Unblock school blocks


2021.05.25 23:14 SCPWolf_R SCPWolf

A place to share ways to unblock school Chromebooks and memes. Also, check out my youtube channel SCPWolf: https://www.youtube.com/c/SCPWolf

2010.04.06 16:41 slaw9 reddit how do i get past blocks at school?

We're here to share and discuss ideas about how school sucks, but learning is great. Posts welcome here include ideas on alternative schooling ideas or programs along with stories about the failing public school system (and private school systems that follow the same practices).

2009.09.06 22:48 When you just can't seem to find the right answer

Need help with homework? We're here for you! The purpose of this subreddit is to help you learn (not complete your last-minute homework), and our rules are designed to reinforce this.

2024.05.15 23:56 WeAreDaGrimms People at school constantly get mad at me for getting my gluten free lunch

What I’m about to say isn’t a huge deal but I gotta rant because I’m so tired of it. I (18M) have celiac disease (gluten allergy) and at my high school I get a gluten free school lunch every day. I’ve had the allergy for about 10 years so I’m used to a weird system of getting my food during lunch time. The school I’ve gone to for the past 2 1/2 years has some wonderful lunch ladies and I’ve barely ever had a problem with the food they give me, but getting it is the problem. At my school the lunch line goes inside the kitchen through a door, goes along a stand with the main meal on trays, goes back out to the lunchroom through another door and to the salad bar. They put the meals for people with food allergies on a counter inside of the kitchen on the other side of that stand and in order to get to that counter I have to basically cut through a large portion of the line. The thing is the lunch ladies have TOLD ME and others with food allergies to just cut through because apparently us just going through the line like normal and then branching off “disrupts the line and is unnecessary”. The thing is that I swear every other day I have an interaction with someone getting mad at me for it. Other students constantly yell at me to stop cutting. I’ve literally had people block the doorway to stop me. On more than one occasion they’ve gone and told the lunch ladies that I’m cutting. I have had to explain that I have an allergy lunch multiple times to staff that are assigned to watch the line to stop cutting. And a month ago one of the lunch ladies actually told me to go to the back of the line for cutting before another lunch lady had to tell her that I was okay. I know it’s not a big deal but it ticks me off that half the time I can’t just get my food without someone getting on my case. Is this normal? Because I’ve never had to deal with that at a different school. I’m just glad I’m graduating in a week and I’ll never have to deal with that dumb lunch line again.
submitted by WeAreDaGrimms to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:51 ShesSoMean Minecraft EDU Anti-Griefing World

We are winding down to the last day of school and I want to keep my sanity. I have recently acquired an anti-griefing world template for my students to use in Minecraft EDU. I cannot get the code for the command block to work. It continually says the syntax is incorrect. Can anyone help me here? This is what I have:
Execute u/p[r=2,name=Player_A] ~ ~ ~ /tp u/p ~5 ~ ~5
Where it says Player_A, I replace with my student's username but isn't working. I keep getting the following error:
Syntax error: Unexpected "@p: at "execute >>@p<<[r=2,name="
Thanks in advance for the help!
submitted by ShesSoMean to MinecraftCommands [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:47 Sea_Tart4292 Idk what to do

I was in a relationship for 2 years. First year was long distance, second year she transferred schools because of me. I thought we were locked in due to that but by end of first quarter we were over. I’m now in the third quarter and every quarter we have broken up and this quarter we have fr removed each other off everything and actually finished the relationship. First quarter we got back and then second quarter we broke up and got back. Then beginning of third quarter ended fr never got back and that’s where I am today.
It was my fault we ended this last time this quarter, I had snapped due to her trying to friend zone me, even though she didn’t mean it. After that she instantly started hanging with other guys so I had to block her and I see her everywhere at school, but I have to ignore her. After 7 weeks being broken up 4 weeks no contact at all she is blocked on everything, she came up to me at school. She asked me to talk later in private.
After we broke up we met twice and both times I wrote her letters, expressed I was so sorry and I still loved her. Then we went one month no contact, I met up with her again 2 days ago and she completely shat on my body. Saying I’m a stick and small, however, instead of the old me, I reacted by telling her she’s beautiful. She started crying, I could tell she put on a decent amount of weight and I genuinely felt bad for her.
I am 180lbs 6’2 gym twice a day, I know I’m in insane shape. I had called her fat when we broke up and I apologized so much but it just hurt to see that after numerous amounts of attempts to apologize, she still had anger for me. Before meeting up this last time I asked if she was mad at me, she said no. Once we met up she acted all chill, then snapped. She was mad I don’t say hi to her at school, that she hears rumors I call her fat (which I fr don’t go around saying), and that she claims she moved on super fast because I was so mean.
I know calling a woman fat is never ok but I was on my hands and knees sincerely apologizing for months. It was my reactions to her actions, not justifying but it’s the truth. I still love her and I wish I could have her back but I understand it’s the consequences of my own actions. It was just a weird feeling to be so down bad for someone who has changed so much. She was genuinely my best friend and the most beautiful girl ever, but so much changed in such a little time.
I gym twice a day, study 1 hour a day minimum, hike with my dog almost daily, pray 5 times a day, bought a second car (my dream car), and became so social and well known in just 7 weeeks. I used my time of pain to work on myself and I feel she used it just hating on me.
I wish things could be different but here we are today. Idk what guys she’s been with and what she does with her life, and that’s ok because she doesn’t owe me that, but I miss how it used to be.
Thanks for listening to my rant, I’m not perfect myself I know I did a lot of wrong, but I never put anyone through this pain. I wish my best friend still existed. Best 2 years of my life.
submitted by Sea_Tart4292 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:47 Sea_Victory_6328 Is this person a bot? Can't tell if this is a real person or not, I don't like to block random people trying to add me.

I got a random friend request from someone, thought it was someone from my job or from high school, who randomly wanted to add me. I asked them if they went to my high school, they said no. She started to ask for photos of me and asking if I was married or had kids. Is this a bot trying to hack into my facebook? They asked where I was located, should I just block them? They have lots of postings of them, but don't have any info about where they live or anything else.
submitted by Sea_Victory_6328 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:45 TableGlittering1597 My revenge

So, I was blindsided with a breakup by my ex at the start of March. Any issues were solvable but she decided to run and put it down to “losing herself”.
This breakup cut deep, to the point where my family were seriously worried for my health - but I’m not the type of person to hurt myself or do anything like that, especially over something like this.
At first, I begged, I pleaded, I tried to change her mind. All of it to no effect. She also sent lots of mixed signals, like continuing to tell me “I love you”, as well as crying and trying to kiss me on the lips multiple times when we met to exchange things back in March.
I went into no contact, failed twice - but third time I was lucky. I fell silent at the start of April after trying again to fix it - but she did show enough care to ring me on my birthday to wish me well.
I stayed in no contact and disappeared until now. And in the period of silence, she stalked my socials from her main Instagram account and then a burner. In the end, I blocked the burner as it made me feel a bit uncomfortable.
Either way, it shows she cares in some capacity, regardless of whether we get back together.
Then, on Sunday just gone, I get a text close to midnight asking how I am and that she understands if I chose not to respond. I’m not one to ignore, and I know some will say I shouldn’t have given her what she wanted since she broke up with me and shattered my heart - but for me my revenge is forgiveness and kindness (without being taken advantage of).
She wanted to catch up and a swiftly set boundaries that I’m not here to be friends or have text catchups. She respected that, but I did open the door for a face-to-face meeting, which she said “I’d love that”.
Anyway. After two days of silence I reached out and asked to see her today and she did on her lunch break. She immediately noticed the physical changes and genuinely seemed taken back.
I’ve always looked sharp with my hair and beard, but I spiced it up with earrings, which she told me to always get during our relationship, and my tattoos (that aren’t shit thank god).
We caught up about life, smiling, laughing and joking. I even joked to her “do you want me to unblock your burner account now?” To which she got shy and we had a laugh about it as it is funny. It was a good ice breaker - because it broke past the nonchalant approach.
We avoided the breakup and going over old ground and I genuinely projected my positivity which isn’t a facade. It’s genuine. I’m in a much better place.
She did ask be questions like “how long did it take you to get over the sadness?” And I gave her an honest answer. She said she was in a similar headspace but her actions mentioned above to reconnect maybe tell a different story.
She also told me she misses me and made a few suggestive jokes about being friends (with a wink) so super playful - BUT she seems set on her decision and THAT’S FINE!
I made my boundaries clear again that I’ll never be her friend. She said “but what if I need you for something?” And I said “well, you made the decision to lose me, so no”.
I did make it known that she can message but be mindful of her journey that she’s on as well as mine. If she wants to hangout, set a date and time.
There was some touching of the hands, and we did hug a few times and I made it clear that it’s likely for the last time but that’s OKAY!
So the point of this post, people, is my revenge is forgiveness. My ex made a lot of mistakes, some really bad ones that left me cut up - both during and after the relationship. I made mistakes too no doubt.
But my revenge is forgiveness and that’s why I met up with my ex today. To show her I’m fine, I’m happy, I’m evolving, and I don’t hold hate in my heart. I believe if you loved someone, you can never entirely hate them. And that’s my revenge.
I don’t know fully why she was stalking, or her true intentions and keenness to meet after a long period of silence. If I never hear from her again, that’s fine, but she’ll never be forgotten.
I wish her all the best and all the happiness in the world. Am I sad I don’t have a front row seat? Yes. Am I sad I won’t be the man waiting at the end of the wedding isle and someone else will? Absolutely.
I was sad after leaving her today but it’s normal. But I don’t feel like it set me back - I feel stronger and the ball is only in her court.
To those struggling, keep going. It gets better.
submitted by TableGlittering1597 to nocontact [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:44 Childofgod0001 Just found out my situationship’s dad called me a racial slur years ago

So i started Uni late last year; The Situation-shipcall him Shaun,( not his real name btw) we met thru Uni after months of flirting. We exchanged Instagram and Snapchat, in his insta his bio has full name. Well me being the detective that i am, i start searching him up on facebook. I searched for his family and found his dad.
This man seemed so familiar, at first i thought i saw him at our shops. It sat at the back of my mind till today. I live in Australia, i’m 19 and i have only been shouted at with a racial slur by a moving car 2 times. One time was when i was 15 walking back home from the Connor shop and another time was when i was 17 in year 12 going to hang with friends after school. Well that time it was his dad and even the worse part i think he might be the one driving the car because i remember the car, his dad big neck and a green P on the car meaning the driving is under 21 and had their license for more than 6 months to let the other drivers know.
Well i blocked him on everything. Respectfully F him and his bloodline. My first red flag should of been that he was a white South African. Welp i learnt my lesson never again white South African guys.
submitted by Childofgod0001 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:42 NewsBrilliant938 I feel stuck. How can I end this and move on?

I’ve been talking to this guy for more than a month and I met him online on a chatting app. I’m 19 and he’s 34. Our relationship is basically based on a flirtatious nature. We exchanged pics and videos and we called few times. I kinda got attached to him since he is the first guy to see my personal intimate ( not nudes) pics.
He started to get more demanding about me sending him more pics of sexual nature which is draining and sometimes I don’t feel like to send such pics. But he keeps getting mad over it and he feels sort of entitled to my pics. He once blocked me because of this and then unblocked me after a day and told me that he missed me and he’s not used to not talk to me..he told me that has feelings toward me and that he feels something different with me..
so I don’t know what to do. I just kinda feel stuck between ending this and trying to continue the relationship and it’s hard for me to say no. So I don’t know why am I like this? Any advice how to get over this relationship and end it?
submitted by NewsBrilliant938 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:37 Nearby-Market-9657 Blocking Question

Long story but our last conversation I blocked her on everything including her number in an effort for me to try to stop letting myself get hurt and protect myself, which I do not regret at all (I am the dumpee) . Basically I sent the last message wishing her well and I assume she responded but I didn't see it because I blocked her on everything almost immediately. She then in turn blocked me on most social medias.
Of course I'm stupid and I unblocked her number the very next day. I haven't reached out to her in any way since and I don't want to. I do want to know if she blocked my number though and I don't want to even attempt calling/texting to know for sure because if it goes through I'll be mad at myself for breaking NC. For my own mental sanity does anyone know any ways to find out if your phone number is blocked without actually trying to call/text them?
submitted by Nearby-Market-9657 to BreakUps [link] [comments]


mass report to every last store, school, gov department, every last resident:
to the gov: we reports our situations 24/7 every second reason: ❶police interaction you are required to sound off to defend your rights and halts violation, stops for a second it could be misunderstood as consent granted ❷in court all that it mattered is the fact that you sent those report, we don't care if they are blocked blacklisted mistaken as spam by the system, the server, the user, none of our business, for as long as we sent it in court it takes effects.
to the civilian we reports to inform exactly what the radar weapon system is, and what intelligence community do by using it, so it achieves 2 things:
❶reduces the severity of the situation, so it's not as life threatening or lethal (this can lead you into aggrieved assult so violence and murder, national security threats charges so counter terrorism, or sexual charges since we're no better than any president even they gets set up and falls horrendously what make you think you'll survive all 3, the fact that they allowed you to live, is that correct? ok so we want to ensure of that) not this is protective but by doing so we loses value in intelligence work so much that we're more liability than asset so things don't go that way long as it's all survival so you don't piss anyone off.
❷for the second part, wouldn't you want the next naive person when tormented they would make the right choice to keep themselves safe not get fooled and wasted so they resolves private investigation early by not walked into an interview so naively and able to start immediate mass report keep them safe keeps everyone safe so they don't get evoked into horrible things. Yes, you can be killed. <20 case Havana syndrome death>——basically reports to every city in and near your county except for your own city cause that's irrelevant waste effort.
Essentially the exact same principle dealing with the police as to how to deal with gangstalking, very clear simple as taught by and Lawyer after lawyer all repeats the same thing:
❶don't talk to the police. you have no business attending any interview (DOD/DOJ/CIA interrogation), detectives private investigator set up the interview just to hear you talk about yourself cause they care so much about you? more like the job they do is to land you extensive investigation, criminal charges and fine the KPI is fruitful cases, So why would you talk to a private investigator playing dress up pay 20 dollahr to opens up 10years+ of investigation for you,
❷ know your right defend your rights, described by retired detective: police lie cheat scam plays every tricks in the bock to get you to do the wrong thing catches people by evocative approach meaning tiniest mistake maximum amount of permanent punishment, so instead of interrogation and evocation leads to charges and search permit/warren that'd make a fruitful case that's the whole job of investigator, we just want court request and judge decision to stay clear of extensive which is essentially exactly what gangstalking is, why would anyone want to be drag into this?
in police interaction we witness over and over exactly how common it is for them to lie about the law, lie about the procedure, so we see our rights and legal ground aren't granted, we follow court decision and the correct procedure not what they tell us, very likely to be an lie just to make a catch to meet the quota, our legal ground can be easily work around with especially radar weapon system disruption so traceless so much room to explain and interpret, on top of that investigator are part criminal part spy part assassin the business model is playing by the rule, simple idea pretty easy to understand, we want to be certain of "Do I have the right to not die? can this not be damaging? can I just go do my thing and be productive?" how do I know that? report and cover all ground reaches area top hand or top dog, that's the same idea as requesting police supervisor so situation's much less likely to be lethally dangerous.
you need the following:
• computer wrap in metal to reduce damages from extremely powerful direct ray
• crawl website email addressses
• sending email 24/7 every second full auto
• an email accurately describe all the torment you went through, exactly what day what happened the full log
• another email accurately inform the local people that's not in your city of all essential facts, don't spread rumor, only send confirmed facts, raises awareness on how to handle special investigation and ho to deal with radar weapon system.
submitted by Timely_Winner_6908 to TargetedSolutions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:28 Lazy-Spray3426 I feel like I'm doubting my pro life views.

I'm a Muslim, and I'm also Asian and terrified of politics. I don't want to be considered a conservative, since they might be advocating for things I don't want to have opinions on, such as food stamps. Prolife sites are blocked, but planned parenthood website is unblocked. What do I do? I'm beginning to worry I might be losing my Prolife views.
submitted by Lazy-Spray3426 to prolife [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:28 No-Kangaroo7745 I Married A Man And Got A Extra Cock ?

I admittedly stole my older step sister's boyfriend. I knew that he was attracted to me because I was very pretty and I took every opportunity to expose myself to him (I was a small 18 ) when he would come to pick up my sister. I would time it with perfection to walk from the bathroom completely nude in the hallway so that he could see me, I was younger than my sister, alot younger and always horny. Thanks to my grandpa, his cock was my trainer .
I married my stolen man when I turned 18 ,he was 37, divorced with a son that was 18 years old. He and I were mistaken as brother and sister a few times funny stuff to him and I..
I was admittedly a total slut all through school, my husband had never hooked up with anyone like me. My two best girlfriends and I got naked with him in the first month that we were dating. That night was responsible for getting him his first FMF threesomes and hooking him on me , the horny teenage slut..a well earned title.
We joined a nudist resort in California and my stepson went with us each time we went. Harmless family nudity, until he and I were alone in our huge old farmhouse.
My husband, his father, traveled a lot.. gone for days. My stepson had grown into a handsome athletic guy. I was still a horny slut at heart, and I couldn't resist drawing him into my panties.
One steaming hot day I was getting ready to take a shower, I asked him "would you like to take a shower with me?"Come on it'll be fun?."
It didn't take long to convince him that he and I could keep a secret. His face was between my soapy boobs, I had liquid soap all over me and he was enjoying playing with my enhanced beautiful titties.
I noticed that he had become hard immediately after getting into the shower. "Noah, is it okay if I do this"? as I grabbed his hard cock with my soapy hand?." "Wow.. okay.. I guess"?he whispered as he looked down at my hand stroking his cock and cupping his balls with my other soapy hand .
He got much harder as I squeezed and teased his straining cocks head..and "soapy" jacked him .
I spread my legs and said "will you touch me here,?" before he could answer I placed his hand on my bald soapy, slippery shaven pussy.
Oh gosh mom ," it's so soft and slippery " He started moving his fingers inside my wet crack, it was his new moms pussy, and he quickly realized, as I was jacking his erection ,that he now owned that pussy, to have, and to finger ,and certainty to fuck.
I began jerking him faster and faster, I took my free hand and pressed it over his hand and pushed two of his fingers deep inside my pussy lips, I used his fingers to rub my swollen clit side to side , faster and faster, soapy water flying everywhere.
I started shaking and moaning , a massive climax and ecstasy made me almost fall in the shower.
He was still rock hard, but freaked out.. what happened? Are you okay, did I hurt your...I stopped him before he could finish talking.
"I'm fine honey," I looked into his eyes and as I was still squeezing his cock I said "let's dry off and go to your room okay?" And that was how the rest of his formative years began, and my future secret life being my big strong 18-year-old studs own personal cum dump .
( My son was over 18 and not forced, coerced, or tricked into masturbating with his new bashful stepmommy .)..
[ this is a revised version of a confession blocked for alleged under age content. ( reminder..everyone was 18 and more..in the steamy shower)..
submitted by No-Kangaroo7745 to IncestuousMemories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:24 Pristine-Growth-9117 HELP ME I AM KINDA STUCK

I still kinda miss my ex . We started talking last after our school ended summer. She was the first women I started talking to normally (therwise all other female interaction I had were school work related nothing much ) . So the last summer was best for me we used to talk everyday and stuff till 3 am . We started talking around April and we used to talk a lot and stuff . She kinda had a little crush on me that time cause she used to call me cute everytime . We got into relationship in June and we had to end in November end sadly . She had to block me on insta . After that got into 2 situationship type of thing . But everytime I used to talk to those girls I used miss my ex , like her talking habits , her likes and dislikes. Like I used to try to a find a version on ex in them (that's why those 2 situationships failed lmao ) . Now sometimes whenever I listen to songs (some particular ones ) reminds me of her a lot . And I kinda of having nostalgic feelings of last year because it was the best time of my life like we used to talk a lot during this time last year . I just need tips to move on and never think of her . Because I constantly starts to think about her like what would she be doing now ? Does she eats her meals properly? (she had problem with them ) . Does she ever thinks about me even for a little while ? Man I don't want to think about all this shit 😭 help me
submitted by Pristine-Growth-9117 to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:17 Spazticchameleon Repetitive cold feet / performance anxiety ... anyone? / Please read in full

Had this cRaZy idea at the path station going home... shit maybe I don't have to pep talk myself... *all* by myself and work it out in my own head. Maybe I don't have to look for Reddit "articles" that fit my situation, maybe it's time to make my own post. Maybe everything doesn't have to be confined to the walls of my journals.
Disclaimer: obviously, I'm not asking for anyone to fix my problem for me. I'm fully aware that it has to come from *within*. But some advice, especially in overcoming shared experiences, would be very helpful at this point. And yes yes yes I know it sounds like I'm taking open mics waaayyy too seriously. I know I am. I know I'm good at overthinking and I know it's what I'm doing now. Open mics are supposed to be scary-fun but when it comes to the actual moment's reality, I just make it scary. I'm on the verge of seeking performance anxiety therapy. Otherwise extremely frustrated with myself.
It's worth noting that I (24f) struggled with crippling, mute-level social anxiety since ... birth?..as a child. Which in many situations cannot be noticed now, but it's definitely evolved into selective mutism. Anyway, I'm a musician, I've been a melodic lyricist since I was a little kid, started teaching myself guitar when I was a young teenager. In high school and early college, I had a really goofy phobia of playing in front of people -- even if it was just pals bein pals (I'm definitely over that much now). Years go by, I stuck with music even though I was forced into college by external/societal forces and financial aid. Transferred to community school after one year, and eventually dropped out with an associate's when I was past the age of a bachelors....When I realized that working part time to pay for school and personal wants (many of them music-related), and schooling part time not knowing a damn thing about what my true calling was besides music, was making me miserable. Days of silent treatment from my ma didn't stop me (never should, I realized).
So here I am, two years later. Working on an album with many trials and tribulations, but I'm embracing the journey. Yet the one thing that's been urking me is the fact that I just haven't played live, even if that means practicing doing it (it's next-level terrifying). I've also moved to Jersey City since dropping out of college, and it (/NYC) is literally the Land of Opportunity when it comes to open mics. When I was still living with my mom (in Bumblefuck, NJ -- I live with my dad now here in JC), I played *one* open mic a year and a half ago in Montclair -- a good hour or so away from where I was living then -- and absolutely bombed it. I let external input dictate my "setlist" way too much; I wasn't well prepared; my voice shook throughout the performance; the mic wasn't even a decent distance from my mouth, but I neglected the setup process altogether. Hell, I didn't even bring my guitar in its case because I was afraid of even the most subtle shit fucking up the tuning. Total flight-or-flight mode; just wanted to be off the stage asap. Why I even followed through with the sign-up, shit. You'd just have to ask 22-yo Morgan. I don't know. In a weird way, she had balls that I don't have now.
But because of that experience, I've learned soo much about preparation and putting *personal* intention behind selecting covers and originals. And the kind of stuff to select for a usually-acoustic setting. After being fickle with my choices far too long, I allowed myself to divert some of my attention from recording/Garageband producing, and finally assembled a setlist over time that I feel works for me. Practiced the hell out of it. Maybe too much, at least the first cover and original that I picked before #3 (a cover and a good choice that I heard at work one day). My psychiatrist also recently prescribed me blood-pressure-lowering medication that I take about 45 minutes beforehand to avoid palpitations interfering with my performance (like the first one in Montclair).
So once I felt like I had all the songs down, I decided it's time to fuckin finally sign up. So I did (via Instagram) just less than a week before, for a bar with weekly Monday open mics. It was a NY venue ... I took the path train, then the subway, then I made the short walk. The place itself suddenly freaked me out. Like the Google Images page, the pictures of the venue were suddenly real. My pussy ass walked passed it like I was going somewhere else (when you're a tiny, forgetfully-"unarmed" female in NYC, ALWAYS look like you know where you're going). Made the street-grid in my head when I was walking past it since I was early enough to psych myself out; I thought I'd just walk a few blocks and come back. Started to come back.... no. Turned around; waste of metro money to say the least.
The night that followed and the day after, I hated myself so much for doing that. I DMed the same person on Instagram asking to sign up for the following week. Throughout the week leading up to it, I handwrote myself a literal 8-page pep-talk journal entry (all with very good points to combat the feelings and apprehensive thoughts). I thought that the self-disappointment and regret would be enough of a motivator for the next one. But this past Monday (a week later)? Same shit. Repeated cycle. Decided I'd play at a different one I knew of the following night (which was last night/Tuesday, who also has them weekly) -- signups were at the door, and the time limit was only 7 minutes, so I'd only play two songs that were very simple, one original and one cover, and it'd be over before I knew it. I got there pretty early (another New York venue) -- I was the first one there. The doors hadn't even opened; host walked past me asking me if I was there for the open mic, I said yeah, he said that the doors were opening in about 15 minutes, I said okay cool. Nerves started creeping up a little bit. But my feet stayed planted to the pavement. I was feeling like, yeah, this is really happening. More performers started arriving -- some of them were nice, some of them made me even more nervous and uncomfortable in short, but either way most of them seemed like they were at least a little self-assured (the comics very playful; one of them even had a special coming up), and knew someone else there waiting for the doors to open. The more people that showed up, the more scared I got. But networking with the others just confirmed all the more that I was going to play. I started to get that fight-or-flight response; the fear was growing... then the doors opened. I stood in line, I was talking to people a little; I probably didn't seem very scared on the surface but I sure was. At this venue they make you pay to perform, so when it came to be my turn in line, I thought of a quick out -- "is there an ATM?" When I heard there was one down the block (even though they also take card or Venmo), I turned around and DIPPED.
Here I am today, feeling shittier than ever about this. How it could've even ended up being fun, could've opened doors to more opportunities, connections, and maybe friends. I have other scattered open mics planned besides the other two weekly venues I mentioned, one I'm thinking to do Friday outside the city (somehow being in a different area where I can be sure no one knows me or will, to start out / warm up before I start going more locally, makes me feel better). Here I am again thinking that this feeling will be motivation enough, thinking "next time / Friday will truly be the one [if I can switch shifts at work]". But there's another voice that asks myself, how can I be so self-assured about that at this point, when I've recently felt this way two times before, and it resulted in the same outcome?
Messing up is part of the process, and yeah it's scary, especially thinking about nerves affecting my playing and vocals, but here is where it comes back to the social anxiety -- that fear of being perceived is 10x scarier. Performance anxiety to a socially anxious person, is voluntarily skydiving to a person who needs a Xanax to be on an airplane, especially when it's so personal and passionate; different than a forced presentation in front of a class (which I also always used to get nervous for). And when I ask myself, "can a performer and this level of anxiety actually coexist? Am I even meant for this?" ... I think about something that somebody sent me about Jerry Garcia (for those who don't know, deceased Grateful Dead lead guitarist/vocalist/lyricist) -- how Bob Weir (bandmate) thinks the drugs that killed him were to deal with this level of performance anxiety that was too much to fit inside of a human body. Meanwhile, the audience loved him, whether they were in another world on psychs or not. The same person who sent that Jerry Garcia thing to me, I respect a lot as a performer and overall musician. He circumstantially is set up through family, though, to always be playing with other people and having gigs. He told me a story about how he found an open mic he was going to do *alone*, drove there, sat in the lot, and turned around (even with all his performing experience). Performing alone is scary in general. I know I'm not the first person to do this and not the last, probably. But doing that three times doing in a row? I really want to start doing regular open mics so badly, but it's as if this fear just possesses my insides when it comes time to actually do it. The other frustrating aspect to it is that another part of me is as brave as I've been weak-minded.
I also know that the rather simple answer, in essence, is just getting up there and actually fucking doing it. But I'm wondering if there is anyone here who has had this experience, and what you did to overcome it; what made you really play that first time after those cold-feet "outtakes". And even if you didn't really do the cold-feet thing in the past, any advice or perspective or support in this community would be much appreciated. And do you think I could go back to those same venues without being looked down on or cringed at (if they remember me)? If you even read it this far, I also really appreciate that to begin with. I'm also very open to criticism and tough love, but please keep it cordial and kind.
submitted by Spazticchameleon to openmic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:12 KingPatty20 Wow just discuss

“ Black women… what do you think of dating a “reformed” self hating black man
I'm looking for advice. I'm a black woman myself. I've always been the type of black woman to stay clear from self-hating black people. I recently got introduced to a guy and we have been talking. But then I found out that he's previously been one of those black men who talked about not dating black women because we are “insert terrible and insulting stereotype”
After that, I kind of started trying to distance myself from him, which he noticed and confronted me. So I told him what I found out. And he said he no longer has those views and he has “learned” to love and respect black women.
The reason I'm asking for advice is because I still feel kind of uncomfortable. Especially that “learned” to love black women part. Like I never had to “learn to love and respect” black men. It's just reminding me of the black boys I went to high school with who were also self-hating and took any opportunity to shit on the black girls.
Maybe I'm traumatized. But what do you guys think about “reformed” self-hating black men
I posted this in another sub but just have posted it in this sub.
Okay, after reading all the comments. I blocked him. His last message was him asking if we could go out to dinner, which would have been our 3rd date. But I think it’s best he finds someone else. I think you guys are all right. I just don’t feel comfortable being an experiment of his reform.
This is like the 3rd time this has happened to me. I’ve had 2 boys (black) from my high school ask me out. These same boys used to say that “I can’t date a black woman unless she’s like Beyoncé. Most black women are too ghetto”
So imagine my shock when they starting replying to my Snapchat stories with hearts and then ask me if we could hang out. Turned them down.
But I was actually starting to feel like I’m not giving people a chance to change. Which is why I was considering this person for a second.

A post by a woman on the black ladies sub. I just don’t get it, these same women have all the grace for reformed racists, misogynistic whites but a brother who has tried to learn and grow is forever still a red flag. Not giving him a pass but I definitely think black women love for black men is complete bs and propaganda to virtue themselves as if they’re loyal and we’re the problem.
submitted by KingPatty20 to blackmen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:10 CleanElk3560 AITAH - for cutting my mom off from my life because of a birthday text.

I'm not doing great at the moment since it just happened. I don't like gossip or talking behind people's back. Ironic I know. This post is about whether or not I did the right thing. Please don't insult anyone else: my mom (umm), my wife (Annie), my dad (abpa), my brother (Barry), my sister (Maggie), my cousin (Frank).
Save your judgment for me. Context: I'm 35M. first born. I left home after a huge fight with my mom after college. I was homeless for a bit. We've since reconciled. But I suppose not anymore. There's history there.
I'm only posting to see if what I did was wrong.
All names have been replaced and are not real. Other details like dates and places that are personally identifiable will be removed/changed. There are two languages: I will always show the original and translate as fairly as I can.
It is relevant for fairness to share that my mom is 3 hours ahead of me. I'm west coast, she's east coast. (10am for me it's 1pm for her) My time will be shown in the messages.
I will keep all messages exact and unedited, outside of the above.
I repeat: DO NOT INSULT MY MOM OR WIFE OR FAMILY. am I the asshole. nothing about them. just me.
On Mom's Birthday:
Mom [10:43am] it's mom's birthday but nothing is here (original: 엄마 생일인데 아무것도 없어.) [10:52am] [Picture of kitchen island with boxed tonesunscreen on it] [10:53am] (Mom is/I am) really sad. This is what Annie sent me for a gift. $10-20 toiletries. Something I don't even use. (original: 엄마 많이 섭섭해. 이게 [name]가 보낸 선물이야. $10-20 짜리 화장품. 엄마 이거 쓰지도 않는데.)
Me [11:51am] She got the same thing she got for you and her mom. Throw it out and I'll make sure to buy something nicer for you.
Mom [12:03pm] If she or her mom got the thing then I should get the same thing. I'm not Annie or Annie's mom. I'm your mom. You shouldn't treat me like this. [12:07pm] Not even one happy birthday said. (original: 생일 축하한단 말 한마디 없이.)
Me [12:56pm] call (no answer) [1:11pm] call (no answer)
Next day:
Mom [5:10am] I didn't answer the phone yesterday because I felt like I'm crying. I don’t want to talk like that with you. When you got married Annie I tried to treat her as an our family member. I know I can not treat her same as Maggie (my sister). But last year she didn’t say any word on my birthday. Even you and I talked on the phone. I didn’t want so much from her just as a family say good word on birthday wishes. This year same thing. And you, when you asked me what can I do for you ( maybe you forgot that even you asked) I literally said “다른거 필요 없고 무슨날 엄마 밥이나 사줘” (translation: I don't need anything just buy me some dinner some time) I’m not asking you expensive things. Don’t say throw them out but nicer things. You really missed the point.
Me [11:28am] You were upset because I didn’t do something for your birthday by 1040am on a Workday. It’s not about expensive things but you want to text a picture of the gift and say it’s $10-20. You got a gift, but no card. It’s cheap but it’s not about money. Annie’s a family member, how could she not text. Right after she texted happy mother’s day to you. Yesterday before dinner, Annie tells me “make sure you call your mom it’s her birthday”. I didn’t tell her what happened because I don’t gossip and talk bad about people behind their back. I call or text and wish a happy birthday to family. Like I’ve done every year. It’s the same as what everyone does for me. Sometimes I don’t get a call. Sometimes I don’t get a text. Sometimes the call/text comes a day later. Never did I text my family members in the morning asking why people didn’t do more for me. I’ll make sure to let Annie know about wishing happy birthday to you. In my screenshot is my daily goals from yesterday, I was excited about this week. One of those things was, of course, calling you for your birthday, just like I called for mother’s day. Two hours later while I’m in a work meeting with my boss, 1040am, I get a text from you telling me about how sad you are from my wife’s cheap gift and how I haven’t said happy birthday yet. Yesterday I woke up and went to work, and planned to call you after. You have a habit of disproportionately trying to make me feel bad. You’ve done it on your birthday before many years ago after you and abpa[dad in korean] had a fight. I was a college student and you took it out on me cause I was the easy target. You’re an adult. Your child can call later in the day to wish you a happy birthday. It’s not okay to text trying to make your son feel bad about not doing something sooner. [11:29am] [Screenshot of whatsapp conversation between me and my virtual assistant] [Screenshot start] [8:13am yesterday] Goals for Today, I want to be disciplined. It’s been a few weeks now since my conference and because of the conference and drinking there, I became slow and lost the energy to stay on top of my diet/exercise and morning routines that I was so happy and proud of. Let’s get back to that this week. Let’s work hard, let’s continue to set sights on big goals. I want to work on the 3 projects I have going right now. [personal project 1 company idea], [personal project 2 company idea], and [current company].
Today I will exercise 25 situps, 25 pushups, 25 curls, 25 shoulder press, and 25 squats. Today I will finish a few [work things] for [company]. Today I will teach class for [project 2] finish [lesson], and let folks know that there will not be class on wednesday. I will call my mom later today and wish her a happy birthday. I will also be going to my brother’s to take care of credit card points so that we can buy tickets for [trip], let’s work hard today and get a lot done. [Screenshot end]
Mom [4:09pm] My birthday is passed last year and this year. She didn’t text or say anything these two years. You may think that’s ok but not for me. I just expect to acknowledge these days and congrat each other. Is that too much? I don’t expect anything from her. But you mentioned so proudly on Sunday that Annie send me TWO gifts. I just want you to know I’m very disappointed that you are ok with that gifts. That’s why I mentioned the price as well. My birthday and Mother’s Day are always near by. Sometimes same day or sometimes few day apart. Is that too much that I asked you more thoughtful gift from you? If you think that’s too much , forget about this conversation. I think I’ve never treated you like this.
Me [2:03am] You’ve treated me way worse in my life. You didn’t wait for a text. You wanted to text me to make me feel bad. You had a bad morning. Maybe a bad night. You didn’t feel like I cared or people cared. Or maybe something else happened. And you wanted me to feel bad.
But your happiness is not my responsibility.
Your birthday is not a free pass to send guilt tripping texts to me and expect nice texts back. Annie sent you poison? She sent you a 4.5 star tonesunscreen with thousands of nice reviews. She was just trying to send something nice. It’s not expensive. But you say it’s not about money? Then why are you crying about it?
No one said “happy birthday” yet? The day wasn’t over. Why text me only? Barry[My brother] didn’t call until 5pm.
No one else gave you a good gift? Or are you comparing it with gifts that you’ve given to Annie? Then you give revenge-gifts. If that’s it then don’t ever give Annie and I anything ever again. You just wanted a dinner? I’m on the other side of the country.
Should I text you on my birthday asking why my mailbox is empty? Should I ask abpa[dad] the last 20 years where’s my present? Should I try and make you or abpa feel bad on my birthday if I’m unhappy? No, of course not. None of those is how a mature person behaves. Because my happiness is not your responsibility.
“Just want a text to acknowledge and congratulate”. You didn’t wait for any text. You chose to start upset.
Why didn’t you text Barry? if it’s just the text of happy birthday? You scared of his response?
I know why you’re not scared of me. 5 years of therapy to learn the way you used me as an emotional punching bag.
Your birthday morning wasn’t the way you wanted. Your gift wasn’t the way you wanted. You didn’t feel like anyone cared. Whoever you talked to. Whatever happened. You were unhappy. So you sent those texts to me.
You try to make me feel bad when you’re unhappy with your life. Why? When you used to have a hard day at work. Bad [customer]. Bad traffic. Bad interaction with coworkers/boss. Bad talk with abpa[dad], grandma, Frank hyung(older cousin who lived with us). Who do you think received your anger for no fucking reason? If I did all my homework, played [instrument 1], practiced [instrument 2], got good grades, did all my kumon(after school homework) did you know it doesn’t matter what I did, if YOU had a bad day?
If I’m watching tv, or playing a game, if you have a bad day, then my day has to be a bad day. Because people around you can’t be happy when you’re miserable. Not people that you can control. And controlling me was all you had. Even as I got older. Not allowed to leave the house.
You couldn’t control the language or culture out of the house, you couldn’t control grandma, frank hyung, or abpa in the house. your whole life, you couldn’t control too much.
So you controlled what? me. a kid. And as soon as hitting me didn’t make me cry you just tried to control my emotions to make me cry.
2010 May [day retracted]. Fight with abpa in the morning, he leaves the house. So you go down to the basement to yell at your son for not getting you a cake.
Junior in college crying, guilty in the basement buying you cake. That’s what you wanted. Someone you controlled. Someone to be miserable because you were miserable.
5 years of therapy in my late 20s to learn you’re the reason I don’t notice when women step all over me. I grew up used to it. Bad women relationships, weak sense of self, emotional abuse, angry all the time. Parents like you made Asian Americans the least likely to become managers in the USA (context: I became one in my later 20s). No confidence. No inner strength. Just quiet private anger. A young man clenching his fists, holding his tongue, and listening to orders.
Constantly blame others, blame myself. Always angry. Always yelling at [dog1]/[dog2], always trying to control them when I’m upset. Critical of everything, everyone, myself, never feeling like I’m enough or okay. Because growing up I was constantly on the receiving end of anger that I didn’t create. Don’t talk back. Don’t look at the eyes. Look at the wall. Never right. Always wrong. But every year I’m fixing that a little bit. Why? Because now I’m responsible for my own happiness.
I refuse to stay a bad dad to [dog2].
No more blaming, just thinking and working. being confident. fighting back. defending mself. speaking out. Looking at people in the eye.
Yesterday you didn’t feel good. So I was the one who did something terrible for your birthday? Hmm. I was going to call just like Barry did. You’re sad about the gift? You feel like no one cares. Why is it that I’m the only one that got those texts. You think your message was going to create apologies and happy birthdays from me? No. I don’t think so. You just wanted me to feel bad. Because you felt bad. You like controlling me. And affecting my emotions.
It’s why I left home many years ago. And you still have old habits. You wanted me to feel bad. You did the same thing talking about the [old project] community a few years ago. When you don’t feel happy. You try to make me feel bad.
But I’m old enough to know now that I didn’t do anything to deserve that yesterday. And you’re not allowed to step on me like that anymore. I’m not some weak 21 year old that’s crying in the basement buying you cake. I told Annie not to call. Your negative behavior is not allowed in my life.
Every day I work to undo things from my past. You’ve stepped on me your whole life. Made me a very scared, very angry young man. People like that never make it in the world successfully. They have all kinds of problems. But I want this to be very clear. I am going to be successful. I am going to be a [retracted]. I am going to make a positive difference in this world for those who are positive to others. And It will be despite all that you’ve done to me. It will happen because I will surround myself with peace, and positivity. Not negativity and manipulation. Through peace and for others, I will work harder than you or abpa or anyone you have ever known has ever done in their entire lives.
But If I don’t make it, that’s on me. If I’m unhappy today, that’s on me. If I lack something today, that’s me. I have to choose to be better. I have to work harder. Cause I’m responsible for my happiness.
You can choose whether or not you want to be negative or positive person moving forward in my life. That’s your choice. You want to step on me? Try to bring me down when you feel down? That’s your choice. But it’s my choice whether or not to let you be in my life.
you being unhappy yesterday morning. That’s you. That’s your choice. Acting the way you did. trying to make your son feel bad. That’s all you. You’re responsible for your own happiness. I didn’t do anything yesterday to deserve your texts trying to pull me down.
This is my last text about this. This conversation is over. Say one more thing about this that doesn’t resemble an apology and I’m not going on the [family trip]. Keep telling me youre an “innocent victim” “all I wanted was a happy birthday text” and you won’t hear from me for years. Be responsible for your actions. I have no room for your negative emotional manipulation in my life.
Mom [7:14am] Annie…. Very first gift from her was well known brand toner. That gave me bad skin reaction so I had to throw it out. I don’t want to talk to her about it because I appreciated what she wanted to try. But next time when I saw her in las Vegas I told her that her sun screen lotion ( what she used at that time) gave me a bad reaction so I can not use it. Last year when Maggie gave her 화장품 (toiletry) as a birthday gift she said that thanks but she can not use it because she has allergic reactions. Which is understandable but she’s still doing same thing to me. I don’t know who mentioned about good reviews or you found out your self. That doesn’t mean it’s good for me. She and I didn’t talk that much anything so far only few subject. I feel like she doesn’t care. I don’t know why you guys decided to send gift more than a month before. And how you said she send me two gifts made me so upset.
Barry… Barry and I talked about our birthday on the phone last week how it was good at last year’s dinner. He planned but eventually Appa paid( I mentioned who paid because you don’t get wrong info. ) and the way he always said skipping one year is not end of the world. We laughed about it. And he said next time we gonna have a good time. He called at 5 pm on my birthday I know as soon as he woke up he called me.
You mentioned why Barry is ok. Did I scare him? Come on… he is not saying nice words all the time but he is very thoughtful person. I think you agree with this.
You… I really sorry that you have all bad memories about me and your youth. I can not go back and I can not fix it now. I’m thinking back that days if I can live again maybe react little differently like I treated Maggie. As a first child you had a lot bad experiences. I agreed. But don’t say your life was miserable because of ME all the time. If you think this way there’s no reason to see me. I’m really happy to see, hear and feel that you’re working hard, being healthy and having enjoyable life. I want you to be a healther, happier and more successful person than right now. That’s no matter why we talked about right now. But I really want to make a point that don’t say I had bad morning or bad night before that’s why text you like that. Maybe you’re right. I had bad night before. After talked on the phone with you (as I told you before ). I felt disappointed so much. You keep saying you felt bad because of my text, why I didn’t wait? Calling to me is part of your daily plan. You keep saying I made you feel bad because I had anger problems or bad days. You’ve never thought about “what did I do wrong or did I miss anything?” You said you away from me how can I buy dinner? Same as easy to buy on line ( by Amazon) any merchandise. There’s tons of way to offer , you can make a reservation any restaurant or even you can send money 100- 200 dollars. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think it’s going to hurt you financially. Last year I waited until last minute that Annie would text me any word. No. That didn’t happen. If I waited until you call this year what’s the difference? I want more than hearing your voice is too much. Sorry that I think that way. And not being adult I ordered Rolex watch for next years your birthday gift and I was so excited about it. Maybe that’s why I’m expecting more than what you’re in mind about me. You are right. That’s all my problems.
[7:45am] If you don’t want to come [familytrip] , don’t spend time with family I can not force you to come. But don’t say if I don’t apologize you don’t come. Is new way to threaten? Come on [my name]. This is really too much.
Me [10:02am] There’s a difference between threats and boundaries. No one is allowed to be in my life to spend their energy trying to bring me down. Who would do something like that? My own mother. No we aren’t going on the [trip]. (context: all the tickets and arrangements have been purchased, this isn't some cop out, it's non-refundable, nothing to do with money on anyone's side)
You want to continue the conversation after I said I was done? Actions and consequences: Annie and I are very unthoughtful and uncaring to give you a skin care gift again. I’ll tell her exactly what happened. I’ll have her read every message. And understand what we did wrong. I’ll make sure we feel terrible today. I’ll make sure she remembers it forever. I will make sure my wife cries for your sadness and for our mistakes. We’re a bad son/wife who don’t care about my mother’s birthday and mother’s day. Your message has been fully received. We will feel sorry, we will cry and we will feel bad for you. I will struggle to work for my job. I will struggle to do my projects, and teach my students, I will think all day and all night about how sad this is. About this conversation, about our gift, about your gifts, about the phone call, the texts, mother’s day, your birthday, my birthdays. last year your birthday when we were in [another country]. I will struggle to eat and sleep properly. I know Annie and how sensitive she is. She will struggle and cry too. Your son and his wife will feel terrible about your birthday. Your message will be successful. You’ve brought the world down around you. Congratulations. Just like old times. Everyone is sad now. "You’re right.”
I will say one last thing as your son: be careful about hurting the people around you when you have a bad day. If you keep tearing the world around you down, there isn’t going to be a world left.
You and I are not going in the same direction.
I’m trying to learn how to be positive, hardworking, successful, strong, encouraging and helping others. Trying to be a little more positive everyday. Maybe I will never get there. But I will try. You want to spend your time fixating on me saying “two gifts”. You want to spend your time staring at the boxes, and sending pictures. You want to spend your time comparing, looking at costs, pitying yourself and telling people around you how terrible they are on your birthday. I guess that drama is something you want. Not me. You and I are on different paths.
After Annie and I cry for what we did. My boundary is this, I will never let you do this to me again. That will be the last scar. We will remember every year on your birthday, and remind ourselves how terrible and uncaring we were. I will remember that you wanted me to know and feel that. Every year I will remember but that will be the last scar you ever leave on me. You should return the Rolex. I will never use it, I will never wear it, I will throw it out instantly. To me it’s a poisonous gift. Don’t ever give me or Annie any gifts for the rest of my life.
We will smile and not forget that those past gifts were given out of your care and thoughtfulness. We will remember you did your best and wanted to do nice things in your way. but we will be sad with you. And be unable to use your gifts because your gifts comes with weight, revenge and paybacks. And we cannot accept them. You did everything right. You’re a good mom. We are just bad people. We never earned them or paid you back in our thoughtfulness for them. All gifts you have given me and her, we will stop using today.
I will not be receiving your messages anymore. Goodbye
[Blocked from phone/all social media.]
AITAH. Reminder do not talk bad about anyone else. I'll delete those comments. This is just about whether or not I did the right thing.
submitted by CleanElk3560 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:54 AscendiSky How do I block Kung Lao's fatal blow in MK1? Tried standing up and blocking but still gets me.

I blocked Kung Lao's fatal blow but it still landed. Do I need to poke it with a jab or low block to avoid or is it unblockable? Thanks
submitted by AscendiSky to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:51 devpat89 Not able to log in - IP blocked after single attempt

Update: marking this as solved. I don't know what caused the lock out - I'm 100% certain I only entered my password once. "Resolution" if it counts: I'm thankful I had the DSfinder app installed on my ipad through which I was able to see "IP Blocking" settings and managed to unblock the IP address of my PC. Had forgotten I had installed it on that device. Don't think it contributed to the issue as again, device is WiFI only and never open the Synology app. Just massively relieved!
Hi All,
Would appreciate some help here. I'm really confused what's going on.
I last logged into my DSM 2 days ago on my PC. Just tried to log in right now and something odd happened, I'm used to signing in by entering my password followed by 2FA code even though it's my personal device. This time on attempting to sign on to my admin account, after entering my username I received a message to validate my log in using the Synology Secure SignIn app instead of entering a password. I do not have the app. I tried another non-admin account, still the same message. Upon attempting to log in with a password, instead I receive a message saying too many failed attempts have been made to log in and the IP address has been blocked. To be clear, I had not made any prior attempts from my personal device (it was sleeping until about 5 minutes before I attempted to log in). Although I couldn't access my DSM account, I was still able to access my mapped network drives. I tried to restart my PC and tried to log in again, but same result, and this time no luck with accessing mapped network drives either.
Edit to add: I never log into my NAS through any other devices besides this PC in my home network.
Existing Security
My NAS is exposed to the internet only via Plex. It is port forwarded so not the standard 32400 and behind a double nat. Plex has a secure password and also has 2FA.
I have firewall rules set up so only can be accessed in my country of origin UK, and after 3 or 5 wrong attempts I believe it blocks the IP. Prior to this I've never had any attempts made on my NAS.
I have my original admin account disabled, and the new one is super obscure. My password is beyond what is reflected here: https://caltechsites-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/imss/images/2023_Password_Table_Square.original.jpg
In addition, I haven't logged into my authenticator app on this device.
One of the drives I have is dedicated to media. I'm still able to access this through Plex. I run Plex through docker and I am still able to access this through my NAS IP address.
Edit to add: I have DLNA enabled on my NAS, I'm able to access media through this as well (including through my PC).
I have another laptop that was also sleeping. I've just switched it on, it is still connected to my mapped network drives and I can access the majority of them (different limited access credentials), but none of the content is blocked by any means. I never attempt to log into DSM through this laptop. Only the initial mapping of the drives.
I've not received any emails notifying that I've been hacked/my content has been locked until I pay
Synology assistant isn't having luck finding the Synology NAS on the network at all either.
Maybe related
I've requested a speed upgrade from my internet provider. They've sent me a new router and asked me to plug it in within 5 days. I've not done this yet and was actually logging into my DSM account to double check all my settings prior to switching out.
If you're still reading, thanks so much!
At this point I'm clueless if it's something malicious or not. I'm going to run Malwarebytes overnight on my PC. Is there a chance that a change at my ISP side could result in the above?
I'm thinking worst case scenario I've been hacked, but let's say I have a keylogger on my machine, is it possible for them to break into my NAS based on my passwords alone? My 2FA is always from my personal phone and I don't log into that on my PC. Really not sure how else they could have gotten access, and again, no emails or anything, nothing has been zipped.
Would appreciate your help / suggestions on what I can do here please!
submitted by devpat89 to synology [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:47 EmotionalSimsplayer Husband 100% Believes I Conspired Against Him and Cheated and I Didn’t

T/w: suicide
I feel like my marriage is in crisis and my husband does not want to do counseling because he doesn’t want a third party involved in our marriage.
Married 10 years with 2 school aged children. 2 months ago my husband came home with a long letter saying that I made him want to kill himself. It was a long list of complaints about me, some that I never heard before, some that I knew about, like that I am boring in bed, he doesn’t like the neighborhood we live in, he doesnt like how I plan too many vacations or things with the kids, I stress him out, that I was too sad over a miscarriage 2 years ago, he hates our cat, our kids are spoiled, things like that. He looked like he was very very very tired and like he had been out drinking all night or something but he had just gone to work and then the gym. He didn’t smell like alcohol but he just looked rough. He had never ever done anything like this before and things that week at home were totally normal. He has been blowing up more and angrier but otherwise things have been like they always have been.
I am a nurse and before we were married up to 3 years ago used to work in a psych hospital. My husband (Jake) always used to accuse me of having a thing for one of the doctors there (Brian). Brian and I would text outside of work, usually things like memes about our job. It was never in the slightest romantic and he talks to everyone he works with. He is very extroverted and kind of gossipy. Brian since married and had a baby and Jake and I know his wife and kid. I have told Jake many times there was nothing to worry about and got a new job in a clinic where I didn’t see Brian any more. After that we would send Christmas cards and things and sometimes Brian would text me things going on at the hospital like when another nurse’s spouse died . Again, nothing romantic. I know i probably should have stopped replying to him because it made Jake uncomfortable but I didn’t because I considered Brian a friend and thought Brian was harmless.
Well, this is where I f*** up. First I really should have stopped talking to Brian. But, when I got this letter from Jake and he came home in distress I didn’t know what to do and called Brian because he is the only psych I know and I thought he could tell me what I need to do. Brian then told me it was a very dangerous situation and he called the authorities and they put Jake in a hold. I will mention one thing is Brian knows Jake is really into guns and has a large gun collection so that may have been why he thought it was so dangerous.
They let Jake out 72 hours later with some new meds and now he is furious with me. He has been saying that Brian and I were “setting him up” and having an affair. I have begged and pleaded to get him to understand I called him because I thought he would help but he does not believe me. He has also accused me of talking to divorce lawyers since October 2022. I don’t know where he got that date because it is so specific and I have never contacted any divorce lawyer.
I completely cut off Brian and blocked him on social media and text and told him I was not happy with him for calling 911 and that is not why I called. Some other old coworkers have reached out to try to talk to me about it and I blocked them too.
My in laws are now telling Jake to leave me because I got him locked up and am a cheater. But Jake has told them he’s not leaving me.
I’m not sure what to do. I have tried to give Jake access to my computer so he can see there’s no divorce lawyers in my email and phone so he can see all of my texts with Brian. I have told Jake I want to work with a counselor on all of the things he is upset about especially being bad in bed and I started seeing a sex therapist and pelvic floor specialist. But Jake does not want to do counseling with me because he doesn’t want anyone else involved. And he is 100% convinced that I was cheating and talking to divorce lawyers. Every time we talk about it he says that the hold was all my fault and that I am a cheater and betrayed him.
I really love him and I know I made a huge mistake in how I handled that situation. Everything was going so well up until this night and we have two great kids. And, he has not had any incidents like this since, he is just very mad about everything that happened. Is there anything I can do to get him to believe me that I was just trying to help him and didn’t mean to get him locked up? Is there any coming back from this?
submitted by EmotionalSimsplayer to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:44 HorrorCelebration207 Important question please answer! :(

Instagram has now forced me to change my password for using “third party apps” (aka unfollowing too many people at once) and action blocked me for a week for the FOURTH TIME this year!
How many more times until my accounts gets permanently disabled? I’m terrified of losing this account, I’ve had it since high school and it has nearly 10k.
submitted by HorrorCelebration207 to Instagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:44 pachacuti092 Got the P. Tested 4/23 US MD student

I am US MD student, and I'd say I'm an avg student. I Just got off a 24 hour call shift so my post might be a lil hazy but here's what I did to prepare:
  1. Uworld: I started doing uworld questions near the 2nd half of my 2nd year and I was doing practice questions that correlated with what block material I was on at my school to prepare for my school's block exams. (i.e. for my psych block I did all the uworld psych questions). By the time I was in dedicated (mid feb) I had finished about 25-30% of UW. I did one pass of uworld with about a 55% avg. I also did UW Self assessments 1 and 2, and did 3 for practice.
  2. Kaplan: I did a free trial of practice questions that were kinda useless, but I did have a subject book that had practice exams by different topics such as pharm, micro, anatomy, path, immuno, phys biochem etc. It was great for content review and testing your knowledge of specific topics.
  3. Content review: Mostly read first aid/pathoma and did anki alongside my own quizlets that I made for in school material along with 3rd party resources such as BNB.
  4. NBME exams: I did 25-31 (except 27). When reviewing my tests, I'd also annotate the questions I got wrong and the questions I got right with my own explanations because a wrong answer for one question is the right answer for another question.
My scores breakdown for anyone interested:
NBME 25: Did this at the start of dedicated as a CBSSE 46% 20% chance of passing
UWSA1 59%
Free 120 61%
UWSA2 58%
UWSA3 just did this for fun/practice didn't even remember my score
NBME 26 71%
NBME 31 74%
NBME 30 78%
NBME 29 76%
NBME 28 75%
The last week before I just reviewed all the annotations I made on all my NBME exams as well as go over statistics from First Aid as well as Mehlmann HY PDF's. The best thing you can do for yourself is not compare yourself to others but also just chill for a bit too. You don't have to be studying all the time and it's ok to take breaks too.
submitted by pachacuti092 to step1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:40 QueensQueenllfan My ex best friend wont leave me alone anymore, and its just scaring me at this point.

Hi! I've never done this before, so sorry i start a bit random. I(14f) used to have a best friend(14f). Lets call her Mia. Since last summer Mia started ignoring me, when she wasn't, she would constantly talk about her new friends, or something else that had to do with her. Our friendship got really toxic, and in december after a big argument (It was a saturday, my parents weren't home and we had plans for her to come to my place since it had been months, but Mia ignored me the whole day. She told me she accidentally fell asleep. She did talk to my other friend, and later i found out she was awake, and was hanging out with her other new friends. It really hurt me, and we argued, and eventually i told her i didnt want to keep going on with her if i wasn't even important to her anyway, so, i blocked her.) And for the first few days it went fine. After about a week or two she randomly texted me on discord, and after a night of talking i blocked her again, realizing that i'd just fall in her trap again and i didnt need that. It went alright, until begin january somebody on snapchat added me. It was a new user (random letters, no snapscore or anything & immediatly on best friend list) who started telling me that at her exact school my number & snapchat was leaked everywhere. I didnt believe them, and since i was on holiday, i just blocked them. That person also texted exactly like she would, and didnt want to show their face. Which to me still is really weird. Over February- March, alot of random numbers started calling me. About 3 a day. It was really confusing, until somewhere in February a girl added me on whatsapp that i immediatly recognized as Mia's best friend. She started calling me pretty horrible things and i had to block her. In March somebody else added me, a guy. He told me my number also was on the walls, and tables of Mia's school. I was at this point honestly so tired already, but it wasnt even close to finishing. I thought Mia was finally done, but in April things got so much worse. Mia and her best friend somehow got my discord back, and they started being really mean to me. Calling me really bad things, and my girlfriend, being the sweetheart that she is texted the best friend telling her to stop contacting me. That only fueled Mia more, made her more angry i suppose.
After that we(me & my parents) started contacting her school multiple times. The school basically didnt care about the problem, and even though they did get rid of the number (we have evidence of it, though) They never did anything about Mia self. We had to go there exactly two times. The second time, i saw Mia for the first time since december. She looked embarrassed, and ran to the bathroom stalls which was about next to the administration. The door was open and we could hear her friends asking her whats wrong. She probably knew she messed up, and quickly went home after so the school couldnt force her to talk with us. The day after we got a letter, saying the school couldnt do anything about it. Why, you ask? Mia had made up a lie that she spread around the whole school. Apparently, i had photos of all the boys at her school. (I have before those two visits, never been there in my entire life. Me and my dad had to use google maps to even find out where it was.) And made them into stickers. Ofcourse her friends easily backed her up, so the school had to believe her. It was a really, really bad time for me. But i thought we were done, i atleast hoped so.
The numbers in the meantime since the school visits, almost stopped. Specific numbers (im guessing her friends) still called me, but i blocked all private & random numbers. So they wont be able to do so anymore.
Today was a pretty normal day, until in the evening. My dad asked me about some random person texting him on tiktok. He showed me the profile picture which i thought was funny. It was the emo logan paul picture. But he told me he was dead serious, because the person asked him if he lived in the exact street we lived in. I looked at the persons profile. I looked at followers, and then i understood. Ofcourse Mia was the only one of the three following him, and the other two were her friends. I didnt mind as much when she contacted me, because i felt like i didnt need to be scared for her to be able to be a threat to my family. But now it has all changed. I know its only on tiktok, but when she realized i texted her back cause i knew it was her.. it was horrible. The things she said just make me sick, and knowing she has my address makes me even more terrified.
My parents told me to just see it as a situation that should be funny, because it shows just how sad she is. But i cant think of it that way, what if she does more? What if she uses my own address against me? What if she turns into a actual threat for my family? The police cant do anything, cause shes not actually doing something "illegal". I really dont know what to do anymore. Im helpless & terrified. I know its stupid, but do any of you have any idea of what i could do about it?
I also want to know, would this count as a stalker? If not, is there some kind of name for it?
P.S thanks so much for reading, & i hope you have a really good day/night💞
submitted by QueensQueenllfan to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:30 Ben_Elohim_2020 The Nature of Family [Chapter 17]

Credit to Blue for the wonderful cover art of Trilvri
Thank you to:
u/SpacePaladin15 for creating the Nature of Predators universe.
u/EdibleGojid, author of Dark Cuts, for proofreading.
EmClear, aspiring author, for proofreading
You, the reader, for your support. I love reading your comments.
Please consider reading the works of my proofreaders as they’re all authors of excellent stories and be sure to check the links below for more of my work and beautiful art from members of the community.
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Memory transcription subject: Sawvek, Junior Extermination Officer
Date [standardised human time]: October 5th, 2136
Hard foam presses uncomfortably up against delicate pressure points situated across the length of my entire body, building up to an unbearable ache that makes me shift and turn against the thin mattress pad. I yank at the rough old blanket I’d taken out of storage and clutch it even tighter around my body, trying to keep out the chill. The best racks, the ones near the heating vents, had already been claimed long before I’d decided to move into the Guild House’s Barracks and it doesn’t seem likely that the current occupants will be giving up their spots any time soon.
My mind is still racing from the events of last paw, replaying the scene over and over again in my dreams and in my head. The way my brother had looked at me… That look on his face when he’d seen the real me…
My paw gives a sympathetic throb in memory, still aching from where it had met the wall, but at least I had been able to wrap it up a bit and stop the bleeding. I feel like I should take it as a small miracle that it isn't broken. More medical bills are the last thing I need right now.
I turn about in the bunk once more, rolling around in vain to try and find a comfortable position that doesn’t seem to exist. Through a conscious act of will I try to empty my mind and sleep, but the very act of trying not to think about things only brings them bubbling back up to the surface of my thoughts. My heartbeat echoes in my ears, a damnable drumming sound brought about by the exertion of my own restless tossing and turning. Out in the hallway I can hear the muffled shuffling of feet and murmurs of conversation. The Guild Hall never sleeps, and it seems that neither would I this paw.
Electing to abandon the attempt as hopeless, I cut my rest claw short and get up, venturing out into the hallway. If I can’t sleep anyway then I might as well start my waking claw early, maybe get in a little exercise. It’s not so bad when it’s self-directed, almost fun in a way. If our family had the money to support it then maybe I could have been an athlete of some variety growing up. I had always possessed something of a natural physicality.
“Stop wasting time with worthless questions about what could have been, Killer.” The voice interjects, early and active today by the sound of it. “You’ll never amount to anything more than a wild predator kept on a leash.”
There’s nothing to do but sigh and carry on. It was right after all. This is it. This is my life now.
Making my way down the hallway towards the gym I find myself walking past a row of private offices assigned to some of the more veteran officers on staff. Most are empty at this claw, their occupants either asleep or off doing other work. One room in particular catches my attention though, the one belonging to our newest PRED Team Commander.
The door leading inside is open and ajar, seemingly forgotten in the midst of more pressing business and granting me a look inside. The entire room is a mess, papers and binders strewn about everywhere with official looking documents littering the floor. A map of the city decorates the otherwise unadorned and impersonal space. On its face it hosts a variety of multicoloured pins, all connecting seemingly arbitrary locations as well as photographs of people and places from the records department. The face of the former PRED Team Commander, Vrienna, looks out at me once again with the same cruel eyes that decorate the memorial wall. Beside her photo are another pair of eyes, a pair I recognise, but not one I would have expected to see here.
Trilvri, my brother’s creepy coworker, the one who’d brought him home the night he’d drunk himself into a stupor, stares out at me from the wall. He was younger in this photo, barely of age, if even that, and dressed in a regulation space corps flight suit, but I could still recognise him. Trilvri’s eyes appear somehow more lively than when I had met him in person, though it does nothing to improve his overall disposition, looking, as they are, as if behind them resides only hatred and a feral desire to kill and rend. Come to think of it, he had mentioned he used to be in the corps hadn’t he? ‘Used to’ being the operative word. When I’d asked he hadn’t seemed particularly fond of his time in the service…
Situated as he is next to Vrienna like that, their pitch-black wool and evil-looking eyes bear a striking resemblance. It was the exact same sort of predatory expression that bore into your soul, the kind that made me feel weak and exposed, the same kind that was worn by-
“What do you think you’re doing in my office?” A voice asks from behind, nonplussed, but with a casual depth of power and authority behind it that makes me freeze on the spot.
“Commander Glagrig, Sir!” I turn about on the spot, fixed at attention in the doorway as I stare up at the man himself. “I’m sorry to intrude. I noticed someone had forgotten to close the door so I was just going to secure it.”
“I see.” Glagrig doesn’t seem to believe a word of it, but neither does he seem inclined to press the issue. “At ease. Tell me, do you recognise the man in the photo there? Have you ever seen him before?”
“No, Commander.” I lie reflexively as I shift to a parade rest, not fully knowing why, but knowing that whatever is going on I want no part of it, for me or my brother. It’s only after the fact that it occurs to me that lying might be worse than telling the truth.
“How… regrettable.” The prestige officer says plainly and I can’t tell whether he believes me or not. “If you do ever catch sight of this individual, then be sure to let me know immediately.”
“Y-Yes, Commander.” I subconsciously swallow with apprehension, hoping that he doesn’t notice. I want nothing more than to run away as quickly as I can, but I haven’t been dismissed yet.
“Junior Officer Sawvek, was it?” Glagrig carries on, looking me up and down, dissecting me with his eyes. “You have quite the interesting record on file and Officer Intalran is quite adamant about your potential. Your simulator results speak for themselves, even if they are just simulations.”
“Thank you, Commander.” I can feel myself growing dizzy as I answer with uncertainty.
“Don’t thank me,” the all-consuming void in front of me replies with no hint of warmth, “just remember that your performance is under evaluation. It’s in my interests to keep note of promising young aspirants who might someday join my team, and I would hate to see you squander your talents.”
“I-I understand, Commander.” I flick my tail in agreement, straining not to look away towards the floor.
“Dismissed.” Glagrig brushes past me as he enters his office, moving to shut the door behind himself.
“Um, Commander?” I ask just before the door shuts, feeling a beckoning call of curiosity that even the predatory prestige exterminator couldn’t crush. “If you don’t mind me asking… Why do you have all that stuff up on the wall there?”
The door opens again, just a crack, and I can feel my superiors' weighty presence bearing down on me, almost suffocating in its intensity. “It’s simply a personal matter. I have reason to believe that the prior investigation regarding the kelach incident was conducted according to… insufficient standards. The predator responsible was never found and I intend to remedy that deficiency.”
“How hard could it be to find a kelach?” I tilt my ears in confusion. “They're huge!”
“Despite initial reports,” he answers with an ominous, cold tone that sends a chill up my spine, “it may be possible that we're dealing with something far more dangerous than just a kelach.”
“T-Thank you, Commander.” I flick my tail in appreciation and the door closes.
I breathe a sigh of relief as the malevolent aura recedes. That was too close.
“And you’re a complete moron going back to ask him more questions afterwards, Killer.” The voice rises with amusement. “What? Do you want him to figure you out and turn you to cinders? Only a matter of time, Killer.”
“Ugh, shut up.” I mutter under my breath, quickly turning back around to make sure Commander Glagrig didn’t hear me, but when no reprisal comes I quickly depart. If I’m gonna be stupid I should at least try not to do so right in front of his office.
As the imminent threat of our in-house prestige exterminator dwindles so too does the energy driven by the adrenaline of the encounter. It figures that the moment I roll out of bed I want to take a nap again, but I know the moment I lie back down I’ll be back to full wakefulness in an instant. That’s just how that sort of thing works. With that in mind there’s really only one solution, a big, steaming hot cup of tea.
Making my way towards the tea machine I spot Jonsco, the feisty little primitive that mans our dispatch centre, smacking the top of the dispenser with a clenched paw while holding a mug underneath it.
“Is the tea machine fixed?” I ask as I pull out a mug from the cabinet myself.
Jonsco sighs heavily and shoots me a combative glare. “For the last time it’s not my brahking job to fix this damn tea machine! You got a problem with that then you can go pester someone else about it!”
I shrink back under the harsh rebuke. Jonsco may be small, but there was as much rage and fury condensed into that little package as anyone else in this department. Maybe more.
“I… I didn’t mean to imply…I just wanted to know if it was working again or not… Sorry.” I sputter out, feeling properly admonished as I look away towards the ground.
Jonsco looks at me quizzically, his hard glare softening somewhat as he seems to truly see me for the first time before returning to his usual scowl.
“Right…Whatever you say…” With one final smack the machine coughs and chokes, sputtering to life with a struggle, and a small trickle of freshly brewed tea begins to fill Jonsco’s cup. “The machine is on the fritz again as usual, but if you hit it just right, do a little percussive maintenance, then you can get it started again.”
“Thanks, Jonsco.” I lean back against the wall and watch as the mug slowly fills, impressed by the primitives know-how. “That's actually pretty smart of you.”
“For a ‘primitive’ right?” The words are barbed and spiteful, but lack his typical enthusiasm, more of a simple statement of fact than a real question. I couldn't exactly deny it, those had been my thoughts, and so the silence drags on awkwardly, marked only by the splash of tea falling into the steadily rising pool.
“What are you doing here at this claw anyway?” I eventually ask, dodging the question entirely. “We’ve still got at least another half-claw until our crew's shift is supposed to start.”
“I could ask you the same thing, you know?” The angry little dispatch operator retorts. “I'm here early working an overtime shift so I can afford to put food on my family's table. It's expensive feeding that many mouths. What's your excuse?”
“I had a fight with my brother…” I rub the back of my neck as I turn away abashedly, “moved out of the apartment and into the barracks full time… couldn't sleep…”
“Well then you should hurry up and work on patching things up with him.” Jonsco looks at me with an uncharacteristic hint of sympathy in his eyes. “Your family are the only ones who might actually care. This Gods-damned place is a slyther’s nest and no one here gives a speh about you or your problems. If you want my advice, you should do your best to spend as little time in this cesspool as possible.”
With his cup now full, Jobsco steps back from the machine and begins walking out towards the main hall.
“Thanks, Jonsco.” My words stop him in his tracks as he walks away from me. “I appreciate it.”
“... You're welcome.” He says after a short pause, glancing back to look at me one more time before leaving. “See you around, Sawvek.”
Taking advantage of the tea machine while it’s still mostly working, I fill up my own cup and drink deeply of the warm, fragrant beverage. The taste is bitter and unpleasant, just about the quality I would expect of this Guild Hall, but even at the first taste it’s evident that it’s been loaded with an extra strength dose of caffeine. I down the drink quickly and rinse out the cup before continuing on my journey towards the training hall. Fatigue begins to fall away as I walk, bit by bit as the drug makes its way into my bloodstream, blocking off sleep receptors and energising me. I know I’ll probably pay for it later, no amount of caffeine can actually replace sleep, but for now it feels good and I can see how some people can get addicted to the stuff.
A loud, metallic clanging emanates from the gym as I approach, something unexpected for this time of paw. No one's reserved space in the gym for this claw and not many people are industrious enough to sweat on their own initiative. Peeking my head inside the door I spy Bikim, the perfect, privileged, ‘holier than thou’ brahkass occupying the otherwise empty weight room. His irritatingly handsome face is taut with strain as he performs a series of weighted squats, his back and leg muscles straining underneath his short-cropped wool, and he pants heavily under the exertion.
I’m half tempted just to leave and go back to bed despite the fact that there’s no way I’d be getting any sleep with the tea running through my system. It’s too early in the paw to deal with Bikim’s speh. Before I can slip away unnoticed though, he spots me. I give a heavy sigh and continue my way inside. There's nothing to be done for it now. Trying to back out now would only make things worse later, a sign of weakness.
“What… Do you want… Predator?” Bikim asks between gulps of air as he reracks his weights, practically hanging off the bar to support himself on shaky legs.
“Good paw to you too, Bikim.” I say, forcing civility into my tone. “I’m here to use the equipment. Same as you. I'm allowed.”
“Whatever…” He eyes me with suspicion. “Just keep your distance… I don't want to catch any of your taint.”
“Believe me,” I flick my tail out in irritation, “I intend to.”
Looking around the room for available spots, I march my way over towards a cable machine on the opposite side of the room. Not nearly as far from Bikim as I would like, but the farthest I can get without leaving the weight area entirely. Bikim watches me all the while as I seat myself down and begin adjusting the machine. Eventually he grows tired of watching me fumble around with the machine and returns to his own exercises with a displeased flick of the tail, quite obviously judging me for my lack of experience with the equipment.
A tense sort of quiet settles over the room as we each go about our business, trying our best to ignore one another. Bikim slowly winds his way around the room, cycling from station to station to exercise all the different parts of his body in sequence before repeating it all again. He seems to bypass my corner of the room, glancing over at me with each repetition of his pattern. For myself, I stay put where I am, taking advantage of the varied exercises offered by the versatile machine to experiment with different muscle groups. Occasionally I slip up, dropping the weights with a loud clang that always draws Bikim’s ire. Every time he seems just a bit more disgruntled, a bit less patient. Eventually, the constant disruption reaches a tipping point and the pompous, self-entitled jerk walks over to confront me.
“Do you always do this?” He asks rhetorically. “If you keep slamming the weights like that you're gonna break it. Your form is speh so either fix it or lower the weight so you don't have to keep compensating. Better yet, just leave. You’ve been monopolising the cable machine for almost half a claw now. I don't know why you're even here in the first place.”
“Oh, look at Mr. Know-it-all thinking he can just go around telling us what to do, eh Killer?” The voice rises to the challenge. “Where does a guy like that who's been handed everything his whole life think he can get off with telling us how we should be doing anything?”
“Brahk off Bikim!” I don't even try to reign in the predator inside, feeling justified in letting it roam free for once. “I didn't ask for your advice and you don't get to kick me out of the weight room just because you can't wait your turn! I'm here because I don't have anywhere else to go! Ever since Intalran dragged me into this stupid Guild this brahking job has taken over my entire life! I don't even have a home to go back to anymore!”
Bikim's body tenses at my tirade and his tail flicks out aggressively like a whip.
“That's your own damn fault, predator!” He shouts back, eager for the excuse to vent his own frustrations. “Maybe if you weren't just some blood-starved beast out roaming the streets then you wouldn't be here right now! I’ve read your file! You got a history of herdless behaviour and physical altercations! Someone should have institutionalised you a long time ago, but someone took pity on you and let you slip through the cracks because of your poor dying mommy! They should have known it would come back to bite them! A normal, functional member of the herd wouldn't even think to pick a flamer up off the ground and burn another person to death with it! But you? You did it instinctively! You revelled in it!”
“You think that was easy for me!” I get up and walk towards him as I yell incredulously. “You think I asked for that to happen! You think it was fun for me to get choked out and almost eaten! That thing I burned wasn't even a person anymore! It was a predator in the middle of a feeding frenzy! So yeah, I did what I did, and you know what? It's a good thing I did! If I wasn't a freak of nature then that thing would have kept on going and kept on killing! Last I checked, preventing that sorta thing was supposed to be your job, but I had to be the one to step up! Now I have to live with the consequences of my actions every paw, knowing that I’m a Protector-damned killer that doesn't belong anywhere! Maybe you, in your infinite wisdom, would've known the perfect thing to do in that situation, but I’m not you! I’ve had to work and struggle for every little thing I have! Not just had it handed to me on a silver platter!”
“Oh, so you got me all figured out do you?” Sarcasm drips from Bikim's mouth as he looks down on me. “You don't know me. You don't know my life or what I’ve been through, how hard I’ve worked to get where I am. You just see the end product from cycles of effort and assume that it's always been that way, that it's always been that easy. It hasn't.”
“Yes, I’m sure you had it so hard growing up Bikim.” Saying it aloud almost makes me laugh. “You’re such a child of privilege that it drips off of you with every move you make and every word you say. I hate people like you, thinking that you're better than everyone else just because you were lucky enough to be born into wealth and status. Try living like the other side for a change, scrounging for every credit just so you can afford to eat, and then try to tell me how hard you had it with a full belly and a warm home!”
“You’re right, predator,” Bikim says contemptuously, “I am a child of privilege. My family has a long and decorated military tradition, my father is a captain for the space corps, a brahking hero, and I’ve reaped the benefits of that. That privilege came at a cost though, and that’s called expectations. Second best is not good enough and I've had to put in ten times the effort as anyone else my whole life just to meet standards! At least you grew up with a father who was there for you and loved you without the condition that everything you do is perfect!”
“All that talk about reading my file and you didn't even get past the first page did you?” I snap at him with a snarl. “ I didn't grow up with a father at all! He's been dead since I was in elementary school! Killed in action! I barely even remember him anymore!”
That one seems to give Bikim pause, but I’m not done yet.
“If you and your whole family are such a bunch of brahking heroes then how come you're here, working as a common garrison exterminator in a run-down backwater city like this?” I taunt. “Shouldn't you be out gallantly fighting the Arxur with one of the fleets or on a colony pacification force rather than making my life here harder than it already is?”
“That's the price for failing to meet expectations,” Bikim quiets down, drawing away from the world and into himself, “the price for knocking up a beautiful, wonderful girl right after graduation and refusing to get rid of it afterwards. You get cut off. You lose that privilege, and you do whatever you have to in order to provide and try to be a good role model for your son.”
Now that one threw me for a loop. In the short time I’ve known Bikim I’ve had a lot of thoughts about him, few of them good, but never would I have expected him to be the type to take responsibility… For anything. Still, there is one thing about his story that doesn't line up…
“Oh really?” I take a step back as I watch for his reaction closely. “I seem to recall Jonsco mentioned just the other day that your wife had left you for a Human.”
“Don't you bring that brahking primitive into this!” Bikim's anger flares in an instant before returning to a subtle simmer of regret. “We’ve just been having a… a rough patch in our relationship. I’m not giving up on us. I’ll win her back. She's just… confused and being taken advantage of! It's all that damn predators fault!” Bikim sighs and sits down on a nearby bench. “You're not the only one whose had something taken from them because of this job. You're not the only one without a home to go back to.”
Looking at Bikim now, a sad, pathetic man moping on the bench with nothing better to do on his rest claw than to try to externalise his inner pain… I find it hard to stay angry at him. He's still a narcissistic brahk ass and a complete jerk, but it's hard to truly hate someone when you actually know them. I had made quite a few assumptions about him when we first met, and he certainly hadn't helped my impression of him since, but… perhaps I was wrong to judge him so harshly?
“Nah,” the voice chortles, “he’s a piece of speh that got what he brahking deserves for being an insufferable prick.”
Overhead the intercom crackles to life and I can hear Jonsco's voice reverberating over the airwaves.
“Officers Vaesh and Sawvek please report to the briefing area for assignment. Repeat. Officers Vaesh and Sawvek please report to the briefing area for assignment.”
“Sounds like it's time for your first field assignment, Kid.” Bikim says, staring up at the intercom. “At least it gets you out of my wool. Try not to brahk it up and make the rest of us look bad.”
“Hmph.” I turn to leave, muttering to myself. “Stupid brahkass.”
A/N - Hello! Sorry this one took a while. Like I mentioned before I got delayed working on my Ficnapping chapter as well as a crossover One-shot that's still in progress (but hopefully will be done soon). In other news we have new art of Sawvek's life-changing encounter in the Builder's Lane Bloodbath as drawn by Miglove and you can still find that and everything else Nature of Family in the new Master Post linked up above.
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submitted by Ben_Elohim_2020 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]
