House plan plumbing symbold\

Water pressure in my house is oddly high for the first couple seconds of turning on any faucet.

2024.06.10 02:22 Zlurpo Water pressure in my house is oddly high for the first couple seconds of turning on any faucet.

I turn on the tap, and the water comes out extra high pressure for maybe 2 seconds, then it returns to normal.
Not sure what's causing it, as though it's building up in the lines (maybe doing exactly that. CPVC plumbing lines through the house, if it matters).
Under my bathroom sink, I have this style valve for the cold water. Don't love it, but it's never given me problems before. However, it seems like the higher pressure is actually pushing it up occasionally (up is off), so my bathroom cold water is sometimes just turned off until I press it.
So I guess I have a few questions. Is there a way to stop this pressure build up? Is there a way to lower it? Is there a non-wasteful way to have like... a pressure release valve somewhere?
I'm concerned that it could cause damage at some point and I'd like to avoid that.
Thanks for any advice.
submitted by Zlurpo to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:19 Alarmed-Marsupial-25 Theoretically speaking…

If you spent the last year planning and preparing to end your life, selling everything you own - collections, house, car, defaulting on payments for everything- and then you wake up from your attempt in the hospital and get placed into a psych ward where you meet a woman who feels like “the one”… writing heartfelt poetry to her, wanting her but also not, with your life situation… would you keep her at arms length? Take what you can get but keep it mostly surface level, especially having no idea where you’ll be going or how you’ll get your life back together? Would you block her upon having to move to another state because it’s your only option to get back on your feet?
If you experienced this on the other side - would you be hurt that after sleeping together for the first time you find out he only wants a “situationship” and feels unable to express his true feelings? Or commit to anything? Even if all you’re asking for is commitment itself?
I guess what I’m asking as the woman in this equation… does it sound like just a tragically unfortunate situation or was I played? Was he in a such a bad place that he didn’t care if he was hurting me by saying all of those things? It’s been months. I’m still so hurt and regretful and have no idea whether it was even real or not… I can’t help but think that if I was in his shoes and it was real, I’d do anything to keep our connection alive… the way I wanted to. Then I’m embarrassed because I was probably just more invested and he didn’t truly mean “right person, wrong time”… like it was said to console me. But maybe he sees it differently and was honest but feels no contact is for the best. It hurts so much because I’d have been happy to just hear from him occasionally. Or commit to each other in an unconventional way… like no strings attached but giving each other support and encouragement and affection when possible. Idk. I really loved him. Not as a result of our situation I just adored him as a person, he made me laugh, we had a ton in common, similar ideas and dreams, enough contrast to have really good deep conversations… I cared deeply about him. I’m trying to move on. But it’s hard with no closure.
The last I heard from him was when we said goodbye… I cried the whole time and he never took his eyes off me but I have no idea what he was feeling or thinking. He said that I did a lot for him and he was grateful. We talked about keeping in touch. I said “love you” and he said it back… felt like a consolation, but I don’t know. Then he told me to text him when I got home safe. And left. I did, and he never responded. Texted him later that night asking if I could please see him to have sex one last time (which I regret horribly but he did ask if we could a few days prior as well). I apologized the next day and said I hoped the drive was going well. He probably blocked my number. I worry so much about him and then I get conflicted and angry, then embarrassed and frustrated and then I feel bad for making this about me and I don’t know what to make of any of it.
Would appreciate any insight or advice.
submitted by Alarmed-Marsupial-25 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:19 dankest-dookie My toilet is bubbling... Do I have to stop using all plumbing in my house?

Bought my first house 2 years ago and have had to call a plumber to snake the outside line twice, about to be a third time, for the same issues.
For context, I live on a corner lot and my lines run into my neighbor's yard. Their neighbors lines also run into their yard, meet, and then go out to the big tank in the alley.
My neighbors will start getting a sewage smell in their yard and my toilet starts to randomly bubble/gurgle until the plumber comes into both of our yards to snake the lines. This time we won't be able to get anyone to snake for at least 3 days...
Do I have to just go to the gas station every time I need to use the bathroom until a plumber gets here? And am I able to use the shower? I have a newborn so I just need to plan for him.
submitted by dankest-dookie to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:18 Physical-Reception99 Feeling guilty

I had so much planned for my first born baby when he would start walking. I was so excited to take him to parks everyday, zoos, aquarium, Disneyland, fun baby/toddler activities in my area. I became pregnant when my LO was 8 months. Didn’t expect it to happen fast since it took us 6 years to conceive. Either way we were so happy and excited. I had a rough second pregnancy with anemia and nothing was helping. Now that I have my second born ( now 2 months ) I still can’t do much. I exclusively BF, house chores, cooking 3 meals a day. It’s so hard to go out… I don’t have village. My best friend would never and I have to pay my mom to baby sit so I can take my toddler out in the mornings. I do take him for walks in the evening for 1 hour straight And it’s difficult because I have to have baby in the carrier which kills my back ( I have 4 different carries too ) or put him in the double stroller which only last 20 mins until he yells his lungs out. My toddler is a runner and I have to chase him that entire hour. On my husbands day off, we get to go out for a few hours but I feel horrible that my son is home majority of the week. I feel like a failure that I can’t take my son to fun places, interact with babies his age and we’re stuck in the house. Anyone went or going through this? How was it for you?
submitted by Physical-Reception99 to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:14 DANKESTPLAGUE Starting my first job as an apprentice tomorrow

I got into the union a few weeks ago, got a call Friday to start Monday at a hospital expansion. They’ve been there for over a year and from what I understand online is that construction should be finished up in the fall. Outside of diy projects around my house (hang interior doors, replace small section of ply wood in my roof) I have absolutely no experience in construction or carpentry. Similar to jiujitsu I plan to go in extremely humble with a wanting to learn/will do anything you tell me attitude. Just looking for some words of wisdom/encouragement and possibly what I should expect my first day. I left my mediocre career of 12 years to be part of the union, I’m both excited and incredibly anxious. Thanks for your time brothers and sisters!
submitted by DANKESTPLAGUE to UnionCarpenters [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:14 ThrowaWayneGretzky99 Built a platform to build my kids treehouse on. Thought you guys might have something to say.

Built a platform to build my kids treehouse on. Thought you guys might have something to say.
I plan to put in 2 foot diagonal braces at each top corner but I was beat after getting this built. I have 6 inch wood decking for the top. It will need to hold appropriately 3 kids at 50 lbs each plus the weight of the wood to build the house which I hope to keep undér 300 lbs.
submitted by ThrowaWayneGretzky99 to Decks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:12 Charming_Accident658 Almost at my wits end

Today is one of those days where I just can't stand my mother. She's always had a way of complaining about literally anything. Never has anything pleasant to say. Today though was just ugh. This morning my husband and I told her of our plans to make shrimp fried rice for dinner. My husband rarely cooks and when he gets an idea he gets excited about it. She immediately got a disgusted look on her face and asked if we could cook chicken instead. I gave her a noncommittal answer, kinda like an "eh". Mind you, she likes shrimp, sometimes she picks and chooses when she doesn't want something. Thing is she almost always asks me to make changes to the dinner I cook. I'm tired of it. Mainly because I do 90% of the cooking, he does the other 9% and her 1% contribution is USUALLY crockpot meals. Which I never complain about because they are good. I'm just so tired of the constant negativity. She came out her her room after sleeping ALL day. Literally all day. And asked if I was making the chicken too, I told her no, because I didn't want to have to cook two different meals. It's not fair to my husband or me. Well she threw a fit, started crying and went back to her room, and now my dinner is getting cold while I cook the chicken. If our finances weres straight, I'd leave now, but we can't. I am on dialysis waiting for disability, and my husband just started a new job last Monday. We want to save up for an RV so we can travel. I have family in Cali and he has family in Texas and an RV would mean we wouldn't be tied down and can go visit both whenever. She has it in her had that we want to buy land and build her her own house on it so she can live next door... That's another story though.
submitted by Charming_Accident658 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:11 PercentageUnusual982 AITA for telling my mom to kick out my father?

I 17M have recently told my mother 36 that she needs to kick out my father 38. My mother and father got a divorce 2 years ago. They got divorced because I caught my father cheating. My family and I live in a fairly wealthy neighborhood, both of my parents work high paying jobs and had amazing reputations. However during my mother's pregnancy with my little brother my father started cheating. He didn't have one affair partner, he was sleeping with every women in town. I caught him cheating 2 years ago when I was across the street my my girlfriend's house. My dad walked out of her parents bedroom with just his underwear on followed by her mom in his shirt. We both started freaking out and I called my mom to come over. My mom saw them through a window on the porch and took pictures and ended up serving him with divorce papers within the next 6 months. My girlfriends parents had a quicker divorce and her father ended up moving in with his parents who lived a town over. My mom let my dad live in the house for 2 years after their divorce! He moved into the guest bedroom and she stayed in her room. Around a year ago my girlfriend and I broke up and my mom started seeing her father. Her father who is 36 is going to be proposing to my mom next month. He moved in at the end of the last year and my mom is due to have have his child very soon. My father just gets in fights with my little brother and I and is basically estranged from us. He has always been a clean cut well kept man that I aspired to be like and now he has let his hair grow out he showers maybe once a week and has stains all over everything in his room he even got fired from his job. I graduated early and have just been accepted into my dream college that is a few states away from where I currently reside. I don't want my father around to ruin my families lives anymore especially when I won't be around to shelter my little brother from it. My mom's fiancé has complained about him being here because he doesn't pay any bills and just raids the fridge. My last straw with my father was when I cam home from work and saw all of the plates smashed in the kitchen and my mother's bedroom door ripped off the hinges. I had a screaming match with my dad and told him to leave but he continued to argue saying I have no authority over him and it is technically his house still. I've been saving money from my job and I am planning to give it to my mother to buy him out so he can officially be out of our life and when I turn 18 I plan to take my mother's maiden name or her fiancé's last name. My mother was hesitant but I ended up helping her buy him out and file for a restraining order. He was served with an eviction notice and I reached out to one of his affair partners who recently had his child and he is going to move in with her. My soon to be step-father and my mother are proud of me for wanting to protect my family but my father is still raging at me for getting him kicked out. AITA?
submitted by PercentageUnusual982 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:09 Arcoris-throwaway I (30F) resent my spouse (35M) for making me rehome a pet -- How do I get over this?

(Sorry for the long post, I just really have a hard time condensing things) So to start, I'm 39 and a half weeks pregnant and maybe a bit more emotional due to that, but I wanna see if there's any validity to my feelings, and if so, or not, how to overcome it.
If it matters, we've been together for 12 years, married for 7.
Backstory: When we bought our house 5 years ago, we gained a bit of a reputation for being a safe place for friends to rehome their pets because we had the space and time to care for them) My spouse never minded, and we ended up with a dog (planned), 2 cats (1 planned, 1 not), a hedgehog (unplanned), an aquatic tank of frogs and snails (unplanned), and a giant african land snail (unplanned).
We had others, but due to age, they have, over the years, passed on. (such as other snails, a hamster, another hedgehog, etc)
My husband never really liked the snail, but put up with it, since I kept the tank clean and all of the upkeep cost fell onto me. (We do have separate finances, but usually cover half of the pets, except for the snail.)
Well, this last 2 years, we noticed that every 4 months or so, there would be a cycle of flies that would come in, invade the exotic pet room, and it would take us a couple weeks to remove them. NOTHING seemed to trigger it... At first, we thought the tank wasn't good enough, or I wasn't cleaning him as often as I should (even though I removed old food and poop daily, and kept his substrate clean) so I upped the intensity a bit, bought completely new types of substrate, removed wet bark daily and replaced it, it was a very pricey upkeep but I wanted to try everything.
In this past winter, we had a large fly outbreak, and my husband said if we couldn't solve it this time, I would have to rehome Gordon (the snail) because he couldn't handle it anymore. We did a lot of research on what to do, and tried out a new tank.
Now, we DO like to keep windows open, so we aren't really surprised that the flies are getting in per se, but they linger because they usually sneak into the snail tank, which is very humid, and they nest and populate there.
However, the new tank worked wonders for about 6 months this time, until the flies started again the other night.
Frustrated, he said that this was it, Gordon couldn't stay, the flies were just too much, and he couldn't deal with another week or two until the situation went under control again.
I, very emotional, pleaded with him to let me try a different substrate -- but here's the thing, changing substrate really stressed Gordon out every time. Cleaning and re-adding it one thing, but complete changes always makes him a bit sick for a few days where he's noticeably lethargic and doesn't eat. He's getting old and I'm not sure exactly how long snails like him live, so I really weighed the pros and cons.
He was pretty mad, but agreed.
I did so much research and found out I was going to probably have to fork over another $120 for this substrate, AND our local stores didn't have it in stock, so it would take awhile to come in.
We're expecting our daughter in literally 4 days, and I kept replaying in my head his frustration (never anger, he never once raised his voice, but he was very very obviously upset) about the situation, and the next morning (yesterday), I took Gordon down to a very small local pet store that is NOTORIOUS for taking in exotic animals, since the owner cares for them, doesn't resell them, and has a passion for exotics.
This place has saved so many lives, since they take in a lot of illegal animals that the SPCA would kill. I trusted them with my baby, I know the owner, and knew that if anyone would give Gordon the best life possible, it would be him.
He did happily take Gordon, said he was the biggest snail of the species he had ever seen, and he was obviously very well taken care of so far. It was incredibly emotional, and I went home and ended up having an absolute massive breakdown.
When my husband came home, I admitted that I was angry at him, and needed some alone time. He saw that I had given Gordon away, and kept telling me how sorry he was (over and over and over) and that part of him regrets saying what he did....but that only made me angrier. HOW can you be sorry when you told me that this was what I needed to do?? The thing that made me angriest was when he said "I didn't want you to hurt this badly" if we hadn't done this whole song and dance literally 6 months previously when he FIRST gave me the ultimatum.
I'm just so angry that he keeps apologizing, and I want to lash out and say he wasn't actually sorry, because he doubled down on the ultimatum TWICE. I've been keeping my head cool so far when I'm around him, but every time he tells me he loves me, I feel like I have to force myself to say it back, because I'm just so mad.
I'm NOT willing to throw away 12 years, plus the lives of the rest of our amazing animals, or our upcoming daughter, over a snail...but HOW can I regulate these emotions and calmly (and clearly) emphasize that I need him to stop apologizing, because there's no fixing what has happened, and we just need to move on with our lives?
(I should mention, I have NEVER EVER rehomed a pet before...not in my entire life. My family was exactly the same way, we were the safe place for people to rehome their pets too...we never gave them up again.)
Thank you for the advice.
submitted by Arcoris-throwaway to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:08 ExtensionPiccolo9832 I analyzed her lyrics from four albums to understand her long-term feelings for Matty. It’s really messy, and definitely missed some, but I wanted to share.

Joe is: My eclipsed sun" "Another summer taking cover, rolling thunder" "Splintered back in winter" While Matty was light for her
"In the cracks of light - "For just one hour of sunshine"- fresh out the slammer
I dreamed of you - "These fatal fantasies"- guilty as sin
To get me through (or the violence of the dog days)
(Out on waves being tossed- "Drowning in the Blue Nile"- guilty as sin
But I swear (is there a line that we could just go cross?) You were there And I was catching my breath Floors of a cabin creaking under my step And I couldn't be sure I had a feeling so peculiar This pain wouldn't be for Evermore
I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones- "My boredom's bone deep"- guilty as sin In a faith forgotten land "Your faithless love's"- hoax In from the snow- "This has frozen my ground"- hoax
In cardigan music video: At 3:19 Shes drowning in darkness (joes depression), but she sees a gold glimmering light. She goes into it, and she comes out on the other end, no longer drowning. (Fresh out the slammer.) The willow music video picks up exactly where the Cardigan music video ended with a gold string in her hands, and she spends the music video following it. 0:50 she sees a man in the water (Matty) She has her sights set on Matty now. in the background at the exact time it says "Wreck my plans, that's my man" "Say you got somebody, I'll say, "I got someone too" She was planning on being with Joe forever plans changed Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leaving here with you"- imgonnggetyouback
1:01 a younger version of Matty and Taylor with the same golden string in a fort "Il build you a fort on some planet"- down bad Matty and Taylor had a short fling in 2014 and they rekindled in 2023 "Who's gonna stop us from waltzing Back into rekindled flames?" "We were just kids, babe" At 1:52 she tries to get out of the prison (Joe) shes in to reach the man (Mattv).
Taylor at 2:49 is walking on frozen ground (joe) following a golden string
In 3:03 shes in a house with a man (Matty) They connect again and leave the house The sun is out shes fresh out the slammer
I also think snow on the beach is about Matty "your eyes are flying saucers from another planet""For a moment I knew cosmic love"- down bad
"Can this be a real thing? Can it?" -"They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about the existence of you"
"I thought I was better safe than starry-eyed"-“How dare you think it's romantic Leaving me safe and stranded”
I saw flecks of what could've been lights But it might just have been you- "If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary"- loml "he's passing by Rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky And he feels like home"- long story short
My smile is like I won a contest And to hide that would be so dishonest"Like you were a trophy or a champion ring And there was one prize l'd cheat to win" "'Cause once your queen had come You treat her like an also-ran"
drowning in joes waves of depression: "Don't want no other shade of blue But you No other sadness in the world would do"- hoax "I'm on waves, out being tossed"
Frozen ground: "This has frozen my ground"- hoax "Whether weather be the frost" - evermore
submitted by ExtensionPiccolo9832 to u/ExtensionPiccolo9832 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:08 Conscious_Credit_181 We are about to build a new ETL, any suggestions?

Hi guys,
I work for a small (~15 employees) business that has an antiquated proprietary ETL that is simply too inefficient and slow to scale with our business. Too much manual work, not enough quality assurance or file validation, the list goes on. We are in the beginning phase of planning out a new ETL and would like some feedback on what tools are are best suited for this. A few quick points:
What are some tools we should look into?
submitted by Conscious_Credit_181 to dataengineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:08 Fast-Mobile-5722 Quitting Job

Im sorry if you think i'm being dramatic lol I have been coaching at my old gymnastics gym for 3 years. My boss, Susan, used to be my coach when I was younger. I have known her since I was 7 years old, and now I am 19. I have a lot of personal connections with people at the gym and even with my family. I just got a job at Walmart, but I told Susan that I don't plan on leaving my coaching job. Recently, Susan changed my schedule and now I will be coaching the team instead of just recreational classes. I have two jobs, but it's difficult to work both because my coaching job starts right when my shift at Walmart ends, and I would be late most of the time.I would leave my house around 7am and get home at 8pm l also don't get enough hours coaching and feel guilty about leaving because it's hard to find experienced gymnastics coaches. I know they don't have anyone to fall back on if I leave. I want to quit, but I need some advice before I do.
submitted by Fast-Mobile-5722 to AmI_InTheWrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:06 kayligo12 Haven’t received check from house sale for 45 days

My dad with Alzheimer's bought a house 50/50 with a woman who financially abused him and then kicked him out of the house. She lived there free for 9 months while he didn't have access to his own home (she threatened to call the police if he tried to enter the house). Got an attorney and finally forced her to sale it. The house was put on a trust. Her attorney created the trust and represented her in our case against her to sale it. Now her attorney has my dads half of the funds and isn't releasing them to me or our attorney. It's been 45 days. What can I do? I'm already planning to file a complaint against her attorney with the state when this is over for conflict of interest but is there anything I can do to actually get justice? Or speed this along? I hate how helpless I feel watching my dad get taken advantage of like this.
submitted by kayligo12 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:06 Stellar-Sketch42 I'm tired of living.

I apologize for the length in advance....Honestly, writing down my feelings isn't easy for me, but I'll give it a shot. As a guy, I've always felt like expressing emotions is a waste of time and unwelcome. That's why I turned to Reddit—where no one knows me and I don't have to fear judgment from people in my daily life. I've often felt like my issues aren't as bad as others', so I didn't think I had a place in this thread and just tried to tough it out. I still feel that way, but I think I'll explode if I don't get these thoughts out somewhere.
Growing up, I was always bullied and excluded, which made me feel like I'd never be fully accepted anywhere. I've been considered overweight for most of my life, and people never missed a chance to remind me. Looking in the mirror, I feel disgusted with my body. Whenever I try to start a routine of exercising and eating healthier, it doesn't last because the cruel things people say hold me back. It feels like I'm only trying to lose weight because of them, not for myself. It really hurts to hear comments like, 'I don't want to work with him, he's fat,' or 'You need to lose some weight, you're too big.' These words stick with me, and I just can't seem to lose weight, no matter what I do. Discouragement is always there.
I've always been the one who 'accidentally' wasn't invited to the party or event. I get those lame apologies like, 'I thought you wouldn't want to come' or 'I didn't think you'd be into that.' Sometimes, I wouldn't get invited at all, and everyone would act normal the next day. I've been excluded because of my weight and race, and it's made me ashamed of my background. I feel like so many people are better than me, and that's why I can't be friends with them or get invited to events. Now, I turn down any invites because I always feel like there's a catch or some malicious intent. I'm not used to feeling included, so when it happens, it makes me uncomfortable in the worst way and it sucks.
Growing up, my parents always treated my sister better than me. When she got in trouble, she'd get yelled at or have something taken away. But for me, it was much worse—I’d get yelled at, have things taken away, and get beaten. My father used dress shoes, belts, broomsticks, his hands, and feet on me. My sister never faced that kind of discipline. Some beatings haunt me to this day, making physical affection really hard for me. I remember being beaten until I bled or being thrown against walls. Going to school with visible bruises was humiliating, and even teachers made fun of me sometimes.
My dad would also destroy things I loved as punishment. I vividly remember him breaking my favorite Spider-Man (2002) DVD, threatening to hit me if I tried to stop him. Since then, I haven't watched that movie. He also broke some toys and electronics, making me detach from things I loved because I knew they'd eventually be destroyed. I would cry, be angry, and sad for days, and if I showed it, my dad would give me the "I'll give you something to cry about" lecture. This experience left me feeling powerless and angry with anything I grew to love and cherish.
My younger cousin had to stay with my family as her mother was arrested and she would have been placed in foster care if we had not taken her in. I'm not sure what she was subjected to but she would constantly ask me for sexual favors (I was also a kid at this time as well) and I would turn her down for obvious reasons. Eventually, she became more aggressive and would ask for sexual favors but add ultimatums in which she would tell my parents I was trying to do sexual things to her if I didn't comply. I couldn't tell if this was a joke, so I complied being a dumb kid, and continued to feel so humiliated and violated by my cousin. Thankfully, she was able to leave our house to live with another relative but I never told my parents what went down.
As a teenager, I realized how emotionally unavailable my parents were. Whenever I tried to talk to them about my dark thoughts and feelings, they brushed me off, especially my mom. She’d say I was making it up, being dramatic, acting crazy, or being a psychopath. My dad would make sarcastic remarks or smile like I was a crazy person, telling me to stop the nonsense.
What hurt even more is that both my parents work in mental health. It’s ironic how two mental health professionals could make me feel so invalidated. Whenever I calmly approached them about something they did or said that upset me, they’d gaslight me into thinking I was the problem, especially my mom. She always found ways to make me feel guilty and stupid if I didn’t follow her advice. Saying no in my house was nearly impossible.
For a long time, I believed that my self-hatred and suicidal thoughts were just me being dramatic because my parents made me feel that way. They took my sister’s emotions more seriously. When she had depressive episodes, they’d check on her, but they never did the same for me. My dad even said it was probably because she's a woman and I’m a man, which seemed to be the dynamic in our household.
One time, my sister pulled a knife on me because I called her friend a B-word after being bullied by her. She chased me into the kitchen, pinned me against the counter, and threatened to cut me if I ever insulted her friend again. My dad also chased me with a knife and scissors during heated arguments. When I voiced thoughts about wanting to harm or kill myself, my dad would grab something sharp and say he'd help me do it, while my mom would coldly say, 'Do what you gotta do,' or even claim, 'He's not my son anymore.'
My sister never seemed to care about my mental and emotional health, and my parents seemed to agree with her. She constantly made me feel inferior, saying things like, 'You're not emotionally developed enough to have conversations with me.' This lack of support from my family made me feel even more isolated and desperate.
I used to cut myself, eat gluten (even though I have celiac disease) to cause internal pain and bleeding, and hit myself with objects or my bare hands. I’d punch my thighs or my face until I saw bruises, discoloration, blood, or swelling. I still do this when I feel overwhelmed, as a form of self-punishment. I also yell at myself aggressively because I believed that’s what punishment was. I even broke my own things as a way of saying, 'Do it again, and see what happens.' I thought punishment meant making myself feel miserable and worse about myself, rather than teaching a lesson.
In high school, the bullying continued. People brought up old things to bully me about, and I faced even more racism, being called the N-word and hearing other racist jokes and phrases. Many people told me I should just kill myself and that I was a waste of space. This was when I first seriously considered suicide and started planning it out.
During this time, I met my first girlfriend. She was a bright spot in my life, but then she cheated on me three times with her ex-FWB. With little self-worth or respect, I kept taking her back, letting her disrespectful remarks and actions slide. Yet, she also had moments of being loving, caring, and understanding. I felt trapped because she made me feel understood and cared for. Looking back, it was probably a manipulation tactic.
As an adult, things got even worse. I stayed with my ex-girlfriend for about five years, enduring her cheating, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and sometimes physical and sexual abuse. She insulted my family and friends, invalidated my feelings, and told me to 'stop crying' and 'be a man' when I was struggling with suicidal thoughts. She’d throw objects at me during arguments and manipulate me into having sex, knowing how desperate I was to stay with her. She even showed her friends pictures of my penis, ignoring how uncomfortable it made me.
One day, I made a harmless joke about always doing her laundry, and she flipped out. We got into a heated argument, and I said some hurtful things, like how I needed medication because of situations like this. We broke up that day, and she slammed her promise ring into my hand.
I was a wreck and tried to patch things up, but she said she wanted to 'experiment' and sleep with other guys. She went on to sleep with many guys and a few girls, and she’d give me detailed rundowns of what she did with each of them. She talked about their "sizes", what they were good at, and things she experienced with them. It crushed me and destroyed my sexual confidence, making me feel like I was never good enough.
This relationship left me more self-conscious about my body than ever. I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and ADHD. I've tried various medications to find what works, and I'm still figuring it out.
Eventually, I hit my breaking point and decided to overdose on my antidepressants. After taking them, I collapsed, feeling my heart race, and my body heat up, and struggled to stay awake. My parents saw what was happening and just stayed with me in my room instead of taking me to the hospital. I could have died that night, and maybe I should have because if my parents would leave me to die, how can I believe anyone cares about me?
A few weeks later, I tried to OD again. This time, no one saw, and I passed out, waking up hours later, still alive. I felt like I couldn't even kill myself correctly, and it made me wonder how I could do anything right. I started distancing myself from friends, going months without talking to them. Even though it hurts, I feel like their lives are better without me in them.
I have a few things going for me right now, but it's gotten to the point where I'd give it all up just to stop the pain. I'm almost done with my MBA, I have money saved up, a new girlfriend who's much better than my ex, good friends, and a family. But no matter how hard I try, I can't feel happy.
I've tried seeking professional help, but it hasn't worked out. Therapists either don't pay attention, like one who was on her phone during most of our sessions, or they keep canceling on me. It feels like no one wants to help.
Right now, I still feel the same way, stuck in the same patterns, and the only solution I see is ending my life. I've prayed to God many times, and I believe He hears me. I don't blame Him for any of this, but I hope one day I can experience happiness and the positive feelings people talk about. At this point, I think only God can help me, but it feels like it'll never happen in my lifetime.
I don't feel like I have anyone to turn to or vent to. It seems like I only have myself to rely on, and maybe that's just how it's supposed to be. I really hope my day of death comes soon because I can't keep living like this. I'm isolating myself from friends, my partner, and family. I feel like a waste of space, not good enough for anyone or anything. I believe I'll always be nothing, a loser, fat, and ugly. Sometimes, it's just not in the cards to be 'somebody' in life, and that's the sad truth for me. I honestly don't know what else to do or say.
submitted by Stellar-Sketch42 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:03 Fast-Mobile-5722 Am I wrong for quitting?

Im sorry if you think i'm being dramatic (e I have been coaching at my old gymnastics gym for 3 years. My boss, Susan, used to be my coach when I was younger. I have known her since I was 7 years old, and now I am 19. I have a lot of personal connections with people at the gym and even with my family. I just got a job at Walmart, but I told Susan that I don't plan on leaving my coaching job. Recently, Susan changed my schedule and now I will be coaching the team instead of just recreational classes. I have two jobs, but it's difficult to work both because my coaching job starts right when my shift at Walmart ends, and I would be late most of the time.I would leave my house around 7am and get home at 8pm l also don't get enough hours coaching and feel guilty about leaving because it's hard to find experienced gymnastics coaches. I know they don't have anyone to fall back on if I leave. I want to quit, but I need some advice before I
submitted by Fast-Mobile-5722 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:02 Flimsy_Patience_7780 AITA For Telling My Father To Watch His Own Dog After Being Disrespectful?

Strap in, might be a long one. My father is a lazy, misogynistic, narcissist who demanded we get a puppy when we were looking at adopting a new dog. My mother, who knew she would likely be the one who wound up taking care of it, wanted an “older” dog, more trained, around 1 year or so. Especially since we have never had a puppy; we’ve only ever adopted 2+ year old dogs. Father insisted on a puppy and this it would be “his” dog, but lo and behold, has barely lifted a finger to train her, spend time with her, feed her, etc.
Now, my mother went away for a (much needed, and very much deserved) three-day vacation to visit a friend. I (23F) am currently between apartments and jobs, and offered to stay at the house to help dog sit. We both knew it would be a bad idea to leave my father alone with the puppy (and a cat) for three days.
In those three days I genuinely felt like his surrogate stay-at-home housewife. He would say he’d be back from a job (he’s a house washer) at a certain time to “let me off puppy duty,” only to not show up until hours later and then immediately go down for a nap (meaning, either the dog is crated or I stay on puppy duty). I actually cancelled plans with a few friends because he changed up his own plans without regard to my own time.
I fed the animals, took the dog for walks multiple times a day, ensured she was constantly supervised, fed three times a day, etc. If there are say, 12 hours in a day, I spent 10 of them with her and my father 2. I also had to scoop the litter box, make the coffee and do all the other basic chores that my mother usually does. It certainly gave me a deeper insight into her day-to-day life and stressors, for sure. I made sure to only message my mother if she messaged me; I wanted to give her as much peace and tranquility as possible and have her know that everything else was in good hands. It was important to me that her only job was to relax.
The issue at hand is that while talking as a family upon my mother’s return about random things and her trip, my father snapped at me in a completely unnecessary way. I had walked down the hallway to grab something in the next room while he was speaking, and hadn’t realized he was still telling a story as I came down the hall talking about something else. He snapped at me, something along the lines of, “Will you let me finish my fucking story?” To which I raised my eyebrows, said something sarcastic (alongs the lines of “okay Mr. Sir…”) and then quietly packed up my purse and left the house to cool off.
I could understand not wanting to be interrupted during a story, but the way he said it, the tone, the vitriol, and the misogyny dripping off the sentence was immensely disrespectful. And he always does that; he has no idea how to address people and constantly snaps at them in the meanest ways, and not just to family members. There’s numerous establishments around town he can no longer frequent due to explosive temper tantrums he’s had at the employees there.
I just feel like I’m owed a big apology, especially on the heels of watching a dog that he was 1. Adamant that the family get, and 2. He says is “his” dog, but spends no time with at all. Literally just an accessory.
I was told earlier that because my mother needs to work tomorrow and my father also has a job lined up, that I’d be back on puppy duty. After this little tantrum, I feel like I want to say he can either apologize to me or re-schedule his job for tomorrow to accommodate his need to watch the dog, as I will not be. I worry that this will pass the stress off to my mom, or the dog will wind up penalized by spending most of her day in the crate….I also know he will make me feel like an ungrateful bitch by saying he’s trying to make money for the house that I’m “mooching” off of, and that I should be watching her since I have no job or responsibilities right now and it’s my duty as their daughter to help out. He’s a master manipulator and truly crafty when it comes to gaslighting others.
AITA for telling my father he can either apologize to me and show me some respect, or find a way to watch the dog on his own tomorrow?
TLDR: Father passing off all puppy duties to daughter, and then being extremely rude and disrespectful. Daughter feels she’s owed an apology before agreeing to watch the dog again.
submitted by Flimsy_Patience_7780 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:01 AnymooseProphet Is TL-SG2008v3 right for me?

House is a 5 bedroom "McMansion" being shared by 5 adults. I'm the network admin for the house, it's an Omada network.
I'm looking for a VLAN capable switch. Looking at the TP-Link TL-SG2008 V3 but Amazon lists it as a frequently returned item.
I have a suspicion that frequently returned may just mean many buyers didn't know what they needed and bought the wrong thing, so I'd like to make sure this will do what I need before buying it. I want to manage it with my OC200.

Description of home network

Omada OC200 controlled ER605v2 router with following jack configuration:
  1. WAN (gigabit fiber)
  2. Unused (eventually 5G backup WAN, but 5G service here currently sucks donkey balls)
  3. LAN (default VLAN ID 1 only)
  4. PoE switch for 3 EAP610 WAPs + OC200 (Three VLANS: LAN, IoT WiFi VLAN, Guest WiFi VLAN)
  5. For wired VLAN Switch
For the default wired LAN, I ran new Cat6 to every bedroom in the house plus the living room. The "normal" WAP SSID also is part of the LAN (VLAN ID 1).
There are also house original Cat5e to every room, all originating in a landline telephone NID very close to where the ER605v2 is located.
As needed, the plan was to reterminate the bedroom jacks with 8P8C keystones so they can be used by the resident if/when the resident of that bedroom needs their own VLAN.
That recently happened, one resident needed home hospital care. They (hospital staff) came with their fancy router with all kinds of antennas that failed to connect because 5G/LTE service here sucks and for some reason we couldn't figure out, their fancy devices couldn't see any of the SSIDs from the EAP610s. It could see the neighbor's SSIDs. I suspect their fancy router device ignores WPA3 SSIDs even when those SSIDs also support WPA2.
Anyway I reterminated that bedroom phone jack to 8P8C, took the other end out of the landline NID and connected it (via keystone + patch cable) to ER605v2 port 5 on it's own VLAN id. Worked flawlessly but now I need a VLAN switch if any of the other house original Cat5e runs need to be used for VLAN purposes. One of them will be, to the living room, once we set up the wired security camera system.

The Question

So what I want to do is buy a TL-SG2008v3 (8 port) to uplink to Port 5 of the ER605v2 so that I can potentially put 7 VLAN ID's onto ER605v2 Port 5 and then distribute those IDs via the TL-SG2008v3 as needed through the house original Cat5e wiring. PoE will NOT be distributed over the house original Cat5e.
Seven potential VLANs will cover 5 bedrooms plus the future security camera system with one VLAN ID per jack, and have one jack to spare (I probably would put the VLAN ID 1 on it). Most residents likely won't ever need their own VLAN but I want to be able to provide if any do.
Is the TL-SG2008v3 the right product for me?
Thank you for suggestions.
submitted by AnymooseProphet to TPLink_Omada [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:59 Any-Cartoonist3741 Landlord has been harassing me for the past few months

Hello, I need your advice on a situation I feel helpless in. I have lived in a shared house with other roommates (all girls) for the past 4 years. However, the male landlord happens to live with us too, which most of us find uncomfortable. Last year he approached me and made some provocative remarks. I ignored him yet his behavior kept getting worse. He sat me down last summer and expressed that he would like to meet my mom because he is interested in me and would like to talk with her. I said NO to him and he got upset. Going to skip some info because I’m trying to get to the current issue. Long story short I just say hi to him if I see him which is quite rare and ignore him for the most part. Seems like that has hurt his ego. Last night we ran into each other I saw him, said hi and quickly went back to my room. Today he left a letter outside my room and it’s a notice to move out by Aug 09. There’s no reason in there as to why he wants me to move out. I haven’t said anything to him yet. What should I do? I do plan on moving out but I feel like he’s picking on me and being a total douche.
Also, I lost my job last Dec that’s why I have still been in this situation. Kinda financially tied down.
Edit: forgot to mention he’s in his 50s and I’m 31F.
submitted by Any-Cartoonist3741 to Tenant [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:57 Fast-Mobile-5722 Quitting Conflict

Im sorry if you think i’m being dramatic 😭😭 I have been coaching at my old gymnastics gym for 3 years. My boss, Susan, used to be my coach when I was younger. I have known her since I was 7 years old, and now I am 19. I have a lot of personal connections with people at the gym and even with my family. I just got a job at Walmart, but I told Susan that I don't plan on leaving my coaching job. Recently, Susan changed my schedule and now I will be coaching the team instead of just recreational classes. I have two jobs, but it's difficult to work both because my coaching job starts right when my shift at Walmart ends, and I would be late most of the time.I would leave my house around 7am and get home at 8pm I also don't get enough hours coaching and feel guilty about leaving because it's hard to find experienced gymnastics coaches. I know they don't have anyone to fall back on if I leave. I want to quit, but I need some advice before I do.
submitted by Fast-Mobile-5722 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:57 arkana99 I need help hexing life ruiner.

Hello there,
My life has been completely destroyed. Ive been in a relationship for almost eight years. Things have been up and down and rocky for a long time, but recently had drastically improved and we were discussing finally getting married.
Last week, I was gone for one night on a work trip, and a certain blonde female friend from high school came over at 3 am after a night of drinking. This girl has a history of creating drama within our relationship because she’s always had a thing for my partner. She’s straddled him in front of me, her friends have asked him to show them his nipples in front of me, she’s posted photos on Facebook of her sitting in his lap (from before we started dating but she posted it early on in our relationship), and all kinds of other horrible shit I could spend a decade typing. Of course, my partner never put in the boundaries he should have.
I finally had enough and had the guts to do the self-respecting thing, which is break up with my partner.
That means I no longer have housing, I don’t have a stable place to stay to finish medical treatment that I need because I don’t know anyone in the city we’re in (his hometown) that would take me in, we have to cancel all our plans for the summer and fall (haven’t told any of my friends yet because too embarrassed), I can’t go to a mutual friend’s wedding, and I’ve lost my entire future and now have to start over at the age of almost 32.
I had just started doing really well after decades of suffering from trauma and a brain injury, and found a treatment that worked really well. Was doing well at work and went back to school. And in one night away, it’s all been blown up and I’m in emotional turmoil.
I don’t think he slept with her, and he denies any physical relationship, but he promised me he wouldn’t have her over while I was gone and he broke that promise (seven months ago we almost broke up because she slept over and was in his room hanging out alone for part of it while I was also gone).
I’ve done what I needed to do with my ex-partner. I was going to forgive him if he agreed to cut her out this time, but he refuses and says they’ve been friends too long for him to do that. I won’t stick around to be disrespected again. He claims he feels terrible, but I can’t be with someone I can’t trust.
What I really can’t stomach is that this girl is suffering no consequences. Her fiance has never put her in her place. Supposedly the fiance is “mad” at her but I doubt that will last long because he also struggles with self-respect. She has a lavish wedding planned abroad in a few months. She’s the type of woman to marry for a big ring and big wedding and money.
I want her to suffer the consequences of her heinous actions. Mine is not the first relationship she’s destroyed, though it’s likely the longest one. She destroyed my ex-partner’s last relationship before me, and other men’s relationships. In addition to being a cheater (she’s cheated on all her past partners and likely this one), a homewrecker, a racist (laughingly told a story about using the N word, hard R and all), and a privileged little asshole, she’s also very blessed in life and seemingly untouchable.
I was wondering if someone would help me cast a powerful hex on her for her to suffer the karmic consequences of her actions. Honestly, I want her to suffer. I’ve done some stuff on my own but I’m worried I’m not powerful enough on my own to get the results I need. I was wondering if there’s a coven out there that could help me.
Please don’t judge me. Thank you.
submitted by arkana99 to blackmagic [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:56 LanguageLatte DIY Shed Plans - Hoping someone can double check my plan

Hey all, I'm hoping someone can double check my research/math on a DIY offgrid system.
The use case is for a 12ft x 24ft workout shed. The shed is usually occupied for less than 2hrs a day. I'm looking to add AC, a few lights, and a few power outlets. I'm assuming I could have an electrician trench a cable from the house for less, but this seems like a great learning opportunity so I'm okay of it costs a bit more.
I do plan to get city permits.
If I'm understanding it correctly, I can pick any number of solar panels in series as long as the total VOC is less than 450. I'm a little fuzzy about the minimum VOC for the inverter to tun on.
Also if I'm understanding correctly all of this should be eligible for the 30% tax credit.
I think this setup is overkill for what I need, but it should be pretty easy to expand if I ever add additional load in the backyard.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
submitted by LanguageLatte to diySolar [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:54 guy6288 (Offer) My List (Request) June Universal Rewards Codes


All codes below are split where possible unless noted; please only redeem at the place agreed upon; please let me know if you don’t plan on redeeming the code right away.
Thanks for looking!
Have multiples of some codes.

Will Trade 2 of The Below HD Codes for 1 June Universal Reward Code

  • Divergent, HD vudu
  • The Expendables 2, HD vudu
  • The Hunger Games, HD vudu
  • Indivisible, HD MA (Canada only)
  • Paranormal Activity 3, HD iTunes
  • Transformers: Age of Extinction, HD vudu
  • The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2, HD vudu
  • Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection, HD vudu

Will Trade 1 of The Below HD Codes for 1 June Universal Reward Code

  • Avengers: Endgame, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Beauty and the Beast (2017), HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Big Hero 6, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Black Panther, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • The Call of the Wild, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Captain America: Civil War, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Coco, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Danny Collins, HD iTunes (ports to MA) (Comes with 500 Universal Rewards Points)
  • Doctor Strange, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Finding Dory, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Frozen, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Frozen (Sing-Along Edition), HD gp (ports to MA)
  • The Good Dinosaur, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy, HD MA (ports to MA)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • I Feel Pretty, HD iTunes
  • Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas, HD MA (ports to MA)
  • Inside Out, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Maleficent, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Megan Leavey, HD iTunes (ports to MA) (Comes with 500 Universal Rewards Points)
  • Mary Poppins (1964), HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Moana, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature, HD iTunes (ports to MA) (Comes with 500 Universal Rewards Points)
  • Oz the Great and Powerful, HD MA (ports to MA)
  • Paranormal Activity 3, HD vudu
  • Same Kind of Different As Me, HD iTunes
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Super 8, HD vudu
  • Thor: Ragnarok, HD gp (ports to MA)
  • Zootopia, HD gp (ports to MA)

8 Film High On Your Watch List Collection (1 Code for all 8 Movies, Redeemable via Movies Anywhere)

Will Trade This 8 HD Film Code for 8 June Universal Reward Codes

  • Due Date, HD
  • Friday, HD
  • ⁠Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, HD
  • House Party, HD
  • ⁠Inherent Vice, HD
  • ⁠Project X, HD
  • ⁠Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, HD
  • ⁠We're the Millers, HD


June Universal Rewards Codes
submitted by guy6288 to uvtrade [link] [comments]