Funny ways to say your not funny

Not Meant To Be Funny

2019.07.14 18:37 HibblyWibbly Not Meant To Be Funny

Stuff that was not meant to be funny but is unintentionally funny anyway.

2011.08.30 19:29 satayjo2 A place where we can laugh at our non-human friends.

Welcome to the subreddit for our funny animal friends!

2008.01.25 07:36 Humor

For all things funny!

2024.05.15 12:31 finchesandlilies How do I (32F) deal with my friend (33nb) being mean?

I (32F) have a friend (33nb) who I've known for 15 years. We never lived close to each other and our contact over the years was rather lose with us keeping up with each other's lives over Twitter and me visiting them every two years or so. In all those years we got along well and never had an argument. They once told me that no matter how long we go without talking, they always feel welcome by me, and I used to refer to them as "one of my favourite human beings".
This changed when we started to talk more regularly three years ago. They had started playing DnD and had asked me to join their new campaign, which I did, and which lead to us spending several evenings a week hanging out over on Discord in a voicecall with two other friends of theirs.
Over time I realised that they were not as nice to me as they used to be. Making fun of me, making wrong assumptions about me, just generally often not being very nice to me. Early on they reached out twice, saying they thought they were overstepping and being too mean to me. I told them I appreciated them reaching out but did not say much more to it. I know that's on me, I should have made it very clear at that point how their comments made me feel. I don't handle conflict well and failed to make my position clear when they reached out. So instead of saying "Yes, you are right, your behaviour really hurts me. Please stop." I basically said "Thank you for reaching out about this, I appreciate it." Probably not very helpful.
And then it just kept getting worse. It got to a point where I constantly felt like I was walking on eggshells, that no matter what I said they would read something into it and make assumptions about me that weren't true. They are a very eloquent person whereas I am not and I feel like I have to be super careful about what I say because they will understand it in a different way from how I meant it. I don't generally have a problem with misunderstandings, it's the way they assume things about me that I find hurtful and the way they lash out at me that I find difficult to handle. They have a very short fuse and will immediately raise their voice, which I don't deal with well. And the constant accusations are getting to me. When someone says something that seems off to me or seems to contradict what they had said earlier, the last thing I suspect is that this person is trying to deceive me. Especially not if they're my friend. I will think I misheard or they phrased it weirdly or we use a certain word in different ways... basically I will first go through any possibility that is not about the other person purposefully trying to be hurtful or deceiving. With them it's like no matter what I say they will come to the worst possible conclusion. To me it often seems like they have a certain interpretation of things and to them that is the only valid interpretation.
For example:
I told them how I was really struggling with the fact that with working full-time and my friends all living in different cities, I rarely get to go out and actually do something with the people I like and how my whole life had turned into "working, sleeping, working, sleeping..." and how this was really taking a toll on me.
A couple of days after I told them that we were trying to look for a date for a DnD session and I told them I wasn't available on the date they suggested because I had to travel to my hometown because of a family member's birthday. To which they mocked me over how I was "always socialising" which then in turn made me upset and I told them how untrue that was and that never getting to socialise was currently my whole problem. To which they raised their voice and said that I was constantly socialising and accused me of gaslighting them for saying otherwise. I took a look at my calender in which I note down appointments and social stuff and told them how I could literally see in my calender that I had met up with friends TWICE in the past six weeks.
Eventually it turned out that we use the term "socialising" very differently. To me socialising means "voluntarily doing things with people that I like". To them apparently socialising means anything one does with other people, so family meetings that you go to despite not really wanting to but feel obliged to attend fall under socialising as well as any kind of appointment.
I often get the impression that we define things differently and when I say something that doesn't make sense to them they immediately feel like I'm trying to manipulate them or am questioning their perception of things, and they they lash out and attack me, which in turn hurts me. Whether this is actually what is happening, I don't know... it's just how the way it seems to me sometimes.
Some other examples are how they called me a "capitalistic bunny" for saying that I don't hate my job and how my manager is very nice. Because apparently being glad about the fact that something that I have to do to literally be able to provide myself is not as bad as it could be. (Fun fact: they were working for Amazon at that point. Which I guess is okay as long as you mention three times a day how much you hate it there.) Or how they accused me of thinking my own experiences are universally applicable as a response to me literally saying: "I noticed that every time I visited you it was a lot colder than where I live. So I was wondering, is it generally colder in your area or was it a coincidence that it was colder every time I visited so far?"
I don't know how to talk to them about how their behaviour hurts me when they misinterpret everything that I say and immediately lash at me or withdraw and spend the next few hours thinking everyone hates them.
It's not even that I think they don't care about hurting me or that they wouldn't be willing to change. It's that them not saying those things out loud anymore would not change the fact that they still think them. Them keeping these thoughts to themselves would not mean they don't think that way anymore, just that they are not saying these things out loud anymore.
I think the only possible way to fix this would be to talk to them. But I don't know how to fix something with communication when communication is the whole problem. So I don't feel comfortable confronting them and am looking for other ways to change my own behaviour to make this situation more tolerable. I don't know how to make my boundaries clear and clearing up misunderstandings without them feeling attacked and lashing out at me.
Over the past few weeks I've started to withdraw and stopped reaching out to them. And I've been feeling so much better. I got to spend more time with some other friends again and realised that it's possible to spend several hours with other people without constantly having to worry about how what I say might be understood, without constantly feeling judged and without getting mocked or my actions being interpreted in the worst and most inaccurate way possible.
I feel guilty for feeling this way, like I'm making this person out to be the most insufferable person ever and like I'm just dropping them for getting too exhausting to deal with. I feel like if I were a good friend I would reach out and try to fix it. I'm not even giving them a chance to explain their point of view. Maybe they see all this very differently, maybe to them I am the one who is hurting them. I'm just so tired of not being able to be around this person without ending up feeling bad.
Tl;dr I feel like my friend is treating me very poorly and I don't know how to deal with it I don't feel comfortable confronting them about it but don't know how to act in this situation. I want to fix it without confronting them and don't know how.
submitted by finchesandlilies to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:30 Sad_Flower_98 Crazy huh?

I’ve done nothing but show my love for you for 7 years. And now that she’s come back you say that I made you feel not wanted. I’m sorry if I made you feel that way. But just know my heart rebreaks every day. When I find out you still talked to her, you still have a playlist with her name on it. The only public playlist on your Spotify. Hoping she may come back and see it yet you have mine blocked. It’s crazy how you can be mad at me for being upset that you choose to respond when she said she loved you. I feel like you’re telling me one story when I know every story has two sides. I stay because I love you more than I love myself. But I know I’m breaking my own heart over and over again because you don’t love me the way I love you. I can’t leave. I don’t want to leave. I want us to be happy but I just don’t know if that will ever happen. We both pretend because I want to be with you but you want to be with her.
submitted by Sad_Flower_98 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:30 ifknlove5 Whos the man in my dreams??

Ever since i've been a child i've had these dreams about a man, its like im awake but dont realise i aint awake?? first dream i had was when i was 7-8. i was in my childhood room, keep in mind i cannot sleep for the life of me, and at that time i didnt have sleeping pills. so i was doing my normal playing with plushies late night game. my room was on the second floor and i lived in a small town, my house was ontop of a mountian with a big forest right outside my window. but a small road just before it. as i looked out it was raining, the small light coming from the street light but it was flickering cuz it was old, i watched the rain drop but got an uneasy feeling as i looked further into the forest i saw him, he was a man, tall, strong but not too strong to it being his only feature. he looked like a normal man. his left hand had an axe. and i started to sweat as he walked slowly towards my house. stopping under the dim light. then up the driveway, then watched me like i watched him. he threw the axe at my window, and i must've woken up, but i didnt realize i was dreaming it, so i fell off my bed and ran to my parents room yelling at them that 'hes here' and call the cops. i still to this day dont remember it being a dream.
as some time went by, i didnt sleep at all. but only night i fell asleep, but woke up to an uneasy feeling like the first dream. then i heard it, our doorbell. i somehow didnt get scared and just walked downstairs, knowing he was there. i opened our door, and walked out. it was propally in the middle of the night cuz it was fully dark. i started to walk towards the forest. knowing he was there. my ma stopped me. asking the hell i was doing. i straight up told her 'hes here' but then realised what i was doing. keep in mind, i was too scared as a kid to even leave my bed at night. i still dont get how i just walked out of the house without sobbing.
my dreams slowed down. i felt uneasy sometimes but kept telling myself it was a dream and i was okay, even tho i was actually awake. it fully went away in some years, moslty cuz i never slept. but when i moved to a diffrent place he came back. first one after a while was while i was babysitting this dog for two weeks, he had been there for a week atleast at that point. i woke up and went upstairs, sitting on the arm rest on my sofa and scratching the austrelian sheperds ears. he was pretty big so he was perfect height for it, but then he got a freaked out face on. like he knew someone was there but didnt dare to look. i was confused and got the uneasy feeling again, i looked over at this corner, as i look down i saw two shoes. and i know for a fact no one was home cuz it was summer break and everyone in my fam was at work. i didnt say a word, my breath stopped as i saw the shoes move a bit. then i woke up, with a full on panic attack. it felt so real.
some days later i dreamt another dream. it felt so real, i was doing my morning rutine, but when i came to the living room which is upstairs. i saw my whole family, mom, dad, and my big brother. they were towering over something on the floor. it was an dark aura around it as i kept asking them why there were home and not at work. but they had the same as the dog in the other dream had. i looked more down. the shoes were at the floor with some jakcet over them. but then somone started to crawl out of it, hands gripping the floor as it came to life. and i woke up.
after that he kept coming. one dream i had was while i was sleeping at my aunts in my childhood city. i dreamt like i was walking back to my old house, going to check it out. but when i came there, all the windows, door and carage was fully open and fully dark inside. all our stuff was thrown out of the house laying at the drive way. i went up and kncoked on the wall next to the open door. no one came so i turned around going to leave. but when i turned around someone grabbed me, dragging me inside the dark empty house. i looked down as it happened and then i saw it again, those shoes.
im starting to lose track on what happens after what, but i remeber always feeling awake as it happens, to the point i dont know if im awake or dreaming anymore. ive had plenty of dreams of just living and then seeing him stareing. then waking up. i wont name them all but imma name the worst ones.
still during the summer i was laying in my bed, my room is very small, and my window is next to my bed, but i got curtains over the window to block the sun light, i was watching tiktok as i layd there, but then i got that uneasy feeling again, i looked to my door, and the light in the hallway made it easy to see two shoes blocking the light. i sat more up, grabbing some scissors i had next to my bed on my desk. as i sat started to sit even more up i heard knocking on my window, i fully turned my eyes there, and it was a gap just with the curtians enough to see some of the window, and there he was sititng, leaning down to meet my gaze. same shoes as always. i woke up in a panic. i didnt even know if i was awake or not. but i looked towards my window, and it was a gap with my curtians, its never a gap there cuz its creepy.
Another dream i had was that me and my family was at this place, my pa was sunbathing and i was chilling inside. its like a hotell. i kept going out to check on my dad as it started to get dark and i got an uneasy feeling. i knew something would happen. as i went out again, i found my dad laying on his sunchair, only that his limbs had been awfully ripped off. just where is knees started his leg stopped, just where his elbow started his arm stopped. and he had that look on his face like in the others dreams whenever someone saw him. i ran inside agsin and got met by his gaze as i woke up in panic. i ran to my parents room as they were dead asleep. but i needed to check if it was real cuz it felt so real.
im seeing that im writing a lot so imma just hurry up with the newest ones.
one dream i was back at my childhood home, i was with my two friends from there as we were playing in some tunnels made from WW2. me and my friend was supposed to find our other friend cuz he ran away somewhere. but as we looked she also dissepeared. i looked around. i saw some stairs, i know exaclty where i am and is 100& i was there, the stairs leads you to the dakrest point of the tunnel, its like your eyes are closed cuz its fully dark, as i went down i stood still for a second trying to hear them. but only thing i heard was the mans heavy breathing. in every damn dream he has this heavy breathing. i woke up with a scream as i dreamt that.
this is the newest one, only last week i dreamt of him again.
i was biking to my nearest shop for a drink, as i went back my bike had stopped cuz something happened with it, it does that sometimes. so i walked instead. it was fully dark outside and raning just so slightly. but as i looked forward in the small street, i saw him walking towards me. his head slighty turned to his side like hes watching me. with a knife in his left hand. i woke up with my breath knocked out of me, i went out again with a friend, we were getting some snacks to watch a movie, it was late, so it was dark. she sat behind me on my bike as we biked the same way i did in my dream. i got like a deja vu from my dream. but i was awake for sure, cuz i had already dreamt. but then i saw him again. the sight made me crash the bike into a small hole. she fell off as well did i. i quickly sat up a bit and went to help her sit up from the fall. but then as i was helping her i felt that uneasy feeling. but i didnt turn. her face went like everyones face whenever they see him. i didnt have time to turn. the knife he held in the other dream went straight into her collarbones. i turned around in fear only to be met by him sitting close to me, watching me with a damn mask on, the mask is fully black wiht a white lines a cross of it with some 2-3 other small lines over it. i had, had a double dream. it felt so unreal. and i never know if im awake anymore.
i went to a therapist for it one time cuz i hadnt slept for two week straight, and my parents got worried, and they tried to sign me up for pills. but i told them i was getitng better cuz i didnt wanna take pills and get worse.
PS. one dream i had was that i was in school, i had a morning rutine. getting ready, biking down there, sititng in fucking math class, learning math!! but then i got an uneasy feeling as i saw him just stand next to the door to the classroom watching me. that was an annoying dream cuz when i woke up i actually had to do it all over again.
but he seems to alwyas hurt people i know but never seems to hurt me, just stare, watching or some touches. ive had one dream where he shot my two best childhood friends in my old woods at where i used to live. it felt so real, i saw their pain as i hid behind a rock, as he just shot them with a hunting gun. and while they're brains were dripping everywhere he just stared at me and walked closer till i wake up.
i srs dont know what is happening, its creepy and idk if im dreaming or awake anymore. i be hanging with friends but get the uneasy feeling and just run off. into the woods or hide or legit start to sob.
submitted by ifknlove5 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:29 dogickker I'm not really wrapping my head around how having a good personality makes someone sexually attractive to another person

I feel like what I'm about to say is not controversial in "normie" spaces. People don't want to date or sleep with people they don't find physically attractive. I feel like this is the overwhelmingly common experience for human beings. People do not want to date people they don't find physically attractive but had a good personality.
I have asked all my female friends this. I have asked all of my male friends this. The only answer I've gotten that was not a "no" was "if they were super rich and let me mess around on the side" which is basically a no.Especially in my age group (20-25) I don't believe it is at all common or desired to date for women to date someone they are not attracted to. Please don't try to misconstrue this as me saying "women are all shallow b*tches" or whatever.
It also just doesn't make sense to me. One of the few things I'm confident about is my personality. I am funny, I am smart, I am kind and generous. I get invited out a lot and people frequently want to hang out with me. I am fun to be around. (I know protocol for when someone says this here is to not believe them, but this is one thing I am 100% sure about and won't really budge on so I'd suggest just moving on if you're here to doubt that) But women aren't attracted to me. I have two women in my life whom I've been friends with for years that consider me to be their closest friends, they love my personality, yet they're not attracted to me sexually. I've met many women who I thought had amazing personalities but that didn't make me sexually attracted to them. I think for everyone that's not asexual thats how it works.
I think this is normal and commonly accepted everywhere offline out of anti-incel spaces. I think spaces like these just tend to be populated with a lot of demisexual women who don't have the typical view on things like attraction and dating. Which isn't a bad thing and an alternate perspective on dating can be helpful, but when you're missing a full dynamic of dating, it becomes a lot simpler and a lot more difficult to advice people who are dealing with the full spectrum of dating issues, especially since less than 1% of the population is asexual let alone demisexual and most men here will not even encounter a demisexual woman.
And most probably wouldn't want to date a demisexual woman. I wouldn't because I want to be with someone who thinks I'm attractive for other reasons than my personality. I don't want to be in a relationship where a woman has to justify her attraction to me by saying "he's so nice". I think that's fair, I want my partner to sexually desire me so not only does the "all it takes is personality" not makes sense to me, it just doesn't seem appealing or like it would make me feel good about myself.
submitted by dogickker to exredpill [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:28 Clydie3e Some advices...

Just a starter, guys. Please whatever I put in here I hope to get an honest advices and not discrimination and negative words.
I (20m) and my bf (23m) had a talk last time regarding watching 🌽 because I felt like when you're watching 🌽 it makes me feel useless and you don't want me to the things to spice things up (I know this sound inappropriate but I hope you guys understand what I'm saying). (Just a little background) When we start dating- well until now- I talk to him openly that watching 🌽 is a bad for men (in general) as it can make your body depend on it and won't feel to make love your partner as the time goes by, but it's okay if once in a while.
So back to the present times, I talk to him again openly and ask him if he still watch 🌽 and he said that sometimes he looks at it and eventually will remember what we've talk about so he will stop it. Then I mentioned to him that "you know what, after thingking about our conversation I think it's okay specially when we're together all the times and your body needs to release it". And to be honest I also have the tempt to look at it and watch it but it feels like wrong.
Maybe it's just me thingking of jealousy that maybe one day my partner wouldn't find me attractive if he keeps on watching it.
Idk. Can I have your honest reaction and some advices? By the way he's my first bf hehe I hope to have a positive comments with you guys. Thank you!
submitted by Clydie3e to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:28 dogickker I'm not really wrapping my head around how having a good personality makes someone sexually attractive to another person

I feel like what I'm about to say is not controversial in "normie" spaces. People don't want to date or sleep with people they don't find physically attractive. I feel like this is the overwhelmingly common experience for human beings. People do not want to date people they don't find physically attractive but had a good personality.
I have asked all my female friends this. I have asked all of my male friends this. The only answer I've gotten that was not a "no" was "if they were super rich and let me mess around on the side" which is basically a no.Especially in my age group (20-25) I don't believe it is at all common or desired to date for women to date someone they are not attracted to. Please don't try to misconstrue this as me saying "women are all shallow b*tches" or whatever.
It also just doesn't make sense to me. One of the few things I'm confident about is my personality. I am funny, I am smart, I am kind and generous. I get invited out a lot and people frequently want to hang out with me. I am fun to be around. (I know protocol for when someone says this here is to not believe them, but this is one thing I am 100% sure about and won't really budge on so I'd suggest just moving on if you're here to doubt that) But women aren't attracted to me. I have two women in my life whom I've been friends with for years that consider me to be their closest friends, they love my personality, yet they're not attracted to me sexually. I've met many women who I thought had amazing personalities but that didn't make me sexually attracted to them. I think for everyone that's not asexual thats how it works.
I think this is normal and commonly accepted everywhere offline out of anti-incel spaces. I think spaces like these just tend to be populated with a lot of demisexual women who don't have the typical view on things like attraction and dating. Which isn't a bad thing and an alternate perspective on dating can be helpful, but when you're missing a full dynamic of dating, it becomes a lot simpler and a lot more difficult to advice people who are dealing with the full spectrum of dating issues, especially since less than 1% of the population is asexual let alone demisexual and most men here will not even encounter a demisexual woman.
And most probably wouldn't want to date a demisexual woman. I wouldn't because I want to be with someone who thinks I'm attractive for other reasons than my personality. I don't want to be in a relationship where a woman has to justify her attraction to me by saying "he's so nice". I think that's fair, I want my partner to sexually desire me so not only does the "all it takes is personality" not makes sense to me, it just doesn't seem appealing or like it would make me feel good about myself.
submitted by dogickker to IncelExit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:27 Pleasant_Supermarket Is this normal for people with BPD? Also, seeking resources and a safe space?

Hi there,
After he had rejected several therapists (claiming each one incompetent or in some other negative judgement), my husband finally stuck to one and had been seeing that psychologist for several weeks until she diagnosed him with BPD. Promptly after that diagnosis, he stopped seeing her and denied the diagnosis. He has instead likened to the idea of being autistic without a professional evaluation and for sure has adhd though I understand all three can often coexist/be confused for one another etc etc. My issue lies in his inability to coherently comprehend what I say without perceiving it as an attack or manipulating it as if I am saying something else entirely. Additionally, he gets violent and hurts himself or damages property while he blames me for something as seemingly harmless as me asking if he added water to a recipe or casually asking if he’d done a task he said he’d do two weeks ago (that made him flip a chair and also threaten to stab himself with a steak knife). I think I need more resources to understand if reactions like this is common in BPD, or if this is even what he has because I feel like i’m the one who is crazy. I’ve neutrally brought up a conversation about how he might reconsider his medication because of his outbursts (lots of broken glass in our house lately, and he even punched the screen of my imac, my traumatized brain can’t even begin to tell you what triggered that) but now he dismisses me and then walks away and then screams “Don’t talk at my back!” or reengages in the conversation by making up what I said and when I correct him, he yells “I don’t want to talk to you! Stop baiting me into conversation!” and i’m left baffled and at a complete loss. He also has had trouble holding down jobs (he’ll make up a reason why it’s suddenly abhorrent then jump ship) and recently admitted to “his dreams of wanting to be a teacher” and went on to say he has “connections to teach a college course” and when I asked if he’s ever taught before (which, to my knowledge, is a big no), I suggested maybe he should try and get more opportunities to do that, to which he responded, screaming that I was “belittling his dreams”, and the next day he argued that he meant PLANS and not DREAMS, but there already was a hole in the wall and the actual topic didn’t matter anymore because he didn’t hear me when I voiced that I felt scared or that he was denying and accusing me of things that weren’t accurate (which I learned recently is DARVO, and he does it all the time). Deepest apologies for the immense detail but my current dive to find solace and resources about NPD (because after that episode, I get love-bombed) OR BPD and my spouse’s ability to pedantically take “clinical information” and vocabulary and use it out of context or in sentences to defend or deny and reverse it on me is truly making me question myself, like, is this my fault? 7 years of marriage and I’ve tried all the ways to speak to him kindly, patiently, directly, use a neutral tone - everything I say, he’ll try to tone police or question as if it’s an attack or entirely fabricate and avoid the point. Even if it’s something about how I’m feeling, suddenly we’re having a therapy session about him. I really want to bring him in to somewhere so he can get some professional insight where a space can be held where I don’t have to referee for both of us and someone else can point out the ways he’s communicating in unhealthy ways and call out things that are triggering (Space hasn’t been held for me for so long and the stress and pain is finally metaphysically showing up as nerve damage in my body. When he shows up in public, he acts as if he’s normal and charismatic and fine and I just feel like the out of context scorned wife, when for example, prior to us arriving, he’s just punched a hole in the wall before we left the house. Any resources would help. I am personally a high functioning and award-winning in my career with goals of becoming a pilot to fight fires and do rescue (which has entirely been put on hold because we seem to be tending to him a lot lately) and the more accolades, and goals I plan out and the more I achieve in my own personal career, the more my spouse seems to act terribly towards me. Despite me trying to encourage him to look inwards and seek his own purpose. Lots more details to divulge but the intention is the same, to gain resources in how common his reactions are, how one keeps themselves sane if or when their partner is like this, if you noticed almost parabolic mood swings (he was the perfect husband two weeks ago) and ultimately, for me not be overcome by whatever it is he has. Thanks for your time.
submitted by Pleasant_Supermarket to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:26 MrMonkey2 Social Media/Modern Dating really isn't that bad or toxic.

I wasn't quite sure how to word the title, but this is aimed at the phrases we have heard 1000 times. How social media has set unrealistic expectations, how all people care about is followers. How it's made dating difficult and surface level. I've heard men rag on feminist culture and women rag on "red pill" culture and "alpha" content creators. I know this stuff is said way more online but I do legitimately hear it day to day as well.
The thing is I think we all spot light the minorities and seem to forget that 95% of people are pretty much completely normal with no extreme views. Yes there's tons of people who privately hold these beliefs but it's not their personality and barely affects their day to day life. I meet alot of people through work and my friend groups are very social and always bringing new faces to parties and outings. Most girls arnt just walking around talking about their instagram followers for example. I've never once been asked "how many followers do YOU have?". Also everybody who isn't stupid or a child KNOWS all the shit you see online is often unrealistic. It's just that these thoughts and opinions get way more spotlighted online and SEEM way more prevalent than they actually are. MOST people just work 9-5, go out with friends and settle down with a family just like regular people and don't have all these toxic thoughts and standards people say "EVERYBODY" has these days.
I will quickly say though that it is a little more concerning for children. As alot of us in our 20s-30s got to grow up and develop without social media so likely arnt as "poisoned". But we still saw heavily edited models in magazines and films. We still saw heavily muscled men in cartoons and movies. But most of us like me, use social media mostly to message friends, and watch funny clips or follow our interests. It isn't our lives. It only makes my life easiemore enjoyable/informative.
I dont want to write forever but quickly touching on dating, I WILL agree people are more disposable than ever. It's so fucking easy to find the slightest flaw with a date and just bin them and sort through the near endless pile. When I was younger before internet was as big I had like 50-100 girls my age in my life and if I didn't like at least one of them that was bad luck since I didn't have others to pick from. It made you much more accepting of things and willing to compromise. But there still are TONS of people out there to meet organically without having the huge pressures of online dating. I personally have never used apps before and never had a problem.
TLDR - The bad parts of social media, online dating and internet in general are put in the spotlight and most people are actually just as normal as they were 10-20 years ago. In fact I'd say people are more aware and educated than they ever were.
submitted by MrMonkey2 to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:25 creationrose Hmm I tried to help at 4.65 star reservation at 4:30am but I should have stuck to my principles and canceled early

While I was on a ride, a request came in, didn’t have too much time to check the details, I thought it was a live request, but turns out it’s a reservation after I checked more info after my other ride was over.
Ok fine, I SLOWLY make my way over there because not trying to sit 15-20 minutes outside of someone’s house. Arrive 5 minutes til 4:30. At 4:35, she’s coming out knocking on the window without anything on her person. No coat, no purse..
I’m thinking like this doesn’t look ready… and she says “just trying to say something before you pull off. Can you help me bring down my stuff from the apartment” and she starts walking away.
And I’m just thinking ummm I don’t know how much stuff this is.. and I’m not a mover. Why isn’t your stuff already downstairs by the door or near the curb?
Why are you even ordering a ride at this time if you’re nowhere near ready.
This ride was $29.
I canceled at the 7 minute mark and drive off. Got $18. So it’s not a total waste. But I prefer to avoid the interactions and trauma altogether
Please man… have your crap ready and if you’re not with $20 - $50 cash in hand for extras, don’t ask anyone to do anything more… just paying twice for a ride for not being ready.
I get that new people will have a low rating but she already knew the deal that drivers will leave. Doesn’t seem like these cancellation fees faze her much though. .
submitted by creationrose to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:25 BanEvader98 Is Super-Heavy-Weight the Crown ?

In the Recent Livestream at 24:00, didn't want to calculate the outcome of a Match between him and Levan at 115kg.
He was asked what he thinks about it and said SHW Division the Crown (of the Sport) ?
The SHW Division with no upper weight-Limit basically says you have a freeway ticket to Hell. If you go the furthest beyond anyone else, you become the strongest but risk and damage your body. That means if Athletes set their Goal for the SHW Title doesn't matter what it takes, it will lead to a spiral of doom.
i would like to see Levan come down in Weight to see if he can hold his Title in about even weight class. The Pound for Pound comparison that Devons says we shouldn't do is exactly what i would argue is what we should do in a healthy weight class <=105kg with a healthy BodyFat-% where your Body can naturaly support your Physique without needing Oxygen-Tanks.
If Devon would follow his own belief, he must bulk up to reach Levans weight to be able to pull against him but he doesn't do this.
If Levan is truly the BEST Armwrestler, he should be able to defeat all the other Athletes in their weight-classes and if he can't do this and "cheats" his way beyond a status that can be called humanly-healthy, it doesn't translate into being the best at the sport but being best at cheating.
Who is the best Armwrestler ? i would argue that it is someone who beats any other Top Armwrestlers in a fixed, healthy Weight-Class with even Weight, hence utilizes Technique, Endurance, Power at this Level to win. This Definition does not fit to SHW. And the best of all would be someone who can shift between the weight classes and defeat all Top-Athletes in every division. Open-Weight-Division should be abolished.
submitted by BanEvader98 to armwrestling [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:23 rusticgorilla Republicans reject abortion exceptions for child rape victims, create abortion registries, and ban possession of abortion medication

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Despite voters overwhelmingly rejecting a constitutional amendment that would have allowed abortion restrictions in the state, Kansas Republicans passed several anti-abortion bills into law late last month, overriding the governor’s veto.
The first bill, HB 2436, makes it a crime to “coerce” someone into having an abortion. Democrats attempted to widen the scope of the bill to include all kinds of reproductive coercion, like pressuring someone to become or stay pregnant and prohibiting their access to birth control, and enshrine a right to “reproductive autonomy.” Republicans voted down the amendment.
The second bill, HB 2749, requires medical facilities and providers to (1) ask patients their reason for having an abortion and (2) report the data, including personal information about the patient, to the legislature every other year. Gov. Laura Kelly (D) agreed with the objections of Democrats and reproductive rights advocates, saying when she vetoed the bill that there is “no valid reason to force a woman to disclose to the legislature why she is seeking an abortion.”
  • Democrats offered numerous amendments to HB 2749, including one to require men to report to the legislature their reasons for having a vasectomy and another requiring men to report why they are seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction. Republicans rejected all of them.
Finally, the Republican legislature overrode Kelly’s line-item veto allocating $2 million to the Pregnancy Compassion Awareness Program, created last year with a different veto override. The program is run by an anti-abortion group called the Kansas Pregnancy Care Network, which refers pregnant people to crisis pregnancy centers designed to use misleading information to discourage them from obtaining an abortion.


Louisiana’s legislature is doubling down on its anti-abortion laws, passing bills to increase criminalization and refusing to add exemptions to its abortion ban.
Earlier this month, the Louisiana House took up a bill passed by the Senate that would make it a crime, punishable by jail time, to possess abortion-inducing medication. SB 276, sponsored by 23 Republicans and one Democrat, was initially written to create a punishment for coercing someone into an abortion without their knowledge or consent (e.g. spiking a drink). However, House legislators recently added an amendment to the bill that classifies mifepristone and misoprostol as Schedule IV substances alongside some opioids and benzodiazepines. A pregnant person possessing the drugs for their own use could not be charged, but others who intend to distribute them to pregnant people seeking an abortion or store them for their own potential future use would face up to ten years in prison.
“Neither is a drug of abuse or dependence, and that is what the controlled drug schedule is for,” said [emergency room Dr. Jennifer] Avegno of the abortion drugs. “It makes no scientific or medical sense to put these drugs in the same category as Xanax or Valium.”
Mifepristone is a drug that blocks a hormone called progesterone, which is necessary for a pregnancy to continue. Misoprostol causes uterine contractions, causing the body to expel the pregnancy tissue. Mifepristone is also used to treat Cushing’s disease, a hormonal disorder. Misoprostol is also used to induce labor, manage a miscarriage and in the treatment of ulcers. Neither are addictive. “People do not go around taking them and getting dependent and having bad outcomes because of it,” said Avegno. “It’s like saying your blood pressure medicine or insulin is a drug of abuse.”
A week later, Republicans on the House Criminal Justice Committee voted 7-4 to reject a bill to add rape and incest exceptions to the state’s total abortion ban. House Bill 164, written by Democratic Rep. Delisha Boyd, would have allowed girls younger than 17 to have abortions if they became pregnant as the result of sexual assault.
“That baby [in the womb] is innocent … We have to hang on to that,” said committee member Rep. Dodie Horton, R-Haughton, who voted against the bill. Rep. Lauren Ventrella, R-Greenwell Spring, also voted against the legislation, saying the proposed law would be difficult to enforce. Teenagers who had consensual sex might feign rape or incest in order to get access to abortion services, she suggested…
Dr. Neelima Sukhavasi, a Baton Rouge doctor specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, also implored the lawmakers to approve Boyd’s proposal. She and her colleagues have delivered babies for pregnant teenagers, including mothers as young as 13, since Louisiana’s abortion ban went into effect two years ago. These young pregnant people can experience health complications that affect them for the rest of their lives, Sukhavasi said, and sometimes don’t have the mental capacity to handle the births. “One of these teenagers delivered a baby while clutching a teddy bear,” she told the committee.
The Committee also killed three other bills: HB 56, to allow abortions in cases of spontaneous miscarriage or nonviable pregnancy; HB 63, to clarify that the removal of an ectopic pregnancy is not an abortion under state law; HB 293, to add protection for physicians who do not intend to induce abortion by prescribing certain medications.


Meanwhile, in Texas—a state that pioneered the war on women and reproductive rights—a man initiated legal action to sue people who helped his former partner obtain an out-of-state abortion.
The man, Collin Davis, filed a petition in a state district court seeking permission to launch legal depositions to collect evidence for a potential lawsuit under a Texas law that contains civil liability for anyone who “aids and abets” an abortion. According to his lawyer, Jonathan Mitchell (who crafted the anti-abortion law), Davis is seeking to sue “co-conspirators and accomplices…involved in the murder of [his] unborn child.”
“Fathers of aborted fetuses can sue for wrongful death in states with abortion bans, even if the abortion occurs out-of-state,” he wrote. “They can sue anyone who paid for the abortion, anyone who aided or abetted the travel, and anyone involved in the manufacture or distribution of abortion drugs.”
Molly Duane, a senior staff attorney with the Center for Reproductive Rights, described Mitchell’s statement and general approach as misleading “fearmongering.”
“People need to understand that it is not a crime to leave Texas or any other state in the country for an abortion,” said Duane, who is working with lawyers from the firm Arnold & Porter to represent the woman and others targeted in the Davis case. “I don’t want people to be intimidated, but they should be outraged and alarmed.” Duane described the woman’s relationship with Davis as “toxic and harmful.”
Mitchell also represents a different man who pursued a similar claim last year: Marcus Silva engaged Mitchell to sue the friends of his estranged wife for allegedly helping her obtain abortion pills. Evidence later revealed that Silva knew about the plans beforehand and did not intervene, likely intending to use the threat of legal action as a way of forcing his partner to halt divorce proceedings.
Monday’s counterclaim illustrates, in painstaking detail, exactly how Silva—aided by Mitchell—allegedly deployed this tactic. It was only after Brittni’s abortion was complete that Silva revealed he knew about the plan and, according to the lawsuit, threatened to turn her in if she didn’t submit to his continued abuse. He even showed the police photographs of messages discussing the possibility of an abortion. “Once I finally got home with the girls he had been drinking and he told me that he knew,” Brittni texted one friend. “He’s using it against me.” In another message, she wrote, “Now he’s saying if I don’t give him my ‘mind body and soul’ until the end of the divorce, which he’s going to drag out, he’s going to make sure I go to jail for doing it.” […]
The counterclaim points out another flaw in his argument: Silva himself “is responsible for the alleged injury for which he seeks to recover.” He “knew that Brittni planned to terminate her alleged pregnancy and acquiesced in accepting Brittni’s actions,” so “it would be unconscionable to permit him to benefit by changing his position now.” His claims, in short, are barred “by unclean hands,” because he effectively entrapped his estranged wife—covertly discovering her plan to terminate the pregnancy, then allowing her to go through with it for the express purpose of blackmailing her into staying with him.


A three-judge panel of the Indiana Court of Appeals last month unanimously recognized a religious freedom challenge to the state’s complete ban on abortion.
The case, brought by Hoosier Jews for Choice and four anonymous women of various faiths, alleges that the ban interferes with “their sincere religious beliefs that require and direct them to obtain abortions” criminalized since the law took effect in 2023. According to Jewish law, a fetus does not have personhood until birth, and abortion is required if the pregnancy endangers the life or health of the mother.
Brief of Hoosier Jews for Choice (and other plaintiffs): As indicated by the declarations of numerous rabbis, Judaism teaches that a fetus becomes a living person only at birth, and prior to that is considered part of the woman’s body, without independent rights. Abortion should occur and is mandated to end a pregnancy that may cause serious consequences to a woman’s mental or physical heath. Judaism also recognizes that physical health risks are not limited to those likely to cause substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function. Judaism stresses the necessity of protecting the physical and mental health of the woman—a life—over the potential for life present in a zygote, embryo, or fetus. Therefore, restrictions that prevent a woman from obtaining an abortion where compelled by Jewish law, which mandates that the woman act to protect her physical or mental health, impose a substantial burden on that person’s religious exercise.
Under Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), “a governmental entity may not substantially burden a personʹs exercise of religion,” defined to include “any exercise of religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief.” This means that arguments about whether plaintiffs are strictly observant are irrelevant; the law protects sincerely held religious views regardless of whether that view is idiosyncratic or unorthodox. However, even a law that imposes a substantial burden on the exercise of religion can be enforced if it is “the least restrictive means of furthering [a] compelling governmental interest” (the strict scrutiny test).
The state argued that abortion does not carry “religious significance” and, even if it did, the abortion ban satisfies strict scrutiny because it is “sufficiently narrowly tailored” to “further the State’s interest” in “protecting human lives in the womb.” Throughout Indiana’s brief, the state attempts to use science to back up fetal personhood, extending developmental physiology to make unfounded claims that protected life unquestionably begins at conception:
In lower courts, the State’s compelling interest is not up for debate. In Cheaney v. State, the Indiana Supreme Court held that the State’s interest in protecting unborn children is “valid and compelling” from “the moment of conception.” …A basic understanding of biology supports these holdings. “That human fetuses are human beings is a scientific fact, not a theological claim.” Regardless whether an individual person believes this, “the scientific consensus” is that “[d]evelopment begins at fertilization,” after which the newly created “unicellular zygote divides many times and becomes progressively transformed into a multicellular human being through cell division, migration, growth, and differentiation.” …. Science thus tells us that “[t]he act of performing an induced abortion during any stage of pregnancy, from fertilization up to birth, ends the life of an innocent human being.” The State’s interest in protecting unborn fetal life at any stage from intentional destruction accordingly is nothing less than “compelling.”
A panel of the Indiana Court of Appeals—made up of a Republican appointee and two Democratic appointees—unanimously ruled against the state, upholding a lower court’s injunction against the abortion ban as it applies to the plaintiffs. In the process, the court laid out a path for religious freedom challenges to abortion bans in other states and at the federal level.
The trial court found that absent a preliminary injunction, Plaintiffs would be irreparably harmed by the loss of their religious freedoms guaranteed by RFRA. A loss of First Amendment freedoms, which include the right to free exercise of religion, “for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury.”... Without a preliminary injunction, Plaintiffs will suffer the loss of their right to exercise their sincere religious beliefs by obtaining an abortion when directed by their religion and prohibited by the Abortion Law. They also have shown their sexual and reproductive lives will continue to be restricted absent the injunction and as a result of the Abortion Law.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:22 gangaramate13 Reggie Miller funny

Did anyone catch Reggie Miller today on Gordon's failed dunk on Gobert? "He was trying to end Gobert's life...and possible career"
If he'd got that the right way around, it would have been funny but I thought it was a hilarious gaffe the wrong way around.
Just something light for your day :)
submitted by gangaramate13 to nba [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:22 GamerAKB I think cdpr should expand the company and develop cyberpunk and witcher simultaneously.

Think about it, with shifting from there own engine to unreal now they would require some time to get used to it, and with witcher remake and witcher 4 they will probably take 4 years to release and then with dlc and qol improvement an year more.
After that they will probably start cyberpunk Orion and with genre difference they will require more time which means at the earliest we will get the next cyberpunk game around 2032-2034, while I can wait for a good games that feels way to long, it will be like GTA IV-RDR all over again( i know with GTA online the situations are different but still they used resources for rdr)
But with how good they have earned from C2077PL they can expand, I mean their net worth is higher than ubisoft, which churns games every year, i know their games are not as good as other great studios and even some (if not many) indie devs, and I don't think I need to say about how they run their company, but they do make some good games.
And with recent layoffs going on gaming industry they can get more talent to work with them and with development of GPUs and crash of crypto they can probably get good equipment for cheaper than before.
Plus with team expanding they can probably experiment with new franchise not just witcher and cyberpunk.
So yeah i think they should expand, give me your thoughts on it.
submitted by GamerAKB to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:21 Itchy-Rooster-4571 KunstUrhG § 22 and StGB § 201a

I have asked similar to this before but I recently went to NRW for a week and found myself very paranoid about photos in general. Years ago on previous trips I had no knowledge of German image laws so didn't have the same paranoia.
I don't know if I let it affect my trip unnecessarily but am I right in my understanding of the law in this way?
KunstUrhG §22. Realistically doesn't apply to taking pictures in public only sharing them. If someone is incidental or unrecognisable to your photo then no infringement applies. If they are the focus of the photo and you didn't get permission and somehow they find the photo online some day they could ask you to remove it and if they really insist they can go through legal channels and get a cease and dissist letter sent.
If they don't do this step first it could be complex further down the line to sue. Any attempt to sue over the image will delve into a complex Web of rights balances and public interest and artistic value etc. I think I'm fairly correct that basically... it'll never apply to anyone taking tourist pics or sharing random photos of whatever and whenever on Facebook or with friends.
Second question though... StGB § 201a is new, I think its an attempt to deal with revenge porn but it has some funny examples. It's illegal and punishable by a fine or prison sentence to take pictures of someone in a vulnerable state without consent an example given is someone who is too drunk to look after themselves.
Both legislations require a complaint from the person in the image.
So my question really.. do these laws actually affect anyone in real life ? Are people going to prison for taking a picture of a drunk dude asleep on a train or posting their mate Timo on facebook who fell asleep in a bar on his birthday?
Because a lot of aspects of the relevant legislation seem uncomfortably over zealous to me. Things I never would have considered to have legal implications apparently have quite possible legal outcomes in Germany.
Any discussion of the above in threads I've seen so far either say don't worry none of these laws affect most people in real life or on the flip they try to suggest that the only thing you can safely take a picture of and share it is the floor in your hotel room.
Thoughts and opinions?
submitted by Itchy-Rooster-4571 to germany [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:20 Visible-Print3915 I Hate Life. What do I do?

I hate my life, I wish someone loved me. Not pretend to love me. Or only when it’s convenient.
I am alone and I blame everyone else for it, yet it’s my fault.
I am alone because I have no girlfriend nor friends. I have a great family yet it isn’t enough. I value them, but my thoughts and experiences grow worse over time. It isn’t enough. I need another type of love.
I am alone and I feel alone all the time. The only reason I don’t feel alone is because of school and a job I barely work. I have a lot of ‘friends’ who think they are there for me, but aren’t. They pretend to be and only talk to me when they need something. An example, I was friends with a girl for one year and we were talk a lot we flirted and then she ghosted me and then she got a boyfriend and all of a sudden she turned out like all the others. I wish I had a girlfriend. I am so tired of people saying that. I wish I was good looking. I wish that I had that. Let me tell you something, if every time you met someone and you asked them to hang out and be your best friend/girlfriend and they told you ‘oh sorry, no but you can find it in somebody else’, if everyone tells you that it’s a cycle and you will never ever get it; that’s the issue I’ve had for the past four years. I just want affection. I’m tired of feeling this way.
I reach out in college. At work. Attempt to make friends. I bet whatever solution is to be told, I’ve fucking tried it. Maybe I’m meant to be this way. Wow. That sounded so corny. But it feels the truth. I’ve broken out of my shell and went into it multiple times. I think the longest streak I’ve had being myself and loving life was two years until I was told I wasn’t good looking and would be this way forever, and even if I didn’t let that get to me, in that entire year, I felt alone.
I don’t want to live my life like this. Some days I want to block all the ‘friends’ who say they’re there for me, but they aren’t. I wanna be an asshole but I can’t. I have no friend group. I have no true friends. Nobody ever reaches out to me. Sometimes I want to die. But I don’t mean. 1% out of 99% I do. Other times, I want them to love me and care for me. But I know you can’t force that on someone, so why don’t I just get rid of them first good? Block them. Unfriend them. They pretend to care yet love another and love others. They only care for me because they don’t want my death on their conscious. Honestly, that’s how I feel.
All I want is for someone to love me.
And I’m jealous, envious, and cocky. I used to not be, I’ll admit that. I used to selfless and always care for others and be kind, and then realty I stopped. Two years of me just being a kind man, and getting nothing out of that. See? Look how selfish that sounds.
I was born to live and enjoy life. Not to be other people’s pleaser. To not be your rebound. To not be your convenience friend. To not be someone you can talk to every 6 months when you feel pity for me because you’re the one who made me feel the way I am.
I feel like I know the solution. Suck it up. Cherish what I have. Be the better man. But what if I don’t wanna be? I’ll be left behind and cast out. Or maybe, I’m just rambling. I’ve never been so 50 / 50 split of getting rid of all of those people, telling them the truth (what I say here), or not.
What do I do? Get rid of them? Ignore it all? Be a better person? Suck it up? I truly don’t know. So many things.
submitted by Visible-Print3915 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:20 Negative_Mall_5485 My homophobic parents found out about me and my gf what should I do

Alright so I (17f) and my gf (16f) were on my bed making out because we thought my parents left and their location showed that aswell but we didn’t realize they came back home and my mom walked in on us making out and ran to tell my dad. After that my gf quickly called her dad and told him the situation and that she needs to get picked up asap so he’s on the way and I don’t want to be there because of the last time this happened so I’m begging her dad to take me too but he’s like they haven’t kicked you out yet and I don’t want to be labeled as a kidnapper so now I’m calling my best friend to see if she could let me sleep over and she said the same thing and then my gfs dad pulls in and she gets in the car and my parents come up to my room fuming and started screaming and degrading me and my dad was the most pissed of them all and he grabbed one of my bags and hit me repeatedly with it until my mom told him to stop and to go to work and he grabbed my phone and when he left he screamed not in my house so I quickly packed some things and waited for the right moment and I left and I walked 1 mile away to the nearest Panera because of the of the WiFi and I take my school computer out and email my friend to please come pick me up but at that point my parents already called the police and are looking for me so they get there in 15-20 mins and my friend comes in first and tells me your mom and dad are on the way and I start breaking down saying no and my dad comes in and grabs me and goes let’s go get in the truck so I do because I have no other choice and on the way home he once again degrades me and when we get home he parks and tells me this whole speech of like hes doing this for the best of me and he loves me more than anything and he will always be on my Side and that the world is brainwashing me and he gave me my phone and was like promise you will straighten up and tell this girl that you guys can only be friends and that you can’t hang out and I’ll let you guys text because she seems like a good person and I pinkie promised but I’ve never been at such of a low in my life lie we’re together for about 8 months and it just hurts is there anything I can do to Make the situation better (also I would’ve gotten my license next week but they might take away my privileges to do hat too)
submitted by Negative_Mall_5485 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:19 Lux_JoeStar recon-ng for 2024? recon-ng V2? Devs interested?

I want to preface this by saying lanmaster made a great tool and I am not knocking him or the tool.
I like recon-ng but I don't think it's fit for 2024 and how fast paced and automated information gathering is now. Once you go through the effort of inputting all of the API keys and some secret keys, creating your workstations etc. it's tedious to run each module.
I don't think recon-ng should just be tossed in the trash though and forgotten about because I do like it, I use recon-ng sometimes. I think it would be a shame to just let it gather dust, I don't think many people are using it in 2024 for OSINT or prep work.
I know tool devs read the subreddits and hopefully they see this, instead of starting your next project from the ground up, how about revamping this old one for the world of 2024 where we have flying cars and spider armies being sent out by the billions at the click of a button.
Give recon-ng the spiderfoot sprucing up, I would like to see recon-ng transformed instead of discarded, remove the independent module and workspace tediousness. Strip it down because it seems very compartmentalized, streamline it to work like spiderfoot does or nmap. a simple argument, and CLI command to run all modules. The API key layout and section of the tool is fine, I think that should be kept. It's nice to see the box come up in the terminal and list all of the API keys so you can see them all.
Gut the tool and remove all of the segregation and allow all modules to run with a single command, to automate the process. It's not that recon-ng lacks features, it's just the way it runs is tedious and a time sink.
Anybody up for making a V2? I will be happy to run tests to help look for bugs as you create and patch it.
submitted by Lux_JoeStar to OSINT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:19 whodisguy32 30 yr old virgin NEET's Guide to Success and Happiness in Life (Page 2 - What is a Mental Box?)

What is a Mental Box?
Imagine that you are inside of a large cardboard box. How would you describe your experience of being inside that box?
Most people would accurately say that they feel trapped and their movements are limited or restricted. In this case, they are physically limited since the box exists physically. So what does it mean to be ‘trapped’ in a mental box?
It's essentially the same thing, but the mental box only exists in your mind. Instead of limiting your physical movements, it limits your thoughts, and by extension, your possibilities.
To illustrate this point, let's say one day you caught a frog and put it into a tank to keep. At first the frog would just jump out of the tank, and you would have to catch it and put it back in.
So then you put a lid on the tank.
For the next few days, the frog keeps trying to jump out, but every time, it keeps bumping its head on the lid. Eventually it just gives up on jumping out because it doesn’t like the pain of bumping its head. Then you remove the lid after a week. The frog still doesn’t try to jump out. Even if it jumps, it never jumps to the height of where it would bump its head.
So now the frog is in a mental box that it created based on its interpretation of current circumstances (if I jump this high, it will hurt). Even though the physical barrier is gone, the mental barrier (box) took its place, and the frog doesn’t even try to jump out anymore. The possibility of escape is gone.
Of course, given enough time, the frog will likely try to jump back out. Regardless, this illustrates my point of how learning/mental associations create mental boxes.
The way that humans form mental boxes is more or less the same, just with the added complexity of thought: a set of circumstance(s), an interpretation of those circumstances (in the form of a belief), and then a self-imposed mental box formed from that belief, which ultimately limits possibilities.
An example to illustrate this is a person who tries something, fails (several times), makes an interpretation based on their failures (I suck at X, or X is not for me), and gives up on that thing.
So simply put, a mental box is any limiting belief that you have about yourself or the world.
Limiting beliefs can exist in many ways, but the key thing they all have in common, is that they limit possibilities in the real world. Here are various examples of limiting beliefs, and the possibility they limit.
Of course, mental boxes aren’t only negative in nature. Even a positive belief such as ‘I’m really smart’ can be a mental box. In this case, it limits the possibility of someone trying (and failing) at learning new things that makes them feel dumb initially.
Even something as nuanced and ‘inherently true’ such as ‘humans can’t fly’ is a limiting belief. And the reason is obvious: if humans are believed to only be capable of being on the ground, planes and air travel wouldn’t exist.
The fact of the matter is, nothing in this universe is impossible. Sure, you can argue that it’s improbable, but thinking that something is impossible or can’t be done just limits human ingenuity. Think about all the things that are possible now that were ‘impossible’ fifty or a hundred years ago. If those inventors fell into a mental box of ‘those things can’t happen’ no way we would have the technology and the quality/convenience of life we have now.
So we can clearly see that mental boxes are bad, since they can affect our personal lives, or even human evolution. But how do they actually work, and how does that make them so destructive?
That’s what we’ll explore in the next page.
submitted by whodisguy32 to EnlightenmentBook [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:17 SomePyro_9012 Hey, don't you think people who joke about war crimes are weird?

I find it weird that people joke about comitting such acts in an edgy way, like, wtf you gonna do? Shoot someone wearing a red cross?
You can't even commit war crimes without being engaged in wacombat, you might be judged in a military tribunal at best.
submitted by SomePyro_9012 to evilautism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:16 ughokwhytho I (29f) am really struggling mentally since my breakup from my ex (30m)

I’m not gonna lie, I’m just posting this to vent, and maybe get some validation and encouragement.
My ex and I broke up last year, May 2023. I know deep down it needed to happen because we were together 7.5 years and had nothing together. I spent the last couple years constantly asking wth we’re doing. We’d have breakups and then he’d tell me he wants to have babies and wants to take care of me. That never happened. We never lived together. The final breakup was because I finally hit that point of resenting him. I gave him my best years because I truly thought we were gonna make it. He got me a ring in the end, but it felt like a “here ya go, this’ll shut you up” ring. And just didn’t feel like what I know I deserve.
When I’m in a relationship, I’m loyal to a fault. I saw no one else but him. Truly TRULY deeply loved him. Really believed he’d be my husband and the father of our future kids. He was my absolute best friend.
Mind you, he tried to come back and make it work. But there’s just this weird distance between us now. And I can’t get rid of it. He took me on dates and bought me flowers to make up for a lot of the ways he took me for granted… and I just felt numb. So we “tried” and it just felt like it needed to end.
But now I’m alone and miss the great parts of us. I lay here and keep seeing the moments of us CRACKING UP at stupid things and inside jokes. I wish I still had that. He was truly the love of my life.
I hate that I’m alone now. I know ppl don’t like to admit that, but I don’t care. I hate that he let it go so easily when we did end it. I truly miss him as my counterpart. I feel so broken. It’s been a year and I really don’t know how people get through this.
I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, “gorgeous”, funny, intelligent, in shape, loving, sharp, great with kids, all of these great qualities that ppl follow up with “you’ll find someone”… but I HAD him and I don’t understand how I’m supposed to just accept that I’ll never cuddle with him again, go to his house after work, lay in bed watching movies, go to concerts together, family parties, make future plans etc.
Everyone around me thinks I’m okay but I’m really not.
I’ve also been going on dates, and I have fun and I can be in the moment. But then I have a breakdown (like right now as I’m typing this) and I don’t get it. I really thought he would be my husband and we’d just live a quiet simple life.
TL;DR: I miss my ex and idk how im going to survive this.
submitted by ughokwhytho to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:14 BlueRager0312 CR dilemma

My dad and mom are investors in a company with a Bahraini partner. They wanna close down the CR and return to our home country. Submitted the files for closing the business, but got a status update saying "Distinguished Gentlemen, Sorry, the transaction cannot proceed as the shares of one of the partners are under precautionary seizure. Thank you for your understanding" and in Arabic "السادة الافاضل ، المعذرة ، لايمكن المضي في المعاملة حيث ان حصص أحد الشركاء تحت الحجز التحفظي. وشكرا لتفهمكم". I don't even know if it translates correctly. When we found out, the Bahraini apparently has a case in another business (same main CR number and different sub number).
What can we do to close the business legally that only belongs to us and not be dragged into any of the other person's issues? What is the best way to handle this situation? Parents are mentally and physically exhausted by everything happening. If anyone can share advice on this,Thanks!
submitted by BlueRager0312 to Bahrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:13 suzieQue01 DoorDash underquoting delivery times/hack

DoorDash underquoting delivery times/hack
The DoorDash app consistently under quotes delivery times especially for the express option. And will give a minimum to maximum timeframe that restaurants and drivers can’t meet.
The truth is the express order will never be fulfilled in the minimum timeframe and likely never within the maximum because whatever calculation DoorDash uses doesn’t factor in
  1. How long it takes for them to assign a driver
  2. How long it takes for the driver to get to the restaurant
  3. The time spent at the restaurant picking up the food (most drivers spend 10 minutes at a restaurant on average) or
  4. The time for food to be cooked
For example there is a maccas 10 minute drive from me. DoorDash app consistently says an express delivery will take 12-22 minutes. That would mean they are giving 2-12 minutes for the food to be cooked by maccas, and for them to find/assign a driver and for the driver to get to the restaurant and pick up the food.
Order express delivery and complain to door dash if the delivery is 1 minute more than the quoted time 99.9% of the time it will be.
  1. Take a photo of the quoted express delivery time before paying.
  2. If you want also take a pic when the driver is at the restaurant and leaves
  3. Under help select ‘something else
  4. Then select ‘contact support’
  5. Type ‘speak to a real person’
  6. They’ll ask what it’s about, type THE DOORDASH APP provided underquoted delivery time on an express delivery
  7. Explain how far away your address was from the restaurant and that the timeframe didn’t allow enough time for the driver or restaurant to meet the delivery in time because of door dash. Explain what time it needed to arrive by to be within the quoted time
  8. Tell the customer service agent you understand this isn’t their fault either but that DoorDash should stop lying to customers on the app.
  9. Attach your screenshots to the chat
  10. Tell them you want a refund
Sometimes the customer service agents blame the driver or the restaurant (probably an internal policy script) insist it’s not them it’s the app underquoting.
They’ll usually issue a $10 voucher and offer to either refund you the 3.99 or give you a credit usually more than the 3.99. (Today they said 6 credit or 3.99 refund)
You’ll get your food way quicker than the long normal delivery (sometimes these days it’s 90 minutes lol) which often had 2-3 deliveries at once without paying DoorDash $4 and you’ll get $10 credit on your next order
After it’s all done go and give the driver a good review.
Rinse repeat until they fix the issue.
I do this 1+ times a week and always get $10 credit and a refund on the express delivery fee. I’m unsure if the 3.99 delivery fee is paid directly to the driver or not, I worry that my refunded express fee will be taken off the driver so, so I tip the driver 3.99 just in case. If they aren’t penalised then they’re getting and extra $4 which is cool with me.
submitted by suzieQue01 to australia [link] [comments]