Gangsta lettering and numbers

For the Red Deer and area

2010.05.25 06:23 jhra For the Red Deer and area

News, announcements and community resources for Red Deer and area including: Lacombe, Ponoka, Rocky Mountain House, Innisfail, Stettler, Bowden, Olds, Three Hills, Sylvan Lake and every little town in between.

2016.01.08 00:33 terribleatkaraoke hire a calligrapher

This subreddit is welcome to those interested to commission a calligrapher, scribe or lettering artist.

2024.05.16 21:32 Panda85m A/C Relay Mazda Protege 2000

A/C Relay Mazda Protege 2000
Hey Everyone, has anyone had come with a problem replacing the A/C Relay, I found that the original one from my car is B110 OF23 but I can only get the B110 IC26 / B110 4K04 / B110 4K09 do you know what the difference is, I did a little bit of research its seem a multipurpose relay but I cant find if there is any difference with the termination of the letters and numbers at the end of the relay.
Maybe someone had already the experience here that could tell me if the last terminations of the digits are only a registration code and there is no problem with that or if there is a specific use for that code registration
Thanks, everyone
submitted by Panda85m to MazdaProtege [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:25 No_Ferret6462 Which is the better job?

Would like help trying to figure out which is the better job. Same industries, similar titles (new job is a step above in terms of title)
My current
Jr Manager
$100k base + 15% bonus
4 weeks vacation plus one more day for every year worked.
RRSP matching 2%
Full benefit coverage (100%, no deductible)
$750 per year for each health practitioner (physio, therapy, RMT etc)
New role
$120k base + 15% bonus (they won’t put the actual bonus number in the offer. Recruiter says it’s usually between 15-20%)
3 weeks vacation
No RRSP matching
$25 deductible for any use of benefits, only 80% coverage. User pays remaining 20%.
$500 per year for each health practitioner
Which seems like the better offer? I’m also getting the second half of my bonus ($7500) at the end of the summer. This new job has said that they need me to start ASAP so I’d be forgoing this bonus as well as my year end review which make result in a raise/promotion. This review is set to take place in the next two weeks and the new job needs an answer by Tuesday. This has also probably been my most successful year at this company as well.
I’m also really wary about how they won’t note the actual bonus structure in their offer letter and they’re just offering it based off trust essentially.
I’m really happy where I’m at right now. This new job I interviewed with a year ago (when I was not as happy, they also gave the job to someone else) and they just reached out again recently.
There may be more of a growth opportunity at the new job, but there’s also growth opportunities at my current job, I would just need more experience. The new job would have me running larger scale projects however.
Thank you!!!
submitted by No_Ferret6462 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:18 ArousedStranger Ugh.

Okay okay. Last one before I abandon this account. I dwell on this too much. I have been neglecting my work. I wasn't paying attention and I wrote this letter under my real account. My heart skipped a beat and then took off for a sprint. The thought of you seeing my letter.... it was exhilarating but I was also terrified that our friendship would end abruptly as soon as you saw it. Ugh... here it goes...
What do you really want to say to me? You said that you are honest to a fault. Are you holding back?
Please let me in... I can take it. If you insult me and make jokes at my expense, I'll survive the delivery. You are so honorable and kind, I doubt you'd ever tell me the truth if it is unkind. You are an amazing man...
Do you really hope that I will dream of cake? Or do you hope that I am dreaming of you? Well regardless of what you meant, you visit my dreams often. You occupy my mind when I am awake too. My mind is broken, please don't hold it against me. I couldn't help it when I fell for you.
I am truly sorry that your number one fan is someone who thinks like me and looks like a dumpster. One day you'll have hoards of women trying to get a piece of you. I am forever grateful to know you now
submitted by ArousedStranger to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:14 Fit_Ambassador2832 Questions I ask myself to find out it's just my fault.

How did xyz mobile expose my social and dl number in 2022 before I became xyz mobile customer?
Why is ABC mobile admitting the data breach that I told them they just had an attorney call me and gas light me?
Did the state think I'm the one that wanted my company to loose everything and I wanted to loose my veteran protections?
How do you steal a corporation from your spouse and blame him for giving up and then call them lazy for getting tired after all their efforts are being taken away?
If you whip a Mule and then walk behind him with a whip who's fault is it when you get kicked the jackasses?
My exes all hated me and they are trying to help me realized something and now that everyone else hates me I'm beginning to realize they will say I did this to myself and it's all my fault. Well there right anything that was done that didn't need to be done or that could have been done to actual help and does it even matter because I allowed it if I was trusting of someone I shouldn't have trust then the fault is mine for being a poor judge of charater so who's fault is the lies?
How do you listen to lies and continue to trust when you know you will be blamed either way?
Is it wrong to lie to a liar or is it wrong to lie after having been truthful because your are being lied to and of so where does it all lead?
Is it truly best to owned it and be honest and if it is then what do you do when you did own it and that actions is used to hold you down?
If being around supportive loved ones would have helped I think maybe isolating me was pretty hurtful but I the one to blame I sure I isolated myself as most men do so is that my fault?
If someone loves you and they are not involved in the effort to do something and you call them after months or years and they are mad at you for the thing you are doing how do they know and how are they mad and how are you supposed to believe anything they say?
If you marry someone and you love them but you also know they need a green card is it illegal? If they leave you immediately after getting the green card was it your fault?
What does anyone of this have to do with my problems now and why does the therapist always ask about my mother?
At what age is it appropriate to still spank your kids in the face and is that just a texas thing? Do we need better laws or less laws and fewer taxes?
Is there anyway to make people truly equal that doesn't involve taken away what they have?
If we are born equal but we all come into this world naked and afraid why does everyone save for their death?
When it's always your fault why do you care?
What is unconditional love if humans are conditional by nature are they capable of loving unconditionally and is unconditional love given unconditionally at the time it was given any less unconditional when it is taken away?
Can love be given or taken? If love is an act not an object why is it objectified and ransomed?
What is love?
Is it love?
Why are four letter words so evil?
Lazy shit hate love fear pain fuck fame fine dude cool turd sure
Maybe money power
Rough draft don't judge....
submitted by Fit_Ambassador2832 to mustbemyfault [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:11 Soggy_Ad8364 HELP WITH EVENT

I got this msg after completing Seeking Information , went and did the whole mini quest and finished that after talking to Kerman etc etc . But the problem is , is that from what I’ve seen from others screenshots , their passwords are a set of numbers and letters. My password was [***********] . Note I’ve completed every task thus far and everything on so idk where to go , especially if I don’t have a password
submitted by Soggy_Ad8364 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:08 dorphell VLookup for alphanumeric key values?

I have some table data with a reference table where the key/ID field contains both letters and numbers. The table data has a column with one or two keys in that row (separated by commas), and I want to return the sum of the two return values from the reference table in column B. See below:
Table data:
A (ID's) B (sum of ID values)
1 12345, GA431 20
2 22222 ,12345 30
3 A1111, 12345 15
Reference table:
A (Key/ID) B (ID value)
1 12345 10
2 22222 20
3 A1111 5
4 GA431 10
I've tried to do this with INDEX/MATCH but it only worked when the keys were numeric only. I tried with VLOOKUP but that failed too. It should be so hard but I'm not having trouble with it.
Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by dorphell to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:07 TheBigKDog Question regarding competitiveness

So last year I applied to six top PhD programs and got rejected to all of them. I come from a biomedical engineering undergraduate program at a small school in the US (3.47 GPA). I just completed my masters degree in biomedical engineering with thesis (3.95 GPA) from an R1 school and trying to get a paper published as a first author in my research. I am affiliated with a large research organization (as part of an outreach group) and I was a part of our graduate schools student government. Additionally, I have a number of projects to show my computational analysis skills (I do bioinformatics and data science related research) and classes to display my skillset. Lastly I have strong letters of recommenders from professors who taught in the classes I took as well as my advisor from my masters program. With this in mind do I have a chance to getting into a top ten PhD program? Or is this impossible? I know the rank of the program is the only thing that matters, but I would like to get into a top program due to how much a PhD takes out of you in terms of time and ROI.
submitted by TheBigKDog to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:46 Dull-Ad-8457 Dealing with Silence: Proven Tactics for Collection Agencies Facing Unresponsive Debtors

Dealing with Silence: Proven Tactics for Collection Agencies Facing Unresponsive Debtors
Facing unresponsive debtors can feel like talking to a brick wall. When debtors go silent, it halts the recovery process and disrupts cash flow. But don’t worry, we’ve got some tricks up our sleeve to help you break the silence and get the conversation started again.
Verify Contact Information
First things first — make sure you have the right contact info. There’s nothing more frustrating than calling the wrong number or sending emails into the void. Double-check those phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses. If all else fails, use skip tracing services to track down updated info.
Use Multiple Communication Channels
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Mix it up! Use phone calls, emails, text messages, and physical letters. Some folks respond better to a friendly text, while others might need a formal letter to get their attention.
Craft Personalized Messages
Nobody likes feeling like just another number. Personalize your messages. Use the debtor’s name and mention specific details about their debt. A personal touch can make a world of difference. Imagine getting a message that starts with, “Hey [Name], we noticed you missed a payment on [specific debt]. Let’s figure this out together.”
Send Reminder Letters
Sometimes a good old-fashioned letter does the trick. Outline the debt, mention your previous attempts to reach them, and clearly state what you need them to do next. A physical letter can sometimes convey a sense of urgency that an email just can’t match.
Offer Flexible Repayment Plans
Money troubles can make anyone want to stick their head in the sand. Offer flexible repayment plans to make re-engaging easier. Highlight options like lower monthly payments, extended terms, or settlement offers. Showing that you’re willing to work with their situation can encourage them to come forward.
Leverage Technology
Let technology be your wingman. Use automated systems to send reminders and follow-ups. CRM software helps you track interactions and make sure you’re staying on top of things. Analytics can also give you insights into debtor behavior, helping you tailor your approach.
Start with a Soft Approach
Begin with a soft touch. Show empathy and understanding. A message like, “We understand things might be tough right now, but we’re here to help,” can go a long way. Avoid aggressive or confrontational language that might push them further away.
Gradually Escalate
If your initial attempts don’t get a response, it’s time to turn up the heat. Start with friendly reminders and move to firmer notices if needed. Clearly outline the consequences of continued silence, such as potential legal action, but always keep it professional.
Seek Professional Assistance
When all else fails, call in the pros. A commercial collection agency can be a lifesaver in these tough cases. They specialize in tracking down and engaging unresponsive debtors. Plus, they can help develop repayment plans and resolve delinquent accounts.
submitted by Dull-Ad-8457 to u/Dull-Ad-8457 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:37 morgieb13 ER doc scared the crap out of me - please talk me down or give it to me straight - TVUS & slowing betas questions

Please help talk me through this, share experiences, etc. I need a dose of informed reality, one way or the other. My OB sent me to the ER yesterday (5/16) after 48hrs persistent pain from both ovaries (left was worse and radiating through leg). Thankfully I haven't had any bleeding, but my OB wanted to rule out ectopic because of the type of pain and for peace of mind since I had a missed miscarriage in December. Yesterday I was 4w5d and the ultrasound tech warned me that we might not even see anything. Thankfully the TVUS showed a 5mm intrauterine gestational sac!! I was so excited when I saw the report on my health portal until the ER doc came in and totally shattered my spirits. He diagnosed me with a "threatened abortion" because he said they expect to see "more" on the ultrasound at this stage, especially since my hormone levels were consistent with a further along pregnancy (beta was 1703 yesterday, which I personally wouldn't consider high). He said the ultrasound looked like one of someone that was more like 3-4 weeks along and that I should expect cramping to continue and bleeding to start. ER doc ordered a repeat HCG after 48 hours and a repeated transvaginal ultrasound in a week. I of course broke down completely especially because of our recent loss and felt like history was repeating itself. After I was able to speak to my husband and the shock wore off, some of it didn't quite make sense. Am I delusional, or did the ER doc possibly make a snap judgement?
I personally feel like it's great that we even saw the gestational sac at 4w5d, and wasn't expecting anything else, but now I'm questioning everything. One thing that does make me nervous is that my HCG doubling rate is slowing down. Here are my numbers:
5/8 (13dpo): 143
5/10 (15dpo): 341 (doubling at 38.38hrs, 138.5% two day increase)
5/15 (20dpo): 1703 (doubling at 51.72 hours, 90.3% two day increase)
I'm not sure if this is the time that those numbers would be slowing anyway, but just the thought that they are scares me, especially on top of the ER doctor's diagnosis. He literally wrote in huge letters on top of my discharge paperwork "DX: Threatened Abortion" and that about broke me. I want to believe that he is wrong but I'm scared and confused. I'm waiting to hear back from my OB about her impressions, as she has been out of the office. What do you all think? I'm new to this community and can already tell it'll be very helpful. I appreciate you all who take the time to read this!
submitted by morgieb13 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:33 Agreeable-Mood-235 I laughed at my neglecting parent's face when they tried to "reconnect" with me. It was so satisfaying and liberating!

My "parents" had me in their early 20's and my golden child brother after a few years.
My story isn't something of new or special and since i was 4 i was the classic neglected child in favor of my golden "brother" Carl. I can stay here hours talking about how my "parents" didn't even remembered when my birthday was, the times when they left for vacations and i was relegated at home or the times when my "father" (Dan) tried to lay hands on me and i always give him back all my frustrations and anger issues.
All this mess started when i was 6 and after 2 years that they forgot my birthday, even when i was 5 and told them that it was my birthday, and i clearly asked them why they hated me so much and their answer left me broken until now "you're a disgrace for our family, your mother cheated on me and had you so i convinced myself somehow to keep you" and the "worst" thing is that Dan said this with a very normal tone like it was the most normal thing to say to a 6 year old child. Since than i accepted that my life was this so i started to bully people at school. (Emotionally and physically) When i was 14 i met my bestfriend and even now he is the only person of this fucking world that i trust 100%. (This part is important for later)
My school was a public school and no one ever gave a fuck about me and just punished me with suspention of a few days or post school "detention". So yeah since i was 10 i was a bully but my bestfriend (Tony) was the only one that saw in me the broken guy i was and it's like he is the only one knowing me and understanding me. Coming to my "parents" they too obviously neverg gave a fuck about me, my life, if i was a bully or anything about me and thanks to Tony when i was 15 i started to do part time jobs to save money for my future and in 3 years i had a pretty good amount of money (not that much but enough for me). My "brother" obviously made always things worst by treating me like i was shit, insulting me and treating me like i was some kind of animal but i was way more talller and bigger than him so everytime it was an easy win to make him black eyes, livids and one time 2 broken ribs.
But then finally a few days before my 18th birthday thanks to Tony we "elaborated" my escape from that house and we planned that i would remain to his house since his parents were always away for business trips. I still remember the day before my 18th birthday cause i did everything me and Tony planned. Packed my stuff, left a note on the table in the living room (full of insults, swears and death wishes to my "parents" and "brother"), i put my phone on that table with the letter (i already had a new one with a new number) and then left.
The day after me and Tony went to a bar to celebrate and i just remembered being drunk as shit for the whole day hahahah.
Well 10 years passed by and my life "improved" in this years cause me and Tony started our business and now is going extremely well, i have finally my own house, my own cars and i live alone like i always dreamed. But this are only the good things cause the bad things are way more and still very present in my life and mind. I still hate them all, i hope everyday for their death and i still can't trust anyone or just see the worst in people (obviously Tony a part) but i'm ok with this and would never change.
So my life was going ok when a few days ago before going on to do my job i saw them, my "parents". I hoped many times for their premature death but unfortunetly it never happened and seeing them there where i work just raised my anger and frustrations. I tried to ignore them but they blocked me and started to do all that ugly shit of hugs, kisses, asking me how i was, how my life was going and all this shit for like 20 minutes. I standed there with my fists ready to do what i wanted but seeing me like this unfortunetly made them scared and they started talking about their life, that they were in debt for my "brother" expenses, they absolutely nedeed money and this type of bs. In this time i didn't said a world to them and after they finished i couldn't control it anymore and i started laughing my ass off for like 3 minutes.
After i finished laughing i make my way to enter and before they could anything i instructed the security there to never and for any reason let them in and if they would force their way the only solution was to call the cops. Obviously they tried to go in but cops were involved and they were brought away.
When Tony knew about this shitty situation he was worried that i would had killed them both there on the spot but i assured him that the cops dragged them away. He was a bit confused on my reaction and asked me if i was fine, i told him of course and that day i worked with an energy that i never felt.
So that's all. My laugh was a liberation of everything i went through and their absolutely being idiotic to only think that i could help them anyway forgetting those 18 years of neglect and being treated like shit. Poor fools.
I don't even know why i'm writing this here but according to Tony, since i refuse to do therapy, this space can be a good space where i can write about myself so here i'm.
submitted by Agreeable-Mood-235 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:22 Max2177x Help

Ok so I connected my zve10 to my Mac for the first time. I got into the file system and it had two folders private and something else like a couple letters and numbers. Inside that folder was my DSC01234 type jpg files.. great, but I renamed the folder with letters and numbers to “ZVE -10,” I copied my photos to another hard drive and that was it, then I ejected the camera went to find my images in my camera (my memory card still says they’re all there I can still see them all in my computer) but after doing a recover image database all I see are the 3 video files that never showed up in my computer. I have no idea what I did that made it so that now my zve10 is only showing 3 videos in playback but all my hundreds of photos are not in my image database anymore. Luckily they’re all backed up but why are they still showing on my memory card and accessible in my computer if I plug in the camera but they’re not in my cameras database? Was it because I changed that folder name? What do I do?? Additionally how does one transfer video files to a computer if they do not show up in any of the cameras folders when looking in finder?
submitted by Max2177x to ZVE10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:14 PotentialItchy6739 HELP PLEASE

okay so basically i have a friendship group and we like never have any problems, a few funny little arguments but nothing serious . there is about 7 of us. then this new girl join (we will call her newi). we accept her into the friend group. a couple of weeks ago newi sent a letter to one of my bsf in class (well call her bsf1) saying how much she wanted to be her friend. i found that really cute and they began getting a little closer. yesterday one of my other really close friends in the friend group gets a letter from her. at lunch she is reading it. the context is about how newi wants someone to be like absolutely besties with her and how everyone has little duos. she says how she wants to besties with my other bsf (bsf2) and how she thought i was a duo with bsf 1 but now im app a duo with bsf2. and then in the letter she goes on a rant about how i should just pick one friend. so now bsf2 feels bad and wants to do something but in the past shes tried to talk to her but she just doesnt really have a connection for her. the friendgrp doesnt want to force any of us to be like 'a duo' with newi. i just feel like newi is trying to force friendships. newi is one of those really outgoing people but nobody is her act number 1 bestie.
sorry if this is confusing but highschool stupid girl drama is.
pls do give advice.
submitted by PotentialItchy6739 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:12 LoboLocoCW California's outstanding education benefits for children of disabled veterans is slept on

Technically it's not just for children, but they're the most common category of dependent and most likely to benefit from *one* of the plans. It zeroes out tuition, it does not cover other expenses.
I just learned that California shifted its income-eligibility status (under Plan B) to a state-level poverty wage, rather than a federal-level poverty wage. This is a shift from something like a ~$15k annual limit for the child, to a ~$20k annual limit, and will increase as California's Franchise Tax Board revises.
One HUGE advantage of this program is that it does not require the VETERAN to live in California, which is a lot more flexible, than, say, Washington's. This is based on the residency of the DEPENDENT.
I told a friend about this when I was using my GI Bill, and by the next week not only did she zero out her future law school tuition, she got a refund on the amount she had already paid. She later ran into difficulties using this with an MBA program, because there was confusion over what it covers. It apparently covers "academic" programs, which includes full-time MBA studies, but does not cover "self-funded" or "professional" programs like the part-time MBA programs. So, her parent's sacrifices *only* covered a law degree.
Three useful links for you and your dependents to assess:
California College Fee Waiver, to explain in further detail (I'll copy-past the content of this here, but it may update)
How a Dependent would to establish residency in California for Education purposes (TLDR: 366 days, intent to permanently stay):
California Income Eligiblity Limits for Plan B (looks like $21,561 for 2024 based off 2023 numbers):

College Fee Waiver

​​​The College Fee Waiver for Veteran Dependents benefit waives mandatory system-wide tuition and fees at any State of California Community College, California State University, or University of California campus. This program does not cover the expense of books, parking or room and board. There are four plans under which dependents of Veterans may be eligible.

Plan A

The Veteran must have served at least one day of active duty during a period of war as declared by the U.S. Congress, or during any time in which the Veteran was awarded a campaign or expeditionary medal. Concurrent receipt of benefits under Plan A and VA Chapter 35 benefits is prohibited. To receive benefits under Plan A, a dependent must sign an "Election To Receive College Waiver Benefits" statement acknowledging this fact. There are no income restrictions under this plan. To be eligible, the event which caused basic entitlement to benefits (i.e., the date the Veteran died of service-connected causes or the date the military or United States Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA) rated the Veteran as totally disabled as a result of service-connected disabilities) must have occurred prior to the child's 21st birthday.

Plan B

The child of a Veteran who has a service-connected disability, or had a service-connected disability at the time of death, or died of service-related causes is eligible. The child's annual income, which includes the child's adjusted gross income, plus the value of support provided by a parent, may not exceed the annual income limit. The current academic year entitlement is based upon the previous calendar year's annual income. Under Plan B, wartime service is not required and there are no specific age requirements. Children are the only dependents eligible under this plan. There is no prohibition against receiving concurrent VA Chapter 35 benefits.

Plan C

Any dependent of any member of the California National Guard, who in the line of duty while on active service to the state, was killed, died of a disability resulting from an event that occurred while in active service to the state, or is permanently disabled as a result of an event that occurred while in the service to the state is eligible. Surviving spouses who have not remarried are also eligible.
"Active service to the state," for the purpose of this benefit, means a member of the California National Guard activated pursuant to Section 146 of the Military and Veterans Code. A copy of those orders pursuant to Section 146, not Section 143, must be furnished to establish eligibility.

Plan D

Medal of Honor recipients and children of Medal of Honor recipients under the age of 27 may qualify. Benefits under Plan D are limited to undergraduate studies only, and applicants are subject to both income and age restrictions. There is no prohibition against receiving concurrent VA Chapter 35 benefits.


submitted by LoboLocoCW to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:09 Jhonjournalist The 2024 Char Dham Yatra Commenced as the Kedarnath Temple Opened

The 2024 Char Dham Yatra Commenced as the Kedarnath Temple Opened
  • Every year, a huge number of lovers visit these holy locales, shut for around a half year throughout the colder time of year.
  • The yatra normally begins from April/May to OctobeNovember.
  • The police group has encouraged the groups to act in a deferential way to maintain the holiness of the journey.
The 2024 Roast Dham Yatra started as the Kedarnath sanctuary opened on the promising event of Akshay Tritiya on May 1. The service included the reciting of bhajans and ‘Har Mahadev’ at the worshipped Master Shiva’s hallowed place. Lovers in lines were additionally showered with blossoms from helicopters.
On May 10, the entryways of Yamunotri and Gangotri Dham were opened, trailed by the kickoff of the gateways of the Badrinath holy place on May 12.

The 2024 Char Dham Yatra

Authorities expressed that internet-based enlistment for the yearly journey to the four heavenly sanctums of Uttarakhand started to keep going month on the travel industry division’s gateway.
With the appearance of an enormous number of fans to Gangotri and Yamunotri for the Burn Dham Yatra, the Uttarakhand police gave a bunch of rules on Thursday, encouraging enthusiasts not to leave on their excursion without earlier enlistment or before the assigned enrollment date.
The Rudraprayag Police had before sent off ‘Activity Maryada’ to guarantee that individuals keep up with goodness on their excursion. As a component of this activity, the police are getting serious about people who take part in wrongdoing or polish off liquor or medications in the region encompassing the heavenly destinations and along the journey course.
Uttarakhand Chief General of Police Abhinav Kumar composed a letter to the Chief Commanders of Police across states in the country.
Learn More:

submitted by Jhonjournalist to u/Jhonjournalist [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:49 lethargic_lemom Plz help me to Identify this is a job scam or not?

So I got this Job offer from a company named TL(not using real name) with 30% increment. TL is hiring for this offshore job profile for a australian company called JSH (again name not real).
TL told me that i have to go to australia for training.
There was only a few phone calls between me and TL and a interview and another round of interview with JSH. After that TL gave me a offer and asked for a few documents like passport pan adhar, normal stuff which i sent with watermarks so that they cannot use anywhere else and asked for my joining date and gave me an employment agreement cum letter of appointment.
Now thing is that i have a feeling this is a scam but cannot figure out the angle of scam. Is it a job scam but no upfront cash is being demanded by any party involved? Is a identity theft scam? Or is a real job?
I have treid to verify the social media and linkdin profile of all the individuals involved also checked gst of TL and ABN number (australian equivalent of CIN number) all things look all right. Also checked their glassdoor reviews its very neat. Treid to check the physical place where these companies are in delhi and australian there are little discrepancy there.
submitted by lethargic_lemom to bihar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:34 Inevitable_Tip_2860 I know I’m late but anyone got this mail, two months ago

April1,2025 Next Bridge Hydrocarbons Announces Transactions MIDLAND, TEXAS – April 1, 2024 – Next Bridge Hydrocarbons, Inc. (“Next Bridge,” “our,” “we,” or the “Company”), an oil and natural gas exploration and production company with interests in Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma announced today the following:
Next Bridge has purchased portions of four drilling prospects from Wildcat SPV in exchange for 2,500,000 shares of Next Bridge common stock. They are the Valentine, Panther, Cowboy, and Packer Prospects, all located in southern Louisiana. Chairman and CEO Greg McCabe ("McCabe") had retained varying overriding royalty and working interests after payout on these prospects from a previous financial transaction. In order to facilitate the sales below, McCabe has agreed to forego the 25% working interest after payout he had previously, while retaining his overriding royalty interest.
The Company is pleased to announce it has already sold its ownership in both the Valentine and Panther Prospects to an undisclosed party for net revenue of $1,093,000. Additionally, Next Bridge will receive a $240,000 spud fee on the first well of the Valentine and an $80,000 spud fee on the Panther, while retaining its proportionate share of all associated deep rights below 19,500' in the Valentine Prospect. Next Bridge has also retained the option, but not obligation, to participate in various working interests in the drilling of the two prospects.
Next Bridge is also pleased to announce it has entered into a letter of intent to sell its retained right to participate in the working interest leasehold in the Valentine Prospect. Next Bridge will continue to market the Cowboy and Packer Prospects, the deep rights on the Valentine Prospect, and their option to participate in the Panther Prospect drilling.
McCabe stated, "While the Orogrande asset is still our primary focus, I have made the decision with full Board support to expand into what we deem to be world-class exploration prospects. I am truly excited about these new efforts moving forward."
About Next Bridge Hydrocarbons, Inc.
The Company is an independent public reporting energy company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, exploitation and/or development of oil and natural gas properties in the United States. Our primary focus has been the development of interests in an oil and gas project consisting of 134,000 contiguous gross acres we hold in the Orogrande Basin in West Texas in Hudspeth County, Texas. In addition, we have minor interests in the Eastern edge of the Midland Basin in Texas, and two minor well interests in Oklahoma. Please visit for more information.
Next Bridge is a private company insofar as its shares of common stock are not traded on a public stock exchange of any kind. The Company is expected to update its shareholders about certain operational and financial updates related to the Company’s business. To receive timely emails with respect to these corporate developments, please visit and complete the Email Alert/Investor Form. You may also choose to follow our social media channels at @nbhydrocarbons on X (formerly known as Twitter) and “Next Bridge Hydrocarbons” on LinkedIn.
This statement may contain "forward-looking statements" as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those described herein. Although the Company believes the expectations in such statements to be reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Information concerning the assumptions, uncertainties and risks that may affect the actual results can be found in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") available on the Company’s website or the SEC's website at
Contact: Dennard Lascar Investor Relations Next Bridge Hydrocarbons Announces Transactions MIDLAND, TEXAS – April 1, 2024 – Next Bridge Hydrocarbons, Inc. (“Next Bridge,” “our,” “we,” or the “Company”), an oil and natural gas exploration and production company with interests in Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma announced today the following:
Next Bridge has purchased portions of four drilling prospects from Wildcat SPV in exchange for 2,500,000 shares of Next Bridge common stock. They are the Valentine, Panther, Cowboy, and Packer Prospects, all located in southern Louisiana. Chairman and CEO Greg McCabe ("McCabe") had retained varying overriding royalty and working interests after payout on these prospects from a previous financial transaction. In order to facilitate the sales below, McCabe has agreed to forego the 25% working interest after payout he had previously, while retaining his overriding royalty interest.
The Company is pleased to announce it has already sold its ownership in both the Valentine and Panther Prospects to an undisclosed party for net revenue of $1,093,000. Additionally, Next Bridge will receive a $240,000 spud fee on the first well of the Valentine and an $80,000 spud fee on the Panther, while retaining its proportionate share of all associated deep rights below 19,500' in the Valentine Prospect. Next Bridge has also retained the option, but not obligation, to participate in various working interests in the drilling of the two prospects.
Next Bridge is also pleased to announce it has entered into a letter of intent to sell its retained right to participate in the working interest leasehold in the Valentine Prospect. Next Bridge will continue to market the Cowboy and Packer Prospects, the deep rights on the Valentine Prospect, and their option to participate in the Panther Prospect drilling.
McCabe stated, "While the Orogrande asset is still our primary focus, I have made the decision with full Board support to expand into what we deem to be world-class exploration prospects. I am truly excited about these new efforts moving forward."
About Next Bridge Hydrocarbons, Inc.
The Company is an independent public reporting energy company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, exploitation and/or development of oil and natural gas properties in the United States. Our primary focus has been the development of interests in an oil and gas project consisting of 134,000 contiguous gross acres we hold in the Orogrande Basin in West Texas in Hudspeth County, Texas. In addition, we have minor interests in the Eastern edge of the Midland Basin in Texas, and two minor well interests in Oklahoma. Please visit for more information.
Next Bridge is a private company insofar as its shares of common stock are not traded on a public stock exchange of any kind. The Company is expected to update its shareholders about certain operational and financial updates related to the Company’s business. To receive timely emails with respect to these corporate developments, please visit and complete the Email Alert/Investor Form. You may also choose to follow our social media channels at @nbhydrocarbons on X (formerly known as Twitter) and “Next Bridge Hydrocarbons” on LinkedIn.
This statement may contain "forward-looking statements" as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those described herein. Although the Company believes the expectations in such statements to be reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Information concerning the assumptions, uncertainties and risks that may affect the actual results can be found in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") available on the Company’s website or the SEC's website at
Contact: Dennard Lascar Investor Relations
submitted by Inevitable_Tip_2860 to MMTLP_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:33 444rj44 lets be honest. the thinq name is quite stupid

they couldnt give it a better name? maybe it got lost in translation
and truthfully I always consider a phone that has an x or s a better version but the v50s and g8x are lower versions. Id call the v50 as regular and perhpas callingt he v50 , v50 super or elite or titan or something. but if youre going to put something after the model it should mean more then the regular lettering. I actually just now noticed the g8x has lower rez then the g8 which I thought was the lower version.
I think proper marketing was LG's weakness. I also they should have given a line a name. like the note or galaxy. the numbers dont do much for people who arent in the know.
truly sad they left the market. they made a lot of mistakes along the way. the bootloop killed reliabilty reputation for them.
I do like going to gsm for spec peeping but I notice their reviews are never consistent. for instance in the g8 they say "Camera has a tendency to underexpose and noise is visible from up close." as a con, then say "The overall camera experience is good, especially in low-light." as a pro. you cant say low light is good but then say noise is high. they give mixed messages. "its good, but actually not good"
submitted by 444rj44 to lgv50 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:26 tttttfffff Getting a threatening letter from the council for having two grey bins, we have one, when the next door neighbour who works for the council has two grey bins

Got a letter in the post asking to clarify the number of household bins, and if there was no response we’d have the grey bin removed. The letter said we were only welcome to two if we lived in a house of 6+ occupants, there is 3 of us.
Next door neighbour works for the council, has a household of 4 occupants and has two grey bins. Either the bin men got the house numbers mixed up when reporting, or my next door neighbour council worker is getting special treatment
submitted by tttttfffff to britishproblems [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:24 RooEsqJR CRIMINAL CHARGES and what you should know, 2024 edition

Hey fellow Roovians…it’s been so long! This will be similar to my last post from 2023 as usual!

I’m still working as an associate attorney for Mitchell & Mitchell, and have been practicing almost 3 years now doing exclusively criminal work.

I am really excited to carry on the tradition of helping this community of wonderful Redditors by giving information…and I’ll answer what questions I can! I believe that I can be a voice for your questions and concerns, as well as the voice and contact person for my LOCAL firm here in Middle Tennessee.

In my 2023 post, I mentioned that I am a long-time attendee of Bonnaroo. This will be my 12th consecutive year! As a somewhat newly licensed attorney, I can answer most of your questions, and if I cannot I have been given explicit permission from the managing partner of my firm to relay questions that I am unsure of directly to him and give you the best and most accurate information. Although I am new as an attorney (3 years officially last month), I’m in an extremely unique learning and working situation, as my supervising attorney, Jack Mitchell, has been practicing locally in criminal defense for over 30 years. That’s in addition to having a great working relationship with the district attorney assigned to Bonnaroo cases.

I wanted to continue the tradition of this post because I do believe that people on this sub get some good benefit from it and share details of the process for handling charges that can change from year to year. This is a place to ask questions you may have, and I will try to answer everything I can (and if not, I will do my best to get the answer for you). As someone who loves attending Bonnaroo and being part of the community there, I hope you don’t need this information, but it is here in case you do.

The current elected District Attorney brought changes to the way criminal charges resulting from the festival were handled. In years past, criminal citations and charges were treated differently during Bonnaroo. Those who caught charges (defendants) were sent a letter from the District Attorney’s Office and the Court Clerk indicating that with the payment of a fine, the charges would be dismissed or retired after a certain period of time. The more serous the offense, the larger the fine assessed.

The last several years, criminal charges resulting from Bonnaroo were supposed to be treated the same as every other crime in Coffee County. However, what we found is that the process for festival offenses is still much different than the process used the rest of the year, and we expect more of the same this year.

What does this mean for you? If you are arrested or cited for any criminal offense while you are in Coffee County for Bonnaroo, you will have to make regular court appearances (REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE CITING OFFICER TELLS YOU) or have a licensed attorney appear on your behalf, and you will be prosecuted through the justice system. It’s annoying, for sure, but if you don’t show, and don’t have permission to not appear, the penalties could increase.

Probably the best advice we could give you when dealing with law enforcement is to exercise your right to remain silent. Along with this, you should not willingly consent to the search of your person, bags, vehicle, or campsite (other than when you enter the tollbooths). An officer may go ahead and search anyway, but giving consent immediately removes any chance of suppressing the contraband they find.

We understand that sometimes unfortunate things happen, and at Bonnaroo it is usually a case of bad luck and timing rather than bad people or actions. If you find yourself in this situation and need the assistance of an attorney, you can contact us through Reddit, at (615) 896-4211, [](, or through our website at We can work with you on fees and will try to minimize travel and costs for out of state clients.

The major benefit of retaining an attorney with knowledge of the system is most of the leg work and negotiation can be done prior to the first time you are required to be in court. For most of our clients in past years, they were only required to make one court appearance, and for others (depending on the charges and criminal history) we were able to completely avoid the need for their appearance in court. Almost everyone we represented in past years was able to keep the conviction off their record and have their charges expunged.

Every situation is different, but our knowledge of the local judicial system and professional relationship with the District Attorney’s office will help ensure the most favorable result for your individual case. I will be on the farm experiencing the festival as always, and I’ll have koozies and business cards with me, lol! Enjoy your time in Middle Tennessee and at Roo. Also, look for our sign prior to entering and, like the sign says, take a picture JUST IN CASE.

Last year there were only a little over 20 arrests made. The number of citations given was also significantly low for the number of people attending. An assistant district attorney told me this information and stated those numbers will absolutely be different this year. So I wanted y’all to be very aware of that!

**TLDR:*\* while this whole post is informative, basically this is about Coffee County’s Bonnaroo citation procedures and helpful information
submitted by RooEsqJR to bonnaroo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:21 lethargic_lemom Plz help me to Identify this is job scam or not?

So I got this Job offer from a company named TL(not using real name) with 30% increment. TL is hiring for this offshore job profile for a australian company called JSH (again name not real).
TL told me that i have to go to australia for training.
There was only a few phone calls between me and TL and a interview and another round of interview with JSH. After that TL gave me a offer and asked for a few documents like passport pan adhar, normal stuff which i sent with watermarks so that they cannot use anywhere else and asked for my joining date and gave me an employment agreement cum letter of appointment.
Now thing is that i have a feeling this is a scam but cannot figure out the angle of scam. Is it a job scam but no upfront cash is being demanded by any party involved? Is a identity theft scam? Or is a real job?
I have treid to verify the social media and linkdin profile of all the individuals involved also checked gst of TL and ABN number (australian equivalent of CIN number) all things look all right. Also checked their glassdoor reviews its very neat. Treid to check the physical place where these companies are in delhi and australian there are little discrepancy there.
submitted by lethargic_lemom to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:20 No_Name_6819 Am I losing the love of my life? My sweet and loving bf 28M has told me so many lies and I 24F question my reality and if I’m in the wrong here please help me

Me (24F) and my boyfriend (28M) met 17 months ago on a dating app. At the time we were both in different countries and had set our location to a place we were both planning to visit. He asked me on a date for new years eve and even bought an event ticket for that night when we were both supposed to be there . Unfortunately a few days before my flight I got sick and never got to visit that country or see him there. I was expecting us to stop talking and I was talking/dating afew other people since I thought him and I would never meet in real life but to my surprise we started talking every single day and he was the sweetest guy I had ever met . We got to know each other pretty good to the point that he kept asking me to move to his country. After around 4 months of talking online he told me he’s getting a ticket and coming to see me for a week . And that’s when we had our first phone call , over that phone call he said he needs to tell me something because it might be a red flag for me and he just wants to be honest about it , he said he has dated a stripper before me (around 2 years before me) but they were never official and it was something casual just because he was lonely and she was pushy. To be honest I didn’t like hearing that but I was still okay with it. Fast forward to our first week together, we went on date every single day , we went to really nice restaurants and bars and he was putting in so much effort into our dates, we eventually spent the weekend together and that’s when he gave me a gift along with a letter telling me how much he loves me and then we were intimate for the first time and spent the entire weekend in his hotel room .
He went back to his country for work and came back to see me after 5 weeks and we had another amazing week together and that’s when I told him that I love him too so we got alot closer and talked about our past, about how he used to be a party boy and into drugs but he’s changed now and people we have dated and exes , and in a funny conversation the topic of body count came up and I told him mine is 3 and he said he has been with 6 people in total which was shockingly good in my opinion. He also told me that the last time he slept with someone was a year before me because he’s not into one night stands or casual sex because he is emotional and can’t just have that with anyone and that was very respectable and admirable in my opinion and made me fall in love even more . I was honest with and told him the last time I had slept with someone was a month or two into us talking but there was no emotion connection with that person, he was upset but he said he understood that we weren’t that serious back then .
He came back for the 3rd time after 2 weeks and that’s when we got an Airbnb and spent the whole week together cooking and talking like a married couple in love , on the same week we ran into a girl in our airbnb building and she was so happy to see my bf , she jumped to hug him and gave him a kiss on the cheek but my bf seemed kinda uncomfortable. After the interaction I was curious to know how does he know someone in my country so I asked him who she was and he said she is his high school classmate that lives in the same city as him now and she just got married so it must be a coincidence that she’s visiting too.
He was back to see me for another week after 2 weeks and at that point we both knew we are offical and that neither of us has even talked to anyone else for the past 4-5 months but we still didn’t put a label on it because I was so afraid of doing long distance and the fact that I was going to move to a country even further away from him in a month. On that week we went and got an STD test together and I even got an IUD so we don’t have to worry about using protection anymore. He knew that I had this unreasonable fear of contracting HIV and this was him being supportive and calming my nerves.
Afew weeks later I moved to a different country around 17000 miles away and when I was looking for a place there we decided to lease an apartment together and furnish our home together because he was planning on moving there to live with me . He came to visit me for a month and we had more amazing days together and became officially girlfriend and boyfriend .he was the sweetest most loving and understanding guy ever.
We did 3 month of long distance and I missed him so bad that I decided to leave everything behind and sell my stuff to go travel with him for 3 months and also go and visit his family and his hometown , it was hard but we made it work and we were both on cloud 9 for the first 2 weeks together. And after meeting his family things were even more serious , they all loved me and keep asking him when he’s going to propose and end the long distance and I even got invited to his brother’s wedding.
One night my trust issues got the best of me and decided to check his phone ( I know it’s bad) I didn’t see anything too bad as his chats were mostly deleted but I came across a chat with that high-school classmate I mentioned earlier and I found out that they had been on a few dates and that he had sent her the same sweet questions as he sent to me word for word. I also saw that they spent the night together and he had a hickey on his neck from her . I also saw that before meeting me he was sliding into girls dms calling them hot and being sexual and I was sooo shocked just because the image he showed me of himself was so so different. I gave him a chance to come clean in the morning but he kept on lying to my face till I showed him the chats , even then he denied ever sleeping with her . I was so hurt that so early in our relationship he could lie to my face for no reason .
I was upset so I left our villa to stay at a hotel, he kept texting and calling and begging me to give him another chance and go to dinner with him and I did, he was so apologetic he was so upset and he kept saying all he wants is to go back and never lie to me so I asked him to come clean about anything else he has lied about . I went over everything with him and asked if they were lies too? he said no . I decided to stay and give us another chance .
Just 3 days after that night I asked him if I can delete his exes number that is a stripper off his phone in front of him he said yes and when I went to delete it I saw their messages , it wasn’t from 2 years before me ! The last message was 15 days before meeting me and turns out she was actually his friend’s girlfriend and they were secretly seeing each other… I was so heartbroken I couldn’t believe he is a person like that and that he has lied to my face again! He used to always say he hates cheater and that he has been cheated on before so he would never do anything like that but in the chats they were making fun of that girl’s bf which was his friend.
He started apologising again and told me there is more, there is someone else he has slept with shortly before me and that whole not sleeping with anyone for a year and no one nights stands was lie to make me fall in love with him . I forgave him again and decided to help him not feel ashamed about his past .
4 days later I asked him to send me our STD test results from months ago to me again because I lost it and my doctor wanted see it he started looking at his emails and said he can’t find it so I offered to help him look and I found it in his trash folder, but again I wanted to give him a chance so I asked if he has deleted it? He said no ! Turns out he was tested positive for a very minor and not dangerous STD and because he felt ashamed he edited the results when he sent it to months earlier. And deleted it afew days prior. His excuse was that I’m very anxious and fearful about STDs so he didn’t want to worry me because the doctor said it doesn’t need a treatment , And again I was convinced .
A few weeks passed and we were arguing a-lot because of trust issues but we were trying to get help and work on the relationship, he even confessed that there were more small lies he has told me , like saying some of the girls he was following were his friends or friends of friends when in fact they were girls he had met on tinder before meeting me . I struggled to understand why he would lie to me about stuff like this when I had never showed to be a jealous or not understanding GF .
A few weeks later we were doing better and travelling different countries together and I thought we’re done with lies so one night I was overthinking and asked him about a blocked number I saw on his phone that first time I looked through it , I asked who’s number that was because It had the country code of the country I lived in when we first started dating. He reassured me that it’s probably a scam number and that I was overthinking but I wasn’t convinced so I put it into google and it brought up so many escort websites from that country. For a whole week I begged and cried for him to tell me the truth to tell me I’m not crazy and what I’m seeing is right but he denied it every time for a whole week and even cried because I couldn’t believe him till one morning when I promised him I won’t leave if he just tells me , he confessed that on that first week after or first or second date when he went back to his hotel room he looked at escort sites and texted them but kept swearing that he never saw one and to him it just like watching porn . Once again I was in disbelief because he used to always say people that pay for sex are evil and are using girls that might have been trafficked for sex , I was also heartbroken and disgusted that he could do that in my city , somewhere that was my home and he was supposed to be there just for me and the fact that I’d have been on the same bed we had sex for the first time and the same room he told me he loved me in only 2 days later …
He blamed it all on porn and his porn addiction, I was shocked because I never had a problem with him watching porn I had even asked him if he wants to watch it together but he always seemed not that interested. He said that he has had trust issues and the reason why he went on an escort site in the first place was to make sure I wasn’t one … Honestly I didn’t know what to do with that informations ! How could he even possibly think that but it doesn’t bother me what bothers me is thinking that he got on 5 hour flight and took me on all those nice dates thinking I might be an escort?? And when he realised I wasn’t he looked for a real one ? Like he was disappointed that I wasn’t an escort? After 5-6 months of talking to me all day and night . I couldn’t not understand and will never understand .
Because of my promise I stayed and went to therapy ever since then he keeps saying I know all of his dark side and secrets and there is nothing else he would lie to me about. He’s been super apologetic and putting up with my anxiety and hearing out my hurt and looking for ways to fix our relationship and trust.
Our trip ended and we are doing long distance again and I told him I won’t be like before because it takes time to rebuild trust he understood and said it’s fair for me to look for things or have doubts . The other night i was looking at his email to make sure there are no more escort or things like that and I saw an email from a almost a year before me , it was from a flowegift shop that he has bought me flowers from which was very meaningful to me .
I saw that he had sent the same flower to that stripper girl that he claimed he was never in a relationship with only difference is hers was way more expensive and it had a note saying she is his world and there was another flower order worth 500$ sent to the same girl and the note was he is sorry for not keeping his promises and that he is in love with her more than he could have ever imagined.word for word of how he has apologised to me.
He has been telling me for over a year now that he never told that girl he loved her without me ever asking him . So I asked him if he has ever bought her flowers? But I also sent him a text saying he doesn’t owe me anything from his past and he shouldn’t worry about hurting my feelings and just tell me truth because I love him . He said no . Afew hours later he said he remembered that it was one time and it was from the same shop but what he got me was better and once again without me even asking he said no but I never loved her and never told her I lover her . I gave him the benefit of the doubt and asked if there is a chance he doesn’t remember ? Maybe because it was over text ? He said no there is no way he wouldn’t remember saying something like that .
I sent him the email and all he had to say was that he wasn’t lying he just didn’t remember… And he kept saying but that’s all , I never got her anything else (like that’s the point) but I also saw another email in his trash folder and it was another gift order to the same girl and he deleted that email the same day so there is no way he wouldn’t remember those gifts …
I’m so done and over the lies but I’m starting to blame myself for asking things for caring about the past , my mind keep telling me at least he didn’t cheat on you . But then I remember he lied to me about things I never even asked for cared about. I remember that he might have been interested in me because he thought I might be an escort not because of who I am .
He has been the kindest and nicest person to me and has done everything to make sure I’m okay during our relationship . Am I doing something wrong? What to do ? I’m so confused
submitted by No_Name_6819 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:18 AvailableLawyer3540 How to prove citizenship

I am desperate for any help! I was born in England in 1974 on R.A.F. Lakenheath (Royal Air Force), a U.S. Air Force base. My family moved back to the United States when I was just a baby. I obtained a social security number when I was 11 or 12, albeit potentially illegally due to my mother knowing someone who worked for the Social Security Administration who knew my parents didn’t have all the necessary documents. Apparently my parents never applied for a CRBA - Consular Report of Birth Abroad which had they done back when I was 11 would have saved me a lot of grief because it must be done before the age of 18. I have a birth registration with a seal but nothing else. I have no passport. I have been in contact with the State Department and they have searched for my passport but have had no luck finding the microfiche copy and only have a number that was issued. I have sent them several checks to “send someone down to the basement to look for this” only to get a letter saying sorry we can’t find it. The British embassy had no information for me. I have contacted people from the U.S. Air Force who were really no help, although I wasn’t sure who to reach out to. I contacted Elise Stefanik’s office as she is my local representative and after a long wait, her office referred me back to the State Department. I’m at my wits end. Soon I will not be able to even fly within the United States because not only can I not obtain a passport but I can’t obtain an enhanced real ID license which will be necessary to fly even domestically next year. Any and all suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance for any assistance! Edit to add that my mom is deceased and my father is of absolutely no help whatsoever. So I have no information available from any family.
submitted by AvailableLawyer3540 to Citizenship [link] [comments]