Amoxicillin 500mg clav k 125mg tablets

At what point should one consider going to urgent care, ER, ED for infection symptoms? Dentist closed until Monday but I started course of antibiotics prescribed thru Teledoc about 4 hours ago. Timeline, pictures, and details in post body.

2024.06.09 08:49 ireallylovalot At what point should one consider going to urgent care, ER, ED for infection symptoms? Dentist closed until Monday but I started course of antibiotics prescribed thru Teledoc about 4 hours ago. Timeline, pictures, and details in post body.

At what point should one consider going to urgent care, ER, ED for infection symptoms? Dentist closed until Monday but I started course of antibiotics prescribed thru Teledoc about 4 hours ago. Timeline, pictures, and details in post body.
Any responses will be taken in good faith and I understand that decisions on treatment, seeking care, etc are my own responsibility.
I (33M) had a crown replacement on my lower second molar (with temporary) on Thursday before feeling a bit better if not still a little sore yesterday.
No fever, dizziness, or confusion, or trouble breathing. Any of these would make me get up and seek care, but are any other things I should keep an eye out for until I can contact my dentist? Can this likely be considered managed for now since I am on antibiotics?
Some details:
This afternoon, I started feeling some very mild shooting pain in my ear, slight headache, and additional soreness around my gums so I was seen on Teledoc and prescribed a course of amoxicillin-clav, which I was able to take 125mg of with 200mg of ibuprophen about 4 hours ago.
Since then, my gums and mouth have become more swollen and I am experiencing a bit more pain and tingling in my jaw and face. It’s not unbearable but is more like a warm persistent ache. Ear is also stil hurting intermittently. The gum tissue behind the crown (where wisdom tooth would be if I had them) is now making contact with the gum tissue of my upper jaw if I close my mouth completely.
submitted by ireallylovalot to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:05 nabitai Question about dosages - please help!

Sorry if this has been asked before, I'm kind of new to this! I'm interested in buying magnesium bisglycinate and this from bulk is in my price range. However, I'm confused as the description says its 500mg (100mg active magnesium), and the nutrition also says 100mg... so where does the 500mg come from? Is that just the weight including the capsule? Sorry for my ignorance but if so, that's so misleading and defo should not be allowed!
submitted by nabitai to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:39 chaleedm Amox/Clav 500MG-125MG and Altavera

I take the Altavera pill and was in between packs when I started taking Amoxicillin Clavulanate for my impacted wisdom tooth that sprung an infection. I usually skip my inactive pills to skip my periods but because my birth control shipped later than expected, I needed to take the inactive week.
This is the first time in my life that I’m sexually active while taking antibiotics and I keep getting sooo many different answers about how it affects the pill.
I believe I understand that my Amox/Clav shouldn’t interfere with the effectiveness but I have been experiencing the diarrhea from antibiotics and have felt nausea at least this morning, but have not thrown up. The baby would’ve been conceived Sunday, June 2nd, but I guess I’m still just a little confused. My boyfriend and I talked about it and know we can afford a baby, although it wouldn’t have been the time we planned for.
Thank you for your advice, I wish Google gave a more clear cut answer but it confuses me when an article from Mayo Clinic published May 1, 2024 says it affects it.
submitted by chaleedm to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:43 Honest-Yam-271 Can I take gavsicon while I am having a flare up from antibiotics

Hey guys I on the 3rd day of taking omerprazole amoxicillin and clarithmoycin I have burning back sensation that feels like a wound in my back. I want to get rid of it so bad can take some gavsicon chewable tablets or will this affect my medication. I take 20mg of omerprazole 1000mg of amoxicillin and 500mg of claritromycin 2 times a day. This has taken such a toll on me I can’t it’s even worse than before.
submitted by Honest-Yam-271 to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:12 Honest-Yam-271 Ned help with my tablets anyone plz

So today is my first day of treatment. I have taken one omperazole to coat my stomach. I am waiting one hour then I have to take two antibiotics which are amoxicillin two of them which are 500 mg and then the clarithromycin 500mg one tablet. do I take these three antibiotics at the same time or do I wait out, because that means I’m gonna have 8 tablets the whole day for seven days and 7×8 is is 56 so in one week I’m gonna take 56 tablets do you think that’s a bit too harsh or should I have a 14 day period and how many hours do I wait to take my second round how many hours after fo I take my second of tablets for the day
I am really scared what if this it too much taking 2 amxoicllian which equals to 1000mg and then the clarithromycin which is 500mg twice a days that means 1500x2=3000mg of antibiotics in one day that is insane
submitted by Honest-Yam-271 to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 15:20 Proper-Half799 What is this? 😭 Pls help

Single small red bump on my stomach. Not sure what is this? Just now noticed. There is no itching or pain.
I also have acne on my shoulders and back of the body.
I also have muscle twitching and tingling sensation all over my body ( back of the body, arms, thighs, buttocks etc) 😭
I take vitamin b12 tablets everyday and due to tooth ache now I am taking amoxicillin 500mg for the tooth ache pain. Not sure whether all these are causing these symptoms.
Pls help!
Picture -
submitted by Proper-Half799 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:09 Upstairs_Report1990 Prediabetic, been so for years, metformin miracle?

Prediabetic, been so for years, metformin miracle?
So I’m 300 pounds, 5’6, 33 year old male. I’m an aspiring powerlifter, with no real goals to compete, just for personal strength/reasons. I’ve had problems with my weight my whole life, and I just recently found out it was due to low testosterone. There might be other factors, but that’s one of the primary things, that and I over eat. Due to my binge eating disorder, plus I also eat too fast/mindlessly eat.
I started metformin yesterday, I did experience some of the G.I. problems, I took another pill today, but on an empty stomach, G.I. issues nowhere near as bad as yesterday.
And if I’m honest, it’s still nowhere near as bad as Atorvastatin, it’s actually quite tolerable. But there’s a lot of other things going on that I have questions about and I know it’s better suited for my provider, but I won’t be seeing her for another few weeks.
So I figured I could ask anecdotal accounts, from people on here about this drug. I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I would like some explanations, and I’ve read a bit of literature, but not much yet.
Apparently, there’s a lot of stuff that gets released into the bloodstream, which would account for the reduction in hunger and whatnot.
I haven’t had this level of hunger reduction since I was on psychostimulants for my ADHD. And those came with a plethora of side effects.
The only other time I experienced this level of reprieval from hunger, was when I was on keto, Yohimbine or Hoodia gordonii, the latter of which I haven’t found a “good version” of for a long-long time. (Since the 2000’s).
Anyways, onwards to the stuff that I have noticed that I am hoping to get some detailed responses regarding.
The urgency to urinate: I am prediabetic, but I’ve never been diagnosed diabetic, even when I was my heaviest of 343 pounds and nowhere near as physically active.
I was always on the knife’s edge, but never did I go over to be fully diagnosable as diabetic. Anyways, the urgency has gone dramatically down. It’s about 2:30 PM my time, and by now I would normally have had to gone to the bathroom at least 2 to 3 times, and I’ve been drinking plenty of water.
But I didn’t have to go until just now, except when I first awoke at 9:30AM, and even when I had to go, it wasn’t like some overwhelming “have to pee like a racehorse“ like it normally is.
I don’t know why I’ve always had that problem, but whenever I have to go urinate, it’s absurdly pronounced, and it’s like, “has to be done, has to be done immediately! Posthaste!” it’s never a normal feeling, like oh I need to use the bathroom. No, it’s like, you need to go, right now! WE NEED TO PEE ITS PISS TIME.
Why is that being helped? It just said some stuff online about reducing the urgency in animals, but I haven’t really looked too far into the literature regarding that. And why would I have an overactive bladder anyways?
Secondarily, energy: it’s not nearly as pronounced as I used to have on keto, on psychostimulants, or when I was fasting, but it’s still there. I have some small level of sustained energy, and when I climb flights of stairs now, I don’t get nearly as winded. Normally, I’m extremely winded.
Could have something to do with inflammation? Which its supposed to treat somehow as well?
Finally, my pharmacist says that he takes it, but not for diabetes, but for longevity. Apparently it has some kind of anti-aging effect, and just all kinds of other stuff. So what the heck is going on? If this drug is some kind of miracle, why aren’t more people on it? It’s honestly very astonishing that I’m just barely hearing about it and that I was never put on it before.
submitted by Upstairs_Report1990 to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:29 alainvalien How long after taking paracetamol (acetaminophen) can I drink alcohol?

30M 6'0 190 lbs. I had a mild fever and had a tooth infection so I have taken two doses of Clavox (Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium Tablets) 625mg 12 hours apart with last dose at 1:50 am. I have already taken 4 500mg doses of Paracetamol 6 hours apart as of 2 am. My friend's birthday party is at 9 pm this following day and I plan to get sozzled with only beer though no hard liquor.
I am concerned because I can feel my liver tighten abit which I think is due to the paracetamol. Never experienced liver pain after alcohol. Much appreciated for the answers. A liver test I took last month was ALT(SGPT) 63 with a reference range of <41.
submitted by alainvalien to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:11 FindingRelief Several years throat/neck pain, looking for advice!

I want to make this VERY compact as to not overcomplicate things. I'm 26, M, 5'7, 199 Lbs.
About three years ago, I drank heavy and went to bed. I don't know if I got COVID or something, but I woke up with the nastiest cough ever, and the pain got better, but never away. There isn't a day that goes by where I think about doing something risky to myself, so I thought I'd ask to see what I could do or what specialist I could ask next. It feels like daily inflammation around my tracheal area, does NOT matter what I eat or if I don't eat. I don't have a problem with breathing, and I do NOT smoke.
List of things I KNOW it's not: acid reflux, asthma, thyroid problem, I've done extensive testing with each of these, and have already tried PPI's, gotten a barium swallow, chest ct, upper endoscopy, and it's nothing of the sorts.
List of things I KNOW helps: Antibiotics. I took two rounds of antibiotics two years ago, and one 2-week round of antibiotics VERY recently, and those ALWAYS had me feel normal/relieved around the pain, but it's never fully. I always feel that the round of antibiotics just, aren't long enough, or something. I recently took amoxicillin-clav 875-125mg and the first few days were RELIEF central, I cannot believe there was a point where I was beginning to feel normal.
What could I do? I want to get a biopsy of my tracheal area/larynx area, but my pulmonologist doesn't want to do that as the CT scan came out negative. I was given antibiotics by a new ENT that I visited and again, that's the ONLY time I felt normal. Could it be some sort of lingering bacteria that just won't be killed? Do I need surgery? I'm running out of fuel to keep going.
I've uploaded an image of where this constant, daily pain is. It's never my lungs, or anywhere else, only this specific area that gets better ONLY with antibiotics, but never fully. I'm very happy to answer any questions, please, I'm running out of options. Thank you!
Edit: Thought I'd add some more things.
I have enlarged lymph nodes in my neck area, and my WBC count has been elevated for years, further pointing to this constant inflammation. I am NOT a smoker, but recently, I tried marijuana for the first time to ease the pain, and inhaling the smoke REALLY hurt/burnt that area that I circled in the image much more than the rest. I'm thinking tracheal biopsy, but willing to hear any suggestions, I just want to feel free before doing something terrible.
submitted by FindingRelief to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:13 cirzuu I do the tests for us!

I will update this post in two weeks!!!
Okay folks, I think many of you are familiar with my posts. I'll briefly summarize the key points again, which you can skip and scroll to the main topic.
I've had PVCs for about 2-3 years now. Their exact origin is unclear, it could be from a prolonged antibiotic treatment, the Biontech vaccination, or a tonsillitis, all of which occurred before my first noticeable extra beats.
Currently, my burden is around 2% per day. My highest burden before my ablation 4 months ago was around 7%. Before you ask: WHY the ablation with such a low burden? - Medications didn't work, my resting heart rate is sometimes between 38-44 BPM at night without medication. And I just couldn't cope with it.
I've experienced bigeminy, couplets, PACs, and PVCs. And on top of that, I occasionally have polymorphic (multifocal) PVCs.
👋HERE's where the actual question begins: I'm currently taking Magnesium-K, a dietary supplement containing potassium and magnesium. I also try to eat more potassium because I had a bad episode of PVCs when my potassium level was below 3.5. My levels have been monitored and are fine, but unfortunately, the PVCs persist.
I often read about CoQ10, taurine, L-carnitine here.
So now, to be honest! Tomorrow, I'm going to have my blood tested for these values. I've contacted my cardiologist and EP and asked for permission to test CoQ10 and taurine. BOTH said there is insufficient research and no solid evidence of effectiveness, and both refrained from making a statement.
So, I only have the choice to decide for myself and test it or to take tablets directly from a payer to better cope with it.
SO I've decided to test taurine and CoQ10 before taking psychotropic drugs.
According to ChatGPT, not much can happen with 500mg Taurin and 100mg CoQ10, and there are hardly any negative reports.
My questions for you:
  1. Do you think it was the right decision?
  2. I take 500mg of taurine in the morning and 100mg CoQ10 in the evening. Should I take them at specific times?
  3. How long should I give this a try?
  4. I'm getting my blood tested tomorrow and I'm a bit afraid that all the results will be "too good" and I won't be able to continue testing the tablets.
  5. Have you had any experiences?
Thank you all, we'll get through this together ❤️🍀
submitted by cirzuu to PVCs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:27 spawn_of_santa_ The never ending paronychia

40/F, 5’6”, 110 lbs. It started in my ring finger in February. Soaking it in epsom salt and using neosporin helped, but it wouldn’t go away. Telehealth doctor prescribed Amox/Clav 875mg/125mg in March. That and the soaking helped, but still didn’t go away. Saw a dermatologist in April and was prescribed a topical antibiotic (Neo-synalar) and recommended adding a vinegawater soak to my routine. Between the cream and 4 soaks a day, it got a lot better but not gone. Went on vacation 2 weeks ago so I stopped my routine for 4 days, and it’s back with a painful vengeance. I’m still soaking 4x/day and using the neo-synalar and it’s not helping. I also took Cedfinir 300mg for a UTI at the end of March, and Amoxicillin 500mg mid April for strep throat. I would love to not have to take antibiotics again but I don’t know what to do anymore. Help!! Thank you in advance!
submitted by spawn_of_santa_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:54 sarahcarrasco Cat Bite - Hospital or Did I Do Enough To Prevent Infection?

I am a 31 year old female, about 140 lbs. Medications I take are: Lexapro, Seroquel, Ritalin, Gabapentin.
I was bitten and scratched by one of my outdoor cats earlier while trying to break up a fight. I am not worried about rabies as they are vaccinated. I have been hospitalized before for a cat bite infection, the bite went into my finger tendon and I did not wash it for about an hour after I was bitten. That said, I am ultra paranoid and do not want to spend days on an IV drip if I can avoid it.
Here are photos of the wound and here is what I did to care for the wound:
Immediately after the bite I came inside and ran hot water over the wound and used Hibiclens surgical scrub to clean it. I made sure the soap was inside the wounds and washed for about 5 minutes straight. Then I used antiseptic wipes to clean it even further, even squeezing the solution into the wounds. Then I used an alcohol prep pad to do one more wipe over everything before covering everything with neosporin. Then I wrapped it in gauze and soft tape to keep it covered. I also took 500mg of amoxicillin since I had a bottle from a dentist appointment I never used.
SO, do I need to go to the hospital or urgent care still?
UPDATE: I went to urgent care where they prescribed amox-clav. This morning the swelling has gone down significantly as has the pain. Thanks all for your input!
submitted by sarahcarrasco to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 07:55 onisimus Doxy & Amox reaction

Been tolerating prostate pain since 2017. It’s been gradual, getting worse overtime. I have adjusted my diet and have been exercising much more frequently now. Last week I saw my 5th urologist for a fresh set of eyes, only to be thrown more antibiotics at the problem. The urine sample done at this urology clinic was able to detect there being an infection. I was diagnosed with chronic non bacterial since 2019, so I was shocked to see I had an infection. I got prescribed doxy and Amoxicillin/K Clav for 10 days. Took the first dosage on Monday morning. Had a migraine with aura about 2 hrs in, followed by a throbbing headache for the rest of the day. I also had symptoms of fatigue, elevated heartbeat and nausea throughout the day. Ate dinner, took my 2nd dose 2hrs before sleeping. When I got up the next day, I head to pee sitting down, when I get up, I passed out and hit my head and bruised some ribs. Went to the ER and checked all my vitals, everything coming back normal. Revisited the urologist and he said he never had anyone react to doxycycline that way. I’m like, Google the symptoms bud, I had all of them.
So now I’m feeling hopeless. He is sending me to an infectious diseases clinic for further analysis. Now that I’m that 5% and I can’t do doxy, I don’t know what other options I have. Any thoughts?
submitted by onisimus to Prostatitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 04:45 Uniglover How to mitigate stomach ache when I take all the pills required for my tooth extraction?

I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow morning and I was told to take 3 tablets of dexamethasone 4mg and 4 capsules of amoxicillin 500mg an hour before the extraction. I have a very, very weak stomach, am only 100lbs and I’m extremely scared of the effect this will have on me. The last thing I want is to need to puke while getting my teeth pulled.
Is there anything I can take to mitigate the chances of being sick after taking all these pills???? I can have food with them as I won’t be sedated at all, but what else can I do?
submitted by Uniglover to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 14:55 Ginabobina101 Root canal retreatment question: in so much pain and appointment not for weeks

I will be calling my endodontist later today, but I wanted to get any advice/suggestions!
So some time last year (I don't remember when) I had a root canal done by my regular dentist. It was done on tooth #30.
Everything was fine until around the beginning of April. I started having IMMENSE pain out of nowhere. I called my regular dentist and they brought me in for an X-ray. They couldn't really see anything from the x-ray so they wanted me to see an endodontist.
In the meantime, they prescribed: Amoxicillin 500 tab Take 1 tablet by mouth three times daily until gone (7 days worth)
They also told me I can take 500mg of Tylenol and 800 mg ibuprofen every 6 hours. I don't think it helped initially and it's not helping now.
To make a long story short, the endodontist did some other kind of x-ray and showed me that there was indeed an infection. I'm going to get it retreated but the problem is the appointment isn't until the 22nd. I don't think I can wait that long with this pain. It's kinda debilitating.
The endodontist did prescribe: Dexamethasone 0.75 tab Take 2 tablets by mouth start then 1 tablet by mouth three times a say until finish (3 days worth)
I think the combination of the antibiotic and steroid helped because I was actually pain free for a bit. Now that I'm done with both, the pain has come back and I'm not sure what to do. I really don't wanna be in antibiotic/steroid for like another 20ish days but I also can't stand this pain... Is it bad to be on them both for so long? I was actually reading that it's not recommended to be on Dexamethasone for more than a couple days? I seriously cannot take this pain much longer!
submitted by Ginabobina101 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 05:01 Ginabobina101 Root canal retreatment advice

I will be calling my endodontist tomorrow, but I would like any advice/suggestions!
So some time last year (I don't remember when) I had a root canal done by my regular dentist. It was done on tooth #30.
Everything was fine until around the beginning of April. I started having IMMENSE pain out of nowhere. I called my regular dentist and they brought me in for an X-ray. They couldn't really see anything from the x-ray so they wanted me to see an endodontist.
In the meantime, they prescribed: Amoxicillin 500 tab Take 1 tablet by mouth three times daily until gone (7 days worth)
They also told me I can take 500mg of Tylenol and 800 mg ibuprofen every 6 hours. I don't think it helped initially and it's not helping now.
To make a long story short, the endodontist did some other kind of x-ray and showed me that there was indeed an infection. I'm going to get it retreated but the problem is the appointment isn't until the 22nd. I don't think I can wait that long with this pain. It's kinda debilitating.
The endodontist did prescribe: Dexamethason 0.75 tab Take 2 tablets by mouth start then 1 tablet by mouth three times a say until finish (3 days worth)
I think the combination of the antibiotic and steroid helped because I was actually pain free for a bit. Now that I'm done with both, the pain has come back and I'm not sure what to do. I really don't wanna be in antibiotic/steroid for like another 20ish days but I also can't stand this pain... Is it bad to be on them both for so long?
submitted by Ginabobina101 to rootcanal [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 02:54 Adventurous_Ad2762 Thoughts on my daily ED/Libido/Testo stack?

  1. Yohimbine
  2. NALT
  3. Maca
  4. Tribulus
  5. Fenugreek
  6. DHEA
  7. Boron
  8. P5P
  9. Vit E
  10. Vit D3
  11. Tongkat Ali
  12. Fadogia
  13. Magnesium
  14. Zinc
  15. Ashwagandha
submitted by Adventurous_Ad2762 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 20:37 Ok-Duck9106 Adult, 50’s getting odd infections

I am female, 50’s, overweight. Vaccinated. I got influenza A in December 24 and it took till end of February feel better. I was vaccinated, can’t imagine how bad it would have been if I was not.
Last Thursday I started feeling unwell after traveling, and went to urgent care on Sunday. At that Sunday Urgent Care appointment, I was diagnosed with HFMD, as I had blisters in my throat, cough, fever, body aches and it seemed to fit the bill, but they took a throat culture just in case. They just thought it odd to see such a severe infection in an adult. I was sent home with cough meds and told to take Tylenol for the pain, which has had little to no impact on the pain or swelling in my throat. Rapid step test was negative, no Covid, no flu.
Tuesday, I could not take the pain and went to the ER in the night, the throat pain was insane, cough, body aches, extreme headache, congestion, and ear pain and could not hear out my left hear. The HFMD apparently had spread to my sinuses, ear, etc, and now I have a raging ear infection. They gave me the magic mouthwash, cough meds, told me to continue with the Tylenol and drink water, and amoxicillin, and told me to ride it out. Mind you, every day was getting worse.
Thursday the culture came back for Haemophilus influenzae B, and Urgent Care from Sunday called to put me on antibiotics, when I told them of the headache, pain and fever, they suggested I go to the ER for a spinal tap to be checked for Meningitis. I went, the ER, they didn’t think a spinal tap was needed, and put me on a different antibiotic Amox-Clav 875-125 mg tablets once a day. So was it HFMD and this Haemophilus Influenzae B, or just the latter? I did not get a clear answer.
I feel terrible, but the swelling in my throat has improved and the lidocaine wash they gave me is helpful, as is alternating between advil and Tylenol, decongestant and my head is much less painful, ear is less painful and throat pain is a bit more tolerable. So I am hopeful that the new antibiotics are working.
I am concerned that I am getting these severe illnesses and trying to figure out what questions I need to ask my primary to determine why this is happening. My blood panel that was done on Tuesday had a few items that were high, but nothing that indicated to the doctor that there was something glaringly autoimmune going on.
Could there be something lowering my immune system making me more vulnerable to these infections? what tests should I ask for from my Primary to determine root cause? Can I get a test to identify what boosters I need?
I do have psoriasis and asthma. Autoimmune issues run in my family(rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus), as do thyroid issues, (sister had thyroid cancer, several cousins on thyroid meds for various thyroid issues). Not sure if that is relevant. I am not a diabetic, but I am overweight.
I just need to not get this sick again. I am starting to fear what will I get next, and want to head it off at the pass.
submitted by Ok-Duck9106 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 04:24 Plowboy1428 Scared again

Tomorrow is one year anniversary of being Floxied,, been doing good 65+ hr weeks very active still have elevated BP and tinnitus all the time other than that fine . Now about today, I tore off half my finger nail and gouged a hole in my hand working round my house, went to work for 9 hours then to urgent care to have it looked at, she cleaned it and wanted me to take a Rocephin shot I declined it told her my hole story with Rocephin and Levo both prescribed last year when I was Floxied, not them again so she gave me amoxicillin/potassium clav 125mg for ten days, I scared to death of visiting that dark place this took me just a year ago! I got a tetanus shot it was metal that hurt me, let me know some of y’all’s experience with this drug after Floxied please I don’t need this infected I know How bout my tinnitus will this drug intensifie it , help options ? Real life experience?
submitted by Plowboy1428 to floxies [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 02:52 Negative-Base-6466 Took my regimen incorrectly

From the U.K. here, h pylori was detected in my stool over a week ago and I was started on triple therapy. In the U.K. the regimen is a lot shorter in the States and I was prescribed:
  1. Lansoprazole 30mg once daily for 28 days
  2. Metronidazole 400mg three times daily for 7 days
  3. Clarithromycin 1000mg twice daily for 7 days
I do not know why but in my head I registered the clarithromycin regimen as 500mg (one tablet) twice daily for 14 days. (Yes I know stupid AF) I’ve only just realised now, and while I’m not asking for medical advice as I will be speaking to my doctor, I am wondering what the implications of this would be.
submitted by Negative-Base-6466 to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 05:57 suck_ceed Doubtfulness regarding sinus medicine

Doubtfulness regarding sinus medicine
Backstory: i had sinus and extremely dry eye from as far as i remember. So if i ever had headache its always either of the two.
So, about some months ago 2023 august, i had continuous headache for a week. so i went to check my eyes and they prescribed me glasses with 0.25 power. i wore it for 6 months before rechecking and they took me off glasses but through the whole time my headache bhane didnt get better much.
And for that i thought maybe something is acc wrong in my head and i went to get head checked in a good hospital ( wont mention name ig).

They asked me if i had anxiety ( i do have but akdammm kaile kai anxious hunxu natra im chill)
They also inquired if i got stress ( halka fulka ta jaslai nih hunxa but ma teti stress lini manxey haina, only little stress i have is k gani bhanera attinxu, just that)
So, its kinda clear that my headache isnt cause i take tooo much stress, or have crippling anxiety, nor depression, cause i dont have them.

Ani CT garna layo, ani report aayo,
- A cystic lesion of 23x18 mm in right maxially sinus.
- mucus renention cyst/ polyp in right maxially sinus.
Naproxen sodium tablet USP-500mg (this makes sense)
Diazepam IP ( this is used to treat anxiety, muscle spans and seizures )
Propranolol tablets - 10mg ( beta-blocker mediciation for high BP)
btw my bp was 90/70 at the time of checking.

So sinus ko medicine nai chaina, its just pressure ghatauni, anxiety ko medicine.
I aint a med student, but this just doesnt feel right to me. Any one in tyo profession can provide insight to this?

Im thinking of going to gov hospital with these report for maybe getting better medicines ( ive seen how private hospital ma doc are sponsored by medicine so aile ta bhar nai layena )

submitted by suck_ceed to Nepal [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 03:34 SDTastic ENT--Worried about hearing damage from ear infection

39M, 5'10", 130lb, cystic fibrosis, currently taking trikafta for CF, no inhaled steroids at this time. Edit: non-smoker---should be obvious with CF, but I know there are some out there.
I'm currently fighting an ear infection and am having anxiety about permanent hearing damage.
It started as a mild ear infection. I couldn't get into the Dr right away, but I started some amoxicillin (500mg q8hr) that I had on hand. A couple of days with no change and my appointment comes around where they bump me to augmentin (875mg q12hr) and a medrol pack (4mg tablet, 6 day taper from 24mg). Maybe a tiny bit better from the steroid, but otherwise no real improvement and a few days later a viral DNA swab tests positive for mycoplasma pneumoniae. A five day z pack did nothing, so I assume at this point that it is macrolide resistant. I was prescribed levaquin (750mg daily) but unfortunately I was out of town and the local (very small-town) pharmacy was out. Also prescribed doxycycline as I have a history of pseudomonas, so this is precautionary at the moment. I started some Cipro that I had on hand (500mg q12hr). 5 doses in I think I'm noticing a difference, my ears are now popping a lot rather than just being completely plugged and extremely hard to pop i.e. painful with elevation changes. I just picked up and started the levaquin as I just got back into town.
I never had a whole lot of pain, just some pressure/mild discomfort and sensitivity to volume, but right away my ears started ringing and sounding somewhat muffled like I'm underwater. Maybe slightly low on volume as well. Other than possibly a bit of improvement on the medrol, that has held true and is still the case at this time.
I'm a day short of two weeks of ringing. The doctor seems to think I wait and give it time to see if the antibiotic continues to help. I'm going back in tomorrow---should we be looking at a higher, longer dose of Prednisone? Is waiting increasing the chances of permanent damage? How worried should I be that the tinnitus is going to be permanent? I've had a tiny bit for years, but nothing like this. My doctor is great, but he's a CF doc, and while I'm sure he's dealt with his fair share of associated ear infections, I don't know what his experience is with the hearing aspect. I want to trust him, but my anxiety has me paranoid. 😬
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