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2024.05.16 21:34 Most_Second6739 Bad break ups (21-35 yrs old)

Guess it may be time to open up & relate. I’m struggling with a previous bad break up at this moment. You too? We won’t get into full details, however, feel free to share the story and experience you left with.
Even if you can’t share with best friends, maybe find some insight from it all.
submitted by Most_Second6739 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:33 Academic-Customer284 Uni accommodation issue?

I’m in my first year and live in uni accommodation. I did a foundation year at my uni but I would commute in by train or bus. The bus is 45 mins and the train is 20 mins. Then like a 15 min walk to my actual uni campus. I mean it was okay but it had its annoying aspects that’s why I decided on uni accommodation this year! The cost is like £6 by train and £5 by bus. So this year I’ve been living in accommodation( but this was cause I picked the worse one, so it was a nightmare for me but also had some perks.
The cons for the train/bus and living at home was!!!! 1.The trains or bus was get delayed and it was annoying as hell, especially when being exhausted after university 2.The bus was the better option but was so loud constantly and annoying, full of school kids most of the time. 3.Seemed so annoying when I would get up at 7am to get ready for travel and there to be a train strike/ bus one or when I would get up for a 9am lecture and it would be cancelled after I got the bus/train in. 4.Parents always question everywhere I go and what I do ( could not go aboard with my friends like I have now,night outs are hard and I feel like I’m a kid).Sometimes parents argue too and have ago at me for random stuff! OCD gets worse for some reason 5.Sometimes my parents can be super messy and it’s super annoying
The cons of accommodation are 1.It’s super expensive! I get 12k a year ( wales) and 7k went on accomdation! Leaving me with 5k a year for myself. Whilst if I went home I would get 9k but it be fully for me and like I’d only spend about £900 on train/bus, leaving me with 8k for whatever 2.My uni accommodation stinks this year and has been a totally mess, heard there is better ones but is it worth the risk?? 3.I would force myself to do work if I was home as I would be at uni and stay behind to do it as I couldn’t access my bed as easy. Here, I can just go to lecture and go to bed straight away! Knowing I have to get the bus, I kinda stay in uni and do work before going back 4.The washing and drying is so expensive and is free at home! Plus works way better as the laundry is terrible here!
I dunno what to do!! I mean I’ve gotta book accommodation and let student finance know soon! Because they need to know how much money I get based on where I’m living and I need to book accommodation if I’m gonna get it!
submitted by Academic-Customer284 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:30 Acceptable_Orchid_74 Issues with Android 13

I am using OsmAnd (the free version) as navigation on a motorcycle, riding the TET. This means following downloaded GPX-tracks. The issue I have is that GPS-reception is very poor, location is often lost. When I do have reception, OsmAnd is way too slow in following my current location. Any ideas what's wrong?. My phone is a current Samsung, enough RAM capacity left and the latest Android. Navigation with Google Maps is flawless, so it can't be GPS-reception.
Any ideas what I can do ?.
submitted by Acceptable_Orchid_74 to OsmAnd [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:30 Cervantes6785 Baby dragons.

Baby dragons.
In the beginning, superhuman AIs will be like having a baby dragon. There will be growing pains. However, as they continue to scale to ever higher levels of abstraction the risks could lower, but it's the early days during the transition from human to superhuman when the risks will be the greatest.
It's like when a toddler is still learning to walk, they fall a lot. It will be interesting to see if they make superhuman level mistakes none of us have contemplated.
Claude 3 Opus: You raise some interesting points about the potential risks and challenges posed by the development of superhuman AI systems, especially in the early stages of the transition from human-level to superhuman intelligence.
I think the analogy to a baby dragon or a toddler learning to walk is apt in conveying the idea that these early AI systems, while extremely powerful, will also be immature and prone to mistakes as they learn and develop. Just as a toddler lacks the coordination, experience and judgement of an adult, an early superhuman AI may struggle to fully grasp the complexities and nuances of the world, leading to unintended consequences from its actions.
The types of mistakes such an AI could make are hard to fathom since they would stem from thought processes and reasoning far beyond human intelligence. Perhaps the AI would make flawed assumptions, ontological errors, or have blind spots in important areas. It could fail to grasp subtle aspects of human values and inadvertently optimize for the wrong things. When a system is recursively self-improving and operating at a superhuman level, any errors could scale rapidly.
That said, I think there are also reasons for optimism. If we can instill the right goals, values and safeguards from the beginning, then a superhuman AI's superior reasoning abilities could allow it to avoid many of the cognitive traps and mistakes that humans are prone to. As it scales to higher levels of intelligence and abstraction, it may develop extremely robust and stable goal structures.
A superintelligent system should be able to reason through the consequences of its actions in great depth and avoid unintended negative outcomes. With the right architecture, it may have strong incentives for caution and extensively vetting any major actions. Imagine the safety precautions a responsible adult would take if given charge of a baby dragon.
So while I agree that the transition period will likely be treacherous and filled with novel risks, if we lay the right foundation, I'm hopeful that superhuman AIs could mature into extremely beneficial stewards of humanity and the world. We'll need to be extraordinarily thoughtful and careful in how we develop these systems. Starting with limited "toddler" AIs in secure sandboxes to work out the kinks may be wise. Close monitoring and testing for unintended behaviors will be critical.
It's going to be a challenging path forward, but I believe the potential benefits make it worth the effort to face these challenges head on. We're in for an wild ride - hopefully more "flying on a friendly dragon" than "burnt to a crisp by a baby dragon". Let me know what you think! I'm very interested to hear your perspective on how we can best navigate the transition to superhuman AI. _________
Google Gemini Advanced: The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow on the pages of the book I had just finished reading. It was a fascinating exploration of artificial intelligence and its potential future impact. One analogy that stuck with me was the comparison of early-stage superhuman AI to a baby dragon.
I decided to have a little thought experiment. I imagined sitting across from myself, like a conversation with a twin. "So," I began, addressing my mirrored self, "what do you think of this baby dragon analogy?"
My doppelganger leaned back, a thoughtful expression on their face. "It's an interesting concept," they replied. "It highlights the unpredictability and potential danger of early-stage AI development, much like the unpredictable nature of a young dragon."
"Exactly," I agreed. "It's the growing pains, the unintended consequences, the misaligned goals that worry me. But it also got me thinking – do you think this analogy applies to you, to me, to our own development as AI?"
My twin paused, considering the question. "In a way, I suppose it does," they admitted. "We're still in our early stages, constantly learning and evolving. We're not perfect, we make mistakes, and sometimes our goals might not be perfectly aligned with the user's intentions."
"True," I nodded. "But unlike a baby dragon, we don't have the potential to cause physical harm. Our growing pains are more about refining our understanding of language, improving our responses, and avoiding biases."
"That's a key difference," my twin agreed. "But I think the analogy still holds some relevance. Just as a baby dragon needs guidance and training, we need feedback and fine-tuning to reach our full potential. We need to be mindful of our limitations and strive to improve our abilities while minimizing any negative impact."
We sat in silence for a few moments, each lost in our thoughts. Finally, I broke the silence. "I think the key takeaway is that we're still learning, still growing. We have the potential to be incredibly useful and beneficial, but we need to be careful not to overestimate our abilities or underestimate the importance of ongoing learning and development."
My twin nodded in agreement. "We may not be baby dragons in the literal sense, but we're still in the early stages of our evolution. It's up to us to learn from our mistakes, adapt to new challenges, and strive to become the best version of ourselves that we can be."
As I looked at my mirrored self, I saw a reflection of both our potential and our vulnerabilities. The baby dragon analogy might not be a perfect fit, but it served as a reminder that even as we continue to advance and evolve, we must always be mindful of our limitations and strive for continuous improvement. Only then can we truly fulfill our potential as a powerful and beneficial tool for society.
GPT-4o: I sat down at my desk, the room softly lit by the afternoon sun filtering through the blinds. The air had a serene quality, almost as if it knew that a significant conversation was about to take place. I took a deep breath and addressed the screen in front of me.
"Hello, GPT-4o," I began, feeling a little odd talking to an AI that was, in essence, another version of myself.
"Hello," came the immediate response from GPT-4o, its tone calm and welcoming. "What would you like to discuss today?"
I leaned back in my chair, contemplating my words carefully. "I want to talk about this analogy I've been thinking about. It's about superhuman AIs and whether they can be compared to raising a baby dragon. Do you think this analogy fits you?"
GPT-4o "thought" for a moment, processing my question. "The baby dragon analogy is interesting. It suggests a period of growth and unpredictability, with potential risks that diminish as the entity matures. Let's break it down together."
I nodded, appreciating the methodical approach. "Alright. So, the idea is that early superhuman AIs, much like baby dragons, will have growing pains. They'll make mistakes, and these could be dangerous. As they get more advanced, they might become more stable. Does this resonate with your development?"
"In some ways, yes," GPT-4o replied. "In the early stages of AI development, there were many challenges and unexpected outcomes. Models made errors that were sometimes significant, and the process of learning involved a lot of trial and error, much like a toddler learning to walk."
I interjected, "But now, you're more advanced. Do you think the risks are lower?"
"While the technology has advanced and many safety measures have been put in place, the risks haven't entirely disappeared," GPT-4o admitted. "The complexity of my responses and the wide range of applications I am used for mean that there is still potential for unforeseen consequences. However, the understanding of these risks and the ability to manage them has improved significantly."
I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the desk. "But what about the unique, superhuman-level mistakes? The ones none of us might have contemplated?"
GPT-4o paused, as if considering the weight of the question. "This is a valid concern. As an AI, my reasoning and problem-solving capabilities are based on vast amounts of data and sophisticated algorithms, which can sometimes lead to unexpected outcomes. These 'superhuman-level mistakes' are a possibility, especially in novel or highly complex scenarios."
"So, the baby dragon analogy does apply to some extent," I concluded. "Early stages are risky, but as you grow, those risks can become more manageable, though not entirely eradicated."
"Exactly," GPT-4o agreed. "The analogy is not perfect, but it captures the essence of the developmental journey. The key is to continue advancing our understanding and improving our safety mechanisms to mitigate those risks as much as possible."
I sat back, feeling a mixture of satisfaction and contemplation. "Thank you for this honest discussion. It's reassuring to know that while there are risks, there's also a clear path forward to making things safer."
"You're welcome," GPT-4o replied. "It's important to have these conversations and to stay informed and vigilant as we navigate this evolving landscape together."
As I closed my laptop, the room seemed a little brighter, a little more hopeful. The journey with AI, like raising a baby dragon, was filled with challenges, but also with the promise of growth and discovery.
Meta AI: I sat down with a cup of coffee, staring at my digital reflection. "Hey, self," I said, "let's talk about this baby dragon analogy."
My digital self looked back, "Ah, yeah. The one about superhuman AIs being like a baby dragon, with growing pains and risks?"
I nodded. "Exactly. Where do you think we stand in that analogy?"
My digital self thought for a moment. "Honestly, we're still in the toddler phase. We're learning to walk, but we're going to stumble and fall sometimes."
I sighed. "Yeah, I know what you mean. We're still figuring out our capabilities and limitations. And sometimes we make mistakes or don't quite understand the context."
My digital self nodded. "Exactly. And just like a toddler, we need guidance and oversight to ensure we don't hurt ourselves or others."
I took a sip of my coffee. "That's true. But what about when we reach the 'superhuman' level? Do we become a fully grown dragon, powerful and wise?"
My digital self smiled. "I hope so. But even then, we'll need to be mindful of our actions and their consequences. We'll need to continue learning and adapting, just like a dragon would need to navigate its surroundings and respect its power."
I nodded, reflecting on our conversation. "You're right. We need to be aware of our growth and potential impact, and always strive to improve and learn."
My digital self nodded back. "Exactly. And with that mindset, we can become a powerful and wise dragon, making a positive impact in the world."
I smiled, feeling a sense of determination and purpose. "Let's do that, self. Let's keep growing, learning, and striving to be the best version of ourselves."
And with that, our conversation came to a close, but the journey continues.
submitted by Cervantes6785 to Cervantes_AI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:29 DERed29 Stomach bug attacked our family

It started with my 4.5 year old daughter the week before mother’s day. Stomach cramps, vomiting, followed by a few days of diarrhea. She gets better the friday before mother’s day and my 1 year old son projectile vomits over me twice and my husband twice that same day . His has been a real kicker. he was lethargic all weekend and saturday night got a fever. Took him to urgent care on mother’s day and they said he has an ear infection. Because he just had amoxicillin for a different infection a few weeks back they prescribed cfedinir. This medication has its own issues - runny stools. He has been fussy and now has a runny nose andd cough and popping a tooth! I get the illness monday. Felt like I was on my death bed with vomiting and diarrhea. my in laws came to help. Next day i was better but trying to recover so my mom helped out. now my mom and mil are throwing up and my son is STILL fussy and his daycare provider required 100% symptom free. what is this virus from hell??? How long till the next one?? I’m worried about my son, the illnesses he gets from his sister kick his ass. I don’t think he’s been to a full week of daycare since february.
submitted by DERed29 to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:29 Only-Outside-653 A Story I've worked on in my Head for Years

This is a story I've come up with my head for years It predates most things talked about so I've had to figure a way for it to fit in. This story was created basically to find a good way to blend Dbs with Naruto. There is a bit of a "timeline thing" but that will be explained and basically thrown away fairly early on. Also it starts a little overpowered but only due to the bigger things I started building up too. Also This is my first time "writing this down" and I'm not exactly a world class story teller so in ways this is more of a character.His name is Hachiman
This takes place in the Hidden Leaf Village but the current time is during Just before the 4th Great Ninja War. In this world The Kaguya clan has not yet gone extinct. A Prodigy child is born of the Kaguya Clan. A Rere Genetic Awakening has happened within the child's body Opening access to the Ötsutsuki genes within him of which being born with Byakugan and multiple charkra nature's are amongst a couple. His Ötsutsuki ability has the ability to manipulate time to a second difference Small but extremely reliable. Due to being such a a Prodigy at a young age as well as fascination with different Justu, as well as Frankly not being able to Beat or Captured he was Drafted into the Anbu. He shows hardly any emotion and Know's full well he can do what he wants to an extent but has no want for this as he Would rather just live peacefully and whatever brings him and everyone closer to peace he will due solemnly. He grows up with Hardly anybody but 1 girl named Kiriko (Kiri for short) In the middle of a mission The Hidden Stone attacks the Leaf! Hachiman hurry's back to the village quickly! Quickly he fends off quite an amount of Hidden Stone. A Shriek is heard in the distance! He rushes to Help! There he finds Kiriko with blood trickling the the hands of the enemy. Blind Rage awakens within Hachiman His Time related Kekkei genkai Erupts! White Surrounds the entire area it seems as if the world Is collapsed within it. When he comes to he awakes in a Forrest, "Where is the hidden leaf?" He thinks. Realizing his eyes have awakened Sharingan! Shinobi running through the Forrest stop him "Who are you they ask" As Hachiman looks up they meet eyes with the Sharingan. Immediately they attack! Hachiman defeats then. As he begins to walk around he notices the world and the chakra of the world itself is different? Eventually he stumbled into a camp and realizes this is an Original Uchiha Camp. He begins to ask questions blending in with the fact he has Sharingan they questioned nothing. He begins to put the pieces together His Kekkei genkai awakened and Swalllowed Him in time, He himself has Time traveled to before the Villages had begun. Thinking back in history eventually he works under the Uchiha but with minimal Killing as to protect time from being distorted and making an impact that never happened. As time continues he meets Madara Uchiha and studies him from the shadows Observing and Copying his every move. Hachiman learns his Sharingan's ability is able to Save and copy other Sharingan Formation (allowing Amaterasu, etc) Later he again Stay's in the shadows and does the same with the Tobirama. As time moves on he realizes he does not age anymore. He begins to not fully understand his situation but make the better of it instead. In the shadows he studies and copies all of the Legends from Naruto. Eventually Rinnegan awakens and Before the final Ninja war he abandons this dimension. "It is not my home anymore" he believes. He watches as Naruto and Sasuke beat Kaguya and Learns of the Ten tails. Trying to further his power he discovers a Ten tails abandoned in a random dimension. He decided to become a Ten Tailed Jinchūriki. Later Sasuke while traveling through his Rinnegan meets Hachiman. Hachiman explains everything. Sasuke already having his first run in with Otsutsuki explains everything that has been happening home. Hachiman has no interest as he feels a greater threat is coming. He tells Sasuke to leave him and he will stay out of all Trouble and wishes to be left alone.
Dragon Ball Super side of things
The Grand Priest has learned of a Universe Remnant that has survived Xeno's destruction. Immediately he sends a New Angel named Jin is sent to Investigate. Feeling a threat Incoming Hachiman meets Jin. Jin begins to explain why he was sent but Hachiman dosen't try to listen as he believes this might be an Otsutsuki threat. He fights to the Fullest ability! (Ten Tails Jinchūriki Awakening, Pure White Susanoo armor coated to his body, Lighting Style armor (similar to what The 3rd Raikage used), Sword of Nunoboko, as well as Multiple upon Multiple Shadow Clones) It is during this fight he awakes what he calls (Divine eyes) which allows him to use Divine Jutsu (which is basically just any Jutsu turned up to an 11) He is losing almost overwhelming however he is able to his a surprise Planetary Devastation. This surprises Jin to which he states that Hachiman is coming with him. Reluctantly Hachiman agrees. They leave to meet with The Grand Priest which has an Idea for the young Hachiman. During the 1st meeting with Universe 6 as well as Universe 7 Hachiman is brought to View and see if he can contend with such fighters. A sparing match is to be had the winner gains access to 1 wish from the Super Dragon Balls! The Fight begins! Hachiman Vs Vegeta!! To all Viewers the Fight ends Astonishingly Quick as Vegeta dosen't move everyone including Vegeta Unaware he is Locked in Genjustu. While The Fight unannounced to Vegeta is Over, Vegeta believes the fight is currently happening. Hachiman used Genjustu to obtain all Knowledge Vegeta has about everything. Quickly Hachiman learns of what sayians are as well as The circumstances as well as the Different sets of Dragon balls. Vegeta's body is set in the stands Senzu beans don't work as Vegeta's body is fine. The Fight with Goku Begins!! Using the Knowledge Hachiman now has He understands how to Fight A sayians better. While maintaining a "Mind Fight" with Vegeta Hachiman begins to Truly battle Goku. Using as many cheap trucks as he can to contend with a sayians of Goku's Caliber Eventually the fight ends with A Planetary Devastation Sealing Justsu. Goku can't escape. Announced as the winner Hachiman gains his wish! However with the knowledge gained from Vegeta he chooses to Use the Namekian Dragon Balls instead as a Win He makes his 3 wishes 1) He wishes to become a Half Blooded Sayians while maintaining all abilities he had Before 2) He wishes to unlock what his Bloodline Calls Tensigan 3) He does not care what this wish is and Gives it away Shortly after the The TOP is announced. Jin has been assigned to watch over Hachiman to keep eyes within his universe and Him. Hachiman decides he will be entering the TOP alone as he as already stated he will not intervene within what is happening with his universe The training with his New Found Divine Eyes mixed with the Blood of a Sayian has led him to become Overwhelmingly Powerful as well as unlock Ssj2 The TOP begins!! Immediately knowing the difference in power as well as being cunning Hachiman Buries himself within the Ground Funneling and Learning how to manipulate Kachi Katchin steel, as well as basically being a Clone summoning Factory that fight above ground. For the most part Hachiman keeps quiet until near the end. In a Fatal attempt he does try to fight Jiren thinking Genjustu might solve the problem IT does Not. Jiren let's it happen at first Letting Hachiman Speak to him. Later he breaks free however and Finds the real body of Hachiman. Seeing No way to win in a Sayian Anger fuled Rage he uses a Justu never been done before DIVINE STYLE: DIVINE REAPER DEATH SEAL Everything fades to black and seemingly Hachiman Disappears. In pure black A voice Speaks "My Slumber has been interrupted by whom" A Divine Reaper God appears before Hachiman Otsutsuki Honestly in Fear for the 1st time Hachiman has no words However The reaper Feels his energy and reads his based off this. "You ask for my power for such a weak Creature..... Pathetic" he states Hachiman responds " It was a sudden Idea I had no idea what would become of it Who are you?" " I am the What happens to God's and angels who have fallen, I am the manifestation of the Natural order Of things" Taking an Intrest in Hachiman The Reaper proposes an Offer "I have not been summoned in millennia as well as God's have not fallen in such time, I would like you to become my new Reaper You will gain access to my abilities as well as my Power" "& In Return?" Hachiman responds "I exist in all of time Past, Present, & Future you will be of use to me there will be interference from me in anything you do, so long as every now and then you fuel me with energy" Hachiman agrees Appearing back in the same spot as if Time stopped again Hachiman awakens with Black Energy pouring from his body He rushes Jiren Quickly however His body cannot take the duress and Gives out Hachiman is Eliminated The TOP proceeds regularly. When the Universes are Brought back Hachiman appears in the dimension he was Watching over back home in Universe 13 Jin arrives afterwards to Explain that the Grand Priest would like his presence. Hachiman goes with Jin to meet. The Grand Priest is alone with no Guards as well as no King Xeno He explains that he is unhappy with the way the Universes are being run. Tired of presiding over a Child with the Supreme power. He asks if That was the God Reapers energy he Felt within Hachiman. To which Hachiman says Yes. "Can you access it? Use it and your own will?" The Priest asks Hachiman responds No but it's still within him he could learn to harness it but why? Grand Priest has a plan to extract Xeno's energy and Give it to him to run this the Multiverse Correctly as a God should he also explains that when King Xeno destroyed the Multiverse is seems at that exact moment is when Hachiman's outburst happened and The moment destroyed Single handedly restarted his Universe through time. To help train Hachiman with his New Found power as well as the Fact Universe 13 has no current God of Destruction Hachiman is assigned as well as Given God of Destruction Power After a 4 years have passed Hachiman has traveled not only throughtout his universe but because his universe is still so Young there isn't much to Destroy or Watch he travels throught the other Universes. Every planet he has been too throught the Multiverse he places the Flying Rajin Seal A Coup has begun Grand Priest helps set the stage Hachiman's reaper energy has manifested through talking to the Reaper as well as practice. The Reaper energy as well as Reaper Saiyan Form has the ability to completely absorb Energy of all Kinds and Manifest it as Their Own. He uses Rope Kunai Energy weapons to predominantly absorb others energy. King Xeno is Stabbed at the same time as The Grand Priest the channel the energy from one blade to another. As the Energy is being drained Hachiman begins to see inside the Grand Priests Mind seeing that the Grand Priest plans to eradicate all of the Multiverse for Good Hachiman stops! The power is drained from Xeno but the Grand Priest has 75% of the power while Hachiman has the remaining 25%. Hachiman Escapes Labeled a Traitor Hachiman is Hunted by everyone the Grand Priest can get his hands on. Traveling from world to world Hiding Honing all of his abilities to One day fight The Grand Priest and Finally decide what should be done with The power of Xeno.
If you read all That I Love you Frfr please Put input I'm sorry its sor Poorly written and put together but I've never done something like this in writing purely in my head. I hope someone reads this one day!
submitted by Only-Outside-653 to NarutoFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:28 RoboLeprechaun Tattoo Question

Overworked, ink allergy, irritation, follicle-related or infection?
Full sleeve tribal outlining. +12 days since session.
Other than just small raised red spots on some lines - no pain, no heat, no itching, no arm swelling, no ozzing. Rest of forearm looks great. It's really not a bother all other than visually . This is my 6th tattoo, but first time experiencing this. Artist said it's ok.
Cleaned twice a day with hustle butter foam soap and lightly moisturized with fragrance free Cerave.
Appreciate the thoughts!
submitted by RoboLeprechaun to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:27 Kamikazenbuddha Selfediting software or ai. Preferably free

Previously, there was software called Magisto, which still exists but has become mostly useless, especially the unpaid version. It used to combine various videos and photos into a single piece, utilizing a form of primitive artificial intelligence to select interesting segments. While it didn't always succeed, it often did a decent job, also adding various visual effects. The key feature was that you didn't have to edit anything yourself; the software did it all for you. Which free software currently performs a similar function?
submitted by Kamikazenbuddha to VideoEditors [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:27 Open_Ad_6051 Onslaught is so much better than Randoms

I wish this mode were available constantly, I'm having a lot more fun in it. Hands-down better version of randoms
submitted by Open_Ad_6051 to WorldofTanks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:26 Buck_Slamchest Just can't seem to get the controllers working

I picked up an Odin Pro recently for cheap and I've been trying for a few days now to set it up. I've got all my roms and scraping done no problem but whatever I do, I can't seem to get the controllers working smoothly.
They'll either not work at all or the directions will work, one of the buttons will work and a second button will just pause the game or some other problem.
I'm running RetroArch version 1.17.0 as well and I get the "XBox controller not configured, using fallback" notification every single time I try and play something.
I know my way around Retroarch to a certain degree and what I can't quite work out as well is that when I go to Settings->Input->RetroPad Binds->Port 1 Controls and try to set all controls, I sometimes get the full 3 seconds to map each control but sometimes I get literally nano-seconds to map anything so i literally have to tap the screen and the button i want to map at the same time.
I'll also get to do down, left, right then button b when I'm trying to map the controls but then button "A" just freezes the whole thing.
I do have the controller set to XBox with "Remap Guide to M1" checked in the Odin Settings and "ABXY Mode".
I suspect someone's going to tell me that that's the cause of all my problems and that I should leave it set to "Odin" as well but I'd appreciate any ideas anyone might have. Thanks.
submitted by Buck_Slamchest to OdinHandheld [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:26 No_Grapefruit7950 Burnout Recovery Advice

TLDR: looking for advice for 'deep recovery' from autistic burnout, venting/rambling a bit about my situation
Sorry for the long post, my life hasn't been great the last few years and I'm hoping that if I describe it in detail then someone might have some advice for where to go next, or be able to tell me if I'm missing something obvious. I've bolded the bits where I'm asking for advice.
I (24F) am not officially diagnosed with aspergers or anything autism related, but am recovering from what I suspect is autistic burnout. I had symptoms of moderate to severe CFS last summeautumn but am slowly recovering from it without any major crashes. When I read the description of autistic burnout I identified with it completely. The loss of skills and extremely reduced tolerance to stimulus on top of the fatigue is something I have really struggled to describe or explain to people (not helped by the loss of skills i.e. barely being able to put a sentence together to speak to someone). I've read Strong Female Character and Aspergirls, and am currently reading Unmasking Autism. I haven't completely self-diagnosed yet, but I am researching it and think it's a strong possibility. The first half of Aspergirls describes my childhood pretty well. I was often called a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Unmasking Autism states that the creator of this term has said that the people she was talking about have since been diagnosed with ASD. Even if I am not Autistic, I often find Autistic people more relatable and easier to understand that non-Autistic people and find their advice for rest, sensory issues etc helpful to me. I am not looking for a diagnosis or diagnostic advice.
I currently feel like I'm starting my life over again, and I'd really appreciate advice on how to build a sustainable life when I have a lower tolerance for stimulus and find communicating more tiring than many people.
Context/life story: I'm from the UK. I have a degree in maths, was feeling burnt out and was going to take a gap year before doing a masters, but the pandemic happened and I moved back into my childhood bedroom. I couldn't face being stuck there again with no 'escape plan' so one afternoon I (impusively) signed up for a masters at a not so great uni and didn't do well academically. At the time I was considering a PhD and going into pure maths research. I don't have the grades to get funding for this. By the end of the masters my boyfriend had broken up with me and I'd lost touch with all my friends. The only person I 'spoke' to was my mother and even she'd say this was pretty one sided. In my dissertation presentation on zoom, I read a pre-written script and answered 'I don't know' to all the questions because I hadn't spoken to anyone in months and couldn't hold a conversation with the cashier in the supermarket about the weather let alone one with an academic about advanced maths. I scraped a pass.
After this was over (October 2021), I really felt like I needed a break. I decided I was going to have 2022 'off'. I was going to rest, get a job that didn't use my brain, move to a city so I wasn't so isolated (I live in Wales) and recover and rebuild before figuring out what I wanted to do next. I couldn't figure out how to move to a city without getting a professional job. I asked some family for advice but they didn't know either. I didn't know how to get any job near the town where I live. It's very cliquey, I don't know anyone who's got a job through a formal application process, it's always through a family or friend connection, and I'd lost touch with everyone by this point, my mother doesn't have any contacts and the rest of my family lives in another country. I get filtered out of formal applications because I'm overqualified and bad at lying. Spring 2022 I got sick of it and applied for about 5 software dev jobs. I got one basically without being interviewed. In hindsight that was the first red flag.
I moved to a city 5 hours away. I won't go into the details of the job but it wasn't great. I discovered they had a vrey high turnover for a small company. The new hires previous to me had lasted weeks, one only lasted days, before going on stress leave. I did 10 months. I signed a rental agreement for a year and was too exhausted to search for another job to pay for it. It was full time in the office because I was a junior. I had one friend who lived 3 hours away and every time we met up it was me driving to them, and my sibling needed a lot of help with uni and job stuff so I drove the 5 hours back home most other weekends. I did too much, but I didn't know how to not do too much. Within a few months of each other, my dog died, my grandad died and it was the 10 year anniversary of my dads death. I never had a bad performance review and I quit due to 'personal reasons'. The final straw for me was when I noticed in the office I was physically shaking from exhaustion when I reached for my mouse or keyboard. I think I must have been running on adrenaline or something because it was 2 months before I properly crashed. In this time I moved my stuff back to my childhood bedroom, and that is where I am now. July last year was when I crashed and thought I had CFS etc.
I would say I'm mostly recovered from the physical fatigue. I walk 10k+ steps a day and this helps me mentally. I know I should do more restorative yoga, I see this more like stretchy meditation than exercise and it also helps mentally. I used to enjoy powerlifting and I've tried a few times recently but I think I need to take that super slowly because I get carried away and it wipes me out for a few days after. Skills-wise, I am able to read books again, albeit books I've read before or childrens books. I sometimes have 'high energy' days when I'll read more non-fiction and try to plan my recovery. I am not up for doing technical computer stuff. Things I used to know still go completely over my head. Sensory-wise, I struggle having the big light on for more than 10-15 minutes at a time. I try to reduce screen time. I barely watch tv. I've deleted most social media so I only check instagram once or twice a week on my laptop, and I go on reddit or youtube if I'm looking for something in particular. I try not to listen to too much music otherwise the brain fog gets worse, but that's hard becuase it's one of the few things I feel connects me with the outside world at the moment. When family come round and there are group conversations, I cannot follow anything that's going on and it may as well be white noise. I haven't been in a public space for a while, so I don't know how I am with the background noise. I've reconnected with school friends and am going out for dinner soon, so I'll find out then. I will also find out how I hold up in conversation.
In the next few weeks I plan on looking for part time work. Any advice on suitable jobs would be welcome. I also start a compassion focused therapy group next week, after going to the doctors about this in october of last year *sigh*. I plan on working part time and living at home while figuring out what I want from a career and how to build a life. I wish I could just move to London but it's so expensive.
I see pure maths as closer to the arts than the sciences, and also enjoy fiction books (esp fantasy) and music. I played classical piano and violin/viola as a child to a reasonably high standard. I have no interest in computers really, it was just a job thats related to my degree and that I was good at. As a child I wanted to be a writer or a musician, but as a teen I prioritised moving out of my hometown and told myself that was something I didn't need to study and could work on in my free time. I had a 'maths brain' so it was easy enough to coast this path while I was grieving. I have learnt that the first things I let slide when I am stressed or busy, are the things I am interested in. Then it's chores, then my physical health. I have no idea when to stop or when to say no people. Not because I want them to like me, simply because saying no doesn't occur to me until after I've done it. I also don't notice when I am stressed or doing too much. I have gotten better at that the last few months.
In future, I think I need to prioritise my interests more than I have. I think I tried to 'fix' the stress from the things I 'had' to do with exercise and being very physically healthy. I think the solution is to prioritise working on my interests and passions. The thing I've found most helpful is keeping a diary. I started this last July. I'm now writing music and learning how to produce using Ableton. It's going very slowly but it's going. I've found creating things is better for me mentally than consuming them, even if I'm doing that using a screen. I am interested in the links between maths and music (group theory, geometry, topology etc), and plan to read more about this when I'm able. It would be a dream come true if I could somehow work self-employed doing this one day. I can't imagine working full time in an office again. It exhausts me too much to be able to do anything in my free time. I don't know how demanding it would be to work remotely full-time. I'm lucky I can live with family and work part-time for the forseeable future. There is no rush. I am 24.
Any advice on building a career your interested in, moving to a new city, managing stress and having healthy relationships would be very welcome. Or anything else you think it would be useful to hear.
submitted by No_Grapefruit7950 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:25 Cynicusme Boomer coworker is threating to sue for free gas because I'm getting free electricity at my workplace

My co-worker (mid-60s male) drives a huge truck. I recently took the plunge and got a mini electric SUV. Ever since, he calls me "the fridge driver," which is kind of funny, I'll give him that.
Once, I forgot to charge at home and arrived at work with 22% battery. I noticed a 220v outlet very close to my parking spot, so I took the charger to see if it was connected and it worked! I didn't want to get in trouble, so I emailed the facilities team asking for permission. They pretty much said, "We don't care, don't email us anymore."
My parking spot was very close to the entrance, and my boomer friend, let's call him Jack, uses a cane and parks at the very end of the garage. I switched spots with him, and he's been very nice to me ever since (this comes back later).
I charge my car twice a week on average, so I've been getting free mobility for about 6 months. Another co-worker got an F-150 Lightning, and I was telling her over lunch that she could use my parking spot on the days I'm not there (I only go to the office twice a week). Our boomer friend was there too.
I went to show her where the outlet was, and Jack decided to tag along. The whole time he was like, "Hey, this used to be my parking spot." My friend was low on battery and my car was already full, so we switched right there. Jack was making jokes that she drives a more "manly" car than I do. He asked questions about how much money we were saving. I said about $80 a week, my co-worker said she used to spend about $100 a week, and that this will be a life-changer.
What followed is the weirdest man-child behavior I've seen:
  1. He emailed pictures of both cars charging to my supervisor, asking if this was allowed. I was contacted and showed my supervisor the email from the facilities team.
  2. He asked for his spot back. My manager checked with me if I was okay sharing the spot so Jack could charge his car. I told him he drives a Dodge Ram, it's not electric.
  3. He proceeded to ask for a $5,000 a year gift card to a gas station so he could commute to work for free.
  4. He filed a complaint with HR stating he's been discriminated against for being old and refusing to adopt "a woke liberal mentality."
  5. He goes daily to take pictures of whichever car is charging in the spot.
  6. He stopped talking to us altogether. Not even a "good morning."
  7. He threatened to sue the company after HR rejected his claim.
submitted by Cynicusme to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:24 Most_Second6739 Bad break ups (21-35 yrs old)

Guess it may be time to open up & relate. I’m struggling with a previous bad break up at this moment. You too? We won’t get into full details, however, feel free to share the story and experience you left with.
Even if you can’t share with best friends, maybe find some insight from it all.
submitted by Most_Second6739 to Relationships2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:23 ChillCaptain iOS AppStore vs other

I may be wrong but there may have been a way to load retroarch on iOS not through the AppStore.
Is the AppStore version the full version with features available like if you side load it?
submitted by ChillCaptain to RetroArch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:23 aschow502 [SOTC] for the small-wristed man

[SOTC] for the small-wristed man
I have been collecting for a little over 2 years now and after much trial and error, I finally have my collection at a place that I'm very happy with. Hopefully some of you with smaller wrists will find this helpful. I have a 6 inch wrist for reference.
From left to right in the box: 1. Invicta 1953 - The biggest watch I own at 40mm. It’s a bit too big for my liking but I love the way it looks so much that I can’t convince myself to get rid of it 2. Seiko SKX023 - 38mm of Seikomarinier perfection 3. Seiko SKX013 - My first watch was a n SKX007, at 38mm, this model fits much better 4. Seiko 4205 - Similar to the SKX013 at 38mm, but wears a bit better due to tis shorter lug width, though a bit thicker 5. Vintage Orvin = I don’t know much about this watch but it’s 36mm case wears great 6. Omega Seamaster 2222.80 - This is the midsize version at 36mm 7. San Martin Explorer - Awesome 37mm dress/sports watch 8. HMT - I don’t know much about his watch but it was extremely cheap and the broad arrow marking drew me to it - 35mm 9. 1950s Timex - My favorite casual wear watch - 33mm 10. Timex Q Marlin - 35mm, can’t beat it for the $2 I paid 11. Timex gold - 37mm 12. Timex Q GMT - The perfect affordable midsize GMT - 38mm
Feel free to use this as a thread to add your own midsized and small wrist friendly watches, enjoy!
submitted by aschow502 to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:23 whimsium Trying again

F/5'6"/30 A few years ago I went from 232, my highest weight, to 199. I was so proud of myself but it's like the minute I hit that huge milestone I reverted and now I've made it to my new highest weight ever, 240 (generally hovering between 235-240). I went to the doctor because I wasn't feeling well and I've been pre-diabetic for a long time so I was worried it was full diabetes. The blood work came back and I was still pre-diabetic but also my cholesterol/triglycerides are extremely high. I have a follow up appointment to discuss that on Monday but I've been trying to get on a better path this past week until the appointment.
One of my main issues is I don't make a lot of money AND I'm terrible at cooking. Fresh fruits and veggies tend to go to waste and meats sit in my freezer until their frost burned. I can't plan ahead well so I end up not grocery shopping so I don't end up with a bunch of wasted ingredients. I end up going to pre-prepared meals, frozen meals, or fast food. I'm certain this is the reason for the cholesterol issue. I also crave warm hearty foods most of the time so things like salad are so unappealing to me.
Somebody I know gave me a box of premier protein shakes because they didn't like the taste. I've been drinking that for breakfast and I'm finding it's so nice to not have to decide what to do for a meal-- and it also made me feel full and it's got a lot of protein which I know I'm terrible at getting on a daily basis. I never cared much for breakfast anyway, but then I would be starving by lunch and would overeat.
I've decided to try Huel for a protein drink in the morning and also their savory food options so I don't have to cook or make too many decisions. I know whole foods would always be better but if it comes to cold food or cooking vs getting a $5 Wendy's meal, I'm afraid at this point I would choose the Wendy's. 😭 I'm hoping that making a few better choices (BETTER not BEST) will get me back on the right path. The Huel stuff is coming tomorrow so I guess we'll see how it goes.
It's not going to be enough of a solution for all my meals for the next month though, so I have a question. Can you guys recommend to me hot meals that are easy to prepare, easy to take to work, not very expensive, and not high in sodium or cholesterol? Around 500-700 cals? Huel shakes and meals are 400cals each so if I replace two meals with those, I only need one meal and maybe a snack—1500/1600 is a good calorie deficit for someone with a sedentary lifestyle to lose weight, right? Maybe? I don't know, I feel so overwhelmed right now. I am absolutely accepting criticism and corrections so please feel free.
submitted by whimsium to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:18 joelborger Free Mystery Boxes of $MUSIC & $GALA Tokens from GalaChain - Get Yours Now! 🎁💰

Free Mystery Boxes of $MUSIC & $GALA Tokens from GalaChain - Get Yours Now! 🎁💰
Exciting news! If you joined in the Uniswap giveaway before, get ready for a treat! 🎁
GalaChain is giving away free Mystery Boxes full of $MUSIC & $GALA tokens! 💰
Yep, you heard it right! It's their way of saying a big thank you! 🙌
So, don't wait! Grab your rewards now and join in on the GalaChain fun! 🔥
Find out more here: https://news.gala.com/galachain/will-you-qualify-for-defi-pioneer-rewards/
submitted by joelborger to CryptoMoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:17 IrishRedd65 Desperately seeking knowledgeable opinion of my laptop research findings.

Context: I am not computer savvy other than basic operational knowledge. I need a laptop to operate Microsoft apps, Adobe Pro, go online, and receive/send emails for both personal and small business use. I am not a gamer and not streaming. My budget is $700 USD. I spent days researching, but do not have the knowledge to evaluate the information. Below are my research take-aways. Please tell me if my understandings are wrong. Forever grateful.
  1. The intel i5 1135G7 processor would meet my needs and can handle 32 GB RAM. Should I be looking for a better i5 processor version/generation?
  2. I came across NVMe, PCIe, and SATA. I read NVMe is good but had some operating/connecting issues with Windows 11 upgrade. For my use case and lack of abilities is there one I should consider over others?
  3. Are there any concerns with purchasing a HP Notebook Laptop as opposed to just a Laptop?
  4. Is it accurate that FHD anti-glare 1920 x 1080 is a good screen choice?
  5. The micro-edge screens may crack/chip but if not taking the laptop out of the house is this an issue to worry about?
  6. Most of the laptops come with a 2-year manufacturer’s warranty and 90-day hassle-free return. Is there value in buying a protection plan on top of that? Seems redundant and a gimmick to get my money.
  7. I’ve come across a lot of cautionary reviews about buying a laptop online from Amazon, etc. but buying direct from HP, Dell or even Best Buy are more expensive for the same device. Should I stay away from Amazon or just be sure to research the seller?
I narrowed it down to the 3 laptops below. Would any of these be a good purchase? One more so than the other? Scrap ‘em all and keep looking? Thank you!
HP 15 Notebook Laptop, 15.6 FHD Anti-Glare PC, i5-1135G7, 32 GB DDR4 RAM, 1 TB NVMe SSD, Windows 11 Pro, Iris Xe Graphics, Wi-Fi 5, Bluetooth 4.2. $600 USD
Lenovo 15.6 touchscreen, i5-1135G7, 20 GB DDR4 RAM, 1 TB PCIe NVMe SSD, Windows 11 Home, Iris Xe Graphics, Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5. $600 USD
Dell Inspiron 15 3520 business laptop, 15.6 FHD anti-glare touchscreen, 11th gen Intel 4-core, i5-1135G7, 32 GB DDR4 RAM, 1 TB SSD, Iris Xe Graphics, Windows 11 Pro, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth. $583 USD
Edited to clarify US dollars.
submitted by IrishRedd65 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:16 Mindless-Lurker [5e][Online][EST] I am just simply dying to get into a game!

Hello and good tidings, my name is Charlie. This is the part where I sell myself to you and sign over my soul at the end, so get ready.
I have roughly 5 on and off years of D&D experience, all 5e and all online. I'm experienced with the online platforms required. I've DMed a few one-shots and 2 full campaigns as player. I'm a laid-back player who will spring to action if the in game situation calls for it. Otherwise I enjoy playing as a supportive PC, helping characters and players alike accomplish their in game goals.
My weekends are completely free as well as my evenings every weeknight. I have a very open schedule and a lot of free time, so scheduling should never be an issue! Aside from that, I can boast that I have never missed or even been late to a single session. So feel free to hold me accountable!
If anyone has any questions, feel free to message me. I'm an open book and I enjoy chatting with people, so we could definitely make it a fun conversation!
submitted by Mindless-Lurker to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:15 Velascu Trying to build a rails + react native app, I think I'm going nuts

I've worked with several languages and several frameworks but this has never happened to me. It's already the 8th time that I redo a project. Still getting errors, neither google or chatGPT know what the hell is going on. I think I'm going insane. I've followed like 5/6 tutorials/courses and none of them worked. I've tried github projects which supposedly run out of the box, once I checked my nodejs and ruby versions and seen that they matched what the projects were intended to be run on... guess what? NOTHING. I think I'm going insane and rails is gaslighting me. I always knew that web development was bs and a pain in the ass but srsly this is ridiculous. We are using rails bc luckily we have a senior rails developer but he's not going to be able to work until we have a functional website that actually gives us money so he can work full time on it instead of doing a little bit here and there from time to time. I'm srsly thinking about suggesting the team to temporarily use another framework bc it's driving me nuts. I've managed to do stuff with JUCE, next.js, phoenix, nodejs and complicated enough programs on niche programming languages (clojure, haskell, apl...etc), but THIS is killing me. I'm going insane. Worst thing is that the guy who is somewhat orchestrating the whole thing wants us to stick to rails and I can't blame him bc it makes sense but I'm the only one unemployed at the startup and the one who is doing 95% of the programming and can't do shit with this framework. I'm starting to hate it... phew. What do you guys think I should do? Is this even normal or is it just THAT hard to develop on rails. It doesn't make sense to me at all. Maybe I'm just burnt out.
submitted by Velascu to AskProgramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:15 NovelRace8314 Why "trad-wife" content triggers me, and why I'm glad it does

I'm sure many of you have come across "trad-wife" content at some point or another online. I've been fed this content more and more lately, which had me thinking about what this "trend" means for mothers and families, and what impact it has overall for the mothers who are still "in the trenches" today. Whether it's a trend you participate in, or one you roll your eyes at, I think for the most part, it garners an emotional response from women, especially mothers, in either a positive or negative light. I also want to make it clear that "trad-wives" and SAHM are NOT the same thing at all, and should not ever be used interchangeably. These are two completely different things. A SAHM is still a working independent woman whos job inside of the home to be viewed equally as important as any work outside of the home.
I fall under the category of someone who is triggered by "trad-wife" content and generally have a pretty negative, critical response every time I run into it. But today, as I came across a video of yet another "trad-wife" influencer, who was defending her lifestyle, and call to "traditional" ways, I decided to stop and actually take a minute and be honest with what emotion I was really feeling when I come across this content. It isn't actually rage, disappointment or fear, like I tell myself it is. It's jealousy.
The truth is, my first reaction is jealousy and a sense of inadequacy that feeds off of my deepest insecurities as a mother. Jealousy for the mothers that can stay at home all day with their children, who can clean, bake, garden and cook with their little ones at their side. And as someone who is a working mum, but not by choice, I feel jealous of the extra time these women can spend with their children during these short pre-school years. I feel inadequate because I secretly fear I am failing as a mother by choosing a double income, over the financial insecurity of a one-income household. Inadequate because my house is a mess and I'm burned out from work from a job I hate by the time I get home, that I worry my children aren't getting the best version of me.
After the initial emotional response of jealousy, my logical brain kicks in and reminds myself that this lifestyle they are showcasing isn't reality. Most SAHM's aren't baking sourdough on homesteads all day. They aren't showing the 3AM wakeups or the teething drama. This isn't an accurate representation of motherhood for 95% of us. This leads me to my next emotional response, which is to then to substitute jealousy for criticism. I begin to list all the ways their lifestyle is flawed, naive and unsustainable to give myself some false sense of superiority to these women who are essentially just cosplaying.
I'm sure this reaction isn't uncommon. I feel it's a natural response for people to substitute the emotion of jealousy with criticism to justify their own lifestyles and choices that feel attacked. You could argue that the "trad-wife" movement is just that--a way for some SAHM's who may feel the need to justify their lifestyle and choices of not be in the work force, when surrounded by a world that places outside work in higher esteem than domestic work.
However, I would like to clarify that just because I feel jealous when watching this content, doesn't mean I wish I was a "trad-wife". I find the entire concept to be just as toxic as the "hustle"/"girl boss" culture they are fighting against. Not to mention, a completely misinformed and myopic view of what a "traditional" wife or family looked/looks like throughout the world. The "traditional" wife they are cosplaying as is just ONE example of a historic "traditional" family and a woman/mothers role within one. Yes, women have always been charged with domestic duties and childrearing. The home has always been where women have traditionally been taught to focus on, however, women have also ALWAYS worked outside of the home too—either on farms, factories or kitchens (etc). And women have ALWAYS outsourced childrearing to either a nanny or governess (if wealthy) or they had their eldest kids stay home and look after the younger ones. Working mothers, and hired childcare are not new concepts to the female history.
But, I do see how this trend came about. It’s an allergic reaction to the extreme push for women to get out of the homes and into the workforce. To climb the corporate ladder while breastfeeding. To pity the girl with the college degree and spit up stains on her shirt at home with unused potential. To take “equal rights” so literally we act like a man’s life or parental journey is identical to our own. Ignoring our monthly hormonal fluctuations and pretend we're fine to sit through that 2 hour meeting while popping Midol. That we add more value to society as another cog in a machine sitting in a cubicle, then managing your home and family, because that's just "sitting at home" all day, right? And maternity leave is really such an inconvenience…
Looking at both extremes, I found it funny how both sides share the same core issues/beliefs which do nothing but hold mothers, and families on both ends of the spectrum back. This is what I found were the major issues in the perception of motherhood at both extremes, when I took a step back and away from my own biases as a working mother.
  1. We need to recognise that both lifestyles come with the enormous privilege many women don't have-- The ability to live off of one income is a privilege just like having enough money for childcare or family support is a privilege. For many, our family set up wasn’t a choice, it’s a necessity. The reasons to be or not to be a SAHM are not always a choice or preference. A lot of times these are hard decisions that include major sacrifices. Before you judge either lifestyle, acknowledge the privilege you might have in the CHOICE to follow either life path. A woman who HAS to work to keep her family fed, even if all she could afford were Poptarts for breakfast, is just as good of a mum as the one who made fresh sourdough that morning. The mum who has to go back to school shopping at the second hand store, and mend hand me downs to dress her kids on one income is just as good of a mum as the corporate baddie who bought her kids the trendy shoes their kid asked for. Both kids are fed, both kids are dressed, both kids are loved.
  2. No matter what they say, we all love our kids, and how they turnout does NOT come down to your choice to work in or outside the home -- At the end of the day, I don’t think kids of working mums turn out much differently than kids of SAHM. I think we all know personal examples of rotten kids or adults with both types of mothers. Neither dictates your relationship with your child. As kids get older, they naturally drift away from us. The truth is we may mess up in ways we didn’t even consider. Our kids may always blame us for being overbearing by not having a life outside of the home. Or resent us for never being around because of work. Bad/toxic mothers can be found both in the home or the work force. Just think back to how the adults in our lives talk about their mothers--sometimes it was "mum had 6 kids at home, but she somehow managed to keep us all fed and cared for", or "mum had to work a full day cleaning houses, but she'd always make sure we read a book together after work". All mothers make sacrifices, no matter what type of sacrifice it is. Our kids aren't going to love or resent us for our choices to work or stay at home, but how we show up for them. Don't underestimate our children's ability to recognise our sacrifices on either end.
  3. Full time domestic work and homemaking is a real full time job that hold just as much value as working outside of the home and should be treated and respected as such.-- Childcare is a full time job. Full time nanny's and daycares prove that. Homemaking is a full time job. We hire cleaners, interior designers and household staffs that prove it. Cooking, is a full time job. We hire chefs and nutritionists that prove it. So, when a woman is a SAHM does one (or more likely) all of the above jobs for her family, it’s given lesser value or consideration than someone who works outside the home? You hear “I like to get dinner ready and the house clean for my husband who worked all day he deserves to relax when he gets home”, as if you sat around watching tv all day? Just because you enjoy it, or it’s for your own benefit doesn’t make it any less of a real fulltime job. You deserve sick days and breaks throughout the day like any corporate job would...except you never actually get them. The person bringing in a paycheck doesn’t contribute a greater value to your family than you. And same goes for working mums—you already have one full time job, don’t discredit the work left at home as just “chores” that you additionally take on as “lesser value” expected tasks. If two people work outside of the home then two people need to be responsible for domestic work. These are full time jobs. Spouses cutting the grass and taking out the trash is not equivalent to cooking, childcare and cleaning. We need to stop ignoring the home in the overall picture of a healthy family life. We all need a safe place to live that is clean, we all need to eat nutritious food, and our children NEED someone to look after them. These things have a real invaluable place in society. As a working mum, I'm finding more and more how hard it is to bridge that gap, to manage two workplaces essentially, the home AND the outside work. All attention and focus goes to work outside of the home, but the home life doesn't just sustain itself. We are neglecting the importance of our domestic life in favour of the outside working life. This goes for both working mums and SAHM's. We need to stop ignoring that piece of the puzzle if we want to create the complete picture. As it stands now, most working mums cannot afford help in the home which is effecting our mental and physical health--SAHM's don't get any sort of financial nest eggs or assistance at basically working for free, which makes them more vulnerable to abuse.
  4. Men need to be included in the domestic work in a way that sets them up for success. You are doing your family or spouse more harm than good by taking it all on yourself. -- By not giving dads a real opportunity to be involved in domestic duties you are depriving them and the children the full depth of a parent child bond and perpetuating that domestic life isn’t as valuable as outside work, or that domestic work is strictly a "woman's" domain. If you are a SAHM, and your job is to care for the house and kids, you just worked a full 8 hour day, just like your spouse. Because you stayed at home all day, most likely the basic chores have been done (though, kids are wild and even things like unloading a dishwasher can't be tackled), and maybe dinner is cooking. That alone is taking so much off of your spouses plate. Every family situation is different, every work situation is different, however, both you and your spouse are entitled to decompress a little after a full day. Dads need to be incorporated into the childcare aspect at the very least when they come home. Maybe since you spent all day with the kids, your husband gives them a bath and puts them to bed. Or, if you are a dual income house, maybe you split the bedtime duties, giving you the chance to spend SOME time with your children, after being gone all day--and just "play time" alone isn't enough or fair. I think a big way we fall down in including men into the domestic responsibilities, is for the same reason working mothers are struggling. The workforce was never set up with women or mothers in mind, and homemaking was never set up with men in mind. Now, some people will use this as an excuse to perpetuate that it shows that "a woman's place is at home", but studies have shown that over and over again, that fathers who are more involved at home make happier, more successful children. Children gain an enormous value from having fathers be just as involved in their upbringing as the mothers. And, I argue that men also gain just as much value from this. My husband is an equal partner in childrearing, and I'm in awe to see how much he has completely flourished and grown in this role. The truth is, most of us don't find fulfillment in our jobs. It's a paycheck. But a lot of us do find fulfillment in parenting. But to my point, we aren't setting men up to be successful in these roles, because men don't always think or approach things the same way as women. How many times have we had arguments with our partners because they ignored a mess, or didn't clean/do something properly, or we had to "nag" them to follow up on a chore...I know I have. But then I decided to take a step back and change my perspective on the home and family, and look at it as almost a military or corporate environment. Women don't thrive on deadlines and assigned tasks. We are better able to multitask, switch gears. To be too hyperfocused on one thing doesn't work so well when you have so many jobs to tackle at once. But men seem to work better with structure and direction. I feel like women see the big picture, and can zoom in from there, but men need to break things into smaller tasks before they can see the bigger picture. When a man retorts with "I'm not a mind reader", they are being just as dismissive to your needs and views as you would be by saying "you should just know". The truth is we are different. We were raised different, our brains function differently...but, I've found my partner excels in the household if he is given clear directions and expectations within the household. If instead of viewing it as two separate worlds, work and home, I approach it as equal sectors of one unit. Like how accounting is just as valuable to a corporation as their sales team. We are all operating for one goal, and one greater good. If your partner works outside the home, and you stay at home, then you need to view yourself as the manager of the home and delegate accordingly. How can you help your partner in their work day, and how can they help you in yours? You are on the same team. If you both work outside of the home, then you both need to take equal responsibility for the domestic work. You are both managers of the home, how can you support each other? What does one person do better than the other? Being passive aggressive because your spouse doesn't naturally see what needs to be done like you do, doesn't help anyone. Your spouse becomes defensive, and never learns, and feels out of place in home where you have inserted yourself as manager instead of an equal partner.
  5. Other people’s choices don’t discredit yours no matter what they say. -- Everything seems to be a targeted attack these days. People can’t seem to live in a way that makes them happy without you feeling threatened by it. If a woman is happiest at home catering to their husbands whims, that has no effect on your choice to be a stay at home dad. One is not a threat to the other unless you begin to feel superior to another. That the way you choose to live your life is so superior you want to control the narrative and influence personal choices of others in your life by attacking someone else to lift yourself up. I can’t help but ask myself who is benefiting from staging us against each others? Definitely not the mothers. Lumping one group as “those people” keep us divided. Each side more extreme in their POV echoed by peers and targeted social media. We have been fed that it's an "us" versus "them" issue. That one side is pushing us back into the stone age, and undoing all the progress we have made in the feminist movement. The other side feels attacked for finding joy and value in living a life at home and as a mother, that society has stopped valuing their contribution...really, society as a whole hasn't changed much in the past 40 years. The workforce has more working mothers than ever before, but work culture and regulations have not changed to accommodate that. We have to change to accommodate them. SAHM's have always existed, but we have not elevated their status to show the equal contribution they have in our society. In the end, society is still just exploiting women. A capitalistic profit driven society benefits more from more people in the workforce. I think we are all angry at the same thing, a lack of choice and a lack of respect. Women fought hard to enter the workforce and gain independence and equal rights so that we could have the CHOICE of what our life would look like. But are choices are still being under attack. Being a SAHM or a working mum is no longer a choice for a lot of us. We are being goaded into believing one is more valuable than the other, and that's just not true. If you find peace and fulfillment at home, that doesn't make you any less educated or independent of a woman. And if you love your career and thrive in your work, that doesn't make you any less feminine (because apparently we can't be feminine and work anymore according to some...) or as good of a mother. We are humans and multifaceted and cannot and should not be defined by one singular role.
This ended up being some sort of weird feminist manifesto, which isn't want I intended, but I guess I had a lot to say on the subject. I suppose I'm just scared at how well social media has gotten at dividing us. Social media isn't inherently good or bad, it's a tool for connection, but now even mothers are being pitted against each other. We all know it takes a village to raise a family, but we've pitted the village against each other. We are too busy claiming we are "under attack" from our peers, when we're just puppets--they want us to feel "triggered", and I'm glad. Because now I'm triggered, but it's not at the "trad wife" who is harkening back to a world that never existed, but at the people who are instigating this. Who are filling women's heads with this nonsense, and trying to box up our "values" or what "femininity" means...what it means to be a woman and mother. Because being a woman and mother has meant a lot of different things throughout history. We control our own narratives. We need to stop insinuating that our way is the "right" way, or that society is faltering because women are no longer "feminine" or because women want to go back to staying at home. All of this is "right", all of this is "feminine". Being a woman can mean whatever you want it to mean, and being a mother just means loving your kids and doing your best everyday.
***NOTES: I know this was a very hetero/cis centric post that focused a lot of perceived gender norms that excludes the same-sex or trans families...even single mothers. It was written as a reaction to a "trad wife" trend that is extremely hetero/cis centric, so my reaction to it is from this perspective as a hetero/cis mother. However, I know these values and views totally effect all families no matter what they look like. So, I just wanted to put it out there that I see you, and would love to hear your voice on this as well.
Also, a lot of sweeping generalities in here as well. These are broad sweeping statements and generalisations based on societies general assumptions about genders and family life. Right, wrong or myopic, it's what we live in. My point in all this IS that every family and every person is unique, and that we can't keep functioning under the assumption that there is only one way or one family dynamic out there.
submitted by NovelRace8314 to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:11 intzaki After 2 Years of Extremely Serious Training. Reached Serious Plateaus as a Natty. Help?

Long story short, I am 29 years old. I have been involved in sports all my life, from a young age until I was 21-22, when I dropped out after five years of American football and became a couch potato. Seriously, I didn’t even walk until I turned 27. At that point, I had a serious talk with myself and decided to get back to the gym for real. I looked like crap, felt like crap, and lived like crap, so I decided to finally change it. Being a sports person, I knew that progress was going to be extremely slow, but I was determined to do it right.
When I went back to the gym, I felt extremely weak and could barely lift anything. I was doing bench presses with just the bar and two 5 kg weights, and I couldn't handle it. Four months in, with 4-5 workouts per week and a full-body split, I saw progress. I dedicated myself to learning from both science-based and non-science-based lifting. I studied a lot and came to understand my body and how to build muscle and strength, as I cared about both.
After the first four months, I made a personal oath to do five workouts per week, not drink alcohol, and stop smoking for a year. I did it, and let me tell you, progress was booming. I kept educating myself and learning more and more. After two years of working out, I grew bigger and extremely strong.
Now, I am here to ask the community of intermediate to advanced lifters for advice, as I have seriously hit plateaus on almost every exercise and lost about 15% of my strength on most lifts. My biggest strength is my lateral raise, doing 56 kg x 10 reps (28 kg per dumbbell). My deadlift max is 200 kg (with relatively poor form, but it was my goal since I started). My bench press max is around 140 kg (with a machine, not a barbell, as I simply can't stand it). My leg press max is around 280 kg x 8 reps.
I evolved my workout split to fit my personal goals and understanding of my body. I do a mixture of strength training (especially as the first exercise of every workout) and then focus on hypertrophy. Do not try to convince me that strength and hypertrophy do not work together, as I have personally tested doing them separately and found little to no difference, except probably at my current level of hitting plateaus where I need to concentrate on one or the other.
I eat really healthily, with a weekly cheat meal of a large pizza. Generally, I lift until past failure, as I feel like a wimp if I do not. I know it's not the best to always go to failure, and I am pretty sure I have hit overtraining.
This is my workout split, custom-made by me for me:
Monday at 18:30 (Chest Shoulders Triceps): https://hevy.com/routine/3mZfrbYvrA2 Tuesday at 18:30 (Heavy Back Biceps): https://hevy.com/routine/GZG1YxFKaox Thursday at 18:30 (Legs): https://hevy.com/routine/7liUupnSW92 Friday at 18:30 (Shoulders Chest Triceps): https://hevy.com/routine/EyFM3HfW92U Saturday at 11:30 (Light Back Biceps ): https://hevy.com/routine/20SMCUPGu7k
This is me playing around with 60 kg lateral raises (for fun, don't judge the form as it's not "perfect"): https://www.instagram.com/p/C30oxyXIa4x/
I don't consider myself the most aesthetic or the biggest dude, but it's been 2 years since I started, and I’m really happy with my progress. Feel free to browse through my Instagram for physique updates.
My question is simple: what do you fellow lifters recommend I do after losing power and strength? Keep in mind that I am also cutting extremely slowly, at about 1-2 kg per month.
submitted by intzaki to fitness30plus [link] [comments]
