. Now I notice a big picture guide on self checkout with what to do and leave 50% products in cart for again prison feeling. OK. Scanning works but issues with next item. Self checkout wants to ensure item is in box. Laser? Scanner? Remove item back and forth. Frustrating. Now, manager comes over. "If you put bucket on the left it works better with the scale on self checkout for putting into bucket". Thx (sarcasm). Ground beef doesn't scan. So I use scan gun. No scan. No scan. Then. Ping. Ping. Double scanned. Sigh. Cancel that. Then. $11.99 for goat cheese. No! It was on sale. Complained about it to young store attendant. She looked for cheaper price. Which I got for $5.99. OK.
I then redeemed all my pc points. And left irritated. Now even more irritated as I should have gotten goat cheese for free as below $10. Totally missed that in the heat of all.
So. I liked shopping at superstore and pretty much exclusively shopped there for decades. Wow. What 6 weeks can do! Love the cheaper prices elsewhere and feeling less of a criminal when shopping
Won't be there any time soon. Bye bye loblwas!
submitted by ifred1 to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:49 Mysterious_Radish386 What should I focus on for RMIT?

Hey all,
On my 2nd year for Bachelor of IT and graduating next year.
During my first year, I hated and loathed programming because I found it extremely stressful. Now that I can code in my free time I started to take a bit of interest in Programming, I don’t really code all the time but I do it sometimes when i’m bored. Just like making a small project or 2.
I’m pretty familiar with GitHub and the whole commit change yata yata, still need to have a bit of a refresher on SQL cuz I haven’t used it since last year. I have pretty good understanding of HTML and CSS, but i’m like okay in Java I know like the wording n stuff. I have a good amount notes on all of these things so I might go re learn SQL.
Cyber Security does seem to interest me too! I have always taken some kind interest in protecting my data. I’m not sure if I should go down the Cyber Security role or maybe even a Software Engineering path.
I’m kind of confused on where to go at this point and time. I do want to have a successful career in IT and I always been passionate about technology. I know money isn’t everything but I still desire a career that pays pretty well.
And how hard is it to land a job in the tech industry in Australia? I heard it’s extremely competitive.
submitted by Mysterious_Radish386 to rmit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:49 ThrowRA_Dustybrain My(23f) bf (24m) doesn’t make quality time for me due to hanimals. Am I being dramatic? What should I do.

Hello some context ! I have known my bf for like 13+ years. We dated in high school for 3-4 years and broke up after he graduated due to cheating (him). We reconnected last December and from there we began dating again. We are long distance, but at first it was great. The distance didn’t feel like it was real we had lots of fun watching stuff and playing games together. Kyle ruining our sleep schedules so we can hang out a little longer. Time flew by and we were having the best time it felt like we were teens again. Even after the honeymoon phase wore off it was still fun when we would hang out and spend quality time together!!! So to make this a short story, i can’t remember when but he started to have an animal hoarding problem. It started innocently, saving a dog from a rescue and then finding a few strays and some dumped puppies. In his small trailer he had like 27 dogs. We talk about it, he sort of not really listens and gets the dogs down to 12 and a ton of cats. At this point we don’t do anything together. No games, we don’t watch anything. We talk but it’s hard with the dogs. Life has been about the dogs.Anytime we talk he complains about the mess the dogs make or work(he works with dogs). I love dogs! This is a fucking disaster! When we’re on call all he is doing is cleaning up the mess the dogs make and yelling at the dogs that are barking constantly. It’s sad I am jealous of dogs? I think I love him for real but I feel like I have a friend that calls me baby rn. I’m unhappy with it right now I have been low contact for a few days and he has not really noticed but I have felt this weird? Free feeling I’m not sure what to do. He is supposed to visit me in a month so I need to decide now. Is is worth saving this? And how? I’m really just looking for perspective as I have a hard time trusting my emotions bc brain bad. 
submitted by ThrowRA_Dustybrain to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:49 Greggregrson Why is it hard to find true friends??

Hey yall…I hope you guys are doing well wherever you are in the world and whatever stage you are in life.
This is going to be quite a long read with a lot of mistakes in writing. My writing is about a minuscule issue that has been affecting my social life and in-turn making me just miserable. If I was a character in a movie I would say “why does he care so much about that?”. It’s not life threatening by any means.
A background. I am a 20 year old guy who will be turning 21 tomorrow. I will probably just celebrate my birthday with my parents at best. Since I’ve joined university at 18 I wanted to have a different experience, I was living in a small town in my schooling years I didn’t have any friends because I never was interested in making friends and just spent days in my home with my family or doing homework/studying. Unlike every other guy that I know (all male school btw if that changes anything) my life was mediocre at best and sad at worst. But you see I didn’t care, I didn’t care about friends or having fun outside my house or just being a teen in general. I don’t know what happened to me like I really don’t what want on in grade 12 and the transition from 17 to 18 that turned me into “ I NEED SOCIAL INTERACTION I NEED FRIENDS I NEED SOMEONE TO CARE ABOUT ME”.I never cared about being a teenager or how I spent my days. My parents loved how uneventful I am because both of my eldest siblings lived a totally different teenage years than me.
University was supposed to be the place where I will finally find myself but it’s just been miserable to say the least. I will just talk about the social aspect because that’s what is making me more depressed but I am struggling academically through this.
Through this long 3 years of my life how many supposedly I made ? 2. I said supposedly because I’ve been thinking about those two relationships and it just seems one sided most of the time. Something I forgot to mention but I am a sensitive guy like “did the thing they said to me means anything different?” Or “why do they hate me?” Sensitive. I hate that about me because I take things too personally and maybe all of these is just because of my sensitivity. Anyways, the first friend that I made was in my first semester. I don’t remember how we even started to talk but he is a nice guy. He is from a different college than me and he studied in a private school. The other guy I met last year and it was totally just out nowhere. I remember him asking something in the course group chat and we just became friends. Now what I consider as a friend might be something different because I don’t consider a person friend until we actually meet up outside of university. Other than that they are colleague.
What is in common for person 1 and 2 is that they both are upper class and that’s about it. Guy 1 is more reserved, shy person and he does have autism. I think our mutual love for gaming connected us. On the other hand, guy 2 is more outgoing, extroverted and adventurous. I think we just connected because I found myself more adventurous at this point.
Since I never had a best friend ( it seems that I will never have one at this point of just trying and failing) I thought that they both would be but it turns out that it’s just me trying to hard. They probably don’t care about the same way I care about them. Every single interaction was started by me. When I look back at everything I just cringe and become angry. At every birthday (because I actually remember their birthday)for them I write them a sincere message. Every time I don’t hear from them for a week I ask and call sometimes. I literally ask them to meet up every single time because if I don’t they will never ask me.
There is a lot of things that I can say but I am actually so tired of thinking about this. All I really need is for someone to care about me. It’s a horrible feeling when I wake up and the only messages I got is ads and the family group. All the calls I get are from my mother and dad. I am blessed to have a parents who care about me most of the time but I really feel that I am alone most of the time. I really tried hard those past 3 years to make a deeper connection but it just isn’t working for me. I literally just want someone to actually care if I am alive and doing well for once. Is that too much to ask ? Maybe I am over sensitive and just have high standards? What I am doing wrong ??
I want a different perspective on my situation because I am tired of spending months just trying to figure out why.
submitted by Greggregrson to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:49 okiskir Pinhole issue (Kobo Libra Colour)

Pinhole issue (Kobo Libra Colour)
I just want to vent about my succession of faulty kobo devices.
I bought a kobo Libra 2 in March 2024, I used it for a around a few weeks then it started having pinholes issue (I was using a sleep cover casing all the time). After that, I returned it to the shop, and they said it'll take around 6 weeks to process the exchange, which then they contacted me 2 weeks after I returned it to inform that the distributor have no Libra 2 in stock at all. They said they can only refund me by using store credit to exchange for other devices.
I then decided to wait for the new Libra colour. When they got the new models, I got mine next day, but the device kept crashing, so I had to return it. I got another model, lo and behold, it got pinhole issue, again, only a few weeks after using it, and almost the exact spot with the last Libra 2 despite being in sleep cover all the time.
The store already told me if I return another unit, they cannot do one-to-one exchange, and they'd have to send it to the factory which takes more than a month. I don't even know if it's worth it to send it for exchange again. I'm just very frustrated and saddened with Kobo devices at this point.
submitted by okiskir to kobo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:48 Brokenly_Broken I tried reconciliation but it didn't go as planned, need advices

I (F,24) and my boyfriend (M,27). D-Day was 4 months ago. AP was someone that knows, he knew that but it didn't seem to bother them. I found out about it from his friends because he always denied everything. I had decided to move on alone but two weeks later he came back and I felt real guilt, he apologised to my family (they know him), he was ready to do ANYTHING to make me trust him again. I agreed to reconcile (please don’t judge me on this part) but a side of me was no longer there. He had blocked his friends and the AP too. A few weeks later everything changed, he no longer made enough effort to be forgiven, he started writing to girls again on Snapchat, he no longer gave me enough attention, and he told me that it bothered him that I I still haven't really decided if I want to officially get back with him or not. We went almost two weeks without speaking, then I discovered that he had installed a dating site, he told me that it was just to get an opinion from a stranger (I didn't believe it but yeah). I asked him to leave me alone but he got down on his knees and begged me not to leave him, that he really means it.
All this stressed me out and I asked him for all his passwords, which he did. I admit that for my part I had become colder and I got angry a little more quickly than usual because I was tired of trying and finding myself in this posture despite myself. I told him about all this and I had the impression that the only thing that made him regret was the culpability. He told me that if he came back it was because he saw that the behaviors (not knowing my place as a woman, wanting to have the last word..) he complained about before had changed for the better, also that he had flouted his principles by sleeping with someone who knew me and lying to my face about it . Last week he told me that he can't see himself continuing like this, without knowing if we're really together or not, that he's afraid that my impulsive nature will come back and that he'll waste his time. I was really shocked and I wondered at what point he became the victim because after the discovery I continued to be more attentive than usual.
His birthday is in few days, I found out his AP is now hanging out with his old friends and I'm quite shocked. He told me that he can only be truly caring if I decide to change this character and agree to really move on, to agree to really move on from the cheating and really try to move forward.
He changed his passwords so I no longer had access to his accounts and told me to think about what I want. Honestly I don't know what I want anymore, I feel like the situation has turned around and it's up to me to make an effort when it's me who was deceived, I would like some advice …
— Tl:Dr; I tried reconciliation but it didn't go as planned
submitted by Brokenly_Broken to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:48 storiesarefunright Phaal's poker.

Aidin didn't need another cautionary tale about the Phaal, but he could tell from the slight crinkle of Isa's forehead that he was about to hear one.
"There's something else you should know," she said.
So predictable. "If you're going to tell me how deadly-"
"It's not that," she interrupted, and it suddenly occurred to Aidin that he was probably just as predictable to her as she was to him. "It's something else. Something worse."
"What's worse than-"
"They can read minds. They can read your mind. Human minds. They might be reading your mind right now."
"I see," nodded Aidin, digesting the information. "Actually, I don't think I do see. Why is that worse?"
"Because the only way we're getting out of here is if you can beat them at Phaal's Poker."
Aidin and Isa were sat on the floor of a holding cell, but it was unlike any of the cells they'd found themselves in before. And they'd found themselves in plenty. For most artefact dealers, there was a fine line between running a successful operation and staying on the right side of The Expanse's arbiters. Usually you had to pick one.
Their cell was shaped like the number 8, with two, circular chambers separated by a gap just wide enough to squeeze a human arm through. They could've passed items to each other had they been allowed to keep anything worth passing. Instead, all they'd exchanged so far were words and glances. And thoughts.
Each half of the cell was empty save from a polymer bucket, and a singular light hung in the gap, half-heartedly illuminating both halves at the same time.
It was hard for either of them to know how long they'd been there. There were no windows, and besides, time moved strangely in these far-flung corners of The Expanse. Still, Aidin's stomach had given way to a deep, aching growl. They'd clearly been here for too long.
Phaal's Poker. Aidin had only heard the rumours. Invented by the Phaal, mastered by the Phaal. It was said that nobody could beat them at their own game, least of all humans, and now he understood why. How do you deceive something that knows what you're thinking?
"Can't you play?" asked Aidin.
Isa shook her head. "They can't read me. They'll insist on playing you."
Aidin's eyes dropped and settled on his moaning gut. He was used to hunger, but this felt different. Like his body had resorted to feeding on itself.
"Right. Excellent. And if I lose?"
Isa raised an eyebrow. "Don't lose."
Aidin sighed. This was not what he had envisioned when he took the job, but jobs like this rarely went as planned. That much he knew. "So what're the rules?"
"Ah, yes." Isa straightened, her eyes widening with an enthusiasm that felt at odds with their current predicament. "It's actually a rather elegant game."
"Well then, lucky me," said Aidin, his patience eroding with every gurgling hunger pang. Isa persevered.
"Two players face each other. Each player takes a coin - but it can be anything small and flat - and places it - secretly, mind - into one of their hands - or whatever they use to hold stuff." Isa's excitement continued to build. "You win by finding your opponent's coin and tricking them into missing yours."
"What if you both find each other's coins?"
"Then the game starts again. Same if both players get it wrong, but-" she caught herself. "But-"
"-Phaal don't get it wrong." offered Aidin.
Isa slumped back against the wall. "No, they don't. At least, not when they're playing humans."
"So if the Phaal never miss, it means I can't win," reasoned Aidin. "I can only delay the inevitable by forcing a rematch."
"Yes. That's the long and short of it," said Isa. "But perhaps..." she trailed off, and Aidin interrogated the slight narrowing of her eyes. He'd seen that squint before.
"You've got an idea, haven't you?" he said.
"What if," ventured Isa, "there is a way?" At this she stood up, her dormant bones clicking back into action. She paced back and forth across the diameter of her half of the cell, moving in and out of Aidin's view through the small gap that separated them. Her lips moved silently, her fingers traced patterns in the air.
"I'm listening," said Aidin, veiling his intense relief as best he could. She always had an idea. "Whenever you're ready."
After what felt to Aidin like an age, Isa stopped in the middle of her cell and moved close to the gap, locking eyes with him again. The light hovered above her head, and it reminded Aidin of the cartoons he used to watch back on Earth. This was an idea alright.
Isa pointed at him: "You have one advantage over the other humans who have played Phaal's Poker, don't you?" Aidin nodded, but he didn't know what she was talking about. Isa sensed it. "Aidin, you know they can read your mind. The others won't have known. We can use that."
"Okay. Yeah. I can see it. Fine." He stared at her blankly. "But how exactly? If I'm thinking about lying about which hand my coin is in, they're still going to know I'm lying."
"Sure", said Isa. She was confident now, like a detective about to reveal the culprit. "But what if you don't think about the game at all?"
Aidin's eyes burned into the silhouetted backs of the two human guards that escorted him down a dark, seemingly endless corridor. "You can talk to me y'know," he spat. No response. Fucking traitors.
The width of the corridor fluctuated. In parts it was wide - almost palatial - but then the wood-panelled walls would tighten inwards and suddenly it was so narrow that the guards had to walk in single-file. Then they'd open up again. Intermittent lights along the ceiling made their shadows shorten and stretch.
He hadn't seen wood for some time, let alone wood-panels. These Phaal were wealthy - trees didn't grow on planets in these parts. If not for his bounds he would've reached out and ran his fingers along them.
Without warning the guards stopped outside a door. One turned to face him, and Aidin opened his mouth, ready to tell him what he thought about humans that had crossed over. But all he could muster was a stifled gasp.
The guard's eyes had been gouged out, leaving two, pitted caverns in their place. Two smaller holes punctured a flat, scarred surface where his nose should've been, and his mouth was sewn shut with rusted, blood-stained wire. His ears were still in tact.
The guard reached for the door handle with a gloved hand, and Aidin scrambled to gather himself. This is what could happen to me, he thought. This is what could happen if I lose.
The door swung open. Aidin's hunger continued to eat away at his insides.
A small, wooden coin was placed in front of each player by one of the mutilated guards that had escorted Aidin to the room. Like his cell, the room was empty save for the metal table and chairs on which they sat and a light that glowed above them. But unlike his cell, this one was square. Disgusting place, he thought.
He glanced up at the Phaal sat across from him, remembering with a spike of panic that his thoughts weren't private anymore. But it was unclear to him whether it was listening: just like the two human guards stood either side of them, the Phaal were faceless.
He had never seen one in real life before, but Isa's description was pretty accurate. Humans are mostly carbon and oxygen, Phaal are mostly calcium and keratin. Imagine if you tried to piece together a human using only bones, teeth, nails and hair.
Its whole chest was covered by a wooden-beaded necklace, which, based on the differing shades of brown, looked like an assortment of various woods. More posturing.
With a sudden lurch, the Phaal raised a hand and placed it on top of its coin. The hand was human-like in shape, but paper-white and hard. Thick cables of hair coiled around each finger, digging grooves into their surface like a vine eroding the brick of a decaying building. It dragged the coin off the table with a screech that felt like it was peeling away at Aidin's eardrums.
Aidin - his bounds cut once the door to the room had been shut - took his own coin in response, passed it between his sweat-lined hands and recited Isa's words in his mind over and over, like a mantra. Grip one half of the coin with your left hand, and the other half of the coin with your right. Then focus on what you'll eat when we get out of here.
The Phaal angled its head slightly, and Aidin wondered whether it was listening now. After a moment, the blank oval of bone, hair and teeth rocked back and fourth very slowly. It was nodding. Then it placed two clenched fists on the table.
Grip one half of the coin with your left hand, and the other half of the coin with your right. Then focus on what you'll eat when we get out of here.
Aidin closed his eyes and thought about food. He knew that the food he'd be eating if he ever escaped this place would likely be the same food he and Isa had eaten since they'd met all those years ago. A grool of proteins, most of which could be harvested from even the most barren atmospheres of The Outer Expanse.
But his mind was a pantry, and he had stocked it with a myriad of memories. He remembered melted cheese on home-baked bread. He could almost taste his mother's cinnamon apples and golden custard. He could recall the smell of fried potatoes with such precision that it almost felt to Aidin as though they, and not his own coiled hands, had just been placed onto the table in front of him.
Focus on what you'll eat when you get out of here. Fruit. Grapes. The juice of those grapes. God damn I miss grapes. Fucking grapes. I never even wanted 'em when I was a kid. Now I'd kill for a grape. Fuck it I'd die for a grape. I'd-
A cold, callous touch to his right hand dragged his mind away from the grapes and back into the room.
The Phaal had made its choice. And as soon as Aidin realised what was happening, the Phaal knew that it had chosen wrongly.
The coin had found its way into Aidin's left hand.
Now it was Aidin's turn to choose.
submitted by storiesarefunright to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:48 butwhywouldyou- I'm gonna ghost everyone and go totally MIA. Idk how long for but I will

I'm wasting time again even typing this. I feel guilty cuz the people around me obviously care for me but tbh I'm so done and I know it wouldn't matter what I do next. I'm already suicidal af but I won't even do it because I'll chicken out and because I know if I died nothing would change. And that's because I'm too insignificant to have any kind of impact on those close to me. I'd rather people rejoice that I'm gone than not be bothered at all.
It's so cold and lonely and everyday is just waking up and carrying on my pathetic existence. Even the friends who clearly care for me so much deserve someone who can actually appreciate them and not be a selfish bitch. I wish I could stop victimizing myself and just reach out but I don't see a point and I don't want to bother. If you read this all the way thanks. I don't even know if I want to see any replies or not. I don't know what I want.
submitted by butwhywouldyou- to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:48 Gripping_Touch Ran Warlord's Ruin again today and I have come to a conclusion: I hope the next dungeons we get are less hard

I get Warlord's Ruin is a step up from Ghosts, both in mechanics and difficulty, but I think we've reached a ceiling there. Ghost was still fun to run with a fireteam, but very frustrating to run solo. WR is frutrating with a fireteam due to the mechanics, and while its solo flawlessable because people already did it, for the average player it is likely suffering to even solo.
The dungeon is also a pain to farm compared to the others. And while yes, it is End Game Content and it's supposed to be hard and for the skillful players, who would the Master version be for then?
My point is, we have Ghosts, and we have WR for the hard dungeons, but I hope when we get our next Dungeon, they don't make it even more difficult than WR, because that dungeon is much more unforgiving than the previous dungeons when it comes to positioning, damage, instakill, mechanics, enemy density, lack of cover etc. And if they make the next one double that difficulty, i don't see many people taking the time to run it after getting the associated exotic.
I don't know if more people share this opinion or not, but I wanted to share it because I don't know what the general consensus on the comunity is nowadays when it comes to dungeon difficulty. Specially since IIRC they made all dungeons powerlocked so you can't over-level them.
Do you think future dungeons should be made harder than WR or easier?
submitted by Gripping_Touch to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:47 BurgerDonalds Amex Cobalt Referral Link Reddit 2024 - $150 Signup Bonus (15000 Bonus Points)

Hi everyone, for people who are looking for maximize points using a credit card, this is the points machine. Amex Cobalt
The best offer is available via a referral link:
OR use this link:
Signup Bonus: 1250 MR points for each of the first 12 months, you spend $750. Total of 15000 MR points in the first year
Monthly fee: $12.99
Earning rate: 5 MR points per dollar spent on groceries and dining
3 MR points per dollar spent on streaming services
2 MR points per dollar spent on gas, public transit, and travel purchases
1 MR point per dollar spent on all other purchases
Utilizing some strategies, you will be pointing 5x almost every time...
Referral link below! If you have any questions, please dm me.
submitted by BurgerDonalds to ReferralNotReferal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:47 starlightwanderer726 signs of healing?

hi, i’ve been stalking this subreddit for a while and it has brought me so much comfort especially when i was going through very extreme hunger. i am 2.5 months into all-in recovery from two years of restriction and it has been a journey to say the least.
i think i am at that point in recovery where my EH is finally starting to level out, i’ve been exercising again but only when i feel like it. i went from compulsively exercising to full rest to now reintroducing exercise. i feel like im getting much better both mentally and physically.
to be honest, i gained a lot of weight. i am now almost if not at the overweight mark but i’ve been maintaining? i haven’t been restricting my food intake at all. i eat 3 meals and 3 snacks and then some. i’ve noticed lately though that ive been sleeping more than usual. my bloating and gastroparesis is also starting to get better but it’s still there. i think my swelling and edema have improved too. but i haven’t gotten my period yet. some days are easier than others and im still working on my body image but i tolerate my body most days. another thing is that i’ve been growing frustrated with my meal plan. intuitively i feel like i don’t want to follow it anymore i want to cook my own food and experiment which in the first month of recovery was something i didn’t ever see myself getting back to because i started to despise cooking. i have also been growing frustrated with the scale and my mirrors and no longer want to engage in any of that behavior because it sets me back each time.
my question is, are these signs of healing? i am not sure if i am on the right path or if these are signs of regression. i dont want to accidentally fall back into disordered behaviors. i really want to make a full recovery this time but ive never come this far in my recovery so i am not sure if these are signs of healing or if am actually regressing. if you have been in all-in recovery, what were signs that you got that indicated that you were healing? what can i look forward to from this point onward?
submitted by starlightwanderer726 to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:47 Fit_Potential_5538 Feeling like a bad mum

My son is 18 months old and has hit pretty much all of his milestones except speech and communication.
He learned to walk early he’s incredibly active happy child he has amazing problem solving skills he loves climbing. However he is just very speech delayed and communication milestones have not been met.
He babbles constantly he’s so chatty he can point to what he wants but not with one finger and I can always understand what he wants he can get his point across.
I’m a young mum I’m 20 now I got pregnant when I was 18 and most of the time I think I’m a really good mum I love my son more than anything I do everything I can to make sure he has all the love and attention and outlets he can get.
I’m in the process of getting him into speech therapy and things like that however it’s such a long process and it’s so many forms and different doctors visits and things like that and I always feel like they are silently judging me and I just feel like a bad mum.
I feel like could I have read to him more or things like that but I know sometimes it just takes certain kids longer I know when I was younger I needed speech therapy and my mum never brought me and that’s why it’s so important to me my son gets all the resources he needs so he has every chance in life.
Has anyone else’s child had speech delays or something of the sort and started speaking any advice and wisdom?
submitted by Fit_Potential_5538 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:47 WhatIs_This_ How do I move from architecture to emergency management?

Hey how's it going?
I'm a 29yo brazilian woman with an architecture and urban planning degree, and I've been working as a public server in the area of ​​social housing development since October 2020. I never really liked it because I don't like the idea of ​​always being in an office, it's all very rigid and time-consuming, anyway, that's not really the point
Last year I tried to join the logistics team at Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and I managed to get to the last interview but I was unsuccessful. I decided that the time has come to seek out the experience I need to try to join the MSF a second time or to find another career path that might satisfy me if that doesnt work out again, but following the same line of work
And that's where I need advice... I dont like the idea of being attached to a place for a long time, so my goal is to have an international career, not just here in Brazil. Portuguese is my native language, I already speak fluent English/Spanish, and I'm currently learning French. I'm very interested in the area of ​​emergency and disaster management, more specifically the immediate response and recovery part. I would really like to migrate but I don't know how that would be possible, what route I could take, etc. Could anyone give me some advice? I'm willing to take courses and work on anything necessary, I just have no idea where to start.
submitted by WhatIs_This_ to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:47 Greggregrson Why is it hard to find true friends?

Hey yall…I hope you guys are doing well wherever you are in the world and whatever stage you are in life.
This is going to be quite a long read with a lot of mistakes in writing. My writing is about a minuscule issue that has been affecting my social life and in-turn making me just miserable. If I was a character in a movie I would say “why does he care so much about that?”. It’s not life threatening by any means.
A background. I am a 20 year old guy who will be turning 21 tomorrow. I will probably just celebrate my birthday with my parents at best. Since I’ve joined university at 18 I wanted to have a different experience, I was living in a small town in my schooling years I didn’t have any friends because I never was interested in making friends and just spent days in my home with my family or doing homework/studying. Unlike every other guy that I know (all male school btw if that changes anything) my life was mediocre at best and sad at worst. But you see I didn’t care, I didn’t care about friends or having fun outside my house or just being a teen in general. I don’t know what happened to me like I really don’t what want on in grade 12 and the transition from 17 to 18 that turned me into “ I NEED SOCIAL INTERACTION I NEED FRIENDS I NEED SOMEONE TO CARE ABOUT ME”.I never cared about being a teenager or how I spent my days. My parents loved how uneventful I am because both of my eldest siblings lived a totally different teenage years than me.
University was supposed to be the place where I will finally find myself but it’s just been miserable to say the least. I will just talk about the social aspect because that’s what is making me more depressed but I am struggling academically through this.
Through this long 3 years of my life how many supposedly I made ? 2. I said supposedly because I’ve been thinking about those two relationships and it just seems one sided most of the time. Something I forgot to mention but I am a sensitive guy like “did the thing they said to me means anything different?” Or “why do they hate me?” Sensitive. I hate that about me because I take things too personally and maybe all of these is just because of my sensitivity. Anyways, the first friend that I made was in my first semester. I don’t remember how we even started to talk but he is a nice guy. He is from a different college than me and he studied in a private school. The other guy I met last year and it was totally just out nowhere. I remember him asking something in the course group chat and we just became friends. Now what I consider as a friend might be something different because I don’t consider a person friend until we actually meet up outside of university. Other than that they are colleague.
What is in common for person 1 and 2 is that they both are upper class and that’s about it. Guy 1 is more reserved, shy person and he does have autism. I think our mutual love for gaming connected us. On the other hand, guy 2 is more outgoing, extroverted and adventurous. I think we just connected because I found myself more adventurous at this point.
Since I never had a best friend ( it seems that I will never have one at this point of just trying and failing) I thought that they both would be but it turns out that it’s just me trying to hard. They probably don’t care about the same way I care about them. Every single interaction was started by me. When I look back at everything I just cringe and become angry. At every birthday (because I actually remember their birthday)for them I write them a sincere message. Every time I don’t hear from them for a week I ask and call sometimes. I literally ask them to meet up every single time because if I don’t they will never ask me.
There is a lot of things that I can say but I am actually so tired of thinking about this. All I really need is for someone to care about me. It’s a horrible feeling when I wake up and the only messages I got is ads and the family group. All the calls I get are from my mother and dad. I am blessed to have a parents who care about me most of the time but I really feel that I am alone most of the time. I really tried hard those past 3 years to make a deeper connection but it just isn’t working for me. I literally just want someone to actually care if I am alive and doing well for once. Is that too much to ask ? Maybe I am over sensitive and just have high standards? What I am doing wrong ??
I want a different perspective on my situation because I am tired of spending months just trying to figure out why.
submitted by Greggregrson to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:47 taiyuan41 Luoyang

~Part 3 Luna~
A woman like Chang’e lived on a moon. Far away.
You can refer to me as Luna.
At the age of 19 I was diagnosed with a severe nerve pain condition. It is called trigeminal neuralgia but you can call it TN for ease.
I was frustrated. I had completed a degree in international finances from Chongqing University of Business and Technology. The boom of the economy was not the same. There was an urge to “lay flat”—to not try as a form of opposition to everything going on in a waning economy in China.
All are elephants chained for an audience. People love to peek and stare as though they are glass doors without hinges—to be made feel useless.
I developed TN at the age of 19, and was now 22. It came as an arrow, and quite literally to the face. It’s a rare nerve pain disorder often considered one of the most painful conditions known.
The illness involves intense nerve pain throughout the left side of my face. It felt like someone was trying to pull all of the teeth on the left side of my face without anesthesia. The pain can leave me falling to the floor unable to speak or move while screaming profanities while choked by pain. A feeling of a knife to my face over and over again. It leaves me in absolute shock. Like Roman candles to the face. An absolute hindrance. The anticipation of not knowing when it will happen again is a nightmare at times.
The disease is often called the suicide disease, apparently up to 26% try to take their lives. In a state of panic during one of the nerve attacks I began swallowing any pill near to me. I went to the hospital to have my stomach pumped when I was found comatose by my mother.
I want to be Chang’e and on the moon and away from a world I have had enough of.
Gossip spread around the workplace that I attempted suicide over an affair with a married man. There was too much guilt to return to the workplace. COVID did have an impact to the economy. I still remember my hometown having dirt and trees piled onto the exits and entrances to the city keep people in their places.
The work I did find felt beneath me. China has what is called the great firewall that keeps something in and out of the country’s networks. A VPN was necessary to access American TikTok as it was used as opposed to the Chinese version.
Feels humiliating the nature of the outcome for me—I gave up in many ways like so many Chinese youth. For work I would go to a local office building. Amongst a long hall would be rooms for live stream performers. I would entertain with watchers while trying to obtain virtual gifts for actual money. I despised it—sometimes the conversation could be funny or interesting but it felt hollow.
I would paint flowers on my face and wear hanfu clothing while doing ASMR. Competing in battles while dress cute and facing off with others. I would encourage and flatter those that send virtual gifts that could be exchanged for gifts. I would message and ask for WeChat account numbers to talk to them and I would be an emotional prostitute pretending to love and be interested in them for the hopes of more gifts. Methods of manipulation would be used as in begging, guilt tripping a viewer, and love bombing them. Often middle aged men would pretend to be the female host.
I had a mind of sparklers burning until it burnt and stung like wax—like I had the option to stop and cry and those tears stuck as wax and burnt or I soldiered on and grew accustomed to the pain. I was an elephant chained. The audience watched and interacted with me on the live. I was a chained elephant when it was found out about my previous attempt and when the rumors spread.
Too many thorns in life. Nails hitting at the wrong points like an equation for something terrible to eventually happen—a life set to end in misery—a fate.
My favorite dish was Henan noodles. I often cooked it with my mom. It provides great memories of childhood. I hadn’t talked to my mother as much as before. She moved to a job in Taiyuan.
Sometimes I would go up to visit her. But it was harder as she worked more and more hours. Sometimes voids build even when going through extreme nerve pain. And with trigeminal neuralgia, the pain was so intense that I would freeze and scream in pain. It cannot always be hid. It made me an elephant tethered.
Life can be like a pressure like no other. Too much stress. Makes one feel irritable with a mouth like a sprinkler of napalm when someone is too close. Life feels like a lit fire cracker held—in the end it would tear my hand up. Things kept building while the other side of my face began to hurt too recently. This was rare and not so common. My eyesight was becoming blurry too and it seemed I might have multiple sclerosis as the pain was on both side, it was not common for my age, and the blurry eyesight. An appointment was scheduled and I felt terrified to know what was going on and wondered if it was best to not even know my health.
I walked out of the studio and had a cigarette. My boss came out and joined to talk. He was concerned about view count and wanted me to do things to increase it that made me feel uncomfortable. He made a few comments I found incentive.
The boss sure liked to criticize and apply pressure. He was not impressed with my work and thought I could do something different. In China an application is used called WeChat. This application has many uses. People can display and share moments like a Facebook wall, message each other, send money, video chat, and even has a feature to find people near to you who are also looking for people near to them. I was to attract people onto dates. The idea was they would be lured in and the men would go to a set destination to a planned tea house that served snacks. When the men arrived (they had no knowledge of the setup) the bill would be at an absurd rate and if the men refused to pay larger men would use their size to force them to pay up.
I was not sure at the time yet if I wanted the job. Being worried about ethics and safety. It was something I would have to think about.
My medical expenses were growing and I knew the nerve disease could be expensive to treat with surgery. All I had was thoughts while looking at the moon.

I watched Luna from Zhengzhou. On a screen. My name is Luo. I tap away on my phone in a dormitory in a Foxconn factory. I was a migrant worker from Luoyang in the province of Henan. My wife was in Guangzhou and I was in Zhengzhou. Far from each other. We could not be together. We were migrant workers. In China we use Hukos—a government document used to list family members like a tree—and it determine where you were tied to geographically. I could only get access to government resources if residing in your home province that your family originates from. This meant my daughter could only go to school in the province and city she originates from. I was stuck in zhengzhou at a Taiwanese own factory making iPhones. It was during the pandemic. COVID and restrictions. Felt claustrophobic. Could not leave the factory grounds due to orders. But my alienation was okay—manageable. I did it via numbing myself via sending virtual gifts to Luna. Like a noose around my neck in debt.
Workers were getting mad because we weren’t being paid our allowances. And we found ourselves restricted to staying with workers who were positive for the virus. Anger was growing. And I was feeling upset like everyone else. Isolated on a moon with Luna to talk to.
Pressure grew—discontent. People rushed to the courtyard where people in hazmat suits came with batons to face a mob of angry workers. Shouting and throwing of projectiles. Chaos grew. I stood amongst them just as angry. Fists clenched.
The feeling towards Luna was polar to the situation at hand. I figured I would be pulled apart into shreds. Hooks everywhere. A piñata to be busted with all my anger and frustrations to fall out like candy for Luna to eat on. In three weeks I grew exhausted and found my own moon off the edge of a bridge —parasitical love is thin.

submitted by taiyuan41 to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:46 Captivus1 Atlas on Mobile Broken

Every time I play this level I lose. I have put in a total of 80 hours trying to beat Atlas. The issue is the Turret Pipes. The enemies simply destroy the pipes by waking over any walls I make. I'm told that the single way to win is to constantly poke at the enemy so they attack your turrets. But when they attack the turrets, they instantly disable them making the turrets useless. This is why RTS games generally don't worry about ammunition supply.
What is the point of build a fortress when a single shell turns off all your defenses?
If I make tanks and try to out produce them, then I'm out numbered 4 to 1 and they annihilate me. I'm convinced the mobile version is just set at a higher difficulty.
I just played it again, 3 minutes in the enemy attacked me with 6 hovercraft and 6 walkers. I had just started building tanks.
It's actually impossible.
submitted by Captivus1 to Mindustry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:46 Deggenheym Before Earth

Hey all, this is going to be quite a long read so I ask you to bear with me and my Google translated English.
I grew up catholic, but like many others of you, the answers were not good enough. I tried past life regression with the help of a CD, that’s how old I am. :) It didn’t work during the meditation but I always had very vivid dreams and even now I can tell if it’s something prophetic (concerning my life only) or just a dream processing the daily life. But oh boy! the dream I had after hearing the track for months was intense and didn’t feel like a dream at all but a memory.
Let’s start with me knowing that I was not really alive. No physical body but a form of remembering how I looked before or should look. My external appearance mirrored it. I found myself among thousands of other souls in a bright place. Huge! No boundaries, we all were wearing the same simple linen clothes. All including myself were happy, playful, loving and funny, even ecstatic! Right there I understood why one would miss this place and how it explained my homesickness and sadness, longing for this feeling! It was pure bliss. I wandered around for a long time, watching all of them being so happy and thinking to myself how this even was possible? I mean, I felt it too but at some point, it was … enough? I felt filled up. Also there was no challenge, no learning. I felt bored. And here comes a cut to another memory inside the dream. Like the answer to my internal question.
I was standing along a wall (although there was no ending or beginning) with many others in a long line. We were waiting for new clothes. Witch I found strange. Finally I saw those in front taking off their old clothes and putting on the new ones. The sudden change in their mood was striking. When it was my turn I realized that the wall I was standing at, had huge windows, behind them stood people no different to us, except their clothes were brighter and they seemed to be operating some consoles, looking at us and giving out the new garments. I received mine. The tunic felt damp and heavier than the one I was wearing, and it was coated with a creamy substance. Suddenly I knew these were drugs and I already felt it on my souls skin. It was not really skin, energy pattern of some sort.
I feel really stupid about this, because only a few days ago I fully realized that drugs inside clothes are absolutely a thing. To my defense, I haven’t been thinking of this reincarnation dream for a decade.
I was reminded of my dream due to an interview Dr Ammon Hillmans gave and his statements about drugs Jesus used.
Anyhow…. I went away and left the clothes somewhere or refused to take them. I remember that this caused a commotion inside the laboratory? or whatever this place was. I will call it that for now for lack of a better description. They watched me and tried to keep track of where I was going. I started panicking and told those around me, that something was wrong and this place was like a prison of joy and that they have been drugged for whatever reason all of this was not real. I think some had already thoughts of their own. I could see the change in their faces. But nobody could answer me where we were, or for how long, nor why! Many just ignored me. I knew my time was up.
Then the next memory cut: I am caught. I am inside, or can see inside the laboratory. Someone with authority is entering the room and is giving instructions. He comes towards me and is suddenly really huge, like… I can only see his face. As if I would see him through a screen or a peephole. He says something about sending me away. I want an explanation but he just leaves me.
He has a white beard and reminds me of the typical children drawings of god on a cloud.
I realize, I’m in a round tiny vessel, but it’s made from my soul. I am the vessel and it’s my boundary. As if one is hold by a magnetic field which also forms you into this vessel. I have the feeling of being betrayed or robbed. Then I’m out in space. I can’t steer the craft. I recognize Earth quite late and I’m not happy about it because there is not much there! Except vegetation. My soul swirls towards a clearing in a jungle. In the middle is a machine and it seems to be the receiver of the field I’m bound to. My soul enters it.
Next memory cut: The machine looks like two narrow cones pointing towards each other. The cones are from a dark metal or rock. Where the apex meet, a dark substance is formed. I am now outside of the memory and move around to watch what happens. I am now aware that it is a dream. A man with cloths from feathers also in his hair is operating the machine. I had the feeling to know him. And that he is the first or one of the first operating on Earth. He somehow knows that my now-me is watching. He smiles and puts his hand around the black mass forming in the machine. It’s like a tiny pebble of wobbeltet material. Cut: I’m again in my souls body. He opens his hand and I see his huge smiling face. I’m a black caterpillar in his palm. My thoughts suddenly change. I can describe it like this: you always play a highly sophisticated game with many buttons and options and then suddenly you go retro and switch to a two button game. My thoughts became harder to remember. They changed to expressions of the outer world. His palm was open in the sun, so the thoughts were: Light! Hide shadow! Predator! Bird. But there were no birds. Feelings did not change. I felt fear of being eaten and being in the sun. He puts me down on a big green leaf: Green! Eat! Crawl shadow. Eat! I really tried to remember that I was human, but it was not possible in this new body! Yet, from time to time other, deeper thoughts came through but did never last. Just a knowing of something more. Then I woke up.
I asked to know about my first life on earth. That was it. I have so many questions! I don’t know if this process of happiness is something that is needed, a form of relaxation maybe? But then I remember, that I didn’t agree with it. I wonder how much details I missed during the cuts and if there are others who remember something similar?
Thank you for reading :)
submitted by Deggenheym to pastlives [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:46 Gizm0Guru Sonos Ace - Hard to Hate, Hard to Love (Review)

I took the plunge and pre-ordered the Ace, and I’ve been putting it through its paces for the last couple of days. I’m pretty deep in the Sonos ecosystem, and I’m a big headphone collector, so I’m tossing in my thoughts here for those thinking about taking the plunge on these $450 cans.
TL:DR - the Aces come in at a high price point in the market at $450. At that price, these may be a tough sell for many. The overall sound is very good - but not definitively better than the category leaders in the market, many of which cost substantially less. Early/Gen1 bugs will leave some thinking that the product is half baked or leaves them out entirely, especially Android users. All that said, this is still a Sonos product, so there are enough things done well about the Ace that it could be a decent proposition - especially if you catch a sale and/or after upcoming software updates. Hard to hate, hard to love.
Now to give some context and get into the deeper review. As mentioned, I am pretty deep in the Sonos ecosystem because I’ve steadily added to my setups over the years. I started with a 5.1 system, Playbar + Sub + two Play 1s about 10 years ago (now in my kid’s playroom) and now I have Sonos in my whole home - another Arc-based 5.1 setup (media room), a Playbase 5.1 setup (living room), a Beam (bedroom), Move (outdoor patio) and a Roam (travel).
I am also a headphone collector and have 22 pairs, ranging from “consumer” stuff like the Ace, AirPods Pro/Max - and all the way up to high-end reference gear from the likes of Audeze, Sennheiser, Meze, Focal, etc. I listen to many types of music, from hip-hop to classical, and I also do quite a bit of gaming. I have a young kiddo so have the need to use headphones for TV viewing pretty often.
Starting with the overall design, comfort, control and included accessories - Sonos does a mostly solid job. The design isn’t overly striking in any way, but it is a well-refined “standard headphone” type of design with clean lines. The Aces are light while still feeling solidly built, have a smooth but appropriately firm sliding hinge for headband fit, have easily removable pads, and while they don’t completely collapse, they get compact enough to fit in the included zip-up hard shell carrying case.
The respectable carrying case isn’t the only included accessory. A USB-C cable is included for both charging and USB-C audio (no included wall charger), and a USB-C to 3.5mm cable is included as well for plugging into analog sources. The inclusion of these cables and capabilities gives the Aces a lot of general versatility and are good things at this price point.
The design lends itself to an overall very comfortable headphone. The band has a very soft cushion and connects to the cups in a way that distributes the weight very well. The cushions of the cups are a well-padded and very comfortable faux leather situation with a firm but not too imposing pressure on the head. These are easy to wear for hours without discomfort for me. I will note that while everything is fine for me, the cups are not particularly large, and the pads are angled, so people with large ears may find their ears touching the cups a bit.
The controls are also well designed. Sonos chose to avoid any type of touch controls with the Aces and has just three buttons - one for power and Bluetooth pairing, one for ANC/transparency/on-device voice assistant, and one for volume and track/audio source/phone call control. It reads more complicated than it is for the controls to become second nature. It is a very good overall control scheme. It’s not quite as good as the Digital Crown design of the AirPods Max, but I’d give it a strong second to that.
When it comes to hardware design and general ease of use, Sonos has always done well across its product range, and that continues here. Grade: A
Sound is one of the most subjective/difficult things to review, and I’m going to try and be as neutral as possible and use some good points of comparison. Overall, the Aces perform fairly well for the product category, and while they bring their own approach to the table, it is very much debatable whether what they bring in terms of sound is worth the fairly high $450 entry point versus $450 for the AirPods Max, $299 for the Sennheiser Momentum 4, $328 for the Sony WH-1000XM5 or $379 for the Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra - all very mature and respectable market leaders with similar product features in this category. There are wireless headphones out there that are priced higher like the Focal Bathys ($799) or the Bowers and Wilkins Px8 ($529), though one could argue that those are catering to the luxury and/or audiophile market (all Amazon US prices as of this writing), where the sound expectations have a higher hurdle to overcome.
Let’s first talk about tonal balance. The general tuning of the Aces is very similar to all of the other products I mentioned above, which is a version of a “V-Shaped” tune; bass is boosted, and treble is boosted, creating what has become commonly known as a “fun” type of tuning that I call warm and sparkly. While all of the products I mentioned do this in some way, each does it slightly differently, resulting in a slightly different overall sound presentation, the Aces are no exception. Let’s dive in.
The bass on the Aces is very noticeably boosted throughout the entire band, and the biggest boost is in the sub-bass region. This means the Aces bring slam, boom and rumble to the listen. It could be argued that these get into bass head territory, and I believe those that like bass would be happy with the Aces in that department. While the bass is certainly very prominent, it is not overly loose and still maintains a decent level of control. It is a thick but fairly clean bass. It hits thicker than the AirPods Max but less so than the Momentums and XM5s. If you like to feel those big explosions and soundtrack moments in your TV viewing and gaming, the Aces will fit the bill, as the depth the bass can reach is impressive. The downside to the bass tuning is that since the entire bass band is boosted, if you are listening to a track that has a lot of action in the bass region, it can be overwhelming and lack detail. It can also lead to some bleed into the lower midrange on certain tracks.
It is the midrange on the Aces that surprised me the most, though when I think about how Sonos likely dedicated as much thought to how these sound for TV as to how they sound for music, it makes sense. In a usual “V-shaped” tuning, it is the midrange that is the least present or gets a bit left out of the mix. This often results in vocals and many common core instruments and pieces of the mix somewhat veiled, and is the reason many audiophiles don’t like the V-shaped tuning. The Aces mostly avoid this. The midrange balance is pretty on-target with the exception of a bit of a dip in the upper mids. This means that you get a very full-bodied core sound when listening to the Aces, and that’s a very good thing. Male vocals are very often put on full display because of the added warmth of the bass boost. Female vocals can sometimes take a bit of a back seat, along with instruments like guitar, as a result of the dip in the upper mids, but to notice either of these, you’d really have to be a focused listener (more on why later). The story of the midrange is that it’s better executed than many in the category. This translates well to TV/gaming as well, as dialogue is typically easy to make out, even when there’s lots of other action going on.
The treble on the Ace, as mentioned, is definitely boosted, but in a targeted way that overall, works. I mentioned that the upper midrange where female vocals and some higher instruments live is a bit de-emphasized. Well, the treble is boosted in the “sparkle” region, where sounds like symbols reside - as well as the “s” and “t” sounds in vocals. This boost makes details shine a bit more, and it also hides the under-emphasis of the upper midrange a bit because it still pulls forward the sparkle of all vocals. This upper midrange and treble boost combination is also seen in some well-regarded higher end headphones from the likes of Sennheiser and Meze Audio, just to name a few, so kudos to Sonos for pretty solid execution on the treble. The downside to boosting this region is that some people’s ears are sensitive to this frequency range, and can find sounds like snare drums, loud symbols and the like in this region to be grating to listen to for long periods of time. I don’t find the boost to be extreme, but it is there, so those that are treble-sensitive, just something to note.
This is a good point to make note that this has all been related to the default tonal balance of the Aces right out of the box. Connecting to the Sonos app does allow you to adjust the frequency response - though it is a very basic EQ just like other Sonos products - a simple treble/bass slider. Most of the options at this price point offer greater level of control with a at least a 3-5 band EQ, but it’s better than nothing.
Last in the sound department is a bit about the staging and technical performance. Again, the Aces do what they do fairly well for the category, but whether what they do is definitively better than their peers is debatable. The sound that comes from the Aces is crisp and clear, and one of the most immediately noticeable aspects of the presentation is the good horizontal spread of the pieces of the mix - everything is placed very well with pretty good separation. The sound stage isn’t overly wide by any means, and we aren’t talking about a 3D/holographic sound stage (unless you’re using Dolby Atmos, which I’ll come back to), but the sound does indeed go ear-to-ear horizontally. Even so, the focus of the Aces is always front and center. The stage is very center-focused and intimate, with the edges of the left and right channel wrapping around to the ears. It is a pretty in your face presentation that works well. The center position also has a small but distinct depth and separation from the mix, which is impressive for a wireless headphone (I had to wonder if the fact that the inside of the pads of the Aces are angled contributes to this). The fact that the stage is so center-focused also keeps the vocals and heart of the mix emphasized, and this pairs well with its midrange tuning. This presentation also is another testament to being well-designed for both music and TV listening.
I am not always a fan of Dolby Atmos for headphones, as what the technology can do is often overhyped, but the Aces do handle Atmos mixed sources (or multichannel sources when using TV Swap) very well. It essentially makes the sound stage a bit bigger, along with more precise positioning of the pieces of the mix. I find it best for video content and hit or miss for music.
The overall sound package that the Aces deliver is solid, well-executed, V-shaped listen. The sound is warm, crisp, clean, dynamic/lively and is presented very well, in a way that will work for many genres of music, TV and gaming. The aces definitely deserve to be in the conversation among the market leaders, but each of these market leaders also have strong overall presentations that are arguably just as good, if not better - and allow for a bit more control with more EQ personalization options. The Ace’s premium price relative to this competition has to be taken into consideration as a point of comparison in evaluating overall sound. Grade: B+ / A-
I realize that when evaluating a pair of wireless headphones nowadays, the technology feature set is a big factor as well, and that’s where things get even more interesting for the Aces. This is because depending on your particular Sonos setup, mobile device setup, and general home listening setup, the technological features of the Aces are various levels of either lacking or unfinished.
Let’s start with the good. Regardless of the device you’re using to connect, you get to experience the active noise cancellation and transparency modes of the Aces, and both are very good. The noice cancelling mode isn’t quite as good as Bose, and the transparency mode isn’t quite as good as Apple, but both are respectable compared to anything else, a good showing. You can also enable head tracking in the Sonos app when connected to any device audio via Bluetooth, which for Android users may be an added convenience, depending on your device (for Apple users, this is a feature built in option at the system level between any iOS device and AirPods). You also get a fairly good mix of codec support, including some lossless options if your device supports it.
Now, the not so good. When Sonos announced the Aces, the company very accurately talked about how headphones were one of the most requested products of the community, and everyone in this sub can probably attest to that. But what has been released, at this point in time especially, IMO misses the mark by not doing the we want the headphones to do most - connect seamlessly to our larger Sonos systems, and on top of this, it highlights the challenge of forced obsolescence when dealing with home theater speakers and advanced technology in the same package.
The best way to illustrate this is to state plainly that the Aces are first and foremost Bluetooth headphones. They connect to your Sonos system indirectly via the app on your Bluetooth device, not directly to the system itself via WiFi (mostly). This means a few things. If you’re envisioning using the Sonos app as a hub main hub for navigating your music library across sources and handing it off between your Sonos speakers and headphones, that’s not in the cards with the Ace (ha). As a matter of fact, you can only use the Sonos app to play and pause media playing on the Ace, not select and navigate.
If your goal is using the Aces to listen to your TV, it can be done via a feature called TV Swap, but the situation isn’t exactly pretty for a lot of people. You can press a button on the Aces or within the Sonos app to trigger a direct WiFi connection between a TV-connected Sonos speaker, but at launch and of this writing, it only works on the top-of-the-line Sonos Arc soundbar. This support is coming via software update to the Beam and Ray at an unannounced date. This means that for folks like me that have been building a Sonos ecosystem for years, arguably the most loyal and valuable customers of Sonos (and the ones requesting this product for years), the usefulness of the Aces may be substantially reduced. Out of the four rooms that have Sonos sound bars in my home, again, all purchased within the last ten years or less, only two will ever work with the Aces. My Playbase and Playbar are forever excluded, and if you’re using something like the Sonos Amp to connect a turntable or other device to your Sonos system, you’re also out of luck. If you are an Android user, the picture is even uglier, as the TV Swap feature doesn’t work AT ALL, meaning that until an update arrives, also at an as yet unannounced date, the Aces are essentially a regular pair of Bluetooth headphones for Android users.
For me, this is the most disappointing thing about the Aces. Unless you are a fairly recent inductee to the Sonos ecosystem, the Aces probably are really more general Bluetooth headphones that can connect to a Sonos speakeTV than Sonos headphones that also connect to Bluetooth devices. This is in a world where there are certainly other options for connecting headphones to your TV’s audio. Many smart TV’s and set top boxes now offer a direct Bluetooth connection, and if you have an Apple TV, using AirPods via AirPlay is a much more seamless experience. All of these things, combined with the recent revamp of the Sonos app that took away features and left many unhappy in the name of updating the app for future products (including the Ace), should make you think twice about if the Aces are the best way to get TV audio via headphones for you and your setup - and about the longevity of your particular Sonos setup in general. I realize there are technical challenges that make better Sonos system integration a challenge, and that for some, the issue about older products isn’t an issue at all, but it is worth bringing to light for those making a long-term purchase decision.
The second most disappointing thing about the launch of the Aces is the continued trend of companies releasing products at full price that are essentially unfinished. I already discussed that for Android users at launch, there is no TV Swap at all, so these are effectively just regular Bluetooth headphones with no Sonos system integration at all. I also touched on the fact that TV swap support for the Beam and Ray is missing for all platforms. There is also a very cool-sounding form of TruePlay that Sonos is calling TrueTune. This will calibrate the room, so that when using TV Swap to listen to audio, you’ll get an even more “immersive” listening experience that takes Spatial Audio and head tracking to the next level by trying to actually mirror the acoustics of the room as if you had no headphones on at all. I can’t report on that because, you guessed it…the feature is coming at a yet unannounced date. On top of this, there are bugs out of the gate. Sometimes my Aces don’t show up in the Sonos app, and TV Swap sometimes doesn’t trigger or glitches out.
All of this makes judging the technological features of the Aces difficult. On the side of being Bluetooth headphones - the ANC, connection possibilities/versatility, multi-device connection, head tracking/spatial audio support, and battery life, the Aces are a strong showing. On the Sonos side, your experience will be highly dependent on your current Sonos setup, source setup, how you like to navigate your music library, your level of patience to receive updates, and your trust/level of care for when/if Sonos will release an update that breaks something between your Aces and your existing setup or releases a new speaker that doesn’t work with the Aces. These are all considerations that again make the $450 asking price seem steep when there are other options in the market with equal or greater capabilities for a substantially lesser price. Grade: C-
Overall, I view the Aces as a solid pair of Bluetooth headphones, and as Bluetooth headphones for day-to-day needs, they are worth considering, though arguably not the best value in terms of overall sound quality and features. The AirPods Max, Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wireless, Sony WH-1000XM5 and Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra all bring comparatively good sound and feature sets at the same or a substantially lower price. Whether that premium is worth it because of the Sonos interplay, well, your mileage may vary, depending on your setup. They have the potential to be pretty great for some, while at the same time being annoying for some - hard to hate, hard to love. I hope this review was helpful for those taking a look at these or building a Sonos ecosystem in general. Happy listening!
submitted by Gizm0Guru to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:46 dumbB-bitch What I thought was happening..

Maybe for the first half of the game I thought that every spirit on the boat was actually unknown to Stella, but they saw who they needed to in her. I found it difficult to believe those were ALL people that knew her, and because she never speaks I figured she just knew to play along with them, because that’s what they needed. I don’t remember at what point I decided she actually she all know them in a previous time.
Did anyone else think this?
submitted by dumbB-bitch to Spiritfarer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:45 Big-Elk-6403 i think im falling in love w my friend and i hate it

so as the title suggests im in a bit of a situation right now… for context i met this girl freshman year of college (this year) and we instantly clicked. Thinking back on it she was definitely flirty w me but swore she was straight ( yep, its gonna be THAT kinda situation) so even though i had a crush on her, i wasn’t deep enough in it to consider ending our friendship over it. plus i was kinda already dealing w the repercussions of my own messy dating life, so i was pretty preoccupied by other people anyways and put my feelings for her on the back burner. The fact that our hugs felt literally electric and lingered more than a platonic hug should kinda stuck but i truly didn’t overthink it as in my mind, she was off limits. Last thing i wanted was to be like a straight guy that faked a genuine friendship w a girl only to get in her pants. just thinking ab being that to her makes my skin crawl. She even started dating this guy during winter break so i thought that was the end of it. (still with him to this day)
The problem is that, it isn’t the end of it. Ive never felt so genuinely respected and cared for than i do with her. i feel genuinely loved by her, our devotion to one another is unparalleled. Opening up is hard for me, but with her it seems to come to me naturally. Our relationship is so balanced, we sometimes spend hours and hours walking around, talking about everything and anything, but we also goof off all the time. She shares my love for the little things, we’re both art students and go a little crazy when we see a composition irl that looks good. So i know that when i point up to a tree at night, amazed at the contrast of the green of the leaves and purple of the sky, that she’ll be equally as excited as me. i want to know every little thing about her, and i know she wants to know about me too. i could go on and on, but i think i would bore anyone who’s read this far.
These feelings are confusing, i’m a little bit in love with all of my close friends i think, all in different ways. But not like i am with her, i love everyone just as much, but i hold her in my heart with the care one would hold water in their palms. i see her and i can almost feel the sun warming my skin. its insane. You’ll read this and probably think: "well she’s definitely in love" but thats the thing, everyone i hold dear to me invites these emotions within me. i love her like i would love my platonic soulmate, my issue is our chemistry goes beyond typical friendship. i can tell from the way her fingers dig into my shoulder blades when she hugs me or how shell lean her chin on my shoulder from behind. Never going as far as making an outright move on me but the touches are there nonetheless.
Although its painful to stand next to the only person you’ve ever wanted and not be able to HAVE them. i would rather that and cross my fingers it dies down than cut her out of my life. Nonetheless, i am deeply frustrated. im learning to deal with it but i had to vent about this somewhere. thank you to anyone who stuck to the end i appreciate it.
submitted by Big-Elk-6403 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:45 Brokenly_Broken I’m lost ..

I (F,24) and my boyfriend (M,27). D-Day was 4 months ago. AP was someone that knows, he knew that but it didn't seem to bother them. I found out about it from his friends because he always denied everything. I had decided to move on alone but two weeks later he came back and I felt real guilt, he apologised to my family (they know him), he was ready to do ANYTHING to make me trust him again. I agreed to reconcile (please don’t judge me on this part) but a side of me was no longer there. He had blocked his friends and the AP too. A few weeks later everything changed, he no longer made enough effort to be forgiven, he started writing to girls again on Snapchat, he no longer gave me enough attention, and he told me that it bothered him that I I still haven't really decided if I want to officially get back with him or not. We went almost two weeks without speaking, then I discovered that he had installed a dating site, he told me that it was just to get an opinion from a stranger (I didn't believe it but yeah). I asked him to leave me alone but he got down on his knees and begged me not to leave him, that he really means it.
All this stressed me out and I asked him for all his passwords, which he did. I admit that for my part I had become colder and I got angry a little more quickly than usual because I was tired of trying and finding myself in this posture despite myself. I told him about all this and I had the impression that the only thing that made him regret was the culpability. He told me that if he came back it was because he saw that the behaviors (not knowing my place as a woman, wanting to have the last word..) he complained about before had changed for the better, also that he had flouted his principles by sleeping with someone who knew me and lying to my face about it . Last week he told me that he can't see himself continuing like this, without knowing if we're really together or not, that he's afraid that my impulsive nature will come back and that he'll waste his time. I was really shocked and I wondered at what point he became the victim because after the discovery I continued to be more attentive than usual.
His birthday is in few days, I found out his AP is now hanging out with his old friends and I'm quite shocked. He told me that he can only be truly caring if I decide to change this character and agree to really move on, to agree to really move on from the cheating and really try to move forward.
He changed his passwords so I no longer had access to his accounts and told me to think about what I want. Honestly I don't know what I want anymore, I feel like the situation has turned around and it's up to me to make an effort when it's me who was deceived, I would like some advice …
submitted by Brokenly_Broken to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]