Blueprint crossbow

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reddit

2009.10.03 04:16 carpe_noctem Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reddit

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game released in 2019, developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. ModernWarfare is a developer-recognized community focused on the title.

2013.05.23 23:51 GamersComm Dying Light

Dying Light and Dying Light 2 are first person zombie survival games developed by Techland.

2016.03.01 12:45 motionTwin Dead Cells: The reddit hangout for all things Dead Cells.

Dead Cells is an action/platformeroguelite game developed by Motion Twin, a French independent developer based in Bordeaux. It's available on all current gaming platforms. This subreddit is here for anyone wanting to discuss the game. Everyone is welcome to participate! Please read the rules before you post but don't be shy, come say hi! Got a question? Go ask in Noob Central (see "Useful Resources" below the subreddit header).

2024.05.13 08:21 Kruuuuuuuuuu Event Weapons

I am asking specifically on how to get deadeye's crossbow when the event isn't here. i just bought the game cause of the sale and I want to get the deadeye's crossbow blueprint but I don't know how to :>
submitted by Kruuuuuuuuuu to dyinglight [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 14:00 Fallen_Ghosts_97 Just started using the bow

Ok so I know that the raiders or settlers sell the arrow blueprint was wondering if anyone here had any spares or know a good caps farm to help me get the like 10k to get all the blueprints for the bow and crossbow figured if I’m going tribal might as well go full tilt here
submitted by Fallen_Ghosts_97 to Fallout76BowHunters [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:46 DatRuffBuddi3 Totally Legitimate and Completely Real Patch Notes

I have a family member(uncle) that works at Arrowhead. Just like everyone else I've been absolutely livid about balance lately. I've been telling him to please, please, please buff weapons or to at least let me know if any buffs are coming. After 3 months of pestering he finally gave in and sent me a work in progress draft of patch notes. While the patch notes aren't finalized, I have it on good authority that most, if not all, of these changes are coming in the near future:
Primary, Secondary, & Support Weapons
Bug Fixes
The skype call with my uncle suddenly ended there. I think we lost connection. But personally I'm not looking forward to these changes. The fact that there wasn't a single mention of transmog is infuriating. If Arrowhead keeps putting out shitty patches like this then Helldivers 2 is gonna be dead within a month.
submitted by DatRuffBuddi3 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:30 Zesty_Hamburger Ironclad Update — Version 16.1.0 Release Notes

Ironclad Update — Version 16.1.0 Release Notes
This update is slated for release next week!

New Content

Ironclad Content Pass
Clang! Clang! Wallace has hammered up a Content Pass for you! Fire your forge and get ready to craft!
As stated in previous patch notes, this Content Pass also focuses on antique content, but we did manage to forge up a new blueprint, the Ironclad Grappler crossbow, as a grand prize! Adept blacksmiths who complete every task in the content pass will earn themselves the exclusive Master Smith title!
The next Content Pass will feature more new and exclusive content. That’s a pirate promise.

Mundra Blueprint

The Tier 14 Mundra Blueprint, Mundra’s Skull, is now available to all Moon Dragon owners. Sorry for the wait!

Ascension Milestones

We’ve extended the Ascension Milestone rewards, and some obsolete upgrades have been altered. Read more on that below!
As per usual, Milestone requirements may be higher than currently available blueprints. Consider it a promise that we’ll keep adding content!

Major Changes

Ascension Milestones

  • Added a new upgrade; “+2% increased Surcharge Value” (for this item type).
  • Added a new upgrade; “-1 to Essence Resource Cost” (for this item type).
  • The “Chance to Refund Sigils” upgrade now also applies to True Sigils.
  • The “Chance to Refund True Sigils” upgrade has been replaced with reduced Energy cost to Rush.
  • The “Surcharge Energy Cost reduction for Tier 12 items” now applies to all tiers of that item type.
  • The “Surcharge Energy Cost reduction for Tier 11 items” has been replaced with -10 to Common Resource Costs for Tier 10+ items” (of that item type).

Balance Changes

  • Tier 4 enchantments now require a small amount of Uncommon resources. Their value has increased slightly as a result.
  • Tier 4 enchantments now also require level 7 workers to craft (up from level 1). Players will have to craft a few Spells and Amulets first!

King Schedule

The King, clad in gold, will be available as a Guest Champion on May 27th until the 30th.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a rare issue preventing the Talent Tree from being properly reset.
  • Fixed an issue where current Energy wasn’t properly reduced when storing Racks.
  • Fixed some currency amounts in the Advanced Research menu not being properly formatted.
  • Fixed a few cases of misleading notifications being generated from Advanced Research.
  • Fixed a Best of the Best talent issue where Tier 14 brought by workers would often feature low tier enchantments.
  • Fixed an issue where several menus could render improperly and be cut off if orientation was changed.
  • Fixed an issue where battles were not properly shown for quests with minibosses when the Battle Speed setting was set to “Full Skip”.
  • Fixed an issue with Gem Rushing for Dragon Invasion when a player has since left your guild after the event has ended or been completed.
  • Fixed a display issue where the progress bar position would reset when switching orientations on the Dragon Invasion reward track.
  • Fixed a minor display issue with Content Pass progress bars.
  • Fixed an issue where a red notification would sometimes not appear when there are Ascension Milestone rewards available to claim.
  • Fixed an issue where the VFX on Aurasong skills on Champions would end abruptly.
  • Fixed an issue where some players’ “Mastered” blueprints stat count was offset by 1.
  • Fixed a display issue where some items had the incorrect elemental value when viewed from the Market.
  • Fixed an issue where chests opened with Gems did not increment the “Open chests” Content Pass task.
  • Reverted some unintentional changes to enchantment stat values.
submitted by Zesty_Hamburger to shoptitans [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 13:11 Thecommonplayer279 Do installed blueprints disappear if you destroy that crafting station?

So I found an ascendent crossbow blueprint and I found out you have to install it into the smithy (I use the s+ one) and I was wondering since I don't actually have the blue print item anymore about whether or not the blue print will be there if I Destroy and place another smithy.
submitted by Thecommonplayer279 to ARK [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:16 ComManDerBG Good skills and spec for Generalist Assault rifle build in the division 2?

So i have a half decent AR damage build. I dont do any crazy endgame stuff, im mostly farming level 3 checkpoints for blueprints (especially the FFFFFFFUCKING reflex sight that ive been going after since the games launch). I mostly use weapons and skills that i just like, not whats meta. So I'm using a Police M4 not because its good (i actually have no idea if it is or not) but because i am a fan of the M4A1 rifle and like how it looks, sometimes i swap for a SCAR to shake it up. Same for using Sweet Dreams, i like deleting purple, i like how it looks (especially when its sitting on your backpack).
Thanks to transmog i can use whatever gear i want, and now that i can hide my spec weapon i can use whatever spec i want. Which spec is good for this "generalist explorer" build? I like using the crossbow and the grenade launcher, but it seems that the minigun has better passive skills?
Same deal with the skills/gadgets? i have all read and one blue and zero yellow and currently im using the armor drone and revive ball, are there any other good choices? My chest is Perfect Glass Cannon but if i need to be tough instead of strong i can swap in a chest with Unbreakable.
Im basically just looking for pointers and tips, what's good? whats strong? what's a good alt weapon instead of Sweet Dreams? i won't use another AR but a Rifle or Sniper Rifle is good.
Thank you for the help!
(is there a quick way to share my whole build?)
submitted by ComManDerBG to thedivision [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 05:13 Normal_Interest9143 Makeshift crossbow

Does anybody know what business level unlocks the makeshift crossbow blueprint? thanks
submitted by Normal_Interest9143 to LastDayonEarthGame [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 05:25 Superb-Bee-3316 I completed the collab mission but when I copied the code from SKP to SK it said the code is invalid. Are there any solutions?

I completed the collab mission but when I copied the code from SKP to SK it said the code is invalid. Are there any solutions? submitted by Superb-Bee-3316 to SoulKnight [link] [comments]


Crossplay enabled (Microsoft PC, Xbox X/S, PS5, Steam)
Comment here or PM me to apply and for more details.
Oasis Gaming Community
Featuring the kindest and most community oriented cluster server around, the Oasis cluster is a laid back community of 18+ adults who just want to log on and play with other chill adults. No drama, just good times.
We are a slightly boosted PvE server that's password protected to keep the negative vibes out and the good times in. Enjoy slightly boosted stats like breeding that's conveniently available on all maps, as well as regular giveaways and events! We have event servers with greatly boosted stats for short-term breeding and taming. We also have player run stores, blueprint libraries and more!
Our friendly community is active both on the servers and on dscord and will make you feel right at home.
Make the right choice with your new ark home at Oasis. We look forward to your company.
MODS: -Pelayoris Cryos -Additions Ascended: Ceratosaurus, Deinosuchus, Brachio, Archelon -Svartalfheim, S-dino, Dwarven Armory -Auto-lock -Klingers Arkitecture -ASR
submitted by that1guy4never to ARK [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 01:08 mrflappy14 Training sniper

Training sniper submitted by mrflappy14 to CODMobile_Loadouts [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 18:54 Front-Ad5286 The game is unplayable

I'm making this for the benefit of the game, don't get me wrong, i think grounded is one of the best survival games out there but in the state its in right now its borderline unplayable, ive compiled a huge list of bugs ive encountered in a 100% all gold card playthrough i had with my girlfriend. Id also like to add we both have highly spec'd PCs and both have good stable internet with a wired connection
*This isn't even all of the bugs we encountered just the ones i can remember while writing this\*
Quality of Life (my opinion)
Again this isn't even all of the QoL changes i think the game needs. The QoL section is simply my opinion and you are allowed to feel differently. At the end of the day we are both casual players and play the game for fun, but all these small things add up and ruin the experience, this is a FULL priced game and at times its basically unplayable, like i said i do love this game but the state its in right now is making me not wanna even experience the new update. If anyone shares this opinion or has had similar experiences do comment.
submitted by Front-Ad5286 to GroundedGame [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 12:36 2Scriptical4You Ideas I came up with. Hopefully atleast one of them can get added. (this took me so long to write. my fingers hurt.)

The Snow-mobile is the right option for winter time. Kind of difficult to get up a mountain with a golf cart or a unicycle. Well the Snow-mobile does this in a breeze.
It spawns around the snow camps in the mountains. It is powered by Snow-mobile battery. An item found anywhere on the map. It is Snow-mobile version of the Golf Cart Battery.
Meal Sharing:
  • Adds the ability to share your meals with your fellow npcs.
  • Adds the wooden bowl.
The implementation of the cooking system was great! But what fun is it when you can't even put it in a bowl and share with your fellow mates?
You are able to fill bowls with food. If an npc is in a hungry state they will come and sit down at the nearest chair and eat. They are also able to cook their own meals if you give them a pot. They will go out and collect water and all the ingredients for the meal. The npcs can alo share their meal with other npcs.
  • Adds the ability to befrend cannibals.
Cannibals are just humans that have gone insane. Why not try to befriend them? With enough patience you can have a cannibal friend.
It takes 5 days until the cannibal eventually starts trusting you. To get them to trust you, you have to do things like: Not attack them and let them observe you. Not get too close. Eventually you can leave them gifts at their camp or build them something. Then eventually you can go to their camp with them there and be able to give them stuff without them attacking you and the trust keeps on building.
Eventually the cannibals will help you defend yourself from other camps and in return you help them or give them things. Tha means you have created an alliance with them. To tell them apart from untrusted cannibals, a green icon appears over their head. Of course if you betray them then the alliance breaks and you can no longer befriend those cannibals.
You can also give medicine to cannibals that are sick or hurt. Also if Virginia has a gun she will not attack cannibals until you give her a signal to. This could be activated by a hotkey like "j" or something.
Kelvin Defense:
  • Adds the ability to give a weapon to Kelvin.
I mean come on! I know hes brain damaged, deaf and mute but he can still think and see. Atleast give him a weapon and the ability for him to defend himself.
Its three stages in trust. First you can give him weapons like a knife, wooden bow, slingshot and then when he knows how to use them you can start giving him weapons like: the fireaxe, crossbow, compact bow, katana. Then you can finally start giving him dangerous weapons like: the taser, revolver and rifle.
Also the same thing with Virginia, Kelvin will not shoot at cannibals near you until you give him a signal.
Pet Raccoons:
  • Adds the ability to get a pet raccon!
  • Adds a wooden water bowl.
  • Adds a wooden food bowl.
  • Adds a collar.
  • Adds a new pet icon on the gps tracker.
Raccoons can make for great pets! They are cute and fluffy! We all just want to pet them and cuddle with them!
You can place the water and food bowl on the ground for the raccoon. This is of course a trust process. You first need to put the bowls outside where you can't see them. Eventually you slowly gain their trust by looking at them, getting closer to them and eventually petting them. You can then pet them when you look at them. You can also add a collar that it crafted from rope and a gps tracker.
More fish:
  • Adds Bass.
  • Adds Red Snappers.
  • Adds Trout.
  • Adds Salmon.
  • Adds Cod.
  • Adds Pike.
  • Adds Rainbow Trout.
  • Adds Fish Bucket.
Maybe its time to liven the game up a bit. And lets introduce some more fish to the game!
Adds different meat for all fish and bucket to carry all the meat. This bucket is placed down where you catch fish and then the fish that you pick up, you will need to put them in the bucket. (Mostly because of inventory space.) Different kind of fish fills you up differently.
There will also be new cooking recipes with these fish.
Of course these fish are in their respective habitat for example:
Pikes are in quiet small to large lakes in vegetated and clean water.
Cods are in the ocean.
Salmon are in flowing rocky rivers.
The season also has an effect of what fish you can catch during that season.
  • Adds Wooden Fishing Rod.
  • Adds Compact Fishing Rod.
  • Adds Fishing lines with Hooks.
  • Adds Worms & other Bugs you can use as Bait.
Some fish are too smart or too fast to just stay still when you are in the water hacking away at them. Actually most fish would actually aready be gone once your foot is in the water. A fishing rod would be a good choice.
Different baits are used for different fish. You may needworms for smaller fish like trouts and bigger bait like raw meat to catch pikes.
A fishing line has a risk to break. That means you would hae to go into your inventory and combine your fishing rod with a fishing line. Then combine that with bait in our inventory.
This adds a whole new way of getting food. And its fun! Atleast if you lik the thrill of fishing.
You also have the ability to release the fish or just put it in your bucket.
Security Cameras & TV:
  • Adds Security Cameras.
  • Adds a TV.
Ever needed to keep a view of your home to make sure no critter or creature tries to get in or destroy it? Introducing: Security Cameras!
With these you are able to set them up in trees, on your walls or on your roof. These cameras are then connected with two cables. One of the cables going to an electricity source (Solar panels) and the other going to a TV. On the TV you are able to view the cameras and also switch between cameras.
The TV is only connected with one cable that goes to solar panels.
Both of these are crafted.
  • Adds a generator.
Its nice to have electricity but once nighttime hits, our solar panels die on us until the morning. Well a generator can fix that!
The generator works the same as solar panels. It produces energy via wind. But it is also possible to connect a cable from the generator to solar panels. The solar panels send electricity to the generator. The generator then stres this electricity and is able to store up to 10000 Watts.
The generator is a blueprint found in one of the caves.
The TV and Cameras can use the generator to be powered at night. You can also create a switch that can switch the power to use from solar panels at daytime and generator at nighttime.
Rifle Scopes:
  • Adds different scopes for The Rifle.
  • Adds a supressor for the Rifle.
I gotta say. The rifle was my favorite addition into the game. It's a thing I have wanted for a while in the game. But the scope on it kinda sucks. And its very loud.
Different scopes you can switch out for on the rifle like: 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x.
Also a supressor for the rifle if you want to be sneaky.
The scopes are found in the bunkers woth each bunker holding a different scope.
The supressor is found in a military camp.
  • Adds a hammock.
Ever wanted to feel relaxed. Well... Hammock.
This is kind of a small addition. It just adds a hammock that is more comfortable giving you more energy.
It is crafted.
  • Adds a Saltbin.
Yes, we have a drying rack for raw meat but what about cooked meat?
Saltbins are used to store cooked meat so you are able to eat it later or use it as cooking.
Saltbins are crafted.
Advanced Cannibal Camps:
  • Adds better Cannibal Camps.
Their camps are so easy to destroy. Its not fair.
Now they can build stronger camps using logs. It is harder to knock down and they have more advanced things.
Like a watchtower where cannibals are on duty to spot for animals or humans.
Also the cannibals can now shoot with a wooden bow. They can build walls around their camps making it hader to get in. They can create their own traps.
Small Changes:
Theres now different kind of meat depending on the animal. Theres turtle meat, raccoon meat and so on.
New outfits for Kelvin and Virginia. They can also have preferred outfits depending on the weather or season.
Maybe a craftable thing for Kelvin to hear again. Though I am not sure if his eardrum broke or he is deaf with no fix.
Ability to put deer hide on a single bed just to make it look more comfy.
Main Priority:
The Story.
My gosh I am dissapointed. This story is a garbage bag compared to the gameplay and graphics. The devspent way to much tme on the graphics and barely any on the story. In m opinion. They should have delayed V1.0. The 1.0 update needed more updates to the story. Virginia needs more voice lines.
Its like someone just went to a junkyard. Picked up a whole bunch of stuff from a random pile and used that as their school project. The story is just a bunch of random bs that doesnt make any sense. The forest had much better story than SOTF.
Yes it does follow the same concept of that cube but its still confusing af. How did Eric survive? How did we survive that big gint glob monster? Who tf is the man that looks like a wish version of Elon Msuk wearing tinfoil? How does Virginia fit in to all of this. How did Kelvin lose the ability to speak?
Its all so confusing and doesnt make any sense. Yes these ideas I have suggested are all gameplay related but my main priority is the story. I would much rather they complete the story without a bunch of random bs before I get fishing rods and raccon pets.
I got this game back when it was in alpha. When it just released. I am a beta tester of the game and throughout the updates the story has been the thing that has changed the least.
Please let me know if you like the ideas or dont like them but please try not to be negative. Instead tell me what I can change. I would also like to hear your ideas for a future post I do!
submitted by 2Scriptical4You to SonsOfTheForest [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 21:49 LiseEclaire [Leveling up the World] - Nobility Arc - Chapter 923

Out there - Patreon (for all those curious or wanting to support :))
At the Beginning
Adventure Arc - Arc 2
Wilderness Arc - Arc 3
Academy Arc - Arc 4
Nobility Arc - Arc 5
Previously on Leveling up the World...
Book 7 will be available on Amazon and Kindle! :D
You keep using too much magic, Onda criticized, though in a far softer manner than usual.
Ever since Dallion had defeated Giaccia in combat and effectively become ruler of a quarter of the world, the hammer guardian had shown him a lot more respect.
Half as much would have worked, he added.
“It’s not wasted,” Dallion said, completing the frame of his crossbow.
With the imperial ceremony over, he and Eury had rushed back to his capital as quickly as possible. The only person who had been faster was Pan. The copyette hadn’t even waited for it to start, using a long range teleportation spell to vanish the moment the tide of the fight had decisively turned in their favor.
Since then, Dallion had taken the opportunity to spend some personal time—divided between Euryale and crafting—while delegating everything else to his closest friends.


A rectangle emerged. Although all the fragments were yet to be physically connected, the magic threads holding them together fulfilled the requirements of making this a whole item.
After all this time, Dallion had finally created a magic origami item he was pleased with. The knowledge obtained in the grant citadel had proven quite useful, though also caused a feeling of unease to linger within him. This was only a fraction of what the archbishop knew.
As Dallion tightened the magic threads, the elements of the crossbow snapped together, fully completing the weapon. It was massive—larger than him in height, capable of shooting four spear-sized bolts in one go. It also had multiple integrated spells, making it capable of shrinking to the size of a flashlight.
“It’s ready, Lux,” Dallion said, wiping off the sweat from his forehead. “What do you think?”
Threads of blue light emerged all over the crossbow. Even at Dallion’s level, creating it had proved tiring. Apart from the weapon itself, he had also integrated the caleidervisto within the item.
Thanks, boss! the firebird chirped from within his realm. There’s lots of space!
Coming from Lux, that was a high compliment, although the familiar would have found something positive to say no matter the case.
“Have fun getting used to it,” Dallion went back to the bellows. “Don’t break anything.”
The crossbow rose up in the air. Multiple segments bent into itself until they took the form of a bladebow, which then flew out of the window.
“That’s Lux for you,” Pan said from the corner of the forge, still in his human merchant form. “Make him a masterpiece that could take any shape and he instantly transforms it into a toy.”
“It’s his home.” Dallion cast a spell on the furnace to bring up the heat, then went to gather a new set of metal ingots.
“I caught two more. I think that’s all of them.”
“That’s what you said yesterday.”
“And I was right. These are new ones. I think they came in with the wind as leaves or blades of grass.”
“I’ll talk to Veil about it.”
“Already done. He’ll try following a new pattern.”
Dallion nodded. One of the things he had picked up from the archbishop was how to make settlements invisible. It wasn’t about the spells, but making sure that the city didn’t remain on a single spot. Since then, the overseer had been given the cumbersome task of moving Alliance up and down the eastern coast.
“Were things like this when you tried to take over the world?” Dallion gathered a generous amount of sun gold ingots along with a bit of Moon platinum. There was a time when he’d struggle to get enough metals of any type. Now, scarcity was no issue.
The faint emotions that emanated from the copyette abruptly ceased.
“I can’t tell you that,” he said.
“I’m not asking what you did. Rather how you felt.”
“And I thought you’d ask something difficult.” Pan sighed, then made his way next to Dallion.
The pile of sun gold seemed rather large, prompting him to take one from it.
“Things were very different when I had my go,” the copyett tossed the ingot in the air, quickly catching it again. “No one had done it before, which made it a lot easier at the start and a lot more difficult further on. To be honest, I was more afraid of my allies than my enemies. I was convinced that there was no outer force that could stop me, so I shifted my focus within the empire. After that…” He waved his hand, still holding the ingot. “Well, you know how it ended.”
“Just like Tamin,” Dallion remarked, causing the selected pieces of metal to levitate. Initially, he had wanted to forge the shield the old-fashioned way, but decided to use a bit of magic instead.
Fingers of both hands moved around the lump of metal, drawing various magic symbols for heat. The motion made him think about Gleam and Ruby. It had been a while since the shardflies had roamed freely in the real world, not that they complained. Gleam was just as content within his realm, and as for Ruby, he was happy to stay close to her.
“Did you do what he did?” Dallion glanced at Pan.
“No.” The copyette placed the ingot back on the workbench he had taken it from. “But I was considering it.” He took a step away.
“Do another check,” Dallion said. “And tell Adzorg to create more illusion barriers. I don’t want anyone peeking.”
“Sure.” The copyette shifted to liquid form, trickling out of the room between the tiles on the floor.
In the meantime, Dallion focused on the ball of metal. By this point, all ingots had melted, creating one homogenous whole. Thousands of markers emerged around the molten lump, illustrating what actions one had to take to create the desired form. Dallion had chosen to base his design on the blueprint of an armadil shield—it was something he was used with and, more importantly, something that Vihrogon would appreciate. Naturally, there would be a few minor adjustments. The shield would be made strong enough to withstand dragon flames, and also have a far greater freedom of changing form.
Not everything has to shift shape, Onda remarked.
“Let an old man have his fun,” Dallion said, not cracking a smile. “The base form will be as it should.”
With the speed of a hummingbird’s wings, Dallion adjusted the shape before him. No tools were used, only fingers coated with magic threads. If someone was to see him, they might mistake him for an overgrown dwarf.
Working it like a sculpture, Dallion combined magic, forging, arts, and scholar skills into one. What should have taken days, or at least hours, was achieved in minutes. The level of control was short of Moon-like, maintaining everything from the air currents and overall temperature to the proportions of the materials within every part of the item. The base shape of a shield emerged.
Holding his breath for a moment, Dallion split the whole into an inner and outer section, then divided the outer circle into individual slices. Magic threads were woven in-between each of them like a fine mesh. Then, while the quasi-shield was still molten hot, he cast the portal spell to the banished realms.
A miniature vortex emerged. No larger than a coin, it achieved a direct link through the realms to the place from where one wasn’t normally supposed to return.
You certainly took your time. The cheerful voice of Vihrogon echoed in Dallion’s mind. Here to get me, or just visiting?
“I thought you knew me better than I knew myself.” Dallion focused on maintaining the vortex. “What do you think so far?”
About you or the shield? The dryad asked. The shield looks fine. You—not so much. Spending your free time tinkering with your toys instead of being with your wife… he let out an over-dramatic sigh. I knew this would happen if I left you.


Surprise and confusion emanated through the vortex.
I know you haven’t had much experience in this, but the trick is to summon me before the item is fully formed, the dryad said.
“Really?” Dallion asked in mock astonishment. With a sharp pull, he moved the vortex away from the shield, placing it in the middle of the room. Then, adding a few additional spell circles, he extended it until it was three feet in diameter.
Green light emanated from the portal, followed moments later by the top of Vihrogon’s head.
“How about this, then?” Dallion asked as the rest of the former guardian emerged in the room.
Identical to his form within the realms, with the exception of the ornate battle armor he was wearing, the former sword marshal looked around. He was not one to be at a lack for words, but the unfolding events made him question whether this was a dream or reality. For several seconds, he stood there, not breaking eye contact with Dallion, as if out of fear that doing so might throw him back into the banished realms.
Having completed its purpose, the portal faded away, vanishing from the real world. Vihrogon, though, remained.

(+5 Empathy, +5 Magic)
You’re the first to have brought back a dryad into the real world. Hopefully, you won’t regret your action.

“You’ve gotten better at this,” the dryad said, reaching out and touching Dallion’s shoulder.
“I’ve grown a few levels since last time.” Dallion laughed. “So, about that shield.” He turned around, gently shaking the dryad’s hand off. “I’m thinking of giving it to Gem, since you won’t be able to use it.”
“Gem? Sure.” The dryad remained still in the center of the room. “You know what you just did, right? You brought a banished race back to the world.”
“I’m hardly the first. Besides, it’s not like you to get impressed by something I’ve done.”
“If I were in a realm, I’d have used a dozen comebacks ready by now…” The dryad reached out. Vines emerged from the palm of his hand, reaching all the way up to the ceiling before flowing back in his hand again. “I’ll need a few minutes.”
“Never thought I’d render you speechless.” Maybe summoning him into the real world like that without warning was a bit sudden. Even so, Dallion needed people more than he needed guardians.
Meanwhile, the armadil shield glowed bright purple. Hearing that he’d get a new home had made Gem quickly fill up the new item before Dallion even had a chance to link it to his domain. At some point, he’d have to have a talk with the aether companion about that.
“So, how about—” Dallion began.
“Go home,” Vihrogon interrupted him.
“Returning after all this time is a shock, but that’s my problem. You have other things to worry about.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know you better than you know yourself, remember?” The dryad winked. “You’ve cut all ties with the capital. What you thought was your family there is now gone. That made you think about your other family in this world.”
Using his music skills internally, Dallion closed up his emotions. He hadn’t expected that Vihrogon would be able to glean that much. That was a stupid mistake, given that he knew the dryad had the empathy trait.
“You kept your promise, so there’s nothing keeping you from going there and saying hello. Plus—” The dryad’s expression hardened “—I’m sure that you have a few questions for your grandfather.”
Dallion had a lot more than a few. The old man wasn’t just some minor noble who had annoyed the wrong person; he had been the head of the secret Order and someone who had been admired. Why hadn’t he mentioned that before? And what was the real reason for his banishment? Above all, was there anything he could tell Dallion about his grandmother? All these were pertinent questions that Dallion wanted answers to, and now was a good time to get them.
submitted by LiseEclaire to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 23:23 BarrelFullOfKrackers Fletching/Runecrafting update suggestion

Reason For posting

I have been thinking about this for a while and just wanted to post it. This is just my thoughts/idea put to text. I don't expect this to been cared about. (Work in progress) - Was thought about mid writing this post


I suggest an update that Jagex could be implemented in the future. It involves adding scaling to the last two combat styles, Range and Magic. Currently, Necromancy and Melee have excellent progression, getting a more robust set every ten levels up to level 90. However, Range and Magic have many more requirements to get the same gear level. To address this issue, I recommend following the progression system in other areas of Runescape. For example, wood in dungeons has this style of progression system. To implement this, new bows could be created for the non-utilized woods, and each metal could have a crossbow set with bolts. Players with the appropriate runecrafting level could also turn woods into wand/orb and staff sets.


Wood Type Members Requirement Fletching Level requirement Range Level requirement Damage Stats Accuracy Stats
Normal 1 1 1 1
Oak 10 10 10 10
Willow 20 20 20 20
Teak 30 30 30 30
Maple 40 40 40 40
Acadia 50 50 50 50
Mahogany 60 60 60 60
Yew 70 70 70 70
Magic 80 80 79 79
Elder 90 90 85 85


Wood Type Members Requirement Fletching Level requirement Range Level requirement Defense Level requirement Damage Stat Accuracy Stat Defense Stat Constitution bonus
Normal 1 1 1 1 1 0
Oak 10 10 10 10 10 0
Willow 20 20 20 20 20 0
Teak 30 30 30 30 30 0
Maple 40 40 40 40 40 0
Acadia 50 50 50 50 50 0
Mahogany 60 60 60 60 60 0
Yew 70 70 70 70 70 175
Magic 80 80 79 79 79 350
Elder 90 90 85 85 85 560


Mineral Type Members Requirement Fletching Level requirement Range Level requirement Damage Stats Accuracy Stats
Bronze/Normal 1 1 1 1
Iron/Oak 10 10 10 10
Steel/Willow 20 20 20 20
Mithril/Teak 30 30 30 30
Adamant/Maple 40 40 40 40
Rune/Acadia 50 50 50 50
Orikalkum/Mahogany 60 60 60 60
Necronium/Yew 70 70 70 70
Bane/Magic 80 80 79 79
Elder Rune/Elderwood 90 90 85 85


Wood Type Members Requirement Fletching/Smithing Level requirement Range Level requirement Damage Stats
Bronze Arrow Head/Bolt 1 1 1
Iron Arrow Head/Bolt 10 10 10
Steel Arrow Head/Bolt 20 20 20
Mithril Arrow Head/Bolt 30 30 30
Adamant Arrow Head/Bolt 40 40 40
Rune Arrow Head/Bolt 50 50 50
Orikalkum Arrow Head/Bolt 60 60 60
Necronium Arrow Head/Bolt 70 70 70
Bane Arrow Head/Bolt 80 80 80
Elder Rune Arrow Head/Bolt 90 90 90
Masterwork Arrow Head/Bolt 99 90 99
  1. Elder Rune Arrow Extra Requirement: Needs Elder wood Shafts instead of normal.
    1. Elder Rune Arrow/Bolt Passive: Abilities hits grants (Elder's Guidance) Stacks. Stacks up to 5 times
      1. (Elder's Guidance)- Grants 1% Damage Reduction per stack
  2. Masterwork Arrows Extra Requirement: Needs Elderwood Shafts instead of normal Shafts
    1. Masterwork Arrow/Bolts Passive: Abilities hits grant (Master Archer) Stacks. Stacks up to 10 times
      1. (Master Archer): Grants 1% more adrenaline at max stacks. Morphs the ability [Snipe] into [Headshot]
  3. [Headshot]
    1. Cooldown: 10.2 Seconds
    2. Description: Fires a precise shot that concusses the target
    3. 200-250% Ranged Damage after 2.4 Seconds
    4. Channeled
    5. Stuns the target for 3.6 Seconds
    6. PvP: Disables targets Protection Prayers
    7. Generates 8% Adrenaline


Wood Type Members Requirement Runecrafting Level requirement Magic Level requirement Damage Stats Accuracy Stats
Normal 1 1 1 1
Oak 10 10 10 10
Willow 20 20 20 20
Teak 30 30 30 30
Maple 40 40 40 40
Acadia 50 50 50 50
Mahogany 60 60 60 60
Yew 70 70 65 70
Magic 80 80 75 80
Elder 90 90 85 85

Special (Full section is Work in Progress)

Wood Type Members Requirement Level requirement Level requirement Damage Stats Accuracy Stats
Wand of the Elements 99 Runecrafting 90 Magic 87 90
Orb of the Elements 99 Runecrafting 90 Magic 87 90
Guthix Staff Of True Nature 99 Runecrafting 90 Magic 87 90
Bow of Nature 99 Fletching 90 Range 87 90
Masterwork Crossbow 99 Fletching 90 Range 87 90

Higher Level weapon acquisition objective

Yews Objective - Kill Barrow Brothers boss once with the respective weapon class in order to buy from the Bow and Arrow Salesman/Magic Store Owner (Allocate a Type specific Drop to note the objective was done ) Magic objective - Kill Kre'ara(Range)/ krill tusaroth(Magic) boss 1-5 times to buy from the Bow and Arrow Salesman/Magic Store Owner (Allocate a Type specific Drop to note the objective was done ) Elderwood Objective - Kill Twin Furries/ Helwyr boss 5 times in order to buy from the Bow and Arrow Salesman/Magic Store Owner (Allocate a Type specific Drop to note the objective was done ) Special Weapon Blueprints- Must kill Arraxor, Arch Glacor, and Kerapac boss 1 time to buy from the Bow and Arrow Salesman/Magic Store Owner (Allocate a Type specific Drop to note the objective was done )


Now, three problems that come from this. These Acadia and Teak trees are currently member trees; this rebalance will cause two trees to become Members Bows that are not currently members restricted being Yews and Magic; Drop tables for free-to-play monsters with said member woods would need to be changed. I may have not of thought of a problem that arises from this rework, and for this i am sorry
  1. So, with the member trees getting undone into non-member trees, Jagex could add 2 or 3 teak trees to the free area of Karamja. As for Acadia trees, Jagex could add 1 or 2 trees to Het's Oasis or have them replace magic log drops on free-to-play monsters.
  2. This rework makes Yew and Magic Trees member bows / Member woods. How would Jagex fix this? Any Yew tree in the free areas could be turned into either maples or lower woods, or it can exist like Elders do where they are in the same spot but only cuttable with membership. Magic trees differ from Yew; they are log drops from free-to-play monsters, as all are in member areas. Just replacing those logs drops with Acadia logs would be the change I suggest here.
  3. Addressing the drop tables that would drop once free logs are available. The member log drops could be replaced by Acadia/Maple logs.
  4. I was going to talk about the free players having bows they can't use and how to address it, but I decided it would just crash Grand exchange pricing for magic and Yew bows, since invention exists I do not believe it would have a long term effect. I will admit i could be wrong on this.

Updates to post

  1. I decided to tone down the Damage of the Special Sections damage, thus making them weaker than more boss weapons but still better that Elder wood
  2. If Jagex wishes to break up the liner progression i decided to add a Unfinished objective section to the post to give more freedom in creating a more Learning curve acquisition of the higher tier weapons
  3. Updating Passives of the Masterwork Crossbow and Description. Created an Ammo Section for arrows and bolts along with special effects for Elder rune and Master work
submitted by BarrelFullOfKrackers to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 08:19 Moturnach A bit of newbie questions

I really a fresh starter, played like till level 10 and so far im enjoying the game, but i have several questions that bothering me.
1.While i looked at some of builds, and i got point that i can relocate stat points and add mutations later for more stats, im not really sure about perks, since they feel more towards permanent choice, and while atm im enjoying using whatever weapons i manage to get, and later ill probably will be leaning towards silent build, but i want to be sure that raising situationally good perks is okay and i can adjust them later.
Example: I got early Serendipity and Slugger that immediately became centerpieces of my current build. I know that Serendipity is safe to raise to 3 stars but im not really sure about Slugger cause i don't mind going melee for now, but i just need to be sure that i don't gonna waste perk cards for it. Later for example i may use something super suboptimal like that Crossbows or something similar, so i just want to double check if thats ok, or im gonna regret doing that.
  1. What is the best all-around perks to look at early? Since im like to experiment with weapons, id like to get some sort of all-around core build that i can specialize later, just because i obviously lack a basic experience using specific weapons. Atm im using Baseball Bat, 10 mm pistol and Shotgun, but eventually i want to try at least every kind of weapons once.
  2. What is the best weapon/armour blueprints to buy early? Atm i bought myself Baseball bat and 10 mm pistol ones, but i want to get a some staple weapon recommendations in each category. Atm as i said i want to get a basic experience of using specific weapons for a while, so ideally it needs to be craftable because i already got the point that repair kits is way too precious to waste.
Also, im wondering about some good armour for Leather replacement.
  1. What is the top priority to get from Atomic Shop/Season shop?
Since i very tempted to create a cool camp, im wondering which items is best to get early on? I know that certain things like catwalks allowing to do certain unique things that cant be replicated by other stuff, so i mainly interested in those as my top priority with secondary being something that produces other stuff or giving unique possibilities like Core Recharging station or Ammo converter. I don't mind going into cool cosmetics as well, but Im not really sure if ill manage to afford all this stuff via in-game means.
Season shop is a bit simpler for me to understand, so im mainly grabbing unique stuff and atoms atm. Should i consider something else for purchase? Because i feel like im getting barely enough currency to buy all limited stuff, so im not really sure.
Outfit is cool though, i got myself Bowler hat for some extra style and definitely will be using camp stuff for my base(i need to build something anyway for challenge, so ill make a really small 2-4 foundations survival shelter, probably ill manage to make it portable because ill definitely will switch place cause im atm near closest to overseer camp rail station)
Maybe anything else you want to advise for me.
Atm im a bit distracted from main campaign(really did only a few quests, so i even didn't started to look for overseer tracks yet), focusing entirely on challenges and events. They are cool, but a bit too ammo consuming. I don't really mind dying a lot, but they are quite funny, also due to Slugger and Serendipity, i can handle some really high level enemies(i think i killed a couple of 35lvl enemies myself).
So now i mainly have something like 3CHA/6INT/4LCK build because i followed recommendations going into 3 star Inspirational + INT early(i went for 3 star First Aid)+ invested some into LCK for 3star Serendipity.
Sorry for extended questions, i just prefer to explain everything in a bit more detailed way so you can get a basic understanding of why im asking this.
submitted by Moturnach to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 03:47 MoronicIroknee Varlamore Reward Ideas

Spectral Naguanil Slayer Helmet -Slayer Unlock - 1000 slayer points -Bring Eyatalli one of each Moon Helmet to sacrifice them to her. When naguanil slayer helm is equipped with a Moon set, a spectral version of the set helm is shown in the Helmet slot. -Allows each set effect to be used with slayer Helmet. Also enables set special attacks.
Hunter Rumour Reward "buffs" -Include Sunlight and Moonlight Antlers in expert and master Rumour Sacks. Makes obtaining ammunition slightly easier. -Revamp Rumour Completed reward list. Include Blueprints for Avium Savanah POH design, Blueprints for a Hunter Trophy room, Blueprints for Hunter Animal Fur Rugs, Blueprints for Hunter Animal Taxidermy, and Guild Hunter combination outfits. (Hunter Graceful, Heat protection Hunter, wearable huntsman kit)
POH Botany Lab -Herb Cleaning Station - Insert dirty herbs and machine cleans then over time. No experience is gained. -Decanting Still - Allows decanting of potions and other "decantable" drinks. Pay small fee to decant. -Brewing Stand - When filled with herbs and secondaries of choice, slowly brews potions over time. No experience is gained. (Could be changed.) -Herbological Tome - Charged with amulets of Chemistry, provides 7.5% chance at making 4 dose potions in Botany Lab. (Extends to Brewing Stand.) -Earth Elemental/Dryad Assistant(s) - Charged (paid) with Earth Talismans, Earth Runes, Nature Talismans, or Nature Runes, these Assistants can provide a speed boost to the Cleaning Station and Brewing Stand. Chance to increase amount produced per minute.
Amulet of Superior Chemistry -Chargeable version of Amulet of Chemistry. Charge with Amulets of Chemistry. Each Amulet provides 5 Charges each like normal.
Ranul Themed Items
-Dusklight Shards - Counterpart of Sunfire Splinters. Used to charge/make multiple items. Obtain from Moonlight Moths and Moonlight Antelope. -Moonlight Crossbow - higher tier version of Sunlight Crossbow. Same attack speed, higher stats, special attack that speeds up next 5 attacks to 2 ticks. Made with Dusklight Shards and Moonlight Antelope Antlers. -Upgraded Mask of Ranul - Boosts shadow/darkness spell damage by 2.5% -Moonlight Fanatic armor - Magic/Prayer hybrid set. Boosts Spells on Arceuus and Ancient spellbooks.
Cam Torum Mine Change(s) -Add an Anvil to Cam Torum mine to break calcified deposits. -Or add a bank deposit box to deposit calcified deposits.
TL;DR Slayer Helm usable for Moon sets, buffed Hunter Rumour Reward list, POH Herblore Room, "Eternal" Amulet of chemistry, Ranul Themed Items, and Cam Torum Mine Anvil.
Hope some people find these interesting!
Edit: On mobile so apologies for awful formatting.
submitted by MoronicIroknee to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 06:25 Recent-Poet-153 Some things I'd like changed / added

This game is great, but theres some things that need a lot of work.
  1. Base Defense / Purification.
I personally hate this. Not because I dislike base defense, but because theres no control on enemy spawning or pathing (unless they cant spawn in water, or your on a mountain, ect). You can do your 1st Purification, and end up having literally everything in your base destroyed. Especially since theres no indicators for direction enemies spawn from. This will lead to some very boring base designs in the future. Like building Essentially tree houses or houses on stilts so purification device can be the only thing at ground level.
If the current system remains, repairing everything, including destroyed stuff, should be free. The exception could be Fortifications specifically so theres a resource sink for turrets and such.
  1. Base Building / No Snapping
Nothing is more frustrating as a fan of survival games than one that makes it frustrating to build, and keep things symmetrical, parrallel, or in line with one another. Snapping needs to be added. Majority of players in this genre have slight to severe OCD when playing these games.
  1. Building Textures For Roofs / Floor / Ceiling / Walls
The game needs to add merged textures. So if I put say a triangle roof piece attached to a square roof piece, the designs still match. Roof pieces in particular have horrible texture designs. The corner pieces look weird with wood jutting out in the corners. If you connect a ceiling piece to a roof, the roof clips through the ceiling. The paint designs are not well thought out. Please just build a box with a roof and try painting the pieces on everything. Your options for things that look good are horrible. There should be more than 1 pillar design. I would like a triangular pillar shape instead of square, so i can build a roof over triangular foundation and the pillars dont ruin everything. For references on good texture designs look at Minecraft, or mods which add new building designs and materials. They have smart textures that can blend and mesh into one another.
  1. Difficulty
This beta is a joke across the board all the way well past 30 without all the superior gear and improvements you will get on release. The non human AI is mentally challenged, and any of them are max 1 to 3 hits with a melee weapon, 1 to 2 hits with a crossbow which Essentially has infinite ammo if you don't miss, and most of time they don't even try to kill you. All non human AI should be more aggressive. I should not be able to run through a town destroying everything, and not being at risk of death without investing time and luck into better gear to make that possible.
  1. Human AI and Audio Detection
The humans have similar problems as mentioned above. However their more annoying because they have guns, and can hear you through walls, vehicles, at different elevations, and so on. All AI in general needs more realistic audio detection settings. A player using the Scout set should make less noise while walking / running, and have increased movement speed when crouched. A player in heavier armor should be slower and more loud, like say the raid set, or the other melee focused one.
  1. Bosses
Bosses should have little to no terrain in the fight to hide behind. I literally beat every boss solo just abusing poor terrain design. Every boss should have a move that encourages moving. Like the spider girl boss which has white orbs that travel literally through anything. However I would also say the normal spider boss no girl spawning eggs outside of the moveable area is poor design. Theres literally gear for full melee builds, and the ai is so dumb you can kill humans with melee without getting shot if you use rolls, but this boss cant be fought melee only, even if it would take a while?
  1. Exploits / Oversights
Some things im not sure if devs are aware are possible. Like the fact you can run up to Human Heavy Gunners and melee them to death and all their shots miss you. Some things should have limits. Digby Boy has no limitations, you can place as many as you want, and they can find resources not even available in your region, like finding Iron before you ever get to Iron River region. You can place your homes really close to zones with weapon and gear chests, get the chest, die, and the chest can be openable again. You can also place buildings touching roads and going into the road. Sometimes this means you can be to close to a stronghold. If you deside to change a placed wall or door you now can not place it due to home location. Theres some other exploit like things you can do by intentionally dying, entering a dungeon / instanced zone / world hopping.
  1. Cosmetics
I hope in the future people will be able to find reskinned weapon blueprints, or reskins of blueprints for existing armor sets, as rare drops from specific locations across the map. Fallout 76 has this design for various cosmetics in their game, outside of their paid for cosmetics, and were great as tradeable items in the economy due to rarity.
submitted by Recent-Poet-153 to OnceHumanOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 14:25 DaDoggo13 Old guns (a collab with u/Espanta_viejas1904)

Thursday morning, there a good day outside, Vellian could be seen in his room thinking on the blueprints of the new cottage
Vellian: I think I should add extra layer to the walls of Penelope's room.
Suddenly the door is knocked
Vellian: Who will be at this time?
Vellian goes to the front door and opens it
Vellian: Oh hi Jeremy, Illvanya
Jeremy: hey Vel, how’s things?
Vellian: Kinda busy, get in, I will call Meredith. MEREDITH, JEREMY AND ILLVANYA ARE HERE.
Meredith: Ok, let them in.
Jeremy: we brought booze and nails, lots of nails
Vellian: Good leave them in Meredith’s room.
Meredith: Why in my room?
Vellian: We sleep together darling.
Meredith: Aaah, the new cottage, I almost forgot.
Illvanya: got a hammer too, though I think you have one of those already. Do we put it in Meredith’s room too?
Vellian: Thanks, I aint gonna do this alone, we need some muscle from Zhyros and yes, leave it next to my equipment.
Jeremy: Will do, where do you want the booze?
Meredith: Leave that in the fridge, if you want some blood mixed with wine, there's is some in the fridge.
Illvanya: you are the smart party with that, I may try that, nutritious and tasty
Illvanya walks in and goes into Meredith’s room with the building equipment and Jeremy puts the barrel of booze by the fridge
Jeremy: need any help with anything?
Vellian: No thanks, I have everything under control. Pick up a seat on the sofa if you want.
Jeremy: thanks, did you check out those weapons I gave you when Illvanya was sick?
Vellian: Ah yes, I have looked at them, and fixed the broken parts, quite interesting weapons honestly.
Illvanya: that’s a lot of parts, they were in bad shape, broken barrels, smashed firing pins, termite eaten stock on one.
Vellian: Yeah I had to change most of the original parts with new functioning ones, it was quite hard to find some of those parts.
Jeremy: they are quite old, we have had them for a very long time
Illvanya: we got them second hand from an arms dealer, he said that we could have them as he was just going to get rid of them so he allowed us to have them, any repairs we made were relatively futile and we barely ever got to use them
Vellian: Yeah, most tinketers would have scrapped them to create other things.
Jeremy: we work with what we had, we saw these as powerful weaponry because they were only used by the high end elites, it was rare to see anyone with things like that, puts into perspective how much more advanced up here is.
Vellian: Yeah, I have them with my equipment, wanna see them?
Illvanya: yes please, we have never actually seen them in shape
Vellian: Ok, follow me
Meredith: Where are you going?
Vellian: Im going to show them the weapons I was busy a few days earlier.
Meredith: You have been very busy with that.
Vellian: Yes honey, now its time to see if they work properly now.
Vellian, Jeremy and Illvanya go to Meredith's room, where it could be seen some weapons organised over a desk
Jeremy: oooo shiny, got any bullets, should be 9mm, .32 ACP, 7.62x39 and 9.3x74mmR
Illvanya: one also fires 12 gauge
Vellian: Yeah, I have some of each type, lets go outside to test them
picks up gently one of the rifles
Jeremy: I do love that rifle, good for being at long distances and holding down points.
They three pick up the weapons and go outside to test them
Meredith: Be careful with those things, I don't want you to get harmed honey.
Vellian: Dont worry Meredith, I'm a professional at this.
Illvanya: we are also professionals, let’s get testing, where do we shoot?
Vellian: Give me a sec.......
Vellian goes inside for a moment and picks up a scroll from Zhyros room
Vellian: Damn, I aint going inside there again.
Returns back with Jeremy and Illvanya
Vellian: Ok, I'm back. I will use this scroll to summon some zombie puppets. We will shoot them to test the guns.
Jeremy: alright, point me to the enemy
he grabs himself some bullets and swiftly loads his rifle, it’s an SKS, a Russian firearm used in the Second World War, a classic weapon that some would consider putting into a collection, however Jeremy doesn’t see the point of shelving a perfectly good weapon
Vellian opens the scroll and summons two undead puppets who slowly walk towards them
Vellian: STAY
The zombies stand there, not moving and inch due to being puppets
Vellian: Ok, whenever you want Jeremy.
Jeremy: thanks Vel, let’s see what this thing can do when it’s in good condition, cover your ears
Jeremy inhales deeply, he holds his breath, keeping his rifle stable while he lines up his shot, he pulls the trigger, a loud crack sounds and one of the zombies is send stumbling backwards, flesh spraying around the zombie and hitting the ground, Jeremy has compensated for the weapons sharp recoil expertly
Jeremy: that’s a hell of a weapon, gonna shoot straighter than my crossbow, however it’s quite loud, I’ll see if I can find a way to silence it
Vellian: I could create a suppressor for the rifle, do you want it with sound suppressing runes?
Jeremy: that would be great, I should pay you for this, repairing these things is not cheap. Hon? Give your weapon a try
Vellian: Whenever you want Illvanya.
Illvanya: ok, I’ll see how it goes
Illvanya loads her weapon swiftly, it’s a M30 drilling, another relic of a weapon, this one used by the German Air Force, she fires the shotgun, it’s louder than Jeremy’s rifle, the buckshot hits the zombie is several places, staggering it, Illvanya then pulls a second trigger firing a rifle round into the zombies skull, it stumbles and falls on its back, alive but unmoving
Illvanya: versatile, I like it.
Vellian: It is good for medium and close combat.
Illvanya: that’s the range I usually am in so that will be good
Vellian: Good my turn. But first.
Vellian picks up the scroll and summons two more zombies who are standing still
Vellian: Ok, that should be enough.
Vellian picks up one of the pistols, the weapon is a Soviet Makarov, a standard sidearm for most soldiers, lightweight and reliable
Vellian loads the loads the gun, takes a deep breath and shoots the whole magazine at the zombie's chest, it stutters a bit but still stands
Vellian: Its quite comfortable, simple but effective.
Jeremy: good for short an mid range, good to conceal as well
Vellian: Yeah, I like this one. Zhyros also likes pistols, he told me he uses them for mid/close combat alongside his fists.
Illvanya: he was a pirate, he would have used them a lot, could you pass the other one?
Vellian: Yeah he told me he used to use pistols a lot, he seems like he knows too about the topic.
Vellian picks up the other pistol and gives it to Jeremy
Jeremy passes the pistol and gives it to Illvanya, it’s a PPK, a highly concealable small firearm, she loads it and fires a single shot, it’s loud and the zombie is hit in the forehead, it stumbles back a step but then rights itself and stands where it was
Illvanya: if I can silence it I think I will start carrying this around, it’s really easy to just put in a pocket and not have it show.
Vellian: Ok, ill do two suppressors, one for Jeremy’s rifle and another for your gun.
Jeremy: thanks, can you do 3? Be nice to have the other pistol quiet too, just means I can use it short range.
Vellian: Ok, I'm noting that too. Another thing you might need?
Jeremy: a scope, preferably one that I can change the lenses on and adjust the magnification of on the fly.
Vellian takes notes of everything
Vellian: Illvanya?
Illvanya: I don’t need as much equipment as he does, short and medium range is always easier than long range.
Vellian: Good that should be everything.
Closes the notebook
Vellian: Wanna stay for dinner? Zhyros and Penelope should be arriving soon.
Illvanya: sure thing, bars still closed because Jeremy is uncertain of my condition, I say I’m fine but he doesn’t think so
Jeremy: you did almost die a couple days ago so forgive me for looking out for you
Vellian: Ok, lets go inside then
They all go inside and sit on the sofa
Illvanya: do you want us to help cook? I’m happy to if you would like us to
Vellian: Yeah, why not, Zhyros is thrown one who cooks mostly, I want him to rest for a night.
A sudden loud noise is heard outside, Vellian looks through the window
Vellian: They have already arrived they have the wood.
Zhyros and Penelope enter the cottage
Zhyros: Yooo guys. We are already back.
Penelope: The bastard of Keynån is six feet underground. Now lets have dinner.
Zhyros: Let me cook
Vellian: This time Illvanya will cook.
Zhyros: Uh?
Vellian: Look at you, you are tired, rest a bit, you will need strenght for tomorrow.
Penelope: Ok, I'm good with it. Illvanya cooks well
Zhyros: Fine, I'll rest a bit.
Illvanya stands and walks over to the kitchen, he boots clicking on the wooden floor, she examines the contents of the cupboards
Illvanya: do we all like stew here?
Zhyros: Yeah, in fine with that.
Penelope: If Illvanya cooks, I'm good with it.
Vellian: Same
Jeremy: you’re a chef, you can make anything taste good
Illvanya: thanks hon
Illvanya uses her utensils expertly, swiftly making very nice stew, she plates it and serves it with a glass of the Rosé they brought
Illvanya: dinners ready!
Meredith: Awwww this looks delicious.
Zhyros: Yeah.
Everyone sits on the table and starts having dinner together
Illvanya has impeccable table manners whereas Jeremy has them but they are lacklustre in comparison, however he could eat how he eats at a fancy restaurant and be absolutely fine
Zhyros: Uhhhhh what gentleman Jeremy.
Penelope tries to hold the laughters
Jeremy: what, she’s a fucking noble, of course her table manners are good
Meredith: You two are equally retarded.
Zhyros slaps Penelope on the back of her head, then she slaps him on the same place
Illvanya: there is a reason they are married.
Meredith: Yeah, it can be seen. 5 gc that they started getting cheesy.
Illvanya: Im not a betting woman, however last time I made a gamble it paid off
Meredith: Augh fine.
Jeremy: we know our luck, there’s a good reason we plan so meticulously.
Meredith: Fair enough.
Illvanya: thanks for your help today Vel, I’m looking forward to those modifications
Vellian: They should be ready on Saturday.
Illvanya: that’s not very long, we may have to get our masks back in shape hon
Jeremy: we should probably get new ones, they were just dark cloth after all.
Zhyros: You two planning on getting back on the game?
Jeremy: god no, not in the way we were anyway
Illvanya: been chatting to the drow lately, seeing if we can get a job in, we are hoping to be a little more than deadbeat assassins and maybe something a little more interesting, just for a bit of fun, we love the simplicity however it gets a little boring at times.
Zhyros: Why dont go look at the wanted posters? There are lots of juicy bounties out there.
Jeremy: easy prey, and we aren’t in it for the money anymore, we are in it for the thrill.
Zhyros: Hmmm you could offer your services to the knights, they always want someone dead.
Jeremy: we offered our services to the drow, she’s always got something interesting happening.
Zhyros: Good, she is good at her job l, she might help you with your thrill search.
Illvanya: she’s better than us, watching her we may be able to learn something, but yes, our new weapons will assist us nicely in keeping up weapons wise.
Zhyros: Good luck with it then.
Illvanya: thanks, how did your attacks on that asshole of a Druid go?
Penelope: He is dead
Jeremy: and his trees?
Penelope: Theyre outside.
Jeremy: that’s good to hear, only bad thing about it is that he will no longer feel the chronic pain I gave him last time
Zhyros: Hell is causing him that now.
Illvanya: been there, done that
Jeremy: he’ll be in the eighth circle, he’s getting deep fried in a pit of fire.
Penelope: Ahahahahah, moron deserves it.
Zhyros: Indeed my dear, indeed.
Illvanya: everyone at this table except you two she points at Vellian and Meredith will go to hell when we die, want to know what my plan is to avoid that? Don’t die
Zhyros: Too late, died lots of times. Jeremy killed me one of those times.
Jeremy: you never went to hell, you came back, there’s a difference between dying momentarily and getting sent to hell for eternity, let’s hope that asshole gets deep fried extra hot.
Zhyros: Yeah, same
Illvanya: how is the food?
Zhyros: Excellent
Illvanya: it’s beef liver
Zhyros: It tastes very good
Illvanya: thanks she sips her wine incredibly gracefully and Jeremy holds a giggle
Zhyros: Uh?
Jeremy: she drinks like a noble
Illvanya: and you drink like streetscum
Jeremy: I am streetscum
Zhyros: Yeah.
They keep chatting as the night goes on
/uw Wikipedia articles on the weapons in question
M30 drilling
submitted by DaDoggo13 to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 11:58 Forsaken-Money2804 Suggestions after one playtrough

Golf Carts in different colours please – It is boring that all are blue. Easily fixable. Golfcartaddons like a trailer for log/stone/etc transport please. I like the golf cart!
Inventory Knight V Please.
3d printed crossbow bolts – If you can print arrows why not bolts.
The waterturtles should give turtle shells aswell.
Bears, Boars, hostile Crocodiles and mountainlions or snakes would add nicely in the landscape. CAPYBARAS are the best in green hell…
An alternative for collecting rainwater than turtleshells, maybe with stone or the buckets that are laying around. Or with the most obvious one – Use the Tarps to collect rainwater…
The flashlight attachement on the crossbow is blocking the aim sight.
Flashlight / redlight attachement for compositbow please.
Setting to automatically drop rotten/spoiled food.
Give us an helm to attach the flashlight with duct tape. Should not you wear one anyways by default?
45°Angled Snapppoints to the side.
Options to build bigger by default. A Normal Log height is not that high of a ceiling and building like 6x ¼ high is extensive with the struts. Extra long Logs for example like 1,5x the size of a normal log. Same thing with stone.
Walls and Ceiling blueprints so i can enslave kelvin to build my base for me.
¼, 1/3, ½ Snappoints to building up and to the side.
Why are not spiked walls on foundation logs possible?
Variable Window options with different sizes than the default ones. Also doors. Maybe glass which you can smelt from sand. A greenhouse would be nice to build.
Improve the farmingsystem please. Why cant i dig patches with the shovel or add the groundpatches from the first game. Maybe add fooditems for vegetarians like potato, corn and wheat, maybe more fruits and vegetables aswell.
If Structuredamage is off cannibals and mutants should not be able to destroy planted plants in the beds.
I would like to be able to breed rabbits like in the first game and pet them. Maybe fish aswell.
More bone storage in inventory please. More Skullstorage aswell.
Craftable ammunition from solafite or a different metal maybe?
Kelvin should be able to make firewood and store it.
A Call Option for Virginia.
A climbing pickaxe to conquer the steep parts of the mountain in the middle. It was really frustrating to try to climb it and yet to fail in the end i had to walk around.
Deers with antlers please.
The Lizards from the first game please with the lizard hidearmour. It is so classic.
An Option to regrow destroyed trees/bushes/flowers etc. instantly, for cases where you have destroyed it by accident or want to incorporate them in your building etc, like how it is possible in ARK with the refertilizer item.
Snappoint/Incorporateoptions for the gliderlauncher bp to your foundations/plattforms/ceilings. Or an alternativemodel without the defaultfloors and only with the turtleshells.
3d printed furniture would be nice.
The springtrap is doing like nothing to the larger mutants besides letting them jump a little bit.
Babys dont drown underwater.
Even if the catdog is fully submerged at a point it does not drown.
The Legsie is not drowning either if his legs stick out of the water. Does ist breath through his hole?
There should be an option to destroy a whole wall or even a whole building at once instead having to either cut on it for ages or just bombing the whole building.
I died 3 times on the bigdemon mini boss. First time it glitched me through the exit. Second time it glitched me in the ground and i fell. Third time it just pushed me in the lava.
submitted by Forsaken-Money2804 to SonsOfTheForest [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 01:12 E6Hooch blueprints question

blueprints question
I finally unlocked the 3rd attribute on the assault rifle blueprint. do I keep going on this or is there a benefit to filling out other ones. I don't swap weapons, only use CR.
submitted by E6Hooch to ZombieWaves [link] [comments]


Crossplay enabled (Microsoft PC, Xbox X/S, PS5, Steam)
*Comment here or PM me to apply and for more details.\*
Oasis Gaming Community
Featuring the kindest and most community oriented cluster server around, the Oasis cluster is a laid back community of 18+ adults who just want to log on and play with other chill adults. No drama, just good times.
We are a slightly boosted PvE server that's password protected to keep the negative vibes out and the good times in. Enjoy slightly boosted stats like breeding that's conveniently available on all maps, as well as regular giveaways and events! We have event servers with greatly boosted stats for short-term breeding and taming. We also have player run stores, blueprint libraries and more!
Our friendly community is active both on the servers and on dscord and will make you feel right at home.
Make the right choice with your new ark home at Oasis. We look forward to your company.
-Pelayoris Cryos
-Additions Ascended: Ceratosaurus, Deinosuchus, Brachio, Archelon
-Svartalfheim, S-dino, Dwarven Armory
-Klingers Arkitecture
submitted by that1guy4never to playarkservers [link] [comments]


Crossplay enabled (Microsoft PC, Xbox X/S, PS5, Steam)
*Comment here or PM me to apply and for more details.\*
Oasis Gaming Community
Featuring the kindest and most community oriented cluster server around, the Oasis cluster is a laid back community of 18+ adults who just want to log on and play with other chill adults. No drama, just good times.
We are a slightly boosted PvE server that's password protected to keep the negative vibes out and the good times in. Enjoy slightly boosted stats like breeding that's conveniently available on all maps, as well as regular giveaways and events! We have event servers with greatly boosted stats for short-term breeding and taming. We also have player run stores, blueprint libraries and more!
Our friendly community is active both on the servers and on dscord and will make you feel right at home.
Make the right choice with your new ark home at Oasis. We look forward to your company.
-Pelayoris Cryos
-Additions Ascended: Ceratosaurus, Deinosuchus , Brachio, Archelon
-Svartalfheim, S-dino, Dwarven Armory
-Klingers Arkitecture
submitted by that1guy4never to ARK [link] [comments]