Impossible quiz app answers

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2016.03.03 08:23 aut0matix Updates and news about the On.Playstation retail loyalty site

It's a place where we can put all the updated quizzes, rewards, and questions about the PlayStation Zunos app for all of our retail partners!

2009.03.25 21:26 s_reed Touhou Project

Girls are now preparing, please wait warmly and have some tea. This subreddit is devoted to sharing the wonderful Touhou series with the Reddit community.

2024.05.16 22:17 ProfessionalRich8130 Info Dump Correction 5/16/2024

hello. this is Leaky.
ps subscribe if you love leaky:
i am here to correct everything OnThatNote shared yesterday. I've been speaking with multiple different sources way closer to Ye than his source.
Thank you for reading.
2024 no more cap info dumps we coming with real truth only.
dont forget to subscribe.
submitted by ProfessionalRich8130 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:16 divinepasta I am a software engineer turned statistician who got into an Ontario med school this year. I hope my non-trad journey can provide some insight and hope for others out here. This is a long post + AMA!

First off, congrats to everyone for the past application cycle! No matter what your outcome was, it's a big accomplishment to have gone through the whole process. I'm a non-trad who was accepted to Queen's this year, on my 2nd application cycle. I will be 27 when I start this Fall. It feels surreal and I always told myself I'd write a post about my journey if this day ever came - and here we are.
I didn't decide to apply to med school until after I finished undergrad, and while doing my research, I always wished I could read/hear perspectives from others with my background. Even though everybody's path will be different, I hope that my story can provide some insight (or even hope) for other non-trad applicants out there.
Before we start, here are my stats because that's important:
I'll go in chronological order, briefly describing some of the major events that led me to today, starting from high school. Please ask me any questions in the comments - (almost) nothing is off limits :)
TLDR: I was a software engineer who quit after a year to go to grad school and pursue medicine. It took me 4 years from when I decided to pursue this to getting accepted at a Canadian school. I did a Masters in stats and applied 2 times. My biggest takeaway is to do a lot of what you are passionate about, do it well, and take it far (for me, that was teaching and research).
Some demographics:
High school, 2011-2015: I was always interested in medicine as a kid, but math was always my favourite subject. I applied to several science and math programs, and was choosing between Western Med Sci and Waterloo Math. I did not apply to Mac Health Sci and looking back, I'm not sure why (perhaps a sign that I didn't believe in myself). I ended up choosing Waterloo Math and giving up on the medical school route in grade 12, for a few reasons: the math program had 6 co-op terms, meaning I'd graduate with 2 full-time years of job experience, and I wasn't particularly good at biology and didn't have strong reasons for pursuing medicine back then. Med school also seemed like an impossible goal, especially since I didn't have any mentors in the field.
Undergrad, 2015-2020: This was honestly a fun time for me. I double-majored in stats and CS and I did 6 co-ops, 5 of which were in software engineering roles. I had originally planned to do actuarial science, but quickly saw the earning potential in the tech industry and made it my goal to get a job at a big tech company. A lot of personal stuff happened during this time as well that affirmed my decision pursue a software engineering career. One part of it was that I didn't want my parents to worry about me, and being able to show them that I was able to do well for myself in tech felt really good.
Halfway through my co-ops, I realized that I wasn't feeling the most fulfilled in software roles, but management roles also didn't appeal to me. I didn't really take the time to fully explore this feeling, and it was easy to put it away in light of the high income and getting to live in big cities for internships. Still, I did well in my co-ops and built up my software skills. After realizing that "grades don't matter for getting tech jobs", I let my grades slip. It wasn't until 4th year that I decided I wanted to keep the door open for grad school, and starting taking classes I liked and getting better grades. I graduated with an 82% average, with my grades all over the place (which I'd later learn was bad for calculating my OMSAS gpa lol).
Throughout undergrad, I still wanted to be involved in clubs and stuff, so here's a list of all my undergrad ECs. All these were only 4-8 months long.
Another activity from undergrad that made it onto my application was a research project I did at one of my co-ops. It was in NLP and I worked on it even after finishing that coop term. It ended up taking 4 years to get published.
Full-time software engineering, 2020-2021: I signed a return offer from one of my co-ops, and had planned to move to Seattle in the summer after graduating to start working. But Covid changed all that. I moved back home with my parents in the GTA and worked at my software job remotely for the full year.
It was during this year that I was really feeling unfulfilled in my job, and did a lot of thinking about how I wanted my career to look. I started to remember that med school was something that I once wanted to do, and I also started reading/watching a lot of content from people in medicine with non-traditional backgrounds. My partner, who is also from Ontario, was accepted to an international med school, and many of our friends were also getting into schools in Canada around the same time, so this reaffirmed to me that it was actually possible. While working for the year, I made a plan to apply to grad school (academia would be my back-up) and take the MCAT. Here's what my 2020-2021 looked like:
During this year, I also wrote out a 3-year plan that included my masters and 2 application cycles. I wrote out what courses I would take to fulfill prereqs, which schools I would apply to each year, and what my back-up plan would be. I think this was important to do rigorously since it gave me a clear idea of which schools I was eligible for, and how much work it would take me to become eligible for the rest of them.
I will also add that this is a rather objective recount of my process that year. In reality, I completely recognized how insane it was to quit my job to go to grad school, and I'm super lucky that I was able to.
Grad school, 2021-2023: I moved to BC to start my Masters in statistics in August. This choice was partly to gain IP status in BC, but mostly, this was really the best program for me out of the schools I applied to. Even looking back now, I would have chosen this program even without the IP consideration.
Here's a breakdown of everything I did during the first year of my Masters:
First application, 2022: I applied only to UBC for my first application cycle. In retrospect, I should have just applied broadly right away, but I didn't feel like I had enough references built up by then. And UBC doesn't require references unless you get an interview. I honestly had very high hopes of getting an interview this year, and was crushed to receive a rejection in December with an NAQ of 50-75. I thought that my application was unique, but upon reflection, I realized that the lack of volunteering and community service was a big gap in my application.
So here's a breakdown of everything I did in my second year of my Masters and beyond:
Second application, 2023: This time, I applied to UBC and every school in Ontario that I was eligible for: Queen's and Mac. I was rejected by UBC pre-interview again. Same NAQ, and my total score didn't change. I was totally crushed and thought it was over for this year. I was very honest with myself about the Ontario applications - Mac was a total throwaway application and Queen's felt like a complete gamble. I was rejected from Mac pre-interview but one fateful day in January, I received an email from Queen's. It had a very generic "Application Status" subject line and I opened it fully expecting a rejection. I was totally shocked when it said I was invited for the MMI! And a few months later, I was also invited to the Panel.
Some of my thoughts and preparation for the interviews:
MMI - Aside from the usual resources that are posted here, I also took advantage of the following:
Panel - I was so happy to receive a panel interview, and knew that I could not mess this up. I prepped with a few different friends of mine who were in med school, and another friend who was going through Ontario interviews too. Going in, I felt very prepared, and in the days leading up to it, I even felt like my answers were on autopilot and a bit over-prepared. So I really tried to relax and "be myself"/answer genuinely during the panel. The real panel felt quite cold - I didn't get any feedback from my interviewers, and was a bit thrown off by some of the questions. I was also cut off by the Kira Talent timer at the end, and didn't get to say goodbye or thank you. For the rest of the day, I ruminated on all my answers. The content of my answers felt somewhere between "why would I say that" and "just fine" and "great", but I was definitely feeling a bit bad about the whole experience.
Decision Week, 2024: That brings us to this week! In the week leading up to the decision, I flip flopped between "My panel hated me, there's no way I passed the vibe check" and "My answers were good, my MMI felt good, why wouldn't they accept me". I opened the email at 6am (Pacific time) with zero expectations - I truly had no idea what was waiting for me on the other side. The first word was "Congratulations!" and I didn't read much farther than that before I started celebrating :)
So that's it. I told a lot of people I work with, my Masters supervisor, my parents, and my friends, and it felt amazing to deliver this good news. My closing thoughts about my whole journey are that even though I do think my application was great, I still got incredibly lucky. At any point in the process, I could have gotten an undesirable outcome, and there was nothing I could do to control that (other than my efforts prior). I also relied a lot on my support system, and was so lucky to have had + made friends who are in med school or were practising already.
I just feel so grateful to be starting this Fall, and I'm happy to say that my high school self would be in absolute disbelief if she could see where I am today. That statement is a sign to me that I'm on the right path, and I'm just so excited to be starting this long, hard career that is medicine.
If you've made it to the end, thank you for reading!! If you can relate to any part of my journey and have questions, please send me a comment or DM - my inbox is always open.
submitted by divinepasta to premedcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:16 IAskSoMnyQuestions Having trouble staying on track.. Do I need outside help? (slight rant)

Currently sitting at 223lbs.. Lots of these health apps keep telling me I'm obese and I feel big and bloated.. Heck, my shirts feel uncomfortable all. the. time. I just ate a pizza yesterday and I feel like I'm on the edge of breaking down.
I'm still young and I have a chance at changing my health.. I NEED to change for the better because I don't want to go down the same path my parents went down. They were once over 320lbs each and they both ended up getting stomach surgery in their late 40s.. I'm almost half that weight and I don't want to do the same thing..
the most effective thing I tried was WW in 2018. I started at 260lbs and sank to 210lbs.. I went up some over the years, but never went that high again. I tried doing WW again but It's just so damn difficult to track stuff and actually feel full when eating meals.
It's starting to feel impossible and I'm considering seeing a doctor or a nutritionist and cancelling my WW subscription..
I'm at the end of my rope.. I will not give up, but it feels damn near impossible to get to a healthy weight..
Anyway, appreciate any advice or input you might have..
submitted by IAskSoMnyQuestions to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:15 thearcherandprey Jack in his impossible quiz video

submitted by thearcherandprey to JackSucksAtLife [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:01 nightbeast88 Mixing SSR & CSR

So I've been looking over the documentation on SSR and SSG (prerendering) and I have a couple of questions.
It appears that when you enable SSR, every URL is prerendered.
 server.get('*', (req, res, next) => { const { protocol, originalUrl, baseUrl, headers } = req; commonEngine .render({ bootstrap, documentFilePath: indexHtml, url: `${protocol}://${}${originalUrl}`, publicPath: browserDistFolder, providers: [{ provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: baseUrl }], }) .then((html) => res.send(html)) .catch((err) => next(err)); }); return server; } 
  1. How does this interact with the router? Does every route get SSR.
  2. Is there any way to establish what components are SSR and which ones are CSR? (Think NextJS' "server-only" and "user client")
I've seen an answer on SO that shows this:
 // This route will do CSR server.get('/CSR', (req, res) => { res.sendFile(join(distFolder, 'index.html')); }); // Will do SSR server.get('/SSR', (req, res) => { res.render(indexHtml, { req, providers: [{ provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: req.baseUrl }] }); }); 
But it's from over 2 years ago and now they're using commonEngine.render function so I'm not convinced it's the same.
  1. How does hydration work? Does it only hydrate the current page, or does it hydrate the entire application?
I saw some stuff online that said it hydrated the entire application, but that seemed to be when it was part of angular universal and doing destructive hydration. Does anyone have any documents pointing to current state?
TYIA for your help with this.
submitted by nightbeast88 to angular [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:01 Dorrin_Verrakai I ran the MMLU-Pro benchmark on GPT-4o, some notes

(Yes, the creators already did this, but I wanted to try reproducing their results.)
First of all, there's definitely still issues with the dataset.
  1. Questions mostly have 10 possible answers, but some have fewer "to remove unreasonable choices". This is supposed to be done by actually having <10 answers (I assume), but in some cases questions are padded with N/A at the end multiple times. Removing N/A from the end of the options list until only one existed resulted in removing 3314 options from the test. AFAIK N/A is never the correct answer to any question (I checked).
  2. Some questions are duplicates. I kept only the first instance encountered. This removed 86 questions from the test. I didn't check if their answer options were also duplicates.
  3. Some questions have duplicate answer options (i.e. A and C or whichever being the same answer). As this is obviously incorrect I removed these questions from the test. This removed ~400 questions. It should be pretty easy to fix these but I didn't want to spend more time.
  4. Some questions are impossible to answer as they're missing info.
    • For example, question ID 2668 is "Which of the following scans can image brain function?" but it does not give further details, and the answer options are things like "I, II and III only".
    • I only noticed one of these but I'm pretty sure there are more.
  5. Some questions have very bad formatting, like 11797:
    • \textquotedblleftNew business firms can under price older firms, because thenewer firms can buy the latest equipment and are not bur-denedwith the older, less economical equipment which olderfirms must retire before they can economically adopt thenew. This is why continued technological progress contributesto maintaining a competitive economic system." Explain the er-rors in both sentences.
    • Smarter models will probably do better on things like this, but I don't think the formatting is intentional.
For my first run, I used temperature 0.2 (they used 0.1) and this system prompt:
You are a knowledgeable expert. When given a multiple choice question, think it through then give your single final answer as The answer is ....
Here is their system prompt:
You are an knowledge expert, you are supposed to answer the multi-choice question to derive your final answer as The answer is ....
I'm not a fan of the phrasing, but more importantly in my preliminary testing I noticed that GPT-4o interpreted it to mean that it could give multiple answers. My "single final answer" was intended to prevent that. This mostly worked, but when answering questions that involved a lot of LaTeX in the CoT it would sometimes format the answer using LaTeX, making regex matching unreasonably hard. (I didn't fix those, scoring them as failures.)
For my second run, I used temperature 0.5 (which OpenAI uses in their simple-evals repo) and this system prompt:
Answer the following multiple choice question. The last line of your response should be of the following format: 'Answer: ($LETTER)' (without quotes) where LETTER is a single one of the options. Think step by step before answering.
This is based on this prompt from OpenAI's evals. OpenAI's says to pick one of "ABCD" but I was too lazy to generate that dynamically so I changed it a bit. It seems to work well. I used the regex Answer\s*:\s*\(\$?([A-Ja-j])\) to capture the answer.
If the model's output didn't seem to give an answer at all I manually checked it. This was:
Here are the results I got, plus the original results from TIGER Lab @ UWaterloo.
Models Prompting Overall Biology Business Chemistry ComputerScience Economics Engineering Health History Law Math Philosophy Physics Psychology Other
GPT-4o (TIGER Lab) CoT 0.7149 0.8504 0.7852 0.7428 0.7512 0.784 0.5401 0.7152 0.6718 0.5393 0.762 0.6947 0.7355 0.7726 0.7091
GPT-4o (my first run) CoT 0.7100 0.8441 0.7802 0.7502 0.7404 0.7763 0.5740 0.7061 0.6761 0.5753 0.7901 0.6760 0.7349 0.7611 0.7117
GPT-4o (my second run) CoT 0.7113 0.8441 0.7725 0.7628 0.7506 0.7662 0.5584 0.6964 0.6641 0.5597 0.7772 0.6474 0.7378 0.7445 0.7041
So I'd say the results themselves are basically "yep, that sure is how it scores". I don't know if my overall scores are actually slightly worse or if it's the effect of removing almost 500 questions from a 12.3k question dataset.
Total cost: maybe $160 based on token counts, messed up cost tracking at first.
The second run had approx 2.17M input tokens and 5.04M output tokens. Naively scaling this to other models (without actually using their tokenizers, and assuming they'll give identical output lengths) gives these approximate prices:
I don't intend to run those.
I'll post the inputs/outputs of both runs if anyone knows a good place to upload password-protected zips (to avoid accidental scraping, since everything posted to reddit is trained on).
submitted by Dorrin_Verrakai to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:59 serbZ1LLA Passed at 100! Couple different learning steps that may help some

Passed the exam today. Got 5 years of security engineering experience and studied for about 2 months. 2 hours on weekdays and 4-5 on weekends.
What did I do differently? I used Anki and made my own flashcards. Lots of my doctor friends told me they used it to memorize and retain info as they studied for the MCAT, and it 100% works. I think it was the most beneficial thing I did. When I got boson questions wrong, I would make a flashcard and add it to a deck for the specific domain. It is free, asides the iOS app which I did buy so I can study on phone. If you have a hard time remembering mnemonics and random terms, this is the way for timed repetition and retainment of lots of facts. this video is 2 years old but gives a bit of info on adaptive testing style. My biggest takeaway was that you really really really need to spend a lot of time on first 10 questions of the exam, as those can have a big impact on your exam experience. I spent a good amount of time on those first 10 questions and made sure to read them at least 3 times.
The bottom line is that you need to spend time studying the material and doing practice questions.
submitted by serbZ1LLA to cissp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:55 littlecomet111 What is Seoul like for vegan food/delivery apps/language barrier?

A group of us will be travelling in August. Half of us are vegan.
I've seen on Happy Cow that there are (at least) three all-vegan restaurants and a few others that have vegan options.
I've never travelled to South Korea before so I'm wondering
- what is the general attitude to veganism? - are there lots of vegan options? - will there be any kind of language barrier when ordering vegan food?* - are there food apps like Uber Eats/Bolt etc that we can use to order at the hotel? - are there any good vegan snacks that we can buy to eat later?
You might think some of these are very obvious/strange to ask but, even when you go to countries like Spain now, conventional restaurants often think 'vegan' means 'fish and ham is okay' and so dealing with a language barrier to explain can be tricky.
Also, my go-to fall-back option is to go to a Turkish fast food place and get a falafel wrap as it's pretty much universal - but do they have those kind of places in South Korea?
Thank you in advance for any answers/advice.
submitted by littlecomet111 to seoul [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:49 TaMere_26 Anyone else shocked at how dysfunctional the US Navy (DOD) can be? (WARNING RANT)

I have spent all day running all over god's green earth trying to get anything done for my OCONUS PCS and every single step of the way Im running into roadblocks or just silly/ stupid hangups.
Squadron doesn't have enough computers so I wait for one. 2/3rds of the printers are broken/dont have ink, the one working printer doesn't have paper, nobody knows where the paper can be found. The attachments from flank speed refuses to download. After a chain of about 6 emails over the span of 6 days the on base Passport office decided its now time to inform me that they only take appointments before noon and they are fully booked for the next 3 months. When I go to the office in person and ask about other office locations they give me a phone number. That phone number puts me on hold for 20 minutes then they hang up immediately after answering. You call back and after another 20 minutes they tell you to contact the nearest Passport office. I tell them that they referred me to you. So they eventually give me 3 phone numbers. 2 of the 3 are to offices that have nothing to do with passports and the 3rd is disconnected. So I try Google, I find a bunch of .gov websites with phone numbers. Probably called 7 at this point and not a single one was correct or connected. You give up on passports and decide to turn in your medical packet for the OSS. They then inform you that a dentist needs to sign the dental portion, having a rando in dental is not sufficient. So I go back to dental and they tell me that the dentist needs to see me again before it can be signed even though its already signed by someone else, and they saw me less than 3 months ago. oh and they lost my dental records. Of course they have 0 availability between now and when I checkout. So i go to medical to see if I can get a waiver. They don't know but as they were looking they found out that I need another vaccine and that Ive been expired since January. My last physical was in February but whatever, so i drive to the clinic to get that done but the civilian that works the desk cant be found. He is eventually found but its after 1300 so ill have to come back another day. Admin might be able to help, I meet with them, they tell me that I need to contact the on base hotel that is nearest my training location to get a CNA. I call the only hotel on base, they are privately owned, cant give a CNA. I tell admin, they are at a loss, no idea how to proceed. Maybe ill check in with my liaison officer near the training location. Her office phone rings indefinitely, her cell number rings once then goes to voicemail. She still hasn't replied to my email either. Admin also said that I need to secure my own rental car via SATO. On hold again for course, they eventually answer and tell me that my admin hasn't created a reservation for the trip yet so she is not able to reserve my rental car. I return my wife's call; she tell me that the location we are going to requires my dog to be neutered. The vet on base cant neuter dogs so she spent all day trying to find a vet that can in time for our PCS. She found one, and its going to cost $1,200; probably about $2,000 after all the prelim app[ointments and such.
The issues im running into for my housing at the next location are genuinely unbelievable. I would share them as well but im pretty confident that everyone would think im lying. This is all just PCS related, I could write even more about my time working with other branches and doing other missions. Sometimes I feel like im living an episode of Seinfeld or something....
I could keep going but wont. In all honesty im proud of what I do and truly believe the US Navy is probably the most important military force in the world.... But boy is it hard sometimes. lol. The longer im in, the more I understand where the retention problem comes from. Was it always like this?
submitted by TaMere_26 to navy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:46 CompetitiveLow6156 I developed an app that links your tattoos to your memories (video, sound, photos)

TLDR - I made an app that you scan your tattoo and can link it to any video, sound or photo file on your phone. Want to try it? Send me a DM would love your feedback.
So my grandma was one my best friends and unfortunately died recently. I made a video composition of all my favourite memories with her and not long after this I got her name tattooed on me in Egyptian hieroglyphics (for sentimental reasons). Anyway, so this got me thinking it would be cool if there was an app that every time I held my phone over the tattoo the video memory of her played.
I mean sure, I could just keep the video file in a folder and open it every time I thought about her but I thought it would be cool if I could actually link the tattoo to the memory of her.
So I did some research to see what else was out there and the only thing I could find were soundwave tattoos that you needed to get a specific tattoo design to then link to a sound file. Not only this you had to submit your tattoo when it was done online and then wait for the service to link up your tattoo to the sound recording. A - I wanted to link my tattoo to a video file not a sound file and B - I wanted to link it to my own tattoo design.
Long story short it wasn't what I was looking for so I developed my own app. It works similarly to the soundwave tattoos but everything can be done within the app and there are no limitations to what the tattoo has to look like - it works for them all and not just sound files but videos and photos too.
Would love your feedback on the idea and would be happy to answer any questions. If you want a free sneak peek into what I've made let me know or reach out in the DM's. Would love to share it with you.
submitted by CompetitiveLow6156 to tattoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:38 Previous_Practice155 Bing News Quiz (5-17-2024)

Microsoft Rewards Bing News Quiz Answers (5-17-2024)
1: The northern lights continue to be visible across parts of the US. What is causing them?
A Solar activity
B Hot weather
C Lunar eclipse
Correct Answer: Solar activity
2: Tom Brady says he regrets what, because of how it impacted his kids?
A His divorce
B Retiring from the NFL
C His Netflix roast
Correct Answer: His divorce
For other questions
submitted by Previous_Practice155 to BingQuizAnswers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:35 Axxrael Compare smartwatch tiers vs handheld units?

I'm looking to get into what I would consider an intermediate amount of hiking/running for mapping and/or updating off-road trails. I'm hoping in the future to get GPX data from trips and do some personal mapping projects which are easy enough to export with my current watch.
My current watch is a Samsung Galaxy watch that is great, but it does lack a bit for the above goals. Namely the Samsung watch doesn't have a good battery life and the GPS doesn't appear as strong without a phone so trails have a chance to not be terribly accurate.
It looks like Garmin has a good selection of watches and handheld GPS options, but there are a LOT of options and I'm not finding a great comparison matrix on the website.
I was wondering if there is any kind of comparison matrix and or if there is information on the difference between watches and handhelds. I assume handhelds have better GPS, but it indicates that they only offer:
Since I'm doing intermediate stuff I don't expect to need a handheld, and would prefer to have as light a load as possible and would be interested in a higher-end watch, but again its tough to compare if they have any value without sacrificing some standard smartwatch capability where its not clear if Garmin has kept up with.
With the crazy amount of options, I did find some answers to a few dozen other questions, but I couldn't find anything more detailed about the above. Any assistance with the above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by Axxrael to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:34 Financial_Sink1199 Did my mom mute the piano?

Hi! Yesterday, the piano tuner guy came to retune my piano. My mom hates when I play the piano... She used to be a very good musician but she cannot understand that I have to work to get better. I proposed her to go for a numeric keyboard and her answer was: "go work your physics, you'll never be Lang Lang". It's a yamaha queue 1/4. It's a model on which the permanent mute is impossible, unlike my previous one where there was a lever doing that. I wasn't there when it was retuned. But when I got to play on it, big disappointement. It sounds like there is a permanent mute on it. It sounds strange. Am I just tired or can the tuner guy do this if he's asked to? What should I do?
submitted by Financial_Sink1199 to piano [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:25 Playtek AXS hate thread

Seriously, it's always a frustrating purchasing experience though AXS.
I updated the app this morning, I logged into the app after the update, i updated my CC information in the app this morning.
Got in line at 11:45 - got though it by 12:07
4 pack's are already sold out - no big deal, the single tickets are still tier 1; snag 4, go to check out, and i find out the app has now logged me out. I try to log in and it says my session is expired and it kicks me to the back of the line. I get back to the front and its the same bull shit but now it's tier 2. Same thing happens.
So then i go though the process on their website and it works well enough but fuck, i couldn't get tier 1 last year because of the same bullshit.
Ticketmaster sucks, but AXS isn't the answer.
submitted by Playtek to Portolafestival [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:22 makados 3D movies on AppleTV

Is it possible to play FramePacked 3D movies on AppleTV that are hosted on Plex? Whether using Plex app, or Infuse, or any other app? I've been scouring internet, and can't get a clear answer whether it's actually possible. In my tests I couldn't get neither Plex app nor Infuse show a movie in 3D, even after manually enabling 3D mode on my projector. But hope that I did something incorrectly? Or there is some other player app that could do that?
I know of options like Zidoo, but AppleTV is important to me, because we use Airpods for watching movies in headphones.
submitted by makados to PleX [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:20 HiFi10 Driving theory test.

Driving theory test.
I am preparing for the theory test on teoritentamen app and sometimes I found questions really weird and the answer to that question is surprisingly some assumptions like attached in this picture. I am just wondering is the actual theory test going to be like this with these type of questions? Kindly share your experience with driving theory test.
Thank you
Explanation of the answer:
submitted by HiFi10 to Norway [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:17 Friedchickenpotaters Need Advice plus rant!

🙃thanks in advance. I know I’m dramatic. I just over think a lot.
So I (23f) hit it off with his guy (27m) on hinge and he was super sweet a few weeks ago and we ended up going on two dates the same weekend and planning another for the next Friday. We talked every day and it slowly dwindled but when I asked if we were still good to go out he said yes and kept up the conversation again. So I didn’t think anything of it. He even called a few nights just to see how my day had been. So we went out for the third time and made a date for the next weekend/ this weekend. All of a sudden he’s just texting once a day. So I asked him if he’s good on Sunday still and he said it works. But he’s just texting me once a day and one word answers, not taking interest in what I’ve been up to or how I am. I would wake up every morning to good morning texts and then he just quit today and he’s been responding every 6-8 hours for the past 3 days now. It PISSES ME OFF when men can’t be men and say they are uninterested or lost interest. Instead of the slow pull away, grow a pair and communicate! So now i don’t know wether to just not even going to attempt to talk to him anymore or just straight up ask what happened. But I don’t wanna look desperate or needy. I feel like I got the hint but what if it’s a misunderstanding or he is actually busy? But I would really at least like to know. Especially since we confirmed plans right before he started this. Should I wait and see if he reaches out before Sunday or just let it go and push through being hurt lol. Literally all our dates were like 6 hours and I had a great time. All of a sudden he’s just not giving me any reason that he’s distant, just is. I prefer communication so even if he’s busy I need a man that can communicate that! I’m just so confused. It’s also my first time using a dating app so not sure how these usually go.
submitted by Friedchickenpotaters to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:14 Throwaway_advices88 3 months after being laid off my former manager contacts me for help regarding an undisclosed deal?

Hope this belongs to the right section, throwaway to not impact my main account.
I've been laid off approx 3 months ago, position was Sales Director.
I have been laid off due to multiple redundancies and the company seriously struggling, together with more than other 20 employees.
My former company named a lawyer, I've done the same to discuss a severance package.
One week ago my lawyer contacted me saying that the deal is done and that we are ready to move ahead and finalize everything.
As of today the deal is not finalized yet.
Today, I received a shady WhatsApp text from a number I do not have in my address book, calling me by my first name, asking me how's everything and that he needs my help with an undisclosed deal on behalf of my former company, and when I could be available.
Problem is that this person has my former boss picture and I do not know if this is my former boss for real, or it's scam.
The only thing I've done is answering that I'm fine and hope the same for you.
Then I thought this may be scam and decided to revert to Reddit.
Redditors, I need your help on how to handle this, be creative and smart!
submitted by Throwaway_advices88 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:08 Southern-Ad-9105_4 The name of Christ is Joy.

Jesus was confused with Satan by some cultures and even worshipped as such – despite the fact that he was considered a "good" Satan and a "positive" Devil that sided with the weak and vulnerable and betrayed the "powerful ones" in order to dedicate himself and his life completely to the poor. (Such notion is not alien at all even to the texts – because Jesus is expressly called the Morning Star in 2 Peter 1:19 and in Revelation 2:28).
This is apparent in the fact that the Hebrews for example did not recognize Christ as the Messiah and they even called him "evil" and applied to him the title "Satan" (from the Hebrew: "śāṭān" meaning: "adversary, enemy"). The definition of "evil" here is relative – because since Jesus went against the teachings that the Hebrews held as sacred and he also went against the teachings that the Muslims for example also regarded as sacred (and he went against many other cultures as well for that matter; because the figure of Jesus was pagan and it actually belonged worldwide to all cultures of the world and he was claimed to have opposed all of them trying to reform them) – he was thus called "evil" in relative terms by some of these cultures; meaning an "enemy" or "adversary" of those doctrines. Originally not even the Christians considered Christ as a positive figure; because Christ professed a lot of ideals that were inconceivable and impossible to apply according to the mentality of the powerful castes that rule society – like the priesthood for example; because Jesus claimed many times that the wealthy ones must renounce everything they have, they must give their money to the poor and then and only then – will they be allowed to follow Christ.
But the Church completely ignored and bypassed this teaching of Christ because they knew that if they had started preaching this to their believers; they would lose all believers in one second since no one wants to give up their house, their wealth and their life to follow the Church. So even the Church had to rearrange and modify a lot of the teachings of Christ while straight up censoring and ignoring others; in order to create a religion out of it. The only difference is that the Christian Church decided that it was worth investing their time and money in turning Jesus into the symbol of their faith and into a figure that would appeal to the masses (basically deifying him and using his name and memory to attract people into the religion) – while the other two religions (Judaism and Islam) completely disregarded Jesus altogether and considered him a madman instead and even went as far as to call him "evil" and a "Devil" precisely because he had preached such revolutionary notions that were just impossible to accept for the rich and wealthy. (Another reason for this is also because Judaism had a different idea of the Messiah altogether and they followed a different Messiah – and this other idea of the Messiah along with the other Messiah – were also very different from the "Jesus Christ" concept altogether – but that’s besides the point).
The symbology of the spring refers to the blood of Christ which gives life and makes vegetation grow on the earth much like the water of a spring; but it also holds literal meaning because the pagan figures who correspond to "Jesus" were all claimed to have met their demise or to have had a life-changing experience happen near a spring or near a water-source more generally speaking. Such is the case for Hermaphroditus who was rendered female by his union with Salmacis near a spring; or also the castration of one of the gods called "Uranus" – because according to Cicero in his "De Natura Deorum" there were multiple Uranuses and one of them was the "younger" one – and he’s the same who was said to have been castrated near a spring by Phoenician mythology. (The fact that Hermaphroditus was joined to Salmacis thus becoming definitively feminine near the waters of a spring – refers to the confusion that happened in the myth due to the nature of the two characters taken into analysis; because Hermaphroditus and Salmacis were actually brother and sister in other iterations of the story and they were claimed to have been conjoined thus essentially making up a single being who was a "man-woman" united. But then after their birth they were separated and their bodies were not conjoined anymore; although the male – in this case Hermaphroditus – was claimed to have been castrated in further iterations of the story so it looked as though he had returned to being a female and was thus "rejoined" to his female nature which is why the Greek myth confused it and claimed that Hermaphroditus lost his manhood but he lost it by being rejoined to his twin-sister Salmacis. In reality he was castrated near the waters of that spring – the "conjoined" part referring instead to the myth of their birth, but the two accounts were later confused and amalgamated into a single story for the Hermaphroditus myth; thus confusing also the timeline on when exactly was it that the two siblings were conjoined – whether it was at the beginning of their lives or at the end of it as in the case of Hermaphroditus and Salmacis).
The god Attar of the planet Venus was worshipped as "Atarsamain" (Attar of heaven) by the Arabs and equated with Allat i.e. Athena (a fact that has left academics dumbfounded even to this day as for how is it possible that a male god was completely equated and identified with a female one. But the answer is found in the mythology and themes of the god himself – where he was considered of androgynous nature and was claimed to have underwent castration which made him be perceived as a female by some cultures). He was furthermore equated with the goddess Anat in the form of "Ninurta" – because the Mesopotamian warrior-god Ninurta being equivalent to Attar (and Atarsamain) himself – he was directly equated with the Canaanite goddess "Anat" and the name of Anat was also written as "NIN.URTA" in cuneiform. There is an epithet of Anat which calls the deity: "the strength of life" and this particular epithet is applied to Ninurta continuously throughout Sumerian mythology because he’s consistently called the "strength of Enlil" – the "one with superior strength" – the "son in whose strength the father rejoices" – the one with the "strength of a lion" and Ninurta was also in charge of ditches and canals being the one who created the canal-system in Sumer and who was claimed to have brought to everyone the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers as a result. The epithet of Anat – in this case referring to the male Anat who was though still worshipped as female regardless because the god possessed androgynous qualities (and not coincidentally the term "Nin" which comprises the name "Nin-urta" is actually more often than not utilized for female goddesses in Sumerian culture; for example "Ninhursag", "Ninisina", "Ninlil" etc. as it usually means "lady" – but in this case the word assumes a neutral meaning and its connotation is given by the context; so since the god is male it’s translated as "lord" – but the androgynous aspect of this deity is still kept intact nonetheless by using "Nin" instead of "En" ("En" being more traditionally used in Sumerian to mean "lord") – and the title thus refers for the concept of "the strength of life" to the strength of life as a life-giver; because Ninurta being associated with water and with the fertilizing effects of water having been the one who brought canals and ditches to Sumer; the meaning of the term thus acquired such connotation.
This deity is also always associated with physical beauty; for example in the case of Dumuzi (the Mesopotamian god of vegetation) who was called "the one with the beautiful eyes" and even in the form of "Ishtaran" (a form of Dumuzi worshipped as the "heavenly serpent") – where there are several references to his "beautiful face". This notion of beauty is once again reinforced and repeated for all other versions of this pagan god as he was called by many different names throughout cultures – for example also in the form of "Joseph" the biblical son of Jacob; who was claimed to be so beautiful that while a slave in Egypt the women could not resist him – or even in the form of Japheth the third son of Noah (who corresponds still to the same character) – where the word "Japheth" is connected to the root meaning "to be beautiful".
Thus the ideals of "strength and beauty" refer to him. (The pagan imagery of this god depicts him joyous and free as he dances through the flower-fields and while bringing the springing of vegetation to the seasons – often times represented with ears of corn or garlands adorning his head; as in the case of his Slavic counterpart "Potrimpo" for example).
Christ furthermore corresponds also to the pagan god Dionysus as mentioned in other posts; and Dionysus had a particular epithet in Rome which later ended up becoming his main name (or one of his many names alongside the more renown "Bacchus") and this particular title was that of "Liber" i.e. "the free one", one who embodies "freedom".
In form of "Ishtaran" Dumuzi was worshipped as "Anu" as well – since they called Ishtaran with the epithet "AN.GAL" i.e. "great Anu"; thus meaning that Dumuzi was so beloved and his cult had risen to such prominence at some point – that some local traditions (smaller ones) worshiped him as God the Creator himself and substituted him in place of Anu or at the very least differentiated him from the main "Anu" by calling him "AN.GAL" – "the great Anu" or "greater Anu". This is why Hermaphroditus/Jesus corresponds also in Phoenician mythology to the one "Uranus" who was said to have been castrated near a fountain-spring – Uranus being the Greek equivalent of the Sumerian "Anu" and this is why he was addressed with the name "Uranus" and worshipped as one of the "Uranuses" (the younger Uranus, because the older Uranus is instead the father of Cronus/Saturn and he’s a much older Uranus).
Given how Dumuzi was worshipped as the male Ishtar and as Attar in Canaanite lands (from whom the name "Ishtar" came from because the name of the goddess "Ishtar" is actually in the masculine gender and the goddess inherited that name from the male god who was called "Attar", "Ashtar" and "Ishtar" himself); one has to take into account that the male god was worshipped as androgynous though – which is why he was later equated with the female goddess Inanna in Mesopotamia and became indistinguishable from her to the point that she also came to be called Ishtar herself. The rosette is the symbol of Venus and of this male god of Venus who corresponds to Christ himself.
But at the same time the rosette is also the symbol of the female Venus as well and of the goddess Inanna (the female form of Ishtar) so the rosette refers to both Ishtars; the male and female one referring to the planet Venus in general.
Now, seeing as to how the figure of the "son of god" was worshipped as "the creator" himself by some more local cultures who idolized him to such degree that they ended up seeing him as the superior god over others – this explains one of the symbologies present on the modern representation of the apparent "pagan god" of the Templars; where he’s depicted with the head of a goat and the five pointed star facing downward. The five pointed star being a symbol of the divine – it represents through the symbology present on the idol the fact that the god in question is not the one who resides in the sky (in which case the five pointed star would have to be pointing upwards instead); but they worshipped on the other hand a creator who was "the creator on earth" thus being "the one below" – so their god was represented by the pointed star facing downwards. (This is for the representations that depict the idol with the star facing down; otherwise in other cases the star is absent altogether).
Now, according to the Atbash ciphering interpretation done on the name "Baphomet" which becomes: "Sophia" – if the interpretation is indeed correct (that Baphomet=Sophia) it would make total sense given how the name of Christ himself was actually "Sophia" and the why that is was explained in this previous post: – where essentially there was talk on the Christ’s physical appearance and the fact that he was born with androgynous traits. This for example made it so that the character in question also displayed overly-sized pectorals that were rather exposed when compared to the rest of his body and were also rounded and protruding; sometimes even resembling female breasts (and that’s where the symbology of the rooster sticking its chest out and of Christ "with breasts" came from: – the rooster in the act of sticking its chest out: – and the depiction of Christ "with breasts" on the Notre-Dame church: This (physical) androgynous nature of the "son of god" was then explained through metaphors and in spiritual terms by Christianity and Gnosticism with the fact that when Sophia incarnated she incarnated as "Jesus Christ".
But – there was also a female-incarnated Sophia; which incarnated as a woman and the figure in question is sometimes identified with the "Thetokos" i.e. "mother of god" Mary – or alternatively substituted by Mary Magdalene the consort of Jesus (being called the "Bride of Christ"). The fact that the Templars were claimed to have worshipped the prophetic head of a female alongside their god refers to the cult of the pagan goddess who corresponded to the Magdalene – where; she was claimed in pagan mythology to have been decapitated or to have been "half-decapitated" (her throat cut significantly to the point of almost detaching her head from her neck) and the goddess in question possessed oracular as well as prophetic gifts. The notion of Magdalene who corresponds to this pagan goddess was addressed in this previous post: (The head that the Templars held was of course symbolic and not the literal real head. But what was important is what that symbol represented to them – rather than to whom the skull belonged because it was a simple human skull taken from a cadaver).
So essentially the Templars were worshipping both Christ and Magdalene through pagan imagery (Christ being "Sophia" himself and Magdalene being the "female Sophia" who’s the counterpart of the Messiah); something which was not acceptable to the Church – and also because they were worshipping Christ in his real nature as opposed to the heavily filtered and altered version that Christianity gave of him – thus opposing the "official" canon established by the Church altogether.
submitted by Southern-Ad-9105_4 to EsotericOccult [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:06 LunarGiantNeil SV: Soft Goal! Sorta! I think it counts. CW: 200.00!

I had set a goal weight of 200 lbs a long time ago, thinking it was kinda impossible to reach, or would be something that would take some kind of heroic effort. Recently I've been staring that goal down, bouncing around between 204 and 202 and mentally I've been looking forward to seeing that 199 on the scale instead of a 200 for the first time since Junior High.
So yesterday right after hitting the bathroom and before I'd broken my Intermittent Fast I decided to be a bit of a cheat and weigh myself for a laugh. Not to update the app, just to see.
And then, there it was! 200.00 on the scale. I had to wait until it blinked the number so I could grab my phone and snap a picture.
Honestly it was more surprise than the feeling of elation I thought it would be, but I knew I was sneaking a look early, so it's almost like shaking a present before you open it. I'll do something to celebrate when I wake up and see 199.99 on the scale when I haven't gone a whole day first.
submitted by LunarGiantNeil to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:05 abtasty The Truth Behind the 14-Day A/B Test Period

The Truth Behind the 14-Day A/B Test Period
The A/B testing method involves a simple process: create two variations, expose them to your customer, collect data, and analyze the results with a statistical formula.
But, how long should you wait before collecting data? With 14 days being standard practice, let’s find out why as well as any exceptions to this rule.

Why 14 days?

To answer this question we need to understand what we are fundamentally doing. We are collecting current data within a short window, in order to forecast what could happen in the future during a more extended period. To simplify this article, we will only focus on explaining the rules that relate to this principle. Other rules do exist, which mostly correlate to the number of visitors, but this can be addressed in a future article.
The forecasting strategy relies on the collected data containing samples of all event types that may be encountered in the future. This is impossible to fulfill in practice, as periods like Christmas or Black Friday are exceptional events relative to the rest of the year. So let’s focus on the most common period and set aside these special events that merit their own testing strategies.
If the future we are considering relates to “normal” times, our constraint is to sample each day of the week uniformly, since people do not behave the same on different days. Simply look at how your mood and needs shift between weekdays and weekends. This is why a data sampling period must include entire weeks, to account for fluctuations between the days of the week. Likewise, if you sample eight days for example, one day of the week will have a doubled impact, which doesn’t realistically represent the future either.
This partially explains the two-week sampling rule, but why not a longer or shorter period? Since one week covers all the days of the week, why isn’t it enough? To understand, let’s dig a little deeper into the nature of conversion data, which has two dimensions: visits and conversions.
  • Visits: as soon as an experiment is live, every new visitor increments the number of visits.
  • Conversions: as soon as an experiment is live, every new conversion increments the number of conversions.
It sounds pretty straightforward, but there is a twist: statistical formulas work with the concept of success and failure. The definition is quite easy at first:
  • Success: the number of visitors that did convert.
  • Failures: the number of visitors that didn’t convert.
At any given time a visitor may be counted as a failure, but this could change a few days later if they convert, or the visit may remain a failure if the conversion didn’t occur.
So consider these two opposing scenarios:
  • A visitor begins his buying journey before the experiment starts. During the first days of the experiment he comes back and converts. This would be counted as a “success”, but in fact he may not have had time to be impacted by the variation because the buying decision was made before he saw it. The problem is that we are potentially counting a false success: a conversion that could have happened without the variation.
  • A visitor begins his buying journey during the experiment, so he sees the variation from the beginning, but doesn’t make a final decision before the end of the experiment – finally converting after it finishes. We missed this conversion from a visitor who saw the variation and was potentially influenced by it.
submitted by abtasty to u/abtasty [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:04 BoostInfiniteBlake Newer Members and Redditors

It’s been a while since I’ve introduced myself to the community, and wanted to let newer members know I’m here to support this subreddit! My sole job is to help answer questions about our service, provide support for Customer Service needs and help find resolutions for problems a member may have with our service.
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions by newer members or potential customers.
These are just some of the questions commonly seen in our community, but if you have more, please post them below and I’ll try to answer them the best I can!
Lastly, I want to remind everyone in our community that if you’re experiencing any issues with your service, I'm only a chat away! The quickest way to get assistance is to send me a chat. I will provide directions on how to provide your account information securely, so please don’t send any personal information before I’m able to do so. Reddit doesn’t encrypt their chats and we take your security very seriously. Though I'm a team of one, I'll work hard to provide resolutions for anyone who needs help. I’m available to reach Monday-Friday from 8 am MT to 5 pm MT. If you’re hesitant to reach out because you’ve spoken to our Care team various times, rest assured I’m equipped to handle escalated issues and work directly with our internal teams.
I look forward to continuing supporting our community!
submitted by BoostInfiniteBlake to boostinfinite [link] [comments]