Mockingbird abatement

Love Languages (27)

2023.12.12 07:58 Eager_Question Love Languages (27)

Note: Thank you to u/Killsode-slugcat, u/tulpacat1, and u/Thirsha_42 for reading and opining.
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Memory transcription subject: Larzo, Yotul geneticist at the Venlil Rehabilitation and Reintegration Facility.
Date [standardized human time]: Dec 7, 2136
Andes spent the entire bus-ride texting Chiaka back and forth and showing me those messages that were most amusing to him.
I’m two drinks in, this place is great!
You better sing some Disney, I want to see them freak out when you belt out some princess shit.
We arrived at the ‘Karaoke’ bar (apparently meaning “sing with instrumental soundtrack” with an inebriation connotation) soon enough and Andes stood around by a crowd that had gathered in the parking lot, checking his pocket holopad. “Where are you…” he mumbled.
Then he got a notification and brought his hand to his face. I had to stretch myself up to read it.
Look! I think I found the guy you based your filter on! He looks crazy enough to be down for that.
Andes apparently understood the camera’s angle, turned his head around and spotted her. He stalked directly towards her and she gave him a passing glance.
“Can I help you?” she asked, then returned to her pad, typing quickly with her fingers. Andes held up his pad, and immediately the notification dinged.
‘Be right back, Hottie McSexyson noticed me taking pics’? Holy prosopagnosia, Batman!” Andes spat, with more anger and hostility than I’d heard from him before, barring perhaps that time he started swearing because of the gene-tagging censorship.
Chiaka’s eyes grew large and she stared at him anew. “Andes–wait–is this for real?”
“Yes!” he shouted in exasperation, drawing some nearby onlookers’ eyes.
She squinted at him, and suddenly cackled. It immediately took the wind out of his sails. Whatever rage he'd built up fell away in a slow shift in posture. He moved to say something, or object somehow, but no words came out of his mouth.
“What are you wearing?” she asked, gasping for air as she continued to laugh.
“I’m wearing club clothes,” he said, suddenly defensive. “They’re cool.”
“You look like a Peruvian Punk star going undercover as an ancient Greek pirate!”
His face scrunched up and he looked undecided for a moment. Then he pressed his lips tightly together and took a deep breath.
“Thank you,” he said, clearly doing something with his tone of voice, though I did not understand what.
“When did you even buy those pants, twenty-one-twelve?” She asked. “Is this a Star Buccaneers costume?”
“I got them from a thrift store in undergrad,” he mumbled.
She scoffed. “Could you even wear them then?”
“Well no, but I figured I would be able to eventually–And now I am! So… There,” he said, apparently seeking to impose an air of finality onto his statement unsuccessfully. She laughed again, and then her eyes moved up and down his body in some sort of re-evaluation as her laughter abated.
“This is Larzo,” Andes said, gesturing to me. Chiaka’s smile turned from a sly-looking smirk into a beam of delight.
“Oh my goodness you are just adorable aren't you?” she asked, immediately bringing her hand to my head. It was startling, but pleasant enough I did not think to complain. My ears relaxed, my eyes closed, and I leaned into her touch subconsciously.
“How do you know Andes, cutie pie?” she asked, her voice nearly twice as high as I originally heard it when she spoke to Andes.
“I–uh–um…” I blinked hard twice, suddenly disoriented. I shook myself off her grasp and regained my bearings.
“Hey… don't do that,” Andes told her in a concerned voice.
“I am Doctor Larzo, I’m the primary investigator in a behavioural-genetics study at the rescue facility,” I said once the sudden drowsy relaxation had faded.
“Ooh. You have to tell me everything. Oh! Speaking of which!” she held up a finger and turned back to Andes, “I talked to Andrea, she’s super free as soon as you want apparently.”
“Andrea… Lewis, the anthropologist?”
She nodded. “Yeap. She just got back from collecting secret insect bones or something.”
“...I thought insects didn't have bones. Y’know, because they have exoskeletons and a bone is–”
“Okay, you’re definitely Andes, wow,” she interrupted. “I didn't ask for details, you want the meeting or not? She’s super free.”
“Um. Okay. Uh. Tomorrow. Say in twelve hours?”
“Sounds great, I’ll tell her when I get home. Now come on! Let's go in! I’ve been waiting for forever. My second drink ran out!” She said, holding up an empty glass.
She wandered into the bar and breathed in the atmosphere dramatically. I looked around. UN uniforms were overrepresented among their attire, but nobody was wearing a loose-cloth shirt that only covered one set of ribs. I concluded that Andes had been correct in his assessment about not understanding human fashion.
He followed Chiaka to the bar, and I followed him. It was busier than last time, but not by very much, and he ordered that mango drink again. I ordered a rum drink this time. Once we were all armed with our choice of chemical impairment, Andes led the way to the isolation booth he had booked and we sat such that he was in the middle, with myself and Chiaka on the sides. The second the sound-proofed door closed, Andes sighed with relief. I wondered if he had more sensitive ears, or a more sensitive head than the average human.
“I can’t believe you look like this now,” Chiaka said, lightly touching Andes with a finger on his exposed bicep. He did not move, but his eyes sharply turned to stare at her finger.
“Is this why Olivier wouldn’t put up with you? Do you need a talk on the ethics of tactile interaction?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I mean, if you’re offering…” she said, moving her finger up to his clavicle. He swatted her hand away like a bug. It was probably the first time I ever saw Andes be so brusque with anyone physically. I resolved to revisit the question of whether allo-grooming among humans was considered particularly intimate, leading to his reluctance to pet willing non-human subjects. Perhaps it was a cultural feature of Canadians. Both Chiaka and Joseph spoke English, with fewer phrases in other tongues than Andes did, but they spoke it with different rhythms and tones. They might not be Canadian like him.
She moved her fingers a little closer to him again.
“[Profanely curse it], Chiaka!” Andes spat. She pulled her hand back. "Control yourself."
"Fine…" she said with a low groan, moving her hand away. Then she held her thumb and forefinger close to each other in a human gesture often used to denote small quantities of things. "I miiiight already be a liiiitle drunk."
He rolled his eyes. “Of course you are. Not even pseudopsychs?”
“What? No. Good old-fashioned poison for me.”
Andes scoffed and it turned into a laugh. “Get a stabilizer, please.”
“Fiiine…” she repeated and stepped out of the isolation room. A moment later she was drinking some pills with a glass of water, and slurred her words less as she spoke.
“Alright. I’m less drunk. Ish. These aren't super great.”
“Thank you,” Andes said.
“Yeah yeah. Oh hey, you know how I told you Animals Recite the Classics is the basis for a bunch of stuff in Colia?”
He looked at her apprehensively. “...Yeah?”
“Well, it made me want to rewatch the fun bits and it really holds up! I know you let the AI do most of the work, but it's not just a map, or a group of maps, it's like, a whole method for making the maps.”
“Well, the methods already existed, I just had the AI code for something with a good UX.”
“It's bananas. I think you should be more proud of it.”
Andes rolled his eyes, prompting me to flick an ear to draw their attention to me.
“Pardon, but… what is this?” I asked. Chiaka laughed again. It was an entertainingly abrasive sound.
“Oh, does adoraboo not know about Animals Recite the Classics?”
“I’m sorry about her,” Andes said to me. I shrugged. She was behaving oddly, but seemed to understand me as an intellectual equal—or at least had been interested in my research—so it did not strike me as too big an issue at the time.
“I do not,” I said.
“Ooh…” she said with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
"Ugh. Dude! Let me keep my dignity," Andes said, taking a drink. “Larzo doesn't know I'm the Animals Recite the Classics weirdo.”
"Well, he will now!" Chiaka said with a cackle. I glanced at her curiously.
"Out with it, then,” I said, perhaps a little impatient.
"Years and years ago, Andes used AI to map the available tongue positions and mouth shapes of a variety of animals, in order to make a map of all their available phonemes. High and low tones, which animal had labial or dental sounds available to them, so on. Then, in the only neurozoology conference I have ever seen Andes set foot on–”
He scoffed. “–obviously the only one, I didn’t expect–”
“–fucking walk on stage and present Animals Recite the Classics. Using text-to-speech mods, they replaced all the human phonemes with their closest animal counterpart, then picked the right language for each cluster. How many animals were there?” she asked. I thought she was right. Amusing as it was, the project could have a lot of implications for speech therapy for different species, for one. It might be useful to modify translators in the future. It might be useful to modify that official shared language in the federation that some diplomats spoke. It had untold potential.
He shrugged. “At least eight? I remember elephants were Korean, seals were English…”
“What was Spanish?”
“...I have completely forgotten,” Andes said with a frown. “I think it was a mockingbird? There was actually a lot of overlap in the ones I chose for the final round, elephants could have been like six different–”
“—Point being, the elephant recited an excerpt from this famous Korean thing, the um, ‘The Cloud Dream of the Nine’..?”
“I think the currently accepted translation is the ‘Nine Cloud Dream’, but I don’t know Korean, or Korean translation sensibilities,” Andes said with a shrug. “Then there was a bit of Shelley for English, Cervantes for Spanish, Rostand for French…”
“There were animations,” she said with delight, her hands shaking in the air as she spoke. I resolved to seek it out, if only because teasing Andes about it looked amusing.
“The AI made the animations,” he said, hands in the air as a show of non-aggression. “I didn’t make the animations, I don’t–”
You chose to ask the AI to make you a seal dressed in Victorian garb,” she said, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
Andes shrugged. “Point being, apparently my many accomplishments that were much more technically demanding in the fields of neuropsych and neurolinguistics–”
“Come on,” Chiaka said, lightly hitting his upper arm with her forearm. “Aren’t you happy to be zoology-famous?”
His eyes suddenly grew and he stared at her. “Y-you mean it’s not–it’s not just in the neuro world, there are actually–”
“I’ve laughed about it with every zoologist I’ve met. And I’m sure they’ve shared it too. I saw someone make a Shakespeare play casting different animals in the roles with your model once.”
He swallowed, and opened his mouth a couple of times before speaking. “...Every zoologist? Like, all of them?”
“I don’t personally know every zoologist, so I wouldn’t know. But it’s not exactly that big a world, and in ethology and neuro–”
“Would Dr. MacEwan have heard of this?” he asked quickly, a sudden desperation in his voice.
“I don’t know. He’s pretty old. Old people don’t necessarily keep track of that kind of thing. But he’s also pretty active, so maybe…” she looked very confused by the question. Andes’ entire face went a pale, dead colour incredibly quickly. He groaned.
“Who is Doctor MacEwan?” I asked.
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, he’s like, a huge deal in comparative Zoology. Wrote the book on physiology and evolutionary pressures regarding animal diets. Andes imprinted on him like a baby duck as a child.”
“I did not. I just respect him very much, and he’s a really good science communicator, and–did I tell you I met him? Because I did meet him and–He might show me his new manuscript, if he does write a new manuscript, and it’d be so cool–” His voice accelerated and his hands began to shake a little with excitement too.
“Baby duck,” she said, gesturing to him. Andes stuck his tongue out at her. I tilted my head and tried to do it myself. Human tongues seemed to stick out an oddly large amount. Nothing comparable to a Harchen, of course, but still unexpected, and a little unsettling.
She groaned. “Ugh. It’s not fair that you're hot now.”
He frowned in confusion. “I swore to you in undergrad that if we ever met aliens, I was going to take exercise seriously because every single thing that can happen after first contact is easier to handle if you can pretend to be Starbuck Skywalker while you do it.”
“...Well, I thought you were joking," she said, her eyelids peeling far back in an unsettling expression. "Because that's insane.”
He smirked. “You’re just mad that I’m more prescient than you.”
Unlike the last time that I was in a position to watch Andes engage in social behaviour with conspecifics, this time I had brought my own pad and could take notes. I watched their movements, gesticulations and expressions. They smiled in little twitches when they insulted one another, and Andes’ face seemed more expressive and exaggerated when he talked to her.
Chiaka Stevens seemed to be a fascinating person. Much like Andes, she could turn a conversation from board games to genetic markers like the inside of a gyroscope completing just another revolution. Unlike Andes, she seemed to radically shift her attitude as she did. The differences between the Chiaka that explained a recent genetic modification for the purposes of softening the dogs’ natural weapons and the one that mocked Andes over his fashion choices were much more pronounced than the differences between the Andes who lost at Chess and the Andes who discovered the signature in the children's DNA.
A stray comment about Humanity First on her part set him off.
“Chiaka please tell me you don't listen to those guys.”
"I mean, not often… Why do you care, anyway? You can hang out with cannibal [slaughtering eugenicists] but you draw the line at some planetary patriotism?"
He looked at her like she'd held up some disgusting object near his face. "It's not patriotism. It's sectarianism. I expect better of humans. We haven't had a century plus of ridiculous indoctrination based on superficial evolutionary features. We haven't grown up in a society that severely limits our freedom of thought from all angles. When a Venlil, or an Arxur, spouts off a bunch of bullshit, that's probably in part because they didn't go to a liberal-arts type university, didn't get social studies in high school beyond heavily censored history and basic geography, and never had a fucking internet argument with a vaguely literate person in their lives."
“All the more reason for them to step back and let us handle things for a while. It would be better if we were in charge,” she said.
Andes gave her a look and raised an eyebrow.
“Look, I’m not saying humanity is ‘superior’ or anything,” Chiaka said, holding her hands in the air as if to show she was unarmed.
“Good. You’re better than that bullshit and you know it.”
“I’m just saying… It might be nice if we took on a more… leadership-type role, given how fucked up these societies are,” she added, moving her hands in the air as if she was presenting an invisible prop.
“As opposed to… The current situation? In which we… Haven’t done that?” Andes asked with a tilted head. “What with Zhao sitting on the sidelines while Tarva makes all the military decisions.”
She groaned. “You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t. Humanity is two steps removed from starting its own federation, and it’ll probably do that within the next six months. What more do you want? You of all people–”
What more–I want to not fucking walk on eggshells every minute of every day!” she shouted. Terrifying idiom. I leaned backwards a tad at the display, but Andes leaned forward into her wrath and gestured broadly with one hand.
“So move back to Earth! Or move to Leirn! Or Mars or a new colony. We’ve known these people exist for less than a year, you can’t just expect–”
“Well of course you bend over backwards–”
“–hat’s that supposed to–”
“You have no spine!”
Andes paused, and took a deep breath, his gaze holding onto hers. It was quite interesting, how the human gaze seemed to communicate a great deal. There was an intensity to his eye contact that made me realize he almost never looked at anyone in that way. He would spare glances at people's eyes, give little glares like the flash of a glass shard against light at the right angle. He very rarely held a gaze.
His words were quiet and steady. “I don’t think that slipping down the road of Known Ideological Fuckups is what having a spine looks like."
Chiaka looked aside and let out a breath. “I just…”
Andes sighed. “You feel bad. Because the world sucks. And you want to fight back. But you’re not a soldier, so you can’t, and fighting is a little useless here, and so it all feels stupid and you don’t have a… real place to put all that rage. So you want to put it on every Venlil that flinches whenever you move too quickly, every angry Gojid, every non-human that dares to look at you with anything other than fucking admiration for all the bullshit you put up with.”
“...Yeah,” she said, the tension leaving her posture as her expression grew sad.
“I get that. It’s a very… standard response. Psychologically speaking. Or so I’ve read, anyway. Still, if you spit out another HF talking point, you owe Larzo a drink.”
She laughed. He smiled too. Just like that, the grievances and the shouting were behind them. “...I’ll buy him one right now. What do you want, capybara man?”
I was surprised by their awareness of my continued presence in the room. “...A mango alcohol, please. Do not feel obligated, I understand human grief is–”
“Nonsense. Andes is right. I’m… Letting bullshit get a hold of me, and I shouldn’t. Mango is a great choice,” she said, her voice softer now. Then she stood up, and left the room. Andes shook himself, like a shiver had gone through him.
“Are you well?” I asked.
He waved a hand in the air as though swatting at an imaginary bug. “Yeah, I’m fine, I just… I’m tired and drugged up and that was a lot. It makes sense. But it was a lot.”
I frowned at that explanation. “Why does it make sense?”
“Well, a lot of little things. Cape Town was one of the places that got bombed. Black Nationalism has a different history from White Nationalism, she has a very technical background, I’ll… Explain later,” he said and shook his head. Not in the human way of saying ‘no’, but just another odd false shiver.
Chiaka returned with my drink.
"So Larzo, Andes told me you’re doing behavioural genetics, and your thesis was on viral vector gene therapy?”
I flicked an ear in agreement.
“Fascinating. You might be super into the new treatment we developed for our dogs. I swear, they are the sweetest creatures in existence.”
“That's a little creepy to think about,” Andes said.
She shrugged. “Well, sure, insofar as the existence of pets can have dark subtexts when you bring up notions of animal agency or whatever. But I already bought into that when I decided to engage in designer dog-breeding.”
Andes nodded. “I guess so, yeah.”
“What is this treatment?” I asked.
“Modified genetic expression in the amygdala, I can find you the paper…”
She pulled out a holopad and began looking through her files.
“I’m quite curious about expression modifications,” I said. “I have been meaning to study epigenetics, but have not yet had the chance.”
Her face broke out with a smile, new energy flowing through her limbs. “I am the queen of epigenetics! Andes take off your shirt.”
“What? Why? You take off your shirt.”
“I need to show him how the tent model works,” she told him.
“I brought a poncho, you can use that,” he said. She groaned.
“Well fine, if you wanna be boring about it…”
She accepted his poncho and began to spread it over the table, then gather little knick-knacks from inside her bag.
“The trick is to forget the instruction metaphor. We want a landscape.”
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submitted by Eager_Question to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]


What are the U.S. elites & their allies seeking to gain through their diplomacy-free policy toward China, Russia and their allies?
What is the ultimate goal?
Where is their constant bellicosity leading?
What is the end game we are facing?
For just over two decades now a war has been waged in full view but totally unannounced.
It was never once declared but it is real enough. Many have been surprised at its ferocity & the fact that no diplomacy took place or was ever called for by the side waging it.
This unannounced, undeclared war has been fought not only by the US & European politicians. It has been fought also by the entirety of western mass media. These three powerful elites have fought side by side for twenty years against their primary targets, China and all its allies, including, of course, Russia.
Western elites are in a relentless pursuit of multiple regime change targets to avoid their global patrician dominance being eclipsed by China and its allies. The goal of the war far exceeds damaging/destroying China and Russia however. It has a far more ambitious goal than even this.
The goal is none other than complete global U.S. control in tandem with all allies within its orbit.
Russia was pushed into its special military operation in Ukraine due to this goal. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya have been reduced to ruins and fragmented due to this goal. And now China is being verbally attacked as Russia was over Ukraine. This time the excuse used by the western powers is Taiwan.
There will be no end to the aggression of the western powers unless their ability to mount their constant aggression is curtailed. The way to do this is two-pronged. One is by eliminating the use of the Petrodollar as a means of blackmailing nations. The USA demands that nations do things their way and if not then sanctions will be imposed using the Petrodollar as leverage.
The second prong of influence to stop the warmongering of the western powers is for all nations under threat by them to unite. This is now occurring. We have seen Saudi Arabia turn away from their former allies in the West. Others are following their lead and now nineteen nations queue to join Russia within the BRICS Group.
If the western powers were able to overwhelm Russia then China then the world will have permanent masters. The USA won't stand alone at the apex of a new, controlled world. Its primary ally Britain will be there also, bowing low & taking commands as usual. All the USA’s other allies will take somewhat lesser positions.
The rest of us?
We will be supervised VERY closely until we submit.
In waging the end game war there are to be no loose ends. There are to be no unaccounted for communications. All must be visible, known, supervised & certified safe within an environment of total oversight. In short, of full spectrum dominance by the USA and its allies.
If there is any gap in global dominance it will be flagged for attention and dealt with, bringing it in line with all other protocols designed to ensure total security for the USA. The level of response will be applied rigorously using all necessary means.
9/11 bored deep into the traumatised skulls of all those who would now enslave the rest of the world for the sake of America. This added an additional layer on top of what was a previously existing demand that the world acknowledge global U.S. hegemony.
The war against those not in full compliance with U.S. wishes has been ongoing since the events of 9/11 took place.
However, it was only in 2007 that the present level of urgency was felt & first seen regarding Russia via the initiation of persistent & ever-growing attacks by mass media on Vladimir Putin after his Munich speech of that year.
Ultimately the plan requires that everyone be monitored 24/7 using GPS positioning of the telecommunications of the entire human race from space.
The USA has had a messianic desire to teach the world how good it is & urge its systems to be followed by all others almost since the day it was founded. A sense of superiority has prevailed for a number of reasons within group-thought myopia of self-interested mythologies. As time passed this rose to the levels seen in modern times where the concept of being exceptional rose to a peak.
The western world is already monitored to a high degree.
It began with CCTV, continued with personal detail collection. It surged forward via the internet and the mobile phone. Now with seamless systems collecting each call, text, email with the location visited, purchase made & so much more. Big data grows bigger daily.
Before 9/11 it appeared that the majority in the USA had more or less accepted the world as it was. The feeling of superiority continued, though the desire to transform the world in its image abated somewhat, assuaged by the "successful" conclusion of the Cold War.
9/11 changed EVERYTHING.
It is true Neocons existed before 9/11 along with their concept of overall US superiority & their goal & determination to ensure ultimate US control in perpetuity. However, it took 9/11 to make the crucial difference between a plan & action.
In the days after 9/11, it was agreed at the highest possible level that there could be no more ignoring potential threats.
Each statement indicating a less than positive view of the USA & US foreign policy was to be noted for present & ongoing future attention.
In those meetings after 9/11, it was decided that every single negative factor seen anywhere worldwide, any individual in authority & any government deigning to express negativity toward the U.S.A. was to be a target for undermining & eventual elimination.
There were to be no exceptions.
No targets too small, or too large. Meticulously detailed files were to be scrupulously kept. Programs of demonisation & destabilisation were to be carefully planned & executed. The 9/11 security project was to have the highest priority.
The 9/11 protocols are set in stone till the day full spectrum dominance dawns. No president can alter them. They are sacrosanct, untouchable, immutable, inviolate. The determination to make the USA the permanent global hegemon in an equally permanent unipolar world cannot be countermanded.
The phrase 'Full Spectrum Dominance' provides the key to the ultimate goal being pursued.
9/11 showed US elites they MUST have this level of control to ever feel secure again. It was imperative that not one single entity voicing negativity toward the U.S. remained.
Full Spectrum Dominance demands that ALL sources of power anywhere across the world be subject to US preeminence.
Every area of potential risk for the U.S. is required to be under its full control via deep & broad levels of surveillance & the ability to nullify all adverse entities quickly.
One of the first areas to come under the Full Spectrum Dominance umbrella was western mass media.
Its power to influence a majority of Americans & Europeans was & is enormous. It is a vital asset to smooth the path of the many regime change targets planned for. ‘Operation Mockingbird’, the CIA op to control U.S. and international media and to make it reflect U.S. state narratives is more active now than ever.
Manufacturing consent for U.S. aggression toward the rest of the world has become an industry.
The closest parallels are with public relations & propaganda. To achieve global domination with all it entails the masses have to be well-groomed to demonstrate compliance.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & Syria were only the first few of a much longer list of nations. Iran, Lebanon, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Somalia, Yemen and others still await their full preliminary weakening and ultimate regime change fate.
All operations are ongoing simultaneously at different levels and stages. These operations are progressing consecutively in tandem as circumstances allow. The ultimate target is China however as it, far more than any other nation, presents the greatest challenge to U.S. and western elite hegemony.
The dominance planned for will be TOTAL if it is accomplished.
For the U.S. and its elites, this is a necessity that brooks no compromise. There will be no diplomacy, nothing which hinders the process. No barrier is to be countenanced, not even a worldwide pandemic. Sanctions and other means of financial terrorism are to be ongoing, even increased.
There is to be no thought given to the detriment to others by the enforcement of this policy. For these elites consider the priority of safeguarding America to be too high for any such considerations. In fact, any pain suffered by China, Russia or any of their allies is to be actively increased by any means possible.
The power junkies integral to the western way of life are losing their fix. Western patrician dominance, being centuries old and deeply ingrained within western culture, elites of the West can’t conceive of living without it.
The cold turkey involved would utterly destroy them along with any hope they have of achieving the full spectrum dominance they believe imperative in keeping America safe.
Therefore they are determined to destroy whoever they need to to avoid this scenario.
The urgent, rabid need and desire of the western powers to rapidly shore up their position on the world stage, to once again fully assert their dominance and overwhelming influence and ability to coerce others into doing their will can be seen reflected in everything they say and do now. They will not stop but push for their determined goal of total domination over all of us unless stopped by the reduction of their capacity to succeed.
All persons, groups, governments and nations that wish to retain their freedoms must unite and form a resolute barrier against these plans by the western powers. There is no greater mission than this, for our generation and all generations to come.
Thus we are living through World War III: The End Game War.
submitted by DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY to u/DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY [link] [comments]


What are the U.S. elites & their allies seeking to gain through their diplomacy-free policy toward China, Russia and their allies?
What is the ultimate goal?
Where is their constant bellicosity leading?
What is the end game we are facing?
For just over two decades now a war has been waged in full view but totally unannounced.
It was never once declared but it is real enough. Many have been surprised at its ferocity & the fact that no diplomacy took place or was ever called for by the side waging it.
This unannounced, undeclared war has been fought not only by the US & European politicians. It has been fought also by the entirety of western mass media. These three powerful elites have fought side by side for twenty years against their primary targets, China and all its allies, including, of course, Russia.
Western elites are in a relentless pursuit of multiple regime change targets to avoid their global patrician dominance being eclipsed by China and its allies. The goal of the war far exceeds damaging/destroying China and Russia however. It has a far more ambitious goal than even this.
The goal is none other than complete global U.S. control in tandem with all allies within its orbit.
The USA won't stand alone at the apex of a new, controlled world. Its primary ally Britain will be there also, bowing low & taking commands as usual. All the USA’s other allies will take somewhat lesser positions.
The rest of us?
We will be supervised VERY closely until we submit.
In waging the end game war there are to be no loose ends. There are to be no unaccounted for communications. All must be visible, known, supervised & certified safe within an environment of total oversight. In short, of full spectrum dominance by the USA and its allies.
If there is any gap in global dominance it will be flagged for attention and dealt with, bringing it in line with all other protocols designed to ensure total security for the USA. The level of response will be applied rigorously using all necessary means.
9/11 bored deep into the traumatised skulls of all those who would now enslave the rest of the world for the sake of America. This added an additional layer on top of what was a previously existing demand that the world acknowledge global U.S. hegemony.
The war against those not in full compliance with U.S. wishes has been ongoing since the events of 9/11 took place.
However, it was only in 2007 that the present level of urgency was felt & first seen regarding Russia via the initiation of persistent & ever-growing attacks by mass media on Vladimir Putin after his Munich speech of that year.
Ultimately the plan requires that everyone be monitored 24/7 using GPS positioning of the telecommunications of the entire human race from space.
The USA has had a messianic desire to teach the world how good it is & urge its systems to be followed by all others almost since the day it was founded. A sense of superiority has prevailed for a number of reasons within group-thought myopia of self-interested mythologies. As time passed this rose to the levels seen in modern times where the concept of being exceptional rose to a peak.
The western world is already monitored to a high degree.
It began with CCTV, continued with personal detail collection. It surged forward via the internet and the mobile phone. Now with seamless systems collecting each call, text, email with the location visited, purchase made & so much more. Big data grows bigger daily.
Before 9/11 it appeared that the majority in the USA had more or less accepted the world as it was. The feeling of superiority continued, though the desire to transform the world in its image abated somewhat, assuaged by the "successful" conclusion of the Cold War.
9/11 changed EVERYTHING.
It is true Neocons existed before 9/11 along with their concept of overall US superiority & their goal & determination to ensure ultimate US control in perpetuity. However, it took 9/11 to make the crucial difference between a plan & action.
In the days after 9/11, it was agreed at the highest possible level that there could be no more ignoring potential threats.
Each statement indicating a less than positive view of the USA & US foreign policy was to be noted for present & ongoing future attention.
In those meetings after 9/11, it was decided that every single negative factor seen anywhere worldwide, any individual in authority & any government deigning to express negativity toward the U.S.A. was to be a target for undermining & eventual elimination.
There were to be no exceptions.
No targets too small, or too large. Meticulously detailed files were to be scrupulously kept. Programs of demonisation & destabilization were to be carefully planned & executed. The 9/11 security project was to have the highest priority.
The 9/11 protocols are set in stone till the day full spectrum dominance dawns. No president can alter them. They are sacrosanct, untouchable, immutable, inviolate. The determination to make the USA the permanent global hegemon in an equally permanent unipolar world cannot be countermanded.
The phrase 'Full Spectrum Dominance' provides the key to the ultimate goal being pursued.
9/11 showed US elites they MUST have this level of control to ever feel secure again. It was imperative that not one single entity voicing negativity toward the U.S. remained.
Full Spectrum Dominance demands that ALL sources of power anywhere across the world be subject to US preeminence.
Every area of potential risk for the U.S. is required to be under its full control via deep & broad levels of surveillance & the ability to nullify all adverse entities quickly.
One of the first areas to come under the Full Spectrum Dominance umbrella was western mass media.
Its power to influence a majority of Americans & Europeans was & is enormous. It is a vital asset to smooth the path of the many regime change targets planned for. ‘Operation Mockingbird’, the CIA op to control U.S. and international media and to make it reflect U.S. state narratives is more active now than ever.
Manufacturing consent for U.S. aggression toward the rest of the world has become an industry.
The closest parallels are with public relations & propaganda. To achieve global domination with all it entails the masses have to be well-groomed to demonstrate compliance.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & Syria were only the first few of a much longer list of nations. Iran, Lebanon, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Somalia, Yemen and others still await their full preliminary weakening and ultimate regime change fate.
All operations are ongoing simultaneously at different levels and stages. These operations are progressing consecutively in tandem as circumstances allow. The ultimate target is China however as it, far more than any other nation, presents the greatest challenge to U.S. and western elite hegemony.
The dominance planned for will be TOTAL if it is accomplished.
For the U.S. and its elites, this is a necessity that brooks no compromise. There will be no diplomacy, nothing which hinders the process. No barrier is to be countenanced, not even a worldwide pandemic. Sanctions and other means of financial terrorism are to be ongoing, even increased.
There is to be no thought given to the detriment to others by the enforcement of this policy. For these elites consider the priority of safeguarding America to be too high for any such considerations. In fact, any pain suffered by China, Russia or any of their allies is to be actively increased by any means possible.
The power junkies integral to the western way of life are losing their fix. Western patrician dominance, being centuries old and deeply ingrained within western culture, elites of the Westin can’t conceive of living without it.
The cold turkey involved would utterly destroy them along with any hope they have of achieving the full spectrum dominance they believe imperative in keeping America safe.
Therefore they are determined to destroy whoever they need to to avoid this scenario.
Thus we are living through World War III: The End Game War and in waging this war the collective west will destroy all hope of a peaceful, multipolar world. The concept of a world where sovereignty is sacrosanct and nations have the protection of a powerful United Nations is not in the interests of the western powers. They seek domination in perpetuity. This desire mitigates directly against nations having inviolate sovereignty and the power to defend themselves.
The western powers want manipulative oversight and control, the ability to monitor activity globally and to strike down at it if a threat to their interests is identified and they require nations to be weak, not strong. This is why these western powers seek to weaken Russia and are determined to undermine China’s system of governance. The end result of a western victory will be to transform our world into a virtual prison planet where they dominate and all others are destined to be forever subjugated.
This is the war that is being waged across many battlefields currently, the primary one being in Ukraine. Russia and China, in harmony MUST win out for all our sakes. If they lose we move forward to the prison planet described above with the USA and its partners in crime as our perpetual warders.
submitted by DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY to u/DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY [link] [comments]


(First posted as a series of tweets in 2018.)
What are the U.S. elites & their allies seeking to gain through their diplomacy-free policy toward China, Russia and their allies?
What is the ultimate goal?
Where is their constant bellicosity leading?
What is the end game we are facing?
For just over two decades now a war has been waged in full view but totally unannounced.
It was never once declared but it is real enough. Many have been surprised at its ferocity & the fact that no diplomacy took place or was ever called for by the side waging it.
This unannounced, undeclared war has been fought not only by the US & European politicians. It has been fought also by the entirety of western mass media. These three powerful elites have fought side by side for twenty years against their primary targets, China and all its allies, including, of course, Russia.
Western elites are in a relentless pursuit of multiple regime change targets to avoid their global patrician dominance being eclipsed by China and its allies. The goal of the war far exceeds damaging/destroying China and Russia however. It has a far more ambitious goal than even this.
The goal is none other than complete global U.S. control in tandem with all allies within its orbit.
The USA won't stand alone at the apex of a new, controlled world. Its primary ally Britain will be there also, bowing low & taking commands as usual. All the USA’s other allies will take somewhat lesser positions.
The rest of us?
We will be supervised VERY closely until we submit.
In waging the end game war there are to be no loose ends. There are to be no unaccounted for communications. All must be visible, known, supervised & certified safe within an environment of total oversight. In short, of full spectrum dominance by the USA and its allies.
If there is any gap in global dominance it will be flagged for attention and dealt with, bringing it in line with all other protocols designed to ensure total security for the USA. The level of response will be applied rigorously using all necessary means.
9/11 bored deep into the traumatised skulls of all those who would now enslave the rest of the world for the sake of America. This added an additional layer on top of what was a previously existing demand that the world acknowledge global U.S. hegemony.
The war against those not in full compliance with U.S. wishes has been ongoing since the events of 9/11 took place.
However, it was only in 2007 that the present level of urgency was felt & first seen regarding Russia via the initiation of persistent & ever-growing attacks by mass media on Vladimir Putin after his Munich speech of that year.
Ultimately the plan requires that everyone be monitored 24/7 using GPS positioning of the telecommunications of the entire human race from space.
The USA has had a messianic desire to teach the world how good it is & urge its systems to be followed by all others almost since the day it was founded. A sense of superiority has prevailed for a number of reasons within group-thought myopia of self-interested mythologies. As time passed this rose to the levels seen in modern times where the concept of being exceptional rose to a peak.
The western world is already monitored to a high degree.
It began with CCTV, continued with personal detail collection. It surged forward via the internet and the mobile phone. Now with seamless systems collecting each call, text, email with the location visited, purchase made & so much more. Big data grows bigger daily.
Before 9/11 it appeared that the majority in the USA had more or less accepted the world as it was. The feeling of superiority continued, though the desire to transform the world in its image abated somewhat, assuaged by the "successful" conclusion of the Cold War.
9/11 changed EVERYTHING.
It is true Neocons existed before 9/11 along with their concept of overall US superiority & their goal & determination to ensure ultimate US control in perpetuity. However, it took 9/11 to make the crucial difference between a plan & action.
In the days after 9/11, it was agreed at the highest possible level that there could be no more ignoring potential threats.
Each statement indicating a less than positive view of the USA & US foreign policy was to be noted for present & ongoing future attention.
In those meetings after 9/11, it was decided that every single negative factor seen anywhere worldwide, any individual in authority & any government deigning to express negativity toward the U.S.A. was to be a target for undermining & eventual elimination.
There were to be no exceptions.
No targets too small, or too large. Meticulously detailed files were to be scrupulously kept. Programs of demonisation & destabilisation were to be carefully planned & executed. The 9/11 security project was to have the highest priority.
The 9/11 protocols are set in stone till the day full spectrum dominance dawns. No president can alter them. They are sacrosanct, untouchable, immutable, inviolate. The determination to make the USA the permanent global hegemon in an equally permanent unipolar world cannot be countermanded.
The phrase 'Full Spectrum Dominance' provides the key to the ultimate goal being pursued.
9/11 showed US elites they MUST have this level of control to ever feel secure again. It was imperative that not one single entity voicing negativity toward the U.S. remained.
Full Spectrum Dominance demands that ALL sources of power anywhere across the world be subject to US preeminence.
Every area of potential risk for the U.S. is required to be under its full control via deep & broad levels of surveillance & the ability to nullify all adverse entities quickly.
One of the first areas to come under the Full Spectrum Dominance umbrella was western mass media.
Its power to influence a majority of Americans & Europeans was & is enormous. It is a vital asset to smooth the path of the many regime change targets planned for. ‘Operation Mockingbird’, the CIA op to control U.S. and international media and to make it reflect U.S. state narratives is more active now than ever.
Manufacturing consent for U.S. aggression toward the rest of the world has become an industry.
The closest parallels are with public relations & propaganda. To achieve global domination with all it entails the masses have to be well-groomed to demonstrate compliance.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & Syria were only the first few of a much longer list of nations. Iran, Lebanon, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Somalia, Yemen and others still await their full preliminary weakening and ultimate regime change fate.
All operations are ongoing simultaneously at different levels and stages. These operations are progressing consecutively in tandem as circumstances allow. The ultimate target is China however as it, far more than any other nation, presents the greatest challenge to U.S. and western elite hegemony.
The dominance planned for will be TOTAL if it is accomplished.
For the U.S. and its elites, this is a necessity that brooks no compromise. There will be no diplomacy, nothing which hinders the process. No barrier is to be countenanced, not even a worldwide pandemic. Sanctions and other means of financial terrorism are to be ongoing, even increased.
There is to be no thought given to the detriment to others by the enforcement of this policy. For these elites consider the priority of safeguarding America to be too high for any such considerations. In fact, any pain suffered by China, Russia or any of their allies is to be actively increased by any means possible.
The power junkies integral to the western way of life are losing their fix. Western patrician dominance, being centuries old and deeply ingrained within western culture, the elites of the western world can’t conceive of living without it.
The cold turkey involved would utterly destroy them along with any hope they have of achieving the full spectrum dominance they believe imperative in their goal of keeping America safe.
Therefore they are determined to destroy whoever they need to to avoid this scenario.
Thus we are living through WORLD WAR III: THE END GAME WAR.
(In addition I want to say that I agree with the opinion of Professor John Mearsheimer that at best the idealistic but unrealistic goal of the western elites has been to spread liberal democracy (liberal hegemony) worldwide but that it was doomed to failure as nationalism will always trump that goal where there is an attempt to enforce it through outside intervention.)
submitted by DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY to u/DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY [link] [comments]

2021.08.30 03:28 glennmelenhorst Looking for a critique on my first chapter.

Hi all. Here is a bit of my novel Addelyn's Leviathan. Even though it's steampunk-ish in nature this opening chapter is mostly fantasy. I'm looking for help of any sort to improve my writing. Too flowery? Too sparse? Too long? Who knows? I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to this stuff and I'm writing in a vacuum.

Addelyn's Leviathan.

A stiff breeze raked its icy fingers across the open fields, carrying with it the smell of woodsmoke from Fëyn and the hint of a distant ocean. Addelyn drew her coat tightly under her chin and walked uphill towards a lone Sitka Spruce where she had left her lunch pail that morning. She sat out of the wind between its twisted roots and unwrapped the pail, warming her fingers against it as she drank in the last of the thin Autumn sunshine.
Above the wind that raised its voice among the Buckthorn and Spruce, she could hear a faint jangle of bells and the bleats of her goats, huddled safely out of sight along the western perimeter where blackberries grew in tumbling cascades over their boundary fence. It amused Addelyn how even the severest of weather would not stand between her goats and a good meal. She prised open her pail, smelling the hot buttered cockles, crispels, and quince bread her father had prepared and was about to dig in when his voice echoed across the fields.
She looked for him, spotting a dark speck against the green of the fields, gesturing toward the eastern border. 'Singing stone!' he called through cupped hands. Addelyn tilted her head toward the mountain behind her and heard a dull ring like someone tapping a glass vase with a wooden spoon.
'Addelyn!' her father impatiently called again.
'Yes! I'm going!' she called and waved her staff above her head for him to see. The tiny figure of her father raised his hand in acknowledgement. Addelyn grumbled and clicked her lunch pail shut, knowing once again, she would be out in the bitter cold beyond nightfall. There was no arguing the point. The tiny escape artist was Addelyn's responsibility, and her father wasn't the type of man who would let a lesson go unlearned by doing the fetching himself. 'The little nuisance,' she grumbled as she tightened her scarf and pulled her toque down over her ears. ‘Somebody explain to me how this is worth it.’
Addelyn stowed her lunch pail in her backpack and stomped uphill to the tree-covered base of the Oheon Blade.
The Oheon Blade was a vertical knife-edge of black granite left by the grinding actions of the Oheon and Jepson Glaciers. It towered over Fëyn casting its shadow across the basin and could be seen as far away as Durryn. Almost as ancient as the Blade itself was a hand-hewn path zigzagging up it to the Singing Stones at its peak. The rutted goat track was no more than a series of chiselled steps and switchbacks so narrow in places that only one-way passage was possible.
Long ago, when war raged across Äandlande, the Singing Stones provided a vital link between the towns that nestled along the coast. Garrisoned sentry posts were constructed at the foot of each Stone, so the paths connecting them were regularly maintained and upgraded. But, over time, landslips and tree roots and waterfalls had dislodged many steps while the elements had eroded the rest into unrecognisable lumps or even washed them away altogether.
The wind screeched and howled, blasting Addelyn against the sheer rockface and sending her coat and scarf up around her ears. She pressed herself tightly against the granite cliff as and waited, thinking grimly to herself that she would still have to make her way down again with Snowflake in tow. Each time the Singing Stone rang above her, she cursed the little buckling for being such a willful imp and more than once, she considered leaving him up there; after all, he deserved it, didn’t he?
Addelyn hazarded a glance below her, seeing the tiny white specs of her flock, and she could tell by their movements that her father was moving them down to the lower paddock in preparation for bringing them in for the day. They shifted then paused in a tight huddle before thinning out and heading in a new direction like a drop of dew rolling across a leaf, and she wished she was down there helping him, about to head in for a warm meal by the fire.
But, instead, she waited until the wind abated, then straightened her tunic and continued up the narrow path. She knew that she'd never forgive herself if Snowflake wasn’t okay and she hadn't gone to investigate.
With each step, Addelyn took care to avoid the slippery lichen and loose gravel, and as she reached for a tree root to test its strength, she stopped. Beside it streamed an unbroken line of Long Eyed Beetles scuttling end-to-end down the cliff. Just ahead of her was another and beyond that, still another. Addelyn had never seen more than one Long Eye in her life, let alone hundreds in formations like that, and she made a mental note to ask Willow about it when she got back down. She reached carefully between the streaming insects for a handhold, then continued finding her way up the sheer incline, trying her very best to ignore the vertical drop to her right.
By the time Addelyn reached the summit, a fine drizzle had melted the ground covering of snow into a dirty sludge that seemed intent on seeping into her boots, making the whole experience that more miserable.
Ahead of her, the Singing Stone jutted out over the abyss, looking unlike any other rock on the Blade, or in fact, like any rock Addelyn had ever seen. She could easily imagine that it was manufactured or forged by some form of Thaumaturgy. Carved runes and concentric rings curved their way around it, appearing here and there between the lichen and weeds, and Addelyn wondered whether the rings created the Stone's tone or simply amplified it. Whatever the case, the Singing Stone had remained unchanged for centuries, just one of a series of mute sentinels perched in the mountain tops, now almost lost to time. To her right sagged the remains of the sentry post. Broad stone steps led from its rotting porch of juniper and pine across the small plateau to a pair of rusted paraffin lamp posts that framed the Singing Stone's entrance.
She brushed a damp lock of hair from her eyes and tucked it up under her woollen toque, then blew hot breath into her cupped hands.
'Snowflake?' Addelyn called. A series of pings rang from a shaking blackberry bush beside the Stone, and she ran across to it and looked down, knowing what she would find.
Snarled inside a thicket of blackberry bushes that grew out over the abyss was her tiny goat. Snowflake reached for a cluster of ripe berries, and each time he tried, his hooves struck the Singing Stone creating the pings that had alerted Addelyn's father.
'By Haldor, you idiot, how did you get down there?' Addelyn scolded and the little buckling twisted inside the thicket to look at her. His stubby tail wagged furiously, and he kicked and bleated happily, causing him to slip further inside the tangle.
Though only six months old, the tiny white goat had gotten into more mischief than the rest of Addelyn's other flock combined. She knew with a surety that if anyone was going to get stuck in a thicket of blackberries suspended over a deathly chasm, it would be Snowflake.
'How am I supposed to get you out of there?' she asked, and he bleated in response. 'Oh, really? You're happy there?' he bleated again. 'Oh, okay, I'll come back later then if you'd like.' Snowflake wagged and kicked at the Stone some more.
Addelyn stepped out onto the flat surface of the Singing Stone, which rang dully underfoot and kneeled to assess the situation better. Snowflake looked up at her sidelong while still searching with his tongue for the clump of blackberries. Despite his predicament, he did look funny, and she laughed. 'Hang on, don't go anywhere,' Addelyn said, taking off her backpack.
She fashioned a sling from her scarf and a coil of rope, swung it over a low hanging bough of Spruce and took a piece of quince bread from her lunchpail.
'Oh, look what I have, some yummy bread.' she said, inching out over the abyss on her stomach. The rush of vertigo gave her pause, and Addelyn closed her eyes, rationalising that the rock had been there for centuries and that she was safe. She focused on the little goat just below her and ate a tiny piece of the quince bread, making delighted little sounds. The buckling's tail fluttered hopefully as he reached for her hand. 'Good boy,' she said and reached down as far as she dared to begin gingerly unwinding his feet from the brambles. Snowflake lunged for the bread excitedly, kicking the Singing Stone and sending shimmers through her belly and undoing her work.
'Shh, shh, quiet,' Addelyn said, feeding him the bread and waiting for Snowflake to settle down before slipping her makeshift sling over his head. She lifted his legs through the loop one tiny hoof at a time, inched the sling up behind his armpits, then slid the top knot down to fit the scarf securely around the indifferent goat’s waist.
'Right, now this might hurt a bit, but you can't blame me okay, this is your fault.' Addelyn said as she stood and dusted herself off. She took up the slack and yanked hard on the rope, ripping Snowflake bleating from the blackberries that snapped and snagged and tumbled away into the mists below. Addelyn cautiously reached out and pulled him towards safety, and as she lowered him, his searching hooves struck the Singing Stone with a run of tiny chimes. 'You idiot,' she said and hugged him. Snowflake bleated and chewed the lapel of her tunic. 'This is a long way to come just for some Blackberries, you know,’ she said, twisting the remaining thorns from his fur and checking his body for cuts. ‘What you have to learn, Snowflake is that what you think you want might not be what you need. At least, that's what Willow tells me.' She sucked and waved a pricked thumb and studied it for any visible mark. It hurt like crazy, and she frowned, annoyed with herself for not carrying any Aloe. 'It's a good thing I like you so much.'
Snowflake ignored her and sniffed the air above her lunch pail. 'Oh, I see. You just lured me up here to help yourself to some of my lunch, did you? Normal food's not good enough anymore, right?' Snowflake wagged his tail furiously, and Addelyn giggled.
The late afternoon sun broke through the clouds and dotted the plains in shifting patterns, and for a while, things seemed almost pleasant. Addelyn sat on the grass beside the sagging sentry house and set out her lunch on a small blanket, while Snowflake sat beside her, hitched to a baluster on the old porch by a length of rope. She took a warm crispel from her pail and tore it into two uneven pieces, then licked the honey from her fingers, deciding to give the smaller half to Snowflake. 'He'd never hold it against her', she thought.
From where Addelyn sat, she could see the whole southern tip of Coriade - from the silver shimmer of the Aibreann Sound to her hometown of Fëyn below. She could understand why the plateau must have been a perfect sentry post in its day.
Looking at Fëyn from such a height, only the curls of blue woodsmoke and slow clouds of steam rising from the ironmonger's forge suggested any life there at all. It looked flat, diagrammatical, and she imagined all the town needed to appear penned by a master cartographer was a giant compass sketched onto the fields to her left and a few angry-looking serpents illustrated in the waters of the Sound.
Fëyn was small by Coriade standards, nestled from view in the shadow of the Oheon Glacier. In fact, most people who chanced across Fëyn had never even heard of the place. Addelyn held her crispel in her teeth and squinted. She traced her finger from the town centre, along the cobbled roads as they disappeared between the terracotta tiled roofs of the fishmongers and the bakers and the publican. Finally, the path split into dirt tracks that wound their way between the fields on the outskirts of town. There, frigid winds from the Sound lazily twisted windmills sails and washed silvery waves across the crops of barley, rye, rapeseed, corn, and potato.
A high wall of shale artfully constructed to represent the outline of a Kestrel in flight marked the boundary of Fëyn. Addelyn knew, as did everyone living within the borders, that the Kestrel was a potent symbol of protection. As a child, she fretted that their farm and her precious flock lived outside of the kestrel's safety, but her father would sit on the edge of her bed and explain how the kestrel's powerful eyesight helped it keep watch over its chicks. He said that for as long as they remained within sight of Fëyn's shale boundary, she would protect them too.
In the northwest, the kestrel's black wingtip reached out to graze the steep walls of the Oheon Blade, and built into that dark vertical rock was a bronze elevator. Its silver shod rails rose from Eamott Hall's base to a domed observatory at the summit that clung to the Blade's frigid rock like a metal limpet. It glimmered in the fading daylight, casting a golden caustic line over the shadowed roofs of Fëyn, and Addelyn realised that, just like the Singing Stone, she hadn't a clue who built it or how old it was. Still, like the Stone, and the shale kestrel, it had always been an indelible part of Fëyn's fingerprint, invisible to the townsfolk but remarked upon by anybody passing through.
Warm lights burned in Eamott Hall's windows, and Addelyn could well imagine what its three occupants were up to. She pictured the old Oracles with their shoes off, working the cold from their toes before the hearth, drinking mulled wine and mead while arguing points of ethics, or politics, or science with no mind for the hour. Generally, by this hour, Sebastian would have taken the elevator to the observatory and cranked open its great shutters to begin stargazing. But Autumn was not conducive to astronomy, so the dome lay dormant, shrouded with black canvas sheets and a dusting of snow that reminded Addelyn of one of her mother's Christmas puddings.
A flutter of movement at Addelyn’s feet shook her from her thoughts, and she looked down in time to see a family of Deer Mice scampering across her blanket. They hurried towards the Singing Stone, deviating left and right of it before dipping out of sight over the edge of the cliff. Addelyn stared at the spot where they had disappeared for a moment and frowned. Something felt wrong. Something that made her feel ever so slightly on edge and made the hairs on her arms and the nape of her neck stand on end. Even Snowflake stopped chewing the cheesecloth of her pail and stared up at the sky.
At first, Addelyn couldn't put her finger on what it was, but then it struck her. The mountain was silent, as though the forest and all its inhabitants were holding their breath in anticipation of something.
But what?
As though in answer, a foreboding rumble of thunder echoed between the mountains. Addelyn turned towards it - listening. But, then, it came again, booming in Not one sound, but many thousands of sounds woven together, and she gasped as she understood what she was hearing and looked skyward.
Suddenly the wind returned, and the sky erupted with the rush of a thousand birds. Geese, ducks, grouse, partridges, barn owls, herons, goshawk, and ospreys raced towards the south-east in a deafening drum of wing and bird calls. Closer to Addelyn, larks, sparrows, martins, mockingbirds, and finches chirped and darted, hitting the treetops and striking Addelyn with their wings and claws as they single-mindedly escaped. She crouched low beside Snowflake and threw her blanket over their heads which thudded and kicked with bird strike, forcing them closer to the ground.
A bass note, almost beyond hearing, underscored the cacophony. Addelyn remembered hearing the sound once as a child. It had drawn the whole town of Fëyn from their homes and businesses to stare, squinting and gawking into the sky. She chanced a look from under her blanket and saw a pod of sky whales swimming above the multitude of birds. They ponderously pushed aside the clouds as they twisted in offset sine-waves toward the southeast, and, despite the situation, Addelyn couldn't help but marvel at their graceful acrobatics.
Another rumble came, though this time, it was felt rather than heard. It shook the mountain's very foundation, infecting the junipers and spruces which trembled their leaves in fear. Even the stones by her feet seemed to agitate and walk as though in a hurry to escape.
A drove of Pygmy Shrew scampered out from between the bushes following the path the mice had taken, then squirrels and badgers and moles scrambled out of the thicket. They stampeded across Addelyn's blanket, across her feet, and between Snowflake's legs, blindly putting as much distance between themselves and the distant rumbling as they could. Addelyn watched them leave and imagined it funny that such little creatures should cause the earth to tremble like that.
Then the trees exploded as a herd of Red Deer thundered, terror-stricken into the clearing, showering Addelyn and Snowflake with branches and leaves. They dodged and leapt and bucked in fright as they ran, and Addelyn had no time to act other than to turn her back on them and crouch to shield Snowflake. They struck and kicked her in the ribs and head, throwing up clods of earth and Stone as her blanket ripped and her staff was shattered and driven into the mud.
Before the leaves had even settled, the deer were gone, braving the steep incline beside the Singing Stone without a moment's hesitation. The violent shaking decreased, and the mountain shuddered and whispered before growing quiet once more. Addelyn waited until she was sure it was safe to stand. She tested her limbs, seeing a blush of bruises spreading beneath the mud on her arms, and her precious staff splintered into kindling. Addelyn was angry with herself for protecting Snowflake instead of her staff, as her father had secretly laboured over it for months, carving her young life's story into the chestnut before presenting it to her on her sixth birthday. She pulled the shattered shank of it out of the mud and rubbed her sleeve across the horn inlay, revealing her mother and father, who stared up at her from beneath the muddy smear. She pocketed the fragment, leaving the rest buried, then walked to the precipice noting that voles and mice and crickets and beetles continued to migrate over the edge towards the southeast. The birds had gone, and the pod of sky whales were now little more than smudges against the distant sky.
'We must be stupid not to know what they know,' Addelyn said. Snowflake bleated at her and started to chew on a fragment of her staff. 'Hey! Don't eat that!' she yelled and tramped the ruined pieces further into the mud rather than let him desecrate it any further.
Another bass note rumbled, and although it was more distant than before, the sound still filled Addelyn with a hollow foreboding. Her heart wanted to follow the animals down the Blade, but her brain wouldn't allow it. Instead, she needed to understand what it was that had driven the animals away in such mindless numbers, so she picked up the rope and yanked Snowflake away from her flattened lunch pail and the muddy ruin of her staff.
'Come on. Leave it alone,' Addelyn said, pulling him towards the thicket. Snowflake reluctantly dropped her pail and walked with Addelyn against the tide of wild fauna, away from the small plateau towards the northwest and Jepson Sound.
Addelyn carried Snowflake for most of the way, having long lost patience with his unflagging curiosity for flowers and berries, and it was only once she emerged from a thicket of Hazelwood onto the northwest flank of the Blade that she put him down. Another Singing Stone jutted out from the dark rock there, almost identical to the one she left on the other side of the Blade, and Addelyn wondered momentarily if the stones were, in fact, a single rock, speared through the Blade, or two separate pieces.
The smell of the sea was more present there, mixing with spruce and pine as the land fell away steeply into the valley below and then further onto Jepson Sound. Countless animals and insects climbed or slithered or flew up the steep rocky slopes toward her, and below on the valley floor, a vast tapestry of deer and Ibex fled across the tundra, their heads held high with caution. Addelyn looked out beyond the Sound towards the Gravened Islands, and her heart skipped a beat.
The horizon was gone, replaced by a thin, unbroken line of featureless black that stretched from east to west like a seam of dark mould dividing land and sky. It was no more present than the edge of sunlight on a storm cloud, but given its distance, she guessed that it must have been as tall as the Blade itself.
Addelyn couldn’t fathom what she was seeing. Her first inclination was a distant storm, but its blackness was so absolute that she quickly dismissed the thought. A forest fire would explain the animal's behaviour, but there was no warm glow at its base, and the sky above the black line was clear of any haze.
Her heart began to pound beneath her tunic, and a cold sweat broke out across her forehead as she sensed a little of what was frightening the animals. There was something primal about it—something larger than her, larger than Fëyn or the Blade itself that screamed something about self-preservation, something about running! So, she did. Addelyn pulled Snowflake away from a cluster of Foxglove and ran back into the forest. She fled with a renewed sense of urgency, ducking and weaving and sliding along the wooded path, dodging slower animals on her way back towards her ruined picnic spot beside the shack and the Singing Stone above Fëyn.
Addelyn skidded to a stop at the entrance of the Singing Stone and caught her breath with her hands on her knees. She scrunched her freezing toes that tingled with pins and needles and ran out onto the Stone. Fëyn was now in deep afternoon shadow with only the bronze elevator and the occasional curl of woodsmoke reaching up into the last of the orange light. She had to warn them.
She kneeled on the Stone's carved runes and struck it with her a closed fist, but the sound it produced was only slightly brighter than her footsteps, and she cursed the deer for destroying her staff. Addelyn needed something sturdy to use in its place.
As Snowflake pulled at a thicket of blackberries that grew over the sentry cottage, the railing shifted, and Addelyn ran to it, hoping to find a sturdy section of the balustrade with which to strike the Stone. She yanked at the rotted timbers, and they crumbled in her hand, taking a part of the wall with them. Addelyn cursed Haldor's name and was about to search for a rock when she noticed a long pole of oxidised bronze jutting through the cottage's sagging walls. She wrenched it free of the blackberries and the splintering palings and saw that it was a staff, capped with a carved bronze finial in the shape of a kestrel. The Kestrel and the collar bore the same runes as the Singing Stone, and she knew at once the sentry must have used it for the same purpose she had in mind.
Hefting the bronze staff under her arm, she ran back out onto the Stone and raised it above her head. She adjusted her grip against the cold steel then and slammed it down onto the monolith with all her might. It responded with a single note so intense and pure that the grasses and lichen exploded from the carvings and sent Snowflake darting into the shack in alarm. The shockwave threw Addelyn onto the Stone and threatened to shake her off the edge. Her every instinct was to use her hands to shield her ears from the sound, but she knew she needed to dig her fingertips into the concentric carvings and pull herself close. She waited, teeth gritted against the sound and her face pressed against the granite until the clamour subsided enough for her to stand. Above a high-pitched note that might have been the decaying sound of the Stone or just her ears ringing, she could hear the echo of the Stone return to her from the far walls of the Causapar Arête.
Addelyn looked below as paraffin lamps and candlelight flickered to life in the windows and doorways of Fëyn. The town square began to fill with the long shadows of townsfolk emerging from their homes to congregate by the fountain, and Addelyn could feel them looking up at the Blade and at her lying alone on the Singing Stone, discussing who or what had raised the alarm. She scrambled to her feet and sprinted back to the cottage to collect Snowflake as a herd of deer burst from the forest and zigzagged across the plateau. They clattered over the flagstones and onto the Singing Stone, where they leapt, sure-footed, over the ravine without a thought. Addelyn tied her scarf into a sling and bundled Snowflake unceremoniously inside. She pulled it over her head and twisted it around so that Snowflake was against her back - and froze.
A Grey Stag, nearly thirty hands tall, calmly watched her from the edge of the plateau with its hot breath curling away on the wind. Moss and wildflowers cascaded across its broad shoulders and adorned its velvet antlers. They silently watched each other for a moment, seeming to acknowledge their shared experience. Then the stag snorted and tossed his head, and it cantered past Addelyn and followed the herd over the edge of the ravine.
Without hesitation, Addelyn felt behind her to be sure Snowflake was snug, then ran out onto the Stone and leapt, falling through the cold sky and slamming against the stag's broad flank. The stag tensed and snorted in startled protest, sending a skidding shower of shale tumbling below before regaining his footing and pressing forwards. Addelyn drove her hands deep into the stag’s floral withers and pressed her body against his spine to avoid its antlers as they swung at her from left and right. She could hear the massive bellows of his lungs expanding and contracting and the exhilarating thud of his heartbeat as it dodged and ducked between the spruce and boulders and pounded through streams, showering Addelyn and Snowflake in icy water. The headlong breeze filled her eyes with tears, so she turned her face away from it, seeing Fëyn shining like a constellation against the darkening fields far below.
With each break in the trees, her town grew larger, and Addelyn marvelled that it had taken her four and a half hours to climb up the Blade, but now they were already past Franklins Bluff and halfway home.
In less than fifteen minutes, the stag arrived above the skirt of flaked shale that collared the base of the Blade, which it skidded down without hesitation, regaining its footing once they hit the loamy grasses of her top field. Then the beast surged and thundered across the field, drumming its hooves into the earth and scattering slower animals in its wake. Addelyn pulled hard against its withers and yelled into its opposite ear, and the Stag would toss its flower-adorned head in annoyance and veer the direction she had commanded. Patches of Bird Cherry and young Scots Pines whipped past as they neared her pasture's fence-line, and Addelyn leaned out, trying to estimate which of the clumps would afford her the softest landing. She took a deep breath and yelled for Snowflake to hang on, then dove, tumbling into the long grass and skidded to a stop in a muddy puddle as the giant grey Stag continued indifferently. It cleared her father’s fence line with one graceful stride, then leapt over an easement and disappeared towards the lowlands.
Addelyn got to her feet and worked her jarred shoulder in circles. ‘Are you okay, Snowflake?’ she asked, then felt the happy thump of his tail against her back. ‘Good boy,’ she smiled and untied her sling, allowing him to happily kick free of her scarf and dance in the grass. A long tear in her linen pants was blushing scarlet, but with no time to lose, she ignored the wound and sprinted towards the Town Center to warn the congregating townsfolk of what she had seen.
submitted by glennmelenhorst to fantasywriters [link] [comments]


What are U.S. and UK elites seeking to gain through a diplomacy-free policy toward China, Russia and their allies?
What is the ultimate goal?
Where is their constant bellicosity leading?
What is the end game we are facing?
For just over two decades now a war has been waged in full view but totally unannounced.
It was never once declared but it is real enough. Many have been surprised at its ferocity & the fact that no diplomacy took place or was ever called for by the side waging it.
This unannounced, undeclared war has been fought not only by the US & European politicians. It has been fought also by the entirety of western mass media. These three powerful elites have fought side by side for twenty years against their primary targets, China and all her allies including Russia.
Western elites are in a relentless pursuit of multiple regime change targets to avoid their global patrician dominance being eclipsed by China and her allies.
The goal of the war far exceeds damaging/destroying China and Russia however. It has a far more ambitious goal than even this.
The goal is global U.S. and western elite control.
The USA won't stand alone at the apex of a new, controlled world. It’s primary ally Britain will be there also, bowing low & taking commands as usual. The USA’s other allies will take somewhat lesser positions.
The rest of us?
We will be supervised VERY closely.
In the end game war there are to be no loose ends. No unaccounted for communications. All MUST be visible, known, supervised & certified safe within a milieu of full spectrum dominance by the USA and its allies.
If there is any gap in this dominance over all others it will be flagged for attention. The level of response will be applied rigorously.
9/11 bored deep into the traumatized skulls of all those who would enslave us increasing an already existing demand that the world bow before U.S. elites.
The war against those not in full compliance with U.S. wishes has been ongoing since the events of 9/11 took place.
However, it was only in 2007 that the present level of urgency was felt & first seen via the initiation of persistent & ever-growing attacks by mass media on Vladimir Putin.
Ultimately the plan is to have everyone monitored 24/7. GPS positioning of the entire human race by satellite.
The USA has had a messianic desire to teach the world how good it is & urge its systems upon it almost since it was founded. A sense of superiority prevailed for various reasons & as time passed the sense of being exceptional rose to its present peak.
The western world is already monitored to a high degree.
It began with CCTV, continued with personal detail collection. It surged forward via the internet and the mobile phone. Now with seamless systems collecting each call, text, email with location visited, purchase made & so much more. Big data grows bigger daily.
Before 9/11 it appeared that the majority in the USA had more or less accepted the world as it was. The feeling of superiority continued, though the desire to transform the world in its image abated somewhat, assuaged by the "successful" conclusion of the Cold War.
9/11 changed EVERYTHING.
It's true Neocons existed before 9/11 along with their concept of overall US superiority & their goal & determination to ensure ultimate US control in perpetuity. However, it took 9/11 to make the crucial difference between a plan & action.
In the days after 9/11 it was agreed at the highest possible level that there could be no more ignoring potential threats.
Each statement indicating a less than positive view of the USA & US foreign policy was to be noted for present & ongoing future attention.
In those meetings after 9/11 it was decided that every single negative factor seen anywhere worldwide, any individual in authority & any government deigning to express negativity toward the U.S.A. was to be a target for undermining & eventual elimination.
There were to be no exceptions and there ARE no exceptions.
No target is too small or too large. Meticulously detailed files are scrupulously kept. Programs of demonization & destabilization are carefully planned & executed. The 9/11 security project has the highest priority.
The 9/11 protocols are set in stone till the day full spectrum dominance dawns. No president can alter them. They are sacrosanct, untouchable, immutable, inviolate. The backdrop to his slogan, ‘America First’ is the ultimate end game, the determination to make the USA the permanent global guardian in an equally permanent unipolar world.
The phrase 'Full Spectrum Dominance' provides the key to the ultimate goal being pursued.
9/11 showed US elites they MUST have this level of control to ever feel secure again. It was imperative that not one single entity voicing negativity toward the U.S. remained.
Full Spectrum Dominance demands that ALL sources of power anywhere across the world be subject to US preeminence.
Every area of potential risk for the U.S. is required to be under its full control via deep & broad levels of surveillance & the ability to nullify all adverse entities quickly.
One of the first areas to come under the Full Spectrum Dominance umbrella was western mass media.
Its power to influence a majority of Americans & Europeans was & is enormous. It is a vital asset to smooth the path of the many regime change targets planned for. ‘Operation Mockingbird’, the CIA op to control U.S. and international media and to make it reflect U.S. state narratives is more active now than ever.
Manufacturing consent for U.S. aggression toward the rest of the world has become an industry.
The closest parallels are with public relations & propaganda. To achieve global domination with all it entails the masses have to be well groomed to demonstrate compliance.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & Syria were only the first few of a longer list of nations. Iran, Lebanon, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Somalia still await their full preliminary weakening and ultimate regime change fate.
All operations are ongoing simultaneously at different levels and stages. These operations are progressing consecutively in tandem as circumstances allow. The ultimate target is China however as it, far more than any other nation, presents the greatest challenge to U.S. and western elite hegemony.
The dominance planned for will be TOTAL if it is accomplished.
And for the U.S. and western elites this is a necessity which brooks no compromise. There will be no diplomacy, nothing which hinders the process. No barrier is to be countenanced, not even a worldwide pandemic. Sanctions and other means of financial terrorism are to be ongoing, even increased.
There is to be no mercy. In fact any pain suffered by China, Russia or any of their allies is to be enhanced by every means possible.
The power-junkies of the West are losing their fix. Western patrician dominance is centuries old. They simply can’t now live without it. The group-thought myopia is far too intense for anything approaching objectivity. They consider the world will go to absolute hell if they are no longer in charge.
The resultant cold turkey they would suffer as China took over would utterly destroy them. Their power and influence would wither and die and this thought drives them toward desperation and extremely desperate measures.
Therefore they are determined to destroy whoever they need to, to avoid the excruciating pain of losing the power over others they simply cannot imagine living without and justify all their acts of incredible irresponsibility with the thought they are doing what they do to save the world when in fact they simply cannot conceive of any others having responsibility but themselves.
submitted by DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY to u/DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY [link] [comments]



What are U.S. and UK elites seeking to gain through a diplomacy-free policy toward China, Russia and their allies?

What is the ultimate goal?

Where is their constant bellicosity leading?

What is the end game we are facing?

For just over two decades now a war has been waged in full view but totally unannounced.

It was never once declared but it is real enough. Many have been surprised at its ferocity & the fact that no diplomacy took place or was ever called for by the side waging it.

This unannounced, undeclared war has been fought not only by the US & European politicians. It has been fought also by the entirety of western mass media. These three powerful elites have fought side by side for twenty years against their primary targets, China and all her allies including Russia.

Western elites are in a relentless pursuit of multiple regime change targets to avoid their global patrician dominance being eclipsed by China and her allies.

The goal of the war far exceeds damaging/destroying China and Russia however. It has a far more ambitious goal than even this.

The goal is global U.S. and western elite control.

The USA won't stand alone at the apex of a new, controlled world. It’s primary ally Britain will be there also, bowing low & taking commands as usual. The USA’s other allies will take somewhat lesser positions.

The rest of us?

We will be supervised VERY closely.

In the end game war there are to be no loose ends. No unaccounted for communications. All MUST be visible, known, supervised & certified safe within a milieu of full spectrum dominance by the USA and its allies.

If there is any gap in this dominance over all others it will be flagged for attention. The level of response will be applied rigorously.

9/11 bored deep into the traumatized skulls of all those who would enslave us increasing an already existing demand that the world bow before U.S. elites.

The war against those not in full compliance with U.S. wishes has been ongoing since the events of 9/11 took place.

However, it was only in 2007 that the present level of urgency was felt & first seen via the initiation of persistent & ever-growing attacks by mass media on Vladimir Putin.

Ultimately the plan is to have everyone monitored 24/7. GPS positioning of the entire human race by satellite.

The USA has had a messianic desire to teach the world how good it is & urge its systems upon it almost since it was founded. A sense of superiority prevailed for various reasons & as time passed the sense of being exceptional rose to its present peak.

The western world is already monitored to a high degree.

It began with CCTV, continued with personal detail collection. It surged forward via the internet and the mobile phone. Now with seamless systems collecting each call, text, email with location visited, purchase made & so much more. Big data grows bigger daily.

Before 9/11 it appeared that the majority in the USA had more or less accepted the world as it was. The feeling of superiority continued, though the desire to transform the world in its image abated somewhat, assuaged by the "successful" conclusion of the Cold War.

9/11 changed EVERYTHING.

It's true Neocons existed before 9/11 along with their concept of overall US superiority & their goal & determination to ensure ultimate US control in perpetuity. However, it took 9/11 to make the crucial difference between a plan & action.

In the days after 9/11 it was agreed at the highest possible level that there could be no more ignoring potential threats.

Each statement indicating a less than positive view of the USA & US foreign policy was to be noted for present & ongoing future attention.

In those meetings after 9/11 it was decided that every single negative factor seen anywhere worldwide, any individual in authority & any government deigning to express negativity toward the U.S.A. was to be a target for undermining & eventual elimination.

There were to be no exceptions.

No targets too small, or too large. Meticulously detailed files were to be scrupulously kept. Programs of demonisation & destabilization were to be carefully planned & executed. The 9/11 security project was to have highest priority.

Trump is a willing and highly amoral agent of the permanent U.S. state that holds these policies to be sacrosanct. He is Machiavellian to put it mildly. He knows little about geopolitics, it’s true. But what he knows a LOT about is survival. Trump is cunning. He knows from experience which people can protect him & help him and which he must attack and undermine. As a socialized psychopath/sociopath he is utterly ruthless on both counts. It is no accident he is surrounded by religious freaks and Neocons.

In any case Trump has no choice. The 9/11 protocols are set in stone till the day full spectrum dominance dawns. No president can alter them. They are sacrosanct, untouchable, immutable, inviolate. The backdrop to his slogan, ‘America First’ is the ultimate end game, the determination to make the USA the permanent global hegemon in an equally permanent unipolar world.

The phrase 'Full Spectrum Dominance' provides the key to the ultimate goal being pursued.

9/11 showed US elites they MUST have this level of control to ever feel secure again. It was imperative that not one single entity voicing negativity toward the U.S. remained.

Full Spectrum Dominance demands that ALL sources of power anywhere across the world be subject to US preeminence.

Every area of potential risk for the U.S. is required to be under its full control via deep & broad levels of surveillance & the ability to nullify all adverse entities quickly.

One of the first areas to come under the Full Spectrum Dominance umbrella was western mass media.

Its power to influence a majority of Americans & Europeans was & is enormous. It is a vital asset to smooth the path of the many regime change targets planned for. ‘Operation Mockingbird’, the CIA op to control U.S. and international media and to make it reflect U.S. state narratives is more active now than ever.

Manufacturing consent for U.S. aggression toward the rest of the world has become an industry.

The closest parallels are with public relations & propaganda. To achieve global domination with all it entails the masses have to be well groomed to demonstrate compliance.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & Syria were only the first few of a longer list of nations. Iran, Lebanon, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Somalia still await their full preliminary weakening and ultimate regime change fate.

All operations are ongoing simultaneously at different levels and stages. These operations are progressing consecutively in tandem as circumstances allow. The ultimate target is China however as it, far more than any other nation, presents the greatest challenge to U.S. and western elite hegemony.

Trump’s signalling that space is to be incorporated into global U.S. dominance will not have originated with him. He can hardly tie his geopolitical bootlaces. This has been part of the plan from day one.

The dominance planned for will be TOTAL if it is accomplished.

And for the U.S. and western elites this is a necessity which brooks no compromise. There will be no diplomacy, nothing which hinders the process. No barrier is to be countenanced, not even a worldwide pandemic. Sanctions and other means of financial terrorism are to be ongoing, even increased.

There is to be no mercy. For these elites are too high for any such considerations. In fact any pain suffered by China, Russia or any of their allies is to be enhanced by every means possible.

You see the power junkies are losing their fix. Western patrician dominance is centuries old. They can’t live without it.

The resultant cold turkey would utterly destroy them, their power and influence would wither and die. They know this and know it well.

Therefore they are determined to destroy whoever they need to, to avoid the excruciating pain of losing the power over others they simply cannot imagine living without.
submitted by DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY to u/DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY [link] [comments]

2019.08.25 21:41 MoonKatUltra Thoughts on dissociation, symbolism in entertainment, and why the number 27 proves a hidden hand

Thoughts on dissociation, symbolism in entertainment, and why the number 27 proves a hidden hand
One day, the news media is infiltrated by a whistleblower who manages to get a short segment on live television. The whistleblower begins to rant... detailing that every human on Earth has supernatural capability that can be tapped into as a result of meditation, introspection, trauma, and/or dissociation. He manages to say " dissociation and multiple personalities is not a disorder", before being cut off air - at this, the news anchor chuckles and says something like "ohh wow, okayyyy... that guy needs some help".
I'd say that the 'mental disorder' narrative is so deeply embedded that 99% of the world's population wouldn't think twice about this, including the news anchor. Jokes would be made everywhere... "I want whatever that guy's smoking".
Most people today think you are deluded if you try to have a serious conversation about multiple personalities and dissociation. They call TV 'programming' for a reason, and movies such as Split reinforce stereotypical views.
MK Ultra is still alive and well. If you've done any research into this, you'll know that it's a CIA mind control program that focuses on fragmenting and programming personality. I've seen plenty of evidence that it's infiltrated entertainment and Hollywood. Most people who keep up with this subject probably already suspect this. But there's something more... Let's take a look at what a couple artists have to say about splitting the personality into stereotypical archetypes.
Joyner Lucas - I love
~ You gotta keep that same energy, I'm not no regular entity, I'm not your friend, I'm your enemy, I don't know what's gotten into me--This ain't the way that they pictured me, what's your identity?--I guess I'm linin' 'em up
Shinedown - Devil
~ The drama, the trauma, don’t play the prima donna--The stereotypical profiling ritual
Is that what all of this is, a ritual? It makes a lot of sense. Satanic multi-generational bloodlines believe that dissociation can be used to channel powerful entities, and use trauma bonding to destroy empathy. Sociopathic tendencies allow for an extremely malleable identity. Sociopaths are often extremely intelligent, and are experts at mimicking social behavior (mockingbirds). These bloodlines torture their own children to split the personality, and this begins when the child is a toddler; A variety of methods are used to induce dissociative states, like putting a mouse trap in the crib and only coming back when the baby has stopped crying. When there is a contradictory family dynamic of extreme abuse and love, it forces the child to look within for support. Dissociation gets easier with each generation, because the genes remember the trauma.
There are several ways to split someone's identity. Trauma, dissociation, and LSD are the main ones. There's a good amount of material on the internet, but none of it describes how the personality is split during dissociation. You must be able to dissociate in order to access this personality library if you will. When you are dissociated, your consciousness is somewhere else. You are having an out of body experience. You can also go within yourself, similar to the sunken place in the movie Get Out. This movie has tons of subtle symbolism. "We are gods trapped in cocoons". A reference to a butterflies cocoon. You feel butterflies during dissociation, and it is symbolized everywhere in Hollywood. Here's an incredible post that shows tons of examples. Butterflies and rabbit holes - The narrow gate
Symbolic scene where they hit a deer.
Psalms 18:33 ~ He makes my feet like the feet of a deer and stations me upon the heights.
A deer in headlights - another reference to dissociation.
The subject of dissociation is complicated. There's not a lot of information about it because it's not easily understood by someone who hasn't experienced it.
Edgar Cayce was a psychic who could make predictions of future events and answer questions while he was in a hypnotic trance. Not all of his predictions came true, but most of them did and were fairly accurate. Some of the readings he gave were about medical help, Atlantis, and predictions of future events. Cayce induced out of body experiences nearly every single day for 40 years. Cayce made most of his predictions in the late 1930's, shortly before mind control migrated to America. Dissociation is synonymous with an out of body experience, and Cayce is a good example that shows the supernatural reality of this state of mind.
There are many cases of people with multiple personalities reporting alters who are blind. They see a bright white light....sound familiar? Could this mean that people who have survived near-death experiences (in which they saw a bright white light and claimed to see heaven) were having a similar experience as the blind alter ego? It's a well known phenomenon that alters can physically change the 'host' in drastic ways - which is frequently seen with allergies, and even a few diseases like diabetes and cancer. At the very least, most people experience a variety of psychosomatic symptoms (physical symptoms created purely from the mind) when switching to alters. This reminds me of the switch to the "beast" alter-ego in the Split movie.
I have a theory about the implications of all this...but it's interesting that George Orwell predicted this kind of thing, calling it "doublespeak" which leads to "doublethink".. Our society considers people with multiple personalities (alter-egos) to be crazy and unstable, and many people use even harsher language. Yet it's perfectly acceptable and largely unnoticed when celebrities have them, like Nicki Minaj - who says she has several "alter-egos", one of them a little boy named Roman.
Let's take a look at scripture that mentions dissociation.
Genesis 15:1
"After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am your shield, and your exceeding great reward. And Abram said, Lord GOD, what will you give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus? And Abram said, Behold, to me you have given no descendants: and, lo, one born in my house is my heir. And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be your heir; but he that shall come forth out of your own body shall be your heir. And he brought him forth outside, and said, Look now toward heaven, and count the stars, if you be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall your descendants be."
"Come forth out of your own body" - this is clearly describing an out of body experience. Followed by, "brought him forth outside". Abram couldn't have literally gone outside, because this was all in a vision...I'm thinking this was a depiction of the different layers of consciousness (ie. astral plane).
Genesis 8:6 - "And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made: And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground; But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more."
There are two distinctly separate descriptions of the dove returning to Noah through this "window".
I get an image in my head of this
"Dear god make me a bird, so I can fly far, far away from here" in Forrest Gump
If you watch the video, you can also see the Children of the Corn symbolism, "based on the short story by Stephen King, the film tells the story of the town of Gatlin, Nebraska. A demonic god referred to as “He Who Walks Behind the Rows” plagues the small town.
Could the ark of the covenant be a metaphor for the primal shadow self that harbors archetypal identities? If so, the window of the ark could be easily compared to door of the mind that's opened during dissociation. The birds could represent the ability to astral project and remote view locations with purely the mind.
The Stargate Project was a CIA operation focused on remote viewing, the purported ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance.
Genesis 15:9 - "And he said unto him, Take me a heifer three years old, and a female goat three years old, and a ram three years old, and a turtle dove, and a young pigeon. And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he not. And when the birds of prey came down upon the carcasses, Abram drove them away. And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, a horror of great darkness fell upon him."
This is a ritual sacrifice. The deep sleep part reminded me of the "sunken place" in Get Out.
In the movie Home Alone*,* there’s a homeless lady (a.k.a. The Pigeon Lady) that befriends Kevin McCallister. She describes herself to Kevin as “like the birds she cared for in that people would ignore her and wish she was not there.” The entire movie is extremely symbolic.
Quick side note : Bird Box on Netflix is very interesting from this perspective..."When a mysterious force decimates the population, only one thing is certain -- if you see it, you die. The survivors must now avoid coming face to face with an entity that takes the form of their worst fears."
I was listening to Ice Cube one day and noticed how he subtly alludes to a lot of the stuff I was looking into. Arrest the President is pretty funny, but it actually speaks a lot of truth. "I murder with my third eye--Niggas so fly, get a bird's eye."
Ice not only mentions Home Alone, but says "Make myself clearer than Shakespeare".
I'm certain that he was referring to the play "Seven ages".
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages......"
and ending with
".....His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything."
I believe these are the seven stages of ego that lead to rebirth.
Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.…”
I eventually made the connection this verse - Shakespeare says "a world too wide" = broad is the way that leads to destruction.
I think the narrow gate is referring to tunnel vision. Many people who dissociate and have out of body's can see it, and I'd say it'd classify as a narrow gate. Some even see a bright, white light on the other side of the tunnel...could this be evidence of rebirth? Most people with 'multiple personalities' have an alter that is a child, and many people with and without "Borderline Personality Disorder" (BPD) experience regression to childlike behavior.
Thrice - Black Honey is a music video that I thought of soon after making this connection. I mean, it's almost too fitting.
I may be wrong about some of these things, but I strongly feel that certain artists and movies allude to various ideas related to dissociation and rebirth. I'm still undecided on my personal philosophy, but I have experienced things on psychedelics which leads me to believe that reincarnation is real. I've seen this 'soul tunnel' as it's been called by shamans and mystics, and it led to an out of body experience that changed my life. I know this post is kinda all over the place, but I just wanted to share some of my thoughts.
Last but not least, I want to talk about something called gematria. It's an alphanumeric code that assigns numbers to letters, such as A=1, B=2, C=3 and so forth. That's called simple gematria. There's also jewish, and english. English is A=6, B=12, C=18, and continues by 6. So why is this important?
I believe there is a certain code being used in entertainment, and I've seen evidence of it everywhere.
For example : The movie Conspiracy Theory is a movie starring Mel Gibson, and is about a man that is a victim of the MK Ultra program. Coincidentally (or not) - Mel Gibson = 96 in simple, and 576 in english gematria. So does MK Ultra.
This is a pretty suspicious coincidence if you ask me.. I wouldn't find it hard to believe that there is a secret society out there that did this intentionally to make conspiracy theorists flip tables. Jay Z has an album titled 4:44, and the word gematria = 444 in english. Could it be a subtle reference, or am I giving him too much credit?
I would be remiss if I talked about numbers without mentioning 27. Most people have heard of the 27 club. If you haven't, it's a group of celebrities that met an early and often suspicious death. But most people don't know that 27 has countless links to astronomy, entertainment, religion, and history. I've developed a bit of an obsession with it, and I'm convinced that all of it couldn't be a coincidence. To begin with, in simple gematria, code = 27. This could be easily disregarded if it wasn't for the long list of connections that follow.
  • There are 31,557,600 seconds in a year and 3+1+5+5+7+6+0+0=27.
  • The human hand contains 27 bones.
  • The hebrew alphabet contains 27 letters, and so does english if you count the whitespace.
  • Earth is made up of 72% salt water, 1% fresh water, and 27% land.
  • The diameter of the moon is .272% of Earth (27%).
  • The moon orbits the Earth every 27 days.
  • The sun rotates on its axis every 27 days.
  • Saturn reassumes the same position every 27 years.
  • A solar day on Mars is approximately 2.7% longer than on Earth.
  • The force of gravity at the sun's surface is about 27 times that at the surface of our globe.
  • The pressure at the core of the Earth is around 27,000 tons per square inch.
  • Dark matter is thought to make up about 27% of the universe.
  • It contains the smallest and largest single digit prime number.
  • There are (2+7=9) prime numbers smaller than 27.
  • The 27th number in Pi is 27.
  • The sum of the 7th odd and 7th even number is 13+14=27.
  • Plato said God created the cosmic soul of the universe using the number 27.
  • In the book of Genesis, God created man in the 27th verse.
  • Adam appears 27 times in the Bible.
  • Abraham appears in 27 books in the Bible.
  • Deep is the 27th word in Genesis, numerologists say 27 represents looking deep into reality.
  • The book of Leviticus contains 27 chapters.
  • There are 27 books in the new testament.
  • Among the 365 different numbers in the bible, 27 are prime numbers.
  • Number 500 is used 27 times in the Bible.
  • The book of Acts contains 27 different numbers.
  • The 27th book of proverbs has 27 verses.
  • St. John had his feast on December 27th.
  • Matthew 27 speaks about Jesus' crucifixion.
  • "Lightning" appears 27 times in the Bible.
  • "Light" appears 227 times in the Bible.
  • 'Mercy seat', and 'candlestick' appear 27 times in the Bible.
  • After the flood, the earth dried on the 27th day.
  • There are 27 generations from King David to Jesus.
  • There are 27 prayer beads in a rosary.
  • 27 is the highest level of spiritual attainment in the material world of Buddhist philosophy.
  • In the Kabbalah, the 27th path is that of natural intelligence.
  • Hindu astrology divides the sky into 27 lunar mansions.
  • The U.S. formed on the 27th week of the year.
  • There are currently 27 amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
  • The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland is 27 km in circumference.
  • There are 27 outs in a game of baseball.
  • There are 27 pieces in a Rubik's cube.
  • Stephen King's "It" monster returns every 27 years.
Okay I think you get it.. 27 is kind of a big deal. But why.. Does it represent some kind of creation code? Could the 27 club be a result of an occult ritual of some kind? Interestingly, in the movie Matrix: Reloaded - Neo had to knock out 27 blocks on the power grid to gain access to the central computer of the matrix. Behind the door was "the Architect".
Revelation 20:7 : When the thousand years are over, Satan will be set free from his prison.
Nostradamus Quatrain 27 : The divine word will be struck from the sky, One who cannot proceed any further: The secret closed up with the revelation, Such that they will march over and ahead.
I could speculate all day about what everything means, but I'll conclude with a few lines from Shakespeare's Sonnet 27.
But then begins a journey in my head
To work my mind, when body's work's expired...
...Looking on darkness which the blind do see:
Save that my soul's imaginary sight
Presents thy shadow to my sightless view,
Which, like a jewel hung in ghastly night,
Makes black night beauteous, and her old face new.
Lo! thus, by day my limbs, by night my mind,
For thee, and for myself, no quiet find.
submitted by MoonKatUltra to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2019.08.25 21:39 MoonKatUltra Thoughts on dissociation, symbolism in entertainment, and why the number 27 proves a hidden hand

Thoughts on dissociation, symbolism in entertainment, and why the number 27 proves a hidden hand
One day, the news media is infiltrated by a whistleblower who manages to get a short segment on live television. The whistleblower begins to rant... detailing that every human on Earth has supernatural capability that can be tapped into as a result of meditation, introspection, trauma, and/or dissociation. He manages to say " dissociation and multiple personalities is not a disorder", before being cut off air - at this, the news anchor chuckles and says something like "ohh wow, okayyyy... that guy needs some help".
I'd say that the 'mental disorder' narrative is so deeply embedded that 99% of the world's population wouldn't think twice about this, including the news anchor. Jokes would be made everywhere... "I want whatever that guy's smoking".
Most people today think you are deluded if you try to have a serious conversation about multiple personalities and dissociation. They call TV 'programming' for a reason, and movies such as Split reinforce stereotypical views.
MK Ultra is still alive and well. If you've done any research into this, you'll know that it's a CIA mind control program that focuses on fragmenting and programming personality. I've seen plenty of evidence that it's infiltrated entertainment and Hollywood. Most people who keep up with this subject probably already suspect this. But there's something more... Let's take a look at what a couple artists have to say about splitting the personality into stereotypical archetypes.
Joyner Lucas - I love
~ You gotta keep that same energy, I'm not no regular entity, I'm not your friend, I'm your enemy, I don't know what's gotten into me--This ain't the way that they pictured me, what's your identity?--I guess I'm linin' 'em up
Shinedown - Devil
~ The drama, the trauma, don’t play the prima donna--The stereotypical profiling ritual
Is that what all of this is, a ritual? It makes a lot of sense. Satanic multi-generational bloodlines believe that dissociation can be used to channel powerful entities, and use trauma bonding to destroy empathy. Sociopathic tendencies allow for an extremely malleable identity. Sociopaths are often extremely intelligent, and are experts at mimicking social behavior (mockingbirds). These bloodlines torture their own children to split the personality, and this begins when the child is a toddler; A variety of methods are used to induce dissociative states, like putting a mouse trap in the crib and only coming back when the baby has stopped crying. When there is a contradictory family dynamic of extreme abuse and love, it forces the child to look within for support. Dissociation gets easier with each generation, because the genes remember the trauma.
There are several ways to split someone's identity. Trauma, dissociation, and LSD are the main ones. There's a good amount of material on the internet, but none of it describes how the personality is split during dissociation. You must be able to dissociate in order to access this personality library if you will. When you are dissociated, your consciousness is somewhere else. You are having an out of body experience. You can also go within yourself, similar to the sunken place in the movie Get Out. This movie has tons of subtle symbolism. "We are gods trapped in cocoons". A reference to a butterflies cocoon. You feel butterflies during dissociation, and it is symbolized everywhere in Hollywood. Here's an incredible post that shows tons of examples. Butterflies and rabbit holes - The narrow gate
Symbolic scene where they hit a deer.
Psalms 18:33 ~ He makes my feet like the feet of a deer and stations me upon the heights.
A deer in headlights - another reference to dissociation.
The subject of dissociation is complicated. There's not a lot of information about it because it's not easily understood by someone who hasn't experienced it.
Edgar Cayce was a psychic who could make predictions of future events and answer questions while he was in a hypnotic trance. Not all of his predictions came true, but most of them did and were fairly accurate. Some of the readings he gave were about medical help, Atlantis, and predictions of future events. Cayce induced out of body experiences nearly every single day for 40 years. Cayce made most of his predictions in the late 1930's, shortly before mind control migrated to America. Dissociation is synonymous with an out of body experience, and Cayce is a good example that shows the supernatural reality of this state of mind.
There are many cases of people with multiple personalities reporting alters who are blind. They see a bright white light....sound familiar? Could this mean that people who have survived near-death experiences (in which they saw a bright white light and claimed to see heaven) were having a similar experience as the blind alter ego? It's a well known phenomenon that alters can physically change the 'host' in drastic ways - which is frequently seen with allergies, and even a few diseases like diabetes and cancer. At the very least, most people experience a variety of psychosomatic symptoms (physical symptoms created purely from the mind) when switching to alters. This reminds me of the switch to the "beast" alter-ego in the Split movie.
I have a theory about the implications of all this...but it's interesting that George Orwell predicted this kind of thing, calling it "doublespeak" which leads to "doublethink".. Our society considers people with multiple personalities (alter-egos) to be crazy and unstable, and many people use even harsher language. Yet it's perfectly acceptable and largely unnoticed when celebrities have them, like Nicki Minaj - who says she has several "alter-egos", one of them a little boy named Roman.
Let's take a look at scripture that mentions dissociation.
Genesis 15:1
"After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am your shield, and your exceeding great reward. And Abram said, Lord GOD, what will you give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus? And Abram said, Behold, to me you have given no descendants: and, lo, one born in my house is my heir. And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be your heir; but he that shall come forth out of your own body shall be your heir. And he brought him forth outside, and said, Look now toward heaven, and count the stars, if you be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall your descendants be."
"Come forth out of your own body" - this is clearly describing an out of body experience. Followed by, "brought him forth outside". Abram couldn't have literally gone outside, because this was all in a vision...I'm thinking this was a depiction of the different layers of consciousness (ie. astral plane).
Genesis 8:6 - "And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made: And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground; But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more."
There are two distinctly separate descriptions of the dove returning to Noah through this "window".
I get an image in my head of this
"Dear god make me a bird, so I can fly far, far away from here" in Forrest Gump
If you watch the video, you can also see the Children of the Corn symbolism, "based on the short story by Stephen King, the film tells the story of the town of Gatlin, Nebraska. A demonic god referred to as “He Who Walks Behind the Rows” plagues the small town.
Could the ark of the covenant be a metaphor for the primal shadow self that harbors archetypal identities? If so, the window of the ark could be easily compared to door of the mind that's opened during dissociation. The birds could represent the ability to astral project and remote view locations with purely the mind.
The Stargate Project was a CIA operation focused on remote viewing, the purported ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance.
Genesis 15:9 - "And he said unto him, Take me a heifer three years old, and a female goat three years old, and a ram three years old, and a turtle dove, and a young pigeon. And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he not. And when the birds of prey came down upon the carcasses, Abram drove them away. And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, a horror of great darkness fell upon him."
This is a ritual sacrifice. The deep sleep part reminded me of the "sunken place" in Get Out.
In the movie Home Alone, there’s a homeless lady (a.k.a. The Pigeon Lady) that befriends Kevin McCallister. She describes herself to Kevin as “like the birds she cared for in that people would ignore her and wish she was not there.” The entire movie is extremely symbolic.
Quick side note : Bird Box on Netflix is very interesting from this perspective..."When a mysterious force decimates the population, only one thing is certain -- if you see it, you die. The survivors must now avoid coming face to face with an entity that takes the form of their worst fears."
I was listening to Ice Cube one day and noticed how he subtly alludes to a lot of the stuff I was looking into. Arrest the President is pretty funny, but it actually speaks a lot of truth. "I murder with my third eye--Niggas so fly, get a bird's eye."
Ice not only mentions Home Alone, but says "Make myself clearer than Shakespeare".
I'm certain that he was referring to the play "Seven ages".
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages......"
and ending with
".....His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything."
I believe these are the seven stages of ego that lead to rebirth.
Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.…”
I eventually made the connection this verse - Shakespeare says "a world too wide" = broad is the way that leads to destruction.
I think the narrow gate is referring to tunnel vision. Many people who dissociate and have out of body's can see it, and I'd say it'd classify as a narrow gate. Some even see a bright, white light on the other side of the tunnel...could this be evidence of rebirth? Most people with 'multiple personalities' have an alter that is a child, and many people with and without "Borderline Personality Disorder" (BPD) experience regression to childlike behavior.
Thrice - Black Honey is a music video that I thought of soon after making this connection. I mean, it's almost too fitting.
I may be wrong about some of these things, but I strongly feel that certain artists and movies allude to various ideas related to dissociation and rebirth. I'm still undecided on my personal philosophy, but I have experienced things on psychedelics which leads me to believe that reincarnation is real. I've seen this 'soul tunnel' as it's been called by shamans and mystics, and it led to an out of body experience that changed my life. I know this post is kinda all over the place, but I just wanted to share some of my thoughts.
Last but not least, I want to talk about something called gematria. It's an alphanumeric code that assigns numbers to letters, such as A=1, B=2, C=3 and so forth. That's called simple gematria. There's also jewish, and english. English is A=6, B=12, C=18, and continues by 6. So why is this important?
I believe there is a certain code being used in entertainment, and I've seen evidence of it everywhere.
For example : The movie Conspiracy Theory is a movie starring Mel Gibson, and is about a man that is a victim of the MK Ultra program. Coincidentally (or not) - Mel Gibson = 96 in simple, and 576 in english gematria. So does MK Ultra.
This is a pretty suspicious coincidence if you ask me.. I wouldn't find it hard to believe that there is a secret society out there that did this intentionally to make conspiracy theorists flip tables. Jay Z has an album titled 4:44, and the word gematria = 444 in english. Could it be a subtle reference, or am I giving him too much credit?
I would be remiss if I talked about numbers without mentioning 27. Most people have heard of the 27 club. If you haven't, it's a group of celebrities that met an early and often suspicious death. But most people don't know that 27 has countless links to astronomy, entertainment, religion, and history. I've developed a bit of an obsession with it, and I'm convinced that all of it couldn't be a coincidence. To begin with, in simple gematria, code = 27. This could be easily disregarded if it wasn't for the long list of connections that follow.
  • There are 31,557,600 seconds in a year and 3+1+5+5+7+6+0+0=27.
  • The human hand contains 27 bones.
  • The hebrew alphabet contains 27 letters, and so does english if you count the whitespace.
  • Earth is made up of 72% salt water, 1% fresh water, and 27% land.
  • The diameter of the moon is .272% of Earth (27%).
  • The moon orbits the Earth every 27 days.
  • The sun rotates on its axis every 27 days.
  • Saturn reassumes the same position every 27 years.
  • A solar day on Mars is approximately 2.7% longer than on Earth.
  • The force of gravity at the sun's surface is about 27 times that at the surface of our globe.
  • The pressure at the core of the Earth is around 27,000 tons per square inch.
  • Dark matter is thought to make up about 27% of the universe.
  • It contains the smallest and largest single digit prime number.
  • There are (2+7=9) prime numbers smaller than 27.
  • The 27th number in Pi is 27.
  • The sum of the 7th odd and 7th even number is 13+14=27.
  • Plato said God created the cosmic soul of the universe using the number 27.
  • In the book of Genesis, God created man in the 27th verse.
  • Adam appears 27 times in the Bible.
  • Abraham appears in 27 books in the Bible.
  • Deep is the 27th word in Genesis, numerologists say 27 represents looking deep into reality.
  • The book of Leviticus contains 27 chapters.
  • There are 27 books in the new testament.
  • Among the 365 different numbers in the bible, 27 are prime numbers.
  • Number 500 is used 27 times in the Bible.
  • The book of Acts contains 27 different numbers.
  • The 27th book of proverbs has 27 verses.
  • St. John had his feast on December 27th.
  • Matthew 27 speaks about Jesus' crucifixion.
  • "Lightning" appears 27 times in the Bible.
  • "Light" appears 227 times in the Bible.
  • 'Mercy seat', and 'candlestick' appear 27 times in the Bible.
  • After the flood, the earth dried on the 27th day.
  • There are 27 generations from King David to Jesus.
  • There are 27 prayer beads in a rosary.
  • 27 is the highest level of spiritual attainment in the material world of Buddhist philosophy.
  • In the Kabbalah, the 27th path is that of natural intelligence.
  • Hindu astrology divides the sky into 27 lunar mansions.
  • The U.S. formed on the 27th week of the year.
  • There are currently 27 amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
  • The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland is 27 km in circumference.
  • There are 27 outs in a game of baseball.
  • There are 27 pieces in a Rubik's cube.
  • Stephen King's "It" monster returns every 27 years.
Okay I think you get it.. 27 is kind of a big deal. But why.. Does it represent some kind of creation code? Could the 27 club be a result of an occult ritual of some kind? Interestingly, in the movie Matrix: Reloaded - Neo had to knock out 27 blocks on the power grid to gain access to the central computer of the matrix. Behind the door was "the Architect".
Revelation 20:7 : When the thousand years are over, Satan will be set free from his prison.
Nostradamus Quatrain 27 : The divine word will be struck from the sky, One who cannot proceed any further: The secret closed up with the revelation, Such that they will march over and ahead.
I could speculate all day about what everything means, but I'll conclude with a few lines from Shakespeare's Sonnet 27.
But then begins a journey in my head
To work my mind, when body's work's expired...
...Looking on darkness which the blind do see:
Save that my soul's imaginary sight
Presents thy shadow to my sightless view,
Which, like a jewel hung in ghastly night,
Makes black night beauteous, and her old face new.
Lo! thus, by day my limbs, by night my mind,
For thee, and for myself, no quiet find.
submitted by MoonKatUltra to MKUltra [link] [comments]

2012.11.13 10:33 Insertnamehere777 My own personal omen of death.

The temperature that day was also memorable, unbearably humid, topping 107 with a blistering 112 comfort index. The two trips it took to transfer my groceries from car to apartment left me dripping in sweat, literally gasping for air in the oppressive heat. I’d forgotten something, of course—I always do—and this time it was the bread for the next day’s lunch. After supper, when it was relatively cooler, I decided to walk across the street to the Mobile station. And that’s when I saw the red haired girl for the first time.
She was second in line at the counter, equidistant between a well groomed woman in her late twenties and an older man in faded overalls. Her appearance is what first caught my attention, that and the fact that such a young child was standing perfectly still. She was dirty almost to the point of being grimy, and barefoot, despite the NO SHIRT NO SHOES NO SERVICE sign prominently displayed on the front door. She wore nothing but a long, tattered T-shirt. Surely, I thought to myself, she’s wearing a pair of shorts under that shirt. The lady in front of her was taking her sweet time picking out various lottery tickets, requesting one then shaking her head—no, no that one might be better. All of us behind her, all but the red haired girl, were shifting impatiently. She alone stood perfectly still, eyes facing forward, not even blinking. Which one is she with? I remember thinking, the lottery ticket lady or the overall man? Both were clean, well dressed in their individual ways, while the red haired girl looked like a motherless waif with her uncombed, stringy hair, bare feet and grimy shirt. The more I studied her, the stranger her appearance seemed. She was oblivious to my scrutiny, however, staring ahead blankly, as if the rest of us did not exist. The mystery was solved when the women in front of her finished her transaction and the red haired girl woodenly followed her out the door, still silent, still aloof. No one but me paid her the slightest attention.
My life was a mess at that time, and I quickly forgot about the whole incident. I was having car problems, for one thing. One breakdown after another leaving me with precious little money to spend on anything but mechanic bills. Even more distressing was the fact that my only child could not seem to get pregnant. My whole world at that time consisted of two problems–I was either waiting for the next strange noise which heralded yet another mechanical breakdown or a telephone call from a teary child to tell me that once again I would not be a grandmother. That summer was horrendous, one disaster after another. It finally ended, however, and on the day the first cold front came in I saw the red haired girl again.
She was, as before, second in line when I entered the store to pay for my gas. The well groomed lady and the overalled man were absent. In front of the red haired girl was a bearded older gentleman; behind her, a tall, tired looking woman in nurse’s scrubs. Incredibly, despite the cool weather, she was still barefoot, dressed in the same grubby T-shirt. She, like the first time I saw her, was staring blankly in front of her, eyes fixed on nothing, still as a statue. I put her age at about six, much too young to come to the store alone. So who was she with this time? Was the bearded man her grandfather perhaps?
Apparently so, because when he left the store, she followed several paces behind, staring straight ahead, body erect. I glanced around at the other customers. Surely I wasn’t the only one that found this situation odd. Yet no one but me seemed to have noticed, and the phone call I received when I got home pushed all thoughts of the red haired girl from my mind.
My daughter, after years of trying, was finally pregnant. In seven months, I, like most of my friends, would be a grandmother. This happy thought got me through the fall, which turned out to be even more disastrous than the summer had been. Health problems, rather than mechanical ones, seemed to be the theme throughout the months of September and October. I was stricken with a particularly virulent case of shingles in my optic nerve, leaving me in constant pain, embarrassed by the drooping on the left side of my face, and waking up at night in a cold sweat with the terrifying fear that the disease would leave me blind. For six weeks I was the most miserable of creatures, unable to eat, sleep, or work comfortably. I eventually recovered, however, and enjoyed a week of relative peace before I was assaulted by yet another virus. I missed five days of work as I was unwilling to stray more than ten feet from my bathroom. Life seemed to be getting bleaker and bleaker and only daydreams of my first grandchild kept me going.
On the first day of November I saw the red haired girl for the third time.
She wasn’t in line this time, but rather wandering around the store. Except for the fact that her arms were not stretched out in front of her, she looked like those zombies you see on late night TV. Her eyes were glazed, her gait stiff and shuffling. Incredibly, although there was a steady rain falling, she was still barefoot, still wearing nothing but the T-shirt. It was early morning and the store was crowded with customers getting gas, coffee, doughnuts. The well dressed woman and the bearded man were not among them. So who was she with this time? I positioned myself near the door, pretending to study a rack of sunglasses, and waited for her to leave. It was a good five minutes before she did, behind a young man about college age. Curiouser and curiouser, I remember thinking, and once again forgot about her in the events that followed.
My daughter was not having an uneventful pregnancy. Although the baby was thriving, his existence was perilous. The phone was once again my enemy. Every other week or so I would receive a call with various alarming reports. There was spotting or cramping or dangerously high blood pressure or the risk of toxemia. The doctors had warned us to prepare for the fact that the pregnancy might not go full term, that the chances of delivering a healthy baby, or any baby at all-were slim. A dark cloud seemed to follow me throughout that winter and the last thing I thought about was the mystery of the red haired girl.
Until I saw her again in March.
I was returning from my daughter’s house, exhausted from coping with a bedridden, almost hysterical mother-to-be, when I spied her out of the corner of my eye as I pulled into my complex. She wasn’t in the Mobile station this time, but was standing outside, near the bank of newspapers. I caught only a quick glimpse of her as she opened the door to enter the store.
For the fourth time in a row, she was still barefoot, still in the same tattered T-shirt. Coincidence can only be stretched so far, I thought to myself. Something is very wrong here. My blood ran cold as I realized that somehow, some way, the red haired girl was the harbinger of doom, my own personal banshee. No one but me had seen her, that much was obvious, and the reason for this was because she existed for no one but me.
I exited my car in a mad rush, groping blindly for my house key as I ran to my apartment. I had one thought and one thought only. I had to leave town. If I saw the red haired girl again, my grandchild would die. It all made sense now. My car problems last summer had not been simply the result of an older car reaching a crisis point, but had been brought about by the sight of the red haired girl. My illnesses, more severe than any I’d ever had before, occurred after I saw her the second time. My daughter’s pregnancy had progressed smoothly until the third sighting. Every time I saw the red haired girl my life got worse. I had to get away from her.
I dashed around the apartment like a madwoman, throwing clothes into suitcases, gathering my credit cards and check book, pausing only long enough to leave a breathless message on my boss’s answering machine. I would not return until the baby was born. My avoiding the red haired girl was his only chance of survival. I had to get away, far away. A freezing drizzle was falling as I lugged my two heavy suitcases to the car.
A heavy bank of dark clouds smudged the horizon, obscuring what little was left of the day’s light. The drizzle had been a precursor to the main part of the storm, which I encountered when I had driven barely ten miles. The windshield wipers were useless against the heavy onslaught of sleet and rain, and I spent the better part of an hour perched nervously on the edge of the seat, straining to keep sight of the road in what little light the headlights provided. A howling wind buffeted my small car, making it almost impossible to remain in one lane. This was by far the worst storm I had ever driven in, and it was all the red haired girl’s fault. I knew she was trying to keep me from leaving town, that she wanted me to see her one more time so that my grandchild would die. Putting as many miles as possible between us was my only goal and I would endure any storm, no matter how severe, to accomplish it.
After fifty miles, the storm abated. Completely. The clouds simply disappeared, revealing a star-studded sky and a full moon, and the rain ceased abruptly, as if a giant hand had turned a faucet off. A feeling of sublime peace washed over me. I knew that I had outrun, outsmarted the red haired girl. I had done it. I was out of her jurisdiction now; she no longer had control over me or my life. I drove another hundred miles before I saw the Howard Johnson, a well-lit oasis in the midst of the dark stretch of highway. It was, I knew, to be my haven for the next few weeks, my hiding place until the baby was born.
The night was soft and still, the quiet broken only by the trill of a mockingbird as I pulled into a parking space and removed my suitcases from the backseat. The peaceful feeling remained as I walked into the garishly lit lobby and requested a room on the ground floor. All was right with my world now, the Mobile station far away and no longer posing a threat. Despite the heavy suitcases, my step was light as I followed the directions the clerk had given to my room at the far end of the complex. I was safe now, and, more importantly, so was my grandson.
I located my room and breathed a sigh of relief as I retrieved the key from my pocket. The horrendous drive was over; I was seconds away from being warm and comfortable. All would be smooth sailing from here on; in a few short weeks I would be holding a new baby in my arms. I inserted the key and pushed the door open.
The red haired girl was sitting on the bed.
submitted by Insertnamehere777 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2011.10.13 20:47 zombiecake The Elevator Speech (date unkown)

Translated into English by C. K. Fairview
Snoop Crematory Unicycle Arbor Lip Bundles Deficit Antler Afterimage Forbid Democrat Gunners Helpers The Jeopardy Seeds This Hires Milky Orbiter Grills Loader Wipers Incurable Disregarding Canteen Assembly Muzzle Dynasty Hazel Beck Metropolis Pith Planetary Torus Rosemary Fasteners Ropers Airports Reception Gospel Tower Radioactive Web Orchard Digger Every Blobs Sycamore Horizon Any Quantum Rentals Eligible Peppers Panthers Folk Turnings Curfews Solitaire Lawless Peck Papers Yeomen Banshees 6381 Leather Pen Lackey Fuller Imitative Dyers Eyeball Handout Doings Whitener Pence Frisk Memoirs Capital Sleigh Officer Sadistic Sergeants Ace Councillor Reception Pedagogy Series Waitresses Starboard Diode Precursors About Each Mason Topmost Corks Commando Rod Goddess Laboratories Fudge Trails Heal Warship Orgy Miser Blaster Intermediate Deride Lookup Another Innovations Mandatory Squabble Burden Scout Stratification But Browse Hatch Heaven Abscess Or Malt Hornet Chewer Hangmen Boldface Colloquia Squire Twelfth Ampersand Star Caterpillars Barbarian Sinker Magpie Mockingbird Either Airlock Skin Jackass Store Jerk Annex Sight Classical Chicks Cottonmouth Erector Each Postman Delegate Automata Malignant Firearms Food Snobbery Midst Agents Cell Sealing Tip Duck Smasher Platters Loaf Healers Notebook Papers Lubrication Pipelines Barb Disturbance Outermost Brunch Feline Insignificance Resistor Metropolitan Motorcycle Hang Ratios Juror Clove Radicals Onyx Catheters Judo Constructor Fiddler Deport Reptilian Bat 111900 Bangle Jerk Both Gate Malnutrition And Each Minds Big Loom Syndicate Sisters Bagger Settler Pill Steamboat Suitcase Salad Radar Mussels Tray Leaguer Hornet Pool Outbound Cartel Penitent Sables Pikes Bylaws Platoon Spellbound Glossary Constructor Magnolia Those Blushing Altitude Classic Association Dodgers Tabernacle Felicity Planetaria Erasure Spin Marionette Winter Stench Memberships Cruder Pal Stroker Keynote Industrial Tropical Orchard Deliverer Logic Surge Giraffes Sweeter Sufferers Routers Averages Depresses Bolsters Vanguard Dawn Lacrosse Advertise Extravagant No Map Scale But Both Bulge Vanishes Explore Distance Smelter Coolie Warship Sheik Ambler Emergency Fungal Harrowing Shots Automata Boutique Grand Averages Realest Critter Coils Neutrinos Pokerface Postmortem Grownup Mamma Northwest Airliner Beguiles Every Breweries Aviator Concubine Furnish Sharp Fame Mammas Wood Fathom Grievous Tack Lonelier Handcuff Cascade Hornet Errata Daddy Aviator Rob Or Stochastic Detractor Lake Lemmings Unbroken Existing Bye Maid This Clay Our Congratulation Boo Another Distribute Out Neither Stimulation Clinch 2384 Vampire Subtitles Musings Tunnel Misty Brother Antennas Pickup Winer Diffuser Maps Poisoner Pence Newlywed Planetary Martyrs Guidebooks Vocal Communications Bars Signet Marching Nimble Browbeat Eels Either Specials Satchel Dipper Putter Wash Harmonic Bureaucracy Examiner Crossroad Pussycat Malnutrition Creeper And Another Trackers Shamrock Slouch Sands Prep Bright Amenity Woodman West Rejoin Clan College Turnings Meets Mania Piers Withdraws An Bother Down Saints Vaunt Axon Disturbance Gargle Birds Gutter Knighthood Bulletin Icicle Waiter Revolution Runt Contour Outsider Garden Swerve Autobiography Headquarters Pebbles Vice Football Landings Thorns Starling Messier Slays Mandible Socialist Armored Octaves Drunken Magic Semaphore Catastrophic Drover Ampersand Canyon Spinal Loudspeaker Bottleneck Association Sweepings Cripple Onion Geological Whiskey Tour Forester Octagon Hoes Blitzkrieg Squid Merchandise Complex Yellow Tracker Heroin The Stochastic Neither References Ore Covenant Quanta Caster Neither Exile Fidelity Wisher Muzzles These Abatement Sheets Millipede Eggshell Rosebud Martingale Curling Licorice Award Torque Blaster Casual Hallow Clover Barbarous Syndication Suitcase Halcyon This Comforts Spider Insurrection Apple Primate Persuader Blossoms Astronomical Pacification Flashers Guiltiness Frost Fin Easter Protect Statute Cancels Smile To Inline Shelf Tax Reptile Indecent Sunburnt Underneath No Algorithm Chamberlain Rummy Curiouser Aloe Weeps Abstracts Candlestick Scurvy Elms Insane Florist Slowly Infamy Ballistics Magazine Calypso Batter Buckwheat Residential Clone Gospels Anoint No Guide Gate Licorice Oncology Freedom Datum Psychologist Shin Maddest Seamen Taproot Bilk Deride Sail Monsters Thinkers Vile Delegate Chateau Blondes Et Snobbery Levee Harp Aiding Administrative Metropolitan Erector Geographic Unto Faun Issuer Clan Pump Grove Ticker Millionaire Before Powder Supergroup Sale Strip 3302 Pavilion Nightingales Neither Anthologies Unconditional Commonwealth Glazer Retroactive Signet Iris Rattle Switchboard Bypass Plus Halogen Speck Radiator Continental Optics Meal Asphalt Paste Coward Fanatic Gambler Rings Replacements Jobs Read Enchantment Nebula And Cargoes Ordeal Appetite Fortification Neurosis Fate Elk Chronology Geophysical Patronize Commons Feudalism Speck Don Bunkhouse 6142000 Atrocity Strait Jails North Purity Slant Dolly Sedition Daydream Trout Slant Posture Caucus Leveling Nor Some Insolence Soles Tortoise Digital Every Brutal Skylarking Restaurant Chatter Deer Candlelight Lentil Ballet No Intensification Shot They Asterisk Tuft Vocabulary Nary Foamy Fumes Opprobrium Pica Consoles Industrial Bode Scurvy Dyer Wilt Telegraph Fox Knuckle Airmen Anthropology Megabit Stallion Illicit Depresses From But Interfaced Highland Pastime Scurvy But Redundant Lung Malt Commando Abstract Rat Cleaver Furniture Appropriator Despite Conditioners Sadistic Explore Auditorium Missive Deposition Naughty Tentacle Rewound Could Plague Pelt Coarse Curry Mated Misty Arbiter Both Correspondent Tresses Shrill Amber Smugglers Hexagon Lancer Headlight Oxide Lacquer Witchcraft Coffees Mammoth Shook Avalanches Institute Fuller Towards Deer Threes Absentia Merchants Shady Aiding Packing Pygmy Outlast Primers Plus Accent Outcry Desiderata Worship Briefing Gecko Outdoors Stapler Oleander Huh Satchel Below Bell Calculator Nor The Villas Deserters Beneath Flaming Gyroscope Garage Blinkers Bombs Sedition Vale Rentals 1896 Commons Nor Big Frugal Robins Shakers Poplar Volleyball 112597 101473 Sevens Penumbra Continental Her Plight Without These Pub Institutionalize Bloodhound Crush Spark Precise Pet Scientist Guiltiness Madras Smog Dwarfs Electron Reptilian Commemorative Indicators Asymmetric Arson Silvers Dyers Caterpillars Cargoes Sailboat Moderation 724381018408 Bump Crystal Grits Patina Infest Litter Little Stadium Skinner Minnows Landings Wag Arroyos Chanter Sept Cheetah Chapels Marble 606949028725 Sanctuary Caterpillars Quitter Wagon Ambuscade Spiral Cuisine Suspension Nonce Metrics Mayhem Snail Robe Commerce Hedgehog Reducer Gleaner Those Blowfish Donkey Lunar Acme Honeybee Swami Hitchhiker Crystalline Showdown Aeronautics Basin Vibrator Elision Dumber Suffragette Grieve Refugee Rash Sixpence Communication Ballistics Vaunt Frogs Bars Riverfront Pea Clove Goddess Southern Sturgeon Shiner Dolls Security Pod Releases Honeymoon Deserters Diversions Fuller Minnow Unlike Mutation These Inhaler Dazzle Starling Weekly Artery Madras Assembler Operates Moonlight Grimace Bombs Binocular Pole Lawns Dyer Unsolved Wrens Sirup Carver In Reliever Elementals Foolish Batter Amphitheater Bunkers Lambda Withdraws Housewife Balsam Earlier Because Rheumatic Giveaway Micro Cools Chum Purity Doves Programs Future Assembly Parabola Frugal Cannonball Sparrow Trucker Slender Bordello Telecommunications Sheet Video Wretch Canning Muffs Explosive Kisses Chlorophyll Rounder Checker Pong Muffs Observatory Historic Pouches Stringer Jury Another Mediate Laboratories Senselessly Schemer Colloquium Flam Sharp Beggars Caverns Micro The Spares Painter Committee Landers Acceleration Fidelity Lubricate Gantry Brown No Planetarium Standards Toner Taboo Rooster Retorts Insurrection List Smog Geographic Schooner Skid Gild Read Inflammable Alimony Pagan Mucus Unsent Ivory Secret Hook Buttercup Aerodynamics Overflow Squire Menagerie Unite Captain Laden Mammoth Workstation Circa Vermin 003085 Intramural The Backgrounds Realist Mouse Pilgrimage Hers Should Prejudge Shorten Ecclesiastical Igloo Nary Transfer Photography Weather Dragons Pikes Sale Wander Bee Nicks Insignificance Any Loudspeaker Brews Faithless Vault Opcode Thirteenth Breeze Disturb Bursa Salami Governor Reconfigured Radar Resistant Armadillo Maple Downers Apple Basins Debaters Upland Summary Handbags Sloper Newborn Apricot Moderation Bagger Astral Barbecue Bravos Conformity Mark Minus Dusty Slid States Archangel Pelican Novels Repairs Opera Botanical Distributor Shadowy Squirrel Cheaters Crab Suicidal Boatswains Pilgrimage Fabric Font Bandpass Crusher Optics Steamer Covert Exercising Patches Rubles Capybara Shibboleth Honer Wile Monkey Birch Sublime Terminate Threatens Villains Lip Allied Jeopardy Horseshoe Killings Bluefish Hedges Northbound Seeker Jostle Fury Fattest Morality Bantam Disengage Parson Skunks Chimera Lottery Greetings Tailors Thermodynamics Tea Crier Lettuce Knuckle Correspondent Evens Straight Bellboy Meals Medicines Brook Cow Noise Mallet Airships Saucers Corrosion Seductive Skylark Parker Absentee Ago Metallic Acquaintance Unfaithfulness Calorie Libido Subtitles Voyage Germicide Kinder Thinker Strangers Sphinx Hoodwinks Pester Elaboration Centaur Parasitic Wriggles Corpses Defenestration Revisited Optimist Threefold Oneness Runt Strawberries Upholster Naturalization Brimstone Classification Beers The Pebbles Providence Championship Flawless Relations Beret Quiz Chute Bump Retribution Realness Bull Lacquer Overrun Despite Kingdoms Esprit Pedagogy Fats Nominate Suffrage Import Census Slayer Gleanings Nickels Threshold Bittersweet Inhaler Transmission Treachery Collie Developer Fellowship Reset Squeamish Quixotic Further Waistcoat Lawn Fang Fireflies Symposium Another Solicit Pass Radiations Rumpus Blokes Penguins Parlor But Every Seats Cell Beehives Primate Cleave Playhouse Recipes Tops Illusion Bundles Tricky Reproduction Dateline Brook Patio Stiffs Crotchety Dish Exhibition Legislative Shameful Generates Up Pinafore Any Protocol Ashen Movement Southerner Garbage Faithless Rubber Files Critter Diode Pagoda Hangman Warner Proverb Checklist Grassland Mist Raid Pancake Ire Nary Cave Corners Honer Posters Crumbs Lottery 11343118 Chronic Rend Examiner Trampling Drifters Dog Satin Sloper Ferry Wades Qua Colonel Lamentation Visa Nab Haven Fingers Cavity Clouds Southern Mermaid Merry Starboard Mask Unopened Rerun Blessings Cranberry Mystics Igloo Colts Looseleaf Bumper Rifle Quill Mummy Matrimonial Artery University Acolyte Ardent Friars Gnu Dungeons Stopgap Cyberspace Relaxes Nightingales Gleanings Volunteers Beside Emeritus Anaconda Replace Neighborhood Shutter Miracle Mandarin Radicals Stochastic Bequest Chews Heal Caret Foundation Acoustics Juror Irregulars Matcher Bray Connectivity Smiles Orchestra Serendipity Evicts Pornographer Pact Brainstorm Shocker Missiles Swizzle Juror Marionette Peppers Oration Tokens Retreat Shivers Semiconductor Prosthetic Council Shampoo Cripple Forearm Patents Courageous Monk Mandatory Protocols Encryption Redressed Yourselves Chocolates Dusters Needles Electromechanical Count League Employment Every Fen Dent Peck Searchers Submit Symphony Invites Styli Races Monument Apostolic Linens Muffler Randy Athletics Gentile Blues Gangs Roulette Defenestration Reeler Playmate Tourists 021800 Concubine Permeate Lazy Spheres Gambler Lingua Hibernate Tenderly Malign Porters Blinker Bovine Salons Bloater Contain West Reclamation Monks Fetters Workhorse Fungus Us Sessions Registry Darkroom Pickup Severs Reset Citrus Injury Tramp Puns Diarrhea Aborigines Pens Math Grotto Thumbs Bandpass Coherent Squirrels Filters Rubble Thyself Quart Pasture Smartly Referrals An Pumps Humiliations Reindeer Martyrs Cottage Cutest Pavement Stiles Receivable Ancestry Elective Biography Uncovers Ford Nary Incursion Biofeedback Livers Tip Tigers Primate Opprobrium Decal Every Memories Notwithstanding Towards Keys Robins Firecracker Triple Each Breathe Bunk Both Circle Sludge These 085 689 Track Pith Poem Butler Alphabet Barefoot Amidst Artist Quick Loader Robs Gunners Exterminate League Foreign Technological 04 Potters Elephant Bellboy Poacher Learner Communists Math Journeymen Squabble Optionally Merchandise Careful Velocity Bridesmaid Mandarin Princesses Stench Glossary Merchandise Agricultural Eyepiece Gamma Plate Flak Detector Sweetens 072395 Extemporaneous Archangels Prophesy Dimes Midwinter Farm Artifact Severely Mockingbird Branching Condenser Gibberish Withers Loft Humanities Hierarchical Aerials Mould Crumbs Tropical Smother Hell Essence Sessions Cargo Scramble Modules Hospitality Skindive Mantle Finder Disillusionment Garage Absinthe Reeler Electrocutes All Tiers Doorway Normals Hook Slaughterhouse Needles Propane Oar Online Treatise Concord Activate Braid Equestrian Equestrian Refresh Drugstore Acolyte Garbages Sightings Sardine Euphoria These Reap Southern Pandas Berry Artisan Inland Grove Store Both Deploys Ransom Abbey Geyser Ways En Squat Checkout Qualm Clogs Extol Calendars Shadows Fink Enter Applicant Dent Caribou Shore Regressive Passionately Tapes Guyer Pointing Codeine Bullet Student Piston Peculiarity Rogues Equality Liberals 1272 Startup Oncology Bleacher Diagonals Gunpowder Cleanliness Maze Sweeter Skinner Gun Stabbing Evergreen Prelude Bizarre 00064 Shorthand Caves Blokes Grieve Asylum Polygon Defenestration Banana Walnut Limp Unicycle Mathematics Dune Scythe Ha 93075 Aboriginal Supplement Pro Dye Winnings Recreation Advisory Distributor Expectation Lentils Peculiarity Juror Petty Colored Consort Blonde Manufacturers Confide Waterfalls Panda Heathen Stormy Estates 81600 Consulate Skirmishes Spinster Quasar Palmer Womb Parabola Every Scarf Trauma Stagecoach Megabit Skylight Slave Nary Diagnoses Beatnik Flowchart Hop Asparagus Hells Mud Whip Caldera Grandstand Visor Shoe Consort Brainstorm 1751 Cavalier Sharer Rivalry Blokes Those Resume Overseers Sufferers Morphine Or Pea Poodle Resort Ravings Spear Throughout Neither Radioactive Foaming Heads Romantic Cork Sham Alias Anodize Sixes Stairwell Ashen Chooser Intern Dialog Omnibus Transit Trails ( 090102 4335 ) Photography Orchard Artwork Sweatshirt Impugn Grim Battle King Opera Tweed Warranty Cog Orchid Unite Oracle Promoter Seaside Battlefield Emancipate Runtime Inferences Beat Sloppy Bootlegged Judo Armadillos Humanities Overture Fanning Bifocal Stars Sewing Aboard Tower Wolf Looseleaf Lambert Jotted Spark Penny Vacant Encyclopedia Thumbs Lilacs Sifting Rancher Transpose Palfrey Proton Porridge Pacemaker All Cities Jungle Subterfuge Trucking Bravest Nary Beamer Signet Jolt Logic Either Deserters Merge Meeker Aid Chasms Finders Doghouse Binocular Engineering Foundation Bystander Clogs Refugee Bellwether Bracelet Garden Biology Unlike Every Rattle Terrific Punishments Voyage Postage Artichoke Unfit Bloodbath Valley Brazier Electron Pipe Jostle Dictionary Photo Usher Referrals Cloud Cake Grills 21973 0141302186 Congressional Elaboration Heaven Backbones Nor Its Miner Anniversaries Waxy Hearten Pentagon Tills Clay Exhibition Leeway Shallowness Under Boomerang Woman Oleander Echoes Or Bumble Brown Eliminator Frost Decimate Mantissa Industries Meadow Ladies Fire Outbound Breweries Motivation Kilowatt Blabbermouth Brown Rooter Needlework An Grandpa Primers Caption Ration Quadratic Essays Thug Mistakes Neither Peddlers Corder Contagion These Broadcasters Braid Schooner Federalist About Sale Genealogy Oleander Pumice Cleave Counsellors Inquisition Tip Sapiens Madder Vat Lantern Palace Depository 45801 Playmate Landlady Decimate Lentils Harem The Jury An Suction Reverie Fighter Kite Asparagus Gear Hibernate Relentless Destructor Guarantees Rush Antiquarian Venom Herd 76727 Insurance Century Average Chocolate Archangel Hijack Gate Funnel Thatch Crush Stationmaster Farm Marching Infection Roundtable Hollowness Diagnosis Sparkle Rheumatic Dregs Thugs Ripeness Either Currents Minnow Penitent Warning Anesthesia Courier Voucher Pundit Barbecue Affiliation Sire Crocks Plight Giveaway Urine 19937 Regulator Satin Brunch Every Blister Minstrel Hollowness Holiday Generals Apathetic Foxes Ballet Governor Nick Worm Chucks Seeker Depresses Phylum Train Instinct Bill Preacher Automata Boomerang Tower Unconventional Brindle Seagull Famous Dew Fury Adagio Mischief Urn Subtract Zoom Avalanches Idiocy Overseer Blacksmith Destiny Ranch Shadow Morphine Blister Contingency Why Woodman Bewilder Profiles Monarchy Citrus Spider Oh Imaginary Arsenic Exodus Fillings Furthermost Inducer Shop Hilltops Secession Holiday Hash Artist Printers Outside Ship Hex Manufacturer Malt Spurned 062797 Embargo Whitener Directrix Bulldog Tawny Slap Dearly Plus This Buns Insecticide Legalization Spheres Idiocy Mistakes All Directrix Shoemaker Chewers Squeeze Spoiler Consumer Hookups Symbolism Visit Soda Caster Surgical Pancakes Puzzles Marshal Armor Cherry Sugar Observer Clips Paroles Probe Entrap No Accomplices Canyon Hooker Newt Rocks Rollback Care Camper Strikers Zodiac Whisper Electroencephalogram Toward Pea Literature Lantern Breadbox Lynch Cord 0483 Each Balsam Rugged Obsession Ecclesiastical Outside Pickers Income Sublime Modulus Jeweler Fairest Positron Onto Girls Inactive Inter Pediatric Learner Captivity Lizard Memberships Horde Yeomen Sweatshirt Plaque Noontime This Republican Portfolios Eternal Creamers Gulch Snippet Gorillas Maple Patriot Esoteric Grammar Tit Smithereens Almighty Unborn Pandemonium Tremor Messenger Brooks Hideout Don Scoot Shortstop Hereditary Ball Rogue Terminus Sand Evacuation Precipitation Snore Variables Forum Consoles Federalist Centaur Parachutes Guyer Cents Dosage Paycheck Thinner Drape Virus Sanitary Trip Genealogy Priest Lighting Romp Omicron Specific Doubler Culture Equatorial Tapes Box Gadget Pinto Thumbs And Depot Audition Noise 708386 Cub Inclusion An At Leisure Adobe 518449 Canyon Guidebooks Sore Sender Smelt Calculator Infamy Complex Prosthetic Alibi Strip Drake Beggars Greatly Axiom Infection Aerosol Acme Fauna Nor Debaters Essays Oracles Gene Deductive Pacification Burrow Interface Puncture Commission Hawker Wings Calculator Bright Meals Reasonings Deliverer Tassel Loafer Fetus Mark Rule Seam Cottonmouth Pajama Communist Computer Future Flinty Accelerator Harrow This Crow Kitten Request Accordion Slope 0930 Informed Bias Cents Highwayman Asphalt Blindness Dozenth 4007 Slaughterhouse Southbound Clover Nobility Holistic Portals Goad Butterball Sheet Bowers These Vigilantes Potters Educators Mountaineer Fixers Banking Radiantly Pioneering Babes Seamen Police Heel Generosity Micro Shopping Qualm Gear Elf Agency Psalms Vile Starve Forge Price Smithereens Peptide Brazing Fours Armadillo Tertiary Cube Frame Internship Markets Reproduction Resurrection Cult Cram Pancake Eligible Affiliation Inflammable Seventieth Quarreling Promenade Quiz Redwood Portals Cargoes Harvester Student Shack Marvels Slicks Some Canary Dells Landlord Panda Vocational Stormy Powder Synapse Councillor View Caller Textile Rash Rob Commerce Synthetic Adhesive Lane Proficiency Neither Lizard Contractions Biscuit Mossy Snore 022301 Blink Fireside Instruction Mulberry Bridal Guarantees Protect Waits And Megabytes Rescue Opulence Cannonball Convulsion Interdependence Null Twang This 93110 Seeker Sale Brindle Consenting Supervisors Daybreak Crackpot Reproduction Bluffing Rag Bray Ax Shin Noonday Nebula Curfew Sanitation Shook Rentals Adagios Impoverished Ado Respondents Cyberspace Tropic Chamberlain Cobalt Dwarfs Administrator Demands Deserters Mummy Twas Peer Fidelity Monks Fables Wildcat Target Romp Snapdragon Husk Cents Ammonia Scooping Controversial Opium Gins Interpretive Universal Butterball Vampire Affective Blimp Tallow Daydream Rocks Ridge Rant The Artist Constitution Medicines Digitization Vaginas Twelfth Canal Salter Council Upland Drinkers Morrow Operates 11701 Spleen Snore Hut Or Tomb Quarterly Arrival Birches Arrival Pygmy Filter Grim Citadel Spore Conflagration Kissers Saintly Munch Sands Thesis Lobby Subjectivity Color Cane Flanking Shipyard Botanical Codfish Homeward Codeine Maxim Felicity Temple Crest Regent Journeyman Irks Sabbath Amity Mnemonic Mistletoe Muzzles Unite Miners Draft Plain Invisibly Minus Walrus Woodpecker Priority Tropical Sept Shovel Casual Gripes Interlink Boll Discs Horizon Chasers Strip Muzzle Carelessness Damnation Strobe Kinky Picayune Dependable Sonny Foothill Tour Overseers Chop Pinhole Matchers Stainless Omit Trick Chubby Larder Interactivity Lockup Femininity Stereotyped Peninsula Breeder Birdbath Those Round Whisper Cocks Movement Or These Stow Camper Briar Gnome Anodize Newsletters Scrolls Ambassadors Slang Soundings Gadgets Filing Ado Constructor Abducts Permutation Shell Nickname Cage Sorrow Surround Contagious Rides Commotion Attractor Fibers Declare 6975 Dosage Symphony Possum Dystrophy Quicksand Rentals Patrol Bunting Mandatory Planet Beecher Neither Birthdays Crowns Behemoth Forensic Snare Circuitry But Pagan Sweetens All Chariots Refills Sages Veering Carpenters Rangy Penny Musk Those Migrant Ore Borderline Highwayman Flips Newcomer Morn Impudent Memento Bolsters Boatswains Breve Eyepiece Tribe Planetaria Mayonnaise Mesquite Caucus Football Hierarchical Dragoon Cavalry Exhibitions Screech Scorecard Drawer Mistakes Upward Glandular Fury Scholastics Voyager Music Shaggy Halogen Shod Caches Agent Bazaar Briefcase Insignificance Skid Mischief Luncheon Undiscovered Because Cosy Reals Nor This Chants Vanguard Gamblers Harrowing Booster Monsters Monochrome Wharf Frost Acorn The Planet Birthplace Spider Dismount Sonata Belles Enslave Milky Guiltiness Adjusting Interdisciplinary Sheet Fingers Profiles Bullet Neither Prejudice Homer Cocks Circle Pew Tigers Drops Homemaker Tingles Amongst Apartments Some Clues Shamrock Disgorge Lichen Benefiting Outcast Grills Lie Puddle Kicks Thaws Codes Ignition Unwind Poncho Jeopardize Industrial Trail Magna Pearl Fractions Pea Vacant Inks Mammoth Humpback Beyond Garter Dome Highway Eels Quo Harden Naturalization Nimble Screw Mercury Mnemonic Cranberry Breve Encyclopedias Bewildering Needlework Clips Sunglasses Metronome Generals Vanishes Songs Ferry Up Bumper Bunk Snippet Pixel Acoustic Opcode Chokers Pharmacy Cheating My Pinto Smithy Pokerface Acetate Every Crows Operator Schema Staves Windmills 84033 Binaural Qua Dearest Commander Lacquer Tribunal Inhaler Opprobrium Elective Communion Cherish Promotion Popular Beck Freeway Although Photo Chicks Forecast Pea Conversion Extents Trick Civilian Checkout Lynx Snowflake Laziest Muffs Mighty Lawgiver Renown Clone Pea Asymmetric Gory Leeway Waxer Regresses Woodpecker Agent Misfits Digestion Avant Barricade Hunger Lambs Westward Gopher Macintosh Sight Southern Mutton Ashman Leper Martyrs Brindle Cherub Donkey Factor Ellipsis Tills Eighteenth Pod Tentacles Keynote Kudo Ambassador Airship Abbey Bison Price Cabaret Unbroken Olden Kosher Congenital Episcopal Wire Impostor Tallow Tyranny Repetitive Suture Rot Pagan Abbot Lascivious Rainbow Mountings Sonata Journey Criers Rumble Math Mandible Lifetime Valence Wriggles Scythe Notices Celebrate Assuredly Inaugural Rides Heather Multiplicity Hunt Ambuscade Paradox Dyer Fink Ropers Sleigh Tribunal Each Supervisors Nil Entertainer Files Folksong Tide Rooster Cardinal Traveler Heliocentric Seventieth Esoteric Misfortune Riddance Concerts Mare Cantaloupe Catnip Abolition Protect Pity 1207 Electroencephalogram Raisers Darkroom Hearten Naughty Monarchs Lily Despatch Moonlight Doom Vile Both Symptoms Shampoo Labor Comparison Rove Arithmetic Seats Trainees Fixer Minstrels This Starfish Tokens Chariots 27450 Substructure Schooner Tails Vehement Deride Parson Welsh Diploma Behemoth Fortress Sleepy Sinewy Skinny Acumen Gorilla 9973 Charting Joystick Washer Grammars Injury Insane Skunks An Nab Balsam Foamy Flock Dyer Jitterbug 5073 Leafy Rolling Daemon Or Any Pal Shame 1803 Poke Deeps Hull Bootleg Proton Reception Relentless Nor Either Deem Lurches Jazz Summary Rupture Limelight Feathers Vogue Livers Broiler Axes Chasms Powders Mart 0722 Yourself Derrick Pioneer Online Minus Airships Those Preparations The Sandstone Islanders Crackpot Boss Octet
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