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For gamers behind the times

2011.11.11 18:42 Zlor For gamers behind the times

A gaming sub free from the news, hype and drama that surround current releases, catering instead to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.

2008.03.12 23:51 Be you. - /r/Gay

gay is for everyone in the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. Divisive posts or comments intended to "Drop the T" or other such drivel will result in an instant ban and mute. United we stand against hate, no quarter shall be given.

2015.02.04 17:49 idislikeapple Best of rock punk metal ska emo screamo metalcore hardcore pop punk post hardcore etc... In london

Tell us about gigs you've been too. Gigs you are going to. Your band. The best club nights. Venues. And just general shit.

2024.05.15 09:29 Suspicious_Fish_3917 Feeling Stuck: Struggling at My Job and often feeling anxious about it

Hey everyone,
I’m really struggling and could use some advice or words of encouragement. Lately well most of the time I’ve been doing it (5years), I've been feeling like I'm just not good at my job. No matter how hard I try, I can't shake the feeling that I'm not meeting expectations or performing well enough. It's been really weighing on me, affecting my confidence and overall happiness.
On top of that, I don't even know if I like my job that much. Every day feels like a grind, and it’s hard to find any motivation or passion for what I’m doing. While I try and put effort in I feel like it’s never enough, I can’t finish anything and I’m often forgetting things. I often feel anxiety outside of my work hours about work.
I know I want something different, but I'm not sure what that looks like yet. I feel trapped in this cycle of dissatisfaction and self-doubt. Has anyone else been through something similar? How did you find the courage to make a change?
Thanks for listening. Any advice or shared experiences would mean a lot to me right now.
submitted by Suspicious_Fish_3917 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:28 TraditionSolid474 Pain and guilt from my past eating me alive

Me- 5 months sober, in between sponsors, actively looking for a new one.
I can’t handle the shame and guilt from my past. I am a bad, selfish person. I have hurt people. I have harmed them, probably irreparably. I have been self centered and sick and twisted. I ruminate constantly.
I know what the promises tell us. “We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.” But I’m doubtful it can work for someone as bad off as me. I’m not sure forgiveness is possible.
A lot of things I did, I did sober. How can I reconcile that? It was just me.
I think I’m destined for hell, and that is probably what I deserve.
I guess I’m posting this as a cry for help, wondering if the steps can really help me. Did any of you feel like this? Did the steps really change things for you? I have been going to meetings for a long time now and they are not enough to fix this hole in my soul. I’m starting to think that suicide is my only way out. (**not a cry for help, I have no intention to kill myself don’t worry*)
submitted by TraditionSolid474 to alcoholicsanonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:27 Prestigious-Echo-847 Need assistance!! Electrum ColdCard

I believe this is pure user error, however I hope this is a curable mistake.
When I originally set up the coldcard, I paired with electrum to receive payments in a more secure manor without going over board. It's been a few months since I last connected but I've since come back and I'm meet with:
Could not automatically pair with device for given keystore. (keystore label: 'Coldcard Import 000000 Acct#1', bip32 root fingerprint: '000000') Please select which Coldcard device to use: (Or click cancel to skip this keystore instead.)
What can cause this and how would I fix it?
Also if it's requesting to connect to the coldcard, wouldn't that mean the coldcard was used in the set up?
Lastly and honestly a silly question but would changing the seed change the fingerprint?
Many thanks
submitted by Prestigious-Echo-847 to coldcard [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:25 SkankyHawk I can’t tell if I’m self-sabotaging my relationship

For context, my boyfriend (19M) and I(18F) have been together for about 3 and a half months now. It was very rushed as it just sorta felt right. This is my first proper relationship besides occasional situationships/FWB, which have given me plenty of bad experiences yet some fun memories, and he’s had one previous girlfriend. We live quite far away, it’s essentially a long distance relationship in which we see eachother once a week.
I didn’t really know what to expect from a relationship but it has brought out an insecure irrational side of me which I want to fix. Our limited time together recently has had me getting somewhat irritated/mad over small things which I take time to think about and apologise. My bf is amazing, he makes me feel comfortable, can tell when I’m in some mood and allows me to freely communicate without judgement.
However, recently some ‘issues’ have been bothering me a bit more than I think it should. He hasn’t shown me on any sort of socials and whenever we make plans for just us he wants to see if we can meet my friends or change plans and invite others last minute (which are all mutuals). It doesn’t seem like much but I feel like he doesn’t want to hang out with me and maybe keep the single attraction? He would usually come to my place to stay over, and more often than not, he’d make plans with his friends (i don’t really know them) which makes him need to leave earlier. it’s somewhat ok with me but makes me feel like he doesn’t prioritise the little time we get together? We also only really meet at night time due to both our schedules and I’m worried we haven’t done enough activity stuff because most of our time together consists of chilling at my place or chilling with friends then going to mine.
I can’t tell if these are just irrational thoughts or if he simply just doesn’t prioritise me as much as I expect. Also, since I haven’t had the best experiences with men I feel like I’m self sabotaging my first relationship because I absolutely love him to bits and he’s such a caring, understanding guy which I can joke and mess around with.
I just want to know if this is normal and if I’m straight up overthinking? and if anyone has advice on how not to feel insecure about this please let me know, I’ve honestly been annoyed at myself for letting my feelings get the best of me.
TLDR: I feel like my boyfriend doesn’t prioritise me but I can’t tell if I’m just overthinking or self sabotaging.
submitted by SkankyHawk to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:23 oOo_sPoPiZoL_oOo WIBTA if I took a vow of silence?

I don’t think there’s any point to talking anymore when people don’t listen to what you say anyway, don’t answer direct questions, put words in your mouth that you’ve never said, and just want to complain and waste your time for hours on end with depressing, hopeless and pessimistic conversations of depression, anxiety and paranoia with no intent to solve their problems and stop complaining. I have taken up so much of my time and mental health and money to help people who never really wanted help, just an emotional punching bag. I just want to find peace and optimism again that have been destroyed by words.
I have no need to use words and I’m much happier without them, I can use my actions to speak to people. Words are in the way of actions and I’m so sick of being stuck in other peoples loops of complaining rather than acting / resolving things or doing things for my own self care. I have been very verbal how depressed it makes me feel, how it’s intrusive to my life, how I have responsibilities I cannot meet, and even have blatantly said “no” to everyone about these conversations because it’s putting me on a brink of a heart attack.
Since covid all people want to do is compare everything, make everything a competition, and complain. I’m over it and don’t see why I should talk anymore.
WIBTA if I took a vow of silence? Workplace doesn’t care and can accomodate it.
I just want to find peace again and not feel like like if some hopeless, depressive thing like the conversations people throw at me. I want to be optimistic.
In terms of support please note I’m fine and this doesn’t need to be flagged.
submitted by oOo_sPoPiZoL_oOo to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:22 WillingOkra5958 Found a green flag but brokeup

Story: I 23F Met 25M on a app n dated for 3months. Im pro for a govt exam meanwhile he works as software engineer.
Everything was good he is a good person ,kind, empathetic n caring.Dates are wonderful, romance is on point we are happy and love each other alot.
Reason: From the beginning I know tht He is naive n didn't understand few things about dating ,so I waited patiently for him to learn himself how to talk n date women. He says he never dated before and iam his first relationship.
We talked alot n share similar views in many things, he is a very good person so i liked him alot (still do) as a person.
But The biggest problem is spending time. he is always busy n never makes time except for one day -weekend when we meet for a date. He is like this since the day 1 i thought may be we r still in getting to know phase let it be but even now when we r in a relationship he is still same. Every night I wait for his msg as he will be free during night but he either watches a movie,go out to eat with roommates at midnight or falls asleep in btw texting. Whenever I ask he says he can't text if PPL r around he wants to spend time with them.
We barely text on weekdays n only spend time in weekend for one day. He don't have any other girl in his life I saw his socials (to think he is spending his time with someone)so clearly no cheating.
I constantly hated this feeling of waiting for him everyday so I stopped n started to do something else at nyt instead of waiting but this only got us apart and ntg changed. He is fine with this but I hate spending very little time with my bf.
I wanted a relationship where i could spend time n connect emotionally to my partner which seems not happening in our relationship.i thought it is just 3months let's wait but it keep getting worse n he is taking me for granted n unbothered about spending less time as we r official now.
I tried to break-up twice communicating about this issue but he promised he will make time n he do it for two days later back to his old self.
Idk I loved him alot n but this thing is bothering me alot we both live in same city just 18kms apart yet it feels like we r in some long distance relationship with time zone difference.
So I told him how I want to end this time for sure n he says wait till ur exam n later we can do tht (he believes it will effect my preparation and also can convince me again so I won't leave)
Yesterday I was fed up with this n it has impacting me mentally i feel so much pain over this repeated behaviour n tired of asking him to spend time so I send him a msg wishing him best n blocked him everywhere.
But idk if I did right thing by blocking instead of mutually ending things by discussing? ( Bec he never let me end as he convince me everytime he will do better n I fall for it) So I want to leave on my own without hearing anything from other side.
But deep inside I know he is a green flag and very empathetic person yet in our relationship he is not doing enough.🥹n im tired of feeling like one sided.🥲
submitted by WillingOkra5958 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:22 Joe2_0 The Nature of Grunts - 2

Memory Transcription Subject: Alus, Yotul auxiliary to the UN Spaceborne Infantry
Date [standardized human time]: March 3rd 2137, 1000 hours ship-time
After Gutierrez showed me to our compartment, and I dropped off my duffelbags, he began leading me to the Armory, where I would be assigned my rifle and 'sensitive items' as he put it. As we walked, my mind churned with more questions.
"Hey, uh, Guts. Back in the supply compartment, you mentioned the 'USMC'? That's the American Marines right? I thought you were UN Spaceborne infantry."
"Yeah, so, I am a Marine. Marine to the core. But Earth sorta got thrown into this whole clusterfuck without having a properly unified military, and instead of trying to set up a whole new service from scratch, they got the big five on the Security Council, being us, the Brits, the French, the Chinese, and the Russkis, to pitch in units. So you got Marines and Army making up the American portion of the SI, and Navy and Airforce making up our part of the fleet. Same for every country that pitched in, even some outside the UNSC." Gutierrez explained, his hands moving about animatedly. "Right now it's a hot mess because none of the standards, paperwork, or anything changed, but I guess they'll probably formalize and standardize the SI and Fleet after all this shit is done. All we currently got that's the same is rifles, uniforms, and equipment. The traditions and paperwork and shit are all wildly different from one countries units to another, and sometimes even within the same country's units because of different branches. The US Marines and US Army for instance, we share a lot of the same shit you know, but our low-level paperwork is branch-specific, and our organization is different."
I thought for a moment about what he was saying as we walked though the passageways, pondering on the idea of what a truly united Human military could accomplish, if everything Humanity had done so far was with a truly thrown-together force. As I looked up again, I saw we were approaching the armory, and mentally filed my next question away for later. We crossed through the threshold, and I found myself standing in front of a grated window, another Human on the other side.
"Sarn't Johnson, I'd like you to meet our new Yotul auxiliary, Alus. We're doing inprocessing, and need to get his weapon and equipment drawn and assigned."
The new Human looked down at me curiously and smiled, before reaching down and grabbing a few sheets of paper from under his desk.
"Alright" the Sergeant said, before moving deeper into the armory, stopping at a weapons cage, before unlocking it and inspecting the rifles line up inside "So, what are we billeting him as?"
"Just an 0311, needs a rifleman's kit and associated gear" Guts replied, leaning forward to watch the Sergeant.
"Gotcha. Just gimme a minute here."
Guts and I watched as the Armorer pulled a cart over, and picked out a rifle, laying it down on the cart, and locking the cage, before moving to the next rack and removing a small black bag, repeating the process along the line of cages across one wall of the armory, before coming back to the front, and pressing a button on his desk. I heard a click from a door next to the grated portal, and Gutierrez waved for me to follow him through the door, and into the armory.
The Sergeant had sat back down, and was poring over what appeared to be a checklist as he inspected each piece of equipment, ticking them off down the list one by one. When he was done, he clipped it to a clipboard, and handed it off to Gutierrez, before looking toward me.
"So, Heard you fellas went through some sorta training dirtside, so you should be familiar with at least the rifle?" He asked, picking up a notably shorter version of the standard UN rifle I had qualified on Earth with.
"Yes, ours were longer, it kinda seemed like they weren't really meant for non-Humans to use. We could all barely aim them shooting, uh, offhand I think it was?"
"Yeah, sounds about right for an indoc unit. The M-36 is a piston gun so it's good bit heavier out front than the old M-16's the Corps used to issue way back, Mag in the back kinda balances the whole shebang on the carbine variants" he slapped the side of the firearm he was holding "But on the full length rifles they're just ungodly long barrels. Ay, Guts, something like a 28-inch heavy barrel on the old M-36A1's?"
"Yeah, something stupid like that," Guts said, looking up from the paperwork he had been signing, as he set it down on the table. "Marines wanted a gun that was the same length or shorter than an M-16, Piston, and could reach out to like 800 meters with 5.56. I think Bushmaster pulled out some old relic from the 20th century and just modernized it? I remember the K&M lawsuit right when we started getting the A1's back in 2130, but yeah."
The sergeant nodded and turned back to me, pointing at the firearm again "So, when the Corps finally removed their head from their fifth point of contact-"
"Their ass" Gutierrez helpfully interjected, grinning
"Yes, But anyways, They saw some issues with going back to a full size rifle, and got carbines made to replace the A1's for combat arms. Shorter barrel, shorter gas system, shorter receiver, way lighter out front. Super nice shooting guns to boot. Bushmaster also sold them on this neat quick-change barrel system they thought up too, so now we have a bunch of smoothbore barrels for flechettes, rifled barrels for traditional ammunition, pencil barrels for riflemen, heavy barrels with bipods for autoriflemen, in a bunch of different lengths. These fuckers are modular as hell."
The sergeant had what was probably the widest grin I'd ever seen on a Human as he finished talking, and it very nearly took me aback, despite the Yotul, myself included, not having the same issues with Human mannerisms as the wider Federation.
"I-I'm not gonna have to carry all of those, right?" I asked, hesitantly, and Gutierrez broke out laughing, while the sergeant suppressed a chuckle.
"Nah kid, we just pick a rifle and swap the barrel to the one you need for what you're doing. Mostly just makes shit easier on my end really. You're just getting a carbine-length pencil barrel, lightest of the bunch."
The Sergeant shifted, bringing the rifle to his shoulder, and pointed it at a canted barrel, sticking the muzzle in, and pulled back the charging handle, sticking a finger into the rifle's ejection port, before looking in, and releasing the charging handle, before pulling the trigger with a 'click'. He then held out the rifle for me, and I took it, surprised at how much lighter it was than the one I had been issued in training.
"So, one M-36A2." the Sergeant said, before pulling a metal cylinder from a small pouch, and peering through it up at one of the lights, before getting up and grabbing a metal rod, and walking over to me. He stood alongside me, and slipped the cylinder over the muzzle of the rifle, before inserting the rod down the barrel, and peering closely at a small gap around the rod.
"And one suppressor. Clears the rod check so that shouldn't give you any issues. Guts should be able to explain the adjustable piston to you so you don't get gassed in the face while you're using it." With a quick twist of a collar on the back of the tube, the armorer pulled the device off the muzzle and stuck it back in it's pouch, and picked up a larger cloth case. He pulled something that looked like a visor on an articulating arm from it, and inserted a pair of batteries into a cylinder that ran along the top.
"This here is the AN/PVS-101 'Fused vision system'. Little heads up display that links up with the rest of your fireteam, and also has thermal and Infrared overlay. Just a fuckin' neat piece of kit honestly. Datalink is hardened to all hell, and the whole system's idiot-proof. I've seen ones that pre-date the Satellite Wars. Uses an accelerometer and gyro system to keep track of where you are in the area, and can pulse lidar to give you visuals in full pitch-black. You can also mark obstacles, enemy troops, vics, whatever with eye-clicks, and the system keeps track and spreads that out to all the linked systems. Plus there's a version that goes to the fireteam leader, which transmits all that collated data back to company level, and gives them an up-to-date picture of everything that's going on. Just honestly fuckin' cool."
He then held up a square plate on the back of the arm to his forehead, and withdrew a small box from the back and touched it to the back of his head.
"The FVS mounts to the socket on the front of your helmet, and the Processing unit just mounts to the rear, acts like a counterweight too which keeps your neck from hurting nearly as much while you're using it."
Placing both items back in the cloth bag, He finally held up what was obviously a handheld radio, and a set of earmuffs.
"This is the AN/PRC-255. It's a radio, and might as well work with Angry Pixies. I know it's got a 60 mile range, and hops frequencies, and the Comms nerds have some kind of black magic ritual to make them work. The hearing protection doesn't have some letter-and-number name, but they hook up to the radio, and they'll also link up to other headsets nearby like the FVS to communicate without radio. The Radio isn't nearly as impressive as the FVS, and the hearing protection hasn't changed in a meaningful way in about a hundred years. 3M is the Browning of comms gear, I swear. And, that's petty much it."
I looked at the neat pile of equipment sitting next to the carbine, and looked down at my hands, realizing I had nothing to carry any of it with, before looking up at Gutierrez.
"Is it alright if you carry some of this, I don't think I can carry it a-" I said, before I was cut off by laughter from Sgt Johnson.
"Nooooooo, no kid." The sergeant said, wiping tears from his eyes. "This all stays here unless you actually imminently need it. It's assigned to you now, but it stays under lock and key." he explained, while Gutierrez seemed to look simultaneously aghast and about to burst into laughter. My abbreviated training had failed to explain a few things, it seemed, as I had simply assumed that they had locked up our equipment because we were were trainees.
"See, everything in here is either VERY killy, or VERY expensive. And Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines around Earth all have a penchant for shenanigans, and breaking anything they touch. Occasionally themselves too, if left entirely unsupervised with dangerous objects. So we don't let any of you have things which can be described as 'Killy', 'Expensive', or 'Killy and Expensive' unless it's specifically pertaining to the task at hand, Rah?"
"I, uh, see yeah. Rah?" I replied, somewhat dejectedly, and slightly confused.
"Rah." The Sergeant said in reply, and began to load all of the 'Killy and expensive' equipment back onto the metal cart, chuckling to himself still, as Gutierrez tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey, chow's in about an hour, let's get you back to the barracks so you can get your OCUU's on, and outta those class-B's right?"
"Yeah, that sounds good, I don't think I've eaten since before I arrived at the Orbital, I'm starving" I said, as I followed the Spaceborne Infantry Marine out of the Armory's door, and back down the passageway to the berthing areas of Grunt Country.
submitted by Joe2_0 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:21 Boring-Rutabaga5319 A Comprehensive Guide About Application For Leave From School

During a student’s academic journey, unplanned events may happen that require them to miss class. People with kids need to know how to ask for school leave, whether for an emergency, a family emergency, or a planned vacation. You can request to miss school in writing by filling out an application for leave in school. People typically apply to leave school for various reasons, such as to go on a long trip, get medical care, or go to an event. Remember that applications for school leave need to be made politely and professionally. The application for leave in school should be brief and indicate the cause for the absence, how long it will last, and when the student will return. The application for leave will be talked about briefly in this article.

Reason for Leave application

For private reasons

A student may need to take time off if they have to deal with a family problem or another personal matter. For medical reasons if a child is sick or hurt and needs to be cared for or rest, they may have to miss school. Parents have to provide an application for leave in school for fever.

Because of religion

A student might miss class to attend a church event or celebrate a holiday. Because they need to learn, students may miss class to finish an internship, go on a study abroad course, or go to a conference.

Outside of school

Students may miss a few school days because of an event or action outside of school.They should provide an application for leave in school for going out of station.

Types of Leave

Medical, personal, emergency, and holiday leave are the most common types of leave that schools give. Knowing the differences between the types is essential because each may have different needs and ways of applying them.

How Applications Are Made?

Applications for leave in school are made through routes set up by schools. As part of it, you might have to use a website, fill out a form, or write an official letter. Parents and children should learn about the school’s recommended application process to ensure they follow it.

Very Important Papers

Application for leave in school may mean that schools must ask for supporting documents. Medical leave sometimes needs a note or proof from a doctor. You may need the same kind of proof of trip plans for vacation time. Gather the necessary paperwork and send it in with the leave request.

Time of absence

Most of the time, schools ask parents to let them know before they take their child out of the building. Then, the school management can do the right thing and ensure the child’s education is interrupted less often. Parents should request time off from school as soon as possible, in line with the school’s stance on advance notice. Parents should provide an application for leave in school for 1 day in advance.

Amount of time away

When it comes to schools, there may be rules about how much time you can miss for different reasons. There may be limits on vacation time, but people who are sick may be able to take medical leave for as long as they need it. Parents and children should know these time limits so they don’t get mixed up. The school management takes requests for time off when they are sent in. Anyone on the staff, like the director, school counsellor, or someone else, can review this. Parents and kids should be patient and wait for proof of clearance before moving forward.

Communication Tools

Schools usually set up specific ways for parents to talk to their administrators about requests for time off. One way to do this is to go online, email a pre-addressed address, or call the school office. When parents and kids use the official ways to get in touch, they can ensure their needs are heard and met. Parents and kids who want to take time off should check in with the school to ensure they got the application for leave in school and see what’s going on. They should quickly provide additional paperwork or details to speed up the process. The open conversation keeps approvals from being late.

Other Places of Education

To make sure that a student’s education continues while they are abroad, schools could offer other ways to learn. This could mean making study guides, giving homework, or teaching online. Asking about these plans might help lessen the adverse effects of leave on a child’s schoolwork. It must be turned in before the leave of absence starts and is usually sent to the school’s department head or director.

Go back to School Rules and How to Do Things

Schools could have set up specific rules to help kids return to the classroom after taking a break. This could include going to teacher meetings, making up missed work, or finishing tests. Parents who want to ensure their child returns to the regular schedule should call the school. For legal and administrative reasons, schools keep much information on students present and absent. To avoid problems, parents and children must carefully record requests for time off and keep an eye on their child’s attendance.

Review and Thoughts

Parents and kids can stay current on any changes or improvements by reviewing the school’s leave policies and procedures. Giving the school administration comments on their experiences with asking for time off can also help ensure that things keep improving.


Parents and kids need to know the school’s rules about requesting time off to talk about their needs and ensure the kids have a smooth educational experience. Parents and kids can handle the process confidently and keep their child’s schooling as regular as possible if they know the types of leaves, the necessary paperwork, and the permission processes. Parents and schools must work together, plan, and talk to each other so that application for leave in school requests are adequately treated and students can keep up with their work.


How do I request school leave?
To request school leave, write to your principal or other school administration.
How early should I request leave?
Leave should be requested as early as possible to allow the school to make arrangements. The timeline depends on school policy and the cause of the leave. In a medical emergency, you may need to apply for leave sooner.
What is the use of leave applications in school?
A leave application is a written request to take time off school, college, or employment for a certain period.
submitted by Boring-Rutabaga5319 to primetimesnow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:21 grady_vuckovic 7 Proposals for Ways of Addressing Housing Affordability

I don't need to tell anyone here that housing affordability is bad right now so I'll cut to the chase...
What can be done about it?
I got seven proposals to address the problem.
But first.. lets talk about what I call 'Non-Solutions'.
A Non-Solution is something that feels like a solution but isn't. For example: Scratching at itchy skin isn't a solution to a rash.
There's a few Non-Solutions I'm going to be avoiding with my proposals:
Instead solutions need to be formed through means such as:
So - what could we do?

Proposal 1 - The AAHC

I call it the 'Australian Affordable Housing Construction Company', aka, AAHC Co.
Government initiated housing construction company, similar to the NBN Co.
It has one goal: Build houses and sell them. It has a target rate of 'houses/quarter' it aims to construct houses at. That rate is set by an independent body that aims to keep the cost of housing to a fixed level relative to incomes, and controlled in a fashion similar to the official interest rate. Another lever on the economy. The rate increases when housing supply is low, and decreases when housing supply is high.
The AAHC builds houses. Then sells them. Simple as that. No other purpose. The goal is to break even, build houses, sell them at market value (no profit). The great thing is, this means the AAHC has a net zero funding cost for the tax payer - literally costs nothing to run, because it pays for itself through sales of houses.
The actual construction would be done by external private construction companies under contract who compete under bids to build suburbs worth of houses in large projects. Which is another benefit. Lots of jobs creation, a big boon for our local manufacturing and construction industry, and any related employment opportunities (construction companies don't just hire builders after all, they hire graphic designers, accountants, managers, receptionists, etc).
As additional benefit, because the government is building the houses, it can ensure the houses meet conditions and standards we the people want to see applied to future housing construction. So it could be mandated for example, every new home constructed must have air conditioning, must have solar panels, etc.
The AAHC Co in summary:

Proposal 2 - Nationalised Definitions of 'Tiny Homes', and Easing Of Laws Regarding Them

The reality is, there is such a shortfall of housing in Australia, that it may take a decade or longer to address the problem, even if we started implementing the right policies to do so today.
What people need is alternatives. Today.
Such as 'Tiny Homes'.
Tiny homes can be constructed in larger quantities, prefab, for cheaper than a house, and constructed on a trailer frame which allows them to be easily moved and transported.
They can be significantly cheaper than a house, and moved easily, opening up prospects for someone to own reasonable housing in Australia for a fraction of the cost of buying an established constructed house, by buying very cheap land, a cheap 'Tiny Home' and parking it permanently on their land. Then eventually moving it on, selling it even, once it comes time to upgrade to a permanent fixture house, or move into a larger fixed house.
Because they're legally defined as caravans, they subject to all the same rules.
The first problem is, those rules vary depending on where you live. Not just for each state, but even depending which council you live in. Some councils have no clear regulations at all, making matters worse. A nationalised definition of a 'Tiny Home', and national laws regarding them, would make life easier for everyone.
The second problem is, because currently Tiny Homes are defined legally as Caravans, they are subject to the same restrictions, which can be stifling, such as, subject to location (state or council laws vary). Here are some of the worst restrictions found around the country:
A nationalised legal framework for tiny homes, and easing of laws around them, to make them easier and cheaper to obtain, install and live in, would open up possibilities for alternative means of housing to ease the burden on the existing housing market.

Proposal 3 - Housing Super Fund

Super is a well established method for ensuring individuals can afford their retirement without resorting to giving people free money or price fixing the cost of retirement. It forces employers to make contributions to employee's super funds, that then collect invest, grow, and eventually can be accessed at retirement age.
This is a mechanism we can borrow to achieve a similar result for renters, to allow them eventually afford housing.
I call it a 'Housing Super Fund'.
How it could work is like this:
Every tenant is Australia, could have a 'housing super fund' set up for them when they start renting. Every time a tenant pays rent, the land lord receiving the rental payment, could be required to deposit 5% of that payment into the tenant's housing super fund.
Land lords will insist, argue, that they will put up rents by 5% to compensate. But this is a lie. Prices are determined by customer purchase power. Renters will not have any additional purchase power as a result of this change. Rents won't go up in real terms over a long period of time, instead this change eats a cut away of rents from landlords and invests it on the behalf of tenants.
The housing super fund could be made accessible if and when a tenant is making their "first home purchase". If that never occurs, the funds could available automatically at retirement age instead.

Proposal 4 - Increased Property Taxes for Landlords & Elimination of Negative Gearing

While some people are facing the prospect that they may NEVER be able to afford a house in their lifetime - other individuals, might have as many as 7 properties, and are currently shopping for their 8th.
It's obvious, that the system strongly favours those who already own houses and have capital, ahead of those who don't.
So, simple solution, is to increase taxes for being a landlord.
Property taxes faced by individuals could be higher for those who own more than one house, and increase with each additional house owned.
And, Negative Gearing, eliminated, since it creates such a massive financial incentive to own more than one house.

Proposal 6 - Harsh taxes on empty resident housing

A simple proposal.
There are empty houses across Australia.
Tax the owners until they either rent them out or sell them or move into them.

Proposal 7 - Housing HELP Loan

Saved the best for last. Got a HELP Loan? Then you know how this loan structure works.
You borrow money from the government to pay for education, and then pay off that help loan in your taxes, if and when your income is above a minimum threshold. In the mean time, the loan amount is adjusted based on interest rates at the end of each financial year.
There's no reason why we can't have a similar loan structure made available for housing.
'Housing HELP Loan' could be made available to cover up to 75% of the purchase price of an individual's first home, with the remaining 25% required as an upfront deposit. The loan then can be paid off as part of the individual's taxes if and when their income is above a minimum threshold.
This would enable millions who currently can't get a home loan to finally get one, and ensure the debt of a home loan isn't financially crushing when individuals end up in a situation where they are temporarily unable to pay off their loan due to loss of employment.
That's 7 proposals to fixing housing affordability in Australia.
Which ones do you think would work?
Which ones do you think would stand a chance politically of being supported by a major party and made into reality?
submitted by grady_vuckovic to shitrentals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:19 Boring-Rutabaga5319 What You Need To Know About Famous Khushali Kumar

Everyone is interested in khushali kumar‘s life story. Most of the people who are interested in her personal life details. She has been, for a long time, a “star.” As we know, she is one of the well-known persons in Bollywood. Have you ever heard about khushali kumar relationships? Let’s find out what’s unique and essential about her.

amily and birth

Are you interested to know what khushali kumar age is? She was born on December 19, 1988, in Mumbai. Her family is from Punjab, and they are Hindu. Do you know who khushali kumar parents are? Ganesh Kumar Dua and Sudesh Kumari Dua are her parents. Two of her siblings are named Tulsi Kumar Dua and Bhushan Kumar Dua. Most people want to know khushali kumar husband name.


Khushali Kumar‘s first music video was for the song “Mainu Ishq Da,” which came out in 2015. Her sister Tulsi Kumar sang a “Mere Papa” music video for Gulshan Kumar the following year. She was in the video. She was in a 2017 video song with Tulsi Kumar called “Highway Star.” In 2021, Tusli Kumar and Jubin Nautiyal sang the song “Pehle Pyaar Ka Pehla Gham” in a music video with Parth Samthaan. Khushali’s first movie was the award-winning short crime movie Jeena Mushkil Hai Yaar, where she played a reporter. She gave the best performance as a Hindi news reporter who has to make the death of a celebrity seem shocking. She will play a lawyer in the movie Dahi Cheeni with R. Madhavan.

Some facts about Khushali Kumar that not many people know

Making it in Bollywood and music videos

She started her career in the entertainment business with the Bollywood song video “Mainu Ishq Da” in 2015. This was the start of a great job in music videos. With roles in hit songs like “Highway Star,” “Raat Kamaal Hai,” “Mere Papa,” and “Ik Yaad Purani,” she solidified her place in the business even more. Her charm and skill wowed audiences.

Debut as an actor and praise

Khushali Kumar doesn’t like to stay in one area, so she’s about to make a name for herself in Bollywood with her first movie, “Dahi Cheeni,” which stars R. Madhavan. The part she plays in this movie is a lawyer, which will show off her acting skills and add to her wide range of skills.

Notable Achievements

Many important things have happened in Khushali Kumar’s life; she is well-known in the entertainment business. Reviews of her work in short films like “Jeena Mushkil Hai Yaar” have been very positive. The movie has won awards at essential film festivals like the Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival and the Druk International Film Festival. For her role in “Jeena Mushkil Hai Yaar,” she won the Critic’s Choice Award, which shows her talent and dedication. This indicates that she has a bright future in movies.

Personal Life and Family

Even though khushali kumar is busy and becoming a giant star, she stays grounded and values her family and roots. Her siblings, Bhushan Kumar and Tulsi Kumar, are well-known in the music business and very close to her. Her upbringing in a creative and loving setting has made her the dynamic and bright person she is now. Khushali Kumar’s preparation for the part where she can handle anything.
One of the most loved and respected actors in Hindi films is khushali kumar. Her beautiful photo shoots and public performances have won fans’ hearts and attention. You can see the famous actress for the first time in “Dhokha: Round D Corner.” She will soon be in the romance thriller movie “Starfish.”The video for the movie looked excellent, and Khushali Kumar, Ehan Bhat, Tusharr Khanna, and Milind Soman all did great jobs.
Before, the actress talked to Tellychakkar about how she would go in and out of character and cry in the middle of the night. Khushali has already talked about how she took on the task and learned how to scuba dive. Now, we have a video that shows how hard it was for the actress to prepare for her part.


In conclusion, Khushali Kumar‘s rise from a skilled fashion designer to a potential Bollywood actress shows how hard work, love, and imagination can pay off. Because of her natural ability, hard work, and drive, she will make a lasting effect on Indian entertainment, inspiring other artists and winning admiration from people worldwide. Keep an eye on this growing star because she still shines brightly in movies and fashion. Hopefully, her fan followers will want to know khushali kumar net worth.
submitted by Boring-Rutabaga5319 to primetimesnow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:13 Terrible-Laugh9983 Im about to turn 16 and im still a virgin. Should I be concerned?

I’m 15 right now, and something that eats my heart away is that iam still a virgin. Not just a normal virgin. A incel turbo virgin. For a while now I’ve been wanting to lose my virginity so bad. I want to have sex so bad. Everyday at school I get so hard the whole class thinking about having sex and it eats my brain away because I cannot have sex and I will not be having it anytime soon. Because iam a shy incel that does not know how to talk to girls. Iam so horny I’m on different level. A while back I tried hiring a prostitute off instagram dms. I was so shaky while I was texting this girl. We were so close to meeting up and she sent me nudes and videos and photos and stuff. I told her I was underage and she said she was fine with it. I had to let her know. She was gonna drive around my area and we were gonna get a hotel to have sex in. I was gonna pay 100$ for 2 hours of sex. I was GENUINELY shaking so hard while getting ready to send the money. But before I sent it, I decided to reverse google image search one of the photos she sent me. Turns out it was a fucking scam. I was disappointed. Not because I almost got scammed. But because I didn’t get laid. If I was older and had a car I’d prolly have a better chance of finding a prostitute on the street. But unfortunately, I’m gonna have to wait a year or 2. The most wildest thing I’ve done was actually a few days ago. A few days ago I wanted to masterbate with a condom on, to make me feel as I was the one having sex. During lunch I snuck out of my school and went over to cvs and bought some latex lube condoms. I was gonna wait around midnight to masterbate with them on but I should’ve known my horniness got the best of me. I jerked off with the condom 1 hour after getting back from school. It actually felt like I was the one about to have sex. And it was my first time trying a condom. I still have 2 more. Iam very sad because I turn 16 in 14 days. (The 29th). And iam still no where near gonna lose my virginity, or have a girlfriend and it makes me sad and unmotivated. Me horniess is the reason I can’t do shit. Im just to horny thinking about having sex and I don’t know what to do or how to control it. And it’s only gonna get worse over time. I look at all the girls with good body’s full of lust and I can’t control it. I think I need help. What do I do?
submitted by Terrible-Laugh9983 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:13 Beautiful_Location76 How do you interpret these bars from Kendrick's America Has a Problem verse?

Say Bey, yes, America got a problem Geeked up, choosy love, well, they chose violence Universal, please don't play possum I'm a businеssman doin' as follows
I noticed at least six or seven bars in Kendrick's recent diss tracks opposing the music industry, from very simple bars like "I'll crash out like fuck rap," "fuck you n***** and fuck the industry too," and "the industry can hate me, fuck em all and they mama," to what feels like a foreboding line in "the industry's cooked as I pick the carcass apart," and then obviously the more detailed demonization that makes up a lot of the second verse of Meet the Grahams. I've honestly really been wondering if these could be hints that his upcoming project will further explore corruption and depravity in the music industry and if his criticism of Drake was just a precursor, but that question could have a whole thread to itself.
With these themes in mind though, these bars stuck out to me when I listened to America Has a Problem again recently, but I'm honestly not sure what to make of them.
The most obvious line to consider is "Universal, please don't play possum." Were there any specific events going on at the time of this track's release that he might be referring to? Do you think he was already planning to go against Drake or the music industry at the time of writing this, and this will be one of those bars that is a lot more interesting down the line than it was initially? Anything else I or other fans might not be aware of here?
He sets interesting context for this line by referencing the title of the track and declaring that America indeed has a problem, and then elaborating that an ambiguous "they" have chosen violence. (Who is they? America as a whole? Pop culture? The music industry again? Universal specifically?) Then he follows up with the businessman line, which I also don't really know what to make of. Maybe the "doing as follows" bit is meant to be read as him having issues with the industry, but also recognizing the need for him to play the game (do as follows) to a certain extent in order to maintain his influence.
Who knows, maybe a few of these lines just weren't meant to be looked into that deeply, and he was just flowing, but Kendrick has conditioned me to really investigate what he might have in mind when he writes, and given the context of his recent songs and his attitude about the music industry, I'd be really curious to see if anyone has any extra thoughts about these lines that might give them more context or fill us in on what Kendrick is getting at here.
Do you think his next project will expand further on his issues with the music industry? I think that could be a fascinating angle to hear Kendrick's perspective on, especially considering again that there seems to be a lot of behavior going on behind the scenes that he takes issue with.
Edit: Right as I posted this, I considered that "doing as follows" may actually reference his next few lines:
Truthfully, I be lyin' in my rap song 'Cause I always fail to mention I'd slap homiе His career didn't come with no life insurance Hope his day one fans got some facts on him
Maybe this was also a hint that he was going to go at Drake and potentially others soon. He's acknowledging that he has built a very peaceful persona, but wants to remind us that he'll still slap homie if necessary, as he has clearly proven in the past couple of weeks. Those last two bars could even be taken as directly talking about Drake, saying that his career isn't big enough to protect his life itself (either from literal death or from fucking his life up by messing with minors and/or sex traffickers), and that he hopes Drake's biggest fans come to realize what he's actually been doing. Those same bars don't just have to reference Drake though, the same could be said for any big artists who Kendrick is anticipating being convicted of awful stuff down the line. So perhaps "doing as follows" was meant to prepare us for this brief exploration of how/why he'll slap homie.
submitted by Beautiful_Location76 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]


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submitted by Ryan_Immutable to guildofguardians [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:10 Agile-Sea-1211 Fiancé (26F) criticizes my twin brother (24m)

Alright, to start off with, a few years ago my fiancé got into a heated disagreement with my twin. He said something, she said something, and then he made a very offensive comment to her. He also made some offensive comments before this incident, but has since more or less restrained himself.
Every now and then she and her mother like to talk about our (me and my fiancée’s) relationship. My fiancée brings it up to her and they have came to the conclusion that the disagreement from a few years ago has made my fiancée’s and my mother’s relationship awkward. They think she doesn’t like my fiancée.
I don’t think that’s true, but I do think my mother feels awkward because she feels ashamed by my brother’s unrestrained commentary. When my fiancée brings this up to me, I immediately feel defensive towards my mother and my brother. So I correct her about my mother’s true (as best I can guess) feelings. Okay, we’re at agreement. But she also brings up how she has concluded my brother is “not a good dude” for the offensive comments she makes.
I totally understand her frustration with him offending her two years ago. But I’m over it honestly. He’s been better about watching his mouth since. I feel the need to become defensive and argue that he’s not a bad dude (I’ve known him for 24 years, c’mon), and he was (still is?) just immature.
She concludes that I’m not meeting her emotionally needs and I’m being non-understanding. I told her I have a conflict of interests and I cannot simply accept that she stampedes over my family. She says I am supposed to always defend her. I do, but this is not about her. This is a conversation between me and her only.
I told her to stop criticizing my family unless there is something I can do. I feel like she is putting me in an unfair situation by criticizing them right in front of me. She insists she should be able to say what she wants about them to me (and her mom), and it’s unreasonable for me to get defensive.
For the record, to defend myself for being defensive, I told her I would criticize her family. So I did, and she got defensive.
How should I approach this situation when it will undoubtedly occur again?
TL;DR; Fiancée critical of twin and I am defensive. How do I approach this?
submitted by Agile-Sea-1211 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:09 FlamingoDecent9670 I worried about high school way too early

I'm going next year and I know this school year is just ending but I've been worried about it for so long, for 7th grade I went to a public school and I had a big group of friends and then late summer of that year I got in a big fight with all of them and stopped being friends and I ended up not being able to go to that school anymore so I started doing online school, and I feel like that part of the reason I've been focusing on this so much. I'm so nervous about next year because a few of the people from that old group are going to the same high school including my ex bsf of years. I'm just so worried about who I was gonna hang out with if I'm gonna see them and whether or not their still mad about what happened before. I'm also so worried about lunch and brunch. In middle school, I was never alone during those periods because I had friends I would meet up with but I just don't know how that gonna work for me now considering I'm not close with anyone who goes to that school anymore. ugh, this has just been in the back of my head for the longest time ever and the more I think about it the more stressed I get, and can someone tell me whether or not you meet friends on the first day that you hang out with during lunch. and if anyone says I'm focusing too much on my social life, I care about education too this is just more worrying to me atm.
submitted by FlamingoDecent9670 to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:08 Winter-Ad-8701 Apex hidden rules

Hi, I'm interested to hear experiences people have had, and are currently having with Apex Trader Funding PA accounts. Specifically if they've been paid out ok, or if they've had any "unqualified trades" removed.
My issue is that Apex have a TON of extra rules on the PA accounts. They can seemingly deny us a payout for literally any reason they choose. Things like not "chasing the market" - what even is that? If it's going up, I'm going to buy! I trade price action, and if I think that going long is going to make me money, why wouldn't I buy?
I understand that they have to protect themselves from people throwing 10 contracts on the NQ and making $5000 on day 1, then flipping 1 contract on the MNQ for the next few days. That's fine, and is covered by the 30% consistency rule(although I'd prefer that to be 30% per trade, not per day).
What I don't like is the unnecessary threats of removing trades and funds from my account if I slip up and don't follow their rigid, draconian set of rules. They have rules about always using a stop loss, yet allow group trading on Tradovate, which does not allow bracket orders on group trades! It's literally the most requested feature on the Tradovate forum.
They have rules about not changing sizes. I change sizes depending on a few things, volatility, how sure I am about a trade, what my balance/drawdown is etc.
They have rules about having a clearly explainable system, yet I am a discretionary trader and use price action.
They have a no news trading rule, yet it doesn't state what news trading is. Is it a major economic release, and you have to be flat 1 minute before and after? 2 minutes before and after? It doesn't say!
There's a no dollar cost averaging rule, does that mean we can't scale? Scaling is essential for some people, and absolutely makes sense if the market is in a trading range, as your first entry may not be optimal if you tried to buy the bottom and it pulls back further, so why not add a second contract?
I could go on, but I think I've made my point. Trading is hard enough without these artificial rules being enforced. If I make money on my personal account, that's it, I have profit. I don't have to explain anything to anyone, it's money that I have made. All I need to focus on is trading and making profit. Yet with Apex, I would need to be thinking "does this trade meet their criteria, is my stop enough ticks away, have I waited long enough after news, how many contracts did I use yesterday" etc.
submitted by Winter-Ad-8701 to PropFirmTester [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 LilKurwa On a break with my S/O, what should i do?

TL;DR As you can guess from the title, me(18F) and my(19M) boyfriend of almost two years went on a break yesterday.
He was the one inniciating it and i honestly saw it coming, we have both been stressed out, distracted and arguing lately. He texted me last night asking us to take a break, but we promised one another that we would get back together after this.. i know i can trust that and that he means it, we still love one another and have no interest in finding new people but its still scary, this being my first REAL break in a relationship. I know im going to get a bunch of «youre still young» comments under this post but i want real advice. How do i cope with this? We were both thinking that this could last for about a month, and even though its not that bad it will feel like forever after spening at least 2 days a week if not more with the same person for 2 years.. we still talk and tell eachother we love one another, but wont be meeting much during this month, can sleep with other people if we wish to and do whatever we need for our own best during this time period. Im seeing him later today to talk more before we part ways for some time.. what should i do?
submitted by LilKurwa to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 changingavariable How do I get my life together?

I am 25F and I have wasted a lot of time. This is mostly a rant, but I really need some advice as well.
I live with my parents. I lived with them when I went to college and never moved out.
I have a BA in English. I graduated right after the pandemic when the job market was pretty weak. I tried to apply for some positions but most of them were very far (my parents live in a village. It takes around 2 hours to get to the city by public transport, 1 hour by car but I didn't have a car back then). And because my country and city are smaller, there weren't many remote options, especially for people who were just starting. So I settled for remote tutoring. I work 20 hours a week and I have a low average monthly income. I often feel tired from even 5 hours a day (one-on-one conversations are exhausting for me) and I'm scared/too lazy to take on more hours. It also means that for the past 4 years that I've been working, I didn't have any PTOs, benefits or any career movements. I'm not sure I can even call it a work experience.
I don't have any irl friends. I lost contact with my school and college friends as soon as I graduated, and as I work remotely and leave my house very rarely, I don't meet new people. If I do go out, it's usually with my mom and little sister. Partly because I really like them and theur company; mostly because I don't have other people to hang out with and I don't want to do it alone. The only friends I have are the ones I met online playing computer games.
I have never had even as much as a kiss. And I'm not unattractive, a few guys back in high school and college were interested. But I always got scared and became distant as soon as I could feel some interest from them. I am in an online relationship now, and at first I entertained the idea of actually meeting with him and maybe even living together, but now after almost a year I realize it's not something he wants to do. He's in a similar position (never dated before, doesn't have many friends offline etc) and when I said this relationship might not be for me, he got so sad. At this point I'm only with him because I don't want to make him sad.
I don't even have much money despite living with my parents and not paying rent. I spend it regularly on games and online shopping and now I have maybe enough to live for about 4 months, if I were to stop working.
And I really just waste a lot of time, by mindlessly scrolling social media. I used to read and watch a lot, and learn new things. I don't do that now.
And looking at everything, I realize that I'm the one who let things get this bad. I have financial support of my parents but I never did anything but be lazy and scared. I have a car now. I'm trying to learn programming but I keep seeing that the situation on the market is pretty bad, and my motivation often disappears for weeks. I'm afraid to act and I'm afraid to change. So how do I get my life together?
submitted by changingavariable to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:00 mad87645 I got flirted with by 3 "taken" women in the same night and now I'm confused

So this happened a few days ago on Sat night/early Sun morning. I know people are going to dismiss it as being untrue but I promise it's 100% true and factual to the best of what I can recall despite being on MDMA at the time.
On Saturday night I went out by myself to a drum n bass rave. I'm a single guy in my early 30s so since I was heading out I made sure I was dressed up in case I met someone. My flirting style is kinda casual I guess, in the sense that I like to start out friendly to see what sort of vibe I get and then go from there, being ready to match it if she gets flirtier back.
So I get there probably 30 mins before the headliner starts. So there's 2 local dj's on first, then the headliner, then 2 more local dj's to close out the night. I wiggle my way through the crowd and find a spot on the floor to dance.
So first girl: This group of 3 girls ended up standing behind me so I turned around and motioned them all a "hi". One girl gave me a much stronger reaction than the other 2 so we started having some fun. Talking a little about the headliner coming up, fist bumps, dance moves, side hugs, stupid little things like that. She had this paper fan so I got her to fan air over my face, then she gave my beard a stroke. I thought things were going well. Then at one point I turn around and she's in the middle of a conversation with some guy that's literally popped up out of nowhere, and I mean like they were properly trying to hash something out, not even a little like "hi how's it going" like we were doing. So I come to the conclusion that she's got a boyfriend I somehow missed and distanced myself a little. Questions of loyalty aside, I don't intend to get my ass kicked over a girl, nor do I like starting arguments between people, so I opted to let that one go.
Second girl: Probably 30-45 mins later, after the headliner had come out (first girl having not left the other dude's side the whole time still talking about whatever they were talking about). I'm dancing and vibing and enjoying myself, now front and centre on the dance floor. This new girl ends up off to my side so I say hi and we start the whole thing again, more silly dance moves and such. At one point a spot opens up right at the front so she grabs my wrist and walks us up. We talk a little more and hug again. Then at one point she looks at her phone for a sec, and then maybe a minute later a dude appears behinds us and she tells me "this is my husband." I'm kinda shittin myself at that point and just say "nice to meet you" and hoped he didn't see me just dance with and hug his wife, but he seemed cool so once again I distanced myself and let them be.
Third girl: And this is the one that confuses me the most because not only did I not even try and hit on her, the revelation of her having a boyfriend came even quicker than the other 2 and she still hung around. So now the headliners gone and it's about halfway through the local dj's sets to close. I'm now at the back to keep some space between me and the other girls. I literally turned around and this new girl is standing next to me. She says hi first and starts asking me about DNB (apparently she'd never been). We chat for a bit and she asks for my name. Then she dips out for a second and when I spot her again she's off to the side talking to some dude that's absolutely plastered and can't stand up without swaying. Initially I didn't even think much of it since I didn't even try to flirt with her, until she came back. When she did she slid right up next to me and said "I came back because I wanted to see you again" in a tone of voice that I can only describe as "being in love" (not even sexily/flirtatiously, like I mean in those 5 minutes she went through falling in love, breaking up and getting back together) and started dancing with me, I obliged but sort of err'd on the side of caution given how my night had gone. Then she did that 2 more times, dipped away to check on/talk with her very intoxicated boyfriend then came back to dance/talk/stare at me like I was going to resolve all her problems. Then half an hour before the club closed she dipped for a final time and I didn't see them again, so I assumed they left. But then as the club closed and I'm walking out guess who's standing outside by the top of the stairs, the girl and her bf. She yelps out my name and runs over to give me a hug and tries to stutter something out for like 10 seconds but just says "it was lovely to meet you" (lovely being the exact word, I'd probably not have paid that any attention if it weren't for everything else). I just said likewise and said my goodbyes to them and skidaddled out of there.
So what I'm confused about is what are the odds that I get flirted with by taken women 3 times in the same night? It happening once or me trying to flirt with 3 different women only to be told straight away they're taken I wouldn't have thought much of it, but this? It confuses me because I'm genuinely not sure if I just hit some astronomical odds to meet 3 cheaters/serial flirts/open relationships/cuckholds in a row or my approach is just that bad (or good? is that a good thing? idk anymore) that I made it happen? I'm interested in hearing what you all think even if you think this post is stupid and fake so please let me know.
submitted by mad87645 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:56 RyanM77 How do architects like to be approached by product reps?

So, i’ve worked in the architectural and specification business for quite awhile now, and used to work as an architect, but found the specification & sales side more towards my taste.
I’ve noticed recently the attitude towards approaching architects from a product rep/ manufacturing side has changed drastically.
In years gone by, a phone call was the best way to secure a meeting with an architect, but recently I find phone calls to be accepted quite rudely, and understand the prevalence of telemarketing in the world at the moment. I can sometimes spend a whole day calling without securing one meeting.
I’ve actually had architects tell me they’d rather I just ‘walked in’ rather than called them. In fact if I can walk around the city, I can have really great 5-10 minute meetings with a range of architects, all completely unbooked!
Even trying to book lunch and learns has become more complicated as emails regularly go unanswered.
I’ve always found bringing a coffee & cake a really valuable way to get a meeting, but have recently found this more challenging, with more architects saying they “don’t have the time” or recommendations for presentations to be booked a year or two in advance which is ridiculous.
So to the architects how would you like to be contacted by product reps? Would you rather they called, walked in or emailed? What do you find works best for you?
submitted by RyanM77 to Architects [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:54 kubiGamer 18yo coming to live in Thailand for a month...

So, I'm turning 18 in a month and I am already making around 2000-3000$ USD online every month,
and I decided to come to live in Samui as I am getting a lot of value for my money there,
also I just want to focus on my business and fitness for a month and I think this is one of the best places to do that.
I just have a few questions:
but people have also recommended just coming here in a hotel for a couple of days and speaking to real estate agents...
(my budget for rent is around 1000-1500usd for the month and I want to get the best possible accommodation, most importantly a good location)
thanks in advance guys
submitted by kubiGamer to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:53 kubiGamer Going to live in Samui for a month at 18...

So, I'm turning 18 in a month and I am already making around 2000-3000$ USD online every month,
and I decided to come to live in Samui as I am getting a lot of value for my money there,
also I just want to focus on my business and fitness for a month and I think this is one of the best places to do that.
I just have a few questions:
but people have also recommended just coming here in a hotel for a couple of days and speaking to real estate agents...
(my budget for rent is around 1000-1500usd for the month and I want to get the best possible accommodation, most importantly a good location)
thanks in advance guys
submitted by kubiGamer to kohsamui [link] [comments]