Meet and f


2019.07.19 21:49 mitnick63 TeensMeetTeens

A Reddit Community where teenagers (ages 13-19) can come together and make friends or find somebody to play video games with. Not a dating subreddit. Trying to find a date or get nudes using this sub is really fucking weird.

2010.11.01 16:47 eftresq Where Math and Imagination Meet

Sacred Geometry is a representation of the fabric of space, time, and life itself. Numerous ancient civilizations and religions based many ideas and theories on the geometric nature of life. This subreddit is a place to share an understanding of this knowledge through artwork and discussion.

2008.07.10 00:26 Relationships

/Relationships is a community built around helping people and the goal of providing a platform for interpersonal relationship advice between redditors. We seek posts from users who have specific and personal relationship quandaries that other redditors can help them try to solve.

2024.06.09 11:51 Savings-Ear-8001 AITA for dating an old friend’s “ex” even when she said that he “was never her boyfriend” and that “she never loved him”?

Backstory: I was close friends with a girl, let’s call her Emma, for a considerable number of years. She had always been a bit manipulative and had a vast history of short-term flings with guys, but my family liked her. I, 17f, am relatively self reserved and had never experienced a relationship before. One summer I returned from an abroad trip and she announced that she had a new guy to “rebound” from her ex boyfriend (Tom) of a couple months. She invited me to meet him. He was an attractive guy, let’s call him Jake, and him and I got along pretty well. I asked her if it was okay to get his Snapchat and she agreed. Main story: As Emma and Jake started to grow closer, Jake became suspicious of her cheating. As a good friend I didn’t know what to do, as she was already bragging about Tom being interested in her again. One evening I get a call from Jake asking me to tell him Emma’s Life360 location as she’s been very dry over text and barely responded to his messages. He also said it was starting to negatively impact his mental health and he didn’t know how long he could cope. I looked at Emma’s location and instantly knew it was Tom’s house. I had no idea what to do, but knew the morally right thing would be to be honest to Jake. I called Emma, who told me that she was seeing Tom in secret and for me to not report back to Jake as she still wanted him in case “things went wrong”. It didn’t sit right with me knowing Jake was in such a state, and seeing Snapchat videos of Emma cuddling with Tom and looking so smug. I told him the location and Emma came clean, ending things with Jake so she could return to her ex. Emma made it clear that Jake was never her boyfriend, she was never in love with him and he was simply a “quick rebound”. Fast forward two months and Jake and I had been messaging a while as friends. We bounced off each other’s humour and shared very similar morals. One evening he asked me if I fancied meeting his friends, and I said sure. I distanced from Emma after she said some nasty words to my sister, and thought it would be fun. I didn’t realise it would end in kissing Jake at the end of the night. His friends were teasing him and making it obvious he liked me, and I couldn’t deny my attraction towards him. We continued to meet until he asked me to be his girlfriend, and soon later we confessed our love for one another. I felt guilty, but had comfort in the fact that Emma told me she never loved him and he didn’t mean anything to her. A mutual friend between Emma and Jake noted that I was Jake‘s girlfriend and proceeded to tell Emma. Despite Emma still being in a healthy, long-lasting relationship with Tom, she proceeded to message family members, including my sister, saying that I need “psychiatric help” because I’m “f****d in the head” for getting with Jake. She said I should have “taken her feelings into account” and she felt “incredibly hurt” because she allegedly felt such an attraction to Jake when she was with him. She messaged my friends telling them to avoid me because I’m “dangerous” and I’m “going insane”, and tried to tell me that the only reason Jake is with me is because he’s still in love with her and “needed a rebound”, so it’s not “real love” which I perceived as a little arrogant. She also tried to tell me that Jake was flirting with her and head-over-heels in love with her, would get back with her in a heartbeat and HE told her we were dating, not the mutual friend. Jake and I both knew this wasn’t the case, and I had confirmation from all of our friends saying it wasn’t Jake that told Emma. After Tom recently broke up with Emma, she is trying to make out that she is suddenly in love with Jake “again” and wishes to get back with him, and if I was a “good friend”, I would break up with Jake so that she could get back with him and finally “take it seriously”. So- AITA? Fast forward- Jake and I split up due to him cheating on me with another girl. Their short relationship soon ended and our friend group decided to meet up after I finished colllege. Jake turns up, and brings Emma with him. He announces that they are back together. Of course this is a strange feeling, and seeing Emma purposely kissing him/publicly showing affection all whilst giving me an evil eye was an unpleasant experience. She also body shamed me multiple times and continued to ask my other friends (who I met through Jake) why they were friends with a “fake friend” like me, all while I was there. My family tells me to leave the group, but they are the only friends I have but since Emma has rejoined the group things have changed. Any advice on this subject would be appreciated ❤️
submitted by Savings-Ear-8001 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:43 Wild-Exit-6302 I’ve seen the big eared boys on the farm.

I’ve seen the big eared boys on the farm. submitted by Wild-Exit-6302 to AlanPartridge [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:22 Kind_Extension1230 Cheating my cousin over 4years!

It was 2020 when my cousin (sis) got her first smartphone. Back then she was 17 (f) and I was 21(m). About her : A chubby short girl with sizeable boobies and beautiful lips and butt!!
Back to story: She started using Instagram, Whatsapp, Telegram and Snapchat as well. Just to make a prank I started an instagram fake account and put profile picture of a handsome sexy guy and messaged to her. I said that I knew her coz I was a senior student at her highschool and had a crush on her back then. She was curious and we chatted for hours. Within a I got her trust and she started telling about her personal matters. One day she tell me about her relationship with a boy I personally knew. I don't know why I became upset!! I made up a fake relationship story of me and I said We got broke up and earned her sympathy. I also added during my relationship i had sex with her several times. And of course she was curious about sex. And she want to experience it from her BF!!🙃 Coming days we had conversations about sex and slowly it turns to sexting. 💦 I asked for her nudes and she was ready to so.When she asked me my nudes i only sent her my dick's photo otherwise she knew that I'm her cousin. Our normal sexting gradually turned into role play, bdsm and CNC. Itcontinued till 2024 may. Now she lost the interest in online sex. So she is expecting a meet up☹️ What to do! How can I stand before her?? What gonna happen when she came to know that it was me with whome she had sexting during these years! But I don't want to loose her!! I'm confused 😶
submitted by Kind_Extension1230 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:11 Cutebrownfox How do I know how he feels about me? Should I back off or keep my hopes and wait?

Hi. I F-23 have a friend M-29 who is also a senior at my work. We have been working together for over a year and a half now and are pretty open with each other's life and have been on good terms with each other ever since. I liked him from day 1 and it's quite obvious at work too. It doesn't seem like he hates that fact either. Sometimes, when we're on breaks or we meet randomly, he makes jokes and along the lines always says something flirty like " if l'd date someone I'll give 100%" or "you know l'm loyal". Of course it's not always, but I really want to know how he feels about me. It feels like he likes me but at the same time it also feels like l'm being led on. So, do guys lead people on just like that? Or js he developing feelings for me? Or am I just overthinking about my feelings of my friendship with him?? Girls please help me out sort these feelings
Tl;dr : I like my coworker friend but he’s giving mixed signals, but mostly positive ones?
submitted by Cutebrownfox to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:08 ElectronicRich5904 AITA for telling my bf ir was time to leave in front of his friends?

I (28m) had an appointment with my boyfriend’s (31m) friend who is a doctor (let’s call him G). My plan was to go meet some friends after the appointment and just hang out. For context, my bf has two other friends (M. and F.) who are a couple and live right in front of G’s office.
Today, my bf decided to go with me to my appointment and then hang out with my friends. I was totally ok with this but told my bf thar I wanted to be at my friend’s house at a certain time.
Fast forward, after my appointment, we saw M and F (my bf’s friends) who were arriving at their apartment. We greeted them and they invited us in to have something to drink. My bf explained that we had to leave in an hour because we already had plans with other people (my friends). M and F seemed totally ok with this so we decided hang out with them for a little while.
We chatted and had a great conversation but I was checking my phone now and then to see how long it’d take us to drive to my friend’s place and if anyone else had already arrived. My bf did ask me at different times if we should be leaving but I told him we could stay a bit longer since none of my friends had arrived yet and it was a 15 minute drive to get there.
We had been at M and F place for almost two hours when I told my bf it was time to leave. His friend, M, said that we were having fun, that we should stay a bit longer and that we could always meet my friends later. Nonetheless, my bf told him we would be leaving soon.
Right after that, I went to the bathroom and when I returned, I gently held my bf’s shoulders and told him again it was time to leave. M then told me to “chill and to sit down” while my bf finished his drink. I took a seat and then M proceeded to explain that my friends could wait for me, that the time in which I arrived wouldn’t make any difference and that I would eventually realize that this doesn’t really matter, that I should stop constantly pushing my bf into leaving.
To this, I remained silent but felt powerless and humiliated because I didn’t want to be rude or ruin the moment but found this comment extremely condescending and out of place. It felt to me like M was trying to give me unsolicited life lessons in front of everybody and that he wasn’t being considerate of our time and original plans. Despite all of this, I did my best to remain calm.
After a few minutes, my bf noted that I wasn’t comfortable and abruptly interrupted the conversation and told M and F we had to leave. We all said goodbye but it was very awkward and I felt super guilty because, although we had other plans from beforehand, I didn’t want to be the one who ruined the nice moment nor seem desperate to go elsewhere.
At the car, I told my bf I was pissed after hearing M’s comment and my bf first tried to listen to me but eventually got defensive. I didn’t want to argue so we put the conversation on hold.
Anyway, AITAH here? I felt humiliated, exposed and insulted with M’s comment but I understand that this was not his intention. Also, I feel that I ruined the moment and that I ended up looking as the desperate one when in reality we had other plans and it feels like M didn’t carry about that. I also don’t want any conflict with my partner’s friends or for them to see me as someone who isn’t interested in spending time with them. Finally, I feel like this isn’t a big deal at all and that I shouldn’t be feeling this way. Thanks!
submitted by ElectronicRich5904 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:35 simpforoldermen0 Boyfriend doesn’t want me to make new male friends

So me '20/F' and my boyfriend '22/M' have been together for months, in this time I moved to the same city where he lives (I wanted a new live and a fresh start). Since then I didn't really made friends, but bc of my job I meet many new people. And over the last week a talked with a guy, bc we had a matching vibe, we manly talk about movies and stuff. When I told my boyfriend about him he didn't seem that happy. (I already got confronted with that kind of situation a month ago and ended my friendship with the dude, bc I didn't want to make my boyfriend uncomfortable, since then the guy friend asks me what he's been doing wrong and why I suddenly hate him) So I decided to not tell him every detail, bc I knew we would argue again. Also important information, my bf has other female friends and colleagues who he meets sometimes after work or go clubbing. Yesterday we had a big argument and he told me he doesn't trust me...after a while a we called again and he told me that he's sure that I didn't kiss the dude or did anything else... I don't know what to do anymore, I feel like huge asshole for not telling him everything but with the knowledge that we would still argue... I know I made mistakes and I wish I would have handled the situation better. Also I dont wanna lose a new friend, bc I would be alone again.. Should I end my new friendship?
TL:DR Me 20/F and my bf 22/M have ongoing arguments about me making new male friends in the new city where I live
submitted by simpforoldermen0 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:33 ethidiumbrimide Helping my shitty boss being fired!

So I work for a company that you really have to try to get fired from. My boss and I had a great relationship until one event. He sent me and a coworker out on a road call. Prior to a very important union voting meeting, which he knew about aslo my coworker brought up at the job briefing. He gave us a go-ahead to go to the meeting before the road call.
Long story short, upper management found out about the one hour delay before we made it to the road call. I, being me, owed up to the going to the meeting during the investigation. My coworker and my former boss blamed everyone under the sun. Still got 30 demerits, you need 60 to get fired, my union rep said we would have got none if my coworker during his meeting would have just followed his advice and agree to owning up to his mistake but he went on a hour tirade and f-ed everything up.
Anyways, me and my coworker got f-ed... My former supervisor got delayed a literal month before getting promoted to assistant manager. Which he held over me unit he got fired. I never understood why he blamed me, I never thought him under the bus my coworker did, and he (supervisor) threw me under the bus during the investigation. My coworker even admitted to him later on that I took full responsibility for the delay, and he threw the supervisor under the bus. But he didn't care. Apparently, I was the reason he took the one month delay on getting a promotion.
He targeted me for everything, but thanks to my reddit reading, I started recording everything. My companies coveralls have a great front pocket that lets a cell phone sit perfectly for recording. I recorded a job briefing that he called everyone racists (he's mMiddle Eastern) for over a rumor that he hired his wife's cousin company over the companies listed contactors. Which was true, and he got demoted for!
I hadn't submitted the video. He got demoted on his own accord for the beach of ethics. As a supervisor harassed me all the time, he gave me the shittiest of jobs, followed me everywhere, wrote me up for everything and anything. I noted everything, recorded what I could, and submitted it to my union rep, which I found out afterward was one of his best friends. So, the targeting and write-ups got worse.
Luckily on one particular day, I recorded a job briefing, another coworker filled a harassment claim against him, it was that coworker day off and this shitty supervisor decided during the job briefing went on a tirade about the harassment chaim and that he'll go out of his way to get this person fired or quit!
I held on to this video because I know my company needed more to get rid of him. I don't wait long. I found out again that was under investigation for breach of ethics and apparently fraud form when he was an assistant manager. One of my managers told me he'll probably keep his job and just get an unpaid suspension. At this point, I knew I had him, so I not only sent the videos, I also sent my harassment complaints to HR and the union president not including my union rep in the emails.
My supervisor took 6 months of stress leave before getting fired, got no charges put against him for fraud, and my company is weak as shit. My union rep got booted off the council... and filed a harassment claim because all the union members call him a rat and a management suckup, many posters and stickers float around our shop with his Pic on his knees in front of the former supervisomanager. Wish I had the photoshop skills for that, but it wasn't me. The company actually brought in the police to take fingerprints, but the new union rep stepped in and shut that down.
It's be a year since everything went down, found out it was another supervisors wife that made the posters and stickers, apparently she went to high school with the former union rep and hated him from then!
submitted by ethidiumbrimide to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:51 penguin-ofmadagascar AITA for saying something about my bf’s childhood friend

Warning: a long read.
Me (24f) and my bf (39m) have been together for 6 months and have not had any major fights up until now. Yesterday my bf arranged for us to go to his cottage house out of the city for some rest, and invited 2 of his childhood friend - a married couple who I’ll call A (m) and T (f), both around same age as my bf. A has a job in some trading company, while T lives out of our country for most part of the year (maybe like 9 months a year) for her job in Dubai (modelling, working as a Cartier shop employee, etc.) Everything was going pretty well throughout the day, even though I caught some major pickme vibes from T, which I don’t want to discuss in details, let me try to keep this story unbiased. The problem started when we got back home in the evening and continued our party there. At this point, I was quite tired (it was around midnight), didn’t want to drink anymore and just wanted to go to bed. My bf, T, and A stayed downstairs to drink and sing/dance, while I went upstairs to sleep, which nobody had a problem with (or so I thought). After around an hour, I managed to sleep for maybe 40 minutes. The music downstairs was really loud, the guys were singing and dancing, and the walls in the house are pretty thin, so I could hear everything, and I couldn’t sleep. I laid in bed for another hour or so, thinking that maybe they’ll finish soon, my bf will come to bed and we will sleep peacefully. That didn’t happen after another 30 minutes, so I went downstairs and asked my bf if he would like to go to bed now. We went upstairs, I told him that I really couldn’t sleep because the music was really loud, he asked if I wanted to come join them downstairs, which I didn’t want to, because at this point just my face could speak words, and I didn’t want to seem rude and ruin the fun for everyone. My bf went downstairs, and after another 30 minutes or so they finished, and my bf came to bed (still couldn’t sleep bc T insisted on turning some “sleep music” on to help her sleep better, which could still be heard in the house :)))) After my bf came back, we started discussing this whole situation, and he said that I could have stayed at home in the city if I knew that I wouldn’t enjoy the party. I said that I didn’t know everything would happen like this and said that usually I’m okay to hang out with his friends/family in the cottage house and have no problems having dinner with them, etc. He said that this whole situation is not about wanting/not wanting to drink and party, it’s about “compatibility”. I said that if he needs someone to stay up all night drinking, then maybe I’m not the right person for him, and he needs someone like T. This is basically what offended him the most. Me saying that he needs someone like T was “offensive to him and his friends” and was “really not kind of me”. Now he’s very angry at me. While I understand that what I said could actually sound rude, I had no intentions to insult anyone or denigrate T. I just said that I’m not that type of person like T. In my own defence, I’d like to say that I’m an introverted person, and I always get really nervous when I have to meet my bf’s friends/family for the first time. So for me this situation is hurtful as well, because I wanted to feel some kind of protection/support from my bf. Instead, he only wanted to look good in their eyes and party with them. So AITA?
submitted by penguin-ofmadagascar to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:42 Wappinger_ 19/F looking to meet new homies and gaming friends

Yo I'm bored out of my mind and I forgot how to make friends 💀. If we have any commonalities shoot me a message.
I have ADHD so honestly most of my life revolves around the things I'm interested in. So please don't bother messaging if we don't have anything in common. Id appreciate any messages where you tell me a little bit about yourself since I can start conversation more easily.
Video games are one of my biggest interests. I love Nintendo. Splatoon, Zelda, Kirby, Mario Kart, Pikmin, Smash Bros, Animal crossing etc I also have a PlayStation and I often play the Persona series, Yakuza series, GTA 5, fallguys and rhythm games like project diva/persona dancing/fortnite festival/etc. (I love vocaloid music and vocaloids in general).
I like drawing, cosplaying/going to conventions, figure collecting, sometimes reading manga. Honestly I suck at drawing but it's always been my biggest passion.
I don't watch movies and tv often but I still have some favorites. I'm mostly into horror and crime drama type stuff. I'm a big nerd about the Saw movies especially. (It's like the perfect mix of both genres). I haven't seen many anime besides trigun stampede, chainsaw man, dragon maid, blend s and some other random ones but the ones I listed are the ones id say I genuinely like. For manga I really love junji ito stories and I've been reading goodnight punpun recently.
Also im brainrotted I'm the type of person to sit through a 3 hour YouTube video essay about a random lolcow LMFAO.
Anyway it would be nice to chat about whatever! I'm down for voice chat/playing video games if we get along well.
submitted by Wappinger_ to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:36 valentinee_xoxo Do cheating exs ever come back ? F24-M26

So to tell the story, my boyfriend M(26) cheated on me F(24) 3 times (that I know of) he seems to be a chronic cheater. We were together for 4 years and he first cheated on our first year. Forgave him. Then cheated 5 months ago. Forgave. But not long after that he cheated again 2 months after that. This last time he actually had sex with this girl for two months building a relationship. The others were just meeting up but not doing anything sexual. He makes it seem like I was the problem, if only he understood I had a trauma bond. I was way too attached that I became hyper fixated on every move he was making that I never took the time to love/focus on myself because I was treated like total shit. (He’s my first bf I might add) so because of him I once was the sweet vulnerable girl, and now a manic idiot who couldn’t be in touch with reality. He blames me of being the lowlife because I couldn’t get my priorities straight. Little does he know, it was because I was so depressed being with him that I didn’t want to do anything anymore. He told me it was unattractive and I was upset all the time. When will he realize it was because of him? I was so deep in my feelings. I never gave him his space. But I couldn’t help it. I just wanted to fix him. He’s not stupid. Do cheaters realize that? I don’t know. So many questions.
Anyway, we were living together but I moved the day I found out about the last time. After the breakup I’ve seen him a few times but he wants nothing to do with me assuming he has a relationship with that last girl. He pushed me out the door. Never gave me a chance but I gave him plenty. He doesn’t even want to be around me. So just out of curiosity, do you think he would ever go contacting me again? Or is he really over. Before anyone says what I know they’re going to say, I don’t plan on ever being with this man again. I really lost myself guys. Like I don’t know who I am anymore and NEVER have felt more like shit in my life. I literally wanted to end myself. 4 years I dealt with the pain. No way I’m going back to that scumbag. So, do you think he would come looking for me back? Or if he’ll regret everything? I treated him so good guys. I was loyal, communicative, forgiving, his family LOVES me, and I’ve given my all.
I plan to go back to school, work out, get a car, and so much more because of this. He never believed in me and now I have the chance to prove him wrong. If he sees me change into someone better will he chase?
submitted by valentinee_xoxo to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:32 Same_Masterpiece2727 I can't.

Class 6th and I had a crush on this girl. One of the most beautiful girl of our school. Every guy had a crush on her and I had no f chance beacuse of my shy and introverted nature. But her friend was a good friend of mine so all the time I used to ask her to help me get our convo started (in a fun way) but that never happened and we passed out of school.
(Since we were class mates so we did had a lot of friends in common so there was never a direct convo but we did know each other)
After school I studied for another 3 years in college got few friends and one of them had a gf who was her best friend. So we went to a party and thats where I met her for the first time and actually talked to her for the first time in 9-10 years. Trust me when I say this that was the best night of my life. We both danced all night since we both were single and there were other 2 couples.
Thats where it all started. we started talking and in a month covid came there was lockdown nothing to do and we both hit so well that we got ourselves engaged into each other all day and all night for hours and hours laughing at each other doing random stuff whole 2020.
(We had everything in common, we used to laugh a lot prolly same sense of humour, similar nature, similar taste in everything it was like we were meant to be. We got so attached and habitual of each other)
(We are 22yo) 2021, Covid ended and her father started forcing her to get married even took her to meet a guy where she said no beacause we were so close and the night before her going to meet that guy we were talking and I said her that 'our story didn't even start and it's ending' and next day she said no to him came back all happy and within a week we got into relationship. It was our first relationship ever.
(She had zero sense about how a relation works, so I groomed her in every aspect of life and she groomed me where i lacked. This went till the very end)
After getting into relationship I realised she belongs to a pretty good family and I'm from an upper middle class family and to make our marriage possible I had to become something and that's when I started. I left my Music Production career since I needed a legit business. (Didn't wanted to get into father's business) I worked everyday every hour under so many different businesses so that i could build one of mine just so we could marry.
Days went by we got closer every passing day and we did use to fight a lot too but never for long. We were like perfect. We had like everything needed for 2 people to keep in love. We were so much addicted to each other. (In a mature way ofc nothing kiddish)
2023 came and his whole family started building pressure on her for marriage. Every day they got her a new bio of a guy arranged meethings every weekend. Some how jan passed and in feb i started sensing she was in so much pressure that she couldn't keep up and started breaking. On 7th I asked her whats wrong and she didn't wanted to continue bcs she can't streatch all this anymore. That night I asked her we will talk tomorrow and will end it in a better way. Next night I asked her to forget all the worries and everything and just talk like a normal day which was hard for both of us but we tried and talked all night laughing and remembering all our happy moments.
Her last words to me were: 'Today 80% of me is you and only 20% is what i used to be, without you I wouldn't ever have been able to understand what love is and how to deal with it since I thought I will never be in love with anyone'
In 2 days of breakup she said yes to a guy and got engaged and in 4 months married him.
Its been a full f year of her marriage and here I am still trying to get over everything.
I just wanted to share this w someone since it felt like a burden on my chest keeping all this to me now. I don't feel like talking to friends about this anymore.
I just can't get over her i dont even find anyone attractive anymore its like no girl can take her place for me. We were happy is all i can remember.
PS - I related a lot with the movie Rockstar since maine dekhi hui thi usne dhang se nai, in 3 years of relation we saw 100s of movies together but we never got to watch that movie since we planned to watch it together next to each other but that day never came. Even on the last day we talked about this that we couldn't watch it. And recently I went to watch it in cinema and all these emotions are erupting and I'm not in control anymore which I've been in. It's like i wounded myself again which I've been trying so hard to heal.
submitted by Same_Masterpiece2727 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:03 Temporary-Cat-6710 I still have feeligs for my best friend's ex and it's eating me alive

Sorry in advance for how long this may read, I felt I needed/wanted to give full context to truly talk out my feelings. If you read the whole thing, thanks in advance for letting me speak.
A little over a year ago, I (21 M) fell head over heels for a girl (19 F) that was in my close circle. I had had feelings for her for a while but suppressed them while she was in a relationship, I'm not about trying to make any moves on taken women. After she broke up with her old boyfriend, we got a lot closer and my feelings for her deepened a lot. We were inseparable and I was her rock to lean on for sll of her problems. I was who she cried to and who she called to watch movies at 3 am because she couldnt sleep. She was the best parts of my day for over a month, we talked and hung out for hours everyday, but I wasn't about to make a move while she was still getting over her last relationship. I was happy being someone to support her in her hard times and potentially escalate the relationship when she was properly ready, the last thing I wanted was to make her feel more overwhelmed because of my feelings. Fast forward through that month and a half, my best friend (21 M) who was another mutual friend told me that she asked him out, and wanted to tell me to try and preserve our friendship because he knew how much I liked her. It took some time but I eventually got over that and we all went back to being friends while they dated, I thought I had moved on but she would occasionally still pop into my head or dreams, although at a lower and lower rate and Id just try to forget it and move on. After they started dating me and her also lost that close bond we had for those 2ish months, she saved all of her attention and problems for him which was completely fair and expected, but it hurt to lose that connection so suddenly. This goes on for just under a year until my friend found out that she was planning to cheat on him with someone else (and had already sexted with the other guy extensively, nothing in person had happened yet but they had planned to meet up that next week). They broke up on the spot and as all friend group hard breakups go, someone lost the group. In this case, we all stopped talking to her to support my friend, we were all incredibly shocked that she was even capable of doing it. We all lost a lot of respect for her and she lost everyone in the groups good will, mine included. For a while. We later learned that it was a product of her being easily influenced and a very toxic other friend group that was peer pressuring her into it. It's been around 6-12 months since their breakup happened and everyone stopped talking to her. Now all of a sudden she has started crossing my mind again. I miss her a lot, I miss that I never got to show her how much I really cared about her. But all the while it makes me feel sick to my stomach, this is a person that betrayed one of my best friends regardless of circumstances. I shouldn't be able to have forgiven her, I shouldn't have feelings for her anymore. It's been 2 years since these feelings really started and I never even dated her, I don't understand why I can't bury them. She showed her true colors and hurt my friend, why do I still love her. It makes me feel incredibly guilty every time she crosses my mind and I just can't take it silently anymore. I feel like it would create drama or make my friend group hate me if I brought it up to them after all that happened so I don't have anyone to talk to about it, so that's why I'm spilling my guts to reddit. I really wish my feelings for her would go away completely but they just seem to stick around. If you managed to get through this whole thing, I appreciate you for listening to my thoughts. If my friend sees this, I can't tell you enough how much this eats me alive daily and how much I wish it away, I hope this can never effect our friendship. If she reads this, know just how hard you captured my heart, and know that I still love you, and even if I never got to tell you how much, I hope I was able to be what you needed and help you when we were close. I hope you were able to learn from your mistakes and are living a better life.
submitted by Temporary-Cat-6710 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:01 Severe_Water_9920 We're still bombarded with prompts, which should be introductory guidances. How have the producers themselves, not been so annoyed as to fix the problem.

I don't know any other game I've played that constantly teaches you how to play the game. I don't need to pick up an exosuit upgrade map and relentlessly be reminded without any way to turn it off. Except for throwing it into a far away storage locker and swallow the key, then forget about it completely when I need it because there's a million things to do.
There shouldn't even be a prompt asking "turn this notification off". It should come up the first time, then tell you to view catalog/guide for information.
It's exhausting. I don't always have hours and hours. I've literally had to switch my brain to seriously focus on completing tasks in this game and not deviate. This makes it just so much worse.
Also the item menu system is terrible. I want my things organized. There isn't even an option. I could be mistaken, but I havent seen a tab that allows to sort by whatever means. Other than the galaxy map (that's another issue, getting there). There's the left tabs that highlight four categories. That's not much better. The items are still scattered around like everything inside your girlfriend's purse. I should be able to sort by alphabetical order, usage order (crafting, upgrades, trading), price low to high and visa versa; and if I was a producer I'd do something cool like organize raw elements into a periodic table. That would be fantastic. Like a keyboard you would know where to look. I already try and organize my materials in a way like that so I can focus my eyes and save time.
I use my storage containers in collaboration with my freighter, as you would, to store mostly every material I need to progress. But I land at my base, I need to physically walk my ass over and transfer back and forth because why? Because fuck you I guess. I hope you waste more time and your wife gets mad then sleeps your neighbor. Then you miss little Timmies baseball game where he got his first home run. Then you were 2 minutes late to that Microsoft teams meeting with that client willing to invest in your "jump to conclusions mat" prototype model before production.
Then I have to waste more time and jump into my fucking space ship and go into space, just to look at the fucking map (unless on the bridge yes). But hey! Surprise, there's fucking half a dozen loser npc pirates you now have to fight off just so you can look at that map. There's another 5 minutes.
It's such a good game but there's sooo many incredibly annoying factors that could be changed. The most important one in my opinion is time factor. -
-More menu shortcuts -One time first experience training prompts -Fully customizable controls -option to eliminate some repeated animations -option to mute repeated audible warnings and status updates -BASIC ELEMENTS available more for purchase (I've changed the settings and still I'm like "kidding me oxygen, I need fucking oxygen and it's not for sale) -what about purchasing a ship, then hiring a pilot. Maybe I have a dope ass ship, but I don't want to use it and I hired a dope ass Tom Cruise top gun. But top gun is strictly bound to his f-14 tomahawk. When I have the f-22 lighting in the fucking hanger!
Oh and one more thing. The Minotaur mech warrior exo craft. Like where's the sprint feature. I've played mech warrior, Gundam wing, all those. Sick games. And what's common. They can at least double time with pace. I want to run full speed inside an exo mech destroying combat ready machine, boost 100' into the air, rain down rocket fire, land right after they blow the fuck out of everything and just blast everything still breathing.
If I haven't seen something to change one of these I would love to know. But y'all gotta be frustrated as hell with one of these no doubt.
Hello is still making money. They can afford to do their nerd thing and tippity type away at a keyboard and go John Cena, to make issues disappear.
This concludes my TED talk, thank you for listening.
submitted by Severe_Water_9920 to no_mans_sky [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:59 No_Force_4085 I want to introduce my cats

I want to introduce my cats
black cat is Gypsy (m) and brown cat is Coco (f) they’re both desexed
I want to introduce my two cats and this was the first introduction I’ve caught on video, this isn’t the first time they’ve met. They’ve met before and had similar interactions and I just want opinions.
Gypsy went through a traumatic experience with another cat skittles (she’s across the rainbow bridge now 💔). Skittles attacked Gypsy and left Gypsy fearful of new cats.
So I want to know the best course of action would be for Coco and Gypsys friendship to blossom? Should I keep letting them meet through a door? I don’t want Coco to fear Gypsy and I don’t want Gypsy to fear Coco.
Gypsy is much bigger than Coco so he would easily harm her.
submitted by No_Force_4085 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:22 twisted-elephant Making friends post narc relationship

Complex history but short of it Narc spouse for 13 yrs relationship 25 yrs off and on, with 4 kids (oldest 22 and youngest 12) all with the same narcissist. I've been delicately navigating a separation. Finally convinced him to move out 8 months ago. I took all the blame, it's a me problem, not you. Been playing very nice, while he finds reasons to linger around the house that he no longer lives in and he continues to criticize me and the kids. Nothing will ever meet his unrealistic and uncommunicated expectations.. I continue to take and accept blame for everything and place the fault on me just to keep some sort of peace. I've isolated myself from family and friends over the years. I no longer have contact with my family and all friendships both new and long term have been abandoned because of the rollercoaster narc relationship. I was always so flaky and could never commit to plans with friends because of his mood and last minute cancellations all the time, left me with no credibility with the relationships/friendships I tried to create. Plus friendships were a problem unless he picked them. I was blind to the reality of it all and thought there was something wrong with me for so long. Now that we are going on 8 months separated, I'm not yet in the clear, but I'm trying hard to get there. Ive been seeing a therapist and working hard on myself. Here's my dilemma, I want to figure out how to make friendsb again. I know I'm still traumatized by this long rollercoaster mess of a relationship, and people don't want drama in their lives. So where does one start to meet people and make friends after all of this and given the trauma sensitivity I have? I'm late 40s(f) with 4 children (3 living at home), no hobbies other than my kids and work. I don't know where to start and how to rebuild a life for myself. Hoping people in this group can share their experiences and hope that there's is a life after this mess.
submitted by twisted-elephant to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:10 Aromatic-Regret-6620 What do I do??

Yall…i messed up. Okay so for context, I got another job and when I was talking about with my dad, I misunderstood him thinking that he wanted me to put in my 2 weeks to work full time over there(it’s a part time job but their part time hours go up to 8 hrs I believe so it’s a full time by kohls standards). I put my 2 weeks on Wednesday(May 29) and it should’ve ended June 11 but I got a terminated email on June 2z
Now for the problem. After I realized my dad wanted me to work both jobs, on June 4, I found the manager and told her the mix up and asked her if there was still a way to reverse it since my 2 weeks isn’t officially up.(Side note: Im VERY intimidated by her. Whenever she’s in the store, I avoid her of all costs because she makes me so nervous. I don’t even call her when she’s at the store helping around with bopus or fixing the fixtures. I call on the other supervisors and hope she doesn’t come in to help me. This information is very important)
She says that she can but she was hesitant to because she said she was in a meeting and heard that ever since I put in my 2 weeks, i’ve been disconnected like not helping around as much, not engaging, sitting down on the benches in the women’s fitting rooms and this threw me off so bad yall. I didn’t even know what to say because none of that was true because:
Not helping around: if it’s with coworkers, i’m helping out everytime because 9/10 im scheduled, im the only person on the floor who can back up registers and covers breaks(sometimes for Amazon too). If it’s for customers, not a lot of customers come to me for help. they would just ask me where the price checkers are, I tell them that we removed them, and check the price on the zebra or tell them where a certain area is(shoes, swimsuits, amazon)
Not engaging: Im assuming she meant not talking to coworkers and…yeah. I’m not a talkative person unless I know you or am comfortable. It’s to the out where my coworkers would even be shocked that i’m working because i don’t say anything unless i need help but i’m not rude. If you need help or make small talk, i’ll talk but i’ll be awkward about it(introvert gang).
Sitting down in the fitting room benches: ok now this i can give a pass because i understand how it could come off that way but when i would sit on the benches, I would organize the folded clothes on there by brand. Plus i find it easier that may since my hard is usually full of hanged clothes to be put back on the floor. So that I understand and i never thought it was an issue because the supervisors/LODs would walk past me and tell me to work on an area after im done or say hi because they’re doing bopus.
Now, as she said the reason why she was hesitant. I got really nervous because she gave me the strict manager and mom start so I was standing there 🧍🏾‍♀️😟💦 sweating bullets. So guess what I did :)
I agreed with :)
every :)) single :))) thing :)))) she :))))) said :))))))))))))))))))))))
I even made a little 😁fun😁 speech about why everything she said was correct
“Why did you do that?!” I don’t know. I honestly cannot tell you why I did that because my mind blanked when I realized I was in trouble with HER of all people. So, she told me to change my availability so match with my schedule at my others job and i’m just nodding at everything she’s saying at this point. So, i go to the back and do the availability sheet and as i’m sitting there, cooling down, i realized that i really f’ed up. I try to talk to her again, but she was busy helping sephora so I decided to talk to her later that day when i clock-in in the evening but i voicing talk to her because i was busy helping a customer on registers and decided to talk to her Thursday when I work.(This is all tuesday(June 4) btw)
Thursday(June 6): I walk in and im told that she already clocked out, i say that’s fine. I’ll talk to her Saturday but i went around asking the supervisors that were there if they were in that meeting and can tell me who said that. They said, they didn’t hear anything(one of them didn’t know i put my 2 weeks in) but hinted that it maybe the LP. I said okay. I talk to the LP and he said he didn’t report anything. I said okay but now im confused on WHO said that because I asked everyone except the assistant manager.
Saturday(June 8)comes and she’s not here today but she’s here tomorrow and now i stressed because i let this sit for 4 days( now 5 because it’s midnight) and I still don’t have a schedule for this week, my manager thinks i’m not a good worker, and for me to officially start my other job , I need to reference letters and everytime i ask my supervisors, they say i need the manager and assistant manager to do it. My assistant manager is on a 2 week vacation(i think he comes later this week) and my manager now has a negative perception of me😃 i don’t want to think about what she would write on there.
Please what do i do because it sounds so suspicious to say what i said tuesday and come back to her like “heyyy😙about tuesday, well umm i lied😗”(i wont say it like that but i bet it would come off like that to her). It practically looks like i was brewing a lie up.🧙🏿‍♀️and if your a manager, PLEASE put your input about how you would view so i can know whether i just give up and leave(but with my reference letters because girl i need that other job now) or try to rewrite my wrong doings.
Im sorry this was long
submitted by Aromatic-Regret-6620 to employedbykohls [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:00 Sushi_chan18 Weekly Manga Live Tracker: 09-06-2024 to 15-06-2024

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←→ Sensei! Bokutachi ga Sekai wo Horoboshimasu - Ch. 10 - 11 4
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Status Manga Upvotes
←→ The Hundred Ghost Stories That Led to My Death - Ch. 81 269
Even a Cat's Paw can be Useful (Nekotete) - Chapter 185 193
People Are Free to Think of What They Want -Her Anger MANAGEMENT- oneshot 170
←→ A Cool Girl and a 12cm Promise - Ch. 6 121
←→ The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Chapter 88 - My Crush Has Gone Viral 80
←→ My Gift Lvl 9999 Unlimited Gacha - Ch. 123 26
←→ An OL at Her Limit and a College Girl - Ch. 10.3 19
←→ Shijou Saikyou no Mahou Kenshi, F Rank Boukensha ni Tensei suru - Ch. 109 11
←→ Chirori - Chapter 12 6
←→ False Marigold - Chapter 10 6
←→ Shoujo Nyuumon - Chapter 13 5
Sensei! Bokutachi ga Sekai wo Horoboshimasu - Ch. 10 - 11 4
The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest - Chapter 25.1 1
Top 50 Manga in last 24 hours
Status Manga Upvotes
←→ The Lecture You Would Never Want Your Parents To Give You - Ch 35 2067
←→ Kawaii Kanojo - A cute Girlfriend - ch.29 1570
←→ - A Parallel World With a 1:39 Male to Female Ratio is Unexpectedly Normal - Ch. 144 (By きっさー) 1110
←→ Ofu Kainite - Oneshot 1082
←→ The Big Bees - Ch 23-25 by @nemone_2 965
←→ Heretic Slayer Series - Ch 7 926
←→ The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - Chapter 178 656
←→ Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou. - Ch. 27 - Hebizono-san and the Mirror 630
←→ Akanabe-sensei Doesn't Know about Embarrassment -Ch.12 585
←→ A B-Rank Adventurer With an Evil Face Becomes a Father for the Hero and His Childhood Friends - Ch. 9.1 - I'll Send You To Your Precious God (1) 393
←→ Hope You're Happy, Lemon - Chapter 27 329
←→ More than lovers, less than friends - (Real) Chapter 39 306
←→ The Hundred Ghost Stories That Led to My Death - Ch. 81 269
Even a Cat's Paw can be Useful (Nekotete) - Chapter 185 191
The Ronin and the Sexy Thot - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 180
Doting Yandere in Another World Won't Let You Go! Ch. 1-5 [END] 177
What a Catch of a Love Story! - Ch. 1 173
People Are Free to Think of What They Want -Her Anger MANAGEMENT- oneshot 173
An Arranged Marriage Leads to Otaku Love - Ch. 8 122
The First Times' Lady (Hajimete no Ojou-sama) - Chapter 10 121
←→ A Cool Girl and a 12cm Promise - Ch. 6 121
Aitsu no Kanojo - Ch. 40 - I wanna touch it then 93
Girl meets Rock! - Chapter 25 90
←→ ByeByeBye - Chapter 8 83
Is It Odd That I Became an Adventurer Even If I Graduated From the Witchcraft Institute? Ch. 55 78
The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Chapter 88 - My Crush Has Gone Viral 78
Haruka Reset - Chapter 67 77
The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Ch. 71 74
←→ The Ancient Magus' Bride - ch 101 60
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←→ Obokoi Majo wa Majiwaritai! - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - MangaDex 53
←→ Navigatoria - Extra Chapter 53
←→ Koibami Shoujo - Love-Eating Girl Ch. 4 51
←→ Maou no Musume, Sugoku Choroi. - Chapter 60 45
←→ Kunigei - Okuni University Art Department Film Program - Chapter 2 43
Existential Unplugged - Chapter 7 42
- Scales (Oneshot) 40
Convenient Semi-Friend - Chapter 17 38
Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou / KamiKatsu - Ch. 29 33
←→ I'm a low rank adventurer, but I decided to excel in magic ~I'm going to use my [Magic Creation] and [Item Creation], which are Godly skills that were once useless, and become unmatched~ - Chapter 21.1 30
←→ Chapter 145 - The Story of A Low Rank Soldier Becoming A Monarch 29
Infinite Level up in Murim Chapter 198 26
Yumenashi-sensei no Shinroshidou - Chapter 15 26
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One Piece - Chapter 1116 1309
Even a Cat's Paw can be Useful (Nekotete) - Chapter 184 1308
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←→ - Getsuyoubi no Tawawa - Ep. 485 1238
←→ Even a Cat's Paw can be Useful (Nekotete) - Chapter 181 1225
←→ Even a Cat's Paw can be Useful (Nekotete) - Chapter 179 1220
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←→ A Cool Girl and a 12cm Promise - Ch. 4 1013
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]( 1005
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The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - Chapter 177 976
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Heretic Slayer Series - Ch 7 921
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←→ [ - A childhood friend who is nice to a shut-in - (By Kuga Tsuniya) - Ch. 2
]( 784
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Miss Regular Customer Wants to Enjoy (Mankitsu Shitai Jouren-san) - Ch. 27.1 710
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new Blooming Love - Chapter 30 668
Last Update: 09:45:02-09/06 IST
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2024.06.09 07:59 pisces0387 37 [F4M] UK/anywhere/online seeking my person, are you out there?

Firstly, thanks so much if you've clicked this post, I know there are many to choose from :)
• 37 F Irish, now in UK, england, west midlands
• Harry Potter obsessed
• musician
• coffee & cuddle enthusiast
• love walking, and mean to start running
• Blind from birth ( if this is an issue, please _ just _ scrole _ on _ by _
I want to find someone to get totally and completely lost in ... *not in a loosing my identity kinda way, just being in love kinda way *
There will be ups and downs, bumps, and maybe some obstacle's, but I'm hoping that if we are both on each other's teams, there's nothing we can't work around
If any of this has resonated with anyone, please get in touch
also, please put 💫 at the beginning of your post, so I know you've read and understood, all of what I have written
Many thanks in advance, and I can't wait to meet you whoever you are 🫶🫶🫶😘🫂
submitted by pisces0387 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:50 ItsEsmeJones [AM4A] Centaur Cowboys [Strangers to ?][Scared Centaur Speakers][Helpful Rancher Listener][Greek Mythology x Southern Charm][Fantasy][Centaur Cowboys][Two Himbo Horses][Ranch-Life][AU][Mild Comedy][CW: Mentions of Trafficking/Injury]

Context: You've just moved to a new country to open a ranch and start over. You've heard that, unlike home, this place has monsters, same as the ones your parents warned you about as a child. Well, for the most part... You're about to realize there are monsters out there that you've never even imagined.
Setting: The Listener's Ranch / A cavern - Thessappalachia
Tags:[MA4A][Strangers to ?][Scared Centaur Speakers][Helpful Rancher Listener][Greek Mythology x Southern Charm][Fantasy][Centaur Cowboys][Two Himbo Horses][Ranch-Life][AU][Mild Comedy][CW: Mentions of Trafficking/Injury]
Usage: You may tweak or record this script. Gender flipping is OK! Please credit me if you use this script in any of your projects. If you would like to use this script for a paywalled recording, please note:
Monetization: All forms of monetization are OK with me! YouTube, Patreon, etc. I would appreciate being able to listen to the recording. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Check out the rest of my scripts by using the Script Directory
[F] = Foal, a young centaur
[M] = Mac, an older centaur
[Scene opens on a modest ranch in the mountains of Thessappalachia]
[Note: Thessappalachia is a mix of Greek Thessaly meeting American Appalachia :3]
[SFX: The wind rustling / horse hooves coming close]
[You are new to this part of the world, Thessappalachia. You've just opened a private ranch with a range of mountains and a beautiful coastline in the distance. It’s day three in your new home when something… or, someone… runs toward you in a panic]
[F] “H-Hey! Are you friendly?! Please be friendly!!”
[SFX: A shotgun being cocked]
[The creature skids to a stop, their lower half horselike while their upper half appears to be humanesque]
[F] “No, no, wait, don’t shoot! Please! I’m a monster, yes, but I mean no harm! Please don’t shoot me!”
[F, nervous] “M-My friend got hurt in a fight… I don’t got any medicine or ways to help him, a-and I figured a friendly human might be able to help!”
[The young creature’s eyes well up with tears]
[F] “I DON’T have any way to know yer friendly, but my friend is dyin’! And if I’m gonna die, it ain’t gonna be as a coward who didn’t try and help their buddy!”
[. . . ]
[The creature wipes his eyes]
[F] “We were ambushed… He got shot when we tried to flee… P-Please, can you just help o-or tell me where I can find someone who will…?”
[. . . ]
[SFX: The gun being tucked away]
[F] “Oh, thank ya! Thank ya! He’s laid out in a little cavern about fifteen minutes from here! I’d offer yer a ride but I think I’m too young to carry a full-grown human…”
[SFX: Them heading off together after the Listener gathers some supplies]
[F] “So, uh… Name’s Foal… Yers?”
[F] “Nice to meetcha… Mac always says not to talk to no adult humans… or humans at all, but you seem nice, at least.”
[F] “Well… No, I don’t know nothin’ fer sure. Truth be told, I know a whole lot about nothin’ regardless! But… Mac said I have time to learn… He’s my older brother, kind of. We ain’ blood, but… he and the others helped raise me, and I…”
[. . . ]
[SFX - Pause Fill - Them traveling / the ambiance of the mountains]
[You walk for a bit with the young creature before he picks up a bit of speed, pointing]
[F] “There it is! That’s the place! Here, follow me!”
[You follow them inside and it doesn’t take long to see ‘Mac’ laid out on his side]
[F] “Mac! I brought help! Please tell me you ain’t dead!”
[The horse… man… looks up at you, panting weakly]
[M] “F-Foal… I dun … d-dun told you not to talk to humans!”
[F, panicked] “Yer dyin’, Mac! Yer need help! Please, human! Please help ‘em! You know how to help, right??”
[Mac tenses as you kneel by his haunch, inspecting the wound]
[M] “Nnh… G-Got shot… one of them wranglers… They got my other brothers… I jus’ trying to get us out past the human parts! The path was meant to be safe, but… We got jumped…”
[F, crying] “Y-You…? You don’t know ‘bout the Wranglers? W-Wait… I thought all the humans were-!”
[Mac belts out a groan, hissing through his teeth]
[M] “I’m done ‘fer… Ain’t nothin’ havin' it…”
[. . . ]
[Your spine and upper lip stiffen, and your brow knots, but you know what must be done]
[M] “Just… Just put me out of my misery… Please…”
[F, sobbing] “Mac, no! Please!”
[F] “H-Huh…? You can help?”
[M] “…?”
[Long Pause]
[SFX to fill the [Pause - Western ambience]
[F] “Y-You got a cart that Mac could rest his bad leg on at yer ranch… We patch him up here, get him back to your place, and you’ll lay us up til he’s better?”
[M, unsure] “...Why would you help a centaur…? Thessappalachia is our homeland, sure, but it’s the same ”
[You note the word ‘centaur’ for later]
[F, with a little gasp] “That was a lotta swears…”
[M, with a chuckle] “You don’t agree with traffickers… Y’know what? Good ‘nuff for me. What do you need me to do?”
[M] “You definitely think a bone is broken… Shit. That means you need to set it, huh?”
[Mac takes a deep breath, almost amused]
[M] “Foal… Might wanna cover your ears real quick.”
[F, wincing] “Golly…”
[He covers his cute little ears and you do the dark deed asked of you, quickly setting his leg. He muffles a yelp but, otherwise, handles the pain impressively well]
[M] “MMMMMM-Mother Gaia! Tsss… ow…”
[M] “No worries, human… I appreciate ya going out of yer way for two strangers.”
[M] “Do we know where the Wranglers take other centaurs…? Theoretically, I reckon… The big city yonder, where the STYX rail line runs South. I hear there are bands of centaurs that try and jump trains that run that way… Could be retribution for that. Centaurs could be getting their licks in for being trafficked, too. Nessus knows.”
[SFX: The Listener casually getting the wound dressed]
[F] “Nessus is a centaur legend. I don’t really know much ‘sides he killed some unkillable human, me and Mac aren’t church boys.”
[M, with a laugh] “Reckon this is CarMer?”
[F] “Huh?”
[M] “Ya know… Comes ‘round, goes ‘round?”
[F] “Ohhh…”
[SFX: The wound being patched / a few pats from the Listener]
[M] “Ngh… Damn, that’s good work… Thanks, human… How far away is this ranch?”
[F] “It took us bout twenty minutes to get here, Mac! I could run back right now on my own, the way is easy to find!”
[M] “Thas’ a good point… if they’re trackin’ us, we don’t want to make it easy for ‘em. I don’t know what’s wiser… You two leaving me here makes more sense. If they find me, there’s nothin’ I can do. If they find me and Foal, I…”
[F] “...OK… I’ll go with you, human… I don’t like the idea of leaving Mac here, though.”
[SFX: The gun being handed off]
[M] “Wh-...? Yer givin’ me yer gun?”
[Mac takes the shotgun, giving it a grim, resolute look]
[M] “...Thanks, human… Go on! It’s hot this side of the mountains, so the Wranglers should be sticking clear of the path. Them Nyads take a lot of joy in trying to drown ‘em if they approach when the sun is nice, and you’ve got the river on either side…”
[F] “Stay safe, Mac… We’ll be back just as soon as we can.”
[SFX: Foal and the Listener heading off]
[F] “...Thanks, human… It ain’t often that a human will let centaurs on to their land cause of all the problems from Wranglers and whatnot. It’s easier for most of ‘em to turn a blind eye to crimes like this…”
[F] “I dunno why they want centaur-folk. Ain’t like they tell us when they come chasin’ us down, you know?”
[F] “Huh?? You wanna find out? That’s crazy talk! If they find your ranch has centaurs on it, they might try and burn it to the ground or somethin’!”
[F] “...I hope we can get him home, too… If we get caught movin’ him, then… I reckon we’re done for…”
[SFX: Fade out on them walking / the ambiance desired]
[To be continued…]
Note: When a meme turns into 16 hours of worldbuilding for fucking REDNECK THESSALY-
submitted by ItsEsmeJones to talkingtalltales [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:48 Fine-Pumpkin7207 NEED ADVICE! Tansitioning from Non-Tech to Tech profession or a niche Hybrid!

From the title head i work in Non-IT but want to transition to the tech industy.
Context: Im a 29 yo F and I work in HR, though I have had experience where I have overlapped with the IT industry as an HR and Technical Recruiter, I wanted to be more dipped in the Tech industry maybe in to a more hybrid and specialized role like maybe HR and Data Tech or something to that effect. and maybe in the future, transition fully to a purely technical role.
Reaching out to this subreddit to seek advice on how to get my foot in the door for into the tech industry. And maybe find someone who works in a similar scape in HR and Tech. I'd love to still apply my profession in the tech field but im also eager to go into tech fully.
Would love to know your thoughts on this little goal that I have and maybe meet a mentor who could show me the ropes. I know tech can be gruesome by I've always had a love and interest in technology and I just want to feel more inline with my interests as well as being fulfilled in my profession.
Im quite lost tbh and I wanted to be in a space where i can specialize in both tech and HR.
Love, pumpkin
submitted by Fine-Pumpkin7207 to Tech_Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:45 Born_Independence315 First Date advice

Hello guys I am Desi here on F1 Visa. Me 30 M meeting 34 F Fortune favored me and got a coffee date,followed by plans for dinner. A walk in the park.
This is my first time in my adult life. The women is white.She lost her husband in an accident. We share a good chemistry so far. The funny thing is coffee triggers acidity. And I have never been to a coffee shop in my life. What are some do’s and dont’s How should I dress up What I shouldn’t talk about or avoid Shall I carry chocolates ,flowers,bouquets What are etiquettes
Anything else that I should keep in mind.
submitted by Born_Independence315 to ABCDesis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:16 FixRevolutionary6123 19F USA! looking to make new friends :)

Hi all! I’m 19 and living in Texas :) i like to read my silly little romance books and listen to music (mostly chappell roan, boygenius, clairo, taylor swift). I love playing fortnite, the sims, stardew, smash, RDR2, and TLOU!!!
If you couldn’t tell, yes i am a lesbian haha.
I’d preferably like to meet people who are 18-20 (M or F is fine 🙏). fair warning: If you are not chronically online then we might not be a good fit 😭
submitted by FixRevolutionary6123 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]