Selena gomez hair color 2010

Celebrity Brunettes

2015.07.10 17:31 Celebrity Brunettes


2011.09.12 07:26 sickboy_94 CelebrityFeet

A place to share and enjoy high quality pictures and gifs of female celebrity feet

2024.06.09 18:32 imnewpleasehelpme 21[M4F] NY/Anywhere. Cute cheesy guy looking for the one

Hello, thanks for taking the time to read this, I hope you're having an amazing day and that everything is going well. I'm posting because well I'm definitely a helpless romantic and looking for my person who is out there in this world. I refuse to give up and hopefully, you're them! :)
For starters my name is Logan and I live in Ny. I'm 6'2 with dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes which I'm complimented on a lot. I'm in good shape from when I went to the gym a lot which I should be doing more often but we don't need to talk about that. I'm clean shaven as I hate having facial hair and I do have 2 tattoos! I think the self expression that comes from them is amazing but I'm not sure if I want more at this time. Im definitely down to exchange pictures so we know the other is real and not some weird person lol
I work in special education! I love my job a lot even though by the end of the day I am ready to collapse and nap. Teaching is one thing I've always been super passionate about and I love doing it so much! It's something I want to keep doing but we’ll see how the world goes.
My hobbies include reading, writing, playing video games, music, movies, animals, podcasts, daydreaming about the perfect first date, and telling myself to get to bed already as I should have been in bed two hours ago. That said I mostly just focus on being happy in life as for me that's the biggest goal one should be building up to.
For my personality, I would say I'm a mix between an introvert and an extrovert. I can get very awkward around people I don't know as I can get anxious but once I get to know you I'll talk your ear off for as long as you'll let me! My love languages are quality time and words of affirmation with a healthy amount of cuddles on top. I've always been called the mother hen of my friend group or everyone's own personal cheerleader so if you need someone in your corner I got you!
All I ask in return is to put your best foot forward when talking as it can be a hard let down having a one sided conversation and don't ghost. Always be nice and try to leave things better than when you found them, that goes for people as well. Also if you have an accent I will instantly fall for you too so definitely message if you have one of those!
But besides that, I mostly just hope to hear from you! I hope you have a good rest of your day and feel free to send me a message! If you do, why don't you tell me your favorite color so I know you read my whole post? It does a lot to know you're trying just as much as I am. Anyways thank you and have a good day :)
submitted by imnewpleasehelpme to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:31 cranberrygoatcheese Am I Olive?

Am I Olive?
My whole life people have asked if I am naturally Olive toned. I had no idea lol so I'm thinking I am.
Warm foundations are typically too orange on me, and cool is too red. Neutral can work sometimes, but I feel like I've been searching for a foundation color that matches since I started wearing makeup 15 years ago!
Do I look like I have Olive undertones? Please help a girl out!!
Both pics have no makeup on skin. Second pic is with a little bit of a tan and my natural hair color.
submitted by cranberrygoatcheese to Fairolives [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:29 pm16b1 Hair coloring - how much $$$

Ladies trying to cover gray, if you get your hair colored / highlighted/ glossed how often do you go to the salon and how much do you spend each time? Trying to see if my stylist is over or under the average! Thank you!
submitted by pm16b1 to VirginiaBeach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:25 NNeeccttaarriinnee [F4M] Romance between an alien felinoid and a human man. [Anthro, size difference, muscular female/andromorph, role reversal, story driven, sci-fi, multi-para]

My normal posts are 2-5 paragraphs. This is long because it's a starter.
The sloping ground around the Kiaurk family mesa had been sculpted into shelves or terraces, and it was on one of those upper terraces that Kiaurk Nshurr now lounged beneath a pergola anchored to the striated stone face behind her. The mesa rose at her back: an enormous, looming, almost sheer outcrop that her family's dwellings had been carved into the face of. Wide, shallow steps cut into the artificial (but entirely convincing) sandstone wound their way up between landings and porticos leading inward, between tiny balconies shaded by bright solid-colored canopies, between rooms with flat walls and rounded corners that came jutting out to shadow the steps below. Rriigkhans rarely used glass as window barriers; smooth-edged holes had been cut through the rock in varying shapes and sizes. It could be difficult to tell which apertures were windows and which were entryways. A physical barrier that kept out the elements was obsolete in all but the crudest dwellings, though some of these larger holes were curtained with braided string or strips of cloth that served a purely decorative purpose.
From her high vantage point Nshurr could see the shelves stretching out below her as the base of the mesa leveled out to flattish terrain that was a wonderland of vegetation in muted rainbow colors: mustard yellows, clay reds, earthy browns and the occasional dash of sage or dusty blue. This scrubland lay like a blanket around everything below that was not part of the village between the mesas. Down there, adobe compounds never taller than two or three storeys seemed so squat compared to the mesas that Nshurr could see towering in the distance, many of those family mesas only a few hours walk from her own if she traveled by foot. The village sprawled, with tile parkways winding in serpentine fashion between the various buildings, courtyards, parks, and ponds. There were no property lines, no clear division of the land into neat little plots owned by the individuals who lived and worked in these places. It all seemed to be part of a whole, with a single unifying aesthetic. The village housed those rriigkhans of the lower castes, the kharratah and chelhautah, and the humans which were a caste all their own, haukagh-ar, except for a small number who lived with their masters in the caverns of the mesas or up on the plateau.
This planet, Sgarrl, terraformed over three hundred years ago, was home to more human servants than any other Ssaarian world – aside from Earth, of course, discovered eighty years ago. The fact that humans shared so much in common with rriigkhans made them the perfect species to incorporate into the rriigkhan caste structure as servants. They breathed the same mix of gases and required similar gravities, and their nimble little fingers were very useful for all sorts of work.
The rriigkhan language was not necessarily too complex for humans, but it was wholly unfamiliar – too many phonemes that did not fit comfortably in human mouths, from grunts to huffs, to rolling trills that might by voiced or not, sometimes rumbling out like a purr. To a human, Nshurr's name was a sigh and a trill, and yet she was accustomed to humans vocalizing her name in their heavy, slurring way: Na-Shuurr! Nasher! Sometimes simply: ɽ͡r! which she recognized more easily as her name, or at least part of it, and not some random sounds.
Still, despite the weird pidgin humans had made of her language and their English, she liked the little creatures. She had come to live with her Grandmother on Sgarrl only days ago, and had never encountered them before. The males only stood as tall as her collar. The females were shorter still, much like the males of her own species.
To human eyes Nshurr was felinoid, with a muscular swimmer's body and the broad muzzle of a big cat, with watchful, forward-facing predator's eyes that seemed unexpectedly expressive, because rriikghans had almost as many muscles around their eyes as humans did around their mouths to convey the nuances of emotion. Despite being larger than even many Earth men, she was considered sleek by rriigkhan standards. She made up for that with her broader crest.
The rriigkhan crest was something like the crest of Utahceratops – a keratinized plate growing up out of the skull, except divided into three lobes instead of two, with scalloped edges along the outer rim. Unlike depictions of Utahceratops, the rriigkhan crest was not covered by skin. At least, not on the top. Thick ropy veins squiggled under velvet fur on the underside, closer to the neck. (A thick, arching neck muscular enough to support the weight of that crest meant that Rriigkhans walked with a stoop that made them seem hunchbacked, to humans.) The surface of the plate on top was often rough, even bumpy or corrugated like deer antlers in some areas, smooth in others. Every female crest had four tines jutting from the front – a pair several inches above the eyes, and another pair further up. Directly above the lowest set of tines were twin holes, the howrf channels, just big enough for a human to insert a finger. These holes were very much like nostrils – much deeper, but damp inside, and lined with short, fine hairs to protect the sensitive mucous membrane from debris. The organs housed within these channels were the heart of rriigkhan culture, the foundation of all relationships, of sex.
Male rriigkhans, of course, had only their neotonous crests: diminutive, mostly smooth with rounded edges, without tines or howrf channels. Cute.
Nshurr's crest was wider than average, her upper tines spaced further apart, and combined with a compact face this made her look top-heavy. (A human might say that she was more snow leopard than lion.) Most female crests did not interfere with the movement of the ears – highly mobile, highly expressive paddle shaped things – but the edges of Nshurr's crest did jut out enough to almost shield them.
That her crest was weighty, that it was inconvenient, that she was often aware of it – this was Nshurr's pride. Her long tail curled in pleasure when she caught males looking at it. Humans seemed to be intimidated by it sometimes, as if she might decide to gore them with her “horns.” She considered herself a confident person; not a braggart, but self-assured, and to carry her jhekaah so visibly pleased her to no end.
Her fur was an almost peachy off-white, but a mask of pale peach shaded each seafoam green eye. The mask blended into the white further up her forehead until fur gave way to bone-tan crest, and was split between her eyes by the white of her nose. Oblong spots in that same peachy color, each blending from dark to light, streaked down her sides.
These weren't the natural colors of her distant ancestors. It was unheard of to see a rriigkhan who was not gene-modified in some way, even if those modded genes had been part of rriigkhan life for so long that no one thought of them as mods any longer. She also thought nothing of the subtitles her augmented reality implant displayed whenever a human spoke, AI translated to help her decipher the pidgin. AR was simply a part of her, had been since she was a kit.
Reclining as she was on a padded lounger in front of an iron brazier, full of cold ashes from last night's fire, Nshurr was dressed in a pale coral shift only a few shades darker than the peach of her fur. Medallions trailing fringes of cloth had been sewn onto the front bottom half of the knee-length garment. A row of those ornate medallions defined a plunging neckline that bared much of her chest, muscular and broad, possibly even masculine to a human. Her breasts were lower on her body and similar in appearance to a mare's udders: long nipples on a pudge of fat nestled close together on the pelvis, just above the place where her thighs joined her body. They were only small lumps beneath the shift when Nshurr stretched out her legs so that the thin fabric fell across them. It was the roundness of her hips and buttocks that marked her female to the human eye. (As if her crest didn't make that obvious!)
She was listening to the sound of two younger female cousins wrestling on a nearby terrace, and although from her vantage point Nshurr could not see them, she could imagine the scene from what she heard: Fherou and Lahk growling while they grappled with their arms, the crack of crest hitting crest and then the scrape of tine sliding against tine. Each was fighting to control the other's head, each trying to bite the other. It wasn't easy when each had a shaggy ruff to protect her neck, and any attempt to bite the other's face would be thwarted by an interposing crest. Rriigkhan hands were less dexterous than human hands, more pawlike with stubby fingers, but capable of delivering hard blows, and once or twice Nshurr heard a cousin snarl in response to a strike against her body.
The competitive pheromones her cousins exuded from their unextended howrfs, quite unconsciously, were beginning to make Nshurr's own heart beat faster. The end of her long tail, where it hung down from the reclining chair, lashed in agitation. She was beginning to imagine sinking her teeth into someone's skin herself, and if her cousins had not been so much younger and smaller than herself she might have gone down to their terrace to show them a thing or two. It was putting her off the human flute music she'd been listening to, fed directly into her own brain through her implant for her private enjoyment. (Certain aspects of human culture were very popular here on Sgarrl; she'd been curious about it.)
She did not feel like going inside to escape the pheromones; Nshurr craved the warmth of the sun on her fur, not the cool stone and artificial light of those warrens. Most of her male cousins had gone into the village for boating today. Well, perhaps she would go down and join them after all.
OOC Information:
For this prompt I imagine you'd play a human servant, probably a new arrival to Sgarrl but maybe someone who was born there. Even though I've set up a situation where my character would have a lot of power and yours very little, I want to clarify that I'm not interested in abusing your character I am looking for a slow burn interspecies romance that develops naturally. This story may deal with power imbalances and even speciesism, but I'd like to explore those topics realistically.
I want to explore all aspects of loving relationship... Flirting, cuddling, kissing, lots of romantic scenes and character growth. My “type” that I'm most attracted to are men with average bodies in the 40-60 age range, with realistic personality flaws. I am more than willing to tailor my character's personality and physical attributes to suit your tastes, within reason. I appreciate partners willing to do the same.
I prefer to reply more than once a day. 2-3 replies per day would be ideal, but I understand life gets in the way. I usually write 2-5 paragraphs, or 150-450 words per post. This starter is much longer than my typical post length, but my lengths vary according to need. If I'm introducing a new character or setting a scene, my post might go up to 1,000 words.
Please send a writing sample if you have none in your post history. No need to custom write anything for me, old samples are fine. Click here to PM me!
submitted by NNeeccttaarriinnee to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:24 Exciting-Bee-1068 Blue/purple shampoo or toner for fading pink hair turning salmon orange

Blue/purple shampoo or toner for fading pink hair turning salmon orange
There’s plenty of my then pink hair turning either light salmon or dark salmon color. Should I use toner or a blue/purple shampoo? I’d also appreciate some cheap recommendations as budget is tight.
submitted by Exciting-Bee-1068 to FancyFollicles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:17 FeelingPrune2793 help?

submitted by FeelingPrune2793 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:13 finagler123 Rosemary oil for thinning brows

A few months ago I saw a post recommending Rosemary oil for eyebrows. I have been experiencing hair loss for a few years. The eyebrow loss came first followed by temple and sides. I started using rosemary oil (in a carrier) about 2 months ago and now I have eyebrows again. I can’t tell yet if it is helping the hair on my head but the hair I do have is looking healthier and shinier. I was worried about using Rosemary as my hair is silvewhite. Happy to report it has maintained color.
submitted by finagler123 to FemaleHairLoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:12 Heavy_Broccoli2079 Hair is too copper and hot roots.

Hair is too copper and hot roots.
I bleached and dyed my hair using Bondbar light copper brown (5rc) and now my hair is this bright orange/redcolor. I was going for a more light brown/ginger. I don’t hate this color but I don’t think it suits my skin tone as well. Should I put a darker color on the whole thing or just the roots? I have bondbar medium copper brown (4rc) but I don’t want to accidentally darken my whole head a dark brown/black like I’ve done before. I feel like it looks brighter in person compared to pics
submitted by Heavy_Broccoli2079 to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:11 L_edgelord Any experience with BRIGHT hair dye?

I am considering dying my hair purple or something, but brands like Manic Panic an la Riche directions explicitly say they don't work on 'white' hair. (They say you need to bleach your hair before using the product) Does anyone have experinece with bright colors from similar brands? Or in general? How to approach this?
I have typical white hair usually associated with OCA1 (but I have HPS)
submitted by L_edgelord to Albinism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:10 Alert-Lawfulness-567 would I suit any lighter hair colors? (Wanting to go blonde)

would I suit any lighter hair colors? (Wanting to go blonde) submitted by Alert-Lawfulness-567 to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:07 eggbutth Selena Gomez looks gorgeous in this outfit 😍

Selena Gomez looks gorgeous in this outfit 😍 submitted by eggbutth to SelenaGomezObsession [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:07 xselenite0 which hair color?

which hair color?
i want the blonde because shes a gyaru and because her og design was blonde, but she’s had the red hair for so long im attached ;-;
submitted by xselenite0 to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:06 TrashPanda8185 6th street photo bomb w/ face creation

6th street photo bomb w/ face creation
Skin 5
Skin tone 4
Hair style 7
Hair color 27
Eyes 18
Eye color 5
Eyebrows 7
Eyebrow color 1
Eyelash color 1
Nose 19
Mouth 3
Jaw 21
Cyberware 1
Piercings 11
Piercings color 7
Eye makeup 19
Eye makeup color 1
Lip makeup style GLOSSY
lip makeup 8
Lip makeup color 5
submitted by TrashPanda8185 to cyberpunkcharacters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:03 kookaburrasarecute Do yall think I'm a deep winter or true winter (or something else entirely)?

Do yall think I'm a deep winter or true winter (or something else entirely)?
tl;dr: stuck between true winter and deep winter (and soft winter), which one do you think I am? Also do you think depth, winterness or coolness is most important in my palette?
It took a while for me already to realize that I'm cool toned (and actually look quite green and sicklish wearing warm colors) because I have an olive overtone and look really yellow when tanned, and settled on thinking I'm probably a true summer or maybe true cool.
However, I have since then realized that I'm really not that muted, like I do think I have a wee bit of softness but less than a summer, and went over to true winter.
But also, I'm thinking I can't really be true winter when I have eyes that would suggest deep, and reddish golden strands in my hair that would suggest at least a minimal amount of warmness, can I?
But deep sometimes feels TOO deep, I think? I'm not sure if it fits me or dulls my skin down a bit. When I had first read about soft winter a while ago, it kind of made sense to me, so that's back on the table too, I guess.
I can't really see what palette harmonizes the most with my coloring, nor whether depth, winterness or coolness is the prominent aspect and would be glad about your input!
submitted by kookaburrasarecute to coloranalysis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:58 Few-Drink1241 Sharing the same dream with my best friend

I have no idea if anyone else has experienced this but figured I would post it on here.
So for some background me and this friend have been friends for 10+ years at this point. We grew up together and have basically talked on the phone almost every single day since then. Obviously as we have gotten older our lives have gotten busier and we have talked less but we still at least text each other every day.
There were a few time periods where we didn't talk at all like for example the start of quarantine. At this time she had just got a new boyfriend and she was pretty busy with him and it didn't help that I couldn't get out at all at this time. I would say after about 3-4 months we started regularly talking on the phone again. However I wouldn't be able to leave the house for another 6 months I would say. After quarantine and the school year was finally over I instantly started going to her house every weekend.
Basically all we would do is smoke weed and listen to music, however we didn't know it was laced with small amounts of pop. We have theorized that the pop could have had a role in it but obviously we are not sure.
So that night we fell asleep back to back and the following dream played out. (Some details might be wrong but to be fair it's been like 3 years) We were in a dark brown limo. She had her dog with her and I had my cat with me. For some reason a random lesbian couple were with us. One had ginger hair and the other one had darker hair. We just chatted with them until we reached the water park. The slides were neon colors and originally I thought it was outside but the walls were just painted with trees and there were plants everywhere too. There was also a beach area for the pets. Along with the water park there were also games you could play to win stuff like a carnival. My friend ran off to win some stuffed animals while I continued talking to the couple. I remember her coming back with an arm full of them. I specially remember one being a black and white giraffe. However this is the part that pisses me off so much. The alarms started going off because a shark had gotten into the slides so my dumbass runs off to find my cat so me and my friend were separated the rest of the dream.
After we woke up I casually started telling her about the dream and she just sat there dumbfounded because she had the exact same one with the exact same details except it was her own point of view and her lighting was a bit more dimmed than mine was.
Please comment if you have any experiences similar to this! Me and her also want to eventually do this again but have no idea how it even happened
submitted by Few-Drink1241 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:56 auguryart What should I do?

Something's gotta give
I'm DONE with retail. I hate this job. I hate having a boss. I hate the constant gossipy shit talk. I need to get heading in some sort of direction instead of the stagnant life I have but I have a few circumstances that are making it difficult.
I have two kids that I homeschool and no family or friends who will provide childcare. I'm not putting them in daycare for a lot of reasons. So obviously that limits a lot.
I only graduated high school - no further schooling.
I've only done a few jobs, one was phone captioning, the rest all retail or driving/delivery.
There's a few things I have going for me though - I have zero criminal record. All my tattoos are easily coverable My hair is a natural color I don't smoke I can pass a drug test I'm smart, just not on paper. I didn't go to college because life got in the way but I'm smart. I hate to say it because it feels like bragging or being arrogant but I've had multiple people refer to me as the smartest person they know; often during a discussion about how I've failed to make anything of it. Lots of "you had so much potential." Former gifted kids know what I mean.
I'm at the point now where I realize to have any sort of job that fits my lifestyle (work from home, remote, setting my own schedule, etc) I'm probably going to need to go to college. I know there's some classes to take that are essentially a prerequisite for anything I might end up doing and that I can do those while figuring out where I want to go with it but I really would like to have some ideas to kick around before I spend thousands of dollars that I don't have.
My ideal job is a creative field but those don't pay so idk. Things like anthropology and psychology interest me. Wouldn't want to be a counselor or anything of that nature though. I'm big into things like history and folklore as well. I feel at home in museums. I have a large imagination if you can't tell by the unicorn of a job I'm seeking. I like to write and do a little fiction writing.
I've heard people talk about freelance writing but every job I've looked into requires a sample, and if I've never had a job doing that then I'm not sure where I would get a sample? Like do you just write something and put it there?
Anyways sorry this is long and I'm on mobile so the formatting is probably trash.
TL;DR introverted creative person with limited ability to leave the home seeks suggestions for a career that would fit. Also open to career aptitude tests that are free and don't need an email to take.
submitted by auguryart to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:56 strbbb How would you guys do this at home?

How would you guys do this at home?
It is a wig, but I would love to do something like this at home if I could, as far as the color is concerned. I was thinking of dying my whole head with a brown base, then doing highlight cap with some black, brown, and blonde. Would it look pretty good, or do you think this is best with a salon? My hair is the second pic.
submitted by strbbb to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:55 Dt7658484 Trans kid, unaccepting parents. Should I go NC?

So I'm 21 and my whole teen years I spent clinging onto the idea that when I come out I might loose all or most of my family. It's both because of multiple instances of insinuations about admitting me to a mental hostpital if I refer to myself with correct pronouns (I'm russian and here we can't really speak most of the language gender neutral when referring to oneself or actions in the past tense), trying to interrogate me about who I hung out with and even literally aggressively asking me if I "wanted to be a boy".
Overall, my coming out at 18 went not as bad as I expected but that's only because I expected them to immediately attempt to admit me lmao. What ended up happening is getting a talk about how they will not accept this and being sent to a psychiatrist (who actually gave me a hormone referral bc back then it was still a thing we could do here) and then dragging me around between therapists trying to find one who would tell them how to fix me.
After about 4 months they just went back to normal. Pretending like nothing is happening and I am the daughter they want me to be.
I waited 2 years between uni and jobs trying to hold out hope that they would come around but alas, nothing. So past November I finally started hormones on my own (in secret bc it's now illegal, but I do see a queer friendly doctor for bloodwork regularly). They flipped out again, screaming, crying, arguing all the stuff. Mom even told me how I was hurting her with this??? While dad tried to convince me I'd get cancer. (FYI They are divorced but co-parented since i was 6)
And just a few days ago I have been genuinely blessed by a known surgeon in the community agreeing to take a small batch of patients for top surgery (also illegal here) to wich me and my trans friend jumped on the opportunity. We took out a loan together and are now doing prep work. I decided to tell my parents beforehand, mostly because I was worried that if I told them after the fact, they'd get so enraged, they'd try and find my doctor and send the cops after him.
I got all the same bullshit of screaming, crying, accusing me of being just a rebellious child, stealing money from my dad (I have a job, I make good money for Moscow and hadn't gotten any pocket money (used to be a thing bc dad is rich) or loaned from them since February). Overall not only did I get the screaming and emotional rollercoaster, my mom decided that she will be coming to Russia (she is currently living with my brother in Georgia, he left bc of the draft, she left bc she was bored with an adult kid in her flat) and trying to convince me otherwise. Which lead me to telling her that she either stays put or I am moving out immediately and she will not see my ass in that flat. (I have been living on my own in her flat for about 1.5 years now because it's a good place in the centre)
Now we are again pretending that everything is just as good as it was and closing our eyes on everything. I just left my dad's bc I was helping our cat's groomer and he acted all chill and fun like usual.
I feel like I need to add that my transness is definitely not their one issue. It's also me being fat (take after my dad, health is good, I check every year), coloring my hair and having it short (I literally have a hairdresser diploma), dressing masculine, not wanting to drive a car (we have amazing public transport, not needed at all), getting tattoos (all my siblings have tats and even mom does), having an anxiety disorder (they think its fake) etc. etc.
I just don't know if at some point I just got so used to this cycle or if I can even call it abuse, when I get screamed at, belittled, called stupid and irrational and vindictive for just wanting to make my own choices about my body and life? But it hurts every time when we go back to normal and my brain immediately jumps at this idea that everything is actually okay, everything is fine, they totally love and care.
I don't know what to do. Please give some outsider opinions.
submitted by Dt7658484 to EstrangedAdultKids [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:53 Bossladii86 [OFFER] Girlfriend 🥰

Heya, so I will start a little about me. I'm 5'9" 37yo A little curvé. Green eyes and the hair color changes.
I love good communication and to laugh. My stronger suits are being supportive, compassion, and flirty. Making a person feeling whole and alive again.
My hobbies are enjoying the outdoors, reading, and working on my next master plan for life im ambitious for sure. I also love to drink wine and sing.
If you are new to GFE and are unsure i am very open to discuss your thoughts with you. This is a judgement free safe space. So whatever we discuss is between us. I appreciate discretion and i would give it aswell.
I am an 18+ Adult offering/requesting SFW companionship to other 18+ adults only.
submitted by Bossladii86 to HireAGirlfriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:48 YoCrisTuQuien Happy Birthday, Hail to the thief

Happy Birthday, Hail to the thief
Great album, contains my favorite Radiohead song a wolf at the door. Happy BD.
submitted by YoCrisTuQuien to radiohead [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 Montixi My dad just passed away and I was hoping to colorize this photo of him from when he was 16 for his memorial next week. Though you can't tell, he had red hair and freckles.

My dad just passed away and I was hoping to colorize this photo of him from when he was 16 for his memorial next week. Though you can't tell, he had red hair and freckles. submitted by Montixi to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:31 FrontpageWatch2020 [#21+25516433] Brain tumor turned my hair white. Tumor was removed and it went back to normal color. [r/mildlyinteresting]

submitted by FrontpageWatch2020 to undelete [link] [comments]