Team-a is com eqn

Machine Learning

2009.07.29 16:34 kunjaan Machine Learning

ml. Beginners please see learnmachinelearning

2012.09.16 17:07 CeeBeast MaddenUltimateTeam

An informational subreddit about the game mode Madden Ultimate Team. This subreddit is E-rated.

2020.06.07 23:41 Shortsqueeze

We squeezing them shorts or something! Join our discord!

2024.05.15 15:18 Brodator Solace UHC Statistics (S1-S33)

Solace Statistics


S1: Cahnner
S2: Permm, iWrekt, Krbreb
S3: DumbThiccNick, risn, Sigtash, soakle
S4: adrmf
S5: FLOWTIVES, marceloifhy
S6: mxrwzndood
S7: FLOWTIVES, Gleoss, Zopho_
S9: Gleoss, Zoroh, ANJELLOH, downkey
S10: Zoroh
S11: Raying, 5ize, lapppp
S12: Zoroh
S13: Gleoss, Zoroh
S14: cnner
S15: adrmf, Bobbytheturtle, brocktober, checog, Lynxo, PotatoPlayer_, zewgle, _carn, 5idekick, downkey, MarcoThePh0enix
S16: PizzqWithAQ, adrmf, spellygod
S17: PupperKun
S18: checog, Crayonix, spellygod, rodfather
S20: LLEANN, LUCRODIUM, _pbo, spellygod, Dcrpy, LZNAR, PotatoPlayer_, Scyles, Zoroh
S21: spellygod
S22: adrmf, retrys, spellygod, jubatyson, KennyTee
S23: lapppp
S24: adrmf, Gleoss
S25: Captureee, Ginzburg, colbay, naseemXBT
S26: xtiger34
S27: kendawg_g, StrengthDMN, FLOWTIVES
S28: PizzqWithAQ, Scyles
S29: PizzqWithAQ, skyzfy, Gleoss, lapppp, MisaSama
S30: brinkwhy, GrassPiece, skyzfy
S31: mxrwzndood
S32: lapppp, LUCRODIUM
S33: BruceTheNinja10, LUCRODIUM, SAYNAR, Dargxn, Dreamfall, Erdql, TheShippFloats, hypcr, lapppp

Runner(s) Up

S2: FLOWTIVES, Gleeming, Scyles
S3: LUCRODIUM, PolarTaco, Raying, ZachConnor
S4: maccwyatt
S5: AiroKun, Cahnner
S6: AvyleZ
S7: benidk, samdave, ZachConnor
S8: lapppp
S9: Dcrpy, IdkKiller, PingBomb, xtiger34
S10: Greninja
S11: AiroKun, FishManIsPotato, hypcr
S12: samdave
S13: brinkwhy, downkey
S14: Bulbexe
S15: IdkKiller, Kartracer, Kelldeo, MisaSama, notrhain, PizzqWithAQ, 5HARPGOD, spellygod, TheSlimeBrother, QuacksL, ToeKun
S16: LZNAR, lapppp, samdave
S17: lapppp
S18: DripGodDavid, hypcr, samdave, tonylmao
S19: Gleoss, Zoroh
S20: 1mmortal, 4runnermaster, ArcticSeagull, Aybel, bayweafs, carterwarterbear, DeadpoolUHC, Demomaker, Hrray, Lynxo, Gleoss, GodlySteal, Gottaka_Leonard, Kaismartypants, ilylazaro, Luca_Kgaming, nug17, onstep, RollRealQuick, Colozi, Slooshyy, St0rmplayz, Stravilight, TitaniumDino25, UbiquityHD, WoodFired, ShmeckleBoy, Zebobo10, Zopho, jubatyson
S22: BENJADDD, FroztiSnowman, IZUR, lapppp, Xifto
S23: soakle
S24: onstep, skyzfy
S25: AiroKun, Greninja, Luca_Kgaming, theTrapDoor
S26: FishManIsPotato
S27: checog, PupperKun, xtiger34
S28: Captureee, dahii
S29: adrmf, Captureee, Ginzburg, GrassPiece, Luca_Kgaming, maccwyatt, derekast, PupperKun, Shm3e, zCent
S30: CipherKai, lamzyk, xtiger34
S31: lamzyk
S32: colbay, tonylmao
S33: 1mmortal, benidk, carterwarterbear, CHAINGE, flameh, ranmari, ScaryPumpkinFace, Spongey, Supersun_

Most Kills

S2: PizzqWithAQ (9)
S4: adrmf (7)
S6: mxrwzndood (9)
S9: FLOWTIVES, Gleoss (8)
S10: Zoroh (13)
S11: hypcr (11)
S12: willif (8)
S13: Zoroh (15)
S14: FLOWTIVES, cnner (9)
S15: skyzfy (7)
S16: adrmf, spellygod (9)
S17: Strikeroonie, checog (9)
S18: Dargxn (7)
S19: Cirex (11)
S20: Dizzying (9)
S21: lapppp (13)
S22: adrmf (14)
S23: lapppp (10)
S24: Gleoss (8)
S25: Captureee (6)
S26: FishManIsPotato (8)
S27: swishduck, adrmf, PupperKun, kendawg_g, StrengthDMN (5)
S28: adrmf (9)
S29: skyzfy (8)
S30: skyzfy (7)
S31: mxrwzndood (12)
S32: lapppp (7)
S33: lapppp (5)

Most Kills (Team)

S2: iWrekt (3), Krbreb (6), Permm (6)
S3: brinkwhy (4), colbay (3), hypcr (0), StrengthDMN (0)
S4: adrmf (7)
S5: FLOWTIVES (12), marceloifhy (2)
S6: mxrwzndood (9)
S7: FLOWTIVES (11), Gleoss (5), Zopho_ (1)
S9: ANJELLOH (0), downkey (0), Gleoss (8), Zoroh (6)
S10: Zoroh (13)
S11: 5ize (3), lapppp (7), Raying (6)
S12: willif (8)
S13: Gleoss (5), Zoroh (15)
S15: carn (1), adrmf (6), 5idekick (0), Bobbytheturtle (2), brocktober (0), checog (5), downkey (2), Lynxo (1), MarcoThePh0enix (0), PotatoPlayer (1), zewgle (4)
S16: PizzqWithAQ (5), adrmf (9), spellygod (9)
S17: Strikeroonie (9)
S18: checog (5), Crayonix (4), rodfather (2), spellygod (3)
S19: Cirex (11), FLOWTIVES (8)
S20: Senkhi (2), colbay (2), Crayonix (0), Dizzying (9), ethodog (0), FLOWTIVES (4), HUQTER (1), JayNonsense (0), marceloifhy (2), hashtagmat (0), skyzfy (2), theTrapDoor (2), winterf (1)
S21: lapppp (13)
S22: adrmf (14), KennyTee (2), retrys (7), spellygod (3), jubatyson (4)
S23: lapppp (10)
S24: adrmf (7), Gleoss (8)
S25: Captureee (6), Ginzburg (2), colbay (3), naseemXBT (1)
S26: FishManIsPotato (8)
S27: FLOWTIVES (0), kendawg_g (5), StrengthDMN (5)
S28: adrmf (9), upraise (5)
S29: Gleoss (1), lapppp (7), MisaSama (0), PizzqWithAQ (6), skyzfy (8)
S30: brinkwhy (2), GrassPiece (5), skyzfy (7)
S31: mxrwzndood (12)
S32: lapppp (7), LUCRODIUM (3)
S33: BruceTheNinja10 (2), Dargxn (2), Dreamfall (0), Erdql (1), TheShippFloats (1), hypcr (1), lapppp (5), LUCRODIUM (3), SAYNAR (4)

First Blood

S1: Shqkster
S2: downkey
S4: Senkhi
S5: loyaltea
S6: PizzqWithAQ
S7: ERHDude
S8: Emplacement
S9: ArcticSeagull
S10: Lynxo
S11: Zoroh
S12: broccoliar
S14: FearThrows
S16: tonylmao
S17: ghostblurr
S19: xtiger34
S20: DripGodDavid
S21: kirkfr
S22: Strikeroonie
S23: lapppp
S24: Ryfri
S25: soakle
S26: BruceTheNinja10
S28: Stravilight
S29: BruceTheNinja10
S30: benidk
S31: ranmari
S32: willif
S33: Flcnt

First Death

S1: Sigtash
S2: repped
S3: soakle
S4: mxcros
S5: maccwyatt
S6: Suzunexd
S7: NotChewi
S8: DogInCar
S9: ilylazaro
S10: PolarTaco
S11: PizzqWithAQ
S12: StepBroImStuck1
S13: ranmari
S14: remyyyyyy
S15: xDiversity
S16: QuacksL
S17: emi1iano
S18: BackToAfrica
S19: chrisrokay
S20: adrmf
S21: Aybel
S22: 1mmortal
S23: Vrehv
S24: Slooshyy
S25: idklyn
S26: choiceband
S27: HalfLechuga
S28: Luca_Kgaming
S29: EivLs
S30: retrys
S32: Fcrm
S33: Dreamfall


S1: chimah
S2: Bofishkix
S3: IsoLights
S4: slxps
S5: Emplacement
S6: PwincessVanessa
S7: Charrlottie
S8: BraydenB11
S9: MangoPlayz
S10: Bulbexe
S11: xMisha
S12: Nightshqdee
S13: jjsteeples
S14: BanMoon
S15: Kartracer
S16: Lynxo
S17: ceije
S18: PupperKun
S19: Luca_Kgaming
S20: _pbo
S21: lasdarling
S22: Hpark03
S23: CommanderK22_
S24: omchris
S25: Krbreb
S26: _carn
S27: Slooshyy
S28: Supersun_
S29: TheRealHagrid
S30: PupperKun
S31: dylxnd
S32: soakle
S33: Haydcn

First Damage

S1: Mvte
S2: Scyles
S3: Dredex
S4: chimah
S5: Greatwarrior_
S6: Emplacement
S7: ranmari
S8: dahii
S9: PwincessVanessa
S10: PotatoPlayer_
S11: 5ize
S12: 5idekick
S13: YouCheated
S14: FearThrows
S15: Kelldeo
S16: RohanSmashBro
S17: broccoliar
S18: emi1iano
S19: broccoliar
S20: broccoliar
S21: broccoliar
S22: broccoliar
S23: peppermint
S24: InProper
S25: choiceband
S26: vegis
S27: broccoliar
S28: broccoliar
S29: derekast
S30: dahii
S32: onstep
S33: Dreamfall

Kills & Kill/Death Ratio (KDR)

Too big so linked here (Part 1)
Too big so linked here (Part 2)

PvE Deaths

Gravity (25): SpaceFenix (S2), NotChewi (S7), Slooshyy (S9), Zeko_Kun (S13), Slooshyy (S13), Jkkl (S16), HalfLechuga (S16), Stravilight (S16), MisaSama (S16), solnyy (S16), emi1iano (S17), Glarza (S19), JayNonsense (S20), omchris (S21), 5idekick (S23), idklyn (S25), DumbThiccNick (S26), Sigtash (S27), FishManIsPotato (S27), onstep (S27), MisaSama (S27), adrmf (S27), retrys (S30), dontbow (S30), jasondoa (S30)
Lava (13): DogInCar (S8), kendawg_g (S9), Dargxn (S10), Stornette (S12), QuacksL (S16), ArcticSeagull (S20), Aybel (S21), JIMMY453 (S21), JIMMY453 (S23), Shqkster (S26), Evxn063 (S28), hypcr (S30), spellygod (S32)
Left (11): SariiTaaa (S7), dylxnd (S8), ilylazaro (S9), risn (S11), Cheetah_16 (S11), TPolls (S16), mxcros (S16), K0REDRAG0N (S23), HalfLechuga (S27), Luca_Kgaming (S28), GodlySteal (S29)
Cacedoupamso (6): Haydcn (S8), brinkwhy (S8), toggleuhc (S8), samdave (S8), St0rmplayz (S8), DanishDrill (S8)
Creeper (5): Gleeming (S2), FearThrows (S2), Emplacement (S2), AdonisGaming (S2), FLOWTIVES (S31)
Suffocation (4): Sigtash (S1), repped (S2), bayweafs (S16), PitSolitayrh (S23)
Fire (3): 14flyte (S8), Luca_Kgaming (S8), PolarTaco (S10)
ImChilly (2): ToeKun (S8), AiroKun (S8)
Krbreb (2): RohanSmashBro (S14), Daltun (S14)
Zombie (2): Shqkster (S28), EivLs (S29)
Anvil (1): repped (S3)
Unknown (1): Pahm (S3)
Drowning (1): Dargxn (S5)
Blew Up (1): PizzqWithAQ (S11)
IronGolem (1): StepBroImStuck1 (S12)
Withered Away (1): Slooshyy (S14)
Cactus (1): adrmf (S20)
CaveSpider (1): BEESTARG (S21)
Gamemode (1): omchris (S24)


31(1): brinkwhy (S1-S31)
28(2): FLOWTIVES (S1-S10,S13-S17,S19-S29,S31,S33), benidk (S4-S28,S30-S31,S33)
27(1): lapppp (S5-S25,S27,S29-S33)
26(1): skyzfy (S3,S6-S22,S24-S31)
24(2): Gleoss (S2,S4,S6-S7,S9-S20,S22-S26,S28-S29,S33), carterwarterbear (S8-S10,S12,S14-S33)
23(2): Shqkster (S1-S3,S6-S9,S12-S17,S20,S22,S26-S33), Zoroh (S4,S6,S8-S23,S26-S28,S31-S32)
21(3): soakle (S1-S4,S6-S7,S10-S11,S13,S17-S21,S23-S25,S27-S28,S31-S32), L1GHT1NG (S5-S9,S12,S14-S20,S22,S26-S29,S31-S33), PotatoPlayer_ (S5,S8,S10,S12-S13,S15-S16,S18-S23,S26-S33)
20(5): ranmari (S1,S3-S4,S6-S8,S10-S14,S16-S17,S21,S24-S26,S31-S33), spellygod (S2-S7,S9,S15-S22,S25,S29,S31-S33), DripGodDavid (S6-S7,S9-S11,S13-S16,S18-S21,S23-S24,S26-S29,S31), St0rmplayz (S6-S17,S20-S23,S26-S28,S31), Crayonix (S8-S16,S18,S20-S21,S23-S24,S26-S27,S29,S31-S33)
19(7): Dargxn (S1,S5,S7-S10,S12-S18,S22-S23,S25-S26,S31,S33), HUQTER (S1-S6,S8,S10,S15,S20-S21,S23-S24,S26-S29,S32-S33), LUCRODIUM (S2-S3,S15-S28,S31-S33), adrmf (S4-S5,S9,S11,S15-S16,S18-S29,S31), willif (S5-S10,S12-S17,S20-S21,S23,S25,S31-S33), _carn (S6-S8,S11-S12,S15-S17,S19,S21-S22,S24,S26-S32), RohanSmashBro (S6-S9,S11-S18,S24-S27,S29-S31)
18(6): Stravilight (S1,S5-S8,S10,S12-S13,S16-S17,S19-S21,S23,S26,S28-S29,S31), ArcticSeagull (S2,S6-S10,S12-S17,S20-S21,S24-S25,S27-S28), IdkKiller (S3-S6,S8-S9,S12-S16,S18-S21,S26-S27,S32), WoodFired (S5-S8,S11-S12,S14,S16-S22,S24,S26-S27,S31), onstep (S6-S8,S10,S16,S18-S24,S26-S29,S31-S32), ToeKun (S6-S12,S14-S19,S22,S24-S25,S27,S30)
17(4): kirkfr (S2,S5-S9,S12-S19,S21-S22,S28), DJoee (S5-S7,S15-S16,S18,S20-S21,S24-S31,S33), Slooshyy (S7-S9,S11,S13-S14,S17-S24,S27,S29,S31), HalfLechuga (S9-S10,S12,S14-S16,S20-S22,S24-S29,S31-S32)
16(7): downkey (S1-S2,S8-S16,S18,S21-S23,S31), MangoPlayz (S1-S3,S5-S10,S13-S14,S16-S17,S19,S23,S25), checog (S2,S9,S12,S15-S20,S22,S24-S29), AiroKun (S5,S7-S13,S16-S19,S21,S25-S26,S29), MisaSama (S14-S18,S20-S21,S23-S29,S31,S33), zCent (S14-S19,S21-S24,S27,S29-S33), PupperKun (S17-S20,S22-S33)
15(8): Bulbexe (S2-S10,S12,S14-S15,S17,S19,S24), samdave (S2-S3,S5,S7-S8,S10-S13,S15-S18,S20-S21), DumbThiccNick (S3-S6,S8-S9,S11-S12,S18-S19,S21,S23-S26), hypcr (S3,S5,S11,S13,S15-S16,S18,S21-S25,S28,S30,S33), Lynxo (S4-S6,S8,S10-S13,S15-S21), Cloversss (S6-S8,S12,S14-S15,S19,S22-S24,S27,S29-S31,S33), Luca_Kgaming (S8,S16-S20,S22-S23,S25-S29,S32-S33), bayweafs (S12-S17,S19-S21,S24-S25,S29-S31,S33)
14(7): broccoliar (S1,S10,S12,S16-S17,S19-S22,S27-S28,S30-S31,S33), PizzqWithAQ (S2,S5-S7,S9,S11,S14-S16,S18-S20,S28-S29), Dizzying (S5-S7,S12-S17,S20-S22,S31,S33), 1mmortal (S7,S9-S13,S16-S18,S20,S22,S29-S30,S33), remyyyyyy (S10,S14-S22,S25-S27,S29), Kaismartypants (S17,S19-S21,S24-S33), theTrapDoor (S18-S23,S25-S27,S29-S33)
13(7): XERNE5 (S2-S5,S7-S11,S14,S16-S18), xMisha (S5-S7,S9-S12,S14,S17-S20,S23), alcxz (S6-S10,S12-S14,S16,S19,S24,S29,S31), RollRealQuick (S10,S12-S14,S16,S18-S22,S27,S31,S33), BENJADDD (S12-S16,S19,S21-S24,S26,S32-S33), winterf (S12-S14,S16-S20,S22,S25-S26,S28,S31), LUKAD0NCIC (S17-S18,S20-S21,S23-S27,S29,S31-S33)
12(12): PwincessVanessa (S1-S2,S4-S11,S13,S18), Senkhi (S1,S4-S5,S8-S9,S16,S19-S21,S23-S24,S29), kendawg_g (S2-S3,S6-S7,S9,S11,S15,S26-S29,S31), upraise (S2,S4-S9,S15,S24-S25,S27-S28), Haydcn (S4-S6,S8-S9,S16,S18-S19,S21,S23,S30,S33), tonylmao (S5,S7-S10,S15-S16,S18-S20,S31-S32), Zeesue (S5,S8-S12,S15-S18,S31,S33), Zebobo10 (S6-S9,S12-S14,S20,S22,S26,S28,S31), 5idekick (S8-S10,S12,S15-S17,S19,S23-S24,S27-S28), dahii (S8,S10,S19,S21-S22,S24-S25,S27-S28,S30-S31,S33), GodlySteal (S15-S17,S19-S23,S26-S27,S29,S32), sgouche (S21-S25,S27-S33)
11(5): risn (S2-S7,S11,S15-S17,S19), CipherKai (S4,S6-S7,S9-S10,S12,S14,S17,S24,S30,S33), brinniex (S5-S13,S15-S16), Kaddyn (S7-S11,S17,S19,S27,S30-S31,S33), xtiger34 (S9,S15,S17,S19-S20,S24,S26-S27,S30-S31,S33)
10(11): Sigtash (S1-S5,S8,S11,S15,S27-S28), FearThrows (S2,S4,S6-S7,S10,S13-S14,S23,S32-S33), Krbreb (S2,S4,S8,S10-S13,S16,S24-S25), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S2-S4,S7,S9,S11,S13-S14,S21,S24), colbay (S3-S4,S18,S20-S23,S25,S27,S32), Vrehv (S3-S4,S6-S7,S9-S10,S12,S16-S17,S23), harkuaa (S6-S9,S17-S18,S21,S30-S32), Charrlottie (S7-S10,S12-S13,S15,S27-S29), FishManIsPotato (S7,S9,S11-S12,S15-S16,S22,S26-S27,S33), swishduck (S14-S16,S18-S19,S22-S24,S27,S33), Supersun_ (S17,S20,S22-S23,S26-S28,S30,S32-S33)
9(14): Cahnner (S1-S2,S4-S7,S9,S14,S21), Mohala (S1,S3-S8,S12,S19), loyaltea (S2,S4-S6,S9,S27,S29,S31-S32), Dredex (S3-S4,S10-S11,S16-S17,S20,S24,S27), Greatwarrior_ (S4-S12), Dcrpy (S5,S8-S9,S12-S13,S16,S20-S21,S26), Deanuhc (S5-S8,S10,S12-S14,S21), apa37 (S6,S8,S11-S13,S15-S17,S30), voidhi (S6-S9,S15,S22,S27-S28,S32), Zopho (S7-S8,S17,S20-S22,S24,S28,S32), Glarza (S14,S16,S19,S22,S25,S28-S30,S33), Colozi (S16,S18-S20,S22-S24,S27,S29), jasondoa (S21-S22,S27-S33), BuildingBard300 (S24-S27,S29-S33)
8(23): SpaceFenix (S1-S3,S9,S13,S15,S18,S26), Emplacement (S2,S4-S6,S8-S9,S11,S13), HeyItsJBug (S2-S4,S16,S19,S27,S30-S31), StrengthDMN (S3,S7-S10,S15,S27,S31), AvyleZ (S4-S7,S12,S14,S18-S19), saltbag (S5-S8,S15-S16,S19,S21), Valnius (S5-S7,S21-S23,S29,S31), SSGSS4Goku (S6,S10-S12,S15,S17,S23,S27), Bornyo (S8,S11-S12,S16-S17,S19-S20,S24), DRI60 (S8-S10,S13-S15,S19,S27), Ryfri (S8,S10,S13-S14,S19,S23-S24,S29), spittoon (S8,S10,S19-S21,S25,S27-S28), xDiversity (S9,S11,S15-S17,S23-S24,S26), QuacksL (S10-S11,S13-S16,S18,S24), solnyy (S10,S12-S14,S16,S18-S19,S22), derekast (S12-S13,S22-S24,S29,S31-S32), GhostLikesCakes (S15-S16,S18-S19,S22,S24,S28,S33), Gott_aka_Leonard (S15-S17,S19-S20,S22-S23,S27), LZNAR (S15-S18,S20-S22,S33), CurdledDrip (S20,S24,S26,S28-S31,S33), strategy (S23-S27,S29-S31), Fcrm (S24,S26-S29,S31-S33), SAYNAR (S25-S29,S31-S33)
7(14): CallMeBqse (S1-S4,S15-S17), Flcnt (S2,S4,S9-S10,S13,S24,S33), jjsteeples (S2,S4-S6,S8-S9,S13), Scyles (S2,S4,S7,S17,S20,S25,S28), Hendysaurus (S5-S8,S15-S17), Dreamfall (S6,S15-S18,S21,S33), ItsColinn (S7-S9,S12,S17,S21,S24), Turqified (S10-S11,S13-S14,S16,S22-S23), cnner (S11-S12,S14,S18,S22,S24-S25), lzmur (S11,S15-S17,S21-S22,S24), TOOOTH (S15-S20,S22), BruceTheNinja10 (S16-S17,S26-S27,S29,S32-S33), Dyoza (S18-S20,S25-S27,S33), CHAINGE (S24-S26,S30-S33)
6(14): drewxd (S1-S3,S15,S17,S19), BraydenB11 (S2-S5,S8,S12), maccwyatt (S2,S4-S6,S9,S29), IsoLights (S3-S5,S16,S19,S33), NotChewi (S6-S7,S9,S24,S31-S32), DanishDrill (S8-S9,S15-S16,S21-S22), NickPlaysGames15 (S10,S12-S14,S20-S21), Stornette (S10,S12,S19,S24,S27-S28), CoDrake (S12-S14,S17,S19-S20), TheRealHagrid (S13-S14,S26,S29-S30,S32), Batusko (S16,S22,S24,S27,S32-S33), Ginzburg (S19-S20,S24-S25,S27,S29), Captureee (S20-S21,S25,S27-S29), vynil (S21-S22,S24,S26,S30-S31)
5(27): AdonisGaming (S2-S3,S5-S6,S24), Permm (S2-S3,S15,S30,S33), mxcros (S3-S4,S9,S15-S16), TPolls (S3-S5,S8,S16), Strikeroonie (S4,S17-S18,S22,S24), marceloifhy (S5,S10-S11,S20-S21), imFatLoveMe (S6,S8-S9,S11,S22), dylxnd (S7-S9,S22,S31), ghostblurr (S7,S9,S17-S19), Kelawesome (S7,S9,S16,S24-S25), K0REDRAG0N (S8,S10,S19,S23,S27), Cheetah_16 (S10-S13,S17), DEV0Y (S10,S14-S15,S19,S24), InProper (S10-S11,S16-S17,S24), T1mT0m (S10,S13,S18,S25,S33), beaniepls (S14-S18), Normoh (S15,S26-S29), azoof (S16-S17,S26,S28-S29), Blendd (S16-S17,S19-S20,S26), Spongey (S16,S19,S27,S31,S33), nug17 (S18,S20-S22,S29), Hecticity (S19,S22,S24-S25,S31), TheShippFloats (S20-S22,S30,S33), dontbow (S21,S25,S27,S30,S32), Char1zo (S23-S25,S32-S33), nolanishot (S24,S27-S29,S31), GrassPiece (S27-S31)
4(40): Bofishkix (S1-S2,S4,S9), IZUR (S1,S22,S26-S27), Chesspiece (S2-S5), dylns (S2,S6-S7,S27), Kelldeo (S2,S15-S17), lovegem4164 (S2,S5-S7), TinchoPijaLarga (S4,S6-S7,S21), 5ize (S5,S11,S21,S32), DZYER (S5-S8), toggleuhc (S5-S8), flameorb (S6-S8,S10), m4ku (S6-S7,S22,S26), OCTAMAN (S6-S8,S10), _Pm (S7-S8,S15-S16), Centrah (S7,S9-S11), DragonGlory (S7-S10), jake_hoe (S7,S10-S12), Lunar (S7-S8,S15-S16), PapaNugey (S7-S9,S15), MannyDM (S8,S17-S19), ilylazaro (S9,S20-S21,S33), YouCheated (S9,S12-S13,S28), Jaceon02 (S10,S16,S18,S21), KELCOS (S10,S13-S14,S16), PitSolitayrh (S15-S17,S23), zewgle (S15,S20,S22,S30), rodfather (S16-S19), Cacedoupamso (S17,S19,S24,S30), Captinn (S17,S20-S21,S25), choiceband (S18,S25-S26,S28), PLENT (S19-S22), Jwillz (S20-S21,S24-S25), LLEANN (S20-S21,S28,S33), AshRiolu100985 (S21-S22,S24,S33), jacobcrafty (S21,S23-S24,S27), Geroot (S22,S24-S25,S27), naseemXBT (S24-S25,S27-S28), SPEEDYDIGS (S25-S27,S31), JEREMIUH (S26-S28,S31), sweatgod (S27-S28,S30,S33)
3(54): idklyn (S1,S15,S25), Mvte (S1,S20-S21), RAHILL (S2,S5-S6), Raying (S2-S3,S11), Gag (S3,S5,S17), PolarTaco (S3,S7,S10), ZachConnor (S3,S7-S8), notrhain (S4,S6,S15), Merch (S5-S6,S15), B0WUH (S7-S8,S15), emi1iano (S7,S17-S18), Fragggg (S7,S15-S16), jemjosh (S7-S8,S16), ToontownOnline (S7-S8,S12), iLoveBoris (S8,S10-S11), WALRUS_TIME (S8,S10,S20), Cocunut233 (S9,S14,S17), Clemjo (S10,S12,S16), enablin (S11,S15-S16), ywack (S11,S14-S15), ceije (S12,S14,S17), _Fost (S14,S16,S24), Bobbytheturtle (S15,S17,S24), Goopling (S15-S17), ObeseProdigy (S15-S16,S19), 2Pacoh (S16,S19,S33), BackToAfrica (S16-S18), Broseph (S16,S18-S19), QueenxPetty (S16-S17,S21), UbiquityHD (S16-S17,S20), IMLpLay (S17,S19,S23), Loushus (S17,S19,S21), _pbo (S18,S20,S30), chrisrokay (S18-S19,S21), EivLs (S18,S28-S29), NotMyLights (S19-S21), Aybel (S20-S22), ethodog (S20,S23-S24), flameh (S20-S21,S33), Hrray (S20-S22), JayNonsense (S20-S22), jubatyson (S20-S22), nsi9 (S20-S21,S26), pm3crafte4 (S20,S23,S29), ShmeckleBoy (S20,S23,S30), TheSheepMasters (S20-S22), xPandaaz (S20,S22,S32), Gotelin (S21,S26-S27), lazys (S21-S22,S26), lukevvs (S21-S23), omchris (S21-S22,S24), retrys (S21-S22,S30), unixn (S21-S22,S27), lamzyk (S26,S30-S31)
2(86): chimah (S1,S4), Pahm (S1,S3), Cwrunch (S2,S11), Gleeming (S2,S4), Lnarz (S2-S3), repped (S2-S3), SergeantM (S2,S4), tastywill (S2,S4), YellowAuraa (S2,S4), Blarkslol (S3,S13), oceun (S3,S32), Switches (S3,S27), dummycute (S4-S5), Lynor (S4,S7), xHobo (S4,S14), xNGHT (S4,S6), ADinoPlayingMC (S5,S23), BreakfastBacon (S5-S6), Jeromesha (S5-S6), Beastaxel (S6,S9), heartparticles (S6-S7), mxrwzndood (S6,S31), pawnss (S6-S7), Shot3m (S6,S9), ERHDude (S7,S9), ImChilly (S7,S9), ANJELLOH (S8-S9), Caceduopamso (S8,S15), dhaq (S8-S9), Forrest235 (S8-S9), Nightshqdee (S8,S12), BottleSause (S9,S17), ninja3214 (S9,S15), violethearts (S9,S25), Greninja (S10,S25), NexfoR (S10,S18), Krxmble (S11,S16), urfake (S11,S28), Lative (S12,S14), BanMoon (S13-S14), BloodBlack (S14,S24), ReiBatsubami (S14,S16), SlicedOranges (S14,S16), 5ARx (S15-S16), 5HARPGOD (S15,S26), Deadlyboom (S18-S19), FrostBros (S19,S21), luvictoire (S19,S24), MaxCringe (S19,S21), whoshaze (S19,S21), Demomaker (S20,S26), Erdql (S20,S33), hashtagmat (S20,S26), Lach (S20-S21), Rameur (S20,S23), TitaniumDino25 (S20,S22), Iceisnice32 (S21-S22), JIMMY453 (S21,S23), lasdarling (S21-S22), RiseGR (S21,S24), Abyr (S22,S24), Fearx_ (S22-S23), KU_N_A_L (S22,S29), OblivionTU (S22,S24), Qmos (S22-S23), Retrofied (S22,S27), VurkeTTV (S22,S24), Xifto (S22,S24), CommanderK22 (S23,S33), Squegi (S23,S26), 5KYFALLS (S24,S26), alexnv (S24,S27), OhMatias (S24,S33), oMatty (S24,S32), Severuu (S24,S32), spxrkz_ (S24,S27), Codwhy (S25,S33), fyechris (S26-S27), Kahooter (S26-S27), MichaelPlayMC (S26,S30), vegis (S26,S28), Evxn063 (S27-S28), RqDix (S27-S28), Cahmn (S30,S33), johnnytheching (S31-S32), ScaryPumpkinFace (S31,S33)
1(178): AryaQT (S1), Fierys (S1), homiemansmans (S1), ItzIgglesPiggles (S1), pureinnocence (S1), Zcin (S1), BikBoy (S2), CTW (S2), FireBreathMan (S2), Fxther (S2), hueske (S2), iWrekt (S2), jigsaws (S2), N0CTURNAL (S2), xCynesta (S2), xPingWinMan (S2), Evzenitable (S3), Futan (S3), rawed (S4), slxps (S4), Dylxnnnn (S5), bmartxxx (S6), demisux (S6), harrydagawd (S6), LeMystiic (S6), Suzunexd (S6), zFate (S6), Harvyz (S7), Lmoj (S7), SariiTaaa (S7), TacoDab (S7), zrtt (S7), 14flyte (S8), Clegi (S8), DogInCar (S8), JroseFX (S8), mxrwxndood (S8), Wimbl (S8), yassifiesu (S8), cherryblawsom (S9), devuls (S9), Glockey (S9), PingBomb (S9), Ryanmoko (S9), GriddyTC (S10), InnerArtsTV (S10), Yist (S10), aarei (S11), CodeJoshua (S11), DeadlyFoxx (S11), JEDIMASTERKANYE (S11), Jewala (S11), RatherRare (S11), TinchoPijoLarga (S11), brghts (S12), Cindergaming698 (S12), Creadyy (S12), ItzHooded (S12), IvanDIGGA (S12), Smeshi (S12), StepBroImStuck1 (S12), Abstracct (S13), DEMUSS (S13), Dewces (S13), floodW (S13), ixHazexi (S13), Penley (S13), PoofessorP (S13), Tinydraco (S13), ZekoKun (S13), Daltun (S14), Vetmire (S14), Batsuko (S15), brocktober (S15), Johatsu (S15), Kartracer (S15), MarcoThePh0enix (S15), PR0MOTE (S15), PRICINCT (S15), realCUYT (S15), suedemax (S15), TheSlimeBrother (S15), AcidViper (S16), AhSh1t (S16), BushieHalf (S16), CrowJRC (S16), Drkrai (S16), dzupgu (S16), Fratrus (S16), Jkkl (S16), MarcoThePhe0nix (S16), NotSugar (S16), Nuclearsugar (S16), Psykl0ne (S16), rnaa (S16), Saltnobi (S16), SmoothCombos (S16), Toxischer (S16), Vernium (S16), xxezrabxxx (S16), Eindeutiger (S17), GreenFire26 (S17), iGotPlumbs (S17), Mafiat (S17), MXLAXIO (S17), Riolu100895 (S17), Zeegul (S17), 6irb (S18), Awticon (S18), bestlegitww (S18), claure (S18), JaeHasNoMaidens (S18), LowkeyLoke (S18), luksxixBRBDL (S18), TMNono (S18), toxiicbtw (S18), Zoos (S18), Cirex (S19), MostLikelySam (S19), 4runnermaster (S20), Arich (S20), Chqllenged (S20), DeadpoolUHC (S20), Doe (S20), MainAgate5 (S20), BEESTARG (S21), HyperOutHere (S21), M0KEY (S21), Nikanod (S21), Pemmyy (S21), smiinoo (S21), dray0 (S22), FroztiSnowman (S22), Hpark03 (S22), KennyTee (S22), Linkelf0rz (S22), Mapietrzak (S22), sr8611 (S22), Togglee (S22), Ezehh (S23), fxlzy (S23), jaranato (S23), Orbitxl (S23), peppermint (S23), SilabaTonica (S23), Zaiki (S23), KazyXD (S24), MCBR (S24), MephisDomen (S24), sleepingxd (S24), xROSEQ (S26), hdjr (S27), Thimburrr (S27), volcxnow (S27), Bov (S28), Cr3ad (S28), dwgn (S28), nikiforos (S28), Outname (S28), ploonyUwU (S28), salic (S28), Sk1wars (S28), Specularpotato (S28), Viatic_ (S28), Centrios (S29), Shm3e (S29), Smothering (S29), Blufferfish2009 (S31), FroztiSnow (S31), nsket (S31), shaundoman (S31), stupidsylvia (S31), Tunaisheree (S31), dooko (S32), RaiN_DyNasty (S32), O1OO (S33), smurpes (S33), xannydood (S33)


S1 (31): AryaQT, Bofishkix, brinkwhy, broccoliar, Cahnner, CallMeBqse, chimah, Dargxn, downkey, drewxd, Fierys, FLOWTIVES, homiemansmans, HUQTER, idklyn, ItzIgglesPiggles, IZUR, MangoPlayz, Mohala, Mvte, Pahm, pureinnocence, PwincessVanessa, ranmari, Senkhi, Shqkster, Sigtash, soakle, SpaceFenix, Stravilight, Zcin
S2 (49): AdonisGaming, ArcticSeagull, BikBoy, BraydenB11, Bulbexe, checog, Chesspiece, CTW, Cwrunch, dylns, Emplacement, FearThrows, FireBreathMan, Flcnt, Fxther, Gleeming, Gleoss, HeyItsJBug, hueske, iWrekt, jigsaws, jjsteeples, Kelldeo, kendawg_g, kirkfr, Krbreb, Lnarz, love_gem4164, loyaltea, LUCRODIUM, maccwyatt, N0CTURNAL, Permm, PizzqWithAQ, RAHILL, Raying, repped, risn, samdave, Scyles, SergeantM, spellygod, tastywill, TehBaconBrawlerZ, upraise, xCynesta, XERNE5, xPingWinMan, YellowAuraa
S3 (19): _Gag, Blarkslol, colbay, Dredex, DumbThiccNick, Evzenitable, Futan, hypcr, IdkKiller, IsoLights, mxcros, oceun, PolarTaco, skyzfy, StrengthDMN, Switches, TPolls, Vrehv, ZachConnor
S4 (17): adrmf, AvyleZ, benidk, CipherKai, dummycute, Greatwarrior_, Haydcn, Lynor, Lynxo, notrhain, rawed, slxps, Strikeroonie, TinchoPijaLarga, xHobo, xNGHT, Zoroh
S5 (26): 5ize, ADinoPlayingMC, AiroKun, BreakfastBacon, brinniex, Dcrpy, Deanuhc, Dizzying, DJoee, Dylxnnnn, DZYER, Hendysaurus, Jeromesha, L1GHT1NG, lapppp, marceloifhy, Merch, PotatoPlayer_, saltbag, toggleuhc, tonylmao, Valnius, willif, WoodFired, xMisha, Zeesue
S6 (30): _carn, alcxz, apa37, Beastaxel, bmartxxx, Cloversss, demisux, Dreamfall, DripGodDavid, flameorb, harkuaa, harrydagawd, heartparticles, imFatLoveMe, LeMystiic, m4ku, mxrwzndood, NotChewi, OCTAMAN, onstep, pawnss, RohanSmashBro, Shot3m, SSGSS4Goku, St0rmplayz, Suzunexd, ToeKun, void_hi, Zebobo10, zFate
S7 (28): 1mmortal, Pm, B0WUH, Centrah, Charrlottie, DragonGlory, dylxnd, emi1iano, ERHDude, FishManIsPotato, Fragggg, ghostblurr, Harvyz, ImChilly, ItsColinn, jake_hoe, jemjosh, Kaddyn, Kelawesome, Lmoj, Lunar, PapaNugey, SariiTaaa, Slooshyy, TacoDab, ToontownOnline, Zopho_, zrtt
S8 (26): 14flyte, 5idekick, ANJELLOH, Bornyo, Caceduopamso, carterwarterbear, Clegi, Crayonix, dahii, DanishDrill, dhaq, DogInCar, DRI60, Forrest235, iLoveBoris, JroseFX, K0REDRAG0N, Luca_Kgaming, MannyDM, mxrwxndood, Nightshqdee, Ryfri, spittoon, WALRUS_TIME, Wimbl, yassifies_u
S9 (14): BottleSause, cherryblawsom, Cocunut233, devuls, Glockey_, HalfLechuga, ilylazaro, ninja3214, PingBomb, Ryanmoko, violethearts, xDiversity, xtiger34, YouCheated
S10 (19): Cheetah_16, Clemjo, DEV0Y, Greninja, GriddyTC, InnerArtsTV, InProper, Jaceon02, KELCOS, NexfoR, NickPlaysGames15, QuacksL, remyyyyyy, RollRealQuick, solnyy, Stornette, T1mT0m, Turqified, Yist
S11 (13): aarei, cnner, CodeJoshua, DeadlyFoxx, enablin, JEDIMASTERKANYE, Jewala, Krxmble, lzmur, RatherRare, TinchoPijoLarga, urfake, ywack
S12 (14): bayweafs, BENJADDD, brghts, ceije, Cindergaming698, CoDrake, Creadyy, derekast, ItzHooded, IvanDIGGA, Lative, Smeshi, StepBroImStuck1, winterf
S13 (11): Abstracct, BanMoon, DEMUSS, Dewces, floodW, ixHazexi, Penley, PoofessorP, TheRealHagrid, Tinydraco, Zeko_Kun
S14 (11): Fost, beaniepls, BloodBlack, Daltun, Glarza, MisaSama, ReiBatsubami, SlicedOranges, swishduck, Vetmire, zCent
S15 (23): 5ARx, 5HARPGOD, Batsuko, Bobbytheturtle, brocktober, GhostLikesCakes, GodlySteal, Goopling, Gott_aka_Leonard, Johatsu, Kartracer, LZNAR, MarcoThePh0enix, Normoh, ObeseProdigy, PitSolitayrh, PR0MOTE, PRICINCT, realCUYT, suedemax, TheSlimeBrother, TOOOTH, zewgle
S16 (30): 2Pacoh, AcidViper, AhSh1t, azoof, BackToAfrica, Batusko, Blendd, Broseph, BruceTheNinja10, BushieHalf, Colozi, CrowJRC, Drkrai, dzupgu, Fratrus, Jkkl, MarcoThePhe0nix, NotSugar, Nuclearsugar, Psykl0ne, QueenxPetty, rnaa, rodfather, Saltnobi, SmoothCombos, Spongey, Toxischer, UbiquityHD, Vernium, xxezrabxxx
S17 (15): Cacedoupamso, Captinn, Eindeutiger, GreenFire26, iGotPlumbs, IMLpLay, Kaismartypants, Loushus, LUKAD0NCIC, Mafiat, MXLAXIO, PupperKun, Riolu100895, Supersun_, Zeegul
S18 (18): 6irb, _pbo, Awticon, bestlegitww, choiceband, chrisrokay, claure, Deadlyboom, Dyoza, EivLs, JaeHasNoMaidens, LowkeyLoke, luksxixBRBDL, nug17, theTrapDoor, TMNono, toxiicbtw, Zoos
S19 (10): Cirex, FrostBros, Ginzburg, Hecticity, luvictoire, MaxCringe, MostLikelySam, NotMyLights, PLENT, whoshaze
S20 (28): 4runnermaster, Arich, Aybel, Captureee, Chqllenged, CurdledDrip, DeadpoolUHC, Demomaker, Doe, Erdql, ethodog, flameh, hashtagmat, Hrray, JayNonsense, jubatyson, Jwillz, Lach, LLEANN, MainAgate5, nsi9, pm3crafte4, Rameur, ShmeckleBoy, TheSheepMasters, TheShippFloats, TitaniumDino25, xPandaaz
S21 (22): AshRiolu100985, BEESTARG, dontbow, Gotelin, HyperOutHere, Iceisnice32, jacobcrafty, jasondoa, JIMMY453, lasdarling, lazys, lukevvs, M0KEY, Nikanod, omchris, Pemmyy, retrys, RiseGR, sgouche, smiinoo, unixn, vynil
S22 (17): Abyr, dray0, Fearx, FroztiSnowman, Geroot, Hpark03, K_U_N_A_L, KennyTee, Linkelf0rz, Mapietrzak, OblivionTU, Qmos, Retrofied, sr8611, Togglee, VurkeTTV, Xifto
S23 (11): Char1zo, CommanderK22_, Ezehh, fxlzy, jaranato, Orbitxl, peppermint, SilabaTonica, Squegi, strategy, Zaiki
S24 (15): 5KYFALLS, alexnv, BuildingBard300, CHAINGE, Fcrm, KazyXD, MCBR, MephisDomen, naseemXBT, nolanishot, OhMatias, oMatty, Severuu, sleepingxd, spxrkz_
S26 (7): fyechris, JEREMIUH, Kahooter, lamzyk, MichaelPlayMC, vegis, xROSEQ
S27 (7): Evxn063, GrassPiece, hdjr, RqDix, sweatgod, Thimburrr, volcxnow
S28 (10): Bov, Cr3ad, dwgn, nikiforos, Outname, ploonyUwU, salic, Sk1wars, Specularpotato, Viatic_
S29 (3): Centrios, Shm3e, Smothering
S30 (1): Cahmn
S31 (8): Blufferfish2009, FroztiSnow, johnnytheching, nsket, ScaryPumpkinFace, shaundoman, stupidsylvia, Tunaisheree
S32 (2): dooko, RaiN_DyNasty
S33 (3): O1OO, smurpes, xannydood
submitted by Brodator to ultrahardcore [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:17 IllustratorHefty6753 Am I alone in this? Having read this article about GenZ breaking more work rules?
"Gen Z Is Breaking Company Rules Twice as Much as Boomers"
I'm pushing 50. I don't normally buy into the whole generational difference bullshit but having read through this, the only thought I'm left with is that I don't even know what my company rules even are.
I never bothered reading the employee handbook when prompted
I dont bother reading any emails whose subject includes the word "policy"
The only thing I do know for certain is "don't sell stock during blackout periods"
I frankly couldn't care less about their rule book, am fairly open about it, and they keep promoting me. I think I faced a retaliation thing a couple of years ago but I really wasn't paying any attention to it, only really realized it when someone pointed it out, and the perp was fired as a result of it.
I go to work, I do my job because I like it, I tell my people to maintain a work-life balance, and I log off for the night. My Teams chat with the other directors reporting to the same manager turns into casual banter from 6 PM on. It's nice. They leave me alone and dont pry into my personal business and are still friendly and pleasant.
submitted by IllustratorHefty6753 to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:16 gg-its-elroacho [EU+NA] [EU] [NA] [A3] [Recruiting] [New Player Friendly] [Request] X-Ray PMC Semi-Serious Immersive MILSIM Recruiting new members now!

Attention gamers, X-Ray PMC are looking to recruit new players for upcoming operations. We're a relaxed milsim unit focused on realistic and immersive gameplay with a relaxed attitude and a focus on fun and teamwork. If you're an experienced Arma 3 player or a newbie just starting out please don't hesitate to join as we'll support you with everything you'll need to get set up in Arma and operate effectively with your teammates.
Me, Enver and DinBoo who are running the unit/server are from Europe however we recruit from all over the globe, all we ask for is a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and work as a team. We're a semi-serious unit, meaning we build our operations with immersion and realism in mind, so we expect people to treat it seriously like its real life, but that doesn't mean we don't appreciate a laugh and a mess around so don't expect to have to salute everyone and scream "yes sir!".
The usual schedule we play is 22:30 GMT (UK time-zone) every Sunday
Role we're looking to fill:
31st Foxhound Armour Corps:
Spartan 11A
Vehicle Commander-
Vehicle Driver and Engineer-
Vehicle Gunner-
Vehicle Crewman and Medic-
25th Foxhound Air Cavalry:
Eagle 11A
Helicopter Pilot-
Helicopter Co-Pilot-
Helicopter Medic-
Helicopter Engineer-
52nd Foxhound Recon Regiment (Infantry):
Dagger 11A
Squad Leader-Filled
Medic- Filled
Autorifleman- Filled
Rifleman x2-
Dagger 11B
Team Leader- Filled
Marksman- Filled
Machine Gunner-
Rifleman x2-
Planned/Upcoming Operations:
Operation Black Blade, Vietnam
Operation Storm 1995, Croatian War of Independence
Operation Paraquet, The Falklands Conflict
Operation Defiant Spartan, Takistan 2024
If interested then please feel free to join our Discord through this link -
Some links to videos of recent WW2 operations -
submitted by gg-its-elroacho to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:15 enterprisereview Securing Your Virtual Workspace in the Age of Remote Work

The transition to remote work has undeniably introduced unparalleled flexibility and efficiency into the professional realm. Nevertheless, this newfound freedom comes hand in hand with an escalated need for robust cybersecurity measures.
Grasping the Remote Work Threat Landscape
The landscape of remote work ushers in a distinct set of cybersecurity challenges. The dispersed nature of remote teams, coupled with the use of personal devices and reliance on diverse networks, expands the potential attack surface.
Safeguarding Endpoints: Devices Protection
Protecting endpoints, encompassing laptops, tablets, and smartphones, assumes critical importance in remote work scenarios. Implementing endpoint security solutions, including antivirus software, firewalls, and device encryption, acts as a defense against malware, ransomware, and other cyber threats jeopardizing the integrity of remote devices.
Implementing Data Encryption and Privacy Measures
Augmenting security through the encryption of sensitive data, both in transit and at rest, creates an additional layer of protection. This ensures that even in the event of unauthorized access, the data remains indecipherable without the appropriate decryption keys.
Selecting Secure Collaboration Tools and Platforms
While collaboration tools are indispensable in remote work, the emphasis should be on selecting platforms with robust security features. Features such as end-to-end encryption, access controls, and secure file-sharing capabilities are crucial considerations.
Enhancing Network Security Measures
Strengthening network security involves the deployment of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and secure Wi-Fi connections. Network segmentation is a strategic consideration to limit lateral movement in case of a breach, effectively containing potential threats and minimizing damage.
Continuous Monitoring and Auditing
Continuous monitoring of network activity, coupled with regular security audits, is crucial for identifying and addressing potential vulnerabilities. Monitoring tools offer real-time insights into unusual or suspicious activities, enabling swift responses to potential threats.
Read More:

TopBusinessMagazines #OnlineBusinessMagazine #BestBusinessBlogs #VirtualWorkspace #RemoteWork

submitted by enterprisereview to u/enterprisereview [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 chaotic-rapier stop using thunderlord for dps there's better options
Both acrius and prospector are easier to use as they dont require a div, so you have 1 tractor, so instead of a 15% debuff you have a 30% debuff and even if you just use an arc fusion with tractor your whole team is doing more damage, 5x1.3=6.5 for tractor compared to 5x1.15=5.75, you actually lose dps when using div now and with the buffs to grenade launchers and acrius a while back they are both 50% more dps than a titan using war rig and thunderlord, prospector also is much easier to use and acrius is very good on stationary targets like oryx.
submitted by chaotic-rapier to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:11 GetSoftwareServicee Building a Comprehensive QA Strategy for Product Development

Quality Assurance (QA) plays a pivotal role in ensuring the reliability, functionality, and user satisfaction of products in the dynamic landscape of product development. A comprehensive QA strategy is essential to preemptively address potential issues and deliver products that meet or exceed customer expectations. Here’s a guide to developing a robust QA strategy to enhance product quality throughout the development lifecycle.
  1. Understanding Product Requirements: Before initiating QA activities, it’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the product’s requirements, objectives, and the anticipated end-user experience. Collaborating closely with stakeholders and subject matter experts ensures that the QA strategy aligns with the product’s overarching goals and user expectations.
  2. Test Planning and Documentation: Developing a structured test plan is essential for systematically identifying and addressing potential quality issues. Clear and detailed test cases, encompassing functional, performance, security, and usability aspects, serve as a roadmap for the QA team, ensuring thorough test coverage and adherence to product requirements.
  3. Automation Integration: Incorporating automated testing into the QA strategy significantly enhances efficiency and test coverage. Identifying opportunities for test automation, such as regression testing, load testing, and UI testing, allows for swift identification of defects, accelerates the testing process, and facilitates continuous integration and deployment.
  4. Performance Testing: Ensuring that the product performs optimally under various load conditions is integral to a comprehensive QA strategy. Performance testing, including load testing and stress testing, identifies potential bottlenecks and vulnerabilities, ultimately contributing to a seamless user experience and product stability.
  5. Defect Management and Reporting: Establishing a robust defect management process, including efficient bug tracking, classification, and resolution, is fundamental in ensuring that identified issues are promptly addressed and documented. Clear and concise reporting mechanisms facilitate transparent communication and enable stakeholders to make informed decisions based on the QA team’s findings.
  6. Continuous Improvement: Adopting a culture of continuous improvement within the QA strategy fosters innovation and adaptability. Regular retrospectives, feedback loops, and post-release analysis inform future iterations, enabling proactive identification and mitigation of recurring issues, thereby enhancing overall product quality.
Conclusion A comprehensive QA strategy is indispensable for maintaining high product quality and customer satisfaction. By integrating meticulous test planning, automation, performance testing, and continuous improvement practices, organizations can establish a solid foundation for the efficient identification, resolution, and prevention of quality issues, ultimately delivering exceptional products that meet and exceed user expectations.
Incorporating these fundamental aspects into the QA strategy not only fortifies the product development process but also enhances overall customer satisfaction, instilling confidence in the product’s reliability and functionality.
Elevate your career in quality assurance with Get Software Service’s comprehensive Online QA Training program. Our meticulously crafted curriculum encompasses the latest industry practices, hands-on experience, and real-world case studies, ensuring that you’re equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic field of QA. Led by seasoned professionals, our online training offers the flexibility to learn at your own pace while providing interactive sessions and mentorship to foster a deep understanding of QA methodologies, test automation, defect management, and more. Join us to gain a competitive edge and elevate your expertise in quality assurance.
submitted by GetSoftwareServicee to u/GetSoftwareServicee [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:10 Visual-spiders Visual Spiders Introduces Creative Presentation Design for Businesses Worldwide

In the digital age, captivating presentation design is paramount for businesses seeking to make a lasting impression. Recognizing this need, Visual Spiders, a leading web design and development agency, proudly announces the launch of its innovative service: Creative Presentation Design.
With the proliferation of digital communication channels, the demand for visually engaging presentations has never been higher. Visual Spiders steps up to this challenge with its Creative Presentation Design service, offering businesses worldwide the opportunity to elevate their brand storytelling and captivate audiences like never before.
Visual Spiders Creative Presentation Design service combines cutting-edge design techniques with strategic storytelling to deliver presentations that resonate with audiences across industries. From sleek corporate pitches to dynamic product launches, the agency tailors each presentation to the unique needs and branding of its clients.
Key features of Visual Spiders Creative Presentation Design service include:
Whether it's winning over investors, captivating potential clients, or training employees, Visual Spiders Creative Presentation Design service empowers businesses to achieve their communication goals with confidence and flair.
In an era where attention spans are fleeting and competition is fierce, the ability to communicate effectively has never been more crucial. With Visual Spiders Creative Presentation Design service, businesses can harness the power of creativity to captivate, inform, and inspire audiences worldwide.
For more information about Visual Spiders Creative Presentation Design service and to schedule a consultation, visit
About Visual Spiders: Visual Spiders is a leading web design and development agency dedicated to helping businesses thrive in the digital realm. With a team of skilled designers, developers, and strategists, Visual Spiders delivers innovative solutions that elevate brands and drive results. From web design and development to digital marketing and branding, Visual Spiders offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.
For more inquiries, please contact:
Phone: +91 9895189240
Email: [](
submitted by Visual-spiders to u/Visual-spiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:09 UltimateTraders 5/15/2024 Daily Plays NXT MNDY slam earnings! PSEC CEO buys 800K shares for 5.48! AMC converts bonds 23.3 million shares avg 7, Ryan C falling asleep at the wheel of GME again! Sold SOFI 7.40 and bought DNUT 12. Wanted GME puts July 60 strike AMC July 10 strike WTF! Oh Well! ACMR CVS PERI YOU !

Good morning everyone. Premarket yesterday, man, AMC was 13 and GME was 80! I was even hoping that I could get 12 puts and 75 dollar puts with July Expiration. A few minutes in, both stocks were already at their highs, I did not even put in a bid for AMC… I put in a bid for GME but it quickly fell below the 60 strike.
I do not blame anyone for trading hot money..
All I say is know the facts, so that you can plan an exit strategy and be prepared for anything.
I warned that AMC as a company is worth about 800 million. [In 2019 when there were 100 million shares, the stock was 7-10!!! By the way!]
GME is worth closer to 700 million. [For many years it was worth 1 billion or less and they were a growing company!]
I don’t hate on the company… I hate that they are crap companies! Those are the facts!
I want everyone to make money, always! I just don’t want anyone lied to… I don’t want someone brainwashing anyone with junk!
AMC has authorization for 550 million shares
GME has authorization for 1 billion shares
AMC 2 days ago on Meme Monday sold 72.5 million shares at an avg of 3.45 for about 250 million dollars [Utilizing the at the market]
AMC yesterday agreed with a bond holder to convert 23.3 million shares for about 7 dollars to extinguish 164 million in debt.
You may think Adam is a bum, or doing AMC wrong…
What people do not understand is that he is doing what is best for the company to survive.. He is taking advantage of retail who is over pumping a stock!
8/6/2022 before APE and when AMC was near 30 I did this video!

You need a company to stay in business if you want to keep trading the stock…
The stock price has 0 to do with the company. The stock price is shows the exit price of someone that has the stock and wants to move it…
A stock is a currency for a company when they do not have cash…
The stock market exists as a way for a company to get cash and for insiders to exit!!!
A stock was not created so traders can make money!
You need to come to this understanding.

Also, 90% of times a company does not need a vote to dilute shareholders thru a convertible bond… You must do DD and check each bond to see if they have a convertible option to swap for shares.. This is your job, not mines! Chances are when a company is in trouble they will do this, especially if they are out of ATM [At the market] AMC has about 355 million shares as of now, trust me, if the stock is hot they will do their best to unload the rest of the 200 million on retail… This is not up to AMC!
This is up to the bond holder!
You see, the bond holder agreed to 23.3 million shares at about 7 dollars. Now they are holding the bag! They will need the Apes to bid it up and hope to be able to unload the 23.3 on everyone…They will need a lot of volume…. When volume dries up, they will be stuck! No bond holder or person would want to agree to take tons of shares of something if they can not unload it. [Liquidity]
This should show you how dumb Ryan Cohen is… He is falling asleep at the wheel.
He has had authorization for 1 billion shares since March of 2022 and these pumps are when you unload to get cash… It is a crippling business… One where they only made a profit by firing people and cutting costs, this is not sustainable…
This is obvious as sales are at a 16 year low…. For the year sales were down 12% and for the quarter 20%! A Christmas quarter! WHAT A DISASTER!
FACTS! Once you have the facts, you do you….
Yeah, I understand people hate me, I am banned everywhere, this is what I get for trying to educate people that just want to get rich quick without knowing the facts!
So you trade and do what is comfortable for you. If you are making money ignore everyone! Just keep stacking! I want people to make money..
I just hate when people are scammed/lied to.

I forgot yesterday morning. I had an order to buy DNUT at 12… It hit by end of day… I am also in 13.55.. These buys were because of a MCD roll out… Without an expected slow roll out by 2026 no way I would buy it! I checked weeks ago and the earnings are shakey. I checked the financials yesterday… They are ok, but 2-3 bad quarters and they are in trouble.. The sales are slowly growing 5-10% but they are just getting by, so a few bad quarters… But I want anyone that reads to follow my thesis and see why…
I don’t buy and pray… No hopium… Some people like to roll the dice… they should just say they are taking the risk..

I was a super bull on ZIM as it was 9 dollars because I could clearly see containers over 2,000. I posted DD on it… That was not risky to me! Especially under 10. GME and AMC is a pure gamble, you can make money but be prepared to lose it too.
I wish that retail could buy better quality stocks and that we could all make money safely… but I do not have that power…. They think Ryan Cohen, Adam Aron and Keith Gill are heros… people like who they like, trade what they will trade.. but when you shoot up a stock of a company in ruis


Insiders to dump their own stakes. [Ryan is really dumb this way]

The company itself to dilute shareholders for money

Youd do it too!

PSEC Chairman and CEO who owns 65 million shares of the company. Who has had 0 salary for years goes in and buys 800,000 shares for 5.48 on May 10th. This is right after earnings. That shows skin in the game.. yes, it is just 4.5 million dollars, but these were not vested options/warrants [Adam Aron never uses his own cash, its free shares!!] Insiders at PSEC own 30% of the company! SKIN IN THE GAME!
Yes, I wish retail would take PSEC to 6.25-6.50 fair value, and I do get frustrated when they buy junk like CVNA but I do not have the power.. CVNA insiders dumping left and right. I believe the CEO has sold over 300 million worth of CVNA over the last 90 days! 17% growth at CVNA, decent! But the company is worth at most, 20! AT MOST! There is a ton of risk!

5 Trade Ideas:
ACMR YOU – Both of these companies scored a 99 on my grading score for earnings. I have 1 block of ACMR at 25.45 and do not mind trading another block… No position in YOU , last trade was 17.50 to 18

PSEC – I have 2,000 shares at 5.50 and 2,000 at 5.90. I would like to trade these in blocks for 10-15 cents each, earnings were good, not great, but you wont get great from a BDC company, I have also been getting my 6 cent monthly dividend

CVS – I will keep trading this, fair value is near 70… I have a block at 84 from 2/2023 unfortunately…. Last trade 54.75 to 56

PERI – They will be coming to the auction, before the end of the month and will use the 75 million by June 30th. I also have a block at 21.. But I will keep trading blocks

DNUT – I am in at 12 and 13.55, 1,000 shares each. I would like to make 25-50 cents on each trade, so I hope 12.25… My buys were strictly on the MCD roll out. I am in belief that with MCD sales will be up at least 25% when it is completed

The contents of this post are for information and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute financial, accounting, or legal advice. ... By choosing to make a trade you are responsible for your own actions. Please do some due diligence. These are trades I am making and you can follow along. If you make a winning trade, I do not even expect a bravo or thanks but that’s fine, if you lose on a trade the same difference.. I do not even expect an upvote or reward… The Elite team is aware of the risks and volatility in the market.

Good luck everyone let’s make money. Share trades, ideas here during trading hours. Our main goal here is to make money so I hope we can help eachother. I will be in and out of here as well.
submitted by UltimateTraders to UltimateTraders [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:06 ThumpNpump How Rudy Gobert proves that NBA Analytics Department is Incoherent.

Before I get into the Statistical Analysis I would like to say that Rudy Gobert is a phenomenal help defender, and he is great on ball against every team except for the 76ers and the Nuggets. Embiid and especially Jokic punk him and steal his French lunch money (euros).
What Gobert is not good at is absolutely anything on offense, and by “not good” I mean he is absolutely abhorrently bad. Because his skill set is so lacking, he is relegated to three options on offense. In this case I’ll refer to them as “The Rudy Three”.
The Rudy Three: 1. Stand weak side dunker spot (the low block on the opposing side of the floor to where the ball handler is). 2. Setting screens and rolling to the rim. 3. Attempting put backs when his teammates miss.
The problem with the Rudy Three: 1. Rudy’s hands are terrible, he routinely lets passes slip through his hands. His teammates do not trust him to catch the ball. So they don’t throw the lob. 2. Same issue as above. He can roll to the rim all game and he will maybe get one or two passes per game on a roll. 3. If he does not get the rebound or putback, he is last one up the court to be back on defense. What’s the point of having the DPOY, if he’s not back on defense? There is no point.
Because of these issues, Rudy Gobert’s defender knows that Rudy will not get the ball, and is then free to play help defense freely or double team the ball handler at will. Which makes offense incredibly difficult for all the rest of his teammates. The fact that Anthony Edwards is able to play as well as he has is a testament to how amazing he is.
The “Advanced Stats” on list Rudy Gobert as LEADING the NBA playoffs in Screen Assists Per Game at 6.8, and Screen Assist Points Per Game at 16, with Jokic in 2nd in both at 6.5 and 14.3.
Respectfully, anyone with a pair of eyeballs and a semi functioning brain can see that the effect of a Jokic screen stresses a defense, while a Rudy screen is all but ignored.
Rudy Gobert missed game 2, where KAT played C, and while his defense is no where as good, KAT HAS TO BE RESPECTED on offense because he is an A+ threat to score. This opens up the paint and allows the rest of the Timberwolves to play without a help defender camping in the paint just waiting for them.
Gobert has a massively negative impact on offense, which greatly impacts the effectiveness of anyone sharing the floor with him.
If the Wolves want to win, they need to bench him and only play him when Jokic is not on the floor. But they won’t, and this series will be over in 6 games.
If any team wants to stand a chance in today’s NBA, every player on the floor needs to, at the very least, be able to shoot at league average.
submitted by ThumpNpump to nbadiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:02 Iweon Go-Rin: a ball sport for l5r 4e

First, I known some of my players follow this sub. If you see this post: pshhhh, don't read. You know this is comming, but don't spoil it :p
So. In a recent campain, I want to have a sports event, and I decided to create a sport so my players can have fun trying their new stats (they just go a lot of xp). What I've come up is a bit of a mix between basketball and handball, and I would love to have some feedback on it. It goes as follow:
Terrain: 40 × 20 cases (1c = 1,5m) Basically a basket ball terrain lines the size of a handball terrain + 3 ring at different heights on each side of the terrain.
Rules 3vs3, 4vs4 or 5vs5 Start of the game • Each team define a leader • The leaders go in the start circle, at the cemter of the terrain, all other player can go where they want in their zone. • Both leader do an initiative test. The leader with the highest init score has the ball at the start.
Points Points are calculated as zone×ring Each time a team marks Points, the adversary get the ball, starting from their ring zone. The team with the most point at the end of the game wins.
Rounds and Turns 1 match is 10 round (=6minutes) • The team with the ball has the first turn. • Turns alternate between each team, until all of the players played once, making it a full round. • Each team can decide of the turn order of its players however they want (exept for pass)
Actions Each player can make 1 action and 1reaction during its turn (only pass-receive can be done outside of turn). Possible actions are: • Dribble: move 2c×Water • Run (without ball): move 4c×water • Steal ball: brawl rules, on an adjacent case of the player with the ball. • Intercept: if a pass trajectory is within 2c×water of the player, he can try to intercept a pass. REF test, same ND as the pass. Reaction are: • Shoot: (Athletism+AGI)k(AGI), ND25 from zone2, ND35 from zone3. Default is ring 1, declare 1Aug for ring2 and 2Aug for ring3. Can be intercepted. Only leader can intercept from zone0. • Pass (send, receive): Passer define a trajectory. Both Passer and Receiver make a (Athletism+AGI)k(AGI) test, ND is number of cases of trajectory times 2 for passer, 20 for receiver. If either fails, the ball is on the ground. • Drop or Pick Up ball (if the ball is on the ground, must be in the same case of the ball for pick up)
Postures Must be declared at the end of the turn. If nothing is said, water is assumed. Water: default Fire=Attack: cannot steal ball or intercept. Distance covered with Dribble is doubled. Air=Steal: cannot Driblle, +1g1 for intercept and steal tests Earth=Defend: can't do any action or reaction except steal ball. Chose an adversary player on an adjacent case and inflict -2g1 to all tests and -1Water for Dibble and run to this player. Follows the chosen player to the limit of its capacity (cannot exceed its own water run action). If the target is not on an adjacent case anymore, the posture is broken and back to the water posture. Void=Goal: 1 turn without doing anything, next turn : +2g1 for shoot
(Sorry, formating is so bad... I am on mobile, I'll edit it to look better as soon as I am on my computer)
submitted by Iweon to l5r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:02 DeskDayAI Let’s face it: Keeping up with customer expectations in support as an MSP is tough!

Let’s face it: Keeping up with customer expectations in support as an MSP is tough!
Here’s what we know: Customers gravitate towards familiar channels to access support and may switch between them based on convenience. What’s critical for you is to deliver a fluid customer experience no matter what that channel might be!
Solution: Master a multi-channel approach. Why? Because today, a customer might expect to ping you on your client portal and shoot you a chat in a messaging app a week later- all for the same issue. This flexibility is key, not only for adapting to customer preferences but also for moving away from less efficient, old channels like phone and email, which can often be long and tiring.
At DeskDay, we know handling multiple channels sounds like a juggling act. But being that the need, it shouldn’t make your techs' life harder- switching tabs and tools to deliver support across channels. It should be about making your customer's experience better.
That’s exactly where DeskDay CSA with IT-Connect comes in. It’s the first in its line with a built-in customer portal that works across three commonly used channels—mobile, desktop, and Microsoft Teams. Seamless, efficient, right where your customers need it.
Do you also think your customers deserve a consistent and personalized experience?
Then you’ll want to check out DeskDay CSA. Dive in here:
submitted by DeskDayAI to DeskDay [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:02 DCLDad Tips for attending NFL Europe game

Ravens fan here. We went to the Ravens-Titans game last year, and here are some tips if you are thinking about going:
1. Register on the NFL Europe website early and often. Have various family members register on the NFL Europe site, using different email addresses. Note that each team’s season ticket holders get first dibs on tickets before they go on sale to the general public. DO NOT pay ticket brokers for tickets, they are massively overpriced and not worth it. You can always get a ticket cheaper, right up to game day. Our tickets went on sale in mid-June. Actually, registering early doesn’t matter, for the next reason:
2. Everyone will be tossed into a queue randomly the day tickets go on sale. Have all family & friends report their place in the queue, and go with whomever gets in first. Important note: The ticket site is hosted by NFL Europe. They will show you the start time for purchasing in Greenwich Mean Time. Make sure you convert that time to your time zone. For us it was 7 am EDT. Once you get online and into the queue, DO NOT LEAVE. This is an easy way to get bumped. I had my daughter watch my place in the queue while I was at work, and had her buy the tickets.
3. Speaking of the queue, do not blow a gasket when you see your spot is #229,767 in the queue:
a. All 5 NFL Europe games go on sale all at once;
b. Like you, everyone registered with 5-10 different email address and family member name combinations;
c. That number literally was our spot in the queue, and we cleared the queue in 90 minutes and got tickets.
d. Be ready to make an instantaneous decision – Don’t mess around trying to get a better seat. They go fast. We ended up getting 4 seats, not together, but in the same section.
e. If you miss out, don’t worry because plenty of fans sell them back as the Summer progresses.
4. Book air travel as soon as you know you have tickets. When you fly into London (recommend Heathrow), take the Underground right into Central London. The station is right at the Airport outside baggage claim. It’s a 45 -60 minute trip into Central London. When returning to the airport, make certain that you are getting on the line that goes to Heathrow. There is also a Heathrow Express train, but it’s only 15-20 minutes faster and costs a lot more than the Underground. Buy an Underground pass at a kiosk in the airport outside baggage claim.
5. The hotel situation in London is great, we had no issues getting a room. Recommend booking the hotel early, since you can always cancel if you don’t get tickets or change your mind. If I can make a recommendation that is convenient to a lot of attractions, including the underground to get to Hotspur stadium, check out this hotel: We had NFL fans from across Europe staying at our hotel.
6. Speaking of which, stay in Central London. Make a week out of it. The NFL and the teams usually have a week-long celebration around the city. Access to the stadium is easy via the Underground.
7. Usually the local soccer clubs are typically on break the week of NFL Europe games, and those tickets are a tough get anyway. But if you have a favorite club, schedule a tour of their stadium. It’s worth it.
8. Speaking of Stadiums, Hotspur Stadium is one of the newest and is massive. It is all enclosed around the seating areas. But the roof is open, and most seats are covered. Do not worry about the weather on game day. Sweat pants and a sweatshirt/game jersey was more than adequate. Getting to and from the Underground, however, you will be exposed to the elements. Do not bring an umbrella, wear a rain jacket if rain is in the forecast.
9. You will see jerseys of all 32 NFL teams represented at the game. Over a third of the fans are from the UK or Europe. They are just there to see “proper football”, as the person sitting next to me said. The fans get into the game, and have a really good time. The people surrounding us bought us beers and sang much of the game. It’s a ton of fun.
10. On game day, take the Tube to Hotspur Stadium. It’s about a 10 block (.75 mile) walk to/from the stadium. You can ride a bus to the stadium from the Underground, but do not expect it on the way back. The atmosphere surrounding the stadium is amazing. The stadium is surrounded by activities, including a lot of people who don’t have tickets, but are there for the spectacle. Eat a good brunch/lunch before going. Do not expect to be able to get seated at a restaurant near the stadium. And do not expect great food in the stadium, it was a major disappointment.
11. Upon conclusion of the game, it will be a massive river of people heading for the tube. I do not recommend taking the Overground train to leave, the queue can be quite long. Instead, just follow the flow of people to the regular underground stop 10-11 blocks south of the stadium. Don’t worry, the long line goes surprisingly fast. And the fans are still having a good time.
12. Feel free to ping me if you have questions!
submitted by DCLDad to nyjets [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:00 AutoModerator [DAILY CONEVERSATIONS] !balance !faucet !withdraw

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2024.05.15 15:00 hockeydiscussionbot Daily Free Talk Thread: PLUS, links to ALL Game Day Threads inside - 15 May 2024

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2024.05.15 15:00 GradVisionOverseas Choosing the Right Destination for Your Overseas Education

Embarking on a journey of international education is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and thoughtful planning. Choosing the right study destination is a crucial step in ensuring a fulfilling and enriching educational experience. Whether you aspire to pursue higher education, participate in an exchange program, or engage in specialized training, selecting the ideal destination sets the stage for a transformative academic journey. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process of choosing the right destination for your overseas education.
Understanding Your Academic Goals and Interests:
Before delving into the specifics of study destinations, it’s essential to reflect on your academic aspirations, career goals, and personal interests. Identify the field of study or specialization that aligns with your passions and ambitions, as this will significantly influence the choice of destination. Whether it’s pursuing a degree in engineering, business, humanities, or the arts, understanding your academic focus will streamline the process of selecting a study destination that offers comprehensive programs and resources in your area of interest.
Researching Academic Institutions and Programs:
Conduct thorough research on the academic institutions and programs available in your potential study destinations. Evaluate the reputation of universities, colleges, and educational providers, considering factors such as accreditation, faculty expertise, research opportunities, and industry partnerships. Additionally, explore the specific academic programs, courses, and elective options offered by these institutions to ensure that they align with your educational objectives and learning preferences.
Assessing Quality of Life and Cost of Living:
Quality of life and the cost of living are pivotal considerations when choosing a study destination. Evaluate essential factors such as safety, healthcare facilities, climate, cultural diversity, and recreational opportunities available in the prospective locations. Moreover, analyze the overall cost of living, including accommodation, transportation, food, and other daily expenses, to gauge the financial feasibility of residing in each destination. This assessment will provide valuable insights into the lifestyle and support systems available in each potential study location.
Understanding Work Opportunities and Immigration Policies:
For many international students, the prospect of gaining practical work experience or exploring post-graduation employment opportunities is a significant consideration. Research the work-study options, internships, and post-graduation work permits offered by the study destinations. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the immigration policies, visa regulations, and eligibility criteria for foreign students, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the legal and employment landscape in each potential study location.
Seeking Guidance from Education Consultants and Alumni Networks:
Engage with education consultants, study abroad advisors, and alumni networks to gain insights and perspectives from individuals who have first-hand experience in your potential study destinations. These resources can provide valuable guidance on academic institutions, cultural nuances, visa procedures, and practical tips for thriving in a foreign educational environment. Leveraging the expertise of professionals and the experiences of alumni can offer a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with studying abroad.
The process of choosing the right destination for your overseas education demands thorough research, introspection, and informed decision-making. By considering a holistic range of factors, including academic offerings, quality of life, work opportunities, cultural dynamics, and expert guidance, you can carefully assess and select a study destination that aligns with your educational aspirations and personal growth objectives. Making an informed choice empowers you to embark on a transformative educational journey that broadens your perspectives, enriches your academic pursuits, and prepares you for a globalized professional landscape.
Discover an unparalleled pathway to global education with GradVision Overseas your ultimate partner for study abroad consultancy in Hyderabad. With a dedicated team of seasoned professionals, GradVision goes beyond conventional advisory services, offering comprehensive guidance, personalized support, and tailored solutions to ensure a seamless transition to international education. Whether you aspire to pursue higher studies, seek professional training, or explore exchange programs.
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2024.05.15 15:00 AutoModerator Weekly Scrooge Finds Megathread: What Clothing and Furniture items did you find this week?

Welcome to the weekly "Scrooge's Finds" Megathread!
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2024.05.15 14:59 Medech Football team roster to track availability, appearances and generate a payments sheet for monthly fees

Hi all
I've got a google sheet at the moment that I hope will be an easy fix with a little bit of tidying up!
It's for a football team that plays across 3 leagues per week
Each league has their own sheet for availability for games, each column represents a game with the results and team that played ("lineup") entered at the bottom of each column.
I've created a drop down selection to enter the names for the lineups to standardise the data and then pulled that data into the PAYMENTS sheet to generate a monthly fee for the games each player has played across all the 3 leagues.
I wanted to try a few things to make the process better if possible?
Can I get the drop down selections to update automatically when the names in column A are updated in each sheet?
On the payment sheet can I get it to automatically select the columns according to the date in row 8? So that for each payment month it will automatically pull data from the correct lineup columns?
I feel like it should be quite easy to do the above? But I just can't figure it out!
Any help or other suggestions is greatly appreciated - I'm trying to automate this process as much as possible to minimise the time taken to manually work it out every month!
submitted by Medech to sheets [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:59 anotherdoofus Season 10 Timeline Speculation (SPOILERS)

Episode 1 drops soon but after geoguessing the trailer with the folks on Discord (see Google Doc below), this is what I believe the current paths taken for the teams are as of now
March 11th
Ben and Adam - Sydney NSW->Hobart TAS->Adelaide SA
Sam and Toby - Sydney NSW->Brisbane QLD
Score: BA 1, ST 1

March 12th
Ben and Adam - Adelaide SA->Melbourne VIC
Sam and Toby - Brisbane QLD->Canberra ACT
Score: BA 3, ST 3

March 13th
Ben and Adam - Melbourne VIC->Alice Springs NT
Sam and Toby - Canberra ACT->Adelaide SA
Score: BA 4, ST 3

March 14th
Ben and Adam - Alice Springs NT->Brisbane QLD
Sam and Toby - Adelaide SA->Melbourne VIC->Gold Coast QLD
Score: BA 3, ST 4

Final Score
Sam and Toby - New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, South Australia
Ben and Adam - Tasmania, Northern Territory, Victoria

I'm reaching a bit on the last day since I think both teams end up in Queensland so I have no idea who grabs it at the end of the day. Also I have no evidence of Ben and Adam going to Brisbane other than they have a well timed flight there in the morning. My path also has Sam and Toby passing up Melbourne which is a logic hole. Additionally I'm relying heavily on Ben and Adam being able to fly from Hobart to Adelaide and land before the rest period ends.
I'll probably make one more update after the first episode drops on Nebula and we geoguess any remaining clips but feel free to laugh at me when the season is over at how wrong I am :)
Google Doc for the Discord community's geoguessing work
submitted by anotherdoofus to JetLagTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:52 BlueFishcake Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Twenty Six

Yelena watched the doorway through which the young Ashfield scion had just left for a few moments more as she pondered over the meeting they’d just had.
*Precocious indeed,* she thought with a smile.
A smile that only grew as her gaze flitted over to her childhood friend’s… complicated expression.
It seemed young William’s decision had come as much a surprise to his instructor as it had come to Yelena herself.
“He said no,” Joana said after a few moments.
Yelena nodded slowly as she reclined into her friend’s surprisingly comfortable chair. Given what she knew of Griffith, the Queen had half expected the thing to be harder than mithril when she first sat down - but it was surprisingly plush.
“Not without good reason,” Yelena said as she shifted about.
“Good reason?” Joana scoffed. “You offered him your daughter’s hand.” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “You offered *all* of your daughter’s hands.”
Yelena rolled her eyes at her friend’s tone. “And if he’d accepted I would have considered it a bargain.”
A minor scandal and the loss of a number of future marriage alliances was ultimately nothing compared to the ability to raid Kraken nests. And that was ignoring that a hypothetical means to slay kraken in deep water would undoubtedly have other applications.
Applications that would be incredibly useful in the months to come.
Though, perhaps, if young William’s plans came to fruition that coming storm could be delayed by a few years.
“…Are things truly that desperate?” Joana asked quietly.
“They’re not great,” Yelena admitted, massaging the bridge of her nose. “The Blackstones… I knew they’d resist the reforms, but to threaten open rebellion?”
She’d not expected that. Not even in her wildest dreams. Lindholm’s only human ducal house had ever been wilful, and their antipathy towards the Orcs who dwelled in the Sunlands was well documented, but surely even they could see why Yelena was doing what she was.
Regardless of what her critics said, her decision to end the slave trade in Lindholm was most assuredly not the result of ‘useless sentiment’.
Far from it.
Oh certainly, Yelena had no love for the institution of slavery, for reasons both moral and financial, but that wasn’t why she’d created the abolitionist movement.
With each passing year, the Homeland’s view of Lindholm grew ever more covetous. More and more the Sun Empress and Desert Khan’s rhetoric centred less on their ongoing deadlock with each other and more on the idea of ‘recovering wayward territories’.
Certainly, that could have been a reference to Old Growth as much as Lindholm, but Yelena doubted it.
Lindholm might have scared the Solites and Lunites into retreating by choosing to engage them over deep water, but ultimately those victories were borne of a lack of conviction on the part of her foes.
Had the two disparate fleets been willing to risk the permanent loss of a small portion of their mithril cores in order to achieve victory and push towards the mainland, they may well have been able to flip the allegiances of a number of Lindholmian houses.
Oh, certainly, the high elves and dark elves of Lindholm might have prided themselves on maintaining the strictures of equality that defined the Old Empire – but with either Solite or Lunite airships hovering over their family castles, she couldn’t help but wonder if some might reconsider their stances on their fellow elves.
No, while an invasion of Lindholm would certainly be costly, it was entirely within the realm of reason.
An invasion of the Old Growth however?
There was a reason the Wood Elves – as they named themselves – had managed to remain independent of both the other two, much larger, nations despite sharing land borders with both of them.
Their strange magics might have been muted and weak beyond the borders of their home, but within their territory they were nigh invincible.
No, if there was to be any ‘reclamation’ of any territory belonging to the old Aelven Imperium, it was likely to come from Lindholm.
To that end, the kingdom could ill afford to keep feeding people and iron into the meatgrinder that was the Sunlands. Could ill afford to keep orcs that might otherwise be valuable mages laboring in the fields under the eyes of watchful taskmasters.
Lindholm needed every mage-knight it could get – regardless of the color of their skin or the shape of their ears.
Yet after year and years of negotiations and attempts to shift public opinion on the matter, the North still remained willfully ignorant of that truth.
“Surely they know that even if they win, any kind of division between us will just see the Homeland sweep over them?” Joana said.
Yelena shrugged. “I have a feeling that Duchess Blackstone’s victories over both the Lunites and Solites has left her confident of repeating the fact should it come to that.”
Foolhardy, in her eyes, but no one had ever accused the Blackstones of being meek. Nor being incapable of backing up their sometimes insane claims. What other House could lay claim to an ancestry that had once beaten back the Old Imperium at the height of its power?
Where other human nobles had been sworn into the Old Imperium on their knees with their battered armies scattered to the winds, the Blackstones managed to resist long and hard enough that the Imperial Legions had been forced to come to the negotiating table.
Ultimately, the Blackstones had still been absorbed into the Empire, but they’d done so on their terms with their heads unbowed.
…Though it was somewhat ironic that nearly a thousand years on, it was now those same humans in the position of the old Imperial Legion while it was the free orcs who now utilized the same strategies as the old Blackstone tribes – right down to the Wyvern riders.
“I could imagine that,” Joana muttered.
“Is it strange that I think she might pull it off?” Yelena said – though only because she was sure that no one beyond her friend and silent guards was listening.
“Part of me wants to argue that, but… do you think it’s a human thing?”
Yelena thought about the Blackstones and the young man who’d just turned down a chance to be king one day.
“Perhaps,” she admitted.
Personally she thought it was because humans didn’t live as long – and there was more of them. When your life could be measured in but a single century, perhaps you were a bit more inclined towards taking risks that might make an elf balk?
…Risks like trying to take your first year team up against a third year team in the name of trying to avoid a war.
Or at least delay it.
“I still can’t believe he said no to your offer,” Joana said, something… complicated in her friend’s expression.
Yelena grinned at the sight, though she wrestled down the urge to ask a number of probing questions of her normally straight laced friend, who seemed to have a childish crush on a young man nearly ten years her junior – and her student beside.
Normally she’d be all over a scandal that delicious.
Alas, right now was work time. “I can. He gave me his reasons and they were solid.”
Well, solid enough. If you squinted a bit. And tried to think ‘human’.
Rather than all-but guarantee a war by having the Crown break off his betrothal, he intended to do it himself.
Loudly and publicly.
And if he won – and that was a big *if* – he’d all but destroy any kind of excuse the Blackstones might have to declare war in response. Indeed, by being ‘shamed’ in such a public manner they’d need to spend a few years at least regathering lost support.
After all, who would want to follow a house into a civil war just after their heir was publicly humiliated by a team of cadets two years her junior?
Academy fights weren’t just schoolyard squabbles. They were civil conflicts writ small. A microcosm of the constant jostling and jockeying of Lindholm’s houses.
In other words, they held weight.
If Willaim could beat his fiancée, Yelena knew she’d owe him more than she could ever truly repay. A few more years of preparation would turn an almost guaranteed defeat into something *much* more even.
Especially if she could scoop up who knows how many mithril cores that were otherwise just littering the ocean. Ninety percent of them would be of limited use immediately, but a few years would give her time to construct at least a few more airship hulls to house the devices.
All that was required was for William to win.
“Solid,” Joana scoffed. “His plan is to go up against a group of third years with a team of firsties.”
Yelena tried to keep the intensity she was feeling out of her tone as she leaned forward. “You don’t think he can do it?”
Joana opened her mouth before hesitating. “I… normally I’d say no. Talented as they are, the gap in experience is just too wide.”
The dark elf rolled her silver eyes behind her glasses. “But, with William’s newest invention…” The woman paused. “Son of a bitch.”
For just a moment Yelena was treated to the rare sight of her friend laughing. “I can’t believe I thought he ‘just wanted to use it in a schoolyard fight’,” the Instructor said.
“Well, he sort of is, in a way.” Yelena shrugged. “It just so happens to be a very important schoolyard fight.”
Joana laughed. “I suppose it is.”
“Still, do you think he can win?”
Joana straightened up. “I genuinely don’t know. With his new invention he might be able to catch her off guard. If he can skew the numbers in his favor at the start, they might have a chance.”
Yelena frowned. Not exactly the ringing endorsement she wanted to hear, but that was part of why she valued Joana’s friendship.
Always had really, even when the girl had first come to court at the age of ten as a potential playmate for Yelena’s daughters and told her that her dress made her look like some kind of tropical bird.
Something Yelena realized upon closer inspection was true.
Ever since, the Queen had made a point of checking in with the girl from time to time, if only for the occasional shot of unvarnished truth.
It was a strange ‘friendship’ from the outside looking in, but one that got less so as time went by and the age gap became less stark.
“Well, let’s hope the human capacity for the nigh impossible isn’t relegated entirely to the Blackstones,” Yelena muttered.
Because if it wasn’t, the boy would either have to marry one of Yelena’s daughters or die.
She *could* *not* afford the knowledge in his head to reach the Blackstones. To that end, he’d either accept her offer – rolling the dice on the onset of war and all that might come with it – or he’d suffer an accident.
As much as it pained the royal sovereign’s heart to see such a bright and enterprising soul be snuffed out before its time.
Being forced to make such decisions was simply the price of wearing the crown.
“Still,” Joana said, and Yelena was grateful for the distraction as she looked up. “Will you actually leave him alone if he pulls this off?”
Yelena scoffed.
“Of course not. If anything I’ll up my offer.” She shrugged. “I’ll give him you, myself and half my court if it means getting my hands on what’s in his head.”
It was actually a little amusing how Joana flushed at her words, even as she shook her head.
“Yes, that sounds a lot more like you.”
Yelena nodded. Damn right it did.
Though as she did, a thought occurred to her. “Hey Joana?”
“In your reports to me, didn’t you mention the Ashfield boy having some kind of nickname.”
The dark elf pondered the words for a moment before stiffening. “Hmm, he does actually. A rather apt one considering. Apt enough that I’m wondering if whatever he used to kill Al’Hundra is related.”
“Well, don’t keep me in suspense. What is it?”
Joana leaned back, her head craned upwards, as if seeking strength from above.
“Kraken Slayer.”
Yelena laughed. She couldn’t help it.
“Of course it is.”

“You killed Al’Hundra.”
William was still reeling a little from the conversation he’d just had, so he was actually a little caught off guard by a finger being shoved into his face the moment he stepped back into his teams quarters.
*Ah,* he thought. *I promised answers.*
Though it seemed that in his absence his team had managed to figure out some of those answers without him.
Glancing past Olzenya’s outstretched arm, he saw Marline shaking her head – as if to vehemently deny she’d told them anything.
She needn’t have bothered, her geass precluded it as an option. Hell, even once everyone found out it would preclude it as an option.
Which was for the best for the moment because now he wasn’t so much trying to hide what he’d done as *how* he’d done it. Admittedly, Marline didn’t know anything beyond the broadest details, but she knew enough to know that it was some kind of enchantment combined with alchemy.
Now it was possible the forces working against him – or rather simply to profit off him – had already figured that out and he’d hear the alchemy lab exploded any moment now, but he’d sooner put it off for as long as he could.
To that end, he turned to Olzenya – though not before politely lowering her pointing arm.
Something that, to her credit, the high elf allowed – actually looking a little embarrassed by her outburst and thus rudeness.
“Honestly, I was expecting something like that to come from Bonnlyn, not you,” he said to the slightly flushed high elf.
As he glanced over toward where the dwarf was sitting, she shrugged. “I realize I may not be the most classically polite individual around, but I’ve been a merchant long enough to recognize when someone’s got a trade secret they want to keep close to their chests.”
If anything, Olzenya flushed harder, as while she might not have been familiar with trade secrets, she was most definitely familiar with the notion of house spells that needed to be kept secret.
“I also thought ambushing him at the door was a little rude,” Verity murmured from the back of the room.
Olzenya coughed, before backing up. “Of course, I apologize for that William.”
More bemused than anything else, especially as the elf curtsied, he waved a hand dismissively. “It’s fine. Or, understandable, I guess.”
“Good,” Ozlenya smiled, glad for his acceptance… before she shouted again. “Because you lied to us.”
“I did?”
“He didn’t,” Marline said. “He said he had something to bet against Tala.”
Indeed he had, something he’d kept hidden under a sheet. After all, he’d not wanted his big surprise to be spoiled by the rumors of his coming beating him to the cafeteria.
And they would.
Rumors in the academy somehow managed to move at light speed.
“He implied it was gold,” Olzenya shot back.
“And you said Tala wouldn’t go for it, but you came with us anyway,” Bonnlyn said.
Indeed, he had implied it was gold. Or ‘something valuable enough to catch her interest’.
“To comfort him after she shot him down,” Olzenya said. “Instead I damn near tripped over my own feet in front of everyone when he pulled an honest to goddess mithril core out of his ass.”
William was actually a little thrown off – and amused – by the sudden display of crassness from the noble girl.
“But he didn’t lie.” It was actually a little surprising – and heartwarming – to hear Verity speaking so forcefully.
And that Olzenya didn’t immediately snap at her for doing so. The team really had come a long way in just a few months.
*Ah, the joys of shared suffering,* William thought as he watched the girls bicker amongst themselves.
“As I’m sure you’ve all guessed, I have indeed been less than open about a few things,” he said, silencing all of them – except Marline who’d yet to speak in the first place. “With that said, I’ve never once lied to you about my end goal.”
“Breaking off your betrothal,” Marline said finally.
“Breaking off my betrothal *without* starting a war,” he said. “If it were that easy, the Queen would have done it for me just now.”
“You met the Queen?” Olzenya sounded a little faint.
“I did.”
Oh, how he did.
“Oh ancestors, please don’t tell me you hit on the queen!?” This time Marline sounded a little faint.
And he actually felt a little offended. “What!? Why would you think that.”
“You’re doing the same thing you do when we talk about Instructor Griffith,” Bonnlyn said with studiously neutral voice. “Or Instructor Morline. Or Instructor Flen. Or some of the guards.”
“Or that one cafeteria lady,” Verity chimed in, a little red in the face.
“Or the-”
“I do not!” He’d finally had enough of these aspersion on his character.
Across the room, a number of sighs rang out, even from the elves.
“At least now I knew why he never checked me out,” Bonnlyn said. “He’s got mommy issues. And I’m not old enough to tickle them.”
“Still, the Queen?” Olzenya hissed.
“I mean, have you seen her?” Marline muttered back. “I mean, I don’t agree with him… but I get it.”
“I didn’t ‘perv’ on the Queen.” Some part of him died on using such childish language. “We had a meeting about my plans and… what occurred with Al’Hundra. Needless to say, the fact that I’m here means she’s agreed to go ahead with them and I’m also to keep quiet about anything I may or may not have had to do with any Kraken going missing. Or their cores.”
He deliberately left out the royal marriage offer.
Still, with those words the room went silent. After all, if the Queen had told him to say nothing, he was expected to say nothing. Just because the North in general didn’t have much respect for royal authority didn’t mean the rest of the kingdom did.
Quite the opposite.
“Well, if the Queen has commanded you to *remain* silent, I suppose there’s nothing to be done,” Olzenya muttered. “Though I would like answers some day.”
“Hell, I’d like to know why you brought Marline in on your plans,” Bonnlyn said, glancing at the Dark Elf. “You know, and not the rest of us.”
There was no missing the hint of hurt there – which he understood.
“I can promise you it was purely a matter of convenient circumstance,” he said. “And I can promise you, I didn’t confide in Marline for free.”
All the girls glanced up as the dark elf nodded slowly. “He’s not lying – though I can’t say anymore. Literally. It’s a price I paid willingly, but one I doubt any of you would be interested in.”
Almost as one, he could see the lightbulbs turn on in everyone’s brain simultaneously – except for Verity, who took a few seconds.
*‘Geass,’* thought none of them said it.
This time though, when the girls looked between him and Marline, there was a definite sense of wariness to it.
“Well, I suppose there’s nothing else to say then,” Bonnyln said. “I guess we should…”
“…Go to bed,” Olzenya nodded warily.
William grinned. “Good idea. Big day tomorrow and all that.”
That was an understatement, and he could tell everyone was thinking it as they made their way over to their rooms.
Still, it was true all the same.
They’d need their rest if they wanted to stand a chance tomorrow.
Indeed, they’d need every advantage they could get.
To that end, William could only hope he’d stacked the deck in their favor enough to matter.
…It took him a long time to get to sleep.
When he did awake, in the early hours of the morning, it was to the sound of an explosion.
*In the direction of the old alchemy labs if I’m not wrong,* he thought with a grim smile.
It seemed someone had decided to investigate his storage room even sooner than he’d anticipated.
Annoying, but it hardly mattered at this point in time.
All that really mattered was going back to sleep.
He had a big day ahead of him, after all.
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submitted by BlueFishcake to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:48 TTa_Alien Just Launched My Shopify App PlusSales – It's 100% Free - Looking for Feedback!

Hi everyone,
I’m Axel, a developer who has spent the past six months building PlusSales, an app to help Shopify store owners improve their conversion rates using Google Analytics 4 data.
Some of the features of the app include a Funnel Builder where users can create custom conversion funnels using the urls we provide which are taken directly from your store data. You can then edit and analyse your funnels to better understand where you lose customers, helping you to identify bottlenecks in your website's conversion funnel.
The second feature lets you request store reviews where the PlusSales team reviews your store, and gives you valuable advice on what to change and what to keep. We also give you grades for each section of your store as well as giving you great ecom stores to take inspiration from.
Another feature lets you view your GA4 data through graphs and tables, we also let your view your orders on a world map.
I launched PlusSales in April and am currently working on the third version, the app is 100% free as I hope to get more feedback and even some reviews on my app store listing. Please feel free to try it out and share your thoughts, you can find it on the Shopify App Store here:
or look for PlusSales on the Shopify App Store.
I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Thank you!
submitted by TTa_Alien to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:48 TTa_Alien Just Launched My Shopify App PlusSales – It's 100% Free - Looking for Feedback!

Hi everyone,
I’m Axel, a developer who has spent the past six months building PlusSales, an app to help Shopify store owners improve their conversion rates using Google Analytics 4 data.
Some of the features of the app include a Funnel Builder where users can create custom conversion funnels using the urls we provide which are taken directly from your store data. You can then edit and analyse your funnels to better understand where you lose customers, helping you to identify bottlenecks in your website's conversion funnel.
The second feature lets you request store reviews where the PlusSales team reviews your store, and gives you valuable advice on what to change and what to keep. We also give you grades for each section of your store as well as giving you great ecom stores to take inspiration from.
Another feature lets you view your GA4 data through graphs and tables, we also let your view your orders on a world map.
I launched PlusSales in April and am currently working on the third version, the app is 100% free as I hope to get more feedback and even some reviews on my app store listing. Please feel free to try it out and share your thoughts, you can find it on the Shopify App Store here:
or look for PlusSales on the Shopify App Store.
I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Thank you!
submitted by TTa_Alien to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:48 TTa_Alien Just Launched My Shopify App PlusSales – It's 100% Free - Looking for Feedback!

Hi everyone,
I’m Axel, a developer who has spent the past six months building PlusSales, an app to help Shopify store owners improve their conversion rates using Google Analytics 4 data.
Some of the features of the app include a Funnel Builder where users can create custom conversion funnels using the urls we provide which are taken directly from your store data. You can then edit and analyse your funnels to better understand where you lose customers, helping you to identify bottlenecks in your website's conversion funnel.
The second feature lets you request store reviews where the PlusSales team reviews your store, and gives you valuable advice on what to change and what to keep. We also give you grades for each section of your store as well as giving you great ecom stores to take inspiration from.
Another feature lets you view your GA4 data through graphs and tables, we also let your view your orders on a world map.
I launched PlusSales in April and am currently working on the third version, the app is 100% free as I hope to get more feedback and even some reviews on my app store listing. Please feel free to try it out and share your thoughts, you can find it on the Shopify App Store here:
or look for PlusSales on the Shopify App Store.
I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Thank you!
submitted by TTa_Alien to dropshipping [link] [comments]