Make your name in bubble letters for myspace

sorry about my grammar

2019.02.07 06:30 siouxsie_siouxv2 sorry about my grammar

memes and fakery for fans of the other sub

2016.08.31 13:32 Cooking on a Budget

Budget-friendly recipes and related recipe discussions. Recipe posts must include the full recipe, not just a link to a video.

2017.01.05 16:41 clouddevourer Supermodel cats

Very good looking, photogenic cats.

2024.05.15 23:42 LimbonicArt03 Интересна измама

Днес във Фейсбук ме добави една, която се представя за банкер и която казва, че [име на клиент на банката] е починал от ковид и е оставил 9.5 милиона долара наследство, но нямал наследник и търсела човек със същото фамилно име, когото да запише като наследник и с когото, като част от сделката, да си подели наполовина наследството. От любопитство и скука отговарям, даже пращам имейл от току-що създаден от мен празен нов имейл адрес, където тя пише:
"It was nice meeting with you and also to have your willingness to partake in this transaction with me. First, I should let you know that this is not a hoax arrangement or any kind of joke. I am freely giving you my full details hoping that you will not betray me in any way. My name is Mrs. [име], I work with Isbank (ISBANKASI) PLC.
You should know that it is not always mandatory that you have a relationship with a person before you can stand as the next of kin. I only need your sincere cooperation since I could not find the relatives of my client since years of his death and my bank management has not noticed this account and no one has come for the claim.
This transaction requires utmost trust and dedication from your side since you will be receiving the funds as the Next of Kin/ Heir to [име] and shall be in control of the money until I come over to meet you in your country for my share. Regarding the sharing, I believe my sharing ratio is acceptable to you and it's a fair deal. I want you to bear one thing in mind, there is no risk involved in this transaction. It is 100% risk-free and secured once you follow my instructions and keep everything secret between us.
What I have to do is just to place your information in my bank system database as the Next of Kin/ Heir to late [име] and you will apply for the claim and send it to the Isbank requesting for the fund transfer. I have concluded my feasibility studies long ago and there is no reason to panic. It is 100% risk-free. I will take care of giving you all the related information of the account which the bank may need from you. This position gives me confidence that I'm in a better position to complete the transfer with you without any interruption by any person. The first step now in this transaction is to place your name as the next of kin to the account in our bank database so that all information will reflect accordingly. I further wish to notify you that our bank has access to transfer to any bank in your country provided all the account details are correctly submitted.
I will require you to send me the following information for the beginning of this transaction.
*Your Full Names: *Date Of Birth: *A Copy Of Your International Passport Or Driving License: *Current Address: *Telephone Number: *Profession:
Once I receive the above-mentioned information and concludes with my inside arrangements and changes in our bank database, I shall inform you of the next step which I will prepare an application letter of claim for you to send to our bank and request them to transfer the funds into your account that you are the next of kin/heir to the account deposit of the deceased.
Regards, [име]
Here Are My Details
Full Names: [име] Occupation: Banker Address. Ankara, Turkey. Age: 43 Years."
Проверих онлайн, и определено има аналогични измами, само че тук-там нещо е променено. Даже си беше прикачила снимки на личната карта за повече "достоверност" 🤣
submitted by LimbonicArt03 to bulgaria [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:42 LintyCarcass 1. Question about hierarchical tags. 2. Feature requests

Part 1: A sincere question about hierarchical tags.

What exactly is the point of these???
The only use I see for them is simply to restrict a group of tags to a specific deck or deck set. For example, putting all of your tags for your German cards into a tag like German::Chapter1 and German::Chapter2. Or putting all of your Math tags into a main Math tag like Math::Trigonometry and Math::Integrals.
Context: Anyways, I've recently been enlightened (I finally read the Anki manual) and discovered the versatility of tags (I did not know you could choose to study a specific set of tags). I'm studying German and decided to restructure my deck to remove any redundant cards as some word lists have reoccurring words.
I have a bunch of Kapitels (chapters) and each Kapitel has multiple word lists, depending on the CEFR proficiency level of the word (for example an A1 word or a B1 word). See this pic of the tag sidebar:
I was using dots to sort the tags into a hierarchy. Then I found out about hierarchical tags. I tried them out because it's basically native support for something I was already doing in a janky way and it should be way more useful right?
The Gripe
Then I looked to see how Anki dealt with hierarchical tags, and boy was I disappointed. It just lists them all with their full path! You can't even collapse them! And worst of all: the tags are automatically localized to its parent tag instead of staying a universal tag, which is in my opinion... bad!
If I want to study say, all A1 CEFR proficiency level words from all Kapitels (chapters), I can't just click the A1 tag. I have to click all KapitelX::A1 tags. To me, this seems counterproductive and basically makes hierarchical tags useless (except for the use case discussed earlier, to declutter the gigantic list of tags you might have if you have more than half a dozen different decks on your profile.)
So my question is: are there any more use cases for hierarchical tags? Perhaps I just don't understand them well enough. I couldn't find many useful resources that talked about them in detail with use cases.
Another Gripe In addition, as I was using my fake hierarchical tags (my dots method) I noticed an abominable parity issue. On the sidebar of the card browser, tags are sorted just like the first picture. But... you know those sorting columns at the top of the actual card browser? Tags are sorted differently there. See pic:
The bar to the complete right is the tag list. The tags should be sorted the following way (as they are sorted in the sidebar):
-DE->NL -German -Lernliste ..Kapitel1 .A1
Instead we get:
.A1 -De->NL -German ..Kapitel1 -Lernliste
The sorting algorithm for the Tags column in the card browser, seems to neglect special characters like the dot (.) or the dash (-), if you ignore those you can see it's alphabetically sorted, A, D, G, K, L.

Part 2: The potential of hierarchical tags, feature requests.

Ultimately, I humbly ask someone with an account on the user forum to create a feature request. I know it's lazy of me but I also know there are a lot of you out there who wish to see Anki grow and become even more useful. Furthermore, I am not fully familiar with Anki and I feel someone more experienced would be better at expressing or creating the feature request in a more feasible/logical way.
So, if someone has any time on their hands I'd love to see the following 3 features implemented:
1. A parity change to the sorting of the Tags column in the card browser.
Currently, the Tags column does not sort tags the same way as the sidebar Tags list. I personally like the sidebar version more.
If this is unintended the change is a no-brainer.
If this is intended, I'd like there to be an option for people who prefer either sorting algorithm.
2. When using hierarchical tags: the ability to collapse them.
The same way you can collapse decks with sub-decks, or hierarchical tags in the sidebar of the card browser. This just makes sense and is probably already a feature request or maybe even in the works (please inform me if the latter is true!).
3. When selecting hierarchical tags in the custom study window: the ability to choose (perhaps with a ctrl+click) to only select a sub-tag, WITHOUT automatically requiring the parent tag.
This would mean the tag would include ANY cards of tags with the same name, whether it's under the parent tag of the selected tag, or under a different parent tag.
This could be implemented in a way that hierarchical tags are only visually hierarchical, in the sidebar of the card browser and the custom study window.
Talking about the custom study window: If the user clicks normally, it would select cards based on the currently implemented behaviour of hierarchical cards. The selected tag would simply be searched together with all parent tags of the selected tag. This is basically just the AND operation that's automatically done when ctrl+clicking multiple tags in the sidebar.
But, if the user uses a certain keybind and click, they can instead search exclusively for the sub-tag. Any cards, regardless of if they're in a different hierarchical tag, will be included in the search as long as they have the same name of the selected sub-tag.
Additionally, under the tag hierarchy would be a new list. Here, all tags are listed once, without any hierarchy. This way you can still easily find all tags that are available in the selected deck.
If implemented and once adopted, the tag sidebar would be less cluttered as you can close tags that aren't of concern, they're all separated instead of being in a gigantic list, just like decks are currently.
Example of this feature if my explanation wasn't adequate:
Say you have the following tag hierarchy:
German -Chapter1 -A1CEFR -A2CEFR -Chapter2 -A1CEFR -A2CEFR 
When doing a custom study:
Say you want to learn Chapter 1's A1 words. Then you just click on A1CEFR under Chapter1. The behaviour hasn't changed for indifferent users.
Now say you want to learn all cards that are A1 level, from both chapters at the same time. You just {keybind} click on one of the A1CEFR tags. If the tag is visible in multiple hierarchical tags, we can light up every instance of the tag to provide feedback that you are learning all A1 level cards.
If you don't know which sub-tag has a specific tag you're looking for, just scroll down and all available tags are listed in alphabetical order.
Final note
Lastly I would like to profusely apologize if I just don't understand hierarchical tags and made you waste your time by allowing you to read this post. It could definitely be shorter, I decided to make it fairly concrete because I am now quite invested in my feature suggestions. I might even make my own forum account to post them there myself.
Anyhow, if I'm just plain wrong about something, please tell me. Thanks for reading all this!
submitted by LintyCarcass to Anki [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:41 Holiday-Army82 Partner 38M and Me 32M - he booked wrong hotel, your view please?

Partner M37 and me M32, 5 years into relationship. He booked a hotel with almost the same name (also price and category). We have been at the hotel I wanted and dreamt so much to go again before 2 years, but he has mistakenly booked another hotel with the same name, instead the one I wanted (and this trip is a gift for me). I/we have discovered this mistake today when I sent special request to the hotel for the room we would like and they told me we don't have a booking with them. And we are about to leave tomorrow by lunch. I had over 5 hours conversations with TUI today asking them to switch the hotel (they have available rooms), explaining the case and telling them we will pay the difference for the last minute change, they refused unless we pay thousands of pounds fee + the difference, despite my partner has been mislead by the same name of the hotel, at the same resort.
I know my partner's mistake is genuine. But I am still highly disappointed and frustrated. Haven't packed the luggage yet, he did his. And I am almost on the verge to not go tomorrow. I know I'm being childish but it is what I am feeling now, after longing for two years to go back to that hotel (and knowing everyone there) and destination, and two horrible years, I couldn't hold my excitement since he booked the hotel back in March until today, and now being at a place for 2 weeks which I have never ever wanted and a place far from any city is making me furious.
I'm currently in mute mode to him and he is but even realising how much I care about that hotel and trip. Already told him the fault lays on him.
I'm trying to be reasonabl, grateful and not childish as 32 years old but I literally can't hold it at the moment.
This post is a vent but I also would like to get your views, please?
Thank you
submitted by Holiday-Army82 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:40 EconomyMulberry3711 I Don't Know What to Do and I Feel Like I'm Not Good Enough.

Hi everyone,
I apologize in advance for complaining or seeming ungrateful. I've been without a job since January of this year (was ghosted) and it's been really hard to stay motivated to keep looking. For reference, I graduated with a degree in marketing in 2022, got certifications and whatnot, and then had an internship from October 2022 to Feb 2023. I started my last job and it lasted from Feb 2023 till January of this year. One flex I have is that the main campaign we worked on was last summer which was a pricey multi-day camp, once I was on the team the attendance doubled and generated around 30-40K more than the previous year which I take decent credit for since I spearheaded the creative campaigns for as well as grinded most of the graphics and copywriting (I had help and revisions were made, but the original ideas and a lot of heavy lifting was on my end. I was also involved in school (2+ years of volunteer social media work), and now have over a year of real work experience. I've been lucky to get a few interviews but they never turn into anything. I've been really spoiled with working remote for my internship and my last job, and I really don't think I have the mental capacity/desire to be in office especially if its a random city I'd have to move to.
I've been making gaming related youtube videos for a good 3ish months now which I love and has gotten me a lot of great skills for marketing (video and audio editing/recording). I kinda wish I could grind this guilt-free for a while but know it's unrealistic and it wouldn't be bringing in money now or maybe even ever. I would love to try contract/freelance work to get by in the meantime but I just feel so unmotivated. I love marketing, working with social media, and email marketing related stuff. I also love SEO and keyword research. But I feel like just rotting away at dead-end opportunities to build more on my portfolio to hopefully get a job sounds like hell. I also feel like I have the intelligence and experience to not have to dive back into the intern/volunteer side. Thinking further ahead, it seems that the higher you climb the corporate ladder, the worse your life gets (seen it in many people in my family/friends). Now I'm really just questioning what I even want to do with my life. It's not that I don't want to work, but I really wish I had the luxury of finding a way out of this weird rat race where I feel like I'm losing in every aspect. Although I wouldn't mind another remote marketing position, I again just question what that would even lead to long term. I feel like I either would be stuck at the bottom, or the flip side is to get a few promotions and hate my life every day. I've had a few people reach out on job sites asking to do in-person interviews and although I went to one, I've declined the rest. I just don't see myself being the type of person to be in house and I know being picky is my fault but I want to be happy with my job. I don't get how so many people just suffer through their jobs willingly for decades. I feel like I use my free time somewhat well, I go to the gym a lot, spend time working on youtube related stuff, and glance over emails or messages and apply to anything that looks good every once in a while, job boards I use take a decent bit to get more listings, but the more I spend looking for another job, it feels like I'm just inching myself towards more hell for my future. I feel like I'm just in this weird purgatory and I don't know what to do next and I feel like the clock is always ticking, the money I have saved won't last forever, my parent's are not going to let me stay with them forever, and the longer I wait, the bigger the gap is in my resume and the more problems it causes. I wish I could be a self starter type in the marketing field, slowly build a name for myself and do things the way I want to do them, but I feel like marketing is a hard field to get into that kind of thing. I don't know what to do.
I just want to be happy in life and I feel like grinding the corporate ladder is not what I want to do. I feel lost and I don't know what to do. I feel like my experience is meaningless in a sea full of people who have my skills but are way ahead of me, way more savvy, way more personable.
submitted by EconomyMulberry3711 to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:39 z3in-23 I'm an idiot

Okay I was watching Punch-Drunk Love (highly recommended movie) and I find it so relatable and I finally have the guts to share the most embarrassing story you've heard and be ready to cringe. This is a long one lads, it's a lore.
I was 11 turning 12 years old and this girl comes to my school who had just moved from Saudi. She used to get the best grades in school, you know she is the cool girl. My mom liked her when she met her at PTA and that was like a seal of approval for young me. (Context: - I live in an Asian country)
My mind fixated on her although she was an year and exactly 6 months older than me. (Same grade). So here's where the plot thickens. Grade 6, enters another student, let's call him Cow. So Cow sat near me from the first day of school and I introduced him to everything. He became more sociable than I am and the dude didn't care I mean that's alright shit happens but he became close to the girl I like. (Let's call her Moose)
Fast forward 5 years later, Cow and Moose are close friends and Cow's friends were shipping him for her. She kept friend zoning him. I have never talked to Moose ever. Like never. We were in the same class. Last day of school, I was relieved to be leaving my shitty school life just as I'm leaving Moose says bye to me like she waves her hand and I was like you talking to me (like De Niro). So I called up a friend I know (prefect) and he gave me her number and my excuse was that I needed the numbers of the students I didn't have contacts in class and he bought it. So I hit her up. I was mansplaining the fuck out. She took it like a good sport. We were texting for a while.
But Cow didn't like it. We were supposed to meet to get the leaving certificates back at school. Moose wanted to get it at the same time as me. Guess who's there. The motherfucking boogeyman, I swear jealousy is a motherfucker sometimes I can't ignore it. But guess what she called him "her brother" and I was sitting at the office couch and those words hit like melody to me. And I got up, talked to her. Like that shit gave me confidence like never before and it's gonna comeback to haunt me (later you'll realize). So I accidentally flirted at her and Cow went like "Huh". So now I'm overwhelmed and I realized I'm running my mouth too much so I went outside and this girl calls me.
Context about this other girl: - So you know how tuition classes are a thing in Asia so I was in an IT class where I know this girl from a ceremony. She became a real close friend to me and she'll play an important role later. (Let's call her Mini Cooper (coz she's short 😂))
So she saw me from her school van. And she was giving me a call. Looking back, she liked me. I hid the fact that I had a crush on Moose.
And now Cow is pissed off at me and he is pillow-talking through texts. He shares that embarrassing story where I broke fast for just a lollipop for my friend's birthday which is meant to be a fucking joke. Moose said these things to me and I wanted to get back at him so bad.
Now I'm in my relative's funeral and I was bored af (sounds terrible I'm sorry) and Mini Cooper started texting me after an Instagram story I posted. Atp she knows that I had a crush on Moose. I was loathing about the fact that Cow and his friends and Moose go to the same college now and I'm alone and shit and they are taking photos. I had severe Fear of Missing Out. And She mentioned about her friend that goes to the same college. And we find out that both these girls are best friends. I felt like I hit the jackpot. So I beg Mini Cooper to talk her friend and get her on my side. I was trying to be the parasite coz Cow was using his friends to ship him to her. So Mini Cooper set it up. And she said that this friend is a "high maintenance" and I should've knew then. I hit her up (let's call her Molly Shannon(glasses)) and it was cool and it went on. Now here comes the most embarrassing thing that happened. (if you've read up to this point huge thank you, coz my own ass wouldn't read something this long)
I was in Mania after the funeral ended and I was so overwhelmed to get back at Cow. So I started texting Cow. Stupid move like moving your Queen diagnol to the bishop. I was asking some stupid shit like When's your birthday and replying like "Oh yeah mine's at the end of November". And I asked how's college and shit. Then I asked "Do you know this girl? Molly Shannon(not her real name)" and dude was like "Yeah the girl with glasses" she hangs around with Moose. So I was like "she's my relative". This is the moment where I fucked up big time. Coz I don't know what I was thinking. I don't know what my plan was. He was like "Oh Nice".
So I stopped texting Molly Shannon after that coz she is a weirdo and I had not realized what I've done coz I completely ignored.
Weeks later, I see a Snapchat snap and Cow, his friends, Molly Shannon and Moose were going on a bus. Seemed like a flex on me. And I was like sighing. Then I get a call. It's from Cow. Cow takes a call with his friends and starts making fun of me. "Molly Shannon is your cousin?" with Molly Shannon laughing in the background. I was so embarrassed of it. My anxiety was creeping up. She ratted on me for clout.
So I joined this college (bcoz I'm stupid but yeah it ended up being a good choice thank god) and there was a orientation party and I was walking from mosque to college. And suddenly, Cow and his friends appear and they start making fun of me through the whole party. I fucked up big time. And this took a huge toll on my mental health. Plus the barber fucked my hair up and I was wearing a cap and I was walking around the party like an idiot with nobody. Moose and Molly Shannon were looking at me like crazy.
I call Mini Cooper and she calmed me down. (Best friend ever, love you ❤️) but I did more wrong to her coz I'm an entitled asshole. To dismiss the cousin rumours I said it was Mini Cooper's idea. She knew but she never spoke of it. The thing about Mini Cooper is my mom didn't like her. That's the thing that kept me from getting close to her. My mom made me not hang out with people she didn't like.
Okay, the most important fact here is that Moose never knew about any of this shit. She didn't know I had a crush on her. She didn't know the cousin thing. And it was weird. I went to her DMs and started apologizing for no reason. Another embarrassing moment. But Thank God.
This thing kept on bugging me for so long and I was already suicidal. Cow and I are the only ones in College and we weren't as terrible as we were before coz Moose left college in her 1st year. I tried to make it as funny as possible but you know it sounds terrible. And Mini Cooper, I know you know. I'm sorry.
This is one of the two embarrassing moments between Me and Moose. I do care if nobody reads, it would hurt me that this shit I did goes unacknowledged. Fellas, don't worry if you fucked up, you can't fuck up as much me.
This is a story of an entitled, pathetic, anxious, full of himself and impulsive idiot.
submitted by z3in-23 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:38 DracTheBat178 [hr] The man on the mountain (concept)

A reporter drives along a dark twisting road, to a secluded town called Halls Landing tucked away in the Appalachian mountains. He had heard rumors of a local legend about a man who lived in a cabin tucked away deep in the woods. Supposedly, those who visit the cabin come back "twisted", "broken", or "changed" a different word is used for every retelling. Sometimes those who visit are said to never come back at all.
The reporters first stop would be the Due Drop Diner for a quick breakfast. He takes his seat and quickly decides on a cup of black coffee and the classic bacon and eggs. The waitress brings his meal to him. "We don't get many visitors here, what brings you to our neck of the woods?" The waitress, who's name tag read Stacy, asks in a very prominent Appalachian accent. "Well, I'm a reporter." The man answers. "I'm actually here to report on a local legend if you're not to busy." Stacy's face and demineaner suddenly shift. She goes pale and her warm smile and cheary personality fade for a moment to a look of anxiety, before quickly switching back. "I'm sorry but I can't talk right now, I have other tables to get to." She hurries off to one of the two other patrons in the Diner, who were here before he had arrived.
Dispite his strange encounter with the waitress he was determined to find out more about the local legend who driven so far to learn about. Yet, everyone in town seemed to react the same way, either dismissing the topic, changing the subject, or finding some reason to leave. It's as if no one wants talk about it, as if it's a secret.
After deciding that it might be a waste of time, he stops into an old country store, run by an older man he hadn't seen around town much, if at all. After purchasing a few items and turning to leave, the man speaks up. "You're that reporter right? The one the folks are so antsy about?" He turns back to old man, he has long grey hair and a thick beard to match. A pot belly coverd by a white tank top and overalls, and a voice that sounded like he smoked a pack a day sense the age of 6. The reporter replied "Yeah, I just wanted to know about the man who lived in the cabin, tucked back in the woods somewhere. Everyone always acts so dismissive and dodgy." Almost on instinct, the only man replies. "There's an old sawmill at the edge of town, behind it you'll find a walking trail. Head up that trail for about two hours. At the end you'll come to clearing, with what your looking for right there." The reporter, had been writing down what he could and hoped he could remember the rest. "Man, your a life saver thank you so much, you probably just saved my entire trip!" The reporter turns back to leave excitedly, before he can make it to the door, the old man says one more thing. "Just remember son, legends exist for a reason. " The reporter hastely made his way to his car, quickly turning the key and heading to the saw mill.
Something strange he noticed, however, was that everyone he could see, was watching him drive. Stopping any and all activity, just to stare him down as he made his way up the winding road. Men, women, even children. As if trying to force the car off the road.
He parked his car and made his way around the abandoned saw mill, until he found a break in the fence, with a trail leading up the mountain. After a grueling two hour walk up the trail in silence, he found it. A small clearing with an old cabin. The cabin was dark and decrepit compared to surrounding greenery. It looked as if it had been their first centuries, almost completely untouched. Feeling as if his hopes might've been dashed, he slowly makes his way to the front door, still panting from his hike up the mountain. He Knocks on the door, and to his surprise, after a few minutes, the door opens. Standing in the door way looks to be a man in his early 20s. Short, Dark brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a blue flannel, a pair of jeans, and heavy black boots. All of which look relatively new. The reporter, camcorder in hand, was expecting someone much older than the man that stood before him, and before he could get a word in edgewise. The man flashes a smug grin and speaks. "Let me guess, you want to hear about the man on the mountain." The reporter, having his plans laid bare before him, answers still tired from his hike. "uh yes, I had heard of the legends and thought I'd come see for myself. The towns folk seem pretty reluctant about giving me directions though." The man leans on the doorway, crossing his arms. "Yeah well, you know how it is. Superstition can cause people to act strange and weary, especially around new faces." His grin turned into a more friendly smile. "But where are my manners. The names Dean, and this old cabin was built by my great great great grandfather. He was the man on the mountain you've heard about."
The reporter, as excited as a city boy can be after hiking up hill for two hours straight. Smiles back at the man, excited to learn what this man might know. "Well, what happened? Why are the towns folk so weary of this place?" The reporter asks eagerly, his legs shaking from exhaustion. "The man on the mountain was cruel to say the least. He'd lore people up here, he'd carve weird symbols into their skin, mutilate them, dismember them. Some say he could even twist up someone's soul, change them in ways no one, not even god can fix." There was a moment of silence between them, before the man speaks up again. "Well, you're probably tired from your hike all the way up here. Come inside I'll get you a drink and we can talk more about it." The man steps aside to let the reporter in. The doorway was dark, as if swallowed by some impenetrable void. Regardless, the reporter enters the cabin, the door closes behind them. The lock clicks. The reporter never comes back.
submitted by DracTheBat178 to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:36 Jonboy_25 The Hebrew Prophets do not prophesy about Jesus, Christianity, or anything still to come in our time.

For thousands of years, and to this day, Christians of various kinds have tried to demonstrate the truth of Christianity by claiming that Jesus was prophesied about specifically in the Hebrew Scriptures. It is argued that Jesus fulfilled these prophecies about the Messiah in the OT and, therefore, is the promised one. Only Jesus could've fulfilled these Messianic prophecies, so they say. Additionally, Christian theology, building off the NT paradigm of quoting the OT, has claimed that the OT looks forward to the founding of Christianity and the formation of the Church.
What this post will argue is that this is anachronistic and that Christians are incorrect in their claims about the OT. The OT prophets do not look forward to a supposed Messiah figure who would arrive hundreds of years later in 1st century Roman Palestine or that this Messiah figure would crucified and raised from the dead. Nor do they prophesy the establishment of the Christian religion. Instead, the OT looks forward to an imminent, glorious, material restoration of ancient Israel meant to happen in their day, not centuries later when Christianity was founded. Nor is the OT looking forward to supposed events that have yet to happen, like the second coming of Jesus or a future restoration of the land of Israel. These were supposed to happen in ancient Israel but did not occur.
Before I begin, I would like to say that this is the consensus of biblical scholars and historians. This is not just my opinion or the opinion of secular skeptics. All critical scholars of the OT, including Jews, Christians, and non-religious ones, agree that OT needs to be understood in its ancient Israelite context. They agree that these texts and oracles are not about Jesus or the Church. If you want to read an excellent scholarly resource, I highly recommend John J. Collins, Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, 2018. He is a leading OT scholar at Yale and a Roman Catholic. The New Oxford Annotated Study Bible is also a beneficial resource, giving a critical scholarly introduction and notes to the Hebrew Bible.
For this post, I will look at some of the principal prophetic literature of the OT. I cannot analyze every single relevant passage.


The Book of Isaiah is among the most popular books in ancient Judaism and Christianity. I could be wrong, but I believe it is the most cited book in the NT after Psalms. This is relevant to this discussion because Christians cite many passages in Isaiah, believing them to be predictions about Jesus. This precedent is set in the NT, for example, in Matthew's or Luke's gospel. However, Jesus/Christianity is not prophesied in the book. Instead, Isaiah predicts the imminent restoration of the Kingdom of Israel and the gathering of the twelve tribes.
Let's examine Isaiah 7:14, a passage often misconstrued as a prophecy about Jesus. In reality, it's not a prophecy about the Messiah at all. The passage states, 'Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son and shall name him Immanuel.' This is not about a virgin giving a miraculous birth. The word used here is 'almah ', which simply means young woman. If Isaiah intended to convey that this woman was a virgin, there was a word for that, 'betulah '. Matthew's use of the Greek translation of Isaiah 7:14, which is a mistranslation of the Hebrew, as a prophecy about Jesus's virgin birth is a misinterpretation. The context of Isaiah 7 is an oracle of consolation given to King Ahaz, promising him a sign through the birth of a son that Jerusalem will be preserved from the Assyrian crisis.
'For before the child knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good, the land before whose two kings you are in dread will be deserted. The Lord will bring on you and on your people and on your ancestral house such days as have not come since the day that Ephraim departed from Judah—the king of Assyria. On that day the Lord will whistle for the fly that is at the sources of the streams of Egypt and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria. And they will all come and settle in the steep ravines and in the clefts of the rocks and on all the thornbushes and on all the watering holes. On that day the Lord will shave with a razor hired beyond the River—with the king of Assyria—the head and the hair of the feet, and it will take off the beard as well.'
So, Isaiah 7:14 refers to the Assyrian crisis in the 8th century BCE and the preservation of Jerusalem, not events that occurred hundreds of years later. Matthew's misquotation of the OT is a clear example of misinterpretation. It's quite ironic and even amusing that the most famous and well-known prophecy about Jesus's virgin birth, cited every year at Christmas, is quite literally not about that. This highlights the importance of understanding the historical context and the original intent of the texts.
There is a cluster of oracles in Isaiah 9-11 that Christians cite as a prophecy about Jesus. But when we look at the context of Isaiah 7-12, we see that these are about the restoration of Zion and the re-establishment of a Davidic king who would rule in the ancient Near East in Israel, not in 1st-century Judea.
Let's look at some of the famous passages.
'For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders, and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Great will be his authority, and there shall be endless peace for the throne of David and his kingdom. He will establish and uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.' 9:6-7
This is not a prophecy about Jesus. The text presupposes that this son is already born and will fulfill this vision in Isaiah's day. Again, the passages surrounding this one set the historical context for fulfillment in the ANE. This Davidic King would preside over the physical restoration of a united Kingdom of Israel and the unification of the twelve tribes.
'On that day, the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no longer lean on the one who struck them but will lean on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God. For though your people, O Israel, were like the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will return.' 10:20-22
'On that day, the root of Jesse shall stand as a signal to the peoples; the nations shall inquire of him, and his dwelling shall be glorious. On that day, the Lord will again raise his hand to recover the remnant that is left of his people from Assyria, from Egypt, from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the coastlands of the sea.' 11:10-11
The King, through Yahweh, on that day will also,
'raise a signal for the nations and will assemble the outcasts of Israel and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. 13 The jealousy of Ephraim shall depart; the hostility of Judah shall be cut off; Ephraim shall not be jealous of Judah, and Judah shall not be hostile toward Ephraim. 14 But they shall swoop down on the backs of the Philistines in the west; together, they shall plunder the people of the east. They shall put forth their hand against Edom and Moab, and the Ammonites shall obey them.'
So, it's clear what these oracles were intending to describe. Isaiah predicted that after the Assyrian crisis of the 8th century BCE, Yahweh would raise up a Davidic ruler who would preside over a literal Israelite Kingdom that would become the dominant power of the ANE. This was expected to happen in the ancient world, but it did not occur. The historical context of Jesus and the first-century Church is not the fulfillment of these oracles. These oracles are failed. Isaiah's vision of an eternal, glorious Israelite Kingdom did not come to pass.


There are two passages in Jeremiah I would like to discuss.
Jeremiah 29:10 promises that after 70 years, the Jews will return from the Babylonian exile, and God will restore Israel to its former glory.
'For thus says the Lord: Only when Babylon’s seventy years are completed will I visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place. For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then, when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.'
This never happened historically. Yes, some of the Judeans in exile did return to Israel. Israel was rebuilt with the help of the Persians. But, this was not the glorious restoration predicted by the prophets. Israel would continue to be dominated by foreign powers until the establishment of the secular state of Israel in 1948, which, of course, has no relevance to this ancient oracle. Further, while some Judeans did return, this promise of a gathering of Jews from all the nations did not happen. After the Assyrian and Babylonian conquests, Jews have remained permanently dispersed in the diaspora. This is another failed oracle. It cannot be interpreted exegetically as being fulfilled in the 1st century with Jesus and Christianity.
More famously, however, is Jeremiah's prediction of the establishment of a 'New Covenant.' (31:31) Christians see this New Covenant as being fulfilled in the Church, and indeed, the New Testament frequently refers to the New Covenant being fulfilled in the Christian community and Jesus's work. However, the historical context of this passage is surrounded by a cluster of oracles in chapters 30-31 that were meant to be a consolation to ancient Israel. The passage itself is clear that this is not talking about Christianity or events hundreds of years later, but is a word of consolation to Jews who experienced the Babylonian conquest:
'The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.' 31:31
What is the context?
'At that time, says the Lord, I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people.' 31:1
'The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when the city shall be rebuilt for the Lord from the tower of Hananel to the Corner Gate. And the measuring line shall go out farther, straight to the hill Gareb, and shall then turn to Goah. The whole valley of the dead bodies and the ashes and all the fields as far as the Wadi Kidron, to the corner of the Horse Gate toward the east, shall be sacred to the Lord. It shall never again be uprooted or overthrown.' 31:38-40
'For the days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will restore the fortunes of my people, Israel and Judah, says the Lord, and I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their ancestors, and they shall take possession of it' 30:3
Then, it is clear what prophesy about the New Covenant means. It's about the imminent restoration of the ancient Kingdom of Israel and its ascent into power and glory. Again, these oracles remained unfulfilled and precisely falsified.


There is one famous passage in Micah 5, quoted in Matthew and frequently cited by Christians as "proof" that Jesus's birth location was prophesied about hundreds of years prior. The idea that Jesus was born in Bethlehem is, of course, historically dubious. Matthew and Luke's accounts are contradictory and rife with historical problems. Mark and John assume Jesus has always been a native of Nazareth (Mk 6:2-3, Jn 1:46, 7:42). It seems then that Matthew and Luke invented their passages about Jesus being born in Bethlehem to give him more Davidic status. But this is beside the point, even if Jesus was born in Bethlehem. It is not a fulfillment of this passage.
'But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who is one of the little clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days.' 5:2
What is the historical context of this oracle? Again, the context of the chapter and the book is Israel's restoration and the Israelite kingdom's imminent establishment.
'Then, the remnant of Jacob, surrounded by many peoples, shall be like dew from the Lord, like showers on the grass, which do not depend upon people or wait for any mortal. 8 And among the nations the remnant of Jacob, surrounded by many peoples, shall be like a lion among the animals of the forest, like a young lion among the flocks of sheep, which, when it goes through, treads down and tears in pieces, with no one to deliver. 9 Your hand shall be lifted up over your adversaries, and all your enemies shall be cut off.'
On that day, says the Lord, I will cut off your horses from among you and will destroy your chariots; 11 and I will cut off the cities of your land and destroy all your strongholds; 12 and I will cut off sorceries from your hand, and you shall have no more soothsayers; 13 and I will cut off your images and your pillars from among you, and you shall bow down no more to the work of your hands; 14 and I will uproot your sacred poles\)g\) from among you and destroy your towns. 15 And in anger and wrath I will execute vengeance on the nations that did not obey.
What about this future King? Again, I find it amusing that Christians cite this text to show that Jesus fulfilled it. It shows they have not read and understood the historical context of the oracle. The text goes on to say that this King will conquer the land of Assyria, the land of Nimrod.
Micah 5:5–6
'When the Assyrians come into our land and tread upon our soil, we will raise against them seven shepherds and eight rulers. They shall rule the land of Assyria with the sword and the land of Nimrod with the drawn sword; he shall rescue us from the Assyrians if they come into our land or tread within our border.'


I've, of course, been very selective. There are many more examples of this that could've been pulled from. I hope you will see what I've briefly tried to show. The Prophets of the OT predicted that in their own time, they would see the salvation of Yahweh as their God. A Davidic King would be raised, and Israel would be restored to glory after the Assyrian crisis in the case of Isaiah or the Babylonian crisis in the case of Jeremiah and Micah. The same goes for the other prophets. My thesis, then, is that historically understood, not only did these oracles fail in their prediction, but they are demonstrably not about events in 1st century Roman Palestine or the wider Greco-Roman world. They're not about establishing the Church or a dying and rising messiah figure who brings spiritual salvation. Yes, the NT does interpret passages in the OT as being fulfilled in Jesus. But they are taken out of their historical context. The NT and early Christians were not novel in this practice. This was standard Jewish exegesis of the OT. Because Christians and Jews believed that the OT writings were sacred scripture that couldn't be wrong, they reinterpreted them in the light of their situations. The Essenes at Qumran, like the early Christians, also thought that their community and Teacher of Righteousness was the fulfillment of the bible prophecy, and the Rabbis in the Rabbinic literature frequently apply ancient scripture to their community.
submitted by Jonboy_25 to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:35 Rate-it____ A group of gay guys found out I’d like to fuck a feminine guy, now they are competing to be the first guy I NUT💦 inside for bragging rights 💦

I 27m broke up with my gf of 7 years at the start of 2024 no hard feelings or anything, ever since tho I have been watch gay adult content which has been weird as I before hand never had a thought about anything of that stuff. I started to question it in my work one day as I seen this obviously gay guy with a huge ass. He came up to me and should interest but I said “nah I’m straight” I thought about it more after and I thought, I got turned on by the thought of me fucking him but, got grossed or at the thought of him doing that or kissing me.
I have no idea what is going on but i am sure it turns me on because it’s like the thought of fucking a guy with a fat ass is almost like conquering him and the thought of like it’s wrong to want to fuck a guy that is feminine with an ass is a huge turn on, but a massive turn off if I think of kissing or me being the one that is fucked. Getting head as well but with my eyes closed is hot, usually the content the guys ass has to be shaved as well or I can’t watch. I’m just so confused at this point, cause I could definitely do it, as I find it so incredible hot if it’s a guy that has feminine attributes, but couldn’t see myself doing any of that other stuff at all as the thought of that makes me feel sick. What would this be called and has anyone experienced this?
I’m just so confused as I still find women hot and would go for them more but if given the opportunity I would fuck a feminine guy if they had a nice ass every now and then.
Update: Gave the guy I saw at work this new Reddit I have and he said that him and some of his friends wanted me to rate their asses😂 as they wanted my opinion, which is a massive turn on because I’ve not done anything with a guy and they are random strangers, that are gonna be sending me that soon😂 think they are turned on by the fact that It would be my first time fuckin a guy and I can tell they want it to be one of them. I was in the toilet at the urinal about to take my break and the original guy came in walked up to the side of me and he said “hey you know me and my friend are competing with each other right”
I responded “for what”
He leavened in and said “for your seed, we all want to be the first guy you fill up”
I instantly got hard which he noticed as the pee started hitting the urinal with more force. He looked down grabbing my cock which at this point was throbbing like mad, kept talking and started to give it a few tugs each gettin faster and faster while saying “we will send the photos and you’ll enjoy them but just remember this moment when u see me in the phone with my head down arched back and gaping hole lookin right at u, that this (reference my cock) will be mine and u will empty everything u have in these balls into that tight little hole” He at this point tugged my cock hard and has he then led me by dick into the cubical push me on the seat of the toilet dropped to his knee and start sucking my cock better than my exes did in the past, i inched deeper and deeper into his tight little throat with every Bob of his head and I couldn’t take it anymore I taped his head to pull out but he instead he went balls deep which I didn’t expect as my eyes we’re looking at the ceiling the entire time as the head was unbelievable good, it was the first time that it had happened to me before and I shot the biggest load ever down his tight little throat . He turned around and walked out telling me to look at his ass as the next time I see it will be in those naked photos.
Kinda sounds too good to be true but I ain’t complaining. Can’t wait to receive them photos from a bunch of randoms that I don’t even know. I’ve seen the friends and they are all really feminine and a 3 of them have got a wagon on them the others ain’t as much but still nice. Can’t wait so see the experience how different a guy takes it to the women I’ve been with, cause they three guys alone have bigger asses than 90% of the girls I’ve been with, and I’ve heard the head gay guys give is better-✅the toilet experience ticked that off as true), I am exited to see what happens in the next few weeks. And can’t wait to see how the photos turn out.
The thought of a guy setting up a camera behind over and take a photo to my approval as to if I would empty my seed balls deep inside of them is an amazing,and that I hope it doesn’t end with them. As it is such a turn on to receive booty pics especially from guys with nice big bubble butts like them to get my thoughts or have them told how I want them to take a photo for my pleasure 😇 . I’ll definitely fuck one of those three anyway as they all seem very interested to be the first guy I’ve ever fill up. Things are looking great tho never been more turned on at the thought of a few guys wanting my cock in my life and my opinion on their bubble butts and cute little holes.
submitted by Rate-it____ to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:34 asdf2100asd MetEd // FirstEnergy breaking numerous laws and they don't care

My ex-wife and I have lived at our current location for almost 2 years. Never had our power shut off.
Post divorce, put the power in my name. They are making me pay a $460 security deposit, at a time where I am super strapped for money.
I have looked up regulations and laws about this and they are breaking numerous ones. They aren't supposed to do this if you aren't a new customer, and you can't be considered a new customer if you were living with your spouse and your spouse was paying previously. Furthermore, I actually looked at the old bills and MY NAME IS ON THEM TOO.
I have contacted them numerous times, waiting their 1hour+ on hold, but they don't give a shit about any of this. They also flat out lie about how they make their "credit determinations", and I can prove it.
I made an informal complaint to the PUC, but it's been about 10 days with no update. Eventually I will have to make another complaint under the section where you protect yourself from them shutting off your power, because I am not caving to their extortion. These people are criminals.
So, I am making this post to see if anyone else is dealing with this or something similar, and just to inform you that you do have rights when it comes to this stuff. It is good to stand up to criminals, we should use the rights that we still have.
submitted by asdf2100asd to Pennsylvania [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:34 clinical_Cynicism You did WHAT to my Sister?!

After the great scattering and the unification of Terra and the Sol system. The Emperor ventured out to conquer the galaxy and search for his Primarchs. During this great crusade many Primarchs were found, and despite some setbacks, reunited with their legions. His Primarchs were tasked with the further unification and subjugation of the fragmented remnants of humanity throughout the stars. In this they were told to keep a lookout for their fellow creations. Some Primarchs like Vulkania, Hathor and Sanguinia were devoting great efforts to find and rescue their lost Sisters while the more coldly pragmatic ones like Ferra, Perturaba and Ellanor treated this task as more of a chore with the expectation of unearthing a new weapon for the war effort. So in Year 888 of M 30 of the imperial standard calendar the blood angels legion and their primarch Sanguinia were carrying out the expansion efforts in the borderzone of the growing ultramar exclave. As it happened they came across a civilized human world, that its residence called Nuceria. Sanguinia, ever the charming diplomat, had first contact messages sent out on all possible vox channels and frequencies and even utilizing communication methods from the dark age of technologie in hopes of reaching the planetary authorities. After managing to establish a reliable method of communication she scheduled plans to send an envoy for a planetary landing and subsequent negotiations about the integration into the imperium. As they were loading up the landing crafts with gifts and weapons and diplomats and space marines, Sanguinia was walking across the main hangar bay of the Red Tear. Looking left and right over all the busy people, her wings swaying in the breeze of the air conditioning. At the end of the hangar hall she saw admiral Ares DuCade hurrying towards her with his entourage. She took a moment to stand still and look at him coming, her moment of peace would soon be over.
“There you are my lord, I have been looking for you all morning! You weren’t on the flight deck, you weren’t on the command deck nor on the Bridge nor in your personal quarters and not even on the observation deck could I find you. Landing group alpha primus were worried to terra and back, that their main asset wouldn’t show up in time for take off. First officer Morel almost cried at the thought of having lost a Primarch! Just what in the Imperiums name has possessed you to roam the lower bowes of the ship!” Sanguinia smiled and laughed: “Oh I just wanted to ensure that the ensins and marines of objective group two and three were well rested. I know they don’t mind doing the less glamorous security work but I don’t want them to feel left out just because they couldn’t take part in the parade today.” DuCarde sighed: “Please at least tell your personal security detail before going on such an unscheduled escapade”. He looked at his Primarch, then blushed and looked away. “But thank you for caring about the men”, he couldn’t stay mad at her, not with that smile. “Well then, let us proceed, before we cause a delay, If we go now we should just about make it in time”, Sanguinia winked at him and led the way.
As predicted the transport shuttles departed just in time and the descent to Nuceria was smooth and without issue. Group primus would head down towards the capitol and land just outside in a spectacular flight show before parading into the city where they would engage in the negotiations. Sanguinia knew the importance of making powerful and benevolent first impressions. Group secundus and tertius would make a less impressive descent and position themselves near the military, logistics and communications centers, just in case the talks went sour or the planetary authority would try to pull a fast one on the Legion. But so far everything went to plan, they were almost at the main square, their diplomats had engaged the planetary politicians and even though her personal honor guard was tense, looking for danger around every corner, Sanguinia made a calm and relaxed impression. She had to make a conscious effort for this impression but she knew as soon as this was done she could return to her beloved little dove and spend with them the time that was otherwise allocated for the conquest of this planet. The Desh’ean nobility welcomed Sanguinia and one man stepped forward and introduced himself as lord Thal’kr, leader of the ruling clan. His pompous attitude suggested he saw himself as an equal to Sanguinia, from one lord to another, this was a nuisance that she would just have to deal with. Usually putting pretentious mortals in their place wasn’t an issue for any primarch and she could do it tactfully too, but something about this seemed to give the red angel a headache. Regardless they followed the planetary customs to the necessary degree and were soon invited to a spectacle in the colosseum. Sanguinia, her honor guard, her remembrancer and various other guests were placed in the royal lounge with servants, wine and a grandiose view over the arena. While she was half heartedly listening to the japping of lord Thal’kr her gaze glanced over the rest of the stadium. It was packed. Bread and games seemed to keep the populous obedient. Her headache was still not going away. It was a weird feeling, not even her prescience would allow her to divine what it was. She tried to direct her focus back to what the noble was saying. “...So anyway we have this great gladiator, basically a giant, and the best part is, She’s basically indestructible. Any wound and any torment we inflict on her she recovers from. The populus loves her, especially when we have her fight great beasts like mammoths and nucerian mountain lions. But personally I think her best performance was when we had her fight alongside her adoptive father in an impossible fight, and then when they survived, we told them to kill each other! HAHAHAHA.” The laughter of the fat, opulent tyrant made Sanguinia want to cringe and turn away, but something told her to pay attention. Sanguinia became envious of her bodyguards, for they had helmets behind which they could hide their disgust. This man's ruling ethics could not have been further apart from her own. She tries to distract herself by looking at the faces of the other attendance. To her dismay the only other local that seemed to find anything wrong with this story was a young mortal standing by the balcony and holding a bouquet of flowers. Lord Thal’kr seemed to notice. "Oh? Do you fancy the little one? They are one of my Children. I’ll introduce you.” He turned and called out: “Hei Yarrow come here and give the nice lady the courtesy will you?” The young mortal hurried over, almost tripping over their light robes. They stood in front of the red angel and bowed deeply; clearly they had been raised to be polite and respectful in anticipation for a marriage alliance. “H-hello your highness my name is Yarrow, I’m blessed to meet you,” they blushed but stayed composed even in the presence of someone as intimidating as a primarch. “Come on little one be nice and subservient and maybe the lady will take you away and show you the stars beyond our world,” the tyrant laughed, “what were you doing over there by the balcony anyway? You weren’t thinking any bad thoughts about the gladiators again were you?” “Ah n-no father. Of course not.” “That’s still ‘my lord’ to you.” He shooed young Yarrow away. “Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, And then they thought they could be slick by refusing to fight each other, but we won’t be defied that easily, so we pumped her full of stimulants and had neural-anti cognitors placed in her head. Oh you should’ve seen her then, ripped her father apart like a squealing rabbit. And how she cried afterwards, like a little bitch. Oh what wouldn’t I give to hear that again.” Another noble chimed in:”But what about the time we made her fight her lover?” “Who do you mean?” The tyrant asked. “Gladiolus the beautiful but fearsome young Gladiator,” the noble replied. “Ah yeah HAHA. Well not so fearsome in the end were they?” Lord Thal’kr laughed again. “You have to know, when we learned about their relationship, they had apparently gotten close after the death of her father, we brought the two into the arena. They thought they would be fighting beasts but in reality they would have to fight each other. We gave her just enough time to realize her predicament before we pumped up the pressure on those anti-cognitors and turned her back into a wild savage animal. You should have seen them. Gladiolus pleaded with her to ‘snap out of it’ but she fell upon them and crushed their skull between her thighs like a watermelon. It was a delicious spectacle.” This man seemed to relish in the memory and just as Sanguinia contemplated if it was worth keeping him around he went: “Look! There She is. Child of the mountain, Mistress of the red sands along with our finest gladiators. Hail to those about to die!”
Sanguinia looked down into the arena and got hit with a wave of realization like an orbital bombardment. As she stared down she knew what the feeling was that had plagued her all day. It was this presence that she sensed and her prescience that had been screaming at her what her mind didn’t want to comprehend. But now it stood there below her, clear as day and no longer deniable. She thought no primarch could be more haggard than Morrigan and no such demigod could be more disheveled than Corvess. But she was wrong. Before her eyes stood, wrapped in chains, beaten and broken, her own flesh and blood. And as Angron looked up at the red angel standing at the parapet, all that Sanguinia could do was to close her mind to the visions of what was to come.
“You did WHAT to my Sister?!” The red angel spoke, dry and sharp, hair fell across her face and droplets of black blood fell on the parapet. “Well… we…”, before the tyrant could even speak she fell upon him. A massive hand clamped around his jaw and ripped it off. The guards reacted fast but the astarties reacted faster, thow they could not do much more than dispatch of the armed men before Azkellon ordered them to stand down. They looked over at their primarch who, in this brief moment, had already torn her way through seven other nobles with bare hands and was now about to reach her sword. Azkellon saw that the situation had turned most dire and knew he had to take charge. He turned on the vox:”all channels, situation’s fubar. Proceed with operational backup plan. Don’t go near mother, she is violent and unresponsive.” He then turned towards the brothers standing next to him and shouted: “Sanguinary guard evacuate the premises, ensure the retreat of all imperial non-combatants and most important of all: rescue that Primarch!” He pointed down into the arena, the lower levels of the stadium hadn’t yet realized what was happening, but sure enough there would be mass panic and a stampede. The Astarties split up and Azkellon along with his squad hopped down into the upper levels of the stadium. They did so just in time because the roof of the lodge began to buckle as the red angel cut through men and stone pillars as if they were straw. Azkellon cursed under his breath. He should have insisted on jump packs for this operation. It was no use now, they had to make their way down into the arena by foot, cut a way if necessary. When they were finally in the bottom rows the roof of the lodge above them collapsed and they heard an ear ringing scream: “HOW DARE YOU!” and “MY BABY SISTER!”. Clearly the primarch had finished massacring the major nobles in attendance and was now carving a bloody canyon through the minor ones. The stadium was now in full panik and mortals were scrambling over each other to get out of their own slaughterhouse. The Astarties hopped another fence down into the arena. A few bolter rounds dispatched of the remaining guards and Azkellon made his way over to the still restrained Angron. The next few words he spoke would be crucial to ensure the primarchs' cooperation; he had to choose them carefully and he had to choose them fast. “Mistress of the red sands, we are the angels of the Godemperor of mankind sent to aid you in your escape from this wretched place!” He prayed to Terra that she didn’t actually want to stay here. But to his relief Angron nodded and spoke:”My thanks. Get me out of these shackles, I can fight for myself.” Azkellon hurried to get out his multi-tool and got to work on the primarchs bindings. As he did so he looked her in the eyes and said: “it’s okay, you no longer need to fight for or by yourself.” Angron tried to stay stoic but he could see that the primarch was fighting to hold back tears. She looked as thow decades and decades of prayers prayed cold and lonely cells had finally been answered. When the shackles cracked and broke she turned away: ”They come with me”, she pointed to the other gladiators in the arena. “Very well”, Azkellon knew he couldn’t refuse her or the tenuous trust they had just built would be null and void. His squad freed the gladiators and they hurried out of the arena as Askellon ordered another thunderhawk for evacuation. As the last to leave the arena he looked back and saw the seating area had been filled with so much gore and viscera that blood began to spill over and run down the walls into the sand of the fighting pit. He made another vox call to the red tear and ordered them to get Dove on that thunderhawk along with as many tranquilizers as they could muster. They would need any help they could get if they wanted Sanguinia to calm down.
Angron led the astarties through the underbowels of the arena; clearly she knew her way around. However, that also meant that she chose a way that went past all the prison cells to free as many of the caged slaves, gladiators and animals as she could. Azkellon did not complain, he just wanted to get out of here. When they finally managed to leave the colosseum for good they stopped to take a brief respite. Angron turned to Azkellon and said: “I am grateful for your efforts but please, may I ask, you remove your helmet if you are able to, I’d like to see your face if you have one.” He did so and confirmed what he had felt for a while. Tears of black blood streamed down his cheeks and seeped out of his helmet. She looked shocked. “I’m sorry miss, this doesn’t usually happen, but our mother … your sister… it must be the deep connection we have with her that causes this.” Before he could apologize further for the undignified display, they saw a figure rise above the colosseum. The red angel had spread her bloodstained wings and was flying towards the ruling palace at the other end of the city. Over the vox the voice of the enraged primarch could be heard: “LET NONE LEAVE ALIVE! SHOOT ANY THAT ESCAPE THE CITY!” Azkellon had to quickly amend those orders to ensure that the slaves they rescued would survive. Then he voxed in with the other squad of sanguinary guard to get a status report on the evacuation of the imperial diplomats. Luckily they were almost out of the city and operational groups secundus and tertius hadn’t said anything so it was to be assumed that their part went to plan and there wouldn’t be any planetary reinforcements arriving in the city anytime soon. The squad tended to the malnourished slaves and wounded gladiators as best they could and then embarked on the safest possible route out of Desh’ea. The mortals would slow them down but leaving them behind wasn’t much of an option. Besides, mother had always reminded them that they were once mortal as well.
When they were about half way towards the extraction zone, they passed a squad of blood angel terminators carrying heavy equipment and escorting a young mortal. “Barbiel, is that you?” Azkellon shouted over to them. “Yes, great herald, we have the assets you requested.” “Good, the primarch went that way towards the palace. See if you can stop her madness. … Barbiel?" The crimson paladin seemed to stare off into the space behind him. But when Azkellon saw that it wasn’t just him but the other terminators and the young Dove as well he realized what it was. “This is primarch Angron Thal'kyr. we are escorting her to the thunderhawk for evacuation.” The terminators composed themselves, nodded and then hurried along.
And so passed another tense hour of walking through empty and abandoned streets while avoiding the panicking crowds. The hysteria had spread throughout the entire city and rightfully so. There wasn’t a gutter that didn’t have a trickle of blood running through it. Azkellon knew the power of the primarchs but he was still taken aback at how much carnage a single entity could cause. If there was a god of slaughter, he would surely smile this day.
When they reached the edges of the city Azkellon was relieved to hear the turbines of the thunderhawk. Angron stood still behind him, apparently needing a moment. Surely this was the first time she saw a spacecraft. “Where will this take us?” she asked. “Far away from this sight of misery,” he answered. It wasn’t untrue. “I’ll gladly go but first I need one more person to come with me,” she turned around and walked back towards the city, “I need my Yarrow, I need my desert flower, I cannot leave without them.” Azkellon was glad he had put his helmet back on, as he was certain all the color just drained from his face. He quickly voxed in with the terminator team asking if they had managed to calm down Sanguinia. Indeed they had somehow managed to stabilize her with a combination of Doves' kind words and enough tranquilizers to kill a horde of grox. Then He asked about the Tyrant's Child and after a moment of silence got the answer he did not want to expect. The red angel had slain the young mortal in her episode of unending rage. Azkellon thanked the emperor that he was the only one who could hear that answer. He told them to bring back the body of the slain Yarrow and tell Angron that they were killed by their father. He also stressed that they should ensure that no one ever finds out the truth, especially not Angron or any member of the war hounds legion.
When Angron heard news of the perishing of her second lover, she was inconsolable. She wept until they brought her the lifeless body and she wept over them the entire flight back, and she wept at the funeral when they let their corpse drift into the sun over Nuceria and she wept for several days after. These were a rough couple days despite the planetary conquest going off with very few issues. As Sanguinia read the report her legions apothecaries made about Angron and the butcher's nails in her head, she too fluctuated between rage and sorrow. She cradled and comforted her sister trying anything to lessen her pain. Finally she decided on the surgical removal of the butcher’s nails. When her apothecaries warned her of the dangers and the possibility of killing or stunting her sister, she almost tore one of their heads off shouting: “I’d rather have a brain dead sister than a suffering one.” Alas Sanguinia decided to perform the procedure herself. Her apothecaries suggested returning to nearby Ultramar to take advantage of their medical facilities, but Sanguinia denied them for she could not bear to see her Sister in agony for a single second longer.
Preparations were made and when the day of the surgery came all the medical staff of the red tear that could attend, did so. Even the ones who weren’t required sat in the amphitheater and watched the tense procedure. Sanguinia walked onto the operating floor covered in sterile white robes and a surgical mask over her face. Even her wings were covered in sterile white bindings. They would not remain white for long. Angron was rolled in and placed upon the operating table. Sanguinia looked at the sedated and still body of her sister; she was only covered in a ghostly thin sheet. “Father give me strength”, she muttered under her breath. A dozen astarties and two dozen mortal doctors huddled around the two. One of them handed Sanguinia a custom made pair of operating gloves. She dawned them, flicked them to ensure they sat tight and spoke: “let us begin”. A mortal brought her the scalpel. ‘This shall be the blade I wield today’, She thought to herself.
The surgery was long and arduous; it took three whole days before it was over. By the end Sanquinia was exhausted, she had to focus on making perfect nanometer cuts while simultaneously concentrating on using her prescience to ensure the best possible outcome. She slumped into a chair; her otherwise perfect hair was sweaty and messy. When a doctor came in to tell her that Angron's vital signs read normal, her exhausted face managed to curl into a mellow smile. Dove wanted to comfort her after all the work she did, but she only allowed it for a moment. For Sanguinia knew that her sister would soon awake and she needed to be there. When Angron awoke and looked into her sister's eyes she smiled, feeling as if she had awoken from the nightmare that was her life on Nuceria. But when she saw Dove standing by her sister's side she broke into tears, for she remembered. She remembered not only how she lost Yarrow but she remembered how she lost Gladiolus too. The butcher's nails prevent memories from being formed while in a state of rage but that is only effective in normal men. Angron's nails had prevented her from remembering how she murdered her father and crushed her lover in the arena but now she saw it again, clear as day. She wept and wailed in the arms of her sister, soaking her hair and wings in tears.
The pain of the nails was gone but the pain of the past was one that could not be lifted. Angron engaged with her sister, for Sanguinia managed to take her mind off of the grief she still felt. But this would not last long, for soon the Conqueror arrived carrying the war hounds legion, forcing the two sisters to separate. After this Angron fell into a deep deep depression. Ordered to lead men she barely even knew and on board of a ship she found to be unfamiliar, Angron felt even more alone than in the slave pits of Nuceria. Not even the slaves she rescued were there to accompany her for she had sent them away to a paradise world, far away so they may never again be forced to fight. Angron was alone again, she was frightened again and most of all: she was in a cage again. She locked herself in her chambers, where she sank deeper and deeper into grief and sorrow. When her marines came and tried to talk to her she lashed out in desperation, killing more than a few. Even though the nails were removed, she still felt like she was only here to endure a life of suffering and torment.
submitted by clinical_Cynicism to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:34 Alec_Berg $UBERJEETS is the real deal and setup to go parabolic – here’s why.

This post is straight facts, no shilling needed because the facts speak for themselves - and the utility will blow your mind (more below).
What is $UBERJEETS? First of all, the meme is pure fire and evergreen. Uber is not going anywhere, and we all know jeets are the majority in the crypto world. The name has meme sticking power!
Dev jeeted, now community owned: Yes, there are a lot of CTOs out there. What makes this different is the community and the commitment to organic growth. No calls and no paid shilling mean no P&Ds. All growth is INTENTIONAL. Coin is less than a month old.
Why should you join the community and grab a bag?
  1. Liquidity locked, LP burned, whales wallets are doxxed with addressed pinned in TG chat, no holder greater than 3.4% of supply.
  2. Daily VCs with top whales on camera. Vision is front and center and THEY ARE NOT SELLING.
  3. No paid pumps or fake boosting. All organic marketing including IRL marketing – we are wrapping two Rolls Royce’s in Uberjeets swag and one of our board members, Oscar, will be driving all around San Diego and southern California promoting the coin! (Looks to be ready by this weekend) Mockup of vehicle here -
  4. Utility coming soon that will make $UBERJEETS the focal point of all crypto trading – the jeet receipt!
  5. Donations to charitable causes – milestone of 6% of supply is now in donation wallet (this is the only non-radium wallet over 3.4% of supply)!
  6. TG community is positive, fun, and understands the memetic force this meme will have in the global crypto culture.
What comes next?
The jeet receipt – in development now, ready for release in a few weeks. This will allow everyone to see the gains they missed out on when they jeeted from a coin. This will create a lot of traffic since people will want to use the website and influencers will share on their IG since it’s fun to see and to promote more diamond hand holders as well!
How will the jeet receipt work? Enter your wallet address from any chain (no need to connect wallet) and see the gains you could have had if you didn’t jeet! This will show coin-by-coin, full P&L reports, wallet analysis, and more. This is packaged FOMO for the crypto world! Devs and whales can show the jeet receipt from prior coins to show the 100x gains that buyers could have received. This is a tool for promotion of future coins, and a tool to build solid communities and discourage jeeting! See here for a mockup of the front end:
Charitable Donations - In addition to creating a platform for substantial wealth, we want to make the project a means to help those in need. As we reach higher market caps, a certain percentage (TBD) will be donated to individuals, institutions, villages, charities, all to be decided by the community that will have a vote as where that money should go next. Right now, we are looking at our first donations of meals to families in need - delivered by Uber Eats! These donations will continue as the coin value grows, with bigger donations as we reach higher market caps, allowing for real-world impact and making a difference!
I hope you will join us on this journey - make some money while doing good in the world!
Coin address - G2ShfTkHaPgY1YUqZzB611coeFpbhyGirzgGmyW5fEhV
submitted by Alec_Berg to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:33 spilledsloth6 How to make perfect pancakes

As someone who loves making pancakes, Ive discovered a few secrets to making them turn out perfectly every time. Firstly, use a well-seasoned cast iron pan, and preheat it on medium-low heat. Secondly, add a little extra baking powder to the pancake batter for the fluffiest result. Lastly, be patient and wait for the bubbles to form on the surface before flipping them. Enjoy your delicious pancakes! Have any other tips? Let us know in
submitted by spilledsloth6 to u/spilledsloth6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:33 Chocoflor Games where you get to make art

Hi there! I recently played Chicory: a colorful tale, I also played Passpartout and really enjoyed it and I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for similar games? I don't not necessarily painting games, just games where your character is an artist and you actually get to make the art yourself by hand like you do in both of those. I would love a game where you get to knit different kinds of clothes, or even cook or something like that, while also enjoying a good story like in the examples I mentioned.
I don't know If I'm making sense since there's not a name for those kinds of games, but I hope you all understand what I mean.
submitted by Chocoflor to CozyGamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:31 Weekly-Fix3716 AITA for demanding an apology from my mother while refusing to apologize for something I already apologized for?

I worked for my brother for 20 years after turning down a huge opportunity making six figures in NYC. I brought my girlfriend-now-wife from the city she adored where she had a solid career. For 20 years I was consistently the rainmaker of the firm, worked long hours, weekends, holidays. On a office wide conference call it was announced to the entire firm--including me, for the first time, that two associates were named partners and the firm was "rebranding". This was never discussed with me, at all.
Humiliated,I had no choice but to leave the firm. This was a huge shock and disruption. At 58, tough to rehire.One kid was headed to college and the other was halfway thru private high school. My FILs funeral was the next day. My wife was terrified.My daughter offered to delay college.I had very little time to set up my new firm, secure work, etc.
Didn't hear from mom for 2 months afterward. After nervously prattling about the weather she blurted out "I know there's stuff going on at work", immediately adding she "didn't want to get involved."(She had heard something had happened, obviously, but was not interested in my telling of it.)She did not ask about my financial state, what I was going to do, or even how I felt.I told her I was upset by her reaction and why. Then I hung up on her, apologizing for that almost immediately in a text (wife talked me into it).
Mom sent me a card saying she was sorry she hurt my feelings, but she "refused to be a referee" in this matter. Again, I corrected her in a text, I didn't want a referee, I wanted her concern and support, I wanted her to be interested in what would happen with me and my family.
She continues to send passive-aggressive guilt trip birthday cards to me and my kids (ignoring my wife, who thinks is just a troublemaker in general and is supporting our wife grew up with abusive drug-addicted parents who she was estranged from for periods), refuses to call me directly, and angrily insists (in cards) I am the one who needs to apologize (for hanging up on her years ago). She falsely accused me of refusing to speak to her unless she cuts off the rest of the fam. I wrote her a letter explaining all this recently, never heard back. My kids (now both at college)are angry with the fam including Grandma. The cousins shame them for being mean and disrespectful to Grandma. I might also add that I am the only one who did not "marry up", my wife grew up poor has been snubbed by fam for years for years, which my parents allowed. AITA? Are my kids?
submitted by Weekly-Fix3716 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:29 Educational-Fox-1157 Wishlist Item: Starfinder Manual of the Planes

I know this won't be seen and is even less likely to be implemented, but when Starfinder 2e begins to take off in a few years, there's a book I'd love Paizo to make. As a holdover from my 5e days, I love extraplanar settings and adventures. Aside from the Drift, which is vitally important to the Starfinder 'verse, there's not much information on the Great Beyond. I'd love a flavor book that discusses how the various planes have or haven't updated to match the setting.
Are the shelves of the Akashic Records now filled with data drives instead of tomes and scrolls? Do the Four Horsemen ride hovercycles instead of horses? Are there "bubble cities" in the Plane of Water for visitors? Are sections of the Abyss digital nightmares or full of cybernetic terrors? Does Hell have various law firms throughout the galaxy and fine print in "terms and conditions" that are agreed to without being read? Do Celestials and Fiends now battle one another with power armor and laser rifles? Does the First World shun humanoid technology or embrace it? How do the other planes view the Drift's slow erosion of them?
There is enough to see and do just in the galaxy to fill hundreds of campaigns, but adding other planes would be fun too!
I may have hallucinated it as I haven't been able to find it again, but I remember a post somewhere saying that for SF1E there was going to be a book about the Planes that wound up being set aside in the wake of the OGL fiasco, since 2E needed to be Remastered. If that book actually existed as a concept, I REALLY hope Paizo decides to pick it up again when 2E is more established!
What are your thoughts? Am I the only one who would want this?
submitted by Educational-Fox-1157 to Starfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:23 Brilliant-Lychee-518 Flexafen

What Is Flexafen™?

Flexafen is incredible supplement is specifically designed to provide temporary relief for those occasional aches and pains that can hold us back. With Flexafen, you can experience unrestricted movement and enjoy life to the fullest!
What sets Flexafen apart from other supplements on the market is its unique synergistic blend of nutrients. This powerful combination of ingredients works together to create a truly remarkable effect. Each nutrient in Flexafen is carefully selected for its individual benefits, but when combined, they work in harmony to provide maximum relief and support for your body.

How Does Flexafen Work?

Each capsule of Flexafen contains a combination of active substances. However, the peacemaker protein, a form of collagen linked to joint health, is the most significant active component of Flexafen.

The most prevalent connective protein in the human body is collagen. It helps to support the region around your joints. It provides your skin with organic elasticity and support.
However, as you age, your collagen levels fall, which causes joint pain. Some individuals use collagen supplements as a defence. As a result, the immune system in your body is continually attacking your joints.
Causing tissue damage to the bones, surrounding organs, and all of your cartilage. As long as these assaults continue, you will be in continual discomfort and, very frequently, in excruciating pain.
Thus, the six essential nutrients in this formula encourage prompt relief from various aches and pains. It was created to quickly ease pain, as well as to lessen stiffness and inflammation.
The unusual ingredients in this remedy help you restore control of your body without producing any unfavorable side effects.
This supplements contribution to joint flexibility improvement makes possible more fluid and unrestricted mobility. Minimizing wear and tear problems keeps your body overall functioning at a healthier rate.
This supplements main goal is to prevent Leaky Joint Syndrome and to improve motion. It preserves the collagen strands that make up the cartilage tissue in your body.
Your body instantly absorbs the nutrients in this supplement, which strengthens your immune system and helps control the production of free radicals. You can stop your body from deteriorating its joints in just 7 seconds by taking Flexafen daily.

Flexafen Active Ingredients

Flexafen contains the highest-quality, REAL research-backed ingredients, from some of the most trustworthy suppliers on the planet.

Inside each capsule of Flexafen, you will find:
  1. Collavant n2 Undenatured Type II Collagen: Collavant n2, which was previously called b-2Cool, is a type 2 collagen that is sourced from chicken sternum. It is undenatured, which means that it is a protein that hasnt gone through structural deformation. It comes from the cartilage of the chicken, and it hasnt been overly processed. However, it helps consumers to strengthen their own cartilage, which offers support and flexibility in the joints. Since collagen and cartilage both diminish with constant movement and exposure to toxins, restoring it is an important step to improving pain.
  2. Boswellia Serrata Extract: A patented synergistic blend of proprietary extracts that come from the sacred Boswellia plant, AprèsFlex has been shown in THREE separate, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies. To reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation and provide life-altering results in as quickly as 5 days.
  3. MSM: The most potent ingredient that consumers will get from the Flexafen formula is MSM, or Methylsulfonylmethane. MSM is used for a multitude of concerns, but it is especially helpful for anyone with arthritis, joint pain, or post-exercise muscle soreness. The main reason that it has such a positive effect is because of the organic sulfur that it uses. This ingredient is crucial for the building of healthy bones and joints, and it even supports the immune system with its increased production of immunoglobulins. These effects can lead to relief from allergies for some consumers.
  4. Sodium Hyaluronate: Sodium Hyaluronate is one of the most common ingredients to find in anti-aging remedies because of the profound moisture support that it provides. When the body loses its ability to effectively maintain collagen in the joints, it is almost certain that it is also seen in the skin at the same time. Collagen makes it possible for the skin to hold onto moisture as well, so introducing an ingredient that can restore what it has lost instantly improves the youthful appearance of users.
  5. White Willow Bark Extract 4:1: The white willow is a type of European willow that is also found in many parts of Asia. The name comes from the underside of the leaves, which are a stark white contrast to the vibrant green topside. In Flexafen, consumers get the support of an extract that is sourced from the bark, which contains salicin.
  6. Boron: Boron is the last ingredient of this compilation, but it is quite important to healing the joints. This chemical is only needed in small amounts, helping users to reduce their risk of joint pain and bone injuries. However, when the body doesnt get enough of it, the growth and regeneration of bone tissue can be detrimentally impacted.

Benefits of Flexafen Supplement

According to the manufacturer, taking Flexafen on a regular basis will help you achieve the following health benefits:-

submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:22 QueensQueenllfan My ex best friend wont leave me alone anymore, and its just scaring me at this point.

Hi! I've never done this before, so sorry i start a bit random. I(14f) used to have a best friend(14f). Lets call her Mia. Since last summer Mia started ignoring me, when she wasn't, she would constantly talk about her new friends, or something else that had to do with her. Our friendship got really toxic, and in december after a big argument (It was a saturday, my parents weren't home and we had plans for her to come to my place since it had been months, but Mia ignored me the whole day. She told me she accidentally fell asleep. She did talk to my other friend, and later i found out she was awake, and was hanging out with her other new friends. It really hurt me, and we argued, and eventually i told her i didnt want to keep going on with her if i wasn't even important to her anyway, so, i blocked her.) And for the first few days it went fine. After about a week or two she randomly texted me on discord, and after a night of talking i blocked her again, realizing that i'd just fall in her trap again and i didnt need that. It went alright, until begin january somebody on snapchat added me. It was a new user (random letters, no snapscore or anything & immediatly on best friend list) who started telling me that at her exact school my number & snapchat was leaked everywhere. I didnt believe them, and since i was on holiday, i just blocked them. That person also texted exactly like she would, and didnt want to show their face. Which to me still is really weird. Over February- March, alot of random numbers started calling me. About 3 a day. It was really confusing, until somewhere in February a girl added me on whatsapp that i immediatly recognized as Mia's best friend. She started calling me pretty horrible things and i had to block her. In March somebody else added me, a guy. He told me my number also was on the walls, and tables of Mia's school. I was at this point honestly so tired already, but it wasnt even close to finishing. I thought Mia was finally done, but in April things got so much worse. Mia and her best friend somehow got my discord back, and they started being really mean to me. Calling me really bad things, and my girlfriend, being the sweetheart that she is texted the best friend telling her to stop contacting me. That only fueled Mia more, made her more angry i suppose.
After that we(me & my parents) started contacting her school multiple times. The school basically didnt care about the problem, and even though they did get rid of the number (we have evidence of it, though) They never did anything about Mia self. We had to go there exactly two times. The second time, i saw Mia for the first time since december. She looked embarrassed, and ran to the bathroom stalls which was about next to the administration. The door was open and we could hear her friends asking her whats wrong. She probably knew she messed up, and quickly went home after so the school couldnt force her to talk with us. The day after we got a letter, saying the school couldnt do anything about it. Why, you ask? Mia had made up a lie that she spread around the whole school. Apparently, i had photos of all the boys at her school. (I have before those two visits, never been there in my entire life. Me and my dad had to use google maps to even find out where it was.) And made them into stickers. Ofcourse her friends easily backed her up, so the school had to believe her. It was a really, really bad time for me. But i thought we were done, i atleast hoped so.
The numbers in the meantime since the school visits, almost stopped. Specific numbers (im guessing her friends) still called me, but i blocked all private & random numbers. So they wont be able to do so anymore.
Today was a pretty normal day, until in the evening. My dad asked me about some random person texting him on tiktok. He showed me the profile picture which i thought was funny. It was the emo logan paul picture. But he told me he was dead serious, because the person asked him if he lived in the exact street we lived in. I looked at the persons profile. I looked at followers, and then i understood. Ofcourse Mia was the only one of the three following him, and the other two were her friends. I didnt mind as much when she contacted me, because i felt like i didnt need to be scared for her to be able to be a threat to my family. But now it has all changed. I know its only on tiktok, but when she realized i texted her back cause i knew it was her.. it was horrible. The things she said just make me sick, and knowing she has my address makes me even more terrified.
My parents told me to just see it as a situation that should be funny, because it shows just how sad she is. But i cant think of it that way, what if she does more? What if she uses my own address against me? What if she turns into a actual threat for my family? The police cant do anything, cause shes not actually doing something "illegal". I really dont know what to do anymore. Im helpless & terrified. I know its stupid, but do any of you have any idea of what i could do about it?
Important to know: me and my parents wanted to speak to her parents, but its impossible. Mia's father lives in a other country, and Mia's mother doesnt speak dutch (we live in nl) nor English. Translator will just be to hard to do so
I also want to know, would this count as a stalker? If not, is there some kind of name for it?
P.S thanks so much for reading, & i hope you have a really good day/night💞
submitted by QueensQueenllfan to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:21 Anhxtaiii Am I [28M] wrong here? [F27)

This might be a long read so brace yourself ...
When I'm asking if I'm being in the wrong here I only mean in terms of accountability and in regards to the situation and not so much about the wrong or right itself and would like some insight/advice basically..

Mixed feelings about a girl I just been dating for a few weeks or so? We only met around 2 times in person since she's somewhat busy. I feel like I'm putting more effort and energy than receiving it but unsure if it's just because the other person prefer taking things slow but I can't tell because whenever I ask her if she's interested, she's always kinda deflecting the subject. She's going to be away for the next 4 months so I won't be able to talk to her and our last convo this morning was kinda awkward ..

Relationships Background: I met my first ex a few months ago and she gave me a speedrun of everything most couple would usually do after a few months and since I didn't know any better I just went with it since she was my first everything. It ended with her initiating the breakup after less than a month after 2 weeks of long distance after she came to visit me. She gave me the "it's not you, it's me" and "you are the first one to treat me right" (she had multiple partners). She was also a bit insecure and sensitive and needed constant reassurance.
In the case of [HER], all her exes are by products of one night stands which ended up into relationship because they all asked her for one to her surprised and she just agreed with them. She described as liking them but not really ever falling in love with them so I guess I'm the first one to be fall into that category. In [HER] case, she is highly confident about herself and in what she accomplish (makes a lot more money than the average person). She gets self gratification from making money even though she can just live off her parents wealth but she finds having nothing to do boring so she became independent.
With that in mind, here's how this story starts.
On April 3rd, I reinstall Hinge because I want to have some new connection after moving on from my ex. It's not until April 23rd when I match with [HER]. At first I was surprised since I didn't expect it so I express my surprised via text in which she later explained her side via a voice note saying that she thought I looked like one of her students so she was afraid someone would recognize her which is her fear so she never matched with me. (I sent her a total of around 4 likes because I used to delete my account and make a new one again and her acc would always show and she kinda recognize from that as well.)
After that, we just exchange a lot of voice notes talking to each other about stuff and things which later I ask if its okay for me to ask her to go out on a date at this point. She then explains she has some requirements before actually going on a date with someone, she prefers getting someone a little bit more and seeing if we're compatible before meeting since she finds it weird how most people would rush which I agreed.
From there, we talk a bit more via voice note where she asks me what's my definition of love and my concept of relationships which she said almost is the same as hers. She explained for her to fall in love for someone it would at least take her 5 years or so and that's after they're able to past the 4 stages of love described in her own way; honeymoon phase, difference, compromise and initial stage of love.
The next day we just talk some more via text and and voice notes till 2 AM and what not talking about random things and life. At this point, I thought we had some good chemistry or so. We later talk about our exes and stuff.
A few days later I then try and ask again for a date since it felt like we had established some sort of rapport and knew a bit more of each other. She then tells me more about her schedule and how busy she'll be and how she'll be traveling soon in the next 2 weeks for her school stuff. At some point she said she had a symposium she was organizing at the university and I asked if it would be weird If I came to see her.
She said she didn't mind but wouldn't have time to cater me since it would be busy. Please also note that up until this point, I didn't know her real name since in Hinge she's using some random name and I didn't really ask her about it since I guess she didn't want to but I figure me showing up to that event, I would at least find what's her name which I did.
Anyways day comes and I show up to the event, it's is a medium size classroom. I didn't recognize her at first since she had a different haircut. I didn't wanna intrude or anything so I just sat there listening to the event till the end. I didn't really get the chance to talk to her or anything by the end since they had an after party and whatnot so I decided to head home instead feeling somewhat weird? So rather than just heading straight home I just sat there on the subway train listening to music instead. I texted her saying I wished we could have spent a bit of time together but you looked so busy and what not.
After a few minutes later I decide to head out for a walk because I was just feeling weird, I then see a text from her inviting me to help with returning books to the library if I want to which I agreed. To my surprised she showed up with two luggages .. which we just walked around till we reach the library. From there, I got to finally meet her in person and talk to her for a bit. I thought we had a good time, by the end I walked her home and that was mostly. We just kinda waved to her each and say goodbye to each other. I was kinda thirsty that night so I asked her for water but she gave me some korean brand banana juice instead. I then later send her a text thanking her for inviting me to help her which she doesn't reply to.
She's usually only replies if I initiate the conversation first which then let me gaslight myself into thinking it's because she's probably busy .. anyways we text each other for a bit that night because I asked for her number later instead of using Hinge. I then get somewhat down bad and ask if I can see her again tomorrow in which she replies "what's the benefit of seeing you again tomorrow?" which I thought was funny but she was serious. She had to write her REB so I guess she didn't really have time.
It's then the weekend and on the morning of Saturday she invites me to join her to the library and then we can eat at some place later if I want to where she'll be busy working on some stuff. She emphasize that she'll be annoyed if she is disturbed while trying to get work done which I didn't mind since my work is online and I only need a laptop to work.
I showed up at the library a bit early and letting her know, she then tells me she's going to get some coffee nearby first and then meet me so I wait for her at the library. Around 30 min goes by and I start getting a bit worried because she still hasn't showed up and hasn't given me any updates at which point I text her if anything is alright or if she's safe and what not. I get no answers for a bit then later she texts me she's inside where I was on my way to the coffee so I go back inside and then we just sit near each other and focus on our work. I give her the same korean banana juice which I found later at some korean market I went by to buy before meeting her. A few hours goes by we then go to a japanese place by walking there so I get to speak with her for a bit which was nice. I then pay for the bill then walk her home and then again we just wave to each other and say goodbye.
At this point, there has been no physical affection or the sort. Her body language isn't really telling me she's comfortable so I'm not really going for it even though I'm starving for it. I figure she prefers taking things slow so I'll go at her pace. Again, I text her later thanking her for inviting me and spending some time together which I appreciate. She doesn't really reply and giving me back the same energy.
So constantly, I'm always wondering if she's interested in me or enjoy spending time with me. When I ask her about it, it most of the time gets deflected or maybe it's a language barrier and I don't always get what she means when she sends some of her texts if I'm being honest but for some reason I find it cute. it's not like she's playing hard to get but it's confusing to say the least.
Anyways, because of that, I became hesitant to make plans to see her again since she doesn't really people calling her on the phone either unless absolutely necessary she explained to which I joked saying if I'm about to die then I'll call you.
After that second "date". i just try to limit my interaction to texting her a few text daily or so because I just wanted to have some kind of interaction with her. At this point I realized this may or may not be a one-side interest but then I gaslight myself thinking, she's a busy person and still makes some time for me so surely she's interested in some way?.
After a week or so of daily interaction I decide to somewhat stop contact because I also wanted to focus on my stuff and perhaps explore my other dating options if any .. a week goes by and I never hear from her again until one day she just sends me a text that just finished working at some factory as an interpreter and that her phone will be temporarily be disabled because she'll be traveling.
I then expressed my surprised because I figured she had forgotten about me and whatnot. We then exchange a few text here and there, we both caught a cold and talked about how shitty the weather is here and stuff. Again, I'm always the one having to initiate or there won't be any contact .. like at all. So it's hard for me to know if the person is interested even when being asked so I'm left with just overthinking.
Anyways, I ask her more about what time she's leaving and what time and if she wants to spends the last 2 days eating out and spending time together and stuff.
She said she went to some resto the day before but it was busy and had no table because of mother's day. At this point, I looked up the resto because I wanted to make some reservation so we could go there but I stopped myself because I had no idea what kind of situationship this was and if I was putting more effort and not receiving any. So I ended up sleeping instead.
The next day in the morning she texts me she went back to that resto but found out it's only open on certain days for brunch so she was sad and we exchanged a few random texts from that.
then the next day, this is our last conversation this morning before she's away for the next 4 months ..
Will I see you again after 4 months or this is goodbye..? I feel a bit envious of your exes because they all got to be in a relationship with you and meet the girlfriend version of [HER] and all I ever got seems to be the busy version that just sends me off saying bye bye and leaving me confused most of the time with her texts haha 😅
? wtf you don at 6 am plus even boyfriends need to see me off for the summer. I only going for fieldwork, not leaving. don't worry, you will see me when I'm back
I was trying to fix my sleep schedule and I ended up waking up early randomly and then you were in my thoughts idk What do you mean I'll see you after you're back, are you saying you want me to wait for you? 😭 I don't even know what we are, I figured you're too busy to think about that or me as an option so I'm left overthinking.. I would have wanted to see you off but I didn't know where we stand
I thought you gonna visit yesterday since you asked
I wanted to but I didn't know if you wanted me to since it seemed you wanted to go to [restaurant] I was gonna make reservations there but then I realized I might be doing too much because I don't know we're in a relationship or just buddies. Now you leave in one hour and I'm even more confused
Can't you see the problem in your first 'relationship' is that you guys rush everything? In my opinion, you don't know how to form healthy relationships. Take it slow. If you want to see me, make plans. Don't moan afterwards this and that. I can tell you I have always been very busy even with boyfriends. I suggest you set goals and we can celebrate together once you achieve them. I will be back in September. You're welcome to contact me then.
Yes I agree that rushing was the issue in my first but in this case it's more of a mutual interest and communication. From my perspective, it seems like I'm chasing you for some reason because I'm not getting the same energy that I'm sending out. It seems you only respond if I initiate first. I'm always left wondering if you actually want to spend time with me or interested. When I ask you about that, you seem to be deflecting instead of giving me a straight answer or tell me how you feel.. I literally have no idea what you feel most of the time aside from being busy
I can take it slow as a 100 years as long that I know the other person is also interested in building something together in the near future with me. I do want to make plans but it's hard to differentiate if I'm being used for my kindness or for attention when I receive no reassurance when being asked for it? Surely you understand the concept of return on investment.
Or maybe you're right, maybe I'm the problem idk..
well, investment. I would say even my friends invest more on me than you, if you really want to argue that. I also think if we can't make good friends, we won't make good couples. If you rush things, I will retreat because I need my independence more than anything. Make you own choice. Do not talk like a victim.
I didnt really reply anything after that because well not sure how to respond after reading that so I ended up on reddit instead.
NEED OBJECTIVE OPINIONS/ADVICES? I consider myself pretty in tune with myself and my emotions but here I find myself a bit confused and I can't tell if I'm getting clingy or obsessive or too close to the situation to think clearly so I figured I'd make a post and hear some of yall thoughts on this to see if maybe I'm the one who still need to work on myself or maybe we're just not compatible? I guess it would also help me get some closure and not feel so shitty.
p.s if you made it this far, thank you for reading and hopefully you have some insight on my situation since I do not have that much experience when it comes to dating certain girls.
i also passively use twitter and saw this tweet that goes: I’ve noticed I don’t have an issue communicating. My issue is people’s responses . It’s the lack of accountability and the one-sided perceptions that I cannot tolerate.
And I thought that was kinda how I'm feeling right now but not sure ...
submitted by Anhxtaiii to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:17 InexperiencedAngler Looking to get into Lure fishing? We've got you covered!

Looking to get into Lure fishing? We've got you covered!
Getting into a hobby is scary, and not always cheap. People throw information at you and it becomes overwhelming. I'll try and keep this as straightforward as possible. Though like all hobbies people have their preferences when it comes to brands/models, and will 100% have a differing opinion on what I've put below. I'll try to keep the cost down, and you also may decide you prefer to go one way or another and save money else where.

Target Audience:-

First and foremost, this post is aimed at people who want to just dip their toe into the lure fishing world, who want to keep it light, and want to catch a range of species and do not really care about catching a 30lb+ Pike.

Rod :-

If just starting out stick with a spinning rod, particularly if you've never even touched a bait caster before. You want to focus on the lure fishing experience, rather than driving an hour to bomb a lure out with a bait caster to have the worst birds nest/backlash ever and have to call it a day!
Rods obviously can be very cheap to incredibly expensive. You obviously get what you pay for. However I will always recommend a rod around 6ft-6ft 5 range. This will cover you for canals, small brooks, rivers of almost all sizes. However may leave you wanting a bit more if fishing large lakes/reservoirs from the banks.
Casting weight This is the weight of the lure that the rod is capable of throwing at maximum efficiency. You can go a bit outside of this range but expect to lose accuracy, casting distance etc. A rod that can cast 1-10g is a good range. 3-18g spinning rods will allow for more variety if you want to try some bigger lures for Pike. Though I'm sure plenty of people here will be able to say how they've caught double figure pike on small 7cm softbait lures.
Action vs Power This topic gets confused a lot. People will interchangeably use the terms or just may not understand it at all.
Action refers to where on the rod the rod starts to bend when pressure is applied. For light lures/jig heads, you typically want an Extra Fast - Fast action rod. Which is what I'll be recommending for someone starting out. These type of rods are usually more sensitive. See image below. Power is usually involved when discussing the rod's capability to cast heavier lures. Heavy rods throw heavy lures essentially. In terms of power I'd recommend a light or a medium-light rod.
Good video explanation with a good visual aid:
Rod Suggestions:
Obviously feel free to buy from your local fishing store if you would prefer, these are just examples of what I've suggested above. There may be cheaper rods elsewhere! But again look for something in the 1g-10g bracket, maybe extending to 3g-18g range if you want to try bigger lures if you have more budget.


Reels there is not much to say about them, specially for a beginner, go as light as you can. A reel size of a 1000 to 2500 will be absolutely fine. If you find yourself at a lake then maybe go on the upper end of the reel size, but you won't need to go above 2500 at all.
This Daiwa reel is currently on sale and seems to have good reviews:

Line: Main Line

Braid vs Mono vs Fluorocarbon.
All I will say is there is a reason why the best anglers have all moved to braid. It simply offers more sensitivity than its counterparts. I would recommend going for something like Sufix/Daiwa J Braid/Berkley Sick braid. I would actually recommend not going too cheap here, and will recommend the X8 versions over the lesser X4 versions. Thom Hunt does a good video on Braid and all the numbers on the packaging, but ultimately why would you skimp on the thing that tells you when you have a bite.
Thom Hunt's video on Braid
tldr get braid, get X8 (or 8 strand) and just focus on the breaking strain. Around 12lb will do as a main line.

Line: Leaders

This is a hot topic and often controversial. Typically people say "use wire trace if there is pike in the area". I don't know about you guys, but no one can guarantee there is no pike as far as I am aware. Unless maybe fishing a commercial.
From what I've experienced watching YouTube, the general consensus seems to be is: if using treble hooks use a wire trace. Single hooks that have had their barbs crushed should in theory be easy for any fish to throw the hook if for whatever reason you get bitten off. I'll let you decide what you should use where and when.
I personally crush all the barbs on my hooks, I think fishing with barbs is overkill.
Get an 8lb fluorocarbon line for a leader, make it about 2ft in length or so, I'd recommend using an FG knot to tie it to your braid.
If using a wire trace, I'd recommend AFW wire. You can buy it on amazon/predator tackle. You can tie the wire trace directly to your braid or onto your fluoro leader if you wish.
My setup is typically: Braid with an FG knot to a fluoro leader, then I'll use an improved clinch knot to either tie to my hook or I'll use an improved clinch knot to then tie to the wire trace that has loop knot in the end. I really avoid using swivels where I can, they can impact the movement of the lure, particularly something like a jerkbait.


Tackle: Buy some standard jig heads, 2-5g with varying hook sizes.
Buy some EWG hooks with some cheb weights, this will allow you to fish weedless. You will probably want 2/0 at a maximum, 3/0 or 4/0 can be used but might be a bit too big/heavy gauge wire.

Additional Tools

You will want 12inch forceps, pliers, good pair of hook cutters - test them before you get on the bank! You don't want to be stuck on the bank with pike at your side with hooks stuck between its gill rakers.
Landing net, if fishing rivers you will want one that can extend to a couple of meters. Unhooking mat/weigh sling, you can buy these as a combo, Korum Snapper do a good one.
Scales if you want to weigh your catch but not necessary.
Rod license, Fishing Club membership depending on your waters. Canal and River Trust have a Wanderers Waterways permit which you must have depending on where your fishing - this is only needed if no angling club is renting the stretch of water you are fishing.
Watch some videos on how to handle Pike, this will be invaluable.
I am still finishing this post of, it got to late last night and I don't trust the save draft feature.
submitted by InexperiencedAngler to LureUKFishing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:15 SanMartianRover This is how boomers act with tech support. And this was someone that worked AT A CHURCH.

I've found that almost EVERY time I get a user who works for a church, they are incredibly rude, idiotic people who treat customer service like absolute trash. They are horrible. The worst insults I've gotten at this job have been from people who work at churches or realtors. Anyway, here's the transcript of our conversation today.
(03:43:30 PM) me: Hello! Thanks so much for contacting WEBSITE Support. My name is BLANK and I will be very happy to help you. Please allow me a few moments to access your account.
(03:44:16 PM) ID10T: BLANK--I'm thinking about switching PROJECT platforms because I cannot stand every single frickin time I want to access & make changes to my PROJECT , I have to go through 2 factor identification.
(03:44:24 PM) ID10T: I'm getting sick of it!
(03:44:36 PM) ID10T: And then it says, skip for 2 weeks--nope that doesn't work either!!!!!
(03:44:55 PM) ID10T: Get someone to shut down that security measure on our account.
(03:45:15 PM) ID10T: If someone wants to hack out account, I'm o.k. with that. Let them.
(03:45:55 PM) me: We can't turn that off, but there may be some reason the login cookie is getting deleted on your machine. WEBSITE uses a login cookie that expires after 2 weeks. If you clear this cookie, you will be required to login the next time you visit WEBSITE. If you have any kind of browser extension or anti-virus that clears cookies on an active basis, that could be clearing the login cookie for WEBSITE and causing you to be logged out. I suggest checking into that. This could be a behavior of the browser itself, an addon/extension of the browser, anti-virus on your computer or even apps/processes being run on your machine by your business (if you are not on a personal device). Also are you running AVG? In most cases, that is the anti-virus which is causing issues with the login cookie.
(03:46:43 PM) ID10T: I do not have this problem with ANY OTHER PLATFORM except WEBSITE
(03:46:48 PM) ID10T: and it's super annoying
(03:46:55 PM) ID10T: I don't even know what AVG is
(03:47:11 PM) me: It is anti-virus software. Are you on a personal machine?
(03:47:17 PM) me: Or is it managed by your organization?
(03:47:19 PM) ID10T: Just have one of your IT guys go into our account & deactivate all this crap
(03:47:37 PM) ID10T: my machine is managed by my organization
(03:47:44 PM) me: That's not how it works I'm sorry. The login is maintained by a cookie which gets saved to the device. If it's deleted, the login is not maintained.
(03:47:51 PM) ID10T: Actually, no, I think you would classify it as personal
(03:48:16 PM) ID10T: They why do I not have this problem with any other platform. Sometimes it logs me out within minutes
(03:48:24 PM) ID10T: then I have to get another code all over again.
(03:48:33 PM) ID10T: Can you not appreciate how annoying this is????????????
(03:48:37 PM) me: I do
(03:48:45 PM) me: I understand it's frustrating and I am talking you through the solution.
(03:48:56 PM) ID10T: It is super annoying. Annoying enough that I'm looking at Constant Contact just to be free from your stupid security
(03:49:00 PM) me: Are you running any privacy extensions in your browser?
(03:49:17 PM) ID10T: I have no idea about privacy extentions in my brows
(03:49:26 PM) ID10T: I'm not a computer scientist
(03:49:36 PM) ID10T: I just want to work on my fricken campaign!!!
(03:50:25 PM) ID10T: Turn it off! Get your IT guys to turn it off on our account. We don't care
(03:50:47 PM) me: That isn't an option. Are you running any anti-virus on your computer?
(03:50:50 PM) ID10T: Am I the only person who's frustrated as hell with this annoying blip in your system?
(03:51:07 PM) me: No, it has come up before which is why I know what causes the issue. I know it is frustrating. I am trying to help you.
(03:51:28 PM) ID10T: I have no idea if I have anti-virus software on my machine.
(03:51:51 PM) me: Are you working for a company that has IT available that could find out?
(03:52:16 PM) ID10T: Yes, but then I have to pay him $90/hour. Are you going to give me 6 months free to get this problem resolved?
(03:52:50 PM) ID10T: That feels like a good solution. Give me 6 months or even a year for free and you won't hear from me again. I'll pay to get your platform fixed!!!
(03:53:25 PM) ID10T: You know, it used work perfectly fine. We have been long, long customers of yours. And then, no...someone had to "FIX" the platform & now it sucks!
(03:54:44 PM) me: This is not an appropriate reason to provide credit, I'm sorry. Let's try this. Can you go to the profile icon in your account, click it, and at the bottom, it says Cookie Preferences. Click that and make sure all cookies are enabled. Let me know when that is complete.
(03:54:47 PM) ID10T: Sometimes i have to enter a code like 4 or 5 times a day
(03:55:24 PM) ID10T: well, it's stuck behind this chat window...
(03:55:35 PM) me: You can open WEBSITE in a new tab
(03:55:37 PM) ID10T: I'm not able to move the chat window? or am I
(03:56:52 PM) ID10T: I'm trying to find cookie preferences
(03:56:57 PM) ID10T: it's not jumping out at me...
(03:57:18 PM) me: It's at the bottom, here is a screenshot: [image]
(03:58:45 PM) ID10T: Essential Website Cookies Always Active
(03:58:53 PM) me: All of them are enabled?
(03:59:32 PM) me: Especially we want Performance and Functionality Cookies enabled
(03:59:36 PM) me: The little slider should be green
(03:59:50 PM) ID10T: Performance and Functionality Cookies I had to hit the slider on this one
(04:00:03 PM) ID10T: same with analytics & customization
(04:00:08 PM) me: Ok they were off?
(04:00:18 PM) ID10T: yes
(04:00:27 PM) ID10T: 2 of the were off... analytics & performance
(04:00:28 PM) me: The performance one is most important. That should fix it.
(04:00:49 PM) me: It MAY require you to verify one more time, but it should work for 2 weeks after that.
(04:01:16 PM) ID10T: OK BLANK. I guess I can't test it while I'm logged in here but I hopeyou are right.
(04:01:26 PM) me: I hope you have a wonderful day :)
(04:01:31 PM) ID10T: You too!
(04:01:32 PM) me: Thanks for contacting WEBSITE support. Have a great day.
They had cookies disabled.
Isn't it amazing how childish boomers are? Why do they think that being rude is the best option? They actively make the world worse with everything they do.
submitted by SanMartianRover to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:15 WheatleyAndLuigi Ayano Redesign

Ayano Redesign
My Ayano redesign! (Well... more like a replacement.) I might decide to make more bc!! Fun!!! :D
Rq: the picrew is a placeholder and does not reflect what her final design is. Drawing takes so long but I will do it. For now check this out ->
Augh I sound like yandev... but back to my redesign!
She's in college, first of all. This is due to the fact that it's just easier and simpler that way, as she has more freedom like in yansim that wouldn't fly. However, she will not be living in a dorm. She will be living with her loving parents, who are the "blockers" of her bringing too dangerous of things.
But without further ado, meet Ayaka!
Her name is similar to Ayano, and has a lovely ring to it. It is a real Japanese name, as well as being a mix of the words flower and color!
I designed her after cherry tree aesthetics because they're pretty and sweet and innocent, as well as romantic. It fits well because yansim does in fact have one of their own, though I don't think it'll be in the redesign.
She's peppy and kind. The sweetest soul you'll ever meet, and although not popular, she has a positive reputation. She's the type to make the new kid feel like they belong, and just. Adorable.
However, she's never been a... normal kid. She feels all these emotions, but it can swing violently. She's not bipolar– that doesn't fit the kind of moodswings she has. In elementary her friend was bullied, and one day it got really bad. She snapped, and hurt the bullies a lot. They were ok in the end, but once she realized what she did she was horrified.
As she grew, so did her emotions. She had love in her heart, but became more and more clingy and irrational in the heat of the moment. Whoever she puts in the center of her world becomes this near obsession.
She's a normal friends unless she feels threatened or that you are threatened. This is her first time having her romantic interest as the obsession. So fkfnnrjrj. That's the backstory :'D hope its not too cookiecutter.
My thoughts are that the player can mold her with their actions (sorta like Chara, actually.) She is capable of hurting others and has had some violent or cruel outbursts, so it's not completely out of the question for her. However, she has never gone this extreme.
The ending would be a spectrum, and depending on the way you played you will see the epilogue differently and how it all works out. Also depending on how rivals were eliminated, we may see them or their importance in her and her senpai's life.
Oh that's another thing! She and the love interest are not strangers. They're not insanely close, but they interact. You will be balancing your relationship with him, which you cannot spam gifts at him like in yansim. It needs to be more effort to fill the gage. Maybe that's another ending... have the gage full and he'd confess to you. But I'm thinking more of the rival senpai interactions where you can prepare a good outing with him that are pre-placed.
Anyway, the spectrum would roughly have factors like this:
Dead/Kidnap: +5 violent +15 monster x rivals eliminated through this
Gossip: +5 manipulate +5 influence x rivals
Expel/Reject: +10 manipulate x rivals
Matchmake: +10 influence +2 kind
Befriend: +2 kind x rivals
Rivals Status: Dead Friend Dead Dead Blackmail Matchmake
Senpai Status: Close Friends
Reputation: Feared 65 Respected 23 Liked -25 Friends-20
Atmosphere: Trauma Inducing
Output: Ending 5, Rival 2 Not Friend, Rival 5 Investigating.
At the end you see how she turns out. Tbf she's always sketchy even in full befriend mode but it's fun to see how she would change! Like she could be that catty popular girl who won't do any dirty work but mess up someone's appearance if she gets upset, maybe even really passive aggressive. Or she could be emotionally, physically, or verbally abusive, unable to control her outbursts and come back crying and begging for forgiveness, unsure what's wrong with her. Of course, this isn't all about her... we get to see how the senpai changes throughout this and some of the rivals if their worlds were changed too much.
Maybe you can even have a diary to see how your choices and even the small things affect her. Maybe you can even input certain words to change her thoughts (Ex: I feel so ____ player chose choice B. exhilarated. First Kill -> "My heart is pounding. I just killed someone. What if I get caught? I'm a horrible person. I just snuffed an innocent life...why does something so wrong feel so right?"
submitted by WheatleyAndLuigi to Osana [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:12 SherlockHolmesOff YouTube Pet Peeves

Hi, I’m here to obviously vent. I’d like to call out people who peeve me out on YouTube. So I’m gonna list it out. If you disagree, that is fine. Just going to list things that make me MAD. Get my itches itchy. Make my boots timber. Not directed to anybody except people who do this, if you do this, please take time to realize…Anyway. Obviously don’t go harassing people who do this. This is just my pet peeve.

1 - People who comment first who aren’t actually first and second commenters. Nobody cares that you’re first or second like? Please leave. Why do you feel the need to address the fact that you’re first? Do you want love? Likes? It’s not working, for me at least.

2 - People who thank people…on YouTube for their likes. If this is you, please don’t do this. People who say, ‘MAMA IM FAMOUS’, ‘Thx for the likes!!’, or ‘Never got this many likes before.’ Please stop. I don’t care whether you got that amount before or not! Don’t thank me, thank your humor or people liking what you said. These people genuinely annoy me, if this is you… I’ve already unlike your comment.

3 - People who don’t quote a video correctly. You just watched the video. The person in the video literally said “I like baking eggs and ham” then you’re going to comment with a quote talking about “They really said ‘I like eggs, bacon, and sausage.’ 🤣” Where did you hear that? They did not say that! Are you delusional? Maybe.

4 - People who feel the need to be inspirational. Sir, this is a video for people to vent. We don’t need you, Sherlock, to tell me “it’ll all get better.” IVE BEEN LIKE THIS FOR YEARS. NOT YET IN THERAPY. Plus, people know it’ll get better and if they don’t, oh well, who are you? Can I just have a bad day? Get out, dude.

5 - People who self-censor themselves. They will not always delete your comment. “I don’t give a shitacobeanthethirdonlyfansinthecourtoksoboom about this video.” Please stop. Especially if they do ‘sh#t’. LEAVE.

6 - People who are obviously bots or trying to promote their channel. People who say “I am better than this YouTuber.” Like if you were, I would be watching you, wouldn’t I? Your channel sucks. I’ve watched a lot of your videos and the fact you’re commenting on someone else’s channel to promote yours…how low can you go?

7 - “Don’t read my channel name.” I’ve read it, now what? I read the banner, I’ve read the video, I’ve clicked the link, now I’m in clarity. You’re still not getting a sub, you wreck.

8 - People who obviously copied the comment from somewhere else, using the same joke that everybody in the comment section is using or trying to act original. Those people make me mad. We’ve seen the same people use this same joke. You are not like them. We know it’s stolen, stop trying to be funny with that lame copied joke. Be creative.

9 - People who use ‘Bro’ in their comment, expecting it to be funny because it word for their little brother. No, bro did not think he was flying. It was joke. OR people who correct others grammar.


10 - The WHOOOSH community of YouTube. People who get offended, correct grammar. Like get a load of Mr. Fucking grammar police! Promise to say You’re next time! When you learn to have a laugh, you will be happy.

Anyhow, that’s it! Good day and if you’re on this list, have the day you deserve.
Tl;Dr: people who feel the need not to read the entire thing. 🫵🏽
submitted by SherlockHolmesOff to youtube [link] [comments]