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2013.04.11 02:02 JustWantToBeHealthy Prepare for the UK theory and practical driving tests

A place for those learning to drive and in particular to pass the UK driving test. Discuss theory & practical test tips, share driving advice & your progress as a learner. Full licence holder? Check out drivingUK

2020.02.24 15:44 BredCatXD CAT: Common Admission Test

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a computer based test (CBT) for admission in a graduate management program. The test consists of three sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) and Quantitative Ability (QA). Overall, it’s a two hour online test divided into forty minutes for each section. This community is mainly for discussions about the CAT Paper, sharing useful resources, tips & tricks etc.

2009.04.02 03:45 Satur /r/SAT!

A forum to discuss the SAT and forms of preparation for taking the test. Please use this subreddit to ask for and offer help and to discuss both the exam itself and news about the exam.

2024.06.09 21:49 Big_Pomelo_7575 Bar prep studying tips and advice.

Alright so I’m about 3 weeks into bar prep, using Themis. Really like Themis and feel like so far it has been at least somewhat manageable. Been doing well on MBE practice sets(averaging around 75% right), and continuing to improve with the essay writing. My thing is, I keep worrying about whether or not I am doing enough/doing things right. A lot of friends are making their own outlines, flashcards, charts, etc. I have never in my lifetime made a flashcard and my law school outlines, when I decided to even do them, were like never nothing crazy. I understand the overwhelming sentiment of “do what works for you” etc. but still get worried.
I have been consistently using the directed study feature on Themis and just working through my tasks every day. Also, some extra MBE and reading final review outlines/workshop handouts here and there when necessary. Doing about 8 hours a day Monday-Thursday, 4-6 hours on Fridays, and like 2-3 hours on Saturdays and Sundays. Maybe I’m just still too early into prep, but do I really need to be doing significantly more of like my own stuff outside my prep course? Like ramping up on rule memorization and what not? I don’t know, so far I feel like I’ve been at a nice pace, I’m not burnt out, and I’m getting a good grasp on stuff just questioning things. Thanks, good luck to everyone else taking the test.
submitted by Big_Pomelo_7575 to barexam [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:46 JuiceKilledJFK What is the most ridiculous application process that you have been through?

What is the most ridiculous interview process that you have been through or declined to process through? For some reason, Reddit was blocking me from putting “interview” in the title of this post…
Mine was recently for a consulting company that did not have any open contracts but anticipated having something in a month or less. They wanted me to do programming tests and a total of five interviews. I laughed and said “I am not lifting a finger for a company that does not have an open job.” They contacted me almost three months later and said they had an opening perfect for my background. I told them that I already accepted a job elsewhere.
Feel free to name and shame. I would name this company, but I cannot remember the name offhand.
submitted by JuiceKilledJFK to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:44 Haunted_Marie13 Vulvodynia can be a Mind Body Syndrome: A Different Healing Method

So, a couple of weeks ago, I posted my success story about healing from vulvodynia/pudendal neuralgia using mind body syndrome healing techniques. I got a lot of messages and comments asking a multitude of questions, so I decided to make a post about it.
My Symptoms;
My symptoms kicked off with an initial insult. I had a UTI which led to a YI due to antibiotics, and when I used 3-Day Monistat, crap hit the fan. I had a terrible allergic reaction to the medication, even though I had used it many times in the past, this time I actually sustained chemical burns from it. This led to constant burning pain and PFD for a little over 8 months before I came across TMS, Tension Myositis Syndrome. I learned that our brains are the epicenter for relaying pain messages from our bodies. When we hold our hand over a hot stove, our nerve fibers send a message to our brains to move our hand before we cause damage to ourselves. Pain is a danger signal that let's us know that something is going on and to either move away or take it easy before we get hurt. Pain does not always mean there is something horribly wrong with our bodies. Like when you get a papercut, It's such a small injury but it hurts really bad.
However, sometimes that danger signal can be left in the "on" position and cause pain to become chronic. Our brains can learn pain as it can learn anything else, and unfortunately this is how chronic pain begins.
For example: I had a bad reaction to monistat. I went to a doctor who was not empathetic in the slightest about my pain, blamed me for it, and continued to misdiagnose me with a STD that I did not have. Within this visit I understood 2 things: She doesn't know what happened to me, and she's blaming me for "doing this to myself". It wasn't until 5 doctors later that anyone actually listened to me and suggested that I had chemical burns. By this point, I had constant burning, extreme fear and despair over my symptoms, I was spiraling. Sadly, the fear and attention I was feeding my symptoms had made my pain chronic. I was traumatized by this experience as well, which I held that stress and fear in my pelvic floor, causing it to involuntarily tense up and lead to tight muscles which caused oxygen deprivation to the area and resulted in pain. So, emotional upset > tense muscles > cut off oxygen/blow flow to pelvic floor > pain. See how emotions can affect pain? The more anxious and scared I got, the worse my pain became and I started to develop more symptoms over time which caused more anxiety and more pain. It was a vicious cycle.
How did I heal? I came across TMS by accident and at first I shrugged my nose at the concept, but then I began to notice weird things. My pain would flare in mornings, go away during the day and come back at night. My pain was inconsistent and sometimes be a 3/10 and others be a 10/10. I also had a breakdown moment and scream and cried until I felt "empty" like all the repressed emotions I had finally spilled out of me, and I was pain free for a week after. I also had a 9-da book cure after reading Alan Gordon's book. From this, I learned that my pain stemmed from my fear surrounding my symptoms long after my vulva healed from the chemical burns because my brain learned and memorized that sensation. My brain also associated that sensation with my fear and anxiety, so anytime I got anxious or scared, it would flare up my symptoms. Through TMS healing techniques, I ended up losing my fear of symptoms. I started viewing them as a protective guard dog because they cropped up when I was fearful or anxious and wanted to warn/protect me. I stopped paying attention to them, slowly got back to exercising, sitting for a few minutes at a time, and wearing pants to prove to my brain that I was safe and okay. When a flare would come about, I met it with compassion and understanding, and utilized somatic tracking. Eventually over time and with gentle exposure therapy and somatic tracking, I healed. I had to retrain my nervous system and brain to not expect pain when I did certain activities because after a while my brain perceived danger with things like sitting, touch, and even urinating.
Tension myositis syndrome (TMS), also known as tension myoneural syndrome or mindbody syndrome, is a condition that causes physical symptoms that are not due to structural abnormalities. TMS is caused by emotional tension that signals the brain to reduce blood flow to the body, which can lead to oxygen deprivation and pain.
A good example of a mind body pain cycle would be phantom limb syndrome when a person can lose a limb and their brain sees that missing limb and will cause a pain response due to that missing limb. So amputees will swear that they can still feel their missing limb. The pain is very real and it’s because our brains are in full control of our pain response.
How do we know if our pain is brain/nervous system/TMS related? I will tell you.
Here are some questions to think about as structural pain behaves differently then neuroplastic (TMS) pain/brain pain:
These are things that are indicative of mindbody syndrome/TMS. Structural pain does not behave in the way described above. I am going to include some learning resources as one cannot heal from TMS without educating themselves about pain science and TMS. This is not a magic pill, it does take work. But! You can heal from this. Once you begin to unlearn the pain, it will fade. Once you take away the "I'm sick" or "I'm broken" narrative and replace it with empowerment, the pain will fade. If you deprive the pain of fear and attention, IT WILL FADE. You will heal. I did and you can too!
I hope that this post helps you! I really truly do and I apologize for it's length. I want you to recover. It doesn't matter if you've been in pain for 6 months or 15 years, you CAN heal and I don't want you to give up or lose hope about that. You can use these techniques and this knowledge for virtually any chronic pain condition as it can also help in pain management. I wish you an easy road to recovery.
Here are some resources to help teach about TMS and how to heal from it... Bare with me. This comes from my research of over a year.
TMS Healing Books:
Alan Gordon's The Way Out
Unlearn Your Pain
Headache In the Pelvis
Pain science:
Brain Creates Pain
Predictive Coding
How To Determine Cause of Chronic Pain
How To Reverse Chronic Pain
Lorimer Moseley - Why Things Hurt
Pain, the brain and your amazing protectometer - Lorimer Moseley
Success Stories:
Vulvodynia Success Story
Vulvodynia Success Story 2
Pelvic Pain Healed
Pelvic Pain Pudendal Neuralgia
Pudendal Neuralgia
Pelvic Pain (PN) Healed
Psychotherapy for Chronic Pain
Menda Health (Takes Insurance in CA)
Somatic Tracking For Chronic Pain and Symptoms
submitted by Haunted_Marie13 to vulvodynia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:43 Bagwan_i ZFS 2.2.2 Data Corruption Pool Ubuntu 24.04 on PI5 with ZfsOnRoot

System information

Type Version/Name
Distribution Name Ubuntu
Distribution Version 24.04
Kernel Version 6.8.0-1005-raspi
Architecture arm64
OpenZFS Version zfs-2.2.2-0ubuntu9 zfs-kmod-2.2.2-0ubuntu9

Describe the problem you're observing

Problem is that when new data is written on the pool and I do a zpool scrub the pool shows data corruption on the pool. This happens within a couple of minutes.
zpool status -v
 pool: rpool state: ONLINE status: One or more devices has experienced an error resulting in data corruption. Applications may be affected. action: Restore the file in question if possible. Otherwise restore the entire pool from backup. see: scan: scrub repaired 0B in 00:00:06 with 2 errors on Sun Jun 9 15:33:14 2024 config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM rpool ONLINE 0 0 0 nvme0n1p2 ONLINE 0 0 16 errors: Permanent errors have been detected in the following files: /valib/containerd/io.containerd.content.v1.content/blobs/sha256/49bcaff509ba6068d281f9d4ce3596ce8603dedc09b6595d253040c275ee46b5 
I can reproduce the problem both on
On ubuntu 23.10 with kernel 6.5.0-1017-raspi on raspberry pi5 with ZfsOnRoot with ZFS 2.2.0 (zfs-2.2.0-0ubuntu1~23.10.3 zfs-kmod-2.2.0-0ubuntu1~23.10.2) everything runs smooth without problems since december 2023. I also tried to do same fresh install on fresh new NVME drive and other pi5 with same results for ubuntu 24.04. This to rule out hardware errors.

Describe how to reproduce the problem

You need following hardware and software
Use following guide to install zfs on root on raspberry
I have written following scripts to make installation easier.
  1. boot pi5 with sd card with image ubuntu-24.04-preinstalled-server-arm64+raspi.img
  2. copy scripts rootzfs_pi_step*.sh to /root directory on sd card and copy you ssh authorized_keys
  3. wget image ubuntu-24.04-preinstalled-server-arm64+raspi.img.xz and make sure it is unpacked with xz ( apt install -y xz-utils and unxz ) , install sfdisk ( apt install -y fdisk ), install zfs-utils ( apt install -y zfsutils-linux )
  4. connect usb3 NVME drive and make sure it is empty ( example: wipefs -a /dev/sda , check for drive with lsblk )
  5. as root run first script this will install ZfsOnRoot on usb3 drive
  6. shut down pi5 and remove sd card. Now boot from usb3 drive
  7. login as root and run script and reboot after script is finished
  8. login as root and run script rootzfs_pi_step5_firstboot and reboot after script is finished
  9. login as root and run script and reboot after script is finished
Now you should have working ZfsOnRoot with Ubuntu 24.04. Start installing stuff, downloading data to generate disk activity. I installed k3s and installed helm chart and antoher test I did was installing docker and running different docker compose files ( mailcow, harbor, pihole, gitea and more) Then do zpool scrub rpool and it will shows data corruption on pool
rootzfs_pi*.sh scripts rootzfs_pi_step

Include any warning/errors/backtraces from the system logs

dmesg.txt syslog.txt zfs_dbgmsg.txt zfs_list.txt zpool_history.txt
submitted by Bagwan_i to Ubuntu [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:41 dami404 Major issue with learning retention

I have a dilemma… I really struggle with retaining what I’ve learned in maths lessons, and when I attempt to self study.
For some background, I’m a year 11 student currently sitting my GCSEs (UK). In year 10 and 9, I was only getting 8s and 9s in exams and topic tests. My mental health has always not been so good, but in year 11 it moderately worsened, and I missed a good number of lessons due to mostly unrelated doctor’s appointments. I find that now whenever I try to learn a new concept, I understand it well immediately, and can answer a few questions with 100% correctness but sometimes as quickly as a few minutes later I forget some of the steps that I’ve learnt. When I’ve searched for generic answers to this problem online, I’ve seen the suggestions of repetition of questions for mastery but it’s not even like I can, as I have to simply relearn the steps or the concept entirely. This could be somewhat normal, but I’m worried that my mental health conditions have negatively impacted my ability to do Maths, which would be a major shame because it is a subject I find a lot of beauty in.
I’ve been planning for a while to do Maths and Further Maths for A-Level but this is making me increasingly anxious that I won’t be able to do so. Additionally, my teacher has been ill for a good portion of the school year, and isn’t the best at explaining concepts (my previous teacher was better at doing so). Is there anything I can do to fix this??
submitted by dami404 to learnmath [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:40 rhinehartlane 41.5, DOR, AMH 0.5, success first round with own eggs

Trigger warning: success, LC, MC
My only intent for this post is to be helpful, as I scoured this sub looking for stories like this one (with complete understanding all stories good and bad are anecdotal) during my journey. This is not medical advice. I am not a doctor. This is simply what we did that isn’t as common and worked for us.
We have a 3 year-old LC conceived unassisted when I was 38, birthed at 39. So we knew our main issue with ttc again was my age. I got pregnant at 40 unassisted and that ended in an MMC at 9 weeks. Then, crickets for a year. I did 3 rounds of IUI with stims, (one CP) before moving on to IVF at 41.5 (42 at time of birth).
The most appealing thing to me about IVF given my age was the PGT-A testing. But the doctor we ended up liking the best and going with told me at our consult, given my stats, I’d very likely never get to that stage. And based on how many stories I’ve read on here of women not getting any to blast or through the testing, I think my doctor was right. He teaches RE at UC as well as practices it, and that made me more inclined to listen to his advice. We had enough money for 3 rounds (paying out of pocket. Clinic only 6k a round). So we figured we’d start with what he suggested but also do everything else possible to improve chances.
I primed and stimmed with Omnitrope. I took DHEA, açaí, fish oil, vitamin D, baby aspirin, iodine drops (3 on the tongue a day), L arginine. Levothyroxine (my thyroid numbers were fine but slightly out of ideal range for maintaining pregnancy). I also cut out alcohol, caffeine, and instagram during my cycle. Berkey water filter. Stayed away from fragrance/phthalates as much as possible (no deodorant, lotions, used Burt’s bees baby shampoo). I intended to do keto/no sugano gluten but epically failed at that.
I had 7 follicles. 2 fertilized right away, 3 more were rescued and fertilized 1/2 a day behind.
We did a 3 day fresh transfer. My doctor said our embryos had the best chance in my uterus, can self correct, and most abnormal ones will not implant. I was terrified, but that’s what we did.
He transferred all 5. Which is acceptable to do with untested day 3 (and day 2.5). Small risk of twins. Anything beyond that he said was unheard of for my age (sigh. thanks).
One stuck.
I know this sub frowns on not PGT-A testing, especially after 40. I’m not here to argue for or against it. I’m just saying there could possibly be another option if you can’t clear that hurdle. The stat I found for my age was that once pregnant, I had a 1/29 chance of the fetus having an age-related chromosomal abnormality. I’m not sure the odds of me getting a PGT-A cleared embryo, but I decided to take my chances with the former. My pregnancy wasn’t fun at all. I kept waiting for some test to come back with devastating news. But, we just kept getting good results. And our healthy baby girl was born last week.
I’m sure I’d be singing a different tune if things had gone as feared. But I’m too relieved and grateful to not share, on the off chance this could help one person.
submitted by rhinehartlane to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:39 nickstarr Out of state

I had my probation started and let them know that the next week I was moving out of state, which was fine. I do a every 30 day questionnaire online which takes seconds. Easy enough. I don't drink nor do any drugs and did my community service and will soon have my fines paid off.
When it ends though…since it is in a small town in Ohio about 1+ hour from any airport, do I need to be in person to have it end?
Also the random UA tests for alcohol are done in Ohio, so far I've had 1 and had to pay out of pocket ($90) in Florida to do so. Can my insurance cover them here in Florida though?
submitted by nickstarr to probation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:34 EnvironmentalFox2749 “Gifted kid that never learned how to study” is not a real thing

I see this common sentiment online that gifted children are actually disadvantaged in the long term in education because they never had to learn how to study.
In the comments of posts like this you see a deluge of self-fellating life stories of people put into gifted and talented programmes who then “got their ass kicked in college because I never learned how to learn”. In my opinion this just isn’t true for two reasons.
First, childhood IQ tests are measures of precocity. For example, a 10 year old with the mental level of a 12 year old (12/10x100) has an IQ of 120. Often, gifted kids just developed a little faster, similar to how some kids hit growth spurts earlier. By adulthood, most of these “gifted” children are average again because their peers have caught up.
Secondly, people have this erroneous notion that everyone else goes through education feeling fully prepared for each test. They think that if they just got their shit together and studied consistently well in advance of the test, (like they believe everyone else does) they would score top of the class. This isn’t the case. Nobody ever feels fully prepared for a test, everyone is skating by the skin of their teeth. Intelligent people end up doing better with the scant preparation and less intelligent people less so.
The workload in a typical college course is not that hard. If you dropped out because you couldn’t hack it, it isn’t because you never learned how to study. It’s because you aren’t that intelligent. If you were, you would be able to skate by without studying in college too.
submitted by EnvironmentalFox2749 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:34 Appropriate-Taro-824 The Journey of Studying for My GRE

The journey: I studied VERY inefficiently for this exam. So, I'm going to outline what I did and then clearly write that this is NOT something you should do. My diagnostics for both I think were about 156Q and 148V, or something of that nature.
For some reason, I decided to solely focus on Quantitative Reasoning after taking my diagnostic exam. Being honest with myself, it was just so that I felt like I was making progress and making myself feel good. Do NOT do this. Ever. As with many test takers, I also was under the assumption that if you did enough tests or problems, you'll improve. This is true with Quantitative, but with a huge caveat. For many problems, if you've been out of high school math/college math for a while and haven't touched on it, you'll probably be able to significantly improve your Quant score as long as you keep exposing yourself to those types of problems continuously. That's the only time just keep doing tests/questions work! I forgot a lot of geometry formulas (e.g., surface area of a cylinder), so in those cases that did work. I mostly used Magoosh during this process.
After a few months, I was hitting 170's on Quantitative — in fact, it would be rare if I missed more than 1 (on even the older exams with 20 questions/section). I just kept using up practice tests, so I used Kaplan next and Manhattan prep. So I transitioned to moving to Verbal. I tried different ways to learn verbal, with flashcards, looking up common words. Reading comprehension, I tried to use the rule that "the text is God" but still were getting many questions wrong. Three to five days before my first April sitting, I discovered the wonder that was GregMat. I decided to cram 20 days' worth of vocab in 3 days -- which did help to some degree (I got all the sentence equivalence right).
My PowerPrep scores were: 170Q/149 V; 170Q/151V; 170Q/162V. Beware: the Quant is too easy because there are rather more predictable questions than the real thing.
During my first exam, some other complications led to a score disproportionate to how long I've been studying for it, despite the inefficient studying above mentioned: a) my mother is a big fan of herbal Oriental medicine, so she told me to take some the week leading up to my first exam to help with my memory. It does work, but I crashed after 2 hours of taking it every time. The day of the test, I was scared that I would crash so I took two more after the first one at 8am (my test was at 1.30pm). That led to an overdose effect where I basically became super high and hyper; b) there was some incident where my test got held up and made me more anxious. I'm not going to lie, that probably subtracted from my score, but not by much.
They tell you your score immediately (unless you cancel), so I had to make a plan to start over. I used GregMat to finish the Vocab Mountain and review all of the Quant Mountain. I ultimately used GregMat to focus on my weaknesses (geometry) and expose myself to the hardest problems, even if they went overboard. I supplemented my weaknesses with 5-lb Manhattan book. I also did some reading comprehension practice and did vocab. For Quant, with the exception of Algebra, I had to assume I knew nothing and be open to learn everything. For Verbal, I had to dedicate going through a lot of Quizlets to memorize a lot of vocab.
I'm going to make a separate post on rating the GRE third-party resources, but GregMat is designed for you to be able to deliberately practice your vocab and quant. Reading comprehension, somewhat, but definitely to a lesser degree.
The second sitting, I felt more cautiously confident, the same feeling I usually feel when things generally go well. I did make some stupid mistakes and it didn't go perfect -- I was aiming for a 330+, and I fell just short of that (see image below). One question on Quant I know I got wrong (diagnostic hasn't been released) would have probably bumped me up to that level. But the improvement was still there (also pretty happy about the essay improvement, even though that's the least important section - happy mainly because I thought it was impossible to get above a 5).
Study with people! You learn more when by teaching, because it forces you to master the concepts and be able to teach that to someone else, especially towards the end!
Anyone can always ask me for more questions! Want everyone to do their best and well.
submitted by Appropriate-Taro-824 to GRE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:34 cherryteacup [M4A] The Stranger By The Harbour Pt. 9 [SFW][OC][Gothic][Vampire Speakers][No Listener][19th Century][Lore Drop][Spooky][Morning Ambience][Secret Discussion][Power Dynamic][Servant And Master][“If the human remains alive, then the fate of the Abbey may fall out of our hands.”]

You are NOT ready for this.
IMPORTANT: When copying and pasting my scripts from Google Docs to Reddit, all of the italics in the scripts vanish, which means that a lot of words lose their intended emphasis. Due to this, I highly encourage you to read the script on the original document, which can be found at the end of this post! Thank you!
Whilst melancholic tensions brew between Caspian and the human, far away, in the grass, there lies the remnants of an unfortunate affair. With clotted blood upon his brow, and a bullet lodged within his brain, Elias claws through the dirt and dew to escape the rising of the morning sun. He continues to drag his weakened body through the muck, cursing the outcast and everything he stands for, until, suddenly… he hears a voice. A cruel voice, a loving voice, a voice of authority and allure. The voice… of a master.
[The scene opens with the gentle chirping of the morning birds, alongside the staggered breaths of Elias, who is dragging himself across the ground. He claws into the dirt, attempting to pull his body towards the shade of the trees. He speaks in an irritated tone.]
[E] “That halfwit. That… That-”
[A slither of sunlight catches his leg, causing him to recoil slightly. He hisses under his breath.]
“Bastard. Why must the sun rise so hurriedly? I must retreat- I need shade.”
[There’s a small pause as he continues to drag himself across the ground.]
“That dreaded outcast… How is an embarrassment like him able to nurture such strange and useless bonds? The gunman and that beloved fishmonger of his- it’s… it’s absurd. I don’t understand.”
[A brief pause.]
“Please, Master… remain faithful, for I shall ensure that the outcast is dealt with promptly. I’ll string him up and watch with glee as he squirms and chokes, I’ll dismember him for your enjoyment, I-”
[Suddenly, a deep and commanding voice interrupts him from among the trees. Elias stops and looks around in surprise, trying to pinpoint the direction of the voice.]
[???] “Selfish fool. The words you speak are of your own fantasies, not mine.”
[E] “That voice. It cannot be.”
[???] “You test my faith, Elias Acker, for all that I have witnessed from your reckless behaviour is failure. Caspian is not the object of my interest… the human is. You are losing sight of this.”
[E] “I’m not, I swear it! Your wishes are all that I care for-”
[???] “Silence! Do not feed me such lies.”
[A dark figure emerges from between the trees and slowly approaches Elias.]
[E] “M-Master! Please, I do not wish to lie to you. I wouldn’t dream of it.”
[M] “Quit your begging. It’s repulsive.”
[The Master stops in front of Elias, who remains on the ground. Elias cranes his neck up weakly to look at his Master.]
“I gave you a task. A simple one, at that. Your job was, and still is, to retrieve the human and bring them to the Abbey, and I have yet to see the human pass through my doors. I am right to believe that you are aware of how… unsatisfactory this is, yes?”
[E] “Of course! Yes, I know perfectly well how disappointing the fruits of my labour have been so far, but-”
[The Master lets out a short and amused laugh at Elias.]
[M] “Fruits… itane est?”
[E] “Quidem est. I believe I have made progress.”
[M] “What sort of progress, pray tell?”
[E] “Hitch and that little friend of his are vulnerable. They lack the strength to fight back-”
[M] “And yet here you lie with a bullet in your head.”
[Elias falls silent.]
“Rise, my child.”
[There’s a small pause as Elias staggers up. Once he stands up, the Master reaches towards and holds the side of his head, inspecting the bullet wound.]
“Hmm. I must say, the human that shot you did a remarkable job. We may have a hunter on our hands.”
[E] “I doubt it. A real hunter would’ve sawed my head off.”
[M] “Indeed. Though, he still aimed for your head regardless. ‘Tis a killer's instinct, a hunter’s reflex. He may cause us some trouble.”
[E] “Like I said, I doubt i-”
[Before he can finish his sentence, the Master slips his fingers into Elias' bullet wound. The wound makes squishing sounds as he feels for the bullet. Elias represses a grunt as he does so.]
[M] “Calm yourself and stay still. If I am to perform one kind act today, it shall be to remove this bullet. If your body heals over it, it will surely become a nuisance. I want my children to be healthy, not irritated.”

“I would also prefer it if my children were to cease their useless fixations on those who do not serve us anymore.”
[E] “But he’s insane! You cannot reject what is innate!”
[After he speaks, the Master pulls the bullet out of Elias' head. He twiddles it between his fingers and chuckles as Elias hisses under his breath from the pain.]
[M] “I understand your irritation, but I’m afraid the outcast has made his decision. Although, I must say, these nights I see a guilt-ridden gleam about his eyes. He’s struggling, but how long will he continue to do so? That is the question.”
[Elias gently holds his hand over the bullet wound, wincing slightly from the pain.]
[E] “It’s not long now, my Master. He’s a beaten mutt who knows that his end is creeping upon the horizon. If I could just wring his neck once again, I assure you, I would put an end to his miserable life once and for a-”
[Without warning, the Master strikes Elias’ cheek with his hand. He falls silent, as the Master criticises him.]
[M] “Enough. What a weak minded fool you are. Once again, you devote your focus to the outcast, and not the human. If you continue to act like this, I will not hesitate to withdraw you from your duties and throw you to the sunlight. Do I make myself clear?”
[A brief pause passes. The Master glares at Elias.]
[E] “Yes, Master.”
[M] “Good.”
[E] “Although… May I ask a question?”
[The Master thinks for a second, his eyes still glaring down at Elias.]
[M] “You may.”
[E] “...What purpose does the human serve? Surely they are not needed for your Great Plan?”
[The Master chuckles sinisterly.]
[M] “No, no, they are not. My plan is coming along quite nicely without them.”
[E] “It is?”
[M] “Indeed. The Demeter will make port at Whitby in only three nights, and from there we shall travel down to London and claim our right to national dominance. You and the rest of my children shall soon thrive off of this land, and take your pick of the cattle that run rife within these filthy towns and cities.”

“It will all be ours, as I had promised.”
[E] “Then… Pray tell, why do you need the human?”
[A brief pause passes as the Master thinks. He takes a step towards the trees and beckons Elias with his hand.]
[M] “Walk with me.”
[Elias obeys and walks alongside the Master into the woodland.]
“Do you remember, many moons go, when a new family had taken claim of the old house by the harbour?”
[E] “I-I apologise, I don’t believe I do.”
[M] “Well, tension began to rise between the two of us. For, you see, this family had made plans to renovate the Abbey, and, as you can obviously assume, this little goal of theirs was completely out of the question.”

“I posed as the Abbey’s priest, and took it upon myself to ensure that these dirty fisher folk stayed put at the harbour, where they belonged. But, alas, they challenged me. They stated that a distant relative of theirs passed the Abbey down to them through inheritance, but I hardly believed it. A poor fishing family, gifted an Abbey out of pure relation?”
[He chuckles.]
“‘Twas positively absurd. They continued their verbal onslaught for many days and nights, squabbling about their right of ownership, until, finally, I had lost my patience.”
[E] “What did you do?”
[The Master stops walking, and so does Elias. The Master turns to face him.]
[M] “I killed them. Sucked them dry until they were nothing but piles of pruned, rotting flesh. Usually, I would be pleased about this, if it was not for the one human who managed to escape my grasp.”
[Elias mumbles to himself, realising who exactly that human is.]
[E] “Hitch’s new friend…”
[M] “This is no fixation, my child. Nor an obsession. ‘Tis simply a desire to finish what I had started long ago, to complete my delectable collection. If the human remains alive, then the fate of the Abbey may fall out of our hands.”
[E] “Surely that isn’t possible?”
[M] “I have witnessed it all. I have watched peasants wear crowns, and kings slumbering in the muck. The human must be slain, and I shall do the honours. I want that human to be bound to my altar and given up to my greed-ridden fangs, I want to smell the blood coursing through their veins, and I want most of all for their influence over my children to be put to an end.”
[E] “Hitch failed to prove his loyalty to us, and yet you still address him as one of your children? Why?”
[M] “It is true that he has become disloyal, and, I admit, his repression of my gaze is rather admirable, but he is a child of the night, regardless. He shares the same primitive desires as you and I, only he exercises control over his urges. He may pretend to be human, yes, but he knows just as well as us that he is a monster, through and through.”

“But I digress. The only being who we are concerned with, at this very moment, is the human, and the human alone. Do you understand?”
[E] “Yes, Master.”
[M] “Good. Consider yourself lucky. I do not spare this much faith for someone of the likes of you. Allowing you to see me is a privilege in itself, my child, and it would be quite irksome if one were to… betray my trust.”
[E] “I would never. Not even in my wildest dreams would I consider doing such a thing. I am, and will forever be, your most ardent servant.”
[Elias takes a bow, and a brief pause follows. The Master smiles to himself.]
[M] “Your obedience is pleasing, but it will take more than words to satisfy me.”

“Bring the human to the Abbey doors, and only then shall they open for you. Do not return empty-handed. Understood?”
[E] “Yes, Master, of course-”
[Rising from his bow, Elias realises that the Master has vanished.]
“He’s gone.”
[A brief pause. He lets out an irritated sigh and begins walking again, mumbling under his breath as he does so.]
“Curse you, Hitch. Curse. You.”
[After a short while of walking, the distant voices of Abraham and Elissia can be heard approaching.]
[A] “I shot him up, I did. Aimed for his cranium and let my bullets ring! I tell ya, doctor, you just had to be there.”
[DE] “I did not, thank you. Your… graphic retelling is more than enough.”
[Elias stops walking, realising who the voice belongs to.]
[E] “The gunman…”
[He hides behind a tree as Abraham and Elissia continue their conversation. Their voices become gradually louder.]
[A] “Graphic? I thought you were a lady of science? You doctors always have yer elbows down deep in guts and blood.”
[DE] “Well-”
[She takes on a hushed tone, like she doesn’t want anyone else to hear her.]
“Well, yes, we do…”
[Her voice returns to normal.]
“But don’t go blabbering about those details out in the open. Have you read the papers? Don’t you know that there’s still a stigma against doctors?”
[A] “Aye, I do. But no one can hear us here.”
[DE] “... I suppose you're right. Although, if there’s one thing I know for certain, it is that something is always waiting around the corner. Take my students, for example. When acquiring their cadavers for our practicals, they are, more often than not, caught by a policeman prowling in the back alleys. Things may seem easy, but, in reality, you have already failed. That is why I am so cautious, vampire hunter. Unlike you.”
[They pass Elias, who continues to keep his eyes on Abraham.]
[A] “Hey, don’t go yapping on about that stuff. There’s a stigma, ya know.”
[Realising what she had done, Elissia gasps and covers her mouth. Abraham lets out a short laugh.]
“Need not worry, doc. It’s still early hours, which means we’re alone.”
[DE] “Are you certain?”
[A] “Absolutely-”
[Abraham stops walking as he notices something… strange. Elissia takes a couple more steps before stopping and turning to face him.]
[DE] “Hm? What’s the matter?”
[A] “Uhm… Nothing. Yeah, nothing.”
[DE] “Well, let's continue then, shall we? We have lots to discuss.”
[A] “... Right.”
[Elissia continues walking, meanwhile Abraham remains still, staring at a patch of dried blood on the grass. He mumbles to himself.]
[A] “That blood… I-I shot him, but… where’s the body?”
[Elissia calls out to him.]
[DE] “Are you following, Abraham?”
[He begins to walk away, still mumbling to himself.]
[A] “Must be body snatchers.”
[He calls out to Elissia.]
“Right behind ya, doc.”
[A small pause passes as their walking grows more and more distant, leaving Elias by himself.]
[E] “Watch your back, hunter. One never knows what is lurking around the corner.”
[He chuckles. The morning ambience fades to silence.]
Do you want to read this script in Google Docs? Click here!
Latin Translations:
“itane est?” = Roughly translates to “is that so?”. It is used to indicate surprise and/or request new information.
“Quidem est” = Roughly translates to “Indeed it is”.
Usage: Alteration is completely fine, as long as it’s minor.
Monetisation: Also fine, as long as I’m credited and have access to the projects you use my scripts for (e.g. Youtube, Patreon, etc…).
Socials: lilacgingerteaa (X/Twitter), u/cherryteacup (Reddit, please use this when you credit me).
Commissions: Want to commission me? Take a peek at the options available on my ko-fi! (Which can be accessed via my Linktree).
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submitted by cherryteacup to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:32 Trevor519 Clean Your Balance in 8 Easy Steps with A&D Weighing

Keeping your balance clean is essential for accurate results, extending the lifespan of your equipment, enhancing user safety, and preventing cross-contamination. A&D Weighing has provided straightforward tips to help you maintain your balance in top condition. Follow these 8 simple steps to ensure your balance is clean and ready for optimal performance.

1. Preparation

Before you begin, protect yourself with appropriate personal protective equipment, including a coat, goggles, and gloves. Review the operating instructions for your balance to understand how to disassemble and reassemble its removable parts, and to identify recommended cleaning methods and agents.
Tip #1: When to Clean Your Balance Every lab has its own guidelines for cleaning a balance, based on industry, application, and frequency of use. Generally, you should clean the balance immediately after each use or whenever the weighing substance changes. This practice helps avoid cross-contamination and reduces exposure risks for the next user.

2. Switch Off the Balance Display

While unplugging the power is not strictly necessary, it is recommended. If possible, leave the balance in its normal operating position without tilting it sideways or disconnecting any peripherals.

3. Clean the Surrounding Area

Clean the area around the balance daily using a soft-bristle brush and a damp chem wipe or paper towel. This helps maintain a clean environment for the balance itself.

4. Disassemble Removable Parts

A&D Weighing balances are designed for easy disassembly without the need for unlocking or unscrewing. Remove the inner draft shield, weighing pan, sub pan, pan stem, draft ring, and drip tray.
Tip #2: Choosing Cleaning Agents Select a cleaning agent that can thoroughly remove contamination without damaging the equipment. Always refer to the manufacturer’s operations manual to ensure you are using recommended cleaning agents.

5. Clean the Balance

Use a lint-free cloth moistened with a mild cleaning agent to wipe away any spilled material from the surface of the balance. For powder or dust, use a disposable tissue or soft-bristle brush—never blow on the equipment, as this could drive dirt into the balance. For sticky substances, use a damp lint-free cloth and a mild solvent or peanut butter. Avoid abrasive materials and do not allow any substance to enter the internal parts of the balance. Never spray or pour liquids directly on the balance.

6. Clean Removable Parts

Wipe removable parts with a damp cloth or tissue using a mild cleaning agent. Stainless steel parts can be placed in the dishwasher or autoclaved if necessary.

7. Reassemble the Balance

Reassemble the parts correctly, switch the balance on, and ensure it is functioning properly. If the balance was completely switched off, allow sufficient warm-up time before use as recommended in the operating instructions.

8. Ensure Balance Readiness

Check that the air bubble is centered in the marked circle, and re-level if necessary. Calibrate the balance with external weights or perform an internal calibration, such as Automatic Self Calibration (ASC). Conduct a routine accuracy test with a test weight and verify with any required accessories, such as a printer test printout.
A&D Weighing balances are designed for easy cleaning, but it’s important to take appropriate precautions and use the recommended cleaning agents.
submitted by Trevor519 to andweighing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:26 Jet_Threat_ Has anyone tried the Embark Gut Health Test yet? Or has anyone figured out PLINK?

Has anyone tried the Embark Gut Health Test yet? Or has anyone figured out PLINK?
I’m really curious what’s includes in the Gut Health test from Embark. It’s over a hundred bucks so I’m hoping it’s pretty in-depth. I wish they could use your dog’s raw DNA on file to run the test rather than needing a new swab.
I have a primitive dog and a primitive mix so I’m hoping to learn more about their gut genetics and how many copies of AMY2B (the gene that codes for digesting starches) they have. Theoretically this is something I should be able to do for free with PLINK, but it’s less straightforward to figure out than genomic software I’ve used for human DNA.
submitted by Jet_Threat_ to DoggyDNA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:25 Kenn_seoWriter Unlock Your Academic Potential with Expert Tutoring and Assistance!

Unlock Your Academic Potential with Expert Tutoring and Assistance!

Are you struggling to grasp complex concepts in Maths, Chemistry, MATLAB, Physics, or AutoCAD? Do you need a patient and knowledgeable tutor to guide you through your studies? Look no further!
About Me: I am a seasoned tutor with a passion for teaching and a proven track record of helping students excel. With extensive experience in each of these subjects, I tailor my tutoring sessions to meet your unique learning needs.
Subjects Offered:
🔢 M*athematics: *From algebra and geometry to calculus and differential equations, I can help you master the fundamentals and advanced topics with ease.
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submitted by Kenn_seoWriter to HomeworkHelp_Tutors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:18 Accomplished-You6742 ACT II Biology

Can I study from the Barron’s Biology Book (SAT II) for the ACT II Biology, or is there a better source? And is there any past papers or practice tests? (Tips too are appreciated =)
submitted by Accomplished-You6742 to ACTSubjects [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:18 Intrepid_Technician7 Losing my mind.

After 3 months free from H. pylori, I was starting to feel better, but the last 10 days have been tough with constant burping and acid reflux up to my mouth. I'm really frustrated. My doctor advised me to send in a new stool test to check if H. pylori is back after the quadruple treatment. I hope it's not back, as I've had it three times: in 2010, 2015, and now 2023/2024. I'm losing my mind over this. I hope for a vaccine for this messed up bacterium because I'm sick of antibiotics, and I pray the stool test I send tomorrow comes back negative.
submitted by Intrepid_Technician7 to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:18 HALLOGAZZ how to fix multiplayer

ok so i was working on bsl-v41( an online brawl stars server and while i was testing it i found out that i cant connect with other people on the same game, it does say that they joined matchmaking but when the game needs to start it crashes for both devices, also is there a way to make games end, after the timer goes down to 0 nothing changes
btw i know that its not a good server but its just to brag to my friends and its better than bsds cuz at least this is kinda online
submitted by HALLOGAZZ to brawlstarsmodding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:17 Accomplished-You6742 ACT II Biology

Can I study from the Barron’s Biology Book (SAT II) for the ACT II Biology, or is there a better source? And is there any past papers or practice tests? (Tips too are appreciated =)
submitted by Accomplished-You6742 to ACT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:17 WastelandWaterer Sacramento, Let’s Talk About Pit Bulls (and breed legislation): Dispelling Myths and Focusing on Facts and Education.

Hey Sacramento!
I've been seeing a lot of chatter about breed-specific legislation (BSL) and pit bulls lately in this subreddit and its a regular cycle. Given Sacramento's focus on animal control and the number of shelters that work diligently with the public, animal rescue, and veterinary organizations, I wanted to share some solid facts and expert opinions from well-reputed institutions. This will help clear up the common misconceptions. I will not use or recommend anyone use sources that spread misinformation but I will go into one of the significant bad actors in the public sphere.
Additionally, I wanted to broadcast some local volunteer opportunities and programs that the SPCA and Sacramento (and shelters like Bradshaw) are putting on to encourage healthy animal ownership in our community.
If uninterested in the topic, or only interested in causing flame wars please do not comment. I would like to entertain a healthy community driven discussion here where we can attempt to answer questions and share information for people that are on the fence or are interested in learning more.
Why is this a problem? Why should I care?
Bradshaw Animal Shelter takes in 280 animals weekly
Think about that for a moment. 280 weekly. Do you know what happens when you cannot find homes for 1120 animals at a shelter with space for roughly 200 animals (and 400 fosters) total at any given time? They are euthanized, mostly.
645 dogs were euthanized by Bradshaw in 2023.
Now think about this: The Sacramento SPCA and shelters like bradshaw are so desperate to rehome pits that are being judged for nothing other than existing (with no prior history of aggression or violence) they are giving them away discounted with full kits and vaccinations and sometimes even with training and free vet care for a year. But nobody wants them. Why is that? Healthy, loving, sentient creatures that think and feel things are being euthanized by the literal thousands monthly EVERYWHERE, because of misinformation. Doesn't that seem evil?
  1. Ineffectiveness: Studies and expert opinions consistently show that BSL does not reduce dog bite incidents. Instead, it diverts resources away from effective measures, such as educating the public on responsible pet ownership and enforcing existing animal control laws.
  2. Unfair Targeting: BSL unfairly targets specific breeds, leading to discrimination against responsible owners and well-behaved dogs. Many loving pets are banned, rehomed, or euthanized simply because of their breed, not their behavior.
  3. Wasted Resources: Implementing and enforcing BSL is costly. These resources could be better spent on community programs that promote responsible pet ownership, proper training, and socialization of all dogs.
  4. Public Safety: By focusing on breed rather than behavior, BSL fails to address the real issues that contribute to dog bites, such as irresponsible ownership, lack of training, and poor socialization. Effective legislation should target these factors to genuinely improve public safety.
  5. Community Impact: Sacramento prides itself on being an inclusive and humane community. Supporting BSL goes against these values, fostering unnecessary fear and misunderstanding among residents. By advocating for breed-neutral laws and responsible pet ownership, we can create a safer, more compassionate community for both people and pets.
  6. Volunteer and Support Opportunities: Engaging with local shelters and organizations through volunteering and support can make a significant difference. Programs run by organizations like the Sacramento SPCA offer education, training, and resources that help reduce incidents of dog bites and promote safe, responsible pet ownership.
The big myths:
The facts:
By focusing on these facts and supporting evidence-based solutions, we can create safer communities without unfairly targeting specific breeds. Let's work together to promote responsible pet ownership and effective legislation.
How did we get here:
Unfortunately, there are many bad actors spreading misinformation and have been since the early to mid 90s. But I would like to focus on a single one that has a significant presence on Reddit: Their founder runs the subreddit banpitbulls. Visit it so you can understand what an issue it is. Read about the owner and what a cook she is and has zero education or credentials in the field., and read for yourself why the subreddit and its data should not be taken seriously. Additionally here is a chatgpt generated summary of why its just basically hate bait:, a website that claims to offer reliable data on dog attacks, especially from breeds like pit bulls, has been heavily criticized for its methodologies and conclusions. Several sources highlight significant issues with the data and approach used by, making it a controversial and potentially dangerous resource.
Firstly, often relies on media reports to compile its data. This method is problematic because media coverage tends to be biased towards sensational stories, often misidentifying dog breeds and focusing disproportionately on attacks involving pit bulls. This selective reporting skews the statistics, making certain breeds appear more dangerous than they might actually be. The CDC itself has acknowledged that media reports are not a reliable source for accurate breed-specific data due to this bias (
Furthermore, the term "pit bull" does not refer to a specific breed but rather a type that encompasses multiple breeds and their mixes. This broad categorization leads to inconsistencies and inaccuracies in reporting and data collection.'s failure to differentiate between specific breeds and the generalized "pit bull type" dogs exacerbates these inaccuracies, contributing to a misleading portrayal of the breed's danger (
Critics also argue that's data often disregards critical factors such as the circumstances of the attacks, the treatment of the dogs, and the responsibility of the owners. Factors like abuse, neglect, and lack of socialization are crucial in understanding aggressive behavior in dogs but are frequently overlooked in the site's reports. This omission results in an incomplete and potentially biased picture of why dog attacks occur (
In summary,'s data and conclusions have been widely debunked for their reliance on biased media reports, improper classification of dog breeds, and neglect of important contextual factors. These flaws can lead to misguided breed-specific legislation and policies that unfairly target certain breeds while ignoring the real issues behind dog attacks, such as owner responsibility and dog treatment (,
How you can help:
The Sacramento SPCA is proud to be part of a collaboration between local shelters, rescues and businesses for a Pit Bull advocacy insert that recently appeared in the Sacramento News & Review. Learn more about the breed history, discrimination both the dog and owners face, as well as difficulties in identifying “Is this a Pit Bull?”
Bradshaw Animal Shelter Statistics: Bradshaw Shelter Animal Count 2023: American Temperament Test Society: AVMA on Dog Bite Prevention:,these%20procedures%20with%20your%20veterinarian. ASPCA Position on Breed-Specific Legislation: CDC on Pet Safety: American Kennel Club on Training Pit Bulls: The Truth Behind Discrediting on Reddit: University of Georgia Veterinary Teaching Hospital: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science on Breed Identification: Sacramento SPCA Community Outreach Events: dogs Community Rules: AVMA on Why Breed-Specific Legislation is Not the Answer: AVMA on Dog Bite Risk and Prevention: Volunteer and Foster Opportunities in Sacramento: Adopt from a Shelter:
Further research:
Chat GPT helped me write this.
submitted by WastelandWaterer to Sacramento [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:17 Dreamertist a Torrent Tracker for Ai Models is a Torrent based, Decentralized alternative to Huggingface & Civitai.
Why would you want to torrent Language Models?
Currently, all distribution of Local AI Models is controlled by Huggingface & Civai. What happens if these services go under? Poof! Everything's gone! So what happens if AiTracker goes down? It'll still be possible to download models via a simple archive of the website's .torrent files and Magnet links. Yes, even if the tracker dies, you'll still be able to download the models through DHT & PEX if there's a seeder. Also another question, what happens if Huggingface or Civit decide they don't like a certain model for any particular reason and remove it? Poof! It's gone! So what happens if I (the admin of decide that I don't like a certain model for any particular reason? Well... See the answer to the previous question.
Huggingface can often be quite slow to download from, a well seeded torrent is usually very fast
Torrenting is actually pretty convenient, especially with large files and folders. And as a nice bonus, there's no filesize limit on the files you torrent so never again do you have to deal with model-00001-of-000XX or lfs to handle models.
Once you've set up your client (I personally recommend qB) downloading is as simple as clicking your desired Magnet link or .torrent and telling it where to download the contents. Uploading is easy too, just create a .torrent file with your client specifying what file or folder you want to upload then upload it to the tracker.
little disclaimer about the site
This is a one man project and my first time deploying a website to production. The site is based on the mature and well maintained TorrenPier codebase. And I've tested it over the past few weeks so all functionality should be present but I consider the site as being in a Public Beta phase.
Feel free to mirror models or post torrents of your own models as long as it abides by the Rules
submitted by Dreamertist to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:15 ReddZedd SBC running rich on one side?

I'm back again.
So a little background, engine in question is a 383 stroker, comp hydraulic roller cam, comp retrofit roller lifters, comp roller tip rockers, Edelbrock 650 carb, AFR dual plane intake, AFR heads. Around 10.5:1 compression, runs on 93. Car has a little under 500 miles since the build.
Strange issue. I have Innovate O2 sensors installed on the car (with a gauge), one on each bank just after the header collector. Car has a full 3" exhaust to the back, without any crossover.
I was driving the car one day, finally got it tuned right, and had it in the mid 14:1s cruising and idling, and around 13:1 when leaning into it a little bit. Parked the car, all was good.
The next morning, went out to start the car, and noticed the gauge responsible for the passenger's side O2 sensor was reading SUPER rich, bouncing around 9:1. Car struggled to idle a little bit. Driver's side appeared normal. Didn't think much of it, as I was heading to work that morning.
Noticed the passenger's side didn't really appear to lean out when cruising. When accelerating, both banks equaled out to around 13:1 as before, but the passenger's side would soon fall back to the 9:1 range. Car does not appear to have suffered any noticeable power loss from this. There is a bit of a noticeable change in the idle, doesn't appear to be as smooth and a VERY slight popping side can be heard
I have since swapped out the carb with a known good, and found the same result. Pulled all the plugs and did a compression test, and found every cylinder on both banks tests at 175-180 PSI. Inspected the plugs and wires and found the plugs to be a little bit dark, but nothing excessive. Noticed the wire separators I was using were pinching and cracking the wires themselves, so I go a new set of MSD wires and plugs. Car has a 6AL and an MSD streetfire HEI distributor, both of which have been problem free so far.
After the new plugs and wires, the exact same condition is still present. A little bit of ticking can be heard from the passenger's side, which usually disappears within a minute of running. I swear this has been present for a little time now, before this issue occurred. Took the passenger's side valve cover off and checked for any loose rockers, cracked springs/rockers etc. and didn't find anything out of the ordinary. Had the engine running with the cover off, and didn't see anything weird either. I did however find that the tall rocker nuts I'm using get a little close to coming into contact with the rockers when the valves are fully closed, but there's no signs of actual contact being made.
Kind of running out of ideas what to check at this point. Part of me suspects it could still be an issue with spark, possibly in the distributor itself. Also I'm growing more suspicious of the ticking sound coming from the passenger's side the more I look into it, and I also feel like pulling the intake and looking at the lifters themselves.
Is there anything else I should check?
Also forgot to mention fuel pressure is around 5-6 PSI with a holley electric pump and pressure regulator.
submitted by ReddZedd to EngineBuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:14 Advanced_Quiet9344 Free Xbox 360 DLC Pre-July Shutdown extra pt 5 (UK region)

Hello, I have gone through every digitally available Xbox 360 game and found all free DLC.
This list is split into 2 sections.
Xbox backwards compatible non purchasable DLC
This sections is for paid and free DLC for backwards compatible games which aren't available on the Xbox one and will be gone past the shutdown.
For anyone interested in all delisted DLC for non backward compatible games here's a list: (This is not all DLC but most)
This is in order of priority
Left 4 Dead 2 DLC (contains the entirety of L4D1)
Left 4 Dead DLC
Castle Crashers- Pink Knight Pack (free)
Sonic Generations- ‘Casino Night’ Pinball (free)
All other DLC below, have this content on Xbox one but not the 360 platform specific DLC
i.e. AC Brotherhood DLC is available through the Ezio collection.
Assassin creed brotherhood- The Da Vinci Disappearance
Assassin creed 3- George Washington 3-part DLC
Assassin creed 4 Black Flag- Freedom cry
Call of Duty Ghost- Season pass (dead multiplayer, zombies)
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare- season pass
Prince of Persia (2008)- Epilogue DLC
All free 360 DLC
[site] = content only available on Xbox marketplace website
Not Backwards Compatible
Armored Core V [site]
Armored Core: VERDICT DAY
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood [site]
Assassin’s Creed IV [site]
Batman: Arkham City
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Battlefield 4 [site]
BLAZBLUE CS (Continuum Shift)
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
BulletWitch [site]
Castle Crashers
Choplifter HD
Call of Duty: Ghosts [site]
Dance Evolution [site]
DB: Raging Blast (Dragon Ball: Raging Blast) [site]
All DLC is free
Dead or Alive 5
DOA5 Last Round [site]
34 free DLC
Free keys
Dead Rising 2
Disney Infinity 3.0
Dragon Age Inquisition [site]
DD: Dark Arisen (Dragons Dogma) [site]
DW6 Empires (Dynasty Warriors 6)
Lots of free DLC
DW: GUNDAM 2 [site]
DW: Strikeforce [site]*
Dynasty Warriors 7
Dynasty Warriors 8
Farming Simulator 15
Farming Simulator
Fruit Ninja Kinect
Full House Poker
GGXACP (Guilty Gear)
Lots of free DLC
Just Dance 2015
Just Dance 2014
Kane and Lynch:Dead Men
Kinect Fun Labs [site] (everything below is mostly [site] as well)
Air Band (Kinect Fun Labs)
Avatar Kinect (Kinect Fun Labs)
Battle Stuff (Kinect Fun Labs)
I Am Super! (Kinect Fun Labs)
Kinect Rush: Snapshot (Kinect Fun Labs)
Mars Rover Landing (Kinect Fun Labs)
Musical Feet (Kinect Fun Labs)
Mutation Station (Kinect Fun Labs)
Kinect Party (free game)
Kinect Sports [site]
Kinect Sports: Season Two
Kinect Joy Ride
King’s Quest – Ch. 1 (free game chapter)
King’s Quest * *
L.A. Noire
Left 4 Dead
BEYOND GOTHAM (Lego Batman 3)
Lego Marvel’s Avengers [site]
Life Is Strange Episode 1
LMA Manager 2007 [site]
Magic 2015 [site]
Medal of Honor [site] (don't work)
Medal of Honor Warfighter [site]
Shadow of Mordor
MotoGP 13 [site]
Need for Speed Rivals
Ninja Blade [site]
Omerta – City of Gangsters
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare
Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show
RE Revelations 2 (Resident Evil) [site]
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
RESIDENT EVIL REV. (Revelations 1)
Rugby League Live 2
Sleeping Dogs
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite V2
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 [site]
Lots of free DLC
Test Drive Unlimited 2
The Gunstringer
The Last Remnant [site]
Tropico 5
Vampire Rain [site]
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Watch Dogs
Worms 2: Armageddon
I hope this helps.
submitted by Advanced_Quiet9344 to xbox360 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:11 SelectionOptimal7348 Boost Your Bitcoin: Unleashing the Power of Our BTC TXN Accelerator App

Boost Your Bitcoin: Unleashing the Power of Our BTC TXN Accelerator App
Hey there, crypto aficionados and digital currency enthusiasts! Ever found yourself stuck in the slow lane of Bitcoin transactions? Frustrated with waiting for your transaction to get confirmed while the blockchain traffic seems to be moving at a snail’s pace? Well, buckle up and get ready to zoom past the congestion with our BTC TXN Accelerator app. It’s time to turbocharge your Bitcoin experience!

What’s Slowing You Down?

Before we dive into the fast lane, let's talk about what often slows down Bitcoin transactions. Imagine the Bitcoin network as a busy highway. Every transaction is like a car trying to get through. During peak times, the highway gets jam-packed, and transactions can take ages to get confirmed. This is due to a combination of factors including block size limitations, network congestion, and variable transaction fees.
In the early days, Bitcoin transactions were almost instant. But as the network grew, so did the number of transactions, leading to longer confirmation times and higher fees. Nobody likes being stuck in traffic, right? That’s where our BTC TXN Accelerator app comes to the rescue!

Introducing the BTC TXN Accelerator App

Our BTC TXN Accelerator app is like the high-speed express lane on the Bitcoin highway. It’s designed to speed up your Bitcoin transactions, ensuring they get confirmed faster and more efficiently. No more waiting around and no more frustration. Just smooth, swift, and secure transactions every time.

How Does It Work?

Think of the BTC TXN Accelerator app as your personal transaction pit crew. Here’s how it works:
  1. Submit Your Transaction: Enter the details of your stuck transaction into our app. It’s as simple as entering your transaction ID (TXID) and hitting the submit button.
  2. Accelerate: Our app takes your transaction and gives it a turbo boost by prioritizing it for miners. It’s like waving a VIP pass that tells the network, “This transaction needs to go through, stat!”
  3. Confirmation: Sit back and relax as your transaction speeds through the network and gets confirmed in a fraction of the usual time.

Why You’ll Love the BTC TXN Accelerator

  1. Speed: Just like a sports car on an open road, our app ensures your transactions are processed at top speed. No more waiting in blockchain limbo.
  2. Ease of Use: If you can enter a TXID, you can use our app. It’s that straightforward. No complicated processes or technical jargon.
  3. Reliability: Trust our app to get the job done. We’ve fine-tuned it to handle high volumes and ensure consistent performance.
  4. Security: Safety is paramount. Our app uses advanced security measures to protect your transaction data.

Real-World Applications

Let’s paint a picture of how our BTC TXN Accelerator app can make a difference in your crypto life:
  1. Emergency Payments: Imagine you’re making an urgent payment, perhaps for a time-sensitive business deal or a personal emergency. Waiting hours or even days for a confirmation is not an option. Our app ensures your payment goes through swiftly, giving you peace of mind.
  2. Trading Opportunities: In the fast-paced world of crypto trading, timing is everything. A delayed transaction could mean missing out on a lucrative trade. With our accelerator, you can move your funds quickly and capitalize on market opportunities.
  3. Everyday Transactions: Even for routine transactions, who wants to wait? Whether you’re buying a coffee or paying a friend back, our app makes your Bitcoin transactions as quick and seamless as possible.

Why Choose Our BTC TXN Accelerator?

With so many tools and apps available in the crypto world, you might wonder why our BTC TXN Accelerator stands out. Here are a few reasons:
  1. Proven Track Record: Our accelerator has been tested and trusted by countless users who’ve experienced firsthand the benefits of faster transaction times.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: We’ve designed our app with the user in mind. It’s intuitive, easy to navigate, and accessible to everyone, from crypto newbies to seasoned veterans.
  3. Continuous Improvement: We’re constantly working to improve our app, adding new features, enhancing performance, and staying ahead of the latest trends and technologies.

How to Get Started

Ready to put the pedal to the metal and accelerate your Bitcoin transactions? Here’s how to get started:
  1. Visit Our Website: Head over to our BTC TXN accelerator page.
  2. Enter Your Transaction ID: Locate your transaction ID (TXID) and enter it into the app.
  3. Submit and Accelerate: Hit the submit button and let our app do the rest. Watch as your transaction speeds through the network and gets confirmed in record time.

The Future of Fast Transactions

As the world of cryptocurrency continues to evolve, the need for fast, reliable, and secure transactions becomes increasingly important. Our BTC TXN Accelerator app is part of this future, offering a solution that keeps you ahead of the curve. Whether you’re making a quick payment, trading, or just moving funds, our app ensures you’re never left waiting.

Final Thoughts

In the world of Bitcoin, speed and efficiency are key. Don’t let slow transactions hold you back. Embrace the power of our BTC TXN Accelerator app and experience the thrill of fast, hassle-free Bitcoin transactions. Ready to shift into high gear? Visit Bitcoin Jumper today and accelerate your crypto journey!
So, buckle up, crypto enthusiasts. The future of fast, efficient Bitcoin transactions is here, and it’s time to take the fast lane with our BTC TXN Accelerator app. Happy accelerating!
submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]