Drugs of abuse worksheet

Most suffering is abuse/inequality. Let's end the violence, harmful labels, & hardcore drug-pushing.

2012.06.10 05:58 nosleeptilwearefree Most suffering is abuse/inequality. Let's end the violence, harmful labels, & hardcore drug-pushing.

The MH industry fails to recognize abuse & inequality as the primary causes of suffering. They label, disbelieve, and blame survivors on a mass scale. They act like drugs are the only option. Some people claim to feel better by taking mind-affecting drugs but drugs aren’t the only option.

2021.01.24 23:40 Lelehu Soul Snacks

The small snapshots of life that spark me joy, yet not quite upliftingnews or humansbeingbros. Just inconsequential things like friends laughing their asses off over silly things and people being emotional about the ones they love.

2019.11.16 19:33 mhrn110 Boner material for your soul

The small snapshots of life that spark me joy, yet not quite upliftingnews or humansbeingbros. Just inconsequential things like friends laughing their asses off over silly things and people being emotional about the ones they love. Credit: \u\ninespark

2024.06.09 11:17 AdSenior8726 My guardian through darkness

In the shadows of Los Angles , my life unfolded against a backdrop of pain, violence, and uncertainty. From a young age, I was tossed between foster homes, never knowing when I would be uprooted next. Abuse and neglect were my companions, and the streets offered a harsh refuge from the chaos of my childhood.
I was just a child when tragedy struck. My mother, a beacon of light in my tumultuous world, was taken from me in a senseless act of violence. Her absence left a void in my heart that nothing could fill. A month later, my father’s descent into drug addiction plunged me deeper into darkness. He tried to put me in an oven during a meth-fueled rage, an incident that led to his arrest and my placement in foster care.
Foster care was meant to be a sanctuary, but it became another nightmare. Abuse followed me like a shadow, and I spent months grounded, isolated in a corner, with only school as a fleeting escape. The streets called to me, and I found solace in the embrace of gangs. In the heart of Los Angeles, I joined the 18th Street gang, seeking protection and belonging in a world that offered little else.
Amidst the chaos and violence, I found myself drawn to Santa Muerte, the Saint of Death. She was a figure of mystery and reverence, her skeletal form cloaked in robes of white, red, and black. Unlike traditional saints, Santa Muerte welcomed all who sought her guidance, regardless of their past or present circumstances.
I first encountered Santa Muerte in the darkest depths of my life. She became my confidante, my protector, and my guide through the storm. I lit candles in her honor, offered prayers for protection, and sought her intercession in times of despair. In her, I found a source of strength and resilience that I had never known before.
Santa Muerte became a beacon of hope in my life. When I was lost and alone, she provided guidance and reassurance. When I faced danger and uncertainty, she offered protection and safety. Her presence in my life gave me the courage to face my demons and the strength to persevere through the darkest of times.
Through Santa Muerte, I learned the power of faith and the resilience of the human spirit. She taught me that even in the midst of chaos and despair, there is hope. Her unwavering support carried me through the challenges of my youth and guided me towards a path of redemption and healing.
Today, as I reflect on my journey, I see the profound impact that Santa Muerte has had on my life. She was more than just a figure of worship; she was my guardian angel, watching over me and guiding me through the storms. Without her, I do not know if I would have found the strength to survive, let alone thrive, in a world that seemed determined to break me.
Santa Muerte continues to be a central figure in my life. I honor her not out of fear, but out of gratitude for all that she has done for me. She remains a symbol of hope, resilience, and the power of faith in the face of adversity.
As I continue on my journey, I carry Santa Muerte’s lessons with me. She taught me that even in the darkest of times, there is light. She showed me that with faith and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle. And she reminded me that no matter how far we fall, there is always a chance for redemption.
submitted by AdSenior8726 to SantaMuerte [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:06 i-am-themilkman My cousin thinks his mom's friends are trying to poison him. I think he's having delusions. How do I help him?

Hi all I'm posting because I'm really concerned about my cousin. We don't live in the same country anymore. His mom called me saying he's been feeling depressed and sort of out of it lately. I haven't talked to him in a while but we were always close when we were younger. I called him last night and told him how much I've missed him but he seemed really uninterested in talking to me. He said he told his mom not to bring her friends over to her house because he says they keep poisoning his food. He sounds very bothered but his mom swears to me nothing is going on with her friends. And now he's accusing his sister of poisoning his food.
I'm really concerned because he never acted like this. He has a history of abuse from his father that now lives in another country.
He has a history of drug use like MDMA, LSD, and Shrooms.
He doesn't want to go to doctor to get help. I need to know how to interact with him and convince him to get help.
submitted by i-am-themilkman to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:57 i-am-themilkman My cousin thinks his mom's friends are trying to poison him. I think he's having delusions. How do I help him?

Hi all I'm posting because I'm really concerned about my cousin. We don't live in the same country anymore. His mom called me saying he's been feeling depressed and sort of out of it lately. I haven't talked to him in a while but we were always close when we were younger. I called him last night and told him how much I've missed him but he seemed really uninterested in talking to me. He said he told his mom not to bring her friends over to her house because he says they keep poisoning his food. He sounds very bothered but his mom swears to me nothing is going on with her friends. And now he's accusing his sister of poisoning his food.
I'm really concerned because he never acted like this. He has a history of abuse from his father that now lives in another country.
He has a history of drug use like MDMA, LSD, and Shrooms.
He doesn't want to go to doctor to get help. I need to know how to interact with him and convince him to get help.
submitted by i-am-themilkman to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:54 Okletsgogurl I'm having trouble with ex friends who just can't leave me alone. Need advice!

I'm writing this on a throwaway account since these people know my main and actively engage with it. This is also gonna be a pretty long post since I'd like to provide context on how I even ended up where I am today so strap on in. Also apologies if any of this doesn't make sense, I'm pretty upset and stressed out and I've not slept in what feels like weeks. I have a lot of anxiety about all of this.
I started my first year in uni last year in September and met a couple of people I thought were nice enough on the first day. I'll call them 'G' and 'M'. I thought they were nice at first and we got closer as the weeks went by. G and M are also engaged so we talked about weddings quite often. They're are also cosplayers which becomes key in this. We got a lot closer around a time they were going to a con. Their previous friend had dropped out last minute but since they had already paid for everything they invited me. I also wanted to get into cosplaying at the time so I saw this as a perfect opportunity. I would spend nights at their dorms getting know them and we instantly got a long.
At the time, I was very nieve to all the red flags they were presenting as they were unusually willing to let me know EVERY detail of their life, including their sex life and what not. I found it werid but chalked it up to them being very comfortable around me which I found to be a compliment at the time but looking back, I now knew what was up.
(A little but of important info here but I had just feld a country 5 months prior to escape the abuse I was experiencing at home and went to live with my mum. G and M knew this and knew about my dad in depth)
Con comes around and they introduced me to a group of friends who were instantly very reserved around me. I chalked it up to nerves and thought that maybe they're just nervous which is understandable. This was until everytime I would speak they would give me dirty looks, talk over me and even dismiss me. M had also picked up a habit of making a lot of things about himself and anything I found interesting, he would make it clear that he didn't want to know, even telling me that he just doesn't want to hear it. When I went to meet a YouTube who attended the con, he seemed annoyed when I was excited and told me to stop being so excited since this was his 3rd time meeting them.
By time I got back home, their dismissing and also just really shitty attitude throughout left a sour taste in my mouth. However, I just chalked it up to nerves at the time.
A month goes by and they intoeduce me to another cosplayer who I quickly became friends with. When I told G about this, they told me to stop talking to them since I'll brea their heart as they "fall in love easily". I really didn't get that sentiment but still continued talking. Nothing romantic was ever talked about.
Then I started feel more attached to these people. They were practically in my life 24/7, I wa sin their dorms over nights almost everyday and began picking up the same eating habits as them as well. It's also worth noting that these people are "disabled" which is still up to debate.
They would frequently interrupted anything I enjoyed and conveniently pass out EVERYTIME I talked about something I liked or wanted to do. I also suffer with VERY acute psychosis which has been well treated for many years. They would constantly tell me that any doubts I had were just to do with my paranoia and that I should just ignore it. That or they would tell me that I was being manipulative and seeking attention.
This was all very sus but up until the incident I chalked it up to learned behaviour as I know one of them suffers with PTSD like I do.
At some point around this time, I had developed a severe kidney infection which almost turned into sepsis and I had to get the ambulance out to me. I'm no stranger to ambulances as I also have them out frequently due to severe panic attacks which almost cause a seizure and a heart attack I'm some cases.
Strangely after this, despite telling me that they've never had an ambulance out to them, for anything small like an ache they would call 111 which they didn't know before I had told them. 111 in the UK is the none emergency line that can send out am ambulance if you need it. However in a lot of the cases M had, they were perfectly fine but would cry and sob on the phone and say they felt like dying. Of course they send out an ambulance to check on them but it would always be fine.
Worried as I was all the time, I neglected my studies to take care of them and I'd spend a lot on them since I felt the compulsive need to take care of them. They would also guilt trio me with the fact that they were both previously homeless in their childhoods so I needed to get them something in return. I ended up spending over 300 pounds a month on them.
I caught M out one though since the uni I go to, require the ambulances to inform the reception first for permission and to unlock all the doors for them. Before going up to M, I had to go to reception to ask if they would let me in. When I informed they why, they were confused and said that there were no ambulances that parked up at all, not even firefighters which sometimes arrive for medical aid occasionally.
Moving forward a lil I had started to grown attached to them more to the point where I thought I liked them. They expressed to me previously that they're poly and so am I. M had even stated to me that when they first met me they found me attractive and wanted to potentially have relationship.
One day I decided to just confess over text making it extremely clear to them that they had to think about it first so that we did not rush into things and make things worse. If they wanted to be friends then i would be ok with that and I made myself very clear 3 or 4 times within the text.
Instantly, because i was in the room next to them, they came in and told me that they loved me. They hugged me and cuddled me for a while until we went into M room. I was in G room at the time. Suddenly, they both got completely naked in front of me. I had told them that I'm ok with boxers and a shirt since they were more like shorts but getting naked? I was shocked but just went along with it. I was in a shirt and boxers until they told me that i should join them and take my top and bra off (we're all under the trans umbrella). They both persisted and feeling pressured I took my shirt and bra off and joined them in bed. Then G opens up a folder on their phone of their nudes together which I was in shock for. I knew they had it but tbh, I didn't really want to see it. They then expressed how our previous shopping trip to a sex store (we're adults and we go in there cause why not) was a test to see if I would take the hint they liked me. I'm autistic but even I could tell that that was a lie. There were never any discussions of that nature that took place that day.
They then went on about their sex life in full detail. I'm not particularly fond of the idea of personally having sex within the first few months of dating since I'm very frigid about that sort of thing. I'm not stranger to sled pleasure but anything like that is entirely different and I wanted my boundaries to be known then and there. There were a few touches here and there after that, all of which would explicitly done with consent as I have had encounters with SA previously. They knew this.
After that day, they all of a sudden stopped talking me completely. We were on uni break so it wasn't like I could talk to them in class about it either. I felt alone and like I had done something wrong. This sent me onto a pretty bad depressive episode which triggered a small psychotic episode to occur. During which they would constantly tell me when they did feel like talking to me that i was just like my dad (abuser) and that I was being annoying and paranoid about everything. I have since talked to me my mum about this since my memory is a little hazy from that time and she said that the only thing that could've given the episode away was my sudden belief in a god and afterlife. I'm an atheist and grew up that way. But G and M were mostly referring to the fact that on numerous occasions I had called them out on body shaming me, using me as fatspo to fuel their own anorexia and belittling language they would against me constantly. This was even present in class alot since some students who I'm now friends with even stated that they acted as if they ere higher than everyone. Anytime you didn't give them attention, they'd start going on about suicide or passing out only to wake up seconds later.
They also claim to have DID and that one of their alters had encephalitis. This wasn't just a symptom holder either. They would claim they all had it and even told paramedics who were caring for another patient who had broke their leg on campus at the time that they had it. Although after this, they came back pissed to the paramedics caught on pretty quickly that this was a lie.
Months of this built up a full mental breakdown and I had one of the most server panic attacks of my life. I had to be admitted onto A&E where u saw the mental health team to discuss as safety plan since I was have frequent bouts of this. I've always felt with hallucinations since I was 8 but never like I had on that day and to this day, the only thing I can fully remember is the feeling and vision I had. I would not wish it on my worst enemy.
G and M response to this? They went to my friend who was packing my bag at the time and told them that if they didn't pack it the right way I would hate them. They actually cold apparently and not once did they ask how I was. When I got home, I only saw one text saying "hey, Ik your in A&E but you can tell me in your own time what happend."
They were very much disinterested me and I began to be fed up with them. I had an upcoming concert with them not long after so I figured I'd keep the peace until them and they distance myself from them since I was clearly suffering from it all. Around this time, I had randomly been kicked out of the discord we had together with the people we met at con. I asked around they just gave one word responses. I had attempted to be friends with them before but annoyed by their sudden disinterest in me again, I just moved on.
Fast forward and I'm logging in on minecraft to a shared server we had. I used this server as a coping mechanism since it was literally the only thing that got me out of bed and moving to a degree some days. However everything I ahd built was gone. All my pent uo frustration just let itself out and I started crying down the phone over a voice message to G. I was a bit pissed but overly. Key thing note however is that I was having a go at them and in no way screaming at them which they later claimed I did. I even showed my mum and therapist and they were both in agreement that I was not shouting nor did I even raise my voice. It sounded more like I was upset than anything else.
G then said that they lost trust me because of this and that they wanted some distance for a while. I apologies profusely, even getting my mum to help me since I was I no way fit to text. However, a dumb mistake we made was sending the same apology over to the both of them, the only difference being their name. G then stated that because of the name, that they felt like I wasn't actually apologising and didn't wanna hear it. I tried to clear things up but the they told me that I had no excuse to act this way towards them since they were "such a good friend to me". After this, i went on call with a friend of mine who is my ex. However we ended on pretty good terms and are still close to this day. They even look after my cat for me.
I'm gonna call him J. J can be the over protective type so in response to my distress texted G ti find out more about why they were so cold about everything and in his mind, over reacted to something so insignificant like minecraft. This is where they made the claimed that I had screamed at them and I sent them into a PTSD attack. What J did notice though was that the story they gave was almost word for word of a panic attack in had explained to J about, almost like they copied it and changed a few things. They the proceeded to tell me that I was abusing them in that moment and that i was exactly like their dad (who's a pedo btw). Hurt by this and the fact that I had told J to NOT text G at all, I ended thinsg of stating my true feelings about everything and said that I never wanted to see them again. It felt good to get it off my chest and honestly freeing. The weeks after that were spent healing in therapy with my mum who both agreed that their actions in the past were more akin to.emotional bullying. Om still coming to terms with this I had trusted them with every fibre of my being. It felt like my heart was being ripped apart whoever, I stated talking to new people in my class around that time. Each of them said that they had notice the same behaviours towards me themselves and were honestly concerned for my safety since they would frequently talk shit about me behind my back. They then put on their snapchat story the next day that they were greatful for the friend they had and got rid of dead weight in their life. They also chalk up their sudden change to be apart of their BPD which if you have seen the eyes of someone who's manic, you'd know that it has a distinct look. The photos they took of themselves really disturbed me as you can clearly tell they're not right in the head at all. The eyes were dark and blown fully. Their eyes just looks black and soulless. I showed another friend who has BPD to confirm if it was what I was thinking and they agreed. It was unnerving and I honestly felt uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep well that night. They looked like they belonged in those headshots of convicts who had just been arrested and still are clearly under the influence. After this I also sent out a text containing context to everything to the group chat since I knew they were gonna manipulate things. I have seen them in person do it and it's honestly disturbing to see. Each one responded telling me that I was a liar and that I should feel ashamed of myself. One even told me they weren't gonna hear me out since they didn't know me well which I think is just a werid line of logic to have tbh. One even accused me of faking my disability which I quick proved to be false which silenced them. I've since blocked every single one of them since I don't wnat anything to do with them at all. I don't want them to know about my life and twist things again to hurt me. Forgive me if I'm over doing it but honestly, it was like I was talking to group of psychopaths who didn't care for anyone but themselves. Their past actions certainly proved that much.
Fast forward a week and I'm out shopping with friends all of a sudden, at even location we were at G was there. These were bookshops that were not well known the area and hidden very well so there would be no way G would know about them, especially since they don't like reading. G still followed one of my friends on snapchat and we found out by testing that every post we'd make, with or without the location attached, G would be right there moments later. Creeper out we ended the day for our own safety and went home.
Ever since all that, I have been taking to a friend of mine who G and M claimed abused them although with the evidence I have seen, it was the complete opposite. G was a regular drug user and would constantly use drugs as an excuse for their actions. My friend also suffered heavily with mental health problems and physical ailments that they need physio therapy for. G and M would constantly tell them they were faking and that they should stop acting like they were in pain. This is similar to an incident where they stated that I was not physically disabled cause they couldn't see it. Which is stupid honestly. By law, I am classed as disabled as to this day I struggle diary with ankle and knee problems due to a late development. I frequently use my braces but I don't use a cane since I'm too self conscious despite it being recommended to me by my doctors.
It hurt to see that they were treated this way and we bonded over shared experiences. There were also other people they had done this too.
Finally getting to the main issue, recently a con just took place which I had to cancel last minute since a family member died and I had to fly back over to my previous country to attend the funeral. The friend that G and M introduced to me started getting closer to them which I honestly didn't pay much mind to since I'm now just done with that shit. However, it wast until now that I feel uncomfortable. All of a sudden, this friend, ill call them O, had removed me from their private account for "safety reasons" and said they had done this to othe people. It didn't take long before I saw with my own eyes that it was just me. G and M have a nasty habit of spreading false rumours and if you know the cosplay community well, that shit spreads liek wildfire. It doesn't have that they have a sizable following compared to mine and know alot more people than I do. I honestly think they're tryna turn people against me and I don't know what to do at this point. I want them to leave me alone and keep my name out of things. I have had so many great days ever since we stopped being friends and my health has also improved dramatically. I'm not having as many panic attacks or severe ones either and I've not had a depressive episode like the ones before ever since.
I don't want to be dragged down like this and I wanted to defend myself however I know for a fact they have more influence then me so many people will side with them just like the group chat did. I don't know what to do anymore and I really don't want things to kick off again either. If I sense any drama starting at all I will just block people cause I'm just not having it. It's all child's play and they honestly need to fucking grow up and grow some balls or something. I just don't know what to do anymore. Thoughts?
submitted by Okletsgogurl to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:47 Skim_my_Reflection Silly or not- at least I'm asking... is there such a thing as lay-a-way-therapy?

As someone who is now going on 40, had the best of the best of 'adulting' somewhat conquered...and well, am now...starting - almost- from scratch, need help and don't know where to turn. Going from a salary position, on government base, working for a non for profit company and then... BOOM! My life got twist turned upside down. After some family loss, relocation, more loss and then trauma and abuse,I turned to self medication and pretty much hit rock bottom. I wished, prayed, hoped, manifested and reached out to friends and family, begging for some sort of intervention. "Hey you, quit drinking, come fishing/dancing/out again!""hey you, have you lost 50 lbs and perhaps caving in your room, ignoring life, you ok?""Hey you, omg, you alive?" "Hey you... um, remember you?"I got worse, mentally, physically, emotionally...and felt like I was disappearing into an ugly void. OK, anyway, I pulled thru, OK? Heh heh. That was damn near a year ago. Woo hoo, ya know? But.. ugh, ikr, there is the inevitable -but-. Wait for it tho! SO, I am clean, no tobacco, no alcohol, no prescription pills, no otc bogus/nonbogus claims, no extreme fads or workout/health hobbies. No drugs. No bad influences. Wow! Such progress! Such yay! BUT! I need therapy! Real doctor- patient relationship therapy. In person, video, whatever, but I know beyond a doubt I am slipping and need TOOLS. GUIDANCE. THERAPY.
Tools! Feedback! Goals! HOPE!
Ok... yep, I hear the pleas of perhaps government assisted programs. Yep. I am all for those programs! However- please, please, bear with me, in 2017 I became fully acquainted with Central Florida's Stewart Marchman Act ....ans facilities. They prescribed SEVEN -that is 7- different non-addictive medications for PTSD, GAD, ADHD, Depression, and unfortunately, ETC. I was on that throat dam for nearly 9 months before cold turkey to consciousness again. So that was then, and since then I held said job and crown on adulting like I said in the beginning of this rant. Yet... This is today, back to brink of self imploding. BUT, here am I am asking for helo in a different way. I I know if I can prevail then maybe one day I'll be back to managing government contracts, paying for therapy thru my whatever benefits and insurance the future can hope for and living my best life. Please, can someone point me in some kind of direction that isn't down?
submitted by Skim_my_Reflection to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:34 Vergil111 Need advice

am very attached to a toxic friend I have had most of my life. I grew up with my mom and I only saw my father a few days a month. I was never close with family members because they either suffered from mental issues or drug abuse on both sides so I was kept away for safety reasons. I remember having self harm thoughts around second grade and would imagine hurting others or I would hurt myself. I met my friend in early grade school and had to be her friend. At the time, girls were not into video games or nerdy subjects, so to find another girl that liked similar things was a bonus. We both had troubled families and liked similar things. We began obsessively writing rp (roleplay) where we could be our own characters and have perfect lives with these characters we loved and be together. I noticed how much she loved her male fantasy characters, so I started having a sexual relationship in late grade school with her. We were the same age and kept it a secret. I'm not sure why because I'm not gay but i think I just wanted to feel loved snd important to someone. Even if I had to pretend to be someone else. We stayed friend a long time until a death in her family drove her to drop me as a friend. While she spiraled out of control with her life she would often be my friend just to drop me again. Any time she had a boy friend or a friend she seemed to forget about me. She would show little to no interest in my life. She did not come to my wedding, she did not come to my baby shower, etc. Through most of this we keep rping. Though we do not get along in real life, she acts completely different in rp. In rp she is the perfect friend I want but in real life she can't. I do everything for her. I give her anything she wants and visit her constantly but she never returns it to me. She can't act loving or caring towards me but in rp she can. We both thrive and live off rp to stay calm in life because that's how we grew up, but rp is almost a tease to me We fight so much because I do all the work in the friendship that she insults me etc but she never quits rp. Is this a form of control? I've told her that I love her and care about her very much but I don't think she feels the same about me. I'm in a relationship now and have weird reaction to having sex. Whenever I have sex with my boyfriend it's fine and normal but when it's over I break down and cry because my brain likes to remind me.of when i was young and intimate with my friend just to know they never cared about me. I know this is a lot but I did my best to make this as short as possible. This issue bothers me everyday for other 10 years. I constantly cry and hate myself and even hinted suicide to her and it dosnt bother her. I am constantly stoned so I can try and ignore how hurt I am from her. My boyfriend thinks I view her as a much better person than who she really is because I want a friend.
submitted by Vergil111 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:32 Vergil111 Advice please

am very attached to a toxic friend I have had most of my life. I grew up with my mom and I only saw my father a few days a month. I was never close with family members because they either suffered from mental issues or drug abuse on both sides so I was kept away for safety reasons. I remember having self harm thoughts around second grade and would imagine hurting others or I would hurt myself. I met my friend in early grade school and had to be her friend. At the time, girls were not into video games or nerdy subjects, so to find another girl that liked similar things was a bonus. We both had troubled families and liked similar things. We began obsessively writing rp (roleplay) where we could be our own characters and have perfect lives with these characters we loved and be together. I noticed how much she loved her male fantasy characters, so I started having a sexual relationship in late grade school with her. We were the same age and kept it a secret. I'm not sure why because I'm not gay but i think I just wanted to feel loved snd important to someone. Even if I had to pretend to be someone else. We stayed friend a long time until a death in her family drove her to drop me as a friend. While she spiraled out of control with her life she would often be my friend just to drop me again. Any time she had a boy friend or a friend she seemed to forget about me. She would show little to no interest in my life. She did not come to my wedding, she did not come to my baby shower, etc. Through most of this we keep rping. Though we do not get along in real life, she acts completely different in rp. In rp she is the perfect friend I want but in real life she can't. I do everything for her. I give her anything she wants and visit her constantly but she never returns it to me. She can't act loving or caring towards me but in rp she can. We both thrive and live off rp to stay calm in life because that's how we grew up, but rp is almost a tease to me We fight so much because I do all the work in the friendship that she insults me etc but she never quits rp. Is this a form of control? I've told her that I love her and care about her very much but I don't think she feels the same about me. I'm in a relationship now and have weird reaction to having sex. Whenever I have sex with my boyfriend it's fine and normal but when it's over I break down and cry because my brain likes to remind me.of when i was young and intimate with my friend just to know they never cared about me. I know this is a lot but I did my best to make this as short as possible. This issue bothers me everyday for other 10 years. I constantly cry and hate myself and even hinted suicide to her and it dosnt bother her. I am constantly stoned so I can try and ignore how hurt I am from her. My boyfriend thinks I view her as a much better person than who she really is because I want a friend.
submitted by Vergil111 to ptsd [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:32 Active_Whereas8035 My 31F ex 31F seems to enjoy hurting me even after we are no longer together. Am I looking into it too much?

My ex Sarah, initiated a breakup because I was too physically ill for her to want to take care of me. Long story short but she gave me a rare STD from a past partner that caused permanent damage to my body. I knew it was her because I had only ever had two sex partners my entire life and my other partner had tested negative for that rare STD. Before doctors could find out what was wrong with me, I developed severe and sudden onset symptoms including frequent vomiting and nausea, severe weight loss, and limping as my legs no longer worked properly. It bothered her that we couldn't party and do all the things she wanted to do. Also, Sarah transitioned from male to female in the middle of our relationship and I welcomed it with open arms because I loved her. I went to clubs with her even though I was disabled and tried to make sure she felt loved and supported as much as possible.
Sarah however, would never return the favor. She would often become cold and distant when I was sick and once even left me on the cold floor of a hotel covered in my own vomit and urine. I begged her to call an ambulance and she turned around and pretended to sleep. When I was finally able to get the strength to get off the ground 7 hours later, I called myself an Uber to the hospital. It turned out that I had a stomach blockage. When I confronted her about this she said she didn't believe that I was ever sick because she "had an ex who lied about having cancer". I showed her official paperwork of multiple diagnoses as a result of this STD. She apologized, told me she believed me, but even then still treated me as though I was still an inconvenience. I felt so embarrassed every time she wanted to go out and party, and I could barely even walk.
There were many instances of verbal abuse as well, often in public places. For example, we went out on a date at a bar once. I had let her know that due to a family emergency, I might take out my phone a few times. The second I take my phone out, she bashed the table, tossed the chair, left a $100 bill on the table and walked out even before the food even came. I was so humiliated and other people asked if I was okay. She apologized after, but that is just one of many instances of this kind of behavior. I am not a perfect human by any means but when I tell you not ONCE did I ever raise my voice at her in the entire relationship... I have a very big fear of confrontation so the way she responded to things caused me to develop panic disorder and symptoms of schizophrenia. I was hospitalized 42 times in one year usually with a BPM over 150 and was admitted to a psych ward. Keep in mind, before I met her I had no prior mental health history. I had a stable job, a healthy body and was never on mental health medications. My only prior relationship of 5 years was also stable and loving but my partner moved across the country so we chose to end things.
The underlying issue was that Sarah was on a cocktail of medications, Antidepressants, anxiety medication, ADHD medication and another drug for mental health which I can't recall. Because of her ADHD, she would sometimes forget to pick up her medications. At the same time, she was experimenting with different medications and dosages (under doctor supervision). This meant she was always on a different combination of psychiatric medications throughout out relationship. Her mood was really unpredictable and I never knew when she would snap. For example, we had just went to ikea that day and everything was great. We had a fun time installing curtains in her new apartment. I would sometimes suffer from really bad brain fog from the antibiotics and panic attack meds I was always on. Well apparently I didn't realize I made a face after she asked me to pass her something, which caused her to yell "Stop making that stupid fucking face I cant stand it". Then she proceeded to mock me...
She would also go through my phone behind my back, accusing me of cheating when I would never do such a thing and there was nothing to even possibly HINT at the thought. She said she did this because her "exes all cheated". Even though she would always go to gay bars alone wearing nothing but lingerie. And I never bothered her once about it. I didn't want to interfere with her freedom of expression. She was finding her new identity (transitioning from male to female)
After 4 long years she broke up with me in public after I coincidentally bumped into her at a bar when our mutual friend and I went out for drinks. Sarah was talking to other girls but I was just so happy to see her and ran to give her a hug. But she seemed upset that I had ruined her day. She went on a rant for 20 minutes about how she can't stand me always being sick and said she fell out of love with me a few months back but didn't want to tell me. She told me soulmates don't exist (I never said they did), how I am "not special" (never said I was) and she could "find someone tonight if she wanted to".
The panic attack I had from her yelling at me so much in public was so bad that I started puking blood. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital and after she never checked up on me. Instead I woke up in the hospital the next day to see that she started following hundreds of plus sized porn stars and sharing their posts. After causing me to drop to 91 lbs at 5'8".
After that I blocked her on all social medias. I had also blocked her number. One day about 6 months after the breakup I received a voicemail from her from another number. She said it was an emergency and was crying so I called her back. She told me how her hamster died because she forgot to feed her and was crying and blaming her ADHD saying she basically forgot the hamster existed. This turned into a long conversation about her apologizing, her feeling lonely because no one wants to date her. She moved across the country and I made it very clear, I had not even the slightest interest in getting back with her.
She said she cared about me as a friend and missed the friendship we had. I agreed to remain friends but only unblocked her on Instagram. She then started sharing with me intimate details of her sex life with strangers and other people she would meet at bars. It seemed like every conversation would turn into her sending me memes about sucking off trans girls and trans penises. Then she would tell me how she was good at sucking dick and would only top people. Then it progressed into telling me how trans girls anuses felt better than vaginas and that was really the last straw for me. I had told her numerous times this made me uncomfortable. She said she was just sharing information that she shares with all her female friends and made me seem unreasonable for not wanting to discuss her sex life. Especially when she knew I was dealing with a death in the family at the same time. And I'm not just a female friend, I pictured myself at one point spending my life with her. Why do I want to picture her sucking dick and what her partner's penises look like?
I make it clear that she has a very bad issue with respecting boundaries and I block her instagram. About 3 weeks later, she makes a new account with the same picture and almost the same name. She likes my posts and all my stories. I go to the page to check the account because I was confused as I thought I blocked her already. As soon as she liked my posts with this alt account, she uploads photos of her making out with other people and talks about how good dick is. Was this behavior intentional or am I just looking too hard into things? I just can't understand what I did to deserve any of this...
submitted by Active_Whereas8035 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:30 Vergil111 How to get over the past?

am very attached to a toxic friend I have had most of my life. I grew up with my mom and I only saw my father a few days a month. I was never close with family members because they either suffered from mental issues or drug abuse on both sides so I was kept away for safety reasons. I remember having self harm thoughts around second grade and would imagine hurting others or I would hurt myself. I met my friend in early grade school and had to be her friend. At the time, girls were not into video games or nerdy subjects, so to find another girl that liked similar things was a bonus. We both had troubled families and liked similar things. We began obsessively writing rp (roleplay) where we could be our own characters and have perfect lives with these characters we loved and be together. I noticed how much she loved her male fantasy characters, so I started having a sexual relationship in late grade school with her. We were the same age and kept it a secret. I'm not sure why because I'm not gay but i think I just wanted to feel loved snd important to someone. Even if I had to pretend to be someone else. We stayed friend a long time until a death in her family drove her to drop me as a friend. While she spiraled out of control with her life she would often be my friend just to drop me again. Any time she had a boy friend or a friend she seemed to forget about me. She would show little to no interest in my life. She did not come to my wedding, she did not come to my baby shower, etc. Through most of this we keep rping. Though we do not get along in real life, she acts completely different in rp. In rp she is the perfect friend I want but in real life she can't. I do everything for her. I give her anything she wants and visit her constantly but she never returns it to me. She can't act loving or caring towards me but in rp she can. We both thrive and live off rp to stay calm in life because that's how we grew up, but rp is almost a tease to me We fight so much because I do all the work in the friendship that she insults me etc but she never quits rp. Is this a form of control? I've told her that I love her and care about her very much but I don't think she feels the same about me. I'm in a relationship now and have weird reaction to having sex. Whenever I have sex with my boyfriend it's fine and normal but when it's over I break down and cry because my brain likes to remind me.of when i was young and intimate with my friend just to know they never cared about me. I know this is a lot but I did my best to make this as short as possible. This issue bothers me everyday for other 10 years. I constantly cry and hate myself and even hinted suicide to her and it dosnt bother her. I am constantly stoned so I can try and ignore how hurt I am from her. My boyfriend thinks I view her as a much better person than who she really is because I want a friend.
submitted by Vergil111 to MentalHealthIsland [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:25 celester211 Please read this

Elisa is sick. Plain and simple. You’re all using the argument that “she was given two years and she’s 4 years in” My aunt had cancer. She was given 2 years. She died this morning after battling for four years. She was very sick, and skipped treatments, she dodged doctor appointments, she used drugs and she refused to take care of herself and she survived 4 years. She still regularly visited the casino. She regularly did all the things she did before she got sick. She abused her body and still maintained a somewhat normal life. Elisa is taking care of her body. She does her treatments, she stays healthy, she takes care of her mental health by maintaining as normal of a life as she can. Yes, she’s sick, and yes she can still try her best to live her life as she did pre diagnosis. I’ve been there since the very beginning. I saw her wound from the removal of the initial melanoma on her wrist. We were so happy that for two years, she was okay. Then the cancer came back and it was aggressive. It started to spread. I’ve seen Elisa at her best and at her worst. Is it going to take her dying of cancer for you all to realize you’ve been doubting and spreading mistruths about a very sick woman? Our family is going through enough. I’m going through enough. My aunt is dead. I might lose Elisa too. Can we please just show more kindness?
Mods, please reconsider blocking me. I’m here to answer any questions I’m able to. I just want to find common ground.
submitted by celester211 to ECStilsonFakingCancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:14 Full-Ferret-2219 I have ruined my life addicted to meth the last three years. Can I turn my life around?

At first I felt alive and desired. I felt worthy and wanted. But I’m now at the point I have ruined my entire existence and reputation. I have changed in everything I worked for and who I was. I don’t know who I am anymore and I am in a very sad dark place. I don’t right now, have my family behind me 100% to let me fall on them. I will always need to work hard for a small reward of love I get. I need to do this on my own completely. Is this even possible for me to survive this? How do I start to completely turn my life around, get sober and reinvent who I am. Change my image and outs look and priorities. Letting go of all the lose and newness I endured by people who were not my real friends anyway. What something need to do first, second , third. What are a few on going or later tasks to keep up with. I want to be happy and alive again I want this more than anything I have ever wanted or needed . I need to save my life all by myself and I need to do this now.. Also can your please validate that drug addicts are toxic and don’t think clearly. I have friended quite a few but it never last long.I’m betrayed and abuser and abandoned more often than not and it hurts bad. I have left a trail of drug addicts that don’t like me anymore.Most are mad at me for the fact they felt rejected by me. Even though I didn’t directly reject them. I would for example want to hang out with a certain guy I liked, they would take it very personal and quickly turned to hate me and some even claiming I was easy or crazy because they were just hurt or jealous. Please validate this for me, I don’t need them in my life at all right? They are not good people for me right? I have felt such sadness over losing these supposed friendships but they don’t hesitate to then spread rumors or police reports because they want to hurt me. Help me help myself save my own life. What do I do first after I’m done crying . Thank you
submitted by Full-Ferret-2219 to SoberLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:51 Loose-Sample9544 What do I do?

This is my first post on reddit and don't really know how subreddits work. Anyway. I have a huge problem. My partner is 70(m) and I am 51( f).Our relationship has never been the greatest. He is the worst abuser and narcissist you can imagine. Recently, to make matters worse, he has moved his drug addicted 35 year son into our house. This useless excuse of a human being does absolutely nothing around the house, wakes up at 10 in the morning and then watches TV on top volume for the rest of the day. He makes no effort to get a job or do anything useful. I have never hated any person, but this one I absolutely despise. If I ask my partner to choose between me and his son, he will most certainly pick the little asshole. How do I get rid of this piece of rubbish?
submitted by Loose-Sample9544 to u/Loose-Sample9544 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:26 MoleHog sober dad

my dad was an alcoholic for basically my whole life. I am about to turn 20 and my dad quit drinking when i was 17 after he almost died in the hospital due to alcohol related medical problems. He has been completely sober for almost 3 years now but i still havnt forgiven him for what he put me, my brother, and my mom through. He was an extremely bad alcoholic and would be black out drunk basically 24/7 unless he had to leave the house. He also is bipolar and has extremely bad anxiety and was extremely controlling. One example i vividly remember is him not letting me ride the bus home from school because he thought i was going to hang out with drug addicts(no idea why) and instead would pick me up from school drunk and swerving off the road every day or would be to drunk to come and i'd be stranded there for hours until my mom(who works full time) would come and pick me up after she got off. He would also get into really bad drunken rages and break my things and yell at me and although he never was physically abusive, he was extremely mentally abusive. From the ages 10-16 i would break down all the time and beg him to stop drinking because it was killing me seeing my dad like this and he always promised me he would but after not drinking for a couple of days he would always relapse and i would always blame myself. On a couple of occasions when he would start drinking again it would be after we got into an argument or something similar and i genuinely believed that i was the reason he was an alcoholic. After years and years of going through the mental torment and the major depression he caused me at around age 16 i just grew to hate him. I genuinely hated my dad so much and i would hope that he would die(i know this sounds terrible) me and my dad had 0 relationship at this point and the only time we would talk to eachother would be when we were fighting. He would also always fight with my mom and she would come to me crying after almost every argument which made me hate him even more. He would also drink outside the garage a lot so my mom wouldn't see which was right outside my bedroom window and listening to him throw up almost every night was not fun. I hated him so much that when he was in the hospital (he had like a 5% chance of survival) i still refused to go see him and it wasn't bcas i didn't want to see him in that state it was bcas i did not care if he lived or died. Now that he has quit drinking he really has become a better human being and a way better father and i rly do love my dad again but i just never can forgive him no matter how hard i try and i know that strains our relationship. he also makes jokes abt when he was an alcoholic and he and my mom just laugh abt it but it makes me just want to cry. it's been 3 years and i still cry and have breakdowns constantly and get sent into rly bad depressive episodes when i think about it and kind of just spiral(which is why im writing this lol) i also start sobbing when i see rly drunk ppl(idk i genuinely can't control it even if its in like a movie or something) i rly dont know what to do anymore its almost like i can't heal from this even tho its been so long and i feel like this isn't something i should still be stuck on and if anyone has some advice on this i could really use it. (sorry if this sounds scattered im kind of just throwing all my feelings at my keyboard lol)
submitted by MoleHog to AlcoholicParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:14 iguessimalivehaha book’s or films similar to the “golden age” ep?

i am currently listening to the golden age ep on repeat and am looking for media similar to it. i am looking for media similar to the themes of toxic love, abuse, drug induced hazes, mental health, trauma, religious trauma, etc
submitted by iguessimalivehaha to Ethelcain [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:06 KellyS087 I don’t feel like I’m a good friend or person

I try really hard to be a good friend and to support others and be the person I needed for everyone else. I constantly analyze and tear myself apart and try to improve and back up how I want to be a good friend.
But I don’t know how to do this and I’m filled with self doubt and don’t want to hurt others or share my pain and cause them harm from that.
I don’t know how to do this. I didn’t have many friends growing up or in my life. I was the outcast kid who got bullied and was alone a lot. I felt alone constantly. I learned to make do on my own, that no one was coming to help or save me. My parents were abusive, my siblings had different experiences than me. They have a hard time even hearing about mine and I can’t share with them what happened. It upsets them and then I’m told I’m thinking or feeling the wrong way about things.
I’m trans and after moving cross country to avoid homelessness by moving in with my sister who was the only one who would take me after how bad I got last year. I have a community here from a support group I go to every week with other trans people. I actually have people who care about me. For the first time I have people that want to talk and sit with me. They genuinely care about me and want better for me but I feel terrible and like a bad person and that I’m not worth this.
I’m also autistic and like I suck at this. I’m not good at small talk. I suck at being cool or fun. I have pain and sadness and anxiety and I vent sometimes or share trauma and it makes me feel horrible for burdening them. They say I’m not but I don’t want to hurt people and feel shitty for doing it.
I was parentified by both parents. As long as I can remember I was my mom’s emotional support. She became a bad alcoholic and drug addict and I couldn’t handle it anymore and I stopped going to her house and lived with my abusive dad full time because it was easier than being around her. I stopped talking to her and she died less than a year later suddenly when I was 17. I don’t know for sure how she died, I know alcohol and drugs were at the scene and she had bipolar disorder and I think I know how that ended.
I made a friend in inpatient last year and I was venting and getting support from her and then she was gone too.
I should have been there for them instead pulling back with my mom or sharing my problems instead of focusing on them more. I should have been there for them. Maybe they’d still be here if I did. I’m too fucked up, I have too much trauma and I need to go back to dealing with it on my own or with my therapist. I don’t want to hurt or burden others. I don’t want to make anything about me. I am terrified of being narcissistic or self centered. I life in fear I will be like my abusers in any way.
I don’t know how to do this. People say I’m a good friend and person and that I’m a good listener and that I’m nonjudgmental and caring but how can I be? I’m too much and I don’t want to lose any other people because I made things about me. I don’t want to be the end for anyone else. I’m a terrible person, I have this black cloak around me and I don’t want to infect anyone else with it. I want to protect them from it and me. I’m not worth being cared about. I don’t know what I’m doing and I don’t want to hurt anyone or make them feel bad and I feel like I have to do this on my own. It better for everyone that way. There’s nothing good about me and I don’t want to drag anyone else down.
submitted by KellyS087 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:48 BitterExperience6847 Should I reach out to another one of his victims?

I (20F) recently had the most volatile, destructive breakup I have ever had with my abusive long distance ex, who we’ll call Dean (35M), and we have been no contact for three weeks now. We had already been falling apart, but what ultimately led to our breakup was Dean harassing me over text, phonecall, voicemail, Discord, and Facebook messenger for fourteen straight hours after a fight we had the previous night. Amidst that, I told him I needed a full 24 hours to myself, to which he responded with even more harassment.
Dean ended up being the one to explicitly call it quits the following day, and I feel like that was intentional, because three weeks after we went no contact, I feel like the crazy one. Despite knowing a man his age had no business being with me, I still can’t shake the feeling that I was responsible for the failure of our relationship.
This is where his ex, who we’ll call Luna (38F), comes in. Months into our relationship, I learned that Dean is actually still married to Luna, but they have separated since 2021. By that point, I had gone through his socials thoroughly enough to trace Luna’s profiles, and this was true; she is currently in a relationship with her new boyfriend, and around 2021 was when her wedding ring was no longer on her finger in pictures. Dean explained that the divorce was never made official because she was “crazy,” “spiteful,” and a “drug addict.” I had no way of knowing if this was true, so I took it with a grain of salt, and to be honest, his verbiage made me very uncomfortable. He told me that Luna refused to meet with him in person to finalize the divorce papers because in her words, he triggered her, to which he joked, “Well, if I trigger you so much, why did you keep my last name?”
The fact that they’re still legally married concerned me considering the way he talked about her, but I stayed because he kept promising me that we would be forever, even getting married down the line. It made me hyperfixate on her throughout our relationship, to be honest, as the whole situation was so confusing to me. Despite this, I trusted that one day the divorce would be finalized, and we could truly be together. Obviously, that never happened, but the second we went no contact, I did more digging and found Luna’s TikTok and Instagram.
The difference in Luna’s appearance during vs after her relationship with Dean as per her Insta posts mortified me. When she was with him, she was so thin that she looked malnourished. You could almost see her bones. It wasn’t until after she left that she reached and has since maintained a healthy weight. As for her TikTok, I found a video that was a response to a trend where one would post photos from the darkest periods of their life and no one knew. All of those pictures were taken during the time they were together, including one from Dean’s 25th birthday.
I’ve been itching to reach out to Luna, partially because I want to know if I’m not alone, but also because I genuinely think we could get along at a fairly casual level. Besides sharing an ex, Luna and I have a lot of mutual interests, such as video games, Marvel, witchcraft, and crystals (and it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had an inter generational friendship). However, my biggest concern is potentially retraumatizing her. The video from her TikTok was from last year, but per Dean’s statements, they have still talked within the last few months about divorcing. Life has been treating her very well this year, and the last thing I want is to set back her recovery because of me wanting to seek solace. What should I do?
submitted by BitterExperience6847 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:13 ThatNeetHaru I feel like I’m losing my mind

I just turned 16, and I don’t really know what I want anymore, I grew up in a pretty toxic household, got everything I wanted since my parents were drug dealers but lost a lot of attention and life lessons due to it, when I was 4 my dad went to prison, and I moved into my grandmothers house, she was physically and mentally abusive and eventually me and my mother moved to a DV shelter, after my dad returned, both of my parents relapsed again, and my brother (12 years older than me) took custody of me, my dad went back to prison a month or two later and my mom moved back in with us at my grandfathers house (grandmother was dead by this point).
My mom continues to relapse and get clean, relapse and get clean, over and over again. Eventually, my dad comes home and they relapse, me and my mother end up getting in a physical altercation after I found a dime bag of heroin and refused to return it, she bit me, and I got an order of protection, my parents left, and while they were out, my father overdosed and passed away, that hit me pretty hard, since right before he died he called me and insisted that he was trying to get my mother to come home (she frequently manipulates loved ones to get what she wants, and originally convinced him to leave with her in the first place).
Eventually, after my mom went to rehab she convinced me to drop the OP, and returned to my grandfathers house again. Fast forward a few months, and my mom and I get into another fight, she bites me again, and another OP is put in place, she is arrested and bailed out, and my brother and I are kicked out of the house because she wants to return.
Now I’m living with my brother and his girlfriend, and I don’t really know how I feel. My mother took all of my fathers death benefit money, My brothers girlfriend wants to micromanage everything in the house since it’s her first house, and I just want to be happy again. I kind of miss the feeling of not knowing what’s gonna happen next.
submitted by ThatNeetHaru to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:49 Travisc123 Underappreciated

This one goes out to the fellas. Maybe some can relate.
In the last 5 years or so, and specifically in the last year, I have begun to feel very unappreciated by my wife. I'm in no way the perfect husband, and always working on trying to better myself. But I often feel like her disdain towards me is disproportionate to whatever wrong doing or shortcomings I have that she is perceiving.
I work hard in my job to help provide for our family. I'm attentive and diligent with our children. I am caring and passionate towards her. I don't drink to excess, I don't do drugs, I don't stay out, I don't flirt, I don't cheat. I've never been emotionally abusive towards her, certainly never even come close to being physically abusive. I work hard to keep lines of communication open with her, to try to see what's bothering her. It's often like speaking to a brick wall.
All in all, with humility and obvious caveats that come with just being human, I consider myself a good husband, and a good father.
That makes one of us.
I feel like for every 10 good things I do, one bad thing, a minor infraction like forgetting to sign a birthday card, neglecting to turn on the dishwasher, or some other kind of minutiae completely negates it.
The reason I address this to other men, is because I wonder if others feel as I do... Has the whole playing field become a bit askew? It feels like a complete uphill battle nowadays just to break even. I certainly don't think we should harken back to the old days of patriarchy and male chauvinism, but geez. Does it ever feel like the pendulum has swung completely in the opposite direction? That as husbands and fathers we are basically guilty until proven innocent nowadays? That no matter what you do, it's not good enough? Or is it just my relationship?
I really don't know. However based on a lot of other posts I see here, I'm willing to venture that it isn't just me. In general there seems to be a lot of contempt, belittling, and general taking for granted of men that are working their best to be good husbands and fathers.
Curious to hear your opinions
submitted by Travisc123 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:22 Serious-Situation260 What is the best legal strategy for getting my niece out of my sister's care? Father is deceased. [New York]

I recently spent 2 weeks with my sister and niece in their home. It was great to be able to spend time with my niece because i hadn't seen her in a year and because she hardly gets any social interaction. The experience broke my heart at many points as the reality of my sister's strange lifestyle came into focus with each passing day. I spent a lot of time making lists and ordering household items & groceries via Walmart delivery. I didn't have a car while I was there but i was determined to stock the apartment with items that are normally found in a home and things that would make their life easier. I taught my niece how to cook a few things in the microwave, how to open doors with keys, I taught her the different coins (penny, nickle, dime, quarter), I got her taking showers instead of baths, brushing her teeth (she didnt know how to do it properly at all), bought her some clothes, hydrating and spending time outside each day. We played Truth or Dare, we prayed, we beat-boxed, we watched SpongeBob, we went to Lion Country Safari and we practiced swimming in the pool. At the end of the two weeks, when it was time for me to leave, it was painful for us both. We both knew that after I left, their life would revert to what is normal for them: Mom in bed all day on her phone and my niece ignored in the adjacent room, glued to her ipad.
My sister is mentally ill, but I am furious with her for disrespecting herself, her child and our family like this. There are multiple other family members who can and will help in taking care of my niece properly, but my sister refuses to let anyone help. On top of that, my sister is extremely rude, manipulative and psychotic. Shes been this way her whole life and she refuses to get treatment. Typical narcissist! My whole family has been forced to endure the abuse of my sister for about 25 years, sonwe are kind of desensitized to it generally, but lately it is apparent that her behavior has gotten even worse, and only now, after my 2 week visit, are the rest of the family members realizing exactly how depraved she has been acting as a parent, and we are all extremely concerned.
I don't care how hard it's going to be or what it's going to take but I'm going to fix this problem, and I'm committed to fixing this problem ASAP.
Please review this timeline of relevant events in order to come up with strategies for getting my niece into a healthy living situation:
Father of the child got a restraining order on my sister in 2016ish, while my sister was pregnant.
There were violent interactions between the mother and father. I'm not sure if any are documented in terms of police records.
1st CPS case [Oregon]: My sister had custody temporarily taken away directly after she gave birth. Why? Positive hospital drug test while pregnant, domestic violence incident while pregnant, the restraining order id imagine and ber behavior at the hospital when giving birth. I flew to the state they were in (Oregon) and served as a family supervisor for about 4 weeks, told CPS that my sister was a fit parent, and my sister got custody back.
2nd CPS Case [California]: My sister was supposed to return home to her daughter and the babysitter after a night out when the child was 1 year old or less. This resulted in a CPS investigation. My sister moved out of state before the investigation could be completed. Apparently this resulted in a warrant for her arrest in CA and maybe a few surrounding states. California CPS has tried to reach out to her and my family members many times over the years in an attempt to identify her location.
3rd & 4th CPS Cases [Florida]: About a month ago, 2 CPS reports were created for neglect, injury of the child and my sisters mental illness. My sister did not answer the door and pretended not to be home when DCF went there with the police. She then moved out of her apartment ASAP and out of the jurisdiction.
Other info:
My sister is now in New York where my father is an attorney. He has always enabled my sister's irresponsible behavior and also he is the one instructing her how to handle each CPS interaction. His awful advice has led to my sister and niece having to move around a lot because my sister and dad are very paranoid about people figuring out her location. My sister avoids doing things like taking my niece to the doctor or enrolling her in regular school for this reason. She also avoids therapy and mental evaluations for herself personally for this reason.
Both my sister and my niece (who is now 7) urgently need mental health evaluations. I took care of my niece for 2 weeks last month (before they went on the run) and my niece seemed to be experiencing visual hallucinations, "voices in her head telling her to do violence", & violent intrusive thoughts. She expressed the voices in her head comment verbatim to one of her teachers at the end of a Zoom meeting to assess her progress in school. She also expressed ideas of self harm frequently, as does my sister. My sister has seld diagnosed herself recently with borderline personality disorder and has decided to make it part of her "brand" as an aspiring TikToker. She is proud of it and openly refuses to get therapy or medication. She's also posted a threatening video recently on TikTok, telling someone that they need to "get their mom's gun because they are going to need it this week" when she comes to their town.
The guy my sister was dating recently petitioned for a TRO against my siater very recently as did his housemate.
When the first TRO was granted, the FBI called the Petitioner and asked if they could meet to discuss a matter involving my sister (apparently not CPS related but a separate criminal matter). The Petitioner was informed that there are BOLO (be on the lookout) alerts, whatever that means, for my sister in 3 US states, and that the TRO petition triggered something with NCIC which led to the fbi agent reaching out.
There's SO much more to this story but I'm trying to keep it as short as I can.
I'd say the other most relevant pieces of information are:
My mom and I are hell bent on getting my niece into a stable, safe situation, ideally under custody of my mom. My sister can get custody back if/when she meets the demands of a judge demonstrating that she is fit and able.
My dad has dug his heels in even deeper in his morally bankrupt plan to have my sister evade CPS forever. He has a lot of experience with family court matters as an attorney so I guess he thought in the beginning that my sister could utilize the tricks he knows about the system to circumvent it entirely. He didn't plan on me "turning against" my sister I suppose. So now it's like a family battle of my mom and I vs my siste and dad. (My parents are divorced)
Two days ago I found out that I have an eviction on my record and $6k+ in debt from a 2017 eviction in LA County under my name. I've never lived in LA or even California, but my sister has! I wrote to my dad saying basically, "this is obviously name-related. Do you happen to know anything about this?". His response was, 'sorry, that's just old landlord stuff from when niece's name was a little baby." His next message dorectly after this was "how are you?" my dad pretty much admitted right then and there that my sister used my identity to rent an apartment in order to move out of the jurisdiction of either her 1st or 2nd cps case. My dad's response also shows that he knew about this. From the "sorry" part, I confirmed my suspicion that this was all his idea.
I sent my sister and dad an email yesterday with a blank temporary custody agreement telling them that it would be a really great opportunity for my sister to sign over temp custody to my mom for the summer at least. I said that my other sibling would also be an acceptable candidate for custody, if they should so choose.
I also included the case information for the LA eviction & debt owed, careful to state that I was bringing this case to their attention as a totally separate matter.
I ended it with "I hope we can figure out this temporary custody issue voluntarily without court intervention"
My sister is not going to sign it but i figured I might as well throw it out there.
My sister has been living in FL for over a year and my niece participated in online school this past year thru florida but my sister gets her mail in NY (at my dad's place) and her health insurance for her and her kid are thru NY state. I bet my dad set things up this way so he could always say my sister is a NY state resident so that he can represent her in any legal proceedings.
I have researched florida options regarding conservatorship/guardianship/Custody. Going through florida would be the correct way to go but my dad is going to say she's a resident of NY, so it really depends on where the court proceedings start as far as I can tell, regarding what jurisdictioncis correct.
I'd like to wrap my head around the legal proceedings in NY that I, or my mom, or our other sibling, or a lawyer can initiate in order to achieve the goal, which is simply for my niece to be healthy and to thrive and to be safe.
submitted by Serious-Situation260 to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:03 me-is-surviving What can we do when an alter is constantly doing/wanting drugs?

My partner 16M has DID and one of his alters which is supposed to be like his last resort when no one else wants to front and/or are busy having a meeting or sum always asks for weed or any kind of drugs. My partners brother 18M does and sells meth and weed, they have to share a room so it's like a free supply to steal the drugs. This alter even went through my stuff and found an old stash of weed I don't use anymore (I quit cuz weed + ADHD + responsibilitys does not mix) and I had to chase him around my room trying to get it back with no luck in stopping him. My partner quit doing drugs, drinking, and smoking a while ago for mine and their well-being, but still they wake up and freek out because all the sudden they feel weird and are getting yelled at by their brother for stealing his stuff (no one but me and a close friend knows about their DID and the mother still denys them having it and says that they just want attention) no matter what my partner says to this alter they don't care they just want to do drugs. I asked one time, when he stole my weed, why he wanted to do drugs and his response was. "Come on bro help a hoe, I need it for my major depression" we usually describe this alter as a lazy depressed stoner teenager. Anyways I just wanna know what more I can do because my partner just texted me that the alter did drugs again and now they're scared their abusive mom will find out.
EDIT: BTW they have been diagnosed with DID just so no one thinks we're self diagnosing.
submitted by me-is-surviving to DID [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:02 Mariahhope92900 (F4M) looking for a wholesome boyfriend role-play

Hi my name is Mariah I'm 23 years old I'm looking for someone to role play with me I prefer that we play in first person, I have several scenarios that you can pick from I have two requirements. 1. I prefer that we play in first person, 2. Just be patient with me because I don’t type that fast but I am starting to write a lot more detail during my role-play, so just be patient with me please .3. I accept experienced role-play players.only Please write a lot of detail during the role-play if you can. If you are interested in role-playing with me, just message me I roleplay comfort to dark roleplay I prefer role-playing in Reddit chat because it's easier for me but if you cannot role-play on,Reddit I do Role-play on Twitter,. I hope to chat with you soon, here's a list of the scenarios that you can pick from Let me know what scenario you would like to do with me please do not ghost me a lot of people do that because they don’t like the way I role-play ….please pick a scenario from the list please be 18+. Here the scenarios that we can do
1st scenario
Here’s the scenario You come home from work and your partner tells you that her parents are having a family gathering at their house and she wants to go. She tells you that she was diagnosed with a fainting disorder so you could be aware of it
2nd scenario
Here’s the scenario You come home from work you don’t see your partner in the living room with all the family and you go upstairs to look for them
3rd scenario
Here’s the scenario You come home from work you don’t see me in the living room and you start looking around for me you find me in the corner in our bedroom having a panic attack
4th scenario
Here’s the scenario You are at the store you receive a text message from your partner that they are having another bad mingran and they ask you to bring medication from the store
5th scenario
Here’s the scenario You come home from work and you don’t find me anywhere in the house and you start looking everywhere and you find me in the kitchen having mental breakdown because I am stressed out about everything that’s happening in my life
6th scenario
Here’s the scenario You got home from work and you don’t see your partner in the living room you check everywhere for them you finally find them in the bathroom in the bedroom next to toilet
7th scenario
Here’s the scenario You are at home relaxing from your busy day at work you receive a phone call from your partner and she is crying hysterically on the phone and she tells you that her dad and her got into another argument but it ended bad and she asks you to go get her from her house and take her back to your place.
8th scenario
Here’s the scenario You get home from work and you don’t see your partner in the living room you checked everywhere for them and you finally find them in the bedroom having a autism episode because people are bullying them at work
9th scenario
Here’s the scenario You are at work and you are working as a paramedic and you are driving on the street with your coworker and you stop at a gas station and when you are in the gas station call comes in on the radio and says your home address and you come back to the ambulance and your coworker said they just said they just said your address on the radio and you start panicking because I am home alone and you know I have a couple medical conditions that they are aware of you call me but you don’t get an answer from me rush with your coworker and you go inside the house and you don’t find me anywhere but then your coworker find me in the basement unconscious
10th scenario
Here’s the scenario You are at work and your partner called you from work.they tell you that they are going to go hang out with their friends from college at the club. you told them to be careful and you tell them to have a good time you get home from work and it’s late and you notice that your partner is not home yet and you called their phone no answer and then you get a call from Your partners phone and you answer it and you recognize it not your partner, voice the person told you that your partner was drug at the club and that your partner is on the way to the hospital
11th Scenario
Here’s the scenario You are at work and your partner calls you and tell you they are going to go swimming at a party with friends from college and you get home from work and it’s very late and you tried calling your partner and they don’t answer and get a call from the hospital, saying that your partner has been admitted to the hospital for being drugged and abuse and assaulted
12th Scenario
Here’s the scenario you are on your lunch break at work and you get a phone call from your partners parents and they tell you that your partner is having a Tourette episode and this one is bad and they cannot handle it and they need you to come help them with your partner you know that your partner has a really hard time coming out of these episodes and they pass out after having an episode.
13th Scenario Here’s the scenario you are in a long distance, relationship with your partner and you decide to fly them out to see you and meet your royalty family after your partner meets your family your family that they don’t like your partner and they do everything especially the mother get rid of your partner and you are a prince of England trying to find his queen
14th Scenario Here’s the scenario you are at work and your partner call you and tell you that they are gonna go to the store to get some stuff for the house and when you get home you are parked in the driveway and you get off the car and you go inside and you see them on the floor in the living room unconscious with all their clothes off and you see them beaten up and you see them with the rope around their neck
15th Scenario Here’s the scenario you come home from work early because you have to do a lot of stuff around the house and you call your partner to let them know that you’re coming home early from work you get home and you see your partner in the living room with the lights off and everything and you know that they are having a hard time with being abused, verbally emotionally and mentally and you see them crying hysterically in the living room
Here’s the scenario you are at working at the EMT station and you are doing paperwork and you receive a call from the dispatcher that there was a shooting at the high school they say the name of the school and you start freaking out because your partner works at the school and you get in the car and you start driving over to the school and you see your police officers helping everybody out and you go inside and you find me in the classroom unresponsive with the student on top of me and you can tell that they are unresponsive as well
17th Scenario
Here’s the scenario you come home from work and you let your partner know that you’re home from work and you tell your partner that we are going to go to your parents house because we were invited to a family gathering and we go to your parents house and all your family and greet us and when you are not in the area, they all treat me bad except for your mom
18th scenario
Here’s the scenario You are at work You are doing report because you are a detective you receive a case that someone has been kidnapped and when you get the information on the computer and you realize it’s your partner and you start calling them and they don’t answer their phone
19th scenario
Heres the scenario You are on deployment for two years and you get home from being away for two years and you don’t tell your partner that you’re coming home and you go to the living room and you find them unconscious on the floor
20th scenario
Here’s the scenario you are working a late shift at the fire station and you are working on paperwork with all your coworkers and the captain comes in and says we got a call for a fire at the apartment complex on Hollywood Boulevard 1604 on the third Floor and we need everybody to go help put out the fire, do your coworkers get into the firetruck and get to the scene and realize that the fire is coming from your apartment and you remember that your partner is in the building
21st scenario
Here’s the scenario You are at your parents house after a late shift at the hospital and you stop by to see how your parents are doing and you receive a call the hospital and they tell you that they need you right away and you get back to the hospital and they tell you we have three casualties coming in and when the patients are brought into the hospital, you go up to one of the patient and you see it’s your partner
22nd scenario
Here’s the scenario you are at your parents house helping them clean the house and you are doing spring cleaning with them and you check your phone and you see that you had missed calls and a lot of messages from your partners mother and you call back and your partners mother says I’m worried about my daughter because I think she’s having one of her suicidal episodes and she looked herself in the room and I can’t get a hold of her father because he’s at work so can you come help me please.
23rd scenario
Here’s the scenario you are out home and you receive a call from your partner and they tell you that they are running away from home and they tell you they are running to your house when they get to your house. They are bleeding from their face and you can tell that they been beaten up and they are freaking out and screaming because they are scared
24th scenario
Here’s the scenario you come home from work and you let your partner know that you are home, but you don’t get a response from them and you are looking for them and you find them in the bathroom and they are having flashback episodes because when they were younger, they had experience some sexual assault and verbal abuse and they can’t trust anyone
25th scenario
Here’s the scenario you are working a late shift as a security guard at the bank and you finally get off of work and you clock out and you get in the car and you are driving back home and you get home and your partners parents are on the porch and they ask immediately have you seen our daughter we think she’s been kidnapped and you are freaking out
submitted by Mariahhope92900 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:55 UIatlus Guy threatened to burn me alive when I didn't have any drugs to give him

My anxiety is shot up over the last few days due to this encounter. I was in my garden when this guy passing by started up a convo, seemed harmless at first but I was starting to get uncomfortable. It seemed like he didn't want me leaving the conversation, he then asks me if I have any weed on me and at this point I tell him to leave cause this shit is just mad uncomfortable at this point. He starts shouting off his head at me, saying he'll burn me alive and that he will hurt me next time I see him in public. It's been a couple of days, I'm on high alert cause he knows where I live. He didn't seem in the right state of mind obviously and seemed to be abusing drugs. I'm not going to underestimate someone because of how they look so I guess i need to know if anyone has similar experiences and what they did to overcome the fear that goes into these encounters. I really don't like confrontation, I didn't feel intimidated by this person but just the idea that he was at my house when saying this has me on edge a bit. Any advice on what to do or if I should even be worried would be appreciated
submitted by UIatlus to Anxiety [link] [comments]
