Myspace letters alphabet

keming: mortifying mortising and spasmodic spacing

2012.05.09 23:00 frozenburger keming: mortifying mortising and spasmodic spacing

A subreddit dedicated to the fine art of keming and other examples of bad spacing in typography.

2020.11.19 07:37 84lele SayingTheAlphabet

Saying The Alphabet in random sub Reddit’s and getting people to go with it. (OP is only allowed to say A and one other letter that is not B, you’re not allowed to post other people’s alphabets).

2014.01.15 18:48 Letters make the world go round

Where the first 13 letters of the alphabet should be admired.

2024.05.16 04:17 InsubordiNationalist Did Atticus really teach Scout to read in To Kill a Mockingbird?

It's considered somewhat common knowledge to those familiar with To Kill a Mockingbird that Atticus taught Jean Louise to read by allowing her to sit with him every night when he went over his evening newspaper. But it turns out that isn't the entire story. As modern a father as Atticus was, it was someone else who actually got into the nitty gritty of teaching Scout how to read.
Credit actually goes to Calpurnia.
From Harper Lee's, To Kill a Mockingbird:
Miss Caroline caught me writing and told me to tell my father to stop teaching me. “Besides,” she said. “We don’t write in the first grade, we print. You won’t learn to write until you’re in the third grade.”
Calpurnia was to blame for this. It kept me from driving her crazy on rainy days, I guess. She would set me a writing task by scrawling the alphabet firmly across the top of a tablet, then copying out a chapter of the Bible beneath. If I reproduced her penmanship satisfactorily, she rewarded me with an open-faced sandwich of bread and butter and sugar. In Calpurnia’s teaching, there was no sentimentality: I seldom pleased her and she seldom rewarded me.
Good old Calpurnia, who was as much a mother to Scout and Jem as she was a housekeeper.
Atticus certainly contributed greatly to the cause, since Scout did read with Atticus at night, and he even mentions that she can continue to do so, even after Miss Caroline discouraged it, but Calpurnia put the early effort into teaching Jean Louise her letters.
submitted by InsubordiNationalist to tokillamockingbird1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:01 amibeingadouche77 How can I help my 3 year old better?

So I have a three year old, he just turned three days ago. He’s in SLT and I’ve been told his expressive language is good. It’s the receptive language that’s lagging. She’s referred him for ASD/ADHD testing but after an initial meeting with a paediatrician they don’t think he has either. However the in depth review is still to happen so he could be Autistic, but being his mother I do highly doubt the ADHD.
This review could be 6-12m down the line and I want to help him now. Anyone else in/been in the same boat? There’s a few things I’m concerned about that I’ll list. If anyone has any pointers I’d love to hear them.
He doesn’t seem to understand what we mean when we ask “What’s your name” “How old are you?” He answers how old are you with “I 3!!” but I know he has no idea what it means. He doesn’t ask any wh questions either (Who, What, Why)…it’s almost as if he doesn’t understand the concept that he is a being. Every woman is mummy except for grandma and every man is daddy.
He answers other simple questions. Like if I ask him what the toy he’s playing with is doing eg “what’s shark doing” he’ll usually respond in simple terms like “Shark eating dinosaur” etc if that’s what he’s role playing at the time
The major,major, thing that concerns me is the head banging when upset. He will straight up bang his head into whatever surface is around and it really really stresses me out. I don’t know how to get him to stop. If it is ASD I am completely out of my depth without any help
Beyond this he’s social, makes eye contact, plays with other children. Knows his alphabet, letters, numbers, shapes, animals, planets, colours. I couldn’t be more proud but just want to help him more
Thank you in advance
submitted by amibeingadouche77 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:58 HeartCraftedGifts Illuminate Your Nights: Planetarium Galaxy Star Projector at Heart Crafted Gifts. Shop now at #Heartcraftedgifts #moonlamps #nightlights #Freeshipping #Nightlamps #galaxylights

Planetarium Galaxy Star Projector

Illuminated and Radiant LED Night Lights Including trending Moon Lights for every mood and occasion.

Personalized LED Moon Lamps, Customized acrylic Night Lamps, Galaxy Crystal Glass Lamps, LED Alphabet Letter Lamps, LED lights Rose Teddy Bear, LED lighted Rose in Glass dome. These LED and acrylic night lights make a perfect and unique gift for elevated gifting experience for home decor and ambient night lighting for your room. These will take you to get a feel of Galaxy and Milkyway through these Glass Crystal LED Lamps!

Heartcraftedgifts #moonlamps #nightlights #Freeshipping #Nightlamps #galaxylights

submitted by HeartCraftedGifts to HeartCraftedGifts [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:32 jehlani_ Help understanding the differences in my code

Hello everybody! I spent 2 weeks stuck on a decrypt function (I'm a beginner). I managed to fix it with the help of chatgpt, but can you all help explain to me what made this new code work?
Here's my new code:
function decrypt(encryptedMessage, shiftValue) { let decryptedMessage = ""; let charCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < encryptedMessage.length; i++) { let char = encryptedMessage[i];
 // Skip random letters added during encryption if ((charCount + 1) % 3 === 0) { charCount++; continue; // Skip this character } if (alphabet.includes(char.toLowerCase())) { let index = alphabet.indexOf(char.toLowerCase()); let shiftedIndex = (index - shiftValue) % alphabet.length; if (shiftedIndex < 0) { shiftedIndex += alphabet.length; } decryptedMessage += alphabet[shiftedIndex]; } else { // If not an alphabetic character, just append it to the decrypted message decryptedMessage += char; } charCount++; // Increment character count } return decryptedMessage; 
Here's my old code:
function decrypt (encryptedMessage, shiftValue) { let decryptedMessage = ""; let charCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < encryptedMessage.length; i++) { // Skip random letters added during encryption// if ((charCount + 1) % 3 === 0) { continue; //Skip this character }
 let char = encryptedMessage[i] if (alphabet.includes(char.toLowerCase())) { let index = alphabet.indexOf(char.toLowerCase()); let shiftedIndex = (index - shiftValue) % alphabet.length; //Ensure shiftedIndex is positive// if (shiftedIndex < 0) { shiftedIndex += alphabet.length; } decryptedMessage += alphabet[shiftedIndex]; //Skip if not an alphabetic characte/ } else { } charCount++; //Increment character count } 
// Your decryption code here return decryptedMessage; }
The project was a Caesar's cipher. My original code didn't handle the decryption like it should've, and the problem was that the "random letter after every two characters" wasn't executed the same from my encrypt and decrypt. My encrypt was correct, my decrypt wasn't.
What about this new code allowed my decryption to work? Thank you all in advance
submitted by jehlani_ to javaScriptStudyGroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:17 throw_away_17381 Looking for these mugs

Looking for these mugs
Hello people who don’t warn £10m a year.
I am looking for these mugs especially the letter Y followed by S and D. Can you help find them anywhere in or near Leicester?
“T. Personality alphabet mug”
Some of the numbers are
A. 5063249417003 E. 5063249417072 N. 5063249417140
submitted by throw_away_17381 to tesco [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:55 JohannGoethe Action: drop three F-bombs 💣; reaction: get perm-banned per rule #2: discussion rules, foul #11: FUCK

Action: drop three F-bombs 💣; reaction: get perm-banned per rule #2: discussion rules, foul #11: FUCK
Don’t be an angry 😡 Shem-head!
From here by A[18]N, an an angry 😡 ShemLand anti-EAN protester; drops two F-bombs 💣 uses because the AtomSeen calendar employs 0AD, and thinks Osiris (Usir) is older than Horus (Heru):
Re: “Believes Scorpion King as historical figure”, visit: TombUJ.
To quote Budge:
Horus 𓅃 [G5] is the oldest god of all / Horus is the oldest of all Egyptian gods.”
Wallis Budge (56A/1904), The Gods of Egypt, Volume One (pgs. 58, 349)
Wiktionary lists Usir (aka Osiris) as being a Czech term? I guess they have higher anger levels in that country?
From here:
From here, a third F-bomb 💣 use; angry 😡 to find out that letter G is NOT based on a throwing stick:
”Where are the symbols for Nut [Bet] 𓇯 [N1] and Shu 𓆄 [H6]?”
The following shows the Egyptian B (𓇯) turned Phoenician B (𐤁‎), with two arms over her head, in the woman-on-top position:
Below her is Geb (𓅬) the earth 🌍 god, with ether a Phoenician G (𐤂) erection or a Greek G (Γ) erection, depending on the phallus angle angle:
Person is defending the Robert Eisler boomerang 🪃 letter G theory, even thought boomerangs were invented in Australia only 200-years ago, because it fits the ShemLand narrative, and makes them “feel good”, aka “feel good scholarship” as Bernal defines things:
Thinks Moses was real, and not an Osiris rescript; objects to the AtomSeen dating system; i.e. they are objecting because of what they were taught in Bible school:
  1. Action: drop three F-bombs 💣; reaction: get perm-banned per rule #2: discussion rules, foul #11: FUCK.
  2. We have given sway to these F-bomb users in the sub before, for months on end, and they never contribute anything substantial; but only waste space-time.
  • It behooves the state of my space-time existence 🚧 NOT to engage in dialogue with those who drop either the S-bomb 💣, the C-bomb 💣, or other DL red flag 🚩 terms
submitted by JohannGoethe to Alphanumerics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:28 EccentricSage81 nanotech hydrophobic cleaning!

The lotus leaf is listed as the greatest cleaning agent known to mankind in wikis and was the religious symbol of countless religions. when dirt is wet and becomes sticky mud it dries caked on and stuck and traps or allows for other air or splashes or spills to sort of stick. nanotech is so much smaller its like a big warehouse of crates having dust settle between them and by wiping and buffing and polishing around you remove some of the dirt hopefully most of it and get it underneath it will go right through and under about anything, got a tarpaulin or umm curtains over the window spray the curtains and unseen fine nanotech SHINES the window beautiful perfect coatings. the thin film is like nonstick frypan stuff but not the teflon stuff its safe diamonds arent teflon so the moisture and dirt wont stick as much and easily clean off or sorta slide down? nanotech like INKS and alcohol dyes (food coloring) or other paint pigment powders and !SOME! clearcoat polishes over a certain hardness rating which are safe for homes as under sapphire 9H or 10H it might be some sort of waste product cheap being sold as something like SCOTCH GUARD which may or may not have those long lasting microplastics which could be tiny serrated or jagged. If something is 9H or 10H diamond or sapphire hardness the few enamels or epoxys that bond that strong are small enough and dense that their structure is so tiny it slips through and under inside things and can reinforce them but doesnt damage round cells in organisms. the same way glass cleaner must be diluted and used everywhere as glass is porous and prehistoric volcanic obsidian glass walking spiders can walk up glass with special microhooks in their feet for the holes in glass look a bit like a golf ball dimples everywhere with tiny hole looks like hair lines through it like imagine those office ceiling panels with the holes in white particle board. So glass cleaner cleans out the gunk or else your windows will have a brownness you struggle to clean out of the glass without a deep penetrating cleaning agent that comes out looking a bit like brown river water thats discolored from the porous rocks in the water having umm tiny microorganisms yep rivers of brown. So a tiny drop of glass cleaner or a couple drops in a spray bottle or a bucket of water and maybe some one or two drops hydrophobic glass coating or quickpaint coat and a tiny drop or two or a single spray of PLASTIC AND LEATHER RESTORER
with these drops of stuff in water in a spray bottle or bucket you maybe wanna find something with a high % percentage of surfactants on the back of the detergent/soap bottle to wipe out germs and uhh its the cleaning component in all bubbling detergents the sort of science and cleaning and germ killing powers of it. Some floor cleaners made for timber floors that might be a little streaky and say like a polish or cure or something that maybe gives timber a little bit of a darker look when used regularly and appears subtly more expensive looking like hardwood but isnt carbonizing its a type of cellular structure bonding that reinforces not prehistoric torture the wood into looking blowtorched carbon stuff chemicals its a cleaning product disenfectant that protects and polishes but it needs some sprays of water then a spray or a few drops then buff it in and then dust mop it dry as its got some mild ANTISTATIC which helps lift up dust.. i found one that cleans like magic at my asian supermarkets but im not recommending specific brands over the other its the science of cleaning. then maybe put in a couple drops or up to a teaspoon of 10H hardness and like spray your laundry on the line or your carpet or whatever.. i do everything.. some products not 9H or greater will use some unsafe superglues which ignite cotton fabrics into flames or other things.. now house construction products like liquid nails brown glue for holding timber together might have a clear version called liquid glass that might be for window glazing or whatever i hadnt checked if its safe to use on fabrics and other surfaces the POINT of it is the NAME might say liquid glass but its maybe not silicon dioxide that the florist uses to keep their plants fresh for 2 weeks longer liquid glass as in THAT liquid glass like on your phones nanotech liquid screen protector you apply several coats of one each day then reapply every 8 months the cheap stuff.. some of the auto ones for cars can last 9 or 10 years. i found lots of bargain store looking products of sites like aliexpress or maybe amazon with brands like glassxkare or fantastic XML and adams polishes for tiny vials of 50ml or less of 10H hardness affordable or fantastic XML for like a big 500ML 9H hardness spray bottle that when sprayed into a spray bottle of water and glass cleaner and a drop of hydrophobic coating and plastic and leather restorer and a tiny drop of timber floor polish cleaner that may or may not make it a tiny bit streaky or splotchy the hydrophobic coatings may also be too hydrophobic you can tell if your spray bottle wont suck up water because the water cant enter the tube but if you spray a couple spray bottles of such tiny drops the nozzle will clog and not spray anymore.. nanocoatings can be tricky i dunno what to do. if its scratch protect films make it streaky and require buffing power tools and youre not loud big tools like me maybe aim it at carpets and couches rather than windows and do those without the floor polish. I've found no sort of uhh possible forseeable reasons for any health issues and my stuff looks and FEELS amazingly better, i think bathroom toilets or tiles or shower and tap fixtures or.. walls and floors and furniture and clothes.. i think id only not try spraying my drinking cups and cutlery but i honestly think i might need to drink the stuff its THAT GOOD. my cats LOVE IT! its kinda scary awesome.. i tried brands of plastic and leather restorer and quick paint coat and hydrophobic glass coating from HGKJ black and green labels. I couldnt tell you how safe it is, i just struggled as im a disability pensioner and saw our really old house falling apart and this damn near reversed a few decades off it and brand new snow clothing and jackets and throw rugs i bought felt BETTER THAN NEW i mean ridiculously better than new. ancient poisons used to clean HALF as good and were feared for being too good and too cheap. But diamonds and liquid diamond are naturally occuring hot springs reactions and the reason monkeys stay in there. its literally pretty much good for all life.
(plastic and leather restorer see leather deep conditioner but better and sorta similar to glass cleaner but a sort of UV protect oil and reinforce that adds the rich deep black color back to PU leathers and those vinyl anime girl figures yellowing from the sunlight and UV will becomes their original selves again or old yellowy car headlight covers get fixed up but so do most paints and timbers and other things. but you wanna seal it in with a nano coating when cleaning it out plastic and leather restorer is used in plastic manufacture and when you peel those clear plastic film stickers off shiny new products they help prevent its slow gradual evapouration and why they look so nice and black and arent just to prevent scratches. several days later plastic and leather restorers super shiny rich deep 'wet hair look for your black pleather chair' will seem to have worn off but its UV protect and other things will still be there and some polishes waxes or coatings can help keep it and its colors and UV protect there a bit longer well the look the restorer itself keeps it like how it was quite a while years? till it goes yellowy or faded again.)
So when we look at the water beading on lotus/lily pad leaves and things, ancient people used saps and old polishes and obsidian blades arrowheads since dinosaurs era. which with 200 times sharper than steel knives carbon nanotech its super dangerous deadly and was mostly all used up and we swapped it all out for modern glasses and glazing and safety glass so we dont slice our selves into piles of body parts on invisible pieces. Since the days of ink and whetstone nanotech advanced impossibly high particularly in volcanic hot springs countrys with samurai swords and caligraphy brush ink. Trying to find the scientifically safest and best possible cleaning products super affordably that might be useful for washing clothes, cars, metals plastics and other things.. are strangely not at the home hardware stores.. you see synthetic diamonds been on the gem market for centuries but too expensive to produce till modern different approaches with lasers and different gas precipitation with super high electricity concentrated over weeks or months or special electrolosys solutions will slowly layer and create diamonds but the diamond solution precipitated that grouped to each other or doesnt perfectly slot into the sort of tetris like bonds of the outer layers of the diamond a bit like diamond growth needs spaghetti O's and we're raining alphabet soup at it till with a bout 30% of the letters having a good chance of sticking. every few hours the solution of sublimation precipitate is swapped out creating a couple oven trays of 'liquid diamond solution' 10H hardness brightness and shines up glass with a thin film of diamond giving it moisture modest water resist we can use graphene to increase water resist and 10H+ hardness and apply hydrophobic coatings.. So who makes lots of these liquid finishes and what are they used for? Most are produced by a car race track owner who insists they protect their cars before taking them out onto the track or a speck of dirt or sand might scratch up the paint. But if i wanted to like power pressure washer spray it up onto my roof tiles and thin out some of that lichen and make them more uhh watertight leaks arent a concern but it might prevent a terrible future. anybody know why its not already a thing and there isnt countless guides on the ideal ratios and stuff? i mean its about as expensive as laundry detergent concentrate and used to be in most of those still is in some developed countries.. its what makes american movie sets look so umm bright and shiny and polished and awesome and makes mansions look like mansions or wealthy look and feel and its where LUXURY COMES FROM. is my cheap poor persons attempt at cleaning my own home not good? even if its mildly bad i think i'd use it forever. ESPECIALLY on things like 100% bamboo bed sheets i bought cheap ones from an australian online retailer and a few coatings of sprays and they felt and looked so dang shiny and awesome. Some bottles of the stuff claim 6 drops coats the car but remember many are diluted or not full strength or dont last long as advertised or a big bottle 500ML might be 3months to a year.. rather than tiny medicine bottle 50ml or 30ml sized 3-5 years most i guess, you need to keep applying a coat very often but having it not be streaky or buffing it in is tough so i maybe shaved years off its coating and thinned it out and just apply a bunch of coats as often product claims 9H its only a tiny % the whole spray bottle and needs many many applications to approach that but it is POSSIBLE theoretically. remember all glass cleaner is blue colored so when you dilute it with water you shouldnt have it fully color the water too much or its TOO STRONG. 80s people cleaned 80s glazing which maybe radium or lead tincture as radiation blocking films were often lead or radiation lined literally as a radiation shield was a.. film of radiation so it lasted years and needed double or triple glazing for expensive high rise buildings and cleaning heaps of smoky 80s glass dredged out horror mud floods of brown sludge that got them accused of dirtying things, though 80s squeegee thingys are really bad unless you reverse them and press down on a microfibre cloth with them for good even pressuer and a nice streak free clean using the back black rubber blade part to make a thin line of glass cleaning cloth good contact i previously saw reverse squeegee you mount cleaning cloths into specifically but searching i cant find to buy it when i tested it out at home with a squeegee that doesnt clip in like that. are there special tools you guys use? whats the secret? also the purple ceramic graphene ones seem awesome but maybe arent quite close to 9H either.. the bright shine of 10H or 10H+ on tiles and glass.. when apply hydrophobic it looks like zero application of anything somehow its gone for days. does anyone have a more ideal ratios specific or specific active ingredient amounts by weight or dilute with stuff that isnt water to help it keep its years of coating? does using a power washer make it not last? or last longer? or apply streaky splotchy? if its splotchy would more coats over weeks get it all consistent?
the liquid diamond stuff is in many countrys water or whatever.. but uhh concerns about silicosis maybe arent a thing at all if you cough it feels like its cleaning your lungs not harming them. Silicosis happens when criminal retards enter a sandblasting sealed room containment to steal the literally raw materials from factories or whatever or they use water cutting and sand blasting and CNC machines and sharpening blades constantly without sealed enclosure vacuum air scrubber filters. thats what wrecks those benchtop workers also they maybe mixing or breathing wrong epoxys and resins or dont seal them with the correct sealants and polishes and finishes.
submitted by EccentricSage81 to housekeeping [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:14 tsusee028 Legends arceus EAST EG* PROOF TO THOSE WHO THINK ITS A TROLL…..

Like I said prior about it getting an alpha to spawn doing it in a certain way catching letters a certain way. Right now I’ve mostly seen its odds of spawning when I left and heard a DONG Bell go off. Anyone thinking the rooms purple due to morning it ain’t it also does it during other times to. Prior sound video is absolutely not a Pokémon I tract its location there’s no spawns I reset it 40 times found no Pokémon on top of where my sound was or herd. Waited a hour each time. Either it’s certain letters that make it spawn right after or catching alphabetical even possibly spelling not sure again I’m working on it I’m opening up to every possibility. Anyone who’s an Easter egg hunter knows not to be short minded when it comes to these things … also to use common sense. I ain’t some dumb little kid thinking he found something either. There’s most certainly an Easter egg hidden in the unown temple. Purple room fading. If I get it down I’ll definitely update if anyone else knows anything lmk.
Earlier this morning same concept a Sh*** Alph appeared immediately after catching a certain way with a whole new spawn of unowns. One who thinks I’m trolling to does it look like it now me I’m bs
submitted by tsusee028 to PokemonLegendsArceus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:34 JasonBetter10 Preschool Pros and Cons: Sending Your Child to Preschool

Preschool Pros and Cons: Sending Your Child to Preschool
Early childhood education like daycare and preschool is great for children to start exploring the world. But is sending your child to preschool right for them? Take a look at this list of pros and cons of sending your children to preschool.


Children are able to practice their social skills

Preschool curriculum includes story time, art projects, simple science experiments, and singing to nursery rhymes. These activities let kids work with other kids. Teachers give instructions for these activities and the children learn how to cooperate with their classmates.

This develops their ability to communicate with others. Being in preschool helps kids practice their interpersonal skills.
Children are introduced to the basics
One of the benefits of going to preschool is that the alphabet and numbers are included on a daily basis. Children learn the letters of the alphabet by singing songs. They learn numbers and how to count by counting blocks. Children’s language skills are developed through story time sessions and learn colors through painting and coloring books. The activities that kids do in school give them valuable lessons, and although it can be messy, these activities grow their curiosity.
Preschool gives children a glimpse into the sciences like biology, botany, geology, and zoology. Preschool also teaches about shapes by doing puzzles! There are a lot of things that children learn in preschool to prepare them for formal school
Having new experiences
The more your kid explores and plays, the more they’ll learn new things. At preschool, there are plenty of opportunities to make new discoveries. Children will leave their safe zones to uncover things they are curious about.
Children will learn to trust adults
If you are the only adult that your child feels comfortable with, preschool provides a valuable lesson for them. In preschool, children spend time with teachers and other adults. By enrolling your child in school, it helps them build trust with other adults.
Beside you, they will learn to trust other adults and that they’ll be okay without you around. Being in preschool helps your child learn independence.
Preschool can be expensive

Early childhood education doesn’t come cheap. The cost of preschool education varies depending on where you live. For some, it is cheaper to enroll their child in a daycare. Preschool isn’t cheap, and can even be more expensive than hiring a babysitter.

A preschool education comes with a price, including monthly tuition, registration fees, miscellaneous fees, and other school supplies.
Children will be prone to sickness
When it’s your kid’s first time attending preschool, it is also their first time being exposed to other kids and new surroundings. It’s not uncommon for kids to get sick when they spend time with other kids.
Make sure to take care of them by providing healthy foods and letting them get enough sleep.
Separation Anxiety
It is normal for kids to feel anxiety, especially when it’s their first time away from their parents. Just like any transition, morning drop-offs can be tough for both the parent and the child. Some children will freak out, so it’s important for parents to establish a good drop off routine.
Assure your child that you are coming back when school finishes. Hug and kiss them goodbye and don’t linger afterwards. Children will get used to this and soon will no longer cry.
At the end of the day, it’s up to the parents to decide what’s best for the child. Carefully consider the pros and cons. Preschool is a wonderful thing and can teach so many things to your children. If you are looking for a great quality preschool, visit Elite Preschool today.

submitted by JasonBetter10 to u/JasonBetter10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:50 Dogma123 Uzbek is one of my linguistic interests. Here is an example of an early attempt by the Soviets at developing an Uzbek script.

Uzbek is one of my linguistic interests. Here is an example of an early attempt by the Soviets at developing an Uzbek script.
Posting here cause this is the better Uzbek sub. Prior to the adoption of the standard Cyrillic script and modern Latin script, there were a few attempts at developing an Uzbek script that ended up kind of mixing both alphabets in an attempt better to accommodate the sounds unique to the Uzbek language. Up until that point a Persian script had been used. There are some interesting examples here of obsolete letters, and letters that would end up being used in languages like Azerbaijani.
submitted by Dogma123 to languagelearningjerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:42 Ilikeyogurts Is there an app which would allow me to transliterate English/Roman letters into Hebrew alphabet?

I found some sites but they only transliterate Hebrew into English instead
submitted by Ilikeyogurts to hebrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 AnaraliaThielle Alphabet Excerpt Challenge: N is For...

Are you ready for another alphabet excerpt challenge? Well, here it is! As a reminder, our challenges are every Wednesday and Saturday at 3pm London time.
Looking for another game to play along with? Don't miss u/Dogdaysareover365's Excerpt game - trope/cliche.
If you've missed the previous challenges, you're welcome to go back and participate in them. You can find them here.
Here's a quick recap of the rules for our game:
  1. Post a top level comment with a word starting with the letter N You can do more than one, but please put them in separate comments.
  2. Reply to suggestions with an excerpt. Short and sweet is best, but use your judgement. Excerpts can be from published or unpublished works, or even something you wrote for the prompt.
  3. Upvote the excerpts you enjoy, and leave a friendly comment. Try to at least respond to people who left excerpts on the words you suggested, but the more people you respond to the better. Everyone likes nice comments!
  4. Most important: have fun!
submitted by AnaraliaThielle to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:53 mr_nugget-69 On a video of a dude being asked to name a country for each letter of the alphabet

On a video of a dude being asked to name a country for each letter of the alphabet submitted by mr_nugget-69 to USdefaultism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:50 PitExplainTheJoke Secret meanings in the alphabet?

It's a theory I come across every once in a while. Every letter has a few hidden meanings in it unlike other alphabet which letters are nothing but a way of conveying sound through writing. Things such as their gematrical value, a "concept" which is represented in their names, the other letters each letter is made out of etc. And I see rabbis advocating for this theory while presenting more and more coincidences that only make it seem less coincidental, I even heard people saying God made these letters first and only afterwards used them to create the world. But it makes no sense to me because wasn't the alphabet taken from Aramaic? Doesn't it kind of defeat the theory that God invented these letters and hence they are so sophisticated? For example when Moses broke the commandments and had to rewrite The Torah, if this theory is true the Israelites should've been able to read what Moses wrote which according to this theory should've been the Aramaic alphabet. Yet it was only adopted later chronologically. Please explain to me how this theory is seen by Jews because I frankly don't understand how it could be possible historically
submitted by PitExplainTheJoke to Judaism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:24 kballs OFAH - Alphabet - letter H

OFAH alphabet - letter H
Saw this being done on a few other subs over the years, might be fun to give it a bash here.
Rules are simple, new letter each day, and we try to come up with the OFAH alphabet.
Most upvoted comment wins.
New post every day around lunchtime with a new letter, and we go until we reach the end.
How’s about it me old son?
Yesterday’s winner was Groovy Gang (narrowly beat Gary!)
So sling yer ‘ook into letter H
Just to clarify since some didn’t get it. It’s a new letter every day, so H only for today, I tomorrow etc.
submitted by kballs to OnlyFoolsAndHorses [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:23 elfarisedu English Alphabet Letter A Capital a Small - الصفحة 17

submitted by elfarisedu to u/elfarisedu [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:46 elfarisedu English Alphabet Letter A Capital a Small - الصفحة 16

submitted by elfarisedu to u/elfarisedu [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:55 Creative-Wall-9464 Help with Residence Permit for Newborn - Seeking Advice

Hi everyone,
I'm seeking advice regarding obtaining a residence permit for our newborn baby. Here are the details:
I've searched online and through Reddit, but I haven't found any similar cases or advice on how to proceed with this specific situation. If anyone has experienced something similar or knows what steps we should take next, your guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help!
submitted by Creative-Wall-9464 to TillSverige [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:55 Gh0st4rt1st Attempting to learn to write in Galactic Avali Scratch.

Attempting to learn to write in Galactic Avali Scratch.
Sooo as title says, lately out of boredom I was attempting to learn to write in Galactic Avali Scratch that is mentioned in Todd's Avali Guidebook (sorry that I don't remember exact name of book). There are still few lines of certain letters that are still tricky to write consistently but by now I am almost capable to write without needing to cross check with that book. The second image is from my one notebook where I am writing random facts about Moon and it's phases and third image is the reference Galactic Avali Scratch alphabet. So far I love that this font flows well once rythm is caught when writing (yes I noticed odd rythmicallity and musicality of the Scratch), that it is satisfying to write it with glass dip pen/fountain pen and for curiosity, I used last Diamine Golden Sands ink that I have. I hope I did not screw up especially with vertical writing in smol Leuchtturm notebook :'D.
submitted by Gh0st4rt1st to avali [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:17 JohannGoethe The new r/HieroTypes sub 28-letter Egyptian alphabet banner explained

The new HieroTypes sub 28-letter Egyptian alphabet banner explained submitted by JohannGoethe to AlphabetOrigin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:16 JohannGoethe The new r/HieroTypes sub 28-letter Egyptian alphabet banner explained

The new HieroTypes sub 28-letter Egyptian alphabet banner explained submitted by JohannGoethe to Alphanumerics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:50 JohannGoethe The new r/HieroTypes sub 28-letter Egyptian alphabet banner explained

The new HieroTypes sub 28-letter Egyptian alphabet banner explained submitted by JohannGoethe to HieroTypes [link] [comments]