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2024.05.15 11:42 doofthefloof Vreau sa organizez un grup de D&D. Cine se baga?:))

Cum zice si titlul basically. Eu si inca un prieten ne-am face un grup de 5-6 pers. Grupul din care facem parte curent nu se intalneste prea des (4 sesiuni din noiembrie pana acum) si am vazut ca s-a mai postat asta pe aici si erau oameni interesati. Pentru cateva detalii: -zic sa incepem cu un one shot de 1-3 sesiuni, sa vedem daca ne inghitim pana sa ne bagam la ceva mai lung:)) -daca e vreun DM prin umbra pe aici, te vrem in echipa noastra:)) ne-ar placea sa fim jucatori tbh, dar vedem cum se aliniaza astrele in final. -prima intalnire chiar joia viitoare dupa mine, considerand ca ne strangem cativa pana atunci. Va astept cu drag mesajele/commurile tbh:)) facem un grup de facebook/wapp si stabilim mai departe :D
submitted by doofthefloof to bucuresti [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:35 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Christian man seeking Christian woman #Washington #Online

I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to have no mileage.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you to be fully submissive to me. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to submit to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:34 Meydeey Google : Réponses IA Intégrées dans le Moteur de Recherche

Google a annoncé une mise à jour majeure de son moteur de recherche : l'intégration de réponses générées par l'IA. Cette nouveauté, appelée "AI overviews", sera déployée cette semaine aux États-Unis et s'étendra bientôt à d'autres pays. Cette innovation vise à offrir des résumés succincts des informations trouvées sur le web, directement en haut des résultats de recherche.

Qu'est-ce que les "AI overviews" ?

Les "AI overviews" sont des résumés générés par l'IA qui apparaissent en tête des résultats de recherche. Ces résumés sont créés par la technologie Gemini de Google et incluent des liens vers les sources d'information. Cela permet aux utilisateurs de trouver rapidement des réponses à leurs questions sans avoir à parcourir plusieurs sites web.

Pourquoi ce changement ?

Google fait face à une concurrence croissante de la part d'autres moteurs de recherche alimentés par l'IA, comme Perplexity, et des rumeurs selon lesquelles OpenAI développe son propre outil de recherche. De plus, des fonctionnalités de recherche par chat IA sont déjà disponibles sur des plateformes comme Facebook, Instagram et WhatsApp. Ces alternatives sont souvent préférées pour leur interface plus épurée.

Impact sur les utilisateurs et les créateurs de contenu

Pour les utilisateurs, cette mise à jour signifie une recherche plus rapide et plus efficace. Tu pourras poser des questions complexes et obtenir des réponses détaillées en une seule fois. Par exemple, tu pourras demander à Google de diagnostiquer un appareil électroménager en panne en le filmant avec ton smartphone.
Cependant, les créateurs de contenu et les petits éditeurs sont inquiets. Ils craignent que les utilisateurs ne cliquent plus sur leurs sites web pour obtenir des informations, ce qui pourrait réduire leur trafic. Selon le cabinet d'études Gartner, le trafic des moteurs de recherche sur le web pourrait chuter de 25 % d'ici 2026 en raison de l'utilisation accrue des robots d'IA.

Les avantages des "AI overviews"

  • Recherche plus rapide et efficace
  • Réponses détaillées et précises
  • Liens vers les sources d'information
  • Possibilité de poser des questions complexes

Le projet Astra de Google

En parallèle, Google travaille sur le projet Astra, qui vise à créer des assistants numériques pour aider à accomplir diverses tâches. Ces assistants seront intégrés dans des produits Google comme l'application Gemini ou l'Assistant. L'objectif est de fournir un agent d'intelligence artificielle universel qui soit vraiment utile dans la vie quotidienne.
Par exemple, tu pourrais avoir un assistant expert à tes côtés via ton téléphone ou des dispositifs innovants comme des lunettes intelligentes. Ces assistants seront capables de reconnaître l'environnement via la caméra d'un smartphone et de fournir des conseils pratiques.

La concurrence dans le domaine de l'IA

Google n'est pas seul dans cette course à l'IA. OpenAI a récemment publié une version améliorée de son logiciel, GPT-4o, qui peut générer du contenu et comprendre des commandes vocales, textuelles ou visuelles. Cette technologie est capable de faire des blagues, d'écrire des chansons et d'aider à résoudre des problèmes complexes.
Apple est également en train de conclure un accord avec OpenAI pour utiliser les capacités de ChatGPT sur l'iPhone. Cet accord pourrait être annoncé lors d'un événement en Californie le mois prochain, avec une possible mise à jour de Siri, l'assistant numérique d'Apple.


En résumé, l'intégration de réponses générées par l'IA dans le moteur de recherche IA Google représente une avancée majeure. Elle promet de rendre la recherche en ligne plus rapide et plus efficace, tout en posant des défis pour les créateurs de contenu. Le projet Astra et la concurrence avec des entreprises comme OpenAI montrent que le domaine de l'IA est en pleine effervescence, avec de nombreuses innovations à venir.

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submitted by Meydeey to iaautomatisation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:33 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Adam seeking Eve

I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
Age gap is not mandatory. Don't be put off contacting me if you are closer to my age.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to be a virgin.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings, or have undergone any kind of surgery that affects your reproductive organs (reassignment, colpocleisis, FGM, tubal ligation, etc). I am not a doctor, so I don't know every situation that could require surgery. If you've had to undergo surgery or medication because of circumstances beyond your control, please let me know; I'm willing to hear your side of things.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you treat me as the head of the house. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to defer to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to Christianr4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:22 FaithfullyYoursJesus I left church because....

Hi! I've been wanting to vent out about this before but I just didn't know how to start and where to start. I've been carrying this burden in my heart for quite awhile now. This is regarding our Pastor. To start, I just want to say that he is a good person. Knowing him from the time we moved here in the province four years ago. he is indeed a good man. I remember the time he was dreaming to have a big online platform. I was there when he was just starting four years ago. I was the one who managed and organized his facebook page and his youtube account. I was the one who edit his videos and photos early on. He gave me money few times in exchange of my service but most times, I was doing it for free. Honestly, I didn't mind doing it for free because I love doing something for the ministry.. for God.. for Jesus Christ. I was a very active young people in the church back in the days when we were still living in the city. It has indeed become my lifestyle even after we moved here in the province. You know, I've noticed something about him. The things that he wanted me to edit, it's like the branding was focused most about him. God's word second. Like for instance, he wanted every thumbnails his face is in it. For the photos with bible verses, he always wanted to have his photos included. I was able to keep it to myself for such a long time, eventually I grew tired helping him. I've lost my motivation to edit because in my heart, something wasn't right.
Fast forward, I stopped doing it. But I was entrusted to do another assignment at church, I was assigned to do the projector during service. I'm not complaining about my task. I always love doing things for God. Going back to our pastor's platform. He is getting close to having 100k followers on his FB page now, but a lot of people are bashing him because according to them, he doesn't practice what he preaches. He is very worldly for a pastor. His videos speak volumes. Also, he is becoming toxic in dealing with people in the comment section. He would lashed out at every people who were trying to rebuke him in a loving way. It's like to him, they're always against him and he is always right and as if there's nothing wrong in what he does. For me, it's sad and heartbreaking. It's like he values his fame now more than God. It's like he would be okay to do bad publicity to become more famous. Bad publicity is still a publicity. His page will still has engagement from it regardless. More engagements means more revenue.
Actually, he believes in a hypergrace teaching and that's what he teaches in the church. One day, I've made a decision that I would temporarily stop going to that church because I want to grow more in faith and in God's grace even if it entails that I have to be alone in the wildnerness. I wasn't growing there. There was no discipleship.. the praise and worship was taken for granted.. there was no bible study.. there was no spiritual accountable partners. Basically, just going to church every Sunday and come out from the service just like nothing happened. I don't want that. I told him that I would stop going to church temporarily and come back soon but all the more I don't want to go there anymore. I want a leader who can rightly lead me, not blindly lead me. Just right now, he is viral because last Sunday after the service, they recorded a video of them dancing to a secular song inside the church. A lot of Christians were disappointed and upset. But as for him, he is boasting about in his facebook account. It's heartbreaking to see how fame and the greed for fame can change a person. Actually, after he got monetized and received his pay, he kicked me out of his page already without telling me that he would do it. But when he was first starting it, he told me he would make me an admin. I understand that it was his page but it's sad on my part that when was just starting, he told me that he would involve me but when he's becoming famous, he just kicked me out without notice. if you were in my shoe, do you think it's reasonable for me to stop going to that church? Probably some of you would suggest for me to find another church, but after what happened, for now, I just want to stay home and listen to preachings online.
submitted by FaithfullyYoursJesus to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:19 FaithfullyYoursJesus I left church because....

Hi! I've been wanting to vent out about this before but I just didn't know how to start and where to start. I've been carrying this burden in my heart for quite awhile now. This is regarding our Pastor. To start, I just want to say that he is a good person. Knowing him from the time we moved here in the province four years ago. he is indeed a good man. I remember the time he was dreaming to have a big online platform. I was there when he was just starting four years ago. I was the one who managed and organized his facebook page and his youtube account. I was the one who edit his videos and photos early on. He gave me money few times in exchange of my service but most times, I was doing it for free. Honestly, I didn't mind doing it for free because I love doing something for the ministry.. for God.. for Jesus Christ. I was a very active young people in the church back in the days when we were still living in the city. It has indeed become my lifestyle even after we moved here in the province. You know, I've noticed something about him. The things that he wanted me to edit, it's like the branding was focused most about him. God's word second. Like for instance, he wanted every thumbnails his face is in it. For the photos with bible verses, he always wanted to have his photos included. I was able to keep it to myself for such a long time, eventually I grew tired helping him. I've lost my motivation to edit because in my heart, something wasn't right.
Fast forward, I stoped doing it. But I was entrusted to do another assignment at church, I was assigned to do the projector during service. I'm not complaining about my task. I always love doing things for God. Going back to our pastor's platform. He is getting close to having 100k followers on his FB page now, but a lot of people are bashing him because according to them, he doesn't practice what he preaches. He is very worldly for a pastor. His videos speak volumes. Also, he is becoming toxic in dealing with people in the comment section. He would lashed out at every people who were trying to rebuke him in a loving way. It's like to him, they're always against him and he is always right and as if there's nothing wrong in what he does. For me, it's sad and heartbreaking. It's like he values his fame now more than God. It's like he would be okay to do bad publicity to become more famous. Bad publicity is still a publicity. His page will still has engagement from it regardless. More engagements means more revenue.
Actually, he believes in a hypergrace teaching and that's what he teaches in the church. One day, I've made a decision that I would temporarily stop going to that church because I want to grow more in faith and in God's grace even if it entails that I have to be alone in the wildnerness. I wasn't growing there. There was no discipleship.. the praise and worship was taken for granted.. there was no bible study.. there was no spiritual accountable partners. Basically, just going to church every Sunday and come out from the service just like nothing happened. I don't want that. I told him that I would stop going to church temporarily and come back soon but all the more I don't want to go there anymore. I want a leader who can rightly lead me, not blindly lead me. Just right now, he is viral because last Sunday after the service, they recorded a video of them dancing to a secular song inside the church. A lot of Christians were disappointed and upset. But as for him, he is boasting about in his facebook account. It's heartbreaking to see how fame and the greed for fame can change a person. Actually, after he got monetized and received his pay, he kicked me out of his page already without telling me that he would do it. But when he was first starting it, he told me he would make me an admin. I understand that it was his page but it's sad on my part that when was just starting, he told me that he would involve me but when he's becoming famous, he just kicked me out without notice. if you were in my shoe, do you think it's reasonable for me to stop going to that church? Probably some of you would suggest for me to find another church, but after what happened, for now, I just want to stay home and listen to preachings online.
submitted by FaithfullyYoursJesus to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:13 GheorgheGheorghiuBej Cum se manipuleaza opinia publica

Sa zicem ca esti un partid mare la guvernare si vrei sa introduci o masura nepopulara. Exemple posibile ar fi:
Iata cum poti sa faci:
A mai trecut o zi, s-a mai dat o lege-doua! Vitele rumega linistite in staul. Vacarii se mai freaca odata pe burta si mai dau o chermeza intr-un Castel din Carpati.
submitted by GheorgheGheorghiuBej to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:15 deseyfashion Top 10 Corporate Photoshoot Services in Singapore 2024

Top 10 Corporate Photoshoot Services in Singapore 2024
Corporate photography is essentially about taking photos for businesses to help them showcase their brand, products, and services. These photos play a crucial role in building the company's image and promoting what it offers to its audience. They're used across various platforms like company websites, brochures, social media, and press releases. Additionally, they serve individuals who want to build a professional portfolio to highlight their skills and expertise.
Within the realm of corporate photography, there's a diverse range of styles and purposes. The most common type is corporate portraits, which include professional headshots and outdoor portraits. These portraits are often featured on company websites, employee profiles, and corporate directories, giving a face to the company's workforce and conveying a sense of professionalism.
Another popular style is capturing 'business-in-action' shots, which provide a glimpse into the daily operations of the company. These photos showcase employees at work, giving viewers an inside look into the company's culture, values, and working environment. They help to humanise the brand and build connections with the audience.
Group portraits are also prevalent in corporate photography, highlighting teamwork and camaraderie among employees. These photos often feature the entire workforce together, conveying a sense of unity and collaboration within the company.
In addition to indoor studio settings, environmental or outdoor portraits are gaining popularity in corporate photography. These photos are taken outside of the traditional office environment and often tell a story or evoke a specific mood. They provide a more relaxed and natural look while still conveying the desired message or brand image.
In Singapore, the corporate photography scene is thriving, with numerous photo studios offering specialised services tailored to business needs. However, with so many options available, choosing the right studio can be overwhelming. To assist in this process, we've compiled a curated list of the top studios in Singapore for corporate photography, each renowned for their expertise, creativity, and professionalism. Whether you require headshots, product photography, or event coverage, these studios excel in delivering high-quality images that meet the standards of Corporate Photoshoot Singapore. Read on to learn more about the Top 10 Corporate Photoshoot Services in Singapore 2024.

1. Mount Studio

In Singapore's bustling photography scene, Mount Studio stands out for its reliability and creativity. Embarking on its journey in 2017 within the cosy confines of a 1,300-square-foot studio, Mount Studio soon found itself outgrowing its original space, prompting a move to a more expansive locale capable of housing both photo and video studios under one roof.

They offer a wide range of photography services, including corporate, wedding, fashion, and event photography. They also allow others to rent their studios for their own projects.

Key Features:

❖ Mount Studio now operates three studios within a spacious 2,400-square-foot facility.
❖ With over 15 years of combined experience, the founders ensure top-quality service.
❖ Conveniently located near Marymount MRT station, Mount Studio is easily accessible to clients across Singapore.
❖ They have worked with prestigious clients like OCBC Bank, Visa, IBM, Klook, and Philip Morris.

Corporate Photography Services:

Corporate Portraits - Professional photography at Mount Studio includes retouching three selected photos per person and the option for one backdrop. All photos are provided in low-resolution JPEG format for selection, with the final edited high-resolution JPEGs sent via Dropbox within 7-10 working days.

On-location Photography Service: Their services include sending a professional photographer and assistant to the client's chosen location. Clients get up to three carefully retouched photos per person, with professional lighting and various backdrop options. All photos are provided in low-resolution JPEG format for easy viewing, and the final edited high-resolution JPEGs are delivered via Dropbox within 7 to 10 working days.

Outdoor Photoshoots: At your preferred Singapore location, you'll get professional photography with editing. Expect around 30-60 edited photos per hour, all delivered in high-resolution JPEG format via Dropbox within 7-10 working days.

Contact Information:

Address: Foo Wah Industrial Building, 45 Jalan Pemimpin #07-04 Singapore 577197
Phone: +65 8875 8092
Email: [contact@mountstudio.com.sg](mailto:contact@mountstudio.com.sg)

2. Firefly Photography

Firefly Photography is a photo studio in Singapore that offers various services like corporate, family, and wedding photography. It started in 2012 with a partnership with a tech company and introduced outdoor family photoshoots, which were unique at the time. Over the years, it grew, securing contracts with big names like Nestle and Wildlife Reserves Singapore. Since 2014, it's been part of the National Day Parade.

Key Features:

❖ With 10 years of experience, Firefly Photography handles corporate projects for various clients, from government agencies to small businesses and multinational corporations.
❖ They have a fully-equipped studio for corporate headshots, group photos, and commercial shoots. You can also choose to shoot at your preferred location.
❖ Their professional team ensures a comfortable experience during the shoot.
❖ They offer a 360 Virtual Tour service to enhance your brand's online presence.

Corporate Photography Services:

Professional Corporate Photoshoots: Tailored photography sessions designed to meet the specific needs and branding of corporate clients, ensuring high-quality images for marketing and promotional materials.
Corporate Headshots: Expertly captured portraits focused on individuals within the corporate environment, ideal for professional profiles, websites, and marketing materials.
Group Corporate Photoshoots: Sessions designed to capture teams and groups within the corporate setting, promoting unity and teamwork through visually engaging images.
Lifestyle Photography: Photography sessions that capture the essence and atmosphere of the corporate environment, showcasing the culture, values, and daily life of the organisation.
Commercial and Stock Photography: High-quality images suitable for commercial use, including advertising, marketing, and editorial purposes, available for licensing or purchase.
360 Virtual Tour: Immersive virtual tours that provide an interactive and engaging experience, allowing viewers to explore corporate spaces remotely and gain a comprehensive understanding of the environment.
Corporate Video Production: Professional video production services tailored to corporate clients, including promotional videos, training videos, interviews, and corporate event coverage.

Contact Information:

Address: 1 Yishun Industrial Street 1, A'Posh Bizhub, #07-19, Singapore 768160
Phone: +65 9147 3301
Email: [info@fireflyphotographysg.com](mailto:info@fireflyphotographysg.com)

3. Memoire Photography


In the dynamic world of corporate photoshoot, where professionalism meets creativity, Memoire Photography emerges as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Nestled in the heart of Singapore, Memoire Photography isn't just a studio; it's a testament to the fusion of artistry and business acumen. Specialising in corporate photo shooting, as one explores what makes Memoire unique, they invite you on a journey where every picture tells a powerful story of corporate identity and success.

Key Features:

❖ Strategically situated in the bustling heart of Singapore, Memoire Photography enjoys a prime location easily reachable for clients from all corners of the city.
❖ Memoire Photography has a really advanced studio with the latest technology. They're great for corporate headshots, team photos, and commercial shoots.
❖ At Memoire Photography, clients can expect a seamless and enjoyable experience, From initial consultation to the final delivery, they prioritise client comfort and satisfaction, ensuring a stress-free and productive photo session.
❖ With a keen eye for detail and mastery of post-production techniques, they ensure that every image is meticulously edited to perfection, resulting in polished and professional visuals that truly stand out.
❖ Prior to the shoot, clients receive personalised style consultations to ensure that the visual aesthetic aligns seamlessly with their brand identity and objectives.

Corporate Photography Services:

Tailored Corporate Photoshoots: Professional photo shoots are available to encapsulate the essence of any company, ranging from the dynamics of office spaces to discussions in boardrooms, aiming to generate imagery that enhances marketing materials.
Executive Portraits: Catering to companies seeking to exhibit their team's professionalism, expertly captured executive portraits offer an ideal solution, suitable for incorporation into websites, profiles, and promotional materials.
Team Building Sessions: Fostering unity and collaboration, interactive group photoshoots encapsulate the collaborative spirit, whether involving the entire team or specific departments.
Company Culture Photography: Lifestyle photography sessions breathe life into corporate culture by capturing its values, ethos, and daily activities, providing a window into the core of the organisation.
Commercial Imagery: Premium-quality product photoshoot commercial imagery boosts brand visibility, serving various purposes ranging from advertising to editorial requirements, poised to augment marketing endeavours.

Contact Information:

Address: 246 MacPherson Road #02-01 (Betime Building) Singapore 348578
Phone: +65 9686 9665
Email: [contact@memoire.sg](mailto:contact@memoire.sg)
Website : https://www.memoire.sg

4. The Beautybox Studio

Since its establishment in 1998, The Beautybox Studio has been a premier destination for creative and personalised photography services. With a focus on both studio and location photography, the team at The Beautybox Studio is committed to delivering exceptional portrait photography and image styling. With a collective experience of 25 years, they aim to maintain their position as one of Singapore's top makeover and photography studios. The Beautybox Studio offers a comprehensive experience, combining a sense of luxury, visual appeal, and exceptional service.

Key Features:

❖ Their experienced photographers take the time to understand each client's needs, ensuring a tailored experience.
❖ Beautybox constantly explores new angles and expressions to make each image special.
❖ With full-time makeup artists and hairstylists, they offer convenience and expertise to enhance clients' appearance for the shoot.
❖ Their beauty professionals have at least five years of experience, guaranteeing top-notch service and confidence in front of the camera.

Corporate Photography Services:

Headshot Passport: The Beautybox Studio takes professional headshot photos that are great for resumes, applications, and company IDs.
Half-Body Photoshoots: They specialise in half-body photos that show off your personality for business purposes. They offer makeup and hairstyling to make you look your best.
Lifestyle Photography: They also do lifestyle photos that are more casual and friendly, perfect for social media or professional profiles.
Black+White Photoshoots: They offer classic black and white photos that focus on your expressions and presence.
Premiere Photography: With professional makeup and hairstyling, they ensure you look confident in every photo. They take high-quality photos for business use.
Group Photoshoots: They take photos of corporate teams for internal or external use, showing unity and professionalism.
Cabin Crew Photoshoots: They provide studio-quality photos at your office, with expert lighting and backgrounds, perfect for cabin crew and other corporate needs.

Contact Information:

Address: 452 North Bridge Road #02-00 Chan Brothers Bldg, Singapore 188733
Phone: +65 6835 3012
Email: [enquiry@beautyboxstudio.com.sg](mailto:enquiry@beautyboxstudio.com.sg)
Website : https://www.beautyboxstudio.com.sg/

5. Shoot You SG

Highly recommended for budget-friendly professional photo sessions, Shoot You SG was founded in 2017, specialising primarily in corporate photography. Alongside corporate services, the studio extends its expertise to family, wedding, and event photography.

Adding to its offerings, Shoot You SG provides photo booth rentals for corporate gatherings.

Key Features:

❖ Collaborations with renowned corporate entities like AIA, BreadTalk, Smollan, Great Eastern, and IPP.
❖ Flexibility for off-site shoots at locations of your choice.
❖ Esteemed for its prompt and expert photography services.
❖ Spacious and cosy studio setup, including a dedicated area for outfit changes.
❖ The photographer team prides itself on being affable, approachable, and supportive, guiding clients with poses and angles."

Corporate Photography Services:

Corporate Full-Body: Up to 20 images to choose from. 1 selected softcopy (retouched/edited) in full-body & head-crop (from same image) (3600px by 2400px), only applicable for 1 (white, grey & black) backdrop.
Corporate Half-Body: Up to 20 images to choose from. 1 selected softcopy (retouched/edited) in half-body & head-crop (from same image) (3600px by 2400px), only applicable for 1 (white, grey & black) backdrop.
Half-Body Portfolio: Up to 50 images to choose from. 1 selected softcopy (retouched/edited) in half-body & head-crop (from same image) (3600px by 2400px), only applicable for 1 (white, grey & black) backdrop.
Corporate Group Photography: Expertly composed and lit portraits that showcase the unity and professionalism of your corporate team.
Event Photography: High-quality portraits of attendees, speakers, and VIP guests, showcasing their engagement and participation in the event.
Photo Booth for Events: The team begins its process once clients reserve the photo booth session. They tailor logos, fonts, and designs to ensure each one possesses its unique flair, aligning seamlessly with the chosen theme. The team suggests maintaining simplicity and minimalism in the designs to ensure guests remain the focal point of the event.
Contact Information:

Address: Wintech Centre, 6 Ubi Road 1, #06-01 Singapore 408726
Phone: +65 9382 8465
Email: [reachus@shootyou.sg](mailto:reachus@shootyou.sg)

6. Dato Photograph
For over a decade and a half, Dato Photograph has been the go-to destination for diverse photography needs in Singapore. With a rich history of fifteen years, they've solidified their reputation as a trusted provider of top-notch photography services.
Founded by a collective of seasoned professionals with backgrounds spanning photography, modelling, magazine editorial, and event coordination, Dato Photograph brings a wealth of expertise to every project they undertake.
Key Features:
❖ Dato Photograph's portfolio includes collaborations with renowned publications like the esteemed corporate magazine, AsiaX.
❖ Clients enjoy the perk of unlimited shots during their sessions, ensuring every angle and moment is captured flawlessly.
❖ Need to spice up your shoot? Dato Photograph provides a selection of complimentary accessories and themed costumes to add that extra flair.
❖ Convenience is key, as the studio extends complimentary transportation services for location shoots, making the entire process hassle-free for their clientele.
Corporate Photography Services:

Passport Photo: Passport photos serve as a visual identification tool, capturing the essence of an individual in a standardised format, ensuring seamless border crossings and official documentation worldwide.
Corporate Headshot: Skilfully captured portraits spotlighting individuals within the corporate realm, tailored for enhancing professional profiles, websites, and marketing collateral with a distinctive touch.
Location or Outdoor Photoshoot: Capture the essence of your story amidst nature's canvas. Let Dato Photography frame your moments in the breathtaking backdrop of the great outdoors.
Contact Information:

Address 1: 12 Arumugam Road, Singapore 409958
Address 2: 115C Canberra Walk, Singapore 753115
Phone: +65 9484 4344
Email: [datophotograph@gmail.com](mailto:datophotograph@gmail.com)

7. Our Momento
Our Momento, a family-operated photography collective based in Singapore, specialises in providing a range of photography and videography services since its establishment in 2023. Their focus lies in outdoor photography, including corporate portraits, led by Jori Goh and Cynthia Lim, the studio's principal photographers.
Key Features:
❖ Our Momento offers straightforward pricing without hidden fees or extra charges per photo. They also give discounts for regular business collaborations.
❖ Specialising in outdoor shoots, they provide a fresh perspective for corporate portraits, alongside traditional studio options.
❖ Clients can discuss their ideas freely in an initial consultation at no extra cost.
❖ With a turnaround time of 7 to 10 days, clients receive edited photos promptly for their projects.
Corporate Photography Services:

Professional Headshots: Let your team's professionalism shine with expertly captured headshots, highlighting their confidence and approachability.
Team Photoshoots: Showcase your team's unity and spirit with group portraits that capture the essence of collaboration.
Company Events Coverage: Preserve the excitement and success of your company events with comprehensive photo coverage.
Environmental Portraits: Tell your company's story with portraits that incorporate your workspace or industry, adding authenticity to your brand.
Candid Photos: Capture genuine moments of connection and laughter with candid snapshots that reflect your company culture.
Contact Information:

Address: Jurong West Street 42, Block 419, Singapore 640419
Phone: +65 8020 2902
Email: [contact@ourmomento.sg](mailto:contact@ourmomento.sg)

8. White Room Studio
Looking to capture a memorable moment? Look no further than White Room Studio. This family-owned establishment has been a fixture in the photography world since 2009. Their studio is a one-of-a-kind space flooded with natural light, ensuring your photos stand out. Whether it's a corporate event, a family gathering, or a glamorous photoshoot, their creativity and spacious studio are ready to bring your vision to life.
Key Features:
❖ Step into their studio, a quaint shophouse filled with natural light. The absence of harsh studio lighting creates a soft, welcoming atmosphere that enhances every photograph, ensuring a natural and captivating feel.
❖ Their studio isn't your typical sterile environment. It's a space meticulously designed to ignite creativity. Offering a variety of backgrounds and settings, clients can bring their unique visions to life. Whether it's a rustic backdrop or a modern setting, their studio serves as a versatile canvas for creative expression.
❖ Their studio offers a variety of photoshoot options to suit every story. Whether it's a romantic couple shoot or a playful family portrait, they've got something for everyone. Their team works closely with clients to ensure each session reflects their unique style and personality.
Corporate Photography Services:

Headshot: White Room Studio offers corporate headshot photography that's redefining the industry. They specialise in creating professional images that enhance clients' presence on platforms like LinkedIn and within their professional networks. From CEOs and small business owners to fitness instructors, musicians, life coaches, doctors, and recent graduates, White Room Studio crafts headshots that exude confidence and professionalism for individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Corporate Branding: They prioritise listening to clients of all sizes and industries. Whether it's in recruitment, shipping, insurance, construction, hospitality, healthcare, aviation, financial services, or banking, they ensure that every corporate portrait reflects the message represented by the business.
Personal Branding: showcases your unique personality. Whether you aim for a warm and professional attitude or a vibrant and approachable vibe, they tailor your approach to suit your style.

Contact Information:

Address: 219 River Valley Road . Level 2, Singapore 238277
Phone: +65 6235 7037
Email: [enquiry@whiteroomstudio.com.sg](mailto:enquiry@whiteroomstudio.com.sg)

9. Lumiere Photography Pte Ltd

Meet Lumiere Photography – the premier option for partnering with leading corporations, global VIPs, and governmental dignitaries. Renowned for their prowess in crafting striking corporate photo shoot in Singapore, this team is adept at leaving a memorable mark. Their skilled crew, consistently attired with finesse and fluent in English, adds a layer of elegance to each endeavour. Lumiere Photography has adeptly captured prestigious occasions featuring influential personalities, ensuring prompt delivery of impeccable images ideal for urgent press releases.

Key Features:

❖ Lumiere Photography gets your press photos to you quickly, helping you meet your media deadlines without hassle.
❖ They create impressive videos and photos that tell your corporate story in a visually stunning way, ensuring your content stands out.
❖ With a talented team dressed to impress, Lumiere Photography not only captures amazing shots but also upholds your company's image at every event.

Corporate Photography Services:

Portrait Photography: Are you always rushing to find a good photo for your LinkedIn, resume, or Facebook? No need to worry anymore! With lots of experience taking pictures for big companies, Lumiere Photography Pte Ltd will make sure you look great in your suit and tie.

Studio Photoshoot: Lumiere Photography Pte Ltd offers clients the opportunity to indulge their friends and/or family in a delightful one-hour photoshoot experience within the comfort of their studio. They ensure a bug-free, sweat-free environment, allowing everyone to enjoy the session to the fullest.

Contact Information:

Address: 1 Yishun Industrial Street 1, A, #07-19/22 Posh Bizhub, Singapore 768160
Phone: +65 9023 8794
Email: [info@LumierePhotographySg.com](mailto:info@LumierePhotographySg.com)

10. Oh Dear Studio

Established in 2010, Oh Dear Studio in Blair Plain, Singapore, offers expert photography services capturing the city's timeless charm. Led by founder Melody Lin, the studio specialises in corporate and personal portraits, blending professionalism with artistic flair. Set in a charming colonial shophouse, Oh Dear Studio boasts tasteful decor, abundant natural light, and a serene rooftop oasis. Melody's passion for photography and dedication to storytelling ensure that every moment, from family gatherings to corporate events, is immortalised with authenticity and warmth. Oh Dear Studio is more than a photography studio; it's a sanctuary where memories are transformed into timeless treasures. For corporate photoshoots Singapore, Oh Dear Studio offers unparalleled expertise and creativity, capturing the essence of your brand with finesse.

Key Features:

❖ They're experts at taking professional photos for businesses and individuals, having done it for over 15 years.
❖ They specialise in business photos but also do pictures for couples, grads, and families.
❖ People love their work and say great things about it. The studio is in a neat old building with a stylish inside that makes for great photos.
❖ They have a private rooftop with lots of plants where you can take outdoor pictures in a peaceful setting.

Corporate Photography Services:

Professional Corporate: Oh Dear Studio places a strong emphasis on attentive client engagement across a diverse spectrum of industries and company scales. From recruitment and shipping to insurance, construction, hospitality, healthcare, aviation, financial services, and banking, they are dedicated to ensuring that each corporate portrait resonates with the unique identity and message conveyed by the business it represents.

● On-site Outdoor Corporate Photography: Oh Dear Studio endeavours to deliver exceptional professional business images, whether it's an outdoor Corporate Photoshoot or an on-site Office Corporate Photography session. A minimum booking of 2 hours is required, with the flexibility for clients to choose the location or office setting. The package includes the return of all soft copies captured, ensuring high-quality images at 3600 pixels x 2400 pixels and 300 DPI resolution.

Contact Information:

Address: 87 Kampong Bahru Rd, #02-01, Singapore 169381
Phone: +65 9738 3447
Email: [hello@ohdearstudio.com.sg](mailto:hello@ohdearstudio.com.sg)

submitted by deseyfashion to u/deseyfashion [link] [comments]


The wait is over! Guild of Guardians is now available globally!
Guild of Guardians has arrived worldwide and is available now to download for free to play on iOS and Android.
Before you jump into your first dungeon raid in Elderym, here’s an overview of all the important things you need to know for the launch of Guild of Guardians.‍

Banish the Dread:

Guild of Guardians plunges you into a captivating RPG experience where strategic squad building meets thrilling roguelite action.
Prepare to be captivated by Guild of Guardians' blend of deep strategy, thrilling combat, and the ever-present threat of the Dread. Click here for an extensive overview of the game!
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Leaderboard Launch Event:

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The fight against the Dread is a collective effort, and no Guardian goes it alone! Guild of Guardians fosters a vibrant and passionate community where you can:
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Today marks the beginning of an epic adventure, a journey for the ages.
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For our full article on everything you need to know about the launch for Guild of Guardians, please visit HERE!
submitted by Ryan_Immutable to guildofguardians [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:45 Ok-Cattle-9520 Is my (36m) fiancé (33f) might be cheating on me or am I just being paranoid?

I do t know if it’s just me or if this stuff is suspicious. We’ve been together for a year now. Here’s the reasons I think she might be cheating:
  1. We used condoms at the beginning of our relationship. Then about two months in we stopped. Now all of a sudden she wants to start using them again. She said it’s because she doesn’t like the smell we both produce when we have sex and that the condoms help.
  2. We barely even have sex anymore. We’re going on two months now.
  3. She accidentally turned off her location services on her phone and I can’t see her location. She can still see mine. When I asked her about it, she said she didn’t know how to turn it back on. I walked her through it and got it back on. A day later, they were off again.
  4. She doesn’t wear her engagement ring. When I asked her about that, she said it’s because she doesn’t like being asked personal questions about her life while she’s at work. That kind of makes sense, but when she goes out with friends, she doesn’t wear it either.
  5. When invited to go out with friends, her friends don’t invite me to tag along. Our group of friends is one that we have both known since high school. We’ve both been friends with this group for almost 20 years.
  6. She’s been distant. We used to cuddle every night and now I barely get a kiss good night.
  7. She recently started doing her makeup and hair in the spare bathroom. She’s always done it in our shared bedroom or bathroom. When I asked her about it, she said it’s because she doesn’t want to wake me up. I’ve told her that she is the only person in this world that could wake me up and I’d have no issue with it.
  8. It took her two weeks to tell her family about our engagement. When I shared it on Facebook, she got upset with me.
  9. She always keeps her phone unlocked. That’s not the issue, but she used to always just leave it lying around. Now she never lets it out of her sight. My phone is locked because I use it for work and have sensitive company information on there. She has the password and has her face assigned to it, so she always has access.
  10. She used to take calls while I’m in the room and always used speaker phone because she said it’s easier for her to hear it. Now within the past month she leaves the room and uses the regular speaker.
I really hope this is me just being paranoid. I don’t know how to approach any of this with her without making her uncomfortable or without it seeming like I’m accusing her of cheating. I don’t want to secretly go through her phone or anything like that. We signed a lease together a month ago. If she is cheating and I find out, I’m stuck with her for another 11 months. Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by Ok-Cattle-9520 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:44 KitticusCatticus Is the FDA hiding Purina's dirty little secret? Kitten Chow, Proplan, Beneful, & many more found with highly elevated levels of vitamin D. Almost 1000 pets reported dead, many more sick. 92% were given a Purina/Nestle food. (Dogs too!)

Yet the FDA hasn't released any official statement or recall because Purina is putting on a hard poker face, denying the allegations of affected pets, which includes almost 1000 FDA reported fatalities. That's just what has been reported. Families like ours, who recently lost a perfectly healthy pet, are just now realizing this may have been the cause.
This needs to get BIG. Tell everyone you know. Bloggers, get blogging. You make videos? Make one on this. Get this info out. Because the FDA and Purina sure aren't.
Some more links for those interested:
What they've admitted to already: https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/nestle-purina-petcare-company-voluntarily-recalls-purina-pro-plan-veterinary-diets-el-elemental-dry (Notice they say there will be no announcement until "scientific research has been done."? Well. Who's doing this research and when? How many more pets need to die before they can fit this in their schedule?)
An info site made by pet parents, for pet parents: https://truthaboutpetfood.com/971-pet-food-complaints-reported-to-fda-january-2024/
A Facebook group where this all started to come to light through pet parents sharing their stories: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DuncanStrong/
I actually joined that group way back when our youngest cat was starting to fade. My perfectly healthy kitten who wasn't even 2 years old yet. But I thought he was so terribly sick, there's no way it could be from the food. Had to be something crazy no one could diagnose. He was throwing up non stop to the point he gave up eating. Then his liver shut down, and he passed. Now I'm really questioning everything. My other cat happened to be eating a non-purina brand food because she's a senior and she's fine. Please, switch foods before this happens to you and yours. 💜 🐈🐕👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
submitted by KitticusCatticus to catfood [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:12 rocultura Mexican Michael Jackson impersonator causes stampeded and dozens injured/died, ~2010

This incident was always in the back of my mind whenever I would think about Michael Jackson as i just remembered it so vividly. I remember first hearing about it maybe a few years after his death, I might have saw it on the news or my mom showed me a facebook post about it on her phone. It was only when i brought it up recently to some friends who slightly remembered it that I realized no such incident occurred with absolutely 0 evidence. I could be mixing a few incidents up, such as general impersonators and the general hysteria associated with MJ concerts, but I really truly remember one isolated incident in which a lot of people were hospitalized or killed. I even feel like I remember seeing a picture of the guys face but I cant put a finger on it.
submitted by rocultura to Retconned [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:09 Ok_Fish_9387 Intel i9 is slow

My newly built computer, an i9 with 128gb ram, 4060 Nvidia card, rapid fast SSD, and more than adequare cooling, is sort of "slow". I use a 49" curved screen and that might be why, but I am still curious and would like input from you guys.
In the browser even on Facebook it can be a tiny bit slow when typing text. YouTube can also be slow in terms of moving my mouse over a button and it takes 0.5 second for the icon to change. Things like that.
When this happens the computer fans ramp up and it gets faster. It just seems like the computer is on drugs and needs a slap across the face to wake up and work. I rather have it work all the time, I don't care about the power cost or whatever.
Any ideas? Much appreciated!
submitted by Ok_Fish_9387 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:01 hoggersbridge Engines of Arachnea: A Science Fantasy Epic (Chapter 18: The Quality of Mercy)

Link for all the chapters available here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
Zildiz felt her exomorph go rigid as it lost contact with her central nervous system. Curse that wretched Leaper! She’d forgotten just how durable their physiologies were. Their exomorphs had three times as many backup systems as those of Gallivants, unsurprising given that they had to retain control over their complex musculature. She’d been a fool for thinking that merely cutting it in half would do the trick. The error would wind up costing her life in these next few moments unless she took drastic action.
She was blind—her helm and its sets of eyes had sustained catastrophic damage and left her soft innards exposed. Even worse, she was crippled, the exomorph’s augmented muscle fibers unresponsive to her nervous system's inputs. But perhaps she still had the sheer physical strength to swing her blades. Zildiz tried to flex her wrist and was rewarded by a vigorous twitch of her pinky finger. Just in time; she could hear the Leaper close by, the leaf litter crackling as it approached.
Not yet, she told herself. Just a little closer. Hands pawed at her face and tore off the remnants of her helmet, scraping the hemolymphic gel from her naked face. What the hell was it doing? Zildiz had to restrain herself from crying out and striking at the air in panic.
Not yet! It was a crime to interrupt a fool when he was digging his own grave. Zildiz lay perfectly still as the Leaper fiddled around with her exomorph, feeling helpless and violated as never before. Vowing to give the bastard a slow and painful death for this, she curled her hand into a fist and waited until she felt its fingers caress the surface of her innards. Letting out a scream of incoherent rage Zildiz thrust at her unseen enemy, heard a cry of pain and the Leaper stumbling away, swearing profusely.
“Ow! That hurt, you witch! What the blazes are you?” the Leaper cried out. Zildiz frowned. That hadn’t sounded like the croaking of a Leaper. Speaking a slow and halting fashion, she replied:
“I would ask you the same thing.”
“I am Rene Louvoture, assistant navigator, 9th Battalion, 3rd Pathfinder Regiment.”
Zildiz shook her head at the string of gibberish.
“I am Zildiz, of the Blade-Wings. Why haven’t you killed me?”
“Why would I?" said the voice, sounding both shaky and incredulous, “You’re just like me, aren’t you?”
“How so?”
“Open your eyes and see for yourself.”
Zildiz realized with a start that it was referring to the primitive ocular organs of her innards. The thought hadn’t even occurred to her. The last time she’d been out of her exomorph was when she and Menash had been together, many cycles ago. With great effort her atrophied facial muscles remembered how to lift her eyelids, and she beheld a world of total darkness.
Bioluminescent growths from the surrounding vegetation gradually helped her to see with her naked eyes, and she beheld the prey-form standing over her with a hand clamped to its bleeding shin. Its albino exoskeleton was ripped and stained with blood. In its fist it clutched a short blade that emitted a constant, low hum. Zildiz propped herself up on her elbow and locked eyes with the creature. To her disgust she found that its exomorph had a completely transparent helm allowing her to see its bare face in all its lumpen hideousness. It had a head of curled black hairs, matted and moist like the growths on a Leaper’s belly. The prey-form’s flat, broad nose gave it a singularly pugnacious look, while its skin was as milk-white as that of a flesh-eating maggot’s. Zildiz dragged herself back, her first instinct being to recoil from it.
“Don’t move,” Rene advised her, “You’ve suffered some sort of spinal injury, I think. Can you feel your legs?”
“No,” Zildiz lied, thrusting out her chin at him defiantly, “What do you care?”
“I told you, I’m not about to kill you. We’re the same, can’t you see? Human!”
“We share the primal pattern, but I am a Gallivant. You are not. That is all that matters.”
“Right,” Rene sighed and sat down on the rotting log, “Whatever that means. Ye gods, I need a stiff drink right about now.”
Zildiz eyed him suspiciously, convinced it was some sort of ruse. He was just gauging how crippled she truly was and waiting for her to lower her guard. Very well; two could play at that game. In the meantime, she would try and work some feeling back into her exomorph.
“Are you really a hatchling?” she asked it suddenly.
“You heard that nonsense, did you?” Rene glanced up, “Of course not. I was just leading them on. The ‘fire giant’ isn’t a living creature, it’s a machine—a Divine Engine. What, don’t you have them wherever it is that you come from?” he joked, smiling at her. Zildiz grimaced at the sight, and he stopped.
“A machine,” she said slowly, “Like this one?”
Zildiz gestured at her disabled exomorph. Rene chewed over that piece of information. So that was what she was wearing: a living machine, a sealant suit of chitin and muscle equipped with weaponry and capable of flight. Like the Engine, it was a level of technology he hadn't even known could exist.
“Not exactly,” he finally replied, “I mean, it isn’t quite as revolting as yours. No offense,” he added quickly, snatching a quick glance at her face. She had a hawkish look about her, all thin lines and edges, but somewhere in there was a wild and timeless beauty which defied his attempts to pin down as some definable quality of womanhood.
“So you have been inside of it,” she confirmed with a look of satisfaction.
“I didn’t say that,” Rene stammered, feeling like he was losing the battle for information, “I merely observed it from a distance. I mean, the sheer size of it. Who wouldn’t have? You saw what I—what it—did to the Amit mound.”
Rene bit his lip, mentally kicking himself for his careless slip of the tongue. Zildiz narrowed her eyes at him, partly out of mistrust and partly due to the head-splitting migraine she was feeling. It had been so long since she’d been forced to rely on this basic sense organ, and its rods and cones were out of practice.
“The grey behemoth, this Divine Engine, as you call it. Did the Vitalus send it to cull the colony? Are you a Hollowore?”
“A Hull-of-War?” Rene repeated dimly.
"A Inkarnid? An Aspect of the All-In-One?"
“Look, I haven’t the foggiest notion what you’re talking about. And I’m the one asking questions here, don’t you forget it. Flame and perdition!” he swore, “You really nicked me, you know that?
Rene set his sword to aside and bent over to poke at the shallow stab wound on his shin. Zildiz chose that moment to burst into action. She was on her feet before he knew it, slicing at him with her blade arms. Rene yelped and rolled backwards off the log, narrowly avoiding dismemberment and flipping over nimbly to his feet, cursing himself for letting her gain the upper hand.
“Stop! Please, I don’t wish to hurt you!” he shouted at her as he ran circles around the dead tree, keeping it between himself and her wicked blades. Her movements were awkward and ponderous, as though her legs weren’t used to supporting the weight of her body. Scowling wrathfully, Zildiz kept after him as he jogged just out of her reach, the two of them playing a very earnest game of ring around the rosy. Finally Rene had enough and took up the club again, whacking her on the back of the knees so that she fell forward onto her hands. Her nose flattened itself against a pebble, producing an indescribable pain. She groaned and clutched at her face while Rene sat on her back to keep her pinned down.
“Sorry! Sorry! I really am. But it seems at this point to be abundantly clear,” Rene shouted as she flailed at him ineffectually with her blades, “That I have no other option but to take you in!”
“Just try and feed me to your brood, I dare you!” she screamed as blood trickled from her nostrils, “I’ll carve out their eyes and feed it to them!”
“What? No! That’s not it at all!” Rene cried, mortified, “As a soldier of the Fleet, I am hereby placing you under arrest as a hostile belligerent. Henceforth, you may consider yourself my prisoner of war!”
Link for all the chapters available here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
submitted by hoggersbridge to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:01 coleas123456789 We need to talk

This is getting ridiculous the web is completely useless I can't search or find anything that isn't just slop or the most curated article ever and everyone is acting like its normal , like we didn't just loose an infinite library that could be used to find information of quite literally everything , and then the comments and bots that give the illusion of actual people, what is happening right now did everyone who used the internet for the last decade just disappear of the face of the Earth why aren't there any out cries for this ? Is this the world we're going to have to accept now were its just ads layered on top of more ads no talking , no learning , just consume products . And its not just YouTube ,its reddit , Facebook , google everything ,everything
And I cant ask any other sub about it because all of them have so many unnecessary barriers and restrictions and rules that you have to fill out and check all of them before you can begin to post we had a infinite library that anyone could access for so little it might as have been free and its gone everything is such a haggle its unreal and cruel
submitted by coleas123456789 to Deltarune [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:51 romain34230 Meta fermera Workplace, sa plateforme destinée aux communications professionnelles, pour se concentrer sur l'IA et les technologies du métavers.

Meta fermera Workplace, sa plateforme destinée aux communications professionnelles, pour se concentrer sur l'IA et les technologies du métavers.
Une alternative proposée est Workvivo de Zoom, partenaire privilégié pour la migration. Workplace restera opérationnel jusqu'au 31 août 2025, puis passera en mode lecture seule jusqu'à sa fermeture définitive en mai 2026. Cette décision met fin à une tentative de dix ans de diversifier les revenus de Facebook face à des concurrents comme Slack et Teams de Microsoft.
submitted by romain34230 to actutech [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:37 Difficult-Frame1005 Jesus Loves All His Children And That Includes The LQBTQ Community! · 857 members

My name is Minister Dino Puglia and I became an Ordained Openly Gay minister in.2017 through Universal Life Church Ministries also took a course in bible theology and in my past back in 1986-1993 I worked as a live events and television ring announcer and lived my dream in the WWF now WWE pro wrestling and when my career ended in that industry I went into and battled severe depression ,isolation because wrestling was the only thing that made me alive and happy also I struggled with my sexuality for over 30 years so a friend of mine told me who got sick and tired of seeing me in pain and misery suggested I should start a ministry in 2017 to help other LGBTQ people who were struggling and today I don't struggle with mental illness and I finally except my sexuality as a gift from God and I am a blessing and yes God healed me and he can heal you also The Lord has blessed me and healed me with a Face Book ministry with over 800 people and also a new life with a wonderful career something I thought would never happen again also the ability to date and perhaps find a true loving soulmate of the same sex The Lord really healed me as my past was controlled by depression and sexual lust also being around drug addicts and witchcraft If you're looking for a loving church home then you will find it with us so click this link to be in the family with over 857 loving members https://www.facebook.com/share/h49BU2gk18XMvSVU/?mibextid=A7sQZp It is not a sin to be Gay or to be in a loving healthy relationship where the sin comes into play is a reckless life style of sexual perversion ,prostitution , pornography and other horrible sins as a matter of fact te passages of the bible that folks use to condemn us are all about those sexual sins ,gang rapes ,murder and idolatry and when you join my ministry you can view my video sermons on how the bible is gay friendly and loving also you will learn that in the bible there were love stories and 2 where with Johnathon and David as warriors and lovers and Ruth with Naomi ! You will make new positive loving LGBTQ friends in our ministry and learn about the love of Jesus and the free gift of eternal life and a personal loving relationship with Jesus ! I see so much hurt and pain in this group on reddit and I am here to be a friend and help people experience joy in life and not sadness or gloom .
submitted by Difficult-Frame1005 to GayChristians [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:25 Sin-God A New Chain: Another Day Another Dollar

A/N: This incorporates a new build, with additional drawbacks and perks. I added a few gamer functions, as well as Lightning Quick, Brute Strength, DPS, and Rogue. More details are available over on Spacebattles (I also edited the original chapters there to reflect the changes).
Within minutes of entering the building and clocking in, I'm speedily typing away at my computer. There are stacks of papers on my desk that I am dedicatedly transcribing and digitizing.
This is my job, at least on most days. I have to take sheets of paper, invariably assorted forms related to insurance, and digitize them. In minutes I have already done this to a few different types of forms, from applications to the paperwork regarding claims and investigations into claims. "Speed Typist" mixed with "Lightning Quick" allows me to easily breeze through even dense forms and shift between the programs I need to use for each type of form. My job is hilariously, almost offensively, easy and I have already heard that we have a backlog so I have plenty of stuff to go through.
As I type I begin to think about each of my gamer perks as well as my system. Every few minutes I'll "mistype" thanks to "Buggy" and I'll spend a split second going back and fixing my mistake but between "The Devil's Own Luck" and "Lightning Quick" I'm able to fix my mistakes in a span of milliseconds. While I type I use "Observe" every instance I can, throwing in a tiny burst to the overall amount of experience I gain.
I use my enhanced mind's passive ability to follow two trains of thought while I work. As far as anyone can tell I'm diligently doing my job, but in actuality I'm exploring my system. Through passive, almost imperceptible gestures, mostly due to how fast they are, I am messing around with my rather system.
I whittle away the hours I need to spend at my job doing this. During this time I get a few of my skills to level up a few times, thanks to my decision to faithfully and diligently hone some of my other abilities like "Observe". Eventually lunch rolls around and Amy sneaks up behind me so she can surprise me and draw me away from my work. I feign surprise when she reaches me up and taps on my shoulder, and this is a perfect chance for me to try something out.
I make small talk and I silently activate my ability to pause reality while I'm in the middle of a sentence. The world freezes around me and I get to see Amy freeze as she reacts to what I'm saying. I have a reason for doing this, it's all for the sake of experimenting with some of my more intriguing abilities.
I focus on Amy even as I interact with my system's UI and I activate my "Gacha" mechanic. In my mind's eye I can see a logo representing a capsule machine beginning to stir to life and spin some of the capsules containing various awards, and I think about two enormously powerful perks: "The Face" and "Silver Tongue".
These two charisma enhancing perks are incredibly valuable tools in my repertoire and I have yet to meaningfully use them. One of them, "Silver Tongue" is not as directly powerful as "The Face" but it offers me broad knowledge of psychology, enhances my charismatic intuition, and makes me incredibly attractive. The real powerhouse of a perk is "The Face". By focusing on people and thinking of something I want them to believe or persuade them to do I have a supernatural intuitive sense that allows me to know the best sort of argument I could make to achieve that goal. To test this I study Amy while wondering if there's any way for me to convince her to go on a date with me, and after a split second of thinking I begin to feel vague intuitive senses of what I could say and do that would make her see me as a potential romantic interest, and I know that doing that before I ask her out would guarantee success if I wanted her to go on a date with me.
I immediately shift tactics and try to see if I could persuade her to give me 100,000 dollars, and I am unsurprised when I do not gain any vague sensations about how to make that happen one way or another. "Worth a shot..." I tell myself, and if I could smile more I would. Both of these perks are strong, but I'm clever enough to recognize that they become even stronger when I add "Beautiful Mind" and "Well of Wisdom" to the mix. WoW is especially handy in a combination like this, since it allows me to pick and choose the most efficient route to my desired outcome. This is especially true if I mix it with my ability to pause time, since I can give myself breathing room and contemplate how to most skillfully word my arguments and present my positions.
The gacha machine, or some abstraction of one, in my head slows to a stop. When it does a symbol of a capsule pops out and I am delighted to see that I've won a mundane iPad like device, a handy thing I can use as a computer for the time being! This is quite handy, and I can see this particular mechanic becoming something life-saving in a moment of desperation with the right amount of luck. The decide immediately fills a slot in my inventory, and I make a mental note to pull it out and use it later.
I unpause time and over the course of the next few minutes I use my skills, mixing all of the aforementioned perks and functions of my gamer skills as Amy and I walk over to the cafeteria. It is only when we're sitting through the door into the cafeteria that I sense an opportunity to ask my friend something.
"Hey, do you want to try a soup I made? I like it but having a second opinion is always good." I remark, causing her eyes to brightly light up. I grin at her and we walk over to the same table we ate at yesterday. I hand her the small container I'm holding my soup in, and she looks at it. I see her inhale and watch as her eyes light up. We're the first of the people to arrive at our table so no one else sees this. The container I gave her also has some silverware which she uses to go ahead and take a sip of the soup. I am delighted when time freezes and I get a notification alerting me to the acquisition of a new class: that of a chef. I immediately equip it even as I click through the drawback that appears before me. This also confirms that at least in some cases what is needed for me to get a class is for me to do stuff in front of others or at least involve them in some way.
As time resumes I see Amy's face light up.
"This is delicious!" She states with a delighted and sincere grin. I light up as she tells me this and I lightly cheer. This is excellent news, and my acquisition of this class is very fascinating. When it comes to classes I have a unique ability to get them to "Prestige" once they reach a high enough level, and given my current build's focus on support, buffing, and healing, if I can master a class like that of a chef I can do a lot.
"I'm so happy you like it!" I exclaim, sincerely. It really does taste quite good, but my whole body is enhanced and I'm superhumanly sensitive to things like taste so there's no guarantee that what I taste will be what others taste. That said, cooking is an absolutely incredible skill so if I can master it... Well, I'll always be able to prove my worth in almost any situation involving other people. Cooking... is a cracked skill to have in real life.
Our friends join us and as they do Amy turns to them and hands one of the women the container. Mary looks at us quizzically and Amy pantomimes for her friend to try the soup. Mary's look of confusion only becomes more apparent, but she still dutifully does as she's been asked, using her own silverware to do so. Her eyes light up as well and I feel how much experience I have as a cook slowly increase, which brings a smug smile to my face.
"This is delicious! What is this?!" Mary asks, and I grin and point at me. She smiles, impressed, before handing it back to me.
"I made this soup last night. I liked it but I didn't know if I was going crazy or not." I remark, and that gets a laugh out of Amy.
"Well, if working at an office ever gets boring you could make a living as a chef. This is amazing!" She states, and I can hear the honesty in her voice. It's kind of nice how much she likes the stuff, and a part of me wouldn't mind making more food for her if she's gonna be this enthusiastic about what I give her to eat.
It's hard not for me not to beam at my companions in passive delight the whole time we're eating lunch. The lunchroom conversation is kept simple and we simply inform each other about upcoming plans and light gossip, all of which I've heard before thanks to my enhanced, and growing, senses. Super Sensory is a strong enough perk by default but because of my ability to expand every facet of myself, coupled with the universality of "Master of All" I am just passively growing in my ability to hear stuff. Seeing as I am uncapped I could see myself someday hearing every conversation in this building, almost certainly by the end of the year given how all of my growth is linked together and builds on each other.
Lunch comes and goes in a blur and in minutes I'm back in front of the computer. In front of the computer I'm a blur, my fingers strengthened by Lightning Quick and Speed Typist. I whittle away the hours diligently doing my job, distracting myself and minorly doing other things by making use of my dual trains of thought, and even when I overcome instances of "Buggy" every few minutes I still find myself grateful that I took the drawbacks I did. This work would be... less than fun otherwise. By the time my workday comes to an end and I find myself outside of the office I've filled out hundreds of forms and diligently pushed various skills of mine to new levels. Colleagues of mine are walking around me and also leaving the office. I casually pause time. making use of my pause ability again, and I begin to think of what to do and where to go next.
"I suppose now's as good a time as any to go and see about volunteering..." I eventually realize as I think about the various things I can do from here. I momentarily wonder where I should go to try and do that before I remember what I told Amy and the others yesterday about how I volunteered at a clinic. WIth Healer volunteering at a hospital would be good for me, even if I couldn't do as much good as I'd like too since I am not a doctor. I unpause time and smile as I reach into my pocket, use "Inventory" and retrieve my cellphone.
"Where is the nearest hospital?" I ask aloud, into the phone. Some of the people walking past me glance at me curiously and I smile sheepishly as my phone begins to tell me where to go. I begin to walk in the direction the phone indicates, happy to have a chance to begin to do some good.
The walk isn't terribly long. It turns out that the hospital is in a part of downtown that I didn't explore last night, and I reach it less than five minutes after I start walking, just in the opposite direction of where I was going before. The hospital isn't huge, which surprises me since I don't seem to be living in some small town but in a decently sized city. I walk into the main entrance and step into a large lobby where a decent amount of foot traffic seems to happen, judging from the footprints I can faintly see on the floor beneath me. I walk up to a receptionist desk and the man behind it doesn't bother looking up and instead taps the clipboard in front of him. I glance at it and laugh when I see that it's a standard questionnaire for people who are visiting a hospital for normal, health-related reasons. My reaction surprises the man, and to be fair it's definitely odd for someone in a hospital to laugh at the sight of a hospital questionnaire.
I am laughing at the questionnaire because it's amusing to think about the possibility of getting sick, I'm a gamer, and while normally that'd conjure images of nerds and geeks in my case it means that my health is protected. I have two very powerful perks/features that wildly mitigate the dangers of sicknesses: "Tough As Nails" which guarantees that it'd take something supernatural or almost supernatural to stand a chance of even slowing me down, and "Gamer Body". Gamer Body is interesting in this context since it gamifies negative conditions and allows me to, quite literally, sleep them off. Even something like losing a limb can be cured with a night of sleep thanks to my abilities which feels radically overpowered given how little it cost. I have other perks which further lower my odds of being negatively affected by sicknesses, such as "The Devil's Own Luck". I also have my magic, which includes spells that completely heal and purify the body, and would work on me just as readily as they'd work on other people.
"I'm actually here to learn how to volunteer? I'm new in town and I used to volunteer at a clinic in my home town so I wanted to see if I could volunteer here." I explain, which causes the guy to look up at me. When he does his eyes widen, and I smile awkwardly. I consider feigning ignorance, or perhaps innocence, but I know what's going on. He wasn't expecting me to look the way I look.
My new looks are something it is taking me a beat to get used to. I was only okay looking before, but now my looks are hyper idealized, and I am a conceptually handsome version of the very best I could have ever looked, and it is a bit jarring. It's more jarring for me, knowing that before I was an at best average-looking guy before coming to this world and gaining this new form. I allow the man a beat, before I clear my throat and the sound snaps him out of the daze he was in.
"Oh! Sorry, man, I just assumed you were sick. Umm... Yeah, let me give you a packet." The man says, before reaching under the desk in front of him. I smile lightly as he rummages around the interior of the space that separates us.
My powerful senses allow me to easily notice all sorts of stuff occurring around me. I can hear the vital processes in the bodies of the people closest to me, such as heartbeats and the smells of sweat, as well as other bodily fluids. Many of the people in this area of the hospital are sick, and truthfully if I could I'd heal them all.
One of my reasons for coming here today is to give myself a means by which I can help and heal people. This is, mildly, altruistic but more than anything else I want to master the power to heal people before I leave this setting. In the right setting, being a healer is absolutely a pivotal method of interacting with my environment and also getting allies, as well as staying alive.
The man eventually hands me a packet, along with a pen to use to fill out parts of it, and I smile at him as I take it. It is filled with information, including an application to fill out, and I thank him as I walk over to the waiting area and begin to fill it out. The questions are simple and ask for basic information about me. I fill it out, though a part of me is curious how this'll mesh with my drawbacks...
When I finish filling out the form I hand it to the man and he gratefully takes it. He explains that I'll be contacted by someone named "Ms. Jimenez" soon, and that she oversees the volunteer program. I delightedly thank him for that information and begin to head out of the hospital.
In minutes I'm part of the way home. I am a decently fast walker, though that's something I'd like to work on more in the days to come. The sun is quickly descending, and the moon is already visible in the night sky. I'm approaching the row of apartment buildings that include the building I live in. As I draw nearer and nearer to it I spot a lone homeless man sleeping next to one of the apartments. He is clearly asleep and my observation ability only confirms this. It also reveals that the man is sick, and when I glance at his hit points I see further confirmation of that, as he's down a few of them. I am walking towards him, and as I move I see a nice opportunity for me to try something.
I silently activate "Rogue", one of my more odd perks, and I feel my presence become much more subdued and difficult to notice. I approach the man, and I shut my eyes. As I walk towards him I allow myself to be guided by Super Sensory and only stop when I'm right in front of the man. I kneel and I focus on my spellbook icon, allowing me to see my list of spells. My senses allow me to be confident that the figure is still asleep when I gently move my hands so that they are in front of him. Time freezes as I gain a "Stealth" skill, and while time is frozen I swap my class and become a mage so I can gain valuable experience before I deactivate "Tutorial Sprite". I allow time to resume and smile as I trigger a spell for the first time, one of healing.
For me to activate the spell requires nothing more than for me to have enough magic points and an applicable target. This particular spell is my more advanced spell and it can work on all sorts of living targets. It is named "Intermediate heal" and the fact that I have it is a sign of one of my purchases; Healer. I feel my points of arcane energy be converted into sacred, restorative energy and I open my eyes in time to watch my hands begin to glow as energy leaves me and enters him. I look at his hit points and watch them begin to slowly increase even as I hit him with another instance of "Observe". I do so just in time to feel time freeze as new notifications appear in my mind's eye. One of the first notifications is that I have just earned experience for the "Mage" class, which becomes experience for everything thanks to Master of All, while another indicates that I've just unlocked a quest to become a healer! I study these notifications with a proud grin as this marks an important milestone in my journey. The fact that the class I want is locked behind a quest is interesting and I make a mental note to study the quest as I head home.
I unfreeze time, notice that the man is already visibly healthier, and turn to make my way back to my new home. It takes only about six minutes before I find myself stepping into my apartment. Now I can play with my new toy from earlier!
submitted by Sin-God to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:35 Throwra12312345678 Does your WS from time to time talk about struggling and bring up needing space and possibly separating even when R has seemingly been going well?

Or is that kind of off the wall and counterproductive to R?
I’ll try to make this as short as possible, I had a while post typed out but it was rejected because I copied a couple of my WH messages. We’re only about 4 weeks in from dday2.. after a false R that was about 2.5 months of which He went back to seeing his AP multiple times a week after only a month. It’s been difficult but he’s been a little more committed to R this time. Saturday we went out to celebrate our 16 year wedding anniversary. Everything was great including the weeks leading up to this night. However at one point I was trying to show him a picture on Facebook and he saw that his AP was on my search history. He gave me a face and we moved on with the night things were good. Then yesterday he was in a mood and really kind of projecting onto everyone. He was being inconsistent with me too about how he wanted to spend his days off. Told me he wasn’t sure we could hang out (we aren’t living together currently) so I made plans for myself. Then he abruptly decided he now did want to hang out and I was a little annoyed. When he asked what was wrong I told him that but that conversation really went nowhere sometime go. He finally ate and felt better and we ended up staying at his place and had a great night I thought. We cuddled, Watched a movie Was very loving etc. Today everything was fine again, we talked on the phone during my lunch break For an hour. Suddenly 1.5 hours later he send me A long message about he’s Struggling because of the Facebook thing And my attitude yesterday and how that’s where he’s at and just wanted to let me Know. I told him I appreciate him Communicating that to me and explained I was sorry I and I admitted I do look up AP sometimes and I struggle still with insecurities about it all. I was just explaining myself a little and his response was
“I’m not sure what to do to fix me that’s why I’m going to start counseling and take a solo trip somewhere and really focus on myself. I feel bad when i need space because it hurts you.”
So now this is triggering some sort of abandonment wounds in me. Why is he talking like we’re splitting and doing our own things for a while I told him if he needs space I’ll give him far and I’m proud of him for getting counseling but then I go on about how I just don’t understand how we got here from Being loving before and telling me how much loves me all the time to now he Striggles and needs space.
He’s now at work and says he doesn’t k know how to respond but he feels like he’s getting grilled because he told me how he felt and i tell him its fine he doesn’t have to now and That I’m not upset.
Next thing I know he says “do you think we need to take some time? I know I need to get away for a weekend deep dive my personal issues and I’m trying to get into therapy. Is that the fix though actually separating and being happy by ourselves ? I just don’t know”
Now I’m full on panicking and telling you go take space if he needs just stop making me thinking we’re okay when we’re not. If that’s what he wants just do it. And I can’t keep doing this feeling like I’m about to be abandoned again.
He then turns it into “woah I was just asking” and”this is why I don’t express my feelings” “this is what I get for sharing my feelings”. And acting like I just went crazy because he just esp expressesd two little things that bothered him.
How would all this make you feel and did I overreact? Sometime I question if I did but this wasn’t about just his expressing the two things its more about the sudden need for space and mentioning of essentially splitting that take.
submitted by Throwra12312345678 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:30 Expensive_Leave3538 Advice?

I currently have to live with my family which includes two abusive emotionally immature parents. Today I was taking a shower and my brother fell, he immediately ran to my parents and said I hurt my self. He wasn’t actually hurt. He wasn’t. He wanted attention from my parents and he pretended to be hurt because they were ignoring him. Even telling him to just get out and go away. So yes the five year old pretended. My dad being the sick pos he is noticed this and berated him for it. “Your faking it” “he isn’t actually hurt don’t baby him” when my mom finally gave him some attention. I get out the shower it’s eight o’clock, my dad says my brother needs to do some abc mouse. They’ve been half assing a home school scenario for my brother thinking he’ll turn out better than me. That they can control more of what he sees and hears. So at 8pm he forces him to do spelling and every time he fucks up it’s “what are you doing man?!” “You know this!” “I guess you don’t want your tablet tomorrow” he’s tired?? I say nothing. I bite my tongue. I got get dressed and he’s still going. Just belittling him for everything. “Of course you didn’t finish your food” “why do I even waste my time” “you’re just a time waster”. I say nothing. My brother naive asks my dad how do I not be a time waster? My dad says “by not being lazy” I broke. I say that’s horrible advice, and I fucked up I know. It was on after that. Every disrespectful things he could’ve thrown at me was tossed. “You deserved to be choked” “I’d do it again” “when you have your own kids then you can parent them how you want” (I can’t have children because of them, they know this). So I say enough and I get my dinner and go to my room. Five minutes he controlled himself and then he yelled at me through the door in the pitch black. Busts my door open and starts pointing his finger in my face. I saw a post about what narc rage is like and they described it as a Doberman barking at you, showing their teeth, and jumping. They haven’t attacked you YET, they might not even but the threat is real. My mom starts defending my dad when I told her I didn’t want to talk. Talking is just me listening to her talk and defend why my dad is justified in his behavior. How do I prevent my self from getting so triggered? How do I just let him abuse my brother in the same way that has affected me so detrimentally? I feel like as long as I witness this I can’t let it go. My brother needs to know someone knows right from wrong. That my dad is not the only example he has. That he’s not even a good one. I’ll be working two jobs soon but it’ll be around 5 months before I can afford the expenses of living alone.
submitted by Expensive_Leave3538 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:29 Longjumping-Run3493 Help me with my MOH speech!

Please let me know how this sounds 💚 I am terrible with words and terrified of public speaking sooooo I need it to sound good while I try not to pass out as I give this speech 💀
-Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining us to celebrate these two amazing individuals. Bride, you look absolutely stunning, and groom, you clean up quite nicely too!
submitted by Longjumping-Run3493 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:26 Longjumping-Run3493 How’s my MOH speech??

Please let me know how this sounds 💚 I am terrible with words and terrified of public speaking sooooo I need it to sound good while I try not to pass out as I give this speech 💀
-Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining us to celebrate these two amazing individuals. Bride, you look absolutely stunning, and groom, you clean up quite nicely too!
submitted by Longjumping-Run3493 to wedding [link] [comments]
