Cina clinical test

University Clinical Aptitude Test

2018.09.24 09:59 KezzaPwNz University Clinical Aptitude Test

The UCAT is a 2-hour long computer based test. The test is similar to the UMAT but with new question formats and the addition of a test of Situational Judgment (SJT) which measure attitudes and behaviours identified as desirable for successful healthcare professionals. Research shows that the test is a reliable and valid predictor of performance at Medical School.

2009.03.20 01:59 Ninoskaxx "I'm not homophobic, but..." I'm the student who received the email...


2011.09.27 20:21 vetcmb Ask Veterinary Related Questions

A place where you can ask veterinary medicine related questions and get advice from veterinary professionals.

2024.05.16 20:12 LARK81 Delayed allergic reaction to Gabapentin & Trazadone?

deleted my original post because I couldn't edit my title...
Link to images below
Species: Dog
Age: 3
Sex/Neuter status: M/neutered
Breed: Coonhound
Body weight: 70
History: We got him a little less than a year ago. Vet has prescribed Trazadone/Gabapentin for reactivity in stressful situations. We have successfully used these meds 2x in the past 6 months without issue. I am also pretty sure he was receiving these meds while in the shelter. Or at least, trazadone.
Clinical signs: Hives - was given a dose of 1 Gabapentin 600mg and 3 Trazadone 100mg yesterday 6:30am. Was fine all day - normal response to meds - sleepy and drowsy. Was maybe a little itchy at bedtime (10pm), woke up this morning at about 6am with hives all over his body. No other symptoms except occasional itchiness. Mood and energy and appetite was normal otherwise. Went down a little over the course of 2.5hrs, but most were still noticeable. Gave Benadryl (2.5 25mg tablets) and Hives reduced a bit within the hour. I had to leave for work at that point. Husband said he was sleeping but still looked a bit bumpy when he left around 11am
Duration: not sure - perhaps at some point over night to present time
Your general location: MA
Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc.
Wondering if this is a typical reaction to these meds - especially after multiple uses without issue, or if we could be looking at an allergy or reaction to something else. I understand that both these meds CAN cause hives - but wouldn't the most likely so so within a few hours of ingestion?
Does it warrant a vet appointment if he has responded to benadryl? Thanks for the help.
submitted by LARK81 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:08 Desperate_Speaker753 Tips for Applying for MCAT Accommodations, from someone with ADHD & Approval for Standard Time + 50% and more.

For anyone who feels lost trying to apply for accommodations on the MCAT, you are not alone! I will try to keep this short with as much information as possible. Please feel free to DM me with any personal questions!
Accommodation History
First MCAT Attempt - Normal Timing
I took the MCAT with no accommodations on 6/17/23. I scored below 500 (which was not consistent with my practice exams, but I remember being extremely nervous on test day, really running out of time, and only being able to guess on the math questions because I had no time to attempt them).
Reasons For Not Originally Attempting To Apply For Accommodations:
AAMC requires a neuropsych eval that has not expired within 4 years. My eval had just expired. It is pretty expensive and time consuming to get this done.
Didn't want to spend the time and money on a new neuropsych eval.
AAMC accommodation process seemed tedious and intimidating. I almost felt like I would be using my time better by studying for the MCAT instead of working on the application.
The stigma surrounding ADHD/receiving extra time on tests - I think I wanted to try to "overcome" my disability because of the fear of being judged..Especially when thinking about how doctors don't receive extra time in the real world. However, I can confidently say that there is no reason to feel judged for finding what works best for you as an individual and as a test taker, especially in order to "level the playing field". And we all know the MCAT is not comparable to real life emergency situations.
Important Resources/Documents I Submitted When Applying for Accommodations:
What I applied for (Applied on 10/24/23):
First Decision Received by AAMC: (11/28/23)
Wrote a Reconsideration Letter on behalf of myself & had my evaluator write a reconsideration letter.
Submitted this reconsideration letter on 12/22/23
Received Final Decision & Approval of What I Initially requested on 01/20/24.
This was a really long post and an extremely long journey. While I am extremely grateful that I have all these resources to share with you, I acknowledge that every situation is different. Please don't give up if you truly feel you deserve certain accommodations. The MCAT does not define you!
Good Luck & feel free to message me with any questions!!
submitted by Desperate_Speaker753 to u/Desperate_Speaker753 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:08 Mountain-Apple9662 Fever of unknown origin/PET scan results

Hello - I've recently received a PET scan for FUO. Since last July, I've been experiencing right sided abdominal pain which received no diagnosis. Last fall, I became severely ill with GI symptoms (primarily nausea) followed by chest/rib pain and neuro symptoms (shooting pain down right leg, headaches, etc.). My period had completely stopped during this time, which was likely due to the stress my body was under. They've since resumed, albeit painful ovulation and period cycles with frequent bloating all month long. Colonoscopy did not show any reasoning for my extreme bloating or abdominal pain. In January I began experiencing frequent fevers. I ended up with infectious disease and neurology referrals, and after extensive workups that did not provide any insight, we moved forward with a full-body PET Scan. Everything came back normal except the following:
ABDOMEN/PELVIS: In the posterior left adnexal region there is a 43 x 23 mm ovoid low density structure with moderately increased uptake in the peripheral posterior portion maximum SUV 7.7.
IMPRESSION: 1. Moderately increased uptake within the peripheral posterior portion of a 43 x 23 mm ovoid lesion posterior left adnexa. Findings may simply represent a physiologic ovarian cyst within an otherwise somewhat prominent ovary. In this particular patient chronic tubo-ovarian abscess or other fallopian tube or ovarian pathology could be considered. Recommend pelvic ultrasound with transabdominal and transvaginal imaging for further evaluation. 2. No other potential source of fever demonstrated.
The thing this I've had two ultrasounds (results below) in the past year, and my current OBGYN was quite dismissive of the results and is insistent that my symptoms are not GYN related. I'm currently waiting to see a new GYN next month, but wondering if this is urgent and should not wait that long. I'm really struggling to go back to my current OBGYN because of my experience there, and I'm not sure she'd do anything with these results. She largely double downed last time that my past US results were not a cause for worry or concern, and to manage with OTC pain relievers. No further action or testing needed.
Could the ultrasound and a CT (in relation to abdominal pain) I've had missed this?
Would love to know based on your experiences, how hard I should advocate for myself and if there's any specific testing I should explicitly ask for.
I have alot of medical fatigue and feel dismissed despite feeling so awful all the time. If you've read this far, thank you and sorry for the novel.
February 2024 Ultrasound:
November 2023 Ultrasound:
submitted by Mountain-Apple9662 to Ovariancancer [link] [comments]


hi everyone, very concerned cat mom here, my baby boy has been breathing really hard for the past 2/3 hours now. he didn’t eat much of of his wet food for breakfast and has been just sleeping pretty much all morning. I called his normal vet and they said to just keep an eye on him since he isn’t panting and his tongue isn’t out. now i’m just really worried that this is something more serious.
Species: cat
Age: 1.5 years
Sex/Neuter status: male/neutered
Breed: orange tabby boi
Body weight: around 10/11 pounds
History: he does have feline herpes that flared up once with one of his pupils that wouldn’t dilate, but that cleared up quick with some ocular medicine.
Clinical signs: not sure
Duration: since this morning, around 2 or 3 hours
Your general location: MA
Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc. posted in comments
submitted by PhDHubert to catcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:00 farmergirlbecky My vet is stumped- Dog

Currently under the care of a veterinarian, but we are stumped and figured it doesn’t hurt to get others opinions
Info: Species: Dog Age: 7 years (we adopted her at age 3) Sex: spayed (according to rescue) female Breed: staffordshire/pit bull mix Body weight: 70lbs History: -surgical removal of follicular lump from left hind leg, -torn ACLs bilateral back legs- medical management- has been on a joint supplement, gabapentin and novox once a day for about 2 years.
Clinical signs: -vaginal bleeding/spotting - loose stool (not totally unusual for her) - excessive thirst - transfer of excessive sputum when drinking water- literally makes the water thick and bubbly - eyes tearing and clouding at the bottom of the iris. And almost like she has trouble keeping them open
Duration: the vaginal bleeding started about 6 weeks ago. That was her only symptom at that time. It was a milky pink discharge. Took her to the vet. 2 weeks antibiotics. Resolved after about a week of the antibiotics. 1.5 weeks after the course of antibiotics, bleeding started again. No longer milky, just drops of blood. The rest of her symptoms all started about a week and a half ago- got into the vet on Monday 5/13
General location: Central NY
Test results- Digital vaginal exam- negative Digital rectal exam- negative Bladder ultrasound- “bladder wall thickening” Urinalysis- negative for bacteria, some WBC and RBC Abdominal x-ray- “negative except for a lot of stool in the intestines,” no stones noted. Fecal analysis- negative for parasites AMH blood test- results pending
Current steps: antibiotics and pro biotic for 3 weeks, wait for AMH test results. Next step according to my vet: possible exploratory surgery to remove ovarian remnants, or abdominal ultrasound
Happy to answer any questions. Thank you for any input!
submitted by farmergirlbecky to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:59 Jef3r Stitches on paw pad came out after three days

Species: Dog
Age: 3.5
Sex/Neuter status: Neutered
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Body weight: 65 pounds
Clinical signs: one inch cut along side of paw pad on front right foot
Duration: Injured Saturday, 5/11; Stitches Monday, 5/13; Stitches now almost out on Thursday, 5/16
Your general location: Northern Virginia
• Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc.
My dog injured his paw on Saturday. Came in from a romp outside with his buddy and he was leaving bloody pawprints on floor. We cleaned it up the best we could, put gauze and tape on the wound, and checked it again the next day. We could see a cut along the edge of the paw (inside edge of the largest paw pad on the front right foot) but it wasn't bleeding anymore. We continued to keep it covered with gauze and tape.
On Monday my husband brought him to the vet where they sutured the wound with instructions to bring him back in in two weeks for stitch removal. It's been three days and the stitches are almost entirely out. Even though we have been keeping him fairly well restricted (he goes out to pee and then back walks, no running around, etc) they still worked their way loose. He pulls off the tape constantly but we always put it right back on when we notice he's done so. We use the stuff that tastes bitter. Doesn't matter. We use actual medical tape to keep him from pulling it off. Doesn't work. I just think him walking AT ALL puts too much pressure on the paw and is the reason the stitches aren't staying.
I'm not trying to pay $600 every three days for stitches that aren't going to stay. There has to be another way. Any ideas? Googling has led me to the conclusion that the paw pad is a very difficult place for stitches so I'm not sure what we should do here.
I do plan on calling the vet when I'm off work but I want to be prepared with ideas of what may have worked in the past for anyone else that may have gone through this. Thanks.
submitted by Jef3r to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:59 PickleJarred8 May 20-22: Spring Valley clinic offering quick blood test for heart disease research — pays $45

May 20-22, a pop-up clinic at Durango Financial Plaza in Spring Valley is offering free blood tests as part of a national study about heart disease. This study is run by Care Access. They test your Lp(a)* levels, an indicator for heart disease risk, and call you later with your test results.
You get a $45 Visa prepaid card at the end of your appointment. The appointment takes 15 minutes.
You can use this link to schedule your appointment time: . This is the 3rd Vegas pop-up clinic because there has been so much community participation.
* Lp(a) tests are not part of routine cholesterol screenings and are not covered by most insurance, so this is a great chance to get a free screening and get rewarded too.
submitted by PickleJarred8 to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:58 Glittering_Ad_5822 Barium test results

Hey, I just got the results to my test I did a few weekday ago. I dont understand much of it but now my family doctor wants me to go for a gastroscopy and a endoscopy.
The wait time is atleast 60 days here to get my appointment. Could anyone tell me what the results mean? Ive been a little stressed regarding this lately. Thanks.
29, male , active lifestyle. Been sick often lately with asthma/breathing being worst

REPORTED: 02 MAY 2024 17:41 NOUSHIG TARAKDJIAN (MHD/03 MAY 2024 11:09)

submitted by Glittering_Ad_5822 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:29 daxsocial Pre-Employment Physical with open VA Claim?

I got an offer for a +$10/hr job and don't want to miss out. I also have an open VA claim for about 32 things, but it's not finalized/rated, so I usually put down "I do not have one or more service-connected disabilities" on employment forms (technically, true.)
However, I had to complete blood work, urine screening, a basic physical exam, audiogram, and an eye test at this clinic for this job offer. It is IT in a manufacturing setting.
Now that I've completed this and my medical information is going to be uploaded into the medical system, do I risk losing service-connection for the things already discussed during my C&Ps?
I'm not worried that the job offer will be revoked, but that the VA might find this new information while I'm sitting in PFD, send my claim back for review, and start denying claims.
P.S., we did NOT go over the majority of things I have claimed, however during the audiogram they said I had nearly perfect ears while I still 100% hear ringing most of the time, and definitely notice when I watch TV my peers and spouse tell me it's extremely loud when it sounds normal lol. This is what sparked this thought.
Maybe I'm just panicking? Thanks in advance.
submitted by daxsocial to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:18 KayAhTick Doctor refused to order blood tests

And now I’m sitting in my car crying. Today I had my annual exam, which was to include routine blood work that I was told to fast for. So I did. When my doctor comes in the exam room, she says that I don’t need to do the routine blood work since I did it 2 years ago and it all looked good. Umm, okay?? Earlier in the week I called my doctors office asking about ordering additional tests for things such as vitamin d, b, iron, magnesium and a few others and they told me that the doctor refuses to order a test for vitamin d since it’s not evidence based/clinically significant. I was told to talk to my doctor about the other tests and give her my reasoning as to why I want them. Okay, so during my visit today I told my doctor that I wanted to check my levels since these are things that are related to ADHD (and also since I’ve been experiencing depression), but she tells me that she “does not order these tests because they’re not evidence based” and told me to see a naturopathic doctor instead. What??
Besides being annoyed that I was told to fast for routine blood work and then not even getting any blood work done, I’m sooo upset that my doctor refused to order any of the tests that I requested. This post has become a bit of a vent but also I’m curious if anyone else has experienced something like this before? I’m shocked that my doctor refused to order any tests and she honestly didn’t even seem to care why I wanted them.
(Sorry for the formatting, I’m on mobile.)
submitted by KayAhTick to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:00 Independent-Arm6606 I tried…

I’ve been having painful bm with blood and mucus on it (every time) for over a month now. Yesterday’s was the worst I’ve ever been (biggest amount of blood and mucus on a bm) today I decided to make a GI appointment to find out what is going on. I live in a small town and the GI Clinic I’ve been going to said NO appointments available until November!! What? The receptionist (very friendly) helped me talking to the practitioner about my symptoms I am experiencing this past days. She returned the call saying that the physician said it’s only hemorrhoids and to drink more water. And plus to expect a charge on my account for an online service. Seriously? I wasn’t seen, not test done nor nothing, I wasn’t able to explain my symptoms TO THE PHYSICIAN so she can have a better understanding and do a plan of action/ treatment. Instead everything was through the receptionist lady. How could she? I feel defeated. This health system really needs to change.
submitted by Independent-Arm6606 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:58 WatchWaste0933 For those concerned about fertility

It seems like there has been a lot of posts recently about fertility and TRT. Does TRT make me infertile? Will TRT+HCG maintain fertility etc.? I wanted to share my experience, but also wanted to try and gather anecdotal evidence from others.
I've been off test for 5 months now. Prior to that, I was on for 18 months at varying doses but mainly on a true TRT dose at 100-120mg/week and ran HCG the entire time. I had a semen analysis (SA) done a few years ago when my wife and I were trying to conceive. The test results were good. Good motility, good count at 100M/ml, etc. So, I knew my baseline fertility was good prior to using testosterone.
I wanted to check my fertility again since stopping the testosterone so I purchased a home test kit a couple weeks ago on Amazon called "Yo sperm test." I knew nothing would be as accurate as a true SA test performed at a clinic, but I felt this test would at least tell me if I'm producing some sperm. Results were good and it even provided a video showing the sperm as you would see them looking into a microscope. Overall, I was able to conclude my fertility was good before and after using test for an extended time.
Now, what I do not know is what my fertility looked while using test + HCG. I've only seen a handful of posts where guys have actually gotten their fertility checked while on TRT whether or not they were also using HCG. If I were ever go back on, I'd definitely do another sperm test while using TRT+HCG because I can't conclude if HCG had an impact or not (likely did). If you are concerned about fertility, why not get checked to see how TRT has impacted your fertility, and most importantly, how effective is TRT+HCG at maintaining fertility levels.
Getting a true SA done before TRT (to establish baseline) and another during is the most accurate way to know and is the gold standard, but I felt this home test is a convenient way to establish some confidence in fertility levels as well as providing some peace of mind. There are other home tests out there or you can even purchase a microscope and learn what a good semen sample looks like to do your own assessment. Point being is that there are convenient options out there to monitor the impact your TRT protocol has on fertility if that's a concern for you.
tl/dr: concerned about fertility? get an SA done before/after or try a home test to provide some evidence of fertility levels.
submitted by WatchWaste0933 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:54 PickleJarred8 May 20-22: Strawberry Mansion clinic offering quick blood test for heart disease research — pays $45

May 20-22, a pop-up clinic at Strawberry Square Shopping Center (29th & W Dauphin) is offering free blood tests as part of a national study about heart disease. This study is run by Care Access. They test your Lp(a)* levels, an indicator for heart disease risk, and call you later with your test results.
You get a $45 Visa prepaid card at the end of your appointment. The appointment takes 15 minutes.
You can use this link to schedule your appointment time: . This is the 2nd Philly pop-up clinic because there has been so much community participation.
* Lp(a) tests are not part of routine cholesterol screenings and are not covered by most insurance, so this is a great chance to get a free screening and get rewarded too.
submitted by PickleJarred8 to Drexel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:49 austin_al 10yo husky dog fecal test w/reoccurring diarrhea

Hello! My 10yo spayed female husky dog has been exhibiting watery/explosive diarrhea for going on 5 days now (initial bout was Sunday 5/12 morning). The initial 48 hours, she was needing to go every 1.5-3 hours, with a few accidents overnight (not typical behavior for her at all). Her energy level is slightly lowered, and we’ve been feeding rice & boiled chicken, with her only eating parts of the meals. Past 3 mealtimes we’ve also given her FortiFlora probiotic. Last night was the first night she was able to hold it until this morning—though after one initial gelatinous stool, she is back to watery/forceful bowel movements.
We had a stool sample test performed on Tuesday, with our Vet indicating that the result of which showed the presence of Eimeria, which they said should not produce symptoms in canines. Their recommendation was to continue bland diet and add a paste probiotic, and if there is no stool improvement, to take a course of metronidazole.
Some extra situational factors:
My dog caught and killed a wild rabbit on Sunday 5/5, and she bit into the rabbits intestinal region, which from my layman’s understanding, could likely explain the presence of Eimeria in her stool sample.
My dog also received her rabies, bordatella, and DA2P-PV vaccines at her routine check up on Friday 5/10.
My vet does not believe there is any connection between the presence of the Eimeria and her clinical symptoms, but I am having trouble understanding: why the clinical symptoms she is showing are matching many of those for coccidiosis + the outright dismissal of that possibility as she continues to have such watery stool.
Would love to hear what any professionals takes are on the stool sample result in relation to my dogs clinical symptoms, or even an explanation on why the Eimeria would not be considered a factor in her treatment plan. Googling (ugh i know) Eimeria in canines shows many results explaining coccidiosis, so i admittedly could very likely be getting hung up on that aspect. Just a concerned + nerdy dog parent here, wanting to understand!
Thank you in advance to anyone who responds!
submitted by austin_al to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:46 Upset-Masterpiece-80 Canadians getting wegovy..

Hi there,
I thought I'd pose my question in this sub instead of the ozempic sub, as I have learned that wegovy is now covered (pending a form you submit to ensure you meet their criteria, which I believe I do) by my extended health.
I haven't started any meds yet. I've been referred by my Dr to a private weight loss clinic that is headed by an Endocrinologist. I'll be doing a telehealth meeting with him on June 4th, at which point my Dr said that the Endo would be prescribing me weight loss drugs. I was a bit confused as to why my Dr herself didn't just give me a prescription, but I guess she wants me to get a more in-depth evaluation? She said it's likely that he'll want further blood tests done, hormone related..
I really just want to start asap, but perhaps she's just trying to look out for me so that I'll get more involved care, since it's a dedicated weight loss clinic, so they'll likely be checking on me regularly.
Did anyone else get referred this way?
My BMI is under 30, but I unfortunately have very high cholesterol and extreme fatty liver, so with those combined, she felt that I was a good candidate.
My hopes :
Not only just weight loss, but I very much NEED to quit drinking, and I hope that I'll be one of the ones that encounter this effect. I want to improve all my panels. For once in my life, this isn't just about weight. I NEED to take control of my health. I feel so ashamed, because I'm young and a petite female, and obviously my drinking and poor eating has done its damage. I pray that Wegovy (or whatever he ends up putting me on) will be what I need.
Sorry for the ramble. I'm just scared, confused, and hesitantly hopeful. And man, I hope the meds will be covered as none of this is cheap...
Thanka for listening.
submitted by Upset-Masterpiece-80 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:43 anonslug00 soo i just started my pump without training

I waited 3 months for pump training just to learn that today they gave me the dates and times but i forgot to actually schedule them. I got so mad i just put it on myself watching like 10 youtube videos plus the slight training they gave me when i went to chose my pump.
i know how dangerous it is i know how stupid it is and i know how impulsive that was but i see my endocrinologist in less than a week and my god i’m not waiting another 3 months while this $5000 piece of equipment lays next to me while i struggle because i’m too depressed to even get up and take my lantus and too depressed to get up to bolus before eating
i know i shouldn’t be as excited as i am but i just saved myself hella copays and the clinic they do the training at is an hour away and they wanted me to go three times this week. i don’t have a car lol
i’m about to get a nice sugary drink to test it out and see if i got all my ratios right which after researching each one i’m pretty sure i’m close if not on the dot with them
sorry i just felt like i needed to confess my sins lmaooo
submitted by anonslug00 to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:41 mjsd595 HEAVY CAT BREATHING NO PANTING

hi everyone, very concerned cat mom here, my baby boy has been breathing really hard for the past 2/3 hours now. he didn’t eat much of of his wet food for breakfast and has been just sleeping pretty much all morning. I called his normal vet and they said to just keep an eye on him since he isn’t panting and his tongue isn’t out. now i’m just really worried that this is something more serious.
Species: cat
Age: 1.5 years
Sex/Neuter status: male/neutered
Breed: orange tabby boi
Body weight: around 10/11 pounds
History: he does have feline herpes that flared up once with one of his pupils that wouldn’t dilate, but that cleared up quick with some ocular medicine.
Clinical signs: not sure
Duration: since this morning, around 2 or 3 hours
Your general location: MA
Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc. posted in comments
submitted by mjsd595 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:41 AmaturePlantExpert Excessive drooling with sick toddler

Hi parents, I’ve got a 20 month old who hasn’t been sick very much. Besides getting Covid last August and a few colds we’ve been lucky. Until yesterday..she spiked a fever of 104 and I took her into the walk in clinic. They ran a Covid/flu test which came back negative and her throat and breathing are fine. The doctor said it must be something viral, possibly HFM and to keep an eye out for bumps. So far no bumps but oh my gosh the drooling, I’ve never seen so much drool. Does anyone else’s kid drool when they are sick? Is this a sign of HFM?
Sincerely one exhausted parent
submitted by AmaturePlantExpert to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:27 Initial_Act_1448 I think my coworker has monkey pox and thinks it’s funny. I’m grossed out and don’t want to catch it.

My coworker started talking about a rash her teen daughter got a couple of days ago. She took her to the local Native American health clinic and they said it wasn’t chicken pox but don’t know what it is. That health clinic is notorious for misdiagnosing and just refusing to diagnose people as they don’t have proper medical professionals there. I know this bc my fiancé is Navajo and has been going there his whole life.
She said they told her that her daughter doesn’t have chicken pox but they can’t figure out what it is. Now my coworker has it and all 3 of her kids have it and her boyfriend has it. She came in to work today talking about the rash on her hand and how she can’t have chicken pox because she’s vaccinated. She said it started around the mouth hands and feet and is spreading from there and looks like pimples. Sounds like monkeypox to me. She won’t get herself tested even though she could go to the actual hospital here in town with actual medical professionals for free and she wants to come in to work and spread it around the office.
I am 30 weeks pregnant I do not want to catch damn monkey pox. So disgusting. She’s over here laughing about it while everyone is saying that it’s gross.
submitted by Initial_Act_1448 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:26 Mayo_Clinic Hi Reddit! I’m Jeff Janus, MD, an otolaryngologist (ENT surgeon) specializing in head and neck cancer. On May 30, 2024, at 11 a.m. ET, I'll be participating in my first #AMA and will answer your questions on thyroid cancer, parathyroid surgery, and robotic surgery of the throat…Ask Me Anything!

Hi Reddit! I’m Jeff Janus, MD, an otolaryngologist (ENT surgeon) specializing in head and neck cancer. On May 30, 2024, at 11 a.m. ET, I'll be participating in my first #AMA and will answer your questions on thyroid cancer, parathyroid surgery, and robotic surgery of the throat…Ask Me Anything!
Jeff Janus, MD
As Chair of the Department of Otolaryngology at Mayo Clinic in Florida, I am passionate about putting the needs of head and neck cancer patients first by leveraging the latest technology to achieve better outcomes for these complicated cases. I work together with amazing colleagues including other head and neck cancer surgeons, as well as endocrinologists, radiation doctors, chemotherapy doctors and other specialists to focus on treating patients with cancer.
Over the course of the 16 years that I have been doing this, I’ve had the honor of using some remarkably interesting technology to achieve fantastic results. We routinely use 3-D printing as part of our practice to remove head and neck cancers, and to reduce surgical times for long cases by many hours. Our team uses nerve monitoring to identify difficult-to-locate nerves in both parotid surgery and thyroid surgery. We also use light markers, called autofluorescence, to find difficult-to-locate parathyroid tumors. I have a passion for using these unique tools to preserve form and function for our increasingly complex patients.
Our department recently started a residency program here in Florida, and we have partnered with our Neurosurgery colleagues to open our region’s first skull base lab, to share this knowledge with the next generation of ENT surgeons.
Watching things come together is a passion of mine, both personally and professionally. This quality also is present in my long-time hobby, woodworking, which is another craft that requires attention to detail, precision, and the right tools.
It’s an honor to work at a place where we can use complex solutions to treat complex patients and have access to such a knowledgeable and genuine team. I am delighted to answer any questions that you might have. Again, my specific areas of interest include:
submitted by Mayo_Clinic to u/Mayo_Clinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:25 EebamXela You should connect with the VA
I get 100% of my healthcare through the VA. I have no service connections (disability). It’s pretty crazy how much they have under one roof. All providers are able to see your entire chart and I’ve been helped out by many with getting referred to specialists I would never have thought to ask for, simply because they’re all able to see everything.
General primary healthcare
Case management (super helpful for navigating the VA system as well as getting veteran resources outside the VA)
Voice feminization training
Laser hair removal
And several other things including various therapeutic group things
Another fun bonus thing is that your health information can be synchronized to your Health app on your phone. I have a complete medical history right there for me to keep track of including all bloodwork and diagnostic stuff and literally any bit of information that they add to your chart. Right there.
Sadly they don’t yet offer gender affirming surgical services yet except for every specific cases. See link down below.
You’d be surprised what things count as a disability. I’m about to be connected for having astigmatism in my right eye caused by months of being on a periscope. I didn’t think simply “now I wear glasses” would count as a disability but hey I’m not complaining.
You can also be referred to civilian providers on the VA’s dime if they don’t have the means to provide it themselves within a reasonable drive distance.
You can get reimbursed for literally any mile you drive to any scheduled appointment. My VA doesn’t have the equipment so I drive from Albany to the Manhattan clinic for laser and get roughly $180 back every time.
I completely get the skepticism of the VA but for real they’ve changed A LOT especially for LGBT vets.
Each clinic has an LGBT coordinator who can be a fantastic way to start the process.
Copied from their website:
Gender Affirming Care at VA Information for Veterans VA provides a wide range of treatments to all eligible Veterans. Gender-affirming transition-related care plans are personalized based on your goals and your health. Talk to your treatment team to see if these services are right for you.
• Gender-Affirming Hormones: Your primary care team can help you with hormone therapy if it is right for you. Medications aren’t a goal for everyone and they have both risks and benefits. The team may involve an Endocrinologist. Talk to your treatment team about your family building goals and fertility before starting treatment.
• Pre-treatment Assessments for Gender-Affirming Hormones: In the U.S., all prescriptions are linked to a diagnosis the medication is treating. Providers will talk to you about your gender identity and your goals for treatment and consider if a diagnosis is appropriate. Blood work and other tests may be needed before hormones are prescribed.
• Voice and Communication Training: Speech Language Pathologists trained in gender- affirming treatments can help you train your voice and movements to align with your identity. This care is sometimes delivered through telehealth to your home.
• Fertility Preservation/Family Planning/Lactation Support: VA has services to help Veterans store eggs and sperm, as well as build and support families. These are coordinated through VA Women’s Health. Talk to your doctor about your options.
• Gender-Affirming Prosthetics: Several items are available through the VA when medically needed. These can include, but are not limited to, breast forms, chest binders, dilator sets for post-vaginoplasty, gaffs, packers, surgical compression vests, and wigs. Talk to your treatment team about what is right for you.
• Medically Necessary Hair Removal: Hair removal often happens through referrals to community-based centers. While availability varies, VA is working to improve access for all eligible Veterans.
• Letters of Support for Gender-Affirming Surgery (outside of VA): Some Veterans use their private health insurance or pay out-of-pocket for surgical treatments. Most surgeons and private health insurance companies require letters from your current treatment team, both medical and mental health (if applicable). VA providers can coordinate care with your surgeon.
While VA cannot yet provide initial gender-affirming surgical procedures, VA does provide surgical care for the following:
Some complications of surgeries, including revision surgeries for unexpected problems
Removing testicles or ovaries for hormone management if prescription hormones aren’t an option for you
Needed surgeries for other medical reasons (e.g., cancer, back pain) that are also consistent with your transition goals
submitted by EebamXela to TransVeteranPipeline [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:16 buttercup_sugarcup No period since starting letrozole

Hi guys
I took letrozole this past cycle and at CD18 they didn’t see significant growth in my follicles so the clinic stopped monitoring.
I’m now on CD43 and still no period. Is this normal? Is it possible for letrozole to delay your period? Could my follicles have grown later and I ovulated? I haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet but I’m 14 days late on my period.
Anyone have a similar experience?
submitted by buttercup_sugarcup to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]