Math vocabulary puzzle


2008.02.09 16:59 Puzzles

The place for all kinds of puzzles including puzzle games. Self-promotion is allowed in the stickied "Promo Weekly" post.

2021.08.31 08:06 Possible-Biscotti427 kenken

A subreddit for the Kenken math puzzle...

2011.08.19 21:44 Mazes: an a-maze-ing subreddit

An a-maze-ing subreddit to solve mazes!

2024.05.15 03:48 Okay_MissGirl1893 Gen-Z Lingo

As a gen-zer, I’m embarrassed to be in the same generation as her. Like that one video where she was quizzing her mother on gen-z lingo, I had to roll my eyes 🙄. She kept saying, “slay, 4+4, I’m in my _____ era, Girl Math, and many other things to where I know she doesn’t have a good everyday vocabulary.
submitted by Okay_MissGirl1893 to emiliekisersnark1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:56 accounts9837 My Awful experience in MAT246 with Soheil + advice

MAT246 (Concepts in Abstract Mathematics) is a proof-based course in number and set theory.
TLDR: The course is irrationally structured and poorly taught. Make extensive use of the textbook and chatGPT as they are better at explaining the material than the prof.
This is a very long review but I think it will prove useful to future students of this course.
When I took the course, both sections followed the same syllabus, which was set out by Soheil. The structure of the course was terrible and bizarre. The course is out of 108% meaning it has 8% bonus marks, but according to the syllabus itself, more can be arbitrarily added without notice, at the prof’s whim. For example, after the low scores of the first test, a quiz was administered during the last twenty minutes of a tutorial (this quiz was never mentioned in the syllabus) and the quiz was counted as a bonus, with a 10% weight to the final test mark. Such a boon was not given after the second test. There is also an 800 word essay due at the end of the course worth 4%. It is does not have a rubric and can receive bonus marks for “thoughtful responses”. As the course progressed, weekly assignments had increasingly more bonus marks. In the problem sets, some questions were not worth any marks while others were bonus, and it was not known what questions counted for what prior to receiving the set back. In addition to bonuses, this course is known for curbing grades. These two features are mentioned in some reviews as positives: they in fact should be viewed as a tacit admission of the prof’s inability to create an objective, upfront grading scheme, where marks are not adjusted or added according to class performance, caprice or whatever else.
Some material was taught without ensuring the necessary background was covered or the material was outright irrelevant. Hilbert's hotel problem was brought up before discussing sets, the prof, after having this pointed out to him, replied that anyone lacking in knowledge of set notation or concepts of set infinite (which he would later teach any way and which had no relation to the concurrent material, zero had not yet be defined) should take their complains to their previous calculus prof. And in another strange turn, while he said Hilbert's hotel will be in tests or problem sets, it never was. Thus, it was mentioned, said that it would be tested on, but never covered nor tested. Soheil introduced puzzles, unrelated to the material, to train logical thinking. Can doing problems related to the course not do the same and improve your mark at the same time? His planning is utter disintegrated.
He also tends to be evasive to questions. A student asked if RSA protocol would be on the test four or so days before the test. He responded the night before, casually mentioning he forgot to include it in the study package. At one point, many students complained on piazza (first time I have witnessed such a thing) on the difficultly of the course and lack of aid. The prof's response was nil.
In two words: confusing and useless. Soheil constantly made analogies with math concepts to real world things which were unnecessary and convoluted (he once compared the expansion of the rationales with field extensions to the fact that, after 9/11 it was discovered that the area underneath was once on water, thus the land was “expanded”). Mostly, the lectures consisted of him reading from the textbook, adding some contorted explanation or analogy. He was often ungrammatical and it was difficult to understand what exactly he meant by what he said. Also, he was sometimes passive aggressive in his Piazza responses.
After each lecture there is a quiz. For me, this was terribly inopportune as I had to do it at 8pm while rushing to catch the train. Similarly, other students had to commute, possibly without wifi. I found the timing of these quizzes to be very inconsiderate toward the students.
Soheil stated that the content in the earlier chapters will not follow that of the textbook and that the style of proofs demanded in this course are to be formal whereas the ones in the book are informal. Given this, I at first, avoided using the book which was a grave mistake as it is like the Rosetta stone compared to the lectures which are like Sumerian cuneiform.
And I feel that Soheil gave misleading advice on how to study and learn. He rarely took up problems or proofs in the lectures (and few were done in tutorials), which, as I came to learn, is a major failure give that this course is introductory and a major part of math is repeated problem solving. He emphasized rote memorization of many theorems and lemmas, saying that tests mostly require "passive knowledge" when in fact only two or three theorems were relevant and needed citing.
With exception to the first part of the course which does not at all follow the textbook, use the latter for the rest of the course. Invest in chat GPT-4 (or whatever is the current version). It explains the concepts incomparably better than the prof and can help in understanding proofs (by giving it a screenshot/picture of the textbook). I suggest looking over the workbook slides and doing the problems. They do not explain the material well and are often ungrammatical but they will contain any material in the course which is not in the textbook. Use the time during lectures and tutorials to read the textbook and work on problems. It is a much better use of time than carefully listening to the prof. Perhaps check in time to time to make sure you are on the right drift. In learning a chapter, I suggest this approach: first taking note of all relevant definitions (this is bedrock of any future knowledge), then read through the lemmas and minor theorems (this helps in learning what a good proof consist of and they may reveal some techniques or tricks), commit to memorize and take note of a major theorem (it is much easier to establish the context of the theorem when you know how its derived than just committing it to memory) and finally, do many problems. It is impossible to over emphasis this. Your motto in mathematics must be: repetitio est mater studiorum. That is, repetition of problem solving. Rote repetition or memorization, is worth little outside of knowing the definitions and major theorems.

I wish you luck in this course. Writing proofs is an excellent way to develop logical thinking skills. This course could really be excellent if only the prof was not this awful (the worst I’ve ever had in fact).

submitted by accounts9837 to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:36 majoroofboys A Guide on What to Do At College if You Want To Succeed


There was a post that was recently posted and it's been asked a ton: "How do I get a computer science related job after I graduate from KSU?". I thought I'd share this with everyone because I've been down this path and managed to make it on the other side. This will be a long explanation and hopefully, can serve as some sort of guide for students. That being said, things are subjective and this is not the holy grail of how to make it. You might find all, some or none of it useful. I encourage testimonials and whatnot in the comments. Can be applied to all majors but, this primary for technology-based majors since I am in tech field. YMMV

About Me

I've been around here for a while. I was a student not too long ago, studied computer science for my bachelors. After graduating, I work in FAANG and have worked in big tech for a while. No, I don't work at Amazon. I am a senior software engineer. I touch frontend & backend technologies. I participate in hiring frequently.

Starting Out

Over the years and while attending here, there's been a weird disconnect between students, goals and how to achieve them in tech. Goals can be anywhere from learning new technologies, getting internships to securing a full time job before or after you graduate. As much as I would love for there to be a path where you can do minimum effort and still succeed, there isn't. A lot of you seem to not realize that. Getting a degree in this field is not enough. Doing projects that show no passion / interests is not enough. Being stuck on tutorials for years is not enough.
This field is much like a sport. There are very few people that can just be great without any effort. You have to be consistent. Four years is not a lot of time. It goes by super fast. If you constantly push things back and you do not take the time to learn the fundamentals outside the classroom, you will not succeed in this field. This field is at a point where there's so many of you. Every post on LinkedIn and news articles said "hey, this field is a gold mine and you'll make six figures out the gate". For a time, maybe that was somewhat true. As of writing this, it's not. You're going against people who have: better schools, better experience, etc. You have to find a way to diversify yourself early. If you can't diversify, you're going to be in a tough place later down the road. Knowledge not something you can just consume in less than an hour and pass an interview. You have to know it well. If you don't, there's someone else who will.
There's an interesting connotation in life that you're either born super smart or an absolute idiot and that you have to be smart to do computer science / programming. There are people with raw IQ that can consume things like no one you've ever met but, that's such a rarity that there's no realistic use in using that as a data point. If you ever took the time to ask someone who you thought was really good at something, they would tell you something along the lines of: I love what I do and I spent a lot of time doing this. There are hours and hours of time people put into passions that you don't / will never see. Meaning that they can no-life this shit for days on end and still come back and do it some more. It doesn't mean that you can't succeed if don't do that but, computing / programming is a very boring field if you do not enjoy it. I would seriously contemplate why you're going through this. If you're doing it for money and only money, you're going to end up miserable. No amount of money can make you do something you hate. It'll wear you down both mentally and physically. If you're doing this because it's a mix of passion and money, you're like everyone else and you gave yourself a better shot. It's a mental thing. Don't climb uphill if you rather sit at the bottom. Don't complain if you're at the bottom and you rather be at the top. There's nothing wrong with that. But, don't do it. For what it's worth, I am not the smartest person. I graduated high school with a low GPA and took college seriously because I wanted to do more with my life. Plus, being on hourly forever sounds horrible imo. Use the opportunities that life has given to you and run with it. Run far, run smart and run in a direction that you can see yourself going long-term.
Additionally, college is what you make of it. Blaming professors or the program (while I do agree sometimes) is not a solution. Blaming professors that don't speak English is a cop out. If you work in tech, you'll be interacting with a lot of people from other countries. Suck it up. Work with it instead of against it. Professors and TAs can only teach you so much. Classes are meant to give you a taste of what it's like in that domain / space. It's not meant to fix all your issues and show you the way. That's for you to do on your own time. Take accountability of your own success, explore the internet (it's free) and lock in. Stop looking for opportunities to find you. Actively seek them out yourself.


Make connections with people. I cannot stress how important this is. Especially on the Marietta campus, there's a lot of you that go to class, stingers / food, run to class and immediately start gaming and think that when your classes are over, you're done for the day. That's a bad mindset. Make connections with people. Sit with random people at stingers or wherever. Have a conversation. Find a common interest. Don't harass men / women for a date while you're at it. Keep it cool. A lot of people say "there's nothing to do at KSU and there's no life on campus". That's not true at all. It's true if you choose to put your head in a box and refuse to look up. Join a club that interests you. Get close to the people in that club who actively attend and build a personal relationship. If there's no club with your interest, make a club. Fuck it, lead one. You can make one officially through KSU or add a discord server to the student hub and go from there. You'll meet some really cool like-minded people. Lots of my connections have come from randomly showing up to a club, getting out of my comfort zone and weirdly enjoying it.


Brush up on your interview skills. Technical and behavioral abilities matter. Culture fit matters. A lot of you seem to walk around with almost zero personal hygiene. Clean yourself up, practice talking to people and get places. There's been this stigma that culture fit doesn't matter as much as technical and if I have great technical abilities, they'll just accept me. I can tell you for an absolutely fact that I have thrown out / tossed out resumes from highly technical individuals that had zero people skills. If you can't communicate and clean up, you're more of a risk than someone who does all those things and has a bit less technical ability. I can teach someone how to code. I can't teach someone how to take a shower or brush their teeth. Know more than just Leetcode. Learn system design. Take a course / watch a video on Linux and bash. Do not be afraid of the command line interface. Understand how things work at a deeper level. Take feedback seriously. Do not argue with people. If you future manager / colleague tells you that you need to work on things, work on those things. There's nothing worse than a co-worker in denial.


As for internships and full time opportunities, there's a few classes at KSU that you really want to master: Data structures, Algorithm Analysis, Operating Systems and Discrete math. If you're in a major that doesn't have those classes, spend the extra money and take those classes. Do not take them online if you can afford to come in person. Take the hardest / best professors for those courses. Super important. Leetcode is quite literally, those classes merged together in a prompt-style format. If you do not understand those concepts, you will not make it in this field let alone pass an interview loop.
Data Structures - Varies. Rate my professor.
Algorithm Analysis - Varies. Rate my professor.
Operating Systems - Do not take Carla McManus if you want to learn the concepts fluently.
Discrete Math - Andy Wilson.
Having solid resume is super important. Many people who don't secure things and get automatically rejected, etc have horrible resumes. Spend the money (it's a lot) to get your resume professionally written. It's worth it. Invest in your long term career aspirations. Templates are cool but, they don't convey information well and come across as lazy. Don't put every achievement ever on there. I don't want to see a wall of text. No, I don't care if you're a Boy Scout. No, I don't care if you bussed tables in high school. You get the point. The rule of "only one page" is complete and total bullshit. If you have projects and prior work experience related to the role, list it down. Don't conserve space for the sake of keeping it one page. You're limiting yourself. I know the career center actively tells people on handshake to keep it to one page. They're wrong. I landed internships & full time roles consistently at big tech / FAANG for years with a 1.5 / 2 page resume. Do not lie on your resume. If you can't solve a leetcode hard consistently with the technology / language of choice, you don't know it well enough. I have interviewed a ton of students and people that list they know C or Python and can't write recursion or gives me a solution in O(N^2) or worse. Aim for O(N), use a hashmap / hash table when you can and do it in a language that doesn't make you fight the runtime / compiler. Trust me, we know when you're making shit up. If you don't know something say it and then, tell them to explain more. This way, you show that you have the capability to learn. Ask smart questions. Do not ask questions that have already been answered. Take notes.
On your resume, experience is only real experience if you get a W2. If you don't get a W2, you can't claim it as professional experience. A lot of background checks these days are drilling down on incorrect information. I have seen instances where people lie, get an offer, company finds out through a comprehensive background check and their offer is gone. Do not put the fate of your future income on a lie. I cannot stress this enough. A lot of students and people actively lie.
Secondly, the trick to getting a good internship is timing. A lot of you wait until Nov - Dec to find an internship and then, throw your hands up when no one responds. That's not a good mindset. Solid internships are recruiting in end of July to August. By September, the amount of open spots are extremely thin. Local companies tend to look for internships during this time. Internships are about luck after that. Reach out to people in your circle to increase your odds. A referral goes a long way. Prior experience through projects that are complex and unique go a long way. It's a numbers game. Don't aim for the highest thing ever without some sort of referral. You can still apply but, do not expect much from it. Start small and work your way up. It's extremely rare to go from KSU undergrad sophomore to Google. It takes a lot of outside work. If you happen to land the internship, make sure that you get recommendations at the end. Having real people who you worked with in a professional capacity that can vouch for you is huge. If you're in your junior year and you get an internship, make sure you try to secure a full time offer. Loop in your boss, mentor, etc. Make your expectations clear. Reach their expectations and beyond.
Thirdly, full time opportunities are rare and most new grads that get hired come from the previous year's intern pool. If you don't get converted, you have to make up that time searching for a job during your senior year. If you do get converted, keep looking because companies are flaky these days. Always have a Plan B & C. Never fully count on Plan A. If you don't have internships across four years, it's over for you. From a hiring manager perspective, it's an absolute red flag when we come across someone with a degree and no internships. That's effectively going against the point of college. You'll have to settle for crumbs and crawl your way up. Very few make it out of that hole. The bar is significantly higher. Especially, now.

Searching for an Opportunity

Do not wait until after you graduate to find a job. Jan - Early May are when most companies finalize budgets and hire. If you wait until after May, you'll might have to wait until after the Summer and possibly, October for hiring to pick up again. Proactivity is nothing but good for you. If you can't be proactive then, you won't succeed in this field. Referrals matter but, personal connections with the hiring manager / recruiter are much, much better. Work your way up. Don't discount an opportunity because it doesn't pay well. Get as much experience as you can and bounce around. Do not go into the gate thinking you're going to make $120K - $140K / yr out the gate. You're most-likely going to make $68K - $75K / yr depending on the location. Do not listen to LinkedIn posts that claim all this cool shit and how to do it. Trust me, it's bullshit. Don't pay attention to it. It's a brag-fest. It's a long road. Start walking on it early and you'll reach the other side when it matters most. Trust in it.
The reality of this economy is that highly experience people have been laid off. Those people are applying to entry level roles and those roles are being filled for cheap. In addition, watch out for fake postings and scam jobs. If you take a contract job, always keep looking. Avoid jobs that will providing "training" before you even start. Avoid jobs that are less than week old. You want things that are fresh. It's a numbers game. Apply for 300+ jobs every week until you get a response back. Don't be discouraged by employers who don't respond or ghost you. Keep at it. It's a mental game.


I think if you do these things, you'll end up at a great spot after four years. If you're just now coming across this and you've been slacking, use this an opportunity to wake the fuck up, light a fire under your ass and lock in. If you're still in denial after reading this post and you have yet to get anything, light a fire under your ass, come to terms with it and lock in.
If you're in it to do zero work, cheat on your classes, mess around for four years and somehow wing a high salary or a job in this field, good luck. You're fucked. You're so fucked, in-fact, that you'll be wondering "why me and why is it so hard" for a long ass time. Don't be that person.

Cool Resources

Git -
Github (use this as your portfolio; web devs should make an actual clean website) -
Github Student Pack (tons of free resources) -
Linux Handbook - Linux Quickguide -
Lots of subreddits geared around linux and programming. Great resources to find.
Understand: Kernel Space vs. User Space, Memory Allocation / Deallocation, Bitwise Operations, Memory blocks, processes and threads, context switching
System Design Primer -
Understand: Monolith vs. Micro-services, Tradeoffs between different approaches, Vertical vs. Horizontal Scaling, Load Balancers, Buckets, Data lakes, CI / CD Pipelines, Data Clusters, Client-Server Architecture, Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Context: System design is like a giant puzzle that has many forms. Create a basic design. It won't be perfect. Mix-and-match different services and know why, how and tradeoffs between each approach.
Programming language is dependent on the role and what the company favors. Common ones are Java, C++, Python, C#, JavaScript / TypeScript and C. You can look at jobs that you would like to work someday, look at the requirements and use that as a basis on where to start learning. Things constantly change. Fundamentals build up on each other. Start small. Work your way up. Do not dream big. Dream realistic. Everyone is different.
submitted by majoroofboys to KSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:01 MortgageRich3613 [For Hire] WGU Help for Stat Math Course Online Reddit U.S History Algebra English Composition Biology Chemistry Accounting Psychology Sociology Statistics Precalculus PACA Politics Online Helper Reddit WGU Quiz Test Class Full Course Assignment Exam Homework taker reddit do my WGU Exam Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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submitted by MortgageRich3613 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:47 amberarteaga78 psychology statistics help Reddit Assignment Exam Homework Quiz Test Class Course Helper for Online Hire Reddit

First of all, these are the contact details to reach us for help any type of academic task of any subject:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
OCT 2021 UPDATE: I am currently offering discount deals for requests for assistance with completing a student's entire course for the Fall 2024 semester (14 - 20 week courses acceptable), as well as discounts for students seeking help with multiple exams and/or multiple classes for Fall 2024. My availability for the Autumn 2024 / Fall 2024 semester will likely become limited very quickly as I receive more and more academic requests. Therefore it would be very advantageous to reach out to me for academic assistance before my schedule becomes too full.
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
submitted by amberarteaga78 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:55 slimesly Dungeons & Prefabricated Rooms

Dungeons & Prefabricated Rooms
Hey everyone. So, for the last week or so, I've been trying to find some procedural generation algorithms that would work for me and a prototype that's been in the works.
After lots of searching, testing, failing...I landed on probably the laziest method I tried.... I just thought some people may find this useful when trying to find a starting point.
The Issue
I suck at math and wanted nice handmade *rooms* in our *procedurally generated* dungeons.
Dungeon Outline
The main thing that was discussed was using prefabricated rooms. We needed spaces big enough to fight numerous enemies in, as well as consider the fact that up to 4 players could be fighting in the same areas.
The first hurdle was designing spaces that are fun, but could also be used as jigsaw pieces to combine with others. Now, I am used to doing 2D projects, and have never touched procedural generation (in 3D) until now.
Here are a couple examples of the prototype rooms:
Room module #1
Room module #2
A couple things to note about the modules:
  1. Each module is 128x128 cells on a gridmap, the cells are (2, 2, 2) in size.
  2. Each module has the exact same exit/entrance locations.
Exits/entrances marked with red square
The Placement
Whenever a new dungeon is generated, it follows this algorithm:
  1. Initialize the grid - create a dictionary of grid positions and starting values
  1. Walk through the entire grid and generate the "absolute path" - the absolute path is stored in a separate dictionary and is used to check against the entire grid later on.
  2. Start adding rooms - this is done using a class which stores grid position and room type. Whenever a new room is added, it is stored in an array.
Room class
Add room to array
  1. Once the generation of the grid and absolute-path is complete, we can physically add the room modules
When a module is placed in the world, there is a 50% chance it can rotate on it's Y axis at 90deg intervals. This only rotates the grid map as well as the props placed within the module. Since all modules have their main doors at the same positions, there is no need to try and match up certain modules or do any fun math calculations...
Once the algorithm is finished, we have something that looks like this:
This is working on a 5x5 grid. The far left module is 0, and the last is on the right - the lone module one space above the rest.
terrible representation of the main path
Once this is complete, we then check all the empty grid spaces and if they're connected to a grid space that already has a module, we give it a chance to spawn "filler" or "secret" modules. These are modules that contain small puzzles, chests, cool visual pieces, etc.
We have found this system to be very lightweight. Although it's not the most sophisticated system, it provides different enough dungeons that you aren't running into looping dungeons - so to speak.
This example is only utilizing 3 prefab modules, and will be expanded to, well, many.
What's Next?
We plan on taking the system a step further and allowing sub-modules within each quadrant to be randomly selected. Since all of the main modules are 128x128 tiles, we can divide this into 32x32 sub-modules and have them "randomly" generated as well.
full-module split into 4
The main thing next is cutting off unused hallways. The plan right now is to write some logic into the modules themselves that find either a cutoff point where walls should be placed in the case the hallway doesn't lead anywhere, OR, just adding walls where the door should have been. Either one of these would work, although the latter solution will mean stretches of dead-end-hallways. Considering that the image above is a basic test modules consisting of a square room surrounded by short halls, this may not be much of an issue.
Additional Steps
The major thing to consider here is performance. Once the world gets more detailed, more props are being spawned, lighting, AI, VFX, it'll start to chug pretty heavily.
One upside of this system, is we've already divided the world into "chunks" - this being each 128x128 module. So based on player location on the grid, we can disable neighboring cells.
The main reason we decided to test this form of generation, was the fact that placing prefab rooms then trying to connect them with path finding was a pain in the ass. So far, it feels pretty natural running around these dungeons, main exits/entrances on each module don't feel too "square" - I think this depends massively on how you design your modules. Sometimes we create weaving hallways into more open spaces within a module, and this combined with other geometry from other modules, makes it feel pretty cool.
That's all for now, might make another post once the world is more put together. I happy to answer any questions and if YOU have any ideas on how to improve upon this, drop it in the comments!
submitted by slimesly to godot [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:46 xnd655 Black Frankincense accord with longevity and sillage?

Hello everyone! I have been vaporizing some black frankincense resin (Boswellia neglecta) over Palo Santo and I've fallen in love. Scent description from good scents, “the opening note is like smelling a tin of shoe polish mixed with sticky frankincense resins and dry pine cones, the middle notes are frankincense resinous, cedarwood dry, and a tad fresh lemony. The base notes are warm resinous frankincense, dry pine, leather and again tinned shoe polish.” To my nose, It’s very very dark and “sticky,” balsamic, resinous, herbal, spicy, gas station/turpentine-like, woody, and to a lesser extent lemony and camphoraceous. Forgive my vocabulary! It's difficult to capture the magic in words.
I would like to recreate this scent, and I'm def going to buy the b. Neglecta EO from PA, however after sampling a few other naturals I have run into 3 problems:
  1. Longevity and sillage - Of course EOs in particular have very little throw and don’t last long. CO2 extracts are definitely superior to the essential oils in this sense, and I’ve been eyeing some frankincense absolutes as well, which leads me to the second issue…
  2. IFRA limits - it seems like frankincense is generally quite restricted, as many products contain toxins like thujone. Currently with the EOs and CO2 extracts I have, the frankincense note is not powerful enough at it's maximum %. I would need to build the accord with less restricted materials around the small quantity I am able to use.
  3. Finding Boswellia neglecta/similar smelling ACs (resinous greasy woody pine terpenic cedar leathery): currently the biggest puzzle. I unfortunately do not enjoy the soapy-clean scent of Boswellia carteri, which seems like the most abundant species used. I am afraid of investing in an expensive material and ending up with the lemon dish soap type of frankincense.
The candidates i am leaning most towards currently are Olibanum Coeur (Ventos), Robertet’s Olibanol, Bois D’encense, maybe Choya Loban. Based on reviews, Olibanum Coeur and Bois D’Encense are the front runners. If anyone has these items, I would love to hear your experiences with it; what it smells like, longevity and sillage, etc.
I am thinking of using some of the following materials to support it:
Do you think any of these materials would help, or am I way off? Does anyone know what keywords to use for the notes on black Frankincense specifically? I know the only way is through experimenting, but blind buying is hard! I just need some help narrowing down what I'm looking for. So I figured I would ask the experts here! Thank you. 💗
submitted by xnd655 to DIYfragrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:37 Sea_Charge_2684 HESI A2 Entrance Exam

Hi guys!
I was incredibly nervous about taking my HESI but I surprisingly did really well! Here are my absolutes to studying:
  1. USE NURSEHUB!! It’s totally worth it, helped give realistic questions. I was using a Mometrix book and it wasn’t helpful at all. I only paid $15 for NurseHub and watched all of the videos. If I had more time I would watch them all over again. Vocab was word for word essentially. There is also a YouTube video by AllofJenny that also had pretty much all of her words on the test.
  2. Anatomy use this quiz let and KNOW IT! Pretty much 3/4 of my questions came from this quizlet so I highly recommend it. NurseHub was also useful.
  3. Know your fractions and conversions! My math portion was 100% fractions, proportions, and conversions.
  4. Critical thinking was literally just common nursing questions like who would you take care of first etc. I don’t know if I did well on this to be honest and is kind of confusing but if you’ve practiced critical thinking at all you should be fine. There’s also some quizlets out there for it but I didn’t have time to review them.
  5. Reading comprehension was relatively easy. Asked a lot of questions about conclusions and things that can be implied or inferred.
Overall I did pretty well and someone almost psyched me out by saying they’ve taken it before and it was hard but trust me when I say that this exam was maybe like a 4/10 in difficulty. Study your vocabulary, make sure you know how to solve a proportion, and know your anatomy of what does what. You’ve got this :)
submitted by Sea_Charge_2684 to StudentNurse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:35 Minato240_ Introduction to RRT

Relational-Reasoning Training (RRT) is a type of cognitive training that focuses on improving an individual's ability to reason about relationships between ideas such as objects, people, or concepts and using those relations to deduce further relations.The goal of RRT is to enhance one's ability to think critically and make connections.
RRT is based on the idea that humans are wired to recognize and respond to patterns and relationships in our environment. By training our brains to recognize and understand these relationships, we can improve our ability to solve problems, make decisions, and learn new information also Training in relational reasoning improves several cognitive abilities, with test scores increasing by as much as one standard deviation in some cases, and impacts academic achievement.source
There are several ideas of RRT:
  1. Relational reasoning: This involves identifying and understanding the relationships between different entities, such as cause-and-effect relationships, spatial relationships, or semantic relationships
  2. Pattern recognition: This involves recognizing patterns and regularities in the relationships between entities.
  3. Abstract thinking: This involves being able to think about abstract concepts and relationships, rather than just concrete objects.
RRT can be applied to a wide range of fields, including:
  1. Cognitive psychology: RRT can be used to study how people think about relationships and how they can be improved.
  2. Education: RRT can be used to improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students
  3. Business: RRT can be used to improve decision-making and problem-solving skills in business settings.
There are several methods that can be used to train relational reasoning but I am gonna be talking about the ones that work the most and they are the most beneficial and proven to work, they are


There are alot of those games I am gonna state four of them: Ikoku's syllogimous
Truth Lies Logic Puzzle Generator
Visual RRT And many more the best ones that are proven are ikoku's syllogimous and syllogimousv3
Some benefits of RRT include:
  1. increase in fluid intelligence(iq):RRT can improve an individual's intelligence , the increase can be as much as one standard deviation in some cases, and can be a huge impact on daily life
  2. Improved critical thinking: RRT can improve an individual's ability to think critically and make sound decisions.
  3. Enhanced problem-solving skills: RRT can improve an individual's ability to solve complex problems by recognizing and manipulating relationships between ideas
  4. Increased creativity: RRT can improve an individual's ability to generate new ideas and solutions by recognizing patterns and relationships.
  5. Better decision-making: RRT can improve an individual's ability to make informed decisions by considering multiple factors and relationships.
  6. improve in reading comprehension: RRT can have a huge impact on reading comprehension and ability to learn new information
  7. increase in reasoning speed And much more benefits
Overall, RRT is a powerful tool for improving cognitive abilities and can have a wide range of applications in various fields.
submitted by Minato240_ to braintrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:19 Wide-Mix2863 Math Puzzle

X has 50,000,000,000.
Each hit takes 1% of the amount left after per hit.
100 hits are made.
How much money left.
submitted by Wide-Mix2863 to u/Wide-Mix2863 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:42 experts_on_demand 10 Best AI Apps for iPhone and Android in 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer limited to science fiction movies. It's woven into the fabric of our daily lives, quietly working behind the scenes to enhance our smartphone experience. From streamlining communication to fueling creative expression, AI-powered apps determine the mannerisms through which we interact with our mobile devices.
In this article, we will look at the ten best apps for iPhone and Android. Alongside this, we will weigh their pros and cons for optimal transparency. Make better data-driven decisions with AI and big data by the end of this article. Here are our top ten picks.


Drowning in sticky notes and illegible handwriting? is your AI-powered solution for effortless note-taking. This app uses real-time speech recognition to transcribe conversations and lectures as they happen.
Focus on the present moment during meetings, interviews, or classes, knowing captures every word. Search through the transcribed text later to pinpoint key points, revisit specific moments, and ensure you never miss a crucial detail again.
Pros: Ditch notes, capture every word, easy search later
Cons: Less clarity, limited free storage, freemium account

2. Grammarly

Grammarly is one of the top ten Android apps for users. Its AI-powered app analyzes your text, identifying grammatical errors, typos, and awkward phrasing. It doesn't just point out mistakes but also suggests corrections and improvements.
Whether crafting an email, composing a social media post, or tackling a report, Grammarly ensures your message shines.
It can even suggest synonyms to enhance your vocabulary and recommend different sentence structures for smoother flow. With Grammarly by your side, you can confidently write, knowing your communication is clear, concise, and polished.
Pros: Flawless writing, improves clarity, boosts vocabulary
Cons: Limited free features, over-reliance, lack of human editorship

3. Moises App

Moises uses AI to separate audio tracks, allowing you to remove vocals from a song to create karaoke tracks or isolate specific instruments for musical experimentation. This app is a treasure trove for musicians, music lovers, and anyone who wants to get creative with audio manipulation.
Pros: Create Karaoke tracks, isolate instruments for remixes, a treasure trove for music lovers
Cons: Mandatory subscription, may require high-quality audio, limited editing features

4. Lensa

Lensa takes your selfies and transforms them into captivating works of art. Explore a library of artistic styles, from classic oil paintings and Renaissance portraits to whimsical cartoon filters and edgy pop art. utilizes AI to blend your features with these artistic styles, thereby creating unique and personalized digital masterpieces.
What’s more? You can even experiment with various filters, find your perfect artistic doppelganger, and share your creations on social media to impress your followers. Whether you crave a touch of artistic grandeur or a playful cartoon makeover, offers a fun and creative way to see yourself in a whole new light.
Pros: AI art makeover, explore art styles, fun social media fodder
Cons: In-app purchases, subjective taste in art, privacy concerns

5. ELSA Speak

Regarded as one of the top ten apps for iPhone, Elsa is a pioneer in language development. Struggling with English pronunciation? Look no further than ELSA Speak, your AI-powered English coach. This app utilizes AI to analyze your spoken English, identifying areas for improvement. It provides personalized feedback on your pronunciation, highlighting sounds and words that need work.
ELSA Speak goes beyond simple corrections. It offers interactive lessons and exercises to help you master specific sounds and improve your fluency.
With regular practice and ELSA Speak's guidance, you can gain the confidence to speak English clearly and effectively in any situation.
Pros: Personalized feedback, improves pronunciation, gains speaking fluency
Cons: Limited languages, requires commitment, subscription format

6. WOMBO Dream

Ever feel creatively blocked or simply yearn for your inner artist? Look no further than WOMBO Dream. This art generator takes the reins, transforming your simple text prompts into unique and captivating paintings.
Describe a "mystical underwater city" or a "portrait of a courageous astronaut" to the app. WOMBO Dream uses its artistic intelligence to translate your words into stunning visuals. Explore a variety of artistic styles, from dreamlike landscapes to classic oil paintings.
With this app, anyone can become an art director, generating conversation-starting masterpieces in seconds.
Pros: AI art generator, explore creative prompts, instant artwork
Cons: Limited control, subscription for extensive styles, lack of artistic interpretation
Overwhelmed with AI? Here’s a step-by-step guide to AI basics and platforms.

7. Color by Number

This app takes the classic coloring-by-number concept and injects a dose of AI. It utilizes AI to generate unique pixel art coloring pages based on various themes and styles. While coloring is a relaxing and therapeutic activity, the AI-generated aspect adds a touch of novelty and keeps things interesting for creative minds.
Pros: Short video clips, caption comprehension, target language learning
Cons: Lacks broader understanding of the topic, requires internet connectivity, does not emphasize speaking or writing

8. Socratic by Google

Stuck on a homework problem and traditional methods aren't cutting it? Look no further than Socratic by Google! This learning app is your virtual study buddy. Simply snap a picture of your math problem, science question, or even a historical passage you're struggling with.
Socratic uses its AI smarts to analyze the content and provide you with step-by-step explanations, relevant videos, and alternative solution methods.
It even tackles multiple subjects, making it a versatile tool for various academic challenges. While Socratic can't solve every problem for you, it acts as a powerful guide, helping you understand concepts and develop problem-solving skills for future success.
Pros: Step-by-step solutions, multiple subjects supported, explanatory videos
Cons: Limited problem-solving types, limited solving capabilities, best for understanding concepts

9. Adobe Premiere Rush

This is a great option for anyone who wants to create and edit professional-looking videos on their phone. It has a simple and intuitive interface, but it also offers a wide range of features, including the ability to add multiple video clips, music, and titles.
You can also use Premiere Rush to adjust the color and lighting of your videos and to add special effects.
Pros: Easy to use, mobile-friendly editing, rich asset library
Cons: Limited features, cloud dependence, export restrictions

10. PlayPhrase

This app combines AI and language learning to create a fun and interactive experience. PlayPhrase uses AI to analyze short videos and generate captions in multiple languages. You can choose a video clip, and select the target language you're learning, and the app will transcribe the audio with captions.
Pros: Engaging video clips, interactive learning experience, multilingual options
Cons: Limited context, Excessive comprehension, needs web connectivity
Read more: Take Your First Step With an AI Basics Course For Beginners
submitted by experts_on_demand to u/experts_on_demand [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:23 Radiant_Sector_430 How can we know our limitations?

Some animals (like apes and some birds) are capable if mathematical and logical thinking, they can count, perform some algebric operations and solve simple puzzles. And yet we do know that their mind is limited, they will never be able to solve even most basic math equations or play checkers.
So my question is... how can we know our own limitations? Is it even possible to know that we are limited and that there are things out of range of our ability to understand them?
Can we know all math and science, or maybe some of it out of our reach? And how can we know?
(I think Emanuel Kant worked on this question a lot with his critics of abstract and practical minds.)
submitted by Radiant_Sector_430 to PhilosophyofScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:32 Plane-Reputation4041 Would you rather run in the WoW1 or WoW2 final?

Both finals were brutal and while WoW1 is considered the hardest final ever, I think I would prefer to run that over WoW2.
WoW1: Solo format, desert sun, longer distance but with mini breaks built in (puzzles), alternating run/walk laps with bicycle laps. Intravenous fluids at the end of day one, sign me up. Sleep with a blanket overnight in the pain locker; I’ll take that over standing on my feet all night long while my back spasms and my legs cramp. Day 2 crossing the sand dunes, play some trivia, connect 4, eat a snack and then onto some math equations. I can do that. Finally, unlock a bicycle lock and kayak to the finish line. The Namibian desert heat is brutal but it is dry, so humidity is not going to be an issue for me, nor will I be chewed raw by the jungle insects. I’m totally taking the WoW1 final over the WoW2 final.
Again, this is a question of “Would YOU Rather” and not a discussion on which final was technically harder.
For me, humidity is a death sentence. WoW2 was run in the jungles of Thailand. Thats like 100% humidity and I wouldn’t be able to set my own pace. The fact that nobody was assaulted by their teammates is surprising. I would have whipped someone with bamboo if they complained at me constantly while my body pointlessly sweat away all of my fluids, salt, nutrients and electrolytes. The sweating was such a hindrance because it was not cooling them off and created a vicious cycle of never being able to cool off or dry off. Carrying extra weight is harder than having to carry my own body weight and that’s where the gurney would kill me. Effective training is usually done to manage your own body weight, not however many extra pounds the showrunner decides to make people carry.
There’s no way I could do the WoW2 final but I could theorethically do the WoW1 final by taking breaks in the shade of the puzzles and allowing myself to time out on them. Going at my own pace (because I know I’m not winning, I’m Devyn Simone) would make it so much easier.
submitted by Plane-Reputation4041 to MtvChallenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:42 Massive_Ask_3400 Looking for Trans-Femm player to fulfill the party's [HOMEBASE/RESOURCES Management Role]

Hello, my name is Lillian and I am looking for 1 trans fem player to join a ttrpg I am running on Roll20.Net. The communication for the game is handled via Discord [my discord name is lexshira]. Our game allows a lot of freedom for players for example one player we had recently who unfortunately had to leave the game due to schedule issues was Kryptonian Keyblade Master LOL.
What the Party Needs From This Posting: Someone who is math, organization and resource-minded who can aid the party in managing their HOMEBASE/RESOURCES. This would include helping manage the various departments of the base [Security, Logistics, R&D, Tourism/Economics/Treasury, Medical, etc.]
Game Info: The game is an adventure/horror game with heavy LGBT+ and Sex-Positive vibes and themes.
Since I live in Pacific Time then the playtimes will revolve around that. Game will be on Sundays starting at 1:30PM Pacific time.
Game System = The game system is my own creation but use the 5e Character Sheet as a base. In the spirit of honesty, my game system does have a learning curve as it goes beyond an RPG and contains elements/mechanics related to Community/Base Building/Management, Resource Management, Living World NPCs and Survivalism.
The Story = The story is based on my own mythologies but also draws influence and content from other sources such as a variation of Curse of Strahd, Murder House, Dark Sun, Cyberpunk, Elder Scrolls and Descent Into Avernus. Other Multimedia events and things likely to affect the world in some ways are things like Marvel Comic's 'Battle-World', House of M, and 'Secret Wars' events.
Game Setting = The game will take place on the newly forming world of Nouva-Terra. Nouva-Terra is a world born out of the ashes of Multiversal destruction. It is a world formed of the merged remnants of other realities and populated by the countless multiverse survivors of that apocalyptic merging.
Content Rating = Rated M due to violence, dark themes, heavy sexuality, and sexual themes of both a vanilla [Loving caring relationships, etc.] and of a disturbing nature based on context.
Gameplay Focus = Combat will be minimal but still present with most gameplay focusing on Player-Character Driven events and story with a focus on Interpersonal Intrigue, Political Intrigue, Mystery/Puzzle solving, Romance / Sexuality and Found-Family issues. There will also be focus on Survivalism and Community/Base Building/Management.
Game Frequency = Weekly or every other week.
Currently Confirmed Realities That Have Already Begun Merging With Nova-Terra [Note the players do not need to be in any way familiar with any of this content but things from these realities exist in the game]:
  1. The Prime Elder-Scrolls Timeline
  2. The Prime Fallout Timeline
  3. The MCU and Various Marvel Realities
  4. Various DC Realities
  5. The Prime Star-Wars Timeline
  6. Various D&D and Pathfinder Timelines
  7. The Prime Terminator Timeline
  8. Various Zelda Timelines
  9. Prime DBZ Timeline
  10. Prime Star-Trek Timeline
  11. Prime Code-Lyoko Timeline
  12. Prime Kingdom Heats Timeline
Player Code of Conduct:
  1. There is to be NO and I repeat NO PLAYER TO PLAYER Non-Con sexuality or Romance-Attempts.
  2. There is to be NO UNPROVOKED PVP.
  4. There is to be no PLAYER TO PLAYER Kink-Shaming or Sexual-Judgment. We all have our kinks and it is important not judge. If you do not like a kink being shown in the game by another player then simply do not involve yourself or your character which those particular In-Game things happening.
submitted by Massive_Ask_3400 to transgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:45 HutchXC Type Me (XNXP)

• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not? I recently had a job as a math tutor which I enjoyed very much. Trying to become an engineer, not sure if I will like all of the hands-on stuff but I am a big fan of math and physics.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed? I wouldn't say I would feel refreshed but I would handle it very well and I can keep myself entertained on my own easily for long periods of time.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities? I don't play sports but I am pretty athletic and I enjoy a little competition. I spend a lot more time inside and I like to solve puzzles (jigsaw/word games), I enjoy reading and also researching random things.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be? I think I'd make a good leader but I don't like being the person that everyone looks at when something goes wrong. I'd be very open in hearing other people's ideas and I'd treat everyone as my equal.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer. I can't draw, paint, or anything like that to save my life. I do love music, however, if that counts as art, and I am quite proficient at the piano. I also like looking at art and I could spend a day at a museum. I also love listening to music and attending concerts- but who doesn't!
What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them? I think about the past a lot, reminiscing on good times and bad ones, thinking about what I did well and what I could have handled differently. I think a lot about the near future but not so much the far future. I have an idealistic plan for my far future that I don't want to over-analyze. I enjoy living in the present as well. I have a love for new experiences and I try to live life to my fullest.
How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so? I feel so honored that they would want my help and I would do anything in my power to help even a little bit. I would want to do so because I like making people happy and I would want to be seen as reliable and helpful.
What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses? I learn by doing lots of practice and I dislike learning environments that try to get you to come up with your own conclusions and try to get you to find the answer on your own. I prefer memorization and logic.
What are your fears? I fear that I will be forgotten or disliked or lonely.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like? Usually moments where I felt really connected with people or succeeding at something I love doing.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like? When I let my thoughts go too far and they distract me from the reality of a situation.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about? An interpersonal interaction I recently was a part of.
How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it? A long time, and I rarely change my mind.
How important are emotions in your life? I use emotions as a stepping stone to reasoning myself through a situation. I like to think through all the possibilities that are causing a certain emotion and I rarely act off of emotions alone.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why? Yes, all the time, because I see where they are coming from so I don't see the point in disagreeing if I haven't fully considered their side of things.
Some other important things about me:
I think I'm either an ENTP or an INFP. My father (INTP) seems to think I am an ENTP. Most personality tests characterize me as INFP (IDRLabs, Personality Junkie, Socionics, 16P) although the MIchael Caloz said I was an ENTP.
submitted by HutchXC to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:29 lookChickens-- Help I still think I might be autistic

Please serious question! I had an assessment for autism and he the things he did with me was put together puzzles, read, and do simple math.... I thought autism made things harder socially ect
What do you do during an assessment?
submitted by lookChickens-- to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:32 RamonaMaybe Put my transition on hold for years, starting to feel ready again, but where to begin?

My egg cracked about six years ago. I had felt out-of-step with, uncomfortable with my masculinity for nearly as long as I can remember, including feeling a sense of horror over my changing body in puberty that I did not have the vocabulary for yet. I’d always been very passionate and vocal about queer rights, and as the conversation and civil rights struggle shifted more and more to trans issues, I kept seeing more and more of myself, my experiences, my feelings described in the stories and testimonials of trans folks.
At this time, around 2018, I was beginning to take some small baby steps toward exploring my gender identity and beginning some form of transition. However, soon after that, my life got really hectic and stressful, and I had to focus on other stuff. Just in that time period, I finished my dissertation, the pandemic happened, I moved cross-country multiple times, first to help with my dad’s end-of-life care and then to start a new job in a new city, and soon after that I decided the career I was in was not right for me.
The upshot of all this is that I met a wonderful woman in my new city, one who knows about my gender identity and is very supportive of whatever my journey ends up looking like. I’m in a small city that should be pretty good on queer protections, but it’s hard to be confident about that in America today.
Recently, it’s felt like the eggs cracked all over again. I could feel that desire, that need to do … something creeping back into my central focus, prodding for my attention. It's becoming all I can think about, and it's feeling closer and closer.
And last week, a conversation with my therapist helped me have a major, seismic shift in my thinking. We were talking about other things (my sense of imposter syndrome in grad school, specifically, which I think was at least partially my dysphoria), and our conversation made me see how hung up I get on labels and how that keeps me from engaging in the process behind those labels. In other words, that I get so bogged down in the questions that I don’t look for the answers.
And this really felt like it rearranged some of the puzzle pieces in my mind. One of the things that I had really struggled with, and had kept me from pursuing next steps, was feeling like my gender identity was still very TBD. I’m confident that I am not a cis man–that just leaves everything else. I definitely feel a pull toward at least experimenting with being a transwoman, but I also feel a pull in more non-binary / genderqueer directions, maybe even something like bigender.
And I think I’d let that lack of a definitive answer kept me from pursuing the steps that would help me get that answer. And I am increasingly aware of all this time I’ve been spending on therapy without addressing what is almost certainly the root cause of at least some of my mental health issues. But I also know how bad the political situation is right now; I worry that by trying to be my most authentic self, I could paint a target on my back and the backs of those I love.
Fuck, this would be so much easier if our existences weren’t so politicized. I just want to figure some shit out, not be the tip of the spear of the culture wars.
Anyway, I think my problem is one of scale. It’s all so daunting, and anytime I try to focus on the first steps, the kaleidoscoping wholeness of every little thing, every possible direction I could go, every possible good outcome, every possible bad outcome, just overwhelm me. This until-relatively-recently unnameable static in my mind has been the background radiation of my existence for almost four decades. Figuring out how to translate that in concrete steps, into the process I’ve been scared to start for so long, is hard. But all good things are, and I think it's time I start.
submitted by RamonaMaybe to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:01 jennyacosta09 Take my Statistics exam for me Reddit

If you are unable to Handle your online Exam, Assignments and full courses, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
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WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
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I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by jennyacosta09 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:42 AnybodyAlert3403 Elevate v5.141.0 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)

Elevate v5.141.0 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)
Name Elevate - Brain Training Games
Publisher Elevate Labs
Genre Education
Size 70M
Version 5.141.0
MOD Premium Unlocked
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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Elevate provides a series of training sessions for all levels of participants, from beginner to advanced. Brain training activities will be available to users. As a result, the target audience will expand. To facilitate tracking, the system will record some of your basic information. Several dashboards have been created to compare results obtained at various times. Users will have access to math problems and memory-related brain games. Your brain will be active in the appropriate area to achieve the desired result. The system uses several methods to help you discover and maintain good habits.


The route will begin with very simple startup problems. Elevate will gradually increase the difficulty of the challenges, allowing you to absorb new information quickly. More than 40 mini-games aid in this process. When your brain is ready for a new challenge, it will be deployed one after the other. Some quizzes help users improve their memory, concentration, or processing speed. Then we strive for speed of thought and accuracy of results. These accomplishments are dependent on each individual’s receptivity. As a result, a separate performance meter was created. Each user has their own set of metrics that they can use to compare training results. Sometimes the app makes ability conclusions right after you finish the game’s challenges.
Individual exercises will be used to introduce users to the game. You will have a distinct path for brain development and reflexes. You can join them by creating a schedule for each day and period. The application allows users to customize the number and type of questions they answer. Naturally, the outcomes are all recorded and aggregated in tables. After you have completed the previous objectives, the system will increase the difficulty. Users will experience new emotions due to this specific brain development roadmap. The system has 150 achievement points in total. To encourage learning, the user can receive a reward at each stage.


Elevate’s main goal is to provide a conducive environment for brain exercises. Furthermore, the application aims to improve each individual’s ability to connect with society. You will discover and capitalize on your inherent worth. Some vocabulary exercises are also provided to help users improve their communication skills. Word order, sentence completion, and correct word choice are common quizzes. Human needs will be met to strengthen weaknesses and promote strengths. The system will keep the training program up to date so that your learning process is not disrupted.
Elevate was created in the hope that more super brains would be discovered. They also hope to improve people’s lifestyles and ways of thinking in this technological age. The application combines groundbreaking research with a simple implementation to reach a large audience. Users will quickly become accustomed to how it operates. On the device screen, all information is arranged in chronological order. The application will be launched when you use the touch and swipe commands together. We will integrate it with several social networking platforms to facilitate user feedback.
submitted by AnybodyAlert3403 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:23 randomnameheheheh Need help self-typing attitudinal psyche [(OPTIONAL) + enneagram (and wing maybe?)]

[This might be long; I cannot cut down clarity sorry, also I might not respond to replies because of time zones]
Hello, I'm currently new in the realm of attitudinal psyche, and I am having a tough time typing myself in general - taking tests and taking my time to read the descriptions of my results doesn't seem to be accurate for me. Below I'll provide descriptions of each of the four letters:
Emotions: For me is extremely complex to deal with, and I don't like how complex it is. I range from 'not caring about other people's perceptions of me,' to a 'self-venting about the person.'
An example would be that when someone gives me a dirty look, my first thoughts/instinct would range from:
I prefer not to feel any emotion at all, and would rather refrain from showing it, but at certain times, my emotional intensity flares up in my anxiousness. I can't help but wallow about my social status sometimes, but i do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it.
Not to mention, I cannot help but notice the surrounding environment of relationships of people, and typically feel disgusted at how some people act so simple, stereotypical people, and one-sided. l.e. I dislike controversial politics, moral and religion discussion simply because I don't think it's productive, and all it does is ruin relationships and encourage stereotypes of 'the other side.' Unless if you are making money, or any sort of concrete profit, I don't see the worth making a 1hr video of why someone is wrong.
But don't get me wrong, if my family ever argues about any controversial topics, I do enjoy listening to both sides, because it's my family, not some incels who have no respect for anyone
I enjoy thinking - it's so underrated in society. I would be staring into 'the endless void' and feel comfort, to the point where other people think I'm weird, but who cares cause' they're going to fail in life.
I enjoy inductive and deductive reasoning - it makes me stimulated a lot, and I like to gather a lot of knowledge whenever I can be bothered. I would say that I'm a fast learner if the knowledge was useful to me or is something that I would want to pursue - but it can sometimes range from different theories that I want to know more of, for the sake of it. e.g. attitudinal psyche.
I want to learn more about chemistry, biology, forensics, and math for practical reasons and for the sake of it
I challenge myself with logic puzzles, especially related to mathematics. Even if I don't understand some complex logic puzzle, I like dissecting it to have some sort of idea on it or see the solution first to understand why it is the answer.
I'm obsessed with IQ styled-test questions, with the pictures or a series of numbers - it makes me feel good about myself whenever I find my interpretation to be 'correct' and also get the overall picture.
If we're talking about impartialities, I would wish society cared less about trivial stuff and focused on themselves.
I've been told a lot of physical advice - my friends and family saying I should exercise more to be fit (don't get me wrong, I could if I wanted to, but I cannot be bothered). Yeah I trust their advice, but I just cannot be bothered.
I do archery and I do try in sport classes occasionally (i could be wasting my time, but it's just relaxing). My parents force me to go on walks, and I reluctantly comply so that they would stop complaining
every time I think of something that I would really enjoy having (i.e. a cup of tea, pizza, a salad) I don't aggressively pursue it, but I rather enjoy the idea of having those things.
I care about public perception (even though I shouldn't) a lot so I try to look tidy and clean, and even to the point where I try to shape my face to feel good about myself, but there's always something thats off about my appearance that I dislike. But i realize, no matter who it is, there will be haters out there. I can/can't cope.
I have goals in life - to pursue in the medical industry, and just have an overall enjoyable life in terms of finance. I generally set plans out for my life that are somewhat specific. I do get upset whenever my plans are ruined by unexpected events, but I will always try and adapt. I'm a perfectionist in the sense that I'm my own 'asian-parent.' I strive to be better than who I was years ago, and to always try and earn high scores in life.
Honestly, I don't mind lazy people - I can be lazy sometimes. But when those lazy people act like pricks and bring other people down, it makes me feel disappointed.
I wish there's an option to turn off comments on youtube because I know I would get pissed off in the littlest of things like 'GenZ slang' and how 90% comments now are just 'Bro [insert message] :skull:' It shouldn't bother me, but it does. I have little hope for my generation to do productive things in life, or at the very least, HAVE PUBLIC DECENCY. Which is why I don't ever want to stoop down to their level.
Thank you so much for your time if you read everything - my bad if some of the descriptions weren't related to the associated topic at all.
submitted by randomnameheheheh to attitudinalpsyche [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:20 Big-Juggernaut4724 Daily Digits Online Math Game

Hey everyone!
🔢 Got a sec to spare? I've just launched my new game, Daily Digits, and I'd love your feedback! 🔢
If you're up for it, could you take a peek at Daily Digits? It's a fun math game I've been working on, and I'm itching to hear what you think.
🎮 What's the scoop on Daily Digits?
It's a daily math challenge where you tackle different puzzles each day. Think you've got what it takes to crack 'em all?
💡 Why should you give it a whirl?
👉 Ready to lend me a hand?
Hop on over to and give it a spin! I'm all ears for any thoughts or suggestions you've got. Let's make Daily Digits even better together!
submitted by Big-Juggernaut4724 to CasualMath [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:40 Working-Cabinet4849 Are there any books that feature elegant puzzles that dont require high level maths?

A book which features very discrete mathematics and very discrete solutions is all I'm asking for, and if possible no proofwriting.
submitted by Working-Cabinet4849 to learnmath [link] [comments]