Pet care business slogan ideas

IDEXX Laboratories

2014.03.20 12:41 Lantro IDEXX Laboratories

Innovative diagnostics and technologies for better veterinary care and safer food and water

2020.04.10 17:32 ringingbells For Bernie supporters who plan to just vote by writing in Bernie Sanders as President.

Write in Bernie anyway, even if Bernie is against it. Forget the media, forget Republicans, and forget democrats. Write in Bernie, regardless. Some candidate like Tulsi as his vice, but that's debatable.

2013.10.19 04:06 praisekitty Curing your crazy cats

This subreddit is specifically for questions, advice or articles about feline behavior and how to fix it.

2024.04.29 13:01 ChoiceDeparture9 Marianne is overlooked

Lelouch involuntarily paints the audience an image of Marianne as an ideal mother, but throughout the series we do not have a single flashback that allows us to judge her personality. All information about her comes from others and only raises doubts. She was a commoner who first became a knight of the round and then the Empress. In the British Darwinian system... And also Jeremiah admires her and Cornelia looks up to her... This can hardly be called a compliment. Moreover, according to her, she joined the plan of Charles and V.V. TOGETHER WITH C.C. and this means that she met her earlier and most likely was a member of the Geass Order. This is also hinted at by her words about research on the need for a second code. Thus, the plot twist about her personality is literally in plain sight for the audience.
In the series, she and Charles have a sort of divine status and presence, which is why their unmasking is so important. From the view of the narrative, the only thing that matters in Marriana is the fact that her identity is revealed and the opportunity for Lelouch to reunite with her like the other dead, essentially accepting her “good intentions.” I already said once that the Ragnarok storyline is a big middle finger to Evangelion, and Marianne is spit Yui Ikari. I think Marianne's lack of a detailed background is intentional, because so was Shinji's mother, and they are both more of an entity. Eva perpetuated the anime image of a dead mother who, at worst, was a living saint, and at best, guided by a dubious philosophy, cared for her child. And Marianne is who Yui Ikari really is - a crazy fanatical bitch whose aspirations are understandable only only to herself. I heard that even Goro Taniguchi said that she is “too kind for human understanding” and Yui can be described in a similar way.
However, there are a few more interesting things about Marianne. When Charles meeting Lelouch for the first time in the C`s world , he talks about his face, the thirst for mutual understanding, and about Suzaku and Euphie, whom Lelouch allegedly lost because of his lies. However, at the second meeting, Charles is more focused on his idea of a world without lies and mutual understanding as the END RESULT, while it is Marianne who focuses on the fact that everyone can be their true selves and that it would be good for everyone to reunite. Thus, it can be fully argued that it was she who gave Charles these psychological ideas due to their relationship, built on mutual understanding. I will even go further and say that it was she who could have gave him the idea of ​​killing God. In all scenes of Charles and V.V. they talk about their vow to kill God and destroy the lies of this world, however, when Charles shares his story with Lelouch, he only talks about the vow to create a world without lies. And when it comes to joining Marianne and C.C. to the plan, we are shown footage from a flashback where Charles and V.V. already have the intention to kill God. However, in the same flashback, Charles shows disappointment that Britania is built on lies and that all people are liars, as if he had previously hoped for something different... Moreover, V.V. when meeting Cornelia, he says: “IF there is a god who makes people fight each other.” In other words, at some point they didn’t even know if God existed at all. At the moment of Ragnarok, it is Marianne who rejoices most of all because God will soon be killed.
Well, the last piece of the puzzle in Marianne is her Geass. First of all, it seems to me that originally Marianne needed the Code itself, which is why, ironically, her Geass did not activate until after her death. The very ability to preserve one’s essence in someone else’s mind with the ability to return under certain conditions to one’s own body... This already seems very nihilistic, but how does this affect the personality of Anya herself... If Marianne during her lifetime achieved that many put her on a pedestal , admired and looked up to her even after her death... Her desire for everyone to be their true selves, for reunification and mutual understanding is actually a desire to see themselves in other people...
submitted by ChoiceDeparture9 to CodeGeass [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:58 Haileystrauss What to expect from first period after lap

I had my lap on 4/12 and was diagnosed with endo and PCOS. However, he didn’t see any sign of endometriosis in there he told me at first. I had other things going on in there so he removed part of my “omentum” (he said mine was stiff and it’s supposed to flex with my body), cysts from my ovaries, and he found stones in my appendix and removed that as well. After putting my omentum under microscope he said they were able to see the endometriosis. It makes me nervous because how much was in there that he just couldn’t see? Anyway, since a week ago I’ve been dealing with nausea and headaches every single day. I was even throwing up one day. But no cramps like I had before yet. I have no idea when I’m going to be starting my period because of how irregular it is and just starting new birth control a month and a half ago. I guess I’m wondering what other peoples first periods were like after their surgery? I have dealt with nausea and migraines before because of my endo but I’ve never actually thrown up and it’s never been constant..will my symptoms worsen at first after the lap? Does anyone have any tips for anything that actually helps with the nausea? I have a 2 year old who keeps me so busy so feeling this way all of the time is terrible. I’m happy to have no cramps yet but I keep just waiting for them to come..also I have taken 3 pregnancy tests in the course of a few weeks and they’re all negative. I’m sorry if this is so run on. I have a lot going on. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read and give me their experiences. 🩷
submitted by Haileystrauss to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:57 LyXIX Why do most people just REFUSE to hit anywhere but the head?

I'm a hammer main MR20 HR60 since the earlier days of my playtime. And yesterday, a chargeblade user that I joined to help out had me really fed up.
Team was consisted of 1 CB and 3 hammers, and as you can tell, it was kinda chaotic whenever the monster fell since everybody wants to hit the head. And I'm totally fine with it when only hammer user is me(lets get real, people don't really care what 1 guy in their team uses) or they don't break my combos very often. But this time was different, we had 3 hammers, that CB guy must've realized the 3 bonk guys.
And yet(and I'm not exaggerating) he continuously kept throwing 3 us in the air whenever the monster fell on the ground. First time was fine, I kindly asked him to just aim for the tail and let us have the head, then came the second and third and so on, you get the idea. Not only he never switched target, he whined about how the monster is so stupidly strong and all that.
My hunter in christ, god sent you the holy trinity but you've chosen death. It's not the game's fault...
submitted by LyXIX to MonsterHunterWorld [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:57 Ielevely Colleague with an attitude

So, I work in a library and overall the colleagues are great, but there's one that is always in some type of mood and has an attitude. I've been working here for over a year and didn't have much of an issue with them, I would always bring by some books that belonged to their reading room and so on, they seemed appreciative too. Recently I switched positions and just last Friday I started to take over taking care of book orders (it was previously the colleagues responsibility). Naturally, since it's a new task for me, I do run into issues or have questions and since it's their field - I have to look to them for answers. Today I just came by to check if there are any order slips that need to be fulfilled, so I asked them of there are any orders for me to take care of. I was met with a lovely answer of "why are you asking me, figure it out yourself". Needless to say, attitude like that isn't very inviting for asking questions and trying to learn. Any idea what I should do? Just keep quiet and ask other colleagues for help? Should I try to say something to them myself? Talk to our supervisor? It's very unpleasant to get attitude like that, but I also don't want any drama.
submitted by Ielevely to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:56 KeyzCYQ Why are people into MBTI?


MBTI categorises personalities into 16 convenient types. Realistically, each person can only be one of these types (because their behaviours are closest to that type’s behaviour, it’s mathematically impossible to be 2 types at the same time, I’ve posted a discussion about this model), each type has their stereotypes. A person will most likely manifest the stereotypical behaviours of their personality type (it makes sense right?)


I’ve noticed that a lot of people see mbti as zodiac signs: 1. they don’t believe in the concept but still talk 🗣️ about it; 2. they think they are some experts without having analysed or studied the fundamentals of this system called mbti, like cognitive functions.
Ignorance can be forgiven, but ignorance + denial cannot be forgiven. For example lots of people can’t read other people (principally low Fe people can’t understand neither use MBTI properly) and they will try to force on others their idea of “personalities are too complex, I can’t read people so I don’t believe anyone else can categorise people. I blame on MBTI that my results on a personality test are not precise. Fuck all this stuff, wtf is Te? wtf is Fi? Are they chemical symbols? Ewwww imagine reading definitions and understanding them. I’m gonna tell everyone that mbti is shit, not my ignorance.
Again, I understand ignorance, also denial, I don’t really care if they believe it or not, but I’ve got ONE question.


Why are they here in mbti or any other mbti related community if they don’t approve the ideology of mbti? It’s like a Muslim that goes to a Christian church every sunday.
submitted by KeyzCYQ to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:55 bttrlucknxttime I (21F) dont know when the right time to tell my mom I'm dating my girlfriend (22f) is

When is the right time to tell your overbearing mom you're in a relationship?
I (21f) have been dating my girlfriend (22f) for a few months now, and we're both serious about each other. Her parents already know about us and I want to tell mine but I'm stuck on whether i should tell or wait longer.
I've been friends with my girlfriend for about 2 years before we started dating so my parents know her so theres no issue with introducing them. The main thing im worried about is my moms reaction, when ive dated in the past ive never told her about it because she was always really overbearing and controlling, always seeing me as her baby.
A couple of months before i even met my now girlfriend I was seeing a narcissistic ex, tldr he only wanted sex and I was stupid enough to think he actually cared about me. After a couple of months i went to his house, we hooked up and afterwards he discarded me. I lied about where I was to my mom because I knew she would freak out if she knew I was going to a guys house. She found out Id lied about where I was because I was breaking down crying about him breaking it off with me, and instead of consoling me she just went off at me about the fact I'd lied about where I was, trying to make out that was the worst part about what id done, and for the next couple of days kept making me feel worse for lying to her. I wasn't proud of it but it wasnt the first time Id lied to her just the first time she found out. Strict parents raise sneaky kids.
So because of how she reacted to me "betraying" her I'm worried that shes gonna have a similar reaction to the fact I'm dating my girlfriend because she's stayed at our house so many times since we started dating and we've gone on vacations together. Sometimes the way my mom speaks makes me think she knows already but then she says something else that tells me she has no idea at all.
So do I tell her we're dating now, meaning she'll probably make things feel awkward that im dating since she still refuses to accept im not a kid anymore. Or do I wait for longer and risk her acting like ive completely betrayed her by having my girlfriend over and not being honest about why she's there??
submitted by bttrlucknxttime to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:54 Leather_Abroad_4408 Tomorow and Wednesday are two big days for me!

Only 2 days until my main GIC appointment ^^ (well privately) and my GP shared care appointment is tommorow. Its some progress but its in the right direction. Do you have any ideas on how to prepare at all? I could do with a bit of advice. I do feel kind of nervous...
submitted by Leather_Abroad_4408 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:53 CookieCrum83 4yo daughter compleing that her stuffed toy is too fat

Hey fellow Dad's!
Just looking for advice, especially from Dads with older daughters, if I am overthinking this or not.
Put simply, I think my worried that my daughter is developing a negative self image of herself and I have no idea where it comes from, or more importantly, how to help her.
It's been an on going theme with her for a few months now, she doesn't want to wear anything else other than dresses, as jeans are ugly. She can get really sensitive around her image and will occasionally have fairly big meltdowns about looking ugly because of some minor change to her appearence. This morning she took the stuffing out of her favourite stuffed toy (it's meant to come out) and said that it was unhappy about being too fat. She is definitely a "well built" young lady, but all in proportion and is actually really physically active. Also she is 4, so why does she even care about that?
I've spoken to her mother about it and she is not getting it from her. We've also always been mindful of language around her praising all things about her, not just her appearence. Also spoken to her kindergarten and they also don't know where it's coming from, again I trust them when they say they are also mindful about things like that.
I have a feeling it comes from the "older" girls there (like 5/6), who are also only children, but have picked up this crap from home or where else this stuff comes from. I am however not about to start trying to parent other kids, or start complaning to other parents.
My eldest is a boy and I can sadly start to see these kind of topics becoming more present, but have no experience with this. So any advice would be welcome!
Edit: Spotted the spelling mistake in the title too late!
submitted by CookieCrum83 to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:52 Ok_Deal_5423 Have you ever regretted a rebound / situationship?

I've been thru 2 breakups and after each one I rebounded with a situationship. But looking back at it now, they were AWFUL guys. Literal bums with no jobs, no goals, desperate for a relationship, stingy and cheap, insecure, demanding, icky, physically unattractive, etc. But in the moment I didn't notice any of that cause all I wanted was attention and validation after my toxic exes and that's what I got from them. I have no idea what the hell I was thinking or why I even wasted months on them, like all my standards just disappeared during those times. anyone else made really bad choices in guys after a breakup?
I've grown and learned to be more considerate and careful of who I pick and choose from now on, I really am ashamed of myself for setting the bar so low.
submitted by Ok_Deal_5423 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:52 shloogojad Can I change the way I do daily chores to use my upper back muscles?

I never cared about my posture and it bit me in the butt when I worked as a cashier for a year.
I was exercising the front of my body for 8-10h on almost a daily basis and completely disregarded my back.
I've been unemployed for almost a year now but my shoulders are still round (I have to fight with my front muscles to straighten them) and my back is so weak I have to sit down when I'm picking something up repeatedly, like harvesting potatoes.
I should start exercising but making new habits is difficult for me, I have ADHD. So I'd like to exercise my back in my day to day life. I want to start addressing the issue and thinking about my back all day should help me remember about exercising.
I already try to focus on my back when I'm doing some heavy lifting but it doesn't really work. I just don't know how to keep these muscles busy. I pick something up and flex my shoulders out but at the end of the day I only have cramps in my lower back and arms.
submitted by shloogojad to Posture [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:52 elasticvertigo YSK about 'Review Hijacking' on Amazon

Why YSK: You may end up ordering a product reading the high rating and review count, which may be entirely misleading and not even for the product being displayed.
I was recently browsing Amazon for a wireless vacuum cleaner for my car. I came across a couple of products with extremely high ratings (including a large number of reviews). Turned out, the reviews were for entirely different products, sometimes more than two or three. I came across an old post on OutOfTheLoop which explained this. The idea basically is to change an existing product listing with a high rating and reviews to an entirely different product instead of starting from zero and creating a new listing with no ratings and reviews.
Just drives home the point that before buying anything, please read the reviews carefully. Going by the face value of ratings and the number of reviews is not enough.
Example 1 Example 2
Link to the original post on OOTL
submitted by elasticvertigo to YouShouldKnow [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:52 Best_Animation Explainer Videos: The Ultimate Guide to Captivating Audiences on Social Media

Explainer Videos: The Ultimate Guide to Captivating Audiences on Social Media
I. Understanding the Role of Explainer Videos
Explainer videos are short expertly made video presentations that highly engage and whose purpose is to clarify a concept, exhibit a product, or explain a service comprehensively and briefly as well. These videos are planned carefully with an aim of drawing the viewers’ attention right from the beginning all through in order to ensure that necessary information is communicated concisely without boring the crowd."
A. Definition and Purpose of Explainer Videos
Explainer videos are a strong tool for brands to convey their messages in an attractive manner, they simplify hard subjects and make any information simple for the audience to understands.
B. Benefits of Using Explainer Videos on Social Media
⦁ Increased engagement: Explainer videos capture the audience's attention and keep them interested in the content.
⦁ Improved brand awareness: By creating memorable videos, brands can increase visibility and recognition.
⦁ Higher conversion rates: Explainer videos help simplify the buying process and persuade viewers to take action.
C. The Psychology Behind Why Explainer Videos Work
Explanation recordings that allure the audience’s sight and hearing faculties make people have more interest on them than content which is text-based. Moreover, the use of a Storytelling techniques and relatable characters helps create an emotional bond between viewers and the materials shown on screen.
II. Elements of an Effective Explainer Video
To create a successful explainer video, it's important to pay attention to the following elements:
A. Crafting a Compelling Storyline
From start to finish, crafting a good storyline is what will keep viewers interested in what they are watching. Explainer videos exist in order to explain things in an understandable manner and thus attract linkages with those they are meant for.
B. Choosing the Right Visual Elements
For a message to be effectively carried across, visual elements such as colors’, graphics’, and animations’ are crucial. Instead, these ought to be part and parcel of the brand’s identity as well as its specific message.
C. Incorporating Sound and Music for Impact
Sound effects and background music may make the viewing experience better and cause emotions in the audience. To ensure that the viewers will always remember the video it is important to select appropriate sound elements.
III. Techniques for Creating Memorable Explainer Videos
Creating a memorable explainer video requires attention to detail and creativity. Some techniques to consider include:
A. Keeping it Simple and Concise
Don't give the audience more details than they can handle. The video must be kept short with only the main idea being zeroed in on.
B. Using Animation to Grab Attention
Appealing and able to convey simple ideas in understandable manner are animated explainer videos They also are adaptable and can be tailored to match the style of a brand.
C. Incorporating Call-to-Actions for Engagement
Including clear call-to-actions at the end of the video can encourage viewers to take the next step, whether it's visiting a website, making a purchase, or sharing the video with others.
IV. Optimizing Explainer Videos for Social Media Platforms
To ensure maximum reach and engagement, it's important to optimize explainer videos for specific social media platforms:
A. Understanding Platform-Specific Best Practices
Different platforms have different video requirements and audience preferences. Adapting the video content to fit each platform can increase visibility and engagement.
B. Implementing SEO Strategies for Visibility
Optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords can improve the video's visibility on search engines and social media platforms.
C. Analyzing Metrics to Improve Performance
Tracking key metrics such as views, engagement rates, and conversion rates can help identify what's working and what needs improvement in the video content.
V. Engaging Audiences with Explainer Videos: Case Studies and Examples
"Within social media, several explainer video campaigns have worked well at engaging audiences. For example:"
A. Successful Explainer Video Campaigns on Social Media
⦁ Dollar Shave Club's viral video campaign that helped increase brand awareness and customer acquisition.
⦁ Airbnb's animated explainer video that effectively showcased the benefits of using their platform for travelers.
B. Real-Life Examples of Audience Engagement
⦁ Slack's simple and humorous explainer video that resonated with their target audience and went viral on social media.
⦁ Dropbox's animated explainer video that effectively explained their product's benefits and features to potential users.
C. Tips for Replicating Success in Your Own Campaigns
To replicate the success of these campaigns, consider the following tips:
⦁ Focus on creating relatable and engaging content that resonates with your target audience.
⦁ Keep the video short, compelling, and visually appealing to capture viewers' attention.
⦁ Analyze audience feedback and engagement metrics to make data-driven decisions for future video campaigns.


Simply put, online videos that explain things are an effective means of catching the watchful eyes of social media users. Brands who want to forge a connection with their audience and achieve results with their brand need to make sure that they comprehend the art and science that go into making captivating videos for social platforms, so that means studying what works about them and using these tricks when coming up with some content of your own.
Don't forget to share this post!
submitted by Best_Animation to u/Best_Animation [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:50 Backseat_Scout Backseat Scout's 2024 Post-Draft Dynasty Rookie Rankings w/ Explanations #1-70 (Continuation of Rankings in Comments Section)

Hey all, It’s that time of the year to turn from pre-draft positional rankings to post-draft dynasty rookie rankings! If you’re new to my content, I’ve been posting positional rankings and evals for the past several months and my rankings are scattered between posting on here and on a website I’m a contributor for. However, you can find all my rankings and evals in my draft guide and Positional Rankings below. Also, I included my 2023 post-draft dynasty rookie rankings from last year as well for reference: Draft Guide/Word Document Link:
Excel Sheet/Positional Rankings+Big Board Link:
2023 Post-Draft Dynasty Rookie Rankings:
Now a couple of notes before getting started: - I rank based on how I would have them in my league which is a 1QB PPR league. I don’t do separate rankings for 2QB which I know a lot of people do but I’ve never been in one so I think it would be disingenuous to do that type of ranking since I am guessing at the value of QB without experiencing how others view it firsthand in a draft.
So, let’s get to it!
Tier 1 (Don’t Overthink it):
1. Marvin Harrison Jr., WR, Ohio State Age: 21 years, 8 months Height: 6’3”; Weight: 209 pounds Drafted by: Arizona Cardinals 4th overall in the 1st round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: WR1 Position Dynasty Ranking: WR1 I was going to keep this as a once sentence section but I’ve seen a few posts wanting to discuss MHJ vs Nabers so I’ll expand my thoughts a bit. First taking a look at the talent, MHJ was most people’s #1 receiver in this class and was many of people’s top receiver prospects in the last decade. He’s a fantastic route runner that can win multiple ways. His only marks that held me back from considering up there as the top prospect in the past decade is potentially lacking elite speed and his technique and consistency when attacking the ball in the air. However, these are both well above average and won’t hinder him.
From a situations standpoint, you can’t really ask for a better one for a top 5 pick. He already has an established, solid QB in Kyler Murray. He has a coaching staff that showed they are capable of running an NFL offense (Sorry Kingsbury). He was always going to be the top receiver for a team but he is walking into a situation where the Cardinals lost their top 2 receivers from a target perspective in Marquise Brown and Rondale Moore and also lost Zach Ertz. They also didn’t add another receiver until round 5. So, the team has 206 vacated targets that can easily have the majority go in his direction. Short-term, I think he can instantly become a WR1 in fantasy and long-term I don’t see much changing. He was the 1.01 basically the moment he entered college and still is today.
2. Malik Nabers, WR, LSU Age: 21 years, 8 months Height: 6’0”; Weight: 200 pounds Drafted by: New York Giants 5th overall in the 1st round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: WR2 Position Dynasty Ranking: WR2 I think a fair number of people are looking at Nabers landing in New York and are overly concerned about it as well. Again, this is why this tier has its name. As a player, Nabers is electric as a route runner and with the ball in his hands. He has everything it takes to be an elite man beater in the NFL and always force himself open. There really aren’t a lot of holes in his game other than not having the size to win fades in the end zone and the fact that he’s likely not going to be a consistent vertical threat. However, he will feast in the NFL and in PPR leagues. I know he isn’t very far into his career, but I can see him being viewed similarly as Garrett Wilson with similar play styles and ability to win you PPR matchups.
Outside of getting top 5 draft capital, his draft spot and situation are nothing to be overly concerned about. The Giants are in the midst of some heavy turnover, losing Saquon Barkley and Darren Waller potentially retiring. When you throw in the loss of role players like Parris Campbell, Matt Breida, and Sterling Shepard, you have at least 204 targets vacated if Waller retires. The reason I say at least is since the Giants basically gave up throwing some games after Daniel Jones got hurt. So, with the uptick in passing and the high number of vacated targets even if Waller plays another year, you have a clear path for Nabers to be a WR1.
Short-term, I could see Nabers being an immediate WR1 in scoring just from a necessity standpoint for the Giants. Long-term, I think he has all the potential to be viewed as a top 5 WR and likely will have this view reflected by the public/KeepTradeCut with the big market bump and extra exposure he’ll get. We can say how the Giants haven’t had a fantasy relevant WR since Odell, but trends/streaks are made to be broken.
3. Rome Odunze, WR, Washington Age: 21 years, 11 months Height: 6’3”; Weight: 212 pounds Drafted by: Chicago Bears 9th overall in the 1st round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: WR3 Position Dynasty Ranking: WR3
Now this is a situation I can understand people being concerned about. Rome Odunze entered the draft as most people’s WR3 at worst and up there with MHJ and Odunze as prospects. He’s a very balanced receiver with great hands, ability to adjust to balls, and very good athleticism. His weaknesses in his release and route running are more of nitpicks and areas holding him back from being a top tier WR in the past decade. Odunze also dominated last year showing he could put up numbers during a game regardless of how much competition he had around him.
While he played with two day 2 receivers, he hasn’t played with as much competition as he will in Chicago. For his rookie year, he’ll be competing to two top tier WRs in DJ Moore and Keenan Allen and will also have ancillary players like Kmet, Everett, and Swift competing for targets. The Bears also don’t have a ton of vacated targets with Darnell Mooney being the only notable departure opening up just 61 targets for Odunze, Allen, Kmet, Everett, and Swift. The Bears might pass more, but regardless of how great Caleb Williams is, it’s always hard on a rookie QB throwing so much and being capable of supporting so many fantasy relevant players.
With it being so recent, this feels like JSN 2, Electric Boogaloo. However, just like JSN, I’m going to trust the talent and my eval. Short-term, I don’t think you will be able to count on him unless he builds chemistry with Williams during rookie minicamp which is very possible and something we saw with Stroud and Dell last year. Long-term, there is a good chance Keenan Allen is gone next year and Odunze has all the skill to overtake DJ Moore as Chicago’s WR1 (and this is coming from a big DJ Moore fan). If you feel you dodged a bullet with JSN last year and the idea of sitting on a talent like this scares you, I’d pass on him. However, I think there is a big drop in talent after Odunze and it would be wise to not pass him up.
Tier 2 (Team Has a Plan for a Heavy Role):
4. Xavier Worthy, WR, Texas Age: 21 years, 0 months Height: 5’11”; Weight: 165 pounds Drafted by: Kansas City Chiefs 28th overall in the 1st round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: WR10 Position Dynasty Ranking: WR4
Now that we’re past the big 3, it starts to get interesting. The 4 spot in 1QB is likely going to be up for debate but I feel fairly confident going with Xavier Worthy here. I feel I’ve seen a number of people say that everyone should avoid Chiefs rookie receivers since they are always fool’s gold as if we didn’t just see Rashee Rice finish as the WR21 last year. Worthy’s speed likely is part of people trying to sell him as fool’s gold but his speed is legit and shows in YAC and deep opportunities. He also has more polish to his route running than he is given credit for.
Outside of his size, some of my biggest issues with Worthy are his release, contested catch ability, and production as a vertical threat. Like Rice, I didn’t have Worthy as high in my rankings compared to his draft spot due to these issues. Thankfully, he will have Andy Reid as a coach who is probably the best coach at getting his players free releases and schemed open to limit contested catch situations. Also, Worthy will have Mahomes throwing him deep balls instead of Quinn Ewers and for some reason I have a bit more faith in Mahomes connecting more with Worthy down field. Also, the Chiefs have a fair number of vacated targets with 95 from MVS, McKinnon, and Hardman and potentially more if they move on from Moore or Toney who both had 38 each. Plus we also don’t know about the details about the likely Rice suspension and Kelce isn’t getting any younger. So, there will be a lot of opportunities on day 1.
Short-term, I see Worthy overtaking Toney and Moore in their roles and actually be able to convert on the designed looks Reid tried to scheme up for them. This will give him an easier start as he adjusts to the NFL like they did for Rashee Rice last year. For fantasy, I think his production could be a bit frustrating week-to-week for his rookie year but should have a fair floor for PPR. Long-term, I think he will get more involved in deep opportunities and really become a complete asset for the team and for dynasty/fantasy lineups. I have the philosophy to aim for upside in rookie drafts. When you have the opportunity to get a 1st round receiver paired with the most creative offensive mind in football and the best QB in the NFL, you have to take the chance for the unlimited upside.
5. Brian Thomas Jr., WR, LSU Age: 21 years, 6 months Height: 6’3”; Weight: 209 pounds Drafted by: Jacksonville Jaguars 23rd overall in the 1st round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: WR6 Position Dynasty Ranking: WR5 Brian Thomas Jr. Was most people’s WR4 in this class with his combination of speed, fluidity as an athlete, and his ball tracking. His limited route running and long-term production held me back from having him higher but I can’t blame anyone for having him higher with his upside and having the fluidity and quickness to develop as a route runner. At worst, he has the makings for a great deep threat or even a YAC player. Best case scenario, he becomes a more developed route runner and can beat defenses underneath and deep.
The Jaguars clearly are betting on his route running and seem like they expect him to fill in for Ridley’s role with his departure to Tennessee. His departure and Jamal Agnew’s open up 157 vacated targets for this season. Gabe Davis definitely complicates the picture a bit but Gabe Davis has never had a 100+ target season despite being the clear WR2 in Buffalo and I don’t expect him to suddenly go past this mark in Jacksonville. Plus, I feel he is more destined to take over Zay Jones' role in the near future. So, there is a clear opportunity for Brian Thomas Jr. to come in and contribute.
Short-term, it might be a bit of rough sledding as the Jaguars adjust to a new group of receivers with Thomas Jr. and Davis and I’d expect Kirk and Engram to dominate targets early on. However, by the end of the season I could see Thomas Jr. start to heat up once he and Trevor Lawrence develop some chemistry. Long-term, the hope as I mentioned is that he becomes a more developed route runner to take his game to another level. Regardless of the outcome, having a decent path to a WR1 spot for a team with a good, young QB is very appealing for a WR with his type of upside.
6. Ladd McConkey, WR, Georgia Age: 22 years, 5 months Height: 6’0”; Weight: 186 pounds Drafted by: Los Angeles Chargers 34th overall in the 2nd round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: WR7 Position Dynasty Ranking: WR6 Ladd McConkey has been seeing his draft stock rise over the past several months and finally paid off with him being taken 34th overall by the Chargers after the Chargers traded up to go grab him. McConkey stood out to evaluators and the Chargers due to his route running, athleticism in YAC situations, and very reliable hands. Outside of his lower weight, he was basically built to be a productive slot receiver in the NFL and showed some potential to survive outside.
He also walks into a nearly perfect situation with a wasteland at receiver with a whopping 370 targets vacated with the departures of Keenan Allen, Mike Williams, Austin Ekeler, Gerald Everett, Alex Erickson, and Jalen Guyton. The reason I said “nearly perfect,” is because of Jim Harbaugh coming in as the coach and likely having more of an emphasis in the run game. Using Harbaugh’s time with the 49ers as a reference, his offenses never finished higher than 29th in passing attempts and never had more than 30.4 attempts/game in a season (which would have been 26th in the NFL tied with the Giants). Now having Herbert could bump up the passing rate, but I think opportunities will be more limited than the 370 vacated targets suggest.
Short-term, I still think McConkey will get a fair cut of those vacated targets when he comes in as the likely WR2 for the team and likely will finish as the WR1 for the team by the end of the year. Plus, Herbert has shown his willingness and ability to hit underneath and timing patterns in college and in the NFL so I can see him hit the ground running. Long-term, I feel it’s hard to not expect the Chargers to draft a WR next year if Quentin Johnston doesn’t take a step forward and with a new regimen. So, he could have a new challenger for the WR1 spot. However, with the chemistry he’ll likely develop with Herbert, I think he will still remain his favorite target.
7. Jonathon Brooks, Texas Age: 22 years, 5 months Height: 6’0”; Weight: 216 pounds Drafted by: Carolina Panthers 46st overall in the 2nd round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: RB1 Position Dynasty Ranking: RB1 I wasn’t sure where I would end up with the RBs in this weaker class, but we have our first RB in the rankings with Brooks. I’m not sure how other people had it, but I had Brooks at the top of my pre-draft RB rankings and a sizable gap until my RB2. He has great elusiveness, contact balance, vision, and showed near the end of his season that he could take on a heavy receiving role. In a RB class with a lot of prospects with some glaring holes, he seemingly had very few until he tore his ACL.
The landing spot might sound lukewarm and probably will be this year as the team likely takes things slowly and lets him recover from his ACL. However, next year Miles Sanders will almost certainly get cut and Hubbard is a free agent that could play elsewhere. So, there is a clear path to him being an unchallenged back which is a rarity. The Panthers also understand how pitiful their offense was and went hard to overhaul the talent by attacking the o-line in free agency and skill positions in the draft so the offense could spring to life next year. I have even more confidence in the Panthers rebounding with Dave Canales leading the way who has seen success whenever he’s had his hands on the offense.
Short-term, I see them being cautious to not risk re-injury but he could still provide some use his rookie year and could heat up at the end of the year when he is further from the injury. Long-term, there is a very real chance that he could have a Rachaad White-like season where he is the workhorse back both on the ground and in the air. There is always the risk that he could get competition the following year but with the Panthers still lacking a 2nd round pick for 2025 and likely need to focus on retooling their defense next season, I think they will take their priorities elsewhere. So, we have the potential of having a back on a much improved offense, with a poor defense that will require more passing, and having the traits of a workhorse while being paired with a coach that is willing to have a workhorse, and I think we can justify having him this high.
8. Keon Coleman, WR, Florida State Age: 20 years, 11 months Height: 6’3”; Weight: 213 pounds Drafted by: Buffalo Bills 33rd overall in the 2nd round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: WR9 Position Dynasty Ranking: WR7 Keon Coleman was one of the most divisive receivers this draft cycle. Starting out as a clear first round receiver in that next tier after the big three with Brian Thomas Jr. Then he dropped to where a lot of people didn’t consider him worthy of a 2nd round selection. Turns out the NFL, or at least Buffalo, believes in his talent and took him to lead off the 2nd round. Coleman deserves belief in his skills with potentially the best hands in the draft, great jump ball and ball tracking ability, and better athleticism than his 40 time might indicate. I definitely wish he was a more consistent vertical threat but I could see the Bills developing his release to get there.
Like McConkey with the Chargers, Coleman is entering a relatively empty receiver room after 306 targets were vacated between Stefon Diggs, Gabe Davis, Trent Sherfield, Latavius Murray, and Deonte Harty leaving. The Bills did add Curtis Samuel but he has never had more than 105 targets in a season. Even if we adjust for a possible career high and bump that up to 120 targets, that still opens up 186 targets. Now this mark may not be very clearly available with Joe Brady taking over midseason last year and having more focus on the ground game. Since Brady took over, Allen attempted 33 passes/game in the regular season and playoffs which would have equal to 561 attempts in a full season and would have been about 50 attempts lower than their 2022 total had they finish all of their games and would have finished 21st in the NFL this year (right between the Eagles and Raiders). So there won’t be nearly 200 targets available, but plenty to keep a healthy targets/per game mark and a clear role to fit in with the departure of Gabe Davis.
Short-term, I could see Coleman being frustrating to start at the start of the season as he adjusts to NFL coverage and press. However, as the season goes on and he hopefully adjusts and takes advantage of Kincaid, Shakir, Samuel, Cook, and the run game drawing attention underneath, he should start to get some good production down field. Long-term, I think he can develop chemistry with Josh Allen and could become one of their top red zone weapons and really provide some great upside. With Diggs gone, he has a crazy high ceiling as a fantasy player if he manages to somehow earn the #1 receiver role in the offense and that is something worth taking a chance on with a young stud like Allen. Even if his lower ceiling is a Gabe Davis type of producer, that is still very valuable for most teams and worth taking a chance on as a fallback.
9. Brock Bowers, Georgia Age: 21 years, 4 months Height: 6’3”; Weight: 243 pounds Drafted by: Las Vegas 13th overall in the 1st round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: TE1 Position Dynasty Ranking: TE1 A lot of people are probably surprised to see me have Brock Bowers this low but it mostly just comes down to how I value tight ends in fantasy. I feel unless you get a guaranteed game breaker like a Kelce, it’s better to focus your assets elsewhere. Plus, tight end production can be difficult to predict and too easy to miss by reaching for the TE1 and having the TE2 or 3 go much later in the draft and produce at a similar or better level (just look at LaPorta last year). That being said, this is just about as high as I can justify having a TE in a rookie draft since I loveee Bowers. I’ve been a huge fan since day one and love his versatility. He has the hands, route running, and movement skills in space of a receiver. He is also a very solid blocker and can be used all over the field. There really isn’t a lot he can’t do and he absolutely deserved his 1st round draft capital and deserves to be taken in the first round of rookie drafts.
I feel I’ve seen a lot of back and forth on his landing spot and I understand the concerns. The Raiders didn’t really do much to address their QB situations and seem content with rolling with Minshew. Also, they just took a tight end pretty early last year by selecting Michael Mayer in the early 2nd and he also has Davante Adams and Jakobi Meyers to compete with who are both receivers that should see their games age well. They also don’t have a lot of vacated targets from last year with only 68 between Hunter Renfrow and Austin Hooper. So, it’s not a great situation but not many are for tight ends. Where the positives are is with Luke Getsy’s emphasis on 12 personnel/two tight end formations with the 8th highest rate in the NFL last year using them on nearly a quarter of plays. Also, with Bowers versatility, I can easily see him moving to slot receiver on plays with only Tre Tucker challenging Bowers for slot snaps. So, the opportunity is there if you are willing to target a tight end early.
Short-term, I could see Bowers being viewed as a bit of a disappointment only because of his high outlook entering the draft, needing to compete with Adams, Meyers, and Mayer for targets, and the unideal QB situation. However, long-term I see him as a likely top 5 TE especially when they likely get a QB upgrade next year. As I mentioned, I have Bowers lower just because of my philosophy for tight ends but I can definitely see him being reasonably taken at the 4 spot.
10. Caleb Williams, USC Age: 22 years, 5 months Height: 6’1”; Weight: 215 pounds Drafted by: Chicago Bears 1st overall in the 1st round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: QB1 Position Dynasty Ranking: QB1 Similar to Bowers, this is a bit lower for Williams than most people probably will have but I have somewhat of a similar stance in 1QB as TE with teams usually able to have strong QB production even if they don’t have a top 3 guy. Last year, I admittedly was even lower on the QBs in part due to the situations they went into and just with this philosophy. However, Stroud’s rookie season made me reflect on this and adjust my approach. So, we have our first QB and though some people will have Jayden Daniels as their QB1, I’m sticking with Caleb Williams. Williams is a top tier prospect with elite arm talent, great accuracy, and playmaking ability to carry a bad offense around him. He also has more rushing upside than he gets credit for with good speed and really fluid movement in space where he can make defenders miss.
As I mentioned, he can carry a bad offense around him, but as I pointed out in Odunze’s section, he won’t need to. It pains me to say it as a Packers fan, but the Bears did exactly what a franchise should do and built an offense to help a rookie QB succeed. It’s crazy that there is a serious case where Odunze could be his third worst receiver this year as he adjusts to the NFL. He also has a good o-line, solid tight end, and capable running backs. With his passing upside and ability to pick up yards on the ground, it’s hard to not see him hit the ground running and show why he was the #1 overall pick.
Williams was the first QB drafted and though it’s not always the case, he should be the first drafted in dynasty rookie drafts and can succeed whether your league scores passing touchdowns as 4 or 6 points. He has shown that he can be a successful QB for three years since he was a freshman and should continue that success into the NFL. Even if he runs into struggles adjusting, he has the playmakers to help him over the bump.
11. Jayden Daniels, LSU Age: 23 years, 4 months Height: 6’4”; Weight: 210 pounds Drafted by: Washington Commanders 2nd overall in the 1st round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: QB3 Position Dynasty Ranking: QB2
Though Caleb Williams is my QB1 for rookie drafts, Jayden Daniels isn’t too far past him. I think it’s pretty easy to see the reasoning for having Daniels as the QB1 with his Heisman season showcasing the hope for the NFL with his passing and elite speed being a nightmare for teams. One of my biggest concerns leading me to not have him higher is him taking so long to break out. He definitely wasn’t terrible his previous years, but he looked nothing like this last year and there is always the fear of regression. There has also been some talk of him taking a bit to read a defense and being surrounded by elite playmakers with fellow first rounders Malik Nabers and Brian Thomas Jr. can certainly help cover that up. His recklessness as a runner also makes me worried he could take himself out of games. All of this could be a whole lot of nothing, but part of why I have him a place lower than Williams.
The good thing for Daniels is that he’s going into a situation with some great players as well. He has a great #1 in Terry McLaurin, a very good #2 in Dotson (imo), solid backs in Brian Robinson and Ekeler and more help from the draft and free agency along the line and with Luke McCaffrey and Ben Sinnott. So, he has no shortage of weapons to help him adjust. However, Dotson still needs to prove he is as good as I think he is, Ekeler needs to show he just had bad injury luck last year and isn’t regressing, and McLaurin needs to prove he is a #1 option. That being said, my biggest concern with the landing spot is one, Kliff Kingsbury being the OC and two, the regime likely to change next year. Personally, I’m not impressed with Kingsbury's skills as a coordinator and a lot of the X&O writers/creators I watch seem to all agree that he isn’t the great offensive mind some people claim he is. Now the regime likely changing will take care of that issue (assuming they wouldn’t offer him the head coach spot for some reason), but a new coach may also have less of a positive outlook on Daniels. So a lot of good, but a few unknowns or TBDs.
I wouldn’t blame anyone for having Daniels over Williams for rookie drafts depending on their preference or league format. For me, I want to stick to my eval and expectations of Williams but see a good future for Daniels with this ranking. Short-term, I could see his rushing giving him a high floor with some really big performances if Kingsbury keeps the offense on track. Long-term, I can see Daniels having the upside of a top 10 fantasy QB if he keeps himself healthy and proves he can read defenses.
Tier 3 (Clear Path to Starter Production):
12. Trey Benson, Florida State Age: 21 years, 9 months Height: 6’0”; Weight: 216 pounds Drafted by: Arizona Cardinals 66th overall in the 3rd round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: RB2 Position Dynasty Ranking: RB2 This ranking might surprise people, but this is close to an A+ landing spot for Trey Benson. In my eval of Benson, I highlighted how Benson has nearly all the traits of a top back with great contact balance, good receiving ability, and elite athleticism. What held my grade back on Benson was his vision being all over the place. But you know when vision doesn’t matter as much? When you land on a team that loves to slam gap plays and you just get the opportunity to get to speed quickly and just smash through holes. With the Cardinals having one of the highest rates of gap plays, it will let Benson play to his strengths and look like the top back he’s capable of.
Now I wouldn’t consider an actual A+ landing spot between the third round draft capital and having James Conner ahead of him. That being said, James Conner will be turning 29 this week, is on an expiring contract, and typically misses at least a few games which Benson will likely feast in. I don’t expect him to get in Benson’s way too much, but there is also the risk that Michael Carter steals some third down passing opportunities. So, the first year might be a bit frustrating but I could see him exploding at the end of the season like Ken Walker did when Penny went down. The biggest thing to monitor is that Benson has never had a huge workload in college and it might be related to his major knee injury in his freshman year. So, there could be a risk that teams aren’t confident his knee can handle that much work.
As I mentioned, this is such a great landing spot for Benson and he could potentially drop in drafts due to the number of receivers that were drafted early. Short-term, you likely won’t be able to count on him consistently unless Conner goes down. Long-term though, he could reward you for your patience.
13. Ja’Lynn Polk, Washington Age: 21 years, 0 months Height: 6’1”; Weight: 203 pounds Drafted by: New England Patriots 37th overall in the 2nd round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: WR18 Position Dynasty Ranking: WR8 Hi, yes, it’s me, the local Ja’Lynn Polk hater now telling you to draft him in rookie drafts. I won’t lie, I definitely have my concerns with Polk but his hands, concentration, and body movement to attack balls is unquestionable. Polk has a lot of fans and clearly the Patriots view him as someone capable of being a top receiver for their young QB.
With 165 targets vacated from last year between Zeke, Devante Parker, and Gesicki and the opportunity to be a #1 option for an offense and for a top prospect, regardless of your feelings on Polk, you have to take a chance on him here. It’s basically a wide open competition to become Drake Maye’s #1 option and Polk will get a head start at rookie minicamp. At this point, the only WRs that give him any challenge at the title of the most talented receivers on the team are Demario Douglas, maybe Kayshon Boutte if he focuses on his game, and fellow draftee Javon Baker. That’s a pretty easy list to beat out. Now the nightmare scenario is that nobody rises up and it’s just an awkward spot where all the receivers rotate having good games and none can be trusted to be regular starters. This is definitely a fair fear but a risk you can take at this stage of the draft for the upside Polk’s talent and situation present.
Short-term, it might be a bit frustrating waiting for him to hopefully seize the #1 role and as Maye adjusts to the NFL. Long-term, if he claims the #1 WR role, he could likely way outperform this draft spot.
14. Troy Franklin, Oregon Age: 21 years, 8 months Height: 6’2”; Weight: 176 pounds Drafted by: Denver Broncos 102nd overall in the 4th round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: WR5 Position Dynasty Ranking: WR9 Now this might be the first big shocker of these rankings. As you can probably tell from my personal position rankings, I’m a big Troy Franklin fan. I think his route running and athleticism are underappreciated and I think the concerns about his hands are overstated since he had just a 3.2% drop rate and converted on 63.6% of his contested catch opportunities in 2022. I mentioned it in my eval of him, but Rashee Rice has similar inconsistencies in college but showed you can pull it together in the NFL.
Outside of believing in his talent, what makes me have Franklin this high is being able to rekindle that connection with Bo Nix. Timing is probably the biggest part and strength to Nix’s game and is also vital to Sean Payton’s offense. So, I don’t think it can be overstated how important it is to have a receiver on day 1 that you already have great chemistry and timing with. It’s not the same example since they developed their chemistry during rookie minicamp, but Tank Dell’s chemistry with Stroud is what helped him explode onto the scene. I certainly don’t expect a Dell-like season from Franklin, but I could see him being an instant contributor.
There is also an opportunity for him to instantly fill in for Jerry Jeudy after his departure. Tim Patrick returning from injury and Jeudy’s targets being the only notable vacated targets in the offense unfortunately don’t create a lot of opportunities. However, if you believe in the talent, you have to believe they can rise to the occasion. Outside of that role and Patrick, Courtland Sutton is at the point in his contract where he could be cut at any point so he could be in his final year in Denver. Marvin Mims also had a lot of fans but I personally viewed him as primarily a vertical threat and personally view Franklin as a better talent. So, his biggest barriers to a lead role are Sutton (who did have a good year), an inconsistent rookie who struggled to earn playing time, and a receiver who will turn 31 during the season coming off of a torn ACL. With the benefit of having established chemistry with the QB, it’s easy to see him succeeding.
Short-term, I really see a world where he can help a team week 1 or whenever Nix earns the starter role. If Nix struggles, that could definitely make it a bit more difficult to trust Franklin, but I’m a believer in Nix as well and his draft capital shows that the Broncos are too. Long-term, if Nix holds onto the QB spot long-term, it wouldn’t surprise me if he can provide some high-end WR2 seasons and a good floor with the nature of the offense. His draft capital holds me back from having him higher, but I’m optimistic about his outlook.
15. Drake Maye, UNC Age: 21 years, 8 months Height: 6’4”; Weight: 230 pounds Drafted by: New England Patriots 3rd overall in the 1st round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: QB2 Position Dynasty Ranking: QB3 Though Drake Maye had a down year, he showed he had too much upside and past success for the Patriots to pass him at #3 overall. He has a rocket for an arm, fair ability to pick up yards on the ground, and great deep and on the move accuracy. He might have been tied with a number of QBs in grade, but his upside made him the clear QB2 for me.
For fantasy though, Maye is a tier below Williams and Daniels due to not having the great movement skills on the ground (imo). Also, he has a new coaching staff that will need to prove it can handle a QB’s development and a QB that desperately needs to become more consistent. As I mentioned in Polk’s section, his supporting case is a bit of a mess and he won’t have the support that Williams and Daniels have. The upside is undeniable but this isn’t exactly an ideal situation for a QB to go into. However, neither was the Texans last year and just as players rise to the occasion, so can coaches.
Short-term, it could be frustrating as Maye adjusts to the NFL and as he tries to figure out which receivers he can count on. Long-term, he could really deliver some quality seasons and could have a good share of top 10 finishes if the Patriots continue to build around him.
Tier 4 (Clear Role on the Team):
16. Adonai Mitchell, Texas Age: 21 years, 6 months Height: 6’2”; Weight: 205 pounds Drafted by: Indianapolis Colts 52nd overall in the 2nd round Ranking in Personal Position Rankings: WR4 Position Dynasty Ranking: WR10 Adonai Mitchell was all over the place in a lot of people’s pre-draft rankings and I think that will continue into rookie rankings. The talent is undeniable with great route running, release skills, and ball skills to win all over the field. The production wasn’t always there in college and from an analytical standpoint, it is undeniably concerning that it could continue into the NFL.
Even going into day 2 of the draft, I felt pretty good about having Mitchell in my top 10 depending on the landing spot. However, this is pretty unideal. Mitchell will be going into a team that will likely have a focus on the run game. We don’t have a large sample of no full games with Jonathan Taylor as the lead back and Anthony Richardson together, but if we just look at Richardson’s games he was healthy for, he would have finished with 527 passing attempts for the season (which would have finished at #27 in attempts/same as the Broncos and Bears).
On top of that, Richardson is capable of scrambling and taking touchdown opportunities from receivers. Though I have faith in him as a passer, we also just need to see it over a full season as well. On top of all of this, he has to compete with Michael Pittman Jr. who I might be biased on, but I think he’s a great player and will be the team’s #1 receiver while he’s on the team. If we adjust for a year 2 bump/improvement and add 3 attempts per game (which is a pretty high increase even as small as it sounds), that would bring the offense to the middle of the league with teams like Buffalo, Seattle, Indy (with Minshew), Tampa, Miami, and Philly. These teams could clearly support a top option but would intermittently show that they could support a #2 option. Philly is probably the best comparison with a similar offense, a QB that can rush and steal touchdowns, and a clear #2 in Devonta Smith and Smith finished as the WR14 based on points/game in PPR in 2022 and the WR23 in 2023. It’s not a perfect comparison, but it gives an idea of what Mitchell’s ceiling might be if he can’t pass Pittman in targets. Josh Downs may also be a headache for him but Goedtert provides a similar barrier to keep the comparison somewhat similar.
The other issue is that Mitchell will likely take over Alec Pierce’s role and run vertical/clear out routes which is what he did in college. The pro is that he was good at this but the con is that it led to some pretty poor production from a yards per route run perspective. That being said, Richardson can hit vertical routes a lot better than Ewers so maybe it gives some hope. Anyways, it probably is clear I’m going around in circles because that’s what I did when trying to decide on his rank.
Short-term, I would keep a close eye on the situation and types of routes Mitchell is running. If it is just clear outs like in college, he might be in trouble. If he is running more of a variety of routes, then he could provide some good weeks as a rookie depending on Richardson’s development. Long-term, it’s difficult to project and will depend on Richardson’s development. If he develops or overtakes Pittman, he will far exceed this draft spot. However, my belief in Pittman and my expectations for the offense has me a bit nervous that it likely will only work out for actual NFL games and not for fantasy games and matchups.
(As I put in the title of the post, the continuation of the rankings is in my comment below. I struggle with being concise but wanted to give my explanation for the placement of some of the players)
submitted by Backseat_Scout to DynastyFF [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:50 freddiemercurial 45 [M4F] UK/Anywhere - Instead of writing a headline that looks like all the others, I shall simply say that I have written a great post and I think you should read it

The relationship that I’m after is the one that goes the distance, the one that results in love and, when the time is right, the ‘m word’. I’ve never been into anything casual, and it would be great to find someone who has the same mindset as I do regarding relationships, and is looking for the same things that I am.
My love language is physical displays of affection, both public and otherwise, things like touching, holding, hugging, etc, so you should be into that as well. I love the excitement and warm feeling that come with being close to the one you love. It’s also important that you’re willing to put in the effort when it comes to regular communication because communication is a big thing for me.
The type of person I’m after is kind and caring, someone I feel can feel relaxed around; it’s incredibly stressful being around people where you have to walk on eggshells because you don’t know what little thing will set them off. Bonus points for having a similar sense of humour to my own, which can best be described as something of a mix of Chandler Bing (RIP) and Edmund Blackadder.
I’m an introvert and my ideal night would involve spending time with my partner at home, perhaps doing something as simple as curling up on the sofa and introducing each other to our favourite shows or films; I’ve got many that I’d like to share with someone, and maybe you do too, and you’ve been waiting for the right person to share them with. My main solo hobbies are gaming and anime. I watch little in the way of TV and films, and almost no sports, apart from MMA and the occasional jiu-jitsu tournament. When I’m part of a couple, I’m open to almost anything my partner may want to, and I’m not against the occasional day/night out if it’s just the two of us. Overall, though, I prefer the quiet life, sometimes something as simple as sitting in the garden in the evening and enjoy the night air.
As I’m in the UK, I would better to talk to someone who is also in the UK for reasons of convenience; not only would it make meeting up easier, and I would want to meet up if things progress well, it would also make communication a lot easier as we’d be in the same time zone.
I am open to talking to people who are overseas, as long as you’re moving to the UK in the near future, and that the move is, if not set in stone, then is at least guaranteed to happen or to be able to happen. Be aware that I am unable to travel overseas, although not for any nefarious reason.
I’m a vegetarian, though I don’t mind being around meat eaters as long as they’re respectful of how I feel. I don’t drink and, while I’m okay being with someone who does, it won’t work if you’re a person who drinks frequently. I’m non-religious and non-spiritual, and this will never change, and my views are generally what you’d call progressive and liberal. Disparate views are one thing, but if you use terms like ‘PC/PC culture’, ‘liberal’ or ‘woke’ as pejoratives, we will not get along. In addition, I do not smoke and will not be with a smoker.
I’m okay with either private messaging or Reddit chat, though I’d like to move off Reddit once we both feel comfortable doing so. Once we’ve moved to a different platform, exchanging pictures is then also something that would be done once we’re both comfortable, as would voice and video chat, especially because the best way to really get to know someone is through real-time communication.
Your opening message doesn’t have to be that long, just give me something to work with, something that can spark conversation.
If you have any questions, queries, posers, then feel free to ask.
If you want an idea of something to talk about, here is my friends post.
submitted by freddiemercurial to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:46 Unhappy-Poetry-7867 A long shot trying to understand his behaviour, please, take a look :)

We are both in our 30s. We are from different countries, haven't met yet. We were talking a bit more than half a year.
The issue is - although I think and feel that he likes me, whenever I talk about how I feel, it feels like I am talking with myself.
I guess the whole situation is a bit complicated. I was first to tell him how I feel about him and first asked him if he would like to meet. He was vague with his replies in both of these cases. But we still talked a lot and had weekly calls. He would even write me when he is with friends, would send me photos of things he does. We were and still are chatting every day. And he cares a lot about my opinion, he remembers small details I told him and sends me anything that could be interesting to me.
We talked about intimate things, past relationships, families, our likes, dislikes, basically anything and everything. BUT whenever I wrote him a compliment he would say nothing. There were two times when he acknowledged them overall: with a joke and other time saying that other men would do it too. He also never says compliments to me. Only a couple of times when we exchanged photos initially.
I have sent a couple more photos of myself after that and basically got no response or at least definitely not what I would have liked: one was about praising the image on my pyjama another stating the fact. Even photos of nature I sent him get more than I do. He puts a heart emoji and expresses how beautiful it is... So after I have sent that second photo I felt really embarrassed. Deleted it same day and felt weird talking with him. I wrote him that in the evening why am I being like that and didn't get any reaction to it. When I share that I feel bad as the latest example where I had few crazy weeks where I literally just ate, slept and worked. At the end of them I was so tired and just wanted to cry. By sharing any of it, I didn't get any response.
I know he doesn’t have a job right now, because he is changing profession and he dedicated a year to learn coding, also that he tries to lose some weight and gain back muscles tha he had and that he has a chronic pain that he never checked with a doc! So I know that from time to time he gets stressed because of all of it. And I always support him. I honestly think he is very smart, the fact he dropped the dull job that made him depressed is admirable in my eyes, he is very creative and is active and eats healthy. Overall he has many good character features. Because of that I would always tell him that he is doing a great progress, I would force him to go get checks on his health issues, I would give him space without writing anything when he would go totally silent, tell him that I care about him and other similar things.
Once he said thank you and that I made him feel better. All other cases were met with silence and talking about different topic or answering my other parts of the message.
We talked about birthdays and when is his, I know he doesn't like to celebrate his but he also never asked when is mine. I know it's a minor detail but I guess it just adds up to all other small things.
So there was the time were I've got tired of his vagueness and told him that this isn't working out for me. We got into an argument and this was the first time he told he has feelings for me too. But that he can't have a relationship at the moment because of personal reasons he is working on to fix. And he was afraid that by telling me that I will end our friendship.
So after that I asked if my compliments make him uncomfortable, he said no, the opposite.
I asked if is it really okay, that I keep expressing how I feel about him. And he said yes, that it is very welcomed.
So our communication from that time got more intimate. But still all of the above things keep being met with no responses. And I can't understand what is happening? I want to ask him about it. But again, I feel like I will be very open and put myself in a vulnerable position but won't get the answer and my efforts once more won't be appreciated or acknowledge.
I already felt stupid enough by telling him first how I like him and getting back in return "I enjoy talking with you too." That time when we argued he said I would know that he likes me because if he didn't he wouldn't continue spending time with me. And I probably would but I always feel like getting mixed signals.
And I don't know the issues he is working on. He didn't want to tell me, so, I haven't pressed him on that. I only asked has he an idea how long it might take, he said he is working on it. So it didn't get any clearer. But I do like him a lot and said that it's okay and I can wait. (I don’t have where to hurry lol so I can really wait for him if it wont take several years. :D)
But in general, I keep questioning a lot what is happening, am I doing something wrong? Does he simply don't feel comfortable talking about emotions and feelings? Is this because he can't have relationships at the moment and in the future it would be different?
submitted by Unhappy-Poetry-7867 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:46 LeadershipComplex961 i wonder why she decided to post this all of a sudden 🤪🤡

i wonder why she decided to post this all of a sudden 🤪🤡 submitted by LeadershipComplex961 to hiddenrudersnark2 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:46 montessyyyyt Please

Don’t delete mods. Look into the pets on this site. Specially Mini she is the sweetest most loving cat ever who I had to give up cos moved countries. She hunts rats and she doesn’t scratch or bite no matter what. She’s been on the site for 2 months n it’s killing me bc she’s the best. The ppl who run these rescues pay out of their own pockets donate if you cannot adopt at least (not affiliated w them at all). I wanna give up my whole life just to move back and be with her again. I just want someone with money and a lot of love to give to take care of her. If you need something to take of your rat problem she’s it!
submitted by montessyyyyt to jerseycity [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:45 Szenfi [HU] Can't leave toxic workplace, and I don't know what to do to make it less worse

I work in a fast food chain, and here is the situation: I'm currently waiting to be promoted from regular worker to instructor. I work here for more than 2 years now, and some people that I trained, and arrived here after me, got promoted before me (and also they are not even better than me,and the management knows that). There are some people that the business manager (the head of the managers) really favors and likes. They get rewards like worker of the month, and worker of the quarter of a year, and they dont have to do anything special to get those, they did not even learned new roles or got better in thier roles. They do something wrong, or saiying something stupid, the managers dont really care.
I feel that the managers or at least the owner (the head of the managers) don’t like me, I feel it, but he don’t say a word about it, he just says that im disrespectful (which Im not).
I don’t know what to do, or how to behave. I can’t leave this cursed place until next year, because the working hours are flexible and I want to buy a house with my wife, and for other reasons.
submitted by Szenfi to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:45 Accomplished-Race961 5 Key Steps to Successfully Self Publishing Your Novel

5 Key Steps to Successfully Self Publishing Your Novel

5 Key Steps to Successfully Self Publishing Your Novel
In the ever-changing world of contemporary publishing, self publishing your novel has become a viable option for writers who want to express their ideas. Writers are no longer limited by conventional publishing routes and can use digital networks and online platforms to create their own success stories. Accept this life-changing experience as we explore the crucial procedures for launching your book on a global scale.

Step 1: Writing Your Novel

Writing Your Novel is an exciting creative and labor-intensive journey, but the true voyage starts when you publish your masterpiece on your own. Take into account these five essential procedures to make this process go smoothly. First and foremost, be sure that your manuscript is flawlessly edited.
Second, create a cover that grabs the attention of potential readers right away. Thirdly, choose the appropriate self-publishing platform, such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or BlueRose Publishers.
Fourth, develop a marketing strategy that will help you effectively reach your target audience. Finally, if you want to develop a devoted fan following, interact with your readers on social media and at author events. Self-publishing your novel can be a fulfilling experience if you follow these guidelines.

Step 2: Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are essential steps in successfully self-publishing your novel. These procedures guarantee that, before it is in the hands of your readers, your document is flawless and devoid of errors. While proofreading focuses on removing grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes, editing refines your work for clarity, coherence, and consistency.
You may improve the quality of your novel and make it more professional and readable by carefully editing and proofreading it. In the cutthroat world of self-publishing, this attention to detail not only improves the reading experience for your readers but also strengthens your reputation as a writer. Make the time and effort to edit and proofread your story so that it stands out in the literary world.

Step 3: Designing a Professional Cover

Creating a high-quality cover is essential to self-publishing your book. It serves as the public face of your writing and the initial impression that readers will get.
Think about important components like typography, color design, and artwork to guarantee success. Your book’s category and tone should be reflected on the cover, which should also make it stand out from the competition...Continue reading
submitted by Accomplished-Race961 to u/Accomplished-Race961 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:45 Andrea_porter Need some advice

I fell over on Friday and my knee is extremely swollen along with my leg and my foot is numb and cold but my dad refuses to take me to hospital because he’s convinced I just need to rest it and because he’s busy but i know we need to be careful when it comes to our feet and injuries. What do I do ? Feel like such an inconvenience to my dad
submitted by Andrea_porter to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:45 Troubling_Raccoon Planning my recurring reminders: what are frequent hygiene/cleaning tasks you do or should do?

So I rely a lot on technology to remind me of things I’m supposed to do and help track when/if I did them. I just recently realised I could use my Reminders app on my iPhone to create recurring tasks that aren’t strictly weekly (like changing my bedsheets and towels which I can remember because it’s every Sunday without fault) but I still need to do kinda regularly. I’m setting all of my Personal Hygiene, Pet Care and Cleaning reminders right now so I’d like help brainstorming: what are some things you do (or would like to do) regularly, and how often do you do (or wish to do) them? So far I have:
Personal hygiene
Pet Care
I’ve seen cleaning timelines online but honestly they’re not doable for me… I have to split cleaning my bathroom into 2 different days because it’s too tiring so I’m not about to take on 8+ daily tasks lol. I’d love to hear your actual schedules and realistic routines!
PS: I don’t include daily tasks (litter boxes maintenance, trash disposal, emptying the dishwasher, etc) nor my partner’s tasks (vacuuming, laundry, cat vaccines/dewormer)
Thanks in advance for your replies!
submitted by Troubling_Raccoon to autism [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:45 Trystanik How to cope with a breakup?

Long read. I apologize.
Hey ladies, I've recently ended my nearly 8 year relationship with my boyfriend due to him cheating on me. This is such an unbelievably heartbreaking situation I find myself in because we moved to a different province together after the death of my mother so I could be closer to my father and help support him.
About a year after we moved here, we started a business together. He hooked up with another woman shortly after we opened our business. Since my sex drive had essentially vanished, we didn't really have sex very often and pairing that with my self-loathing and generally being disgusted with myself and my body, our sex life was definitely not very good.
He has a history of manipulation and narcissistic behaviours due to some pretty serious trauma bonds in his past, and I was always trying to find ways to help him, because I genuinely thought I would be the one to get him to break the cycle.
I'm the past 7 years he has threatened suicide and attempted to medically sabotage himself 3 times, and I've invited him back into my life after demanding he gets help. I've had 2 seperate men message me screenshots of messages he was exchanging with their partners which was WAY over the line of inappropriate and he has been gaslighting me into believing that I shouldn't continue to be upset over those things because they're in the past and he's getting help.
Fast forward to last Monday, a friend of mine reached out to me saying his lady friend was saying some things that wasn't sitting right with him. Saying that my (ex) boyfriend isn't an honest person and shouldn't be trusted. This led to him prying and finding out that he still had secret accounts that he was talking to women on. Then she told him that "I think I need to talk to her in person.".
So I end up getting in touch with her and go to her house. She tells me that he essentially manipulated her into thinking his partner "doesn't take care of his needs" and they had sex. Three years ago. Right after we opened our business. After they had sex, he continued to attempt to manipulate her into doing it again- as soon as she realized that we were still very much together, she put a stop to it and he continued to make her feel like Garbage for saying no until she finally had enough and blocked him a year ago. He kept trying to find excuses to see her or being for to her. When she told me this, I couldn't breathe. I just knew she was telling the truth. And I felt like the biggest piece of garbage for having her feel like she had to keep this secret. She didn't tell me sooner because something he had said to her early on was taken as a threat and she didn't want to put herself or her children in danger.
Once I left her house, I cried until I couldn't. Then I started messaging women- friends of mine, previous employees, customers- any women that I thought might have been a target; and any women that were friends with him and just stopped talking to him "for no reason". I had 8 more names. 8 more women that he had targeted and he was trying to get them to have sex with him. They all say they refused- and for my sanity I hope they were all telling the truth.
I confronted him and he lied about everything. I kicked him out of my house and as he was grabbing his things, I was reading the messages he sent to these women. Typing this again makes me want to vomit. This is still such a raw pain. When he left the house, I screamed that I hated him and I cried almost until the sun came up. Those words he sent have given me nightmares every night when I manage to sleep.
Since we own a business together, we had no choice but to work together as our only employee was away-and still is for another week. It took him two days to admit that yes, he had sex with her. I slowly started telling select people what had happened since he's abandoned me before, and almost every time I started to cry- even now. I'm so broken about this. We made it almost 5 days before he just left. Jumped in his truck and just left. I had to scramble to find someone to come to the shop to help me. Friday morning he left, and by Friday night he was heavily considering suicide- I know this because a woman I don't even know messaged me that he had been talking to her and she was concerned. This is now the 4th time I've had to deal with this. The second time since January. I cannot grieve the end of my relationship because now I need to prevent a suicide.
Eventually, he admits to the hospital and gets released- but by that point I've been talking to police and his family all night. Again- with no time to grieve for my relationship. I'm worried about us he kills himself, that the blood will be on my hands for being so harsh on him. He's planning on going back home on the other side of the country, but by this point I went public with my friends and family, two more women came forward saying he was inappropriate to them too, and I found out one of my closest friends KNEW that (my ex) had messaged one of his closest friends around the same time he cheated on me. He knew and didn't tell me. All because she said not to tell. So I freaked out at him saying that he was essentially protecting a cheater by not telling me!
So I have been betrayed, lied to, manipulated, psychologically tormented and abandoned to run a business by myself. I'm terrified that I can't manage. I feel like an empty shell of my former self and because of how much forgiveness I've given this man, I feel like I'm not deserving of happiness because I'm a stupid fool and should have known better, and as such I deserve all the bad things that have been happening. I know this is an awful way to think, but this is where I need the most help.
I'm sorry to write such a huge post. It's just 330am and in 8 hours it will have officially been 1week since the start of the worst week I've ever lived through since my mother died. I'm really struggling to believe that I deserve happiness and respect and appreciation and love because I feel so far from deserving. I have so many people in my corner, but I miss knowing that he's asleep beside me. I miss the comfort of his company and knowing if I called out for him, he'd answer; and I've never felt so alone in my life. I'm terrified of what the days to come have in store for me. I've been beat down for nearly 8 years with this torment, but the feelings of longing are creeping up. I just need some kind words, support and maybe some recommendations for therapists that don't need to see me in person. I'll have very little free time now because I have to run my business solo. Traveling for any reason is now impossible.
Please help me find ways to cope. I'm really not doing good. I'm heartbroken and terrified to be alone for the first time in a long time.
Tl;dr- boyfriend of nearly 8 years cheats shortly after opening a business together and attempts to solicit sex with nearly a dozen other women. I need to cope with the breakup. I'm hoping to get some suggestions.
submitted by Trystanik to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]