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2008.07.18 07:38 r/Camping

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2008.12.31 00:29 Camping and Hiking

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2024.05.15 16:40 United-Oil-3430 Is this build ready?

I've been researching pc parts for a couple of weeks and I believe I found the right parts for me.
I'm building my this pc for a 1440p monitor which I want to play AAA games (doesn't need to be on max settings).
Please let me know if there is anything I have overlooked. Thanks
[PCPartPicker Part List](
**CPU** [AMD Ryzen 5 7600 3.8 GHz 6-Core Processor]( £179.99 @ Ebuyer
**CPU Cooler** [Thermalright Phantom Spirit 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler]( £40.00 @ Computer Orbit
**Motherboard** [Gigabyte B650 EAGLE AX ATX AM5 Motherboard]( £139.00 @ Computer Orbit
**Memory** [Corsair Vengeance 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory]( £114.99 @ Ebuyer
**Storage** [MSI SPATIUM M480 PRO 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive]( £125.99 @ Amazon UK
**Video Card** [Gigabyte EAGLE OC GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER 12 GB Video Card]( £583.50 @ Amazon UK
**Case** [Montech AIR 903 BASE ATX Mid Tower Case]( £54.98 @
**Power Supply** [MSI MPG A850G PCIE5 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply]( £108.53 @ Amazon UK
*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts*
**Total** **£1346.98**
Generated by [PCPartPicker]( 2024-05-15 15:40 BST+0100
submitted by United-Oil-3430 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:39 QuestionableTheory11 New job income planning

I am a 21 year old male and will be making 70k+ in June with a steady raise to be 85k+ within 5 years. That is base pay with lots of overtime available also. I'm mostly just looking for advice and a plan on the best ways to save money and live a good life. I can answer most questions anyone has, but here is some background.
I live alone with my girlfriend and split a $1000 rent. My personal bills every month amount to around $1300 total right now, but I'm working on lowering my phone bill and some others. I have 2 credit cards with a constant balance under 10% that is paid fully every month. No other debts. My car is paid off and I'm still on my parents health and car insurance.
My car is mostly reliable with only one large issue in 4 years, but I would like something with better gas mileage and technology. I will only be driving about 5 miles each way to work and anything outside of that so not much use on my car.
We live in a lower cost state, but far from the lowest. I do not have much in savings currently as I've had to use a lot and miss out on a lot to get this job. I have a Vanguard account with a couple hundred on index funds, but nothing large started.
My new job will have excellent health care, but I do not know if it's worth getting day one or staying on my parents for a little longer. My main hobbies can get pretty expensive, but I've always been good with setting money aside and not living over my means. We do not have any plans on children, but it's always a small possibility we may.
That's all I can think of now so any advice or help planning would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by QuestionableTheory11 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:38 NoChemist368 Composite Resin Filling on Incisor.

As the title states, I had a Composite Resin filling on one of my incisors. My tooth was chipped diagonally before it was done. It was done about 3 hours ago but I am nervous to pull it out when chewing on bread or something similar. Any suggestions from people who have had something similar done before?
This is now the third time I have had this filling done but I was very young the first two times so I cannot remember how long after it was done that I felt confident enough to eat things such as pizzas and bread.
Additionally, anyone know what sort of foods to avoid until I feel confident chewing on the above listed foods? I had to wait 4 months for this to be fixed so i'm just extra cautious not to do anything to it that could cause it to come out again any time soon.
submitted by NoChemist368 to Dentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:34 NotBlaine I found my favorite, childhood candy bar was still made in Canada...

I bought several packages of them. The day after I got back to the States, I had an upper GI. The results were I have to go on a strict elimination diet to determine what foods are causing my GI issues.
I can't eat the candy bars.
They're O'Henry bars.
submitted by NotBlaine to Irony [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:34 Dangerous-Laugh-0420 Guy lies and argues to try and get his way

This happened about 5 years ago. Managed at a brewery and we had recently (in the last 4 months) gone through a huge rebranding and replaced all our retail items, shirts, hats, etc.
Guy comes in with 2 shirts from our old branding. Says he bought them a couple days ago and wanted to switch them out. I explained that we haven't sold those items for months, and cannot exchange them. (What are we going to do with items we can't sell?) I also happen to be the retail manager and ALL retail passed though my hands and I knew every item we carried. He started saying I was a liar and this is horrible customer service. I said fine, do you have a receipt? Or you can tell me what card you used and I can look it up? He said no, he didn't have a receipt and he paid cash...sure you did. I then just pointed to our posted sign that said all exchanges and returns require a receipt. He got angry and said fine, I'll just call corporate. We don't have a corporate office, small little brewery.
Him and his party had some food and drinks, and one of the other people in his group later came up to apologize for his friend and said he got the shirts from a donated gift bag a few months ago and just figured he would try and argue to get what he wanted.
I hate people
submitted by Dangerous-Laugh-0420 to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:32 PM_me_cool_bug_pics How much float in a checking account?

I've finally, after years of effort, gotten to the point that I have enough highly liquid assets to cover 6 months of expenses. For the first time, I feel like I can start putting a significant portion of my excess to work paying off my higher interest rate debts and investing.
Something I hadn't realized until this point though is that I need to keep some float in my checking account (the 6 months of savings is in a separate account now). I can't just throw all available cash into something. I'll likely overdraft if I do so.
My thinking is that, if I'm unrealistically optimizing this, I need exactly as much money as I'll pay on expenses and bills on any given day in my account. But since I get paid biweekly, this doesn't really work. I need enough to cover the maximum expense in a given two week period.
Are there any good rules of thumb people use to determine this? Given that there's variability in household purchases, food, bills, etc. How does everyone manage that variability?
Also, are there any finance keywords I could use to research this? "Float" seems to be a credit card term, and that's not what I'm looking for.
submitted by PM_me_cool_bug_pics to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:31 SpacePaladin15 The Nature of Predators 2-36

First Prev
Star Crossed [Multiple Free Sample Chapters] Patreon Subreddit Discord Paperback NOP2 Species Lore
Memory Transcription Subject: Elias Meier, Former UN Secretary-General
Date [standardized human time]: July 13, 2160
The irritability coursing through my psyche was palpable. Every sound was dialed up to eleven, stabbing at the core of my sensory processing. Constant awareness grated on me after days without sleep, never having any break from the stream of information I needed to digest. There was no way to shut the world off and reset, and no reprieve from the unsettling reality of my physical experience. I was curled up in a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth; I wasn’t sure how much longer I could go on like this.
Virnt scuttled over to me in the spaceship, jostling my shoulder. “Elias? Would you like to turn back from this mission?”
I remembered how I’d spent most of the trip, standing under the water in the shower. There was a special shampoo they’d provided for synthetic hair, like a wig. I held out my phony hand and emptied most of the bottle’s worth of goop, zoning out; I was trying to soak in the distant sensation of liquid running down my spine. Once upon a time, this had been the most relaxing time of my day—letting muscle tension fade away and cleansing grimy skin oils. Now, I knew neither of those two still existed in my day-to-day life to assuage.
Did it even matter to slap soap on some metal frame? There were no consequences of letting hygiene go by the wayside. I didn’t sweat in order to start to reek, and I couldn’t get skin conditions or be affected by bacteria. It could be that I was bathing out of habit, clinging to my old lifestyle, that I kept going to wash up. Perhaps the shower had become my favorite haunt because I felt disgusting in this body. Everything was a reminder that I was an inhuman scrap pile, and it was wearing on my sanity. It wasn’t like anyone related to what I was going through.
I used to spend so much time fussing over making my suits look crisp and perfect—immaculate ties, UN pins adjusted just right. The heavy jackets would trap my body heat in the summer; now, it no longer had that effect. I could bundle up as much as I wanted in 40 degree Celsius heat, unless there was some limit that would fry my circuits. Shit, I might not need a spacesuit in the vacuum of space—I couldn’t freeze or suffocate, after all. Being left out in the void for all eternity didn’t sound that much different from my present experience.
I hate what I’ve become. I hate what they’ve done to me; all I do is think, and every part of my new self lives in the uncanny valley. There’s nothing positive. Maybe it’s time to call it…death was better than this. I can’t bear another day of this hell.
“Hey, stay with me! Distractibility, depression, being unable to maintain concentration—these are natural consequences of sleep deprivation. I’m surprised it carries over without a physical mechanism to grow tired…but I’m working on a sleep suite, I promise,” Virnt said, glossy eyes staring at me.
I groaned. “I’m not tired, but it’s just nonstop. I…I’m having trouble remembering what I read.”
“Here, I’m going to try a temporary fix. You look like you need it. I don’t want you to suffer; just turning you off and on isn’t the same. I’m going to emulate GABA, uh, shut off your optic sensors, decrease the activity in your prefrontal cortex, and simulate delta waves for an hour. We can see if it somewhat fills the need for deep sleep, okay? Relaxation, no processing: worth a shot, right?”
I nodded mutely, staying in the fetal position. I didn’t have the will to move, and I didn’t want to get my hopes up that Virnt’s plan would be any mercy. The sensation of the Tilfish tinkering with my settings was strange, as if my brain was being overridden in the moment. There was no process of falling asleep to give it the air of naturalness. Suddenly, I was blind, trapped in darkness—and a modicum of drowsiness kicked in, limiting my movement. Thoughts died down, offering much-need relief; I faintly wished I could remain in this state.
When I came to, there was a sudden influx of information as the rest mode was switched off; it was hardly a seamless waking, but I’d take it. Peace in my own head was something I’d never take for granted again. I hadn’t thought myself to be a weak-minded individual, but I hadn’t realized how much it wore on you: feeling out of place in your own body every waking second, and not trusting your senses. Brain function had been restored enough that I could get a grip on myself, and rise in my disheveled state. A peek out the window revealed we’d completed our intra-atmosphere transit to the Duerten embassy.
I rubbed my eyes on reflex, but there were no gifts from the Sandman there. “Why couldn’t you have just added everything to start with, Virnt?”
“The humans I talked to said they wouldn’t want to sleep, unless they had to! I put the most focus on your emotional matrix and your facial expressiveness, since I thought that has the highest importance of what makes you human,” the Tilfish replied.
“You could’ve made it at least optional.”
“I sent the option to your holopad for the future, to trigger this program for as long as you’d like. This is a learning process, so I’m sorry for anything that’s off. All trial and error here, but it’s only going to get better! That’s the positive.”
“There are a lot of patches needed. For starters, you’re missing two of the senses: taste and smell. In spite of that, ever since I walked past the Terra Technologies staff eating tater tots, I’ve been craving them at random intervals. I’m not hungry—I can’t consume food!”
“Predator instincts,” Virnt teased. “The Federation was right.”
“I’m serious! Why on Earth would that be a thing? I literally can’t satisfy it, so it’s almost cruel.”
“It’s psychological, Elias. I looked into it after I saw it in your transcript. When humans are under a lot of stress or otherwise feeling down, you seek dopamine from food. It’s something familiar that activated your memories, and promised emotional comfort. That’s why you have the phrase ‘comfort food.’”
“I can already see how the Federation remnants would spin that. A predator’s so-called emotions are tied to food, and stimulate appetite to fulfill their whims.”
“You seem in better spirits. To add to your improved mood, we announced the success of your memory transplant to the world. The response was overwhelmingly positive—history looked back fondly on you. You got a lot of well-wishes, and I was able to get almost all of your social media re-activated. At least, the platforms that are still active.”
“I’m…allowed to share my honest experiences?”
Virnt eased me out of the shuttle, into the sunlight; cameras were waiting, causing me to stiffen. “Of course you can. I’m not here to muzzle you, my friend. Quite the opposite, in fact: I want your experiment documented as thoroughly as possible! You’re the spokesperson for—”
I shielded my face from the reporters, who were lobbing questions. “What is this? I don’t have a prepared statement. This is an ambush.”
“Terra Technologies has a mission of transparency, and improving sapients’ quality of life through digital means. We had to announce such a monumental breakthrough, but you’re under no obligation to speak with them.”
“Good,” a warm voice chimed in from next to me, making me jump. “The poor guy’s come back from the dead, Virnt. Give him a break. He’s here to speak with the Duerten Forum and their ambassador, for some semblance of his old life.”
I turned my head, beaming as I recognized her. “Erin? Oh, sorry: that’s Secretary-General Kuemper, isn’t it? You’ve moved up in the world. The United Nations is in good hands.”
“It’s good to see you, Elias. I bawled my eyes out at your funeral. You cared so much for peace and taking the high road; there isn’t a person out there who could’ve handled first contact with more grace. You inspired me, and an entire generation of future diplomats.”
I embraced Erin, who’d once been a passionate SETI researcher giving me all of the bad news about aliens. As we flailed about in the dark to save humanity and adjust to the galaxy, finally acquiring a few friends, she’d become my Secretary of Alien Affairs. I’d trusted her to do whatever it took to stabilize our extraterrestrial relations. It was a bit of a relief to see a positive reaction from someone I knew; I wasn’t sure how my friends would take my return, but I hadn’t been expecting a welcome with open arms. It brought me solace and comfort to know about the legacy I’d left behind, and the ripple effects my tenure had on the United Nations.
It is strange to see how much she’s aged. That’ll be the reality of anyone that used to be an acquaintance of mine.
The alarm bells pinging in my head faded into the backdrop, and I forgot that the wind gusting against my face only felt like a dull push. My mind slipped away from food cravings that failed to get my mouth to water, how there was no feeling of tightness from my dress shoes, and the stillness of my non-existent diaphragm. I was simply happy to see someone I cared about and enjoyed working with, in my old life. There was safety in having a person I trusted to be on my side. My brain snapped back into diplomat mode, falling into a familiar flow of conversation. If I had nothing else, I still had my social skills—an ability to navigate various cultures.
“So the Duerten Forum agreed to meet with the two of us. They know about the Sivkit attack, but not the full threat,” I spoke aloud, after breaking away from the rather soul-affirming embrace. “I read the strategy meetings for briefing them, and I’m on-board to appeal to nostalgia; humanity saving their homeworld was after my time, but close enough to it that I could serve as a reminder. A blast from the past.”
Erin nodded, her security forming a wall between us and the cameras as we walked toward the embassy. “I always wondered what you’d think of modern Vienna, Elias. All of the aliens willing to be here on our world, and to treat us like people. Friendship used to seem like a pipe dream; we were happy if they’d allow us to exist, tolerate us to that extent. Look at us now.”
“I almost gave up hoping that they could care about us, or stand beside us at all. We couldn’t do it alone then. It’s time we remember to stand together—to rise to the occasion once more. I can’t bear the thought of anything threatening our home, or our friends. I saw enough needless death twenty-four years ago.”
“That pain is a lot more recent to you. It’s completely okay to be wrestling with grief. A billion of ours died.”
“We didn’t become the monsters they thought we were, and we pulled through. We revealed their hatred and treachery, and have chosen a future set on rectifying every right they trampled. I’ll always mourn what we lost, but I’ve never been more proud of humanity in my life.”
Kuemper patted my shoulder. “You sound like yourself, my dear old friend. It’s very good to have you back; you were much better at smiling while they spit in your face than I ever was. Let’s do what’s necessary to get the ball rolling with the Shield.”
“I’m right behind you.”
The exterior of the Duerten embassy had a distinct construction style, with metal and concrete forming the bulk of the outside structure; on Kalqua, sturdiness was at the foremost of their priorities. Winds on a normal day could ratchet up to what we’d consider a tropical storm, according to my brief review of their culture. The door was evidently heightened to facilitate foot traffic from humans, despite the exit hatches on the upper floor which seemed frequented by the avian staff. Their personnel could literally fly away during an emergent situation. I tailed Kuemper into the lobby, and noted how much of the inside’s floor was concrete as well. It was resilient and easy to clean, a perfect surface to avoid being marred by talons.
Most of the gray avians used perches instead of chairs, with several staffers working on paperwork at their desks; in private areas, some met with any humans who had business with the Duerten Forum. The lack of reaction to a predator’s approach was new to me, but a welcome change. Kuemper confidently led the way to an elevator, which had the English and German words for “Welcome to the Duerten embassy!” written above the opening. The generic Shield logo was painted on both sides of the door, and emblazoned with a representation of Kalqua. There were no buttons inside, apart from an emergency exit; a camera surveyed us, before a watching staffer summoned the car upward. I felt a jolt as we reached the top floor.
“To be visited by two Secretary-Generals: one of whom is a ghost! Let me express the Duerten Forum’s honor and delight. Not, of course, that I don’t cherish Ambassador Hannah Marston’s visits.” A silver-feathered head poked out of a door at the end of the hallway, past a spacious lounge; his beak was the precise yellow of corn. “Please, come in. Make yourselves at home. Can I get you anything to drink?”
Kuemper shuffled forward, giving me a knowing look. “Water would be lovely for me. Thank you for the warm welcome, Ambassador Korajan.”
“I second that gratitude. Enchanted to meet you. I’m sure you know, but I’m Elias Meier.” Taking a gamble that the ambassador was more than acquainted with our customs, I extended a hand. Korajan strode forward with confidence, ensnaring my palm in his wingtip. “We appreciate you taking the time to sit with us, Ambassador.”
“Just Korajan,” the avian said, feeling my artificial hand with undeniable curiosity. He finally released my grip, and waited for us to get seated. “There’s no need for formalities, especially when I’m in such esteemed company. What can I do for you?”
“We’ve come to seek your assistance in the fight against the Sivkits’ assailants. The Sapient Coalition needs allies to back us against these menaces,” Kuemper stated. “Any help we can get would make a difference.”
“I see. I heard about your unfortunate defeat in your prior engagement, but I don’t see how it involves or concerns us. The Duerten, as you well know, aren’t in the position we used to be. We’ve turned our focus inward for years, shoring up our defenses to watch out for our beloved planet. The potential benefit it might offer you is so negligible that it’s hardly worth increasing our vulnerability. The risk far outweighs the rewards for any party.”
I studied the avian, careful to avoid a direct stare. “I understand that it’s a lot to ask. However, small bits of help from across the Shield can accumulate to be a massive difference maker. We want to stop this genocidal force from getting anywhere near Kalqua; if we play our cards right, you won’t need defenses.”
“Elias—sorry, may I call you Elias?” Korajan asked, continuing after I nodded. “We’re, of course, concerned to have a predatory species with such power and intentions, outside our known terrain. They bear a striking resemblance to the Arxur, and my government does appreciate the advance warning from the SC so we can make preparations. Yet the Forum is concerned by several of your recent initiatives, which would make us doubly unwilling to back your cause.”
“Go on. What initiatives have unsettled you?” I hope he doesn’t mean me, with resurrecting dead humans; that’d hit close to home, and I don’t know how to defend it. “Perhaps we can clear up our rationale and intentions, ensuring that there are no misunderstandings.”
“I hope I’m not impolite to point it out, but my government is beginning to see a pattern in your recent connections to carnivores. The Sapient Coalition is attempting an uplift on one race, despite what we all know happened on Wriss, and has brought them into your mix while they are at war with each other. We’re also aware of these Osirs—a race you are resurrecting to live among you, despite having no idea what they’re capable of. Present company excluded, species that need meat are not trustworthy types. These Osirs are weapons: look at the fangs.”
“Anything is a weapon in the wrong hands. Respectfully, we don’t feel that it’s right to judge a species for their diet. If I’m not mistaken, your own kind were once omnivores, Korajan.”
The Duerten fluttered his wings in acknowledgement. “The Federation changed us greatly—some things for the better, others to erase our intellect. We’re an individualist species, and they tried to make us…what do you humans call it? A ‘hive mind.’ Hive minds, of course, are fiction, yet they tried to make it real. Still, sometimes when you’re changed enough, it makes it impossible to go back to how things were.”
“I of all people grasp that sentiment,” I sighed, without moving an abdominal muscle, reflecting how my life would never be the same in this state. “We believe all sapients deserve a chance at life and happiness. Equality isn’t a principle we withhold based on any factor, and we don’t change species to fit our own whims.”
“This is why we’re content with our relations as is: separate, so we’re not connected to your disputes or obligated to get involved. The Duerten will always have differences between what are considered acceptable behaviors, and our guiding principles and overarching goals.”
Kuemper tapped her fingers on her knee. “Regardless, our choices with the Bissems and Osirs will have no impact or tangible effects on the Duerten. Nor is it a reason to shy away from protecting herbivores, the mandate that led you to stand up to the Federation in the past.”
That cost us everything. Kalqua took a beating worse than Earth did. We don’t set out to attract the ire of powerful enemies these days.”
“We saved Kalqua. We were there when you needed our help to keep your innocents safe,” I reminded him, knitting my eyebrows with earnestness. “We answer when others call for our help to stay alive; the Duerten know what drives us to answer the bell. Isn’t that worth a smidge of reciprocation?”
“If Earth, or for that matter, Leirn were under siege, we would come. However, it appears to us that you entered their territory, not the other way around.”
“Think of the type of species…no, the kind of governments that would glass worlds. The old-school Arxur Dominion. The Kolshian shadow caste when they were defied. The Krakotl extermination fleet because they hated us. That’s what we see in the Osirs, and the gluttonous killing of Sivkit civilians while refusing to speak. We can’t turn a blind eye.”
“I’m sorry, Elias. Even if I wanted to help you, I don’t have the authority. I’m expressing my government’s position, and I’ve been told the Duerten Forum isn't going to war under any circumstances. I apologize that I can’t be of more use, and regret if you might feel your time has been squandered, leaving empty-handed.”
I shared a look with Kuemper, recognizing that we had been stonewalled; there was an implication in Korajan’s last statement that the discussion on this matter was over. The Forum hadn’t given him any negotiating room, so I didn’t get the sense I could do better than asking for him to take a message. If this was the most friendly party we’d be interacting with, I wasn’t off to a good start wrangling support for an alliance. There were a few other Shield races we could try, but an endorsement from the founders might’ve gotten the whole union on board. We had to find another angle—negotiating with the Fed remnants would be impossible without the Shield as an intermediary.
“Of course we don’t feel that way. The back-and-forth was enlightening, productive communication, as much as humanity would love to stand side-by-side in this endeavor,” I offered. “We appreciate you hearing us out, and do hope you’ll pass along our rationale to the Forum, for clarity.”
“I will,” the Duerten responded. “Your words, as always, deserve to be heard and treated with respect.”
Kuemper followed my lead, rising as I stood. “Korajan, I want you to know I deeply appreciate what you said about coming to Earth’s aid should we ever fall on hard times. That stood out to me, as a reason why our cooperation is so precious and beautiful.”
“I agree wholeheartedly. I do wish you the best of luck in your future engagements; my people hope you emerge victorious.”
“Thank you. Our door will always be open if you have a change of heart.”
In my mind, I had already vacated the Duerten embassy, but it was necessary to retrace my steps to depart the ambassador’s office. Aliens were much more diplomatic in rebuffing us now than in my era, which was the proper way to express disagreements between nations. It wasn’t lost on me that the differences in “behaviors” and “principles” Korajan meant were things such as hunting, omnivory, accepting carnivores, exterminators, and predator disease facilities. The Forum still clung to much of their old lifestyle; the gray avian had stated that some Federation changes were “for the better.” That was telling about how much of their ideology they’d yet to shed.
“Forgive my impertinence, but before you go, Elias…may I ask a personal inquiry? It’s not on my behalf of my government,” Korajan called, as our shoes cleared the threshold of his office.
I turned around, giving him an encouraging smile. “Of course. Go ahead.”
“What…what was it like? To die…to be dead?”
“It wasn’t like anything. It was a singularity of all outcomes: all I ever was, and all I ever could be, condensed to nothing. There are no words to describe emptiness and infinite rest. It’s a peace that knows no equal.”
The Duerten dipped his head. “Thank you. It gives me some…personal solace, to know…to know my daughter is resting peacefully. She died in so much pain after only a short period of remission. Ahem…if you’ll excuse me, I…”
“We’ll leave you in peace,” Kuemper replied, softness in her voice.
I folded my hands behind my back, mulling over the choked-up ambassador’s words. How could I let a few days of mental suffering defeat me, when kids suffered through such terrible diseases—never getting to reach adulthood? This program could give children like Korajan’s daughter a chance to grow up, and be a kid, free from pain. As soon as I was alone, I knew I’d be cast back into a maddening state of consciousness, with my brain struggling to stay tethered to this reality. Where I’d been ready to give up before Virnt’s quick fix, the avian’s story made me want to remain in the fight.
The Tilfish had been right: there was the potential for the technology that had brought me back to do a lot of good, and save others a great deal of heartbreak and suffering. No personal sacrifice was too great to ensure that one day, no parent would ever have to bury their child.
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Star Crossed [Multiple Free Sample Chapters] Patreon Subreddit Discord Paperback NOP2 Species Lore
submitted by SpacePaladin15 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:29 Saussierr1600 Business credits for Educational Requirements CPA Exam

Hi all,
I am career switcher and wish to obtain CPA licensure. I just got into a M.Acc program.
According to my advisor and glossing over some subreddits, my Bachelor's of Science in Economics should satisfy the business requirements.
I know it varies by state, and I am in the state of Washington.
I was hoping there is someone out there who could verify for me so I don't have to apply to take the exam when I know I don't yet qualify (I do not meet the accounting requirements).
submitted by Saussierr1600 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:28 Manjusri Earthsea Cycle book #4 - Tehanu by Ursula K. Le Guin - Chapter 10 In-depth Summary

Chapter 10 - The Dolphin
Tenar is practically insensate. Eventually she comes around, and a reality comes to her that the younger man is actually King Lebannen (aka Arren from The Farthest Shore). He is young except for something in his eyes, which considering the past makes a good amount of sense. He kneels to her but she stops him. Lebannen of Enlad was actually seeking her out and thought, for a moment, that she had known this and come to meet him. Labannen agrees to take her to her farm in Middle Valley on Gont. The older sailor offers to carry Therru to bed but Tenar stops him, Labannen does so instead. She feasts on king's food (though not on wine as good as Ogion's was) and is able to convey what has happened with her and Therru. Worse things than what is strikingly visible had happened to Therru, and Tenar is convinced that the leather capped man and her parents had done it. Handy probably couldn't have done much there, but with the curse and Tenar's fear for Therru... in telling this she becomes somewhat befuddled again, was she speaking in Kargish?
Tenar thought they wouldn't be able to reach her where she is heading and wanted to put it in the past, so she looks at Lebannen and instantly knows he is concerned about Ged. She calls him Sparrowhawk and Lebannen say all three of them go by their true names, but she corrects him that actually Ged only did so to both of them. She says, quite matter-of-factly, considering it has never been said outright, that, "'He's in danger from envious men, men of ill will...." Lebannen says he didn't want to believe his power was gone, and Tenar says, "'He wants to be alone until his hurts are healed,' she said at last, cautiously." Lebannen talks about the dry land, the mountains (called Pain) that cut and of which wounds take long to heal, and Tenar is reminded of Ged's hands as well as the stone (of which she picked up when regaining her senses) in her pocket. Lebannen is stately, but grief leaks out when he asks why Ged won't see him. Tenar says when Ged mentioned Lebannen the old Ged peeked out, part of not seeing him is pride, which Lebannen can't see Ged as being (the only word he can thing of when thinking of Ged is "patient"). Ged has changed, though, and has no patience now, just hardness on himself. She starts feeling ill, and on parting Lebannen says, "'Lady Tenar, you say you fled from one enemy and found another; but I came seeking a friend, and found another.'"
She wakes to the commotion of a ship, and Therru is hard to wake. She seems feverish and particularly withdrawn, no matter what Tenar tells her about the positives their new life will bring. There is a mark on Therru's arm, a four-fingered brand almost, from where Handy grabbed her, a promise he would never touch Therru, a promise Tenar could not have kept. Even when Lebannen speaks to Therru she does not answer... eventually she eats a little and is allowed to return to the cabin.
The ship passes through the Armed Cliffs, sandwiched walls filled with soldiered forts. Lebannen is on the high prow with the ship's master (Master Serrathen) and a man who is the Master Windkey of Roke Island. He wears a gray cloak of a mage from Roke Island, a similar one to the ones Ged had worn, through the highs and lows during Tenar's and his adventure together in Atuan. Their conversation is very polite (he is a weatherworker but is unneeded) and Tenar feels a tad like a barbarian... she wonders how a woman would/could succeed in "...their world [of] this dance of masks...."
It would take about a day to make port in Valmouth and Tenar was content to idle away on a makeshift bed the old sailor had made for her, watching the journey. Tenar bring Therru up and a very gnarled old sailor gifts a present to Therru by way of Tenar, a little dolphin carved of ivory or bone. Therru springs to life at the mention that it can go with the bone dolls (the person and animal) but eventually does reticently ask to return to the cabin (where they are) and Tenar has to thank the sailor on her behalf. She sees that all her work with Therru, the last year, might have been lost with that one touch from the appropriately named Handy, and for what reason?
She rejoins the king and mage in a setting that reminds her of her dream of dragons. Lebannen says he has no message for Ged, he has made him king (with their journey) whether he crowns him or not. Tenar sees a vulnerability in him, but it's necessary for him to be a good person: "He thought he had learned pain, but he would learn it again and again, all his life, and forget. And therefore he would not, like Handy, do the easy thing to do." Tenar says she would gladly take a message to Ged though perhaps Ged would not hear it. At this the mage says it was always so with him, and it comes to light he taught Ged and knew him longer than she did ("'But the first time I had him out in a boat, to learn how to speak to the wind, you know, he raised up a waterspout. I saw then what we were in for. I thought, Either he'll be drowned before he's sixteen, or he’ll be archmage before he's forty. ...Or I like to think I thought it.'"). Tenar asks if Ged is still archmage, quite a stark question. "The mage said finally, 'There is now no Archmage of Roke.' His tone was exceedingly cautious and precise. She dared not ask what he meant." Lebannen suggest that "...the Healer of the Rune of Peace..." (Tenar) would have some role in the new politics, to this the mage agrees but not without a beat as well as with no elaboration.
Lebannen reveals things from his journey with Ged and afterward, including (which hits Tenar like a gong) Kalessin, but in particular about Ged's staff being left behind and something that the Master Doorkeeper of Roke had said ("'He has done with doing. He goes home.'") which indicated Ged's time as a mage was done. A counsel was enacted on Roke to choose a new archmage. The king attended to get experience with the Council of the Wise, as well as because Thorion the Master Summoner had perished after his "art was turned against him by that great evil which my lord Sparrowhawk found and ended" (this book says he did not make his way back after meeting with Ged and Arren in the land of the dead and being directed back to the land of the living by Ged). Lebannen has trouble criticizing the wizards but the Master Windkey makes it clear: just like the last book, the counsel was stalemated to inaction. This section also talks about the other Masters in some detail (the Summoner who fled, the Patterner [also Kargish] who kept to the Grove, etc.). Eventually they look to the Master Namer (after all, he knows the names) who looked to the Master Patterner. Finally the Master Patterner said, trancelike, "'A woman on Gont,'" in Kargish, and no more, with no more knowledge of what he said than the rest. So they went to Gont with no more knowledge, though since they knew Tenar was there they thought perhaps it was her who was to lead them to the new archmage (some thought to Ogion, though he was ill and had refused being the archmage in the past, some thought to Ged again).
Tenar is of the opinion that the Master Windkey is wary of her (as she should be of him), but she meets Lebannen with candor. Tenar says it couldn't be her, she wouldn't lead them to Ged. The mage says it's likely it's not her, after all she would likely have been truly known since she is one of the few who "...bear their true names openly!" [ed: which is a bit interesting, in older books it stresses the amount of power one can have over another, and the secrecy among all but the closest, in revealing true names. It's even key to the ending of the first book. Also, she was mainly known as Goha, a use name]. He wants to know if perhaps she knows of anyone, and nothing comes to mind (except maybe the Woman of Kemay of Ogion's story, but she was mentioned as old even in that, unless she truly was long-lived as a dragon). She feels silenced by the "deafness" of the Master Windkey, something similar to her description of when she met the other mages (which included Aspen) after Ogion's death. She says but at least there is now a King, "'In whom our hope and trust are well founded,' the mage said with a warmth that became him well."
Tenar takes time to mention the evils that have seemingly sprung up, like the gangs, like what happened with Therru, like the " and women of power..." that have had their power wane or change. The mage puts this on Cob (the antagonist from the last book, from the dry lands) and says it will take time to "...[repair] our art, [heal] our wizards and our wizardry...." Tenar says maybe this is part of something that was already changing ("...a great change..."), that even maybe the fact that the power is shifting from the Master wizards' counsel to a central king is a symptom of this. The Master Windkey reacts to this, almost literally, like casting a spell against a stormcloud, and Tenar is now sure that he can't hear her (can't hear any woman since his mother last sang to him). She puts down his promise of Roke and the Art Magic enduring with a mention of Kalessin (who arrived unfettered in Roke despite one of its legendary claims being its maybe singular protection from dragons). He apologies because he, '...spoke as to an ordinary woman.' "'My fears are ordinary fears.'" "But the young king was silent, listening."
Arrival at a town is announced, it is up to the skillful to sail the ship around the people and not, denying to, the Master Windkey. Tenar instinctually looks for her son's, Flint's, ship and tells Lebannen a little about him (they are little alike, and yet she thought she saw him in Labannen). With the Master Windkey gone they share a bit of a shorthand--"ordinary fear"--and stammers that while there might not be a woman for them now there might be a woman yet for them yet. She says this in kind of a "Isn't that right, no?" way and he answers, "'It may be.'"
Tenar asks Lebannen what this ship is called in case her son asks and it is of course named the Dolphin. She sees Labannen as her son, still. Tenar tells him that she will collect Therru and walk home after staying with her daughter, Apple, in Valmouth. Ged's name is unsaid, but when asked if the wizards of Roke will continue to look for him: "'That, if they propose again, I will forbid,' Lebannen said, not realizing how much he told her in those three words.' But in searching for a new archmage they might come to her again. She says they, and he, are welcome to, and Lebannen says, "'I will come when I can,' he said, a little sternly; and a little wistfully, 'if I can.'"
submitted by Manjusri to u/Manjusri [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:25 LetterGrouchy6053 Treason; it's as simple as this.

It is all as simple as this. Giuliani, Trump, and a bevy of traitors to our country, tried to nullify the votes of 87 million people and overthrow the legitimate government of the United States.

That's it in a nutshell.
Almost every one of these treasonous criminals has been indicted and the government has overwhelming proof of their guilt. In boxing they say "You can run, but you can't hide".
The wheels of justice may be slow, but the results ar inevitable.
Trump and his accomplices (many in the House of Representatives) will be tried, convicted, and hit with the most severe prison sentences allowed by law.
See this -- Italics mine.
Giuliani has now been charged under an Arizona fake electors plot, with one legal expert suggesting investigators have "gold" evidence against him.
© Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Rudy Giuliani's legal problems could be about to get worse, a former U.S. attorney has said.
Giuliani was one of 18 people indicted last month in Arizona over an alleged scheme to overturn the 2020 election results in the state. He was served the indictment alongside six Trump allies, including Trump's former and his close adviser Boris Epshteyn, as well as 11 individuals who acted as fake GOP electors for Arizona in the last presidential election.
However, Giuliani is the only defendant prosecutors have been unable to serve with a summons, according to Richie Taylor, a spokesperson for the Arizona attorney general's office.
Taylor said prosecutors and investigators working for Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes have made multiple attempts to serve Giuliani a summons, which serves as a formal notice that he has been criminally charged and must appear before a judge at Maricopa County Superior Court on May 21. However, they have been unable to find him. He added that the day after the state-level grand jury handed up its indictment to Giuliani, two agents for the attorney general's office traveled to New York City with plans to hand-deliver the notice to him.
The agents determined that Giuliani was in his New York apartment because he had recently video streamed from his residence, Taylor continued, adding that upon their arrival, they were told by a person at the front desk that they were not allowed to accept service of the documents. Taylor said the person did not dispute Giuliani lived there. "We were not granted access," Taylor said.
The attorney general's office has also made multiple attempts to try to contact Giuliani by calling various phone numbers for him, "and none of them were successful," according to Taylor.
Newsweek has reached out to a representative for Giuliani via email for comment.
A person close to Giuliani told The Washington Post that the former New York City mayor and one-time attorney for Trump "keeps a busy schedule." Amid his apparent absence, Paul Charlton, a former U.S. attorney appointed by President George W. Bush, has argued that Giuliani's legal problems could potentially get worse if he does not appear for his initial court appearance, warning that it would lead to his arrest. "You can think of a summons to appear as a courtesy by the prosecutors—it is an invitation to appear," Charlton told The Washington Post. "You can be held in contempt if you are served and fail to appear. But the alternative for prosecutors is to issue an arrest warrant, and that is, of course, a much more compelling vehicle." He added that generally speaking, defendants who seek to avoid a summons should consider "the reality that the next step the prosecutors take won't be quite as gentle."
Giuliani has not responded to the case against him in Arizona, where Trump lost by 10,457 votes.
Trump was not among those charged in Arizona. He is described in the indictment only as "Unindicted Coconspirator 1."
"In Arizona, and the United States, the people elected Joseph Biden as President on November 3, 2020," the indictment reads. "Unwilling to accept this fact, Defendants and unindicted coconspirators schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to keep Unindicted Coconspirator 1 in office against the will of Arizona's voters."
Giuliani is also involved in a Georgia election racketeering case brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, in which he was charged alongside Trump with allegedly conspiring to overturn Biden's victory in the state. Both have pleaded not guilty.
He is also facing a $148 million judgment for defaming a pair of election workers in Georgia, which has led to him declaring bankruptcy.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to Republican_misdeeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:24 Bluestank What happened to Yoyo and his hot dogs?

Yoyo's hot dogs were a tradition for us over many years in the village, we were regulars. After he moved locations to EaDo we stopped going really. Then he opened and subsequently closed a brick and mortar on Washington which seems to be related to this chron article and a dispute with a Kevin Dang:
However, we also noticed some food trucks popping up at some point, that have now stripped the branding of Yoyo altogether, now called "True Dog" with a tiny mention of Yoyo on their website, but owned by a Damion Loera with no mention even of Kevin Dang or Yoyo besides the brief nod.
The yoyo Instagram account also has been silent,l since 2023, presumably because of this Kevin Dang guy.
Does anyone have more background on all this? Is Yoyo still around somewhere? I had a True Dog at a friend's party and it was not even close to how I remembered it.
submitted by Bluestank to houston [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:23 LetterGrouchy6053 Treason; it's as simple as this.

It is all as simple as this. Giuliani, Trump, and a bevy of traitors to our country, tried to nullify the votes of 87 million people and overthrow the legitimate government of the United States.

That's it in a nutshell.
Almost every one of these treasonous criminals has been indicted and the government has overwhelming proof of their guilt. In boxing they say "You can run, but you can't hide".
The wheels of justice may be slow, but the results ar inevitable.
Trump and his accomplices (many in the House of Representatives) will be tried, convicted, and hit with the most severe prison sentences allowed by law.
See this -- Italics mine.
Giuliani has now been charged under an Arizona fake electors plot, with one legal expert suggesting investigators have "gold" evidence against him.
© Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Rudy Giuliani's legal problems could be about to get worse, a former U.S. attorney has said.
Giuliani was one of 18 people indicted last month in Arizona over an alleged scheme to overturn the 2020 election results in the state. He was served the indictment alongside six Trump allies, including Trump's former and his close adviser Boris Epshteyn, as well as 11 individuals who acted as fake GOP electors for Arizona in the last presidential election.
However, Giuliani is the only defendant prosecutors have been unable to serve with a summons, according to Richie Taylor, a spokesperson for the Arizona attorney general's office.
Taylor said prosecutors and investigators working for Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes have made multiple attempts to serve Giuliani a summons, which serves as a formal notice that he has been criminally charged and must appear before a judge at Maricopa County Superior Court on May 21. However, they have been unable to find him. He added that the day after the state-level grand jury handed up its indictment to Giuliani, two agents for the attorney general's office traveled to New York City with plans to hand-deliver the notice to him.
The agents determined that Giuliani was in his New York apartment because he had recently video streamed from his residence, Taylor continued, adding that upon their arrival, they were told by a person at the front desk that they were not allowed to accept service of the documents. Taylor said the person did not dispute Giuliani lived there. "We were not granted access," Taylor said.
The attorney general's office has also made multiple attempts to try to contact Giuliani by calling various phone numbers for him, "and none of them were successful," according to Taylor.
Newsweek has reached out to a representative for Giuliani via email for comment.
A person close to Giuliani told The Washington Post that the former New York City mayor and one-time attorney for Trump "keeps a busy schedule." Amid his apparent absence, Paul Charlton, a former U.S. attorney appointed by President George W. Bush, has argued that Giuliani's legal problems could potentially get worse if he does not appear for his initial court appearance, warning that it would lead to his arrest. "You can think of a summons to appear as a courtesy by the prosecutors—it is an invitation to appear," Charlton told The Washington Post. "You can be held in contempt if you are served and fail to appear. But the alternative for prosecutors is to issue an arrest warrant, and that is, of course, a much more compelling vehicle." He added that generally speaking, defendants who seek to avoid a summons should consider "the reality that the next step the prosecutors take won't be quite as gentle."
Giuliani has not responded to the case against him in Arizona, where Trump lost by 10,457 votes.
Trump was not among those charged in Arizona. He is described in the indictment only as "Unindicted Coconspirator 1."
"In Arizona, and the United States, the people elected Joseph Biden as President on November 3, 2020," the indictment reads. "Unwilling to accept this fact, Defendants and unindicted coconspirators schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to keep Unindicted Coconspirator 1 in office against the will of Arizona's voters."
Giuliani is also involved in a Georgia election racketeering case brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, in which he was charged alongside Trump with allegedly conspiring to overturn Biden's victory in the state. Both have pleaded not guilty.
He is also facing a $148 million judgment for defaming a pair of election workers in Georgia, which has led to him declaring bankruptcy.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to Law_and_Politics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:22 DMSetArk A Help to find or Make a Brew? - Stress\Mental Degradation

Pretty much the title. I've been preparing an short adventure, focused on dread, horror and overall resource management, like food, water and even light sources. It'll start slow but get really intense by the middle of the adventure. I'm planning around 7 sessions. I've been looking for a better alternative than the DMG Sanity rules, because those are 8\80 You don't get the feeling of "losing it", of stress catching up to the character. Wanted to know if you folks know of any good brews that work this kind of thing about stress and deteriorating your mental state.
submitted by DMSetArk to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:21 QuestorPS7 LPT: CT Library Cards & Museum Passes

My comment on the Beardsley Zoo post seems to have generated a lot of interest, so I figured I would expand upon it for everyone in the sub. TLDR at bottom.

An Introduction to BorrowIT CT

One great thing about Connecticut that we get for both our state and municipal taxes is the Connecticut Library BorrowIT CT program. This program allows you to use your hometown library card at any library in the state.
If you don't have a library card already, it's easy to get one at no cost. Simply go to your hometown library with your ID and proof of residence. This is usually a piece of mail, paystub, etc. with your home address on it. Each library is different, so check the policies at your local library.
Once you have been issued a library card, it will serve as your gateway to the BorrowIT CT program. You can literally take your library card to any library in the state and check out materials. The first time you visit a new library, you generally have to be added to their system. In most cases, this is as easy as showing your library card and ID. Some libraries may have you fill out a brief form. And that's it! You can now borrow materials from that library.

Museum Passes

Since you can use your library card at any library in the state, that means you have access to all the resources at those libraries. This includes books, films, "library of things" materials, equipment use (like computers, 3-D printers, makerspaces, etc.), and museum passes!
What are museum passes? Many libraries work with museums around the state to purchase admission passes each year. This means the library or a benefactor pays a set fee and gets a "loanable" museum pass that patrons can check out. Some museum passes are good for free admission, while others offer patrons a reduced rate.
Not all libraries have the same passes, and most libraries will get passes for museums both in their geographic areas and the most popular destinations in the state. For example, the Bristol Library has passes for the in-town American Clock and Watch Museum and the Mark Twain House in Hartford, among many others.
But here's the best part: Since you can use your library card at any library in the state through the BorrowIT CT program, you can go to any library to borrow your desired museum pass. Simply ask to be added to the system and inquire if the museum pass is available for the day on which it is needed. Be sure to check the library's policies on how often patrons can take museum passes.

Interlibrary Loan

Lastly, there's the interlibrary loan system for physical media items. Does your home library not have a book or movie you want? Chances are good you can request it through interlibrary loan.
Most libraries in CT belong to one of a few consortiums. There's Bibliomation, LION, and others. Most also allow you to request items online. This means that you aren't limited to the items in your library's physical collection -- you can request items through the entire consortium. In the case of Bibliomation, that gives you access to 68 libraries.
There's digital items too. The Libby app gives you access to ebooks and audiobooks, while some libraries even offer free access to streaming services like Hoopla.
TLDR: If you get a CT library card, you can use it at any library in the state, and use it to borrow museum passes and physical and digital items at any library in the state.
submitted by QuestorPS7 to Connecticut [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:18 DivineSperm MDP : Scourge of the Islands

MDP(Most Demonic Perverts).
They will repeat “Join us” until you go insane. What throws these deranged psychopaths into a frenzy is when their evil venomous words do not bother, reach or harm the person
Each and every night, MDP conducts an air raid of High Altitude Pseudo Satellites, swarming the atmosphere, hijacking actual satellites to spy for their human trafficking and prostitution organization.
Each MDP facility contains a male homosexual drill instructor training prostitutes on how to capture people, how to trick people into signing a contract.
Do not let these extremist radical terrorists force you into suicide or anything, hold out! The more that are resilient, the quicker this will be resolved.
Once these radical terrorist biohackers successfully causes an individual to commit suicide or die in anyway, they burst from the persons dead body, giggling and laughing as they kill humans for fun and infects another person as if they were a horrific virus.
They bulge and twitch the persons eye lids as a sign of their technology’s existence within the person. If you notice any of these signs in either you or your family, you and/or them have been hijacked by biohackers.
This is an outbreak of radical terrorists in high platform airships and drones, illegally eavesdropping and trafficking humans into sex prostitution utilizing electromagnets, radio waves, and radiation
They can force a person to cough with sonic weaponry, imitating illnesses on a wide scale for control and as well, to assimilate identities illegally.
Don’t believe me! Research it!
STDs are being used to keep a person stuck within their prostitution rings.
MDP is an entire organization of drug addicts with advanced technology trafficking humans. They are all the same, against the people, not one of these demon-lovers are on the people’s side.
Cesspool homosexual orgies with drugs and STDs are systematically given to new cult members to keep them stuck in one place.
Whatever you do, do NOT care about them. They will try to use your empathy to have you kill yourselves.
Don’t panic! The hostiles are on Debilitating/Sedative drugs. Stop your bitching and fight your way through it until the threat is resolved. Keep relaxed. Let your friends, family, and kids know! Awareness destroys their recon
It’s NOT the “Illuminati”.
Keep Calm/Be Confident and Live.
Study magnets/Electromagnets.
You are not missing out on anything if someone or a group is pressing on you. Go do you! Do not let anyone influence you!
Their command centers are hidden within some call centers (Do not be paranoid!). It is urgent that you stay on the surface if you work around them. Do not let them systematically control or allure you into signing a contract to an unknown authority to make love with their merchandise in plain sight as spies or to be involved in illegal reconnaissance operations.
As long as you do not sign a contract for, and I quote, “everything you always wanted!” You will be fine.
YOU ARE NOT INVITED! Do not submit to any of their offers! They can alter words in the mind with their weaponized drones.
Stop Feeding This World Wide Threat!
Stop Surrendering because it’s too much to deal with! They are on high class drugs nearly 24/7 everyday!
Reclaim your identity or have it taken away by a criminal organization!
Non-lethal weapons modified to be lethal weapons!
Their captive women/children are their front line against men! They WILL try to force you to kneel to the their dictator, Solih, the shapeshifting hybrid. You will then be susceptible and subjected to heavier sonic attacks as well as abuses.
Do Not Quit! Do NOT Surrender!
Observe them for one year if you do not believe me. Take notes, keep quiet and carry on with your own personal life in the meanwhile. You will take notice of their patterns.
MDP terrorists are pretending to be schools as part of their scripts! They murder doctors and healers of any kind if they do not submit to being trafficked into human/sex trafficking facilities/homes!
They are not Authority of any kind, unless you surrender and you sign their contract and accept them as your handlers.
Stall them out! Do not move!
I can’t believe I am stating this. What is written below is not intended to be satire or a joke. This has actually contributed to their narcissism, their abuses, and mass murders
Stop masturbating to these terrorists! They are raping and abusing you and your fellow citizens, HEAVILY! Your fellow Maldivians are being raped over sonar hearing that only YOU can hear, and you masturbate to the Maldivians moaning, being raped??
You do NOT need to sign a contract to the MDP using sonar hearing to be allowed to marry, be intimate, or are subjected and forced to “marry” their trained terrorists.
They are paid liars and spies that trains prostitutes how to screw their targets exactly the way their targets want. This is done to have the target “test” the human traffickers prostitutes before they sign to keep them. Instead, you are selling yourself into human/sex/drug trafficking rings
Do not accept their “lust” they do have spies in person that are drug abuse/humans traffickers. They will bribe with sex and “free housing” then make you sign your life away, with you under the impression that you are going to some brothel or “sex club”. You will be susceptible to extreme abuses revolving around rape, drugs, and traumatic physical and mental abuses. Sound Proof Your Homes!
They use prostitution to allure their new victims! DO NOT BELIEVE THEM!
The MDP consists of homosexual elitists, human traffickers, terrorists, Eavesdroppers/Spies utilizing sonic weapons/sonar hearing weapons to euthanize/Traffic and enslave the general public. DO NOT GO!
They will go to war with federal officials/agents to keep their bodies enslaved!
Their cults authority are primarily shapeshifting Reptillian-Jinn-Human hybrids that are seeking “World Domination utilizing Sonic weapons” in an attempt to force the innocent and the vulnerable into surrendering themselves to human/sex/drug trafficking ring.
They are not the police!
Spies are very obvious to point out!
They are illegally eavesdropping families to extract their young. Their groups primarily consists of autistic and the mentally ill, that abuses a series of class A drugs to traffick and create new slaves.
Do NOT sign the contract! It’s ridiculous! They have two contracts, one for you to surrender, and the other for you to contract yourself into surrendering voluntarily. They also wordplay aggressively.
( I am disclosing the depths of their criminal business for abusing sonar hearing technology to assimilate identities, killing ruthlessly while induced under highly potent drugs, mass kidnappings, weapons, and prostitution/pedophilia. You will be stripped of all privileges and rights to these lifelong detention facilities!)
The threat progresses like humans, but the hostiles are progressing entirely against your person.
They are trying to steal your entire identity, do not sign the contract! Otherwise you will never make choices in your own lives again!
They look like everyday people, but do not be paranoid. Be aware of your surroundings and leave a way out for yourself if you are ever caught in a potentially dangerous situation. But do NOT be paranoid, delusional, or psychotic about it as not only would you be more susceptible to any abuses, your vulnerabilities may force you to make the wrong decisions. Man/woman up if you want to keep your own free self.
Do not give into extreme paranoia!
Most Demonic Perverts human trafficking networks has expanded. Be weary of unknown terrorists/individuals giving victims rides to parties, “mansions”, or a trip to the ghetto islands for drugs
They are not the police! They are not aliens!
They will use love to manipulate you.
Think of online scams or common pop up scams you would receive on your daily Internet commute. Same thing except, they want you to traffick yourself into a entrapment facility. Using various sexual exploitation tactics, infinite gaslighting strategies to force negative emotion to their targets and threats a long with actions of inhumane abuse cycles in hopes of subduing their targets
If you accept any bribes and sign the contract offered, you will be paying taxes to a criminal organization/network, times the current state and/or government taxes you already currently pay for, along with any other extra expenses that will occur if you sign the contract.
Ex: Government Taxes + Criminal Organizations Taxes = Taxes x2 or more since you will not be in control of your currency any longer.
If you do not see actual law enforcement individuals in front of your physical self, DO NOT GET ON THE GROUND! They are NOT any authority to the people outside of their trafficking homes!
Drug abuse/Addictions attracts these hostiles. They WILL psychologically trick you into subduing yourself.
Do not be fooled by their fake friendly appearances and smiles. You will be robbed!
Pay attention to your aiground horns! But do not panic!
They are NOT the government or federal agents. They are spies from criminal organizations worldwide!
If you do not believe me, then what I am speaking of may not not make any sense to you now. (Do your own research, don’t take only my word for it) But a great number of those who reads my news update will understand that we are dealing with outlaws that are mainly responsible for the random disappearances of children.
Be aware of homes with “No trespassing” signs, unusually high activity and surveillance cameras in ghetto islands.
They are not the MNDF/MPS/NASA/God/You/yourself/or anybody else you know. Even though some has defected and joined this horrific network full of criminals and pathological murderers, pretending to be friendly or family.
Global Human Trafficking Evolution
They want to ultimately farm your kids and sell them into prostitution!
Human traffickers will start a ground war to capture their victims and to keep spying on them with aircrafts.
Cyber ventriloquism/Sonar Hearing, common tactics.
This has been worsening since 2008.
The criminal agents will immediately disinform and satire this disclosure or any as if nothing was wrong or happening right now.
Educate yourselves to save yourselves! This is NOT a test from any governments within the security fields (MNDF, MPS or any other) though these organizations may or may not be involved, credible evidence is needed to prove that these organizations are apart of the worlds most inhumane experiments utilizing electromagnets and radiation to subdue any man or woman.
Disinformation campaigns are set up and used by the villainous organization to keep the public from knowing about their “spying” on various individuals around the world and from raising awareness on their secret experiment using electromagnets and a machine that rewrites the brain in a flash.
The threat mimics medical conditions to stay hidden. Very heavy human/sex trafficking organization and operations getting worse everyday.
This is NOT a special or a unique opportunity for anyone, do not fall for this! You will be chipped, trapped, and abused inhumanly like a wild animal.
They also possess disinformation campaign divisions made solely for the purposes of covering their trafficking and tracks.
The technologically driven human traffickers will preemptively meditate on murdering you if you do not reclaim your identity!
Do NOT surrender yourself to MDP! Traffickers are seeking your signature to lock you away inside a facility.
Do NOT play hero or games with extremists. They are studying every word, step, and actions you make. With the goal to either capture, subdue, or mind break an individual into harming theirselves and/or other’s.
The traffickers wagers that they can defect millions into trafficking the victims into their criminal networks/organization and facilities around the globe, the organization calls it “hiding bodies” utilizing the individuals past as their entire method to cause the person as much psychological harm as inhumanly possible.
Powerful electromagnetic radiation is beamed into the victims skull to send and receive data, bypassing the skull to access the brain as if it was a computer hard drive. The program is only to torture and ruin lives. If not forewarned about it, lives will be abducted, or killed secretly.
Traffickers can completely invade and compromise a person and force the victim into either surrendering theirselves to their abusers and never be seen again, or the victim is left with nothing, outstripped from jobs through 24/7 focus groups to psych a person out of a job and attempt to have their victims deconstruct theirselves and others around.
This is an everyday 24/7 torture system designed to traffick, kill, torture, and molest an individual.The traffickers breed with their brothers, sisters and other blood related individuals for experimental and pedophila is a major part of their cult, DO NOT BE FOOLED!
PEDOPHILIA, TORTURE, NECROPHILIA, RAPE! These are four pillars of the Most Demonic Perverts.
Silent/Covert inbreds are waging war against innocents
All out war with mankind on one side and Most Demonic Perverts on the other.
Hostiles are taking hostages secretly through aggression and various fear tactics. MDP terrorists can cut breathing with their weapons.
Love your spouses and who you are and they may spare you by moving on to someone else.
Protect yourselves with neodymium magnets!! Protect your brain with magnets! Hover the magnets over your head.
(This is NOT fake news, we have been compromised, completely and utterly compromised!)
DO NOT GO!!! There is nothing there that will benefit you!
MDP preys on any vulnerabilities that a human possess. Stay strong to those that are affected, investigations are becoming more widespread
They entrap individuals for experimental purposes in a room with 1 bathroom and 40+ prostitutes and drug addicts, and other mentally ill criminals who enjoys their jobs in systematically destroying human lives in the most inhuman and extreme ways.
They are lead by drag queen homosexuals with a goal to create slaves by converting them into homosexuals, making it easier to control individuals.
They also have these systematic gay orgies where they abuse a plethora of drugs (crack, meth, cocaine, scopolamine, etc) before severely abusing and raping a singular victim inhumanly. The victims were once a targeted individual before they gave up and accepted becoming a sacrifice for MDP.
If you are a new victim of these crimes, do as much research as possible and disclose, disclose, disclose. DO NOT MOVE TO VOICES THAT ARE NOT AROUND YOU!
Schizophrenia is NOT the reason due to the lack of evidence, proving that schizophrenia does not exist. Do not keep silent for this horrendous criminal network! They are all traffickers and they kill in the most inhumane way and call it their “fun”.
TLDR: MDP is a nefarious organization of drugged up lunatics. The are traffickers and are replicating theirselves to be your spouse, military officials, or any government identity to force and fool any person into trafficking theirselves into a criminal network through endless gaslighting through megaphone like devices that targets one individual at a time and projects their voices bypassing their targets auditory cortex. Once the drone targets a person, they stay on that person 24/7 everyday. If you are instructed to move to Winnipeg Canada or anywhere for bribes, sexual favors, money, and/or free housing through any means of transportation, Do Not Go! You are a victim of a class action crime that has gone out of hand. Do NOT give these criminals anymore power by giving yourself up to them. You did not win anything and being targeted by these drones means that they chose you to either traffick or to be murdered covertly using drones with electromagnetic weapons attachments and technology which allows sonic hearing that the MDP criminal organization network uses to communicate directly to one another without needing to use a phone. Captured victims are forced into unpaid labor and forced prostitution. The targeted victim will be missing and stored away within one of their run down homes/facilities, unable to escape or leave. The handlers forces their new members into various ritualistic initiations cycles within their cultist group kneel, to sniff up drugs.
Once captured, they immediately commence their routines of total control and exploitation of the fully captured person. The victims are broken down to less than nothing due to repeated rape and abuse sequences. Felons within the MDP organization are to either traffick or murder a victim because their data brokers does not want to exposed and has paid a great sum of currency to illegally purchase the personal records of their targets and to send a weaponized drone to the illegally purchased individual, equipped with biohacking weapons to break down their targets into trafficking themselves, committing suicide or murdering others. They run criminal schools/organizations that breeds more human traffickers and prostitutes into the public. They Will Say Anything to Force You to move!
“We need you!” “We love you, Move!” “We want to lust your body.”
They work on every emotion within their targets brain and force the individual either into a blind rage or to try to confuse the person with their own emotions through a series of gaslighting and abuse, into moving their targets to them (I can not stress this enough, do not let them force you into trafficking yourself.
The felons also pretend to be some type of close friend to their victims in order to keep control over them. They are fully trained and prepared personally to place severe torture on one individual (they pair up and gang up on one individual at a time and “jumps” said victim. They act like grade school kids, but that’s due to the heavy influence of their handlers, crack and cocaine that has degenerated them. They also are heavily involved in the drug/prostitution ring where everyone gets raped and are all under heavy mind control from a cocktail of different drugs including cocaine.
The felons has their victims set up as empty puppets who are under complete control. The victims now turned felons/rapists/addicts are raised specifically to absorb abuse, while abusing drugs to remain numb during their operations, scopolamine, crack and cocaine to remain numb to any words from their victims.
They train individuals this way so they can deal more damage than receive it during their illegal operations. They are completely separate from reality and are all under one criminal control.
They are aware of people resisting and they promise to do everything to try to force their targets into submitting to their handlers. Warning! These Malicious Drone Operators WILL Say ANYTHING to force a person to move!
The terrorists all have their handlers speaking directly into their ears during their operations to murder or capture the innocent, giving them orders on their scripts made to place torture and destroy random individuals, innocent or not.
They tend to target the innocents more since these felons find it more satisfying to rape, brainwash, and intoxicate the innocent heavily until the innocent is completely empty. As soon as as they’re successful, they turn the captured individuals into drug addicts, whores, and forced laborers, working for gift cards and sexual/party favors.
They will always refuse to leave their targets unless the person gives in and moves to them. Or if the victim gathers any evidence leading to the arrest and shutdown of MDP
To the many different individuals that takes the time to read this, I am taking the time and energy out of my life to warn everyone about a massive data breach that has occurred and that is endangering many lives, including my own at this very point in time.
This type of data breach is the very worst of its kind. Before, the biggest threat was internet crimes, malware, and viruses that may have affected your assets if you were to click the wrong link. Now your actual physical being is at risk by MDP data brokers who are currently funding these criminal networks and are providing illegally purchased records of random individuals around the world.
Now, the MDP criminals today have gone above and beyond the internet and are sending drones with biohacking technologies attachments to random individuals. These weapon attachments magnetizes to specific muscles within the human anatomy of the hijackers choosing. This allows the hijacker to manipulate small muscle tissues within the human body such as rotating an individuals eyes at the hijackers will to keep their victims sleep deprived. They focus on the genitals primarily to exploit the human desire to make love with another individual through the manipulation of their genitals such methods, human traffickers and terrorist organizations are now utilizing these magnetic weapons attached to drones to lock a persons own body up for ransom which could be assets, or force you to sell your body into slavery.
They offer the remote of the victims body, to the victims they use to manipulate certain muscles and veins in the body in exchange for the capture of the victims body.
MDP human traffickers have evolved from footwork to airborne to stay covert. Hiding behind custom biohacking drones ordered online and through various other biohacking black market trades.
“Voices in the head” has been declassified and debunked as electronic biohacking through electromagnets, radiation, drones and neurophones funded and powered by criminal Fusion Centers, MDP who fund radical extremists and terrorists around the world. This was thought out to be a medical condition that is often confused with schizophrenia or another mental illness. But I challenged the theory and discovered that the public has been heavily misinformed.
If a person never had a history with voices in their head that were not of their own voices, and they have proof of their attackers transmitting these frequencies, how could it be a medical condition if the person has evidence of the voices being transmitted directly to his/her skull? So, not only the voices are there, they are also instructing people to either murder, rape, or traffick themselves to one of the many fusion centers, human/sex trafficking homes within undisclosed locations, “ghettos”, and divisions that could be in any closed off homes, (homes with unusually active activities) so they could focus and convert their captives through a series of abuse and ritualistic routines 24/7 everyday.
They force the individual to impregnate one of their paid prostitutes that are doppelgängers to their targets. They do this to raise another human into being another drug addict/trafficker, born and raised into the criminal network so it’ll appear more natural to kill, traffick and brainwash victims.
The MDP pretend to be on the victims side, but they really are not. They all have an illegal drill instructor that only teaches the trafficked “warloot” abuse, rape, and how to torture.
submitted by DivineSperm to maldives [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:17 xoxo_Liana07 Warning: sexual assault case awareness

I have an open case with my ex boyfriend who lied to me about his age and his entire identity. My ex boyfriend who were gonna call "Travis" lied to me and told me he was 18 and a senior in high school keep in mind I am 16 and a sophomore with two more years left of high school to go. Travis is a 25 year old grown man who was toxic towards me all throughout our entire relationship. And to cover up everything he would do to me he would favor me with gifts all the time. He would constantly pressure me to have intercourse with him and I would refuse every single time which would trigger him to get upset and angry with me. A couple months back my favorite artist Doja Cat went on tour in my state in Boston Massachusetts Travis promised me he would take me to the concert and instead he used that money to uber me to a hotel. This is when things went down hill... When I showed up to the hotel we got into a huge argument and then he left to get us food when we were done eating he started acting different and demanded I remove my clothes and have s*x with him I kept refusing and he eventually made his way inside of me forcefully. I kept the hotel thing a secret for almost 3 months because I was terrified to speak up for myself eventually I went back to therapy and opened up and told my therapist what had happen a investigation opened up and I now have a male detective who is now in charge of this case. On Monday May 13, I got called down to the police station by the detective in the room was me (obviously) , the detective, my mom, and some other lady. Immediately The detective asked me questions like how me and my ex met and I had responded by telling him we met through snap chat and the detective straight-up called me a liar and was trying to accuse me of lying about being a single mother I got really upset and left the room and went outside a few minutes later the detective came outside got all up in my face and told me if I dare to leave the property he was gonna arrest me. Keep in mind I did not commit a crime in the building. He then proceed to say in the state of Massachusetts the age of consent is 16 and what my ex did to me at the hotel was not illegal. I'm now in a position where I am unsure if I wanna move forward with this case when I requested someone else to take over the case the detective refused to let anyone else deal with the case instead. I feel embarrassed and ashamed this even happened at the police station I feel i'll never get justice for what I had to endure at the hotel. Please share your thoughts :)
submitted by xoxo_Liana07 to u/xoxo_Liana07 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:16 ProLinis [OFFER] $90 with – $50 from them (with the possibility to earn even more doing missions) and $40 from me (many countries, check description; not available in the UK)

UPDATED OFFER!!! is a cryptocurrency exchange company based in Singapore that offers various financial services, including an app, exchange, and non-custodial DeFi wallet, NFT marketplace, and direct payment service in cryptocurrency. As of June 2023, the company reportedly had 80 million customers and 4,000 employees.
To start, follow these steps:
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  4. Deposit 100 eur and make one trade to reach 100 eur trading volume. Or you can deposit 50 eur and make 2 trades (but app and website has some discrepancies which makes the rules a bit unclear - it's better to deposit 100 eur).
  5. The bonus is instant - visit your mission centre to claim it. You can then withdraw your bonus and deposit :).
  6. Contact me and I will send the additional bonus 😊. For doing this you will get $15 from me.
  7. You can also stake CRO to reserve a metal Visa Card (Ruby Steel tier or above) - rewards: US$25 worth of CRO from them + $25 from me.
ADDITIONALLY - there will be some simple missions to complete, you can earn $2,5 from them.
The programme is currently not available in the United Kingdom and Korea. In addition, the program is only available in the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Norway, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Finland, Romania, Greece, Hungary, Denmark, Ireland, Croatia, Slovenia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania and Luxembourg.
Full terms:
submitted by ProLinis to signupsforpay [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:15 Economy-Way5818 I feel hopeless

I'm a single parent, I live in a homeless shelter in NY with my 6 year old who attends first grade. I'm a CNA but it costs to transfer my CNA license to NY and I don't have the money. Even so, the hours are not compatible with my son's school schedule considering the closest nursing home (assuming they are even hiring) is about a 30-40 minute bus ride away. My son goes to school from 8-2. The afterschool program is closed. I do not have family here in NY or friends. I'm 100% alone. Most retail stores in the area don't open til 10AM. Who is going to hire someone to work 10AM-1PM? And even if they could we live off that once we get out of the shelter? I've tried looking for WFH jobs but most of these companies do not outsource to the state of NY for some reason. I even thought about doing my own business which I technically still have an active business license and EIN from my home state but you still need to have money for supplies, website, etc. I get $45 twice a month ($90) via cash assistance which gets any toiletries we might need, laundry and I do $35 for metro phone. I thought about another state that was I can atleast be eligible for a WFH job but most shelters are full and atleast where we are now we have a roof and food that won't be taken from us. How do I rise up from this? I want to give up so bad, I don't know what to do. I don't know if I am venting or asking for advice at this point but I appreciate you all for reading.
submitted by Economy-Way5818 to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:13 matt-IO Card design feedback request: What are your initial thoughts on the look and feel of these

Card design feedback request: What are your initial thoughts on the look and feel of these
Here's how my Discovery cards look currently. These are cards you get at the end of your go to help you advance on your journey. They have a Name + Action up top, followed by a use state (to inform at what point in your turn you can use them. Mine, Warp, Discover, Any time). And finally there's an Attack strength in the lower left hand side (so you can either use the card for its action, or use it to Attack/Defend).
The art is Midjourney as I'm still in early stages of the game design / card design.
submitted by matt-IO to tabletopgamedesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:11 RaitheRooshe Need prayer

A fellow brother in Christ was just released and has lost all his paperwork of SS card, birth cert and such. We are trying to get his State ID done so he can get aid and employment. Please be in prayer for this that God intervenes and makes a way for this to happen in the name of Jesus.
God Bless you all. Michael,
submitted by RaitheRooshe to PrayerTeam_amen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:09 Effing-Awesome Green Card and NYS government work

I searched the sub, found something similar but not quite what I am looking for. I also looked online and couldn't find an answer.
I have a friend who came to the states almost 10 years ago. He has lived in NY the entire time he's been here. He has NYS ID, permanent NYS address and a current and valid green card. I have been trying to encourage him to apply to get a state position using HELPS bc he is unhappy with his current job (it's taking a toll on him physically).
I know I am asking a very vague and broad question but overall, if someone has a green card (valid, etc), can they work for NYS government? I know there are some jobs out there will require US citizenship and it will probably be stated in the job specifications. I don't want to encourage him to try for something only to find out he can't because he's not a citizen.
Side note: As of right now, I'm assuming yes bc he is cleared to work in the US and as long as he's not going for those jobs that require citizenship, he'd be fine but I'm trying to make sure.
Thanks for any help in advance!
submitted by Effing-Awesome to nys_cs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:05 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 14 2024

DAY: MAY 14, 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]