What happens if i dont pay my life insurance


2014.12.17 08:35 BlackStallion54 justfuckmyshitup

This subreddit is dedicated to jacked up haircuts from all walks of life.

2013.07.24 21:56 Cosman246 putting the lol in vexillology


2008.07.04 05:45 Pitbull awareness, education, love.


2024.05.17 00:32 MissDeadite I don't intend to scare anyone, but I believe I suffered a retaliation 2 nights ago after my prayers.

Hello wonderful people, this is my first day on this subreddit. I almost shared this somewhere else but something kept deleting my drafts (Reddit lags after typing for a while so I have to save a draft and retype). Anyway, I think the reason for that was so I would stumble upon here today, because I stumble upon here today from a place I joined only yesterday to potentially post my experience. I guess I'll find out if it was really meant to be when I save my first draft of this post.
Either way, let me get started with a little background. I know it's going to be a long post as it is and I apologize, but as a polytheist it's imperative I give some sort of context for this as it's widely misinterpreted by even my fellow polytheists. If you don't wish to read about the religion portion of this post I'll mark it so you can skip to the second dividing line as seen below:
My choice in coining my religious views as simply "Polytheist" is because it removes a lot of perceptions people have it when they initially hear it named such as "Pagan." I don't merely worship "the old gods". Long story short, I don't just believe these gods existed and still exist, but I know they do. I don't necessarily know if my human mind can comprehend them as anything but "a god or goddess", and I agree there's a strong chance they may be something else other than what the words "god and goddess" makes our minds draw a conclusion to about what that means.
I am not entirely anonymous in this post, but for those who may know who I am I do wish you please leave that out of this, but I work for a company that, since I first started my polytheistic journey this past winter, took notice. Take that to mean whatever you think it does, but that's not important. What's important is it not only has reinforced my beliefs, due to having been noticed by fellow and sympathetic believers, but it has catapulted a certain understanding of why my prayers have been working and why such a formerly prosaic minded individual such as myself could accept something so... foreign to everything I had ever known.
It started with prayers to Athena. I had an OBE of sorts, but she spoke to me within my own mind. And before people go thinking it was my imagination, trust me: you'd know it wasn't if it happened to you. It's indescribable and the empowerment from it was borderline overpowering. To have the entire foundation of your life and your perceived place in the world overnight is something I feel I can finally share with those who understand. And before I continue I just want to give an explanation that my polytheism is not simply Hellenic due to my prayers to Athena.
Our ancestors weren't stupid, even at the start of our current world understanding of the religions they practiced. They prayed who they prayed to for a reason. And one of the thing that is always so misunderstood is that "none of them can possibly be true" because their stories, while similar, have deviations and not all the gods and goddesses line up. That idea in itself is the most untrue part of this understanding of these religions. The Abrahamic religions sort of threw a wrench into this understanding as the texts of those religions are taught to be more literal, but in terms of polytheism of old there's a distinction between the mythological stories and the religious practice. The mythos is allegory, and they're stories told to venerate the gods and goddesses. And sometimes, such as the case with Zeus, they're later reinterpreted to condemn them by a certain Latin writer I won't name. I don't want to stray too far off topic and would like to wrap this portion up or else I'll never get to what happened to me. If anyone is still wondering, I mostly worship the syncretic deities in relation to Athena (the Latin Minerva, the Egyptian Neith as well as those slightly out of her realm but somewhat related to: Egyptian Anubis and Thoth).
Without further adieu, here's what happened 2 days ago:
I was sitting in my car after a rough week... night... few months. Whatever, it's been rough for a while. I'm feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted not just with things going on in my life, but I almost felt the weight of everyone else's pain and anger on my own shoulders. I was thoroughly upset that we as a species are subjected to be surrounded by such hate, and spite, and pain and horrible suffering. Even if a lot of us don't go through it, everyone feels the effects of it. The world is designed around hate and pain and suffering. Sure, we love and we can experience amazing things in this life, but it's tainted. We shouldn't have to endure things this way. That's just an excuse we tell ourselves to keep us sane in a pretty corrupt, tainted society. Planet, even. And I voice all these concerns to all of those which I worship and said a deep prayer to them. But I didn't stop there. Then I had an idea.
I know everyone has a different interpretation of their reality around them. It's all based on what we can experience, after all. But in my time I have spent researching what many call the... more... I don't want to incorrectly name this, but the more... wild part of the phenomenon surrounding non-human intelligences and our place in the universe. In my time researching this both before and after my first religious experience, I think I have a pretty rough idea of the cause of this. I don't know what it really truly is, but I feel a fitting name for it is simple "the evil". Whatever it is, it's not good natured. It does not have our best interests in heart. In my time of attempting remote viewing and astral projection, both before and since my religious experience, I've had an experience with... something not nice. And my idea was...
I don't have anything left to lose. I'm going to call them out on their faults... wherever and whatever they actually are. So, I said my prayers to those I worship and I added an addendum to it. I said (paraphrasing), "Lady's Athena, Minerva, Neith and Lord's Anubis and Thoth... I seek your strength, wisdom, understanding and protection as I do something which is probably very stupid. If I say something and am harmed, at least I tried, but if I say and try nothing then I've done nothing but fail."
It was a quiet desert night in my little neighborhood. It's a gated community and we don't deal with any nonsense just about... ever, really. And I sat in my car, prayer beads for Anubis, Minerva, Athena and Neith in my hands, and necklaces for Athena, Neith and Thoth displayed around my neck and...
I called "the evil" out. I spoke out everything I thought about it. And even as I sat there in my car, I felt strong and resilient and most definitely not alone. In two ways. Inside my being I felt those I worship with all the love I have to give, and staring through it all I felt something else. I had to regularly open my eyes to check I was not alone in my car. First I would feel it on my car seat next to me. Sometimes I would feel it sitting behind me staring at me. Sometimes I would feel it sitting in the middle of the backseat staring at me through the rear view mirror. But every time I checked, nothing was there. I did not waiver and I said all I had to say until I could think of nothing else.
I told it I thought it was pathetic. That I knew the only thing here that should be scared is it be scared of us. I told it that it's lazy and selfish for trying to hold us down because it's scared of what we can be than do the hard thing and help us be better than it can ever be. I called it shortsighted. Whatever pathetic bombastic rhetoric it has in mind is a disgrace to all that can exist anywhere, anyplace and at anytime. And I kissed my prayer beads, said another short prayer. I kissed all my necklaces, and against all instincts I had to run from my car back into my house crying... I firmly locked my car doors, walked steady and strong with head-up, and without looking back to my front door. The impenetrable eyes beaming through the back of my body didn't waver me and I went inside. An hour later I was asleep. I had no dreams or anything out of the ordinary happen once I walked in my door.
But then the next morning came. I took my trash out the side-door of my house as my community has a strict rule of keeping them hidden aside from trash-night, when I got a weird glance from my neighbor. I waved and was a bit confused when he just gave me a weird nod and opened his mouth to speak, but said nothing. I shook it off, went back inside, and went to gather my things to go get some Starbucks before I started my work day. I walked out my front door, locking it behind me of course, and unlocked my car with the fob. When I go to open the car door, I find it's already ajar. In fact, all four of them appear slightly ajar. My glovebox is open. The papers inside strewn everywhere on the floor. My car seat covers are lifted up off the seat. My little cover thing I use for spare change/random stuff below the dash was wide open had its contents spilling onto the floor and into my cup holders. My center console was flipped the whole way open, the emergency napkins and feminine products ripped open and shoved back in.
So I turn around and look at my other car. The same exact thing. Finally my neighbor from earlier comes out front to greet me and he says "who'd you piss off?" Long story short, I told him I had no idea but I didn't tell him that I think I had a good hunch. I filed a police report as recommended by the authority running our little community. They took their pictures and all that and left. I haven't heard anything and don't expect to. We all have cameras on our property, but we have a rule to point them all down so we're not affecting each other's privacy. There was no disturbances detected and I parked my cars slightly too far back to see anything but the hood and part of the dash. We had hoped to see any doors opening, but no such luck. That's fine, I don't think I really need a prosaic explanation from the police. Unless an intruder, which never happens in our community (none of my neighbors recall anything like a break in at all either, even those that have lived here for much longer than the few years I have), got into the back of my car to climb through it without rocking it and also disturbing the motion sensor light on the front my house... which I understand is not impossible, but I'll continue to have my serious doubts about that... especially considering nothing was stolen at all including a set of earrings my grandmother gave me which I forgot I had in my other car... out in the open for the taking. Yet there they still say in the center cup holder.
Anyway, think what you will but the timing is almost too perfect to me. I think I have a good reason to know what might've happened. Something picked an unassuming way of letting me know without tipping anyone off that... well, I think something let me know that it can get to me if it wants to. Maybe it's a bluff, maybe it's not. But what I do know is that while it won't be today, and I don't think it'll be tomorrow; I'm not going to stop. I'd rather have something horrible happen to me and live or die in agony than sit back knowing maybe feigning ignorance in the face of nothing to lose is more cowardly than them. I refuse to accept that. I refuse to accept the hardships of this life. Things don't have to be this way. Something out there is forcing it to be this way.
Anyway, I appreciate anyone who reads this and hope to at the very least inspire fellow experiencers to be brave in the face of something that's insidious.
submitted by MissDeadite to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:30 SilvBluArrows I love my boyfriend, and yet the circumstances of our lives are holding us back from staying together. It's breaking me but I have to make a choice.

For context, I come from a Muslim family, and in this religion as far as I'm aware you're not supposed to be with a man. I don't care for that aspect.
He's the only person who really understands me. I live in the Midwestern part of the US, he lives all the way in Alaska. He lives on his own, I live with my family. I don't have enough money to be able to live on my own. Even if I want to go see him, my siblings know that I'm with him (Was forced to come out because I had an onset of depression and failed a semester) and don't support my relationship with him. Last time I saw him was in the summer of 2022 during the week of his birthday. I am 100% sure I'd rather stay with him than end up in some kind of arranged marriage with any women, like is common in my family culture. But he doesn't make enough to where he can support me and because he lives in Kodiak (An island off the south coast of Alaska) jobs there are very limited, mostly manual labor and nothing really related to what I want to do. I also keep trying to run all these random online businesses in the hope I'll have enough money to see him again.
I'm currently a college student in cyber security and while I do have a job, I don't own my own car yet. So if I want to go to the airport for a flight to see him I'd have to take my own car. My brother pays for my phone service so if I just up and leave it would probably get shut off and I'd be stuck. Plus my family and I all live in the same house, so I'd also have nowhere to live if shit really hits the fan.
My boyfriend works at a pizza shop up there and he's barely making it by, but I try to help him when I can, even though I'm struggling too. We're both in positions in our lives where we aren't fully stable yet and things are rocky for us. We both miss each other greatly and I just wish I could see him again and comfort him physically. He recently started taking therapy and while I'm so proud of him for that, he told me he recently spoke to his therapist about us and they said that we should take a break and come back when we're both more financially stable/independent. He's been dealing with a lot of depressive and suicidal thoughts and I try as best as I can to be there for him like he's been for me.
I love my nieces and nephews as well. I don't want to have to choose between my family and him. I've never been in such a healthy relationship and yet it's hurting me to see him so broken like this, the fact that something so stupid as heteronormative society rules are holding me back from being with the one person who I feel completely safe and loved around. I've heard before true love can be about letting go.. Is this true? I don't want to walk away. I've never had anything this good in my life. But I wonder if I'm being selfish by staying..
submitted by SilvBluArrows to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:25 Annual_Preference_84 I dont know what to do

It's been 3 weeks since me (F20) and my ex (M19) broke up and we haven't broken contact yet so that we can ease the impact of the change i guess. At first I was devastated because i was the dumpee, and we still loved each other a lot. However lately, I've been feeling a lot of irritation at times when I talk to him, Ever since the breakup, he's been wallowing in self-pity and expresses it to me every time. While I want to be there for him, I can't keep being his therapist while he doesn't even take my advice. He's lost some friends, and the ones that he talks to the most are are busy/not that close to him to really hang out with him often. This led to him feeling extremely lonely and always calling himself a loser and feeling depressed. I've tried my best to comfort him and give him advice on how to cope with the breakup once we go no contact, but it doesn't seem like he wants to work on himself. This is helping me get over him greatly, but I still care about him as a person.
He started working out, trying to do things to build back his life, but without friends to hang out with, he doesn't want to do any of it. He expects change and self-improvement to happen overnight and then feels discouraged when nothing happens and he still doesn't have friends at the end of the day. He can't see the point in doing "useless" activities. I can't keep giving him the same talk over and over when he doesn't want to listen. It makes me so mad and I honestly just want no contact to start now.
I'm scared that if I tell him my thoughts straight up and then go no contact, he's going to be completely alone and possibly put himself in harm. He doesn't have past history of self-harm, but he's more alone now than ever with no support system except me. I know I need to set boundaries, but he's the type to shut down and become consumed in negativity. We are still going to go no contact once the packages we ordered together arrive. I know his feelings aren't my responsibility anymore now that we aren't together. I guess I just don't know what to do to get him to understand. I've emphasized therapy so many times, but i'm not sure if he's going to actually get help. I care about him, but I'm so tired of it.
submitted by Annual_Preference_84 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:24 Global_Ad2574 Anxious about a job interview

I’ve had anxiety my entire life. I feel I have a pretty good understanding of where my anxiety stems from and what I need to do to avoid it spiraling out of control. It seems I just keep living on a rollercoaster though. I do really well for months or longer, keeping down a job, feeling confident and making new friends. Then I mess it all up. I’ll quit my job usually very impulsively due to an anxiety breakdown and immediately regret my decision. It’s like I just wake up one morning and decide I absolutely can’t do it, I set my mind on avoidance and just quit. I know that I can’t avoid anxiety, I have to accept it and face it head on. But it’s a tremendous struggle choosing to face it every time. I can be strong and face anxiety inducing situations head on for a long period of time, knowing that confidence builds each time. But then I have a moment of weakness where I just can’t and those moments always end up screwing up my life horribly. It’s like I can only face anxiety 95% of the time and the 5% of the time I can’t is so bad that it ruins everything.
I’ve been unemployed for a while, luckily I have a supportive partner and family. I want to work hard and earn a good living so bad and I know I can do it, but for how long? I have a job interview scheduled in a couple days. It’s a good job, I’m qualified and the pay is more than my last job. But I already feel like I might end up skipping it. I know that’s the worst decision. I just can’t help but think it’s pointless for me to go and I’m going to have a bad interview and be rejected. And that’s so stupid because when I prepare for an interview I actually do pretty well. Honestly, my main worry is a drug test. I smoke weed and it’s possible this place does a hair follicle test. I can pass a piss test no problem, please don’t judge, but no way can I pass a hair follicle test. I think I’m using that as an excuse to skip the interview. If there’s no chance of getting hired then why go, right? I know that’s stupid. For one, they might not do a hair test. Also, even if I don’t get the job it’s good practice. I’m so anxious about it that I won’t let myself focus on preparing for the interview.
I don’t know why I’m posting this. I know I just need to get my ducks in a row and go to the interview. Whether I get the job or not, I’ll be fine. Any advice or someone that can relate would be appreciated though! I really want to start therapy and possibly medication once I have health insurance. I thought I had made so much progress on my own, but I’m still stuck in the cycle.
submitted by Global_Ad2574 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:23 Hot-Scallion2734 GF (F26) broke up with me (M27) told me to reach out when ready to be friends then acts distant .any thoughts?

So my relationship with her was 2 months long so not really that long. And she ended things with me about 2 weeks ago now. Because it was a short relationship I was upset but have gotten over it quite quickly. During the break up we spoke about being friends and meeting up as we both liked each others company and the reason she broke up with me is because she didnt want to string me along while she decided what she wanted in life and relationships so whatever. I reached out to talk to her but she has been acting a bit distant and weird, I asked if she wanted to meet up for a coffee or something to catch up cause when thinsg ended she had alot of big events coming up that have past so i wanted to know how they went. She told me she doesnt want to meet up at the moment and has just been acting cold towards me. I would say she just doesnt want to talk tl me but she added me on insta and facebook since we been talking again so I dont think that she doesnt want me around. I dont know if she is regretting ending things or what but its just a bit weird. Any ideas as to what is happening?
submitted by Hot-Scallion2734 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:21 Kind2tie_7185 Why is suicide not a option for me?

Don't get me wrong. I'm truly curious, and this question I've been carrying for over a year.
Im a 30 m
Objectively I have lived a terrible odds stacked against me from the start. I was born to a father that took my mother faraway to a farm and isolated us he was quite the abuser with my self going Tru all 5 different tipes my siblings 4 and the youngest only 2 I was the only one that was s## abused. From as Yong as I can remember I plead my mother to leve. Turned in to a super Cristian thus a wife's purpose is to be subject to her husband. Evan though she also went true all 5 she was even r## infront of me.
I mentioned we grew up on a farm in isolated he would work construction jobs all over Africa so most of the time we would be left alone. Work 4 months home 6 weeks the first day that he is back he cums with takeaways and cool drinks and it's a celebration it would normally only be calm for 2-3 days when he would get angry normally before we were to go buy groceries. Witch ment we will have to put that car together and fix it that's normally tha first day that I would blead if it's not from a tool it's because I woed gow far into the field to hide then it would be his lether belt my but would be blue And red brushe sometimes my skin woed split open and blend every time I moved.
The first time I saw a classroom or a teacher was at the age of 13 we got a tv for the first time at the age of 12 so obviously I had no sosial skills it was just a few days a group of bullies introduced me so that was not fun until a few months later when the hieschool librarian looked over our class.
My mom dit taught me to read and math and science (only biblical accurate) so I started reading at 4 at 5 I was at the level of gr3 had to develop my own horrible handwriting. I was good at math though my mom only knew +×÷- and fractions to the second point
The library was my heavin in 3 years personally I graduated done with every book in the library besides most of the story books The problem was I couldn't really speak English I only got exposed to it from the TV so I was on my way to fail Gr6 I didn't during the last term my dad left for work again but this time it was longer we ran out of food and my mom finally ran away with her 5 kids pregnant and starving all the food we had fit into a shoe box and ther was space for my brothers favorite little teddy 🧸 about the size of a tennis ball
We moved to the city we're I found out my mom has siblings thy help us with some basic it was crazy there I could not even cross the streets thy were 3 lanes mutch to wide for a teen cross with out getting run over starting high school I decided I would be the opposite of my history so on the first day I broke the head boy a rather big rugby player nose. That showd them I was never bullied and yet still not cool so I joined the skateboarders I was terrible but they had issues and I'm nothing but broken metal head started smoking never touched weed that's drugs glue as well it makes youcrazy. Though sometimes we would snort white power at the mall. Only after a few months in class I found out there are more tips of drugs. To late now I'm a cat addicted our group grew and we became the popular group we were 40 in the core group if we threw a party 200 people show up I mean some college students started hanging with them college girls hang with me at 17 so obviously the heiskool girls thru them at me nonstop sleeping with 2-3 a night never not wrapped always save. Until I slept with one I actually cared for but not as much as she for me so to get here to disappear I seduced her sister on her bed so she could walk in on that. 3 day later she was found dead in the bath with a letter to her parents on their bed and a long letter for me in her sister underwear full of her blood for me.
My next relationship was my fiance Finally quit drugs 3 years later Completely thought ow yeah remember that I was so smart well turns out I failed gr 9 almost twice shortly before the second time time my mother lost her job I was still partying her savings didn't last we got evicted ran out of food so I quit school and started buying thing from drug dealers and sell them it wasn't long before I afforded a bigger house some time later I moved out paying 2 rents going crazy the drugs were not fun any more my friends are dieing on after the other some go to prison I fought my best friend. I saw what was happening because of the drugs I walk 70 km that weekend faar into the field to escape only with my knife. Not the plan but I lived there for 3 weeks alone my phone is still there somware I came back sober no friends
I didn't fin school so it's only min wage for 3 years trying multiple business all fail until I lost my job again. One day I dit a car port for a lady little did I know that in justover 7 years 2 months before covid i will loos. A my greatest business in going to 8 figure this time 100% legal in one writing of a pen and waist all my saving on loyars to get it back lost my fiance and only child
Went into depression
tryed and failed 3 more business Good diagnose with add and adhd Over came depression Diagnosis with ptsd Found out my 5 year old son is not evan myn Depression again Gave up trying at all tried drugs again for 2 months give up on that two
Move back to the farm where it all started farm is falling It's sort off failng less
Depressioni quit low
And finally today im bulding my own shop with bricks i made my self everything wants to fail this sometimes its so close.
And yeah true all of that's I can honestly say I never had suicide Evan as a though to be a option
Seriously why would I not just end me but I just don't have that option ever
submitted by Kind2tie_7185 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:20 Cavil561 UPDATE: My (m19) girlfriend (f20) has a history of making false pedophile accusations. What do I do?

I posted recently about my girlfriend, who upset me when she revealed that she used to lie about men being pedophiles for fun. It had upset me really badly, but I still love her, and I couldn't bring myself to end things.
But I still felt uncomfortable with the situation, so I went to some subreddits to ask what i can do to make myself feel better. Instead of psychological advice, people were adamant that I can’t simply try to ignore what she did, i need to dump her or else it will hurt me
I didn't know what to do, part of me knew they were speaking the truth but I didn't wanna accept it, so i just pretended I never made the posts. It did make me more cognizant of the way she was treating me however. Looking back I slowly realized a lot of things she had done to hurt me, but I just ignored because I love her
I asked her if she could try to improve on one of these things (initiating our conversations sometimes, because it gets annoying that its always my responsibility to try and interest her). Credit be given, she did, it wasn't a whole lot but it was certainly better. Then today, she told me she felt unappreciated, I haven't done enough to show my appreciation for how she was trying for me
I told her in the most polite way I possibly could that I didn't feel like I should be forced to say thank you for something like this. If she's treating me in a way I don't like, then I'm entitled to her trying to do better, that's the basics of being a good person. She went ape, claiming i didn't love her, just because I wasn't willing to thank her or apologize
Eventually it led back to her past of making false pedo accusations, when she got angry at me for not being over it. She claimed that because she was a teenager when she used to do it, she was owed forgiveness, that if I really loved her I would not care about the awful things she did
This was a moment of clarity; hearing her brazenly say that it didn't count cause she was a teen, I suddenly realized that she truly has no concept of personal accountability. Everything that the redditors said about her was correct, I've been blinded by my love
Long story short, we broke up, and I think I know what comes next. She has a lot of problems, including suicidal thoughts, and has attempted multiple times in the past. She was always telling me that she doesn't know how she'd live without me, that her life would be meaningless without me.
To be fair, I did the same thing, saying that I don't know how I could live without her. I've never attempted however, and she has. When she revealed her false accusations, I took a break from our relationship for a day, and when I took her back she revealed that she was planning to off herself
I have no doubt that she is about to die because of me, but theres nothing left I can do for her. I've compromised when she hurt me, been there when she needed me, and waited for her when she was in the mental hospital. Yet I don't love every single habit of hers, and she won't forgive me for it. She did this to herself and I'm done trying to protect her
As hurt as I am by everything that's happened, i want to thank Relationships & MentalHealth. They provided words of sanity that were able to guide me, and now I'm looking for a therapist to deal with the fallout of this relationship. I pray that my ex girlfriend is doing the same thing, and maybe I'm just being dramatic again
tl;dr: I fall in love with an awful person and spend too much time in denial
submitted by Cavil561 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:20 Ragequitter100 Ever wonder where King Mambo the fifth buried.... That is a question that is stuck in my head we know where Aspheera was entombed but never the location of king mambo the fifth's tomb

So, i watched Ninjago for quite a while now & I've heard this
Wu: In the days of my father, the First Spinjitzu Master, there was peace between humans and Serpentine, but it was a fragile peace. Humans were forbidden to enter the lands of the Serpentine. And the Serpentine were forbidden to enter the lands of men.
Young Wu: I'm tired of the lake. I don't wanna go swimming today.
Young Garmadon: What do you wanna do?
Young Wu: I wanna go that way.
Young Garmadon: That's the Serpentine Valley, Wu. We're not allowed there. Father promised King Mambo, remember?
young Wu: Nobody will ever know. We'll just take a quick look and come right back. Come on. Don't you want to see the Serpentine? Are you even a little curious? Hmm? Wow!
young Garmadon: Okay, now you've seen it. Let's go before someone—
Mambo V: You…are the children of the first spinjitzu master
Garmadon: Yes sir
Wu: We're sorry we-
Mambo V: SILENCE! You have recklessly endangered a peace between humans and Serpentine that has existed for millennia. Your foolishness has put me in...a difficult position.
Mambo's Advisor: They are the children of the First Spinjitzu Master, Sire. We must proceed cautiously.
Mambo V: Put them in a cell for a night. Let them think on their foolishness.
Mambo's Advisor: Very Wise
young Garmadon: I can't believe this! This is all your fault! I'm gonna tell Father everything.
young Wu: You wanted to go too, remember? I asked you and you said—
young Garmadon: I said no! N.O. I said we shouldn't, but you wouldn't—huh?
young Aspheera: Is it true? You are the children of the First Spinjitzu Master?
young Wu: Who-who are you?
young Garmadon: What do you want from us?
young Aspheera: I am called Aspheera. I'm training to be a sorceress in service to the king. Tell me, do you truly know the secrets of Spinjitzu? (Wu and Garmadon hesitate to answer.) For a price, perhaps I could help you. I could open this door. I know several spells already. One of them will bend steel.
young Wu: What price?
young Garmadon: We don't have any money.
young Aspheera: I do not speak of coin. I ask only for friendship. Who says serpents and humans can't be friends? And between friends, there must be trust, sharing. You must share the secrets of Spinjitzu with me.
young Garmadon: Deal! Let us out!
young Aspheera: You too. I wish to hear you say the words. Promise me.
young Wu: Uh...I promise.
young Wu: So Aspheera freed us and we ran back home.
First Spinjitzu Master: And where have you two been?
young Garmadon: At the lake! Wu caught a fish, but it broke the line and we spent the rest of the day trying to re-catch it.
First Spinjitzu Master: Is that so?
young Wu: W-What are you working on, Father?
First Spinjitzu Master: Oh, uh, something new.
Wu: "The Art of forbidden spinjitzu
young Garmadon: Forbidden Spinjitzu?! Are those for us?
First Spinjitzu Master: No. They are far too powerful.
Young Wu and Garmadon: Aww.
First Spinjitzu Master: Now off to bed, both of you. Go. Go.
Wu: That night, I could not sleep. I was troubled by the promise I had made. A promise Garmadon had no intention of keeping. But one which I felt I must. I returned the next day to fulfill my promise, but I exacted a promise from her in return.
Young Aspheera: What promise?
Wu: You must vow that you will never Spinjitzu for evil.
Wu: She gave her word and I trusted her. (Wu turns around and walks. Aspheera has a grim look on her face and follows.) Much to my regret. In the days and weeks that followed, I taught her the secret of Spinjitzu.
Young Garmadon: Where have you been?
Young Wu: N-Nowhere.
Young Garmadon: Don't lie to me! I saw you! You were with that snake! You were teaching her Spinjitzu.
Young Wu: I had to, Garmadon. We promised.
Young Garmadon: You can't trust her. She's a slimy snake. (He lightly pushes Wu.)
Young Wu: Don't call her that. Wu again: Ah! You...you hurt me!
Wu: For weeks, we barely said a word to each other.
Young Wu: What happened?!
villager: King Mambo's been overthrown by a Serpentine queen who knows Spinjitzu! She's marching on our lands!
Second villager: You better clear out while you can.
Young Wu: I... need your help.
Young Garmadon: What is it?
Wu: I told Garmadon what had happened, and we put aside our anger. Together, we hoped to undo what we had done. But it meant disobeying my father a second time.
Young Wu: There! The Forbidden Scrolls!
Young Wu: The scrolls gave us powers we have never felt before. It felt as if... we had reached our True Potential
Young Aspheera: Mambo V has failed you! The truce was broken. And what did he do? Nothing! He is weak. Weak! But I am not. Behold, the power of Spinjitzu!
Young Aspheera: Once my rule over Ninjago is complete, I think I shall rename it, after myself.
Young Char: "Asphago?"
Young Aspheera: "Aspheera," you fool!
Young Char: Ah! "Aspheera" Much better. Mhmm!
Young Wu: That's a terrible name!
Young Aspheera: You!
Young Wu: You broke your promise! You swore never to use Spinjitzu for evil!
Young Aspheera: Is it evil to be strong? To show ambition? To push aside the weak and seize control? Oh, Wu. You have much to learn about the ways of the world.
Young Wu: I learned something from you. Never to trust a snake.
Young Aspheera: Guards!
Young Garmadon: I'll handle these guys. You take care of her.
Young Aspheera: 'Take care of me' if you can. Now that I know all of your secrets!
Young Wu: You don't know all of them!
Young Aspheera: Ahh! You deceived me! You promised to teach me Spinjitzu, but this...I have never seen!
Young Wu: I didn't deceive you; I just didn't show you everything!
Young Aspheera: Ahh! Oof. I yield! I yield!
Young Wu: And so Aspheera was defeated. The power of the scroll was too much, even for her sorcery. (Aspheera lays down, relieved.) King Mambo was restored to his rightful throne... And the peace was kept. As for Aspheera...
Young Aspheera: Help me, Wu, please! As I helped you!
Young Wu: King Mambo has decided your punishment. You are to be entombed, magically. Until such time as your sins are forgotten.
Young Aspheera: Wu, I beg of you, release me!
Young Wu: You would've brought war and suffering to all Ninjago.
Young Aspheera: I spared you and your brother! I ask only the same!
Young Wu: Ugh.
Young Aspheera: Release me! I saved you and you betray me?! You abandon me?! You-you... ...treacherous dog! You deceiver! You will pay for this, Wu! DO YOU HEAR ME?! IF IT TAKES A THUSAND YEARS! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!
What do you think happened to King Mambo V after he was returned rightfully to his throne
submitted by Ragequitter100 to Ninjago [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:19 wildcatasaurus Condo sale fell through because HOA failed to fix roof resulting water damage in Condo

I live in Colorado, USA. My wife and I listed our condo for sale in early March and accepted an offer of 325k. While under contract a major wind storm removed roof shingles and we reported it to the HOA the day it happened. Nothing done for 3 weeks and during that period a major thunderstorm came and dumped water into our condo. Whole ceiling has water damage and since the roof is slanted the water ran between the ceiling and roof into our walls. While the roof was still missing shingles we contacted multiple roofers to see if we could pay for a patch but they stated the roof is completed failed from a major hail storm a year ago and the roof was also installed incorrectly. Roofers also said they would not work on the roof for legal reasons since they were not approved by the HOA.
We then had a lawyer write a letter requesting action and got nothing from the HOA. It’s been 2 months since that letter was sent and still the HOA won’t talk to us. Their lawyers have also not responded at all. HOA sent out unqualified people to patch roof and have since found out water is still slowly leaking in.
Since the roof was patched our buyer requested water remediation and drywall repair and since our HOA went silent and we are trying to close the sale we contacted our homeowners insurance. Insurance said sure we will cover it and we didn’t want to file a claim but we just wanted to be done with the condo. Water remediation comes in and starts demolition work this week and once they open the ceiling it’s mold through the roof and ceiling. Telling us they cannot keep working unless the roof is completely replaced, mold remediated, and then dry wall can be installed.
Also the roof was patched and the whole ceiling was replaced a year ago and the HOA contractors lied and said it could just be dry wall repair and just covered up the mold. It took us over 8 months to get the HOA to fix the ceiling the first time while water continued to pour in and damage our condo. So this is the second time this has happened in 2-3 years.
Condo is valued at 325k and our buyer just walked away. We cannot list for sale again until roof is completely replaced and water remediation and dry wall repair is completed. We disclosed everything to our buyer and they stayed with us as long as possible but finally decided to walk away today. All wrong doing was do by the HOA board and management company for negligence and unqualified contractors completing poor work.
New roof was quoted at 50k Water remediation and drywall repair quoted at 20k
What legal action can my wife and I take against the HOA board and management company for clear negligence, damages, and because of that negligence the resulting sale of our condo falling through?
submitted by wildcatasaurus to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:17 ThrowRAstoicprocrast I (24M) am struggling with something my girlfriend (28F) revealed to me about her past. Should I delude myself?

Our relationship is very fresh. We've been together for about one month, dating for five months before. So I knew there were skeletons to be dug up. I knew that. But this, specifically, did something to me.
We were in bed talking about god and the world. The week before, we had revealed to each other how many people we've been with as it came up in conversation. She thought it was a big number. I was teasing her about something so as a get back she jokingly said "At least I haven't been with twenty(!!!!) people. Twenty! AND you're younger!". I got back at her while laughing: "You are worse! You were in relationships for eleven years (eight years + three years) so you did the other nine in less than two years! Your average per year of sex eligibility is higher than mine!" All of this was said in good faith and while laughing, hugging and kissing. Then, still jokingly and without bad intent she said what kickstarted this all. "Hey! Actually it's eight because it doesn't count as two people if it was two at one time." What? My mind started to race immediately. Did I hear that right? I hate to be using that word in connection with her, but I felt disgust.
I kept up my normal demeanor towards her, which I realize is unjust towards her. But I had to process what I heard before speaking to her about it. She asked me why I was staring at the wall while she was trying to sleep, I told her some lie that I don't remember.
There were ugly scenes replaying in my head. The thought machine was at full capacity. As hard as I tried, there also was no way of getting out of my head. Why would she say that? Why would she ever bring that up? I know her as a very cautious person when it comes to what comes out of her mouth. Did she say that on purpose? To provoke some sort of reaction? On and on.
Two people associated with my closest friends go on vacation, seemingly only to have physical relations with one woman and bragging about it to anyone that will lend an ear, so this is a topic that has been discussed within my friend group fairly frequently. "Imagine if that was your sistedaughter", "How lost are they, but also the women that let them do this", "I could never date a woman someone who has done something like that, there is no way that our values would align" are phrases that rang throughout every one of our mouths at least once. Including mine. Problem is that I meant it.
The next day, I told her that what she said bothered me a lot. I told her that in my social circle, women who did these sort of things were looked at negatively. Which means I do so as well. Her demeanor changed immediately. From joyful to pensive. She apologized for even bringing it up. That she regretted it from the moment it left her lips. That she knows it is a "slutty" thing to do. She explained that she did it with her ex-boyfriend of eight years in an attempt to bring back excitement and ultimately save the relationship. It was his wish. A wish that she was reluctant to fulfill, yet did so in desperation. She left that day. That was two days ago, we've been speaking normally since then. In her eyes everything is well. While walking to the train station she asked if that changes my perception of her. I told her that it didn't. For the first time, I lied to her. My perception did change. I just don't know to what extent yet.
I would not have considered a serious commitment if I knew this beforehand. I still would not if she did not exist and it was another person. I realize people have a past. I realize she was a person before I arrived in her life. I realize that the circumstances in her case were a bit different. My body and soul long for her when I am not with her. She puts them at ease. Makes my heart smile. Conversations with her go on for hours and hours, though it feels as if only minutes had passed. Our visions for the future align to a tee. There's no one I would rather spend my time with. I know this is not something I should be this hung up on. But I am. What do I do? Should I just get over myself, stash this somewhere deep in my head and try to forget it ever happened?
submitted by ThrowRAstoicprocrast to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:16 zagriza 25M - Omaha(NE)/USA - Let's talk about life: the meaning of life in the face of death, happiness and suffering, what to do in life and how to live it, enlightenment and non-duality, and the improvement of humanity's existence.

I am seeking someone with whom I can engage in deep conversations, exchanging thoughts on how we live our lives, our perspectives, and what we make of existence as we await our inevitable demise. I am looking for someone whose outlook on life aligns with mine, with whom we can collectively find the best way to live out our allotted time. Together, we will share our plans and goals, discussing our understanding of various matters.
I would be delighted if you, upon deciding to write to me, could explain why you chose to do so and share a bit about yourself, to streamline our initial conversations.
Some of my reflections and views on life: - I've come to realize that happiness for me won't come from having a big house, an expensive car, or even a family. Happiness, for me, lies in improving people's lives. Eventually, I'll die (like everyone else), and if I only live for myself, it would be meaningless—everything will go with me to the grave. But if I create something that improves people's lives, something that remains even after I'm gone, it gives meaning to my own life and brings me hope and happiness. I'm willing to dedicate my life to this, to improving the lives of others. - I'm interested in philosophy not just as a hobby, but as a necessity for determining the direction of life and how to approach it, understanding what to do in this life. - I often ponder the meaning of life in the face of inevitable death (because what comes after death greatly influences what to do with life). - I'm interested in what to do in life and how to spend it. The typical scenario of finding a job with good pay, buying a house, starting a family, retiring, and dying doesn't appeal to me (but I don't have anything against it). If you resonate with these sentiments, I eagerly await your response.
submitted by zagriza to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:14 Competitive_Fact6030 Breed recommendation

1)Will this be your first dog? If not, what experience do you have owning/training dogs? * I have had family dogs all my life, but this would be my first one living on my own. I have reasonable experience with training and owning dogs. I also have a pretty good grasp on puppies as my mother has bred dogs (ugh, i know) 2)Do you have a preference for rescuing a dog vs. going through a [reputable breeder]( http://ownresponsibly.blogspot.com/2011/07/identifying-reputable-breeder.html)? * Likely going to adopt from someone who needs to rehome their dog. Alternatively a breeder. There arent really rescues in my country. I would like avoid adopting a puppy, and instead would prefer a 1-2 year old. 3)Describe your ideal dog. * A small/medium dog that is social and cuddly but not overly clingy (basically they just need to listen to the command "go away" soemtimes haha). Not extremely high energy, but still eager to play and maybe come with during runs. A mild temperament and easily trainable would be ideal. Good health condition is very important (a mutt is fine). No vocal breeds as I would live in an apartment. 4)What breeds or types of dogs are you interested in and why? * No particular breed in mind (that is kind of what i need help with lol). I do love setters since one of my family dogs is a Irish settegolden retriever mix and she is pretty much my ideal dog (although she does not do recall well, which is a concern). 5)What sorts of things would you like to train your dog to do? * Basic commands like sit, lie down, go away, etc. Recall would be a huge plus. Would need to be trainable to ignore/be calm around other dogs and stimuli on walks, and be able to walk nicely on a leash. 6) Do you want to compete with your dog in a sport (e.g. agility, obedience, rally) or use your dog for a form of work (e.g. hunting, herding, livestock guarding)? If so, how much experience do you have with this work/sport? * No. **Care Commitments** 7) How long do you want to devote to training, playing with, or otherwise interacting with your dog each day? * I'm away from home a maximum of about 6 hours a day, mostly way less. I'm a student and I spend a lot of time at home studying and doing other things, which means I do have time to be around the dog. 8) How long can you exercise your dog each day, on average? What sorts of exercise are you planning to give your dog regularly and does that include using a dog park? * I plan on doing shorter (~15 min) walks in the morning and at lunch time, and a longer walk in the evening. I would be able to visit a dog park/open area for running (when the dog has learnt recall) about twice a week. I do also run occasionally, and in the fall/spring im happy to take the dog with me. 9)How much regular brushing are you willing to do? Are you open to trimming hair, cleaning ears, or doing other grooming at home? If not, would you be willing to pay a professional to do it regularly? * Im happy to keep up with brushing weekly or so. Im comfortable bathing and trimming nails on my own. Im only interested in dogs with a "normal" coat that does not require frequent grooming visits. Im not willing to pay for the normal grooming fees like brushing, bathing, or trimming. **Personal Preferences** 10)What size dog are you looking for? * medium 15-40 lbs. A small is also acceptable depending on the breed, but i do prefer medium as they seem like the most athletic size and are able to go along on hikes and stuff. 11) How much shedding, barking, and slobber can you handle? * Preferably no barking as id live in an apartment. Shedding is fine as long as its not excessive as i am slightly allergic. No slobber. 12) How important is being able to let your dog off-leash in an unfenced area? * Relatively important. I do want to be able to let it run free for playtime, and hiking in the woods off leash would be great. So a dog with good impulse control that doesnt just run off the second it gets off leash would be great. **Dog Personality and Behavior** 13) Do you want a snuggly dog or one that prefers some personal space? * Somewhere in the middle. I do really enjoy cuddling with a dog and having them sleep in my bed, but i also dont want it to be too in your face. Basically just a dog that says hi then settles down with me instead of constantly seeking attention. 14) Would you prefer a dog that wants to do its own thing or one that’s more eager-to-please? * eager to please 15) How would you prefer your dog to respond to someone knocking on the door or entering your yard? How would you prefer your dog to greet strangers or visitors? * friendly to visitors 16) Are you willing to manage a dog that is aggressive to other dogs? * preferably no aggressive dogs. I would like to be able to safely let the dog be off leash without any fights. I'd rather not take the risk of my dog hurting another dog/person. 17) Are there any other behaviors you can’t deal with or want to avoid? * Poor recall. Also howling/barking when im not home. I would like to trust my dog to be relatively quiet when im not there. Destructive behaviour like chewing up furniture even as an adult would also be a big no. **Lifestyle** 18) How often and how long will the dog be left alone? * up to 6 hours a day. In the future that could be bumped up to 8-9, but I will always be close to home, so a quick walk during lunch would be possible. 19) What are the dog-related preferences of other people in the house and what will be their involvement in caring for the dog? * I live alone 20) Do you have other pets or are you planning on having other pets? What breed or type of animal are they? * Possibly going to get a cat in the future 21) Will the dog be interacting with children regularly? * no 22) Do you rent or plan to rent in the future? If applicable, what breed or weight restrictions are on your current lease? * I will rent a student apartment. There are no limitations on pets and there is no extra fee or cost to having one. 23) What city or country do you live in and are you aware of any laws banning certain breeds? * Sweden, no current breed restrictions but there is talk of banning certain bully breeds unfortunately. 24) What is the average temperature of a typical summer and winter day where you live? * Summer would be ~20 C (70 F), whilst winter averages around -20C (-4F). The hottest it gets is 30C (85), and the coldest is -30C (-22F). **Additional Information and Questions** 25) Please provide any additional information you feel may be relevant. 26) Feel free to ask any questions below. 
submitted by Competitive_Fact6030 to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:14 grilledcheeseistight Looking for advice on ending a friendship

Lots of lore included, but theres also a TL;DR 😂 I have been friends with this person for several years now. I have been slowly trying to distance myself for them, but recently find it necessary to put an actual end to our friendship. Their passive aggression & self centeredness has been a problem for the entirety of our friendship. I feel as though we have all had those “friends” that make us feel as though we are walking on eggshells, or only talk about themselves and when you are able to get a word in edgewise, they bring the conversation back to themselves. I have tried to address their passive aggression in the past, attempting to dig deeper and open a line of honest/safe communication when they have clearly been upset about something. They essentially were unreceptive and blew me off. Honestly, due to their unhealthy communication habits, I’ve been hesitant to even broach the conversation of their tendency to dominate the conversation and not be curious about me or my life. When they talk about previous friendships that have ended, it’s because the friends had the same issues I’m currently grappling with. When they retell these happenings, they seem as though they aren’t practicing introspection and throw the blame on the other party. This further affirms my belief that trying to communicate these problems would be futile. There’s been a string of events recently that helped me realize this friendship is no longer worth repairing. I have known this friend for YEARS and I’m very familiar with the ins and outs of their life. A couple months ago, they asked me if my partner was in construction. They are in insurance 😂 I have been with them since BEFORE our friendship, and have always shared their careers wins and woes with them. It’s baffling they would forget something like that. About a week ago, they sent me a text that verbatim said “Omg. Wasn’t your old best friend that fucked you over ____ ? They’re married to one of my work besties and they were stranded off a highway so I picked them up. Wtf I like them??? What happened with you guys I can’t remember!!!” My relationship with the person they are referencing was extremely hurtful to me. I learned a lot about myself and friendships in general from that wound. We were both mutually toxic to each other. This incident was a major event in my life, as it inspired me to “do the work” both for myself, and others. The whole reason I met my friend is because I was putting myself out there after what I had experienced, so I know I have discussed this event with them at length. Most recently, this passive aggression and vindication is affecting my family. Their job includes interacting with the public, and they have taken it upon themselves to be extremely petty and unkind to a family member of mine because of an interaction that left them with a sour taste in their mouth. These series of events have assured me that severing ties with this friend is the best route for everyone involved. I expect them to try and contact me soon, as my family member filed a report against them. This is the response I have preemptively crafted: “At this point, I feel like it is in mine and my family’s best interest that we go our separate ways. There has been communication issues burdening our friendship for a long time now, and I don’t foresee them being resolved. I don’t wish you ill, and I hope you can pay the same consideration to me and my loved ones. “ I feel that they will most likely want to continue the conversation. My question is, would it be hurtful of me to not respond? I feel as though a “post mortem” of our friendship would not only open old wounds, but foster resentment for both of us. I do not feel as though it will truly benefit either of us to continue the conversation further afterwards, but I am wanting to hear other points of view before committing to this decision. I definitely do expect them to respond, as they have every right and reason to. I just want to know if it would be shitty of me to not offer further insight into my feelings/decision if that’s what they’re wanting?
TL;DR Passive aggressive friend with a tendency towards vindication has recently acted out a string of events that have not hurt only me, but my family as well. I’m wondering if it would be a crappy move to not respond after sending a singular message expressing my intention to end the friendship.
submitted by grilledcheeseistight to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:13 MoogicDoctor Importance of Changing Documents?

I personally don't have dysphoria about my gender markers on my license and birth certificate being F but what are the ramifications of keeping them as such?
I don't think I mind little confrontations like a bar thinking my id is fake cause it says F, but what happens with larger stuff like when I travel, study abroad, or other things I'm not even thinking about?
I'm turned off by changing legal documents cause honestly it seems like a lot of work. I spent 3 years doing phone calls and appointments for top surgery and I hated it. If I changed it to M it would feel like putting in a lot of work in to abide by a system I don't believe in. As much as I love the X I feel like... interesting situations would follow.
Should I put in the work towards an M to socially make my life easier? How long would that take? Is the F not logistically that big of a deal? Should I fear for my safety? I've lived in very liberal places and might be feeling too casual about something that could be dangerous.
I'm transmasc. Have always presented masculinly. Have been on T for a while and plan to be on it for a while, and have had top surgery. I'm not short, I'm not tall. I don't really like to concern myself with "passing" but I do think people just think I'm a guy. Also I don't need to change my name.
submitted by MoogicDoctor to NonBinary [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:12 Mysterious-North-711 United Healthcare/Caremark

Me again. Does anyone know what the pre-reqs are for PA through United Healthcare/Caremark?
I checked online today through insurance and it actually said I could expect to pay $0 for Zepbound, which i am elated about (but also realistic because i doubt it’s actually zero?). Regardless, it is covered— but needs a PA.
Anyone happen to know what they’re looking for on the PA? Other drugs tried? If i have tried things but dont have records of them (e.g. Phentermine), does it still count if they require other meds first?
I really don’t want to get my hopes up of joining Club Zep if i might not get approved, but I am very excited to begin. TIA.
submitted by Mysterious-North-711 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:11 CrashoutForABurger Need advice on decision regarding college

For the past year I have been living at home and going to a community college since I graduated highschool. I have decided that the degree Im going for is really kind of useless, and that I dont want to or really even need to get the degree to get that job (and frankly I dont think I want the job either). This past year has been really lonely and very depressing in terms of making friends/meeting people, due to commuting and my major being a small group of the same people for each class. I also really dont have a great idea of what I would like to do/major in.
My options Im considering right now are:
-Stay at home and go to community college for a general studies degree (Pro: go for free, credits will be mostly applicable to anywhere I apply, use those 2 years to figure out what I wanna do. Cons: still decently lonely, hate living in the same place I have grown up my entire life)
-Go to state school undecided (Pro: be around people, parties. Cons: Student debt (something I REALLY want to avoid).
This leads me to another option:
-Move to a college town with roomates and take my general studies degree online. (Pros: go for free, I manage my time better doing school online, still have time to figure out what Im doing without going into debt, still can be around a college campus with people) (Cons: Paying rent/utilities, managing life being independent)
If anyone older than me (19M) could outline anything I am perhaps not seeing with these options, I would GREATLY appreciate it. I had the idea for the third option today but dont know if I am seeing all the sides of it.
EDIT: To clarify, general studies would be a 2 year degree that I would use to transfer to a 4 year.
submitted by CrashoutForABurger to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:11 durt_squirrel Ramblings of a Mad Explorer

Hi everyone!
I (31m) am still trying to figure it all out, I guess just like the rest of us, right? I went to a small east coast liberal arts college to be a writer. When I graduated in 2014, I had been through a variety of coursework and had felt that while I did want to write, I was focused more on "doing", then writing about it someday. I mostly focused on International Affairs and Anthropology spent some time abroad. I had difficulty getting a job after college and leaned into bouncing/security, then barbacking, then bartending, as a means to just get an income while I figured it out. I had a dream of working in intelligence. A decade passed and I had managed to build a successful reputation for myself both in bar management and brand work. During that decade, a lot of life happened. I had a deranged and tumultuous 7 year relationship with an abusive alcoholic bartender. I was offered a dream job after an arduous and competitive hiring process, only to have it rescinded for non-disclosed reasons days before my 30th birthday. Devastated by the job rejection after years of effort and work, I was feeling quite down. At this point I was bartending full time and just feeling completely lost. My long relationship ended in absolute pandemonium due to a total loss of my vehicle while she drove it inebriated. I evacuated myself from the relationship, as my safety was in question and I could no longer let myself be okay with what I was living. It was ugly and I lost most of my things and my pets.

I felt gutted and defeated. I hung my head in shame and retreated to the cavernous depths of the rickety dive bar I had been working at, not doing much other than working and sleeping. Most of my time was spent feeling sorry for myself in solitude or just wanting it all to end. I felt trapped, scared, and hopeless. I met another woman with whom I now have an amazing relationship. It felt as though she brought color back to my life and gave me the excitement and joy I deserved to feel; the stuff I needed to keep healing and push forward. I've been still learning how to love myself again and forgive myself for what I allowed to happen to me. The bar industry had been absolutely crushing; being surrounded by defeated lost souls, on both sides of the bar. It got to a point where I was just completely emotionally and physically drained during my time off that I had no ability to do anything other than rot. And the money hasn't been what it had been and I have been having a hard time staying afloat on my own.

A few months ago, at the strong encouragement of my girlfriend and family, and spending far too much time feeling like "John at the Bar" from the song "Piano Man," I left the bar industry for good. My father (also a former bartender), with whom I was more or less estranged from for several years due to longstanding family issues, offered to pay my rent if I left the bar ASAP and helped my brother launch his home remodeling business. I took the leap. I can't say they caught me; times are tough right now. The business is in it's startup phase and I am not in a position where I can take much income beyond minimum wage right now. Its quite brutal and I am questioning what the fuck I am even doing every day, but I push on. I am supplementing ends meet with some freelance work here and there doing some writing and working the bar at concert venues. I don't love my day to day, but I don't hate it as much as the bar. As much as certain things suck, my life is infinitely better. I feel confident that I will look back on these past few years and laugh.

So, here I am, still trying to figure it all out. I feel as though all of my interests are laid out in front of me: I love music. I am a bassist, an avid record collector, I spin Boogie/Funk/80's vinyl here and there at bars and parties for fun, and I constantly love exploring everything related to the world of music. I am constantly monitoring foreign conflicts and researching militant insurgencies; I love to keep up to date on everything open source within the intelligence world. In terms of jobs in this field, it may be sour grapes, but I am not sure if I could sleep at night if I worked in intel for my government. I love to make art; some of my other brothers and I collaborate on cartoons, screenplays, and sketches. I love designing a character and making an elaborate Halloween costume every year. I love to create wild, exciting, and vibrant worlds, taking mine and others imaginations into the real world. I love to explore the world, connect with other cultures, and SEE and EXPERIENCE all I can during my short time here. It feels almost as if there's a "perfect career for me" combining all of these interests just sitting on the tip of my tongue. Then there's part of me screaming "Just write on what you've done. Then go do more shit and write! Fuck publications, newspapers, and media corps. Just do your own thing and you'll figure it out!"

I write all of this, not necessarily asking for help finding a path (although, PLEASE any input is welcome), but just to share my experience to those who may be in the pits of confusion and hopelessness where I was very recently. Hopefully this can provide at least some solidarity and maybe a little bright flash of hope. I hope that those who are in similar places in their lives as me can read this and feel validated and more comfortable. Those of you who have made it out alive and thriving, hopefully this reminds you of your journey to where you are. And to all of those who failed, well...maybe this can help you feel willing to try it again. We only get this one shot at this, so why not give it our all?
I have no answers or solutions, just my own accounts of my raw experiences and the perspectives they have given me. I guess that's kind of the point of all of this though, right? We are all here to perceive and be perceived. We live in, witness, and are the spectacle! What an absurd, ghastly, and wonderful life we all live! Go live it and experience...you may be on the path you are searching for without even realizing it...

Good hunting and rock on everyone. I love you all.
submitted by durt_squirrel to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:11 Ivoriy sometimes i feel like i´m not really progressing

i started therapy during the pandemic due to my frustration with my lack of social life but also because i dont feel like i have a life i enjoy. she is a humanist and i knew that it would be talk therapy instead of cbt (which i also did before twice. i hit plateau with my first therapist, there wasnt much else left to work on since its more symptom focused and the secondtherapist also didnt help me with my frustration regarding friendships so i stopped)..
from my pov, since they always had a more fullfilling life (with relationships), they cant really understand what´s it like to feel bored and have a lack of social connection. they also dont really try to give some guidance regarding. i remember once asking what i could do to socialize more and she just responded "its very subjective and depends on taste"
anyways, i have made very little progress in those 3 years. still no social life, still not happy with my life in general. i did make some internal changes but i wonder if its really due to therapy or if it was just because the pandemic ended and i settled back to my former balanced self.
she seems like a good therapist in some ways, allows me to message her outside of therapy (which i did more of in the beginning but it never felt right, it felt kinda false because its not a friend i am going to) and gives good insight every now and then, but she also said she´s not one to work from the outside but that change happens from within, which is true to some extend... i dont think she grasps my feelings or undestands me completely regarding my main issue. its not healthy for a human to live isolated.
i am really saturated at that point, talking about feelings all the time.. most session are rather deep, ive never cried when i did cbt, but during her session i do.. but its tiring, only talking about feelings, crying and not progressing elsewhere, not really seeing change in life.. now i am considering just doing therapy once a month until i detach and feel fine ended it for good. see what life is like if ur not constantly focused on problemas and angst.
talking about what bothers does help but its not enough. sometimes i feel like i am fooling myself because my life didnt change that much in those years of therapy and talking just gives the ilusion that i am..
submitted by Ivoriy to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:03 CandyMaterial3301 What would you do? 34 year old with almost 2 million

Hi everyone - long time lurker here but never posted here before. I posted in a different group last year but wanted more advice from you guys.
I am looking for some guidance on what I should do with my money based on my financial information and history.
In short: I am an attorney with my own small law firm. I've been practicing for 9 years. I started my own law firm 4.5 years ago. Generally, I make about $200,000 a year net income from my law firm but had two very large settlements in the last two years where I took home 2.5-3 million in legal fees pre tax. I do not have those types of settlements coming in the future based on my current caseload. I spend about $150,000 marketing a year to make close to $350,000 or so if you exclude the two big settlements.
I have truly been fortunate but need to decide my next financial moves and have been very conservative with my money since those settlements.
As for my personal life, I am not married but hopefully will be in the next couple years. I do want kids and hopefully that can happen in the next 3-5 years. I live in a high cost of living area in California.
CASH: Approx $1.8 million, mostly in treasuries and savings accounts (all yielding from 4-5 percent and maturing in the next few months) while figuring out what my plan is.
RETIREMENT: $250k in the S&P 500 (SEP IRA)
COST OF LIVING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: With Rent (approx $5000 - i know high); insurance; food and going out; utilities; student loan payment; travel; etc...I spend about $9 or 10k/month
We will exclude my business expenses as those are investments in my law firm..
2020: Approx -50k
2021: Approx 100k
2022: Approx 2.3million (approx 2 million of it came from one very large settlement which I poured all my energy and time into)
2023: Approx 750k (approx 500k from one settlement)
First 5 months of 2024: Approximately 100k
If you were me, outside of putting it back in the business, how would you split up the investing here?
Would you by a home, condo or townhouse? It is very expensive in California but I am spending about 5k/month now on rent.
Would you put it all/some in the S&P 500?
Thanks in advance
submitted by CandyMaterial3301 to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:03 Cocobyrd23 Looking for a Lawyer for fighting the Unemployment TN Dept of Labor .

Hi, does anyone have any good recommendations for a lawyer who would work on a small case for a fair price?
We don't have a big budget, but the unemployment agency is coming after me for the unemployment that I lawfully applied for and received when I was unemployed during the pandemic. They are being shady af and saying I didn't submit documentation to prove my employment or unemployment even though that is literally what I had to do to get the funds in the first place. We need a lawyers advice on how to respond because they just throw a bunch of legalize at us and threaten to take our tax refund if we don't pay $10,000. I have the evidence to prove I was eligible, I've got the receipts and the proof, but I need to know how to follow the hoops because they clearly want it to be impossible for us to win. I know this is a scam a lot of states are trying to earn back the money they overspent in the Pandemic, its downright unjust and should be illegal. Its already been covered on the news and I am sure one day the state will be sued over this, but for now I just need a lawyer we can trust. I don't want this to happen to me or anyone else.
submitted by Cocobyrd23 to nashville [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:01 miniscule_memories Two Year Anniversary (of being heartbroken).

i’m going to make this as informative but also short as possible. Two years ago today, I (22F) had seen a suspicious text on my boyfriend (27)s phone. I opened his phone and to my dismay I found Grindr as one of his recently used apps. It came as an utter shock to me, because we had been together a year and a half at this point, lived together, and had been through a serious car flipping car accident 2 months prior. He was sending nudes and talking to a guy while at work that day. I called off of work, but was supposed to work that evening when he came home. In these messages he told the guy exactly when he worked until, and — like i said sent nudes of himself to this stranger. My heart broke and I pretty much disconnected from the relationship then. I confronted him, cried my eyes out, and he said to me “can you look less heartbroken about it?” Told me he never planned on hooking up, it was just a “fantasy thing” he’d jerk off to, and move on.
We moved on - tried to at least. And he went on to download grindr again behind my back at least two more times. I discovered this by going through his phone at random times. He wasn’t honest, and said the “text verification code was from Sonic”, (and at first my dumbass believed him til i later put two and two together and remembered just a few months prior what happened).
The latest occurrence was January. I found him on gay 4Chan porn. While porn is not bad, he had told me before he “swore off all porn except for the stuff we’ve made,” so the fact he was lying to me - and seeking out men again just hurt me again. Ever since then I haven’t had any issues with him and porn, nor do I really care at this point. I’ve been hurt so many times. So why stay? Because we both know I have nowhere to go.
I can’t drive, my knees are messed up from the accident so I am “transportation reliant.” My father told me i’m never invited back home “no matter what,”. And my mother is an unstable addict.
I know it’s on me to get out of this situation, but yesterday was the two year anniversary. To see what little progress I’ve made (due to unforeseen circumstances and the fact we’ve tried to make it work but he keeps FUCKING UP!) is really bringing me down. I really do not know where to go from here besides to keep saving money. I live in a state where Rent for a 1Bdrm (no utilities) is $800 a month at the least. If i’m transportation dependent, i need to factor in lyft/uber as monthly costs too. Currently in school, student loans will need paid back. As for the car, (another thing i’ll have to pay eventually), I have to get surgery to repair my knees - which insurance doesn’t seem to want to approve yet.
I hope he doesn’t cheat on me again , I can’t imagine how it’ll turn out for him or me. He’s already done it 4 times!
submitted by miniscule_memories to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:59 UnImpressive_Jack Pvc during/after exercise?!

So I am 20M and started gym for the first time in my life three weeks ago but a week ago after I finished my last set I started noticing sudden feelings like my heart was going to drop or sink to my stomach especially when I was exhaling deeply which made me breath fast and get paniced thought I was dying. The amount of them went to decrease later on and now it happens max 2-3 times a day or at least thats what I feel. Idk if this is pvc or not but I dont feel pain or shortness of breath when it happens just the anxiety kicking in immediately and flushing my entire body. I would love to discuss this with someone that has gone through it
submitted by UnImpressive_Jack to PVCs [link] [comments]
