How much protein is in pork roast

the thicker the skin, the better the roast

2015.04.22 06:28 SwagmasterEDP the thicker the skin, the better the roast

Roasting (v.) - To humorously mock or humiliate someone with a well-timed joke, diss or comeback. (As defined by urbandictionary) Hone your roasting skills, meet other roasters, and get yourself roasted! Everybody needs to laugh at themselves! And other people, of course!

2014.06.17 03:15 Respectfullyyours A subreddit to help you identify artists & works of art...

A place to find out if you have a lost masterpiece or if it's just a garage sale treasure! Please see below for submission guidelines, sub rules, and related subreddits.

2012.09.10 18:26 LOTR Memes

Come on in, have a seat! This subreddit is a warm resting place for all weary travelers who are fond of Tolkien and his works. We welcome all Tolkien related content! Grab a pint, a long pipe, and relax.

2024.06.09 22:06 International_One110 Beyond Meat Unpacked & Served Up Hot $BYND Due Dilligence

Beyond Meat Unpacked & Served Up Hot $BYND Due Dilligence
Tl;Dr: The setup for $BYND is very similar to $GME & IV has not pumped yet due to little (but eerily similar to GME) price action on both the long-term & short term time-frames. Many bullish factors are listed below, namely 170% cost to borrow with 96% utilization & a high days-to-cover ratio. A catalyst to come is a new collaboration with McDonald's, yet to hit the press (sauce). On both technical & tinfoil (related to GME) levels, $BYND is looking to make a move.
Greetings, fellow carnivores. Happy 06/09 & I hope you are having an excellent weekend given the recent hype! First off, let me say that I believe in the redemption of some of our great American companies from the depths - namely GameStop.
Needless to say, this is not financial advice & we should all do our own research. I'm here to lay out the (lab-made) bull-case for Beyond Meat, ticker $BYND.

The Tandem Trade

Now, we all know what happened with GameStop in January of 2021, and there were a few basket stocks that squoze a bit in tandem. Namely, AMC, (BB)BY, KOSS, and one that people might not have paid attention to (because it wasn't on the list of stocks shown below)- $BYND.
Strap in because we're in this for the (short?) long haul - the company has a terrible standing. It is struggling to get items off the shelf & although their fake chicken is arguably better tasting and healthier than regular chicken - it's weird as shit. So is their chart in January '21:
Ran during the 2021 \"meme stock rally\" on no news
Google shows a moderate averaged price rise of 51%, but it went from a low of $114.05 on 01/04/2021 (same day as GME's Jan dip before the rip) to a high of $221 on January 27th, that infamous GME day - meaning it had a January run of 94% at the same time as GME's rip. Something something about basket stocks. Not to mention, it has the exact same run into June as GME the same year, going from a low of $99.86 to a short-term high of $160.28.
BYND 60% run May-June 2021.
GME 100% run in May-June 2021.
Now, I hope these past trends can help you understand BYND's recent price action in the basket. Let's compare:
GME 1 Month
BYND 1 Month
Looking awfully similar, even with zero dilution from the $BYND board (not flaming GME for doing it as it is very advantageous for their overall business). Now, I introduce you too the Ortex data.

Some notable stats:

  • 170.26% Cost to Borrow
    • 96.13% utilization, meaning 96% of loanable shares are already taken.
  • 9.69 Days to Cover
    • This has been ticking up quite a bit. This is the ratio of SI / average volume, meaning that to cover one's shorts, the volume would need to be large.
  • 38.83% Short Interest of Free Float
    • It has a "Short Score" of 96.16% according to Ortex, indicating the stock has many characteristics of a setup for a capitulation of shorts.
  • Implied Volatility 30 Day: 40%
    • The implied volatility being low (compared to other "meme stocks") means that this is a cheap opportunity to enter into a position compared to the likes of others that have experienced large swings in price, pricing retail out of options on big names like GME.
Bullish Crossover

Additional Macro-factors:

  • HPAI (highly-pathogenic avian influenza) is spreading throughout farms in America. For the first time in history - cows & humans have been able to contract it. Lab-meat, albeit weird as shit, is positioned to net in a few hypochondriacs who are worried about food & livestock safety. Sauce
  • This is a big "if" - but news was leaked that BYND accidentally leaked their collaboration with McDonalds, even shown on the McDonald's website - Sauce. When this is released to the press & promotion begins, we could see this as a strong catalyst. Better yet, the reception I'm picking up through my tinfoil says McDonald's might even acquire them.
    • An acquisition by McDonald's is some serious tinfoil - please do your own research. BYND has missed their earning's projections early this year, yet continue to claim that 2024 is their "turnaround year". This is why I believe they have something planned. Sauce
  • Shifting Consumer Preferences (Ethical treatment of animals), Technological Advancement (continues to get cheaper to produce & taste getting better), Health Considerations (Processed Meat = heart disease & cancers; allergy-friendly), Sustainability (Reduces Carbon Footprint; With population increasing, sustainable protein options are important).


-A one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple(circle) hedgie eater.
-06/21/2024 Calls:
  • 400 - 7$ calls @ 1.06 each. I bought my largest position in-the-money as to set a strong downside protection; akin to DFV's strategy of $20 GME calls.
  • 200 - 8$ calls @ .61 each.
  • 224 - 9$ calls @ .35 each.
    • These $8 & $9 calls are to provide support to the downside as positive price action unfolds, building Gamma on the chain as well as ensuring delta is hedged, increasing overall buying pressure.
Feel free to do the math on your own to see how much I've lost.
Disclaimer (for the second time): This is a risky scenario and although I am confident in my investment & am prone to a riskier investment style; I recommend everyone do their own research before making their own investment decisions. With that said, thank you for reading and have a great weekend.
submitted by International_One110 to Shortsqueeze [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:42 MountainRooster9048 Am I a heathen for finishing things up in the oven?

New to smoking. Bought an Oklahoma joes combo on a Memorial Day deal.
I hear about 16 hr smokes, I just don’t have the time.
I just finished a pork butt after a 6hr smoke at 275ish degrees -in the oven at 275. Took it off at about 170, wrapped in foil, and let it get up to 203 in the oven. How much flavor am I actually losing by doing it this way?
I know pork butt is easy. But once I graduate to brisket university- can I do the same method and not have the potential negative effects of oven finished ?
I just feel like wrapping it in foil and throwing it on the smoker again defeats the purpose and makes me caress my smoker and add fuel with no real purpose. Plz let me know.
submitted by MountainRooster9048 to smoking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:55 CalifChemEngineerMBA This is NOT a "Debate Evolution" Forum

It is a Pro-Darwin forum, and all dissent is immediately attacked by the horde, or else the post is deleted, as my first one was with "creationist" rhetoric. Now to get to science that you will not like to read.
Titin is the largest protein in the human body. It is ~38,138 amino acid residues in length. There are 20 amino acids in our proteins and so the original synthesis of titan demanded 1 out of 20 amino acids to be selected, followed by 1 out of 20 thirty-eight thousand one hundred thirty eight consecutive times!!! Do 1/20 to the 38,138th power for me and tell me how that compares with 1 chance in 10 to the 50 which is Emil Borel's definition of "impossible.".
Wait, it gets much worse for you "scientists." Each amino acid is Levorotary, not Dextrorotary, so multiply the first fraction by 1/2 to the 38,138. Then multiply that product by another 1/2 to the 38,138th for peptide bonds rather than the equally probable non-peptide bonds.
This results in something around 1 chance in 10 to the 75,000th power.
Now do the math for the OTHER 20,000 different proteins in the human body and show the mechanisms for each and every naturalistic synthesis. There are only 10 to the 80 particles in the universe.
submitted by CalifChemEngineerMBA to DebateEvolution [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:44 LashandaMuldrow69 I still do it (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)

I still do it (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠) submitted by LashandaMuldrow69 to GymMemes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:36 Initial-Froyo-9661 Trioral changed their formula and now has 1,000mg LESS sodium. I don’t understand why. These packets were how I hit my sodium goals so easily and now I’m beyond frustrated.

submitted by Initial-Froyo-9661 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:35 Evening-Big5752 Here’s some advice for your upcoming procedure!

Hi all! So i’m currently 11 days post op and being the anxious person I am, I was thinking that i’m sure there’s many other who were thinking the same things as I and wanted to offer a post as to what to expect and do’s and don’ts that I learned through my experience.
Leading up to the procedure for me it didn’t really set in until I was sat in the chair 😂. If you are an anxious person and are able to choose to do IV Sedation I would go that route. It was honestly amazing they did the IV super quick and start with an anxiety reliever and then boom I was OUT literally within seconds. Felt nothing and woke up. Now don’t let this next part scare you but I was very nauseous when I woke up and threw up about 3-4 times (keep in mind this was the first time i went under and it’s totally normal to throw up after first time going under anesthesia!). They will prescribe you strong antibiotics and some sort of strong medication for the pain, TAKE YOUR MEDICATIONS ON TIME!! I cannot stress this enough take your meds on time it’s the best way to keep the pain at bay and allow the antibiotics to work how they should.
Days 0-5 (0=surgery day) is when I experienced the most pain, discomfort, and swelling. I was lucky enough to not have that much swelling or bruising, however if you get it don’t worry it’s very normal! My surgeon office told me To leave the extraction areas alone till day 7, I was able to brush my front/middle teeth but was told to stay away from the back teeth near the sites. (Every office is different and will give you different post op instructions so just follow those!)
Day 6-11 is when I personally started to feel better. I switched from the pain meds they prescribed me to advil liquid gels because I personally didn’t want keep depending on the harder meds. I was able to talk more and actually open my mouth a little more. If you experience jaw soreness and stiffness I would recommend to do jaw exercises Starting day 6 or 7, opening your mouth as wide as possible and hold for ten second, then close your mouth for ten seconds, then move your jaw to the left for ten seconds then repeat to the right side. You should only really do this a couple times throughout the day, it will feel weird and uncomfortable but the best way to get mouth feeling back to normal is to work through that discomfort, but don’t push yourself to hard, you know your limits. On day 7 I was cleared to return to normal diet habits with staying away from crunchier foods and candy. As well as to start using the syringe. If your office doesn’t provide a syringe buy on off amazon they are super cheap and it’s really good to clean out the holes, you just fill a cup with warm water and salt, mix that till the salt dissolves then pull back your cheek and stick the tip of the cured needle end at the top of the surgical hole and slowly flush the bottom holes out. I was told to only do the bottom sockets because food doesn’t really get stuck in your upper hole because gravity with pull it down but I flush each socket 2-3 times in the morning, after each meal, and at night before bed, I will lightly swish some of the water to reach my top sockets just so they are also getting some cleanliness.
Now for food, not being able to eat the food I wanted was probably worse than the pain itself lol. I’ve ate mashed potatoes, applesauce, pudding, soup that were not chunky, blended oatmeal, ice cream and lots of protein shakes and water. I stopped eating those foods around day 7/8 and started to incorporate things like pasta, oatmeal, mashed bananas, and eggs. It’s now day 11 and I’m going to try eating with my back teeth. My office told me that going back to eating solid food is going to be up to you and your comfort level and your teeth pain level. I saw a lot of people recommending to slowly transitioning into softer food, instead of just going full fledge and on your normal diet, which is what I’m doing as well. I also see lots of people who are already back to the normal diet eating things but pizza and burgers and sandwiches and I really just think it’s my anxiety making me think of the worst possible outcome but again you know your body and do whatever feels right to you. But whatever you do don’t drink soda for about a week or so and don’t use straws and swish or spit vigorously to avoid dislodging the clot and getting dry socket!!
I really hope this helps anyone who is nervous or just doesn’t know what to expect. This was my personal experience, everyone heals differently and reacts to pain differently, but just take this time to rest watch your favorite shows, read your favorite book, and just do nothing. If you have any questions i’d be more than happy to do my best and answer!!
submitted by Evening-Big5752 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:13 deadshotboxing Sometimes Weight Loss Is So Demoralising

Stats: * 6’6, male and at average scale weight of 129KG or so. * Started my fat loss journey at 132KG and dieting from w/c Monday 08 April 2024 (so far 9 weeks of fat loss/diet) * I wanted to get to 110KG ideally.
The Process and details: * I’m a Superheavyweight amateur boxer, training 6 days a week (4 weight lifting sessions with progressive overload program including plyometrics and general strength - 3 running/cardio sessions including sprints, 10k and rowing - & 6 sessions a week of boxing sessions including sparring). * I’m on a diet of aporox 2.8-3k calories (with a deficit of aporox 1000 calories as my TDEE is about 4000 cals or so) * My starting weight was 132KG - the lowest I have got to on the scale was aporox 128KG. But the consistent average I have is 129-130KG. * I have dropped approx two inches off my waistline (and using some calculators and chatgpt, for my build an inch off the waist would be aporox 2kg of fat loss) * In that time, my bench 1RM has increased by 5KG; deadlift by 12.5KG; Squat by 12.5KG: OHP by 5KG. * Sprint max speed has gone up; 10k runs have felt easier; my max row speed gone up; as well as interval and punch, head movement and footwork in and out metrics increased when doing fight specific intervals on the heavybag. * My diet consists of eating of around 220-230g protein, good carbs and fats and everything home cooked with zero takeout, sweets or chocolates.
But there’s something I don’t understand - how the fuck has my weight remained similar?
I know people say muscle weighs or is more dense than fat…but I refuse to believe it obfuscates that much surely. But you know, I’m open to as many interpretations and wisdom and insight people can give. Because I’m determined to keep dieting but I’m demoralised the scale isn’t moving. Sometimes the waist measure moves and sometimes it doesn’t.
submitted by deadshotboxing to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:06 Key-Spell9546 Pork Butt on 22" Weber with Smoke & Sizzle and Spider Venom ... Bear Witness

Pork Butt on 22
TL;DR - 8LB Pork Butt, Weber, FlameTechGrills Smoke and Sizzle, Spider Venom, 250F with Hickory and Apple wood chunks, Foil Boat. The kettle was touched only 3 times; to put the meat on, to wrap/boat it up, and then to check for doneness. Seriously... look at that stability from the screen grab on the phone app (I pieced together the image and added the captions). It's got to be like +/-3 degrees.
Spider Venom could literally not be any easier. I've done about 6 smokes so far with the Venom and it's fantastic. This smoke took ~10 hours and I used the hands-free time not babysitting it to go to the grocery store, trim 3 huge hedges, trim 3 trees, mow and clean off the patio and walkways. You don't actually need the phone app at all because it has it's own LCD screen, but the app is really nice because it's WiFi, so you can monitor temps and get setpoint alerts or control it even when away from home at the store or work or something. Considering the Venom only costs $200 and I got the Webber Kettle used cheap on FB marketplace... this could be the best budget smokegrill setup around. The smoke and sizzle paired with it is awesome too because the built in drip pan directs all the forced airfow through the bed of coals making the Venom that much more efficient. Not to mention the Smoke & Sizzle is WAY cheaper than a SnS Slow & Sear plus SnS Drip Pan and it holds more charcoal because the water tray doesn't take up space.
Setup: Fill coal area with coals and put some wood chunks in there. I used Hickory and Apple. It holds ALOT of coals and gives about 8 hours of stable 250F from a full load. I left a space on the left side of the coal bed for about 10-12 lit coals that I get started in a chimney. I like to line my drip pan area with foil for super easy cleanup. I dumped the coals in the left, added 1L of boiled water, shut the lid and set the Venom at 250F... because it's set and forget to start up, I don't even have to babysit it while getting it up to temp and stable. So I went inside to prepare the pork; no binder, pepper, kosher salt, Lawry's, garlic powder and some paprika. Put it on the Weber and jammed the meat probe into the middle and I like to use a piece of foil rolled up as a bit of direct radiant heat blocker. I don't care about temps too much and only use it as a guide when to wrap and when to start probing for tenderness/doneness. As you can see, I also threw in about 1 cup of rendered beef tallow (from a previous brisket) to get nice and smoky for something later in the week (beef ribs).
Closed it and didn't open it back up until I felt it was time to wrap. I could see the graph had been flattening out on the app (stalling) and the temp was around 170 so I decided it was time to wrap. I actually like to use the foil boat method because it's easy, collects the juices for pouring back over later, continues crisping up the fat cap the whole cook, and lets me easily probe the meat if I want. Foil log is doing a commendable job keeping the nearside edges from burning ... good foil log.
While the pork was out I also decided to check my coals. Raked them out and pushed to one side, I have about 25% coals left. This jives with the fact that I usually get 8 stable hours and we've been running about 6 hours to this point. I top it back off and I know I'm good for 8 more hours. I don't worry about overloading it because when I'm done I shut all the vents to choke it out and can reuse whatever's left in the next cook.
Also look at that now golden brown tallow. Gonna be good later this week wrapped up in paper with some beef ribs. Always good to have smoked tallow on hand and it's free to render yourself from trimmings.
Let it run 4 more hours without touching it. No peeking, No spritzing, Nothing. The app let me know when the meat temp hit 204 so I went out to probe it. Thermoworks ThermoPop (they're like 90% as good as a Thermowork's ThermaPens but only $30) was probing warm-butter soft everywhere and reading 203-207. Time to pull off. Amazing dark Bark. And you can see how much coals are left - about 50%. Which again jives with the fact that I get about 8 hours stable run time from a full load and it's been about 4 hours since topping it off. If I close everything off I'll have about 1/3 load of coals for the next cook and once it cools down the drip will be easy to clean because of the foil lining.
I put the whole boat in a pyrex dish and double foil wrapped the whole thing to let rest. It took about 2 hours to rest down to 150F and the bone plucked out 100% clean and it shredded effortlessly. I mixed together a Carolina-style vinegar hot sauce to mix in with it and also made some homemade coleslaw to put on the sandwiches that was fantastic. Sorry - no pics from pulling it, because once we started eating I forgot about pics and stuff. Hell, it was so good I forgot to get out the quick pickles I made for the sandwiches. 😅 Best Pulled Pork I've ever had.
submitted by Key-Spell9546 to smoking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:35 New_Championship1994 I’m vegan? but I’m unsure

So basically I’ve been plant-based for two years this September, and vegetarian for like 9 months before that.
I did consider myself vegan but I don’t know anymore. I’m fine with sustainable sources of wool and I don’t care about silk moths so basically I would (haven’t yet) be willing to buy wool and silk. I don’t know how I feel about aquariums, I guess I’m against zoos, but I’m not sure if horse racing is okay or not? Is owning any pet really ok? I still feed my cat meat because she has to have it (I live at home with parents btw so not really a choice there).
I don’t want to really even eat cheese, cow milk, eggs, etc. I guess I’d feel gross. I’m absolutely happy not to eat meat though, that much I do know. However, if I’m being honest I’m so sick of struggling through menus searching for vegan food, and buying something I don’t even really want because it’s all I can have, whilst family and friends get tons of of whatever meat, dairy, etc that they can eat. It makes it all feel pointless and I’ve become cynical.
I love all plant-based milks and home eating I do well with, but I guess some products at the supermarket that has like milk protein (it’s in everything!) would be nice to get. But it’s eating out that sucks mainly. Like when it turns out this amazing focaccia bread has one ingredient that I can’t have as a vegan.
Should I change back to just generally plant-based vegetarian or do I stick with where I’m at? It all makes me so confused.
submitted by New_Championship1994 to PlantBasedDiet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 M_McCoy5 unable to eat due to stress

Hello all, I have recently lost about 30 pounds going from 210 to 180.
The weight loss was kick-started in February when I stopped eating out of stress as I prepared to take the Bar Exam. I was and am concerned about this, I have never had disordered eating issues before, and I spoke to my doctor and she said that not eating when under stress is pretty normal and that I should just try to eat anything I can stomach.
There were very few things I could stomach and for about 3 weeks i couldn’t eat much more than coffee with milk. Occasionally I could stomach some things, like randomly I would get a craving so I would immediately go buy and eat that thing because I was scared the craving was going to go away.
The day after the Bar my appetite was back like nothing had ever happened. The only difference was that I was about 190 pounds and my stomach had shrunk. While my appetite was normal, I was (and still am) unable to eat as large of volume as I once could. Which is probably a good thing, as I certainly wasn’t eating an appropriate number of calories before all of this went down.
Post bar, I fell in love with Pilates and for the first time in a long time started working out again. I go 3-4 times a week and I absolutely love it.
Here’s my problem now. I do like being in a thinner, healthier body. What I do not like is how I got here. I am studying for the Bar again as I did not pass in February because i literally didn’t feed myself enough calories for my brain to function, and I am so fucking scared this is going to happen again.
I am a woman, 5’11”, and I’d say I live a mildly active lifestyle (desk job). I currently eat about 1600-1800 calories a day, it’s not a massive deficit, but it is a deficit for my body type. I don’t count calories, I just eat what I want when I want, so that’s an estimate. I eat very little processed food now that I’m back living with my mom so that’s also contributing to the weight loss. But I do think I need to be eating more especially in the protein department.
One of the few things I have always been able to stomach is coffee and milk so my thoughts are that I could start putting protein powder or something in my coffee? Does anyone have any good recommendations?
(Like for increasing protein in general, I don’t eat much meat so that creates another hurdle, also forcing myself to choke down food will not work, I will not be able to keep it down)
submitted by M_McCoy5 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:05 lowsparkco Flat vs. Conical Burrs

There's a lot to unpack in this discussion, I'd love to get the ball rolling and see what some of you have to contribute! Photograph: The LeLit Fred PL043MMI version with 38 mm conical burrs. This is the first grinder I bought with the Silvia. As I've mentioned previously, it jammed with some lighter roasted beans and ruined a plastic gear wheel that connects to the bottom burr. I was disappointed with the customer service and unsure of how to fix it, so I bought the Ascaso i-Mini on short notice so I wouldn't go without coffee. It has 54 mm flat burrs. I've used the Ascaso daily for over a year. Finally went back and took apart the LeLit and fixed it. I want to run a few pounds through the LeLit to make sure it doesn't jam again before selling it. So, I have both set up right now. First observation, the LeLit with the conical burrs rips through the beans much more quickly, less noise, and less static. Obviously the down side is that it doesn't seem as robust having gone through a mechanical. The static issue has been mostly overcome with a WDT device. With just a coffee a day in the morning heat retention is not an issue. When the Ascaso is empty I will fill both with the same bean to compare cup to cup attempting an identical pull. But, I have a feeling the flat burr Ascaso is going to win.
submitted by lowsparkco to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:56 Ebonysahara111 Feeling scared and lost, please help

Yesterday I was in A&E after feeling extremely dizzy, anxious and hyperventilating after eating a meal (wholewheat pasta, with cheap frozen meatballs - which now looking back tasted quite sweet and was quite processed). This is the third time ever I’ve had this happen to me and all three episodes have happened within the last month since I’ve moved out on my own.
I last made a post on here that I had this same experience after eating a meal with a lot white rice and a little meat. I also had the same experience after I had eaten a very sugary dessert. I was told by people in this sub that what I was experiencing is reactive hypoglycaemia so I know that’s what’s going on.
When I arrived A&E with these feelings they did a finger prick that read that my blood sugar was at a 5.1, then they tested it a bit later (normal needle blood test) and said it was at a 6.6 - I had not eaten within this level change but about 45 minutes had passed. I’m not sure what much this means but it sounds like quite a significant drop. Although they reassured me that I was medically I was okay, and the finger prick can be a bit inaccurate but that both times it was within normal range. All my other blood tests came back normal though I was very dehydrated- I was given fluid and I when I was stable, I went home.
The last A1c blood test I had, in December I was at a 5.8, and I have been at a 5.8 since 2021. I’ve cleaned up my diet massively and for the last 2 years I’ve been eating a clean/non-inflammatory, high protein and complex carb diet - with treats rarely . I ate a lot of healthy home cooking when I was living with family, never ordered takeout but even when I did have something high carb (like a burger with chips or white rice) or high in sugar (sugary iced coffee, slice of cake, cookies etc) it NEVER affected me like this.
I was going to the gym a couple of months ago and noticed that even if I would eat I’d get VERY hungry right after but no shaking/dizziness etc. Eating more seemed to help a bit in those moments but I’d get hungry again, and after a while my body got used to it.
As I said I moved out exactly a month ago and all this started. The changes I have noticed in the last month (personal and diet wise) since this started:
I know this isn’t good and I didn’t realise I was doing these things until I wrote it all down today. I don’t know if any of these things can affect blood sugar or make it more likely to have the reactions I am, so please go easy on me if it’s obvious what’s causing this sudden change lol
Aside from this I have regular cycles within normal range, not overweight, normal hormone levels. I have tried myo-inositol in the past and it gave me a similar reaction to what I’m having now- shaky, anxiety, dizziness etc.
Every doctor seems to think it’s not serious and believes that it’s stress/lifestyle or diet related; saying that I need to drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetables. But none have said anything about blood sugar or reactive hypoglycaemia
I’m truly terrified. I live on my own now so I’m even more scared. I’ve seen some people talking about how they’ve fainted! While know that most of you aren’t doctors and PCOS affects everybody differently but I would really appreciate any advice of what things you’ve done that has helped with your similar experiences or experiences of reactive hypoglycaemia. I’m a young woman (24) and I just want to live long and be healthy, but this is depressing me.
I need to know how I can make this stop and what I can do when I start having these symptoms. Thank you
submitted by Ebonysahara111 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:12 DeQuan7291 How much sodium citrate should I add in a cheese sauce?

I've been on a diet for the past year and a half, and I've been making this high protein cheese sauce that's low in calories and it's honestly better than a lot of cheese sauces I've had fast food places and some restaurants.
The only issue is that the sauce does tend to break when I add it to something like hot macaroni or accidentally heat it up for too long. I've started to use some cooper sharp with some "real" shredded cheese since it has some sodium citrate, but I don't think it's enough. I would add more, but then the sauce becomes a bit too calorie dense when I'm trying to stay in a deficit.
What I'm unsure about is how much sodium citrate I should add, I'll put the "base" recipe right below here if it helps.
From there I add some spices or some different sauces, honestly anything I have available and improvise. I also tend to add more milk if it just comes out too thick.
If you're an absolute cheese fiend and are trying to lose weight, this is it. Stealth Health Life is the guy who came up with it or at least popularized it and has some awesome recipes using cottage cheese sauces.
submitted by DeQuan7291 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:11 Lismale red lentil pancakes

red lentil pancakes
for all the homies who are maxing their gains, here is a nice alternative to regular whatwraps or pancakes with better nutritional value. The making is a bit trial and error. i used 100g soaked red lentils and 100ml water for one pancake, so here are the makros for one piece: 130 kcal 10g protein 0,2 g salt (depends on how much you want to put in) 19,2 g carbs 0,8 g fat if you have a non stick pan, then you dont need oil to bake them. also, they are flexible, so you can use them as a wrap, easily. if you like the taste of lentil in general, you will love them.
submitted by Lismale to veganfitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:47 verystablegirl How to avoid spending all my free time in bed?

If I have any time off at all I will spend it in bed. I sleep whenever I can day or night, I eat in bed (gross I know, but also so comforting emotionally lol 🥲). At the minute I dont have a desk but my new house will. I’m trying really, really hard to achieve a fraction of functionality that most adults my age (25) have.
I know I also should get tested for my constant fatigue. I try to eat the right foods, I always eat salads and vegetables but not much protein. Some days I go overboard on carbs. Other days, alcohol. So it’s like one step forward, two steps back.
So what are some methods to avoid being in bed? I get tired quite easily, I like going on walks but by the time I’m back I’m tired so I’m … in bed. I also have been housesharing for years since I can’t afford rent on my own, and I get anxious about being in a room with housemates most of the time. I’ve become so accustomed to spending time in my room because it’s how I felt safe and coped during my childhood. But that skill is harming me now and it feels like moving mountains just grow out of it.
submitted by verystablegirl to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:46 Booyabuttons 4 Days out

M36 hw:590lbs SW:320lbs CW:? GW:190lbs
Had my procedure 6/5/2024. It's 6/9/2024 and I feel, almost normal. My body knows I've had a major surgery but it's bouncing back pretty quick. I've had a day with 10k steps already, and felt welll. I only had a 24 hour clear liquid diet prior to surgery. After 1 night in the hospital, my surgeon approved pureed food. Everything I'm reading is different from how I'm proceeding. I think insurance has the biggest say on how to treat each patient. My insurance covered the entire procedure and didn't require much other than chest xrays, nutrition visits, psychological evaluation and labs. Other than that I had no dietary restrictions up until a day before the procedure. Did anyone else get approved for puree foods the day out of the hospital? Dr. It also requires at least 60 grams of protein per day.
submitted by Booyabuttons to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:42 Dandy-25 “Complete Response” and beyond!

Good morning!
I’ve been reflecting on my treatment: I was told that I had a “complete response” after only 8 ABVD infusions. No radiation required! I rung the bell on May 20th, but won’t have my follow up scan to confirm until the end of August.
If I have any advice for newbies nervous about starting treatment:
1) try to stay as “normal” as possible. I did not miss a day of work - but there were several short days (usually the day after the booster. 👎). If necessary, I went in on Saturdays to make up the time. I work in a very understaffed production facility for a company you’ve heard of, and there wasn’t really anyone who could back me up fully. It would have been nice to take a day to just rest up, but then I would have just been in bed feeling like dogshit, when I could be in my office feeling like dogshit. Minimal progress is better than no progress.
I found that while some days were hot garbage, being at work forced me to use my brain, and walk the plant floor. Mental and physical exercise is important. Brain fog is definitely real, but I found that I bounced back pretty well the more I was engaged.
Also… when treatment was over (for now, keeping my fingers crossed!), stepping back into life didn’t seem like a leap, but more like stepping out of a shadow into the sun.
2) Eat! After the first infusion, I spent two days feeling like dogshit (the only real way to describe it, in my opinion), not eating. We all know how it goes: nothing sounds good, your mouth hurts, you already feel full, vomiting is a valid concern, etc.
I had a great idea: the doc said I could eat anything, so long as I ate. I thought a giant roast beef sandwich meal from Arby’s was perfect - I thought I could keep it down, and there’s so much food that I could snack at work throughout the day. I left the drive thru for the five minute drive back to the plant: the fries did not last a mile. Underneath all the dogshit, I was HANGRY. Nearly always, I felt better after I ate something.
3) when not at work, or sleeping, KEEP YOUR BRAIN WORKING! Sudoku, jeopardy reruns (or, If you’re a Jeopardy fan, you’re welcome!) puzzles, video games, even coloring. Just keep moving. It helps fight the fog!
That’s not to say that I don’t have my moments, even now. Especially when I’m tired, easy things like names or why I walked into a room seem to erase themselves.
4). It’s super easy to look at cancer and treatment as Everest. When you look at it in its entirety, it’s almost insurmountable. Keeping your sense of humor and taking pride in completing one step after another can break Everest into much smaller tasks that don’t seem impossible.
Also… I come from a long line of shit-stirrers, and I felt that if I could function and still feel like dogshit, making others slightly uncomfortable made me feel less alone.
I had a work dinner mid treatment. Infusions on Monday morning , booster Tuesday afternoon, and the dinner was Thursday evening. Everyone ordered their drinks, I got a coffee. The international director of manufacturing, whom I just met, was trying to bond and bust my chops a little bit. He asked if I had a “rough night partying” the night before. Usually, I’d “yes and”, but I was tired and super foggy, and none of my witticisms were coming very fast. I gave up and simply replied, “Nope, I just have cancer.” 🤷🏻‍♂️
The poor guy melted like Toht at the end of Raiders (if you know, you know. Double points for me because my guy was German as well.)
My boss immediately changed the subject, while I giggled internally. I eventually used Hodgkins to get out of 6am meetings. I found that having cancer was an awesome get out of jail free card.
Those are my pearls. Keep in mind that everyone’s treatment effects are different, and these wont be 100% for everyone. I’m seeing a lot of “life after chemo” and “I’m about to begin” posts lately, and thought I’d offer my experience.
You’re not alone in your journey! Keep putting one foot in front of the other, and you’ll get there!
submitted by Dandy-25 to lymphoma [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:23 Hairy-Self-6367 How bad is maltodextrin in protein powder?

Hello everyone. Hope this is the right place to ask this question. After doing some research on the ingredients of the Whey protein powder i consume, I seen it contains maltodextrin which messes up/spikes up your blood sugar and gut health. I consume protein powder for more than 4 years and god knows how much of this hidden sugar i consumed without knowing it. I also workout 4 times per week. So how bad is maltodextrin? Should I switch to another protein powder? I use only one serving (30g) per day for breakfast in my oatmeal with berries and a banana. On the label it says it has 3g of maltodextrin per serving. I don`t know if its a big amount or not. This is the last time i buy whey protein with maltodextrin and artificial sweeteners. I will replace it with stevia grass fed whey next time.
submitted by Hairy-Self-6367 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:21 monkaSman Meal Plan for a Strongman?

Competitive strongman is a sport where both static and cardio-vascular strength are important. Not only do strongmen have to be strong for movements like the squat and deadlift, but they have to be able to carry heavy, and often awkward, loads over a distance involving peak physical fitness.
Strongmen often carry a heavy bulk bodyweight; considerable excess bodyfat is not considered an advantage by many, though some do argue that heavy bodyweight can be an asset in some movements. Whilst a lean body-builder type physique is not the goal, the meal plan below is designed so as not to encourage too much excess body fat, though a 'bulky' look is acceptable.
Training for strongman will usually involve 3-4 weight training gym sessions per week, which can vary in length from quick intense sessions, to longer duration ones with large rest periods between sets. There will also be 2-3 event training sessions per fortnight which will involve the strongman practising events likely to be in a competition. In addition to this, periodically the trainer will also so some cardio-vascular fitness training.
A strongman should eat for strength and with this muscle size will come, so a meal plan is not too dissimilar to that of an off-season bodybuilder. The key to healthy quality muscle and weight gain is to eat big and eat consistently throughout the day following a structured meal plan.
Six or seven feeds all of large quantity are the norm, which will include plenty of high protein food choices, like lean meat, chicken, fish, eggs and milk; fibrous low glycaemic carbs like cereals, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes; fruit and vegetables (don't forget nuts and pulses are also good sources of protein); as well as sources of essential fats.
Meals should be spread regularly through the day, paying close attention to structure surrounding training sessions to provide fuel. Have low glycaemic carbs about 30 minutes before a workout, with a small amount of simple carbs right before and straight afterwards.
It may also be useful to have protein pre-, during and immediately post workout, both on gym and event training sessions. Protein and weight gain supplements can be useful aids to gaining size and strength, but not in place of good wholesome food.
Before a strongman competition up the portions of low glycaemic carbohydrate foods on the two days prior to help load the muscles; nutrition for an event should be similar to that of a training session.
The following is a sample meal plan for one day for a strongman of around 280lbs (128kg) body weight to help gain strength and improve fitness. On non-training days, the only difference should be to peri-workout nutrition.
Wake30g whey protein in water
BreakfastServing of James' Super Smoothie The JSS Bulker
2-4 slices granary bread toasted + 400g baked beans
Tea/coffee with skimmed milk
Mid-morningSandwiches: 4 slices granary bread + tuna / chicken / ham + salad
Large handful mixed nuts
Item fruit
Drink water
Lunch2 chicken breasts or 200g tuna (canned in water)
100g Basmati rice or wholewheat pasta
Tbsp sunflower seeds
Large mixed salad
Low fat yoghurt
Mid-afternoon4-6 oatcakes
250g cottage cheese / quark
Large handful mixed nuts
Large banana
Mug green tea
30 mins pre-workout4 squares Easy Flapjacks
Tbsp sunflower seeds
Drink water
Immediately pre-workout20g whey protein + 30g dextrose in water
TRAINduring workout sip 20g whey protein
Immediately post workout40g scoop whey protein + 30g dextrose + 30g maltodextrin in water
Evening meal
(60 mins later)250g lean red meat or 250g chicken / turkey or 300g white fish
100g basmati rice or 100g wholewheat pasta or 6-8 small boiled new potatoes or 1-2 large sweet potato (dry roasted)
Large serving of vegetables / salad
Low fat yoghurt
Mid-EveningLarge bowl high fibre cereal (like Weetabix, bran flakes, Shreddies, muesli, porridge, etc) + 200ml skimmed milk + 1 tsp sugar
200ml fresh fruit juice
Late snackServing of James' Super Smoothie The JSS Bulker
As with all the meal plans this is merely a guide and must not be stuck to rigidly! Ensure you eat a variety of different meats / fish / alternatives, complex carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables every day, and drink plenty of water. Adapt the plan to suit your own needs and lifestyle and adjust with progress.
submitted by monkaSman to MensWellbeing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:08 Maecenium Flija unites: how do you prepare it?

Flija unites: how do you prepare it?
Although most popular in Kosovo among Albanians, due to interesting historical migrations, it was popular among older Serbian people from Toplica Region when I was a kid. Nowadays people have no idea what flija is. Poor souls...
The taste is heavenly, and it's difficult to make it wrong
Albanian Version:
Serbian version
Bro tips (keep in mind there is an infinite number of ways how you can prepare it):
  • Step 0, Source of heat: sač / saq (pronounced as "such", something like "Dutch Oven" but more flat) is superb. You can survive with your normal oven if the heat is coming from ABOVE. The most important thing is to burn the layers a little bit. It gives the distinctive aroma V13 Bros from the Balkans crave for. Keep it hot, very hot and then switch to "from Above" mode.
Just don't make crepes and put them in the oven once they are prepared, because it will be nothing like the real, proper flija.
  • Step 1, you need to mix flour and water, for something that you would use for crepes. You can add eggs (or not) and you can add milk (or not). The difference is whether you want it to be hard and chewy (just water) or more fluffy. I prefer it on a chewy side
  • Step 2, How to put it together: if you are Albanian, the only correct way is to make "sun rays", while if you are a Serb, the only correct way is to make it in circular layers. Being a Serb, I strongly believe that our version is 10 times better, just because X)
  • Step 2, you need some grease. My grandma used sunflower oil, because it was the only thing that was available 30 years ago. I like butter and this is how I lost my citizenship.
  • Step 3, Some milky thing as filling: Yogurt? Feta-like cheese? I would avoid "American cheese", adding egg to cheese or too much cheese, because the signature taste will be lost. My favorite is just a light sprinkle of feta on each layer. Pieces should be very small, so flija stays "flat".
  • Step 3.5, How many layers? It's a difficult question... Some people love middle layers more and make it taller, while other people prefer outer layers and make it not that tall. I prefer it on a thinner side.
  • Step 4, How to cut it? If you are from Albania, the only correct way to do it is to make rhomboids, while Serbs cut it in squares (we cut other things in rhomboids, but flija must be cut in squares).
There are also some people who cut it in triangles, but I think we all can agree it's deeply wrong and disturbing. It's not a cheese cake?!
Please share your version, and let everybody tell you that you are doing it wrong :) #RoastMyFlija
submitted by Maecenium to EV13Bros [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 Many-Barber6989 (LONG) Are Males really Inferior & Unhelpful Reproduction-Wise?

Yeah yeah, an old saying, reproduction isn't the purpose of life and doesn't determine value, but let me explain...
So, I am a 16 Year Old, who was introduced to ""feminism"" somewhere in 2022 (I think), thanks to a friend of mine. It turns out, this was actually Mysandry, in the sense that he shared how some of these "feminists" were trying to get rid of men in reproduction, one example being the "fact" that their vaginas will evolve into penises and clone themselves, except that would probably make them hermaphrodites and should happen with men too...
Nonetheless, I was "invested", since this gave me an idea about the two sexes (which would be used for a fictional piece in the end, just with a bit of spiece from our Universe, lol), since I am quite the brain stormer, not bragging or narcissism, I just come up with a lot ideas in general. But as time went on, I started to suffer from overthoughts and the amount of information I've found, including myths like "We were all Female", "Females came before Males", "Women have stronger legs", "You're Genetically Superior and Flawless due to XX", "Men are the weaker sex", "You were inside your Mother who was inside your Grandmother", "Inteligence is Mother Only", among other things, although that last one wasn't as common though). There are still fools, especially on Quora, who believe that all embryos start out as females, and just look at some individuals on that site like Anonymous04, horrors! I also tried to ask ChatGPT, but it's pretty much declining and INFURIATING! SO MANY WRONG ANSWERS! SOMETIMES IT'S OUTRIGHT LAZY!
These moments got soooo BAD, that I: -concerned my parents -made my dad think I was... drugged (since I acted blank when I was working with him once) -wasted my school-off week by overthinking -replied to many answers that ANNOYED me (arguably still do, and embarrassed myself, perhaps) -kept talking to my online friends-couldn't change the topic and basically made it my entire personality or routine for like the past few weeks (maybe even months!) -had an existencial crisis, outbursts, screaming, $u!c!d@l thoughts, etc. -and evenbecame skeptical and "mad" at God (yes, and screw off with the atheism)
Needless to say... It's quite complicated with me and I could go in-depth a lot more, but I managed to recover from most issues. However, before I settle things up, I need to settle one more thing, and that is reproduction. As far as we know, both Males & Females exist to reproduce genetically diverse offsprings, the only difference is their investments, Females for Offspring Support & Males for Competition or Attraction.
While I've noted and saved many things to read later on (like Seminal Fluids doing much more than just transfering Sperm Cells), I am still a bit concerned, stressed and annoyed, cause it just feels like females are the more favored sex in like existence (oversimplication to say it like that, really), and so, I'd like to ask some few things... Although I am definitely gonna give a lot due to overthinking and concerns:
1.Nucleous: So, as far as we know, both Ovum & Sperm Nuclei fuse to form a Zygote, a new life. Both parents guide the development of the child's characteristics and functions, however, APPERANTLY Ovum Cells have been illustrated to have a 'Nucleous' in their 'Nucleus', and turns out this is some sh!t that Zygotes "apperantly need". It's from this jackshit article from 2008:\~:text=Sperm%20have%20no%20nucleoli%2C%20so,oocyte%20for%20its%20nucleolar%20beginnings. But allas, does this really make sense? No other information has been found or mentioned anywhere else. There's the "Germinal Vesicle" (Nucleus) and the "Germinal Spot" (Nuclelous), but apperantly when the Ovum goes through M II or however it was, the Germinal Vesicle breaks down and dissolves/mixes with the Cytoplasm or so. So is the Germinal Spot the actual Nucleus, and the "Germinal Vesicle" is just one of the ""expensive ingredients"" of the Ovum? Sperm Cells apperantly have Nuclear Vascoles, are those influencal?
2.Cytoplasm: Upon researching more and talking to some Chat Bots (for thes sake of sanity... or INsanity), does the Cytoplasm actually create and give rise to our cells and tissues or is that an outdaded misunderstanding, and it's main & actual function is to SUPPORT the development of the cells created by both parents? ChatGPT has also said that it also gives Building Blocks, Energy, Cell Growth & Differentiation or some confusing crap, but are those words actually referring to the processes of the Zygote's more stable and rapid growth? Is it true that this Cytoplasm is the Cytoplasm in our cells, or since it decreases, is it easily replaced by the production of our cells (combination of mom and dad, as we know)?
3.Organelles: Cytoplasmic components that are apart of the Cytoplasm' support, but again, are those organelles still the same as those in our cells? Shouldn't they decrease like the Cytoplasm and be created by our cells again since (and I am using Google Searches, cuz yes): ---Ribosomes apperantly originate from our Nucleo-lus? ---Lysosomes are formed by the fusion of transport vesciles budded from the trans Golgi network with endosomes ---Endosomes form by the inagination of the plasma membrance and are trigger by the activation of cell surface receptors ---Golgi Bodies originate from the endoplasmic reticulum ---The endoplasmic reticulum originates from the outer membrance of the nuclear envelop during cell division and among other things, but is Mitochondria the only organelle that manages to stay in by it's high number and self reproduction? Is Mitochondria like 90% of the Ovum's organelles hopefully thinking and the other organelles are a small amount compared to the Mitochondria?
4.Cytoskeleton: Apperantly, that is also a thing and it's not an organelle, but apperantly it also has evolved from prokaryotic cytomotive filaments. Even then, Sperm Cells apperantly have a highly specialized cytoskeletal organization or cytoskeletal proteins (like actin, tubulin and spectrin), so?...
5.RNA: Do we inherit more RNA from mom due to the freaking egg, or is it irrelevant because it is transient as the embryo starts to produce it's own RNA and proteins? But ChatGPT has also said this crap: "This maternal RNA helps to jump-start the developmental processes until the Zygote's own genome can take over". It has been said that Sperm has "vanishingly small" amount of RNA compared to the Ovum, but then there have been studies that Non-Coding RNA or so can influence Embryo Development or that Sperm delivers a complex population of RNAs to the Oocyte. Based on a Google Research, I've found this: "6871 proteins have been identified and reported in Sperm, 1376 in the Oocyte and 1300 in the Blastocyst. With a deeper analysis of the sperm proteome, 103 proteins with known roles in the processes of fertilization and 93 with roles in early embryo development have been identified." Can the RNA in seminal fluids/plasma be influential or inherited too? Isn't RNA small?
  1. Is most of our makeup matrilineal and are we therefore more related, connected or like our mothers???!!
  2. Epi-Genetics: Is it true that epi-genetics tend to favor mothers more? ChatFuckingGPT has said that RNA can influence certain aspects of cellular function and gene expression, and that pregnancy and even nursing can cause genes to be expressed or some sh!t, but aren't there studies that say that Mammals are more like their fathers (even if outdaded) and that the sex determination & even seminal fluids can cause gene expression too? Do mothers give us more gene expressions? Are we more like our mothers because of the gene expressions? Or are these outdaded myths?!
8.Paternal Genetic Speciality: If we happen to inherit the mtDNA from Mom, is there anything genetically special about fathers? I know that children inherit more mutations from their Fathers, which would be variable and probably lead to gene expression & epigenetics, but what else can this bring? Even if these mutations can be harmful or neutral, could they be repurposed and changed for future generations? Is there anything unique about inheriting more mutations from Dad? I have heard that male reproductive genes (including expression or specific function) also evolve faster than any other type of gene, including female reproductive genes. How does this help? However, if the Mitochondria Genome is said to evolve faster than the Nuclear Genome or something among those lines, does this abandon the special features of fathers and most mutations don't come from dad, OR as I decided to copy from a helper of mine: The percentage of mitochondrial DNA in the cells is2.5% of total cellular DNA1% of total cellular DNA10% of total cellular DNANone of the above ( There's also this, but I think it's quite the manipulation since every mitochondria is still a copy of each other, right?
9.Paternal Contributions: It has been depicted and said that only the head of the Sperm gets delivered, but apperantly there are articles that say that this is also a misconception that the entire sperm enters the egg, with the assumptions being that the Paternal MtDNA not being transmitted, but apperantly, the Sperm Mitochondria actually enters the egg but needs to be destroyed to prevent issues like the Mitochondrial diseases. With this in mind though, what else does the Sperm contribute to the embryo? Centrioles, Centrosomes & the Microtubule System & Microspindle-... Apperatus needed for mitosis? are done by the Sperm too, and it also brings the Chemical Signal for the Egg to activate it's metabolism and complete meiosis? Does this chemical also do anything like give calcuim to the Egg or anything else too? If the entire sperm enters the egg, what else could it bring to the embryonic development? Can there be any paternal contributions to milk like the Y chromosome presence in women bodyparts due to boy pregnancy and the high estrogen, prolactin & a bit of progestertone in seminal fluids? Are there more Sperm components and organelles that we can't easily observe? Is it possible that the absorbtion of all Sperm Cells can benefit the cells of females if the tail has more than 1000 proteins? Does the Journey, Agility, Adapatations, Variability, Motility & Penentration of the Sperm influence the Nucleus (therefore Embryo) in any way? What about the penentrations of multiple sperms (even if they won't enter or mege with the egg)? Or am I just fantasing, and reality is cruel? What about the chromatin condensation sperm? Are sperm cells, and therefore males, just doomed to be not helpful and more limted?...
10.Male Investment: We know that Males invest time into various behaviors, but how exactly does this help the species? Do they optimize & improve their genes? Do they evolve new traits? Do they mutate more? Are males a great investment for evolution or adaptability? Anything else unique? If more females than males have reproduced, does that mean that males are inferior or not helpful and that nature prefers females more? If males and sperm cells are simpler, does that mean they are inferior, disadvantaged or not special? Do non-reproducing males still help with something (assuming they haven't died)? Do you need to almost always (excluding species like Orange Cats and Calico Cats) have a 50/50 amount of both sexes so you don't cause genetic problems even if fewer males will pass on their genes?
That's all I really have to say, I probably sound like I am being dramatic, impulsive and immature, but I really have been overthinking and so, I'd like if some help could be given. This sure was long, but I think I might have given something interesting and such. I thought this could be used as a last resort to settle this before I grow up more. I hope I didn't seem bad or anything like that. I am just in a "scared and confused" situation from the amount of stuff I've seen. ChatGPT really isn't good when it comes to mental health, lol
submitted by Many-Barber6989 to malementalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:36 Incognitemode_on 18 weeks pregnant and haven’t been eating healthy. Need advice!

Hi all,
I am pregnant and I’ve found healthy eating pretty difficult.
While I do eat healthy snacks (my husband makes me eat vegetables every night, sometimes I will have seabass if I can stomach it, can’t stomach salmon at all, I do however eat fruit daily. So in terms of healthy food, il say I am having some fruit and veg daily)
HOWEVER. I am worried about what I do eat. A lot of the time I am so tired and just grab whatever is convenient for me. I’ve kept a food diary and this week alone I have had: Chicken pie with mash, a full roast dinner, lots of icecream, take out such as McDonald’s, beef burgers, pizza, pasta. I don’t know why but I can stomach all this food, don’t feel sick when I have it and it fills me up. I used to love eggs but recently eating this will make me sick. However, the foods that SHOULD make me sick I crave and they actually help me gain some energy and strength.
No matter how much I justify it, I am worried. What will this food do to my baby? Is it impacting her greatly? I start every new day promising myself to be healthy, but the next thing you know I’ve had a meal and I’m immediately starving yet don’t have the energy to cook. So I do a take away and feel awful for it.
Is there anyone else like this out there and how are you coping? Did anyone else eat badly during pregnancy and how is your baby?
Thanks for listening
submitted by Incognitemode_on to pregnant [link] [comments]