Indian reservations in arizona cigarettes

Buffalo Cannabis

2021.04.22 18:00 Buffalo Cannabis

This is the place to discuss all things cannabis in Western New York - from the latest news to bragging about recent pick-ups, medical and recreational dispensaries, to home cultivation and processing.

2011.11.20 06:58 wiseblueberry Mohave County

A community for the desert dwellers of Mohave County, AZ. Mohave County is located in the northwestern corner of Arizona and shares borders with California, Nevada, and Utah. All are welcome to participate, whether you live here, have previously lived here, live nearby, have family here, or are just curious.

2022.09.17 17:02 Shitsnoone dalitwithabmw

An Archive to see the different people in India who are against reservations, not because they got a mobile number rank, but because they got a Dalit friend with a BMW Kinda an Indian version of onejoke

2024.06.09 22:27 cuspofgreatness Native American activist, Leonard Peltier, 79, imprisoned for nearly half a century makes push for clemency

Peltier was convicted in 1977 of killing the two FBI agents during a standoff on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Both agents, who the FBI said were searching for robbery suspects, were shot in the head.
His has become a rallying point for American Indian and human rights activists, who believe Peltier is a political prisoner. He was the subject of several documentary films and the best-selling novel “In the Spirit of Crazy Horse” by Peter Matthiessen
submitted by cuspofgreatness to NativeAmerican [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:18 bikerboy2345 Have about 28 days to do this. Any tips on what not to miss or what to avoid?

submitted by bikerboy2345 to roadtrip [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 MountainComplete5783 My friend is a bad parent. What should I do ?

Using a throwaway so no one I know can find this.
My friend 22F recently had a baby (6months M) with her boyfriend 23M. I have noticed a pattern of irresponsible and borderline dangerous behaviors that I believe will lead to developmental delays and numerous long term consequences. It is clear that at this point I need to intervene, since nobody else in the parents' life has at all. I need advice on how to bring this up with her so that she'll listen and start doing better and realize that their actions could be detrimental down the road. I'm apprehensive about broaching this topic with her, in fear it might strain or damage our friendship, but my intention is purely rooted in love and concern for her baby and his own well-being. I am looking for advice that keeps in mind that I am their age and one of their only friends. Although I have asked pressing questions in the past, this direct of an intervention will definitely be a shell shock and out of our comfort zone.
She frequently drinks and smokes cigarettes around the baby. She partakes and prioritizes extensive marijuana use during this critical time of being a parent, leading to neglectful behaviors like letting the baby eat dirt and putting unhygienic things in his mouth. The parents adopted a mentality that everything "natural" is safe for the baby. They took the hippie mentality and ran with it. Unsafe sleeping habits would be an understatement not only do they co-sleep but they basically no swaddle it and just build a fort of pillows and blankets around him in whatever position he falls asleep in. They also smoke around him exposing him to secondhand smoke.
They neglect basic safety measures like applying sunscreen and providing a shady environment. They don't care about exposing him to loud sounds without any ear protection. They refuse to let the child self-soothe with binkys or anything at all. Almost 90% of the time he cries they just breastfeed him as the solution. I also noticed hours go by without a diaper change.
Both my friend and her boyfriend have irresponsible behavior that extends to their own health, including drug use while breastfeeding the baby.
Another concerning aspect I want to emphasize is that I think that the parents have adapted everyday parenting techniques that are unconventional. The baby is on zero kind of schedule regarding napping feeding, etc. Zero quantification of breast milk consumption or nap time ever, he basically eats and naps depending on what the parent's plan for the day is or what they're doing in the moment. I also want to emphasize that the parents are not weary of strangers or public spaces for the baby. Zero sense of putting their child at risk.
The small condo they live in has countless choking hazards, NSFW decorations, and drug paraphernalia. I fear that the baby will be exposed to adult concepts way too young.
I want to intervene because I'm genuinely worried for the safety and wellbeing of the child. They're planning to go to an event where the child will be exposed to hours of extremely high temperatures, dust, loud sounds, adult concepts, drug use, including themselves, with thousands of strangers for an extensive amount of days. I have extreme anxiety about my friend taking her child to this event, but they don't seem to have any reservations. What should I do ?
submitted by MountainComplete5783 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:43 ajh2019 Rude employee from customer service and questions with companion certificate fare

Hi all. I have held the the Reserve card for several years now and have always been able to use my companion certificate with ease My husband's card renews about a month or so before mine, so when his renewed I booked under his account flights for FC f or him and our oldest son. We fly out of a small regional airport, always have to connect in Minneapolis, and then fly to our destination, this one in question is Phoenix Arizona. My companion certificate finally came through on my account, so I went to book my flight along with our youngest sons today. Same dates, flight, etc as my husband other son. When pricing out the fare just on a standard booking the price is significantly lower than when you apply the companion certificate. So, instead of just booking two tickets at x amount of dollars in using the companion certificate it ends up being a savings of about $200 for two tickets. Definitely not buy one get one type situation (of course taking into account taxes and fees separately). I waited from a customer service agent to be transferred to a special line specifically for the companion certificate. I was greeted by a not so friendly agent who made no attempt to help me. She just kept saying something about how the fare for using the companion cert would be based from "the (small regional airport) to PHX and that the MSP leg was considered a separate ticket. We kept talking in circles as I kept reminding her that the small regional airport has to have a Minneapolis. There is no option for a direct flight, and that I was not trying to book separate multiple legs. I was doing one round trip ticket with my companion certificate. I could not understand where a mere $200 discount was coming from (first class fare round trip about $960ish per ticket) whereas using the companion cert was showing the ticket at $1700. I asked the question point blank. Why is the flight priced higher using the companion certificate compared to just doing a manual booking without any certificate applied on the site and she could not give me a direct answer. At the end of our call she pretty much hung up on me, and there was no option for a survey. I placed another call through the regular line (I am a lowely silver medallion). I am hoping to get connected with someone that can at least give me some answers. I double-checked my husband's ticket and the price and I also double-checked my screenshots from before I booked his flight and my other sons and at that time the fare for a regular booking and also using the companion cert were the same.
I am not trying to be a difficult customer by any means, but if anyone has any tips or suggestions I would take them. We don't fly incredibly often, but when we do it is always Delta. I'm just so disappointed in the level of customer service that I received today.
submitted by ajh2019 to delta [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:38 warp10barrier Road trip last fall

submitted by warp10barrier to roadtrip [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:41 LetterGrouchy6053 'The wheels of justice..."

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.

Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to MAGACultCringe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:39 LetterGrouchy6053 'The wheels of justice..."

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.

Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to DescentIntoTyranny [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:38 LetterGrouchy6053 'The wheels of justice..."

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.

Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to Law_and_Politics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:36 LetterGrouchy6053 'The wheels of justice..."

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.

Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to MAGANAZI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:35 LetterGrouchy6053 'The wheels of justice..."

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.

Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to RightJerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:34 LetterGrouchy6053 'The wheels of justice..."

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.

Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to MAGAs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:31 LetterGrouchy6053 'The wheels of justice..."

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.
Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:30 LetterGrouchy6053 'The wheels of justice..."

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.
Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to esist [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:29 LetterGrouchy6053 'The wheels of justice..."

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.
Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to ReallyAmerican [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:26 LetterGrouchy6053 'The wheels of justice..."

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.
Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to AntiTrumpAlliance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:24 LetterGrouchy6053 Do not despair, they will all end up in prison.

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment, and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.
Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman ,Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to truthtellerinaction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:33 LastWeekInCollapse Last Week in Collapse: June 2-8, 2024

The heat and the pressure are on—for our planet, and for one more World War.
Last Week in Collapse: June 2-8, 2024
This is Last Week in Collapse, a weekly newsletter compiling some of the most important, timely, useful, soul-crushing, ironic, stunning, exhausting, or otherwise must-see/can’t-look-away moments in Collapse.
This is the 128th newsletter. You can find the May 26-June edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these posts (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox with Substack.
Bengaluru broke a 133-year rain record by almost 10mm last Sunday, with 111mm (4.37 inches) of rain falling in a single day. In Sri Lanka, some 24,000 people were displaced by recent flooding. A heat wave swept through the southwest United States and northern Mexico. Part of Niger already broke its June temperature record. Parts of New South Wales, Australia broke nighttime temperatures as well; so did the Philippines, and Vietnam. And a heat wave in Greece.
Atmospheric blocking” happens when regions of the atmosphere remain stationary for days or weeks, imposing similar weather on a region for a while. A study released in Nature Communications looked at Svalbard, which is warming faster than the Arctic, which is itself warming faster than most of the rest of the planet. The researchers claim that atmospheric blocking has resulted in warmer & wetter conditions in Svalbard, which is driving its ice loss. “The augmented blocking in the Ural and Scandinavian regions in the future combined with the projected declines in sea ice, and increases in sea surface temperatures and moisture availability, will likely increase the magnitude and frequency of exceptional rainfall incidents similar to the 2016 occurrence, posing further hazards to the population and ecosystems in Svalbard.”
A paywalled study in Nature Climate Change emphasizes “in the absence of a global tipping point there is no safety margin within which permafrost loss would be acceptable.” The summary states that permafrost melt does not have a worldwide tipping point, but rather several local temperature thresholds. Permafrost worldwide is expected to be all melted once global temperature gains hit 5 or 6 °C.
We are currently in the brief neutral period between El Niño and La Niña, expected to begin around August. Meteorologists expect temperatures in the eastern Pacific to decline for between 1 and 3 years—and for stronger Atlantic hurricanes. A 14-page report from the WMO forecasts a particularly wet summer for Central America.
Monsoon storms in Sri Lanka killed 14, mostly by falling trees, though others drowned or were covered by landslides. Texas saw “canteloupe-size hail” fall during a freak tornado; some think it is a record size for the region. Experts say some 23% of Africa’s land has been degraded, by five major factors: 1) invasive species, 2) climate change, including Drought and flooding, 3) resource extraction, 4) deforestation, and 5) pollution, including algal blooms. Poverty, population growth, and resource dependencies have aggravated the problem, says the article.
In Kashmir, a glacier Collapsed, sending three plunging into the ice, one of whom has still not been found. In the Philippines, a volcanic mud landslide swept into a village; volcano alerts were raised to 2 (on a 0-5 scale). Rising sea levels are displacing residents of one of Panama’s islands (pop: ~1,200); others will follow. Greece is gearing up for a fierce wildfire season ahead. And, in a moment of hopeful news, Sweden is banning bottom trawling in its “marine protected areas.”
In the EU, early polling appears to show a “greenlash,”, a backlash to the Green Alliance—and perhaps a loss of some 30% of their 72 current seats in the EU Parliament (705 total). Some blame the “moral superiority complex” of Greens, while others believe it is their lack of compromise on important issues. Farmer protests also damaged Green sentiment; now future sweeping climate reforms will probably have to wait years to get passed, since conservatives are expected to make gains. Most results will emerge within 24 hours of this post.
Worldwide, 39% of environmental journalists have faced threats due to their reporting—according to a 112-page report by the Earth Journalism Network. Most of the threats came to reporters writing about illegal extraction operations.
Roughly 20% of sealife near the surface is expected to face a “triple threat” of climate hazards: extreme heat, oxygen loss and acidification. Some of these species will die in place; others will be forced into progressively smaller living spaces. Most of the danger lies in the northern Pacific. The full study in AGU Advances has more.
The UN Secretary-General announced that we are on the “highway to climate hell.” And we aren’t wearing any seatbelts. The EU Copernicus Programme says last May was the hottest on record. This means the last 12 months were the hottest on record, with each consecutive month setting a new monthly record. Our planet is supposedly on the edge of 1.5 °C temperature increase, but some think we’ve already surpassed it.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released a 27-page report, “Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update 2024-2028,” predicting short-term temperatures exceeding the 1.5 °C mark.
“The global mean near-surface temperature for each year between 2024 and 2028 is predicted to be between 1.1°C and 1.9°C higher than the average over the years 1850-1900. It is likely (80% chance) that global mean near-surface temperature will exceed 1.5°C above the 1850-1900 average levels for at least one year between 2024 and 2028. It is about as likely as not (47%) that the five-year mean will exceed this threshold….Arctic warming over the next five extended winters (November to March), relative to the average of the 1991-2020 period, is predicted to be more than three times as large as the warming in global mean temperature. Predicted precipitation patterns for 2024, relative to the 1991-2020 average, suggest an increased chance of low rainfall over North-East Brazil and an increased chance of wet conditions in the African Sahel, consistent with the warmer-than-usual temperatures in the North Atlantic….
The Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy released its 2024 Environmental Policy Index, and the 204 pages illustrate the state of sustainability in 180 countries, according to 58 indicators. The document, full of useful graphics and accessible summaries, presents a world in escalating danger of global heating, pollution, and biodiversity loss. It is well worth skimming. These kinds of climate reports usually seem to me like, overall, much more time was spent making them than people spend reading them…
“Only five countries — Estonia, Finland, Greece, Timor-Leste, and the United Kingdom — cut their GHG emissions at the rate needed to reach zero by 2050….After climate change, biodiversity loss has emerged as the most serious and irreversible environmental crisis….As of 2022, aggregated GHG emissions were falling in 60 countries but still rising in 128…. Human activities, namely the combustion of fossil fuels, of which CO2 is an inevitable byproduct, have caused a nearly 50 percent of the increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution, with atmospheric concentration surpassing 426 parts per million in April 2024 — a level higher than at any point in human history….China, the United States, and India are pivotal, accounting for over half of global GHG emissions…China used more cement in two years (2020 and 2021) than the United States did in the entire twentieth century….Air pollution remains the most serious environmental threat to public health. Long-term exposure to fine particulate matter less than 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2.5) caused 7.8 million premature deaths in 2021, close to 12 percent of global deaths…” -selections from the first third of the report
Mexico saw its first human case of a bird flu strain, H5N2, in a dead man supposedly with no known previous exposure to animals. Two turkey farms got outbreaks in Minnesota, and Iowa’s first dairy farm reported bird flu as well. American health authorities expect H5N1 human cases to rise in the coming weeks. Bird flu was also found in San Francisco last week. Millions of human vaccine doses for bird flu are being prepared for the United States this summer.
Citigroup says the United States is already in a recession, though other institutions disagree. Nevertheless, junk bonds are becoming even more junky, and economists agree that the economy is at least slowing down. Credit card debt is reportedly rising, and the “personal savings rate” has dropped to pre-COVID levels. “America’s debt accumulation over the last seven years is akin to the costs of a world war,” says the article. Cuts to the Federal Reserve interest rate are coming, and the rise of tariffs is unlikely to stop soon. And Europe’s strongest economy, Germany, is not seeing a strong recovery from last year’s recession.
Thousands are starving in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, where Drought and school dropouts have also worsened. Investigators claim in a new report that both sides in the Tigray War committed grave war crimes and “acts of genocide” in the conflict, which ended (on paper, anyway) in November 2022; intercommunal violence continues at a lower intensity.
The American Heart Association released a report projecting the rates of heart illnesses by 2050, and they believe the rate of hypertension among adults will rise from about 51% in 2020 to 61% in 2060. Diabetes rates are expected to jump from about 16% in 2020 to almost 27% in 2050; and obesity rates will expand 17% to over 60%... A number of other heart conditions are expected to worsen as well, though at least high cholesterol rates are expected to decrease.
A 12-page report by Oil Change International says what we all know: most nations are failing to meet climate targets. “Some G7 countries are massively expanding fossil fuel production at home, while others are investing in more fossil fuel infrastructure abroad.” China is, far and away, adding more renewable energy capacity than any other nations on earth, supposedly adding “over 90% of all renewable capacity mentioned in NDCs {nationally determined contributions}” in the 2020s so far.
The U.S. FDA has unanimously recommended a new vaccine be developed to address the JN.1 COVID variant. Vaccine-manufacturers say that a new vaccine could arrive as early as mid-August. A 242-page prepublication report on the long-term dangers of Long COVID, with a view to planning future impacts on Social Security.
“Even individuals with a mild initial course of illness can develop Long COVID with severe health effects….Women are twice as likely as men to experience Long COVID….Long COVID can cause more than 200 symptoms and affects each person differently….There currently is no curative treatment for Long COVID itself. Management of the condition is based on current knowledge about treating the associated health effects and other sequelae….Long COVID symptoms generally improve over time, although preliminary studies suggest that recover can plateau 6-12 months after acute infection. Studies have shown that only 18-22 percent of those who have persistent symptoms at 5-6 months following infection have fully recovered by 1 year. Among those who do not improve, most remain stable, but some worsen.” -selections from the study summary
Germany reported African swine flu in some pigs in the northeast. Monkeypox cases remain in the United States, and at higher rates than last year, despite waning media coverage. And four strains of dengue fever, yes four, are still sweeping through Brazil with no end in sight.
A number of current & former employees at OpenAI are warning of the careless pursuit of dominance of the artificial intelligence arena—and the supposed 70% chance that AI could bring about “doom” for humanity. Some of the computer scientists believe that a general intelligence (AGI) could arrive as soon as 2027—a generation earlier than previous estimates of roughly 2050. "The world isn’t ready, and we aren’t ready," said one dissenting researcher.
The intervention into Haiti is almost ready to go, but gangsters in Haiti have escalated attacks against police in advance of the Kenya-led operation, set to begin in a week or two. “The gangs are just waiting for the Kenyans, they’re just cracking their knuckles and stretching out.…It’s going to be a battle if not a bloodbath of a war, because the gangs are ready,” said one ex-diplomat. A new PM has been installed, Garry Conille, a guy who previously served as PM for 4 about months in 2011-2012. Gangs vying for power control roughly 80% of Port-Au-Prince; will they remain fragmented upon the arrival of an outside coalition, or make an alliance of convenience to oppose police intervention?
Although New Caledonia’s state of emergency has ended, over $1B of damage has been wrought by rioters opposing an expansion of voting rights. Analysts say that the Pacific island’s abundant nickel reserves—essential for France’s renewable energy push—have seen their extraction obstructed by recent events. A curfew remains in place, and social cohesion has been seriously damaged by the protests and the central government’s reactions.
President Biden issued new orders restricting the flow of migrants and asylum-seekers at the Mexico border. At the U.S./Canada border, migrant arrivals have spiked 1000%+ in the last 3 years. Days before the EU election, Portugal instituted stronger controls over immigration. On the Poland/Belarus border, a Polish soldier died, after being stabbed by a migrant from Belarus.
Georgia’s controversial foreign agents bill has been signed into law despite strong protests from the masses. Some call the law a form of Russian hybrid warfare, though Russia contends that allowing foreign media funding functions as a kind of anti-Russian hybrid warfare on its own.
South Korea suspended a military agreement with North Korea over their waste balloons sent into the South. This will result in a more militarized border, outside the DMZ, in the coming months. President Putin is also planning a visit to Pyongyang, which has been long-supplying materiel to Russia for use in Ukraine. A border clash between Chinese and Indian forces took place in their contested mountains—using only sticks and stones.
Conditions in Gaza are said to be “beyond crisis levels” for the 1M+ people who have been displaced from Rafah, as the Israeli advance continues—despite calls from the ICJ to halt the operation. “The sounds, the smells, the everyday life, are horrific and apocalyptic,” said one observer. Killings in the West Bank have now exceeded 500 since October 7, and aid deliveries have sunk 65%+ since the Rafah offensive began. A strike on a school killed 45 people sheltering there, according to Gaza officials. In the coastal settlement of al-Mawasi, where many IDPs moved after the Rafah invasion began, toilets are so scarce that over 4,000 people share a single latrine.
The battlefield is expanding; in some ways, it has always been all-encompassing, and it’s only now that the world is re-learning it. Ukraine has sent soldiers to Syria to fight Wagner Group mercenaries operating in the failed state. Ukraine had earlier intervened in Sudan to combat Russian forces operating in the country. Ukraine also struck an air defense unit inside Russia for the first time, marking another escalation in the War. Russia struck Ukraine’s largest hydroelectric power plant in Dnipro, which is now in “critical condition.” Russia reportedly intends to restart the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant at some point, though international regulators argue that it would be unsafe to turn Europe’s largest nuclear facility online while War still rages around it. Half of Ukraine’s electrical generation has been taken offline. Although weapons are reaching Ukraine’s frontlines, they are not enough to change the tide of the War—and are still outnumbered by Russian soldiers & munitions. Ukraine is also crowd-sourcing 3D-printing drone parts to support their drone fleets—a key part of future modern warfare.
Russia also claims that French military instructors within Ukraine present a lawful military target for Russian forces—and an opportunity to start WWIII. But others believe the flashpoint may come from elsewhere—Taiwan, or the unfolding Israel/Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran conflict, which are intensifying on the Lebanon/Israel border. Russia is also taking over Niger’s uranium reserves, once held by a French corporation. And four Russian sea vessels will be visiting Cuba—but not carrying nuclear weapons.
Around Sudan’s capital, looters, checkpoints, and violence have been established. Several torture chambers have been discovered, and the smell of death hangs in the air of a few neighborhoods, contested by both sides. The number of displaced people is approaching 10M. Russia is supposedly playing both sides to its advantage. “All over Sudan, people are going hungry because they have lost everything, the economy has collapsed, and armed men frequently steal what little aid is available,” said one reporter. The insurgent RSF forces are said to not only be fighting for the future, but fighting over history as well. The National Museum has become a cemetery for RSF fighters. University archives have been burned. And ancient artifacts have been cleared out, sold to mysterious buyers, stashed away in unknown places, or simply destroyed… Other horror stories are still emerging; this article details some of the worst recent tales in the War.
One major NATO supplies provider claims that a decade of arms accumulation is coming, to replenish stockpiles given to Ukraine and in advance of a potential open War between China and whatever western nations decide to participate. China announced its intention to detain vessels moving into its alleged national waters near the Philippines—and presumably to sink those which resist. Ukraine used up six years’ worth of shoulder-fired missiles, like javelins, in just one year. The development of the F-35 will exceed $2T, although the U.S. military is planning on using it less than previously expected. NATO is also planning its rapid-transit troop corridors through Europe to the expected frontlines of a potential open War against Russia.
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-It is a common refrain that the education system is a bellwether for Collapse. It is also a symbol—alongside our food system, plastic dependency, state militaries, and many other institutions—of how difficult it apparently is to change course. The institutional friction and incentives are burnt in. This detailed post on the (American) school system and the “metacrisis” and much more. Several thorough comments build on the OP’s thesis. Peek into teachers for a glimpse into our doomed future.
-People in southern California are evidently closing their eyes and ears to Collapse, if this weekly observation is to be believed. The author writes about their unfulfilled hope that humanity might turn the ship around during the COVID period, cognitive biases, the persistence of COVID denial, plastics, and the early burning sun.
-Society is closing in on a Doom-Awakening, says the comments on this post. Some disagree (see the above observation).
-Nothing works, and everything is breaking—say many terrific comments in this self-post about the lack of empathy, passion, quality products, and the atrocious job market.
Got any feedback, questions, comments, complaints, upvotes, hurricane advice, bird flu tips, cheap off-grid land, etc.? Check out the Last Week in Collapse SubStack if you don’t want to check collapse every Sunday, you can receive this newsletter sent to your (or someone else’s) email inbox every weekend. What did I forget this week?
submitted by LastWeekInCollapse to collapse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:26 Aggravating-Math9619 100% moose spawn

100% moose spawn
Hey guys if you’re struggling to find any moose spawn at all like I have been, after much trial and error, I’ve pretty much dialed it down to a science… where you get one super consistently.
Now this is not something new that I’ve discovered it’s something I saw posted on Reddit years ago and it wasn’t very detailed and there was a lot of it I had to discover on my own, so I figured that I would make an updated 2024 version of it.
So yeah, first thing’s first, I personally like to fast travel to Waipiti Indian Reserve, although you can also just ride there from wherever you are it doesn’t actually make a difference, and then from Waipiti head southeast towards the “mysterious hill home.” If you haven’t discovered the “mysterious hill home” yet, no worries, I posted a photo showing where it is on the map in the first photo. Now no need to go all the way to the hill home, just head there direction until you see the location that’s shown in photo 2, and to the top of that mound. Photo 3 shows what the top of that mound looks like, and photo 4 shows its exact location on the map. From there set up camp. Now sometimes there is an npc that has camp set up there already, and in that case I normally kill him, and then do a side errand really quick, and come back and his camp should be gone, allowing you to set up your own; but I’m sure there are other ways to get him out of there. Ok, now that camp is set up on that mound, sleep till the afternoon. I’ve found that the moose spawns most consistently from noon till dark. Side note, it MUST be sunny and clear skies, in order to get the most likely chance of the moose to spawn. Ok, now that it’s sunny you need to head directly uphill from your new camp that you set up, until you reach the location that’s shown in photo 5, although be wary, there are fairly occasional wolf packs that spawn up here. The exact location of photo 5 is shown in photo 6. Now a note to keep in mind before you move on, is that this moose technically spawns out of bounds, meaning you can’t skin it where it actually spawns, so in photo 7 you’ll see a rock line, and I like use that as a rough estimate of where I can and can’t skin the moose, in other words, do not kill the moose till it passes these rocks otherwise you wont be able to skin it. Photo 8 is a little blurry, my bad, but it circled the exact spot that the moose spawns, I’ve done this trick about 8 times now and it’s always been the same spot, but I read the comments on the original Reddit post from some years ago and some redditors say they’ve seen it in other spots. But for the most part it’s going to be by these trees. After searching around and you see that r he moose hasn’t spawned in at all, don’t panic, trust the process, all you have to do is run back down to your camp do a quick circle and come right back. The most amount of times I’ve had to circle back without spawning a moose was 5 times, so it may take a second but typically it’s only 1 or 2 times around the camp. Regardless, it’ll spawn almost always in the same spot. In photo 9 it’s a picture of me scoping in on that exact spot, and what do ya know there’s a moose. Now if you scope in, that’s fine, but I’m going to repeat myself DO NOT SHOOT the moose till it’s passed the rock line, I can’t stress that enough. I know, I know it’s really exciting to see a moose, and you want to just jump on it the second you can, but trust me, if you just have a little patience, he’ll be yours in no time. So, the next thing to do is walk forward along the rock line as far to the left as you feel is good, I usually go where my Arthur is standing in photo 10. The reason to do this is because your goal now is to scare the moose in bounds past the rocks, and for whatever reason the moose never goes in bounds from the left side of the rocks, only from the right. And if you’re on the left side, I’ve discovered it speeds the process up a bit since you’re out of the way. So yeah, in order to scare him to the right and in bounds, you have to shoot towards the left side of it, but DO NOT hit it, that will ruin the pelt. And when done correctly, he gets scared enough and runs to the right, but thankfully every time he runs to the right he comes in bounds over the rock line. This process of scaring him can be really annoying because it usually takes me 2 to 3 rounds before it finally gets scared enough and runs, but it’s really easy and hard to mess up unless you actually shoot the thing. Once he’s to the right of you and he has passed the rocks you, can either lasso him and knife him to preserve the pelt or have a rifle and headshot him. I’m sure you guys know this but I’m just going to say it anyways, use eagle eye if you’re going to shoot it, to ensure you don’t accidentally miss and ruin the pelt. Photo 11 is of me with my 3 star bull I caught doing this trick. And something to note is that either one of the moose can spawn here the western bull moose or just the western moose. But yeah, that’s by far the easiest method I’ve come across to get the moose.
And side note, for anyone trying to farm the moose. Basically for whatever reason if there is an old moose carcass near that spot, no other moose will spawn in that spot, while the carcass is still there, I don’t know why. I have a theory though, on how to not have to worry about the carcass. By scaring the moose far away from the spawn location before you kill it, however I haven’t tested this method because I was too scared to lose the moose after all that effort and not end up killing it, so I never tested it. And this isn’t a theory, but I discovered, if you die the carcass will disappear. So instead of waiting the 5 or 6 in game days it takes till a carcass respawns I just kept killing myself to the wolf packs that spawn, of course after I sold it to the trapper. Anyways, I hope this helps someone, and good luck :)
submitted by Aggravating-Math9619 to RDR2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:25 Aggravating-Math9619 RDR2 100% moose spawn

RDR2 100% moose spawn
Hey guys if you’re struggling to find any moose spawn at all like I have been, after much trial and error, I’ve pretty much dialed it down to a science… where you get one super consistently.
Now this is not something new that I’ve discovered it’s something I saw posted on Reddit years ago and it wasn’t very detailed and there was a lot of it I had to discover on my own, so I figured that I would make an updated 2024 version of it.
So yeah, first thing’s first, I personally like to fast travel to Waipiti Indian Reserve, although you can also just ride there from wherever you are it doesn’t actually make a difference, and then from Waipiti head southeast towards the “mysterious hill home.” If you haven’t discovered the “mysterious hill home” yet, no worries, I posted a photo showing where it is on the map in the first photo. Now no need to go all the way to the hill home, just head there direction until you see the location that’s shown in photo 2, and to the top of that mound. Photo 3 shows what the top of that mound looks like, and photo 4 shows its exact location on the map. From there set up camp. Now sometimes there is an npc that has camp set up there already, and in that case I normally kill him, and then do a side errand really quick, and come back and his camp should be gone, allowing you to set up your own; but I’m sure there are other ways to get him out of there. Ok, now that camp is set up on that mound, sleep till the afternoon. I’ve found that the moose spawns most consistently from noon till dark. Side note, it MUST be sunny and clear skies, in order to get the most likely chance of the moose to spawn. Ok, now that it’s sunny you need to head directly uphill from your new camp that you set up, until you reach the location that’s shown in photo 5, although be wary, there are fairly occasional wolf packs that spawn up here. The exact location of photo 5 is shown in photo 6. Now a note to keep in mind before you move on, is that this moose technically spawns out of bounds, meaning you can’t skin it where it actually spawns, so in photo 7 you’ll see a rock line, and I like use that as a rough estimate of where I can and can’t skin the moose, in other words, do not kill the moose till it passes these rocks otherwise you wont be able to skin it. Photo 8 is a little blurry, my bad, but it circled the exact spot that the moose spawns, I’ve done this trick about 8 times now and it’s always been the same spot, but I read the comments on the original Reddit post from some years ago and some redditors say they’ve seen it in other spots. But for the most part it’s going to be by these trees. After searching around and you see that the moose hasn’t spawned in at all, don’t panic, trust the process, all you have to do is run back down to your camp do a quick circle and come right back. The most amount of times I’ve had to circle back without spawning a moose was 5 times, so it may take a second but typically it’s only 1 or 2 times around the camp. Regardless, it’ll spawn almost always in the same spot. In photo 9 it’s a picture of me scoping in on that exact spot, and what do ya know there’s a moose. Now if you scope in, that’s fine, but I’m going to repeat myself DO NOT SHOOT the moose till it’s passed the rock line, I can’t stress that enough. I know, I know it’s really exciting to see a moose, and you want to just jump on it the second you can, but trust me, if you just have a little patience, he’ll be yours in no time. So, the next thing to do is walk forward along the rock line as far to the left as you feel is good, I usually go where my Arthur is standing in photo 10. The reason to do this is because your goal now is to scare the moose in bounds past the rocks, and for whatever reason the moose never goes in bounds from the left side of the rocks, only from the right. And if you’re on the left side, I’ve discovered it speeds the process up a bit since you’re out of the way. So yeah, in order to scare him to the right and in bounds, you have to shoot towards the left side of it, but DO NOT hit it, that will ruin the pelt. And when done correctly, he gets scared enough and runs to the right, but thankfully every time he runs to the right he comes in bounds over the rock line. This process of scaring him can be really annoying because it usually takes me 2 to 3 rounds before it finally gets scared enough and runs, but it’s really easy and hard to mess up unless you actually shoot the thing. Once he’s to the right of you and he has passed the rocks you, can either lasso him and knife him to preserve the pelt or have a rifle and headshot him. I’m sure you guys know this but I’m just going to say it anyways, use eagle eye if you’re going to shoot it, to ensure you don’t accidentally miss and ruin the pelt. Photo 11 is of me with my 3 star bull I caught doing this trick. And something to note is that either one of the moose can spawn here the western bull moose or just the western moose. But yeah, that’s by far the easiest method I’ve come across to get the moose.
And side note, for anyone trying to farm the moose. Basically for whatever reason if there is an old moose carcass near that spot, no other moose will spawn in that spot, while the carcass is still there, I don’t know why. I have a theory though, on how to not have to worry about the carcass. By scaring the moose far away from the spawn location before you kill it, however I haven’t tested this method because I was too scared to lose the moose after all that effort and not end up killing it, so I never tested it. And this isn’t a theory, but I discovered, if you die the carcass will disappear. So instead of waiting the 5 or 6 in game days it takes till a carcass respawns I just kept killing myself to the wolf packs that spawn, of course after I sold it to the trapper. Anyways, I hope this helps someone, and good luck :)
submitted by Aggravating-Math9619 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:19 Aggravating-Math9619 100% moose spawn

100% moose spawn
Hey guys if you’re struggling to find any moose spawn at all like I have been, after much trial and error, I’ve pretty much dialed it down to a science… where you get one super consistently.
Now this is not something new that I’ve discovered it’s something I saw posted on Reddit years ago and it wasn’t very detailed and there was a lot of it I had to discover on my own, so I figured that I would make an updated 2024 version of it.
So yeah, first thing’s first, I personally like to fast travel to Waipiti Indian Reserve, although you can also just ride there from wherever you are it doesn’t actually make a difference, and then from Waipiti head southeast towards the “mysterious hill home.” If you haven’t discovered the “mysterious hill home” yet, no worries, I posted a photo showing where it is on the map in the first photo. Now no need to go all the way to the hill home, just head there direction until you see the location that’s shown in photo 2, and to the top of that mound. Photo 3 shows what the top of that mound looks like, and photo 4 shows its exact location on the map. From there set up camp. Now sometimes there is an npc that has camp set up there already, and in that case I normally kill him, and then do a side errand really quick, and come back and his camp should be gone, allowing you to set up your own; but I’m sure there are other ways to get him out of there. Ok, now that camp is set up on that mound, sleep till the afternoon. I’ve found that the moose spawns most consistently from noon till dark. Side note, it MUST be sunny and clear skies, in order to get the most likely chance of the moose to spawn. Ok, now that it’s sunny you need to head directly uphill from your new camp that you set up, until you reach the location that’s shown in photo 5, although be wary, there are fairly occasionally wolf packs that spawn up here. The exact location of photo 5 is shown in photo 6. Now a note to keep in mind before you move on, is that this moose technically spawns out of bounds, meaning you can’t skin it where it actually spawns, so in photo 7 you’ll see a rock line, and I like use that as a rough estimate of where I can and can’t skin the moose, in other words, do not kill the moose till it passes these rocks otherwise you wont be able to skin it. Photo 8 is a little blurry, my bad, but it circled the exact spot that the moose spawns, I’ve done this trick about 8 times now and it’s always been the same spot, but I read the comments on the original Reddit post from some years ago and some redditors say they’ve seen it in other spots. But for the most part it’s going to be by these trees. After searching around and you see that r he moose hasn’t spawned in at all, don’t panic, trust the process, all you have to do is run back down to your camp do a quick circle and come right back. The most amount of times I’ve had to circle back without spawning a moose was 5 times, so it may take a second but typically it’s only 1 or 2 times around the camp. Regardless, it’ll spawn almost always in the same spot. In photo 9 it’s a picture of me scoping in on that exact spot, and what do ya know there’s a moose. Now if you scope in, that’s fine, but I’m going to repeat myself DO NOT SHOOT the moose till it’s passed the rock line, I can’t stress that enough. I know, I know it’s really exciting to see a moose, and you want to just jump on it the second you can, but trust me, if you just have a little patience, he’ll be yours in no time. So, the next thing to do is walk forward along the rock line as far to the left as you feel is good, I usually go where my Arthur is standing in photo 10. The reason to do this is because your goal now is to scare the moose in bounds past the rocks, and for whatever reason the moose never goes in bounds from the left side of the rocks, only from the right. And if you’re on the left side, I’ve discovered it speeds the process up a bit since you’re out of the way. So yeah, in order to scare him to the right and in bounds, you have to shoot towards the left side of it, but DO NOT hit it, that will ruin the pelt. And when done correctly, he gets scared enough and runs to the right, but thankfully every time he runs to the right he comes in bounds over the rock line. This process of scaring him can be really annoying because it usually takes me 2 to 3 rounds before it finally gets scared enough and runs, but it’s really easy and hard to mess up unless you actually shoot the thing. Once he’s to the right of you and he has passed the rocks you, can either lasso him and knife him to preserve the pelt or have a rifle and headshot him. I’m sure you guys know this but I’m just going to say it anyways, use eagle eye if you’re going to shoot it, to ensure you don’t accidentally miss and ruin the pelt. Photo 11 is of me with my 3 star bull I caught doing this trick. And something to note is that either one of the moose can spawn here the western bull moose or just the western moose. But yeah, that’s by far the easiest method I’ve come across to get the moose.
And side note, for anyone trying to farm the moose. Basically for whatever reason if there is an old moose carcass near that spot, no other moose will spawn in that spot, while the carcass is still there, I don’t know why. I have a theory though, on how to not have to worry about the carcass. By scaring the moose far away from the spawn location before you kill it, however I haven’t tested this method because I was too scared to lose the moose after all that effort and not end up killing it, so I never tested it. And this isn’t a theory, but I discovered, if you die the carcass will disappear. So instead of waiting the 5 or 6 in game days it takes till a carcass respawns I just kept killing myself to the wolf packs that spawn, of course after I sold it to the trapper. Anyways, I hope this helps someone, and good luck :)
submitted by Aggravating-Math9619 to reddeadredemption2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:31 iithit This is a community for Indians who are against cast based reservation system in India

submitted by iithit to say_no_to_reservation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:04 solidshark91493 Learned this lesson the hard way

New rule. If ANY scavs start following you around for any reason. Kill em. Just had two players follow me around for at least ten minutes on Reserve asking me for cigarettes and stuff, then wait till I was headed away toward an extract to shoot me in the back of the head to steal my gear. Next time if I notice someone is following me its on sight.
To the scavs that just scav killed me on Reserve, enjoy the gear. It was 20 minutes of my time you wasted. (Lurk).
submitted by solidshark91493 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]