Employee recognition certificate templates

Tarot History

2024.05.29 04:23 adulting4kids Tarot History

The history of tarot is a fascinating journey that spans centuries and traverses various cultures. The origins of tarot cards can be traced back to 15th-century Italy, where they emerged as playing cards. The initial purpose of these decks was purely recreational, serving as a game known as "tarocchi" or "triumphi."
  1. Early Playing Cards (15th Century):
    • Origin: Tarot cards likely originated in northern Italy in the early 15th century. The oldest surviving complete deck is the "Visconti-Sforza" deck, dating back to the 1440s.
    • Function: Originally used for games, tarot decks were adorned with symbolic imagery, including allegorical illustrations and trump cards.
  2. Tarot in France (Late 15th Century):
    • Migration: Tarot cards crossed into France in the late 15th century, and the game evolved with the addition of the 22 trump cards, known as the Major Arcana.
    • Symbolism: The Major Arcana introduced iconic characters and archetypal symbols, enhancing the cards' allegorical significance.
  3. Occult Associations (18th Century):
    • Esoteric Interest: In the 18th century, interest in the occult and mystical arts surged in Europe. Tarot cards gained esoteric significance, with scholars attributing hidden meanings to the cards beyond their gaming purpose.
    • Etteilla: The French occultist Etteilla published influential tarot interpretations, contributing to the transformation of tarot into a tool for divination and self-discovery.
  4. The Rider-Waite-Smith Deck (Early 20th Century):
    • Revolutionary Design: In 1909, A.E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith collaborated on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, featuring vivid illustrations and intricate symbolism. This deck became immensely popular and served as the foundation for many modern tarot decks.
    • Divinatory Focus: The Rider-Waite-Smith deck emphasized the mystical and divinatory aspects of tarot, influencing the widespread adoption of tarot for spiritual and introspective purposes.
  5. Tarot in the New Age Movement (20th Century Onward):
    • Popularization: The mid-20th century witnessed a surge in interest in mysticism, the occult, and alternative spiritual practices. Tarot cards gained popularity within the New Age movement, becoming a tool for self-reflection, divination, and personal growth.
    • Diverse Decks: The latter half of the 20th century saw the creation of diverse tarot decks, each with unique themes and interpretations, catering to different spiritual traditions and personal preferences.
  6. Modern Tarot Practices (21st Century):
    • Global Appeal: Tarot has transcended cultural boundaries and gained a global following. The internet has played a significant role in disseminating tarot knowledge, making it accessible to a diverse audience.
    • Integration with Psychology: Many practitioners view tarot through a psychological lens, using the cards as a tool for introspection, therapy, and personal development.
The historical evolution of tarot reflects its transformation from a simple deck of playing cards to a versatile tool for divination, self-exploration, and spiritual guidance. Today, tarot continues to captivate individuals worldwide, offering a unique blend of ancient symbolism and contemporary relevance.
  1. Diverse Tarot Systems and Cultural Influences:
    • Cultural Adaptations: Tarot has adapted to various cultural contexts, leading to the creation of decks that draw inspiration from different mythologies, traditions, and artistic styles.
    • Themed Decks: Modern tarot enthusiasts can explore decks inspired by Norse mythology, Celtic traditions, Eastern philosophies, and more, allowing for a rich diversity of interpretations and connections.
  2. Tarot and Popular Culture:
    • Media Exposure: Tarot has found its way into mainstream media, with references in literature, movies, and television series. This exposure has contributed to its widespread recognition and acceptance.
    • Creative Interpretations: Popular culture has inspired artists and creators to produce tarot decks with themes ranging from fantasy and science fiction to contemporary pop culture references, showcasing the adaptability of tarot symbolism.
  3. Tarot in Digital Age:
    • Online Platforms: The digital age has transformed tarot readings, making them accessible through online platforms and mobile apps. Virtual tarot readings and communities provide a global forum for discussion and learning.
    • Digital Decks: Tarot decks are now available in digital formats, enabling users to explore and engage with the cards through virtual platforms, expanding the reach of tarot practices.
  4. Tarot as a Personalized Tool:
    • Self-Expression: Many individuals now create their own tarot decks, infusing personal symbols, experiences, and artistic styles into the cards. This personalized approach enhances the connection between the user and the cards.
    • Intuitive Reading: Modern tarot practices often emphasize intuitive reading, encouraging users to trust their instincts and personal interpretations rather than relying strictly on traditional meanings.
  5. Scientific and Skeptical Perspectives:
    • Psychology and Tarot: Some psychologists view tarot as a projective tool that can tap into the unconscious mind, offering insights into one's thoughts and emotions.
    • Skepticism and Tarot: Skeptics often approach tarot from a psychological or statistical standpoint, exploring the phenomenon through the lens of cognitive biases and the placebo effect.
  6. Tarot Communities and Education:
    • Learning Resources: The availability of books, online courses, and workshops has contributed to the education and skill development of tarot practitioners. This has empowered individuals to deepen their understanding of tarot symbolism and interpretation.
    • Community Engagement: Tarot communities, both online and offline, provide platforms for sharing experiences, seeking guidance, and fostering a sense of community among practitioners.
As tarot continues to evolve, its rich history merges with contemporary influences, shaping a dynamic and diverse landscape. Whether embraced for spiritual guidance, artistic expression, or personal insight, tarot remains a versatile and enduring tool that resonates with individuals on their unique journeys of self-discovery.
  1. Tarot Ethics and Professionalization:
    • Code of Ethics: In modern tarot practices, professional readers often adhere to ethical guidelines. These guidelines emphasize confidentiality, client empowerment, and responsible use of divination tools.
    • Certification and Training: Some tarot practitioners pursue formal training and certification programs to enhance their skills and professionalism, contributing to the recognition of tarot reading as a legitimate and ethical practice.
  2. Scientific Research on Tarot:
    • Psychological Studies: While scientific research on tarot is limited, some studies explore the psychological aspects of tarot reading. Research has investigated how individuals interpret symbols, engage in reflective thinking, and experience a sense of empowerment through tarot readings.
    • Cognitive Science Perspectives: Tarot's intersection with cognitive science has led to examinations of how the mind processes symbolic information and the impact of belief systems on perception.
  3. Tarot and Intersectionality:
    • Inclusivity: Tarot communities increasingly emphasize inclusivity, recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives, cultures, and identities. Decks that reflect a broader range of experiences and backgrounds contribute to a more inclusive tarot landscape.
    • Intersectional Readings: Practitioners may integrate intersectionality into their readings, acknowledging the complexity of individual identities and experiences within a broader social context.
  4. Tarot's Influence on Art and Literature:
    • Literary Works: Tarot symbolism has inspired numerous works of literature, poetry, and art. Authors and artists often incorporate tarot themes to explore psychological, spiritual, and philosophical concepts.
    • Tarot in Visual Arts: Tarot continues to be a muse for visual artists, with contemporary artworks reimagining and interpreting the traditional tarot archetypes in new and innovative ways.
  5. Tarot and Holistic Wellness:
    • Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Tarot is increasingly integrated into holistic wellness practices that emphasize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It complements approaches like meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing.
    • Wellness Retreats and Workshops: Wellness retreats and workshops may incorporate tarot as a tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and stress reduction, aligning with the broader holistic wellness movement.
  6. Tarot and Technology Integration:
    • Mobile Apps and Online Platforms: Technology has facilitated the accessibility of tarot through mobile apps and online platforms, offering virtual readings, digital decks, and interactive tarot experiences.
    • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have the potential to transform tarot experiences, providing immersive and interactive readings.
The ongoing evolution of tarot reflects its adaptability to societal changes, technological advancements, and a growing understanding of its psychological and symbolic dimensions. As it continues to weave through various aspects of contemporary life, tarot remains a dynamic and versatile tool with enduring relevance.
  1. Tarot and Social Media:
    • Online Communities: Social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, have become hubs for tarot enthusiasts. Tarot readers share daily card pulls, interpretations, and create educational content, fostering a vibrant online community.
    • Global Connections: Social media has facilitated global connections among tarot practitioners, allowing for the exchange of diverse perspectives, interpretations, and deck recommendations.
  2. Tarot in Mental Health Practices:
    • Therapeutic Applications: Some mental health professionals incorporate tarot into therapeutic practices, using it as a tool for self-reflection, exploration of emotions, and promoting therapeutic dialogue.
    • Mindfulness and Coping: Tarot readings can be used as a mindfulness practice, helping individuals cultivate self-awareness and coping strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and mental health challenges.
  3. Tarot's Evolving Symbolism:
    • Living Symbolism: Tarot symbolism is not static; it evolves over time. Modern tarot decks often reinterpret traditional symbols to reflect contemporary values, ensuring that the cards remain relevant and resonant with current cultural contexts.
    • Innovative Decks: Artists continue to create innovative tarot decks that explore diverse themes, introducing new symbols and archetypes that speak to a wide range of experiences.
  4. Tarot and Ritual Practices:
    • Ritualistic Use: Tarot is incorporated into various ritual practices, from simple daily card pulls to more elaborate ceremonies. These rituals can serve as a form of meditation, intention-setting, or connection with spiritual energies.
    • Seasonal Celebrations: Some practitioners align tarot practices with seasonal changes, using specific spreads or decks to explore themes associated with the solstices, equinoxes, and other significant astrological events.
  5. Tarot and Gender Representation:
    • Expanding Archetypes: Modern tarot decks often challenge traditional gender roles and expand archetypal representations. Decks may feature diverse gender identities and expressions, offering a more inclusive and fluid understanding of the archetypal energies within the cards.
    • Feminist Tarot: Some decks explicitly adopt feminist perspectives, reimagining traditional tarot symbolism to empower and celebrate the diverse experiences of individuals across the gender spectrum.
  6. Tarot as Literary Inspiration:
    • Literary Works and Tarot: Tarot continues to inspire literary works, with novels, poems, and plays incorporating tarot themes and archetypes. Authors explore the psychological and symbolic depths of tarot, infusing their narratives with mystical and esoteric elements.
    • Narrative Exploration: Tarot's narrative potential serves as a source of inspiration for storytellers, offering a structure that mirrors the hero's journey or provides a framework for exploring characters' internal and external conflicts.
The dynamic interplay between tarot and contemporary culture reveals its enduring appeal and adaptability. From social media platforms to therapeutic practices, tarot remains a versatile tool that resonates with individuals seeking insight, connection, and personal growth in an ever-changing world.
In conclusion, the history and evolution of tarot reflect its remarkable journey from humble playing cards to a multifaceted tool deeply embedded in modern culture. As tarot continues to weave its way through diverse aspects of society, from online communities to therapeutic practices, its enduring relevance lies in its adaptability, symbolism, and capacity to inspire self-discovery.
From the mysterious origins of the 15th century to its current role as a global phenomenon, tarot has transcended cultural and historical boundaries. As it integrates with technology, influences art and literature, and finds new applications in mental health and wellness, tarot remains a dynamic force that resonates with those seeking spiritual insights, artistic expression, and personal transformation.
Whether approached through a psychological lens, as a form of self-reflection, or as part of broader cultural movements, tarot's journey reflects the human quest for meaning, connection, and the exploration of the inner self. Its rich tapestry of symbolism continues to captivate individuals across the globe, making tarot a timeless and ever-evolving companion on the diverse paths of human experience.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:22 GeoffArthur What’s MORE Important Being STRONG or being LEAN?

‘THE GIANT’ https://salutis.kartra.com/page/oWP219
5x Classic strength & conditioning programs using the Clean + Press
Each program 4 weeks long
‘THE GIANT X’ https://salutis.kartra.com/page/giant-x
3x strength & conditioning programs using the Clean + Press and Press variations and more loading variety
Each program is 8 weeks long
Kettlebell GHFL https://go.chasingstrength.com/kettlebell-ghfl-4/
3x ballistics-based fat loss programs that incidentally make you more conditioned and stronger
Each program is 12 weeks long
Kettlebell MAXIMORUM https://go.chasingstrength.com/kettlebell-maximorum-e/
12-week “Ultimate” KB program
Uses Double Clean + Press, Double Front Squat, Single Snatch
3x Nutrition plans included
Strength coach Mark Rippetoe says, “Stronger people are harder to kill.”
StrongFirst says, “Be anything you want to be, but be strong first.”
And yet our society is OBSESSED with “weight loss.”
I’ve written recently about the importance of getting rid of stomach fat for health and staving off death.
I’ve even written over the last 6 months or so about getting rid of that stomach fat as fast as possible simply because it is so detrimental to your health, AND…
It inhibits your ability to get stronger.
Yet I’m known as the “double kettlebell strength guy.”
So what’s the deal?
Should YOU pick a side?
Do you HAVE TO pick a side?
Even though our modern world is hell-bent on “this vs. that”... “Us vs. Them”...
I say NO, you don’t HAVE to.
You can subtly (or not) BIAS your training to one side or the other, IF you know how to program correctly.
In fact, back in 2010, I put out the first “strength-based fat loss program” - Kettlebell Burn…
Which got people A LOT stronger, while stripping off body fat. (Many even used it for the RKC kettlebell certification prep and crushed their certs.)
And if you “dial in” your nutrition?
Well, that’s the “magic” right there:
Maximum Strength Training + Supportive Nutrition.
Case in point - got this email from Verrico about his experience using a “pure strength” program - ‘THE GIANT 3.0’ and cleaning up his nutrition:
As you can see, even though he lost 5.5lbs of scale weight and 1.5 inches from his waist… He turned his old 5RM into a brand spanking new 10RM in just 4 weeks.
So, look, you DON’T HAVE TO CHOOSE.
You can be STRONG and LEAN.
And more importantly, you CAN focus on both at the same time, if you know what you’re doing.
You just have to know how to do it.
Hope this helps.
Stay Strong,
P.S. One of the reasons Kettlebell Burn 2.0 worked so well for people was not JUST the programming, but it gave them an adjustable and customizable nutrition template that freed them from the “tyranny of dieting.”
submitted by GeoffArthur to u/GeoffArthur [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:42 ThrowRA_2380 Do I have a chance?

I'm wondering, even if I feel unqualified for the job, if it would be a good idea to apply. Due to my financial situation, I am trying to find a full-time job in my field of study as soon as possible. My dream is to become a director, so that would be my goal. I don't have my bachelor's degree yet, but I will graduate next year. I'm curious if I have a shot at securing this position. I have acquired all the necessary skills in school, but there are some areas where I lack experience. I have a brief resume of my experience and job requirements: (Also, English is my second language, so it's possible that there's a few mistakes in translation)

My Experiences

  1. Current Position:
    • Role: Budget Management Advisor (student position)
    • Duration: 2 years
    • Key Tasks: Implementing management accounting, mastering Microsoft Excel, developing budget analyses, training new employees, preparing revised budgets, analyzing variances, and creating efficiency procedures.
  2. Previous Position:
    • Role: Collective Insurance Technician (student position)
    • Key Tasks: Supervising data entry and validating payroll deductions for over 70,000 employees.
  3. Teaching Experience:
    • Role: Teaching Assistant for General Accounting
    • Duration: 1 year
    • Key Tasks: Correcting exams for the first accounting course of the bachelor's degree.
  4. Education:
    • Degree: Bachelor's in Business Administration - Concentration in Accounting
    • Current Status: Final year, part-time student aiming to graduate next year.
    • Future Plans: Obtain CPA designation.
    • Certifications: QuickBooks certified, brief experience with Acomba.
  5. Risk Management Skills:
    • Applied knowledge in operational risks and internal control efficiency.
    • Conducted a risk analysis for a factory and provided risk reduction solutions.

Job Requirements for Director of Finance

  1. Key Responsibilities:
    • Supervising team members.
    • Coordinating financial statements and budget production.
    • Ensuring financial information integrity and presenting monthly results.
    • Conducting financial analyses and management reports.
    • Optimizing business processes and internal controls.
    • Analyzing growth-related risk management.
    • Developing tools to improve processes.
    • Ensuring adherence to deadlines.
  2. Required Competencies:
    • Relevant experience in a similar role (1 year).
    • Degree in accounting (an asset).
    • Proficiency in software, including Office suite and Acomba (an asset).
    • Initiative, autonomy, and multitasking abilities.

Question for Advice

Based on my experiences and the job requirements, do you think I have a reasonable chance of securing the Director of Finance position? Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by ThrowRA_2380 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:24 DumbRedditorCosplay What is the most basic face recognition workflow?

I have a group project for a university class where the professor wanted us to come up with any idea for using face detection for some application in industrial settings. The problem is some dumbass in my group submitted an idea he had by misunderstanding this completely and his idea involves face recognition (matching a person's ID instead of just detecting the presence of a face). The professor accepted it and said we would have to look for a different model because the open source model he instructed the class to use only does face detection and some features like smiling etc, it doesn't do ID.
Now I want to know if it is possible to do this: we have a small dataset of faces that should be known and the algorithm is supposed to just log on the database for documentation purposes which class of person has entered a place. Call it type 1 employee and type 2 employee, so all faces that can access this place should be either type 1 or type 2 known faces. We will log the known faces with their names and timestamp. If there is a unkown face then we will log the timestamp for each unknown face.
It is not a security feature just a log, and it is also not meant to be commercially viable, it is just a proof of concept for a college class so I am ok with relatively low accuracy as long as it is right more often than not (I am sure the professor will understand that high accuracy on this would be hella expensive and time consuming).
So we will use a video feed, check the face (for simplicity I think we should make this a close up video with a webcam/selfie cam, one face at a time, which is not realistic irl but alas), and then take a still shot from the video and the picture will hopefully be high quality enough.
I am finding on google open source models like FaceNet and OpenFace, I just don't know which one is simpler and how the workflow goes.
Can these pretrained models just take two face pictures and tell if they are the same person out of the box? Do I need to finetune the models with each face I want to recognize? If so, do I need very many pictures from different angles/lighting/backgrounds/clothes for each person that will be pre-registered? If I do need to finetune or do any kind of training, do you think it is possible to achieve this for free using google collab? I am ok if we need to spend a little bit of money on some cloud provider but not much, it is not worth it to spend a lot of money for this (if there is no way around spending hundreds of bucks for this then I will tell the group we need to convince the professor to allow us to change the project midway through).
What is the most basic way you'd go about this if you had to do it considering it is not supposed to be commercially viable? No need for details just a general outline. If someone could name an open source model which they are sure can definitely do this on google collab free tier I'd be very very grateful.
submitted by DumbRedditorCosplay to computervision [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:16 SkunkSniffa K MAC

Nice calm happy hybrid. Very kiefy. 8/10 Would buy again.
submitted by SkunkSniffa to WVcannabiscommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:15 ExpressionCurrent536 Please give me resume advice (Marketing Major, Content Creation Experience)

I am looking for a job in marketing, ideally in content creation on out of home ads, but given the market currently I have been applying for everything even relatively close.
I have a bachelor in business majoring in marketing, as well as a digital media graduate certificate.
I've been applying for 4 months and have not gotten one interview.
I have:
Applied with cover letter,
Applied without
REACHED OUT TO RECRUITERS AND EMPLOYEES on LinkedIn and still nothing. (I had a lot of friendly advicing, many asked for my resume and forwarded it to their HR manager, or had me email the HR manager myself, and most of the time I wouldnt even get a rejection letter)
Anyways enough ranting, please help.
submitted by ExpressionCurrent536 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:15 histoire_guy Integration of Facial Authentication (Recognition) on an Employee Dashboard using FACEIO, Next.js

Integration of Facial Authentication (Recognition) on an Employee Dashboard using FACEIO, Next.js submitted by histoire_guy to pixlab [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:59 happy3211123 Milestone recognition question

I’m just curious- is it normal for a CB to miss milestones or does recognition depend on how well you know the instructor of the class? Does the system the studio uses say something (X has X milestone at 6:30am) or do staff have to go out of their way to know whether or not someone has a milestone?
I’ve seen other riders have 25 & 50 class milestones celebrated, but both of mine were missed. I did also ride on my birthday with nothing said but I’ve seen other riders celebrated. Although I don’t come in expecting anything, the small business studio I previously rode with in Alaska made a big deal of these milestones and always went out of their way to say something/celebrate the accomplishment. I guess I just wasn’t sure if it was something I should be proactive about myself or if the studio itself had something that prompted employees.
As small of a thing as it maybe is, it’s really made the entire experience feel like I’m just a number who’s replaceable versus the community aspect instructors are always saying our studio has in class. It’s been disheartening to me because of my past experience with other studio but maybe I’m just reading too much into it.
submitted by happy3211123 to cyclebar [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:36 no-restraint Relaying through EX2016 to M365 and get DKIM signing - safe, supported way?

We are running a single EX2016 server internally with a full hybrid configuration, all mailboxes in M365.
We keep our 2016 server for relaying transactional e-mails, like internal service notifications, mostly going to employees or contractors from internal tools, build processes, etc.
Since Exchange 2016 doesn't support DKIM, we'd like to route outgoing e-mails through M365 to get them DKIM signed.
Is that possible, safe, and supported? Is this how?
  1. Make a new send connector in ECP
  2. Route mail through mydomain-com.mail.protection.outlook.com
  3. Set scoping to domain * and cost 1?
  4. Via PowerShell, assign TLS certificate, set at least TlsAuthLevel to CertificateValidation and RequireTls to $true
This seems to work, but it gets you a big red message ("Misconfigured to send authenticated internal mail to M365") from HealthChecker.ps1. Is this a good case to set CloudServicesMailEnabled to $true? (I'm a bit new to the many intricacies of Exchange I'm afraid.)
Is there a supported way to do this?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by no-restraint to exchangeserver [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:18 Super_Entrepreneur77 Do I need any tweaks on my resume?

I am currently a RBT and have really only had food and beverage experience. I am moving to nyc in the summer and am looking to start working in august in either administrative assistant/receptionist or something in hospitality (hotels specifically). I am not sure how to appeal to these jobs with no real experience in either, would my resume still be possibly considered with no real office or hospitality experience?
submitted by Super_Entrepreneur77 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:55 treesarentsobad Looking for any advice on getting into EMCR

(Edit: I went maybe a bit too in-depth here, as I wanted to get opinions on my specific work history/responsibilities… but it turned into a bit of an essay. For the TLDR just skip to the last paragraph. Sorry)
I am hoping to work in EMCR, as the field of emergency and disaster response truly interests me. I have a few specific questions, but would also truly appreciate any advice at all.
As I understand it, education is important but less so than experience. I graduated this Spring from UVic as an older student (I’m 32) with a BSc Geography, concentration in climate and sustainability. One of my main concerns is how applicable/attractive (to Hiring Managers) my work experience will be. I have worked for the past 12 years with a private reforestation contractor - 10.5 years as a mid-level field field operations manager followed by 1.5 years as a senior project coordinator. In the project coordinator role I had significant accountabilities:
In my prior role as a field operations manager I had many similar responsibilities - albeit at a mid-management level. Over the years I was involved in the response and management of various emergencies in both roles at my company. I participated in the coordination and execution of emergency evacuations of our field operations on two occasions (rapidly encroaching wildfires), and responded to many vehicular and medical emergencies.
The job was demanding, and while I loved it at times I have burned out on the severe stress and other negative aspects, and am looking to make a change. I would love to know how applicable my work experience is to EMCR generally. Also, I am curious as to what sort of positions exist in the ministry (there are few external postings currently), and if there are any that may be particularly suited to my education/experience. Would it be advisable to get my foot in the door in a position that I feel my work experience is less applicable to and which I am less interested in? For example, there is a current posting for a CLK09R Finance Clerk. Some of my experience corresponds to the accountabilities listed in that posting, but I am definitely hoping to work within EMCR as something other than a finance clerk.
I am also considering JIBC’s associate certificate in emergency management. Any advice or opinions on whether or not this would be worthwhile would be very appreciated.
submitted by treesarentsobad to BCPublicServants [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:35 Stargusty KMEC Pig Butchering Scam?

KMEC Pig Butchering Scam?
Hey everyone,
I recently got a sketchy text message offering a quick way to make money. Since I've been out of work for months, I was tempted to check it out. The system they described sounded like an idle game, which was weird. They even paid me $10 in USDT.TRC-20 crypto just for the training period. However, now they're asking me to pay $90 to get money faster.
This whole thing feels like a scam, but I haven't seen anything quite like it before. Does anyone recognize this or know anything about this company? Here is the text message and the PowerPoint slides they sent me. Any advice or experiences would be appreciated!
submitted by Stargusty to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:33 Turlengot29 Best in Coke Award goes to...

Best in Coke Award goes to... submitted by Turlengot29 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:26 RealMegatron I just graduated college and I think I have a very poor resume. I am looking for some pointers to make spruce it up

submitted by RealMegatron to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:58 linkhandford She's so Pass-A

My wife is some sort-of Mensa-esque savant in her field and has a "Pass-A" certification from Cambridge, less than 1% of the people who do this class get this certification. She's pretty modest and doesn't go around telling anyone about it. She was at a conference and her boss was proudly telling some other 'rival' companies she's got a Pass-A employee.
This woman comes barrelling through the crowed and makes sure everyone in ear shot hears her:
"I have Pass-A. I have Pass-A"
She kept talking for so long my wife calls me up and tells me how irritating she is and she's repeating herself over and over again and keeps telling everyone old news and repeating she has Pass-A...
I stopped her and said "So everything she says is so passé?"
submitted by linkhandford to PointlessStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:32 Minute-Ratio9224 Hundreds of Applications and 0 Interviews. What can i do better?

submitted by Minute-Ratio9224 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:18 sprasms Unemployed for 6 months. Applied to 50 jobs. Interviewed and rejected for 1 job. Looking for entry-level IT jobs (help desk). Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by sprasms to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:13 ar_david_hh This is what happened on Tuesday, May 28. // TT News //

9 minutes from Transcaucasian Telegraph.

do not miss the Monday report


Armenia marks the Republic Day

The 1918 Republic of Armenia barely lasted two years. It was, however, a historic political entity – the first expression of Armenian sovereignty since 1375.
read the background here
This is a fake day, folks. The actual day is June 4:
1918 թվականի Մայիսի 28-ը թեև համարվում է Հայաստանի անկախության օր, իրականում այդ օրը միայն անուղղակի կապ ունի անկախության հետ:
1918-ի Մայիս 28-ը այն օրն է, երբ Թիֆլիսի Հայոց Ազգային խորհուրդը՝ բազմակուսակցական մի մարմին, քվեարկությամբ որոշեց ընդունել թուրքերի վերջնագիրը և Բաթում ուղարկել պատվիրակություն, որն էլ հունիսի 4-ին Օսմանյան կայսերական կառավարության հետ կնքեց Հաշտության և բարեկամության պայմանագիր Հայաստանի Հանրապետության անունից:
Թուրքական վերջնագիրը կազմված էր երկու հիմնական կետից. Հայաստանը հռչակել անկախ և բանակցությունների նպատակով պատվիրակություն ուղարկել Բաթում:
Մայիսի 28-ին Հայոց Ազգային խորհուրդն ու օրվա հիմնական քաղաքական ուժը՝ ՀՅԴ-ն, քվեարկությամբ դեմ էին արտահայտվել թուրքերի վերջնագրին՝ Հայաստանը հռչակել անկախ: ՀՅԴ-ն անկախությանը դեմ էր արտահայտվել 8 դեմ և 2 կողմ քվեով:
Նույն օրը, երբ ՀՅԴ-ականներ Ալեքսանդր Խատիսյանն ու Հովհաննես Քաջազնունին, ովքեր ժամ առաջ էին վերադարձել էին Բաթումից (որտեղ Անդրկովկասյան պատվիրակության կազմում բանակցություններ էին վարում թուրքերի հետ), հորդորեցին կուսակիցներին, որ Հայաստանի անկախության հռչակումն ու թուրքերի հետ բանակցելու վերջնագիրը ընդունելը այլընտրանք չունեն, կուսակցությունը նոր քվեարկություն կազմակերպեց, որտեղ 9 կողմ և 1 դեմ քվեով ընդունվեց թուրքերի վերջնագիրը:
read the background here,

... no holiday without drama

Last night the ex-regime protest leader Archbishop Galstanyan took a group of followers to the Sardarapat Memorial and announced a plan to camp there all night to prevent PM Pashinyan from visiting the monument on the anniversary of the Republic Day. Galstanyan promised that if Pashinyan visits the Monument on Tuesday, it will be his last visit as the PM.
The following day Galstanyan waited and waited and waited for scumbag Nikol, and after not seeing a shadow of his սֆաթ all morning, he declared mission accomplished and suggested that Nikol was no-show because "foreign forces" [West] might have "instructed" him not to come:
Բագրատ արքեպիսկոպոսի կարծիքով՝ երկու պատճառ կա վարչապետի՝ Սարդարապատ չայցելելու համար. մեկը, որ նա սա արդեն համարում է պատմական հայրենիք, մյուսը, որ հրահանգ է ստացել արտաքին ուժերից:
But Pashinyan visited the monument in the afternoon, shortly after Galstanyan and his followers left, in order to avoid a physical confrontation. He gave a speech in which he called for a Republic that's shaped by the ideas of the people and not the "elites". The Monument was surrounded by police forces for security; they briefly blocked the Church leader Garegin II from approaching the Monument.
On Tuesday Pashinyan and President Khachaturyan held an award ceremony on the occasion of Republic Day. Various ministry and investigative committee officials, some of whom handled the rescue operations in northern Armenia after the Sunday floods, were granted medals and higher ranks for their service.
source, source, video, source, source, video, video, source,

the government began releasing assistance funds for the communities affected by the floods

Several communities in Lori and Tavush were officially declared "disaster zones" on Monday. The government allocated ֏300M to solve the most urgent issues before the implementation of long-term projects.
The infrastructure ministry is making an inventory of the damaged roads, bridges, and personal properties of citizens.
The ministry is gathering volunteers to help in the disaster zone; they need about 300 people. On Sunday they did not call up volunteers due to the danger posed by the rivers but starting Monday/Tuesday the water levels are down and it's safe for volunteers to work there. They had 50 volunteers as of Tuesday morning but the number is expected to rise quickly because they have a pre-approved list of volunteers. The volunteers will enter buildings and shops to clean them up. Anyone who decides to volunteer must contact the authorities to receive instructions, said the Minister.
The cleanup is underway in several communities. They are using heavy equipment and manual labor to remove dirt and debris from streets and buildings. The Red Cross [volunteers]https://youtu.be/XqAq-OHD_38?t=15) and university students and staff from Vanadzor have also joined the efforts; the Education Ministry is forming a larger group of volunteers.
The HETS employees are checking and restoring power cables in the affected areas.
The power was restored in Alaverdi's Debed District. The water is expected to resume in the coming days.
The gas was restored in Akhtala and several districts of Alaverdi.
A group of residents received food and necessities with a zip line: video. Half of the residents were evacuated from there.
The land connection was restored with the villages of Haghpat and Shnogh after the ministry created a temporary road with gravel. For many villages, the issue wasn't the river water, but the physical isolation caused by the collapse of bridges.
source, source, video, video, cleanup crews, Alaverdi central street shops, source, source,

Armenia's water reservoirs haven't held this much water in 3 years: VIDEO

The five largest reservoirs currently hold 652M m3 of water, up from 370M m3 last year.
NATURE MINISTRY OFFICIAL: Akhuryan is 81% full, Arpi Lich 88%, Aparan 53%, Azat 91%, Marmarik 98%. There will be no shortage of water during the irrigation season and they won't have to release additional water from Lake Sevan. These rains have also increased the water levels in Lake Sevan by 7 cm, YoY. The positive trend began on May 14.
River Debed is formed by the merger of Dzoraget and Pambak rivers [near village Dsegh]. Pambak accounts for 40%, and Dzoraget - 60%. Most of the additional water on Saturday came through Dzoraget, with 350 m3/second, almost a historical high for Dzoraget.
Debed is the most abundant river in Armenia and always causes minor floods in spring but this time it was invigorated by 55 mm of rainfall.
This week expect rains in the late afternoon to evening but nothing major, they won't have a significant impact on the river levels. //

grandpa Bagrat learning how to make a K-Pop finger heart symbol: VIDEO


լավ հըլլը, աԱրա

video of Bagrat Galstanyan's supporters shutting down a road

soon the process will become irreversible: protest co-organizer Suren Petrosyan


Gagik Tsarukyan loves his homeland just as much as he loves Jesus. Do you understand me?

Earlier Tsarukyan announced a plan to raise a monumental statue of Jesus on Mt. Hatis. The local community gave him 146 hectares of land on the mount. It led to a revolt by nature and culture activists. Tsarukyan has since agreed to return the lands to Akunq village, but only the 2 hectares that house the archaeological site.

Yerevan municipality destroys several illegal garages in Arabkir condo backyard and launches the construction of playground: VIDEO

Residents are seeing the first major revamp in 56 years.

lightning kills one and injures two women in Gegharkunik

The incident happened in the fields between the villages of Karmir and Sarukhan.

Kazakhstan is discussing (resumes discussions) with U.S. firms to build a nuclear power plant

It could be a small modular reactor, said a minister.

several banks in Kazakhstan began to block transfers from Russia to China

Many Russian businesses were using Kazakhstan to pay for the goods imported from China. Kazakh banks explain the ban by citing a high decline rate by Chinese banks that are attempting to avoid transactions for sanctioned items.

Azerbaijan wants to take a $5 billion loan from international organizations over the next 5 years to implement large-scale projects in Karabakh and occupied Nagorno-Karabakh

FINANCE MINISTER: We are facing many big problems with the restoration and reconstruction of Karabakh. These projects would also promote economic growth. //
Azerbaijan's foreign debt is $6.1B. They want to repay $1.4B this year, then bring it to $10B.

Azerbaijani sapper explodes on a landmine during activities near the village of Nor Ghazanchi in ethnically-cleansed Nagorno-Karabakh


Azerbaijani journalists visited the recently delimited 4 Soviet-era villages on the Tavush-Gazakh border

They will record the area and learn about the organization of the border guarding service.

Defense Minister Papikyan is in Brussels to discuss cooperation

He met the Deputy PM David Clarinval to discuss the ongoing reforms in Armenia and potential defense cooperation.
They also discussed cooperation within NATO and the EU, Armenia's Crossroads of Peace project, and the security in Transcaucasia.
MOD Papikyan visited the headquarters of engineering firm John Cockerill and met CEO Thierry Renaudin to discuss the company's products and future projects. An agreement was reached to continue discussions on future cooperation.
source, source, source,

French Senate has been lobbying Macron administration to sell 155 mm CAESAR artillery to Armenia: interview with military expert Leonid Nersisyan

REPORTER: After the supply of French Bastion vehicles and the arrival of that jet loaded with some equipment, we haven't heard new press releases. Has the AM-FR military cooperation cooled off?
LEONID: They could be hiding it from the press. They didn't plan to make the delivery of Bastions public either. We might learn about them after the weapons arrive, like in previous cases.
REPORTER: There were discussions about receiving CAESAR artillery.
LEONID: The French Senate is lobbying to sell CAESAR to Armenia but there is no information about any agreements. I'm actually not sure if Armenia wants CAESAR because a large number of Indian artillery has already been purchased and there are options to buy from other countries as well [for lower price].

ruling party MP demands Galstanyan's protest organizers to pay a tax on the "millions they received from Moscow"

Context on the comments made by a Russian political figure Korotchenko in Monday report.

we see that Pashinyan has retained power, he has very strong positions: Vladimir Jabarov, Russian Senator from the foreign relations committee

VLADIMIR: Russia is interested in a stable situation in Armenia and will work with any government. The most important thing is to avoid human losses. Armenia remains our partner in CSTO despite the recent talks about leaving. Armenia is also a member of the EAEU.
So far we see that Pashinyan has retained power both after the elections and after the second Karabakh war, and he has quite strong positions. We are interested in stability in Armenia.
Any attempt to separate Armenia and Russia will have terrible consequences for Armenia because Russia is Armenia's most loyal ally. //

what Armenia is doing today will lead to success, Armenia will not be abandoned: Mykhailo Podolyak, Zelensky adviser about Armenia's pivot to West

PODOLYAK: I wish Armenia success. Always choose the right allies and do not believe those who are hypocrites. I think that what Armenia is doing today will lead to success. Armenia has chosen the path of independence at the right time. In the modern world, a country with a strong internal will, a strong core, will never be abandoned. It's nice to see this strong inner core, when people know and understand what Armenia is, when they understand the price that Armenia pays to be what it wants to be, to be independent. This is worthy of respect, sympathy, and it forms a desire to support not only with words but also with actions.
Armenia is in a historically important phase and is making the right decision about its future and its direction. The European integration is the right direction. I think Armenia understands the downsides of being in CSTO and other Russian-led organizations. Ukraine will gladly help our Armenian friends and support Armenia's European aspirations.
You cannot have equality by being an ally of Russia. Russia always tries to form organizations and assume the dominant role in the relations by suppressing others. Russia always tries to create economic and internal problems for its partners to increase their dependence on Russia.
Armenia has experience with Russia and understood that the [defense] "agreements" are all fictitious. Armenia has chosen the direction of strengthening ties with others and Ukraine will fully support Armenia here and Ukraine can always provide consultations to Armenia regarding the risks relating to Russia.
source, video,

Armenian government suspends the broadcasting of Russia's most popular state channel

High-Tech Minister Mkhitaryan says the Russian first channel has unpaid dues and the suspension on public multiplex will be lifted when they pay it. They haven't paid for 2.5 months.
Weeks earlier Pashinyan promised to suspend Russian channels if they continue to broadcast content that sabotages Armenia's sovereignty.

Lithuania: we appreciate Armenia‘s commitment to peace, democratic values, and its efforts to bring Armenia closer to EU. Our firm support to Armenia's sovereign, resilient and hopeful future.

Happy Republic Day.

Georgia's President Zurabishvili calls for a referendum to decide if people want "European future" or "slavery under Russia" after the ruling party bypasses the President's veto on the anti-NGO law


modern health facilities and doctor retraining; reforms underway

REPORTER: For the reconstruction and modernization of healthcare facilities, the state budget has allocated ֏11B for this year alone.
MINISTER: This is the first time the state is paying special attention to the renovation of ambulatories and polyclinics. We are in the planning phase right now. There are models for ambulatories; they will be built in 26 locations. We are also assessing the polyclinics; tens of medical centers are being constructed right now. We plan to rebuild all provincial medical facilities by 2026. The facilities receive modern equipment and conditions.
Having qualified staff is also important. The certification process is complete, and this year we also adopted a law to establish the institute of individual licensing. Starting in 2025 there will be a licensing for new graduates. That means we will verify their skills in addition to knowledge, to ensure our doctors know how to treat patients and how to communicate with them. Continuous professional education is also on the agenda.
(1) We will encourage doctors to visit provinces for short-term work. Doctors from Yerevan can work in provinces for bonus pay for 6 months without losing their spots in Yerevan.
(2) Targeted ordinatura. We will compensate the entire cost of education under the condition that upon graduation the young specialist will work for 3 years at a facility chosen by us. Over 50 specialists will be chosen annually for this program.
Over 200 doctors from Nagorno-Karabakh have found employment in various medical centers in Armenia. We made exemptions in the certification requirement to allow them a year to receive it. They also receive bonuses.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:37 nokill1996 Haven’t had luck with obtaining an interview

Any advice on my Resume? Thank you in advance.
submitted by nokill1996 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:14 UCFJaguar Florida Licensing

Florida Licensing
What is the deal with this second bullet? Why is it asking for five years of work experience?
submitted by UCFJaguar to CPA [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:50 jonnycross10 An idea for a new movie with the original cast

Imagine we got an adult diary of a wimpy kid movie with Zach Gordon and Devon Bostick. The idea is after the initial success from publishing his diaries and subsequently blowing all of the money, Greg is out of a job and decides to become Rodrick’s band manager. Since Löded Diaper got some recognition from the book, it’s the only potential source of income since his books stopped selling copies when his target audience began to age out with him. I think it would be a good template for a lot of funny and maybe more adult oriented humor where we get to see our favorite egotistical and self centered brothers tackle this challenge together.
I think it would make sense because in the books Greg would try to hook up Rodrick’s band with gigs like at Heather Hill’s party. I also like the paradigm of having Greg release his books and have them be successful for only a short time. This is because it’s very plausible that Greg would not fully understand the reason why his books were so successful bc they’re funny is sort of an ironic and self deprecating way. It also sets up the situation for no one to have actually heard löded diaper before. Except a few people that knew them before the books release of course. This will draw in some people to actually see the shows bc they will have heard about the band from the book they read growing up and will actually get to hear them perform live.
What do you think? Would you watch it?
submitted by jonnycross10 to Diaryofawimpykid [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:10 JobsRus_ why knowing how to use Microsoft Word is important when having a job

The lady behind the JobsRUs.com mask
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