Mini cup parts

MINI - Where life gets larger behind the wheel

2010.06.19 17:23 MINI - Where life gets larger behind the wheel

For owners and fans of the mighty Mini Cooper. Both new MINIs and Classic Minis are welcome here.

2008.10.01 22:23 BMW

This sub-reddit is dedicated to everything related to BMW vehicles, tuning, racing, and more. This sub has no official connection to the Discord server, nor does this sub have any official endorsement or official relationship with BMW themselves.

2014.01.29 02:37 Budget Audiophile: Finding the best home audio for your budget

This subreddit is for the budget minded audiophile that wants to grow out of soundbars, boomboxes, mini systems, portable bluetooth, lifestyle speakers, and PC peripheral branded audio solutions. We focus on education, discussion, and sharing of entry and mid level separate & multi component audio systems. The only bad audio system, is the one you don't enjoy to the fullest.

2024.05.15 18:04 queennios Um Triatlo no Aeroporto

Estava eu com a minha metade da laranja descansadinhos a fazer tempo em casa para depois irmos para o aeroporto apanhar um avião para Dublin. O voo era às 13h portanto tivemos mais que tempo de ter tudo organizado tanto no dia anterior como na manhã do voo. Acontece que um de nós se lembra, “raios vamos andar muito e na verdade devia era ir comprar uns ténis novos (o 5° par igual) à Decathlon porque estes velhinhos já não estão capaz”. Ora acontece que sim, temos tempo! Paragem na Decathlon e depois siga estacionar perto do aeroporto porque éramos uns jovens pobres e então nunca na vida iríamos pagar o estacionamento dentro do aeroporto. Lá se comprou os ténis e eis que o MUNDO decidiu dirigir-se para o aeroporto de Faro e estacionar os seus carros em tudo o que era buraco possível. Demos voltas e voltas e voooltas e eu a ver o tempo a passar.. bom foi 1h nisto até que conseguimos estacionar o raio do carro (de notar que estava longe das partidas). Olhamos para o relógio e tínhamos cerca de 15mins até as portas de embarque fecharem e estávamos nós fora e longe do aeroporto a pé e cada um com a sua mochila.
Foi aqui que começou o nosso triatlo!
Desatámos a correr pela vida por aqueles labirintos fora, zonas de rent-car com grades pelo meio, dar uma volta maior, não dar.. saltar as vedações porque o desespero aumentava, não saltar.. bom após 1 ou 2 possíveis ilegalidades já eu tinha o meu namorado a uns bons 5m à minha frente a entrar no aeroporto e eu para trás porque tenho a resistência física de um bebé de 6 meses.
Vamos para a zona de segurança, uma família de 8 pessoas à nossa frente, penso logo “oh well não vamos conseguir..” lá perguntei à família se estavam com pressa ou se podíamos passar. Amavelmente deixaram-nos passar e pumbas “a menina tem de tirar as botas” ora lá vou eu descalça em bicos de pé a passar pelo detetor de metais e coisas, pumbas 2 “venha aqui para o lado para a testarmos”.. ora lá espero e fazem o teste com uns papelinhos nas mãos e vai para análise numa outra maquineta. Nisto tudo já o meu namorado estava pronto a seguir e eu digo-lhe como se fosse uma Rose a chamar o seu Jack “vai vai andando e tenta atrasar o fecho do portão de embarque!” Ora portanto eu não tinha nada, mandaram-me seguir e lá agarrei na mochila, saquinho dos líquidos na mão, botas na outra e siga continuar este triatlo agora descalça com apenas uma meiinha de vidro nos pés.
Side note: descer escadas rolantes descalço, dói.. dói, dói…
Lá passo pelo Duty Free e quando sinto uma coisa na parte de trás das pernas, ao mesmo tempo uma senhora numa voz mais alta “olheee deixou cair tudo” e eu “hum?” Olho para trás e a minha mochila tinha-se acabado de abrir tuda (mas todinha) e tinha a minha roupa, pijaminha lavadinho, meias cuecas tudo esbardalhado no chão daquele aeroporto e inclusive uma notinha de 20€ a cair como se fosse uma leve pena num filme da Disney. Ora corta para, se não havia tempo para calçar umas botas, não há tempo para guardar tudo na mochila. Agarro em tudo nos braços e lá segui a minha corrida e agora já com natação interna à mistura porque já estava vestida paras temperaturas de Dublin mas meio que no Algarve faz sempre bom tempo, portanto o suor era tanto que podia nadar lá dentro.
E nisto o meu namorado tinha um mix de feelings em continuar a correr e a fazer mini pausas a esperar por mim e eu como uma boa Rose “vaiii meu Jack, segue o tua luz e deixa-me para trás!”
Passamos em mais um ponto de verificação e do mais ofegante que há pergunto “isto.. aqui… ao passar… já… apanho o avião?..” ao que a senhora responde “não não, terá ainda de pedalar mais uns 58km até ao portão de embarque”. Atualização de horas: Já faltava 1 min para os portões fecharem. Lá lhe dou o meu BI com a pontinha dos dedos porque tinha os braços cheios de coisas constantemente a caírem para o chão novamente e uma mochila a badalar nas pernas.
Siga para a última etapa!! Chegar ao portão a tempo! Assim que começo a ver lá ao longe o meu namorado parado e eu chego e…..
O portão já está fechado!
Comecei a gritar “não não naaaaaaao, porra naaaaaao” e dou uns “knock knock” na porta de vidro. Nada… então dou mais uns “Boom Boom” até que vejo uma alma ao longe com um sorriso de “a viver a vida no limite não é minha menina?” Lá nos abre a porta ao longe com um comando milagroso e lá tivemos uns 5minutos todos suados a desejar sugar mais oxigénio do que aquele que parecia conseguir sugar e enquanto isso a dobrar as minhas cuequinhas e restante roupa na mochila.
Ficámos em último lugar no triatlo mas o que interessou foi que participámos e apanhámos o raio do avião! 💪🏼
Lição: NUNCA MAIS faço absolutamente nada antes de um voo sem ser ir para lá 2 dias dias antes e dormir à porta de for preciso.
The end
submitted by queennios to HQMC [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:53 SkidMania420 Chambers The Outlaw (FPS) Game Review (2 / 10) [Free to Play @ Steam]

Full Video Review:
Words Review: (2 / 10) This is Chambers: The Outlaw, a free to play slice of an upcoming game called Chambers. It's a wild west / western FPS game with some RPG elements and it has amazing old school PS1 style graphics with an awesome western style soundtrack.
That's about it for the good stuff. Now on to the bad, also known as the rest. I played this for over an hour and really hated it by the end. I did not beat the game because I hated it so much.
So first up is the aiming in this. It's really bad and there is no aiming crosshair in the game, it's not even an option to add one - which is odd because the developer needed to use one and you can tell because it shows in the animated gifs on the Steam store page. Normally you could get used to having no crosshair but in this game your arms will also swing around every time you move the mouse and it seems to throw your aim off even further.
While you won't have any crosshairs at all, the enemies will have sporadic crosshairs appear on part of their body which for a while I thought was me getting an aim on them with the gun but apparently is not that at all, they seem to have no purpose at all other than being annoying.
The guns seem authentic to the wild west but they must have been built in Hyrule because they break every few shots and then you end up collecting a large bag of valuable guns that will weigh you down to the point of not being able to move. You can toss them on the ground I guess, but then you are throwing away big bucks because items are supposedly worth money in this game and the guns especially.
There is no run either, you will be walking a lot unless you ride your horse, but you can't even do a quick sprint. The shift button seems to cause your character to crouch and then put his chest on the ground and try to bulldoze forward a bit, it's really stupid and terrible. If you want to go faster than walking you need a horse - but the horse will spawn on the rooftop of buildings and be inaccessible. All you can do is put it out of your misery with a bullet to the face.
The enemies are intellectually disabled to the max and will forget they are in battle during battle, will walk and get stuck on walls, corners, they will mount walls and dead bodies as if they were walls and not care about consecutive shots to the head.
Fighting the enemies also sucks because they have very good aim when they aren't braindead and one thing that is a huge piss off is when you get shot the "bullet hit" effect is so large and in your face that it blinds and during this blinded effect the game even goes into a mini slow-mo. It's very frustrating and puts you in danger of further damage since you often won't even know who's shooting at you.
You get a map eventually and that's great, it's got a fast travel ability which helps a lot with travel. One thing that is very weird is that your character will walk over mountains as if they are flat surfaces while using the fast travel and if you close the map you will actually be standing on top of a mountain that would normally be impossible to get up.
There are so many things wrong with this game. I hope they improve the full version by a lot before it comes out. I really want to like this game, it looks amazing visually and sounds great for the most part but this is not tagged as Early Access so it makes me worried about the full version. If it's like this I definitely won't be playing it.
submitted by SkidMania420 to Reviews [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:46 dervd123 Fractured Sphere is live on kickstarter

Fractured Sphere is live on kickstarter
I’m really proud to announce my first fully 3d printable tabletop wargame, live on Kickstarter from May 15-June 14.
Nearly a hundred years after unification the earth sphere faces full scale war. Earth’s Children fight through the black void between gargantuan habitats in orbit and across the wilds of the earth they once called home. Powered Armours, 30 foot tall robotic exoskeletons, once used for construction and peacekeeping duties have come to the forefront of this fight and the aces that pilot them will be crucial to its conclusion.
Fractured Sphere is a 28mm combined arms mecha wargame with 3d printable minis. Players battle with mecha, tanks, aircraft and footsloggers in a hard sci-fi 22nd century earth-moon system.
Fast paced and destructive rules, made with love and admiration for oldhammer and 70s, 80s, and 90s mecha anime bring your battles to gigantic orbital colonies, the surface of the moon, and the earth that was home to humanity for so long. Do you love destructible terrain? Want to throw a tank through a building? Miss blast templates and damage tables? Fractured Sphere is for you.
Fractured Sphere has a model range of 52 Infantry models (the vast majority of which are posable multipart minis), 4 roughly 6” tall Powered Armours (massively posable multipart mecha with a huge variety of weapon options), 4 Ace Pilot upgrade kits (special character mecha upgrade kits with unique parts and a unique pilot mini) and 6 Vehicles and Aircraft (easy to build multipart kits).
submitted by dervd123 to kickstarter [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:32 amnesicpachyderm Every side quest reviewed - share your favorites/most hated quests

I loved Rebirth, and while the side quests were vastly improved they were still pretty hit or miss. Which side quests did you like/hate?
I’ve decided to review all 36 quests for some ungodly reason.
Cosmo Canyon:
Phew. Well what does everyone else think?
submitted by amnesicpachyderm to FFVIIRemake [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:31 dervd123 My mecha tabletop game is live on Kickstarter!

My mecha tabletop game is live on Kickstarter!
I’m really proud to announce my first fully 3d printable tabletop wargame, live on Kickstarter from May 15-June 14.
Nearly a hundred years after unification the earth sphere faces full scale war. Earth’s Children fight through the black void between gargantuan habitats in orbit and across the wilds of the earth they once called home. Powered Armours, 30 foot tall robotic exoskeletons, once used for construction and peacekeeping duties have come to the forefront of this fight and the aces that pilot them will be crucial to its conclusion.
Fractured Sphere is a 28mm combined arms mecha wargame with 3d printable minis. Players battle with mecha, tanks, aircraft and footsloggers in a hard sci-fi 22nd century earth-moon system.
Fast paced and destructive rules, made with love and admiration for oldhammer and 70s, 80s, and 90s mecha anime bring your battles to gigantic orbital colonies, the surface of the moon, and the earth that was home to humanity for so long. Do you love destructible terrain? Want to throw a tank through a building? Miss blast templates and damage tables? Fractured Sphere is for you.
Fractured Sphere has a model range of 52 Infantry models (the vast majority of which are posable multipart minis), 4 roughly 6” tall Powered Armours (massively posable multipart mecha with a huge variety of weapon options), 4 Ace Pilot upgrade kits (special character mecha upgrade kits with unique parts and a unique pilot mini) and 6 Vehicles and Aircraft (easy to build multipart kits).
submitted by dervd123 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:29 dervd123 Fractured Sphere is live on Kickstarter!

Fractured Sphere is live on Kickstarter!
I’m really proud to announce my first fully 3d printable tabletop wargame, live on Kickstarter from May 15-June 14.
Nearly a hundred years after unification the earth sphere faces full scale war. Earth’s Children fight through the black void between gargantuan habitats in orbit and across the wilds of the earth they once called home. Powered Armours, 30 foot tall robotic exoskeletons, once used for construction and peacekeeping duties have come to the forefront of this fight and the aces that pilot them will be crucial to its conclusion.
Fractured Sphere is a 28mm combined arms mecha wargame with 3d printable minis. Players battle with mecha, tanks, aircraft and footsloggers in a hard sci-fi 22nd century earth-moon system.
Fast paced and destructive rules, made with love and admiration for oldhammer and 70s, 80s, and 90s mecha anime bring your battles to gigantic orbital colonies, the surface of the moon, and the earth that was home to humanity for so long. Do you love destructible terrain? Want to throw a tank through a building? Miss blast templates and damage tables? Fractured Sphere is for you.
Fractured Sphere has a model range of 52 Infantry models (the vast majority of which are posable multipart minis), 4 roughly 6” tall Powered Armours (massively posable multipart mecha with a huge variety of weapon options), 4 Ace Pilot upgrade kits (special character mecha upgrade kits with unique parts and a unique pilot mini) and 6 Vehicles and Aircraft (easy to build multipart kits).
submitted by dervd123 to PrintedWarhammer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:27 SouthOrder3569 33rd Rathian "Seekers", Traitors of Rath

(Warning, because I haven't posted in a bit and am not sure how this would fall for some folks, but this one is a bit "Horror Movie" inspired, and a bit gory/violent)
Traitors of Rath
Post Lord Daug's Disappearance
Lord Daug had vanished, reports indicating he may have been lost in battle with enemy forces that he had been hunting through the wilds. Jeremy snorted at that, served the fat bastard right, the rathians may hold the noble in high regard, probably brainwashed by something in the water on that damned planet they loved so much, but Jeremy wasn't from Rath and by the emperors sitting ass he knew better than to trust in a noble. Which had made what he and the guys were planning a lot easier to stomach.
He nodded at Nel as the man spooned him some gruel into his bowl, a mix of ration packs and of some kinda local plant the rats had said was good to eat. That was another thing! What kind of self-respecting man trusted those THINGS? Every single rath born trooper treated them like they were little mini officers, it was DISGUSTING. There was no way the stories about the nobles asses butler were even halfway true, just stories to keep the men in line. Like they would be scared of a rat.
Jeremy resisted the urge to spit and signed at Nel, making sure the seargent couldn't see the signs. Nel signed back, and Jeremy smiled, their plan was ago, after tonight they would slip off and signal to the xenos that they wanted to surrender. Of course, the seargent, the only brainwashed bastard of Rath in their whole squad would protest, but they had a way to fix that, emperor issued too. Sure, the xenos were barely better than animals, but they at least had food, and weren't a thrice blighted noble or officer telling him what to do.
Jeremy took a spoonful of the rather decent gruel and hummed to himself as he ate. He would be first watch, and then when time came for shift change the seargent was supposed to relieve him. Then they'd be ready to have a talk with the seargent all seven of their remaining men.
Jeremy stirred slowly, since they weren't gonna be part of the guard after tonight who gave an imperial damnation if he slept on duty. But something was wrong, he couldn't figure out what the bad feeling was, but he struggled his way out of the blankets he had tucked around himself vaguely panicked. He hadn't been with the reigment long, but he had been a scout long enough to know this silence...was bad.
Carefully he moved back towards the little outpost they had occupied, some kinda poured stone stuff, like he knew what that shit was, with a heavy metal door. Whatever was coming, it would be safer with a few more lasguns around him. Having reached the edge of the clearing around the outposts entrance he looked around carefully and seeing no sign of danger dashed for cover in the doorway, the inset door offered plenty of cover for him to take while he knocked the passcode.
Or would have, had the door not been ajar...and the scent of blood wafted from within. Jeremy froze. That was a bad sign...a very bad sign. That was a LOT of blood he was smelling...but if someone had attacked, why hadn't he heard it? Slowly carefully, he pushed the door open further with the barrel of his lasgun. Even if he would have preferred to retreat, doing so alone was probably certain death, especially considering all his kit was inside.
The door swung open stiffly, as if stuck on something...and then something fell from the top of it into Jeremy's arms, he fumbled for a second, catching it between his hand and lasgun. Then he screamed and chucked away Nel's head, his lasgun was back up and at the ready aiming at the door. While he panted in fear. Then he heard something crunch the snow behind him, he spun around and opened fire blindly into the small stand of trees that surrounded this outpost.
His shots blew chunks from the trees and caused steam to rise from new craters in the snow, but no figure emerged from the moonlit shadows to face him. And that only made the terror worse. Jeremy spun and body slammed the door, forcing it forward and entering the outpost. Quickly he spun and slammed the door back shut again...only to find his hands in a massive smear of blood. Trembling he looked down and saw Nel's body below, the object that had blocked the door. Slowly his eyes went upwards to the top of the door, staring at the gore.
Trembling he threw his entire body weight against the door as he felt something slam into it with incredible force, only him holding it and Nel's body being in the way kept the door shut, and he fumbled with the latch. It was a secure door, once he locked it, the door would hold, it HAD to hold! Jeremy struggled, every slam against the door forcing him to throw himself back against it, cursing desperately as it failed to lock again and again. Finally, with a heavy clank, the door closed, and its lock fell into place.
Jeremy exhausted, slide downwards in the pool of blood at the door, happy that the 33rds footwear had not slipped in the mess. Jeremy cursed to himself again and stood up trembling as the banging on the door seemed to end. Whatever was on the other side...he didn't see it, but it was no man. No human was that strong, no human could...use the top of a door as a upside down guilotine. With a shudder Jeremy turned from the door and surveyed the room, grimacing as he caught sight of... Jenny, he thinks that who it was, their head apparently inside the now upended stew pot, still.
On the left, Ramsos and Hinkle were both dead, crushed against a wall by the table they'd been seated at, Ramsos slumped forward, Hinkle pinned to the wall by one of the standard issue sporks through his throat. On the right, it looked like Vanessa had been torn limb from limb by something. Massive tears across her body and limbs missing. Looking around Jeremy realized there were two people missing, Lowozky and Seargent Tion. Hope erupted in his chest, maybe they survived? The seargent may be able to deal with whatever was attacking them, he was a veteran he had to know some way to stay alive!
Jeremy looked around frantically trying to think of where they could have gone. "Lowozky! Seargent!?" he called out and then his eyes fell on the only door deeper into the place, he rushed over to it, and pulled it open. Maybe Lowozky had hid in the latrine?
He had.
But he had not survived.
Jeremy wretched at the stench and stepped back. Lowozky had voided himself in death, unfortunately he had been shoved head and shoulders first down the latrine and not the other way around.
The banging at the door resumed, this time harder.
And then Jeremy heard the roar of a chain sword revving.
Seargent Tion strode through the snow, covered in blood, he would have changed, but this had been his last decent uniform. He carried his kit on his back, chainsword holstered at his side. His las pistol had been lost in battle days ago alongside his combat knife.
It had made the night more unpleasant than he would have hoped. Then again, it would have been unpleasant either way. Tion shook his head and lamented the loss of seven soldiers of the imperium. It was unfortunate but he could not hold this post on his own, and due to his failure seven men were lost. If the Lord was here he would report to command immediately it was...
He would have to find other imperial forces to report his deriliction of duty, losing seven men to poor morale when they were in his care was a serious failure. Though the Rathian did have to wonder.
How in the world did Jeremy sleep through the racket? Tion shook his head at the mans poor discipline, yet another failing of Tion's, he didn't instill a proper attitude and it showed.
submitted by SouthOrder3569 to war_for_Gryllus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:09 Great_Potato123 AITA for not inviting my entitled cousin to a big famous party?

I (25F) and cousin (26F) have been friends since we were a kid. We have a friend group, we'll call them Ali (23M) and Zee (23F).
Let me tell you about cousin. Cousin is a kind of person who's very entitled and wants what she wants. There was this one time, I was with Ali and Zee coz we we're doing a project together. Cousin knows we we're together coz we mentioned it to her. We we're so busy running errands around and she keeps calling us. Since we're already stressed, we didn't answer her calls. She then messaged us and just went on and on that she's our friend, she should be included in things, she wants to do things too. Mind you, this project doesn't include her and it wasn't in the plan.
Another time was we we're riding Zee's car. The AC of her car isn't good so we just opened the windows. She keeps complaining on how Zee should get it fixed and it was so hot. Her makeup is melting and so on. She was very grumpy.
Now you get the gist of her personality, let's move on.
I got a fling from Tinder and we'll name him Sam (28M). He is a hot guy, like HAWT and Handsome! Me and Sam met on 2017 and we had a flirtashionship. We had strong feelings for each other but since he had to work in another country, we kinda drifted apart. My cousin and friends knows about this. When he came back, I was already in a relationship with someone else. Me and Sam remained close friends still. We hang out together with our friend group.
There was this one time, we we're in Ali's house. Just a get together with alcohol and food. Since I don't drink that much alcohol, I wasn't as drunk as my friends were. My cousin sat with Sam while Sam's playing a video game. She was flirting with him, rub her body on him, laying down on him, cupping his face. It was so obvious coz she was loud and drunk. Sam was really uncomfortable but he's just being respectful to just let it be. Me and my friends are just looking at her like what the hell!
That night was terrible for me coz I got kinda feel betrayed by my cousin in some way. I let it slip coz maybe she's just drunk and horny, I don't know. As a girl code, if your friend dates someone, don't flirt or date him too. That kind of ideology.
Another incident, another party, not much alcohol involved. Same friend group and other friend of friends were there. My family was there too. Sam was with me and we were just talking. Cousin came, interrupted our conversation, sat beside Sam and trying to hold his arms. She's like "it's cold". She's NOT drunk. Me and Sam continued our conversation and cousin interrupted again. She's like "let's grab something to eat". Sam look at me and I kinda gave him the nod. So I excused myself, and hangout with my other friends. They noticed that and asked me if I was ok. My friends knew about the history between me and Sam. they kinda feel bad, Cousin's just clinging on to him like a leech. My family even told her to behave and act like a lady. Sam didn't do much coz he's just being respectful not to push a lady away. After the party, I'm just filled with betrayal and jealousy.
Believe me, it is not just those two incidents. There are MORE! She's just trying to push herself on him.
So, there was this big famous party going on in our city. In order to be invited, you have to know someone. I was invited and I can invite 3 people. So I invited Ali and Zee and they were excited. Now I was thinking, should I invite cousin? She had work at that time and at the same time, I'm so fed up with what's going on and her attitude, I'm like nahh I'm done. I invite Sam instead. I asked Ali and Zee if it's ok not inviting cousin and invite Sam instead. They 101% AGREE with my decision. Being with her around is just frustrating. So it's me, Ali, Zee and Sam. We had a blast at the party, we took pictures and posted them on Instagram. She SAW it. She was bombing us with calls and messages, of course we didn't answer coz we're still having a great time. After the party, we read her messages like why didn't you invite me, why didn't you tell me about the party, why wasn't she part of it, it's a big famous party so she should be there yada yada yada. So we are thinking how to reply to her.
Ali is a pro at Photoshop. So he photoshopped a chat that "supposedly" we sent her the day before but didn't go through coz maybe "internet is not working" so she didn't receive the message at all. Ali changed the chat feed, change the time, pretend we sent her a picture of the invitation but didn't go through. So we just told her, "oh no, the invitation didn't go through. We're sorry for that. Maybe our internet was bad." .. She believed it. We we're kinda glad we nailed that sh*t!!
As a girl code, if your friend dates someone, don't flirt or date him too. It's like getting leftovers or something like that. I don't know. AITA for doing this or feeling this way?
submitted by Great_Potato123 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:01 MrByg Frozen insulin replacement?

So, I have a mini fridge that has gone on the fritz and froze all of my insulin. This has rendered approximately 50 vials useless.
Part of my post is to send a gentle reminder to all of you to make sure and check your refrigerating devices frequently…
The second portion of my post is about this question:
Does anyone know of a replacement program for something like this? If there is not anything, I’m wondering if I should file a claim with my insurance. Seems like replacing all of it in one go would be quite expensive in the retail world.
Any thoughts or advice is much appreciated.
submitted by MrByg to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:00 NoChard5979 nonbinary top surgery?

i am a transfeminine (mtf) individual, i right now oscillate between binary trans woman and nonbinary transfem.
for the most part, i want to get on feminizing hormonal treatment; most of the effects of it appeal to me but one: breast growth.
as such, i am considering getting on e, but getting mastectomy/breast reduction surgery after they have fully developped (either removing them completely or simply reducing them to A cup).
i really want all of the other effects of hrt, except that one, is this realistic? or should i give up?
submitted by NoChard5979 to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:00 PuzzleheadedFig9931 New patch

Hello Fellow Winders, Took a mini break (like a week or 2) from League entirely since I heard LT was gonna get removed
I’m kinda split abt that, on the one hand, people can’t complain abt Yone auto attacking and your dead, no need to hit abilities
But on the other hand, I felt like he was in a good spot, and people just were pissed that they were being Yone’d so Riot said f you to Yone
Now like I said in the first part, people can’t complain anymore. Instead of always going LT, we have options now (they may not be great), and now we’re seeing even more builds (and sure the patch just dropped so we’ll see better builds develop)
Idk how to feel abt this, excitement/depression What do y’all think
submitted by PuzzleheadedFig9931 to YoneMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:55 ImALeaf_OnTheWind EN KeychaiN

EN KeychaiN
I bought an extra Mini GT model to turn into a keychain a while back and finally got around to doing it. I remember seeing these on the web and people were selling for like $60 USD but strangely I can't find any listings any more, as if they sold out.
For anyone that bought the little car and wants to do the same - it's really simple to do with these Op/Tech QD (quick disconnect) mini loops or similar that are usually used for photography accessories. I actually like that the loop attachment is longer so it allows it to spread all the keychain attachments out and feel less chunky and dense in my pocket.
All you do is unscrew the little Phillips screw at the bottom rear of the car and slightly pry apart the bottom tray from the body enough. The loop cord is thin but strong and easily slips behind this screw post and lets you screw it back closed without much of a gap.
Maybe be careful of closing it too tight around the cord as it may weaken it or let it be cut by the body over time. I'll keep an eye to see if it loosens over time or I'll just unscrew and hit it with some thread locker at some point.
Best thing is if you get a pack of them you can detach and swap between different things you can attach to your keychain and the quick disconnect part means you can easily pull the car off to leave it when you want to slim down your keychain (or just pull it off to play with it wherever you are lol).
submitted by ImALeaf_OnTheWind to ElantraN [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:50 oozora-akari [WTS] [US-NY] [H] ZMF Verite Closed - Sapele [W] $1400 PayPal G&S

Hi! Selling this beautiful pair of Verite Closed that I bought in May of 2023. These have about ~15 hours of listening on them. I'm parting ways with them because after some protracted on-and-off use, I finally decided they just weren't for me.
I am the first owner of these, bought directly from ZMF brand new.
Please note some visual weadiscoloration on the top of the left cup under the gimbal, pictured in the Imgur album. Otherwise, they are in excellent condition and come from a smoke-free household, and were stored in the case when not in use.
Build Details as selected on the ZMF Website:
Included with the headphone (as pictured) are:
Asking price is $1400 USD via PayPal G&S Invoice, shipping & fees included to CONUS only. Price is firm, and I am not interested in any trades/partials.
These will be shipped & fully insured via UPS with recipient signature required.
submitted by oozora-akari to AVexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:44 Throwaway_hockeycard Sports card break and gambling

Disposable account because obviously I'm not very proud of this situation.
It's been three weeks now since I completely left hockey card-related Facebook groups. The temptation was too great to go and take part in another break. Over the last 3 years, I must have spent around $10,000; either by purchasing spots directly or by purchasing minis to hope to win a spot. I obviously obtained some very nice cards but which I sold to participate again. This is obviously a gambling problem. The feeling is the same as in the casino; a big dose of adrenaline that you want to repeat. As a new father, I saw it as a hobby, a way to entertain myself and escape between daily tasks. I now want to put the priorities back in the right places and first admit that this was a problem. If I go back a few months ago, I still had the fear of missing out.
Especially with Bedard's year, I didn't want to miss a break, just in case this time was the right one. Like a real gambling problem after all. Anyway, I'm writing this just to see if others currently share my situation. I would eventually like to return to the hobby and find a way to enjoy it without going back into this spiral. Rediscover the somewhat childish pleasure of collecting for the pleasure of the thing without having the financial aspect or investment in mind. I am not in debt and I have not compromised anything in favor of the cards; on the other hand, I regret by evaluating what I could have bought or saved instead of compulsively repeating participation in the breaks.
I think admitting I have a problem goes a long way!
submitted by Throwaway_hockeycard to problemgambling [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:43 radondude My Bladder Cancer Experience

I get a lot of messages asking about my cancer, so before I get to my story: I highly recommend visiting and asking to be paired up in their survivor to survivor program. Every diagnosis is different and the survivor to survivor program pairs you with someone with similar age, gender, and diagnosis, so you can ask all about their experience. I have enjoyed volunteering with the program and the newly diagnosed that I speak to seem to as well.
My story:
In March of 2020, I was diagnosed with Stage III muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Leading up to that diagnosis I had recurring episodes of extremely painful urination for nearly two years. Not a drop of blood in my urine. The episodes were becoming longer and more frequent. I had urgency and an extreme pain that had me calling out sick from work. It was pure misery and by the time I was diagnosed it was actually a relief.
The test I urge anyone reading this to get is a urine cytology. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. In my experience the urine cytology saved my life. It's a cheap "pee cup" test you can get at any urologist's office. More info here. My easy to remember rhyme is: if it burns when you pee, get a urine cytology.
Up until that test, doctors had been meandering down a path that was not focused on cancer. I was 33 years old (37M now) and due to my young age they didn't consider cancer. I had been in some mountain bike accidents with pelvic trauma so I was misdiagnosed with Pudendal Neuralgia. Symptoms matched but the treatment offered no relief.
I did my urine cytology. 15 minutes later "Atypical cells" led to a bladder scope and I was looking at my tumors in the urologist's office. The tumors were biopsied and I was scheduled for TURBT. This is where my stage III diagnosis was given. I felt immediate relief from the painful urination after tumor removal. The tumors were pressing on my ureters so it felt like kidney stones all the time. We immediately started chemo and my doctors began telling me I would lose my bladder. I did MVAC chemo for four rounds over the summer. This was very intense: what you think about when people say chemo. Lost my hair--gained weight which is not uncommon--and overall felt like shit. After that I was given a few weeks to recover and then had a radical cystectomy with neobladder diversion in August of 2020. This was not an easy decision but the prognosis was best. I tend to trust the data.
SHOUTOUT to my medical team: Dr. Bupathi & Dr. Monticelli of Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers; as well as Dr. Shandra Wilson my urologist and surgeon. Their skills and expertise assuaged all my concerns and made me feel so confident. THANK YOU SO MUCH. For those reading: get a good team; ask lots of questions; and don't be afraid to get multiple opinions. I keep several journals, which help a lot and I'll detail that at the bottom of this post*
Recovery from the neobladder surgery was the hardest part. I had a foley catheter and "grenade" for six weeks or so. My cath bag looked like a bag of red wine due to blood. They walk you around a lot to recover faster. It involved a lot of bed-rest intermixed with short walks. I think I was out of the office for at least a month. I am in generally very good physical shape and even several weeks after this procedure it was hard to walk more than 1/4 mile.
From there I thought I was cancer free. I lead my life with my family**. Here is what saved my life again: Signaterra testing. Dr. Bupathi had these tests scheduled every six weeks. It tracks genetic cancer markers in your blood. The test results look like the stock market except you want it to go down. After several months we noticed it was rising again. We ordered a PET scan, found enlarged lymph nodes, and determined my cancer had returned (or never left). I began a second chemo regiment followed by immunotheraphy (that I just completed yesterday!!!). CisGem chemo was quite difficult. The C in MVAC stands for cisplatin and it's generally one of the hardest drugs to tolerate. After a few difficult rounds we switched to carboplatin and it became much more tolerable. After that I did two years of Bavencio/Avelumab. My Natera test results showed that my cancer had dropped to untraceable levels during chemo, so I effectively beat it before starting the PDL1 inhibitor therapy. However, my team strongly encouraged me to complete the immuno. To me, it felt like putting out a campfire: add water, stir, add water, stir. You gotta make sure it's really gone!
The bavencio PDL1 therapy caused me a lot of mood swings and sometimes caused immune system flare ups (i.e. "immuno flu"). For the physical flare ups I used prednisone, as needed. I tried to do so sparingly as it basically cancels out your treatment. The mood swings were the worst. I would often be despondent and depressed for a few days after treatment. Other times, I'd feel no mood alterations. Most often, I'd be extremely irritable for about a week after treatment (treatments were every two weeks so it was very difficult).
I'm now two years cancer free and beginning my recovery from the immunotherapy treatments. I am so happy to live in an age of modern medicine. Within my lifetime many cancers will become manageable diseases--it appears to me that bladder cancer already has. Reach out to BCAN support groups and DM me if my post didn't answer a question of yours. Good luck! You got this!
*Journaling helped me tremendously. I had three journals (google docs). The first was an overall journal detailing my doctor visits. The second was a symptom journal. The third was an insurance journal/spreadsheet. The first journal served almost as a blog, which I shared with close friends and family. That way I didn't have to have the same conversation over and over. It's nice to have family and friends interested, but it does wear at you when you have to tell the same doctor visit over and over to people. This cut down on those discussions and allowed me to have more enjoyable calls with well-wishers. The second journal I would write down daily side effects and 1-10 pain scales. This was extremely important because I could bring it up with doctors and I wouldn't have to remember how I felt, I could look it up. It also helped me understand insidious side effects that take months to reveal themselves. This was the most important journal and kept me sane. There are soooo many side effects and when you start a cancer treatment program you often have no choice-- so why read them? Well this journal would help me understand when something was a side effect. Often just knowing that it wasn't you it was the drug would have a calming effect. The third journal was so I could fight insurance and get what I deserve. Insurance companies try to reduce payouts through exhaustion. They want you to give up. By documenting your experience you give yourself ammunition when you have to escalate a claim or file an appeal. You have everything laid out in an organized manner. You can get it out of your head and onto a spreadsheet so that you don't think about it when you go to bed at night. I had to file appeals several times, sometimes with Colorado Division of Insurance and my record-keeping was a tremendous boon to my case. Don't pay a bill as soon as you get it! Wait until you get the claim record from your insurance company and make sure the number on the bill matches what the insurance company told you to pay. If you cut that check wrong, you'll seldom get that money back!
**Neobladders do not have musculature like your normal bladder. I had several very severe bladder infections--a few that led to hospitalization. During the first 18 months or so, I was not catheterizing becuase I was under the impression that my new bladder worked. I peed constantly; however, I was retaining over one liter of urine at all times. This urine kept becoming infected and putting me in miserable situations. Under my urologists advice, I began cathing and immediately felt great. I lost nearly 10 lbs in "water weight" and no longer have any urgency issues. I can sleep through the night, but often will cath around five hours into the night just so I can sleep in later. On average I cath about once every three hours. It's not painful when done correctly. It's honestly just tedious. However, after all of this the only way my life is abnormal now is my cathing. I can swim, climb, play with my son and do any physical activity; it just takes longer to pee now. I'll take that win!
submitted by radondude to u/radondude [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:36 Morbid_Kid_ Closest thing to Sennheiser GSP 300, but wireless Recommendations?

(with or without mic)
The shape of the cups fits around my ears perfectly without being too big.
Just anything with a similar shape and durability, that is wireless (preferably one that doesn't fold since I'll probs break it bc extra moving parts)
budget = £50, but i'll wait and save up if, whatever you've got in mind costs more :3
submitted by Morbid_Kid_ to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:35 Appropriate-Sir-4411 What if Sylvie can be customized and calibrated?

So, I am already late game as I write this and the idea came about after a last war between the Alliance and the Imps. It particularly concerns Sylvie, the rune tank, which happens to have broken down during the encounter.
It just got me that what if, maybe, Sylvie can be customized and calibrated for better efficiency in combat (not necessarily related to its fate in the aforementioned battle)? Who else think that this could have been a cool feature should the devs thought about it beforehand?
I can imagine this being a mini-sidequest of sort where we see ourselves scouring for parts or otherwise making upgrades through available options, akin to the Town HQ.
submitted by Appropriate-Sir-4411 to EiyudenChronicle [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:24 Rafaelkruger The Secret Reasons You Procrastinate and How To Overcome Them

Hi! … I’m a MOD at Jung and I’ve been sharing my articles there for a few years now. I thought this sub could be a good fit for some of them. I read the rules and it seems to me that it’s ok for me to share, if it isn’t, I apologize in advance. Please let me know what I’d need to change.
The Secret Reasons You Procrastinate and How To Overcome Them
The first thing you have to understand is that procrastination isn’t about laziness and rarely about the task we’ve been avoiding.
Simply put, procrastination happens because of the meaning we attach to certain tasks, and because of this hidden meaning, procrastination becomes a strategy to avoid facing something deeper.
For instance, since I launched my book and I have more people paying attention to me, I started procrastinating on posting about certain topics and telling my stories.
Why? … Because I’m afraid of being judged and not being good enough. This evokes my desire to be perfect, which leads to being identified with my productions and being attached to the outcome.
When I was overweight, I’d constantly procrastinate on buying new clothes.
Why? … Because I’d have to look myself in the mirror. I knew my clothes were getting tighter and I didn’t want to buy a bigger number of pants. I was avoiding facing I wasn’t taking good care of myself.
Recently, I lost my credit card and to get a new one was very simple. All I had to do was make a phone call, but I avoided it for weeks.
Why? … Because the call had to be done in Spanish, and I don’t feel very confident speaking Spanish yet.
This makes me feel insecure, because I feel like my Spanish should be way better now that I’m living in Argentina. Of course, this is all in my head, the truth is that I can already hold conversions in Spanish, but I’m judging myself too harshly.
Do you see? … Procrastination is just a symptom of something deeper.
It’s about the meaning and heaviness we attach to certain tasks and while this is unconscious, they feel much bigger than they actually are. In fact, even using the word “procrastination” detracts us from the real experience as it’s a way to avoid uncovering the real truth.
People believe that just because they know a word they know everything there is to know about something. The truth is that using terms provides an illusory sense of control because now “we know what the thing is”.
However, we have to look for the secret reason behind procrastination, just like the examples I gave you. I wasn’t “procrastinating”, I didn’t want to feel rejected or judged.
When we unwrap the real reason, it becomes conscious and we can finally do something about it. It’s no longer this invisible master of puppets making us feel ashamed and guilty for constantly postponing certain tasks.
The Root Cause of Procrastination
During my practice as a therapist, I understood that procrastination is a very common symptom in people under the influence of a mother or father complex, and this took things to a whole new level.
In very simple terms, these are people who don’t want to grow up and take any responsibility for their lives. Some people know that as the Peter Pan syndrome, but nowadays people call it the man-child or the woman-child. in Jungian Psychology, we call it the Puer and Puella Aeternus.
When I realized that, I understood that the problem of procrastination is something much deeper, it’s not about postponing daily tasks, It’s about postponing growing up and fully living life. New studies are showing that adolescence is extending to 30 years old and people are doing everything they can to remain childish.
Why? … Because this is the easy way out, while you’re childish you don’t have to take responsibility for anything and you can always blame your parents, your family, and society.
All of this passivity and lack of responsibility leads to people feeling lost and having no sense of purpose and direction. This obviously leads to massive amounts of anxiety and depression. Procrastination is just a symptom of something deeper and that’s why simply giving you a list of habits won’t solve it, we have to address the root cause first.
We have to talk about our attitude towards life and what lies underneath procrastination:
For some it’s the fear of becoming independent, truly growing up, and making their own decisions.
Others feel like they’re not good enough to do what they truly desire.
Others procrastinate to avoid disappointing their families or partners.
Others procrastinate because they don’t have the right motivation,
they’re just trying to please someone else. On a deeper, level, they’re living their entire lives with someone else’s map.
Others procrastinate because they lack self-esteem and don’t feel like they deserve to accomplish anything.
Others procrastinate because they’re afraid they’ll be rejected if they put themselves out there.
While others procrastinate because they’re afraid of failure.
The First Thing
If you’re under the influence of a mother and father complex, the first thing you have to realize is that there’s a part of you that wants to remain a child and sabotages all your attempts to become independent and accomplish your goals. This part is also very clever, as it’s a master in creating the perfect excuses to avoid doing all the tasks you have to do.
Now, I know that many people were dealt a bad hand, I had to deal with CPTSD and severe derealization. However, the first thing that ought to be done is to emotionally and psychologically separate yourself from your parents. Until you do so, you’ll never be your own person and you’ll be forever doomed to repeat their stories.
Simply put, psychologically speaking, being under the influence of the parents entails that you unconsciously adopt their worldview, beliefs, fears, and all of their patterns around work, money, relationships, and life in general.
I won’t go into full detail here because I already wrote extensively about it in my Conquer The Puer and Puella Aeternus Series, I’ll focus on expanding these ideas and how they apply specifically to procrastination.
What I’d like to add is that you won’t be able to carve your own path if you don’t take the responsibility upon you to craft your own values and create your unique sense of meaning.
These answers won’t come from anyone else but you, and if you don’t actively engage in this process, you’ll operate with goals and a belief system that have nothing to do with your personality and authentic desires. You’ll be trying to please others and fulfill their expectations instead of following your soul. That’s what most people choose to do and that’s also why they lead meaningless lives.
Just a quick note here, when I say that people have to emotionally separate from their parents some people tend to assume this is a bad thing. But this is not about cutting ties with your family and shutting them off, this is about becoming your own person, it’s about developing your own personality, beliefs, and values.
It’s about becoming independent and letting go of the need for their approval. It’s about individuation, which means carving your own path. In some cases, this will require keeping a certain distance from the family while for others this might not be necessary, you have to discern what’s your scenario and not use your family as an excuse.
Comfort – A Poisonous Drug
Being under the influence of the parental complex means that you either live a life trying to fulfill their expectations or trying to prove them wrong, in this second case, you do everything they wouldn’t approve. Either way, it’s not a conscious decision because everything is done in reaction to the parents, it’s not an expression of your individuality.
Taking things into a procrastination context, the quickest way to realize if you’re under the influence of a negative mother complex is if you’re constantly seeking COMFORT.
In other words, you’re procrastinating because you HAVE the perfect
I know, a bit of a mind fuck…
The problem is that you got used to your current level of comfort and this keeps you stuck. Comfort is one of the most powerful drugs that exists. I love it when I can just brew myself a great cup of coffee and simply stare into the void. I just want to do nothing and pretend that I don’t have any adult responsibilities for a while, lol.
The problem is that people usually fall in love with this “pretending” and it quickly becomes an escapism. Whenever there’s a situation demanding growth, instead of facing it head-on, they choose the easy way out.
When you do that, you also open the door to a mediocre life. This mediocre spirit whispers in your ear, “It’s ok to eat that extra cookie”. “It’s ok to spend all of your time doom scrolling or watching adult videos”.
Quickly, it converts into a master of puppets keeping you hostage of your own “comfort”. The mindset “If I just had the perfect conditions I could start”, perfectly encapsulates it. There’s always one more book you have to read, there’s always one more thing you have to buy, the list never ends!
The first thing you have to realize is that comfort is subjective. You might not think that your current life is objectively comfortable, yet, you got used to it. Worse, you keep lying to yourself saying that everything is ok.
Avoiding making a decision doesn’t make things magically disappear, it just makes the imaginary monster bigger.
Until you admit to yourself that things must change, I’m sorry to tell you, but you’ll just keep wasting your life. This “comfort” is poisonous and will corrode your health, relationships, and all your potential to live a great life.
Now, looking on the bright side.
Once you understand that you’ve been lying to yourself, you also realize that you had the perfect conditions to start all along. Let’s be serious, if you’re reading this right now, I’m sure you have all you need to start whatever you want to do.
Instead of choosing comfort every time, you have to learn how to intelligently apply friction to yourself and we’re gonna explore that in future articles.
I’d like to end with this quoting Kant – “You’re only free when you choose to do what you don’t want to do”.
Many people have this childish idea that if they form a lot of habits they’ll stop having fun and life will become boring, but it’s exactly the other way around. If you don’t develop discipline, your destructive desires will continue to ruin your life.
It’s not fun having bad financial habits and never knowing if you’ll have enough money. It’s not fun not being able to control what we eat, constantly put on weight and feel disgusting when we look in the mirror.
It’s not fun not being able to accomplish our tasks and feel guilty, ashamed, and like a failure. Not only that, when you don’t have good habits you waste a lot of time in meaningless tasks, such as thinking about what you’re gonna eat or wear.
However, when we form good habits everything becomes automatic and we don’t have to think about it anymore, it becomes effortless and this frees a lot of mental energy. We stop being worried about meaningless stuff and we can apply this energy to deep thinking and creativity.
Having good habits and deciding exactly how we’ll spend our time, resources, and energy is extremely powerful and brings immense freedom. It’s time to stop being a slave of your illusory comfort. You’re not lost, you’re afraid of responsibility and carving your own path.
Lastly, here’s a deep dive into the mother and father complex – Conquer The Puer and Puella Aeternus
Rafael Krüger – Jungian Therapist
submitted by Rafaelkruger to getdisciplined [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:17 TALOLOCO1976 Jordan 4 Retro Levi’s White Denim From fffkicks

Jordan 4 Retro Levi’s White Denim From fffkicks
Hey Rep fam today I arrived with the review of is beautiful second pair of Jordan 4 Retro Levi's White Denim GX batch from FFF kicks .
Very excited to have this sneaker in my hands the quality is 1:1 they are beautiful they are perfect on my feet and very clean.
The color of the denim looks correct, I compare it with original photos and they are perfect.
The tongue is high and the logo is well made with the size of the sneaker.
Bring Levi's tag and on the other side the Jumpman flight.
It depends on the light that there is at the moment, the color will look dark or light, it happens in the original as well.
Behind the tongue the Air Jordan upside down and the Levi's logos in fabric upside down just like the sneaker on the right side also brings the Levi's logo in fabric.
The shape of the heels is good with the even cup cuts and the embossed Jumpman.
The sole is strong, it's heavy.
The box has all the details such as the original red color with the letters Levi's gold color.
It's TTS.
I'm super happy to have this Levi's in my Jaskicks collection. It has good quality and ships fast.
The package was sent by FedEx.
Label Created:5/8
W2C:☎+86 18396094546 IG:@fff_sneakers Price $119 discount code Taloloco -$10= $109shipping included FedEx shipping USA, but it ships to all parts of the world.
submitted by TALOLOCO1976 to fashionrepsv2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:11 Rafaelkruger Obliterate Procrastination - The Secret Reasons You Procrastinate and How To Overcome Them

The first thing you have to understand is that procrastination isn’t about laziness and rarely about the task we’ve been avoiding.
Simply put, procrastination happens because of the meaning we attach to certain tasks, and because of this hidden meaning, procrastination becomes a strategy to avoid facing something deeper.
For instance, since I launched my book and I have more people paying attention to me, I started procrastinating on posting about certain topics and telling my stories.
Why? … Because I’m afraid of being judged and not being good enough. This evokes my desire to be perfect, which leads to being identified with my productions and being attached to the outcome.
When I was overweight, I’d constantly procrastinate on buying new clothes.
Why? … Because I’d have to look myself in the mirror. I knew my clothes were getting tighter and I didn’t want to buy a bigger number of pants. I was avoiding facing I wasn’t taking good care of myself.
Recently, I lost my credit card and to get a new one was very simple. All I had to do was make a phone call, but I avoided it for weeks.
Why? … Because the call had to be done in Spanish, and I don’t feel very confident speaking Spanish yet.
This makes me feel insecure, because I feel like my Spanish should be way better now that I’m living in Argentina. Of course, this is all in my head, the truth is that I can already hold conversions in Spanish, but I’m judging myself too harshly.
Do you see? … Procrastination is just a symptom of something deeper.
It’s about the meaning and heaviness we attach to certain tasks and while this is unconscious, they feel much bigger than they actually are. In fact, even using the word “procrastination” detracts us from the real experience as it’s a way to avoid uncovering the real truth.
People believe that just because they know a word they know everything there is to know about something. The truth is that using terms provides an illusory sense of control because now “we know what the thing is”.
However, we have to look for the secret reason behind procrastination, just like the examples I gave you. I wasn’t “procrastinating”, I didn’t want to feel rejected or judged.
When we unwrap the real reason, it becomes conscious and we can finally do something about it. It’s no longer this invisible master of puppets making us feel ashamed and guilty for constantly postponing certain tasks.
The Root Cause of Procrastination
During my practice as a therapist, I understood that procrastination is a very common symptom in people under the influence of a mother or father complex, and this took things to a whole new level.
In very simple terms, these are people who don’t want to grow up and take any responsibility for their lives. Some people know that as the Peter Pan syndrome, but nowadays people call it the man-child or the woman-child. in Jungian Psychology, we call it the Puer and Puella Aeternus.
When I realized that, I understood that the problem of procrastination is something much deeper, it’s not about postponing daily tasks, It’s about postponing growing up and fully living life. New studies are showing that adolescence is extending to 30 years old and people are doing everything they can to remain childish.
Why? … Because this is the easy way out, while you’re childish you don’t have to take responsibility for anything and you can always blame your parents, your family, and society.
All of this passivity and lack of responsibility leads to people feeling lost and having no sense of purpose and direction. This obviously leads to massive amounts of anxiety and depression. Procrastination is just a symptom of something deeper and that’s why simply giving you a list of habits won’t solve it, we have to address the root cause first.
We have to talk about our attitude towards life and what lies underneath procrastination:
For some it’s the fear of becoming independent, truly growing up, and making their own decisions.
Others feel like they’re not good enough to do what they truly desire.
Others procrastinate to avoid disappointing their families or partners.
Others procrastinate because they don’t have the right motivation,
they’re just trying to please someone else. On a deeper, level, they’re living their entire lives with someone else’s map.
Others procrastinate because they lack self-esteem and don’t feel like they deserve to accomplish anything.
Others procrastinate because they’re afraid they’ll be rejected if they put themselves out there.
While others procrastinate because they’re afraid of failure.
The First Thing
If you’re under the influence of a mother and father complex, the first thing you have to realize is that there’s a part of you that wants to remain a child and sabotages all your attempts to become independent and accomplish your goals. This part is also very clever, as it’s a master in creating the perfect excuses to avoid doing all the tasks you have to do.
Now, I know that many people were dealt a bad hand, I had to deal with CPTSD and severe derealization. However, the first thing that ought to be done is to emotionally and psychologically separate yourself from your parents. Until you do so, you’ll never be your own person and you’ll be forever doomed to repeat their stories.
Simply put, psychologically speaking, being under the influence of the parents entails that you unconsciously adopt their worldview, beliefs, fears, and all of their patterns around work, money, relationships, and life in general.
I won’t go into full detail here because I already wrote extensively about it in my Conquer The Puer and Puella Aeternus Series, I’ll focus on expanding these ideas and how they apply specifically to procrastination.
What I’d like to add is that you won’t be able to carve your own path if you don’t take the responsibility upon you to craft your own values and create your unique sense of meaning.
These answers won’t come from anyone else but you, and if you don’t actively engage in this process, you’ll operate with goals and a belief system that have nothing to do with your personality and authentic desires. You’ll be trying to please others and fulfill their expectations instead of following your soul. That’s what most people choose to do and that’s also why they lead meaningless lives.
Just a quick note here, when I say that people have to emotionally separate from their parents some people tend to assume this is a bad thing. But this is not about cutting ties with your family and shutting them off, this is about becoming your own person, it’s about developing your own personality, beliefs, and values.
It’s about becoming independent and letting go of the need for their approval. It’s about individuation, which means carving your own path. In some cases, this will require keeping a certain distance from the family while for others this might not be necessary, you have to discern what’s your scenario and not use your family as an excuse.
Comfort – A Poisonous Drug
Being under the influence of the parental complex means that you either live a life trying to fulfill their expectations or trying to prove them wrong, in this second case, you do everything they wouldn’t approve. Either way, it’s not a conscious decision because everything is done in reaction to the parents, it’s not an expression of your individuality.
Taking things into a procrastination context, the quickest way to realize if you’re under the influence of a negative mother complex is if you’re constantly seeking COMFORT.
In other words, you’re procrastinating because you HAVE the perfect
I know, a bit of a mind fuck…
The problem is that you got used to your current level of comfort and this keeps you stuck. Comfort is one of the most powerful drugs that exists. I love it when I can just brew myself a great cup of coffee and simply stare into the void. I just want to do nothing and pretend that I don’t have any adult responsibilities for a while, lol.
The problem is that people usually fall in love with this “pretending” and it quickly becomes an escapism. Whenever there’s a situation demanding growth, instead of facing it head-on, they choose the easy way out.
When you do that, you also open the door to a mediocre life. This mediocre spirit whispers in your ear, “It’s ok to eat that extra cookie”. “It’s ok to spend all of your time doom scrolling or watching adult videos”.
Quickly, it converts into a master of puppets keeping you hostage of your own “comfort”. The mindset “If I just had the perfect conditions I could start”, perfectly encapsulates it. There’s always one more book you have to read, there’s always one more thing you have to buy, the list never ends!
The first thing you have to realize is that comfort is subjective. You might not think that your current life is objectively comfortable, yet, you got used to it. Worse, you keep lying to yourself saying that everything is ok.
Avoiding making a decision doesn’t make things magically disappear, it just makes the imaginary monster bigger.
Until you admit to yourself that things must change, I’m sorry to tell you, but you’ll just keep wasting your life. This “comfort” is poisonous and will corrode your health, relationships, and all your potential to live a great life.
Now, looking on the bright side.
Once you understand that you’ve been lying to yourself, you also realize that you had the perfect conditions to start all along. Let’s be serious, if you’re reading this right now, I’m sure you have all you need to start whatever you want to do.
Instead of choosing comfort every time, you have to learn how to intelligently apply friction to yourself and we’re gonna explore that in future articles.
I’d like to end with this quoting Kant – “You’re only free when you choose to do what you don’t want to do”.
Many people have this childish idea that if they form a lot of habits they’ll stop having fun and life will become boring, but it’s exactly the other way around. If you don’t develop discipline, your destructive desires will continue to ruin your life.
It’s not fun having bad financial habits and never knowing if you’ll have enough money. It’s not fun not being able to control what we eat, constantly put on weight and feel disgusting when we look in the mirror.
It’s not fun not being able to accomplish our tasks and feel guilty, ashamed, and like a failure. Not only that, when you don’t have good habits you waste a lot of time in meaningless tasks, such as thinking about what you’re gonna eat or wear.
However, when we form good habits everything becomes automatic and we don’t have to think about it anymore, it becomes effortless and this frees a lot of mental energy. We stop being worried about meaningless stuff and we can apply this energy to deep thinking and creativity.
Having good habits and deciding exactly how we’ll spend our time, resources, and energy is extremely powerful and brings immense freedom. It’s time to stop being a slave of your illusory comfort. You’re not lost, you’re afraid of responsibility and carving your own path.
Here’s a deep dive into the mother and father complex – Conquer The Puer and Puella Aeternus
Rafael Krüger – Jungian Therapist
submitted by Rafaelkruger to ShadowWork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:09 Vilanovax Left arm on my RayBan Wayfarers gets loose on the hinge a week or two after re-tightening. Any idea what is going on?

Brand new pair, gets loose a week or two after using after which I tighten with a mini screwdriver. Good for a week or two then gradually gets loose again.
What does this sound like to you? Is it possible the screw or hole is partly stripped? I say partly because I am able to tighten it pretty snugly to where it barely folds.
submitted by Vilanovax to sunglasses [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:06 Vilanovax LPT Left arm on my RayBan Wayfarers gets loose on the hinge a week or two after re-tightening. Any idea what is going on?

Brand new pair, gets loose a week or two after using after which I tighten with a mini screwdriver. Good for a week or two then gradually gets loose again.
What does this sound like to you? Is it possible the screw or hole is partly stripped? I say partly because I am able to tighten it pretty snugly to where it barely folds.
submitted by Vilanovax to LifeProTips [link] [comments]